3 Undefined Terms in Geometry

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Name points, lines, and planes

Name points, lines, and planes do not have any formal definitions. These are undefined terms. They are
basic geometric structures. Any shape created in geometry is based on these three terms.
What is a point?
A point is a location in space. It has no dimensions, no lengths, no width and no thickness.

A point has no dimension, and it is represented by a dot. It helps us to show the location. Points do not have
any actual size. For naming points, we use capital letters like A, B, C, etc.

What is a line?
A line is a set of connected points. It is assumed to be straight and is determined by two specific points. It
has one dimensions, an infinite length, but no width or thickness.

Lines are straight paths that extend in two opposite directions without end. They are made up of an infinite
amount of points.
A line can be represented in two ways:

1. By using the 2 points on the line.

2. By a lower-case letter.

The above line can be represented with the letter ‘l.’

It can be represented by using the 2 name points like,

What is a plane?
A plane is an infinite large flat surface. It has two dimensions, an infinite length and infinite width but no

A plane is a flat two-dimensional surface that extends without end in all four directions. Planes are made up
of an infinite amount of points.
A plane can be represented in two ways:

1. By using the 3 points on the lines.

2. By a capital letter.

The above plane can be represented with the letter ‘G.’

It can be represented by using the 3 name points like,
Plane DEF.

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