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TASK TYPE 5 M u ltiple Choice (with more than one a n swer)

Pair of bottlenose dolphins, Honduras

A About the tasl<

1 Read the information about the task type. Then look at and correct the notes in the
email from your classmate. You r classmate has made three mistakes.

The Multiple Choice (with more than one answer) task tests your ability to understand detailed factual
information, as well as the speakers' attitude and opinion. It's used to test your understanding of both
monologues and dialogues. On the question paper, you see a question with five possible answers. Your job is to
listen to the recording and decide which two of the five options correctly answer the question.
Here are the basic rules for the Multiple Choice task:
• The spoken instructions tell you about the speaker(s) and the topic.
• You may hear one person or two people speaking.
• The question tells you what to listen for.
• When you read the question and the options (A-E), you see some words and names that you also hear on the
recording. These help you to know when relevant information and ideas are coming.
• The questions follow the order of information in the recording, but the options (A-El come in random order.
• You hear information relevant to all five options on the recording, but only two options match the meaning of
the recording exactly.
• When there are two speakers, the question often focuses on what they both say about the topic, and
whether they agree or not.
• You write the two correct letters on the answer sheet.
• There are two question numbers on the answer sheet. You can put your answers in either order.

Hi there
Are my notes about the Multiple Choice task correct?
1 You always hear two speakers.
2 Three of the answers are correct and two are wrong.
3 The options (A-E) follow the order of the recording.
4 You write the correct letters o n the an swe r sheet.
5 You can write your answers in any order.

TASK TY� 5 Mu_ltiple Choice (with more than one answer)

B Sample questions
2 24 Listen and answer the questions. Use the rules about the task from Section A
to help you. Then check your answers. Which questions did you find difficult?


Questions 1-6
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO facilities in the student residence have been upgraded recently?
A the study bedrooms
B the main entrance
c the shared kitchens
D the bathrooms
E the laundry room
Which TWO services are provided free of charge to residents?
A replacement key
B parking place
C weekly room cleaning
D electricity
E extra bedding
Which TWO problems should be reported to the management?
A lost or stolen items
B faulty equipment
C poor internet connection
D problems with other residents
E complaints about staff

C Tips and tactics

3 Work in pairs. Read the tips and tactics and discuss these questions.
a Which tips and tactics do you think are the most useful?
b Did you use any of these tips and tactics when you answered the sample
questions in Section B?
c Which tips will you use in the future?
Before you listen, you have time to read the numbered questions and options and
underline the most important words and ideas.
2 The numbered questions follow the order of the information in the recording.
3 Remember that the five options (A-E) are in random order, and may use the same
words as the recording.
4 When you listen to the recording, you hear words and ideas from the questions. These
help you to know that the relevant information is coming.
5 Remember, you are often listening for the speakers' ideas and opinions - not just
individual words and facts.
6 If there are two speakers, the questions often test your understanding of things they
agree and disagree about. Listen to what both speakers say about the ideas.
7 Don't use your own knowledge of the subject to help you choose an option.
Remember, you are being tested on your understanding of the recording.
8 Remember to write TWO letters on the answer sheet.
9 Always answer all the questions, even if you're not entirely sure.
1 0 Remember, you hear the recording ONCE only.

TASKTYPE 5 Multiple Choice (with more than one answer)

D Skills-building exercises
Q FOCUS 4 Look at the exam task and answer the questions.
Identifying the a Who is speaking?
target information b What is the topic?
c What do you have to do?
d Underline the main information in the question and options.
You hear a teacher telling her class about a guest speaker who's coming to their college.
Which TWO pieces of information does she give about the event?
A the venue
B where to get tickets
C how to obtain a written copy of the talk
D the speaker's background
E the subject matter of the talk

5 Look at these words you will hear on the recording. Match the words (1-5) with the
options in Exercise 4 (A-E).
1 transcript 2 to sign up 3 held (in) 4 the topic 5 biography

6 25 Listen and do the exam task in Exercise 4. When you hear the words above, listen
to what follows and decide if the information in the options (A-El is given or not.

Q FOCUS 7 Look at these expressions. For each one, decide if they are agreeing or disagreeing
with something. Write A (agreeing) or D (disagreeing).
agreement and 1 I couldn't agree more.
disagreement 2 I would dispute that actually.
3 I'd go along with that idea.
4 That's hardly true in this case.
5 I wouldn't be so sure actually.
6 You've got a point there.
7 I can't fault that idea.
8 There's no doubt in my mind that . . .

9 There's no denying that . . .

10 I t h i n k that's rather debatable.

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8 26 Listen to two students discussing the issue of CCTV cameras in public places.
Which TWO points do they agree about?
A CCTV cameras protect the public.
B CCTV cameras invade people's privacy.
C CCTV carneras discourage criminals.
D CCTV cameras stop people behaving badly.
E CCTV cameras shouldn't be hidden.

9 26 Listen again. Which of the expressions in Exercise 7 did you hear?



Questions 1 and 2

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO advantages of the website are mentioned?

A It has links to other popular websites.
B It can be used by non-academics.
c It saves researchers time.
D I t helps researchers to organise their data.
E It is specifically designed to help students.
Questions 3 and 4

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO disadvantages of the website do the two speakers agree about?
A The database is now getting too large.
B I t doesn't offer complete reliability.
C The 'suggest' feature is not very effective.
D Data can only be uploaded in one format.
E I t doesn't provide information free of charge.

Which statement best describes how you feel about Multiple Choice tasks?

I feel confident about doing this type of Multiple Choice tasks.

I did OK, but I still need to do more work on this type of Multiple Choice tasks.
I need more practice with this type of Multiple Choice tasks. I need to focus on . . .


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