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Executive Clemency It shall refer to Absolute pardon, Conditional Pardon with or without parole Conditions and Commutation of sentence

ence as may be granted by the President of the Philippines upon the recommendation of the Board of Pardons and Parole (BPP). President has the power to grant pardons, commutations, reprieves, amnesty for all offense EXCEPT impeachment and remit fines and forfeitures after the recipient has been convicted. BPP is the agency in charge with the release of sentenced prisoners based on modes specified by law. Policy objective of BPP: Conformably with the basic precepts of justice and mercy, it shall be the policy of the BPP uplift and redeem valuable human material to economic usefulness and to prevent unnecessary and excessive deprivation of personal liberty.

PARDON is a form of executive clemency granted by the President as a privilege extended to a convict as a discretionary act of grace. There are two (2) kinds of pardon in the Philippines; Absolute Pardon and Conditional Pardon Absolute Pardon total extinction of the criminal liability of the individual whom it is granted without any condition whatsoever and restores to the individual his civil rights and remits the penalty imposed for the particular offense of which he was convicted. granted in order to restore full political and civil rights to convicted persons who have already served their sentence and have reached the prescribed period. Conditional Pardon exemption of an individual, within certain limits or conditions; from the punishment that the law inflicts for the offense he has committed resulting in the partial extinction of his criminal liability. also granted by the President to release an inmate who has been reformed but is not eligible to be released on parole under Art.95 of the RPC, a pardon violator upon conviction will be liable for imprisonment of prision correctional (6m + 1 d to 6y) . But under Art. 159 of RPC, if un-expired portion of the original sentence of the pardonee exceeds six years, then this more than six years of pardoned sentence will have to be fully served by the recommitted pardon violator. A qualified inmate, his family or relative may upon recommendation of prison authorities file a petition for conditional pardon addressed to the President. Request will be forwarded to the BPP, which will process the same. AMNESTY A special form of pardon granted by the President which needs the concurrence of the Congress and Courts also take judicial notice of the act by the President. Granted only after final sentence. Be granted before or after conviction by the courts. Granted to groups who were once involved in political activities during certain troubled times like war or rebellion and by making a gesture of the state forgetting past destructive activities of political dissidents or rebels .

REPRIEVE It is applied to death sentences already affirmed by the Supreme Court. But it can also be invoked in other cases that have become final. It is a temporary stay of the execution of a sentence. The date of execution of sentence is temporarily postponed indefinitely to enable Chief Executive to thoroughly study the petition of the condemned man for commutation of sentence or pardon COMMUTATION OF SENTENCE Refer to the reduction of the duration of a prison sentence. Act of clemency by which a heavier or longer sentence is reduced to a lighter or shorter term. Resorted to because the law prescribes uniform punishment for crimes regardless of how serious or how light the offense committed is.

COMMUNITY-BASED TREATMENT FOR OFFENDERS IN THE PHILIPPINES OUTLINE: I. II. III. Introduction Rationale for Community-Based Treatment Old Concepts and New Approaches in the Treatment of Offenders A. Individual Pathology to Empowerment Approach B. Analytical to Systems Approach C. Micro to Macro Continuum Approach 1. Total Family Approach 2. Community Structure Support 3. Maximizing Socio-Cultural Values as Treatment Stimulus 4. Devolution of Basic Services 5. Adoption of Social Reform Agenda (SRA) Modalities in the Treatment of Offenders in the Philippines A. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) B. Provincial Governments C. Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR) Best Practices in Community-Based Treatment A. Pre-Trial 1. Katarungang Pambarangay (Barangay Justice System) 2. Release on Recognizance and other Diversion Services B. Trial or Adjudication Stage 1. Suspended Sentence for Youth Offenders a. S-H-E-P-H-E-R-D-S 2. Probation for Adult Offenders C. Post-Trial Stage 1. Commutation 2. Open Prison Programs 3. Pardon 4. Parole 5. Reprieve D. Post-Institutionalization 1. Halfway House for Adult Prisoners 2. After Care Services



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