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‭Two sample z-interval for the difference between two‬

‭population proportions‬
‭ tep 1‬‭- Name the interval in context and specify‬‭the difference you are estimating in‬

‭ his is a TWO sample z-interval for the difference between the population proportions of‬

‭Step 2‬‭- Check the conditions for the sampling distribution‬

‭ .) Both of the samples must be random to avoid any bias.‬

‭2.) Both of the samples must be less than 10% of each population so that independence can be‬
‭3.) Both of the samples must have 10 or more successes and 10 or more failures so the sampling‬
‭distribution is normal. Actually show here how many successes and failures there are in the‬
‭sample, don’t just say it.‬
‭4.) The samples are independent of each other.‬

‭Step 3‬‭- Do the math work to find the interval‬

‭Step 4‬‭- Interpret the interval in context.‬

I‭ am 95% confident that the true different between the population prootion of‬
‭_______________ and _______________ is between ____ and _____.‬


I‭ am 95% confident that the population proportion of _________ is anywhere from‬

‭_____ to _____ higher than the population proportion of __________.‬

*‭ *Make sure the conclusion is written in a way that compares the two population proportions in‬

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