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Huduma Cares
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If you are stressed or overwhelmed,
call us anonymously . Your wellbeing
matters; Don't suffer in silence

Call 020 690 0030

We are open 7 am to 7 pm daily

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state department for public service launches

mental health champions initiative

Public Service, Gender and Ms. Jumwa said mental health

Affirmative Action Cabinet champions will be expected to
Secretary Aisha Jumwa has spearhead preventive and
underscored the need to promotive mental health
recalibrate and effectively psycho-social programmes which
establish effective ways of he pointed out will destigmatize
ensuring that the mental health mental health and encourage
needs are catered for, both in the public servants seek treatment
prevention and management of from counsellors, psychologists,
mental health issues in the public psychiatrists and other mental
service. health professionals when
The CS was speaking during the
occasion to launch public service Speaking during the same
mental health champions in occasion Principal Secretary
ministries, Departments, (PS) Amos Gathecha ndc (K)
Agencies and counties at the revealed that every one in four
Kenya International Convention people have mental issues
Centre. calling for the need to train

Huduma Cares

more mental health champions launch of the Public Service Mental

and Training of Trainers (ToTs) to Health Champions Initiative at the
continue sensitizing public KICC, Nairobi. Mr. Mugambi
servants on mental health. revealed that HKSDP has ensured
interactive sessions such as
He said the ministry will employ celebratingek.ogmilestones
ONmental health
020 690 0020counselors’ who birthdays 0and
200 096 02dialogue
open 0 NO SU LtoLAC
will ensure effective sensitization provide platforms for staff to
of public servants on mental ventilate domestic and official
health. He added that the Kenya issues.
School of Government will
engender mental issues into their He pledged more investment
curriculum. towards ensuring stable mental
health of his staff. Further,
Huduma Kenya Service Delivery Huduma Kenya is supporting the
Programme Ag. CEO, Mr. state department’s initiative
Mugambi Njeru reiterated the through providing the Tele
importance of the Programme counselling infrastructure helpline
attached to staff mental health. where civil servants can call
Speaking as a panelist during the through 0206900030.

Huduma Cares
ON 020 690 0020

Lorem ipsum

The Huduma Kenya Secretariat and Huduma Service Channels.

early this week hosted the The meeting also sought to identify
National Council for Persons with other potential areas of
Disabilities (NCPWD) for a collaborations between HKS and
meeting to explore areas of NCPWD.
Present were the HKS Ag.
This is aimed at easing the access Secretary/CEO, Mugambi Njeru and
to services for Persons with the NCPWD Executive Director/CEO,
Disabilities through digitization Harun M. Hassan.

Huduma Cares ek.og.aynekamuduh.www
CALL US ON 020 690 0020 0200 096 020 NO SU LLAC

West Pokot Huduma Centre February participated in cleaning

conducted an outreach program and garbage collection in
to empower boda boda riders on Makutano Town.
road safety and adherence to
road rules use and regulations. Meanwhile in Makueni County, a
Mashinani was held at Unoa
The riders were also taken Grounds. Services offered to
through the NTSA available members of the public included;
services at the Huduma Centre duplicate ID, police abstract,
and how they can access the ombudsman, KRA, NCA, NTSA,
services. The exercise was led by HELB and Inquiries.
Mr. Josephat Tuibei of the NTSA A total of 140 customers were
desk. At the same time, the served during the Mashinani.
Center in collaboration with the
county government on 22nd

Huduma Cares

The Huduma Kenya Secretariat choir on 17th February, 2023 visited

to Dream Children’s Home in Matasia, Ngong. The team was hosted
by Ms. Zipporah Munene (Community Social Worker) who spoke on
the importance of loving and caring for childen. The Huduma Choir
entertained the children with songs and carols.
Huduma Cares

Elsewhere, Machakos Huduma

Centre team on 18th February,
2023 visited Andasa Children’s
Home where they spent the day
with the young ones and took part
in their daily activities including
playing with them.

They also laundered the children’s

linen and cooked for them.
They donated gifts from the staff
as a way of showing them love and
reminding them that they are
appreciated and cared for.

Huduma Cares

Kilifi Huduma Center on 17th Charo Tungule is partnering with

February, 2023 in partnership the Kilifi Huduma Centre in its
with the County Government of outreach programmes.
Kilifi intensified their Huduma
Mashinani by holding another at The Huduma Mashinani brought
Ganze Constituency to take essential services closer to the
Government services to the people of Ganze.
Elsewhere, Nandi Huduma Center
The Mashinani was held at Jila convened a Huduma Mashinani in
Chief's Camp, Ndigiria Location, Kapkoria Sub-location, Tartar
Bamba Ward. This marks the location, Nandi East Sub county.
fourth Mashinani to be held in
Kilifi County since the Kenya Besides offering services, a public
Kwanza Government took office in baraza was also held to sensitize
September, 2022. Area Member of the residents on Huduma
National Assembly, Hon. Kazungu Government services. Over 500
customers were served.

Huduma Cares

The Huduma Contact Centre Plans;

(HCC) staff, on 16th and 17th • How to check meter bill;
February, 2023 were taken • KPLC Stima Loan Sacco; and
through an intensive training • Handling customer complaints.
program by a team from Kenya
Power at the Huduma Secretariat The Contact Centre agents are
offices. trained frequently on such
The training aimed at equipping services as they are at the core
the staff on the various Kenya of every brand’s customer
Power Services offered at Huduma experience. They additionally
Centres and how to effectively provide an opportunity for the
respond to customer queries. The agents to become service
training covered the following experts, reflect on individual
areas: performance, and facilitate
• Electricity supply; hands-on experience.
• Post-paid & Pre-paid Electricity

Huduma Cares

service standards in order to make

A team from the Pensions
customer experience more
Department led by Senior
Pensions Assistant Patricia Njau
Additionally, it will advise on
visited Huduma Centre Bungoma
fulfillment of the front and
on 17th February, 2023 to
back-end processes in the most
conduct quality service
efficient and fluid manner,
assurance checks.
delivering the pension services
The department has conducted
within the set timelines and going
similar visits in other centers in
above and beyond in all
the country with a view of
transactions and interactions with
identifying challenges faced by
the pension customers.
their service desk in service
The exercise will ensure that a
delivery to pensioners and their
customer will have the most
positive experience possible when
This will also assist in devising
seeking the services at the
ways of enhancing the pension
Huduma Centre.

Huduma Cares







• Empathy for Customers

• Delivering the Promise
• Customer Empowerment Through Information and Guidance
• Enhancing Effective Communication, Feedback and Recovery

Huduma Cares

Huduma Cares

Tharaka Nithi Huduma center Area ACC Rober Shunnet and

on 22nd February, 2023 held a MCA Omar Mwaduga attended
Huduma Mashinani at the the event. A total of 376
County Commissioner’s office customers were served while
compound in Kathwana, 700 Wananchi attended the
Igambang’ombe Sub-county. Mashinani.

The team was joined by the sub Elsewhere, Huduma Centre

county NRB and CRS officers Nandi deployed Huduma
who assisted in offering the Mashinani and offered
services to members of the Government services at Nandi
Public. East Sub-County, Tartar
Location, Kapkoria
Present was the Assistant Sub-location.
County Commissioner (ACC)
Mohamud Ahmed who is based A total of 523 customers were
at the County Commissioner’s served at the event. A public
office, Area Chief and Assistant baraza sensitizing the public on
chiefs. Over 280 customers Huduma services at the Centre
were served. was also done. The program
involved offering services and
Kwale Huduma Center held public baraza.
Huduma Mashinani at Kanana
Social Hall in Lungalunga Sub

Huduma Cares

Huduma Center Marsabit will be Regional Coordinator Kinoti

the first in the region to offer Ngeera, Chief Manager Domestic
Kenya Revenue Authority’s unique Taxes Eastern Region Mr.
Domestic and Custom services at Sigei and Chief Manager
the Centres to serve wananchi. Customs N.Eastern and Upper
This will enable the residents in Eastern Region Mr. Swaleh.
the Northern corridor which forms
an enormous Regional Commissioner Paul
transport hub and goods Rotich and Acting Huduma
movement corridor to the Kenya CEO Mugambi Njeru also
neighboring countries to tap in played a central role in ensuring
and the operationalisation of the
promptly pay their taxes. desk.
The exercise to ensure the success
of this venture was spearheaded
by Eastern

Huduma Cares

A team from the Public Service Trustees representing the

Superannuation scheme (PSSS) Teachers Service Commission
led by the Chair of the Board of CEO visited Murang’a Huduma
Trustees Mr. Titus Ndambuki paid a Center to monitor the quality of
visit to Kericho Huduma Center to pension services.
monitor the quality of pensions
services offered at the Center. Meanwhile, the Pensions Service
Leader Michael Obonyo visited
The team was in the county to Homa Bay Huduma Center to
sensitize PSSS members on the conduct quality checks of
new contributory pension scheme pensions services. Mr. Obonyo
for teachers, civil servants and the was accompanied by Senior
disciplined forces. Assistant Pensions Assistant Paul Kiprotich
Accountant General Mr. Murithi and Senior Records Officer
from the Pensions Department and Patterson Mugendi.
Ms. Sarah Ngaru from the PSSS
secretariat were part of the team. Center Manager Charles Egare
Elsewhere, Pamela Ochieng, and the Pensions Desk Officer
Member of the PSSS Board of Johanis Omondi
hosted them.

huduma kenya secretariat celebrate today
celebrated february babies
Huduma Cares

Upcoming Events

Date : 28th February, 2023

Event : Huduma Mashinani at

Mitunguu Market in Imenti South.
Huduma Cares




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