5.1 English Langauge

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Both of the writers from both texts uses first pronoun to show the first-person perspective, this brings the reader to
understand the writer’s point of view more. However, in the first text (the capture of the manatee), the writer tends to keep the
narrative of catching the manatee scene continuously, whilst in the second text( from the explorer’s daughter). Even though the
beginning the writer describes the hunt of the narwhal just like the first text, the line in 16-30 breaks up the ongoing narrative to
a very factual information to pause the reader and this leads them be curious more for what’s going to happen with the

Within the capture of the manatee, there is much more chaos and crowded people to compare to the second text, as they
gather around to see the manatee with excitement: “shouted furiously above the hubbub”. In contrast with the second one, the
writer is just

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