error-ები პითონში

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Exception Description Exception Description Exception Description

As the name suggests, the EOFError is raised when

KeyError is raised when the key
IndexError IndexError is raised when the KeyError EOFError the input() function hits the
of the dictionary is not found.
wrong index of a list is used. condition of end-of-file.
FloatingPointError is raised
AssertionError is raised when NameError is raised when the
AssertionError NameError FloatingPointError when a floating-point
the assert statement fails variable is not yet defined.
AttributeError is raised when TypeErroroperation fails.when
is raised
MemoryError is raised when a
AttributeError an attribute assignment is MemoryError GeneratorExit we call the
ImportError failed.
is raised when an program runs out of memory. KeyboardInterrupt
TypeError is raised when a generator's close() is raised
imported module is not found when a user hits the
ImportError TypeError function or an operation is applied KeyboardInterrupt
or there is a problem in RuntimeError is raised when an SystemError interrupt key when
is raised
NotImplementedError in an incorrect type.
importing the required is raised
module. error does not fall under any other i.e. Ctrl+C or
UnboundLocalError Delete.of
consists is
NotImplementedError by abstract methods when they RuntimeError SystemError
category of built-in
StopIteration is raisedPython
by the inconsistent
raised tabs and is
when a reference
OSError isare defined.
raised when system exceptions.
iterator's next() function to made to aspaces.local variable in
OSError operation causes system- StopIteration UnboundLocalError
indicate that there is no further a function or method,
UnicodeError is raised
related is
OverflowError errors.
raised when item to be returnedisby
IndentationError the iterator.
raised when having
when ano value bound to
OverflowError the result of an arithmetic IndentationError UnicodeError thatorvariable.
ReferenceError there is incorrect indentation. encoding decoding error
operation isistooraised
large.when UnicodeEncodeError is
a weak reference proxy is used TabError is raised when raised when occurs.a Unicode-
ReferenceError TabError UnicodeEncodeError
to access a garbage collected interpreter detects internal error. related error
ValueError occurswhen
is raised at thea
referent. is raised UnicodeTranslateError is raised timeisof encoding.
UnicodeTranslate function given the correct
UnicodeDecodeError when a Unicode-related error when a Unicode-related error ValueError
Error type of argument but with
occurs at the time ofisdecoding.
ZeroDivisionError raised occurs during translating.
an improper value.
ZeroDivisionError when we try to divide any
number by zero.

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