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Gautam Goel


I am an IT professional graduated in 2013 from IIT Varanasi with expertise in scalable, distributed computing, big data
analytics, microservices, and cloud infrastructure.

Technical Skills
Java, Python, Springboot, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch DynamoDB, SQS, Redshift, AWS Lambda,
OpenTSDB, Docker, Kubernetes, Kafka, Asyncio

Project44 (Senior Sofware Engineer) 2023 - Present
As an initial engineer in the India team, I led the creation of the core product from scratch, which meant architecting
the solution, creating the services, and maintaining them. Leading a team of three engineers, ensuring the code
adherence to high standards and quality, all while keeping a keen eye on meeting project timelines.
Architected and executed shipment tracking platform across different modes. Created an event-driven architecture
to ingest the tracking events from external carriers based on customer tracking identifiers. Tracked thousands of
shipments daily, resulting in an ingestion rate of 300,00 events per minute.

Built a centralized logging infrastructure for the Project44 ecosystem. Onboarded over a hundred microservices,
managing a volume of 400K logs per second and 750GB of storage daily without requiring deployment changes.

Salesforce (SDE III) 2020-2023

Developed various products within the Argus team as part of the Observability Platform. Argus is responsible for the
ingestion and durable storage of business and health metrics across the entire Salesforce ecosystem. Users can also
query these metrics and configure alerts on them.

Created a dynamic metric evaluation service for users to register long-range analytical queries for which Argus was
unavailable. The long-range queries will be precomputed and then stored in the OpenTSDB. The system processed
200k metric queries per minute, resulting in a data ingestion rate of 300 million metrics per minute.

Designed a warden service, which enforced query usage limits per resource, covering metrics, alerts, and
histograms for each tenant. The system also calculated platform-wide resource usage and throttled user requests
when utilization surpassed predefined thresholds. The system was then scaled to manage a load of 300k queries
per second.

Amazon (SDE II) 2019-2020

Created the VISA Registration platform, the gateway service for the EU tax compliance team. The service helped
sellers get the VAT number required for filing taxes in EU jurisdictions.

Designed and implemented a workflow to capture the seller jurisdiction state orchestrated by seller events,
capturing the personal data they provided and the third-party events containing documents and the verification
status corresponding to the seller data. The system had an ingestion rate of 200k events per minute for thousands
of concurrent workflows.

Created a monitoring service for capturing the product success metric, the SLAs, and the error rate of the third-
party vendors for cost monitoring. Implemented change data capture using serverless functions and persistent
stores to capture the changes in seller states and the time required per transition. Extended this to create a
periodic service to measure the inconsistency in seller states between the VISA registration system and the third-
party vendors to reconcile them.

Tracxn (SDE II) 2017-2019

Built the data as a service for the Tracxn platform. Created ETL pipelines for ingesting, processing, and publishing
Tracxn data corresponding to tenant templates for each customer in the required formats. Ingested and processed
more than 500 GB of data during peak time.

Designed and implemented an asynchronous data processing workflow for analysts, allowing users to select the
Tracxn data and add post processors for the provided data. The service provided real-time tracking of the user
tasks and the completed job results.

Arsol Power Limited (SDE I) 2013-2017

Built an inventory management system that allows for product updates and additions using Rest API's.
Created a search service to help customers and the operations team access the current inventory quantity.

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