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World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1085–1092

DOI 10.1007/s11274-013-1528-5


Bacterial and fungal taxon changes in soil microbial community

composition induced by short-term biochar amendment in red
oxidized loam soil
Liao Hu • Lixiang Cao • Renduo Zhang

Received: 13 August 2013 / Accepted: 14 October 2013 / Published online: 18 October 2013
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract To take full advantage of biochar as a soil Keywords Biochar  Bacterial community  Fungal
amendment, the objective of this study was to investigate community  Diversity
the effects of biochar addition on soil bacterial and fungal
diversity and community composition. Incubation experi-
ments with a forest soil (a red oxidized loam soil) with and
without biochar amendment were conducted for 96 days. Introduction
The culture-independent molecular method was utilized to
analyze soil bacterial and fungal species after the incuba- Biochar is a product of incomplete combustion of biomass
tion experiments. Results showed that bacteria and fungi in the pyrolysis process. Biochar amendment to soils has
responded differently to the biochar addition during the been shown as a possible strategy of carbon sequestration
short-term soil incubation. Twenty four and 18 bacterial to mitigate the climate change (Lehmann 2007a; Lehmann
genara were observed in the biochar amended and una- et al. 2009). Biochar amendment can also improve soil
mended soils, respectively, whereas 11 and 8 fungal genera quality (Chan et al. 2007; Laird 2008; Novak et al. 2009;
were observed in the biochar amended and unamended Sohi et al. 2010). The enhancement of soil fertility by
soils, respectively. Microbial taxa analysis indicated that biochar is attributable to soil pH increase (van Zwieten
the biochar amendment resulted in significant shifts in both et al. 2010) and cation adsorption of nutrients (Liang et al.
bacterial and fungal taxa during the incubation period. The 2006). The effects may also be related to changes in the
shift for bacteria occurred at the genus and phylum levels, microbial community composition.
while for fungi only at the genus level. Specific taxa, such Research on ancient soil management practices, which
as Actinobacteria of bacteria and Trichoderma and Pae- are known as pyrogenic carbon-enriched soils in tropical
cilomyces of fungi, were enriched in the biochar amended forests, has shown considerable community composition
soil. The results reveal a pronounced impact of biochar on differences. In the Terra preta, more diverse bacterial
soil microbial community composition and an enrichment groups are observed compared to adjacent non-anthropic
of key bacterial and fungal taxa in the soil during the short soils (Kim et al. 2007; O’Neill et al. 2009; Grossman et al.
time period. 2010). Compared to unamended soils, biochar addition
results in lower bacterial diversity in tropical forest soils
(Khodadad et al. 2011) and lower fungal diversity in
L. Hu  R. Zhang (&) temperate region soils (Jin 2010). However, little infor-
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Environmental
mation is available on the soil microbial taxon changes
Pollution Control and Remediation Technology, School of
Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen induced by biochar in subtropical forest soils. Moreover,
University, Guangzhou 510275, China short-term and long-term biochar additions may lead to
e-mail: different bacterial communities (Khodadad et al. 2011).
Greater microbial diversities are found in long-term bio-
L. Cao
School of Life Science, Sun Yat-sen University, char-enriched soils (Kim et al. 2007; O’Neill et al. 2009;
Guangzhou 510275, China Grossman et al. 2010), whereas lower bacterial diversities

1086 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1085–1092

are observed in short-term biochar-amended soils (Jin 20 g of soil were added into a column covered with gas
2010; Khodadad et al. 2011). The labile substances in permeable plastic film. For the BC treatment, 1 g of bio-
biochar are usually mineralized within a short period of char (i.e., a moderate application rate of 5 % w/w) was
time (Cheng et al. 2006), which should influence microbial added and mixed with the soil. Sterilized deionized water
community greatly in short-term amendment (Steiner et al. was added to each column to bring the soil to 60 % of the
2008). Nevertheless, the effect of short-term biochar water holding capacity and the soil moisture was adjusted
additions on the microbial taxa is poorly understood. Red every 6–7 days. Triple replicates were set up for each
oxidized loam soil is a typical type in the subtropical forest treatment. The soil columns were incubated at 25 °C in
soil. It should be interesting to study how biochar enhances dark for 96 days. At the end of incubation, samples of the
the fertility of this soil type (Glaser 2007; Novak et al. BC and CK treatments were collected for the following
2009). analyses. To assess the parent microbial phylotypes in the
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of soil, three original soil samples without incubation (deno-
biochar amendment on bacterial and fungal community ted by OS) were used for the following analyses.
structures in a red oxidized loam soil in a subtropical forest
during a short-term incubation. It was hypothesized that DNA extraction
biochar addition affected bacteria and fungi differently in
terms of both diversity and community composition during Each soil sample (0.5 g) of the OS, CK, and BC treatments
the short-term incubation. was frozen in liquid nitrogen and ground into fine powder
in a sterilized and precooled mortar. The powder was then
gently placed into a sterilized 15 mL centrifuge tube. The
Materials and methods total DNA was extracted from the soil powder using a
modified E.Z.N.A.TM Soil DNA kit (Omega Bio-tek., Inc.,
Soil sampling and biochar production USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Finally,
the DNA extracts were stored in 100 lL of elution buffer at
Plant materials for biochar production and bulk soil sam- -20 °C for further studies.
ples (10 kg) were collected from the surface and the sur-
face layer without organic litter (0–10 cm), respectively. PCR amplification of bacterial and fungal populations
The sampling process was conducted in a mixed forest in
the Dinghushan Nature Reserve (23o090 2100 –23o110 3000 N, For each soil DNA product, the 16S rRNA V3 genes of
112o300 3900 –112o330 4100 E, 100–700 mH), in Guangdong bacteria (hereafter denoted by OSB, CKB, and BCB for the
Province of South China. Fresh soil samples were put in OS, CK, and BC treatments, respectively) were amplified
sterilized sealing plastic bags and then stored at -80 °C in using primer 27F and the reverse primer 1492R (Lane
the lab for following DNA extraction and experimental 1991). The ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 regions of fungi (hereafter
treatments. Determined using the pipette method (Day denoted by OSF, CKF, and BCF for the OS, CK, and BC
1965), the soil texture was loam with 41 % sand, 37 % silt, treatments, respectively) were amplified with the fungal
and 22 % clay. A mixture of 2 g dried soil (dried at 105 °C specific ITS1F and ITS4 primers (Gardes and Bruns 1993).
for 24 h) and 5 mL distilled water was shaken for 5 min The PCR reaction mixture (50 lL) contained 1 9 PCR
and set for 1 h, then was used to measure soil pH with a pH buffer (Takara, Dalian, China), 2.5 U Taq DNA polymer-
electrode. The measured soil pH was 3.7. ase (Takara, Dalian, China), 200 lM dNTP, 0.2 lM of
Biochar was produced using the forest litter collected each primer, 3 mM MgCl2. The reaction conditions
from the soil surface. The litter was dried at 40 °C, ground included pre-denaturation at 94 °C for 2 min followed by
with a mortar and pestle, and sieved with a 2 mm sieve. 30 thermal cycles of denaturation, each at 94 °C for 30 s,
The plant materials were pyrolyzed under N2 in a pipe annealing at 56 °C for 30 s, and elongation at 72 °C for
furnace with a heating rate of 5 °C min-1 and the final 1.5 min. The last step was extended at 72 °C for 5 min.
temperature at 400 °C for 1 h. The biochar particles were To confirm repeatability and minimize the PCR bias,
then ground and passed a 250 lm sieve. PCR products of the triple replicates for each treatment
were mixed together. The mixed PCR products were
Experimental design checked by 1 % w/v agarose gel electrophoresis stained
with SYBR-Green I (Sigma, St. Louis, USA), based on the
Two treatments were set up, including the soil with biochar band sizes of bacteria and fungi about 1.5 kb and 700 bp,
addition (denoted by BC) and without biochar addition respectively. The bands were excised and purified using the
(used as the control and denoted by CK). For each treat- E.Z.N.A. gel extraction Kit according to the manufac-
ment, coarse materials were picked out from the soil, and turer’s instructions (Omega Bio-tek., Inc., USA).

World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1085–1092 1087

Cloning and sequencing Table 1 The proportions (%) of bacterial 16S sequences showing the
highest similarity (B 93 to 99 %) to GenBank database in clone
libraries from the original soil (OSB), unamended soil (CKB), and
The purified DNA products of each subset were ligated into
biochar amended soil (BCB)
the pMD 18-T Vector (Takara, Dalian, China) and the pMD
20-T Vector (Takara, Dalian, China) for fungal and bacterial Library 99 % 98 % 97 % 96 % 95 % 94 % B93 %
fragments, respectively, and transformed into the competent OSB 4 0 9 17 4 17 50
cells of Escherichia coli DH5a. The recombinants of colo- CKB 6 4 2 9 24 17 38
nies were identified through the blue-white color selection BCB 7 8 8 4 26 19 27
on Luria–Bertani (LB) agar plates supplemented with
ampicillin (100 lg mL-1; Sigma, St. Louis, USA), X-gal
(100 lg mL-1; Takara, Dalian, China), and IPTG (0.5 mM; Table 2 The proportions (%) of fungal 16S sequences, showing the
Takara, Dalian, China). The OSB, OSF, CKB, CKF, BCB, highest similarity (B 94 to 100 %) to GenBank database in clone
libraries from the original soil (OSF), unamended soil (CKF), and
and BCF clone libraries were separately constructed by
biochar amended soil (BCF)
picking 250 white clones randomly in each clone library.
Plasmid DNA was isolated from these selected clones Library 100 % 99 % 98 % 97 % 96 % 95 % B94 %
from each library and was reamplified by the vector primer OSF 5 66 4 9 2 2 12
pair RVM and M13-47 (Zhang et al. 2011). The PCR CKF 4 77 2 7 4 4 2
reaction mixture (50 lL) and conditions were used as BCF 0 80 6 0 0 3 11
above. PCR products of clones containing inserts of the
expected sizes were further analyzed by restriction frag-
ment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. PCR aliquots
(each of 10 lL) were characterized by digestion with the Table 3 Diversity indexes of bacterial and fungal species from the
unamended soil (CKB and CKF, respectively) and the biochar
restriction endonucleases HinfI and MspI for fungal frag- amended soil (BCB and BCF, respectively)
ments and EcoreI and HindI for bacterial fragments. The
digested products were classified based on the agarose gel Index CKB BCB CKF BCF
electrophoresis. Clones with different restriction patterns Shannon-wiener index 2.96 3.36 2.66 2.22
were randomly chosen for sequencing. Sequencing was Simpsons index 24.8 35.5 12.4 7.33
performed by Major Biotechnology, Ltd. (Shanghai, Chao I index 29.9 47.4 23.5 18.2
China). The sequences were examined for possible chi-
meras by the program DECIPHER’s Find Chimeras web
tool ( to (Good 1953). To quantify bacterial and fungal diversities,
remove chimeric sequences. the commonly used diversity indexes, including Shannon-
The sequences data in present study have been deposited wiener index, Simpsons index, and Chao I index, were
in the GenBank database. Clones from bacteria and fungi calculated using the program EstimateS.
were assigned accession numbers of KF22593–KF226104
and KF225791–KF225935, respectively.
Sequences and phylogenetic analyses
Characteristics of libraries
To infer their approximately phylogenetic affiliations, the
bacterial sequences were compared initially with those in Total DNAs were extracted from the original soil (without
GenBank using EzBioCloud analysis (http://eztaxon-e. incubation), and unamended soil and amended soil with, and the fungal sequences were com- biochar after incubation for 96 days. By using the bacte-
pared with those in GenBank using BLAST algorithm rium-specific PCR primer pair 27F-1492R and fungus-
( of the National specific primer pair ITS1F-ITS4, six libraries named as
Center for Biotechnology Information (Altschul et al. OSB, CKB, BCB, OSF, CKF, and BCF were constructed.
1997). Analyses of the diversity calculation and rarefaction Totally 169 clones for bacteria (53, 45, 71 in OSB, CKB,
curves to observed operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and BCB, respectively) and 145 clones for fungi (57, 52, 36
were carried out using the program EstimateS v.8.0 (http:// in OSF, CKF and BCF, respectively) were sequenced. The library coverage Library coverage values of OSB, CKB, and BCB were
values were calculated by [1-(n/N)], where n is the 0.81, 0.76, and 0.76, respectively, while the coverage value
number of OTUs representing a single clone and N is the of OSF, CKF, and BCF were 0.77, 0.85, and 0.81,
number of total OTUs representing the clones in the library respectively. The coverage value of each library was

1088 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1085–1092

Table 4 Taxa of bacterial clone sequences from libraries of the original soil (OSB), unamended soil (CKB), and biochar amended soil (BCB)
Phylum OSB library CKB library BCB library
a b a b
Species N Species N Speciesa Nb

Proteobacteria Stella vacuolata 1 Pseudolabrys taiwanensis 6 Pseudolabrys taiwanensis 2

Rhodoplanes elegans 7 Rhodoplanes elegans 4 Rhodoplanes elegans 5
Methylosinus trichosporium 1 Rhodoplanes piscinae 2 Methylocystis echinoides 2
Bradyrhizobium lablabi 1 Bradyrhizobium pachyrhizi 1 Methylosinus trichosporium 1
Shigella flexneri 1 Bradyrhizobium denitrificans 2 Bradyrhizobium japonicum 2
Proteobacteria sp. 4 Bradyrhizobium iriomotense 1
Steroidobacter denitrificans 3 Gamma proteobacterium sp. 2 Bradyrhizobium rifense 1
Stella vacuolata 1 Steroidobacter denitrificans 2 Bradyrhizobium pachyrhizi 2
Rhodopila globiformis 1 Burkholderia graminis 1
Burkholderia tuberum 1
Burkholderia acidipaludis 1
Massilia namucuoensis 4
Nitrobacter vulgaris 1
Acidobacteria Solibacter usitatus 2 Koribacter versatilis 4 Solibacter usitatus 2
Koribacter versatilis 5 Bryocella elongata 1 Acidobacterium capsulatum 2
Acidobacteria sp. 1 5 Edaphobacter aggregans 2 Edaphobacter modestus 1c 5
Acidobacteria sp. 2 1 Edaphobacter modestus 1c 1 Edaphobacter modestus 2c 2
Edaphobacter modestus 2 2 Edaphobacter aggregans 3
Granulicella arctica 1 Bryocella elongata 1
Telmatobacter bradus 1
Acidipila rosea 3
Actinobacteria Aciditerrimonas ferrireducens 6 Aciditerrimonas ferrireducens 1c 1 Aciditerrimonas ferrireducens 5
Actinoallomurus purpureus 2 Aciditerrimonas ferrireducens 2c 3 Actinoallomurus purpureus 3
Conexibacter woesei 4 Conexibacter arvalis 1 Actinoallomurus amamiensis 2
Conexibacter arvalis 3 Mycobacterium cookii 1 Actinoallomurus spadix 1
Solirubrobacter ginsenosidimutans 1 Actinokineospora soli 1 Conexibacter arvalis 1
Mycobacterium kyorinense 1
Streptomyces misakiensis 1
Actinocorallia aurantiaca 1
Planctomycetes Gemmata sp. 1 Planctomycetales sp. 3 Singulisphaera rosea 6
Singulisphaera rosea 2 Gemmata sp. 2 Aquisphaera giovannonii 2
Singulisphaera rosea 1
Pirellula sp. 1
Verrucomicrobia Pedosphaera parvula 1 Pedosphaera parvula 1 Pedosphaera parvula 2
Firmicutes Bacillus fumarioli 1
Bacteroidetes Chitinophaga ginsengisegetis 1
Niastella populi 1
In the OSB, CKB, and BCB libraries, 53, 45 and 71 clones were randomly selected for sequenceing, respectively
The OTUs were defined by [ 97 % sequence similarity
The species in Genbank database are most closely related to the sequenced clones belong to the same OTU
The number of clones matched
Sequences showed the same most closely related species in Genbank database but belong to the different OTUs

approximately 0.8, suggesting that the libraries represented criteria are presented in Tables 1 and 2 for bacterial and
the major bacterial and fungal phyla in the soils. In fungal sequences, respectively. In general, fungal sequen-
the study, the OTUs were defined by [ 97 % sequence ces matched higher similarity to the sequences in Genbank
similarity. The proportions of phylotypes under matched database than bacterial sequences.

World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1085–1092 1089

Table 5 Taxa of fungal clone sequences from libraries of the original soil (OSF), unamended soil (CKF), and biochar amended soil (BCF)
Plylum OSF library CKF library BCF library
a b a b
Species N Species N Speciesa Nb

Chytridiomycota Kochiomyces dichotomus 1

Ascomycota Penicillium sp. 1 Penicillium sp. 1c 2 Penicillium herquei 1
Aspergillus cervinus 1 Penicillium sp. 2c 2 Penicillium sp. 1c 1
c c
Paecilomyces carneus 1 Penicillium pinophilum1 2 Penicillium sp. 2 1
Hypocrea koningii 1c 1 Penicillium pinophilum2c 6 Penicillium pinophilum 2
Hypocrea koningii 2c 1 Penicillium adametzii 1 Paecilomyces carneus 4
Chaunopycnis alba 1 Penicillium olsonii 1 Trichoderma sp. 2
Trichoderma gamsii 7 Paecilomyces carneus 1 Trichoderma koningiopsis 1
Pseudallescheria fimeti 1 Aspergillus penicillioides1c 2 Trichoderma gamsii 5
Preussia sp. 1 Aspergillus penicillioides2c 2 Trichoderma viride 1
Helotiales 1 RB-2011 1 Aspergillus sp. 1c 1 Hypocrea sp. 1
Gloeotinia temulenta 4 Aspergillus sp. 2c 1 Cladosporium sp. 2
Chaunopycnis alba 1
Trichoderma gamsii 3
Trichoderma sp. 1
Cladosporium sp. 1c 2
Cladosporium sp. 2c 4
Sordariomycetes sp. 1
Basidiomycota Cryptococcus podzolicus 16 Cryptococcus podzolicus 12 Cryptococcus podzolicus 12
Thelephoraceae sp. 2 Wallemia sp. 5 Cryptococcus sp. 2
Pseudozyma sp. 3 Sterigmatomyces sp. 2 Amanita spissacea 1
Leucocoprinus birnbaumii 1
Mortierellomycotina Mortierella humilis 2
Mortierella kuhlmanii 8
Mortierella sp. 2
Mortierella hyalina 1
Others Fungi sp. 1
In the OSF, CKF, and BCF libraries, 57, 52, and 36 clones were randomly selected for sequenceing, respectively
The OTUs were defined by [ 97 % sequence similarity
The species in Genbank database are most closely related to the sequenced clones belong to the same OTU
The number of clones matched
Sequences showed the same most closely related species in Genbank database but belong to the different OTUs

Bacterial and fungal diversities belonging to 8 genera (Table 5). These results suggested
that the diversity of bacteria and fungi in the soil was
For bacteria, the Shannon-wiener index values were dif- affected by the biochar addition differently. According to
ferent between the biochar-amended and unamended soils rarefaction curves (Fig. 1), the separation of OTU richness
(2.96 and 3.36, respectively). The values of Simpsons between different libraries was also obvious as the clone
Index and Chao I between the two treatments were also number in each library was greater than about 20. Bacteria
different (Table 3). For fungi, the Shannon-wiener index in the biochar-amended soil had greater overall diversity
values of CKF and BCF libraries were 2.66 and 2.22, than in the unamended soil. However, fungi in the biochar-
respectively (Table 3). The index differences between the amended soil had lower diversity than in the control.
two treatments for bacteria were larger than those for fungi.
The CKB library comprised 23 OTUs belonging to 18 Shifts in community composition of bacteria
genera, while the BCB comprised 35 OTUs belonging to
24 genera (Table 4). The CKF library included 20 OTUs Besides inducing changes in soil microbial diversity, the
belonging to 11 genera and the BCF included 14 OTUs biochar addition also affected the community composition.

1090 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1085–1092

Fig. 2 Proportions of (a) bacterial phyla in the unamended (CKB)

and biochar amended soils (BCB), (b) fungal phyla in the unamended
(CKF) and biochar amended soils (BCF)

Fig. 1 Rarefaction analyses of (a) bacterial sequences from the and BCF, which suggested that fungal growth of other
unamend (CKB) and biochar amended soils (BCB), (b) fungal
sequences from the unamend (CKF) and biochar amended soils (BCF) phylotypes might not adapt to the incubation conditions.
Compared to the control, the proportion of Basidiomycota
in the biochar-amended soil increased slightly. At the
For bacteria, both CKB and BCB comprised of Proteo- genus level, Cryptococcus, Talaromyces, Cladosporium,
bacteria, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Planctomycetes, Trichoderma, Penicillium, and Paecilomyces were detected
and Verrucomicrobia. These phyla were all detected in in the CKF and BCF libraries. The proportion of Tricho-
OSB, indicating that the major taxa in the treatments were derma in BCF was 14.5 % higher than that in CKF, and the
mainly related to the parent bacterial community compo- proportion of Paecilomyces in BCF was 9.2 % higher than
sition in the forest soil. Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes were that in CKF.
only detected in BCB (Table 4). The proportion of Ac-
tinobacteria in BCB was 5.6 % higher than that in CKB,
whereas Proteobacteria and Planctomycetes were detected Discussion
with lower percentages (Fig. 2a). Although the proportion
of Proteobacteria decreased in the soil amended with The results supported our hypothesis that biochar addition
biochar, more taxa of Proteobacteria was detected in the affected bacteria and fungi differently in terms of diversity
BCB library. and community composition during the short-term incu-
bation. After 3 months of biochar application, the overall
Shifts in community composition of fungi diversity of bacteria prominently increased. The results
were consistent with previous long-term studies in biochar-
Differences between fungal communities were found enriched Terra preta soils (Kim et al. 2007; O’Neill et al.
mainly at the levels of genera and species (Fig. 2b). The 2009). However, the diversity of fungi declined in the
OSF library comprised of five phyla, but only Ascomycota biochar amended soil. The different diversity results sug-
and Basidiomycota of these phyla were detected in CKF gested that bacteria were more adaptive than fungi to the

World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1085–1092 1091

change of soil environment induced by biochar (Lehamann applied in biological control to promote plant growth and
et al. 2011). Another possible reason for the different enhance soil quality. Therefore, the biochar-induced
results was that bacteria might be more readily to utilize enhancement of such fungal groups may show its potential
the nutrients and mineral elements by sorbing to biochar effects in biological control. As very little is known about
surface or colonizing in biochar pores (Liang et al. 2008; changes of specific soil microbes to biochar addition
Thies and Rillig 2009). Both bacterial and fungal com- (Graber et al. 2010), to take full advantage of biochar as a
munity structures altered markedly due to the biochar soil amendment, further research is necessary to focus on
amendment, with fungi mainly at the genus level and biochar influences on targeted microbial groups with spe-
bacteria at both genus and phylum levels. This may indi- cific soil functions.
cate a higher sensitivity of bacteria to biochar in this soil
type. In our study, the bacterial diversity was different from Acknowledgments This work was partly supported by grants from
the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation (Nos. 51039007
the previous study of forest soils amended with oak or and 51179212).
grass biochar (Khodadad et al. 2011). Possible reasons for
the inconsistent results might be related to the different
treatments of soils and the types of biochar (Lehmann References
2007b), or to the diverse parent bacterial communities
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