Endgame - Sebastian Sallow

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endgame // sebastian sallow

when sebastian sallow and y/n can't just understand each others


How I picture
Sixth Year
Sebastian Sallow

© dindongdick | tumblr

© valyrra | tumblr


- English is not my first language, so you might often see spelling errors. I
apologize in advance!

- I am yet to learn many things about the Harry Potter | Hogwarts Legacy
universe, so there may be several plotholes or things that do not might
make sense at all (magic wise).

- MC and students start at the ages of 17-18 and progress forward. I've
decided to give them a proper legal age based that most readers are older
and mature content is written.
- This would be my only disclaimer, this isn't a full on fluff book. It does
take a 180 at some point. Hence, Phase One | Phase Two.
There's plenty of fluff in Wattpad and here too! — but this book does
contain mature content, violence, trauma, breakups, etc. So, please, if
you're not interested on any of the above, you may leave or keep reading.
Thank you.


© deathlysallows | TUMBLR for cover pic

- Join the Endgame discord! (18+)



The Love


"Poppy, do you know the incantation for this?" I spoke out on the first day
of sixth year.

Brown eyes turned to me, almost afraid she'll get caught for just staring.

"Y/n, we've had all summer to learn these! Did you not read my owls?"
Poppy whispered lightly whilst waving around her wand.

I stared blankly, "I did."

I was lying. After a traumatic event of spending my first year at Hogwarts

fighting off literally everything, experiencing many deaths and having
sleepless nights, I took this summer to hibernate. And I mean that.

"You spent all bloody fifth year saving the wizarding world with thousands
of spells and yet, you can't cast this? You surprise me, Y/n." Garreth
Weasley snarled afar, sitting on the fist benches above us.

Garreth Weasley. The most egotistic, yet humorous boy in our year. I admit
I might've had a slight crush on him when we first met in the Gryffindor
common room, but after his stupid potion-making mess...it was debatable.

He was class trouble, and the sided comments weren't any help.

I bit the inside of my lip knowing he was right and nodded, "You're funny,

"I know," Garreth teased out, "Ask Ominis over there. I'm sure his wand is
more advanced than the rest of us, am I right?"

"That's kind of...mean?" Poppy slightly gasped, distracted by the ginger's


I sighed, turning my head slightly forward starting at the ruffles of blonde

hair that sat two seats beside us.



"Hey, can you hear me?"

I didn't mean to sound annoying, but I've befriended Ominis a bit more
within the summer.
He's sent a few owls through the journey and wanted to keep updates. I
acknowledge that even though he was Slytherin and rumored to live within
dark magic, he was sweet. Sometimes.

"Y/n, I am blind, not deaf." Ominis said in an interrupted manner, his eyes
staring ahead, "I can clearly hear you very well."

I smiled, "Great, can you—"

Within the talk, the conversation immediately cut when the doors of the
Charms classroom abruptly opened.

A mess of brown hairs entered. It seemed like he was almost breathless

from the tardiness and whilst adjusting his tie, he was aware of his

I hadn't known why my heart rate increased more than usual at the
presence. Or why my hand began to sweat to a point that not even my
wand's advanced handle can grip it.

I even reddened at the view, almost embarrassed at my own reactions.

"Mister Sallow, a pleasure of you to join us. Welcome back." Professor

Ronen greeted.

Sebastian Sallow stood at the entrance of the Charms classroom. Although

he stood there for five seconds, I immediately noticed the changes that were
made throughout the summer.

He's grown taller. Not that he was ever short, but he seemed to grow a few
inches based on how his Slytherin robe sat a little above his feet.

The enthusiastic, hopeful face that he was known for all fifth-year around
me was no longer there. Instead, a dark, muted, and tired look plastered on
him. Almost as if he has given up.

"I apologize, Professor. I lost track of time. It would not happen again."
Sebastian Sallow called out, eyes low.

His voice was deeper.

"Better late than never." Professor Ronen excused, "Please, have a seat
anywhere. We are briefly summarizing Aparecium. You must've learned it
over the summer break."

I gulped, pretending as if Sebastian walking near the wooden benches of the

desk near us wasn't awakening this 'pretend' tension that I built between us.

I know what you're thinking.

Y/n you two were together all fifth year doing reckless stuff!

Yeah, I know, but that was fifth year. That was in May. Just four months
ago, but the ending between us was off.
No owls were sent within the summer. No communication. No, hey are you
alright? How you keeping up? Yeah, no. None of that. Was he required? No,
but I tried to excuse the fact that he basically killed his uncle and lost his
sister from guilt. It was understanding, but I didn't want to bother him

"Sebastian, is that you I hear?" Ominis called out, hearing his friend sit on
the empty bench beside him.

From what I last witnessed, Ominis wanted to turn in Sebastian for using
the killing curse—until I took a lot of courage of convincing him not to do
it that one night on the undercroft.

Clearly, there must've been a reconciliation since the two seemed back to be
good friends again.

Clearly, it's a sign that Sebastian was sending owls in the summer.

Clearly, this should be my answer that Sebastian Sallow, in fact, didn't

wonder about me once after everything.

"It's me, Ominis." Sebastian smirked two seats away.

Only Poppy was between us.

I swallowed, sitting onto my seat in a more adjusted posture and pretended

to practice the incantation again.
"By the way, Y/n," Ominis voice called out again.

My eyes closed almost forgetting I was going to ask Ominis for help before
this entire grand entrance happened.

Deep breaths, Y/n.

You spent almost every day with Sebastian Sallow last year and felt normal.

This should not make you feel anything at all.

I cleared my throat, not turning near their direction at all, my eyes on the
study book.

"Never mind, Ominis." I spoke, "I got it, thanks."


For a moment, my throat almost closed from the deep voice that repeated
my name like his friend did.

Let's just pretend I couldn't hear him.

Within a second, I felt a light nudge on my shoulder and turning, Poppy

stared at me.

"I think Sebastian is calling you." Poppy whispered.

When my eyes looked everywhere, I took notice that our peers around us
were eavesdropping.

Garreth Weasley whistled behind us, almost as a tease while Amit Thakkar,
a Ravenclaw, snorted beside him following the flirty remarks.

It was acceptable. As I said, Sebastian Sallow and I spent most of our days
together last year, the rumors that flew around between us during quests
were insane, but we saw why.

Ignoring the uncomfortable expressions of the boys behind us, I kept my

guard and finally turned to the person besides my Hufflepuff friend.

Within this distance, I took a more cleared view of Sebastian Sallow.

Soft pink lips parting, his long eyelashes glistening above the hazel-colored
eyes that stared at me with comfort and freckles peeking thoroughly on his
pale skin.

"Sebastian." I followed.

Yeah, that was my greeting. A first name call out.

It was common throughout the Hogwarts school to greet each other by first
or last names. I learned that fifth year.

I always greeted Sebastian with a 'hey you' or 'hi', but I must've held this
grudge of not speaking all summer that it just happened.
"Nice to see you." Sebastian grew a faint smile, almost shocked.

Sebastian stared at me a little longer than usual, but I pretended like it was
normal for him to say that.

We fought literal monsters together and almost died like a thousand times,
but yeah nice to see you after everything. Cool.

I nodded, "I can say the same."

My head turned back, killing the tension I built within myself, and sat back
in my seat ignoring the fact that our friends around us weren't confused as


yesss, this is post-game. i did not feel like re-writing all these quests
again after spending hours playing them 😂 hope you like it!


"Guess who finally learned to cast a non-verbal spell this summer!"

Cressida Blume screeched that night in the dormitory.

"How many people did you accidentally kill until you were successful?" I
joked to her.

Not that I was annoyed by her, but I always seemed to avoid Cressida. It
wasn't on purpose either, but being near Cressida meant talking for hours.

I lay in the four poster and stared at the maroon-colored ceiling in the bed,
but from the corner of my eyes, I can sense Cressida staring at me below
her glasses.

"Sorry, I am not a pro like you!" Cressida scoffed, "Can you at least show
some sort of emotion toward my success?"

I sighed, still staring at the ceiling, pretending like my thoughts weren't

distracted by having zero communication with Sebastian Sallow all day
besides Charms.
"I'm happy for you Cressida." I smiled over towards her own bed next to
me, "You could've just asked me to help."

"Where's the fun in that? I wanted to learn it on my own."

I just blinked, "Okay...well, I'm proud of you. It was a long journey, but

Within the talk, a beautiful curled hair figure entered the dormitory talking
sight of us.

"Agh, my mother is no fun," Natty complained, setting the papers down on

her own bed across the room.

Natsai—Natty, must've been the most owls exchange I've had this summer.
She was very caring and always wanted to make sure my mental health was
alright after the traumatic events. Along with Poppy.

There were a few times we all hung out, so there wasn't much missing out.
We were a trio.

"What happened?" Cressida asked.

"Since she's part of the faculty, she convinced Professor Sharp to add me to
advanced potions!" Natty informed.

I rose my brows, "Hey, I'm in that class."

"Yes, but you got in for your excellent grade in O.W.Ls. You earned it."

"Oh, come on—"

"How did you manage to fight off all these monsters and still come back to
school and pass your O.W.Ls with good marks?" Cressida asked.

I shrugged, "Hm, must've been the ancient magic." I joked.

It was a joke.

Although many thought I was lucky to have the advantage of the powerful
magic I held within me, the headmaster didn't allow me to use it on school
grounds. Sucks, I know. Professor Black even pulled an enchantment
around the school and Hogsmeade to "assure" I didn't blast off or cheat.

"And there's just advanced students in that class. I'm going to embarrass
myself!" Natty sighed, plopping on her bed on top of the papers.

"Potions doesn't start until Wednesday. I wasn't aware it was a short class.
Who's in it?" I wondered.

"Not many. You, of course...there's Garreth Weasley, have no idea how he

got in there after the incident mid-year."

"When he almost blew up Adelaide trying to create a love potion? Totally

remember." Cressida giggled.
"Ominis is in this, obviously. Slytherins are just good at potions." Natty
rolled her eyes, "And also, your friend, Sebastian Sallow!"

The feeling I felt when Sebastian entered Charms this morning build up on
me again, but this time it was the mention of his name.

What the hell was happening to me?

"Oh." I managed to say.

Both girls stared at me, almost awaiting a reaction at the mention of the
boy's name.

"Oh?" Cressida mimicked me.

I stared at the short hair girl and squinted, "What?"

Natty just giggled to herself.

"Didn't you two spend all of fifth year together? Like, he would know the
password to the common room and enter looking for you." Cressida said.

"I remember that." Natty lifted a finger, "I can't believe he didn't get in

"Yeah...we did." I gulped, "But it was nothing."

That nothing came out of my mouth with a slight hurt, but I wasn't going to
let it get to me. I am better than this.

"Nothing? You came to the dormitories at 4AM one night because you were
at Feldcroft with him." Cressida reminded.

I just bit the inside of my lip.

"We had to cover for you." She added.

"Yeah, and I can't thank you guys enough for that, but as I said, it was
nothing." I reminded, "He just wanted help with his sister, that's all. We
don't even talk anymore."

It felt weird to know that you can be with someone almost every single day,
and then never see them again. It was just weird.

"Why not? I thought you two would date by now." Cressida said.

"You know Cressida, you ask a lot of questions." I frowned, but I was using

"It's okay to hold a grudge against him. He will only come to you when he
needed help." Natty admitted.

Throughout the summer, I was open with Natty about telling her that
Sebastian never contacted me again after what he did. Of course, I didn't tell
her that he went around using Avada Kadavra like a charm spell, but I was
slightly open about my feelings.

"Is that why you didn't say hi to him in Charms?" The last roommate of the
dormitory entered.

Nellie Oggspire walked in with her quidditch uniform on, laying stacks of
permission slips on her own bed.

"Nice to see you too, Nellie." I rolled my eyes at the topic.

"First day and quidditch tryouts already?" Cressida spoke.

For a second, I was thankful Cressida changed the subject.

Nellie nodded, "Well, quidditch was off last year, so I was desperate." She
turned to me, "Sebastian was there. Very competitive, I can say."

All four of us just sat on our beds.

"Eavesdropped on the way with the topic of Sebastian Sallow." Nellie

pointed, "It's the talk again."

My lips parted, almost shocked that it was only the first day back at
Hogwarts and rumors already spread.

"You're kidding."
"Rumors go you two broke up in the summer and that's why you greeted
him so coldly this morning." Nellie admitted.

I scoffed loudly, "Broke up? We never even dated, let alone, saw each other
this summer!?"

"Sadly," Cressida whispered to herself.

"And coldly?" I repeated, "I just said his first name. That's all."

"Well, you two were inseparable—"

"Were." I said sharply.

Nellie squinted at me as she stripped down her uniform, "You like him."

I stood quiet at the moment.

Nellie was a very straightforward person. She was known to be very firm
and smart about everything and kept her spare time productive. I knew her

"I'm going to sleep." I complained, laying back flatly against the bed and
closing the curtains.

I was angry. Not at my friends, not at Sebastian Sallow, but with myself.
I was angry with myself, because I, in fact, did develop a crush on
Sebastian Sallow this summer.


y/n be too late. we've had a crush on sallow since day one. get in line


The coincidence of dreaming of Sebastian Sallow that same night was


I spent Tuesday trying to gaslit myself that this particular crush on the
Slytherin boy was just a phase. That the only reason I felt this way was
because I haven't seen him in so long.

"Y/n!" Poppy's light voice rang in my ears at the great hall Tuesday
morning. "Are you busy this afternoon?"

I stared directly at my food, my eyesight still adjusting at my wakening

while slowly turning to the Hufflepuff sitting at the Gryffindor table.

"Uh, what's today? Tuesday?" I thought to myself, "I finish my last elective
by 3." I informed.

Poppy clapped, "Perfect! Professor Howin is giving me extra marks if I go

collect a few puffskeins for Thursday's class."
I took a sip of my drink and nodded, "And I'm assuming you don't want to
do this alone."

Poppy grew a wide smile, her eyes glistening, "Is that a yes?"

I spent a partial part of my free time this summer joining Poppy on a few
adventures to fight off a few poachers and rescue animals.

Yeah, even after trying to recover from defeating monsters and camps, I still
found myself re-doing it, but with the powerful magic, it was easier — but
slightly painful.

I smiled, "Do I get to keep a puffskein?"

Poppy laughed, "Yes. I'll also inform Professor Howin to spare a few marks
for you too."

I nodded, "Sounds like a plan, Poppy."

Within the moment, I can feel Poppy's positive aura as she gave me an
unexpected hug to my answer.

I wasn't surprise. Poppy was a walking sweet, so any form of actions from
her were completely normal by now.

"Ah, thanks. Meet me at the south wing by the quidditch field!" Poppy
waved, sliding her way out of the wooden bench.
As she disappeared, I turned my head back, but my eyes laid over across for
a split second towards the rival house table.

Hazel eyes were already staring before I took notice.

Off guard from having eye-contact with Sebastian Sallow for two seconds, I
looked down at my food again and pretended like that didn't just happen.

This was embarrassing, really. Sometimes, I wondered how I was capable

of being with him while looking so lazy, dirty and sleep-deprived; now I
don't want him to see me at my worst at all.

Crushes were weird.

I didn't directly go to Poppy that afternoon. I used the floo powder

outside the DADA tower towards the common room and changed.

It was early September and the weather was slightly warmer than usual so
after getting out of my uniform, I slid on a casual outfit and lazily used the
nearest floo powder, again.

I could've been productive like Nellie, really, but I was active enough all of
last year, I needed a break.

"Must be early." I spoke under my breath later that afternoon outside the
My arms were crossed as I waited for Poppy's arrival, but from the distance,
I can see the chaos coming inside the Quidditch field.

I was aware tryouts were taking place all week after school due to the loss
of not having it fifth year, so plenty were trying out as Nellie mentioned.

I watched from afar seeing the houses play around in the air with the
brooms, and as I squinted, I started to familiarize a particular someone.

His body sat around the broom below while he aggressively threw the
quaffle toward the colored teammates.

"Found you!"

I jumped at the shout and turning, I saw Poppy appear out of the blue with
her uniform still on.

"Ah, you changed! Should've known, but whatever." Poppy kept her smile
as she looked down at my outfit.

"Y-Yeah..." I said, still distracted by the nearby gameplay.

Poppy must've noticed my distraction because she suggested a good offer.

"Come on," she pulled me by the arm, "We're passing by the quidditch field
Poppy was right, the way to the puffskein map required to pass the nearby
field, so as we both walked, we watched the tryouts.

There was a moment when we got too close, and my own walking stopped
to see the view clearly inside that quidditch field.

In my surroundings, I spotted a few random students scattered on the

benches just to watch.

My brows rose when I took sight of Ominis sitting on a top bench. I didn't
question his presence because he sat next to another Slytherin who might've
been explaining the game tryout.

"Sallow, catch!"

My eyes wandered until I finally clicked over to the same broom I was once
watching from afar a few minutes back.

The sweaty brown hairs hung from his forehead. All the sweat building up
due to an intense practice.

His fingers gripped the broom in a tight manner while his arms rose up,
throwing over the quaffle in a rapid manner into the goal.

I must've not noticed myself parting my lips from the actions, but I did.

Maybe, it was the way his arms rose up revealing a peak of a toned body
and muscles that weren't definitely there last year.
Or maybe, it was the way his face stayed concentrated on a stupid ball and
his eyes stared in competitiveness to not lose the game.


I came back to my sense at Poppy's voice.

I felt myself redden hoping she didn't notice my eyes on one specific player.

"S-Sorry, what?"

"I said we should start walking again, so we can make it back to the castle
before sunset." Poppy said.

I tried maintaining eye contact with my friend, but from the corner of my
eye, I can sense the players hop off their brooms as they lower onto the
green grass and high-five each other in the distance.

"Yeah, yeah, right." I nodded rapidly. "Let's head out before—"

"Perhaps next time, you should just stick to fixing your potions, Weasley."
A familiar voice echoed from afar.

"Perhaps next time you can piss off—oh, hey girls." Garreth Weasley came
near us.

Poppy, being nice as possible, stepped back from the sweaty, six foot tall
boy and scrunched her nose.
"Hi...we were actually just leaving." Poppy stared in fear.

"Relax, Sweeting. We don't bite." Garreth bothered, "Once we shower we'll

be good as new!" He went near her.

Poppy stood back, raising her arms towards the ginger, "Ew, Weasley!"

"Off to another pet rescue?" Sebastian entered the conversation randomly.

And there he stood.

Maybe, the puberty hormones were coming off me, but seeing Sebastian
Sallow in sweaty quidditch uniform while he stood breathless speaking—

Blame the hormones.

I didn't say a word.

I wasn't aware if he was looking at me at all because my eyes lowered and I

hope that Poppy would answer for us.

I hated myself for the behavior I was producing, but I needed to remind
myself again that I was allowed to hold a grudge against him for the
I was being dramatic, but Sebastian would owl me every five minutes fifth
year—that pattern dying after things didn't go his way did take a toll on me.

"We are! We were just about to head out...let's go, Y/n!" Poppy waved,
hoping we would get out of this sweaty mess.

"Yeah, Y/n, let's go!" Garreth mimicked.

I rolled my eyes.

Sebastian didn't say a word when I passed by him, but yet, I did sense him
staring at me even after I walked away.


i love miscommunication 😍😍


The build up of seeing Sebastian Sallow in Potions that Wednesday

afternoon was insane.

I didn't know how a girl like me, so powerful and comfortable after going
through so much, can still develop these jittery-nervy feelings towards

It was embarrassing really.

"Peeves, stop it. I'm running late already." I murmured under my breath

I watched as the poltergeist stood above my view, blocking it as he

tormented my presence after not taking the stairs for a while.

"Was Ignatia not available for you this afternoon, Y/n?" Peeves bothered,
"Since you always choose the floo powder path ever since you saved the

He was partially right.

I spent all of fifth year taking the stairs and bumping into Peeves plenty of
times, but I was curious about exploring the castle and finding as many
clues—but, it gets exhausting after a while.

I definitely preferred hearing Ignatia Wildsmith talk her babbling words

near the floo powder than run into Peeves interrogation every flight of

"Peeves, piss off please." Imelda called out, walking out the one-eyed witch
passage floor and joining me down the stairs.

Imelda Reyes. Slytherin.

She was well known for having a reputation of being a real bitch in our
year, but I managed to befriend her after our broom flying records. I was in
the safe zone on her end.

I watch the ghost roll his eyes before swooping away to bother a few third
years more down the castle, giving us free passage.

Awkwardly, Imelda and I both realized we were going down the same
direction after walking the same stairs over and over.

"Potions too?" Imelda asked.

I chuckled, "Yes. You?"

"Correct. I noticed your book that's why." Imelda pointed down, "I'll doubt
we need it. Professor Sharp uses his mind as his own textbook." She joked.

I laughed, nervously.

Yeah, nervously. The more we walked into the dungeons near the
classroom, the more my body began to feel tingly over the arrival.

Stop being weak, Y/n. You're better than this.

I wasn't a big fan of earning the title of ''being the hero'' of the school
because that meant that in every class I entered, all eyes were on me.

The intimidation and nerves rose up and it never changed each time, no
matter the circumstances. It just really sucked.

"Ah, I am so happy you are here." Natty waved at me.

I've completely forgotten Natty was assigned to this class. I was so busy
thinking about a particular someone, I didn't even think twice about my own

I grew a small smile, walking near her and placing my book near a
cauldron, claiming the seat.
"Natty, you actually made it." I joked, "Just left your mom's class in
Divination. Wanted me to make sure you attended here."

Natty groaned to herself, "Having my mother as a professor at Hogwarts

was a big mistake."

"Yeah, tell me about it." Garreth Weasley walked near the table, placing his
books across us. "Talk about having your aunt as a professor!"

"Professor Weasley is so nice, though." Natty commented.

Whilst the two Gryffindors talked in our potions table, I couldn't help, but
eye the familiar Slytherin boy that entered the class.

He held no books in hand, or anything at all. Just a wand tucked in his

green robe.

In the corner of my eye, I watched Sebastian Sallow take a seat near a

Slytherin table next to us, across from Ominis Gaunt, and next to Imelda

"Sebastian, you actually made it on time." Ominis voice echoed, "How


I can hear a faint chuckle come from him, "Not many get the opportunity of
entering advanced potions, Ominis."

"Okay, these cauldrons look a little more advance than last years. Are these
for smart students only?" Natty spoke out next to me, bringing me back to

I've expected Professor Sharp to keep his stereotypical, dark, and

intimidating teaching this year, as he was known for.

Unsurprisingly, he was, but with the flexibility of the class being shortened
due to only being students with good marks, the lessons weren't so bitter.

"I expect a well, traditionally formed Felix Felicis by the end of class with a
10-inch summary on your potion-making experience on parchment."
Professor Sharp assigned.

"We still have to write here?" Garreth complained lowly.

"As in for you, Weasley," Professor Sharp added, overhearing the ginger's
complaint, "Remember that this potion can highly be disastrous if brewed

A few students laughed within themselves at the specific attack the

professor made towards the Weasley boy for the consequence of his
previous bad handled works.

"I was second-guessing my knowledge in this class, but with Garreth, I

should be fine." Natty whispered to me, jokingly.

I laughed, "Right...here, I'll manage getting the ingredients from the back
room." I offered.
I didn't expect much getting ingredients for the table at that moment, I
really didn't, but somehow, things just kept happening.

"Squill bulb...thyme," I whispered to myself, gathering the ingredients

between my fingers, "Hm,"

I can hear a student enter the backroom behind me, but it was very common
to gather around for ingredients.

Sometimes, the room was a bit crowded, but luckily, with a short class, it
was avoidable.

"Ashwinder eggs..." I whispered to myself, my eyes scanning the darkened

small room for the ingredient.

"I'm surprised you aren't carrying them on you by now," A deep voice called
out in the small space.

Oh no.

My body froze. It felt as if someone had used glacious on me at the moment

of realization that Sebastian Sallow was in here.

"You always made a thousand stops high up in the mountains for them."
Sebastian chuckled.

I do remember collecting every ingredient in sight on every single

adventure with Sebastian Sallow. He always complained, but they ended up
becoming useful.

From leech juice to lacewing flies, up to having a whole brand of spider

fangs due to the number of spiders we killed. The count was insane, I ended
up donating most of my ingredients to first years.

"Yeah, well..." I looked up, finally finding the eggs above the first row of
furniture above us. "I no longer make use of them."

The ashwinder eggs were up high, so I took over my wand to prepare accio
on them.

I pretended like the conversation with Sebastian was nothing. Like if me not
turning my head toward him the whole time was normal.

Before my wand can even point over the required ingredients, a long hand
peeked over above the high cabinet like nothing and took hold of them.

I swallowed, reminding myself that Sebastian growing a few inches this

summer to the point where he can reach anywhere was just a small change.

Sebastian's fingers lowered towards me, and by now I can sense his robe
tickled over my elbow as he stood beside me.

"No need for charms. I'm right here, you know?" Sebastian reminded.

Again, my eyes were lowered, my sight just staying on the eggs.

It took a minute before I actually took hold of them and developed a few
words out my mouth.

The slight touch between grabbing the ingredient off Sebastian's hands was
enough to feel a weird tension between us.

I lowered the ingredients beside me and just stood in front of the tall boy
across, my eyes finally gazing up.

The height threw me off, I still wasn't over it, but I also wasn't over the

How his once happy baby-face features shifted into this serious, manly, and
cocky look. Or how the bags under his hazel eyes were dark enough to
cover the freckles that lay on his pale skin.

I pretended like if his eyes didn't scan me from up and down inside that
darkened, small room and made me feel something different.

"Thanks..." I finally managed to say, coming back to reality.

Sebastian nodded, also coming to his senses, "Yeah, I owe you."

His words could've meant many things. I wanted to ask him what he meant,
but I didn't.

Instead, I just took one last look at him and gave a forceful small nod before
walking out of that room back into the potions class.

i wonder how tall sebastian sallow is



Sebastian's Perspective

I stared at Y/n in the Great Hall one morning. I was hoping it wasn't
obvious since the Gryffindor table was directly across the Slytherin, but
still, not obvious.

That bright smile of her's that glowed around the entire space while
laughing with her peers.

The way the hair shined around her shoulders when she'll nudge around
with the food. Or maybe, it must've been the stance on her face that after
everything that happened, Y/n was strong enough to keep a smile.

It almost made me despise her on how capable and powerful she must be to
keep this emotion in control on her.

I knew she was Hogwarts "it" girl now. She was halfway there being
considered the new pretty fifth year girl, but the constant after-talk of her
defeating Ranrok—it was insane I once hung out with her almost every day.
"You're staring at her again, aren't you?" Ominis voice cut in beside me.

My arms uncrossed from the wooden table, not touching my breakfast, and
turned to my best friend.

"You know, Ominis, sometimes, I question up to this day if you can actually
see or not." I wondered.

Ominis just stared ahead, "I can't, but I developed a pattern that once you
stay muted for a minute, you are staring at something. Particularly, a

I didn't blame him at all.

The friendship between Ominis and I was extremely strong now. Especially,
after the turn of events three months ago.

Ominis was hesitant about still keeping in touch with me and I did not
blame him. I was living with the burden of taking someone's life and it
haunted me forever.

He took a few weeks to owl me during summer break. He openly admitted

that he was turning me in, but Y/n encouraged him not to and it worked

Sometimes, Ominis debated if she cast an imperious curse on him for it,
that's why he waited it out, but he soon realized Y/n was just very
convincing over me.
"I haven't heard you two speak much," Ominis said, "For once, I am
actually surprised on the record you hold on that."

I licked my lips, looking down at his statement.

It was weird. Very weird.

Since the second I met Y/n, we were inseparable. I never thought I'll ever
find myself talking to a girl so much, let alone, being with her almost every
day for a whole year.

"Record? Was it that serious?" I furrowed my brows at the information.

Ominis smirked to himself, "You can't even believe the words yourself,

I nodded.

It wasn't intentional not talking to Y/n.

I was just living with this guilt after what had happened. This guilt of
putting myself first, forcing her to do all these favors for me, risking her
life, and practically using her up...it was guilt.

"I cannot see, but I can hear the tension." Ominis kept going, "Why is it that
it is always me feeling the connection between you two? Always stuck in
between." He complained.
Was I dying to talk to her? Of course. I was trying my best, but I was also
stuck in a sticky situation of hitting puberty.

I'm sure it was going to be hard speaking to a girl that awoken the
testosterone levels in me this summer even though I saw her zero times.

"She hates me." I admitted.

"I would too." Imelda added in, taking a seat across from us and blocking
the view of Y/n.

I didn't speak much with Imelda, but she was the closest I've interacted,
female wise.

As I said, I wasn't the best at communicating with girls. Yeah, I was

charming and never learned to ever shut up, but it went both ways.

"I can agree with Imelda on that." Ominis agreed.

Imelda smiled, "Glad you can sense my known presence, Ominis."

I sighed, just sitting on the Slytherin table.

"If you dragged my ass up the mountains every other day, I'll hate you too."
Imelda brought up the topic, "It seemed unbearable."

"And you're no help." I said under my breath, almost annoyed.

I was already angry at myself at the reminder that I practically used up Y/n's
kindness for my own advantage. It almost killed me inside from the guilt,
let alone, losing my sister and the haunting, survivor's guilt of taking my
uncle's Solomon life? It was pure hell.

Imelda just shrugged, eating her breakfast.

"Might've overheard the Gryffindor girls speak in Divination." She spoke,

"Rumor goes you sent no owls to her."

"Owls?" Ominis repeated, "I believe you've mentioned you sent plenty of
owls to her this summer." He turned to me.

I played with my clean fork in hand and bit the inside of my cheek,
knowing Imelda Reyes just exposed me without knowing.

"I lied. I did not." I kept my eyes down.

"Well then, that makes complete sense on the weird tension I feel now."
Ominis said, almost in a way where he solved a puzzle.

I frowned.

"Sebastian Sallow, the liar." Ominis said, "I really thought your lying
schemes were over after the particular event." He reminded.

Ominis did hold a grudge against me for the lies and betraying I exposed to
him last year. He knew involving myself with dark magic was going to lead
to the worse, which it did, but dragging Y/n into the mess was way worst.

I respected Ominis for still keeping me as a friend, regardless of everything,

so I did understand the right of his remarks towards me.

"What event?" Imelda said almost curious.

I chuckled to myself, "None of your business."

"Go to hell, Sallow." Imelda fought, sliding herself away from us onto
another group of Slytherins.

"Already there." I told myself in honesty.

It did feel like hell.

I lost everything. I was alone and I was beginning to feel like the only thing
that I still have left—I was pushing her away. Well, I did push her away this

"How did you manage not speaking to Y/n all summer after abruptly never
shutting up about her all fifth year?" Ominis asked.

I didn't know how to answer, because honestly, I didn't have an answer


"I don't know, Ominis. I just didn't." I spoke, 'It's complicated."

"Y/n saved your life and plenty of others, what's so complicated about
that?" Ominis argued.

It wasn't very common to fight with Ominis, but Y/n joining into a trio, the
defensiveness we had around her did create a bit of a feud.

Again, I didn't answer.

"That day at the Undercroft...was that the last time you two spoke?" Ominis

I sat there, rethinking the last meet-up.

There were so many words I wanted to confess to Y/n. I knew there was life
or death hanging on her hands and yet, all I managed to say was,

"I have no idea what's to come, but I am grateful for your friendship. I'm
glad you came to Hogwarts."

Stupid, I know. Imagine if Y/n didn't make it? And those were my last
words to her? I was s utterly stupid.

"It was." I answered.

Ominis brows rose, "Wow. I hate you too now." He joked.

"I hate myself too,"


tbh if you think about it...sebastian's life is so sad now



It took three weeks for Sebastian Sallow to reach out for the first time after
four months. Yeah, three weeks. We spent this first month of the sixth year
not really speaking at all.

There were nights were I blamed myself for the potions storeroom
encounter. My body language must've caught up on him and he noticed the
cue, leaving me alone.

But there were also nights when I went through deep, post-traumatic
nightmares of the battles again. I had to speak to Professor Sharp for some
remedy potions and visit the hospital wing every Thursday for a check-up.

"Hazel, you've gotten quite bigger than when I last visited." I petted the
snow-white unicorn near the glowing lake.

"I've been feeding her more often lately," Poppy said, joining the petting,
"Professor Howin gives me some time out of her class to come visit their
pond." She informed.

"I forgot Beasts class is your elective this year." I said to Poppy.
Her short hair waved as she smiled from the other side of the pet.

"I really want to be an animal caretaker. Rescuing them and just taking care
of them. I was born for it." Poppy said in confidence.

I did agree with her. I've spent lots of quality time with Poppy Sweeting to
the point where she opened up about her life and her parents being
poachers; she became estranged from them, not following their beliefs.

I don't think I ever found myself denying any offer of rescuing pets with
her. The adventures seemed more therapeutic and worth it in the end—
except for the dragon egg event. Never again.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be excellent—"

Within my speaking, a familiar whistle distracted our view deep forest and
when I looked up, a pair of beige wings flew ahead.

"An owl?" Poppy's brown eyes lit up.

We both watch as the owl lowered on me and it only took a few inches until
I distinguished the familiar wings in front of me.

I didn't even need to open the piece of parchment paper that dropped near
my hands. Just looking at the animal itself was enough to reveal whom it
was from.

"Long time no see, Flooty." I spoke out.

Yeah, Flooty.

It wasn't surprising to know Sebastian named his owl after something silly.
Very ironic if you asked me, but after joking with him when he first told
me, I understood the reasoning behind it.

"Is that an owl for you? Do you know who it's from?" Poppy asked in

I knew exactly who it was from.

My fingers trembled a little and almost struggle to open it, but I was able to
do it and finally read off it.


I've not forgotten about our ventures — We need to talk. Meet me at

the Undercroft.

I am hopeful to see your presence there this evening.


I opened my lips slightly, re-reading the letter to myself before taking a

gulp from the meet-up in less than two hours.
"There's a certain change in your expression, Y/n." Poppy stated, noticing
my emotions. "Would it be curious of me to ask—"

"It's Sebastian." I answered bluntly.

I trusted Poppy. She always seemed mutual with everyone in school, so the
mention of Sebastian never really shocked her.

Poppy once bumped into me and Sebastian one day at the Forbidden Forest,
in-which none of us were allowed and ended up defeating multiple
matriarch spiders.

"Sebastian Sallow," Poppy repeated, "I've heard he's captain of the Slytherin
quidditch team this year...again."

I furrowed my brows at the emphasis on, "again,"


Poppy nodded, feeding the rest of the unicorn as she spoke.

"Yeah! Quidditch was off fifth year, but he was co-captain third year. He
played with his sister, Anne, a lot before...she left," Poppy informed. "They
were really good."

Before Anne got cursed.

I nodded slowly, "Did he play the fourth year?"

Poppy shook her head, "No. I am assuming with the disappearance of his
sister, Sebastian did not participate in anything. Hence, why he's always
lacking in his marks and getting constant detentions."

I do remember Sebastian admitting that he had quite a record of detentions

when meeting him. That me being the new student excused him since he
was my mentor.

"I wasn't aware of his quidditch play." I admitted, wondering what else I
really didn't know about Sebastian Sallow.

"Really?" Poppy rose her thin brows at me, "I presumed, he's quite a talker.
I am surprised with all the adventures, he would've told his autobiography
to you by now." She giggled.

I finally let out a laugh at Poppy's humor and looked down, smiling at the

"Well...we'll find out."

"What's the point of sixth year if O.W.Ls are complete already?" Nellie
complained in our dormitory that evening.

After spending my day off with Poppy in the safe zone of the forest, I
walked back to get ready and re-think about my decision of seeing
Sebastian Sallow on the Undercroft.

I hadn't known what intention he had with this. I have gotten so use to him
only contacting me when there was danger or trail walking, I needed a
change of clothes.

"Nellie...N.E.W.Ts exist, you know?" Cressida reminded. "Anyways, I am

going down by the fireplace. Anyone cares to join?"

"No thanks. Quidditch practice was rough enough. I might just lay here til'
morning." Nellie lay on her made bed with uniform still on.

I chuckled to myself, "With quidditch uniform?"

Although my back was on them, I can feel Nellie stare from afar.

"Look who's talking." Nellie scoffed, "Wouldn't you enter the common
room at bloody four in the morning and just knock out there?" She judged.

I slipped on my adventurous clothing outfit and rolled my eyes at the


"She was saving the world!" Cressida said in an exaggerated tone,

"Anyways, excuse me. You should find me downstairs." She exited.

Only me and Nellie were left inside the room.

I almost felt my own stomach churn putting on the gear clothing.

I haven't really worn battling clothing since defeating Ranrok. It was almost
triggering, but I was definitely better than this, and wearing it almost
brought back memories of the pre-gaming I did with my peers before the

"Where are you secretly heading off to now?" Nellie noticed my outfit.

I turned, dusting off my attire, "Nowhere? Just exploring."

"You defeated everyone. What's there to fight off now?" Nellie joked.

My emotions, Nellie. My emotions.

"You know if you're really bored, you can use that special magic of yours to
save us a win in quidditch." Nellie added.

I was hesitant about joining the sport. It seemed fun and competitive, but
my body was still recovering from everything. It seemed tiring.

"Perhaps, next year." I sighed.

"I don't go around offering a free quidditch spot for a Gryffindor, you
know? Your broom skills were too good. We need you." Nellie reminded.

I felt bad for denying it, but I couldn't imagine myself being up in the air
and competing against Sebastian Sallow.
There was secondhand embarrassment just thinking about it.

"Thanks, I'll keep the offer in mind, Nellie." I grew a small smile, hoping
she wouldn't sense my denial.

And with that, I walked away from the room, preparing myself to meet
Sebastian Sallow for the first time in the Undercroft.


hmm poppy's personality reminds me of luna lovegood. am i the only



Sebastian's Perspective

"I've hung with her plenty of times. Why am I suddenly hating myself at the
thought of seeing her?" I told myself, biting my nails that evening.

It was stupidly embarrassing. It was more embarrassing for me at the

thought that I managed the urge to not communicate with her the last

Did I want to? Yes, but I did get a sixth sense that Y/n held a grudge against

I've had my reasonings and I hope that if Y/n showed up this afternoon, I
can briefly explain myself before quidditch practice.

It was a quarter before the enchanted clock above the fire-lit room made it
to five when the familiar metal doors creaked near the entrance of the

I've had my back turned, still staring at the puzzle painting where Y/n and I
distinguish the lost memories and truth of her powerful magic.

"You've made it." I said lowly.

I wanted to stay in this manly stance of showing off my new egoistic side
with uniform and posture, but when I heard familiar boots click on the
floor, I turned.

"I always do." Y/n let out, almost in a sighing way.

Turning, I confronted the female gaze that stood at least ten feet away from

The clothing Y/n wore caught me off guard.

Not only did the once-battling outfit she wore almost every day in our fights
against monsters fitted her tightly now, but it was difficult to avoid
observing her.

Her height stayed the same, of course, but the once softened facial features
of an innocent new fifth year girl turned into a more smooth aging structure.
Like a woman now.

Yeah, it was only four months apart, but the distraction of her attire sitting
around her toned legs and the buttoned shirt barely fitting through her, now
grown, breasts, it was insane to think what puberty does.

I kept my cool, clearing my throat and nodding, almost feeling ashamed of

her use of words.

"Well, I appreciate your arrival." I let out, "But, I can't comprehend your
use of attire."

Y/n stared blankly. I can almost catch her staring down at my quidditch
uniform and wondering why both of our outfits were almost opposites.

"Why are you wearing them?" I chuckled, hoping letting out a humorous
tone can bring back the same friendship.

Y/n didn't laugh. Instead, she just pursed her lips and looked down at her
boots before speaking in honesty.

"You'll only send an owl when you needed somewhere to go or battle

someone out," Y/n stated, "Self-prepared now."

The guilt in me just triggered by the words. It'll only worsen as time went

"You thought I only called you here because I needed a favor from you?" I
asked, almost in annoyance.

Y/n stared everywhere, but at me.

"It's just common sense." She looked down.

I gulped, closing my eyes, and tried not to get angry at myself for the
realizations and reminders of how badly I must've taken advantage of her
all fifth year.

We both just stood in the middle of the Undercroft. Our bodies wanted to
say so much, yet only silence was the answer being given.

I looked up, still staring at Y/n, but as I said, her eyes were everywhere, but

"You can't even look at me." I laughed.

It wasn't a usual laugh. It was a sarcastic laugh.

I couldn't bare the thought that we were once so close with each other that
we'll make staring contest mid-woods to lose time before defeating stupid

Now, it seemed like it was just a beautiful disastrous dream.

Y/n's Perspective

How was I going to tell my inner-self that the once sixteen year old boy I
would stare at for giggles and do stupid stuff together is now a hard
seventeen year old to stare at?

I was already intimidated enough seeing him in quidditch uniform, let

alone, embarrassed that I came with the thought that we were going to risk
our lives again, yet he just has quidditch practice after this.

Remind yourself Y/n, you're a powerful witch now. You shouldn't be letting
your guard down over a man. Act confident.

My eyes shined at Sebastian's, pretending like they were so easy to look at

when in reality, I was fearing inside.

Ten feet apart, but I still sense the comfort in them. The care in them. He
was still the same boy I met. I saw it in them.

"I'm looking." I called out.

Sebastian just sighed, breaking the contact and looking down, "Look, I am
sorry, Y/n."


"What are you apologizing for exactly?" I questioned, still ten feet apart.

"What do you mean for what?" Sebastian scoffed, "I want to apologize
for...well, everything. I didn't want you to get the idea that I was using you
up again. It wasn't my intention."
Again. So, he was openly admitting that he knew the advantage of it.

I closed my eyes, "Using me up?"

"Yeah, I spent all of last year putting myself first and manipulating you into
many things. You were already going through enough and my ego won me
over." Sebastian admitted.

His voice was so deep, if I closed my eyes again, I almost felt like I was
talking to another person. It was crazy.

I stood quiet.

I wanted to agree with him and accept the apology. Yeah, there were times
were I didn't want to join him, but he'll practically beg and convince me that
it was all for his sister, Anne.

Plus, I did enjoy the adventures sometimes. Yeah, there was blood and
almost died plenty of times, but we are standing here now.

"Well..." I played with my own fingers, "I owe you for the library mess."

Sebastian just scoffed again, "Are you serious?"

"Well, what are you expecting me to say, Sebastian?"

"Anything, but that." He pointed.

I felt heated, and I didn't know why.

Sebastian was clearly apologizing, in-which I was hoping for, but for the
wrong things.

I looked to the side, "You want me to get mad? You are aware it's been
almost half a year."

"I do realize that. I-I just did not think that...that..." He was lost within his

"That I'll survive the battle with Ranrok, so you couldn't care less about the
aftermath on what happened to me?" I finished for him.

Sebastian looked at me in disbelief, "What? No, no, you have my words

wrong. You have no idea how crucial it would've been to know you lost."

"Yeah, because if I died, this magic of mine you were rooting for all year
would die along." I reminded.

It did hurt that one time after seeing the last memory of Isadora in the
pensive with Sebastian.

After his realization that my magic can potentially save his sister, he just
seemed to express that all this time I was the guinea pig for him.

Sebastian stood silent at my truth.

"But since Anne left you to live with guilt and never wanting to see you
again, you realized you couldn't benefit from me anymore." I openly

Sebastian turned to me, almost angry at my statement.

"W-What?! No. What?" He said out loud, "You don't dare say something
like that."

Angry Sebastian. Nothing new.

I've experienced first-hand Sebastian getting upset and going through a

rollercoaster of emotions many times last year, but somehow now, they
were more expressive.

"I am allowed to say that," I spoke back, "Did you know I almost died
defeating Ranrok? O-Or how I have to live with so much trauma losing Fig
and watching myself over and over killing monsters alone?"

I didn't mean to argue. I wasn't planning for our first post-battle meet up to
be this intense, but we had both been through so much, it was hard at the

Sebastian just shook his head, "Well, my apologies. I was too busy also
living with the trauma of losing my entire family and taking the life of
someone. Do you know how hard that feels?" He argued.

"Nobody told you to use that spell against him, Sebastian, you did that
yourself." I spoke out.
"You think I don't fucking know that?" Sebastian stood close.

I breathed heavily at the steps he took near me in an angry manner.

How his brows furrowed with his words and pink lips trembled a little after
holding in so many emotions.

"Clearly, you don't since you're using it against me to compare our traumas
now." I scoffed, stepping closer.

"You didn't check up on me once, Sebastian." I spat, "Once."

Sebastian just stared, "I was going through a lot, Y/n."

"I was too." I reminded, "And yet, I sent my last owl to you the moment I
defeated the final monster. And what did I receive back? Not another word
from you."

I have forgotten to mention that I did send an owl to Sebastian.

Truthfully speaking, after losing Professor Fig, I had this hope that I could
reconcile with Sebastian Sallow, thus, sending that owl since he was my
only resource left—but, I never got a response all summer.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. It was hard." Sebastian admitted.

"Sending an owl was hard? It wasn't hard when you'll send them every
single day last year, yet, not one notice?" I asked.
"Did you receive my owl?" I questioned again for reassurance.

Sebastian stood still.

"Sebastian Sallow, did you receive my owl?" My breath increased.

I didn't know why this felt like I was about to be heartbroken. Heartbreaks
were supposed to be about love and loss, why is a refusal of a letter still
hurt as much?

Sebastian looked down at me, his eyes softening, "I did, Y/n. I did,"

I looked down, not wanting to think much of it.

"You know, I lost many people I cared about this past year." I gulped, "And
for some reason, I feel like you're one of them."

"You're being dramatic, Y/n. I'm right here—"

"Yeah, but were you there at all this summer? Even Ominis wrote to me.
Apparently, you're a really good liar at telling him how much exchange
owls we had." I reminded him.

There was once an owl around July when Ominis mentioned Sebastian that
made me rise up that day, but he said something along the words of,
...Sebastian has told me you two have exchanged plenty of letters and
caught up. How great...

"He was just asking about you too much, I needed to lie, okay?" Sebastian

"Or you could've just told him that I didn't benefit our friendship anymore,
so you—"

"Can you stop saying that?" Sebastian rose again, "I didn't take your
friendship for granted, Y/n. You know that. It wasn't always battles and

"Most of it was, Sebastian." I said under my breath.

"Nobody told you to join me." Sebastian reminded, "Did I once say in those
owls that if you don't show up to my destination I'll kill you? I never forced

"Now you're putting the blame on me for being kind-hearted and wanting to
help Anne?" I gasped. "You're mean."

"I didn't force you, Y/n. Just like I didn't force you to show up here this
evening." Sebastian spat.

Ouch. Now that definitely caught me off guard.

I spent this summer crying and using up my own ancient magic to train
myself to feel emotionless toward everything that I was put through. It took
months to learn, but yet, even now, I felt like I never taught myself at all.

"Y-You're right." I swallowed, looking down and stepping away from

Sebastian, "I'm not forced to be here. It would not happen again, ever."

I turned my body angrily, walking away from the tall Slytherin boy, but he
was surprisingly fast.

"Whoa, no, wait—"

Sebastian's hand wrapped around my wrist, wanting to turn me around and


"You wanted me here to apologize? Okay, cool, Sebastian, I forgive you,

but just do me a favor..." I stared at him,

Sebastian just breathed, looking intensely.

"Let's just pretend we never knew each other." I said bluntly, "If I had the
opportunity to obliviate the last year, I would."

Sebatian's eyes lowered, "Oh, come on. You will never go down that road. I
can never pretend not to know you, Y/n. Ever."

"You pretended not to know me all summer, Sebastian. I'm sure you can." I
said, releasing my wrist and walking away.

"Leave me alone, Sallow." I breathed, reaching the familiar entrance.

Sebastian scoffed, "Sallow? Seriously? You can't do this."

And well, I did.


friends to enemies? lol jk

ok but i ned you guys to understand that in reality...MC and Sebastian

went through A LOT in hogwarts legacy

It's only fair that their emotions right now are through the roof its a
crazy concept the deeper you think about it


I really thought my day was over exiting out that Undercroft. I really did,
but it only took two steps back into the DADA hall grounds before bumping
into someone.

"Sebastian?" Ominis voice called, standing a little off the clock.

I wanted to disguise myself and keep silent, hoping he didn't distinguish

me, but my heavy breaths post-fight were difficult to hide.

"Y/n." Ominis looks straight ahead, "It's you."

I swallowed, pretending like I didn't have the urge to cry over the
overwhelming hard use of words and reminders I just went through with
Sebastian Sallow a few minutes back.

"Ominis," I manage to force out, "It's okay. I'm about to leave—"

"Are you alright? Your voice is quite different. Is Sebastian down there?"
He asked.
Yeah, he definitely was.

I just stared at him.

Ominis wasn't going to notice anyways, but I just stared, seeing his own
expressions trying to figure me out just by the tone of voice.

"I'm f-fine," I lied, "Yeah, he's down there...I should go."

As my body fought its own demons wanting to leave out of that tower
immediately, Ominis just kept pushing it.

"Wait!" Ominis called out from afar.

I wanted to ignore it, but Ominis was a good person.

We did start off badly, due to the introduction of my friendship with

Sebastian, but after getting to know each other and going down the dark
path, we both became trustworthy.

I stopped in my tracks, hoping he could sense I was still there.

Ominis looked ahead, his wand still glowing a little bit.

"If you're still here...I am not sure what happened between you and
Sebastian down there, but whatever he did, I apologize for it." Ominis said
from the distance.
My eyes lowered, almost not surprise Ominis knew his best friend more
than anyone else. They were almost like brothers now and for him to
understand the cues of situations like this even if he couldn't see, it was

"I am just talking to myself, am I?" Ominis spoke, thinking he was alone in
that corridor.

I felt bad, and I denied his speculations.

"I am here, Ominis," I pursed my lips, "The Undercroft is all yours." I said
before walking away.

Sebastian's Perspective

"Levioso, confringo!" I let out heavily.

I watched as the barrels slammed against the hardened brick walls and blew
up in the distance.

Sometimes, I was glad the Undercroft had many meanings. From a

playroom to an escape room, to anything really—or a destroying room for
right now.

"Descendo!" I pushed forward the empty chest, letting them slam against
the same wall.
I breathed heavily, pretending like the post-argument emotions weren't
getting to me.

As if the thought of potentially losing my friendship with the girl I cared

most about wasn't going to get to me at all. As if I didn't set myself up for
this failure.


"Glacius." A voice called out, countering my firing spell and freezing the
barrels across from me.

I gasped, taking sight of the person standing quietly near the entrance of the
area and I sighed.

"We can't go around blowing up the castle you know, Sebastian?" Ominis
began stepping into the room, "I said the room was soundproof but
fireproof to an extent." He reminded.

I lowered my wand, listening to my best friend rant out his rules towards
the Undercroft and sighed again.

"How long have you been in here, Ominis."

"Enough to know that something went wrong." Ominis pointed.

I chuckled, "Were you eavesdropping?"

Ominis shrugged, "I don't eavesdrop. I am not like you...but I managed to

figure out that if you are throwing and flaming the space up, you are upset
about something."

I stood in the middle of the room, just staring down at the friend and hoping
for the best he wouldn't get the truth out of me.

"I am just practicing my arm movements for quidditch practice, which I am

late for." I informed him, "I should head—"

"I am beginning to think the more we age, the more you lie, Sebastian."
Ominis admitted.

My walking stopped mid-way, turning my head to the side and listening to

Ominis talk.

"There's a training room specifically for quidditch players on the lowered

floor pre-games and practices." Ominis said.

I rolled my eyes, "Alright, you caught me. So, what?"

Ominis sighed, almost tired of my own schemes.

"I bumped into Y/n before my arrival here." Ominis said.

And with that, it caught my attention, making my body turn 180 degrees
toward him,

"Yeah, I sent her an owl." Was all I could say.

"She didn't seem so happy leaving the Undercroft, Sebastian." Ominis


I stood quiet.

I wanted to ramble Ominis with so many questions regarding what Y/n

could've said after leaving. If they spoke and what exact words she said, but
I didn't want to let my guard down.

It was sad I couldn't even ask my own best friend my truth anymore.

"Hm, well," I adjusted my quidditch uniform, "We didn't get a good start
this year, I can say that," I murmured, pretending like it wasn't bothering

It bothered me a hell of a lot. It hadn't even been an hour and my head was
throbbing over the thought of going through the sixth year with Y/n being
upset with me.

Even to a point where she threatened the obliviation spell on the memories.
It was bizarre.

Ominis must've known my inner mind because he just spoke into the
"You could've told me you didn't actually owl her when I asked during the
summer." Ominis said.

And we're back to the reminder of no owls.

"I could've given you a hand if you were very hesitant about it. You were
well aware I was contacting Y/n too."

I huffed, "Yeah, I came to that conclusion, Ominis. I don't need the

reminder. I get it, and I regret it." I spat out.

"Do you? Because from what I inspect, Y/n is upset and you're still down
here practicing your arm movements for quidditch practice." Ominis
pointed out.

I felt bothered by his truthful marks and felt my brows frown from the truth.

"Ominis, I think it's very bloody obvious, I am not practicing the damn arm
movements," I confessed, "We fought. Y/n wants nothing to do with me. Is
it that hard to notice if you bumped into her right now?" I fought.

"Well, I can't see, so yes, it's quite difficult to notice what she was
expressing." Ominis said in a saddened manner.

I swallowed, looking down and biting my lip, fighting the urge to open up
to my best friend and tell him my real feelings about this.
"What's all this, Ominis?" I threw my arms up, "Are you siding with her
now, or something?"

Ominis brows rose at my questioning.

"Firstly, I wasn't familiar that there were sides," He wondered, "But if there
was an option, yeah, perhaps I would. Y/n has been through a lot." Ominis

I clenched my jaw, "You've known Y/n not only a year, and known me most
of our lives. You know I've been through a lot too."

"We've all been through a lot, Sebastian, but I don't think it's fair that she's
managed to agree and helped you out with plenty of stuff that, I, as your
best friend, would've never done or agreed with you." Ominis said.

"Oh, please—"

"Y/n took Crucio for—"

"Nobody told her to take it, Ominis!" I argued, "That was her choice. You
clearly saw us argue with each other for at least 10 minutes on how I should
take the unforgivable curse. I fought it off her!"

"None of you should've taken the curse in the first place, to begin with."
Ominis reminded, "After I told you guys my personal experience with it.
Yet, you cast it on her."
"Y/n wanted me to do it. You heard her." I said.

It was another regretful experience, but there was clearly no choice. We

were stuck inside that Slytherin cave and the only real option was to cast it,
regardless of who it was.

"And you did not hesitant once on it just because you wanted the
desperation of entering that stupid scriptorium." Ominis said.

He was right. The behavior I produced fifth year was insane thinking about
it now.

My mindset has clearly changed and taken a huge shift that if I were to go
back in time and change certain decisions I would. It was mentally

"Which wasn't even worth it by the way—"

"I am late for quidditch practice, Ominis." I screeched, passing him, almost
giving off an elbow hit in the process.

"So, that's it? You just given up?" Ominis said as I walked.

I haven't. There was so much to say, yet I was silent.

I don't think I'll be able to survive the guilt of losing Y/n, let alone, risking
Ominis. We were a good trio.
If I had to spend all sixth year gaining her back, I would.


yeahhhhh, we took crucio

did you cast crucio on sebastian?

did sebastian cast crucio on you?

i'm curious


Fifth Year

"Thestrals overhead," Sebastian's voice called out from behind, "Some

consider them a bad omen." He snarled.

"Hm, not everyone does..." I let out.

It was a few days after our very first friendship fight.

Sebastian's call out in taking me in as in, I quote, "ignorant person" and "do
not care enough about, Anne." The fight treatment only lasted 24 hours
before he threw in an owl and apologized.

"I know that." Sebastian said in a serious tone.

I rolled my eyes, continuously walking and giving off a loud sigh, "Hm,
There was a moment of silence. Only the sound of our feet walking through
the grass echoed at dawn.

"Y/n, I'm making small talk!" His voice extended at his last words, "I'm not
going to track up this mountain in silence..." he whined.

I couldn't help, but let out a soft giggle at his desperation for attention after
not handling the silence between us.


My memorable daydreaming came to end when a loud groan came off from
the Gryffindor table during dinner the next day.

Nellie sat down across from me, sliding off her quidditch uniform in front
of the entire great hall.

"There are restrooms for a reason!" Cressida screeched.

Rolling her eyes Nellie revealed herself in a layered long sleeve top,
making a few seventh-year boys whistle out at her from the far end of the

"I couldn't honestly care less at this point. Quidditch today was hell, I tell
you! Hell!" Nellie complained, shoving her fork onto the chicken.

"The games have not even started, Nellie." Natty said next to me, almost
surprised at the frustration our roommate gave.
"Well, get ready to lose against Slytherin..." Nellie murmured, "Sebastian
Sallow had no reason to be so aggressive today. He has no remorse for the
girls playing! No care at all in him."

"Merlin, he was challenging." Garreth Weasley sneered a few feet away,

"What went up his sleeve today?"

I tried not to think much about it.

I hadn't seen Sebastian since yesterday. I did have him for Charms again
today, but I avoided any single sight of him.

"Wit is definitely testing my limits in gameplay." Garreth added in.

How ironic that when I had this intention of ignoring Sebastian Sallow, it
seemed like my entire surroundings were full of his name. I couldn't handle
it at the moment.

"I'll have to excuse myself, I forgot I needed to head over to Nurse Blainey
today." I spoke out, trying to leave.

It felt almost breezing coming back onto the reception hall and not hearing
all the babbling about a certain Slytherin boy.

I tried not to think about it, but the more I avoided, the more it came to
mind. I definitely needed to take a trip somewhere far away from the great
I avoided the floo powder. I figured taking the walk toward the hospital
wing was going to clear my mind a bit, which it certainly did, to a certain

My feet almost stop their tracks when I made it to the entrance of the
healing area and confronted a familiar figure.

His hair was damp and laid flatly against his forehead while he adjusted his
Slytherin tie and spoke calmly to Nurse Blainey.

It seemed obvious he was fresh out of a shower, due to the information of

sharing quidditch practice with Gryffindor earlier and having a messy feud,
as Nellie informed.

"Now, you might feel a slight burn in your mouth if taken constantly," The
nurse informed him, "Just two drops, Mister Sallow. Overusing it can lead
to side effects."

I stood there awkwardly, pretending not to watch Nurse Blainey hand over
the small potion onto Sebastian's hands.

Calming Draught. I've recognized the blue hue of its liquid color. I only
know this because, well, it's a constant medicine I'll take almost every night
during the summer.

"I appreciate the help, Nurse Blainey," Sebastian stared down at the item.

His hands were so big, the bottle almost look miniature-sized in his grip.
Within the moment, Sebastian's gaze looked ahead, finally locking eye
contact after I stood there in silence, hoping he'll just walk away.

"Ah, Miss Y/l/n," The nurse took sight of my attention, "I was just
expecting your arrival today...Sebastian, you are free to go. Please, be aware
of the instructions given."

Sebastian's gaze still stood on me for a few seconds after the nurse's words,
it almost made me want to run away from the scene itself.

I broke the contact first, almost shaking my head from the intense glare, and
lowered my view, walking near the nurse and ignoring Sebastian's presence.

"Good evening, Nurse Blainey..." I let out, my hands together behind my

back playing with each other.

Again, although I wasn't staring at him, I can still feel the darkened hazel
eyes on me.

It was crazy to me that the castle was insanely huge, full of still
undiscovered places, and yet I found myself with him.

"I'll assume this would be my cue to go," Sebastian said lowly, "Thanks
again...Nurse Blainey."

My heart skipped at his presence, finally taking in the idea of pretending

not to know each other anymore, and felt myself sweat over it.
There was just so much unsaid.

I've had questions about what he was doing at the hospital wing. Or how
long he's also been taking a calming draught, let alone medicine I wasn't
aware of.

If only we kept in contact this summer.

Sebastian's Perspective

I didn't actually exit that hospital wing.

I was full of regrets already, I didn't want to regret eavesdropping on what

reasoning Y/n truly had for visiting the hospital wing once a week.

Yeah, I've noticed. No, I didn't stalk, but there are words around that she
would have weekly check-ins with the nurse for certain retakes on the
trauma she must've developed over the summer.

Using the disillusionment charm, I stood behind the entrance of the area and
just kneeled near a moving plant on the side.

"How have you felt this week, Y/n? Have the customized potions been
helping you ease off the magic control?" The nurse asked her.
"They have..." Y/n spoke in a low tone.

It was lies. I knew Y/n enough to distinguish when things weren't going

"How about the nightmares? Have they occurred more frequently again?
Professor Weasley had mentioned to me that you entered her office one
night due to intense flashbacks."

I closed my eyes, not wanting to imagine what Y/n could've possibly gone
through on the battle with Ranrok. It seemed almost traumatizing to me.

"T-They have lately." Y/n sighed, "I've noticed they develop when my
emotions become heightened by certain events. My inner magic begins to
hurt my head." She informed.

"Perhaps, if this continues, we might recommend Occlumency lessons—"

"No." Y/n said in fear, "The performance of legilimency causes pain.

Professor Sharp recommended that this summer, but I'm not ready yet."

I didn't think about how much I could've potentially missed out on not
keeping contact with Y/n after that. I didn't want to imagine what she truly
went through, let alone everyone that tried helping her during dark times

I should've been there. After everything Y/n did for me. I should've been
there this summer.
"I figured due to the magic you hold upon you, it won't work immediately.
It might be a slow progress. Are you at least holding up back to your
academics? Friends?" The nurse asked.

Y/n nodded, "Y-Yes...they've been a great distraction. Classes have helped."

"I know you spent a great amount of time with Poppy Sweeting, along with
Sebastian Sallow the past year."

I felt myself redden at the mention of my own name.

"Y-Yeah, Poppy...I rescue a few animals here and then...and, uh, yeah, I did
spend quite some time with S-Sebastian." Y/n forced out.

She couldn't even say my name anymore.

"He's also been visiting often. I believe since you two are close by, it would
be helpful to talk about the past events you witnessed together. We are
aware the two of you risked your lives in dark places fifth year." The nurse

Plenty of risks, plenty of deaths, and plenty of laughs. At the end of the day,
no matter how excruciating, scary, and traumatic certain events were
between Y/n and me, we laughed it off before.

Now, it seemed like a fainted, saddening dream. A dream you couldn't even
speak up or laugh about anymore. It was just non-existent that haunted you.
"It's alright. I consider them memories, not scary events." Y/n corrected,
"Comparing to the after-effects of them, I like to think of them as a memory
to look back to."

"Sebastian said the same thing." Nurse Blainey informed.

I wanted to scoff, almost feeling caught off guard over the call out of my
name, but I did say the same thing.

I found myself reminiscing the memories with Y/n. The happy ones, at
least. They were the only source of actual real emotion I've felt since Anne
was cursed.

Y/n triggered all of them, but I was just happy I felt them once again, yet—
they were slipping away.


boring chapter but it'll get better ok



Poppy didn't attend class one Monday morning.

Apparently, she was out hunting a few mooncalfs by herself Sunday night
and ended up getting bitten by a Venomous Scurrior. The pain was
predictably so bad she spent the night at the hospital wing.

Now, I found myself with a missing partner in Charms class. The one space
that was taken to help me avoid Sebastian Sallow was now open, making
the gap between us feel closer than ever.

"Now as I was saying,"

Although I never turned my head once to the side knowing Sebastian was a
seat next to me, I can still feel myself sweat between the quill.

I didn't even have to stare. The fluff of his brown hair was distracting
enough from the corner of my eye, I almost wanted to move seats.
"Y/n, where's my girl Poppy?" Garreth whispered from behind, distracting
me more.

I rolled my eyes at the side comment, still keeping my gaze straight ahead,
"She is not your girl, Weasley."

Amit, the Ravenclaw that always joined his stupid jokes, began laughing.

"I'm not losing her, right?" Garreth asked dramatically.

In the distance, I can hear a slight smirk come off Sebastian. Almost as if he
was hearing the conversation very clearly.

Focus, Y/n. Silent treatment.

"If you care so much about her, how about you send her an owl instead of
asking me, Garreth?" I whispered back. "Or just visit her at the hospital

Did I say that on purpose? Perhaps, I did, but it went both ways.

I wasn't directing the comment at Sebastian at all, but it would just make
perfect sense to say the correct words to not let it happen to another

"That's hot." Garreth teased, "Angry Y/n...nice."

Although the humor in him never left, I couldn't help, but find myself
reddening at Garreth's dumb compliment.

"This incantation can be performed better with peers. Give it a go and have
fun!" The professor told.

Of course, the only day Poppy decides to break her perfect attendance
record is the day we actually have to work together.

It wasn't required to perform the charm with a partner, but it was more
challenging doing it solo.

I didn't want to underestimate myself knowing that my spells were already

boosted enough with the ancient power engraved in me, but still, I was
young and didn't know how to perform certain spells.

As I tried and failed the incantation silently to myself, there was a moment
when I felt another presence near me and in that second I almost freaked

Luckily, the sudden rapid heartbeat lowered when Ominis took hold of
Poppy's empty space beside me.

"I began to feel you weren't going to perform this well." Ominis joked.

I gave off a faint smile, "Thanks."

It was odd, really.

Sebastian Sallow taught me the most spells up to this day. Most of my
powerful spells were because of him and to be struggling with one without
his help, but yet from his best friend, felt off.

"Impervius. Makes an object waterproof." Ominis said.

I nodded, listening.

"Just follow my wand movements,"

I sat there, eyeing the blonde's wand in my view, pretending like if I moved
a few inches more forward Sebastian's face would be right there.

"Impervious," I whispered.

I followed along, copying the movements like Ominis, but instead of the
eraser in our desk becoming waterproof it began to bounce off the wooden

"Oops, that doesn't sound right." Ominis overheard.

I sighed, "It's fine, Ominis. I'll learn."

"It's impervius." A familiar voice called from the side.

Ominis eyes just stayed in place, listening to the fixture of words.

Sebastian's head finally peaked inches away, glancing at me before staring
down at Ominis.

"You might have to make her pronounce it in a thick accent for it to actually
work." Sebastian spoke out.

Her. He was speaking almost in third person point of view, as in teaching

me the spell, but not directly speaking to me, but at Ominis to pass it on.

Sebastian was really keeping his favor of leaving me alone.

Fifth Year

"Cloaks? Those are expensive." Sebastian complained, "But, spells? Spells

are free."

I held in my laugh at his tone of voice as we stood at the central hall near
the ledge of the stairs.

Sebastian had suggested sneaking into the library on my first week to make
me a certified Hogwarts student, but I wasn't aware of the spells yet.

"I can be sneaky. Let's go!" I said in excitement, my adrenaline rising at the

Sebastian scoffed, "Hold on now! I haven't even taught you the spell and
you're running off?" He laughed.
I stood there almost dumb, "R-Right, right, sorry.."

"Don't be. I like this energy of yours," Sebastian chuckled to himself, "The
spell is the disillusionment spell. Good for getting places you're not
supposed to be."

"Sound fun." I giggled.

"Certainly is," Sebastian smiled, "Now, I'll teach you and you cast it,

"More than ready, Sallow." I smiled, lifting my wand.



My head went back to reality towards Ominis voice.

When my eyesight adjusted, I realized the class was over and a few students
were already dismissing it as I dozed off the early memory.

I breathed, "H-Huh?"

Ominis sighed, "Perhaps we can learn it another time. I have a nap to take
before Herbology. Excuse me."

I just sat there against my seat, watching the Slytherin boy stand up and let
his blinking wand guide his way out of the class.
"Hope to see you later, Y/n." Ominis waved.

"Likewise." I nodded, still keeping my view of the bouncing eraser in front

of me.

I didn't actually stand up from my seat immediately. Instead, I just eyed the
annoying bouncing eraser at my sight.

"Glacious." A voice whispered behind me.

The pink eraser froze, finally laying flatly against the desk again, unmoved.

I closed my eyes, pretending it was just my imagination at this point.

"It'll keep bouncing off if you don't perform a counter-spell." Sebastian


I kept my arms crossed, now staring at the dead eraser and acting as if my
inner body wasn't feeling a thousand emotions from the fact that he stayed

"Ah, Miss Y/l/n and Mister Sallow," Professor Ronen called out, almost
forgetting there were students left in class. "Did you two manage to perform
the spell together?"

We weren't even partners in the first place.

I gulped, not knowing what to say.

"Yes, Professor." Sebastian covered, "I was just teaching her. She performed
well." He lied.

I didn't understand why he lied, but it just would've made complete sense to
say that instead of saying no and having more conversation between all of

"Right." I agreed, awkwardly.

"Very well then," Professor Ronen nodded, "I expect to see you demonstrate
the spell well Wednesday morning." He smiled before closing all the
textbooks with his wand and exiting.

Only Sebastian and I were left inside the Charms classroom.

Was the temperature hot in here? Yes. The space was so big, yet this
intense, awkward encounter made me feel extremely claustrophobic.

"Impervius." Sebastian casted on the empty room.

The call out made me slightly jump, but I watched as the eraser made a
layer on itself.

Sebastian's hand extended behind me, grabbing the glass of water we all
held at a desk and dropped it on the eraser.
His fingers curled evenly against the glass and it only took two seconds to
see the water splash out from the eraser, showing that the waterproof charm
was performed correctly.

"There," Sebastian said," I cast the charm on your eraser. There's no need to
struggle in case he calls you out Wednesday to perform it." His voice
echoed close to my ear.

Again, I just sat there, almost stuck in my own world watching Sebastian's
hand rest on the desk in front of me.

The sleeves of his uniform rolled up as an arm rested beside me while his
body stood standing, but in a resting manner.

If he had rested his other hand, he would've caged me by now.

Understanding the silent treatment I asked of him, the arms quickly

removed and I heard his body posture adjust again preparing to leave after
no words were said.

I swallowed, hearing his footsteps walk.

"Sebastian," I held the urge to call out.

My head finally turned to the brunette tall boy that was once behind me; his
tall body turning at me at the mention of his name.

Sebastian stared, waiting for me to say something else, his eyes on me.
I did feel my lips part, wanting to thank him and maybe, change my mind
about this entire feud that happened between us, but I still held that grudge.

Sebastian must've noticed my thoughts because he nodded, giving off a

fainted smile.

"It's alright. You don't have to force yourself to say anything to me at all."
He said before walking away from the classroom.

This was difficult.


i want them to make-out already



"Eee, it's Hogsmeade opening week!" Cressida screeched entering the

Gryffindor common room the third week of October.

It's been a month. And before you go on and ask what I'm keeping track of
—I was keeping track of the silent treatment me and Sebastian held against
each other.

After the help he once gave me that one time in Charms class, I did proceed
to get a good mark on it thanks to him, but the friendship never really

Nor, the nightmares.

Nor, the memories.

Nor, anything really. It just worsen.

"If only you were that enthusiastic over our first Quidditch game this
Friday." Nellie murmured, reading her book near the fireplace couch chair.
"Who are guys going against?" Natty asked, warming her hands near the
fireplace after coming back from Beasts class outdoors.

"Take a wild guess, Natty." Nellie rested her head, almost sleeping on the
comfortable chair.

I was informed it was a tradition to always start off quidditch season with
the most competitive houses, which of course, fell into Gryffindor vs

As I haven't been here in the previous years, the build-up of the first game
was all over the schools. Banners, tags, stickers—it was chaotic. Especially,
for the boys.

"The snakes, of course." Cressida finished off.

"This is exciting," Natty said, "This would be Y/n's first game-watch."

"Y/n, a little birdy told me you've volunteered to be a cheerleader for the

house team." Garreth joined the conversation with a few other Gryffindor

Oblivious as I was, I furrowed my brows, "There are cheerleaders?"

Nellie groaned, "Ugh, no. Weasley is just being a stupid Weasley! They are
just messing with you." She grew a middle finger at him.

Garreth smirked, "There could be! How are there scorekeepers, and bands,
but no cheerleaders? Do you realize how much that would boost up our
motivation to win?"

I giggled, rolling my eyes, "Sucks to suck."

"Y/n you should join me and Natty at Zonko's!" Cressida suggested, "The
joke shop always offers signs and attire for the games. We all have one."

I hadn't stepped foot at Hogsmeade in months, so the offer did boost my

mood quite a bit.

I smiled, "I'll love that."

"For October, this weather seems to be quite colder, don't you think?" Natty
shivered, "Should've taken use of my winter robe already."

All three of us walked around the pathway toward Hogsmeade, enjoying the
nature view and just speaking with each other.

Before making it to the Hogsmeade Valley pathway, I began to reminisce

about my first time stepping foot here.

Sebastian never stopped talking and he was probably the best mentor I've
gotten up to date on showing me around. It was an unforgettable memory.

I hated myself for rethinking back to those times, but sometimes, they just
happened naturally to soothe the trauma.
"Look we should get some musical balloons to pre-game!" Cressida said
happily inside the joke shop.

I never really set foot inside the joke shop. I was more distracted with
missions, the closest I got to a fun store was Honeydukes.

"And some banners." Natty pointed.

Who knew I'll walk out of Zoko's with banners and a t-shirt representing
Gryffindor's team for this weekend?

I haven't felt this sort of excitement in a while.

"Hey, the sun hasn't set. Care for a butterbeer?" Cressida suggested.

Natty was hesitant, "Ehm, my mother is quite a bit picky against the
butterbeer..." she scratched the back of her head.

"Come on! It's the sixth year!" Cressida encouraged.

I laughed knowing I was already drinking butterbeer on my first visit in

fifth year.

"I'm sure there's plenty of other optional drinks in the three broomsticks,
Natty." I followed along.

Natty smiled, "Only because Y/n said so."

Luckily, The Three Broomsticks was right across from us so the walk was
only a minute before the wooden doors opened.

The scent of butterbeer was nostalgic and I can notice a few student
bickering around the place knowing they were waiting for it to open again.

"Hmm," Cressida sniffed, "It's packed, but I'm sure we can find ourselves

"Ah, there's a face I've seen." Sirona Ryan called out.

I turned at the recognition and smiled, waving, "Nice to see you, Sirona."

"Can't thank you enough for your favors. Glad to see you back at
Hogwarts." Sirona nodded, "Make yourself comfortable. Butterbeers on

Cressida clapped, "Ah, you're definitely coming with me at each visit now."
She nudged me as we walked deeper onto the area.

"There are three floors and yet, all packed? Bummer." Natty looked around,
"Let's head up the stairs."

Sometimes, I wished we could've just stayed standing near the bar stools
and taken our drinks standing up. I really did.

"Yay, there's an empty table—"

My ears lost their focus on Cressida when my sight took over on the table
near the end of the second floor.

Sebastian Sallow stood sitting down on a two-seat wooden coffee table, but
he wasn't alone.

I guided his smile to whom it went across, Adelaide Oakes, a Hufflepuff I

once interacted with one time for help, sat with him.

You know that feeling when you see something you weren't supposed to
and your heart just drops onto your stomach? Or when your throat closes
just a little bit?

Yeah, that was me and I hated my own feelings at that moment.

"Take a seat Y/n!" Cressida patted.

Best of luck, our table was just across the other side, so sadly, I had the best
view of them from the distance.

I swallowed, Sebastian not turning once and I took a breath, pretending like
it was nothing new.

"R-Right.." Was all I could say.

It couldn't be jealousy. We weren't dating, let alone talking, let alone,

friends at all anymore, so why was it that I was feeling so odd at the sight of
Sebastian Sallow with another girl?
My eyes were obvious. Way too obvious because my own friends took
notice of my gaze.

"Is that Sebastian with Adelaide, again?" Cressida whispered, noticing the
view across.

Again. Again? She said, again?

"Again?" I breathed.

Nerves down, Y/n. It should be none of your business.

Natty turned slightly, noticing them too, and turning back, her brows raising
almost in a way of saying it was awkward.

Cressida and Natty looked at each other before they turned to me.

"You don't know?" Cressida asked.

Oh no. I hope it isn't what I think it is.

My hands tingled beneath the small wooden table, wanting the urge to just
keep my fingers calm.

"K-Know what exactly?"

They're not dating. It's impossible. No way.

"They use to be boyfriend and girlfriend for a few months back in the third
and fourth year!" Cressida whispered.

The news still took a toll on me.

Sebastian never spoke about his dating life. Not that it was ever a topic, but
he always made it seem like he was hard with girls and never made moves,
but my expectations were definitely wrong.

Way wrong.

"O-Oh..." I looked down. "So, they d-dated, I presume." I gulped.

"Well, I haven't seen them together until now! They use to be like best
friends, almost like how you two were fifth year, but like—"

"Cressida," Natty whispered, almost hinting to her that the topic was
making me slightly uncomfortable.

They weren't aware of my true feelings and feud with Sebastian, but they
were girls that stayed in my dormitory every single day for most of the year.

Of course, at some point, we couldn't hide our own secrets from each other.
As girls, we lived for gossiping.

Cressida looked at me, adjusting her glasses, "Sorry...I could stop if it—"
"What? No." I scoffed, playing it off, "I—We aren't even friends anymore. I
really don't care. I just never seen him with...a girl."

Not that I was underestimating Sebastian Sallow's charming personality, but

when I met him, it always seemed like it was all about us.

I put him first, he put me first. The whole concept was just new to me.

"Nobody has...I'm guessing they must be reconciling." Natty whispered.

Something we couldn't do.

I nodded, my eyes slowly gazing up, taking one last look at Sebastian
Sallow from afar.

His weight leaned against the chair, manspreading as the hands held a

His body was so tall and stiff, he made the chair look very small beneath.

He just seemed so manly now, it was still hard news.

And he caught me.

Sebastian's eyes turned rapidly, and I didn't have time to turn back.

We both lock within the distance, almost surprised at finding each other in
the same place, but our view was cut off.
"Two butterbeers and one pumpkin juice." Sirona's body appeared, blocking
my view of the boy once and for all.

And I sat there inside that rustic tavern pretending like I wasn't slightly hurt.


so close yet so far



I watched as the men walked around the Hogwarts halls wearing their fitted
Quidditch sweaters with their house logo on them.

"Times like these where I wish I was a quidditch player to have an excuse
to wear those lovely, cozy sweaters." Poppy admired, watching them.

It was Friday. Game day.

The excitement building up to this day made me feel jittery that for once,
they'll be an event I'll attend involving no monsters, just cheers, and

How a normal Hogwarts student was supposed to experience.

"I would be riding Highwing instead of a broom though." Poppy added in,
sitting at the Hufflepuff table.
There wasn't a requirement to sit at your house table during breakfast, so I
always found myself taking turns switching tables once in a while.

"Why am I not surprise—"

I couldn't finish my sentence because my sight was distracted by a few

students that entered late for breakfast at the great hall.

A group of Slytherin boys entered into a cocky matter with their team
sweaters, but there was just one in particular that stood out most.

The team captain. Sebastian Sallow.

My own eyes watched from afar, observing the walk to his own table.

The forest green hue of his knitted sports sweater suited him perfectly
against his broad chest. The clothing material must've been a size down
because you can clearly see the well-trained muscles that wanted to peak
through it.

There was no smile in him. Just a straight look as he walked over beside
Ominis and took a random seat on his own house table, his back on me
from two tables ahead.

Hormones—it was just the hormones in me, right?

There was no absolute reason for Sebastian Sallow to look extremely good
wearing anything that was outside his uniform.
"Your ex definitely had a glow-up." A random Hufflepuff girl giggled from

I was stupid to think that for one second, I thought she was speaking
directly to me. That Sebastian was a reasonable ex, but she wasn't.

I don't even know why I even thought that if we never dated. Why did I
underestimate this?

A few seats away on my left stood Adelaide Oakes. Her blonde hair
bounced around as she let out a blush at the girl's words.

"I'm guessing the grief this summer must've helped him get more mature."
Another girl added with a laugh.

I felt my eyes on them over the bitter words.

They said it in a joking matter, but as someone that also went through grief,
the matureness in us wasn't an option. It was haunting and delicate.

"Well, maybe his trauma was the answer for him to actually act right this
time." Adelaide snarled, "He's easier to persuade now."

Poppy's brown eyes were on me, also eavesdropping on the conversation as

we both just stared at each other at how bizarre the conversation was.

"Was she always this unappreciative?" I whispered across.

Poppy's innocent eyes just stared in shock, and looked down, "Not really.
She lost her popularity when you entered."

I rose my brows, almost choking on my own water, "What?"

I wasn't interested in the popularity or status at Hogwarts. How ironic of me

to say that as if I wasn't known to be "the hero of all", but that wasn't the

I wasn't aware of the drama or how the superiority levels worked, but
finding out about them made me re-think twice about certain people.

"She broke up with Sebastian for being too close to Anne." Poppy informed
in a low matter.

I scoffed, "Anne is his sister!" I whispered loudly.

Poppy nodded, "Not many Hufflepuffs actually belong here, Y/n." She

It surprises me to know the true face of Adelaide Oakes. I did have one
encounter with her and it was the help of rescuing her uncle being
kidnapped by Rankrok loyalists. It seemed more like a suicide mission now
that I think about it. That was it.

I didn't really get to know her, so to hear the news of her past with
Sebastian Sallow, plus her inhumane personality—I think I just made
myself a nemesis.
Sebastian's Perspective

"Good luck in your game tonight, Seb." Adelaide waved a little after dinner.

I was walking down the stairs of the reception hall, preparing to walk out of
the school grounds and transfer to the clock tower onto the quidditch field
for more practice beforehand.

I looked over to the blonde girl and let out a small smile, "Thanks,

Adelaide smiled back, her group of Hufflepuff girls giggling with each
other as they walked away.

"Seeing you speak with Adelaide after everything she did third year was
really not on my list this year." Ominis spoke whilst walking.

It wasn't mine either.

There was certain history I had with Adelaide Oakes. I wouldn't really
consider her a girlfriend since we were kids and never really passed the
"kiss on the cheek" stage, but we did have a bond at some point.

The reconciliation only happened, well...she found me alone at the library

one evening and the conversation re-started from there.
"Jealous much, Ominis?" I joked to my best friend.

Ominis chuckled, looking straight ahead, "Me? Jealous? More like

concerned. Care to remind you, she broke with you for being too close to
your sister."

I rolled my eyes, "We were kids. I'm sure she's slightly different now."

"Or you just want a distraction." Ominis admitted under his breath.

He must've thought I wouldn't hear his murmuring words, but I found

myself stopping him before the entrance exit and pulled him aside.

"Care to clarify what you mean by that, Ominis?" I questioned.

Ominis didn't fight off the paused walking, he just dusted off his shoulder
where I once touched him and shrugged with no emotion.

"Nothing to stress about, Seb," He mimicked Adelaide's name towards me,

"Just ironic that you suddenly have this attention towards another girl after
no longer having access to Y/n."

Sometimes, I despise Ominis for his straightforward words. He never held

back and was always brutally honest with me no matter the circumstances.

The constant fights over any topics were common with the long-term
friendship, but as we got older, they were harder to even out.
"Brave of you to think I have some sort of thought towards Y/n to even
want to use another girl for distraction." I lied, "We're no longer friends. It's
been a month already. Get over it, Ominis."

I was angry because I was in fact not over it and my best friend was right
about my intentions.

Adelaide was pretty and reconciling with her did bring me a bit of comfort
with my past, but I don't think she can ever overpower me as Y/n did all
fifth year.

The feelings were completely opposite and this felt more like an intended
distraction to distract me from the fact that Y/n no longer wanted anything
to do with me.

"I apologize then," Ominis nodded, understanding, "We are in our sixth
year. I get the testosterone levels might be reaching you. Good for you
then." He patted my shoulder.

I just frowned.

"I can't see you, but from the groan, you're frowning at me, so I'll let you
be, Seb." Ominis joked.

I watched Ominis walk away, and I turned in annoyance, "Merlin, please do

not call me that!"

"I'll be in the stands pretending to watch your game later, Seb!" Ominis
continued, disappearing onto the grand staircase.
As I transferred myself from the grand entrance onto the other side of the
castle, I walked through the beautiful structure, preparing my mind for the

In between my walk, I must've gotten distracted by my steps and

accidentally found myself deeper onto the clock tower, near the Gryffindor
lower hall.

Fifth Year

I walked hastily, almost bumping into a few Gryffindors as I breathed

heavily, staring down at the Big Fat Lady portrait from afar.

"Oh? A Slytherin—"

"Just let me in, I know the password, madam!" I spoke eagerly to her.

The big fat lady just stared at me in disgust, "No entrance, unless a

"Grata Donum." I said, remembering it fast.

I didn't know why I managed to figure it out so quickly, but Y/n must've
slipped it out mid-woods, I kept it engraved in the scene.

Surprised knowing she had no choice, but to give me entrance, the portrait
slowly opened and I found myself inside the dimmed, maroon-colored
Gryffindor common room.

Was I possibly going to get in trouble for this? Of course, but I was known
for trouble. It wouldn't be my first bad mark, so this was nothing out of the

"A Slytherin?"

"What is he doing?"

"Is that a Slytherin,"

I can overhear a few first years talking among themselves, almost confused
as to why I was there after they just learned the common room rules of not
allowing anyone in.

"Sallow? What in the bloody hell are you doing in here?" Garreth Weasley
called out from afar, taking notice.

I looked around, "Can't invade?" I joked.

Garreth chuckled, "You are a menace, man,"


My attention immediately shifted to the light voice that vibrated through the
corner of the fireplace.

Turning, I spotted a familiar student, books in hand while she stared at me

in shock.
I smiled, "Good, you're here. Let's go."

Y/n looked at me wide-eyed, almost confused at my order.


I rose my arms, "No time for questions. I did some research and we need to
go onto the catacomb immediately." I pointed at the exit.

Y/n just stared, parting her lips almost not knowing what to say, "I—"

"Sebastian Sallow!" Another voice said from afar.

Me and Y/n turned, looking at the sixth year prefect at the time spotting my
arrival knowing it wasn't my cue to be here.

"Just one minute and I'm out." I rose a finger up towards Emily Wile, the

Emily frowned and turned to Y/n, "You're lucky you're the new student.
You have two minutes to get this Slytherin off the common room or I'll

"Got it, Emily." Y/n nodded.

As Emily disappeared, I turned to Y/n.

Y/n just stared at me, holding in her laugh, "Garreth is right, you're a
bloody menace, Sebastian Sallow."

"I know." I bowed.


I blinked twice, coming back to my reality when I started overhearing some

sort of chaos down the hall.

I can see familiar faces begin to exit out of the giant portrait, a few maroon
and yellow flags waving around as they prepared for the game.

Just keep walking, Sebastian. Your exit is a few staircases away.

"Ah! Perfect timing!" Luke Grave, a seventh year called out from the hall.

I closed my eyes, knowing I just walked into a red zone circle. No pun

At that point, I just stood there, taking in whatever mess of side remarks
they were about to make towards the game.

"Sebastian Sallow!" Garreth Weasley almost jumped on me, hands on my

shoulders as he pushed.

"I'm leaving, Weasley." I rolled my eyes.

"Leaving? It's okay to admit you came for a last visit before we beat your
ass on this game tonight!" He roared.

I scoffed, "Sure do. Didn't seem like it during morning practices." I said

"That was foul of you, Sallow! This would be karma!" Nellie said,
following along with the girls.

Turning my head more left, I spotted the girls exiting now.

Their clothing attire showed support towards their house and many of them
wore face paint to represent their courage.

And I saw her. I saw Y/n.

I must've been so accustomed to seeing her wear layers with uniform and
battling outfits that seeing her out of it was just—new.

Her smile curved, laughing along with the girls beside her as she held a
small banner and practiced waving it around the hall.

She wore this very, and I mean very, tight, t-shirt that showed the
Gryffindor's initials.

The G letter curved her chest area, almost revealing how fit Y/n truly was
after all that active workout she did killing monsters.
It was just annoyingly distracting, I can feel my own levels of attraction rise
up again like no other. It was stupid, really, but it just froze me at the

It took a few seconds for my name to be called again for bullying before her
eyes finally flicked over to my direction and spotted me.

That once smile she had right now faded a little, but not all the way. I
almost caught her even admiring the comfortable sweater I wore around
me, distracting herself.

I swallowed, hoping she'll get a signal that there was unfinished business
between us, but instead she just lost the eye contact and went back to her


aghhhh they'll talk again very very soon xxx



"Remember the snitch is worth 150 points," Cressida spoke through the
microphone. "The seeker who catches the snitch wins the game!"

I should've known Cressida would be the announcer for our house. Her
voice was very firm and loud, it only made sense. Along with a Slytherin
girl supporting her own house.

"Woo hoo! Let's go Gryffindor!" A light voice screeched.

I turned almost scoffing at the sight of Poppy Sweeting disguised in

Gryffindor attire.

"Poppy?!" I didn't know whether to laugh or be confused at her presence.

Her hair was in a ponytail, but she used a charm to clip in a few moving
lions for representations.

"What? We're allowed to support other houses when Hufflepuff isn't

playing!" Poppy laughed, "I like the fun!"
I laughed, "You're funny."

I didn't know what to expect witnessing my first Quidditch game.

Sometimes, I wondered how it would've been if I did join the team, but
after seeing the aggressive pushing and multiple fallout injuries from how
competitive this game really was, I declined.

"10 points for Gryffindor! Great job, Weasley!" Cressida ding.

I watched as Garreth cheered on onto the crowd, hands off his brooms
before a random Slytherin flew through purposely, almost dropping him.

I gasped, "Is that allowed?"

"Sadly, yes." Natty answered.

There was a moment where my cheering and support for the house began to
fade when my eyes finally took hold of the Slytherin captain.

He seemed attentive to the game. I haven't seen him lose or get cut. It was
almost as if he was such an expert in the game, the rival players avoided

"Sebastian Sallow gets the ball—BOOM! He scores! 15 points for

Slytherin!" The Slytherin announcer called.
I can hear the groans and moans on the Gryffindor side knowing we were
five points behind.

I tried to maintain my focus on our team players, I really did, but somehow
Sebastian Sallow was all that distracted me in my mind.

How his fingers would take over the quaffle like a feather; the throws
would land perfectly inside the hoops.

His teeth showed a little aggressive anger after keeping his target close and
pushing them aside.

The soft brown hairs developed into sweaty ones as the game progressed in
time. A few strands hung from his forehead as he flew around the air.

"Merlin, Nellie is so close..." Natty screeched, "Oh my...yes!"

"Nellie Oggspire takes hold of the snitch!" Cressida shouted in excitement,

"150 points for Gryffindor!"

"Gryffindor wins!"

Although the cheering and shouts turned chaotic in my surrounding, I can

still feel the hearing begin to mute when my gaze stood across.

I watched Sebastian Sallow get down from his broom in shame, almost
upset about his first loss of the season and just high-fived the rest of the
His fingers vigorously removed the garments off his body as he slid off the
first layer of the sports attire and threw it aside in a forceful manner
walking away.

I felt guilty. I know I shouldn't, but I've adjusted myself to always comfort
and talk him out of things all the time, there was this weird urge for me to
tell him it's alright.

Keyword: Urge.

I grew a headache that night when I stood mid-Gryffindor common room

witnessing the small celebration win of the season.

I watched as the older boys slid out a few Firewhisky bottles and chugged
them on each other.

"No, we need more!" Garreth Weasley whined, staring down at the empty

"We can sneak some off the kitchen!" Another voice suggested.

"I'll get them." I suddenly suggested.

It was out of the blue.

I shouldn't have said anything at all and just minded my business, but I was
beginning to feel claustrophobic and needed an excuse to leave the common
room without being a boring person.

The adrenaline must've been so high for everyone because nobody

questioned my offer and just went along.

"Ah, yes! Especially you, new girl! You definitely can't get caught!"
Leander Prewett pointed.

I rolled my eyes, "I am no longer new, Leander, but alright. I'll take one for
the team." I joked.

Sometimes I wondered if the professors were aware of the parties going on

post-games, but they were hard to avoid. We deserved the celebration.

When I exited the Fat Lady portrait, I didn't have the need to walk all the
way down to the kitchens, so I found myself in front of Ignatia's statue.

"Off to a new adventure?" The voice echoed.

"Shh, be quiet. You're being loud." I warned, "Just take me to the grand
staircase." I whispered.

I almost tripped when I evaporated through the floo powder and found
myself at the corner of the grand staircase.

"I forgot if the kitchens were left or right." I whispered to myself.

I still felt new to the castle, so there were many things in my head to
remember the map itself. I was still lost.

I looked around hoping a night ghost would be roaming up the halls, but
there was nobody in sight.

I sighed, sliding out my wand and trying to remember the charm spell to
help guide myself somewhere specific.

I let the wand guide me, following the string of light, but there was a
moment when I began recognizing the area around me and stopped my

"Okay...down the stairs, take a left..." I whispered to myself, remembering

once where Nearly Headless Nick once toured here.

When I took my last steps down to the basement of the castle, I took a small
breath of relief, scanning the area of barrels to find the fruit portrait.

I didn't find a fruit portrait right away.

To my surprise, Sebastian Sallow stood in the same area space, leaning

against a barrel as he played with his fingers.

His back was on me, giving a perfect view of his fitted body. It was still
covered over his quidditch uniform. A thin, tight green long sleeve with the
number 1 printed on it.
Was I dreaming? Was this real? Did my urge of actually wanting to talk to
him travel magically and he was here?

This was my urge from earlier. My opportunity to let him know that he did
well in that game. That even after a few losses, there's a win. I always told
him that after every battle.

I closed my eyes, feeling the wand in my hand slip a little from the nerves
as I parted my lips.

"Sebastian?" I questioned his presence.

The tall boy adjusted his posture, lifting his head and recognizing my call

His body turned, facing me from the last step of the staircase, and seemed
surprised at my arrival.

Sebastian's eyes observed me. He didn't even hesitate to make it obvious

that he was scanning my body before his eyes went back to me and his lips
opened a little.

"Y/n?" He said, almost in question.

I wanted to smile and also laugh, like what was the coincidence of finding
him in the basement?
Fifth Year

"What did I have to tickle again?" I whispered to Sebastian.

Sebastian's eyes stared at the fruit portrait before his brows furrowed and

"Merlin, Y/n, did you really just ask that?"

I just stared blankly, "Everything requires a puzzle, I just thought—"

"Didn't you say Nearly Headless Nick gave you a tour here?" Sebastian
tilted his head, mimicking the ghost.

"Yeah, but I forgot what fruit it was!"

Sebastian just nodded, "Right, right...tickle the pineapple three times." He


Oblivious at the time, I followed his words, bringing my fingers and

tickling the pineapple in sight.

No movement.

"Are you sure it's the pineapple?" I asked.

Sebastian nodded, "You're right. Try the apple five times."

Keeping my eyes on the fruit portrait, I tickled the next fruit.

Within my actions, I can hear Sebastian chuckle to himself, making me stop

movements and turn to him.


Sebastian couldn't help but finally laugh loudly, "Ah, you're so innocent.
This is quite fun with you. You just tickle the pear in the middle once, Y/n.
That's all." He admitted.

I scoffed, knowing all Sebastian Sallow was doing was making me

embarrass myself.

Frowning, I tickled the pear once and the door opened easily.

I rolled my eyes, "Remind me why I keep listening to you again?" I

murmured to him.

"I'm a full package, Y/n." Sebastian elbowed me before bowing to let me

enter first, "Ladies first."


The memory disappeared into a blurb, finding the once smiling fifth-year
Sebastian bowing at me back onto a serious sixth-year one across.
I was lost for words. It almost seemed like every moment I see Sebastian
Sallow, a memory appears in me.

We just stared at each other. No words needed to be said.

I knew my eyes told a lot and Sebastian knew that too because I saw the
fingers on his side wiggle a little, wanting to rise up and finally point at me.

"W-What are you doing here?" Sebastian asked, almost confused.

My heart was going everywhere inside of me. It felt like fireworks were
exploding in such a bad moment, I still couldn't believe we were once so
close to each other.

"I, uh...I just—Sebastian, I..." Again, I was stuck.

Sebastian stepped forward a little. He still stood far from me, but the two
steps were enough to tell a lot.

He seemed eager to know what I was about to confess.

Come on Y/n, you got this.

"I wanted to—"

In the distance, one of the barrels became enchanted and I saw the left one
open, revealing a door.
I'd forgotten that next to the fruit portrait also stood the entrance of the
Hufflepuff common room.

Adelaide Oakes stepped down, revealing herself and giving off a slight

"Seb! You're here—oh."


Adelaide's smile slightly faded at my notice and I swallowed, not even

knowing how to explain myself.

Sebastian wasn't here to get some midnight snacks like he would suggest all
fifth year. He was here for Adelaide.

I kept my lips sealed. I was frozen.

Sebastian's eyes never left mine, not even to turn to Adelaide next to him,
he was still expecting an approach from me that I wasn't going to give

"I apologize," I finally let out, coming back to my sense, "I must've
stumbled upon the wrong floor. Sorry." I said before walking away from the

It hurt. It hurt a lot.


great i'm sad now



When leaving the basement, I didn't turn back to the stairs, predicting
Sebastian and Adelaide could potentially go in that direction.

I walked over through the basement corridors, almost like a maze. Just
going anywhere that was away from the scene, pretending like I didn't walk
into the worst outcome.

My breath was heavy and my fingers were slightly shaking. It almost seem
to send me into panic mode from everything I began to feel in one second.

I've been so lost, letting my intrusive thoughts win, I didn't actually realize
where I was going until I bumped into someone.

"Whoa, there." A voice let out.

Their hands immediately took hold of my shoulders, as if I were a child as

they set me back and noticed my feared expressions.

When my eyes opened, I was confronted by a tall, darkened figure.

"Now, where do you think you're heading off to, Gryffindor?" He said.

It was a prefect. I only knew that because I glanced over at the shiny pin
that peaked through his long Slytherin robe as he examined me.

He was definitely a seventh year and someone I never stumbled across at


His hair was black. Deeply black. It almost seemed longer, passing his ears
almost blending with the black turtleneck he wore.

His blue eyes squinted at me through the dimmed corridor before they grew
at the recognition.

"Ah, I see. Y/n Y/ln." He smirked, letting go.

I gulped, still breathing heavily at the unexpected turn of events, and kept
my view on the spiral-tainted floor beneath us.

I didn't even want to question how he knew my full name. Many did.

"Now, why are you stumbling around the corridors of the dungeons at such
hour? Shouldn't you be celebrating a win at this moment?" The unknown
name student pointed.

I was in the dungeons. I wondered how long I ran away to avoid Sebastian
Sallow and his potential new love interest.
"I'm sorry. I must've gotten lost...uh," I looked up, hoping to get a name

The attractive boy just stared, smirking to himself, "You don't know who I

I just stared, "Uh, a prefect, I suppose?"

He chuckled again, his wand just swirling around his fingers, "Ah, and the
hero of the school holds humor."

I wanted to roll my eyes, and I began to realize that this student has
distracted me to the point where I almost forgot about the earlier situation

"My name is Atticus. Atticus Sweeting." The boy introduced himself,

"Seventh year. I must've thought I was pretty popular amongst the school,
but figured you have no idea who I am. Humbling."

Sweeting. I've heard that last name before.

"Sweeting...as in,"

"A distant relative to Poppy Sweeting?" Atticus nodded, "Step-siblings,

actually. Quite funny, since she is a Hufflepuff."

I rose a brow at the new information, "She never mentioned you..."

"Perhaps, she was keeping you away from me." He winked.

Somehow, his sense of personality did hit a curve in my emotions at the

moment. It was distracting and interesting.

I shivered a little, forgetting I stood in the dungeons; the cold, dry air
feeling slipping through my body.

I still wore my quidditch support outfit, so the thin layers of clothing

weren't enough to cover the coldness.

"Nervous there?" Atticus teased.

"No, it's just cold." I said lowly.

He nodded, looking around, "Students aren't allowed to be in the common

corridors passed 2am on weekends. Specifically, from other houses."

I was caught by a prefect. Can this day be worst?

"But, I suppose, since you made a surprise entrance all the way here, I can
let you off the hook." Atticus said.

I closed my eyes, almost relieved knowing that I have never really gotten a
bad mark since my arrival. Somehow, I was excused, but to an extent.

"You're lost, so as a prefect it's my duty to guide you back." Atticus

I couldn't tell if it was a way of continuously talking to me or if it was the
rules of being a prefect. I was still not caught up with the real role behind
that title.

But I needed someone. I felt alone for once and stumbling upon the
corridors and meeting someone new made me feel almost a little better.

Sebastian's Perspective




I shook my head a little, Adelaide's voice finally ringing through my ears

after I just hazed out watching every move Y/n made.

What do I do?

Do I run after Y/n?

Do I respect Y/n's decision of still leaving her alone?

Do I send an owl later?

My head was running through a million thoughts in just a slight second.
They could've gone to two million if the Hufflepuff girl beside me kept

I didn't even want to proceed with whatever plans Adelaide really had for

Realistically, I didn't want to meet with her. I was exhausted and felt
defeated over the loss of quidditch, but I was too nice. I didn't decline the
owl. It was just the way I was.

"I thought you guys weren't friends anymore?" Adelaide read through my

"I, uh," I scratched the back of my head, looking down, "We're not."

You would've thought that as the days went by not speaking to Y/n and
reminding people we were no longer friends it would get easier—it wasn't.

If anything, the process began to feel hard. Almost like a withdrawal of

leaving something you were once so addicted to.

"Okay, then why are you—"

"I have to go." I finally murmured.

"What?" Adelaide said, almost surprised at my sudden dismissal, "W-What

do you mean? You just got here."
I felt guilty, again. I knew leading Adelaide Oakes onto something that
wasn't even meant to be would worsen things.

Let alone, I wasn't leading anything. Adelaide was the one sending owls and
I took advantage of getting answers for class. I just joined in my spare time.

I licked my lips, taking a breath, "I apologize if I let you down, Adelaide,
but I cannot proceed forward with anything."

All I really focused on was what Y/n was going to say, or why she was near
the basement corridor in the first place.

I had so many unanswered questions, I wasn't going to be able to sleep.

"I feel extremely fucking bad." I muttered, sitting at the edge of the sofa,

It was only Ominis and I in the open common room knowing it was past
very late hours and mostly every Slytherin was asleep.

"I believe you shouldn't feel bad over dropping Adelaide Oakes." Ominis
stated, "I hope my reminder about what she said about your sister was a
wake-up call."

I rolled my eyes, hands together while my elbows rested on my knees as I

shook my head in disagreement.
"No, Gaunt, I am not talking about Adelaide," I corrected, "I am referring to

"Oh," Ominis said, almost in surprise at my honesty, "That...That I agree

with it."

I just sat there, running my fingers through my damp hairs, frustratedly as I


I needed her. I always did.

This summer was cruel. I spent it in my most darkest times.

The haunting of using the killing curse replaying in my head, the look in
Anne's face, the loneliness that began eating me up from guilt. It was
toxically powerful.

Yet, the only thing more powerful than the haunting nightmares were the
light memories with Y/n. It almost didn't seem unfair.

"I remember you two were so close, it began to annoy me. Like what
certain power did this new fifth year student hold to have Sebastian Sallow,
my best friend of many years, exploit her into our secret passages and
history?" Ominis spoke to himself.

Sometimes, I thought about how easily I gave access to Y/n with the
Ominis and I spent years fighting the urge to tell people, but once Y/n
entered, the rules just suddenly broke without thinking twice.

"Well, she did hold a good power, that I can say." I joked in between.

Ominis stared ahead, blinking before elbowing me at the humor.

Fifth Year

"Sebastian! Come on!" Y/n called out.

I proceeded back towards Y/n and Ominis after I was sure she would fail to
get answers from him. I've spent all year wanting clues to access the
Scriptorium and Ominis just never opened up.

"These braziers grant access to the scriptorium." Ominis said afar.

I scoffed to myself, almost wanting to ask twice if Ominis was serious

about telling Y/n the secret immediately.

"Now you'll share?" I gasped towards Ominis, "You wouldn't tell me when I
practically begged you!"

"Unlike you, Y/n told me what I needed to hear, so perhaps, get persuasive
lessons from her next time?" Ominis called.

Y/n just stood there, trying to solve the puzzle of opening the entrance but
giggled in between.
"You're welcome, Sallow." Y/n said, lighting up the pillars with a fire spell.

I kept my arms crossed, growing a smile at the words and shaking my head,
"Thanks, life-saver."


I smiled to myself at the memory.

"Y/n saved our friendship." Ominis said out of the blue.

I stared down at the heated fireplace ahead of us and leaned my weight

agaisnt the green sofa.

"I know." I sighed, remembering the casting of Imperio under the cave.

There was a moment of silence between both of us, only the cracking of
flames echoing.

"Why are we mourning her? She is not dead." Ominis finally let out.

I leaned my head backward, looking up at the ceiling.

"I miss her, Ominis." I confessed.

"Did you ever stop?"

I sighed, "No, I never stopped."


ok Sebastian now get the girl before atticius does



The Gryffindor table was nearly empty that very next morning. I didn't
know they took winning parties very seriously until now and it was funny.

They got so drunk, nobody noticed I didn't bring back the drinks. Not even
recovery spells can bring them back to life.

Poppy went out to hunt out a few pets early morning, so I found myself
sitting in between first and third years before someone came to save my

"Natty," I said happily, "Glad to see you're alive."

Natty took a seat across from me, smiling back, "I wasn't even in the party,
Y/n. I was in the dormitories! My mother would kill me if I took a sip." She

"Oh," I wiped my eyes, "Sorry, I must've assumed, since it was so crowded


"Were you not at the party?" She asked.

I wanted to be open with her about what happened last night.

How I was preparing myself to confess to Sebastian Sallow that I wanted to

talk to him again. That there were restorations before I saw him with

But, I wasn't ready. My emotions were still recent and I didn't want to blurb
out to a point of crying. I was better than this.

"I, uh...I was! But, I don't drink either." I lied.

My eyes shifted a little behind Natty, losing focus of her and scanning the
Slytherin table for a slight second.

Curiosity won me over this morning because there was no Sebastian in

sight, but I did find myself accidentally locking eyes with Atticus Sweeting.

His blue eyes were mesmerizing before throwing a wink and I looked back
down, pretending like it was nothing.

I didn't understand how I didn't see Atticus all year, yet, now that I met him,
he was everywhere I look.

"Did you know Poppy has a brother?" I questioned Natty.

Natty thought before nodding, "Are you referring to her older step-brother,
Atticus? Atticus Sweeting?"
I nodded, "Okay, so he is known." I wondered.

"Oh, Y/n...he is the biggest flirt in the school! We mentioned him once, but
you were so busy with Sebastian." She informed, "He's always been the talk
with the girls."

"R-Right," I gulped.

"Don't imagine it, Y/n. Rumor goes he just likes sleeping with girls." Natty

My forehead crinkled at the confession, finally connecting the dots on why

Atticus Sweeting's behavior was too smooth last night.

"Of course, he does." I rolled my eyes.

"Be careful! Don't fall for the trap, Y/n. I am serious." Natty warned.

I looked down, laughing, "Don't worry Natty, I have no intentions of

sleeping with anyone this—"

My voice was cut off when a whistling noise echoed through the hall and
looking up, I can see a familiar owl fly into place.

It was my own owl, Birdy.

"Birdy? What are you—"

Again, my voice cut off when she dropped off a letter and proceeded to exit
the great hall.

"Okay." I murmured, looking down at the sealed letter, "Why did my own
owl just drop off a letter? Is that normal?"

Natty laughed, "Yes. The person who sent you it must've been in the owlery.
Most likely called your owl to not expose their pet."

I nodded, still looking at the owl.

I can sense Natty's eyes on me, almost waiting for me to open it.

Can we talk?

Meet me in the globe of herbology? x

30 mins

Sebastian Sallow

My heart skipped a little, trying to distinguish the extra x that lay on that

There was something within that felt off reading it, but I was more stuck on
the idea of Sebastian Sallow reaching out after weeks.

"I-It's Sebastian." I said softly, still keeping my eye on the letter.

"Oh..." Natty said.

"He wants me to meet him at the globe of Herbology?" I said, almost in

question at the new location.

"Are you?" Natty asked in curiosity.

I shouldn't have. If I did want to keep this word of not meeting him again
after he confessed I wasn't forced to do it, there was this urge in me that
wanted to ignore it.

It's been more than a month, and the anger and feelings have shifted into a
more calming matter. I was sure it can change.

I licked my lips, "I-I don't know, I, uh..."

"Honestly, I did not think it was serious." Natty let out.

My eyes moved away from the paper, and back onto my friend, "What do
you mean?"

"You and Sebastian not speaking to each other anymore. Everyone thought
you two were just joking around, but...the days went by." Natty confessed.

I never really thought about others' opinions.

It must've been weird to see a once-strong bond become so dead in their

eyes. It even hurt me at the thought.
I just sat there, thinking about her words.

"You should go." Natty suggested, "And wear a cute outfit." She winked.

I rolled my eyes, "Natty, don't push it. I don't even know if I want to speak
to him, yet."

I was lying. I really did want to speak to him.

Natty nodded, "I understand...but in case you change your mind, let me
know what happens. I am curious."

I just gave a smile, "Alright, Natty."

I didn't know why I found myself wearing pants and a nice shirt that
afternoon, but I did.

The nerves were killing me, but I was expecting the worst after the weird,
hurtful encounter yesterday with Adelaide.

What if he just wanted to speak to me for advice on her?

What if he wanted all the owls he sent me back?

What if...?
I took a breath, walking my way down the corridors until I saw a distant
green hue letting me know I was close to the center.

Third Person's Perspective

Ominis Gaunt walked through the narrow tables of the great hall; his
glowing wand leading him to his target while he took certain breaths.

The blonde stopped near the Gryffindor table before sitting down.

"Natsai, are you there?" Ominis looked ahead.

Natty looked up, spotting the Slytherin boy at her sight, almost in

"Ominis? What brings—"

"Great. I was hoping you'll still be here," Ominis breathed, "Look, I do not
have much time to discuss this, but by chance, did Y/n receive an owl this

Natty stared, "Y-Yeah, she did."

Ominis sighed.
"Is there something I should be aware of?" Natty said, almost in concern.

"I believe Sebastian has been under the love potion by Adelaide Oakes."
Ominis informed.

Natty gasped, "What?"

"I know—"

"That's impossible. How did he send her the owl then if—"

"It wasn't him. I don't know what Adelaide has up her sleeve, but we've
known the girl is trouble since third year." Ominis explained.

Natty just sat there, thinking to herself, the intelligence in her brain working
to make connections.

"Adelaide is causing a feud to separate them." Natty informed, "Y/n

mentioned an extra x in the owl. How Sebastian never meets her in

"Perfect, she wrote the location." Ominis said, standing up, "Someone
needs to stop the Amortentia from rising up before Y/n shows up."

"What does that mean, exactly?" Natty asked.

Ominis rose his hands explaining, "It means that he would be under full
control of Adelaide's intentions. If her goal is to worsen the friendship,
Sebastian would become overly obsessed with the wrong girl."

"Oh no," Natty closed her eyes, "I did not want this for Y/n. I should've
never encouraged her to show up!"

"How did he even get it?" Natty asked again, also standing up with Ominis.

"I am unsure yet. Depending on the giver, the Amortentia can take effect
right away or in a few hours." Ominis explained.

Natty shook her head, "We need to stop this, Ominis. I'm so serious."

Ominis walked, "That is my goal."


kinda thought of this love potion plot in one minute hopefully it goes
well haha


Deep breaths, Y/n. It's just a talk.

My fingers played with themselves for a while, standing near the first
entrance of the Herbology area and debated whether to open those doors or

"It's okay. You been wanting this." I whispered to myself.

It took a good minute before my fingers finally twisted the knob and I
slowly walked down the first set of spiral stairs.

When I curved over the last few steps, from afar, I can see a familiar set of
brown hairs sitting patiently in the garden, below the tree courtyard.

I can feel myself biting the inside of my lip, not wanting to think twice
about my entrance.

He wasn't staring ahead when I walked over. I figured he might've just been
Sebastian being Sebastian, and pretended not to know I was there, but it
took a good minute.

I stood in front of him, studying his features.

His hands seemed to move around, almost eager for a wait while his lips
pursed together, not knowing what to say.

A long black long sleeve fitted on him and a pair of gray pants sat
comfortably on his lower body. They were almost distracting.

"Sebastian?" I said.

Sebastian took a few seconds to process who was calling him and turned to
me, almost confused.

"Hm, Y/n?" He furrowed his brows.

I just stood there, still awkward.


"What are you doing here?" Sebastian spoke coldly.

I felt taken aback by the odd behavior, "Uh, what? Y-You told me to."

Sebastian still stared in confusion, "Did I?"

I blinked, "Yes? I received your owl."

"Owl, you say?" Sebastian squinted, "I believe it must've been a mistake."

Again, feeling taken back, I felt speechless, a mix of emotions getting to


"I'm here to meet up with Adelaide. She told me she'll be back." Sebastian
looked up, staring desperately at the wall clock on the side.

Ouch. Extreme ouch.

I felt my insides crumble a little, not knowing whether I was inside a

walking, vivid nightmare or Sebastian Sallow was clearly proving his point
of losing me.

My mouth parted, wanting so much to say, yet nothing at all.

"I don't think your presence would make us comfortable. I apologize."

Sebastian nodded,

I cleared my throat trying to prevent it from not closing, but my emotions

became heightened with everything that I was just told by Sebastian Sallow.

"I'm sorry...you're right." I breathed, breaking the eye contact and turning
around, "I'm sorry."
My hands were shaking and the urge to just break down was there.

No, I was better than this. There was no possible way I was going to let this
get to me. It wasn't worth it.

I took deep breaths walking away, but there was a certain feeling inside of
me that began to heat up; my ears began to vibrate and I can feel my
surroundings begin to feel dizzy.

When my eyes re-opened, I gasped a little at the sight of the Herbology

room again, but in a darkened matter.

Only the sights of ancient magic swirls rammed around me, guiding me to a
specific corner.

I haven't had this experience in a while and to feel it again— it was

exhausting my body, so whatever I need to do, it was mandatory.

I breathed heavily, turning around and scanning the room, watching the
white traces point near the courtyard again, where Sebastian stood.

"No, my emotions are doing this." I whispered to myself.

Again, the magic continuously waved near him and I couldn't help, but take
one step in the process.

Sebastian was on his back, but as I walked forward, the force in me began
to increase and his body began to glow a little.
The only time a person or an object glowed this way was if it was
enchanted or under a spell. I viewed things this way often.

Sebastian noticed my presence again and turned around, facing me.

"Seb, you're here—oh." A light voice echoed from ahead.

Adelaide Oakes appeared, holding a small box in hand, smiling over at


Somehow, the box glowed differently, almost matching the same glow
Sebastian gave.

"Amortentia." I whispered at the box.

Adelaide stopped in her tracks, able to hear my words, and frowned,

"Excuse me?"

I looked up at her and back at Sebastian who seemed in his own daydream.

"You're poisoning him with a love potion." I spoke out.

Adelaide stared, almost as if she's been caught, but played it off.

"Sorry? I am just being sincere and handing him a few chocolates. I am

unsure of your presence here, Y/n. Are you guys not friends?" Adelaide let
She really was a bitch.

I stared back at Sebastian, who just stared at Adelaide.

It was uncomfortable, really, but I felt like my body wasn't going to leave
me alone until I did something with this magic connection I was having.

I didn't know what the counter-spell for Amortentia was, or what to do, but
I stood out my wand slowly and pointed it at the Slytherin in front of me.

"You can't undo it." Adelaide finally confesses, "He's already enchanted."
She laughed in evil.

I gulped, knowing that it would require more power casting spells I wasn't
aware of and pain, but I didn't have a choice.

These were the consequences of holding this certain aspect of magic.

"Watch me." I whispered, turning back to Sebastian.

Sebastian was still unaware, watching me in concern before my wand rose

up a little.

I closed my eyes and focused.

Within the focus, I can hear a faint commotion entering the room,
"Sebastian, don't keep eating those chocolates—" Ominis voice echoed.

"You're under—"

The voices became distant and I can feel the magic merge between the tip
of my wand into my body, a burning sensation coming off.

Sebastian groaned a little, coming onto the floor, holding his head as he
developed a headache.

I also bent to the floor, feeling my body burn in a torturous matter as I kept
doing a counter-spell.

"Ow," I whispered but didn't stop.

I didn't know how long I suffered for, but when I finally opened my eyes,
my view became clear again. I was able to see the Herbology room back to

I breathed heavily, letting my wand drop in front of me, and felt my hands
lay flatly on the cemented floor, feeling the after-effects.

"What did she just do?" Adelaide's voice said in confusion.

I just breathed heavily.

I can hear Sebastian take a soft breath before his hand came in contact with
his forehead, groaning.
"For fucks sake," He cursed with a headache before his eyes finally got
focused looking around, "W-Where am I?"

I kept my eyes slightly closed, pretending like the magical pain wasn't
causing me to weaken a little, taking in the real stinging of the spell undo.

Sebastian's Perspective

I breathed heavily, the migraine in my head fuzzing, almost causing me to

vomit from the effects it gave.

"Sebastian, are you alright?" Ominis's voice called out.

I stood up from the cement floor, wiping my pajama pants and turning to

"Merlin, w-what happened?"

"Is Adelaide still here?" Ominis asked me, knowing he couldn't see.

I looked around, "She was here?"

"She must've escaped after the spell was undone." Natty spoke,

Confusion took over me, but my headache suddenly went away when I took
sight of the person that stood on the floor across from me.
Y/n sat there, breathing a bit more than usual with her eyes closed.

I was still unaware of what just happened the last few hours, but my sudden
urge to just bend down and check up on Y/n was quick.

"Y/n?" I said in worry, "Are you alright?"

No words came from her.

I observed her body. How her small hands trembled a little, her soft pink
lips vibrating while her eyes remained closed and the long lashes peeking

Fifth Year

"Depulso! Incendio—Sebastian, I think this is our life or death now." Y/n


We both struggled in the catacomb, trying our best to defeat the dozens of
Inferius skeletons, but they were ganging up rapidly.

"No, don't say that—Confringo!" I shouted, "Any last words?"

"I-I think I have to use my ancient magic—Incendio!" Y/n shouted, "I have
no choice."
Y/n has mentioned that using the powerful magic spell can sometimes take
a toll after the defeat.

I've never actually witnessed it, but she's spoken about the times using it
and feeling awful afterward.

"It's alright, I'll be here if anything." I breathed, "Confringo—unless, you

want to meet up again in the after-world, fine by me!" I joked.

I enjoyed that even in dark times like these, we were still able to joke it off.
Like if we weren't at the edge of death.

In a blink of an eye, all the monsters in our surroundings went down with a
blast. Dead.

I flinched a little at the magic source, but suddenly, the entire room went
silent. All the monsters were fully dead at once.

"Hey, you saved—"

My voice cut off from the heavy breathing Y/n let out post-spell.

From afar, I can see her trembling a little, eyes closed while she tried to
stand up again without falling.

I quickly ran up to her, bending and keeping her in balance.

"Whoa, hey, stay with me!" I nudged, "I can deal with dead monsters, but
not a dead witch."

Although with all pain, Y/n groaned, holding onto me, and let out a painful

"I—I'm still here, Sebastian." She whispered, "The after

effects...they're...they burn,"

I closed my eyes, still holding her, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought you

"It's okay. You would've been dead by now." She joked, still breathing

I smiled, "Right...well, let's take a break. If I can take your pain right now, I
really would."

Y/n just nodded, "Thanks."


Y/n continuously performed that spell when the battles became rougher. I
almost thought she'll die on me, but she said it was worth it.

I didn't want to think about what happened during the Ranrok battle while
she was alone.
"Hey, here I'll help—"

With my extend of my arms wanting to reach Y/n for help, her own hand
rose flatly against my chest, stopping me in place.

"No," Y/n said, "Keep me out of your girl drama, Sebastian. I want nothing
involved in it." She breathed.

I stayed there, still bending down, but looked up at Natty and Ominis.

"I will help her, Sebastian," Natty suggested, "You should go to the hospital
wing for a love potion antidote just to make sure."

"A love potion?" I said confused, "W-What—"

"It's alright, Sebastian." Ominis reached out to grab my arm, "I can explain
on the way there. I'm sure Y/n wants to be alone at the moment." He

"You can't be serious!" I called out later that evening.

"You know Sebastian, between the two of us, though I cannot see, how was
I able to notice you were cast by a love potion before yourself?" Ominis sat
on the hospital bed across from me.

I had just taken the love potion antidote, finally feeling my body at ease.
"It was the bloody chocolates she gave me." I thought, "And she was going
to do it again!"

"Correct, before Y/n stopped it," Ominis said, "And that was out of luck. I
couldn't bare seeing my best friend obsessed over Adelaide."

I buried my face in my hands, almost frustrated at myself from the stupidity

I threw myself into.

If you predicted I always thought about Y/n, well it just worsen. And she
didn't even have to give me a love potion to feel this way.

"The owl...w-what did it say to her?" I asked, remembering the story

Ominis told me.

"I am unsure, but Natty had informed me that you might've involved an x in
it? And that it was unusual to suggest Herbology?" Ominis explained.

"Yeah, I hate Herbology. Why didn't Y/n notice the difference?" I asked
myself, almost wondering. "The signs were right there."

"Maybe, she was giving it a chance. Y/n was never one to question."
Ominis said.

I sighed, feeling bad over the entire event.

The number of sacrifices Y/n has done for me was out of the limit and to
see her do that even though we weren't really on speaking terms told a lot.
"What am I going to do, Ominis?" I sighed, looking down at my hands.

"Not send an owl any time soon, I can tell you that." Ominis smiled.

I closed my eyes, "It is no time for jokes, Ominis. This is serious."

"The right time would come, Sebastian." Ominis encouraged.


tbh i can't wait for them to get together hehe

also if you see a typo, pls let me know! i write really fast so sometimes i
can't overlook any mistakes thank u


I walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom one Friday

It was late October, a day before Halloween. It was soothing to celebrate

another holiday at Hogwarts, with all the pumpkins and decorations;
especially, the quidditch games.

"Oh!" Professor Hecat noticed my entrance,

"Hello, Professor Hecat. I received your owl this morning about wanting to
meet up with me?" I smiled, pretending as if I wasn't still half asleep from
my free day.

"Ah, I am so glad you did. It's good to see you. I presume as a sixth year
now, you have limited free days now." She smiled, wrinkles peaking.

I just stood with my casual clothes on, keeping my hands together.

"I do. I know your owl mentioned something about wanting help?" I
questioned nervously.
I did have some sort of PTSD from doing favors now. Not that I'll ever
decline them, but I spent all fifth year getting used to helping everyone and
most of the favors were magically exhausting.

"Yes, I was hoping you can use your spare time today, if you can, of
course," She bowed, "To teach my class of first years defensive spells."

"Oh," I said almost in surprise that it was just a simple favor, "Of course. I'll
love to teach—"

The door I once walked into a few minutes ago screeched open behind me
and I turned, taking sight of the student entering.

Sebastian Sallow appeared, almost wiping his eyes as if he overslept; his

soft brown hair ruffled more than usual as a hand rested inside the pocket of
his loose pants.

My eyes distracted on the tall, sleepy man while he also took sight of me.

It was only two weeks since the Amortentia incident. It was foolish of me to
think he'll send an owl, but I was glad he didn't. I was still stuck on the joke
Adelaide Oakes pulled.

Adelaide hid from me while the days passed as if I was going to beat her
ass for what she caused, but honestly, I couldn't have cared less.

"Sebastian Sallow!" Professor Hecat said happily, expecting him to.

My gaze from him came back quickly, avoiding the sight and thinking
about the outcomes of this.

I fidgeted with my own fingers below me, clearing my throat and bluffing
as if his unexpected approach didn't cause a riot within me.

"P-Professor Hecat, I received your owl. I've arrived soon as I can."

Sebastian's groaning voice spoke.

Focus, Y/n. It's just a voice.

Professor Hecat smiled, "Look at you two, all matured. It's a miracle to see
you still standing here after everything."

I stood there, just fighting the impulse of not breaking my smile at her and
going along with it.

"Well, it was just yesterday you were teaching us how to duel, yet, here we
are." Sebastian said with positivity toward the professor.

I wanted to roll my eyes at the charisma that blew off him.

How his use of words just never failed to disappoint anyone, especially, the
adults. How they just never changed.

Fifth Year
"That was certainly good practice." I joked, post-duel.

A Slytherin boy, known as Sebastian Sallow, just lost to me in my first

school duel. Due to prior experience, it felt like a cinch to me.

"Practice?!" The freckled boy scoffed, "Felt more like I was dueling an
expert! Perhaps this wasn't your first duel." His brown eyes squinted at me.

I sighed, "I dueled enough. Consider yourself lucky I held back." I spoke in

Maybe, I was being too much of a goody-two-shoes towards the boy, but he
seemed cocky and silly—he needed humbling.

"Ha!" Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Fair enough, Y/n. You owe me an honest
duel when you aren't." he pointed.

I smiled, "Whatever, Sallow."

Sebastian chuckled, "Last names already? Okay, Y/l/n, if you want to get the
most out of your time at Hogwarts, don't forget about me." He winked.


"I was just informing Y/n about the help." Professor Hecat's voice blurbed
back into my reality.
I blinked, listening.

"I figured since you two witnessed monstrous, dark creatures the last year,
first hand, you've managed to create a solution on how to defeat these
monsters." She informed.

I nodded.

It was saddening that we've defeated the most dangerous monsters through
the wizarding world to the point where we've created spell combinations for

"W-We have professor," I gulped, looking down at the crazy events of spells
we used.

There was silence after my words. It almost seemed just extremely

awkward being inside that DADA classroom with two people that no longer
spoke to each other.

"But this only means we can use our defensive experiences to teach your
class." Sebastian finally let out, "I am not saying they'll ever come across a
troll, but it'll only be safe to have the proper spells in defense."

"That's exactly right!" The professor cheered, "Thank you. I am very glad
you've agreed to help the younger students."

I just smiled lightly pretending like being in a full class mentoring younger
children with
Sebastian Sallow wasn't on my plan list today.
I was just standing there like one of those practice dummies that stood in
the corner of her classroom, waiting for what was next.

I couldn't bail anymore, it'll only make me seem weak at the thought of not
being mature teaching a class because Sebastian Sallow was there.

"Very well then, I do suggest a change of uniform can seem more

professional." The professor giggled at our casual attire.

"R-Right, right." I let out a dry laugh, "I should be back right before your
class starts professor."

I can feel my body turning around, passing rapidly by Sebastian, almost like
a ghost, and exited out before he can exit himself.

"Teaching a set of first years with Sebastian Sallow?" Natty re-questioned

at the news.

I slid the last piece of my Hogwarts uniform inside the girls' dormitory.
Only Natty and I were in there.

Luckily enough, I was able to open up to her about this morning.

"I know..." I sighed.

I sat on my own small bed, almost rethinking my entire life as the event of
being with Sebastian right now wasn't finally getting to me.
"He asked about you that same night ." Natty confessed.

My gaze from the floor lifted back to Natty, almost taken back on why she
revealed this information late.

"W-What?" I asked.

My body tingled, almost a mixture of relief and anxiety from the thought.

Sebastian actually did reach out, but with other sources of communication.

"When you were still hurt from the magic," Natty said, "And I went down
to nurse Blainey for some medicine...Sebastian was already there in the
hospital wing taking an antidote for the Amortentia."

I just bit my lip.

"H-He must've waited for me to stop talking to Nurse Blainey before he

stopped halfway and asked."

I didn't say anything, I just listened to the story.

"He wanted to know how you were," Natty phrased out, "He said, 'I know
she is upset with me for this, which I take full responsibility for, but I hope
she is well'"

Again, I just sat there at the edge of my body rethinking back to that same
night where I didn't even sleep.
"What did you tell him?" I asked Natty.

Natty smiled, "I just said, 'Okay Sebastian, okay Sebastian.'"

I couldn't help, but laugh quietly at her response knowing it was very Natty
of her, specifically with her addicting accent, it was memorable.

I traveled to the floo powder stop that was nearest to the Defense Against
the Dark Arts tower.

It was only a minute walk from the stop to the DADA classroom, but yet,
no matter how avoidable I tried being, I always failed.

I stood outside the wooden door, almost debating to myself that once I
entered, a class of innocent kids would be there looking up to me, along
with Sebastian.

Well, that's what I thought.

"They are kids." A voice spoke from behind.

I closed my eyes, knowing I must've been first than him at arriving, and just
kept my hand still on the doorknob, nervous.

"They won't bite you." Sebastian said, almost in a joking manner.

I wanted to just say that there wasn't any time for games, but for once, I
wanted to let the grudge towards him step aside and just work together for
the sake of the professor.

I nodded.

My body can feel the presence of Sebastian stepping closer from behind
before an arm extended over me, pushing the door open.

I finally stared up.

The innocence of hazel brown eyes staring down at me; comfort and
safeness is all I really saw—no wonder I tried avoiding them. They were

"Ladies first." He encouraged, almost giving off a half smile.

I knew we had to keep things professional in the class, so I forced a small

smile at him and entered.


are you guys liking the memory flashbacks?

also i'm so excited that they'll start interacting moreeeeeeeeeeee again



Sebastian's Perspective

Fifth Year

"Alright, so we have the 3-combo for the spiders..." Y/n wrote down on an
apperated piece of parchment.

I sat next to her on a nearby tree in the middle of the Forbidden Forest after
defeating a spider nest.

"Now where the bloody hell did you get a paper from?" I chuckled.

Y/n turned to me, almost blankly, and continued her words.

"Anyways, as I said, the 3-combo...Accio to bring it forward, Glacious to

freeze it, and Diffindo to slash it...boom." Y/n wrote vigorously.
I stared at Y/n, almost admiring the small movements she made, and
projected them onto something very cute.

"Hm, I prefer the 2 in 1, actually." I disagreed.

The writing stopped and I laughed down, knowing Y/n was going to argue.

My leg lifted, resting my hand on it and I sighed.

"Incendio first then, Confringo right away. Boom, dead. They absolutely
hate fire. Really hate it." I spoke.

Y/n stood quiet at the moment.

"Or, perhaps, maybe yours is better. 3 combo it is." I rolled my eyes.

Y/n nudged me, "Duh."


Don't make it too obvious, Sebastian.

I can feel my own conscious speak to me at my physical actions.

Y/n is just teaching, there is no need to feel attracted to this.

"Spiders," Y/n took a breath, using her wand to project an animated
venomous hatchling, "You will see these often outside the castle grounds."

"Ew! What's if we're afraid of spiders?!" A young student screeched,

covering her eyes from the screech.

I chuckled, arms crossed, "Sadly, darling, you will often see them, even if
you avoid them, just use fire on them." I walked.

Y/n stared, almost in a way where I wasn't truly helping.

I smiled down to myself, that although we weren't truly on the best terms, I
can still sense some type of expression towards me.

"Right, well, I don't either—which is why Transfiguration spells exists,"

Y/n explained. "Professor Weasley will teach you more once reaching third
year, but it is handy to learn a basic one."

Y/n stood still for a moment knowing that the only true transfiguration spell
she actually knew was the most damaging one—the one where it turns
enemies into exploding barrels.

The first years weren't definitely ready for that.

"Ebublio Jinx," I walked forward, taking over for her, "Also known as,
ebublio. It is used to make any form of enemy inflate and then explode into
hundreds of bubbles."
The young girl that had a fear of spiders slipped out her wand shakily,
pointing towards the small spider.


The spider rose up, a cave of a bubble filling up on it in a funny matter

making a few students giggle before it popped into many bubbles.

Y/n smiled.

"Cool!" The students spoke.

"The forbidden forest is full of these, but I suggest you avoid the spider
colony in there—"

"The forbidden forest?" A student asked.

I stopped my own speaking, forgetting that most of the first years didn't
know about the destination since they weren't allowed to leave past the
Hogwarts Valley until Hogsmeade in the third year.

"Is that a scary forest?" Another student asked.

"Are there more monsters in there?"

"Are we allowed?"
"Do people die?"

My eyes flickered over to the girl across from me, almost fearing that I
messed up the class teaching today, but Y/n just closed her eyes and re-
opened them to the class.

"Yes, the dark forest. Avoid it at all cost," Y/n warned, "Unless you take
Care of Magical Creatures lessons, but that is near the entrance."

"Have you guys been in there?" A blonde student asked us.

"Plenty of times," I answered.

"No, not really," Y/n answered at the same time.

We both crossed eye contact with each other before she quickly broke it and
tried thinking of ways to not make this topic more complicated than it was.

"I-I mean, yes, which is why we are warning you not to." I fixed, "It's
strictly off limits. Unless you can duel an infamous foe, then...yeah."

Y/n just stood in a posture, not looking at me, but I can tell I wasn't the best
teacher compared to her.

"What if we...what if I use Avada Kadavra on it?" A certain student asked.

Our heads quickly turned at the mention of the unforgivable curse and Y/n
almost gasped at it.
"W-What?" I said, almost nervous at the use of words.

Again, the students around us stood confused at the new spell.

Luckily, Professor Hecat re-entered the class knowing it was over.

"Right, well, good luck, and have fun practicing Ebublio." I spoke out,
seeing the students dismiss.

I stood there, still stuck on the student who mentioned the curse, almost
rising up my trauma from using it myself.

"How does he know about the curse." Y/n stated softly, enough for me to

It was surprising to hear her speak to me, but it wasn't for anything besides
professional matters and the safety of the young students.

I parted my lips, "I—I am unsure..." My head scanned the room, finding the
same child and pulling him aside real quick. "Hey, you!"

It was a blonde-haired boy. His eyebrows almost furrowing before snarling

at me from the pull aside.

"What's your name?" I frowned.

"Hector, Hector Malfoy." The kid stared, almost in annoyance.

Of course. A Malfoy.

The Malfoy name ran almost like the Weasley, but in a reputational matter.
They were known for their pure-blood supremacy and heritage. Mostly
Slytherins too.

"How do you know about the spell?" I asked.

"My father always uses it on enemies during the summer." He admitted.

Y/n just stood, almost in disbelief at the answer, but just nodded.

"Okay, Hector. Well, you should know you aren't allowed to be using those
words. They are curses." Y/n explained in a more worried manner.

The child's behavior changed as he shifted at her, almost as if Y/n's words

were more understanding than mine.

I didn't blame him.

"I don't make any promises." Hector Malfoy shrugged before walking away.
Y/n's Perspective

"I really appreciate your help on today's class! The students really seemed
intrigued coming out of the room. Thank you!" Professor Hecat said.

I just smiled.

"I'll make sure the headmaster knows and includes a few good marks on
your next reports. Thank you once again." She put her hands together
before slowly walking away onto the hall.

"Thank you, Professor." I said.

I watched the Professor disappear back onto the Defense Against the Dark
Arts tower and disappear into view, leaving me with Sebastian Sallow.

The class was more intimidating than expected.

I wasn't aware of the outcomes and although it seemed like I spoke well, I
was fearing for my life having Sebastian stare at me.

"I apologize." The deep familiar voice said from the end of the hall, outside
the same classroom.

I took a breath, preparing myself mentally for the confrontation, and turned,
eyeing Sebastian in the corner.
His eyes were low, almost in guilt as his arms stood cross, leaning against
the brown wall.

"I should've thought more about my use of words before exposing them to
the classroom. I made the outcomes more complicated." Sebastian admitted.

Oh, he was just sorry for the class thing.

I gulped, just nodding.

"It's alright." Was all I said.

Again, there was this weird silence between us. Almost as if, neither of us
didn't want to leave but also didn't want to say a word.

I kept my view on the marble floor, but after a while, I rose my chin up
again, staring at Sebastian Sallow.

"Y/n, I'm sorry about Adelaide."

I turned my head to the side immediately at the mention of Adelaide Oakes.

I didn't understand why her name was triggering now. I was once friends
with the girl and to let a guy break that acquaintance between us over
nothing was insane.

"I was unaware of the trouble she caused and I believe you've heard this
already, but I am sorry for it. It was my fault." Sebastian continued.
He was almost rephrasing the words Natty told me earlier today and I can
feel a warmth in my heart toward them.

I hated how powerful he seemed with such use of words.

"I can't imagine what might've possibly happened if the Amortentia

processed." Sebastian wondered.

"Not much. You just would've been really in love with her. Weren't you like
halfway there?" I asked.

I didn't mean to be so bitter about my question.

Was it jealousy? Possibly, but I was still confused about why I was involved
in their scheme.

Sebastian scoffed, almost annoyed at my side comment, he had to look to

the side.

"Then why did you stop it?" He asked, turning back.


"Hm," I wondered, fighting my inner demons on finding the proper answer

to his question. "I didn't have a choice."
"Did you, really?—"

"Look Sebastian, I received an owl from you and to be sincere, I managed

to show up only to find myself humiliated and make use of my magic by
force." I argued.

Sebastian looked at me, a bit regretful about asking me anything at all.

"What did the owl say?" He asked in curiosity.

I scoffed, "That's what you're worried about?" I frowned, "And I don't wish
to recall what the letter said. I don't think I can fall back into a trap of you
actually wanting to speak at all to me."

"What makes you say that?" Sebastian kept asking, folding his arms and
adjusting his posture more toward me.

Maybe, if I looked at the wall behind me, it give off the illusion that I was
looking straight at him when I wasn't, but it was hard.

"Well...you did only reach out when—"

"When I needed something? Or as you'll say, when I needed a favor?"

Sebastian bent a little, matching my height difference, his arms still crossed.

I didn't understand his stance or the cocky matter he was trying to prove,
but I didn't want to fall for it either.
My expression still stayed in a frown while I took a step back, "You haven't
reached out since, so yes, as I'll say, yes." I mocked.

Sebastian just stood, still staring, but his voice softened again, "There were
times when I did call just to talk like friends, Y/n."

"Times." I key-worded, "And those rare times were before the summer."

His once intrigued eyes turn into fragile ones, taking in the reminder of
what truly happened throughout the summer.

"There's nothing to talk about anymore, Sebastian," I said in an almost hurt

tone, "You proved it enough the last few months."

I hated bringing up the summer, I really did, but it's all that really reminded
me of how Sebastian Sallow proved to be.

He was just an owl away. Just one.

Sebastian just stood there in front of me, our faces almost inching other
from the steps I took forward at my bitter truth.

My heart was feeling out of my chest now and I almost worried that the
thumping noise inside of it would be hearable—it was impossible, but in the
moment, who knew.

The hazel eyes continuously stared at me, his soft plumped lips of his
parting slightly before his gaze traveled to my lips and back onto my eyes.
I didn't realize I was breathing heavily at his actions before I took notice of
our reality and broke it off, stepping back again.

"I have to go." I let out, finally preparing to walk away from that closed,
dimmed hallway.

"You're making it so fucking complicated, Y/n!" Sebastian said frustratedly

as I walked away.

His loud voice echoed enough to make a few students sitting on the nearby
benches turn their heads.

I just kept walking, responding back.

"No, Sebastian, you made it complicated this summer."


i'm sorry y'all but angry couples lead to the best makeup scenes so lets
enjoy them mad while we can


I stood standing inside the Slytherin common room, watching the sea
creatures outside the arch transparent window.

It must've been past midnight, but my darkened thoughts were eating me up

and there was no way of possibly sleeping.

"Go back to bed, Ominis." I murmured, noticing the familiar red lit wand
blinking behind me.

The wand stopped blinking and beside me stepped a familiar pale face,
touching the cold window in front of us.

"Sebastian, it's 1 in the morning." Ominis pointed.

"I am aware." I kept my arms crossed.

There was silence between us. Only the sounds of creatures swinging
around beneath the sea.
Ominis noticed the ambiance and let out a sigh, "It's her, isn't it."

Still, I stared out, knowing he could've possibly been speaking of Y/n.

I chuckled, shaking my head, "She's giving me a headache."

"Theoretically, Amortentia's side effects can last up to a month, so I don't

think Y/n is giving you the headache." Ominis pointed out.

Ominis and his smart remarks weren't what I expected that very same night.

"Ominis, I am being serious." I sighed.

"You think I am not aware of that?" Ominis stood, "Y/n holding a grudge
on you this long is not surprising. My best advice to you was to give it

"I just don't think I deserve to be held on a grudge, Ominis. You're wrong
about that." I pointed out earlier words.

"How exactly? You didn't write to Y/n all summer and I might've heard a
mention that she sent you an owl. Did she?" Ominis said in curiosity.

I held back at the memory of reading that first and last owl Y/n sent to me a
few days after the alleged defeat of Ranrok.

If I can really recall the feeling of when I first saw her name inside that
letter on June 9th, knowing she was alive I would, but I was truly a coward.
"I prefer not to speak about it. I have reasonings for it." I confessed.

"What reasonings are you holding that you can't even open up to me about,
Sebastian? Did you really spent your summer just brooming and exploring
outside of Feldcroft?"

No, I spent it with nightmares, trauma, depression, loneliness—growth. The

list can go on with how I truly spent this saddening summer after fifth year.

"That's not the point." I murmured, "The point is...I can't bear the fact that
she is no longer my friend."

Ominis stared ahead, letting a sigh, "Well, Sebastian, you made that choice

I just ignored his words.

"We spent hours together, Ominis. There were days where we just stood
awake for 48 hours—drinking energy potions and killing non-stop." I

"I know," Ominis chuckled, "I don't think anybody in this world, or galaxy
really, can ever volunteer to take the role Y/n did with you."

I just looked down.

"Sometimes, I thought you used Imperio on her." Ominis confessed.

My brows furrowed, "You're joking."

"I am not. I just can't process the price you would pay for what happened.
It's bizarre, really." He said.

"I know." I sighed.

It was a weird feeling.

I mourned the loss of my sister, Anne. I mourned enough not having her
around the fifth school year, but losing her trust was worst.

For some reason, I found those same feelings I felt for my sister also
comparing to my view on Y/n. It was out of my hands at this point—I was
beginning to fear that I lost Y/n for good too.

Y/n's Perspective

"You're a little quiet tonight." Poppy noticed.

It was a little past midnight, but on Friday the great hall provided a late-
night snack day where you can enter the hall and find various sweets and
foods to either eat there or take back to the common room all night.
Poppy and I stood near the fireplace of the big space, keeping warmth since
the weather was getting colder.

I played with the jumpy melting chocolate frog in my hand and looked
down, shaking my head.

"It's nothing..." I lied.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, I would totally understand, Y/n."
Poppy supported.

I could never lie to Poppy Sweeting. It was just hard. You almost felt guilty
not opening up.

"I just been having a lot in my mind lately, with past events, the battles...the
friendship with Sebastian." I said, adding in the last words rapidly.

Poppy played with her licorice wand and nodded with a smile on her face.

"I know it can be a hard thought," Poppy let out, "I've figured that when I
feel sad, I tend to do things I love. Like rescuing for animals, drawing, or
sometimes just walking around Hogsmeade!"

I smiled at her words of advice.

"I wish I can give you some best advice regarding Sebastian Sallow, but I
am not good with boys and their silly actions." Poppy giggled.
I laughed, "It's okay, Poppy. It's good that you aren't stressing over any boy.
It's no fun."

It wasn't fun.

I might've regretted the small feud outside the DADA classroom a few days
ago, but Sebastian and I just couldn't go five minutes without arguing
anymore. It was a new trait that just developed.

"I often catch him staring at you from afar during breakfast. Did you know
that?" Poppy admitted.

I can feel my face reddened at the information being given and stepped
more closer to the fireplace, blaming it on the heat.

"Oh," I looked down, "No, I did not know that."

Poppy nodded, "Well, he's always stared at you. Since the day you entered
school, but lately...it seems more intriguing." She wondered.

I didn't want to imagine that. It only fed my delusional thoughts about it no

matter how upset I was.

"Oh, that's....that's—"

"Lollipop," A familiar voice called from behind.

I've recognized that voice before.

I can hear Poppy let out a frustrated groan for the first time in the year and
turn around.

I joined her and faced the name-call person coming near us.

Atticus Sweeting stood in front of us.

His tall figure almost blocking our view while he wore all black clothing. A
pair of glasses lowered on his eyes while he held a piece of parchment in

"Atticus, can you bloody stop calling me—"

"Ah, hello you," Atticus blue eyes shifted at me, a cocky smile curving on
him, "Figured I'll bump into you again one day."

Poppy stared at the intense two-secondoooo000 commotion between me

and her older step-brother.

"You two talked? Oh, merlin, Y/n, please don't tell me you've—"

"Take it easy, Poppy," Atticus rolled his eyes, his attention on the
parchment, "Mother sent—"

"I want nothing to do with mother or father." Poppy said bluntly, ignoring
the parchment.
Atticus positive expression darkened at her words, "I know you don't, but
you might want to read this. It involves your grandma." He reminded.

Poppy's emotions shifted, "W-What?"

Atticus shrugged, "I been through the owlerly, but I do recommend reading
this when you can." He advised her.

Poppy just stared, shakily grabbing the parchment letter and holding it
against her before apologizing.

"Perhaps, I should...Y/n you might have to excuse me—"

"It's alright," Atticus nodded as his face turned to me, speaking firmly, "I
can proceed on Y/n. You should read it, Lollipop."

Poppy frowned again, but stared at me, "This must've been the worst
introduction, but Y/n, you must've known that this is my step-brother,

"It's okay, Poppy. You don't have to apologize. You didn't need to," I smiled
at her, "I should see you tomorrow. Please, owl me if anything."

Poppy gave me one last smile before turning her body around and running
away from the great hall.
I fought off the nerves of standing next to a seventh year in the big space
near the fireplace.

Atticus Sweeting was intimidating, and after learning about his egoistic
reputation, it was much more harder to take seriously.

"I should go—"

"So soon already? Are you avoiding me?" Atticus chuckled.

"No, you're just very intimidating and I'm quite worried for Poppy. Is her
family alright?" I questioned.

Within the talk, we both began to find ourselves walking together out of the
great hall.

It wasn't on purpose, but Atticus Sweeting was just very smart in his ways
of attracting.

"Intimidating you say?" Atticus rose a brow.

I walked out of the hall, going into the reception, "Yes, Atticus. You seemed
like trouble from what I suspect, so being brutally honest, I should avoid

I wasn't secretive about my thoughts. I've been through so much in my life,

there was nothing to lose at this point.
"Hm, you do realize the more you speak that way, the more I'm having a
hard time leaving you now?" Atticus flirted.

He's a player, Y/n. Remember that.

"Sucks, now, may I know if Poppy would be alright reading that owl you
gave her?" I questioned.

"Eager," Atticus chuckled, "And no actually. Depending how she'll take it,
but her grandmother passed away." He informed me like nothing.

My heart almost dropped at the saddening news knowing Poppy Sweeting

has spent her separation from her parents with her grandma the last few

I gasped, "W-What? Oh my...what?"

Atticus nodded, "Yup. She might need a support system soon, so, you
should be a perfect fit."

I scoffed, "How can you be so fine after confessing that your grandma—"

"Poppy's grandma. Not mine." Atticus fixed, "We are step-siblings. So, yes,
I have the right not to feel much at the news."

I was speechless, "You honestly surprise me—"

My words cut off when a familiar laugh echoed through the faculty hall and
when my head lifted, I almost gulped from the confrontation.

Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt walked around opposite of us, making
their way onto the great hall.

It only took just three seconds, just three seconds when Sebastian stopped
mid-walk and took sight of me.

The moment could've been silent, really. Ominis wasn't aware and I
could've just broken eye contact and walked with Atticus, but I was
surrounded by Slytherin boys.

"Sallow and Gaunt," Atticus spoke in a deeper tone, "What brings you
down the common room at such late hours?"

Sometimes, I've forgotten Atticus was the Slytherin prefect, so seeing him
speak almost like a professor was odd.

Everything about this moment was odd.

Sebastian didn't answer, his gaze never left mine either.

My stomach was in circles—I know it shouldn't be, but it was just an

unusual moment. I didn't want the assumptions to be out of proportion.

I wanted to depart from Atticus and take this opportunity to actually talk to
Sebastian at such late hours, but then again, something inside of me just
Sebastian's Perspective

"Atticus Bloody Sweeting? Ominis, are you kidding me?" I shouted loudly
inside the restrooms.

I was angry. I haven't felt this certain type of emotion in a while,

specifically tonight. Where all my emotions were taking a toll at once and
yet, my nightmares were coming to life.

"I hope you've cast an enchanted charm so nobody can hear because you are
being extremely loud, Sebastian." Ominis let out in a normal tone.

"This cannot be true," I paced around, not knowing how to control the new
emotion in me. "She's only in sixth year and—and, she doesn't know him."

"What are you referring to?" Ominis questioned, "Correct me if I'm wrong,
but wasn't it Atticus that spoke to us?"

I closed my eyes, forgetting that sometimes Ominis wand couldn't read

people from a certain distance, so he wasn't aware that Y/n was there.

"Y/n was next to him, Ominis." I let out.

Finally, Ominis let out a reaction, "Oh. Atticus Sweeting and Y/n Y/l/n?"
"Yes." I said.

I almost vomited from the sickening thought of having the biggest player of
the seventh year befriend the kindest soul in sixth year.

"He's going to take advantage of her." I said.

"You're jealous, Sebastian." Ominis noticed.

My face softened at the confession and I turned from looking at myself in

the mirror, back at my friend.

"What? N-No. I just—I am just concerned about where that relationship can
lead." I lied.

"Hm," Ominis said, "Sebastian, how long are you going to hide it on
yourself that you are in-love with Y/n."

I closed my eyes.

"Ominis, leave." I said out of the blue.

There was silence at the moment, "What? Are you seriously threatening me
to leave?"

I just stood quiet.

I didn't want to accept that fact. I didn't want to think about the topic of a
crush, let alone love.

It was dangerous and I was angry at myself that maybe, I must've fallen into
that trap already.

"You're just babbling stuff." I argued.

"No, I am just being realistic." Ominis admitted, "I spent all bloody fifth
year listening and witnessing you and Y/n every second, and now that she is
no longer in your sight, you are angry all the time."

I took in Ominis words knowing he was right, but I was in denial.

"You weren't like this, Sebastian. Not even with Anne—"

"Do not compare my sister's trauma with the feud of Y/n." I said between
my teeth.

"I am not, but your behavior is intolerable now, Sebastian. I'm getting
tired." Ominis came clean.

I wanted to disagree, but I was also tired.

"I'll pass on the midnight snacks invitation," Ominis let out again, preparing
himself to leave, "You need a moment by yourself, Sebastian." And he
walked away.

sebastian & adelaide vs atticus & y/n

who's gonna win? 🫣😂😂😂😂



It was a few weeks into November when the first snowfall came around. It
was also another day of a memorable quidditch game.

"Another day, another win. You hear that boys?" Garreth Weasley rammed
around the school halls, lifting up his quidditch sweater, and showing off
his fainted body.

I avoided them, wanting to roll my eyes and hope for them not to take
notice of me.

"Miss Hero of Hogwarts, I expect you will be in those bleachers supporting

us like always?" Leander Prewett scowled.

I wanted to refuse.

The weather had gotten colder and the wind in that open field was cold
enough, not even warming spells were able to resist it.
Gryffindor did have a record of winning this year, almost losing to
Ravenclaw last week, but after the news of going against Slytherin again,
the ego rose.

"Of course." I hesitated a little.

I found myself following the chaos into the Charms classroom that
morning, taking a seat in my usual space and letting out a sigh.

Poppy didn't show up again.

There were certain days in every other class when she didn't make it.

I did comfort her at the passing of her grandma and so did the rest of the
girls, but Poppy was a very emotional heart. It was going to be hard and I

I kept my eyes lowered when a familiar scent passed by me before taking a

seat a few feet away, next to Poppy's space.

"Sallow, ready to get your ass back on the loser team later?" Garreth teased
the boy.

I kept my left cheek resting on my hand, not wanting to turn into the

"Piss off, Weasley. I am not in the mood." Sebastian murmured.

I blinked, taking off the hand from my cheek and eyeing the left side from
the corner of my eye.

Sebastian still wore his attractive green quidditch sweater, but his gaze
seemed more worn off than ever.

Although I wasn't fully turned towards him, I can still recognize the dark
hue that developed underneath his eyes; it progressively gets darker as time
went by.

"Oo, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Leander kissed out.

Sebastian stood quiet, arms crossed while his body rested lazily against the

I don't think I've had direct contact with him in a while. Not even a glance,
but the more I avoided it, the fewer memories of the fifth year would
distract my head.

The memories did help ease the calm of my trauma, but after my feelings
towards Sebastian Sallow changed in the summer, now the memories were
haunting me.

I adjusted the quidditch support sweater I bought off the Spintwitches

Sporting Needs as the weather got colder.

The material covered my body warmly but also gave off a supporting look
for my house.
"I hate winter season," Cressida complained, "The sunset is earlier and now
we have to watch the games with field lights."

"Ugh, I know. They are so blinding, I might have to buy those funky glasses
at Zonko's to see clearly." Natty followed.

We sat uncomfortably through the bleachers, but it was worth the view.

"Hey, I'm going to purchase a few heated gloves from the floating shop
down the bleachers. Anyone cares to join?" I offered.

The Gryffindor girls just stared, shivering.

"It's cold down there." Cressida whispered.

I rolled my eyes, "I understand...I'll be back."

They weren't kidding about the cold.

I found myself shivering by the third bleachers, but I managed to keep my

sweater tight and passed through the corner of the field to find the vendor.

As I walked, I seemed to notice the quidditch players getting ready for the
game; the Gryffindors adjusting their sets underneath and fixing gear.

Not wanting to be distracted, I walked in more deeply underneath the

bleachers, trying to find the small store that conjured when games

"Where is it?" I spoke to myself.

My head stopped for a second, finding myself through a few Slytherin

players, holding onto their jerseys and preparing to slide them on.

Sebastian Sallow stood there, sliding off the quidditch sweater he wore
around class in one movement.

I didn't know what happened in between that moment, but I was frozen for a
slight second.

Sebastian stood shirtless, revealing his open body in the distance; a few cuts
and bruises covering his skin from old battles while they sat permanently
against his toned body.

His arms bent, revealing fainted muscles while his fingers easily took hold
of his jersey and slid it on, blocking his scars.

"Would you like to purchase some sweets, miss?" An elf called out.

My body unfroze, coming back to my senses and being faced with the
vendor that wasn't there two seconds ago.

"I, uh..y-yes, three pairs of warming mittens, p-please." I stuttered a little

still distracted by the sight I just witnessed.
As I waited for the elf to pack my items, I can feel the Slytherin boys begin
to exit from the small circle.

Once taking hold of my items, I walked and finally gazed over to the same
corner I was once staring at.

Sebastian Sallow was still there, staring straight at me, almost the same way
I was just a minute ago.

I didn't want to lie and say my heart didn't skip just slightly at the
unexpected contact, but it was a while since we stood staring, let alone, this

Good luck, Sebastian. I wanted to say happily, good luck losing. It was just
a sincere joke I had the urge to say, but we weren't friends anymore.

"Slytherin captain, let's go!" An adult called out, breaking the invisible glass
between us.

Sebastian's grown hair lay flatly against his forehead; it was interesting to
see that as months went by, everything about him began changing and
growing. And it was happening very well.

"Got lost on the way?" Cressida joked to me when I arrived a few minutes

"Yeah, sorry, the cold froze me for a bit." I joked back, handing them the
The game only lasted at least two rounds before the setting started to feel
slightly off the ordinary.

My eyes closed once before I began to feel a tingly sensation over my body.
I can hear my breath louder than usual as the cheering faded.


"Someone help," A voice screeched.

I breathed, trying to distinguish the voice.

"Help, agh!"

It was a child.


I turned to Natty beside me, her voice being more distant than usual even
though she was right in my face shouting.

I turned in fear.

"Y/n, are you okay? You seem..."

Her voice faded more, and only vibrations took over.

At the moment, I began to see the familiar magic traces in my surroundings
guiding me somewhere.

No. No. I wasn't meant for this life. I told myself.

Why did this magic have consequences?

I saw the swirls blur within the flying players before they shifted in
directions, urging my own body to follow it.

I stood up rapidly, concentrating on the call out again.

"No! HELP!"

My heart dropped, looking at, now, my concerned friends.

"The forbidden forest," I gasped, "A student...I hear a student screaming for
help, I—I...."

I couldn't even hear myself talk anymore, the ancient magic was beginning
to darken my view, only concentrating on the help.

"Call help. Someone is in trouble." I said mutely, beginning to exit out of

my friends onto the bleachers.

You might think being considered the hero or having a high ego for this
powerful magic was fun. It wasn't. It was fearing, It was painful. It was just
scary to have so much responsibility at such a young age.

My breath mixed with the cold air as I exited the bleachers, hoping I didn't
lose track of my sight and just followed my instincts.

I found the nearest broom under the storage room of the bleachers and ran
for my life on the outer side of that quidditch field and made my way into
the forbidden forest.

The familiar swirls began to increase, signaling me that I was getting closer
and as I traveled I began to notice I was in the deep of the dark forest.

What possible student can take such a risk?

"No, no," I closed my eyes when I realized the hotspot was near the spider

I tried controlling my breath, avoiding a panic attack as I lowered my

broom onto the familiar, traumatic setting and slid off in a slow matter.

"Lumos," I whispered, trying to concentrate on my surroundings.

In the distance, I can hear crumblings and familiar taps and I bit the inside
of my lip, preparing to guard.

"Okay..." I breathed, preparing, "Hello? Is anyone here?" I shouted.

I didn't hear words, but instead, I can hear the scary sounds of the spider
legs gathering around at my voice, recognizing me.

"Confringo!" I began to destroy immediately, knowing spiders were the

riskiest and fastest, "Bombarda!"

"Hel—" The familiar voice called again.

I turned rapidly, my wand light finally looking at the distance whilst killing
the spiders.

"No," I screeched at the view.

It was the first year student who had mentioned Avada Kadavra that one
time in Professor Hecat's classroom.

My own body sickened as I watched an Absconder Giant Spider trying to

feed off the child.

I was confused to see it knowing I defeated it in the past.

There was no possible way this spider was still alive. It was the most
difficult. I almost died.

"Confringo!" I cried, "Bombarda—Incendio." I tried fighting off the spiders

as I fought my way onto the boy.
I can feel a few spiders take hold of me, biting the sides of my legs and
almost making me trip.

"Ow," I suffered from the pain, but quickly fought it off.

I was unprepared. No Wiggenweld potions, no proper gear, no allies, no

nothing. I was alone.

"Descendo!" I projected, "Stupefy! Stupefy, stupefy—ow." I felt another

spider bite me.

Within my cry of pain and whines, the absconder spider must've sensed the
blood in me and immediately laid off the child, eyeing from a few feet.

I closed my eyes, knowing that the only option I had was to use a part of
my ancient magic to stop it temporarily.

If my timing was right, I'll have enough time to gather Hector Malfoy away
and hop on a broom in seconds. If my timing was right.

"Incendio—okay..." I whispered, closing my eyes and spiritually recharging

my own energy in concentration as the giant spider moved slowly at me.

"1...2,...3," I whispered.

The floor almost crumbled once I lifted my wand and cast the powerful
I cried, feeling my body hit the floor hard, but felt the dozens of spiders
around me die instantly.

I suffered, trying to open my eyes from the pain, and looked over at the

The Absconder flipped over, still alive, but flipped; enough to run over the
child and attempt an escape before more spiders arrived.

I crawl onto the stained, bloody floor, suffering in pain, but lifting my
weakening body up to run up to the student.

Hector Malfoy stood against a rock, almost bleeding for his life while he
cried in pain; his wand on the side of the floor.

"Help me,"

"I'm here, I'm here," I cried with him, "You're going to be okay, you'll be

"I should've listened. I can't cast an u-unforgivable—my wand didn't work."

He cried, grabbing his wounds.

"It's okay, it's okay," I comforted.

I tried my best to close up the bloody wounds with healing incantations, but
since my own magic was used up from the hard ancient spell, it was
working slowly.
"Episkey," I whispered, "V-Vulnera Sanentur...come on work," I cried
eagerly, seeing the spells not working.

"I don't want to die." Hector cried.

"N-No, you won't die. We'll be al—"

In the second, I can feel my body slash around against the cemented rock of
the inner cave, making me fall onto the concrete floor in a slamming

It was too late. I lost track of time.

I saw in blur; the giant spider watched as it slammed me before lifting its
legs to attempt another injury.

In my surroundings, I can see more spiders birth out of the floor, making
uncomfortable screeching noises and preparing to gang up on me.

My fingers trembled, wanting to reach over the wand a few inches away
from me, but the cuts and venomous bites were unbearable.

"No, no," I cried, "I'm supposed to be a hero, I can't die over—"

I can feel a small spider throw its venomous web onto my fingers, moving
my wand away.
The giant spider finally took hold, lifting itself up and preparing to kill me
once and for all from karma of killing its hatch last year.

I closed my eyes at the moment concentrating on death as I attempted one

last recharge on my own magic.

"Avada Kadavra." A voice shouted.

My eyes slightly opened, watching the giant spider in front of me screech

extremely loud before a lighting of green strikes went through its body and
collapse onto the floor.

It was slowly dying.

"Petrificus Totalus—confrigo, diffindo!" The voice repeatedly fought,

"Accio, Glacious, Defendo."

The spiders around me twirled around in the air before getting instantly

I adjusted my view, almost losing sight before familiarizing myself with the
person saving our lives.

Sebastian Sallow stood there, killing the monstrous spiders one by one like
a pattern, enough to get our surroundings cleared at the moment.


he's so fast...if you know what i mean🤭🤭

also i know y/n is way better than this to die but i played the game on
hard mode and i always died near those ugly ass spiders. they were my
biggest weakness LMAO
twenty one

do you guys like long chapters?


Sebastian's Perspective

"Slytherin takes possession of the quaffle!" Katy Berry, the Slytherin

speaker called out, "With a few yards, Imelda Reyes can scor--"

Katy Berry's voice cut off within the excitement.

My body stood halfway in the cold air, light snow beginning to fall as I
stared down at the random cut-off mid-game.

"Hey! I scored! Why isn't she saying anything?" Imelda's accent echoed
angrily near the hoop.

Confused, I lowered my broom, letting myself down and trying to adjust

my ear sight towards the commotion on the Gryffindor side.
Suddenly, the enchanted scoreboard disappeared, making the crowd
complain from the unexpected pause.

"Attention students," The headmaster appeared down at the speakers, taking

over, "There's been an emergency. A student is in danger and we cannot
proceed with the game. For your attention, the quidditch match today is

I didn't think twice. The moment I heard danger, I scanned the red-colored
bleachers, looking for a specific female knowing my head would peak for
her presence every single game.

Y/n wasn't in sight.

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath, my broom finally making it near the

bleachers of the rivalry house.

I looked around desperately and got lost in all the students exiting the field,
still having a slight hope that she'll be around.

"What happened?" The voice asked.

"Who could it be?"

"Is that why Y/n left?"

I turned rapidly at the call out of her name, but every Gryffindor talked and
talked, I didn't even know who to reach out to.
Within the claustrophobic field, a familiar red light blinked in the distance
and I didn't hesitate to reach out to someone that was also in the crowd.

"Ominis!" I breathed at my friend.

We haven't really spoken to each other often since that outburst in the
restroom one night, but desperate times called for desperate needs.

"Sebastian? Is that—"

"What is it?" I said, not wasting time, "Who's in danger? What did you

Ominis just stood there, "I am unsure. I tried flicking my wand to project an
intense listening charm, but I heard muffles."

I sighed.

"It's something to do with a first year. The forbidden forest, but I am unsure

I began to remove my quidditch gear within the talk, preparing myself to fly
out into the restricted destination from afar.

"Sebastian, I hear you ruffling, what are you doing?" Ominis called out.
"The forest is out of bounds—"
"Ominis, is fifth year non-existent to you?!" I asked with a frown, "She's
not in the crowd."

Ominis stared ahead, "What? She? I believe it's a first-year boy—wait,

Y/n?" He realized, "D-Did she go down there to—"

A fainted screech from a loud creature vibrated from the forbidden forest
miles away, making a few student turn and grow fear.

I thought quickly, closing my eyes and trying to remember where I once

heard that before.

"The infamous foe," I breathed out, "No."

I twisted my body around, beginning to run rapidly towards the nearest

broom the quidditch players left behind.

"Sebastian!" Ominis shouted from the distance, but I ignored him and flew

I didn't need directions. The moment I peaked at a recurring sight of red and
blue flashes in the dark, gloomy setting, I followed it.

The forest was pitch black and colder than Hogwarts grounds. I couldn't
imagine how someone can take a risk of entering it at such timing.

It was almost fearing for me.

"Incendio!" A voice shirked.

I almost fell off my broom from the rough stop and quickly pushed it off,
running through the scary forest toward the voice

"Hello?" I called out, hoping to get a notice.

It only took me three steps before I felt a jump of a dark mongrel near my
back, almost slashing into my skin.

"Protego," I groaned, "Depulso—descendo." I killed it rapidly, running


In the distance, the voice vibrated under my feet, the grass below me feeling
stiff as a magic blue light flickered to my left.

It was Y/n.

Not that I was ever second-guessing that it was her. Y/n would always put
her own life aside to save someone else, no matter the circumstances, it
almost bothered me.

But I also knew that she wouldn't use her ancient magic unless it was a life
or death risk.

"Y/n, where are you?" I shouted, still running through the muddy floors,
following the sounds.
My right knee bent towards the cemented floor, signaling me in the dark
that I have entered a spider cave.

The light spiders bit my legs rapidly, and I flickered my wand washing
them away.

"Stupefy, confringo," I murmured, killing them off.

"It's okay," I heard the light voice.

I gasped, "Lumos,"

I went in circles, fighting off spiders while also finding what way inside the
cave Y/n spoke out from.

A fainted cry of a younger student echoed within the caves, helping me

guide my wand more.

"Ouch." I groaned, feeling unexpected spiders come out of the hard ground
and almost pushing my body down with them.

"Incendio," I managed to say, knowing I had no other choice from the

number of spiders that were coming out. "Impe--Diffindo."

Ignoring the horror commotion, I walked more deeply, familiarizing myself

with another lit-up wand that was on the floor a few yards away.
"I don't want to die." The boy cried.

I finally spotted them.

Although it was very dark, only the reflection of the wands in the closed
space made me aware of where they sat.

"N-No, you won't die. We'll be al—"


My own voice cut off when an unexpected huge spider appeared from view,
throwing her against the hard wall with no warning.

The hit was so rough, I fell to the floor too, and groaned from the injuries I

My adrenaline towards wanting to save Y/n must've been high because my

pain tolerance felt light, making me have the strength to still walk near and
plan out a solution.

"No, no," Y/n cried, "I'm supposed to be a hero, I can't die."

I never heard her cry this way, let alone suffer so much.

I've predicted that with this power Y/n held, it could've potentially been
easier to resist certain attacks, but yet, it looked more like it worsen with it.
I stood up, slowly watching the spider preparing to slash her once and for

"No!" I said angrily, waving my wand around and forcing an arm out,
"Avada Kadavra!"

My teeth screeched inside my mouth, killing off the dangerous monster, and
felt myself go on a killing spree in seconds, letting my emotions get to me.

"Petrificus Totalus!—Diffindo," I shouted at my surroundings, "Incendio!" I


I didn't know I was capable of producing so many spells at once, but I did. I
didn't realize what I actually did until my surroundings stayed silent.

No legs crawled anymore. No crunchy noises. All dead.

I breathed heavily, letting my wand go for a second.

A familiar breath brought me back, feeling my face soften, and turned


Y/n lay there in a bloody mess, breathing heavily and suffering with herself
from all the spell usage she let out.

I took over immediately, walking near and bending, lifting Y/n up, "Hey,
hey, I'm right here—"
"N-No," Y/n rasped, holding her stomach before pointing ahead, "Save him.
Save him, please. I'm okay."

I didn't let her go right away, but I turned in the direction of her finger and
almost felt sick at the view.

A pool of blood was in sight next to Hector Malfoy, the first year from that
one class a few weeks back.

I couldn't tell if he was still alive or not, but Y/n wanted to do her best.

"Help is on the way, Y/n. They aren't far—"

"No, bring me to him," Y/n ordered, "I-I need to be able to save him." She

I wanted to question her intentions, but if Hector Malfoy was really near
death, the time was unmeasurable.

"O-Okay," I whispered, bringing my hands under her body, lifting her easily
and wobbly walking towards the child.

I didn't mean to wobble. My strength has progressed over the summer, but I
was also bitten and injured to a certain level. I was surprised, I even
managed to carry her.

The blood view was disturbing if I were honest, but it was nothing new for
Fifth Year

"Wigardium Leviosa," Y/n shouted, "Stupefy—oh no, he's going to kill us

with the hammer." She feared.

We found ourselves in a bandit camp. It was an accidental entrance and it

was too late to avoid them.

It was probably one of our hardest, involving stupid goblins, dark wizards
and two trolls.

Yes, two armed trolls.

"Imperio!" I shouted, the curse lifting on one of the trolls.

The troll wobbled a little before its hammer lifted from us and began
slashing over the enemies.

"Merlin," Y/n breathed at the sight.

We both watched the trolls with their hammer, smashing the enemies, blood
splattering everywhere from the disturbing, deadly kills.

The blood was unnamable and I can start feeling myself sickened from the
excruciating deaths.
"Did you make it kill itself?" Y/n gasped once the troll hit his head
continuously on a brick wall.

"Yes," I gasped, "I-It's over. We're...we're safe..." I said with a funny feeling.

I can sense Y/n's eyes on me, noticing my weird behavior as we walked out
of the bloody camp.

"Sebastian? A-Are you—"

I can feel myself run off, projectile vomiting onto the grass, my eyes
closing not wanting to see any more blood sight of the deaths or else, I'll
continue to empty my stomach.

What seemed to be a disgusting view, my eyes re-opened at the sound of

Y/n giggling near me, almost ignoring the fact that I was throwing up.

I wiped my mouth, "Pardon me...are you laughing?!" I scoffed.

Y/n just stared down at me, rolling her eyes, "I've seen worst. I am just
shocked to see Sebastian Sallow has a sensitive stomach," she joked.

I lifted my posture back up again, staring at the girl across from me, and
shook my head from the audacity.

"You tend to impress me every day, Y/n." I murmured, grabbing onto my

wand again.

I swallowed, ignoring the blood inside the spider cave.

My head was more concentrated on the safety of Y/n that the unpleasant
view didn't even bother me anymore.

Y/n's fingers lifted, curling around her white wand, placing it near Hector's
body, and closing her eyes.

I watched.

I watched as her tired eyes closed. How her fingers trembled at the muted
incantations while a certain spell began to lift from Hector Malfoy's chest.

Y/n's eyes squinted, almost holding the urge to wince from the pain she
began feeling from the performance.

I wanted to stop Y/n.

That she took enough risks already to still use her own ancient magic, but I
knew she would never forgive me. Ever.

I can see a strike of black and red sparks rise between the spell.

It seemed familiar to Isadora Morgananch's memory piece we once saw in a

pensive. The motive was that it was an attempt to take away pain from the
person suffering.

Isadora didn't suffer in the memory, so I wasn't understanding why Y/n

began to fight for her own life doing it too.

"They are here!" A voice echoed from the cave.

I turned around spotting the professors apparating into the forbidden forest,
one by one, finally finding us.

I turned back to Y/n, "Y/n...stop, it's alright—"

The magic still lifted between them, Y/n's chest rising from the breath she
was losing.


The cave went mute.

I watched Y/n slowly fall down beside me, fainting.

"No." I bent, picking her up, "Wake up—"

My own worry was disrupted when Hector Malfoy opened his eyes beside
me and took his first breath again with no emotion.
Y/n's Perspective

My eyes lifted open one morning. The distracting light from the hospital
wing's curtains bothered my sight.

I adjusted my senses, feeling my body weak at any movement I attempted

to make while browsing my surroundings.

There were no other students in the hospital wing. Just me.

I worried about the first year in the forbidden forest and so many questions
began to cramp my head on what really happened after.

"Oh, Merlin!" A light voice gasped, "You have awakened!" I turned,

spotting Nurse Blainey take sight of me.

I blinked, "Yes. Is Hector Malfoy alive?" I asked right away, knowing it was
all I thought about.

Nurse Blainey didn't answer my question, instead, she gave off a blank

"I will soon let the headmaster know! How are you feeling?" She asked.

I just moved around, "I feel fine...a slight hurt in my body and," I removed
the blanket off me a little, staring down at the bent, scratched-out legs,
"You were mostly injured, but we are glad you are okay! I will provide you
with a wiggelwand potion." She said, walking away.

I just sat there in the hospital bed, still confused about the turn of events.

I turned to my side, spotting a few cards and Get Better items on the stand
next to the bed.

My brows furrowed, wondering how long it's actually been to have them in
the first place.

Fingers taking hold of a few of them, I read.

Hope you are well, Y/n.

My mother and I are very concerned for you!

The dormitory misses you. :)


I smiled, switching off the cards.

I cannot lose you yet. Not at these times.

We still have plenty of animal adventures, so get better soon and be

ready to explore! x
Beasts Friends,

I smiled more widely down at Poppy Sweeting's support. She never failed
to make me feel loved and safe. Poppy was a good friend.

Wasn't serious about being the hero of Hogwarts all the time. :p

Hurry up and get better. We need our cheerleader.


I rolled my eyes that even Garreth Weasley made it to the list.


I am writing this to let you know that I hope you are doing well.

Nobody is capable to take risks like yours.

I warn you many times, but you just never listen.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Ominis Gaunt

I set the letters aside, still searching around in an unnoticeable manner,

almost hoping that an extra owl would come out or something.
But nothing appeared.

No letters or owl from Sebastian Sallow.


hm, i wonder why ;)

twenty two

if you haven't noticed, the characters are aged up between 17-18 years old
in this story. it would only make sense based on the writing. thanks.


Third Person's Perspective

June 9th
Three Days After Ranrok's defeat

Sebastian Sallow sat sleepless in the wooden chair on the noiseless, dull
cottage home.

His eyes were out of focus, losing his attentive view on the mandrake leaf,
and felt his throat close.
Y/n is dead. He thought to himself.

It's been three days. He wasn't aware of any news since he flew away back
into a random abandoned home in the Highlands. Nobody knew where he

Sebastian couldn't return to Feldcroft. Not anytime soon. After killing his
uncle, Solomon Sallow and potentially losing his twin sister, Anne, forever,
he couldn't return even if he wanted to.

His nights were horrendous. It was still recent with all the events
happening, so being by himself and having those memories repeat over and
over again. It was awful.

Within his depressive state, a tootle sound rang from the outdoor home.

"Hm?" Sebastian furrowed his brows, turning.

He stood up, finding himself opening the entrance door and seeing some
sort of sunlight he's been avoiding.

The white owl sat nicely near the log by the garden and Sebastian's face
glistened just a

"B-Birdy? Is that really you?" He said, almost breathless at the familiar

He didn't have many encounters with the owl since Y/n only sent him a few,
compared to the thousands he's sent all year, but he remembered it well.

Sebastian didn't get his hopes up, he just blinked at it, "Is she alive?"

The owl did not talk, but Sebastian was fearing on that letter.

Maybe, it wasn't Y/n that sent it.

Maybe, a friend or professor took hold of her pet and sent out the news.

Sebastian just thought of the worst outcomes. It was all he thought about

The owl flew away once the hand came in contact with the parchment.

It took a few hours for Sebastian Sallow to open the parchment paper. He
couldn't bare the thought of whatever news was written in it. Whether it was
good or bad.

His fingers wiggled a little before finally opening it at 3AM in the morning
knowing he wasn't getting any sleep.


We did it. We defeated Ranrok.

I did not think it was possible, but here I am writing to you.

I am sorry if my writing seems a bit off — I broke a few fingers that
magic cannot fix, but I should be okay soon.

There's tons to tell you, but a letter can only say so much.

Fig is dead. I lost him, Sebastian. It hasn't been the best mourning. It is
a lot to take in.

The Keepers trusted me with the magic. My body feels weird — I

should adjust soon.

But, I wouldn't done it without you, Sebastian. You taught me many

spells and tricks and if I were honest, I would be dead without you.

Thank you. I cannot wait to see you this summer. I hope everything is
well. I miss you.


Sebastian Sallow sat the letter down, re-reading it a dozen times before
taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.

He felt the urge to cry.

It should've been dramatic to cry over a girl he just knew for less than a
year, but he's held in so much emotion with the loss of everything in his
life, he was almost in denial Y/n is alive.

But even with that, he had to live with the guilt of her taking in that ancient
magic power for his own sake.

Sebastian had this idea that he spent all fifth year begging and manipulating
Y/n to take that magic to save his sister that near the end, Y/n couldn't say
no to him. He didn't let her — his emotions took over.

And he cannot forgive himself for it.

Sebastian still stared at the mandrake leaf on the wooden table that he was
avoiding to take, but finally took hold of it.


Sebastian's Perspective

I stared down from the distance.

The Hogwarts castle still peaked over through the snow that fell from the
sky that evening even though it was miles and miles away.

I was back around the highlands. Escaping reality. How cowardly of me, I
know, but it was necessary.

I told Headmaster Professor Black that I needed a "few days" to adjust to

my uncle's death again, as if I weren't the one to take his life away, and used
that excuse to leave Hogwarts for a few days.

Truly, I just couldn't handle seeing Y/n on that hospital wing bed anymore.
I still held this guilt that it was my fault. That each time that magic was
released, it only pained her. I use to tell her that if she wields it, the keepers
can help her control it and have the ability, but yet, it was just a hard

I wasn't avoiding Y/n.

I was with her on that hospital wing every night after hours, watching her,
hoping every hour that it'll be the hour she'll wake up. Nobody knew about
my sneak-ins besides Nurse Blainey.

After day five, I no longer couldn't bare it. I needed to leave.

I wasn't aware if she'll wake up. Or if she'll be in pain, or if she'll feel

different after saving Hector Malfoy, but the consequences of that were
another problem that I was scared to tell her.

There were so many things unsaid between us. Hell, we were still on bad
terms. Yeah, that moment in the spider cave was extremely sensitive, but
realistically, Y/n was still not speaking to me.

"I hope you're well, Y/n." I said in the nature air up in the mountains,
pretending as if she'll hear me.

Y/n's Perspective

I stood in the room, surrounded by the headmaster, Professor Black, and

Professor Weasley.
It was a few days after recovering in the hospital wing. I still have not yet
returned to classes, but I was eager to know how Hector Malfoy was.

I didn't know what I was capable of with my magic, so after losing control
and fainting, I didn't know what happened.

"I don't seem to understand why I needed to wait 72 tortuous hours to know
if Hector Malfoy is alive or not," I said firmly, "It is a simple yes or no."

"Y/n, the special magic you hold upon you was capable of reviving Hector
Malfoy's life." Professor Black informed.

Relief. The first positive feel of relief finally ran through me after three days
of muted answers.

But yet, the professor seemed concerned.

"But...to an extent." He pointed.

I swallowed, "But he's alive. I was capable of saving him."

"You were, but I am aware you are still learning how to make use of this
Ancient magic. It can be a dangerous form if not in the right hands."

I looked down.
"When you cast the pain extraction spell on Hector Malfoy," Professor
Weasley explained, "Not only did you take away the physical pain, but you
unintentionally took away...the emotions of the student." She informed.

I sat there speechless, still looking down and trying to be in denial about
what my actions have caused.

"W-What? I-I—it wasn't my intention—"

"We know it was not, Y/n." Professor Weasley encouraged, "But Malfoy's
parents are mourning the loss of emotion their child has developed. He's
lost sense of feeling any sort of feel...or proper thought."

I closed my eyes, knowing that although I took all that pain of his through
me, I still failed.

It was a horrible feeling.

"It's not your fault, Y/n..." Poppy comforted.

We both sat near the north lake one late afternoon.

I did trust my friends, I really did, but not as much trust with Poppy
Sweeting. The comfort and support she gave since day 1 were insane and I
knew speaking her the truth about it was slightly less painful.

"His family must hate me." I held in my tears.

I haven't felt the need to cry in months. There's this slight scare that if I did
allow my body to feel sad emotions and let them out, I wouldn't stop — but
it was worsening.

I was holding it in.

"Of course not," Poppy disagreed, "You saved their son. Hector Malfoy
wouldn't be alive without you. You saved him." She reminded.

I looked in the distance, watching the sun go down while the skies

"To a certain degree," I said, "He has no emotions."

"It's not like the Malfoy's had any emotions in the first place." Poppy joked,
wanting to bring up some sort of humor within the dark talk. "They are
genetically so serious and cruel."

I wanted to laugh at her comment, but the consequence was still haunting. I
knew I'll spend the rest of my life that way.

"I only say that because they hold a big camp of thestrals in their manors.
Breeding them and sometimes, killing them." Poppy explained. "A person
with feelings wouldn't do such a thing."

I just listened, hoping her distraction would ease my mood, but really, I was
waiting for her to depart.
It took nearly half an hour for the sun to finally settle, leaving us in a dusky,
gloomy lake. Only the full moon reflected over us, lighting the waves of

"We should head back to the castle. The dark setting tends to feel unsettling
in the winter season." Poppy suggested.

I turned, not standing with her, "It's okay, Poppy. You can head off...I'll
catch up in a bit."

Poppy dusted off her long skirt, bringing her head up, "What? Y/n, I don't
want to leave a friend like you alone on such night—"

"It's okay, Poppy. I want a few moments of silence. It's only soothing for
me." I reassured.

Poppy didn't fight it, she understood where I was coming from, "Of
course...please, don't stay here long. I'll see you soon."

I smiled, waving.

I waited for Poppy Sweeting to disappear in the view of the castle on her
broom. I knew walking was a long way to go since we were in a far lake.

I felt my eyes stare at the full moon that only appeared once a month. The
once clouded sky of snow illuminated with a clear, starlit one.

I can feel my body rise, my knees still a bit injured from the recent event,
and walked more onto the lake.
I wanted to jump on it and never come out anymore. I wondered if the
water would be magical if I died in there. I wonder.

"I'm just like you, Isadora." I fought, "We are no different than each other,"
I cried.

I was better than this, really, but somehow tonight felt so heavy on me.
After the toll of events of what happened with Hector Malfoy and the
fallout with Sebastian Sallow — it affected me badly.

I took my wand out, pointing down at the black lake, and closed my eyes,

Conjuring an ancient spell onto the lake was no harm to the water, but to
me. I wanted to test it out. To feel that pain again.

I cried. I sobbed.

Seventeen was still such a young age to feel pain, trauma, and experience so
much responsibility, especially, all alone.

"I don't want this," I said to myself in pain.

As my knees bent against the rusty, wooden dock of the lake, I can sense an
unusual stare from a distance.
Taking heavy breaths, I looked ahead, almost on the opposite side of the
lake near a hay field afar.

Blurry vision adjusting, I saw a furred white animal beyond; its body
seemed large and two ears rose in between the snow white colored body.

It was a white Arctic Wolf. Just standing there taking notice of me.

I had no reaction. I have never seen one in my life and I couldn't tell if I
should prepare for an attack or just let it kill me once and for all, but it was
nearly impossible since the lake blocked the distance.

I looked down at my wand, wanting to cast a Lumos spell to take more sight
of the rare animal, but when I directed at its distance, it was not there


i am not sure where i am going with his plot of the story but I'm kinda
excited on what's to come thanks for your patience !!!!

also we are nearing to 10k reads thank you so much 💚💚💚💚💚💚

twenty three


Sebastian Sallow didn't attend school for three weeks after what happened.
Nobody knew where he really was.

I pretended like I wasn't keeping record of how long he was gone. On how
I'll turn every five seconds at an exit to see if he'll enter late. It was just
saddening to me.

"Yeah, he led me no choice, but to become the quidditch captain now!"

Imelda Reyes shouted through a walk in the hallways one day.

I couldn't stop thinking about Sebastian, nor forget about what happened in
that forbidden forest.

He saved my life. That no matter the circumstances with the broken

friendship, we were still capable of risking ourselves to save each other.

Ominis reached out to me once in Charms, wanting me to know that he was

grateful for my friendship and that although Sebastian wasn't around much,
we can still meet up at the Undercroft.
I wanted to get answers on where Sebastian was and why he was gone in
the first place, but Ominis was oblivious to it.

"An arctic wolf?!" Poppy gasped one morning to me, "Merlin, Y/n! I've
been dying to see one. It is so rare to see them around Hogwarts!" She said
in excitement.

I knew the moment I took notice of that wolf, Poppy would boost from the
new species. Especially, when I came across the animal multiple times since
that day.

It wasn't intentional, but I once saw it near the southern mountains on a trip
to Hogsmeade with Nellie.

Or once when I was taking a trip to deliver potions to a small town and it
appeared faintly around rocks.

I didn't want to think much of it. Poppy believes from the sightings that a
wolf must've brought its breed near the region and they were spreading

"Have you guys thought about where you're heading to during the
holidays?" Natty asked in the common room.

I swallowed, knowing that I haven't experienced a real holiday since a

child. My life was truly spent around orphaned children and adult guides.

It was only a few weeks before Christmas, but Hogwarts took no time to
decorate the school and bring the holiday spirit to life.
"I might just take the Hogwarts Express back home to London." Cressida

"Yeah, same. After that last quidditch game, you'll see me packing!" Nellie

"My mother and I have decided to spend it at Hogwarts this year!" Natty let
out, "I figure with the loss of my father, we can spend it here."

"Count me in." I murmured from my bed, just laying there.

Natty smiled from across, knowing that we weren't truly going to be alone
these holidays.

I didn't realize it was very common for many students to stay in Hogwarts
on the holidays until I overheard conversations.

Ominis Gaunt is celebrating his second Christmas at Hogwarts this year,

due to the contrast between his family's beliefs.

Poppy Sweeting did not hesitate after hearing that Natty and I will stay in.
After the loss of her grandma, she did not think twice about not joining
Atticus back home with her parents.

"You think if we make big signs that say Slytherin Sucks before the last
game we would lose house points?" Garreth Weasley asked in potions class
one afternoon.
I held in my laugh, trying to concentrate on making the Girding potion
without messing up due to Garreth's out-the-blue questions.

"Garreth, if you are questioning the house points, then I believe you should
not." Natty responded next to me.

"What if nobody knows it was us?" Garreth asked again.

"Indeed, we know now, Mister Weasley," Professor Sharp walked by us, "I
believe if you plan on disrespecting my house, you should be more quiet
about it." He warns him.

Garreth just stood there, almost frozen at the sight of the professor.

"And because of that, I'll deduct 5 points from Gryffindor." Professor Sharp
pointed, walking away.

I can hear all the Gryffindor students in the room groan from the
unnecessary loss of points due to Garreth Weasley.

"I should've just stuck with the Slytherin Sucks stickers from Zoko's right?"
Garreth sighed, putting his hands on his face in stress.

I just giggled, "Yes."

"Y/n are we expecting your presence this game? We need the school mascot
for support! Garreth teased.
My eyes landed on his, almost scoffing at his new reference, "School

"Figures since you didn't like the cheerleader tease, you are the school
mascot. Always saving us trouble and losses." Garreth joked.

Natty laughed beside me, "Garreth, how are you in this class again?" She

"I don't know Garreth...I might have to pass this game. I'm still recovering
from the last one." I said in honesty.

I wasn't really motivated to attend the rescheduled canceled game from last

The last experience wasn't the best, but it was the last game of the season. I
was stuck between the motive of celebrating it once more or avoiding the
cold weather.

"If we lose because you decided not to attend, I would never forgive you."
Garreth warned.

"Wow, so scared!" I waved my arms up in sarcasm.

It was December 23rd when the last Quidditch game of the season went

I woke up that morning still hesitant about showing up, but most of the
house seemed overly excited, I began to feel the fear of missing out.
It was mid-Charms class when Professor Ronen was teaching a charm to
keep hot chocolate from not getting cold when the classroom door opened.

And he entered.

Sebastian Sallow entered that classroom as if it was another ordinary class

day for him.

The quidditch sweater he'll always wear was now tighter against the body. It
seemed like he was more active than usual the last three weeks, his clothes
weren't loose anymore.

His brown hair looked slightly lighter—it must've been the light, but I do
remember it being browner.

And his eyes? Well, they seemed emotionless. Almost as if he hadn't slept
for days and I only noticed that because that's how I began to look too.

Sebastian was exhausted

"Mister Sallow, welcome back...take a seat." Professor Ronen excused,

almost confused why he would just show up on the last day of the semester.

The aura felt weird. It was weird to the point where Garreth and Amit
behind us didn't even bother to annoy him towards the last game this
afternoon. The class was just quiet.
Sebastian didn't say a word, just took the seat beside Poppy and nudged
over to Ominis beside him.

"Have you spoken to him?" Poppy sent out an enchanted note to me.

I looked down at the small parchment and back to her, shaking my head.

"No, I-I haven't." I said in a saddened tone.

I spent the rest of the day concentrated on the Slytherin tall man. It wasn't
even on purpose, my body was just guiding itself at him, almost in an
observant matter.

I wanted to take one last glance at Sebastian Sallow during dinner at the
great hall before the game, but he never showed up.

"I'm getting warming gloves again...I lost mine from the last game. Anyone
care to—"

"Thanks, Y/n, but," They all waved their hands covered in the mittens from
the last game.

I let out a small smile, nodding, "Alright. I'll be back."

Did I really need warming mittens? No, of course not. I just needed an
excuse to take sight of the Slytherin boys under the bleachers and have hope
I can see him.
The Gryffindor boys whistled as I passed their side, almost cheering that I
actually made it.

"Woo! A win today boys!" Garreth waved his arms.

I rolled my eyes, smiling before passing them and continuing down the
lower floor, finding the elf with the small shop.

While walking, I did find myself coming across the Slytherin boys.

"What would you like to purchase today, miss?" The elf appeared.

It took me a minute to scan my eyes, watching other quidditch players get

prepared for the last game.

They were more huddled than usual, so I was having much of a hard time
finding a specific person.


I brought my gaze back down at the elf, almost forgetting that I came here
for gloves.

"Uh...yes, may I purchase a pair of warming mittens?" I asked.

As the elf packed up my purchase, I turned to my left again.

It was empty. The quidditch players had gone off by now.

I sighed, taking hold of the mittens and giving off a slight thanks before
walking again.

It took a few steps before I heard muffled voices from the small infirmary
that was specifically for fallen injured players.

Sebastian Sallow stood there shirtless with Madam Marley, another nurse in
the school while she spoke to him.

I couldn't distinguish the words that were coming out of her mouth because
I was just staring at the shirtless man.

His abdomen area was wrapped around white cloth, a few fainted blood
stains almost bleeding through them; the material sat tightly around his skin
like if he got injured badly.

There were also a few slashes on his right arm that weren't bandaged, but
enough to see from afar.

"Mister Sallow, I am unsure if you can participate in today's match—"

"Madam, it's my last game of the season. Please." Sebastian pleaded.

The jersey wiggled around his hand, waiting for it to slide on him.
The nurse just stared, almost worrying for his safety.


My heart almost stopped as a voice caught me and I turned to my side.

Imelda Reyes stood beside me also wearing her double Slytherin quidditch
gear as she held a fancy broom in her hand.

"I-Imelda..." I said, almost embarrassed that she caught me staring at the

small room.

Luckily, she didn't question anything, she just turned her head in my
direction and entered the room like nothing.

"Sallow, are you ready or do I have to take over the captain position,
again?" Imelda asked.

Imelda didn't even wait for me to leave, so when Sebastian turned, he took
sight of her before taking sight of me far ahead.

I wished our eyes would've stared properly, but feeling caught up with the
game starting, Sebastian's gaze went to Imelda.

"I am." He said rapidly, covering himself with the jersey before she can
question his injuries.
"I'm beginning to feel you befriended the elf or something." Cressida said
when I arrived.

I laughed, "I did, actually. Free mittens for the rest of the year!" I lied.

There was no way I would confess that I was looking for Sebastian Sallow.

That final game was way more different than the others. It almost seemed
like the return of Sebastian Sallow as captain began to stir the pot with the

"I don't like the sound of this." Natty said in worry, watching the

I watched as Sebastian flew rapidly through the field; his arms elbowing the
Gryffindor boys and almost dropping them in a deadly manner toward the

His skills enhanced and I was wondering if anybody else was noticing it,
but I don't think nobody paid attention the way I did.

"No! Weasley is out!" Poppy gasped, mittens near her mouth at the sight.

"Oh no! It's a close game." The rest of the Gryffindor crowd debated.

"Come on, Nellie!" Natty shouted.

I can see the Slytherin side cheer at their view of Sebastian Sallow getting
nearer to the golden snitch in the air.


"Sebastian Sallow takes hold of the snitch!" The Slytherin announcer

cheered, "Slytherin wins this season!"

I didn't know how to react. The certain plot twist of the Gryffindors losing
the season after confidently winning most of the games was crazy.

"Sallow! Sallow! Sallow!"

As the girls mourn the loss around me, my eyes stayed on the cheering on
the opposite side.

Sebastian's body lowered with the broom, the snitch still in his hands while
the Slytherin boys carried him up in the air for the unexpected win.

Sebastian wasn't really smiling. If anything, his eyes would squint at the
touches knowing he was injured badly underneath that gear.

And there was just one second, just one second when his eyes, even from
afar away, flickered at mine.

There was this excitement in me that night that although Gryffindor lost the
season, I was more hopeful that I'll get this opportunity to see Sebastian
during the holiday.

I figured since there wasn't anywhere to go at Christmas for him; it'll only
make sense to stay at Hogwarts too after his return.

As what I thought.


Meet me at the Undercroft as soon as you possibly can tonight.

Ominis Gaunt

I stared down at Ominis owl later that night.

It was a bit past bedtime, but since it was a Friday, the corridors were still
open for the students all night.

It was rare to have Ominis send an invite to the Undercroft. It was usually
Sebastian, so to have him send an owl this late should've been my first sign.

I hadn't been at the Undercroft in a while, so when I entered past the

familiar metal doors, I felt nostalgic for a bit.

"You made it." Ominis sensed me at the sound of the entrance.

I walked in wearing comfy clothing knowing I was near sleeping. I didn't

care since Ominis couldn't even see my attire to judge.
"As soon as possible, Ominis." I laughed. "I'm curious about what you have
in mind to—"

"Sebastian's gone, Y/n." Ominis stated, cutting in my enthusiasm.

I didn't process his words right away. I mean, how could I? I just saw
Sebastian Sallow celebrate his win on the quidditch field a few hours ago.

"What?" I said, still in a positive matter, "Gone where? To celebrate the

win, I'll assume?"

Ominis looked to the side, "No. He wasn't in the common room for the
party. I used my wand everywhere, and he wasn't there."

I just stared, almost confused.

"Where is he then?" I asked.

"As I said, he's gone."

"For the holiday? It is Christmas break—"

"No. You aren't understanding me, Y/n." Ominis said more serious,
"Sebastian left. He left Hogwarts and has no intention of coming back."

Now his words were actually taken in.

"That's impossible," I said, walking nearer, "Ominis, he just returned

"I'm aware of that. I presume he wanted to get a last win for the season
before heading off for good." Ominis said.

I shook my head, "No, this isn't making sense. Heading off where?

Ominis just stood quiet.

"Ominis, where did he go?"

"He told me not to say anything. I shouldn't have even sent that owl to you.
It must be a mistake now that I think about it, but I trust you and—"

"Well, it's too late." I cut him off, "Ominis, where is Sebastian?"

I didn't want to believe him. I spent all year avoiding Sebastian Sallow that
when he was actually gone, I didn't know how to accustomed to that.

"Sebastian still thinks he can save Anne. That he can find her." Ominis
explained, "I told him it's no use since his owls don't make it to her, nor she
hasn't reached out, but he's in denial."

I sighed.

"He wants to search for her. No matter what it takes," Ominis called out,
"He's willing to travel the entire map until he finds his sister—"
"He can't do that. There are still many regions handled by Ranrok loyalists.
I defeated the boss, but there are still many unseen, dangerous places,
Ominis." I warned.

"I told him the exact same thing, but he's different now, Y/n," Ominis
looked down, "He is putting himself on a suicide mission with this journey
and does not care."

I didn't want to believe it. It just seemed fake that even his own best friend
was lost.

"He's out of his head, Y/n. His 18th birthday is this week, which means..."

"The Ministry won't be able to track him because the trace would expire." I
finished for him,

The Trace System was developed at the beginning of this year after my
defeat with Ranrok.

The Ministry of Magic made every witch and wizard under seventeen be
tracked until a certain age for safety after what happened.

I've been completely out of my head, I didn't even realize Sebastian

Sallow's birthday was near.

I remember spending his seventeenth birthday in a random mine killing off

trolls. He always said it'll be memorable to him
"He didn't even say goodbye." I began to take in the truth.

"You were upset with him." Ominis reminded, "He left with that mindset.
Sebastian just has lots of guilt and regret about what happened between you

My eyes squinted, "W-What? What do you mean?"

"There's just a lot that I wasn't aware of and I just think it's better if
you...you talk to him." Ominis breathed, "It's the only way."

I stood there in silence.

"I know you still may hold a grudge against Sebastian, Y/n, but you were
the only person capable of changing his mind. You did it to me all the time.
You are good at it." Ominis advised. "You always tell people what they
want to hear."

I looked down, almost smiling at the remembrance of Ominis saying those

exact words one of the first time we met.

I swallowed, "He's gone, Ominis. Even if I'm dying to speak to him again,
Sebastian's gone already."

I felt my throat close at the confession. I wasn't aware of the reality of

Sebastian Sallow and his intentions.

We've both just been through so much, it was impossible to actually sit
down like old times and express our feelings. Everything was just all over
the place.

"Not precisely," Ominis murmured.

My hurt eyes lifted at the blonde across from me.

Ominis took a moment before confessing.

"He's going to make a stop at Feldcroft. I know he mentioned something

about picking up an item beforehand, so I can only predict Feldcroft would
be the safest point to find him before he runs away." Ominis ordered.

I just stood there, so many emotions inside of me during such a holiday


"Even if I wanted to stop him, the ministry would find me, Ominis." I

I didn't know why I desperately found myself wanting to stop Sebastian

Sallow. It wasn't my responsibility since our friendship was gone, but I
needed to remind myself that I like him. It's the truth.

I spent all summer angry about not getting his attention—I can't go another
year without him.

"I might know a spell to break the trace." Ominis said, almost forcing those
words out of his mouth.
"What?" I said, almost speechless.

"I come from a bloodline that practices Dark Arts, Y/n," Ominis stated, "I
promised myself that I'll never involve myself in that type of magic, but my
brain is still in-tact watching my family perform illegal spells constantly."

I felt bad for Ominis. As someone that was avoiding such dark magic, he's
excused it for the care he's had for his best friend—the risk Ominis Gaunt
would take for his friends.

"I can perform the difficult counter-spell for your trace." Ominis offered.

My hands sweated as I ran them through my hair, stressfully, not knowing

what to even say at this point.

"It's only a suggestion, Y/n. I am not forcing you on anything," Ominis said
in a low manner, "I understand you've done many favors in the past and you
are exhausted and I also understand you no longer want to speak with
Sebastian, but you're the only girl capable of stopping him."

I wanted to question what he meant by that, but my head was already all
over the place from everything I was getting told.

"I wish I could do it or even join, but I don't hold as much power as you do.
I cannot see and the trace counter-spell only works once." Ominis told.

I pursed my lips, taking a breath, and put my hands into fists, closing my
"I'll find Sebastian, Ominis." I finally agreed.



twenty four


"Should I expect a return from you before the holiday?" Natty questioned.

I buttoned up my last piece of material, adjusting my belt and taking a sigh.

My mind couldn't wrap around the fact that I'll be sneaking off the castle at
late hours. I could barely sneak off my own common room without

"Of course...it's just a quick trail, you know?" I lied.

I hated lying to my friends. Of course, they would understand that I really

am just going for Sebastian Sallow, but in any case of my disappearance,
professors would not hesitate on the Veritaserum potion on them.

"Okay, Y/n! I'll make sure to cause a distraction in case you don't come
back on time." Natty smiled.

I grew a smile back.

I respected my friends for always covering for me, even if they didn't have

They spent all fifth year trying to curve answers with the prefect on my
whereabouts, while I was out across the region killing villains with

"Battling gear," Ominis noticed the sound of my boots clicking through the
Undercroft's floor that night.

I just stood in the middle of the space, looking down and adjusting my dark

"Well, I can't use my broom until I'm out of Hogwarts grounds, so I would
need to walk through the endangered zones until an exit." I sighed.

"I apologize." Ominis looked down.

"It's okay, Ominis. This was my choice." I reminded.

It was my choice.

Sometimes, I wondered if Ominis calling me for help was the best decision.

I waited for signs to have an excuse to see Sebastian, but failed them all,
and now that I might potentially have one, I couldn't decline. No matter the
"Alright, then. Well, I should perform the counter-spell now," Ominis
revealed his wand, "The anti-tracking spell should take effect right away,
but it might take me a few tries until I know it's successful."

I nodded, but forgetting he couldn't see my expression, I spoke, "It's okay.

Got it."

"I cannot see you, so if you can step forward—"

I felt myself get near the tall man across from me.

Ominis Gaunt was tall. I must've spent my time flaunting over his best
friend, Sebastian Sallow, but Ominis also took growth this summer.

His voice pitch lowered compared to how he sounded in the fifth year. His
height was probably near Sebastian's — if anything, taller. And his
personality, well, was more kind.

Ominis spent all fifth year almost disliking me for, I quote, "encouraging
Sebastian", but after several deep talks, he must've trusted me more than
Sebastian now.

"Okay," Ominis said, "Give me a moment."

I watched as his light eyes closed before his lips began to mumble a few
language words that I couldn't really put together well.

"Non-apparebit Vestigia,"
His blinking wand motioned above my head, traveling slowly down my
body as he repeatedly said the incantation

"Non-apparebit Vestigia...non-apparebit vestigia, non-apparebit — it's

done." Ominis cut in.

I blinked at the random confirmation.

"That's all? H-How do you know?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion.

Ominis smirked, "I just know, Y/n...but I will say, I am not sure of how long
the spell would last." He informed.

"How long do you predict it would?" I asked.

Ominis shrugged, "I put a lot of intention into it, so I can only predict that it
should last 72 hours." He answered.

3 days.

"I'm sure you'll find him sooner, but Sebastian is chaos when he wants
something." Ominis joked.

I just let out a fainted laugh, "Okay. Thank you, Ominis. And I'm sorry if
you had to use—"

"Don't worry, Y/n," Ominis rose his hand, "Within the Gaunt genes,
sometimes it's quite alright to have several occasions to flaunt our dark
magic abilities."

I still felt bad about the things Ominis Gaunt forced himself to do. I know
he's regretful of following his family's magic knowing he's against it, but he
wanted to help his friend.

Before walking out, I turned, lifting a finger as I wondered, "Wait, why is

Sebastian not being tracked if he is still underage—"

"Sebastian told the headmaster that he felt upset over his uncle's death again
and used the excuse to visit the highlands the last weeks. Hence, they
excused the tracking. I predict he's staying around there until the moment he
turns eighteen." Ominis explained.

Oh, Sebastian Sallow was smart. Very smart now.

I scoffed.

"Yeah, I don't understand where this intelligence in him came from now. We
got lucky we were one step ahead, Y/n." Ominis said.

I just thought.

"You should go. We are already wasting time, perhaps, he already made it to
Feldcroft and left it." Ominis reminded.
I breathed heavily that night walking through the grass grounds outside the
castle. Although I put myself under a disillusionment spell, I still felt like
I'll be caught.

I hid around plenty of trees, passing the older students and prefects before
making it near the Hogwarts valley and finally reaching the first scale.

Lower Hogsfield.

I still kept the spell in place. Although I was tempted to buy a few
Wiggelwand potions from the vendor, I didn't want to take that risk.

"Finally," I whispered out, making a trail route far from any suspects and
lowered the spell back in place.

I rose my body up again, almost feeling my back crack from the awful
posture, and took a breath, watching the sign above me.





I've been to Feldcroft before, but in broom. And with company — so, I
wasn't aware of the walking trail. Reading signs was my only hope at the

I didn't even walk a mile. Not even 300 feet if I were honest until the first
attack happened.

"Agh!" I screeched when a spider jumped out of the ground below me,
making my body almost drag through the rocky floor.

It was always spiders. Spiders here, spiders there.

I didn't mind sacrificing myself for anything else, but spiders? It was insane
the amount that came out.

"Confringo!" I pointed at it.

Within the kill, I can sense another spider behind it, making me groan from
the sum that was multiplying around me.

"Just give me a break...please." I closed my eyes.

"Confringo—incendio!" I shouted, "Confringo, ouch." I complained,

feeling the small ones start gathering.

In the distance, I began to sense two Inferius crawling up from the curved
grass by the lake waters, making me gasp.

It was bizarre to me that Hogwarts was really protected by ancient magic

because the number of enemies that piled out the moment you stepped foot
out of the enchanted castle was outnumbered.

I found myself in circles, drinking my first Wiggelwand potion from the

injuries they were causing me.

"Incendio—no! Confringo—"

At the moment, a blast of enchanted flames burst through my surroundings,

killing the monsters instantly from the heat.

I breathed heavily, still holding onto my wand and trying to find where the
spell came from in the dark.

"Stupefy," The voice called out.

"Protego!" I defended myself, watching the spell loop back at the person.

They blocked it quickly and as they appeared closer, I began to familiarize

myself with the defense.

My lips parted, still breathing heavily, "Atticus."

Atticus lowered his wand, recognizing me and almost scoffing from the
random encounter.

He wore a pair of glasses, almost as if they were helping him see more
clearly through the night while he looked down, eyeing me.
"You just always seem to surprise me, Y/n." He chuckled in a cocky way.

I closed my eyes.

"You want me to turn you in so badly?" Atticus joked, his fingers tugging
my outfit.

I looked down as he tugged my long sleeve.

"W-What are you doing here?" I asked him, almost confused as to why he
was out of bounds.

"I should ask you the same," Atticus mimicked, "It is three in the morning.
You are nowhere near the castle, almost killing yourself mid-trail." He

I rolled my eyes, snatching his fingers from my clothing, "I guess so...at
least I made it out of bounds."

Atticus chuckled, "At what risks? You are being traced. They would not
take long to find your escape." He reminded.

I just stood there, swallowing knowing that I wasn't being traced due to a

"Unless..." Atticus brought his gloved hand on his chin, almost wondering,
"You are using your little magic to get away with it." He pointed at me.
I didn't answer Atticus, I changed the topic bringing it back to him.

"How about you? You are also out of bounds—"

"I'm a prefect—"

"Prefects are allowed to be around the castle anytime, but not outside of it."
I corrected.

"Ah, challenging me, I see." Atticus nodded, "Well, I am in the seventh year.
Old enough for the trace to be gone."

I felt dumb at the moment, not realizing that.

"As in for you," Atticus brought his wand up, poking me in a silly matter,
"Stop being the hero. I cannot be saving your life as I did right now." he

I wanted to scoff, but I just looked down, "I'm not being a hero."

"Then what reasoning are you having to leave the castle at the worst hours
to encounter all these enemies? You can't do this alone." Atticus warned.

"I fought off a big monster, you know?" I said, my ego also rising.

"Yet, you almost just died over weak spiders." Atticus murmured.
I frowned, knowing he was right.

"I wasn't aware they'll be many. I was preparing a spell before you arrived."
I crossed my arms.

"Hm," Atticus gave a nod, "Well...I've saved you twice, once letting you off
the hook for being up in the corridors, two, saving you from spiders a
minute ago." He informed.

I didn't know what his intentions were, but I just stood there, listening.

"Either you tell me a good reasoning on your whereabouts, or...I just call
the headmaster. And don't bother fighting me with your little magic,"
Atticus wiggled his finger, "I do miss dueling a little." He smiled.

Atticus Sweeting was lucky he had some sort of connection with Poppy,
because if not, I would not hesitate to fight off him.

I sighed, knowing time was ticking.

"I am heading to Irondale." I lied.

Irondale was near the Feldcroft region, so technically, I wasn't lying.

"Irondale? Extend your answer. I am not convinced." Atticus teased.

I groaned, "I am sending a few Wiggelwand potions to the vendor there.

Sirona Ryan sent me."
"At 3AM?" Atticus questioned. "For a pretty face, you suck at lying, you
know?" He noticed.

I closed my eyes, "Look I just—"

My words stopped immediately when I felt a really bad headache form,

making me groan a little and breathed from the unexpected mind control.

I didn't know how long it lasted, but it was enough to make me mentally
exhausted for a moment.

"Did you just perform Legilimency on me?" I scoffed at him, my hand

resting on my forehead.

"Feldcroft. Hm, you were quite close on the location." Atticus said. "I was
expecting some Occlumency from you, but I just looked at your journey in
one go."

I still just held my head.

"Sebastian Sallow," Atticus revealed, "He's planning some sort of escape

that you want to stop. Lovely."

I reddened, but didn't feel like arguing over his mind-reading spell.

"Was that so hard?" Atticus asked, extending his hand to me from the floor.
I slapped it away, standing up by myself, "Go to hell, Atticus."

Atticus laughed, but let out a breath, "I won't tell on you, Y/n."

I was surprised at his words and looked up at his blue eyes, "R-Really?"

Atticus just stared down at me, "I already don't have the best relationship
with my step-sister Poppy. I don't want to light up those flames getting you
in trouble."

Atticus Sweeting was hard to read. He seemed scary, but yet, there was this
heart in him that fought to come out. It was such a mysterious soul.

Still, I didn't say anything at the moment.

"But, if you are going down these trails to Feldcroft, you will have to be a
little more prepared, " Atticus warns, "And it's not just spiders and inferius
you will face at peak hours." He rose his wand.

I licked my lips, nodding at his warning.

"Lift your wand up," Atticus ordered.

I can feel his body posture get near me, his hands coming in contact with
my raised arm and adjusting it to his liking,

I swallowed pretending like the attractive seventh-year prefect wasn't

"Point directly at the waves afar," Atticus whispered, "This spell is very
dangerous if not controlled correctly."

Another dangerous spell.

I wasn't against the Dark Arts. I've learned all unforgivable spells with
Sebastian Sallow, but I mostly failed to perform them from how weak my
intention was.

It just wasn't me.

"Does it involve intention?" I asked, assuring.

Atticus face almost leaned on the left side of my shoulder, hearing his voice
clear and hard on my ear.

"No," He answered, "But you will need lots of strength and concentration."

I nodded slowly, still keeping the wand upwards.

"Now, repeat after me, Pestis Incendium." Atticus taught.

My lips parted, "Pestis Incendium."

The tip of my wand chipped a few sparks, but they disappeared.

"Say it louder and clearer. Enough to mean it." Atticus directed.

I took a breath, "Pestis Incendium."

In seconds, huge flames of fire shouted out the wand, making me gasp and
back up as the heat destroyed the grass under me until it reached the shore
under us.

"Control." Atticus reminded.

Fearing, I used my strength to keep the wand lifted and repeated the

The fire flew again, but in a more narrowed matter, letting me control it
with a bit more strength as it form a rare illusion of beasts.

I breathed heavily at the damage one simple spell made in one go and I
looked down at my wand, almost scared of it.

Atticus hand maintained wrapped around mine from the wand controlling,
and I turned to him, almost giving him a sign to let it go.

The blue in his eyes lowered at my gaze, but I quickly fought it off stepping

"Don't worry. I'm not going to take Sallow's girl from him." Atticus snarled
at my actions.
I didn't fight him off from his sentence, but I just swallowed again and
lowered the wand to my side.

"You just learned the Fiendfyre curse, Y/n." Atticus informed, "You should
tell no one about this. I mean it."

I turned to the side, "Wasn't planning to."

Atticus scoffed, "Ah, you'll always win at humbling me...but I'm sure you'll
remember me when you kill off those spiders easier and that's all that
matters." He winked.

I couldn't hold it in anymore, I finally let out a smile, "Funny."

Atticus nodded, "Head off now. Be careful, hero. It's dangerous out there."

I nodded, adjusting my gear again, "I know...thanks, Atticus."

He just nodded, watching me.

I finally turned, adjusting my walk back onto the trail before Atticus
Sweeting said one last sentence.


I turned.
Atticus stared afar, "He doesn't deserve someone like you. Good luck."

I could guess that it was a little after four in the morning when the sun
began to slowly peak through the distance of the trail a few miles in.

I didn't know what sleep was anymore. And after going through the trail and
fighting off spiders and goblins, I couldn't stop.

Welcome To
Feldcroft Region

I sighed at the sign, finally letting out a small breath of relief.


sorry for no sebastian he'll be back next chap x

ominis lovers?

atticus lovers?

sebastian lovers?

garreth lovers?
twenty five


The birds were chirping during those dawn hours, I can even eye a few
farmers taking out crops from the growing pit mid-Feldcroft.

I saw the familiar wood-sighting staircase from the distance.

I met Sebastian up there the first time we arrived and the tall building gave
a nice sighting of a ruined castle above their home before it was raided by

I smiled to myself before using that piece of evidence to figure out what
small cottage home was the Sallow's.

"First house in front of it...with a garden," I whispered to myself,


As I walked through the damp grass below me, I stopped in my tracks when
a howl whistled from the mountains.
Turning, I took sight of another arctic white wolf in the distance; their
presence seemed closer than usual, but they sat there on a rock a little above
the ruined castle and stared down.

I swallowed, "They're everywhere."

Bringing my attention back, I walked nearer to the small home, my fingers

curling around the gate, lifting up its handle and opening it.

It made a slight squeaky noise, and I was hoping I wasn't distracting the
residents around — as if seeing a random girl enter the Sallow's abandoned
home with heavy gear was completely normal.

"Okay," I breathed to myself. "Okay...it's okay. It's not the first time you've
seen him."

I was only halfway on the rocky, marbled sidewalk towards the door when
it finally started hitting in on what I was actually doing.

Either I was about to confront Sebastian Sallow and explain myself why I
was here, or it was too late and all these nerves hitting me were just my
delusional thoughts.

I breathed, almost to the point where I can hear every breath clearly
vibrating in my ear.

I knocked once first.

My eyes were closed, almost as if I were having such a hard time coming in
contact with the door, but I knocked.

No answer.

It was four in the morning, so possibly he was sleeping? — no, what if he's
not there at all?

I knocked twice.

"Okay." I swallowed at the no response.

I stared down at the handle, knowing I was about to invade the place.


The lock made a click and I predicted the door was unlocked, making my
shaky fingers open the entrance and come face-to-face with the familiar

Empty. The home was empty.

Only the abandonment of beds and old memorable items stayed in place.
Almost as if it was untouched since Anne left.

But a parchment paper stood in the middle of the rounded table in the space.
Enough for me to peak the letters on whom the letter was written for.
I walked over, my fingers taking hold of it shakily.


It's not worth it.

I know your intentions and I know that you would come looking for

This is my final warning to go back to Hogwarts. It would not be worth

it and I cannot put your safety in my hands.

It is a risk you are here already.

I shall owl you if any news. All I asked is to keep my word. Don't tell

Don't tell Y/n. I have enough regret already.

If anything happens to me, you were a great friend, Ominis.


I sighed, putting the letter down and swallowing to myself at the read.

He was gone. I was too late.

Sebastian Sallow was gone.

I stood there for over a minute in silence. I just started thinking about the
next steps on busting my ass through the rest of the trails reaching the

"That's a two-day travel without floo powder." I whispered to myself

realizing there was no access down those places.

My head hurt. I wanted to blame the legilimency Atticus Sweeting

performed on me, but really my head hurt from the truth.

I crumbled up the letter, threw it down to the floor, and walked around the
home, speculating every single item that was left behind.

"Revelio." I cast.

I walked around Sebastian's side of the home.

A miniature potion-making stand was near the wall. No potions were

brewed or left behind.

On the far left corner, a bookstand stood full of books of different genres;
most of them were spell books, but I was surprised to see a few romance

In the middle stood a cherry grandfather clock. The clock within the
numbers displayed a design I couldn't really read until I walked in further
and noticed it was the same design as the Undercroft's.

"Creative..." I spoke to myself at the connection.

Then I turned, walking near his bed. The green hue blankets made firmly.

I just stared for a while before noticing a piece of parchment peaking from
the corner under his light mattress.

Bending, I snatched it, opening it knowing that if it was actually important,

he wouldn't have
left it behind.


We did it. We defeated Ranrok.

I did not think —

I immediately brought the letter down to myself realizing it was the first
and last owl I sent him after the win of Ranrok in June.

I hadn't really re-read the letter before sending it to Sebastian. I just told my
owl to give it to him right away.

The reminder of him actually receiving my owl, let alone, still having it
made me crumble just a bit.

It just reminded me of how much easy access he really had to reach out and
he didn't. It was a choice he made and I couldn't force him to be my friend.
I remained with the mindset that all those adventures and manipulation
were really for Anne, and although she holds no fault in any of this, I felt
like bait and the summer didn't really help debunk that.

I didn't know why I found myself crying at the edge of Sebastian Sallow's
abandoned bed, but I did.

Maybe, it was the sleep. I haven't slept at all, and coming in, confronting all
these reminders and truths...abandonments. Nothing was really helping the
situation at all.

"What am I doing?" I whispered to myself, wiping my tears, "It's not worth


After a while, I stood up from the bed knowing that if I was going to risk
another trip back to the castle, my adrenaline from the crying should help
strengthen me.

There was an urge in me that wanted to go up those highlands and find him,
but what if I didn't? All those fights and risks I'll take just not to find him?
Just like it happened right now? At seventeen?

I sighed, wiping the last tear before hesitantly dropping the letter in the
middle of Sebastian's bed, leaving it there.

I took one last look at the small home and nodded, preparing for my
departure again.

Sleep-deprived, starving and broken, I reached over down the doorknob,

twisting it slowly to exit the cottage home.
As the wooden material swung open, my steps immediately stopped when
my face almost bumped into a chest in front of me.

I almost gasped at the sight.

He stood there, almost breathless while wearing a tight, bright white long
sleeve on himself; a few blood stains were peaking through the thin

His lips stayed parted. The hazel color of his eyes glowed and it almost
distracted from the slash cut that lay on his left eyebrow.

Sebastian Sallow stood in front of me, not expecting my presence.



yuh, i made this chapter short on purpose because they next ones are
going to be VERY longggggggg ;)
twenty six


I didn't know what to say at the moment. My body felt frozen and the once
planned-out confrontation I expected before arriving was out of my head.

My stare was still on the brown-haired man in front of me. Almost as if our
bodies just stood in the same stance for a good minute before I followed his
own sentence.

"Sebastian," I said, almost surprised to end up seeing his arrival.

I was sure I wasn't going to see him again. I processed this thought when I
cried a few minutes ago and convinced myself that the risks and trip I've
taken wasn't even worth it.

But it was.

Sebastian led himself inside that home, giving me no choice, but to back up,
my boots clicking against the fluting floor below us as I took the steps
"What are you doing here, Y/n?" Sebastian asked.

I was more interested in how he was managing to speak to me as if he

wasn't bleeding through that white material that rested on his skin.

I stood there, ignoring his question and observing the injuries that were
distracting me.

"You're bleeding." I pointed out.

Sebastian didn't look down at my pointing, he just kept staring at me with a

hard gaze and spoke solidly.

"Nothing new. I am used to it," He crossed his arms, "What are you doing

"What am I doing here?" I repeated, "I should ask you...why are you here,
Sebastian? W-What are you doing?

I followed his posture, also crossing my arms and waiting for an answer.

Sebastian's eyes look around the place, "It's Feldcroft. I grew up here. I
lived here."

For a moment, I felt dumb at even questioning his own childhood home, but
I knew his real intentions.
"Lived. Emphasis on the past tense?" I asked.

Sebastian let out the first chuckle of the morning, looking to his side and
shaking his head.

I wanted to force myself into thinking that I wasn't extremely attractive to

Sebastian Sallow by now. That every single detail he committed was
fuming the feelings I once held in all year.

"Seems like the intelligence in you never left." He looked down at the

I wanted to smile. Laugh with him even at the positive gesture, but I
couldn't. I was worried and there were so many unanswered questions.

I stood quiet, not even knowing what to say.

We haven't really exchanged these many words in a while and I was almost
fearing that if it continued, it won't lead to a good ending.

In the corner of my eye, I can see Sebastian's head move around the place
again, watching every single detail.

"I could guess you took Ominis place reading that letter." Sebastian looked
down at the crumbled piece of parchment I left behind.

I almost felt embarrassed that I crumbled it up, but I was upset and sure by
the time he even came across it, I'll be gone.
I swallowed, "I did, but I am not Ominis. I don't listen to final warnings." I

Sebastian nodded, his eyes coming back to me unexpectedly.

I was hoping he wasn't reading my body language well; that he wasn't

noticing how my breath increased just a slight bit when he stared at me or
how my throat will wiggle a little while I process a little more time letting
out the proper words.

"Finding you here was the last thing I would expect," Sebastian confessed,
"Figured after everything that's happened between us, your arrival wouldn't
even cross my mind."

I didn't know how to take in his honesty. It's been so long since not
communicating, both of our perspectives on each other were mixed.

"I have a million questions to ask you, Y/n," Sebastian continued,

"Millions...but, I don't want to imagine the risk you took arriving here. You
need to go back." He ordered at me.

I scoffed. That was my first reaction, just scoffing at Sebastian Sallow's

words as if he was serious.

"I can't imagine the amount of convincing Ominis must've done to send you
and I deeply apologize, Y/n," Sebastian said, "The least I'll want you to
think is that you are being the bait of always being there for me."

I was surprised to know that he was well aware of the things I'd done.
I wondered if this was the type of regret Sebastian felt toward me. The
feeling of always using me up for favors to save the day.

"You're right, Ominis did speak to me," I let out, "But this was my choice."

Sebastian's eyes stayed lowered as I spoke, almost quiet.

I took a small breath, closing my eyes.

"You can't do this, Sebastian." I said to him.

Sebastian didn't even question my words. He knew exactly what I referred

to and just spoke up in his own defense.

"You know stopping me from getting what I want is the most impossible
challenge. You should know that by now." Sebastian said.

I did know that.

The fifth year was hell watching Ominis Gaunt try to prevent his friend
from involving himself in dark magic just to save his sister. Even I did, but
it came to a point where I just gave up and encouraged him. Sebastian won
that round.

I didn't realize it, but I felt myself frowning at Sebastian's words. How they
bothered me. How if he didn't take in the fact that I lived most of the last
year taking the worst challenges yet.
"Just go, Y/n," Sebastian noticed, "Look at you. You're angry. You seemed
to force yourself to stand here—"

"Can you stop?" I burst, "Can you just fucking stop, Sebastian?"

Sebastian stopped his words, watching my emotions reload from the topic
as I continued.

"Nobody forced me here. I chose this risk. I chose to come find you. I chose
to come stop you from the stupidity of leaving Hogwarts. I am here to tell
you that you are not doing the right thing." I confessed.

"I am not doing the right thing wanting to find Anne?" Sebastian reminded.

I closed my eyes at the mention of his sister.

I stood at the opposite side of the space, just taking a breath and preventing
myself to stress out from his questioning.

"No, you're not," I answered, "Anne made it clear she doesn't want to see
you. Owls won't work, the crest didn't even work."

Sebastian just stared at me in disbelief.

"You would get killed before even reaching her up those mountains,
Sebastian." I warned, "It's not worth it."
"I've done enough training to not get killed, Y/n. I can assure you,
underestimating my ability to reach my sister is mad of you." Sebastian

I sighed, knowing he was right.

I looked down, my arms still crossed as I nodded, "Y-You're right...I


"You don't know the risks I'll be willing to take for the people I love." He
said coldly.

I stared blankly. There was so much in that sentence, I didn't even know
where to respond first. It was cold, but the truth.

I only knew that because that's what I found myself doing. Taking risks for
the people I love.

"I'm sorry." I apologized, not knowing what else to say.

"Why are you sorry, Y/n?" Sebastian asked, almost confused at the apology.

Again, I just stood quietly behind the dining room table, looking down.

"We haven't spoken in a while," I gulped, "Our friendship is...is over and I
don't know what you been up to from your absence. I shouldn't have
underestimated your strengths."
It felt sadder admitting the friendship was dead out loud. Specifically, at
Sebastian Sallow himself.

"I could say the same, Y/n," Sebastian told me, "From what I remembered,
you were injured. I cannot bear the idea that although you are recovering,
you came here." He sighed.

My eyes looked everywhere but at his. They wandered around until they
reached back onto his bloody shirt, the injuries still not leaving me alone.

"Between the two of us, you're the one that's injured here, Sebastian." I
pointed, "Severely."

Sebastian looked down at his stained shirt, groaning a little at the touch of
his hand reaching his lower abdomen, but held it in.

"As I said, I am alright." Sebastian mumbled.

He wasn't alright and I sensed that.

I didn't know why I felt my body walk near Sebastian Sallow, making it a
few inches from his own stand, staring directly at the covered injuries.

I swallowed, bringing my shaky hand forward and placing it over the


Sebastian didn't argue. He allowed me to observe the injuries before a low

uttered pain sound came off him from the touch.
I gasped a little, "I'm sorry—"

"It's alright...I'll be alright, Y/n. I don't want you worrying for me."
Sebastian closed his eyes.

If only he knew I always worried for him.

"Have you tried healing spells?" I asked.

Sebastian smirked, "No, I just like feeling the pain for entertainment." He
spoke in sarcasm.

I wanted to roll my eyes at the sarcasm.

It was something I haven't heard in a while and there was a part of me that
felt nostalgic hearing him say that. It reminded me of fifth year Sebastian

I slowly nodded, digging my hand onto my side and revealing my wand in

place, over his body.

"No." Sebastian declined, "Don't do it—"

"Let me help you, Sebastian," I whispered, "I-I can fix them." I advised.

I couldn't read Sebastian's expressions since I was still staring at the

injuries, but I could sense that he was holding in an argument over my

His silence told enough, so I proceeded with my approach, holding my

wand gently against his lower body.

I closed my eyes, concentrating and whispering out healing incantations. I

let out all the ones I knew while putting my strength into it, feeling a slight
pinch of pain from the effort.

It only took a few seconds for Sebastian to notice me feeling pain from the
actions of healing before he stopped me.

"No, Y/n." Sebastian let out.

I didn't listen, I just kept my eyes closed, still trying to heal parts of his
body — the pain in him transferring to me.

"Stop." Sebastian said in a more serious tone, his hand taking hold of mine
and lowering the wand off me.

My eyes re-opened, almost questioning his decline.

I looked up at him, his hazel eyes more darkened than usual as he stared at
me with many emotions.

"I would not allow you to use your magic to heal me. I don't care how
powerful it is, I would not stand here and watch you in pain performing it.
I'll rather stay this way." Sebastian confessed.
My chest was rising a little, feeling the once pain I felt go away, knowing
that if I continued, I could've healed him more.

"Why are you questioning my magic now?" I looked down, wondering,

"Because I have seen what it's capable of now. I saw what happened in that
forbidden forest and I never want to see it happen again." Sebastian said.

It was rare to hear Sebastian Sallow be in denial about my ancient magic.

The magic he once begged me to consume.

The magic he was once rooting for all last year to save his sister.

Sebastian was against it now.

"I am still here. I wanted to save him—"

"At what cost, Y/n?" Sebastian questioned, "I almost watched you die
inside that cave."

"But I didn't." I argued, "Why are you suddenly against this, Sebastian? I
used my ancient magic plenty of times when we were battling."

Sebastian just stood muted.

"Care to remind you, you pleaded me to choose this path. That this magic
was so powerful in the right hands, I could've saved Anne if I spoke to the

"Well, I don't want you to save her anymore." Sebastian fixed, "As much as
it hurts, I cannot allow you to attempt that, that's why I am doing this
journey on my own. I am not repeating last year."

I stared.

Sebastian just stared down, "You wouldn't understand."

"Understand what, Sebastian?!" I shouted,

Sebastian looked down at me, still standing a few inches away from each
other as he kept frowning.

"Care to remind you, you stopped talking to me, Y/n. I did not mind being
friends at the start of the year." Sebastian called to mind.

"Then why did you ignore my owl this summer?" I swallowed.

Sebastian looked at me, his eyes squinting a little at the confusion before
turning his head near his own bed and eyeing the opened letter I left.

His gaze came back down to me and he stared, almost in guilt as he


"I...It's more complicated than you think—"

"How complicated if you were sending them to your friends?" I argued.

Again, Sebastian was mute.

I didn't like calling him out that way, but this hurt and betrayal I felt over
the summer was just coming back. I wanted answers, I wanted reasonings.
Even if it meant to stop liking him.

"And yet, you wanted to just talk again like friends? Forget about the last
three months you didn't speak at all?" I chuckled in hurt.

"Y/n, I am sorry." Sebastian apologized in a low voice, enough to feel the

comfort in it.

I backed away now, swallowing and being in denial about his apologies.

I didn't know if Sebastian meant it or not. I didn't know what he was up to

at all, so I was just stuck with mixed emotions and far memories.

"I enjoyed our friendship. I mourned it," Sebastian said, "You don't know
how many times I wanted to reach out, but it was difficult. And seeing you
ignore me at school was hard on me." He explained.

I closed my eyes, wanting to believe him.

Did Sebastian Sallow really feel the same way I did?

Did he really mourn that friendship like me?

Did he stress himself out?

Did he have sleepless nights?

"But I wanted to respect you," He continued, "After feeling all that guilt of
using you all fifth year, I did not want to risk that problem again. I needed
to put my feelings aside, regardless of how high they were, and respect you
for not wanting to speak anymore." He breathed.

I stood quiet, my eyes still closed, holding the urge to not let my emotions
take over me.

"I take all fault in everything that went wrong between us. I didn't mean it."
Sebastian pointed to himself.


"I didn't ignore you on purpose, Y/n. I actually wrote you a letter every
single day this summer, but I never grew the courage to send them."
Sebastian confessed.

"What?" I looked up at him.

Sebastian pursed his lips, "I never forgot about you, nor our friendship. If
anything, the memories between us were the only thing holding me together
this summer after losing my twin sister, Anne." He whispered.

Don't cry, Y/n. It's just a confession. Don't cry.

"And I lost you too," Sebastian sighed, "So, really, I don't have anything to
lose risking myself finding my sister."
I didn't know how to feel about his honesty. There was so much to say in
such little time, I was just speechless and my head was going in circles. I
was dizzy.

Sebastian was looking down to his side, upset.

I got to know Sebastian Sallow the last year. I was able to determine that
when he seemed to have that expression, it was because he was holding in
so much regret and emotion. He was sad.

"Sebastian," I let out.

Sebastian's head slowly rose, finding itself staring down at me again.

His glare was softening at my sight; the long lashes reflected the hazel color
on his eyes while they matched up with the brown freckles around his pale

I stared, opening my lips a little, "You didn't lose me. I'm here."

Sebastian stared for a while, gulping as he gave a hard, slow nod at my


"I miss you, Y/n." Sebastian confessed. "A lot."

I can feel my heartbeat increase at his truth and finally, I let out a small
"I miss you too, Sebastian." I whispered.

Sebastian extended his arms first in a slow matter, signaling for a hug.

Sadly, we never really had any physical affection in the past. I think the
most we've touched was our backs to each other fighting off monsters
around us, but friendship touches? Never.

I didn't know what physical touch between us can cause until it happened at
this moment.

I leaned forward, hugging Sebastian Sallow and closing my eyes.

The scent that gave off him was very soothing; it was giving off a crisp
autumn air, like driftwood with a hint of apples. He just smelled really
good, how did I wait this long to sense it?

I felt Sebastian's head leaning against my right shoulder, resting on it. It

gave a source of comfort and warmth.

I must've distracted myself within the hug that when I hugged tighter,
Sebastian groaned, knowing I was triggering his injuries.

I breathed, finally pulling off, touching his chest flatly, "I-I'm sorry."

Sebastian chuckled, "It's fine."

I still stared down at the injury, wanting to heal him badly.

"Please..." I begged, "Let me help you." I whispered, not looking up at him.

I knew Sebastian was debating from my call out, but it took him a good
minute to respond back.

"Alright," Sebastian sighed, "But I will stop you when I can." He warned.

I nodded, examining, "H-How many do you have?"

Sebastian didn't answer, instead, I just saw the white shirt I stared at slide
off him in seconds, catching me off guard.

"Loads," Sebastian said.

I breathed, pretending like watching Sebastian Sallow shirtless in front of

me was completely a normal habit.

I've seen him shirtless before during the Quidditch matches, but I've never
really seen him up close.

My fingers fought the urge to explore the fitted man in front of me. How the
abdominals peaked dimly as a cotton bandage wrapped around it still.

I took a breath, not letting it distract me and felt my finger unwrapped the
thin cloth, revealing huge cuts and slashes on his stomach.
"What happened to you..." I said in disbelief.

"I needed strength...it's okay." Sebastian excused.

I didn't feel like arguing more, so I just ignored it and brought my wand up
toward the severe wounds.

I performed the healing spells again, starting from the lower part of his
abdomen, traveling slowly.

The pain was slightly burning, but I held in my expression to not let
Sebastian notice them.

We both watched as the injuries began to fade slowly and slowly, while I
brought my fingers up around the chest to his arms, before reaching near his

My eyes re-opened taking sight of the slash in between his left eyebrow and
resting my wand against it, closing them again.

"Vulnera Sanentur," I whipered.

As I opened my eyes, the wound was gone, but it left a faint scar on it.

In my eyeing, I knew that there was going to be no way escaping his face,
so I watched myself stare at his brows before I tracked down his eyes.
Sebastian Sallow was staring. He was staring at me the entire time,
watching the performance of the ancient magic and almost preparing
himself to stop me, but his eyes were still on me.

I haven't been this close to him in a while.

That baby face he once had was no longer there; the facial features of a man
that's been through a lot peaked. I saw sadness, but tranquility. Peace.

I watched Sebastian's eyes stay on me as they looked down toward my

parting lips and back at me.

I know we both felt the tension, it was completely obvious. We both ignored
it once at the Undercroft before fighting but right now felt higher.

I felt his fingers come in contact with a strand of hair that was hanging on
my face, bringing it behind my ear in a gentle matter and resting his hand
flatly against my cheek.

I didn't stop him, I just kept staring down at his lips, almost wanting to
close my eyes.

"I missed you, Y/n." Sebastian whispered.

I can feel my breath more heavily at his actions, fighting the urge to weaken
at the touch.

My hand rose up, resting on his hand above my face and closed my eyes.

My heart was coming out of my chest. I know I felt it.

"I held it in all fifth year, Y/n..." Sebastian whispered, his face near mine,
"But, I can no longer resist the urge." He admitted.

I just breathed, hoping he didn't see the nerves.

I wanted to agree with him, but the words weren't coming out of my mouth
— I felt the same.

My hand still rested on his bare skin below me, feeling the warmth of his
chest while it rose from the crazy sexual tension between us.

"We are no longer kids," Sebastian reminded, "Or friends."

I swallowed.

My eyes went back on Sebastian Sallow, watching him one last time before
the pressure between us finally closed up.

Sebastian leaned in first, finally kissing me.


i hope this chapter was worth the 3k words 😂😂😂

thank you for 20k reads i really did not expect this story to blow up ! i
was just fantasizing about sebastian all game but im so glad people felt
the same
twenty seven *

28k reads? wow thank you.

enjoy this 4k word chapter x


This chapter contains mature content.

I wasn't expecting Sebastian Sallow to kiss me that day. If anything, I

wasn't expecting to see him at all, so to find ourselves kissing each other
like a romance book — it was indescribable.

I didn't know what to expect from the kiss.

I didn't know Sebastian's affectionate cues nor mine, so what was planned
to be an 'Oh, I like you,' kiss turned out to be an 'I'm completely in-love with
you,' kiss.

Sebastian moved forward first when I felt his fingers depart from the side of
my cheek and travel down my shoulders in a tickling matter before finding
their way to the side of my waist.
You see, when I said I didn't know what physical touch between us can
cause, I meant it because we moved fast. Very fast.

I can feel the fingers tug against my sides before pushing me aggressively
near the circular table behind me; the chair below us screeching from the
rapid movements.

Sebastian lifted me lightly, sitting me down on the wooden furniture while

his hands crawled through my thighs. Although I wore pants, I can still feel
the warmth of them transfer through my skin.

I could've stopped it, but my hormones were rising tremendously, and I

knew there wasn't going to be a way to stop them from the physical touch.

My fingers lost their way near the back of his neck until finding themselves
in the mess of brown hairs.

It felt very good. Our tongues danced with each other while each kiss began
to get deeper and deeper until Sebastian lost sense of control.

It was only a second when I heard a slight groan come out of his mouth
before he backed away quickly and breathed heavily.

I sat there on that table, following along the breaths, and looked down,
thinking that I must've done something wrong, or it was a mistake.

"I'm sorry, Y/n," Sebastian wiped his mouth, closing his eyes, "I-I really
want to do this, but...but,"
I watched Sebastian struggle with his words, almost wanting to confess
something, but fighting it off.

"I—" Sebastian said, not finishing his word.

I chuckled a little at his reference, not knowing how else to respond, "Yeah,
I know—"

"No, I meant..." Sebastian stared, "I...there's something you should know,


There were many things I needed to know. There was so much Sebastian
Sallow was hiding within himself that I didn't know what to expect
anymore. I almost feared what he would reveal next.

I swallowed, looking down at my fingers, and pursed my lips, "I


"No." Sebastian said in regret, "I don't think you will understand this."

I blinked at him, almost nervous.

"There's a real reason we didn't talk this summer, Y/n," Sebastian said,
almost afraid to confess.

Third Person's Perspective

Sebastian Sallow sat on a wooden chair at the highlands, staring intensely at
the Mandrake leaf below him.

He's done this for many days, ignoring the plant and having second-guesses.
He thought of the worst, but also thought of the best outcomes if this was

"It would make you stronger and smarter." Sebastian whispered to himself
one night.

It was the night of June 9th when he placed the first Mandrake leaf in his
mouth for the next thirty days until a full moon.

Sebastian knew it wasn't an easy process, but somehow after so much

research in those dark spell books in the restricted section, he found
loopholes for it.

What was supposed to be a month process, became an unsuccessful three-

month process until he finally managed to control himself one sunrise.

It was a fearful decision for Sebastian Sallow, but he saw the good in it. He
saw the permanent change it can cause for his life and the help it'll be.

It was painful. Really fucking painful, but it was also just a one-time thing,
so he put this mindset that it'll all be worth it in the end. Was it worth it?
Time can only tell, as Sebastian Sallow will tell himself.

He made his first appearance on Upper Hogsfield that summer. His body
felt warmth while he tracked up those mountains to take his first predicted

And he saw her. Sebastian saw Y/n for the first time after defeating Ranrok.
She was well and alive. Her smile still illuminating.

Y/n was playing around with a few chickens alongside Poppy Sweeting and
Natsai Onai; the trio just interacting not noticing the presence at all.

Sebastian Sallow struggled that summer, almost getting killed multiple

times hunting for anything, really. Not only his sister, but he needed food
and potions to cure the injuries. It was brutal. Especially, alone.

When returning to Hogwarts, he promise himself that it won't happen again

unless it was intentional, but after the pressure of losing another person he
cared about — he wanted to escape and get stronger. Get on a level to
finally find his sister and protect the ones he loves.

Sebastian saw Y/n again one night near a lake, crying to herself. Although
they were so apart, he can somehow sense the pain, hatred, and regret that
was hiding inside of her, but there was only so much he can do.

Y/n's Perspective

"W-What?" I breathed out at Sebastian's truth.

Sebastian still stood in the same position, his eyes filled with worry at my

"I'm sorry." Sebastian apologized.

I just stood there, almost breathless, in denial about what I'd gotten told.

"You're apologizing to me for becoming an Animagus?" I scoffed, "N-No, I


I couldn't imagine it. Or maybe, I just couldn't cross my mind on the idea of
Sebastian Sallow doing an entire ritual on becoming an animal. Stories tell
that it's a difficult process, so I couldn't imagine his reasonings for that.

"Nobody knows," Sebastian sighed, "I-It's not really a quality I am ready to

speak of. I can barely accept it myself." He looked down at himself.

I stared at him, scanning the tall man and noticing the features I will point
out to myself in the past. The lighter hair, stronger arms, deeper voice, etc.

Why couldn't I correlate these facts with his disappearance?

"What animal are you?" I asked, not thinking straight.

Sebastian's eyes went on me. Again, the care, worry, and comfort showed in
them in the distance, but the stare itself made my brain start connecting
"An Arctic Wolf," I said in disbelief, answering for him, "That was you. That
was you at t-the lake....in the mountains....I—that was you." I freaked out
with stutters.

Sebastian nodded, "Yes, Y/n...that was me."

How did I expect to feel over this fact? My emotions were heightening and
I just didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry, I don't want you to think I was following you around, but...I just
cared about you. I wanted to make sure you were—"

"How many times did you check up on me like that?" I asked.

Sebastian licked his lips, almost embarrassed to confess and I scoffed.

"Again, I am sorry, Y/n." Sebastian kept apologizing.

I felt bad. I felt bad that Sebastian has gone through so much that he just
kept apologizing constantly. It almost broke me how much he would say it.

"Why are you sorry, Sebastian?" I asked, "I should be sorry. I wasn't aware
of this. I didn't know you spent summer this way. It makes sense."

"I didn't know what I was capable of...I didn't even know what animal I'll
turn out to be. I didn't think much of it, but I didn't want to worry
everyone." Sebastian confessed,
I felt guilty. I felt guilty for assuming the worst. For holding a grudge
against him even though in reality, he was suffering by himself.

My eyes closed, bringing my hands over my face, burying it and letting out
a stressful sigh.

"Do not be disappointed. Nothing of this is your fault at all. These were my
choices." Sebastian reminded, noticing my disbelief.

I can feel a pair of hands come in contact with mine, removing them slowly
from my face and facing me.

Sebastian bended down my height at that table and stared at me intensely,

"Hey...I'm okay."

"Why didn't you say anything? Why did you let me treat you like that after

"As I said, I deserved it. I deserved it for everything I put you through. I
should've sent you those letters I wrote every day, but I didn't want you to
know I was turning and have you find me or send for me." Sebastian

"There were times when I struggled turning back to human form and found
myself going crazy, fighting camps and desperate for food." He continued.
"I wasn't ready."

I looked up, "Your injuries."

"Yeah, it was that." Sebastian revealed "I am still not adjusted. It's scary."

I wanted to just hug him. I wanted to hold his face and tell him everything
was going to be okay. That I should've been there for him. Cared for him
like I did in my head.

I just sat there, giving him a look of guilt, "I'm sorry, Sebastian."

He chuckled, "Nothing to be sorry about. I never want to hear you say that
to me."

I lifted my head up at Sebastian, staring straight at the tired face inches

from me. My hand extended forward in a shaky motion, placing itself on
the side of his face.

I didn't know what I was doing, but I was letting my intrusive thoughts win
me over once and for all and placed my forehead against his.

Our breaths were vibrating over each other, building up the tension again.
My heart rate increased while Sebastian's eyes closed, wanting to fight it.

"Don't tempt me, Y/n. I really want this." Sebastian whispered, his hand
resting on my left thigh.

"It's okay," I assured him.

Sebastian's lips brushed against mine, still fighting his own demons from
just kissing me.
"I don't know what I'm capable of," Sebastian admitted, "Especially with
physical touch." He eyed.

That deep voice of his. That voice I've tried avoiding and convinced myself
that it wasn't attracting me. How it sounded way deeper in a hoarse whisper.
It won me over.

"It's okay, Sebastian," I kept reassuring, "It's okay."

Sebastian didn't hesitate any longer. I felt his lips lean in first again,
progressing the kiss into a more intimate one while his hands began guiding
me around the small cottage home.

We moved fast after that. We were no longer near the table, but rumbling
around Sebastian's small bed while attempting to move more forward.

I didn't understand what Sebastian meant by taking a risk on physical touch.

He was tender with his movements. There was never a time where he made
me feel uncomfortable with the actions, but there were side comments that
were just Sebastian being Sebastian.

"You have no idea how much I fantasized about this all fifth year."
Sebastian whispered in between the kisses.

I stopped at that moment, "You liked me fifth year?"

Sebastian breathed, almost frowning at my questioning, "Are you bloody

mad, Y/n? I spent almost every day with the new fifth-year student,
watching her kill monsters and make me laugh, and you expected me not to
feel anything?"

I just stared, feeling stupid knowing that I also tried hiding those feelings all
fifth year.

Sebastian didn't give me time to answer, his lips proceeded back onto mine
on that bed as his hands began to expose more aggressive movements.

Now I understood what he meant by taking a risk with this.

I witnessed Sebastian begin to strip me off my layered clothing, removing

them so easily knowing I struggled just putting them on.

His actions were rough, but it was nothing to worry about. I still felt safe
and trusted that he won't hurt me.

The fingers gripped against my lower body and I was sure they'll leave
marks from the hard pressure, but it was nothing magic couldn't fix.

I breathed heavily, fighting the urge to say anything while Sebastian's hands
were all over me. His touches were so exotic, I couldn't help it anymore.

"It's alright, Y/n. We're alone," Sebastian managed to say in my ear, "You
don't have to hide it." He said deeply.

As I said, we moved so fast. Maybe, it was hormones, maybe, it was the

desperation of coming of age and wanting to urge to sleep with someone,
but whatever it was, we were desperate.

In minutes, we wrapped around that thin blanket naked, challenging

ourselves to the actual moment.

Sebastian stared, taking hold of his wand where he had left it; his muscles
peaking a little at the grab as he lowered it down near me.

I just stared, watching the tip of the wand illuminate a little.

"Neferre Puerum," Sebastian mumbled out, wand still on me.

I felt off in the moment, furrowing my brows and staring down at myself
with a little glow.

"I can't have you take the risk of buying that Prevention of Bearing potion.
It's expensive," Sebastian chuckled, "But spells...spells are free."

I wanted to scoff at the dejavú of his last sentence, but I was more intrigued
by his knowledge of the spell itself.

I squinted, "H-How did you know the spell?"

Sebastian set his wand aside, lowering himself at me slowly and staring

"I didn't spend all my time in that library reading dark magic, Y/n. You'll be
surprised what you find in that restricted section." Sebastian smirked.
"I'm surprised you'll remember it." I mumbled.

"I remember loads of stuff, but for now...for now we are safer than ever."
Sebastian assured, putting his wand aside.

Sebastian lowered himself again, his fingers tickling through my legs as he

wrapped them around his warm body.

Did I know I was going to sleep with Sebastian Sallow? No. Was there a
possibility? Yes, well, in my delusional head. It could've been today, or next
year or just in my head — but I was ready regardless.

The morning sun reflected in Sebastian's eyes.

The honey-colored eyes with the darkened circles over them, the perfect
freckles. He was stressed, yet, somehow still managed to look so
captivating to me.

"Do I have your permission, Y/n?" Sebastian stared at me in care.

My hands rested behind his neck, just nodding at the consent.

Sebastian blinked once, "What if I don't stop? What if I hurt you?"

"Sebastian, I trust you. I-It's okay." I whispered.

Was I scared? Actually, yes, I was. It was my first time, so to experience
this while also having the fear that Sebastian might possibly lose his range
from how much strength he produced; I didn't know what to expect.

I've felt pleasure before. I felt it with eating good cake, getting a nice
massage, or watching nature, but the word change its meaning that

Both of us gasped at the stretch of the new feeling, but we did not say a
word. Only our kisses maintained the rate while my fingers tugged on the

"Pain," Sebastian said nervously.

"No. Keep going." I closed my eyes.

Things moved quickly after that confirmation. What went from nervous
slow paces became a beautiful mess for the first time.

Sebastian Sallow was rough, but in a good way. He started off with gentle
and sweet talk, but I'll assume he lost himself with all this stress and
pressure held inside his body the last year, and it was starting to come out of

I didn't help stop it either because I found myself insane with the
pleasurable feel, feeling my body fog up from the man's deep motions.

"Sebastian," I breathed, barely capable of developing a word from the

"I'm sorry," Sebastian whispered down, "I can't stop." he openly admitted.

I closed my eyes, feeling my fingers still tug deeply over his sweaty hair as
I tried to maintain focus.

"It's okay...let it out," I whispered back, allowing him.

Sebastian became rougher and rougher, almost making my body vibrate at

the rate, but it only boosted my serotonin levels.

I don't think I've felt this good in a while. It's as if all our worries went away
for a moment. We just enjoyed doing normal teenage stuff and forgot about
the world.

"Control," I whispered.

His hands gripped the bed frame and I worried at the moment that he'll
break it from the amount of pressure he was letting out.

He wasn't hurting me, nor did I feel pain, but this whole other side of him
that appeared in bed was dominant as hell. Too dominant.

My fingers intertwined with Sebastian's near our reach, but I let out a wince
from the compression his hand did on mine, almost breaking them from the

"Sorry, you just feel so, so good, Y/n." Sebastian groaned out. "Why did I
wait this long to be inside of you?"
It pissed me off how good Sebastian Sallow was with his words. It's like he
always knew what to say and how to say them. No wonder he was so good
at manipulating me most of the time. He was an expert in his language.

Sebastian was deep inside of me that morning. He groaned and moaned,

and whimpered to a point where I couldn't help it anymore either.

"I-I feel..." I sensed within myself.

There was a faint thought that he'll break me, but again, just a faint thought.
He didn't, but it felt like it from the pace.


Within the dangerous thrust, Sebastian finally closed his eyes, "Fuck,"

Our sweaty bodies collided with each other minutes later. Sebastian's gaze
was on mine, breathlessly.

"I'm so sorry—"

"Shh," I stopped him, out of breath, "I'm still in-tact, see," I lifted my
fingers towards Sebastian, wiggling them in a joking way as he almost
broke them.

Sebastian just stared, giving off a smirk, slapping it down from his sight and
kissing my forehead.
"Merlin, Y/n...I'm about to become a menace in your life moving forward."
Sebastian whispered.

I didn't take his words as a threat, if anything, I took them well. Hopefully,
it was a sign that he'll actually hold back and come back to school.

Sebastian's Perspective

The setting felt unreal for a moment. Birds chirping and faint wind roaming
through the half-opened window in my childhood home; Y/n soundly asleep
underneath the soft blankets. It was peaceful. It was perfect for a moment.

I watched Y/n. I gazed at the beautiful sweaty aspects of her face. How the
closed eyelids gave a detailed look of her long eyelashes, or how her
softened, reddened lips parted a little from a deep sleep.

"Perfect," I whispered to myself.

Y/n lay there in my small bed, wearing a third-year quidditch shirt that I
randomly found of mine between my drawers. It fit me tightly, but on her, it
seemed like the comfiest attire in the world.

In the distance, I can hear a whistle blow from outside the wooden entrance,
making me eye it at the moment before a parchment letter flew into the

"Hm," I bent, taking hold of it.


I hope you receive this letter.

I predict by the time, you either have found Sebastian or lost him.

If you have, I hope you succeeded in changing his mind. I know you

If you did not, please, do not take the risk of looking for him further.

I found myself inside the Scriptorium this morning — sadly, and came
to find out the counter-spell only last 24 hours.

Please, don't go further. I already lost Sebastian, I cannot lose you.

Ominis Gaunt

"Counter-spell?" I said in a loud tone.

"I can't be traced." A soft voice spoke beside me.

I stepped aside rapidly, almost shocked to see Y/n's figure just standing near
me out of the blue.

"Merlin's beard, I believe when I last saw you, you were asleep." I furrowed
my brows at her.

Y/n stared blankly, "I sneaked my way. You taught me that trick one night,
I smiled at the memory, remembering the way I taught her how to sneak
into the library after hours.

"Right, right...well, I apologize for the invasion of the letter. I believe this
belongs to you." I extended.

Y/n didn't take the paper, she just stood there, "I believe you read it

It was hard to take Y/n seriously while she wore my own clothing on her
body. Doing that distracted me from whatever she was saying.

"Sebastian?" Y/n asked.

I brought my gaze back to reality, eyeing her and nodding, "Pardon..eh,

yeah, in fact, I did."

We both stood silent. Almost wondering what kind of questions or answers

we were about to give from that letter.

"If I were honest, I'm quite taken back that Ominis reached out to you and
not me." I chuckled in hurt.

I wasn't jealous, but it was quite surprising to see that Ominis had now
transferred his trust more on Y/n as the months progressed. I spent all fifth
year disappointing him, so I deserved it.

"Because, technically, we weren't sure I would actually...reach you." Y/n

looked down, awkwardly.
"Well, you certainly did. That I can tell you." I pointed at her with the letter
in hand.

It was luck, actually. I was leaving Feldcroft the moment Y/n arrived. I say
that because I saw her from the mountains. I needed to come back fast.

Again, we stood there in silence.

"I'm not going to force you to come back to Hogwarts, Sebastian." Y/n let
out, "I know Anne means a lot to you."

I looked down at her honesty.

"I've attempted to change your mind, but you're not Ominis. I can't tell you
what you want to hear. I can't change your mind." Y/n continued.

I sighed, "Thank you for understanding, Y/n, but—"

"But there are options...you can post-pone." Y/n suggested, "Come back to
Hogwarts, Sebastian, finish sixth year."

It was odd to see Y/n convince me. She was good at her words, but it was a
hard take.

"We can find Anne afterward." Y/n finished.

"We?" I asked, "No. I'm sorry, I can't allow you to join me. It's dangerous

"You say that as if I didn't join you everywhere the last year." Y/n reminded.

"This is different. And you are not eighteen. Your trace will give us away.
As much as I enjoy being with you every minute, I cannot." I sighed.

Y/n looked down, almost ashamed that she failed, "You're really going to
leave after what happened this morning?"

I closed my eyes, "Y/n...I—I told you it was a risk." I reminded.

Y/n nodded. I expected her to make a scene and almost fight it off just like
previous times, but she just nodded.

If only she knew that I already made up my mind, but it was nice hearing
her out. I just enjoyed hearing her speak.

"Okay, I understand." Y/n whispered, "I should go then. The spell will
expire soon and—"

"What, no." I declined, watching Y/n turn her body, walking towards her

I felt my hand wrap around her wrist, "Wait."

Did I really want this? Was I willing to take the chance of finally getting Y/n
back and then losing her? Possibly, never seeing her or my friends again?

I did have options to postpone. I postponed this journey many times sixth
year, hoping I can reconcile with Y/n, but after it didn't happen, I lost every
type of motivation.

I could have everything if I returned to Hogwarts. Not only would I be

speaking with Y/n again, but we will be more than friends, we could have
fun. So many plans and so much to do together instead of fighting monsters.

"Sebastian, I have to go." Y/n wiggled her wrist off my clutch.

I closed my eyes, letting out the deepest sigh yet, and swallowed.

"I'll do it, Y/n." I said.

Y/n turned, almost confused, "Do what?"

I licked my lips, changing my mind.

"We'll go back to Hogwarts. Finish the sixth year and then go find my
sister." I followed, "But on one condition."

Her eyes softened and I wanted to smile at the expression change, but I kept
my serious look, fighting it.
"What is it, Sebastian?"

I adjusted my posture, crossing my arms, "You can't hold a grudge against

me anymore. I cannot bear the rest of sixth year that way."

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"I am being serious, Y/n." I eyed.

Y/n nodded, "Okay, Sebastian. I wasn't planning on still holding a grudge

against you." She assured.

I breathed, "Okay, good. It's a deal then."

"Okay, deal." Y/n smiled.


i wrote this chapter 3 times in different versions...i hope this one was ok
also don't worry y'all i can't wait for sebastian and y/n's reckless,
rated-r adventures at hogwarts now🤭🤭🤭
twenty eight


Sebastian's Perspective

I stood there outside the small cottage home; arms crossed and back leaning
against the bricked wall while I waited impatiently.

I didn't think it was fair. Y/n must've done it on purpose just for a laugh, but
having me wait outside in the cold breeze while she took a bath and dressed
up didn't make sense.

"As if I didn't see her nude." I scoffed to myself.

"Hey, I heard that!" Y/n called out from the inside.

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, my apologies, Y/n. Didn't mean to press. Now you just get yourself
settled in there while I wait here in the bloody cold." I turned to the side
near the window hoping she can hear me.
I can hear a bit of ruffling, signaling that Y/n was finishing up adjusting her
gear clothing before the wooden door finally opened.

Y/n stood there looking newer than ever. Not that she ever looked awful to
me, but after a sleepless night of fighting, getting dirty, and getting the best
morning ever, she looked charged.

"Cold, you say?" Y/n said, wiping off some dust from the clothing,
"Wouldn't your temperature be more warmer due to...you know," she eyed.

I chuckled at the reference to my transformation, nodding, "Word of

sarcasm, Y/n. I don't think I'll ever feel cold again. I was just messing."

Y/n just gave a nod.

I watched her pass me through the rocky floor, proceeding to exit the home
area back onto the grass.

I didn't walk. I just watched her for a moment.

I was somehow in denial that not only did I reconcile with the girl I really
liked, but I hugged her, kissed her, and slept with her, all in one go. Very in-

"Sebastian, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Y/n's voice got
me off the daydream.

I cleared my throat, now seeing her stop in her tracks and look at me,
almost in worry as she assumed I was second-guessing.
"What? No...it's just,"

I walked my steps, standing much closer to her near the gate exit, and felt
my fingers adjust the collar of her undershirt, tugging it.

"The quidditch jersey seemed like a better fit, if I were honest." I flirted
with her.

The flirting wasn't new. Well, as in for me. I think I might've spent several
occasions in the fifth year letting out signals of showing my attraction to
Y/n, but she just never seemed to notice.

I didn't blame her. Sixteen year old me was way different than I am now.

Fifth Year

"Quick Sebastian, use incendio on them!" Y/n shouted. "My fire spells are
weak right now."

The inferius gathered around us under that mine, wanting to slash as our
spells were much slower than usual.

I waved my wand, just seeing sparks come out of it, "It's not working
somehow. I believe someone must've cursed the area with the spells to
I can hear Y/n let out a groan.

"Well, we need to think of another way. Throw something very hot at

them...a hotter spell or something." Y/n said in between her hits.

Our backs were on each other, almost touching as I felt her small arms
move behind me.

"Hm, perhaps you could be the bait for that and throw yourself?" I flirted.

I reddened at the moment knowing I'd let my intrusive thoughts win on my

boy brain. I was hoping Y/n didn't hear me.

"What?" Y/n said, almost confusedly, "W-What do you mean—confringo!

Wait, it works now!" She said happily, the fire shooting out the monsters.

I almost took a breath of relief from my stupid comments and nodded at her.

"Nice work." I smiled.


Sometimes, I did wish I would've pulled better moves on Y/n last year.
There were so many opportunities, so many chances, but I was a coward.

"My house will never forgive me if I went around with that Slytherin
quidditch jersey in Hogwarts." Y/n joked.
I smiled, "Never hurts to try."

Y/n nodded, turning her head and changing the topic, almost wanting to
hide the blush that came off her.

"Now where do you think you're going?" I rose a brow at her wrong

I pretended not to look at her bum at every step she took. Like if all that
battling and active routine Y/n had in her life didn't make her body look
extremely fit and lifted.

"The trail to Hogwarts—"

"Yeah, it's best to avoid the monsters. I know a shortcut."

"Shortcut?" Y/n questioned.

"Floo powder, of course?" I said, almost obvious, my wand pointing at the

statue in the distance.

Y/n turned to it, but swallowed to herself looking down.

"I, uh...I can't. The Floo Network traces the travels and they'll know I'm not
at the castle." She explained.
"It's winter break!" I scoffed.

"I know, but I enlisted staying at school for the holiday, so I could get in
trouble for this. Let alone, I'm already under a counter-spell." Y/n informed.

I nodded, understanding.

"You can always take the shortcut and I'll just meet you—"

"Are you mad?" I almost gasped at the suggestion of Y/n taking the trail by
herself again.

Y/n shrugged, "Sebastian, how do you think I arrived here?"

I crossed my arms.

"Well, I won't allow it. We can take the trail...I do miss fighting monsters
together anyways." I smiled.

Y/n's Perspective

Sebastian's fighting skills progressed. And by progressed, I meant they

progressed, a lot.

I watched the man defeat everything so easily while I just stood there like if
I were on the sidelines cheering the battle.
It was attractive watching Sebastian Sallow fight off spiders and trolls like
they were nothing to him. Shocking too because from what I remember, we
struggled a lot fifth year working together.

"That should be all." Sebastian flicked his wand, breathing heavily.

I just stared, watching his sleeves rolled up while he dusted off any dirt that
was thrown at him from the fight.

Breathe, Y/n. Don't get too weak over a man. Breathe.

I must've been too distracted because as Sebastian adjusted himself, I

watched a giant spider sneak up on him without warning, planning its

"Sebastian, watch out!" I shouted, finally taking my wand out and pointing.

Sebastian immediately rolled away from the spider and knowing my head
was too distracted over many things, I just babbled out the first spell to kill
it fast.

"Pestis Incendium!" I cast.

I controlled the small flames at it, as they went against the grassed rocks
and burned the entire area by accident.

I breathed, a bit of silence taking over from the dark spell.

"Pestis Incendium," Sebastian repeated, "How do you know the Fiendfyre

I turned to him, his hazel eyes just staring down at me in concern from the
previous actions.

"Oh, I, uh," I looked down knowing that if I kept staring I'll be intimidated
by the intense look.

"I didn't teach you that one, but whoever did has a lot of knowledge on the
books," Sebastian wondered, "Who was it, Y/n?"

It was true. As I said, most of my strongest spells were taught by Sebastian

Sallow himself, specifically the dark ones, so to see him almost curious
about the new one intimidated me already.

"A seventh year," I said like nothing, "Atticus. Atticus Sweeting."

Maybe, it was just my eyesight being blurred, but if I can recall, Sebastian's
hazel eyes shifted more to a darker color when I stared up.

Sebastian didn't react right away at the mention, but he just kept staring
with a blink before turning his head to the side and nodding.

"Atticus." He repeated.

"Correct." I assured.
Sebastian began to walk, hands in his pockets while he had his back on me,
staring down at the waters below us.

"You and Atticus," He mentioned, "I wasn't aware you two were close."

"We're not...I mean, we're friends, but," I didn't even know what to answer.

I didn't even know if I was friends with Atticus. Most encounters we've had
with each other were always off and weird. I didn't know how to title
something like that.

"But?" Sebastian mimicked.

I swallowed, "It's nothing."

"It's more than nothing if he taught you that dangerous spell, Y/n,"
Sebastian let out, "At what cost?"

I couldn't really read Sebastian there. I wanted to deny that he was just
curious about the reasoning behind it.

Of course, he wasn't jealous, right? Why would he?

I just felt my eyebrow furrow at the question, "Sorry? What do you mean at
what cost? It was just some advice."

"I don't know, Y/n," Sebastian turned back, "Atticus is just very known to
be a hardcore player with the girls, especially with girls like you, but you
already knew that I assume."

Again, I didn't know whether to laugh or take it serious. I don't think I've
witnessed Sebastian Sallow question me so much as he was now.

"Are you implying something, Sallow?" I crossed my arms, mimicking him.

We both stood there in the middle of the trail, crossing our arms and giving
each other an intense glare five feet apart.

"Indeed, I am," Sebastian bent at me, arms still crossed, "Was I really your

I finally let out a scoff, backing away from him in a dramatic matter, not
knowing how to react, and threw my arms up. I almost wanted to throw a
jinx at him for his offensive words.

"For Merlin's sake, Sebastian! No, nothing happened between Atticus

Sweeting and I. He just defended me from a few spiders on my way here
and taught me it for safety matters!" I almost shouted.

Sebastian stood quiet at the moment, but his cocky expression just never

I now stood about twenty feet away from him, frowning while my arms
were crossed again

"I could've taught you that spell, you know? If you wanted more—"
"Oh, really? How? If you were never at school in the first place!" I

Sebastian just rolled his pretty eyes, "Well, I would be from now on."

I gave no answer.

"I see we have lots of spell practice to learn on that Undercroft this
holiday." Sebastian scheduled. "I'll make sure you learn every single spell
so nobody else—"

"You're so hilarious, Sebastian." I cut in, rolling my eyes now.

"Perhaps, I'm not," Sebastian shrugged, "He obviously didn't teach you well
enough, you almost burned the whole grass down right now."

"That was my fault." I defended.

Sebastian smirked, lifting his own wand up and turning towards the waters

"Pestis Incendium." He said firmly.

I saw the flames shoot out of his wand lightly. The fire just narrowed down
smoothly onto the lake not affecting any sort of ground or grassland. The
shooting was just in place.
Sebastian Sallow expertising in dark magic was just a fact. It was nothing
he hid. I witnessed him produce the worst spells and even teach them to me,
so to see him perfect them like a charm, it was nothing new.

"Show off." I uncrossed my arms, and walking away, following the trail

"Now, where do you think you're going? Our first spell lesson starts now."
Sebastian said from afar.

"Spell lesson?" I said ahead, finally turning towards the attractive boy.

Sebastian just stood there, arms crossed again, eyeing me from the distance
and waiting for me to walk back.

"I can't risk having you burn down the castle." Sebastian joked.

I wanted to roll my eyes again, but I was enjoying it.

The fifth year Sebastian Sallow was still in there. It was the same. That no
matter how stronger or serious he may seem, it was still there.

Fifth Year

"A spell like confringo is only truly dangerous in untrained hands,"

Sebastian informed.
I just nodded, watching myself get easily distracted by Sebastian Sallow.
The very first boy-friend to take the effort on opening up many secrets and
teach me spells.

"To be fair, I'm admittedly partial to more fiery forms of magic, but you,"
he pointed, "You should learn it."

"Really?" I said, almost excited.

Sebastian smiled, "Yes. I can teach it to you here right now."

I found myself mimicking the Slytherin boy's wand movements a few

minutes later, almost failing at it, but barely being successful.

"Confringo." I murmured.

"Yeah, you're getting it!" Sebastian approved the incantation, "But are you
ready to actually try it out?"

"Yes!" I lied.

I was scared. It was my first extreme firing spell. I didn't know what to
expect, but Sebastian had assured me that the Undercroft was a safe place
for spell practice.

"Alright, those are your targets," Sebastian pointed ahead, "Make sure you
don't burn the Undercroft down. Ominis will never forgive me." He joked.
I didn't know Ominis at the time, but from the talk of Sebastian, he seemed
like someone who might've been a good friend. You know, before he shit-
talked me for discovering the Undercroft that same day.

"Confringo." I said.

I gasped when the heavy firing spell came off my wand, shooting rapidly
towards the hanging lights above us.

"That's it! How does it feel?" Sebastian cheered.

I squinted, "It's a tad hot, but I think I got it. Confringo!" I repeated.

"You're doing good. Look at you, a natural!" Sebastian complimented,

"Ominis and I singed our eyebrows the first time."

I smiled widely.

Sebastian always seemed to be a cheerleader at every spell he taught me.

He never judged me for my failures. He just supported me every time.


"Y/n?" Sebastian called out.

The memory blurred away, bringing back to now an older Sebastian Sallow
staring down at me as he had walked over to my side from being out of

I cleared my throat, "Okay."

"Okay what?" Sebastian chuckled.

I wasn't looking at him. I knew turning would only make my concentration

off balance, and I knew this spell was difficult to perform.

"Aren't you going to teach me?" I rose a brow.

I can hear Sebastian let out a laugh, "Ah, I see. Okay, of course. I'll love to
properly teach you the Fiendfyre curse. Thought you'll never ask!"

"Not like you were letting me leave until I allowed you." I murmured.

Sebastian ignored my complaint, beginning the orders, "Wand at hand."

I listened, finding myself take hold of my white wand and lifting it slowly
at him.

"Don't point it at me, point it at the water!" Sebastian scoffed, "Unless you
want to blast me."

"Maybe, I do." I joked.

Sebastian chuckled, his hands coming in contact with my arm, adjusting it

in place, almost similar to Atticus actions last night.
The difference was, Sebastian's touch seemed more intimate and soft. It
seemed like he really wanted me to perfect the spell on the first try.

I kept my eyes on the water below, pretending like it was a normal thing to
have him touch me.

"That seems a bit alright." Sebastian let go.

I felt him travel around my body, standing behind my back and leaning a
little toward my ear.

"Now, you might already have knowledge on it due to previous

circumstances," Sebastian snarled, "But, my biggest secret for this is
tricking your head." He whispered.

"What?" I questioned the word.

"Tricking. Most spell control comes from the mind. If you don't have the
right mindset, the spell would be awful. We don't want that." Sebastian
informed. "Especially, a firing one."

I just nodded, looking at my wand.

"You are aware of Aguamenti, correct?"

"Correct," I answered. "It's so easy."

"Perfect, well, perform it then." Sebastian ordered.

I stood confused, "R-Really?"

"Just do it." Sebastian nudged.

I cast the water-making spell, concentrating enough to let a jet of pure water
come down my wand into the waves below us.

"That was strong and good," Sebastian encouraged, "Now, do it again, but
this time use the same steps you take on Aguamenti in your head, but
change the water into fire."

I blinked, thinking about Sebastian's directions.

"It will make sense, trust me." Sebastian whispered.

My eyes closed for a second, his whispers sending a shiver down my body
while I also felt his face near mine as he taught me the spell.

I focused, following Sebastian's words and concentrating.

"Pestis Incendium," I let out.

In moments, the once strong-firing spell turned into a lighter controlled

spell that I was able to adjust with my strength to a point where the grass
below me didn't burn.
Without thinking, I let out a smile, almost squealing at the successful spell
and looking over at Sebastian like old times.

"I did it." I said, almost shocked.

"You did it." Sebastian followed, cheering along.

We both stood there facing each other after the cheering. Our bodies were
just a few inches while we were confused about what to do next from the

Sebastian just stared with a softened gaze and I stared along knowing this
might've brought a wave of nostalgia from when we were younger.

But this was different.

I kissed him first, but in a lighter matter before pulling away quickly.

"Sorry, I just—"

Sebastian placed his hands over my cheeks, pulling me in to kiss me again

in a more passionate way before stepping back with a smile.

"Spell lessons are about to become much more fun." He whispered.

We both stood outside those castle grounds later that day. The trail
wasn't difficult after that, but what actually became difficult was the
entrance itself.

I stared at the Wickery bridge passage in front of us, knowing that once we
passed it, we will enter Hogwarts.

"I, um," I swallowed, looking down not knowing how to approach it.

I didn't know how to approach it. I didn't want to imagine entering with
Sebastian Sallow and witnessing everyone just looking at us as if weren't
talking all sixth year.

Did I want to? Of course. It would've been nice to show off. It wasn't the
first time we entered together. We did that almost every day at Hogwarts, so
why was it so hard now?

"We don't have to do this, you know?" Sebastian said, scratching the back
of his neck, also thinking the same.

"Y-Yeah," I said nervously, "It'll be too obvious."

"Right, right." Sebastian nodded, agreeing.

I didn't even know what we were. Yeah, realistically we can be dating. We

did everything a couple does in a span of 24 hours, but still, it felt weird.

"They'll just be happy if we talk two words with each other. I'm sure taking
it slow will be better." I suggested.
"Agreed," Sebastian said, "We'll take it slow for the sake of the public."

We just stood quiet, awkwardly.

"I'll see you around then?" Sebastian twirled his fingers with mine below

I looked down at the hands intertwining and nodded. "Of course."

As we departed, taking different exits, Sebastian stopped me one last time.

"Wait, before you go," Sebastian looked down, placing a faint kiss on my
forehead, "Merry Christmas Eve, Y/n."

I watched as the tall boy waved one last time before walking away. His
sleeves were still rolled up, while his hair was slightly ruffled and his stance
was way hotter than it use to be.

We're definitely not going to take things slow at Hogwarts.


fluffy chapters before dominant, ominous (no pun intended), jealous

sebastian chapters come soon 👀

the amount of reads this story is getting is making me very nervous. 🫣

are you guys liking it? what do you want to see more of?
twenty nine


"Y/n!" Poppy almost jumped on me that afternoon. "Oh! — Merry

Christmas! You were not here for breakfast this special morning!" She

I smiled widely at my best friend, a red Christmas hat over her hair while it
was enchanted; the hat moved in a dancing motion, playing Christmas
music that echoed through the halls.

I hugged Poppy, following her energy, "Poppy, yeah, sorry, I—I overslept,
but Merry Christmas!" I squealed with her.

The moment I arrived inside Hogwarts yesterday, I immediately threw my

body into my bed and slept for what seemed forever.

"Here," Poppy pulled out multiple dancing hats, identical to hers, and
placed one over my head, "It's a tradition to wear one during dinner. Take
extras to give."

Did I want to wear it? Not really, but it was Poppy. Plus, I haven't felt this
cheered and supported in a while, so I just followed along.
It was Christmas Day. The school didn't really celebrate until the very day,
so when I arrived yesterday I didn't cross paths with anyone besides my
own house friends.

Which also meant, I haven't seen Sebastian or Ominis at all. I did owl
Ominis letting him know that I've arrived back, not being sure if Sebastian
would actually tell him what happened. I mean, a lot happened.

When Poppy and I entered the great hall that special day, I was actually
intrigued to see that she offered hats to everyone.

Since most of the students and staff were spending their holiday with family
back home, a small portion stayed behind only taking up two tables in the
great hall.

There was a moment where my heart began to skip a little more while my
eyes scanned the room, expecting to cross eyes with a particulate someone.

But they were nowhere to be seen.

"Ah, you are finally back! That wasn't long!" Natty exclaimed when I
reached the table.

I nodded, pretending like I wasn't dying to open up about my feelings and

the escape to Feldcroft. Not that I wanted to spill all the details, but it was
so much to take in, only a trustworthy friend could've understood.

"Yeah, it was just a quick trip like always, you know? We can catch up
later!" I smiled, "Nobody noticed right?"
Natty shook her head, "Nope! Everyone was too busy getting ready to
board the Hogwarts Express to their families."

"Okay, good."

"This table is fondly quiet without Weasley." Everett Clopton complained.

Everett was probably the only Ravenclaw that actually interacted with us.
The students in that house always seems reserved and focused on their
priorities, it always seemed hard to befriend them.

"Oh, he would've loved wearing one of these hats." Poppy said to herself,
her fingers taking hold of the hat.

I blinked at the moment at the mention of Garreth Weasley from Poppy's


"Garreth?" I turned to her in a confused matter, "I-I wasn't aware you two
talked like—"

"We don't!" Poppy said firmly, almost shouting from the denial, but her face
immediately softened again, "S-Sorry, I just..."

I chuckled, "It's alright, Poppy."

My eyes scanned the other table across from us. A few Hufflepuffs sat
around it while mostly Slytherins scattered through that table.
My view stopped at a familiar blonde that just sat there, his dinner plate just
there while ignoring the rest of the Slytherins around him.

"Uh, I'll be back." I excused myself from the table, finding my way toward
the familiar person.

I took a seat right across from him, making a few students slide over at the
arrival, and crossed my arms just letting out a small smile at Ominis Gaunt.

"I received your owl this morning." Ominis said right away.

"How did you know it was me sitting across from you?" I almost scoffed.

"I just know, Y/n." Ominis snarled, "My wand wasn't really able to detect
your handwriting, but it wasn't necessary. Sebastian spoke to me."

I can feel my cheeks redden at the mention of Sebastian Sallow.

"Oh," I swallowed, looking down, "H-He did?"

It was funny. As if I didn't spend time with him at Feldcroft not even 24
hours ago. As if, we didn't hug—kiss, let alone, slept with each other.

Yet, I still felt nervous around the mention of the name.

"Yes. Sebastian apologized for not being open about his ventures. He
assured me that you did in fact change his mind. That your words of magic
helped." Ominis nodded.

Yeah, words of magic.

"I want to thank you," Ominis continued, "I-I didn't think I would have my
best friend back. I couldn't have done this without you, Y/n."

I sighed, knowing that it was quite a memorable challenge bringing back

Sebastian Sallow to Hogwarts.

"No need to thank, Ominis."

"No, I do. It must've taken lots of courage to put any grudge you had
against him aside and risk yourself to Feldcroft. The Gryffindor in you
showed." Ominis complimented.

I chuckled to myself at Ominis kind words.

If you would've told me Ominis Gaunt would befriend and put trust in me
by sixth year, after he shit-talked me for months fifth year, I wouldn't
believe you.

"But Sebastian said you two are back to being friends. That there won't be
much more feud between you two." Ominis let out.

"Yeah," I agreed, "Friends."

I shouldn't have been upset. It was what we agreed on, to take things slow
around our peers and not make things too obvious, but something about
Sebastian keeping it from his own best friend was a bit stinging.

I looked around the area, distracting myself from the stupid thought, and
squinted, realizing that I spent all this time daydreaming about Sebastian, he
could've been here.

"W-Where is he, by the way?" I asked, not wanting to sound more curious.

"I was hoping we'll cross paths sooner, it's his birthday today." Ominis let

My eyes went back up to the glossy ones, my brain being so tired and slow
that I didn't come to a realization that Sebastian Sallow's birthday was
today. On Christmas.

"Well, technically Anne and Sebastian's birthday. I usually spent a few

Christmas with the Sallows, but this is the first holiday without any family
for him." Ominis sighed.

The thought of Sebastian spending his holidays at Feldcroft with the only
family he had left and then completely losing them all was brutal.

"I don't think he can process that, and I do not blame him," Ominis said, "I
know what it's like to not be around family on holidays, but that is my
choice. Sebastian does not have a choice."

I couldn't imagine it. It already hurt me enough watching Sebastian lose his
own mind trying to save his sister no matter the circumstances, now he
couldn't save anyone. He felt alone.
"Ominis, where's Sebastian?" I looked up.

He looked to the side, "He's in the Undercroft. I tried speaking him out of it,
but he wanted to be alone. I shall respect that."

"It's Christmas, and his birthday." I reminded.

"And he doesn't care." Ominis let out.

I rolled my eyes, feeling my body stand up from the long table and adjust
my clothing.

"I hear movements—where are you—"

I removed my dancing hat from my hair, reaching over to Ominis Gaunt

and placing it over his head, making him back up a little.

"Poppy needs support on her creations. I'll be back." I said.

"What is it that you put on my head, Y/n?" Ominis asked as I walked away,
ignoring him.

I stood outside the wooden furniture for almost five minutes later that day,
trying to break off the nerves of seeing Sebastian Sallow again.

I still couldn't understand how even though we were closer than ever, I felt
like I was meeting him all over again. Why did I feel like this?
"Okay," I whispered to myself, eyes closed, "I got this."

When the metal doors slid up, Sebastian's voice immediately took over. I
wasn't even two steps in.

"Ominis, I said I wanted to be alone. I always respect your words, why can't
you respect mine just this once?" Sebastian asked in an annoying tone.

Sebastian had his back turned, standing in front of the puzzled painting
where Isadora was supposed to stand, looking at it blankly.

I wanted to speak right away, but his attire was distracting. It almost seemed
like he really was unsure that he wasn't going to dress up and stayed in one-
layer clothes all night.

He wore a loose dress shirt, almost as if it was an undershirt, but didn't layer
it; a few buttons were not buttoned. Along with fainted light gray pants that
matched his black dress shoes.

Stay focus, Y/n.

"Ominis, I will say it again—"

I watched as Sebastian turned over his head in my direction, my body

feeling like lighting from the direct annoyed stare he had before he realized
who it was.
"Y/n," Sebastian eyed, almost surprised at my presence.

I felt my lips part, not wanting to be distracted by the tired man that stood
yards from me on that Undercroft.

"Sebastian," I said back.

"Did not expect you here." Sebastian crossed his arms.

"I didn't either," I nodded, looking to the side, "W-What are you doing?"

Sebastian stood silent for a moment, "What am I doing here? Or what am I

doing in general? Or what are my hands doing? I could go on."

I couldn't tell if he said that in a joking matter or not, but I just tried keeping
the conversation firm.

I sighed, "Sebastian, you know what I mean..."

When I looked up, I could see Sebastian's gaze go down, hands placed in
his pants pockets while he walked around in circles on that Undercroft.

"It's Anne's birthday today," Sebastian let out softly, "It was always a
tradition to celebrate together in Feldcroft."

I closed my eyes, feeling sad over his words.

"Gathering a few training dummies outside the home and firing them up,
pretending they were candles," Sebastian chuckled to himself, "Until, of
course, my uncle Solomon will get annoyed and ruin the moment. Even
Ominis will participate."

I stood there, just hearing him out.

"I'm sorry, Sebastian." It was all I could say.

Sebastian stood quiet, still pacing.

"Even last year, while being in pain and suffering...she still managed to
keep up the tradition," Sebastian mentioned, "Now it's gone. Anne is gone."

I could hear the hurt in his voice. I could feel and hear everything about
Sebastian Sallow. All the guilt, regret, and hurt. It was all there that he was
trying to hide.

"I spent all summer with a mindset that hunting through those regions in my
form, I will find her. That by now we'll all be in Feldcroft." Sebastian told,
"Even you."

I stood silent, not knowing what to say.

I watched Sebastian. I watched as he paced back and forth, still holding it

all in, even though he was at the Undercroft. A place to express all your
emotions, physically and mentally, he wasn't breaking the shell.
"Sebastian," I felt myself walk up to him slowly, wanting to reach out.

Sebastian stepped aside, almost avoiding comfort, but then debated to

himself whether it was a good idea to ignore me or not.

I reacted quicker than him because I hugged him.

It was only our second hug, but yet, as my arms wrapped around him for
comfort, it felt like I'd been on them forever.

Sebastian didn't pull back or complained, I just felt his own arms wrap
around my body, covering me in warmth as his head buried in my neck.

As I leaned against his chest, I can hear the sound of his heartbeat
decreasing slowly as his breath began to feel less heavy.

"Anne should've turned me in," Sebastian confessed, "At least then I'll
know she'll be living life wherever instead of hiding away from me, running
away to avoid finding her."

Fifth Year

"I'm glad you came," Sebastian said lowly.

It was still recent the death of his uncle and I was also desperately preparing
on handling Ranrok soon, but I wanted to be there for Sebastian.
"I received your owl." I half-smiled.

Sebastian nodded, "Ominis spoke to Anne. She believed I should pay for
what I've done, but won't turn me in."

If only he knew it was I who was able to convince everyone not to turn him

I closed my eyes, almost in relief.

"She said the guilt I have to live with is punishment enough..." Sebastian
looked down.

"I'm so sorry, Sebastian," I sighed, "But I'm glad to know that you can at
least try to move on now." I encouraged, looking at the positive.

Sebastian stared at me, almost in guilt, "The thing is, Y/n...I think I've lost
my sister. My twin...forever." He closed his eyes.

Sebastian seemed like he had the urge to cry, but fought it off completely
not wanting to let his guard down.

"I'm sorry." I closed my eyes.

"It's alright, I can't blame her," Sebastian nodded, "I couldn't really blame
any of you if you gave up on me entirely."
"Oh, don't say that. I wouldn't do that." I assured him, my hands together,
holding the pressure of hugging him.

"Y-You all believed in me, and I let you all down." Sebastian finished.

I felt bad. I almost felt the guilt he felt with his words. It was just a
saddening moment for him. A sad future. Losing his parents, uncle, and
now sister?

"Anne just needs time, Sebastian. Surely one day, she'll be able to forgive
you. I-I promise." I said.

Sebastian just stared at me.

We both wanted to hug each other. We knew it could potentially be the last
time of ever seeing each other knowing we were parting ways for a strong
battle — but we never gave that departing hug.


My eyes re-opened again, but now I stood against Sebastian Sallow's chest,
hugging him as if it were our last hug. Something I should've done since the

"Don't say that," I said, remembering what Sebastian just said, "Nobody
would've survived seeing you in Azkaban. It'll be okay. Anne just needs
"I'm running out of time. The curse is still on her." Sebastian cried.

I never seen Sebastian be so vulnerable, it was new but sad. I don't think my
own emotions could've handled what he felt.

Sometimes, there was this urge in me to take away the pain. To take away
Sebastian's pain from losing his sister, just like Isadora did with her father,
but the consequences of that magic were dangerous.

"No, we'll find her. We will find a cure." I swallowed, "We will."

Sebastian never let go of the hug. It seemed like letting go will just stir up
any emotions that he was holding in.

My fingers dug through his softened brown hairs around the back, caressing
them while I tried comforting him as much as I could.

Sebastian took the first push, releasing his hands around me, but bringing
them towards my face, bending forward.

I watched as our foreheads stood against each other, our lips parted inches
away as his eyes stayed closed.

"Where was this hug six months ago?" He whispered.

I wanted to smile knowing he was also thinking back on that fifth year
memory. That regret we both had not having any physical support for each
"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"It's okay...I said the wrong words too." Sebastian sighed, "I wasn't just
grateful for your friendship. I was grateful for you. I don't think I would've
survived fifth year without you. I didn't have my sister. I was getting ready
for the misery."

I closed my eyes along, nodding, "Don't say that."

"Entered the sixth year almost losing you and I went nuts." Sebastian

I let out the first half-smile that afternoon towards Sebastian's words.

His choice of words gave a sign that he did feel slightly better. Although
there was no way to fix him or his darkening thoughts, something was
better than nothing.

Sebastian and I sat on that Undercroft's floor that evening. He did agree to
join our friends for dinner, but he wanted to reassure nobody can detect he
just cried. He said, I quote, "didn't want to ruin his ego", so we waited a bit.

"You look lovely tonight, Y/n." Sebastian tugged over my dress.

Yeah, I was wearing a dress. It just seems traditional for all the girls to wear
something nice for the holiday dinner, and Cressida was kind enough to
lend me one of her dresses.
I smiled down, pretending not to blush that Sebastian Sallow just
complimented me.

"Thank you, I can say that same." I pointed at his pieces of clothing, "You
seem to pull off anything outside your uniform."

Sebastian looked down at himself, "Yeah, well, it's the only material that
fits me for now. Due to my increase in strength, I haven't shopped for the
proper clothes."

He was right. Everything he wore seemed tighter than usual, but was I
really one to complain?

My eyes stared at the Slytherin boy beside me.

His side-view always looking good, the freckles on him just framing his
manly face while the hairs just always seemed to be a mess now.

"Sebastian?" I said, almost nervous.

I tried maintaining normal while he turned to me as he leaned against the

pillar behind us.

"Yes?" He rose a brow.

"Happy birthday. It's also your special day." I reminded him.

Sebastian looked down, not wanting to accept the reminder.

"Hey," I nudge, "Not many are born on Christmas Day, you know? Feel

Sebastian finally chuckled to himself at my elbowing, "I am lucky. Very

lucky, indeed."

I smiled.

To not make the moment awkward, I thought for once and lifted my wand
up, pointing near the floor beneath us.

"What's up your sleeve—"

"Look," I said, cutting in.

With my wand, I conjured two Christmas hats Poppy had given me to pass

I took hold of one, placing it over Sebastian's head, while he just stared in
confusion, his hazel eyes looking upwards at the piece.

"That's...that's a bit dodgy?" Sebastian said in confusion.

"Are you judging my work, Sallow?" I said, almost offended.

Sebastian looked over to me, almost caught, "Oh...I mean, it's quite
wonderful. Lovely, actually." He fixed.

I can see him take hold of my own hat that I still had in my hands and place
it over my head, adjusting it in a perfect manner.

I eyed him with a smile.

"Cheers." Sebastian forced out a smile.

There were so many emotions behind that smile, but I was glad there was
still Sebastian in him.

I lifted my wand up towards his hat again, projecting a charm over it with
letters that said,

Birthday Boy

"Great. Poppy is going to love this." I laughed.

Sebastian's brows furrowed, "Poppy, you say?" He thought to himself

before squinting, "She made these?"

I nodded, "Yes, I was joking."

"Ah, notes of sarcasm. Should've known." Sebastian nodded to himself,

This felt nice. The setting, the boy, the laughs. It must've been the first time
Sebastian and I felt some sort of relief and positivity after a dreadful year.
Sometimes, I wondered how it could've possibly been if we did see each
other this summer.

I stared at Sebastian again, and it wasn't on purpose, my eyes were just

distracted by him, I almost wanted to punch myself from how hard I was
beginning to fall.

Sebastian noticed my stare, his eyes doing that thing where he crosses from
my eyes to my lips, signaling me.

He leaned in first, his hand resting on my right cheek as he kissed me

romantically on that floor.

I followed along, also placing my hands over his soft face and joining the
kiss in a more passionate way; our eyes closed as we enjoyed the small

You see, the problem with Sebastian and I was that, once we started, we
never truly stopped. Well, he didn't and I wasn't any different because we
were just so desperate for each other. It was insane.

Sebastian's hands moved fast. I know he's warned me already about his
eager movements, but I let him,

I breathed heavily as his hands traveled down my legs before finding their
way under my dress; fingers lifting it slowly as he couldn't take his hands
off my body.
"You're so mesmerizing," Sebastian whispered to me, "Always been."

I closed my eyes, taking in his romantic language and letting him do

whatever he wanted.

I let out a slight hum when I felt Sebastian's fingers tickle through the fabric
of my underwear.

We both kissed in a deep matter on the Undercroft, while Sebastian's lips

were on me as his fingers touched every single—

"Sebastian?" A voice echoed from the entrance of the Undercroft.

We both gasped at the sound of the metal doors opening.

Sebastian's hands were still on me, preventing any movement to be from

knowing Ominis could hear every single detail.

Sebastian places a finger on my mouth, signaling me to not say a word

while he spoke to his friend.

"O-Ominis, I, uh...I believe I wanted some time alone." Sebastian recalled.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I know. And I do apologize, but I don't think it's right to just stay in
here all night. It's not good, Sebastian." Ominis advised.
I gave an expression of awe at Ominis kind words of being there for his best
friend and Sebastian just closed his eyes, letting go of my mouth.

"It's alright, Ominis." Sebastian stood up slowly.

I stood up from the floor slowly, trying my best to sneak my way out of
Sebastian's sight without noise.

"I've taken this time to think, and...and I've decided to join you for the
holiday dinner at the great hall. I would meet you there." Sebastian said.

I did many complicated missions in the past. I've sneaked my way up many
times towards enemies and monsters and never got caught, so how come it
was so difficult to escape from Ominis Gaunt?

"That's good, Sebastian, but I must inform you...I believe Y/n was going to
come looking for you. Perhaps, I might've been wrong." Ominis stated.

"Oh, really? Well, she's not here." Sebastian eyed me from afar.

Again, I rolled my eyes.

"But, it's alright, Ominis. We can meet Y/n on our way there." Sebastian
adjusted his sleeves.

I walked slowly, avoiding passing anywhere near Ominis.

I was almost near the exit when Ominis let out his notice.

"Not so fast, Y/n." Ominis turned to me with his wand.

I still wonder until this day how his wand worked. How it was able to detect
people when it wanted to. What magic was behind it?

I scoffed, "Seriously?"

Ominis just stood there, wand held up, "Sebastian was right, two heads are
better than one. You both have now worked together to lie to me!"

Sebastian let out a scoff too, crossing his arms.

"Me? Lying? How are you accusing us of lying? Maybe, she just got here

"The Undercroft belongs to the Gaunt's, Sebastian! I told you I'm aware
when there's more than one presence in the room!" Ominis exclaimed.

We all just stood quiet.

Sebastian and I just eyed each other from opposite corners.

"But you know what, it's Christmas and I do not have time for something
like this. I could care less what you two have going on, for the sake of the
holiday, can we please, have dinner?" Ominis asked desperately.
"Alright, Ominis." Sebastian chuckled.

Yeah, taking things slowly from our peers was way harder than we thought.


hi, sorry for the sad chapter we just need a recap that sebastian sallow
has a lot on his plate hahah i will bring variety of themes to the story so
don't lose hope with me 🥲🤎

it's also 4am so i apologize for any grammatical errors


98k? i'm speechless


Sebastian's Perspective

"Y/n wasn't even gone for a full day, Sebastian. Not even 24 hours!" Ominis

I just laid against the tub, feeling my muscles relax after an interrupted
night, and tried to gain peace from Ominis words.

Yeah, I was taking a bath in the boys bathroom, but I mean, Ominis couldn't
see, so there was never a worry about him following around to complain.

"Ominis, it is almost two in the morning," I closed my eyes. "Care to

discuss this tomorrow?"

"No, I shall not. Why didn't you tell me?" Ominis frowned.

I sighed, re-opening my eyes, "Tell you what, Ominis?"

Ominis just stared to the side, his brows frowning while he leaned against
the sinks.

I knew he was upset. I mean, walking into your secret place you kept for
years between you and your best friend and then finding him almost
snogging a girl? Bold move, if I say.

"There's nothing to tell, really. Y/n and I are on good terms. Isn't that what
you wanted to hear? I've predicted you'll be happy." I pointed.

"There's more than good terms. I heard it all." Ominis said, almost in

"How much did you hear?" I rose a brow.

"Enough, Sebastian. Enough to know that you didn't come back as friends,"
Ominis said.

I liked the sound of that. Not that it was my plan to become more than
friends with Y/n right away, but I wasn't complaining.

I was still stuck on what was happening on that Undercroft earlier. It almost
blocked off the saddening part of my mind of a depressive birthday without
my sister.

"Care to remind you, my friend, you sent her to me. That is your fault." I
pointed with a chuckle.
Ominis scoffed, "I sent Y/n to you to change your mind about coming back
to Hogwarts. I didn't send her so you can manipulate and snog her up at our
Undercroft, Sebastian."

"Who said anything about snogging?" I tried contradicting his words,

"Perhaps, Y/n was just cheering me up."

"Oh, for merlin's sake, Sebastian!" Ominis threw his hands up, "You don't
even believe that yourself!"

I finally let out a huff, taking hold of the nearest towel with my wand, and
wrapped it around my lower body.

"Alright, Ominis. I fancy Y/n." I confirmed.

"I knew that." Ominis scoffed, again.

"Then what's all the fuss?" I walked passed him.

I stood in front of a fogged-up mirror and cleaned it up with my hand as I

dried up my brown hair.

Ominis stood quiet at the moment, still standing in the same position near
the tub.

"Do you fancy Y/n too?" I teased, "I don't blame you, Ominis. She is the
only girl, besides my sister, that earned your trust easily." I snickered.
"I do not!" Ominis said, almost annoyed, "I-I just...I care about Y/n too.
Yes, she has my trust, and you do too, but, you've been a pain in the ass the
last year, Sebastian." He sighed.

"I was trying to save my sister." I reminded.

I was self-aware of losing my mind all fifth year. Many knew that already,
but I was glad Y/n and Ominis were able to maintain that patience with me.

"I know, but...but," Ominis looked down, not wanting to reveal his words.

"But?" I turned.

"I just don't want you to use her up for your own pleasure, or satisfaction,

I scoffed, almost offended, "You really think that low of me now, Ominis?
Besides, what makes you think I'll do it for my own pleasure, hm?"

"Oh, please, Sebastian! Your ego rose ten times since your return. I have
never seen you this cocky in my bloody life. You took advantage of Y/n."
Ominis guessed.

I gasped, "Advantage? I believe I made sure Y/n was very safe and sound. I
would never do that to her."

"You took advantage of her all last year, didn't you?" Another voice echoed
through the bathroom.
I turned my head at the figure entering and felt my entire body fogged up
for just a second from the presence.

"Who's that?" Ominis asked, not recognizing the voice well.

I cleared my throat, looking at the figure come up to the sink next to me like
nothing and wash his hands.

Atticus Sweeting stood inches beside me, cockily expressing his words and
not minding his business within the conversation.

There wasn't really a friendship between me and the seventh year. All I
knew is that he was the Prefect, but most of the time, I never followed his

Eyeing him now after knowing that there was this slight friendship between
him and Y/n made me feel bothered. Extremely bothered.

"No, I did not take advantage of Y/n last year," I spat, "Even if I did, that
seems to be none of your business, Sweeting."

Atticus chuckled, still washing his hands, "Hm, it is my business. You two
are in the bathroom with your loud voices at two in the morning. Clearly,
it's everyone's business, Sallow."

I frowned.

"Shouldn't there be corridors you should be monitoring right now?" I

questioned him, crossing my arms, shirtless.
Atticus still kept the cocky smile on his face.

It did piss me off how much confidence Atticus Sweeting had. How all
these girls at every grade were fond of him, but they truly didn't know how
fucked up his personality really is.

"What? The same corridors I'll find Y/n in around this time?" Atticus rose a
brow, "You're right."

Inside, I did feel my heart sink to my stomach from his words, but I knew
he was known for his manipulative tactics and narcissistic sentences.

I bit the inside of my cheek, just nodding with a chuckle, looking to the

"Don't worry, Sallow. No need to give me those eyes...I've had my fair share
with Y/n. She's all yours. I can promise you that." Atticus winked.

Without thinking, I slid out my wand that rested against the bathroom sink
and pointed it directly at the prefect in front of me.

"Sebastian, what's going on?" Ominis asked from behind, confused.

"What are you going to do, huh?" Atticus rose his brows, just staring at my
wand, "You throw any jinx, you are marked up. I am prefect—"
"I couldn't care less if you're a prefect, Atticus," I maintained my wand up,
"I've had my own fair share of detentions. Another one is nothing." I

Atticus just nodded at me, "Don't push it, Sallow. I have seen that little
mind of her's. You're the least to worry about." He said lowly.

My wand lowered, trying to process Atticus words, and kept my frown at

the realization.

There was a moment at Feldcroft where Y/n complained about a headache,

but I tried not to question much of it. She already had enough on her mind, I
didn't want to extend that headache over my questioning.

"Why would you perform it on Y/n? Why did you teach her the Fiendyre
curse too? Are you out of your mind, Sweeting?" I said angrily.

"Out of my mind? Glad Y/n was open on who taught her." Atticus laughed,
his face going back to the mirror and adjusting his hair, "I was prepping

"She knows enough already." I said.

"Not enough." Atticus admitted, "As I said, I was prepping her. And I'll
keep doing it if she allows me." He reminded.

I frowned again.
I felt my fingers tingling a slight bit, and for a moment, I really felt as if I
wasn't going to be able to control myself over it. I didn't know why. I
haven't felt this angry in a while, but it was annoying me.

"No." I said in a serious tone, "Stay away from her."

"Sebastian, let's just go back to the dormitory," Ominis said.

Atticus just nodded, "Yeah, Sebastian. Let your friend Ominis lead the
way." He smiled at my friend from behind.

I watched as Atticus adjusted his posture, preparing to leave before giving

one last glance.

"As a prefect, curfew is up. Go to bed." He smiled, walking away.

And that's when I knew, I needed to keep Y/n away from Atticus Sweeting.


another chapter would be up in the morning. i promise 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

sorry for the late update, i went through my second play through of
hogwarts legacy to pay more attention on the dialogue of the characters and
study their personalities 😂
thirty one *


This chapter contains mature content.

I received my first owl from Sebastian Sallow a few days after Christmas.
Just a day before the New Year. Not that I was keeping count of our absence
from each other, but I finally received an owl one evening.

Luckily, Natty was taking a bath and was nowhere near the dormitory, so I
avoided any questions about who it was from at such a late hour.


In need of some Deja Vu?

Meet me outside the Library.

And tell no one. 10pm


I couldn't help, but smile to myself.

Those were the exact same words Sebastian said before that disastrous
library venture one year ago. Where he practically saved me from trouble
and took the blame.

I didn't understand his motive for it, but my attention wasn't straight. All my
head really thought about was seeing the Slytherin boy that was beginning
to take hold of me.

Although it was school break at Hogwarts, there were still certain curfews
for students in certain locations. Yeah, it sucked, but it was just part of the
school rules that needed to be followed.

My body didn't actually process the meet-up until I was crossing the Central
Hall's carpeted stairs.

The rate of my heart increasing, my hands beginning to sweat and my body

temperature feeling higher than usual — I wanted to fight myself. Fight my

Sebastian Sallow stood there against the railing of the balcony.

His arms rested flatly while his long legs were slightly crossed on each
other, almost giving a modeling stance. How his face was to the side,
making sure I got a good look.
It's just another human body, Y/n. Be realistic.

I swallowed, taking slow steps down to finally confront the handsome man
below me.

As I got closer, I noticed he wore a tight, green long-sleeve sweatshirt that

represented his house; the cotton material hugged his toned body while I
tried to maintain normal.

Sebastian looked up first, eyeing me up and down, not holding back his
attention. His brown eyes scanned before glaring back toward mine.

"Hey, you." Sebastian let out, almost in a whisper.

I stood face-to-face with him, growing a small smile, "Hi."

Sebastian smiled back, turning his head to the side and viewing the entrance
of the library below us.

"Luckily for us this time... there are no prefects tonight." Sebastian leaned
over the railing, again.

I looked down at him, looking closely at the locked doors of the library.

"The doors are locked." I whispered.

"Alohamora exists." Sebastian reminded.

I held in my laugh, adjusting my posture from the railing, "So, what is the
occasion on this library trip?"

Sebastian also stood up, adjusting his posture, "Hm, figured since I miss
three weeks of classes, I need lots of catching up to do. And pick up a few
books from there." He pointed.

I furrowed my brows, "Isn't the library open in the morning?"

Sebastian furrowed his brows back, "Where's the fun in that, Y/n? As I said,
I'm up for some late-night ventures. Don't you agree?" He asked.

I laughed down softly, "Right. You love trouble. How could I forget?"

"How could you forget?" Sebastian tilted his head at me.

I just stared, pretending like my entire mind wasn't going crazy at his
words. Or at anything he was doing, really.

"Is the librarian there this time?" I joked.

"Usually," Sebastian crossed his arms, "But, it never hurts to find out. It's
the holidays, so I believe not."

I nodded, "Okay, let's go."

"Hold on now," Sebastian took hold of my arm in a gentle manner, stopping

my tracks.
I turned to him, our faces at each other as we remembered the same exact
words being said from the last time we were here.

"I heard that before..." I blushed to myself.

Sebastian chuckled, "I know you have...and yet, you somehow seem to
forget that we need to be invisible in case there's someone there." He

I nodded, "R-Right..."

As I cast the spell, I can hear Sebastian let off a scoff from my

"You're kidding." He eyed me.


Sebastian's eyes lost their way into our surroundings, "Your magic...I can't
see you at all. Or detect you. Only your voice."

He was right. After gaining several abilities as my ancient magic

progressed, some of my spells did increase, and for some, decreased.
Somehow, this one increased.

"I-Is that bad?" I asked.

"No, not at all," Sebastian laughed, "You're opening the door then...just
make sure I don't lose you. I cannot see any of you." He reminded.

"Okay." I giggled.

Sebastian's Perspective

"Remind me why I listen to you?" Y/n asked in a whisper behind a

bookcase, "The librarian is here, Sebastian!"

As we un-casted the spell, I watched as Y/n revealed herself again.

I eyed as she wore a tight collar shirt, enough for me to admire her chest
while the outfit was fitted with a pretty pink skirt that combined well — it
was extremely distracting, I couldn't pay attention.

"You make it so obvious." Y/n whispered again, noticing my eyeing.

Instead of reddening at her words, I shrugged.

"Well, I can't help it...anyways," I turned my head toward the librarian near
the desk, "She's asleep and there's no ghost. We're safe."

Y/n was hesitant, but nodded, looking around.

"Why are you worried? I could always take the blame again." I teased.
Y/n stared at me, "Worried? I am just waiting for you to lead the way." She

I loved this. I loved that even though so much happened between us in the
last few months, the friendship never truly changed. It just developed better
and better.

"Of course," I nodded, "Follow me."

We both found ourselves roaming around the dimmed library, losing our
way enough and maintaining mute until we were far in.

"The Restricted Section, again? I don't remember getting assigned books

from here." Y/n asked.

I looked over at her, smiling down at her oblivious words.

"You are aware that you're standing next to the king of restricted
knowledge?" I elbowed her.

I did understand Y/n's questioning. It wasn't anything new. Truly, I didn't

get assigned books for my missing works, I had those. I just wanted an
excuse to spend time with her.

"Right, sorry." Y/n said.

I smiled, "Don't be."

I let out my wand, pointing slightly towards the lock, and whispered,

The gate clicked open, but luckily it didn't echo, not risking us being heard.

"After you." I guided Y/n.

I watched as the girl in front of me passed, her body slowly walking while I
followed behind. How I pretended like I wasn't admiring every single detail
from behind at each step.

"Do you remember when..." Y/n began speaking, going down the stairs into
the restricted section floor.

"I do." I finished without letting her ask.

Y/n stopped her steps, turning back at me with a confused look.

I looked down with a smile, "What?"

"Well, I'm waiting for you to remember since you said you do." Y/n stated,
not moving at all.

I closed my eyes, holding in my laughs from her actions.

"I apologize...I should've let you finish first." I said.

Y/n nodded, turning her head around and continuously going down the
steps without saying a word.

I kept Lumos on my wand as I followed behind her, scoffing.

"Silent treatment? You can't. Not again." I complained.

Y/n turned to the side, still confused, "W-What?"

"You're being quiet. Just figured..." I said, almost in fear of the silence.

"No, I was just going to say, remember when we walked around here and
you kept telling me how 'awfully cryptic' I was being." Y/n brought up.

Fifth Year

"Why do you think you'll find a cure in the restricted section? Does
Hogwarts have nothing to help Anne?" Y/n asked, looking around the area
of books.

"No," I answered, "We've tried everyone from Nurse Blainey to St

Mungo's..." I sighed.

"Really?" Y/n asked.

Y/n just kept walking fast, almost losing sight of her from how much
curiosity she had on finding whatever she was finding.
"Yeah...but, I can research on my own. No need to concern yourself right
now." I smiled, "Let's focus on what you're after." I pointed.

Y/n just kept walking, looking.

"What is it precisely?" I squinted at the mysterious fifth year.

"I'll know it when I see it, Sebastian." Y/n teased.

"You're being awfully cryptic." I complained to her. "Can't you just tell

Y/n just laughed, "Why? I just met you."

I rolled my eyes, "And I just met you too, yet, we are at the restricted
section together!"

"I guess you have a point..." Y/n agreed.


"You are still awfully cryptic." I teased with a side smile, "But, I am not

"You're the cryptic one, Sebastian," Y/n let out, "I feel like I know nothing
about you anymore." She confessed.
We both stopped our walking when we reached a certain section of the
restricted area. My wand lowered a little at her words, not knowing whether
they were serious or not.

"Are you serious? You think I'm still hiding stuff from you?" I questioned

Y/n gazed wasn't at me. Her view was on the Secrets of the Darkest Arts
book on a bookcase; her fingers just playing with it as she avoided me.

"I can't be sure," Y/n said in a low tone, "You were gone for a while." She

"And I explained why. I do regret that time, but...there is nothing else. You
know everything about me. Seen everything." I flirted.

Y/n's fingers just kept skimming at the dark arts book.

Quickly, I snatched the hard book from her grip and took it upon myself.

"Hey! I was reading that—"

"You aren't into Dark Arts...this book is dangerous, Y/n." I warned.

Y/n just stared at me, "Look who's talking, Sallow."

There was something within me that woke me up when Y/n says my name.
Either first or last, there was this heat that formed in the way she says it.
Maybe, it was how her lips moved? Or how her tone change? It was just

"In which, I am warning you. You've learned enough dark spells already." I
scoffed, "And with that magic, yeah, no. You'll destroy Hogwarts." I joked.

Y/n just blinked at me, "Okay, professor."

She took the book from my hand and placed it back into the bookcase,
letting it magically set itself in place.

"Good job—"

Our voices were completely cut off when a familiar voice began to echo
from the stairs.

Immediately, Y/n and I casted the disillusionment spell on each other and
looked around.

"Bloody Peeves," I breathed, "Quick, go into that little door and stay put." I

We both entered an unfamiliar door, another room full of more restricted

books, and closed it, breathing heavily.

"Did he see—"
I felt my finger go over Y/n's lips, muting her.

I found it ironic that although she was fully invisible, I was still able to
detect her.

"Hehehehe, New Years Eve!" Peeves voice began to echo closer.

In the distance, we can hear a few books fall from the area we were once in
and I rolled my eyes.

Peeves roamed around for at least a minute before his voice went back onto
the stairs to the library on the first floor.

I can feel Y/n's hand snatch my finger from her as we un-casted the spell.

"Do you think he'll come back?" Y/n whispered.

I looked around, re-opening the door again, "I don't think so. He roams the
whole castle, he won't appear in a few hours."

As we stepped back into the dimmed sections, we noticed a few books that
were thrown by Peeves himself, causing a mess.

"He's so annoying." Y/n complained, using her wand to put the books back.

I admired watching her clean up the mess. Although it wasn't our job to fix
up the library, specifically, the restricted section, it was nice to see the
kindness that flew out of Y/n.

"That should be all." I set the last book in hand, "Even though it wasn't our

I stood there, placing my hands on my sides, and turning over to Y/n.

Y/n stood there, hands behind her back as she carefully admired the
restricted book titles in front of her. Her eyes squinted from the dimmed
dark light as she read.

It was breathtaking how someone so small, yet powerful can take away all
my attention in a slight second. All she did was stand there, yet, I was so

"Yes, Sebastian?" Y/n noticed, her eyes still on the books.

Ugh, first name again.

"Avoiding me?" I smirked at her, still staring.

Y/n was still not turning, but spoke in honesty, "Yes. You are very
intimidating now."

I rose my brows at how honest she really was in her statement, "Me?
Intimidating? How? I do remind you, we did staring contest mid-woods all
the time."
"Yeah, before you grew half a foot, hit a wave of growth, became an
adult...and an entire Animagus." Y/n confessed.

I didn't know whether to laugh or to think more about the pointed-out

compliment from the girl I really liked.

"Yet, here I stand as your hair grew longer, your magic got powerful...and
your body got fitter, specifically your ass." I confessed back.

"Hey!" Y/n scoffed, finally turning at me.

"What? I thought we were just pointing out our likings?" I joked, "I

Y/n just stared at me, her eyes trying to keep the eye-contact, but not

"You lost the staring contest," I said playfully.

"Didn't know we were playing." Y/n crossed her arms.

"We start again. I always do end up winning." I said, knowing I'd kept score
of our game since day one.

Y/n rolled her eyes, but took a breath, "Alright, Sallow..."

And she stared at me.

I counted — it was only twenty seconds. Just twenty seconds. And no, none
of us lost, but eventually, I broke it off.

I made the first move, my desperate craving I'd been holding from seeing
her finally coming out.

I kissed her in front of that bookcase. My hands rested on the side of Y/n's
face before guiding her body back toward the wall behind us.

Y/n didn't stop me, and I was hoping she did because I didn't know what I
was capable of doing inside that restricted section at this hour.

My body lifted her up towards the nearest small table that held a lamp; the
lamp almost fell off while I sat her down nicely and continuously kissed

Y/n's hands reached over the back of my neck before tugging between my
hairs, only turning me on more.

As our tongues twirled over each other, Y/n let out a breath, looking around.

"Is this allowed?" She said breathlessly.

I chuckled, "Doing restricted things inside the restricted section? How

better can it get?" I whispered.
My wand rose up, casting a spell to cover all the moving paintings
surroundings us for privacy, and multitasked, still kissing her.

I felt my hands roam around Y/n's bare, softened legs. The temperature in
them warming my hands as I slid further and further under her skirt.

Y/n began letting more higher breaths from my touch, holding them back as
my fingers traveled all over her body.

"Sebastian," Y/n whimpered.

"You know I can't stop now," I whispered near her ear.

My fingers dug under that pink skirt, desperately finding their way near the
cotton fabric.

I can hear Y/n still struggling, holding in her pleasure, and quickly bringing
up my wand, holding it up, casting the Muffliato charm.

"W-What did you do?" Y/n asked in between.

I smiled, "It's alright now. You don't have to hide your desperation for me,
Y/n. Let it out."

My fingers played a little under her skirt before I finally set the underwear
to the side and slowly slid one finger inside.
Y/n let out a gasp from the touch, closing her eyes and I smiled, kissing her.

Whilst increasing the number of fingers inside of her gently, I felt my left
hand come down to the collared shirt that I eyed the whole time.

My fingers unbuttoned them in an aggressive matter, pulling the shirt down

slowly and taking a nice view of her breasts area below me.

Although I wasn't inside of her, I still felt pleasure from the sounds of Y/n's
moans and hidden hums while my fingers thrust in and out on that small

"Oh," I can see Y/n's head lean back, not being able to contain the pleasure
as her back arched a little, almost making the table move.

I can feel her clench around my fingers, not knowing how to reach to the
new feeling.

I didn't either. I hadn't done this before and my only knowledge of this,
truly, was from the restricted adult books I stumbled upon last year. I was
bored, but it was worth it for times like these.

"Let it out," I whispered to Y/n.

Y/n kept her eyes closed, "Your fingers...don't make them stop." She

I listened to her. I admired how vocal Y/n was with her words during sexual
encounters. It just sent me off the roof.
She tightened more and more, and I began noticing this was a sense of
wanting to reach a climax.

"Release, darling," I whispered down at her, watching.

"Oh, Sebastian," Y/n moaned more loudly.

"Yes, say my name," I said eagerly.

Y/n nuzzled in between my neck, breathing heavily, almost embarrassed at

her reach.

"Darling is a dangerous word from you." Y/n mumbled.

My fingers slide off slowly from her and I chuckled, looking down at them.

"Yeah, I noticed."

Y/n looked to the side, embarrassed, "Sorry, we didn't get to—"

"Don't worry about me," I kissed her forehand, "We can save that for later."
I teased.

I took a step back, watching Y/n button up her shirt, almost bummed as I
was enjoying the view.

"Who is down there?" The librarian, Agnes Scribmer called out from the

Y/n gasped, turning to me, "I thought you casted a spell—"

I looked back at her, "I guess we were still loud," I laughed, "Let's go!"

Y/n jumped off the small table, barely adjusting her buttons while I grabbed
her wrist running away through the corridors of the restricted section like a
maze and hiding from the librarian.


hii, i wanted to try out sebastian's pov on this. hehe

thirty two


I sat at breakfast one random morning fighting the urge to sit next to
Sebastian Sallow. Not that anyone was stopping me, but there was just
something in my inner mind that wanted to stop those emotions from

It was only a week since our library moment, and also a week since I really
spoke to Sebastian.

We weren't avoiding each other, but being in two different houses and still
wanting this show of being low for now was making things difficult. How
ironic, right? When I avoided him, he was everywhere. When I didn't want
to avoid him, he was nowhere.

I stared at Sebastian sitting at the Slytherin table next to Ominis.

Sebastian stared back, his brown eyes just glancing at me with so much
attention, I felt my surroundings mute for a while, Poppy had to bring me
back to reality.

"Y/n?" Poppy snapped her fingers at me.

I shook my head, turning to my Hufflepuff friend, and smiled, "Sorry?"

Did I also forget to mention that morning was the same morning Poppy
Sweeting discovered our little secret?

For two people trying to make things seem private, we were obvious at it.

I saw Poppy's eyes glance at me before flickering over towards the direction
I was in and watched Sebastian break contact and look over to Ominis,
being quick — but Poppy was fast.

"Were you just staring back at Sebastian Sallow?" She asked.

I flushed at her question, "W-What? No, I was just...just looking at the

quidditch banners up there." I lied.

Poppy gasped, her hands over her mouth, "You are lying! Your cheeks turn
slightly pink when you do! I've noticed that. Oh, Merlin! I knew it! I knew
it!" She said excitedly.

I closed my eyes, hoping people in our surroundings wouldn't distinguish

her enthusiasm, as I calm her.

"Poppy, shh," I lowered her hands, "Yes, we're...talking, but—"

"Talking? Those are the eyes of two lovers!" Poppy let out, "I learned that in
beasts class. When two soulmates are—"
"We aren't animals!" I rolled my eyes with a smile.

Well, one of us was.

"Oh, that's so lovely," Poppy leaned over my shoulder, "I'm so glad you
finally caught his stare after he's done it all last year!" she pointed.

I laughed with her, pretending like making fun of Sebastian Sallow at

breakfast was completely part of the routine.

I didn't actually get my first slight interaction with Sebastian until midday
on my way to Hogsmeade with Samantha Dale and Everrett Clopton.

I sometimes liked involving myself in the Ravenclaw circle just for fun, but
since I wanted an excuse for a walk, I joined them. Plus, they offered to

"We should get a few banners from Zoko's. Figured since the first game of
the second season is Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin..." Everett mentioned.

As he opened the door to the joke shop, Samantha and I quickly stepped in,
almost bumping into the group of Slytherins that were exiting.

Nerida and Imelda stood beside him, the trio holding up a few items for the
upcoming quidditch game too.

I tried to seem unbothered by the fact that Sebastian was surrounded by

females, but there was this slight jealousy that lingered inside of me from
the sight at first.

I needed to remind myself that Nerida Roberts and Imelda Reyes were just
part of the Slytherin quidditch team so it just made sense, right?

"Ah, look at that, our rivals!" Imelda called out to the Ravenclaw before
eyeing me, "Y/n! You're anti-Slytherin?"

I swallowed, laughing it off.

"Of course she is, Y/n's a Gryffindor! Our main rivals." Nerida pointed,
"Too bad you guys lost to us, right Sebastian?"

For a moment, the whole circle stood quiet realizing that there was still this
mindset that Sebastian and I were not talking yet. So, the moment seemed

I eyed Sebastian in front of me who held a few pranking toys and stickers,
holding himself from laughing.

"Oh, this is awkward." Imelda said, not holding back.

"Hey, look!" Samantha pointed, "I see my stupid brother! Let's go bother
him, Everett...come on, Y/n!"

I can feel Samantha's hand tugging my jacket, almost saving me from

avoiding the weird talk with Sebastian Sallow.
Oh, if only they knew.

As we passed through the Slytherins, I can feel my shoulders pass through

Sebastian's sides.

Although it was a one-second slide, it felt like forever when my right hand
brushed through Sebastian's and I felt his own fingers tickled through my
palm purposely before we departed.

It was crazy to think how much tension can be caused between Sebastian
and I by one certain touch.

Sebastian Perspective

Sometimes, I had to question how I managed to hold myself back from Y/n
so many times. How I've managed to fight off the tension, the laughs, the
flirting for an entire year.

Why was it that not even a week in and I was desperate? I was eager. I was
just missing her.

I only thought this because I almost lost my own mind when I didn't see her
at the Gryffindor table that same afternoon during dinner.

"She's at the library." Ominis let out next to me.

I turned, "Pardon?"
"I said, she's at the library. Figured from your silence, you were trying to
look for her at the table across. I know you, Sebastian." Ominis said, almost
in annoyance.

The library. To be honest, all that came to mind at the mention of the library
is the Restricted Section. It was nice to remind myself that it was a real
thing. It really happened.

"And how do you know that?" I rose at Ominis.

"Y/n greeted me on my way here," Ominis recalled, "Might've asked her

why she walked the opposite direction."

"How did you manage to sense her walking in the wrong direction?" I
questioned again.

"You ask a lot of questions, Sebastian."

"You're giving me a reason to, Ominis." I rolled my eyes, "So, she's at the

"Leave her, Sebastian. Y/n might be studying and your arrival would be the
worst distraction." Ominis murmured.

Sometimes, I wondered whether Ominis knew that he was always exposing

himself without realization. I would've never known where Y/n really was if
it weren't for him.
"Studying for what, exactly? It is holiday break." I complained.

"Unlike you, who left school on the last day of classes, you were not
present for the assignments being given that night," Ominis mentioned

I groaned, "We had homework?"

"Why are you surprised?" Ominis asked.

Not wanting to add more to the conversation, I slowly stood up from the
table, dusting myself up and adjusting my casual clothes.

"You are a walking hazard, Sebastian." Ominis complained at my


"Why are you surprised?" I mimicked him.

"Ugh," Ominis scoffed, "Perhaps, if you are entering that library you might
as well work on the homework you are never going to start. Classes start
Monday." He reminded.

"I might just copy off you. Figured since your wand is more advanced at

"My wand is not a toy, Sebastian!" Ominis complained, "And I will not
allow you to cheat off me, again. Not this year."
"Alright, Ominis." I sighed, resting my hands over his shoulders in a
friendly matter.

Ominis quickly shrugged, not wanting me to comfort him and I chuckled.

"Just behave, Sebastian," Ominis warned, "Y/n is very serious about her

I understood Ominis. He seemed to act that way toward Anne back in fourth
year. Not that I had anything against it. It was nice to see how caring and
protective Ominis truly became towards Y/n while I was gone.

"I will be on my best behavior." I nodded.

Y/n's Perspective

"Why did I choose History of Magic for an elective?" I whispered to myself

with a groan.

I didn't know how long I sat on that library chair that day. From being a
morning study session became a late afternoon nightmare, catching up with
work and doing last-minute homework.

My fingers tap on the History of Magic book towards the section on Magic
and Religion; my eyes beginning to feel tired as I avoided writing the last
"Just three more inches left," I said to myself, my quill struggling to write.

I sensed a student wandering around the upper level of the library from the
corner of my eye.

I've chosen the upper level, predicting that since everyone was at dinner by
now, I'll have most of the library to myself, specifically the upstairs —
specifically, my book section.

Ignoring it, I continued to write off a few sentences, my eyes coming

forward with the words.

However, Confucianism has also been subject to criticism from both

magical and Muggle persons. Some —

"Accio book." A hoarse whisper echoed from the end of the section.

I watched my book began to fly away toward the person.

Taking a breath, I finally turned towards the figure and my mouth parted
from their unexpected arrival.

Sebastian stood there, his posture leaning against the bookcase as a few
books flew around him. He studied the book I was reading and smirked to
himself from the successful catch.

I hated myself for getting severely distracted by the way he stood. The way
his sleeves were rolled up while a fancy tie stood around his neck, not set
properly. Everything about this person was distracting.

"It only takes an intelligent head to handle Advanced History of Magic."

Sebastian let out, still keeping his eyes on the book.

I couldn't help, but let out a small smile, "Stop pretending like you're
reading it, Sebastian."

Sebastian shut the book up, the loud noise almost echoing through the

"Ah, you caught me," He said, walking towards me and extending the book,
"I'm hoping you remember the page you left off on. I apologize."

I didn't take the book, I just turned my body on the study counter and
looked down at my parchment paper.

"It's alright. I was already done with it." I managed to say.

As I re-read my work from start to finish, I can sense Sebastian pulling over
the empty chair beside me and taking a seat on it.

Oh no. I wondered if we were going to be able to survive the temptation

between each other or let it kill us off. It was still day.

I cleared my throat, not wanting to let the Slytherin student take over my
entire thoughts as he just sat there.
My body began to feel heat at the silence. Funny, since I was in a silent
library all day, but yet when Sebastian arrived, the silence was eating me

I only skimmed halfway through my work before my hands set down the
paper and closed my eyes.

"Yes, Sebastian?" I breathed.

Don't look at him. It would cause chaos.

I can hear Sebastian get himself comfortable, a sigh coming off him as he
began speaking in a low, deep voice.

"No bother. Just waiting for you to finish so you can help me study next."
Sebastian said with confidence.

My brows furrowed, finally turning at him.

Sebastian rested lazily on the library chair, his long legs up against the
counter desk as he played with my quill that I didn't even notice he took.

He was so attractive, it was aggravating.

"What?" I said, almost in surprise.

His stare stood at the quill in his hands, the item just twirling around the
fingers as he spoke.
"Yeah, I know, surprisingly, I haven't started any work." Sebastian admitted.

I chuckled, "No, I'm surprised you actually study in the first place."

The movements of the quill stopped and Sebastian's hazel eyes flickered up
at me in an offended stare. His posture went up, stiffening towards me.

Oh, he was so close.

"Are you underestimating my abilities of being a Hogwarts student, Y/n?"

Sebastian squinted at me.

I squinted back, "Sebastian, since I met you you've admitted to me several

times that your detention record mostly dealt with missing work." I

Sebastian blinked, giving a nod, "Perhaps you're right...glad to know you

remember what I say." He winked.

I blushed. I didn't mean to, but his choices of words were always so fast and

"I just figured I'll find you here since I didn't see you at the great hall,"
Sebastian admitted, "Ominis saved my worry."

I redden a little at the news.

Poppy admitting to me that Sebastian was always looking at me during
eating times was a proven fact. He really did try looking for me
everywhere. I did too.

I looked up, "Ominis?"

I wondered, but then made the connection of bumping into him around the
reception hall, letting him know I'll be in the library. It just made sense.

"Hm, for a moment I thought you were just very good at guessing where I
was at." I joked.

Sebastian chuckled down, "Hm, well, Ominis does keep a close eye on

We both stood silent at the moment towards Sebastian's words and I let out
a small gasp, finally realizing his foolish sentence towards his blind friend.

"Sebastian, that's mean." I whispered, not wanting to laugh.

Sebastian did laugh, "Oh, come on...he's my best friend of years! The only
punishment he'll give is throwing a jinx at me."

I let out a smile, pursing my lips, and stared at the quill that kept twirling in
his fingers.

Sebastian did that often. I took my first notice in Transfiguration class when
I sat across the room from him. He just kept twirling it all class, Professor
Weasley had to take it away from him.

"How are you doing that?" I furrowed a brow, pointing at his talent.

Sebastian looked down at my pointing and a smirk formed from my


"What? This?" He lifted, still doing it, "Just a special talent of mine."

I rolled my eyes, "I know that, show off. I meant, how." I fixed.

Sebastian stopped his actions, finally lowering the quill and smiling at me.

"Well, it takes great fingers to work the magic, don't you agree?" Sebastian
flirted with a laugh.

It wasn't a flirt — well, I was hoping it wasn't. I don't think I was capable of
hiding whatever expression I'll give at his metaphor towards his fingers.

I just stared, trying my best not to feel my body temperature rise.

"Am I supposed to laugh?"

Sebastian kept staring, but leaned his body much closer to me, almost
enough that our breaths were feeling each other.

"Well," His fingers tickled through mine under the desk as he spoke lowly,
"My fingers were just inside of you not long ago, so I think we can agree."
He whispered.

My throat closed for a moment towards the heavy whisper.

I still looked around the library as if someone would hear us even though
the whisper was quiet enough just for me to hear.

I let out a silly laugh, shaking my head and turning my body again, focusing
on my paper, pretending like Sebastian Sallow's sensual words weren't
getting to me.

"I have work to do." I mumbled.

"And I shall wait." Sebastian leaned back onto the library chair, folding his
arms now and letting out a huff like a child.

I just stared at him.

"Enjoying the view?" He closed his eyes.

I was. A lot.

"No, I need my quill back, Sebastian." I extended my hand to him.

Sebastian's eyes re-opened, his mouth almost letting out a complaint, but
hiding it as he uncrossed his arms and gave me back my quill.
"Thank you."

"Of course."

Studying around Sebastian Sallow was difficult. He was intolerable.

Insufferable, may I say. Almost as if he had no patience with himself as
time went by.

Sebastian whistled, his wand motioning around the bookcase, waving

around a few enchanted books and bothering a few first years on the lower
floor by letting the books fall on their heads.

Losing my concentration from the echoing complaints, I turned to the tall

boy leaning against the gold railing of the library.

"Sebastian, we're going to get in trouble." I let out a loud whisper at him

Sebastian laughed, still looking down before turning his body and looking
at me.

"We're?" Sebastian rose his brows, "I recall, I am the one causing the fun in
here. It's too quiet."

"It's a library." I scoffed.

"I believe one should only be quiet in a library when it's sneaking in at late
hours." He thought, "You should know."
I sighed, not wanting to get more distracted.

I did enjoy being with Sebastian. There was so much time to make up for, I
wasn't complaining, but it always seemed like the only time we hung out
was during school hours or late hours.

Again, I just stared down at my Potions homework, reading the recipe over
and over again.

"Have you eaten anything at all since entering this torturous setting?"
Sebastian let out randomly, "You know, since you didn't appear at dinner."

I closed my eyes, not wanting to groan from the cut-in.

I enjoyed this. I wasn't going to sit here and lie to myself that I didn't.

Watching Sebastian Sallow be Sebastian Sallow was just some form of

entertainment. As I said before, he grew, but yet that cocky, humorous and
chaotic personality he's known for was coming out again.

I use to think I'll never get to see it anymore after all the traumatic
experiences he suffered throughout the summer.

I bit the inside of my lip, "No, Sebastian, I haven't but it doesn't—"

My mouth closed as I watched the Potions book in my hand shut loudly

again, echoing throughout the setting.
"Sebastian!" I warned.

Sebastian bent beside me, gathering all the paperwork and conjuring it all
towards my folder.

"I think it's time for a break." He whispered, head turned at me.

Our faces were inches apart, and only our lips were ready to just close the
gap between us on that library floor.

Just inches...

"Mister Sallow!"

I gasped as we both turned at the librarian, Agnes Scribner, that stood at the
end of the book section eyeing Sebastian.

Sebastian rose up, breaking the eye contact and clearing his throat, "Uh,
Miss Scrib—"

"I believe you're banned from entering this library until the start of the
term! That was only in three days!" She reminded him.

My brows rose at the odd news and I turned to Sebastian, still sitting in my

"Banned? From the library? What?" I scoffed at him. "W-What?"

Sebastian just stood in a straight posture, his eyes down at me as a hand
reached the back of his neck, scratching it.

"Uh, yeah, I must've forgotten to mention. I believe you remember when I

told you to go back to your common room while I grabbed the books I
needed the other night?" He whispered to me.

I just nodded.

After the librarian almost caught us, we only made it back to the first floor
before Sebastian stopped himself from the exit and told me to go because he
never really got the books he needed.

I wasn't aware of what happened afterward.

"You got caught? A-Again?" I said, almost in shock.

"You need to leave. Do we really need to discuss this with the Headmaster
on his first day of class?" She scowled at him.

"No, Miss Scribner..." Sebastian shook his head, "I-I was just about to
leave...I promise."

"You are chaos, Sebastian!" Agnus complained, looking at me. "Is he being
a bother, Miss?"

I stood there, reddening at the stare, almost stuttering.

"I, uh...no—we," I gathered my books, "I was just about to leave. He wasn't
a bother at all Miss Scribner." I bowed, looking at Sebastian.

"How do you manage to get in trouble twice?" I scoffed once exiting that

Me and Sebastian stood mid-central hall now, wandering around, taking

notice that it must've been night by the small portions of students that stood

"I guess, I'm just very stubborn." Sebastian chuckled, "Nothing new."

"You must have the most detentions at Hogwarts by now." I said.

"At least I'm known for something." Sebastian said in confidence.

I held the books in my hand, beginning to walk near the first steps of the
curved staircase, but felt a hand stop me.

Sebastian kept his actions secretive, his fingers curling around my wrist, but
hiding it with his body, enough for only us to see as he kept his view

"Not so fast." He said in between his teeth, almost as if he wasn't talking at


I just stood there, also looking straight, "Yes?"

"Wrong way. We are down." Sebastian said.

Confusedly, I turned my head at him, seeing his own head motioning

towards the stairs at the end of the hall.

I knew where that corridor lead and I scoffed.

"T-The kitchens? No, I—"

"You aren't starving. It'll be like fifth year. Nothing new," Sebastian
elbowed, "I promise, this time you won't have to tickle the pineapple five
times." He teased.

I finally let out a laugh, not hesitating at his idea.

"You're trouble."

"Nothing new." Sebastian smiled, turning the other way.


made a tiktok!! @lokiniall💚

ALSO 120k reads? i fear the amount of readers reading this book! i'm
happy, yet so nervous haha.

can't wait to provide more x thank you so much

thirty three


When I entered Charms class on the first day of the second term, I needed
to stop my tracks for a second to stare down at the sitting arrangements

"Poppy, what are you doing?" I said, almost confused.

Poppy sat on my original seat, a confident smile on her sweet face while
setting her books down confidently.

I was frozen. I knew her intentions.

The classroom was still half empty since we always arrived earlier than
usual, so I was able to hide the embarrassment of standing awkwardly.

"I am doing you a favor," Poppy tap on the seat that was once her's, "Sit."

As I debated at the moment, I can hear chaos entering the classroom, letting
me know that there wasn't much time to discuss anything.
"Woo, Weasley is back!" Garreth whistled, waving around his school robe,
"Missed me, girls?" He eyed us.

Poppy just tucked a hair behind her ears and I rolled my eyes, setting my
books down at the seat and finally sitting down.

"The school was quite peaceful without you, Garreth." Ominis murmured
out in his seat.

Ominis was only a seat away, letting the space between us be filled with
Sebastian, which he wasn't here, yet.

I hadn't seen him since last Thursday. The sneaking into the kitchens to get
snacks was successful and surprisingly, we managed to keep our hands to
ourselves. It almost seemed like a fifth year adventure again.

Now it began to feel weird without him. Not that I never felt weird before
without his presence, but it was becoming more...consistent now. Was that

"Welcome back, students," Professor Ronen entered the class, "I presume
you all took this break to learn the charm spells directed."

As he spoke, a tall figure peaked from the classroom entrance, trying to

sneak his way in without interruption.

Unlike the first day of school, this time Sebastian held books in hand. The
uniform wasn't all over the place and he seemed, in-tact.
I pretended not to watch him as if it wasn't awkward enough that Poppy
moved a seat purposely so Sebastian and I can sit right next to each other.

While Sebastian took a seat beside me, a wave of his scent passed through
my nose. There was no reason for him to smell so good.

"As I said," The professor continued.

I was distracted now. All I can see from the corner of my eye was him. The
brown hair peaking, the perfect side view, the long lashes that he had no
reason to have.

Poppy did a mistake.

As I attempted to pay attention in Charms class, writing notes with my quill

and listening, I felt a slight accidental elbow hitting mine.

I swallowed, turning a little and realizing that it wasn't accidental. Sebastian

had a smirk on his freckled face as he slid over his own paper in a sneaky

You are too close.

I blinked, reading off his messy handwriting, and wrote back.

Poppy wants to play cupid.

Sebastian's eyes lowered, smirking to himself at the message.

Not complaining. We are way ahead of her.

I rolled my eyes, bringing my parchment paper back into view.

I didn't know what to expect sitting next to Sebastian in a class after moving
forward. We never really sat together fifth year in any class, so I didn't
know what being more than friends was going to cause.

"Alright, you will jot down this incantation in your parchments and then
practice it." Professor Ronen finished off.

The sound of a quill falling to the floor vibrated near me, making my head
look down at the fallen item near me.

Sebastian looked down, then looked up at his surroudings, "My apologies.

Let me just get that."

As he bent, his hand rested against my right thigh under the wooden desks.

My eyes almost popped open at his intense unplanned touch and I looked
around, making sure nobody was noticing the silent shambles Sebastian was
creating between us.

He must've taken only two seconds reaching down his quill, but managed to
take hold of me as his hand rested on my leg for balance and lightly
squished it, making me react inside.

I cleared my throat, almost signaling him to stop and Sebastian rose up

slowly, quill in his hand.

"Dropping that quill like he's going to drop that quaffle on Friday's game."
Garreth Weasley called out.

Sebastian's hand quickly removed off from me and turned to the ginger
behind us.

"Funny of you to say, Weasley. Care to remind you, you lost last season."
Sebastian teased out at him.

A few oo's and oh's echoed throughout the boys' circle from the comeback
and Garreth just scoffed.

"It was just a warm up. Gryffindor is hitting hard this season. I can assure
you." Garreth released. "Right, Y/n?"

Oh, not this again.

I rose my head up from my notes, blinking once as I let out a groan and
turned to the males.
"Garreth, I am trying to study." I lied.

Garreth Weasley had gotten a haircut. Perhaps, I must've been so distracted

by other things all day that I didn't even realize his hair was shorter. It
almost caught me off guard.

"You like it?" Garreth noticed my long stare at his new look, "I know Poppy
loves it."

Poppy beside me let out a few movements, but didn't say anything. She just
ignored Garreth's words as she wrote with her quill, but deep down she was
redder than ever.

"I'm sure your new hair is going to help us win this season, Garreth." I let
out, almost in a sigh.

Garreth Weasley wasn't ugly. As I once said, there was a slight crush I
developed on him at our first meet. He was handsome and charming, with a
bit of humor in him, but the lack of knowledge with the words he would
use...it slightly went away.

Plus, after Sebastian took over my entire days, all those feelings shifted

"Handsome, right?" Garreth winked at me.

Again, I stood quiet, staring at him.

I can sense Sebastian's stare from the corner of my eye, almost waiting for
an answer to come out of me.

Luckily, class ended at that moment, saving me from the odd position I was
put in, and began to see the students prepare for an exit.

"Handsome, right?" Sebastian mimicked in a low tone near my ear as he

passed me.

I didn't really take Sebastian's words serious until he muted himself the next
few days. And yeah, I mean days.

I must've thought he was just trying to keep things private again by not
interacting in class anymore, but even within the halls, he will pass me like

"Perhaps, he might be jealous." Natty let out Friday morning.

I rose a brow, knowing that I'd tried to avoid the word jealousy all week
because there was no way. I don't think I've done anything wrong for
Sebastian to be jealous in the first place.

"J-Jealous?" I laughed it off, "It can't be. I never agreed with Weasley." I
said to myself.

Natty laughed, adjusting her sweater.

"Yeah, but we are speaking of Sebastian Sallow, Y/n," she reminded,

"Remember when you two fought one time last year and he didn't
communicate for a week? That even in the halls he'll swish away from

Fifth Year

"I don't understand why he's upset. He called me ignorant, Ominis!" I

complained in the Undercroft.

It was a few days after our first fight.

Sebastian didn't measure his limits on the mention of help by goblins and
completely threw his anger at me.

"I'm sure we all know you are not ignorant, Y/n." Ominis reminded.

"Sebastian does," I said with a frown. "He didn't even let me explain
myself. He was so...mean." I let out, almost in an offense.

I was offended. I was hurt. This once trusted friendship began to tumble
down little by little. Sebastian was starting to get colder and I didn't know
how much I managed to handle.

"Y/n, I've warned you that following Sebastian's intentions were never
good. He's not in the right mindset anymore. No matter the circumstances."
Ominis let out.

I let out a sigh, trying not to let it get to me.

"I just wanted to help his sister."

Ominis just looked to the side, "Sebastian won't hold on to a grudge for too
long. I know him. And I specifically know that he would not stop talking to
you. He can't last a week without speaking about you."

I flushed a little at the mention of Sebastian talking about me, but I just let it

Ominis was right. It only took two days after to receive Sebastian's owl to
meet up. That he was regretful about the things he said and that he wouldn't
get this far without me.


It was ironic how you start to familiarize yourself with a man's patterns.
They really didn't last holding a grudge. Specifically, one that shouldn't
have been there in the first place.

I received Sebastian's owl an hour before the Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw

match on Friday. I was going through the clock tower's halls when
Sebastian's owl, Flooty, dropped the letter.

My dormitory decided to support Ravenclaw in this game due to the fact

that a few supported us on our own games. It was almost like taking turns,
depending on the play. I also owed Everrett and Samantha on the
Hogsmeade trip.

"Y/n, are you joining?" Cressida asked, noticing my stop.


Meet me in the Undercroft.

I'll see you there. 10 minutes.


I swallowed, feeling my own stomach flutter with butterflies, as if the letter

wasn't making me feel many emotions at once.

I looked back up, bringing the letter down and excusing myself.

"I, uh, I'll catch you guys in the bleachers." I let out, hoping no more
questions would be asked.

"Where are you—"

"Come on, Cressida," Natty eyed me, almost knowing my intentions, "Don't
take too long, Y/n. You did drag us to support Ravenclaw!" She reminded.

I gave out a smile, nodding and turning in the opposite direction.

The trip to the Undercroft wasn't as I expected it. Not that I knew what
was coming from it, but I should've known by the way he wrote the owl.
I entered slowly through the metal sticks, my body slowly taking footsteps
inside the dimmed space as I eyed the man across.

Sebastian Sallow stood in his Quidditch uniform. The long forest green robe
shining through the low lights as the Slytherin logo was stamped in the

As he turned, I noticed he wore the well-known player gloves; the jersey

with the words Captain and number 1 peaking through the robe.

He seemed serious, but still had a softened gaze at my arrival. Almost

fighting it, but keeping it formal.

"Of course, you'll support the rivalry team." Was the first thing he said,
crossing his arms and staring down at my attire.

I gulped at the moment.

Guilt is what I felt. Not that I ever thought once about supporting the
Slytherin team. I've done that before, but my head was so focused on
something else, I didn't even remember Sebastian.

"I owed a few Ravenclaws my support. It's a deal." I pursed my lips, telling
my truth.

Sebastian just nodded, "Always showing your good side." He smirked.

It wasn't a genuine smirk. Sebastian was being sarcastic and he wasn't

afraid to show it off. The quidditch uniform didn't make things better.
"Are you implying something?" I tilted my head at him,

Sebastian continuously stared at my attire and shrugged.

"I am not," He frowned, "It's just absurd to support the other team while I
play." He mumbled.

I laughed. Yeah, I laughed. No, it wasn't a funny laugh, it was just the first
reaction I was able to give.

"I'm sorry," I rose my arms, almost confused where this conversation was
going. "You ignore me the whole week, avoid me, don't say a word in-
between classes, and yet, you expected me to just come on full-time
support, Sebastian?"

Sebastian just stood there, arms still crossed. His face lowered as his eyes
rose, almost giving me a dark stare.

"I apologize."

I stood quiet.

"I'm just very complicated," Sebastian said, noticing my muteness, "At

explaining myself."

I've known that, but I didn't want to tell him. I know he had lots on his
plate, so the best I could've done was just understand him.
"Explaining on what, exactly?" I asked.

Sebastian looked down, almost debating on himself what to say.

"About...about my feelings." He rose an arm, "About many things, but

specifically, my feelings."

I nodded.

"I got jealous. I got jealous over Garreth Weasley." Sebastian sighed.

And bingo.

I rose my brows, "Garreth Weasley? A-Are you serious? But nothing—"

"Oh, come on. Don't act oblivious, Y/n," Sebastian rolled his hazel eyes,
"Half the school digs you and, it's obvious hearing Weasley trying to flirt
with you wasn't my cup of tea. Let alone, you getting distracted by him."
He explained.

I was speechless.

"You got the narrative wrong, Sebastian. Garreth speaks like that to every
female in our house. It's just a Gryffindor joke. And I wasn't distracted—"

"Yes, you were." Sebastian assured.

I looked up at him, "Are you serious?"

"I'm a man, Y/n. I know other men's intentions." Sebastian warned, "I've
suspected you would know too, but,"

"But?" I mimicked, "You clearly don't. Garreth has no interest in me. He's
better off with Poppy. It's obvious."

"And you know him so well to say that?" Sebastian smirked.

I groaned, "You're so stubborn, Sebastian."

Sebastian laughed, "Correct. You've known that." He bowed in sarcasm.

I looked up, spotting the enchanted clock above the Undercroft reading the

"You have a game that's starting soon, Captain." I read off his jersey.

Sebastian nodded, looking up at the clock himself and then stepping

forward, getting near me.

I breathed a little at the closeness as he stared down, just eyeing me.

"You're right," His fingers came in contact with my Ravenclaw supporting

t-shirt and tugged it a little, "And you have a losing team to support on
those bleachers." He whispered.
I scoffed at his cocky sentence and stepped back a little, letting his fingers
let go of the fabric.

"I'll see you soon, Y/n." Sebastian smirked, walking away towards the exit.

Sebastian was upset. Clearly, this wasn't the hopeful conversation we

expected this afternoon, but it wasn't the last either.

Sebastian's Perspective

"How are you captain if you're always bloody late to the games!" Imelda
Reyes echoed at me under the bleachers.

I ignored her complaints and adjusted my quidditch gear, holding onto my

broom tightly.

I was upset. Not that it was anything new, but I also felt a huge weight on
myself this week with reoccurring nightmares, sleepless nights, and now,
the worry of being jealous.

I didn't want to correlate my personality with being so attentive toward Y/n,

but I couldn't help it anymore. My instincts were high and I sometimes just
wanted to grab Y/n and let everyone know she was mine.

"Ravenclaw's pin-points are the sidelines," I ordered, adjusting the tightness

of my gloves, "Make sure you block those edges."
It felt nice to be a leader. Governing everyone on the team and directing.
Quidditch seemed like a good sport to just let it all out in one go. All that
anger, depression, and stress...a sport was the temporary answer.

"Got it, captain." A second-year Slytherin cheered at me.

I debated whether to come out into the cheering field. Yeah, I was captain,
but knowing Y/n was on the opposite side, cheering for the rival team
ruined the urge.

The game seemed easy. Ravenclaw was competitive in their games, but
compared to the aggressiveness and heaviness from Gryffindor, it felt easy.

As what I thought.

I flew around the field, maintaining my focus on finding the snitch. My

eyes fought the pressure of wanting to scan the crowd.

"Sallow, it's near the loops on the opposite side." Erick, a Slytherin yelled

I nodded, following the pointing.

As I accelerated with my broom, I watched the Ravenclaw crowd in the

distance, multitasking as I kept flying.

I spotted her friends; Natty, Cressida and Nellie cheering on, wearing all
blue, similar to what Y/n was earlier.
I tried not to distract myself with the memory of Y/n wearing supportive
clothing. How good she looked wearing it, no matter what team.

"Sallow!" Imelda yelled.

Not spotting Y/n, I turned more, still continuously going across the field.

"Woo, let's go Sallow!" The Slytherin crowd cheered.

Turning, I chuckled at the cheering.

I spotted Ominis first, just standing there listening to everyone cheer as he

wore a Slytherin jersey.

And there was Y/n beside him.

There she stood with the third-year Slytherin jersey I lent to her back at
Feldcroft. The material tied around the body while she stood on the
Slytherin side for support.

It did catch me off guard because at the moment, I felt an aggressive push,
almost making me fall off my broom from the uncalled actions.

I turned to spot Roger Bates, a seventh year Ravenclaw, frown at me as he

kept pushing me aggressively.

"Watch it, Sallow." He shouted.

"Piss off, Bates." I said angrily, reaching and also pushing him back.

I did have my limits on playing Quidditch. I've played it often back with
Anne in the first few years at Hogwarts. I did have my limits, but for some
reason, now I didn't.

"Getting on your bad side already?" Roger pushed.

At this point, we weren't even going toward the snitch, we were measuring
on who was falling off that broom first.

"Don't push it," I argued, "Let it go."

"Sebastian Sallow and Roger Bates get nearer and nearer towards the
Golden Snitch! Who will get it first?" The game announcers said through
the speakers.

"No longer have your twin sister to defend you?" Roger let out, still pushing
me to get near the flying object.

Maintain calm, Sebastian. Just ignore the insult.

"What was it? Annie? How is she?" Roger continued.

I gripped my room tighter, ignoring the Ravenclaw and beginning to reach

towards the snitch, but I was severely distracted.
"Don't you dare talk about my sister, Bates!" I warned him.

Roger let out a smirk, knowing he was using a tactic to push my buttons
and distract me from the gameplay. And he succeeded because he got into
my head — enough to speed me on that field and catch the Golden Snitch.

"Roger Bates catches the Golden Snitch! Ravenclaw wins the first game of
the season!" They called.

Roger winked at me, pretending like he wasn't saying all the nonsense to
me mid-air.

Ignoring the cries from the Slytherin side, I let my own emotions take over
as I lowered my broom toward the ground.

I felt myself throw the broom to the side in an aggressive matter, removing
my gloves and walking towards the opposite side of the field.

"Sebastian, where are you—"

I ignored Imelda's words, still walking around the field, my fist forming
while I eyed my target from afar.

Roger Bates stood there, holding the snitch happily while lowering his
broom as the rest of the Ravenclaw team cheered for him.

It all happened in a rapid moment. It must've been the fast reflexes I've
developed, but I reacted fast — really fast.
"Bates," I shouted.

Before the seventh year Ravenclaw can take sight of me, I felt my own
hand come in contact with his left cheek, punching him hard.

I ignored the gasps and the warnings as I continuously beat the hell out of
Roger Bates.

"You bloody prick, keep my sister's name out of your damn mouth," I swore
out to him, still keeping my hands on the skin.

He was a bloody mess, but as I said, I didn't measure my speed or reaction.

I was just angry.

I didn't know how long I continued, but it was enough to teach Roger Bates
a lesson.


this was a sloppy chapter to write, i struggled so bad and changed the plot
like three times hahahaha

it was inspired by that fifth year quidditch fight with the weasley twins and
draco malfoy in the harry potter books 💚👀

can't wait to write more. thank you so much for the support. i read all your
comments and they have me cackling at 2am lmao
thirty four *


This chapter contains mature content.

I stared down at the third year Slytherin jersey in my hands. My mind

wandered around whether I was making the right decision or not.

I believed I was doing the right thing. I should've reasoned with myself that
there were times Sebastian would cheer me on for doing the bare minimum
on my first days at Hogwarts. From Cross-Wands to Summoner's Court. He
was my biggest cheerleader.

Did I let my friends know I switched teams? No, not really, but it didn't
matter at the moment.

What mattered was sneaking my way into the Slytherin crowd on that
Quidditch field. Not that I wanted everyone to know I was there for support,
but it felt weird betraying the opposite team.

"Ominis." I let out, finally finding the familiar blonde hairs from the crowd
and squishing my way next to him.
Ominis looked to my side, recognizing my voice and furrowing his brows.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?"

I crossed my arms, watching over the gameplay, "Am I not allowed to


"You, a Gryffindor, supporting Slytherin?" Ominis questioned in surprise.

I just stared straight ahead, "Don't tell, I'm in disguise. I'm wearing a wig
and glasses." I lied.

It took me a good minute to actually spot Sebastian Sallow on that air. His
hairs were already damp, eyes were just very focused, along with how
easily his body moved on that broom.

"Is he doing well?" Ominis would ask throughout the game.

It saddened me to know that Ominis really couldn't see certain events. Of

course, I can explain in detail what was happening, but the visuals mattered
a lot.

"He's doing great." I answered.

It almost seemed like I jinx it by saying that because within the minute, I
watched as Sebastian flew near the crowd, his broom going upwards
towards the snitch.

We locked eyes for just a millisecond, but it was all I needed. I was hoping
he would spot me in that crowd wearing his jersey that only we knew about.
It was a very tempting secret.

Until the chaos began.

I watched as Sebastian stumbled upon a Ravenclaw player up in the air,

beginning to push each other, making the crowds get a reaction.

"What's happening? I hear mixed voices." Ominis questioned.


I couldn't even finish my sentences because I witnessed Slytherin and

Ravenclaw pushing each other hard on the air, almost like they were

"He's fighting with a Ravenclaw in the air." I mentioned, not letting my

eyes go.

I couldn't read Sebastian's expressions from afar. The foggy air didn't let me
focus well and I only got to see a clear view when the announcer said the

"Did Slytherin lose?" Ominis asked. "Hello? Y/n? What's happening?" He

said eagerly.
"Oh no," I watched the scene begin to develop slowly.

Sebastian Sallow was fast. I might've just blinked twice before I saw his
body go from his broom down to the Ravenclaw winner holding the snitch.

Sebastian's knuckles came in contact with the player, and a crowd began to
form from the fight. The people in our surroundings began to get off the

"Sebastian...he's fighting. Ominis we have to go." I nudged at him, almost


I've never seen Sebastian that angry. I did witness many upset emotions
from him, but anger was never really something I saw until today on that
field. It was scary.

The entire rest of the day crashed down badly. I lost Ominis in between the
crowds and by the time I wanted to reach over the fight, the two players
were separated, already inside the castle.

I didn't know what to do. What can I do in a situation like this? Where do I
go? My head was spinning in circles and claustrophobia took over from the
tightness around me.

"Y/n?! There you are!" A high-pitched voice let out mid-crowd.

I turned, confronting my roommates just circling there, eyeing my change

of clothing.
"Traitor!" Cressida said in a dramatic tone, "You dragged us here just to

I closed my eyes, running my fingers through my hair, "Cressida, I honestly

don't have time—"

"Did you see the fight? Sebastian beat the crap out of Roger!" Nellie called

"Did you see where they went?" I said desperately, not even hiding my

They were my roommates, so the news of liking Sebastian Sallow wasn't

anything new anymore. I was standing in front of them wearing a Slytherin

"I'm sure they're in the hospital wing. We saw the fight from the Ravenclaw
side...it was bad." Natty explained.

I closed my eyes, "I'll meet you guys in the common room, I-I have—"

"Don't have to explain yourself. Co-Captain," Nellie pointed at my jersey,

"Sebastian was number 3 in third year. Co-Captain. I also played." She

I wasn't even good at hiding the relationship anymore. I just exposed myself
in the worst ways, but that was my least worry now.
It took a good hour for things to settle down. And for me to actually
make it to the hospital wing. I've taken a break, wanting to let things cool
off before actually arriving.

Natty was correct, they were at the hospital wing, but not how I really
imagined it to be.

The Ravenclaw boy, who was called, Roger Bates, stood in the hospital bed
wrapped around several bandages while his face was still bloody from the

I breathed a little heavier than usual at the sight, fighting the urge to cure
him on the spot knowing he was suffering.

As I kept scanning, there was no sight of Sebastian Sallow. Just empty

hospital beds.

I watched Nurse Blainey give me a smile at my arrival as she did healing

spells on the injured student.

I might've guessed where Sebastian really was, so I slowly departed from

the hospital wing and made my way toward the DADA tower.

My instincts and timing were right because when I was a few yards from
the Undercroft's first entrance in the hallway, I bumped into Ominis Gaunt.

"Ominis." I breathed.
"Y/n. I was actually just about to send an owl." He lowered the wand,
disappointment on his face.

I stood quietly at the moment, hoping to get answers.

"Is he down there?" I pursed my lips.

"Yes, Sebastian is in the Undercroft. I just spoke to him," Ominis let out.
"Nothing severe, injury-wise, but he's suspended."

"From Hogwarts?" I said in shock, "T-That can't be—"

"No, Y/n, he's suspended for the next two Quidditch matches," Ominis
corrected, "Apparently, that Ravenclaw rat Bates said some foul stuff about
Anne. Sebastian didn't hold back."

I closed my eyes at the reasoning, making sense, "Oh, seems reasonable."

"But he damaged Roger Bates, a lot. I don't think Roger would be able to
play for the rest of the season, but, I, personally, feel that he deserved it."
Ominis let out.

I wanted to laugh at his comment.

"I haven't seen Sebastian this angry in a while. Based on Bates injuries, it
seems like Sebastian was holding back a lot."
"Yeah, I just came from the hospital wing. He's...bad." I said, still in shock
at Roger Bates injuries.

Ominis nodded, "Well, Sebastian seemed to calm down now. I am unsure if

he'll want to enter the common room any time soon. He's not much of a fan
being 'the talk'." He informed.

"I see," I said.

Me and Ominis just stood in the lightly dimmed hallway, waiting for a word
to be said.

"Sebastian asked about you. Might've been worried that you ran off. Scared
you away." Ominis smirked.

I scoffed, "Is he really asking that as if we didn't spend all fifth year
stacking bodies?"

Ominis nodded, "Well, that's between you two now. You seem to always say
the right words to someone. I can't. I almost fought with him down there."
He admitted.

I sighed, "Alright, Ominis. Thanks for the update. I appreciate it."

"Send him back to the common room. He can't spend the rest of the year
hidden in that Undercroft. I am serious, Y/n." Ominis frowned.

I laughed, "Okay, Ominis."

When I entered the Undercroft, Sebastian had his body turned, only his bare
back showing; he was no longer wearing his Quidditch robe, but the same
tight long-sleeve jersey with the number 1 on it.

He was sitting against a wooden chair, his body resting as he manspread

and looked directly at the empty Isadora painting in front of him.

I walked slowly, just watching Sebastian stare into nothing and finally
speak out.

"Are you doing time-out or something?" I joked.

Sebastian didn't say a word, he just kept his eyes on the blank wall before
looking down, almost in guilt.

I didn't argue. Instead, I grabbed my wand, grabbed a chair, and sat next to

We enjoyed the silence. Well, I did, but I knew Sebastian wasn't going to
last. He didn't even last handling the noiseless library.

I can sense Sebastian turning to me, "Thanks."

I turned back, eyeing him, "Hm?"

Sebastian was staring at my jersey, "I appreciate the last-minute switch."

I looked down, "Oh, yeah, I do too." I agreed.

As I took a closer look at Sebastian, I realized he had a slight bruise on the

side of his cheek; it was turning purple now and I figured he must've been
punched too.

"I'm alright," Sebastian noticed my stare, "Nothing compared to how I left

the bloke." He frowned.

"I know, I...I just came from the hospital wing." I explained slowly.

"You healed him? He doesn't deserve it." Sebastian turned more to me,
almost in annoyance.

I furrowed at him, "No, I didn't, Sebastian. I was actually looking for you,
but even if I had...he seemed in pain." I let out.

"Good. He spoke badly about my twin sister. I wasn't going to allow that at
all." Sebastian said.

"I understand. I really do, but I feel like there's more than him disrespecting
Anne, Sebastian." I gulped, "I could be wrong."

Sebastian sighed, "Well, my day wasn't really sunshine and rainbows, was
it? Being a jealous lad and then this, it was a hard take."

I looked down, "I've reminded you that there's nothing to worry about,
I can hear Sebastian chuckle to himself at my reassurance.

"Easy for you to say. You are friends with Atticus Sweeting." He let out

I felt wordless at the mention, "Sorry?"

Sebastian shrugged, "You want to sit here and tell me not to worry about
being jealous when I have the school's biggest flirts on you?" He turned.

I scoffed, "Sebastian, you reconciled with Adelaide Oakes after she talked
badly about your sister. Don't you want to start there?"

I didn't mean to bring up the Hufflepuff girl. If anything, she wasn't any of
my business, but I held in so much during that time, I needed to finally call
him out.

"I remind you, I was under a love potion." Sebastian reminded.

"For like a day. What about the other times?" I corrected.

"That is completely different. That was before we spoke again." Sebastian


"And I can clearly say the same, Sebastian." I said.

Sebastian sat there, taking in my words knowing I was right. I did meet
Atticus Sweeting before reconciling again. Our insults weren't correlating.

"Atticus is trouble, Y/n." Sebastian stood up from the wooden chair, holding
back any expression he had at his warning.

I rose a brow, "Uh, that's very ironic of you to say out of your mouth,

Sebastian just leaned against the wall, "You know what I mean, Y/n."

"I do not." I said.

Sebastian did the iconic pose of crossing his arms and leaning against the
wall. His muscles peeked thoroughly so easily, it almost unbalanced my
heated body temperature

"I do not even know why I have to explain myself here. Atticus taught you a
very dangerous curse. Mind you, not even properly." Sebastian rose a finger.

I just stared, laughing in sarcasm, "You taught me the three Unforgivable

Curses, Sebastian!"

"And I regret it." He frowned, "And I shall not allow anyone else to keep
teaching you unsafe spells. So, I truly recommend keeping off him, Y/n,"

I was confused. I understood where Sebastian was coming from, but it

almost seemed like he was contradicting himself on the reasonings.
"I know he performed Legilimency on you, Y/n." Sebastian said softly.

I turned around, his view at the floor.

"W-What?" I asked, almost as if I was caught, "How do you—"

"We confronted each other the other day. He said enough nonsense, Y/n,"
Sebastian said in annoyance, "Enough to know that he is not someone to
keep being friends with."

"Alright." I managed to say.

Honestly, I didn't know what to say at all. All I wondered was what really
happened between Atticus Sweeting and Sebastian Sallow. Why was I a
topic? Where? What? How?

"Alright?" Sebastian let out, "Alright? That is all you are capable of

"I'm sorry, what do you want me to say, Sebastian?"

"Anything, but that." Sebastian squinted, "He is trouble. I am serious."

I just stood there, looking at Isadora's empty painting.

"You do not understand what intentions he can have, Y/n. If he managed to

teach you that spell, and perform mind control, he can definitely cast more
on you." Sebastian warned.

"Why would he do that—"

"More like, why did he do that in the first place? Why are you being so
defensive?" Sebastian frowned.

"Why are you so annoyed?" I argued.

I began to get fainted memories of moments like these last year. It was
usually when Sebastian would start arguing with me about something he
disagreed on and never stopped. He never really knew how to stop. It was
just a fact now.

"Because you're so bloody stubborn, Y/n." Sebastian admitted.

I gasped, "Excuse me? Take a look in the mirror, Sebastian."

Was I angry? Yes, maybe I was. I haven't felt so many emotions at once in a
while. We've fought in the past, but something particular in this odd
argument felt more deep. More feelings.

Sebastian smirked. He just stood against that stupid Undercroft's wall and
smirked to himself from the conversation.

"What's so funny?" I said, getting madder now.

Sebastian turned to me, "You expect me to take you seriously while you
wear that jersey around?"

I let out a loud scoff, almost offended at his random statement, "H-How
does that even—why does it—"

I cut myself off, nodding, "Okay,"

I slide off the green jersey, only leaving me with a layered tank top before
throwing it at Sebastian.

"What are you—"

"There. Now leave me alone." I mumbled, walking away.

As I walked near the exit, I can hear Sebastian continuing.

"You can't just walk around the castle like that." He said in disbelief at my
tank top.

"Watch me, Sallow—"

Rapidly, I felt Sebastian's presence in front of me, blocking the entrance of

the Undercroft.

I breathed at the blockage, "Please, move."

"No, I am not going to 'watch you'." Sebastian frowned at me, "And

I rolled my eyes, attempting to push the strong Slytherin out of my way, but
it was just so difficult.

"For Merlin's sake, Sebastian! Move!" I fought off him,

It pissed me off that, in reality, Sebastian didn't even feel anything toward
my fight. He just stood there, arms crossed, not allowing me to leave.

Sebastian shrugged to himself, "I have all night."

"Well," I said angrily, taking hold of my wand from my side and directing it
at Sebastian, "I don't."

Sebastian looked down at the white tool, taken back from the warning, and
looked over to me.

"Using your magic to leave the Undercroft? That's the least I'll expect you
to do."

I avoided his sight. All I really stared at was his chest in front of me due to
how tall Sebastian Sallow really was. My eyes just looking at the 1.

"I'm tired of this." Sebastian admitted.

"Tired? You started this!" I reminded,

"Well, you don't seem to listen. All I said was my reasonings for being
jealous and you just babbled on all defensive over them. Really stubborn of
you, by the way." Sebastian bent at me.

Sebastian was close to my face now, matching my height to eye him. He

was testing my limits and he knew what he was doing.

His eyes maintained on me, but they began to battle over the sight of me in
a tank top, releasing the tension that was already building up the entire

"Cast the spell, I'm waiting." Sebastian squinted.

I stood quiet, still keeping my wand in place.

We both just stood there, staring at each other after an unnecessary

argument. Our breaths breathing from the post-discussion.

My eyes moved on their own, letting my intrusive thoughts win and scan
over the crossed arms in front of me.

The green shirt just fit nicely, with no blood stains on it, while the only
injury he really had on his face was the fainted bruise; it almost framed a
look over his freckles.

The once sweaty hairs now drying up, a few strands of them hanging from
his forehead, making him seem so...so...
I should've hated myself for kissing him. For kissing him so desperately on
that Undercroft. For just allowing myself to weaken over a stance.

Sebastian moved forward, handling my physical touch as he rose his

posture again, but bringing me up, wrapping my legs around him, and going

I didn't know where he was leading, but it took seconds before Sebastian sat
against that wooden chair again, allowing me to just make out with him on

It was a routine to dig my hands inside that brown hair of his. Roam around
it as Sebastian's hands went under the shirt on my back, crawling all over
the place.

"I need you so badly, Y/n," Sebastian whispered, "I've had such a long day."
He said in between the kisses.

If only he knew how badly I wanted him too.

Sebastian's fingers went through my own hair, caressing it as he kept

kissing me more and more.

I didn't know how long we made out in that chair, but there was a moment
when Sebastian tugged over my pants, eager to just yank them off.

I allowed him. I wanted this too. It felt really good and after such a long
week and conversations, we both felt like it was right.
"Oh, yes," Sebastian groaned to himself when I slid off my tank top and
went back to kissing him nude.

Sebastian lifted me up, multitasking and sliding off his Quidditch pants
below me.

It was a new position for us. I have never done it before, but I trusted
myself and I trusted him.

"No," I whispered, stopping Sebastian from removing his long sleeve,

"Keep it."

I flushed afterward after revealing my attraction to how good he looked in

that shirt, but Sebastian just smiled.

"Whatever you say." Sebastian admired.

We both looked at each other, finally taking in that we were just going to go
at it in the Undercroft.

"Ominis is never going to forgive us if he finds out." Sebastian breathed.

"I know." I whispered, giggling.

Sebastian nodded, kissing me again, "Your permission."

I smiled at the consent, "It's okay. I'm ready."

The second time felt way better. Not that the first time wasn't pleasurable,
but it felt easier. Much more fun too. It really depended on the setting.

I gasped, feeling every inch of Sebastian Sallow. My eyes closed from the
satisfying feel as we both continuously kissed each other.

I threw my head back, moving my hips in slow motion, enjoying every take
while Sebastian buried his head onto my neck, kissing every sweet spot he
could find.

"All mine," Sebastian said in between, "All mine, correct?" He looked up.

Wanting him to keep going, I re-opened my eyes, assuring him, "All yours,

"Good girl." He complimented, burying himself in me.

I gasped a little at his use of words, tricking my own pleasure with his love
language rather than the physical touch himself.

Sebastian's hands tightened on my back, feeling the pressure of his fingers

against me while he groaned aggressively from the lustful movements.

I moaned tiredly, trying to keep up with the satisfaction, my hands around

Sebastian's neck as I was a mess.
"It's okay, I can take over," Sebastian noticed.

I didn't know what he meant by that, but in the moment, I felt my back hit a
cold wall, making me gasp as he carried me.

"I apologize—"

"No, keep going." I cut in, letting him go on.

Sebastian motioned his hips toward me against that wall. His lips brushed
against mine while a hand leaned against the wall beside me as the other
grabbed under me.

It was attractive, I didn't know how long I could handle watching the
handsome men destroy me in such a pleasurable manner.

Sebastian whimpered, becoming more aggressive; his heavy breath echoed

around us as his eyes remained closed, losing himself in the chaotic feel.

"Oh, Sebastian," I let out.

"I love when you say my name." Sebastian whispered.

I smiled in between my heavy breaths, letting him take over.

Sebastian's grunts and groans were weakening through my ears. He did

make it obvious he's had a stressful day.
"Let it go, darling. Let it go." Sebastian felt me rising.

After a while, I felt Sebastian also lose himself in the pleasure. I watched
him back away a few inches, detaching and looking down.

I joined him, looking down at the mess.

"I forgot to perform the spell," Sebastian breathed, looking up at me, "I
guess you're stuck with me forever." He joked.

I breathed, "W-What?!"

Sebastian smirked, "I'm joking. I performed it while you were sliding off
your tank top. I can assure you, we're safe." He kissed my forehead.

I closed my eyes, feeling my heart rate go back to normal, "Funny."

Sebastian sat me down gently back onto a wooden chair and took hold of a
jersey, cleaning me up before cleaning himself off.

He stopped his actions and looked down, "Oh...I used your jersey." He
brought up the small shirt.

"It's actually yours, but...yes, yes you did." I smiled, "I guess I really have
to walk around with my tank—"

"Oh no, sweetheart," Sebastian warned, "Luckily, I have an extra jersey for
you. And, ah, look," He slid off his own long sleeve jersey, "It's your

The pet names Sebastian was giving me naturally were making me feel
things I'd never felt before. He said them so normal, but I was just keeping
count of the new language he was creating between us.

"And what are you wearing?" I stared at the shirtless man.

Sebastian shrugged, "I'm a quidditch player, Y/n. I can walk around

shirtless." He winked.

I rolled my eyes.

"And don't worry about returning the jersey. The laundry elves just replace
it with a new one." Sebastian assured, sliding his jersey on me, "It needs a
wash though."

I just laughed, "Alright, Sebastian."

"Alright, Y/n."


can't wait for them to go public once and for all in front of hogwarts 📣📣
also, are we liking the love making scenes? are you guys comfortable? i
know i always do warnings, but i'm hoping it's not rushing it 😭
thirty five


Sebastian Sallow and I sat next to each other one Wednesday morning in
Charms class. I could feel his elbow touch mine as his body flopped lazily
against the desk, trying not to sleep.

"The Refilling Charm, it allows the caster to refill a goblet or glass with a

As Professor Ronen spoke about the lesson, I can feel Sebastian's long legs
collide with mine under the desk, beginning to mislead my attention.

I kept my body in a good posture, my eyes just following the Professor's

words, acting as if the Slytherin next to me wasn't creating a distraction.

"There are two theories on how exactly this spell works..."

Again, Sebastian's leg hit mine, but his head was still buried in a sleepy way
on the desk. Eyes closed. He was obviously pretending to be asleep, but the
physical actions were contradicting.
"Stop." I whispered enough for him to hear.

"Did you say something?" Poppy said beside me.

I turned to my left, realizing I wasn't quiet enough, and shook my head at

Poppy next to me.

"Huh? S-Sorry, nothing." I excused.

I heard a faint chuckle from Sebastian at Poppy's questioning and I ignored


I wondered how Sebastian even made it to this leveled Charms class since
he was always late or sleeping, but then again, he did teach me so many
spells last year.

"Ominis, what time is it?" Sebastian said in a groan.

Concentrate, Y/n. It's just a groan.

"It's time for you to wake up, Mister Sallow. You have a lesson to do."
Professor Ronen overheard the boy next to me.

Sebastian immediately fixed his posture fast, not wanting to be the class
embarrassment, and adjusted his tie, growing a smile at the professor.

"Professor Ronen, my eyes were just resting." Sebastian cleared his throat,
his voice firmer.
I rolled my eyes.

As the Professor walked around, I can hear Ominis just scowl at Sebastian
beside me.

"Sebastian, how do you manage to oversleep and still feel tired all the
time?" Ominis mumbled.

"Life, Ominis. Life." Sebastian answered.

"Hey Hero of the Hogwarts, has Nellie spoken to you?" Garreth Weasley's
voice echoed behind me while we practiced the lesson.

I haven't even said anything and already felt Sebastian's body slightly shift a
little, not making it too obvious that he was listening to every word

"Nellie? Isn't she in the hospital wing for catching a bad cold?" I
questioned, not turning.

I was surprised nobody in the dormitory caught it, but I'm glad she managed
to stay in the hospital wing for safety.

"Yup. She got most of the quidditch team sick. Which means...you're the
replacement for now. I think it's a brilliant idea!" Garreth cheered.
I finally turned at the unexpected news and scoffed at the boy behind me.

"W-What? Replacement for what? I don't even play quidditch, Garreth." I

said, confused.

"But you hold the highest broom flying record, above Imelda Reyes.
Nobody has been able to beat her the last two years." Garreth reminded.

"That was nothing." I said, my confidence slightly up.

"Oh, you do hold the highest record!" Poppy turned with us, "That's so
amazing. You should totally do it!"

I eyed Poppy beside me, "Poppy, don't feed into Weasley's theories. Please."
I laughed at her.

Poppy just smiled at Garreth, and my eyes squinted slightly, almost sensing
that there was a connection that was forming that I wasn't aware of between
the two.

"Figured since Sallow over here can't play for Slytherin this Friday, it's a
perfect opportunity to defeat them once and for all." Garreth insulted.

I wondered if there was ever a conversation where Garreth didn't mention

Sebastian Sallow while I was around, no matter the circumstances.

"It was just out of luck, Weasley. It's only the beginning." Sebastian
murmured, not turning.
"Did you hear anything?" Garreth said in sarcasm, hand behind his ears,
ignoring Sebastian on purpose. "So, is that a yes?"

Garreth leaned more forward, his head almost in between Poppy and I as he

"I know you and Sebastian don't talk, so you won't have to worry about any
awkward tension in the air." He whispered.

I wanted to laugh, I really did.

Poppy wasn't able to hold in her giggle, since she obviously knew more
than what others didn't, but she kept it neutral.

"Poppy weren't we suppose to visit the Moonstone Garden this—"

"We can totally reschedule!" Poppy excused, "I would become the biggest
Gryffindor cheerleader if you do it, Y/n!" She squealed.

"Oh, I'll love to see that support." Garreth followed along Poppy's words.

I closed my eyes, "No, the game looks so dangerous and...and, Friday?

That's only like two days to—"

"We have the whole field mornings and afternoons. You already have the
flying skills, we'll just teach you Nellie's position." Garreth encouraged.
"And what position is Nellie Oggspire, exactly?"

"Seeker." Garreth answered.

I laughed in fear, "That's the most difficult!"

"Not really." Sebastian let out quietly, fighting the urge to not insert himself
into the conversation.

I was quiet, not even knowing how to answer.

"Great, practice starts at four today." Garreth gave a thumbs up.

I shuffled back into my seat, not wanting to argue more, and took hold of
my quill.

Sebastian cleared his throat, 'accidentally' sliding a paper to me and I

looked down.

Weasley wouldn't know a thing about a seeker's practice.

You and me.
Quidditch field tonight.

I would be lying if I said I didn't feel anything reading that had writing. As
if butterflies in my stomach weren't tickling from it.
Sebastian must've been partially right towards his little note because I felt
lost plenty of times on top of that Quidditch field that afternoon.

"Do you see it?!" Leander Prewett shouted from the other side of the field.

I breathed, looking around, "Is Revelio allowed?" I joked.

"No, it's against the rules to not cast any spells during the game. Revelio
would be considered cheating, as you might find the snitch right away!"
Leander reminded.

I sighed, almost in a tired groan, "I don't—"

At the moment, I heard a familiar high-pitched noise run through my ear,

signaling that it was around.

My eyes focused, not listening to any of the Gryffindors teaching me, and

I was very aware that I wasn't allowed to use magic, but I wondered if the
connection with ancient magic was detectable, compared to regular spells.
It didn't hurt to try, right?"

I closed my eyes, dozing off a bit, trying to figure out a scheme to track that
Golden Snitch easier.
"No magic, Y/n!" Garreth shouted from the field, noticing.

I opened my eyes, "Ugh, fine. This is hard. I can't be seeker."

"You haven't even tried! Your broom is fast, you just need to find it."
Another Gryffindor taught.

I did end up catching the snitch, almost in a disappointing matter, but the
excuse was that it was my first play and they knew I had potential. Or in
other words, the boys just wanted to show off their reputation of having the
'Hero of Hogwarts' in their team.

It was a tiring play. Although I've managed to have a high pain tolerance, I
hadn't ridden a broom for that long in a while, so I did feel my body sore.

By the time eight came around, I was almost second-guessing meeting with
Sebastian Sallow, but I wanted to take advantage of any time we got
together during school days.

"Where you heading to on such a misty night?" Cressida noticed my active


I yawned, buttoning my clothing and looking up, "Uh, just down the field
for practice."

"Practice?!" Cressida said.

It was obvious that Cressida Blume can spend all night asking questions
and questions. I was already tired.
"Yeah, you're looking at the Gryffindor seeker for now!" Natty clapped,
entering the room after a bath.

"Exactly." I smiled, "For just this game." I assured.

Cressida removed her glasses, wiping her eyes, "Why are you so good at
everything?! Is there something you aren't good at?"

"Oh, trust me, Cressida," I sighed, "If I were good at Quidditch, I wouldn't
be practicing at such a late hour."

I ended up taking the Floo Powder that night to the grand entrance, not
wanting to walk more and exhaust myself. I felt tired, but I was looking
forward to Sebastian's coaching skills.

I'd expected him to wait for me in the quidditch field, but my own steps
stopped when I spotted him and Ominis around the corridors, almost
waiting for me near the big entrance.

Sebastian stood with his normal stance of leaning against the castle's wall,
arms crossed while Ominis also leaned on it while they spoke. It was crazy
to think how much they've grown.

"Ah, she survives." Sebastian took notice of me.

I grew a faint smile, not wanting to blush at his greeting, "Surprisingly, I

do...Ominis, is great to see you." I waved, but then put my hand down at the

"Good evening, Y/n." Ominis greeted.

"Yeah, I might've told Ominis our plans for the night and he didn't believe
me! Can you believe that?" Sebastian spoke, "He didn't think that you and I
were actually going to practice at the quidditch field."

I rose a brow, "Really?"

"And you know, I had to show proof that we really are going to the field to
practice." Sebastian assured.

"My trust in Sebastian Sallow has decreased through the last year, so this
isn't your fault, Y/n. He's just very enigmatic." Ominis complained.

"Ominis just wants to keep a very close eye on us." Sebastian joked.

I closed my eyes, almost feeling the secondhand embarrassment towards his

words, and shook my head.

"No comment," Ominis spoke, "Just quite curious about this talk of Y/n
being the Gryffindor seeker." He informed.

I sight at the news, "Ugh, don't remind me...well, at least you won't see me
embarrass myself tonight."
All three of us stood quiet at the moment, taking in what I actually said and
gasped to myself, feeling guilty.

"Wait, that didn't come out the way I—"

Sebastian laughed loudly, almost proud of the unintended sentence that

came out of my mouth and I nudged him.

"You've been spending an awful amount of time with Sebastian from what I
hear, Y/n." Ominis frowned, "You are sounding like him."

I didn't know whether to blush or take offense at Ominis point out, but I just
let out another sigh.

"Oh, you love it, Ominis." Sebastian elbowed his best friend, "Now, we
have a student to teach tonight." He turned to me, "Shall we?"

Sebastian was so charming and friendly, I almost forgot that a few days ago
our bodies were like glue sticks on that Undercroft. It was funny.

I was surprised that students did make use of the field during night hours. A
few fourth and fifth years took one side of it, just to fly around while
seventh years used it to make out under the bleachers, not wanting to get

"Hm, interesting." Sebastian eyed the lovers from afar.

"No." I said bluntly, almost knowing what he had in mind.

"What are you two talking about?" Ominis questioned.

"Nothing you wouldn't agree on, Ominis." Sebastian smirked.

"Ugh, I'll be sitting at the bleachers, listening. Y/n, good luck." Ominis
nodded toward me.

I grew a smile, "Thanks, Ominis, I will need it."

"No, you won't. Come on." Sebastian nudged his head, guiding me towards
the field.

Sebastian and I stood in the middle of that field, our sweaters off as we
awaited for directions.

"Alright, the role of the Seeker has three main virtues," Sebastian explained,
"You might have them already." He eyed me.

I pretended to listen to Sebastian. I said pretend because he just always

seemed to distract me more and more by anything. From his attire to his lips
just moving. My attention span for him was bad now.

"W-What are they?" I questioned.

"Speed, perception, and independence," Sebastian answered, "Which is

what I have too."
I just stared, "Alright, show off."

Sebastian smiled, "But there is also facing danger, pressure, and isolation.
Did you struggle with any when that ginger duo taught you this afternoon?"
He almost spat.

He seemed almost annoyed at the mention of Garreth and Leander, but I

ignored his hate and laughed.

"I did, actually. It's a very...pressuring position for one player." I thought to

"Correct. Especially, in a crowd, but I've heard you've broken records

before." Sebastian reminded, "This should be a cinch to you."

I rolled my eyes at his words, but appreciated his encouragement towards

the position.

Sebastian was gentle. Well, I always say that, but it's the truth. He wasn't
shouting or pressuring me like in the afternoon practice with others. He
seemed very determined and helpful toward my movements.

"I caught it!" I said happily, the Golden Snitch tickling in my small hand.

I can hear Ominis Gaunt's low claps from down the bleachers yards away
and I laughed at the support.

Sebastian just sat in his broom in the air, staring without any words.
"What, Sebastian? Jealous?" I held the snitch.

Sebastian laughed, "You think just because you can beat me at dueling once
in the fifth year, you can beat me at Quidditch seeker? Think again, Y/n.
This was just a start." He teased.

Sebastian flew with his broom next to me, snatching the snitch and letting it
go again in the air.

"I'll give you a head start." Sebastian let out.

"I lost your voices in that air. Are you alright, Y/n?" Ominis let out an hour

I breathed heavily after the intense flying with Sebastian Sallow. He turned
competitive, which I didn't blame him for, he was just testing my abilities,
but it was exhausting.

"Well, Ominis," Sebastian looked over to me, his hair also a mess from the
air, "Y/n should be lucky I'm suspended from Friday's game. Slytherin is at

I just smiled.

"We'll just put our broomsticks back in the storage and head back."
Sebastian directed.

"Alright," Ominis held up his wand, proceeding to guide himself from the
As me and Sebastian entered the corridor under the bleachers, we found
ourselves in the small room, letting the brooms fly off into their place.

"You are talented at everything." Sebastian admitted behind me.

I blinked, staring at my own broom and adjusting it with the others.

I knew turning was going to be dangerous. Sebastian was sweaty and right
there, I didn't want to imagine how red and nervous I will be.

"Oh, come on." I laughed down, nervous as hell, "It was nothing..."

"Nothing? It took you one practice. Gryffindor would've won last season
with you." He complimented.

I just smiled, finally turning to him.

Sebastian was looking at me, all tired and sweaty, it was almost
embarrassing at this point, but I needed to remind myself that he saw me at
my worst last year.

"Do you always practice at night?" I asked in curiosity.

Sebastian shook his head, "Not quite. I did often in the third year though,
with Anne. And Ominis, of course." He smiled down at the memory.
I felt guilt at the mention of his sister.

Sebastian's face told a lot now. I knew that he still tried his best to hide his
feelings with humor and socializing, but I still saw it in him.

"I'm sorry, Sebastian." I swallowed.

Sebastian furrowed his brows at me, almost in disbelief, "You're sorry? For
what? Don't be. It's just a memory to look back on. It was quite nice to
relive it a little."

I nodded, understanding.

Sebastian kept looking, taking a strand of my hair hanging from my face,

and putting it back.

"You and Anne would've been really good friends." He smiled at me.

I didn't want to disagree. I've only met Anne Sallow a few times in
Feldcroft last year. Unfortunately, we never talked fully, but she was nice
and gifted. Her spells were strong.

I just smiled.

"Anne sensed my liking towards you before I did." Sebastian chuckled,

"Teased me all the time about it after you visited Feldcroft the first time."
Finally, I laughed at his confession.

"Embarrassing, I know, but she was never wrong." He smiled, "I'm lucky."

I didn't know how to feel. Sebastian was so sweet, so vulnerable in the

moment. I never felt so comfortable in such setting.

Sebastian kissed my forehead, "As much as I'll love to make a mess with
you inside this closet...we can't leave our company, Ominis." He joked,
stepping back.

I smiled more widely, "Oh, shut up. Let's go. I'm exhausted, actually." I
pushed him lightly out to the corridors again.


i feel like anne and y/n would've been such a powerful duo at battling
is there a class at hogwarts you would be good at? i'm curious.🫣
thirty six


"Hm, my sweater looks better on you than it did on me." Nellie Osgpire let
out one morning.

It was the morning of my first, and last, Quidditch match. I've decided to
take a trip down the hospital wing to check up on Nellie after being handed
over her sports attire in the meantime.

I looked down at myself.

The sweater looked nice. Although it was my Friday of no classes, it felt

cool to have an excuse to wear the cozy sweater around.

"Eh, it is always this itchy?" I laughed, still adjusting to the feel.

Nellie coughed, clearing her throat, "Y-Yes. You'll get used to it. The
uniform might feel heavy too. Just a heads up!"

I sighed, nodding, "Alright, Nellie. I should head for breakfast before it

finishes then. Again, thank you for letting me borrow—"
"No, thank you. I knew telling Weasley to convince you was a good idea. I
can't wait to hear all about it." Nellie laughed, almost in pain.

"Alright, now you get rest," I smiled, "I'm only going to be seeker once.
That's it." I reminded walking away.

"You can't imagine how inconvenient travel—"

"No thanks, Ignatia. I'm taking the stairs." I ignored the floo powder statue.

I slowly exited the Hospital Wing, passing the unicorn fountain and taking a
right to the spiral stairs.

As I lazily walked down the stairs back toward the nearest tower, I stopped
in my tracks when a glowing door opened near and I was forced to stop.

I should've listened to Ignatia and taken that floo powder instead of passing
the Prefect's bathroom. I almost forgot it was there — it only appeared
when a Prefect actually used it. Hence, the unexpected noise.

He stood there shirtless, a towel around his neck while the black hairs were
still dripping wet over his head.

A girl stood beside him also with a towel in her hands and hair damp. She
also seemed like a seventh year based on her looks.

Obviously, I ignored the chaos and rolled my eyes at how the rumors of
Atticus Sweeting being such a player showed right in front of my eyes.
"Thanks for showing me the Prefects bathroom. It was nice." The girl eyed
him romantically.

I walked past them, not even eyeing the rest of the uncomfortable
conversation, and continued my walk on the corridors.

"Of course. Tell nobody," Atticus voice echoed, "See you later, Amanda."

"Bye, Atticus."


I just walked, pretending like I didn't have to witness that, and just focused
on the moving portraits in my surroundings.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I closed my eyes, ignoring the man, and still walked forward, pretending
not to hear him.

Atticus footsteps echoed through the wooden floors and I wanted to just run
away. Any encounter with him was always unpredictable and after fighting
about him with Sebastian, I didn't want to take more risks.

"Hello? Are you mute now?"

"I'm getting breakfast. Alone." I said, emphasizing my last word, finding

myself in the heart of the clock tower.
"Well, the great hall is not this way. The stairs here are just going to lead
you into the hospital wing, again." Atticus informed.

I stopped without a choice, watching the moving clock above, realizing he

was right.

"Let them lead me there then," I said bluntly.

Atticus chuckled to himself. Even though I was avoiding him, I can still
sense the shirtless body beside me, getting closer each time.

"You're avoiding me." He said.

"When don't I?" I assured, crossing my arms, still looking straight.

"It's alright if you can't resist turning," Atticus flirted, "I'll fight the urge

I redden. I didn't redden for his words, I just despise trying to get
manipulated. I started understanding Atticus cues now. His words were very
dangerous, so I needed to be smart.

Contradicting his flirt, I turned around, just staring, "I am not fighting
anything. Why are you still shirtless? And Why are you here?"

Atticus blue eyes just stared down at me, glistening a little from my talk as
he smiled.
"I was about to change, but it's not often I find you around the area.
Coincidence?" He rose a brow.

I rolled my eyes, "No, I was just in the hospital wing visiting a friend.
Might've taken the wrong turn I see."

Atticus eyes lowered down my sweater, reading it.

I didn't want to feel intimidated by the stare. I knew he was just finding
ways to pinpoint something.

"Since when do you play?" He tilted his head, his fingers tracing the logo
on my chest.

I slapped his hand away, "I don't."

Atticus laughed at my actions, "Feisty, seeker. Might as well throw a jinx

while you're at it." He teased at my expressions.

"I would, if I can." I murmured, beginning to walk in the opposite direction

from where I originally came from.

I was hoping walking away would be the end of it, but Atticus just kept
pushing it.

"I heard about Sallow's little scandal." He said from behind.

I stopped in my tracks. I knew I was better than this and could've kept
walking, but the mention of Sebastian out of Atticus mouth just got to me.

"A bit aggressive on that Ravenclaw, don't you think?" Atticus said.

I swallowed, my eyes staring at the Prefect bathroom entrance.

"He had his reasonings." I defended.

Atticus chuckled, "Hm, defensive. Cute."

"What did you tell him?" I turned to Atticus, finally remembering the
mention of Sebastian saying they confronted each other.

I was close to Atticus now, but I wasn't doing it on purpose. I didn't care if
he was shirtless, or wet, or whatever. All I cared about was getting an
answer at that minute.

Atticus knew exactly what I referred to because he just answered instead of


"Of course, he'll tell you." He kept his smile

My hands were in fists. I was mad and Atticus noticed.

"I just told him what he needed to hear. Just a man-to-man talk." Atticus
said, "Nothing for you to worry about."
"You're lying." I frowned.

Atticus shrugged, "Oh, trust me, Y/n. I don't lie. I just state my opinion."

I just stared down.

"I'm inside that Slytherin common room all the time. I hear things that you
don't, Y/n," Atticus stepped closer, "And if I were you, I'll stop Sebastian
Sallow from taking advantage of me." He said.

Atticus Sweeting was trying to get in my head, but he wasn't successful. I

tricked my head into thinking he wasn't, but there was a slight bit that I was
believing it.

"You don't know anything." I spat.

"Your boyfriend talks really loud." Atticus admitted.

Boyfriend. Realistically, Sebastian and I never really labeled the

relationship. Yeah, we did everything a girlfriend and boyfriend did, but not
in public. Well, not yet. It was nobody's fault.

"Hm," Atticus timed my silence, "Can't even claim you as his girlfriend.
Interesting. I would never do that."

I frowned, finally stepping back and walking away, "Piss off, Sweeting."
"In case he hasn't told you," Atticus said from the railing of the stairs I was
going down, "Good luck on your game, Y/n."

I hated Atticus Sweeting so much.

Sebastian's Perspective

I didn't expect Y/n to enter so late inside the Great Hall that morning. It's
not like I was keeping track of her arrival or anything — why would I do
that, right?

I only noticed she arrived because the Gryffindor table across from us
cheered at the new Seeker. Specifically, the boys, which almost caused me
to just form fists under that Slytherin table.

"I predict Y/n just entered the great hall." Ominis noticed the familiar

"Bingo," I murmured, never taking my eyes off her.

The yellow-maroon sweater fitted her nicely. I didn't think such a sports
sweater can make her look so attractive. It was just a sweater.

Y/n's expression seemed a bit gloomier than usual. I did manage to see
patterns of her moods throughout the year, so I was curious that although
everyone cheered, her smile was faint.
"Seeker?!" Imelda Reyes said across from us, turning at Y/n. "What?!" She

As Y/n passed near to find a seat with her friends, she might've heard
Imelda almost complain about the new Quidditch add-in.

"Problem, Imelda?" Y/n's voice echoed.

Y/n wasn't aggressive with friendships. Most of the time, it was sarcasm
that came out of her and although Imelda was the biggest female headache,
she seemed neutral with Y/n.

"Yeah, you think just because you beat me at flying, you can beat me at
Quidditch? Think again." Imelda scoffed.

A few Slytherins laughed, including me, but I laughed just because, you
know? But to my surprise, Y/n's eyes went on me for a second.

"What's so funny, Sallow? You can't even play." Y/n called me out.

I froze at the moment, almost blinking twice to see that it was a reality that
Y/n spoke to me around everyone like nothing with my last name.

"Oooo." I can overhear the Gryffindor table sense the tension after the
joking insult.

I sat there speechless, nodding towards Y/n, going along.

"Funny of you to say. It just seems to be your lucky day, Y/n." I smirked at

Y/n had no reaction at the moment, she just nodded back at Imelda, "Good
luck in your game, Imelda." She waved.

Imelda turned back furious at that Slytherin table while I was left confused,
but lost on what just happened.

"Did I just hear Y/n speak to you publicly?" Ominis asked, also speechless.

I just blinked, seeing Y/n's back on me as she sat between her friends.

"Correct," I said.

"You are friends again?" Imelda asked, finally noticing the exchange.

I swallowed.

We definitely weren't friends, but I hadn't really had the proper time to
speak with Y/n about the terms we were in. I wanted to be more serious and
ask her at a proper moment, but things got in the way.

"They sure are." Ominis answered for me.

During the sixth year, most of us had Friday off, but I did sign up for
Apparition class. I already knew how to apparate. I've taught myself many
things throughout the summer, but I wanted reassurance that I did it right.

"I think it's unbelievable to teach Apparition class, but not be able to do it
on school grounds. Hilarious." I complained in the dormitory.

"Obviously, Sebastian. Imagine the chaos of someone apparating randomly

in the girls' bathroom?" Ominis scoffed.

"Hm," I said under my breath before turning to Ominis.

He had slid on a Slytherin support shirt for the game today.

"What, Sebastian?" Ominis noticed my silence.

"Nothing," I looked down, "Is it really a rule that we're not allowed to
support another house if our house is playing?

I was looking forward to the game. Most importantly, watching and

supporting Y/n. It wasn't anything new, I've done so in the past, but not like

It just only made sense since Y/n ended up wearing that jersey last game,
but Gryffindor wasn't playing. Now I was stuck in a sticky situation.

"Yes, Sebastian. Why would you want to support another house in your own
game?" Ominis asked.
"Don't be oblivious, Ominis." I rolled my eyes.

Ominis nodded, "Well, I will look forward to Y/n's game, but we are
Slytherin. And you must not forget that Gryffindor is our main rival!"

I sighed, "Alright. Off to a game we go."

"I'm starving already. Do you want some chocolate toads from the trolley?"
I asked Ominis in the stands.

"Sebastian, we just had dinner not even an hour ago." Ominis sighed.

"Right, I am taking that as a no." I pointed, "I should be back before the
game starts."

Did I really need to buy sweets from the treat trolley under those bleachers?
No, of course not. I just needed an excuse to see her.

I walked smoothly under those corridors trying my best not to seem so

obvious in my presence. I knew that if Y/n was always capable of finding
me down here without notice, I could too.

"What are you doing down here? You can't play today." Imelda said with an
attitude while I passed the Slytherins.

I kept my hands inside the pockets of my pants just shrugging, "I can't
support? Just making sure you're keeping the team on track while I'm
gone." I joked.

"I am!" Imelda frowned.

I rose my arms at her, almost pretending like she was a scary monster, and
backed away,

"I am just checking. I shall leave you all in her hands." I pointed at the
team, "Good luck."

As I walked away from my own team, I saw her. I saw Y/n from the
opposite side.

Y/n struggled a little tying up her robe, making a third-year player help her
out. It was a cute gesture, I just stood there witnessing as if nobody was

"Alright, lions!" Garreth Weasley shouted, "Let's goooo!"

Y/n took sight of me by the exit and I got lucky that the Gryffindors were
too busy and excited for the game, they didn't notice me close, except one.

"Almost didn't recognize you." I joked, eyeing her uniform.

Y/n nodded, "Is that bad?"

I shook my head, "Of course not. You look great. Never thought Quidditch
attire can look good on you." I complimented.
Y/n stared, but gave me a light smile. She seemed mesmerized. Her cheeks
glowed as her eyes were so soft at the stare. Beautiful. So attractive.

It felt nice to finally be able to talk in such a setting now. Breaking the ice
at breakfast this morning boosted this and I'm glad it happened. Although
there were still barriers.

"Well, thanks...Sebastian," She said, "I'll let the Slytherin team know you're
flirting with the Gryffindor seeker." She teased.

I scoffed, "Ha, wouldn't mind...how bad can it get?"

Y/n laughed looking to the side, "Thanks for the support." She pointed at
my Slytherin jersey.

I looked down at my green colors and laughed in guilt, "We don't have a

"I'm joking." Y/n cut it, "Why would you switch in the first place?"

I looked up, "Ah, that's a fantastic question to ask!" I said sarcastically, "To
support you?"

"Hm," Y/n squinted

I squinted back at her, "Hm...good luck out there. I'll be watching you on
the sidelines."
"Thanks, but I don't need that luck," Y/n smiled confidently.

I watched as her fingers carefully tugged at my Slytherin jersey, "Your team

is going to need all the luck it can get after they lose tonight."

And I watched her walk away into the field like nothing.

"Was there a line?" Ominis asked on my return.

"Yeah, a long one." I lied after not getting anything.

I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n's last approach to me. On how such a
small action of her fingers tugging my shirt was enough to distract me for
the rest of the day. It was ridiculous.

I didn't have a prediction on what to expect from the game. Let alone, what
to expect with Y/n. For example, seeing her come out in that Quidditch

I watched as her long, shiny hair waved around; Y/n walked with the red-
colored uniform, a smile on her face, but also nervous from the crowd.

Focus, Sebastian. Focus.

I didn't know my limit, really. I've always been this way, but watching Y/n
play so well up in the air knowing I taught her the skill felt exciting. My
adrenaline was high.

"Whoa," I breathed, watching the play as Gryffindor scored a few points.

"Did we score?" Ominis noticed my reaction.

I turned, "What? N-No. I—" I paused, pretending like I was cheering for

Fifth Year

"So, care to step into the ring?" Lucas Brattleby spoke out to Y/n on the
dueling space.

"Get me in the ring." Y/n spoke in confidence.

I smiled on the sidelines, arms crossed as me and Natty stood beside each

"There's no way she'll defeat two against one." I scoffed.

"Did Y/n not beat you in DADA class?" Natty reminded.

I frowned in a playful way, "That was nothing. Besides, I was the one that
brought her here. So, if she does win, it's still benefiting me." I smiled.

"Alright, Sebastian." Natty laughed.

"Levioso!" Y/n shouted in between.

And I watched as she defeated those Ravenclaws by herself.

"Whoa! Let's go! I knew you had it!" I pointed at her, clapping

I didn't actually realize what I was doing until I watched Natty and a few
students turn to me, almost concerned about how much cheering I'd

I haven't felt this much enthusiasm since Anne left school, so I didn't know
how to control it.

"What?" I redden, "She's the new fifth year! Come on!" I excused.

I did it again in Summoner's Court matches. I wouldn't realize what I was

doing until Ominis would question why my cheering was so high up.

"Is the new fifth year really that good?" Ominis asked, laying on the flat
grass and biting off an apple, unbothered.

I brought my claps down, nodding, "Yup. That's my new charge." I smiled.


"There goes Imelda Reyes and Y/n Y/l/n reaching towards the snitch! Who
would get it first?" Cressida Blume spoke through the speakers.
My eyes were glued to the girl above the air. Her eyes well concentrated on
the small item while also preventing Imelda from getting it.

"Come on, come on," I whispered to myself.

"Y/n gets near the snitch—YES! The Golden Snitch is in her hands! 150
points for Gryffindor! Gryffindor wins!"

I brought my arms up, "Woooo! We did it! Yes!" I turned to Ominis, almost
wanting to high-five him.

The Slytherins around me were silent and groaning towards the loss and my
hands lowered, realizing I was just exposing myself firsthand.

"Why are you cheering?" Ominis tried listening to the chaos.

My smile slightly faded as my arms lowered, clearing my throat and almost

hiding from my cheers.

"Um...nothing, actually, Y/n got the snitch." I said lowly.

Ominis just stood in place.

"You're such an embarrassment, Sebastian. You could've at least held it off."

Ominis frowned.

I couldn't anymore. Just like I couldn't bear watching Y/n from the distance.
I witness this label of Y/n being the "Hero of Hogwarts" on that field. How
the Gryffindor boys carried her up like a champion while all her friends
from the other houses cheered on her without hiding anything. All
expressive. No secrets.

Everyone liked her; it wasn't even a question. She was well-known,

powerful, and insanely attractive and although I was lucky enough to be
with her, I still didn't feel as if I was expressing enough.

I needed to make Y/n mine once and for all.


kinda struggled writing this chapter. might've gotten writer's block,

but all good!

i'm looking forward in extending the plot. i feel like 36 chapters are so
much already hahaha but i don't want to end the book. i have so many
ideas in mind but i also don't want to bore you guys.

if you want slight spoilers you can scroll down a bit to see what ideas I
might have in mind this is my first warning so don't read if u want to

also i can't believe this book has gotten over 160k reads! i'm still
speechless at it reaching 100k akfjsdhfgdhsjf

anyways — plot wise,

- i'm hoping to introduce this stereotypical 'hogwarts dance' similar to

the yule ball. i'm still debating though

- i also been skimming with ideas and theories to cure anne sallow but
it seems nearly impossible. everyone says she can't be cured but i do
want her in this book soon. or perhaps a part 2 ? Book 2? idk yet but i
need an anne cameo
- and drama. i know you guys LIVE for drama because i do too i enjoy
writing it hahahahaha

i was kinda fighting myself in changing atticus's name due to all the
drama that happened with the 'original' character that inspired him
but i've learned to separate that and make him my OWN character in
this book with another aspect. he's just poppy's 18 year old step
brother hahaha not 500 yrs old as everyone thinks here. it was just the
looks. i don't support the creator's backstory of him. i just wanted to
clear that up thanks

feel free to use this comment section to express any opinion on

books/hogwarts legacy/ etc./ questions.
thirty seven

longest chapter yet, i think haha. enjoy


"Garreth, I don't think this is a good idea." I said very hesitant inside that
Gryffindor common room.

Not that I hated winning parties, but I've avoided getting myself into the
spotlight, how ironic of me to say that, but it was the truth.

"Oh, come on! You gave us all a win today! You need it." He encouraged.

I stared down at the filled goblet cup offered to me, my throat already
closing from the pretend taste.

"We persuaded Poppy and Samantha to try it over there!" Leander let out.

I gasped at the mention of Poppy, "Poppy?!"

Garreth and Leander pointed and I turned, spotting my Hufflepuff and

Ravenclaw friends near the fireplace, nervously holding goblet cups in their
It was completely normal to join other house parties post-match. There
wasn't really a rule on it, but tonight, it was mixed inside that common
room — except, for Slytherins.

I didn't expect Sebastian's presence in there. I mean, why would I?

Slytherin practically lost to us, it would only be weird to spot one in here
tonight, but there was a slight hope.

Keyword: Hope.

"What is it?" I said, still hesitant about the drink below me.

"It's called the Weasley Special," Garreth smirked, "I spent some time
making a few creations on the cauldrons in Potions. I figured we were
going to win thanks to you, so I prepared us something."

I gulped, "You made this? Garreth, you have a bad history with—"

"I wouldn't give you anything that could put you at risk. I promise." Garreth
chuckled, "Besides, Leander here already tried it. He seems fine."

Leander held his cup, just smiling, "Of course. It tastes good. Trust us."

"Poppy!" Garreth shouted toward the Hufflepuff through the common


It wasn't Poppy's first time at a party. Although she seemed very innocent
and sweet, there was still a side of her that was fun and energetic. Anywhere
that involved socializing, Poppy was there.

"Please, kindly, tell our hero that she is in safe hands," Garreth pointed.

Poppy smiled, "Of course!" Her head rose a little near my ear in a whisper,
"Don't drink all of it. I am still unsure of the mixture ingredients they put."

I wanted to laugh at her honesty, but nodded, pretending like Poppy had just
sided with Garreth Weasley.

"A toast to our new Seeker for giving us that win!" Garreth shouted, raising
the goblets.

The Gryffindor common room roared with dozens of students and I redden,
taking a small sip of the drink.

My mouth reacted right away, feeling a bitter and sour flavor as it went
through my throat, but the aftertaste gave off a very lemony feel. It was
surprisingly good.

"Hm, what does this have?" I rose a brow.

"Is that lemon I taste?" Poppy also rose her brows, liking it too.

"That, my girls, is whiskey mixed with lemon powder, with...something else

that a potion master shall never tell!" Garreth winked.
I rolled my eyes at his false statement, walking away with Poppy.

I wasn't much of a drinker. I didn't know my limits.

I've consumed many weird substances in the last year. From oddly tasted
potions, to expired drinks, up to accidentally drinking very old water one
time in an abandoned campsite from how thirsty I was. Sebastian freaked
out, but luckily, nothing happened to me.

But tonight — even though it was just whiskey, mixed with beer and then a
random Gryffindor boy offering me a Firewhiskey shot; my body felt it.

Sebastian's Perspective

I sat staring blankly at the fireplace in front of me inside that Slytherin

common room. My head just going everywhere, but sleep.

"What's wrong, Sebastian." Ominis let out bluntly, his body standing near
the piano stand in the corner of the space.

I watched as a few younger students walked the staircases, proceeding to

the great hall knowing it was a Friday.

"Why would you assume something is wrong?" I asked, still watching the

"Silence speaks a lot. Especially, with you." Ominis crossed his arms.
I nodded, but didn't say anything.

What was there to say?

"You were cheering loudly, almost exposing yourself a few hours ago, now
you are silent as a ghost." Ominis let out again.

I smirked, "It's nothing."

"Being a liar is part of your personality trait." Ominis let out.

I closed my eyes at his truth, setting my hands together.

"I just really like her, Ominis." I sighed.

"And?" He said in response.

"What do you mean, and?!"

"You confess that as if I wasn't aware already," Ominis said, "There's more
to that, Sebastian."

I sighed, almost annoyed that Ominis was right.

"I just spent all fifth year hiding my feelings from her, and now I'm getting
quite frustrated to keep doing it." I admitted.
It was frustrating for me. I liked Y/n since forever. It was lots of denials, but
I really did and to hold all those feelings, let them out, but then hide them
again to not rush things — it was complicated.

"Aren't you two..."

"We are," I answered, "But not many are aware...like you, Ominis."

"Wow, for once I feel intrigued on this...you know, since you and Y/n
always kept secrets from me all fifth year." Ominis complained.

"Oh, come on, Ominis. We always told you about our whereabouts." I

"Not all the time—"

"Ugh, I have never seen the hospital wing so full in a while! Almost like a
plague!" A Slytherin let out from the stairs.

"It's always those stupid Gryffindors that start it too!" Another voice

In the distance, we can see the seventh year Prefect, Eloise Clark, adjust her
badge as she groaned to herself.

"What's the chaos with the Gryffindors?" I asked in curiosity.

"The Headmaster just owl every head boy and girl from each house, along
with prefects to clear out the halls." She answered.

Ominis and I just listened.

"Apparently, Garreth Weasley and Leander Prewett are going around the
great hall drunk, offering every student a potion they brewed." Eloise

I chuckled, "Sounds like a typical Friday night for the ginger duo."

"Garreth Weasley is the worst potion maker. How is that allowed?" Ominis

"It's not! Hence, the call out. Whatever they gave in that drink contained a
hazardous substance. Everyone that consumed it is now in the hospital from
the side effects." She finished.

I rose a brow.

"Hm, sounds like a memorable winning night for the lion—" I stopped
myself at the moment, a realization to mind when I realize who also
belonged in that house.

I stood up at the moment the prefect walked away, almost preparing to

follow her.

"That doesn't sound right." Ominis heard the chaos, "You don't think..."
"I actually do, Ominis," I sighed, "Let's not forget she took a sip of that
decade old untouched water pint on that Scriptorium last year."

I closed my eyes, not wanting to picture Y/n actually taking a drink, but
with the leading events of winning the match, Garreth and Leander being
people's pleasers, and the partying?

"Y/n is never one to say no," Ominis smirked.

"I know."

Y/n's Perspective

Hands laid on my temples, rubbing them smoothly as I maintained my eyes

closed from the after effects.

"Oh, I feel like I'm going to puke, again." Poppy whined, her head resting
on my shoulder.

We both sat at the edge of a hospital wing bed, sharing it while we watched
all the students around us take medicine for the drink.

I should've known trusting Garreth Weasley in anything was wrong. The

drink didn't actually take full effect on me like other students since I did
have a high immune system, but with the mixture of alcohol — I still felt
It was worst for others. Poppy only took a sip and felt nauseated the entire
way, so I couldn't imagine how the students that actually took a whole
goblet cup felt.

"I wonder if they are still going around the school offering it." I wondered.

Poppy let out a small laugh, almost with a groan, "Most likely hiding. So
typical of Garreth."

"You surprise me, Poppy," I smiled, closing my eyes, still feeling slightly
drunk, "A bit fond of the ginger boy, aren't you?"

I didn't mean to ask her that so straightforward, but we were both feeling
funny and it just came out.

Poppy's head lifted from my shoulder, and I can sense her flushing at my
question as she stuttered.

"W-What? N-No—I—"


Our friendship moment was interrupted when a tall figure walked over to us
near the bed.

Not capable of hiding my reaction, a faint groan with an eye roll came out
of me at the sight of Atticus Sweeting, again.
"Atticus?" Poppy said, almost surprised to see her step-brother appear out
of the blue.

The dark-haired boy just eyed us both, a brow raising while he looked back
at his little sister.

"What the hell are you doing?" He frowned.

Poppy let out a sound of annoyance and shrugged, "Oh, Atticus...why are
you acting like you care?" She said smoothly.

Although Poppy didn't drink much, a slight bit of alcohol in her still
peaked, giving out honesty from her words.

"I don't," He crossed his arms.

Atticus wore a white collar dress shirt and layered it over with a tightened
black waistcoat. A pair of black gloves on him like always.

I just never understood his style.

"But due to the circumstances, no student underage is allowed to go back to

their common room without an escort." Atticus let out.

"Escort?" Poppy scoffed, "As in, an adult? Do they think we'll do it again?
How funny!" She threw her arms up.
Poppy was funny drunk. Very funny.

I giggled at her actions.

"You're also a student. That doesn't make any bloody sense!" Poppy spoke
out to him.

Atticus sighed, noticing her manners, "With adult age. Something you
aren't. I don't have all night, Poppy. Let's get you out of here." He said more

It was rare to see Atticus Sweeting have some sort of care in his life. I have
always seen him so dark and cocky that watching him treat his step-sister
differently was weird.

"Hm," Poppy forced out, pulling her body forward, "Y/n...it was a fun night
with you Gryffindors. Please, keep winning." She said sleepily, the calming
potion finally kicking in on her.

I let out a small smile at my best friend as she walked away towards the
entrance of the Hospital Wing.

As I expected, Atticus Sweeting did not follow his sister right away, but
stood there with arms crossed looking down at me.

It seemed like any Hogwarts man just really liked crossing their arms often.
More than the girls.
I sighed, looking to the side, "What?"

"That goes for you too." Atticus let out, waiting for me to follow.

I let out a dry laugh, "Sorry? No. No thanks. I would rather wait for another
escort to take me."

Atticus smirked, "A sudden blow of hate towards me, huh? I'm surprised
you drink."

I avoided him, just staring at my sides.

"I'm surprised you care." I laughed.

I didn't mean to laugh, but as I said, I was still feeling off. I was able to
process my thoughts clearly now, but my reactions were a little delayed.

Atticus just stood quiet, ignoring my words, "Let's go."

"No. I'm not your follower, Atticus." I said.

Atticus gave off a chuckle, looking to his side, shaking his head, "You're
interesting when you are drunk, but I believe to follow an escort rule of
bringing you back to your common room."

I closed my eyes, finally feeling a bit hazy from being sober.

Did I have the energy to fight? No. Did I want to go with Atticus Sweeting?
No. But did I want to go back to my common room and go to sleep? Yes.

I huffed in annoyance, finally forcing my body straight, and stood up from

that hospital bed like nothing; my balance testing me.

"Whoa," I stumbled.

Atticus grabbed me, avoiding a fall, and sat me down again, "Stubborn."


Letting go of Atticus hold, I turned sleepily to the person that stood at the
edge of the hospital wing bed and parted my lips.

It almost felt like all those post-drunk feelings went away in that second.
My sight just cleared and I felt awake.


Sebastian's tall figure stood there wearing a nice brown knitted sweater for
the night. His arms were to the side while he stared in a serious way in my

Sebastian's Perspective
I took the floo powder to the hospital wing. There was no way I'll be willing
to go from the dungeons up to the clock tower at such a late hour, so I took

When I appeared at that entrance, I dusted off my pants a little before

bumping into someone on the way in.

"Ow," The voice mumbled.

"I apologize, I," I looked down, recognizing, "Oh, Poppy."

Poppy rubbed her head, sighing, "Huh? O-Oh, Sebastian, it's you. What
brings you here at such a late hour?" She murmured.

Poppy's Sweeting voice seemed very sleepy, and I had to take a double look
to see if she was alright, but it wasn't until I saw the Gryffindor support hair
clips that I realized.

"Ah, I see. Were you one of the fallen ones in Weasley's scam?" I joked.

Poppy just yawned before swallowing, holding back, "O-Oh, yes, but it's
okay...ugh, I feel so nauseous. I need a restroom...I-I will have to excuse
myself. It was nice to see you, Sebastian."

I watched carefully, hoping the short Hufflepuff girl didn't faint mid-hall,
but I nodded to myself as she walked successfully.

I worried now about what I was going to witness inside that hospital wing.
Just hearing the slight faint noises was uncomfortable, but I needed to see

I witness a few students vomiting on one side while others just sat on their
beds, drinking a Draught of Peace that Professor Sharp was handing out.
He seemed done with them.

"Ah, Mister Sallow!" Nurse Blainey took sight of me.

I turned at the unexpected call out, "Madam Blainey, good evening." I


"Are you here as a volunteer to escort students? Are you above seventeen?"
She asked.

I furrowed my brows, almost wanting to laugh out loud at the news that
anyone under the age wasn't allowed to be dismissed without an escort.

"P-Pardon?" I swallowed, "Uh, I am, indeed. Sure, I can totally escort


My own words cut off when I turned, scanning the sickening place, and
took sight of a familiar face.

Her eyes half-closed while she seemed to have a long night; Y/n still wore
her quidditch shirt and just sat there lazily.

Until I saw him.

If I can recall the mood shift I felt that night when I witnessed Atticus
Sweeting with Y/n inside that hospital wing — it was bizarre, really.
Nothing compared to the first time I saw them walking together in the halls.
Nothing compared.

No, this can't be it. Why did it seem like the day I finally felt that I needed
to speak to her more seriously was the same day all my feelings were
triggered over a sight.

Did I walk away? Of course not.

I walked carefully, pretending like my hands weren't into fists already. I

maintained a proper posture, keeping my steps steady while I just witnessed
every single movement between them.

"You're interesting when you are drunk, but I believe to follow an escort
rule of bringing you back to your common room." Atticus said.

I was expecting Y/n to fight it off, but she didn't hesitate, and I couldn't
really react to it. She seemed slightly off by the way she stood up and
almost fell over.

Y/n was drunk. I never witnessed her ever drink in my life. It was
something new and to see another guy try to attempt to help her seemed

"Whoa," Y/n let out.

Atticus grabbed her, helping her sit down slowly.

Control, Sebastian. Control. You are already in a hospital wing.

"Stubborn," Atticus smirked.

I blinked, standing on the edge of the bed.

"Y/n," I said firmly.

Y/n looked up, her eyes slightly opening more at my presence, but not
giving off a reaction due to everything she felt at the moment.


I swallowed, looking over to Atticus Sweeting, who stood there as we both

exchanged serious looks with each other.

"You never seem to follow the prefect rules of staying out of the halls right
now." Atticus snarled at me.

I shrugged, "I am old enough. I am here to escort Y/n, just like you are here
to escort Poppy." I directed.

"Hm," Atticus smirked, "Of course you are."

Atticus stared down at Y/n below us.

I was hoping my fingers weren't going to break that hospital bed railing.
"Of course I am." I smirked back.

"Always seem to be second though." Atticus insulted.

"Atticus, your sister is waiting." Y/n let out lowly, not letting me respond.

Atticus kept his eye on her, just nodding, "Alright. Sleep tight, Y/n. That
hangover is going to feel real nice."

I kept my stare on the black-haired boy, pretending like I didn't want to beat
the hell out of him, and just saw him leave without any view on me.

"What are you doing here, Sebastian?" Y/n yawned.

I came back to my senses, letting my fingers release from the bed and
looked down at the drunk girl.

"You seem uncharged," I observed, "How are you feeling?"

Y/n sat there, her back lowered as she stared down, "Awful."

I nodded, letting out a sigh, "So much for a win, huh?" I joked to her.

Her eyes just stared up, looking at me tired, "Not funny."

I admired Y/n. No matter how tired or messy she seemed to be, it still made
me stop my surroundings and admire her for a slight second.
It almost made me forget the fact that if I weren't here tonight, she would've
been beside Atticus Sweeting down those castle halls. I didn't even want to
imagine the scenario.

I pursed my lips, "Alright, come on. You need rest and you're still quite

I extended my hand at Y/n, waiting for her to reach out.

"Quite off?" She scoffed, placing her small hand over me, forcing herself to
get up, "Don't underestimate me, Sallow. I'm fine."

I chuckled, my hand resting flatly on Y/n's back, guiding her away from the
bed without losing balance.

"Alright, whatever you say." I nodded, still guiding her out.

"Are you two talking again?"

Off guard, I turned to Arthur Plummly, another Hufflepuff, who also found
himself in that Gryffindor party plague.

Y/n just laughed to herself in a drunk matter at Arthur's words and I

swallowed, just walking out of the hospital wing.

I didn't even realize that as the days passed, Y/n and I were more open in
our setting. I didn't even think twice about finding her at the Hospital Wing
in front of everyone. It seemed normal now.
"How did you hear the rumor?" Y/n giggled as we walked down the empty
castle halls in the middle of the night.

I wanted to laugh at the random outburst of questions Y/n would let out, but
I knew I needed to maintain seriousness to not give in to her schemes.

"Rumor? It's not a rumor if it happened." I corrected.

"Hm," Y/n let out.

"Remind me how you are able to trust anything potion-brewed by that

bloody ginger duo?" I frowned as we passed the halls.

My hand still rested behind her back, keeping her balanced.

Y/n giggled again, "Ginger duo. They have names, Sebastian." She tugged
my sweater for a tease.

I looked down at Y/n's unplanned gestures and maintained calm, continuing

the walk and ignoring the fact that she was being funny.

"Yeah, the ginger duo." I snickered.

"They were just very manipulating at taking that drink," Y/n murmured,
"Almost like you."

I stopped our tracks at her words, "Pardon?"

Y/n almost stumbled at the stop, but I still grabbed her, "What? Offended?"

I smirked, "No. You're quite a treat when you're dozed off."

Y/n scoffed, "Dozed off? I'm sober enough."

"Whatever you say, Y/n." I nodded, proceeding to walk out towards the
Viaduct Courtyard exit.

"Hold," I stopped us at the moment before exiting the outside.

I looked over my side, looking at Y/n standing there with just her Quidditch

"Yeah, no," I told myself.

"No, what—"

I placed Y/n near the wall, letting her rest a little while I slid off the brown
knitted sweater I had for the night.

"Whoa, Sallow," Y/n gasped in sarcasm, "Right here?" She looked around.

"What?" I said confusedly before noticing her humor, "Oh, no. I mean...I
don't mind." I winked.

Y/n reddened, but I smiled, "Arms up."

Y/n didn't question my orders, her arms just rose up a little, "Aren't you
going to be cold?" She eyed my shirt.

I slid on the warm sweater, and chuckled, "You seriously asking me that?"

Y/n stared, trying to think, but then a slight 'oh' sound come off her and I
just laughed, going outside.

The walk was nice. It was soothing. I think it was the best idea to come out
of my common room and find her. Who knows what would've possibly
happened if I didn't.

It wasn't until we were on the top floor of the Gryffindor hall when I
believed that Y/n's body began to take a toll from whatever she consumed

"Did you know Hogwarts was created by ancient magic?" Y/n asked more
slowly now.

I rose my brows, "I might've heard that once in History of Magic." I


"Yeah, so, if I jump off these railings and try landing on the lower hallway, I
might not get hurt." Y/n out.

I stared confusedly at the words coming out of her mouth, still processing
how Y/n was completely different when she consumed alcohol.
"Eh, t-that's interesting—"

"Yeah, look,"

I watched the girl slip out of my touch before walking near the ledge of the
top Gryffindor hall and preparing to take a dive.

"Now...wait, hold on," I gasped at the nonsense, "Y/n stop. I'm not a visual

"Oh, would you stop it, Sebastian. You are trouble. You should be
encouraging me." Y/n said, still wanting to climb off.

"Yeah, when you're not drunk. Come on, let's go. The fat lady portrait is
down the hall." I gathered.

"No, I—"

At that moment, I grabbed Y/n from the ledge, pulling her over my
shoulder, and walked down the Gryffindor hall.

"Hey! Put me down, Sallow." She fought, hitting my back.

Oh, I absolutely loved when she said my name.

I smirked, "Almost there."

Once reaching the familiar portrait of the common room, The Fat Lady
eyed us, almost confused, but spoke.


"Give her the password, Y/n." I turned.

"Perhaps, if you let me go, Sebastian, I will give out the password." Y/n

I laughed, letting her down gently and watching as Y/n adjusted her body.

Y/n stood there, thinking to herself.

"You do know the password, correct?" I asked her. "You're a Gryffindor."

Y/n blinked, "I-I do, but...my head right now is not...thinking straight." She
looked down confused.

"Hm, probably the alcohol." I pointed.

"No password. No entrance." The Fat Lady let out.

"She's so ugly for that." Y/n let out in an attitude.

"Excuse you?" The portrait spoke back in a gasp.

"I'm a Gryffindor and you can just open—"

"Hey, hey, it's alright," I held in my laugh, putting Y/n's hands down, "It's
just a portrait. Let's just wait for other Gryffindors to come up yeah?" I
suggested to her.

Y/n and I sat on the corner of that Gryffindor tower. I could've left,
honestly, but why should I? Leaving her drunk after she almost jumped off
the top floor? Yeah, no.

"They are taking long." Y/n complained.

I smiled down, leaning against the wall, "It's only been two minutes, Y/n."

I lived for this. It was like a new personality unlocked from Y/n. A side of
her I had never really seen. Not that I will encourage the drinking, but it
seemed nice when she was taken care of.

Y/n stood on the opposite side of the wall, eyeing me, "Sorry about making
Slytherin lose today."

My brows furrowed, "Huh? What? Oh, it's alright. It was because I wasn't
there. Next game we won't lose." I said cockily.

"With me? Yeah, you will." Y/n said confidently.

I stared back up at her again, "Seeker, again?"

Y/n took a breath, "If it means competition, perhaps, yeah...or maybe, I'm
just drunk, but you seem competitive." She leaned.

My arms were crossed by now, "You think you can beat me in a Quidditch
game? Me?"

"Egoistic much?" Y/n pointed, "Hm. I don't think. I know, Sallow."

I scoffed, pretending like that wasn't attractive for Y/n to say.

"Alright...alright." I nodded with a smile.


i enjoy them together and i cannot wait for their relationship to extend
further and further hahahahaha 🤭

really wished we would've gotten more quest with garreth weasley!!

he's so funny 😭😭😭😭

i've read your comments last chapter and it's unbelievable the amount
of support i've gotten. you guys never fail to make my days 💚

i loveeeee putting my free time aside and writing about sebastian and
y/n its just a coping mechanism now ✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻

i already thought about a plot for the rest of the book so hopefully it
goes well 😅
thirty eight


"No," I said abruptly that Monday.

"What do you mean, no? Sallow is going around letting everyone know he's
beating Gryffindor in a click." Nellie let out behind me.

I clutched the books in my hands, walking down the castle corridors as my

Gryffindor friend followed around. I stopped in the moment at the mention
of Sebastian and flushed a little.

"Sallow? W-What? What do you mean he's going around—"

"Yeah, since he's no longer suspended, he went around Beasts class all
stupidly saying to watch out on Friday's game!" Nellie complained, "I'll
assume he thinks we're losing since I'm back."

I let out a laugh, almost coming out as a mock.

I do remember telling Sebastian in a drunk way last Friday that I'll make
Slytherin lose again. It wasn't a serious thought. I didn't plan on taking
Seeker position ever again, but he was being bold.

I still can't remember much about that night, but there were glimpses of just
being with Sebastian. I did come across the halls with him the next few
days and all that came out of his mouth were remarks about the upcoming

"I figured since the school found out you two are back to being a
bubblegum, it's creating pressure toward the match." Nellie let out.

My eyes almost bulge, "Bubblegum?!"

"Yeah, you know, how you two were the fifth year. Always sticking
together, doing reckless shit, leaving the school grounds," Nellie informed,
"Best friends." She rose up her fingers emphasizing the words.

I closed my eyes at the thought that we weren't really the best friends from
fifth year, but it was nice to know we could interact more around the halls.
— but Sebastian was being eager.

"Of course, the dormitory knows you're more than that," Nellie whispered,
"But, you have to take that seeker position for me and beat his ass, Y/n."

I couldn't imagine myself being up in that air with Sebastian Sallow in front
of the entire school. It was almost giving me second-hand embarrassment
thinking about it.

"He's too good of a seeker," I said, remembering Sebastian's skills that one
night in the field, "No way. It'll be weird, Nellie."
"And he also use to be too good at dueling in school before you demolished
him in DADA class!" Nellie reminded, "Just do it again, but in Quidditch."

I sighed, wanting to smile at myself from the memory of defeating

Sebastian Sallow in a duel one year ago.

Before I can answer, Ominis Gaunt and Sebastian Sallow almost bumped
into us at the entrance of Charms class.

Acting as if I wasn't feeling butterflies, I stood there next to my friend,

waiting for the two Slytherins to proceed.

Sebastian's tie seemed undone, as usual, and his eyes were sleepy from the
lack of sleep that morning. Even looking messy, he seemed attractive. I
hated myself for that.

"Now hold on, Ominis," Sebastian stopped his friend, "I believe the best
seekers at Hogwarts enter first." He said in sarcasm.

He obviously didn't mean his words. The sarcasm that came out of
Sebastian was always obvious; it made Nellie beside me roll her eyes.

I smirked, "No, it's alright. We can let the losing team enter first." I fought.

Sebastian fell off guard with my insult and scoffed, looking to his side
while Nellie giggled.

"I shall not be late for Charms. Excuse me, ladies." Ominis sighed, entering
with his wand.
Nellie followed along with Ominis, leaving me and Sebastian behind in the
most obvious way possible.

Sebastian and I did not move in that entrance of the class. We both stood
there, looking at each other, almost surprised at the competitive play we
were about to do.

Hazel eyes stared at me from up and down, "You really want to go there?"

I swallowed, noticing his posture lower down at me to create some type of

intimidation toward his stare.

"You started it, Sallow" I squinted.

Sebastian nodded at me, his eyes going from my lips to my eyes again.

I can sense the breeze of his manly scent roaming through my nose. The
familiar smell almost weakened me while I stood in place.

I've recognized that smell with the sweater he slid on me last Friday night. I
must've been so hazy, I slept with it and the scent haunted me ever since.

His lips were right there, and we were so close, but —

"Um...excuse me..." A light voice said, cutting in the tension.

I broke the contact, turning over to Poppy between us, books in her hand
while we blocked the entrance way.

I cleared my throat, stepping away and letting the rest of the students pass
by us.

The tension didn't really increase until Potions class that afternoon.

Natty and I held in our giggles while watching Garreth Weasley be

monitored by Professor Sharp the entire class all afternoon after his

Garreth seemed to fear for his life while Professor Sharp looked at his
potion-making cauldron.

"I-I am missing an ingredient, Professor, may I proceed to the ingredient


"I'm sure one of your Gryffindor friends can take up the favor of bringing
you whatever you need. You are not trusted in that room for a while Mister
Weasley." Professor Sharp kept his hands behind his back.

Me and Natty looked at each other, still holding in our laughs before I

"No worries, I volunteer." I let out, placing my peppermint aside from the
Pepper Potion.
When entering the small room full of familiar ingredients, I sense another
student following behind. It also gave a sense of history repeating itself as
he showed up purposely.

I passed my saliva, pretending as if Sebastian Sallow wasn't behind me, and

looked up at the Jewelweed plants, debating whether to lift my wand up or

"Oblivious, I see." Sebastian let out a whisper.

No. I couldn't fall for it. I wanted to play smart.

"Stalker, I see," I murmured, lifting my wand.

Before I can accio the ingredient towards me, Sebastian reached out,
grabbing them like nothing and lowering them.

I closed my eyes for a second and turned to the brunette that now stood
behind me.

"You know, all you had to do was asked." Sebastian whispered.

I didn't know how close he was to me. The room was already small enough,
but with him in it, it was smaller.

It was enjoyable. As if we weren't all over each other days ago. Or as if, I
wasn't wearing his sweater last weekend. It just seemed entertaining that we
always put up a good act.
I crossed my arms, purposely.

"Heard the Gryffindor captain is suspended for the next game due to his
potion mess." Sebastian let out.

"Okay. Your point?" I asked.

Sebastian's tall body just looked around the area, a cocky smile on his
beautiful face while he spoke.

"That's my point. Smells like a lost." He teased.

I laughed in sarcasm, "Sebastian, you know it's not that serious. I was
kidding Friday night." I assured.

Sebastian finally laughed, "Yeah, I was too, but after hearing Nellie let out
that bloody reminder of you beating me at everything...I prefer a

I sighed, nodding with a smile, but not responding.

"You can always back out. You don't have to be a seeker again. You can just
support me." Sebastian encouraged.

"I mean, I didn't want to be seeker anymore. It was just one game, but you
seem to push it so much. I might just prove my point too." I frowned.
"You think you can challenge me, Y/n?" Sebastian lowered.

The way he said my name was so deep and rough — I needed to calm
myself down inside that room. It's not like a full class was out there.

I looked up, shrugging, "I did it once at dueling. I can do it, again,

Sebastian just stared at me in that dark room, his adam's apple moving
while swallowing as he stared intensely.

"The confidence in you is showing." He noticed.

"Well, I am a Gryffindor." I reminded.

Sebastian nodded, "Never said it was bad. I think it's attractive."

I backed up a bit, wondering what he meant by it, but Sebastian continued.

"It's so attractive seeing you think you can win a challenge with me. How
cute, darling." He said.


I was lucky enough that the room was dark because if not, he would've seen
the redness that peaked through me from his word.
Sebastian took a step forward, tugging the hem of my school robe, his
fingers ruffling before placing the Jewelweeds inside my pocket while
looking at me.

"You're welcome."

Sebastian leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead before giving off
a confident smile and walking away with an ingredient in hand.

Oh, he was teasing me hard. Very hard.

Sebastian's Perspective

I watched Ominis enter the dormitory one morning; I usually skipped

breakfast due to always dealing with insomnia, but this morning, in
particular, was slightly different.

"You're being loud, Ominis," I murmured, wiping my eyes, and yawning.

"Don't be ridiculous, Sebastian. Just wake up." Ominis let out.

I huffed, sitting up from my bed shirtless, and stared around, noticing that
the other Slytherin roommates were at breakfast.

"At least I got the whole-" I stopped my talking when I took notice of a
small pin that glowed on Ominis uniform.

I gasped, "Ominis! What in merlin's beard are you bloody wearing?!"

"Now you're being loud, Sebastian! And what are you babbling about?"
Ominis said confusedly.

I walked over to my friend, tapping on the pin stuck to his body and I

"This," I tapped, rapidly.

Ominis stepped away from my annoying touch, "Oh. Y/n said it was a pin
to support Poppy's cause in her animal caretaking."

I stood speechless at the mention of Y/n and how all of it just correlated in
that very minute.

I scoffed loudly, "Oh, this is ridiculous."

I didn't even know how to react. Y/n really left me speeches this time. It
was quite hilarious how she was able to pinpoint everything about me.

"Unbelievable!" I kept saying.

"What are you saying, Sebastian? I am unaware." Ominis said.

"You've been tricked, Ominis Gaunt!" I exclaimed, "Where was she passing
them out?"

"During breakfast," Ominis answered.

I closed my eyes, pretending as if I didn't find it unbelievably attractive to

see Y/n step forward in the little venture we were both playing at.

I unpinned the item from Ominis robe that Y/n might've gotten at the joke
shop and prepared myself.

I adjusted my tie and walked normally along those castle halls. I have
forgotten my robe midway, but that was the least to care about at the

Before even reaching the Great Hall, I witnessed a few first-years come out
of the Reception Hall, wearing the pins and it made me wonder what type
of strategy Y/n was using to make them wear them.

Breakfast was ending and many students were already exiting, a few
giggling to themselves as I passed them.

And I saw her. Y/n stood there beside Poppy with that beautiful smile of
hers, pretending as if my presence wasn't entering the Great Hall.

Poppy took sight of me first, noticing the pin in my hand, and stepped aside
from Y/n, almost giving us space for the confrontation.
"Sallow Sucks?" I held up the pin, "Is that really all you got?" I questioned

Y/n just stared up at me, blankly as she tilted her head, "You give as good
as you get, right?"

Fifth Year

I watched the new girl intensely. Not that I was keeping an eye on her all
class, but I was eager to read her. Know her. Study her.

"Very good, Y/n," Professor Hecat let out, "But the best way to practice is
by dueling."

I smiled to myself already knowing that I was, in fact, going to be in the

spotlight for showing off my dueling skills.

"Duelist, take your marks." Professor Hecat pointed toward me and Y/n.

I turned to Y/n, her innocent face just staring in confusion.

"Hm, time for a proper Hogwarts welcome," I smirked.

Y/n didn't say much at the time. I was believing that she'll lose immediately,
but I was humbled badly. Real bad. It was almost embarrassing.
I wiped my arm, confronting her, "No bad for a beginner," my eyes scanned
Y/n, pretending like I wasn't developing a crush, "You give as good as you
get, hm."

Y/n smiled, "Thanks."


Y/n's same enthusiastic smile stared back at me, bringing me back to real

I wanted to smile. Smile at the fact that Y/n was slowly developing this sort
of trait in her that was similar to mine without even noticing.

"You're quite hilarious, Y/n," I stared, "Pins? Really?"

Y/n stared back at me, "What? An actual real winner wouldn't mind it." She

"Oh, yeah? An actual real winner wouldn't be creating pins in the first
place." I referred.

Y/n and I just stared at each other in the Great Hall.

I gazed down at her, swallowing as I hid the manly urge to grab her face
and just make out with her; Y/n's lips were just there, pink and soft, it was
hard to resist.
It also must have been the eyes. How they stared back at me with so many
signals; I almost sensed Y/n was doing it on purpose at this point, but the
tension was fun.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" I whispered to her, enough for only us to

I knew the students that were left in breakfast were watching, so we kept
the distance neutral.

Y/n licked her lips, "Perhaps, I am, Sallow."

I smirked, looking down, "Sallow, huh,"

Before Y/n can continue, I added.

"Alright, Y/n. We'll see who's the real winner after that quidditch game
Friday night. We will see." I warned.

I grabbed the pin I'd taken from Ominis and took hold of her Gryffindor
robe, pinning it on her and tapping it.

"Cheeky," I winked, walking away.


i did research with myself and i am convinced sebastian sallow smells

like Lakeside Morning Candle sold by Bath & Body Works 😭 it's very
sebastian-like i hope i'm making sense 🫣
also, that post-game about to hit real goood, 🤭

this seems like a short chapter, but i might stick with just keeping them
very long (4k+ words) so i apologize for the short read LMAO

Again, thanks so much for the support. i can never stop looking at your
comments. they are amazing. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
thirty nine *

Author's Note:

might've made an error and said they don't have classes every other friday.
let's pretend they had charms this morning hahah sorry

place your bets on who's winning? 🏆


The tension that led up to that game between Sebastian Sallow and I was
indescribable. I almost hated myself for enjoying the entertainment, but it
was the truth.

Sebastian was already sitting on his seat in Charms class that Friday
morning. It surprised me because he was usually always, and I mean
always, late to that class.

I detected his stare on me when I entered, but I proceeded like normal with
books in sight while I took a seat next to him. It was very ironic, really, but
I just sat.

"Y/n, please do everything you can to defeat Slytherin. This is life or

death." Garreth Weasley pleaded behind me.
"I can hear you, Weasley." Sebastian said, leaning against his chair, wearing
that stupidly, attractive quidditch sweater of his.

"Then un-hear me, Sallow. I am speaking to Y/n and Y/n only." Garreth

Sebastian's head didn't move, but I could sense him giving a side-eye at me
before maintaining a smile.

"Hm, I'll love to hear what your seeker has to say." Sebastian said.

"A seeker never tells their secret in public, Sebastian." I let out an almost
sigh, writing with my quill.

"Oh, they speak with each other?" Garreth let out, almost surprised at the
notice of the exchange of words between me and Sebastian after so long.

"You are a little late on that, Garreth." Poppy giggled to herself on my left,
also writing with her quill.

I flushed at the notice, but kept writing.

It was around mid-class as we took notes when I felt Sebastian move

slightly on my side and saw his arm raise up over behind my back.

No, he didn't raise his arm to wrap it around my shoulder, why would he do
that? Right?
His arm extended enough for me to still sense his contagious scent and his
fingers tapped on Poppy.

Poppy slightly moved her head, almost confused about the tap and
Sebastian lowered his head, speaking.

"Hello Poppy, do you happen to have an extra quill around you? Mine
seemed to break." Sebastian whispered.

Sebastian's head was close to me. It was almost as if he was finding an

excuse to inch closer each time to tease.

I ignored the intimidating closeness and wrote.

"I do. It was expensive too, so please, take care of it, Sebastian." Poppy
warned him.

"Oh, Sebastian doesn't take care of his belongings. Say your goodbyes,
Ominis let out from a seat.

I giggled to myself at Ominis words.

"Thanks for the input, Ominis," Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Caught the
My hand stop its writing while my smile faded and looked around, hoping
Sebastian wasn't speaking to me, but he was.

I turned to him at a slow pace, almost giving him a, 'what are you doing'
expression, but cleared my throat.

"Sure did. Make sure you don't drop your quill next time either." I mumbled
to him.

Sebastian's hazel eyes stare at me, his gaze softening while he joined in to
my sentence and gave a side smile.

Grabbing Poppy's quill pen, his fingers reached out in front of me, taking
hold of it and beginning to twirl it around like he always did.

I blinked, knowing I had always been curious about the talent, and then
rolled my eyes, side-eyeing him.

Sebastian sat back in his seat, just smiling with his knitted sweater not
saying a word. Only the actions between us speaking loud.

Sebastian's Perspective

"We have to win this game. There's no way we are losing to those lions." I
said harshly at the Slytherin team under those stands.

It was a few minutes before the start of the Quidditch game. I hadn't seen
Y/n since our last afternoon class, so I knew any sight of her would be
purposely distracting.

It was exciting. I don't think I've felt this adrenaline toward a quidditch
game since Anne left. I actually looked forward to the competitiveness and

"We know that, captain." Imelda rolled her eyes in the far corner.

I turned to her, "You want to take over?"

Imelda nodded, "Yeah, if I can!"

I chuckled, "Well, this is serious. This game determines the leaderboard. If

we lose, we play against Ravenclaw and they're tough too."

As I spoke to the players, I began to lose focus when I spotted a familiar

figure from the end of the corridor.

Y/n's hair was in a ponytail. It was new. I've gotten used to seeing her loose
hair or half up-do, but a ponytail for a competitive game? It was something

Get your shit together, Sebastian. Don't let her beauty outsmart you.

She spoke with Garreth Weasley and Leander Prewett, who were both
suspended from the game, but still stood beside the team almost pep-talking
There was a slight annoyance on always seeing another guy be all over Y/n.
I tried understanding that it was part of the game, but just because it
happened more, it never made me feel less jealous.

"As I was saying," I cleared my throat coming back to my senses.

I was already sweating by the time we reached the field. I needed to remind
myself that it was just another quidditch game that we won. I've taken
losses with Gryffindor, but that was because I didn't feel like trying.

"Now, I want a nice clean game," Professor Kogawa let out from the bottom
of the field, holding a quaffle.

A few yards from me was Y/n. Her small legs dangled over the broom,
listening to the directions as she looked over the audience.

"The bludgers are out, surrounded by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the
snitch is worth 150 points." Cressida Blume said through the speakers.

Y/n took a few seconds to scan the Slytherin team before finally taking
sight of me from afar.

I stood calm, pretending as if her gaze from yards away wasn't illuminating
the view of the field in the distance.

I winked at her the moment the play started to delay her pace, which
successfully worked.
Y/n took a moment to process her surroundings before beginning to fly
around the field, losing sight of the snitch already.

I also lost sight of her immediately, but I focused on the snitch. Yeah,
realistically, I always focused on her, but this was a risk. A real risk.

"Grace Smedley scores! Ten points for Slytherin!" The Slytherin announcer
let out.

I nodded to the fourth year, giving a sign that we were already on track.

The game continued well, as I expected, not that I was nervous Gryffindor
would keep up, but luckily, we were high on points.

"Another ten points for Slytherin!"

I watched as the Gryffindor crowd groaned, shouting Y/n's name from afar.

Finally, I followed their pointing, gliding my eyes on the sixth year girl that
flew upwards on the field, keeping her eyes concentrated.

"No," I whispered to myself, taking realization Y/n had taken a glimpse of

the snitch.

It didn't take long to fly in her direction, but the crowd was already
distinguishing the tension that we both were reaching for the snitch already.
"Thanks for guiding me to it." I smirked, finally reaching beside her.

Y/n turned to me, but immediately turned her focus back to the small
buzzing noise, "Not if I get it, Sallow."

I smiled at her, admiring how her body stood in such a nice posture on that

"I may say, I'm quite fond of you in that broom, Y/n." I flirted out, making a

I read Y/n's expressions; how she stood still, trying to multitask, but not get
smitten by my words.

"Twenty points for Slytherin!"

I looked down at the announcers, smiling, "Seems like Slytherin is already

ahead. Time for the finishing touch."

"Oh, Sallow, in your dreams." Y/n laughed, reaching forward.

We both flew up closer, hearing the crowd go wild from the reach and I
squinted towards the rapid snitch.

"You always said ladies first, Sebastian!" Y/n reminded.

I laughed, "Ah, humorous. Not right now, darling."

Y/n froze at the moment, but let out a dry laugh, "Okay, Sebastian."

Sebastian. No, not now.

Our hands extended, reaching for the gold-colored item.

At this point, we almost stood face to face, inches from each other while the
snitch kept buzzing.

Y/n's eyes lay on the crowd below before slowly raising up again,
beginning to distract me.

"Sebastian," She breathed, "I-I think I'm ready."

Unknown of what she meant, I furrowed a brow, "Ready?"

Y/n licked her lips, "Yes. Right now. In front of everyone. Once and for

Was Y/n reading my mind? Did she finally want to publicize this
relationship we've been hiding in the most epic way?

I looked down, thinking, but smiling, "I-I couldn't agree more."

We both stood face to face; I eyed how Y/n's eyes went from my lips to my
eyes in that air, how her mesmerizing, lustful looks just fogged up my sight,
preparing to lean in —
"Thanks, Sallow," Y/n whispered, backing up and holding up the snitch in
her hand.

I sat on my broom speechless, realizing that all Y/n really did was
manipulate my entire head the last two minutes to trick me into catching the
Golden Snitch.

Y/n never wanted to kiss me, or go public. It was all a manipulating

scheme, and for once, I actually was upset.

Y/n's Perspective

"Y/n Y/ln catches the Golden Snitch once again! 150 points for the
Gryffindor house! Gryffindor wins." Cressida cheered.

I smiled widely, holding the snitch, and watched my friends from a distance
begin to run their way over toward me.

"Merlin, you really are the Hero of Hogwarts!" Garreth cheered.

I almost fell over as the Gryffindor men carried me up in the air post-game;
my roommates and house friends flaunting over another win.

I kept my smile, raising my arms up and watching my surroundings, trying

to find a particular face in the process.

Sebastian Sallow stood with his team in disappointment; his eyes dark and
low while he took zero glance in my direction. Like at all.
No, there was no way he could've potentially been upset over a loss. I knew
him well and with each loss he's experienced, he has never seen this dull.

Sebastian let his broom go and began walking slowly toward the castle, not
even acknowledging his team while he began to disappear.

"Thanks, here," I said to Leander once I was put down from the air, giving
him the snitch, "Put this back."

As the redhead took hold of it, I began to strip off my heavy gear, preparing
myself to go back inside that castle.

"Hey! Where is our champion going? The party is just about to start!" A
Gryffindor shouted from behind.

I looked over to my friends, "I-I'll meet you guys there! I really need to
pee." I lied, waving away.

Nobody really hesitated on my departure, they were just really busy

celebrating the win, and they didn't care much about anything else.

When I entered Hogwarts floor a few minutes later, I looked at my

surroundings, trying to distinguish a wave of brown hair.

The process was quite difficult since a few Slytherin players were also
entering back, mixing in with similar jerseys.
I sighed, concentrating on the huge castle, looking over the millions of
stairs at the end of the corridor.

"Sebastian," I said lowly, finally spotting the number 1 in the back of a


Sebastian walked down the hall, almost going down the first entrance of the
Central Hall.

I groaned, knowing he must've not heard me, and walked down in my

uniform, following him.

"Sebastian!" I let out, a bit louder making a few students turn from my call

I wasn't even holding back my call out for him. The entire castle was well
aware of my communication with Sebastian Sallow again. It wasn't
anything out of the ordinary.

Sebastian walked down the Central Hall's giant staircase, passing the big
portrait of the guitar player. The music sounded smooth, and I began to feel
slightly out of breath from the speed-walk chasing the Slytherin.

We passed the fountain and library entrance, until I finally gave up the

Before Sebastian can turn another way I revealed my wand throwing a basic
cast spell inches from him, hitting a moving portrait.
Luckily, the Central Hall was still empty from the chaos in the quidditch
field, so I didn't risk getting caught by my rule-breaking actions.

Sebastian made his stop, turning his head to the side as he finally turned to
me from the end of the hall.

I breathed heavily from the unnecessary long walk and walked closer to the
tall man with quidditch uniform. The familiar tight, long sleeve glowing in
the light.

"Do you not hear me calling you?" I let out, staring over.

Sebastian's face was low. I didn't know how else to describe it. It seemed
defeated, which made complete sense, but it was also upset.

"You have a game to celebrate, champion." He let out, almost coldly as he

avoided looking up.

I raised my brows, almost laughing at his words, "I do, but..you just left."

"My team lost. Did you expect us to go congratulate you or something?"

Sebastian asked.

I haven't heard him speak in such a dark tone in a while. He seemed

distressed and annoyed. I almost didn't want to say anything anymore.

"I--well, no, but," I licked my lips, also looking down, "I think after all that
rivalry we threw at each other a fair glance would've been nice?"
Sebastian finally looked up at my last suggestion, only his eyes reacting.

"A fair glance?" Sebastian asked, "A fair glance?" He asked again.

I just stared, examining, "You're upset, Sebastian."

I knew the signs of Sebastian Sallow now. He never really measured his
words when his feelings took over. I seen that happen over time within
battles, but now they were detectable.

"I am. And I want to be alone." Sebastian agreed, preparing to walk again.

Now he was pissing me off.

"No," I scoffed, walking further and finally reaching behind him, "Stop!"

Sebastian wasn't stopping. He was just mad and kept walking.

By now we were in a random lower hall, and only the sounds of the iron
statues cling over us.

"What's your problem, Sebastian? Seriously?" I let out, walking, "You were
just teasing words at me and now you can't even say a full sentence."

"Speak for yourself, Y/n." Sebastian argued.

"Speak for myself," I wondered, "What are you talking about? A-Are you
talking about my teasing?" I questioned.
I don't think I did anything wrong. If anything, I followed Sebastian
Sallow's main point on manipulation. It really all came from him.

Sebastian stood quiet, still walking.

I scoffed, "That's foul. You're upset that I did something you would've done
yourself? Is that it?" I picked on him.

"I wouldn't go that far over a bloody snitch." Sebastian finally turned
around at me.

I looked up, Sebastian's brows in a frown as he tried to speak in a low

manner, but his voice was loud.

"I just a tricking tactic of yours to get the snitch!" I let out.

"Yeah, by what, Y/n?" Sebastian rose his arms, "Making me believe that for
once, you were actually ready to let out our hidden real feelings to the
world?" He frowned.

I stood quietly at the moment.

I did want to show off my feelings for Sebastian Sallow. There were so
many times I wanted to just grab him and kiss him in front of everyone.
Hold his hand or grab his cheeks; ruffle his brown hairs — even shout his
name in a game.
"You see in my manipulation tactic, I would've actually kissed you and then
grabbed the snitch." Sebastian fixed.

I closed my eyes, feeling a pang of guilt, "Sebastian—hey, you can't just

walk away." I noticed his steps.

After his ignorance, I gave up. I did what I had to do to get some form of
Sebastian Sallow's attention.

I ran and jumped on his back. Yes, on his back, almost like a piggyback, but
in a less embarrassing manner. Enough to get his attention.

"Agh—Y/n..." Sebastian looked up, forcing himself to carry me from the

chaotic movements.

"No, we need to talk,"

Sebastian fought, finally taking hold of my movements and throwing me

against the nearest wall, pulling both of my arms above me, locking them so
I won't move.

I breathed heavily, watching the angry man just stare.

"What is your problem?" Sebastian let out.

"My problem?" I repeated, "What is your problem, Sallow! You're angry."

Sebastian kept frowning.

"Look at your face—"

"Y/n, I spent all fucking week watching Atticus Sweeting be near you,
hearing Garreth Weasley not leave you alone, fighting the urge to hold back
my feelings, and now, losing my bloody game over your scheme that you
been putting all week that I fell for?" Sebastian breathed to me.

I just stared at Sebastian Sallow exposing all his feeling to me in one go,
feeling muted and speechless.

"And you just want me to, what did you say, give you a fair glance? Is that
it, Y/n." Sebastian scoffed.

I swallowed, pretending like seeing Sebastian angry over jealousy wasn't

distracting my inner consciousness. The part of my brain where I felt

"Tell me, Y/n!" Sebastian almost shouted.

I swallowed, distracted by the way his mouth moved, and gave out a guilty

"I'm sorry for making you lose your game, Sebastian." I let out.

Sebastian looked to his side, "Game? I don't even care about the game,
I blinked, "I'm sorry for tricking you. I should've kissed you."

Sebastian kept his stare at me, his eyes in such a cold view before I slowly
began to witness them soften and glow back into brown as he parted his

"It's okay, Sebastian, you can kiss me." I whispered, noticing the fight
within himself.

Sebastian finally released his grip from my arms above me, taking a step
back and shaking his head.

"You're extremely difficult to be mad at, Y/n." Sebastian laughed, almost

annoyed with himself.

"I don't see why you should be mad in the first—"

"Do I need to show you why? Did you not just hear me mention all the hell
torment you've become the past week, Y/n?" Sebastian pointed at me.

"Well, my bad, Sallow! I can say the same with your stupid teases and
glances and, ugh, you know what you were doing." I rolled my eyes.

I was annoyed too now. I can feel my brows frowning at the Slytherin while
my arms naturally crossed from the emotions I grew at the talk.

When I saw that Sebastian wasn't saying anything back, I turned my body,
beginning to walk in the opposite direction, back toward the Central Hall.
"Where do you think you're going?" Sebastian let out behind.

I avoided turning, "You mentioned something about wanting to be alone,

Sebastian. I am respecting your words." I waved.

Sebastian let out a scoff, "Oh, no, no, sweetheart, you are not going

My tracks already wanted to stop at the nickname and even when I froze in
that second, Sebastian turned me around towards him.

"What are you—"

Sebastian cupped my face, plastering me with an intense kiss, and pulling


"The game isn't over, Y/n."

I didn't respond; the tension between Sebastian and I never left. Our bodies
were just glued to each other in the random hallway in the castle, forgetting
about our surroundings at the moment.

Sebastian was aggressive pushing me back against that wall, continuously

kissing me while his hands tugged all over my uniform, not keeping them

I didn't stop it. I couldn't. Well, we couldn't. There was so much that led up
to this specific moment, I knew that no matter who lost or won, it will
somehow leave unfinished business.

We moved against those walls, kissing each other like it was our last time
while the physical touch between us heated more and more.

There was a moment when I noticed Sebastian was moving our bodies
toward the nearest door in a random room.

Sebastian's hands release me, going behind my waist and attempting to

open the door behind us, but the doorknob wouldn't twist.

"Is it locked—"

"Shh," Sebastian whispered, taking his wand from his side and looking
down at the door behind us, "Alohomora."

The door clicked open, and Sebastian didn't hesitate to look around the halls
before pushing ourselves into that random room and shutting the door.

It was a room that belong to a faculty member on their stay in Hogwarts. A

small office was to the side while a comfy bed was in the middle. And many
paintings of moving cats surrounded us.

I breathed, "W-Who's room is—"

"Madam Scribner's," Sebastian noticed, looking around and familiarizing

with the librarian's weird book collection, "Merlin,"
I just kept breathing, a bit speechless about how we just stumbled in here.

"Good thing, the librarian doesn't come back from her shift until the
morning. She lives in that damn library monitoring students." Sebastian

Oh, he was hilarious.

Sebastian and I stared at each other inside that book-scented room and
lusted over one another until one of us broke the tension again.

Sebastian clashed with me first, continuing the kiss from the hallway, but in
a deeper way, pulling my body upward. His hands threw down all the books
the librarian had over her desk and sat me down on it.

My sitting gave him access to explore my lower legs, burying his mouth
onto the neck while pushing himself in between my legs.

"You really thought you will get away from everything you've done this
week?" Sebastian whispered in between the kisses, "That it was just going
to be an easy win for you?"

I panted at his words and touch, closing my eyes while Sebastian continued.

"Answer me, Y/n," Sebastian tugged.

"N-No, Sebastian, it wasn't an easy win," I breathed, "You're really

Sebastian took a pause, pointing at the door and whispering a locking charm
to it, along with a few other safety ones.

I didn't say anything, well, I couldn't really because Sebastian lifted me

from that desk onto the made brown-colored bed inside that room.

I just watched as Sebastian Sallow slid off his upper quidditch uniform,
exposing himself right in front of me without hesitation just leaving him
with pants.

He bent down afterward, both of his large hands resting on each side of my
legs while his eyes looked up in a wanting need.

"May I?" Sebastian whispered.

He was hard to resist. I just wanted to shout yes to him on everything.

Allow him to do anything. Just let him do whatever he wanted.

"Yes, Sebastian, yes," I said, almost pleading.

Sebastian paused at the moment, and I almost felt embarrassed that he

might've noticed my beg, but instead, he focused on the name calling.

"I love when you say my name." He breathed, his fingers gently removing
the uniform from me.

My throat moved a lot, watching those fingers stroke around the bare skin
of my legs on the side of that bed.
Even as Sebastian went on a slow pace at just touching my skin, I was
melting inside already.

I gasped when Sebastian's lips came in contact with my leg, pressing his
softened lips against my knees, proceeding their way up to my inner thighs.

His stare never left me, making me go into an insane panic expression. How
do you even react to something so pleasurable—yet, he was just starting?

"Perhaps, it was worth the lost," Sebastian said in a low tone, admiring my
lower body, "All worth it."

As he explored, I became desperate. I should've been tired from that intense

game, but for some reason, my adrenaline was really high, I had so much

I removed the layers of clothing, my shirt sliding off over my head, taking a
breath from the multitasking movements as Sebastian watched.

Sebastian stood up when I was near the last layer of my tank top, his hand
stopping me while he stared down. His body now in front of me, my eyes
staring at his bare torso.


I watched his finger carefully reach in between my chest, tugging down the
tank top in a funny way, almost admiring my breast from the thin material.
Sebastian smirked, "My winner,"

I closed my eyes, not wanting to blush at his comment, but while reopening
them, Sebastian leaned forward at me, a hand resting on the side of the bed
flatly while the other took hold of my hairs.

We kissed each other aggressively on that bed, Sebastian's body rolling on

me, only his pants blocking the way of our pleasure.

Not resisting the urge, Sebastian finally lowered a hand, removing his last
pieces of uniform while still kissing me, breathing heavily at every touch.

I gasped a little, feeling goosebumps from feeling him rub over my exposed
skin, but he didn't move without permission just yet.

"Permission, now," Sebastian said desperately, not holding it in anymore,

but wanting consent.

"Yes, yes, Sebas—"

Sebastian entered rapidly, not even letting me finish my words while the
pleasurable feel made me gasp loudly as he lost himself inside of my body.

My body vibrated at the new sense of his rate, but I managed knowing he
was desperate himself too.

I tugged Sebastian's hairs, closing my eyes and taking in every breath while
he bury himself in me, enjoying every second on that bed.
"You see," Sebastian whispered near my ear, slowing his pace, "At the end
of the day, I'm the one that gets to have you."

My eyes were closed, listening to every single word coming out of his vocal

"So, really, I'm the winner." Sebastian panted, going down to my

collarbones and kissing them.

I didn't want to let him win, but I was enjoying so much pleasure letting
Sebastian just let himself go, I didn't even want to move.

"Oh, Sebastian," I moaned, not holding it in.

"Yes, darling?" Sebastian asked.

"Stop with that," I said in pleasure.

I can feel myself tighten around Sebastian, making him let out a slight
whimper from my pressure and he increased his pace.

"How can I? You just feel, so good, Y/n." Sebastian breathed.

I couldn't even let out words. How did Sebastian Sallow manage to just get
better and better in bed? Why was he so good at it?

His body temperature was very warm against me, causing us to sweat more
than usual; his sweaty hair hung against my forehead as he stood so close to
my face.

"More," I said, noticing Sebastian's hassle of wanting to go in more.

Sebastian stopped the kiss, looking down, "Those are dangerous words,

"It's okay, let it go," I whispered, not caring.

I should've measured my words really, but Sebastian Sallow went in too

deep on me in that bed, I almost forgot who I was at the moment.

Sebastian's Perspective

Y/n was a moaning mess in that room. I didn't know how I was capable of
even lasting this long without losing myself.

I admired how her nose scrunched a little when I hit the right spots, or how
her mouth opened slightly, wanting to hide the vocal pleasure.

"Open up, Y/n, it's just me and you." I encouraged her as if I wasn't
pounding on her.

"Sebastian," Y/n closed her eyes.

"Yes, say my name," I said, enjoying her pleading words.

Y/n's legs wrapped around me tightly, making the moment feel more
intimate in between those bedsheets.

I was being so hard, I almost worried I'll break her small body, but I knew if
I were risking anything, Y/n would let me know.

"All mine?" I asked heavily, feeling her warmth.

Y/n clenched around me, giving off a sign of a reach, "Sebastian..."


"A-All yours," Y/n whimpered, gripping the sheets below us.

"Release, darling," I whispered.

I've never heard Y/n be so open about a finish, but listening to her tone of
voice moan out and her body arching from the feel, made me go insane.

Losing control of myself, I also gripped down those bedsheets below us and
panted heavily, almost whimpering, joining her.

Y/n was almost shaky on the feel and I felt confused for a moment,
realizing that this really happened. It felt like a dream.

I looked down tiredly, watching Y/n fight to keep her eyes open after a such
reckless moment. My fingers removed her sweaty hair from her glowing
face and placed a kiss on her nose.


Y/n eyed me sleepily, "Thanks? For what?"

I smiled, "For still making me feel like a winner tonight."

I hadn't been aware of how long we lay there, but I came back to my senses
with the sound of birds chirping from the small arched windows in the

As my eyes opened, I squinted a little realizing the sun was shining so

bright before hearing the doorknob struggle to open in the small room.

"Alohamora, why is this not working!" The librarian said outside that door.

"Shit," I said to myself, looking down and seeing Y/n peacefully sleep over
my shirtless body.

Did I want to wake her? No. I could stay here forever if I can, but we were
between life and death at this very moment.

The doorknob struggled, making Y/n also take a hint of the disturbing noise
and she abruptly sat up, realizing the background
Y/n gasped, blankets over her naked body, "Oh no, w-what—did we fall

I laughed, "Yes...and, I'm hoping you're an expert in speed because we have

under a minute to not get caught."

Y/n reddened, looking around, struggling to find her clothes while we

panicked about the librarian that was about to walk in.

I gathered all of Y/n's layered clothes knowing she won't have time to
change and threw over my long sleeve jersey at me, again.

"Wear it, quickly," I ordered, "I have your clothes, but we have no time to
change," I whispered, sliding over a t-shirt and pants.

As the door finally unlocked, I took hold of Y/n's wrist and pulled us over
on the side of the room, casting the disillusionment spell while finding
another exit way.

"Shh," I let out, hiding behind a random sofa.

Agnes Scribner gasped at the sight of the undone room and left the door
behind her wide open, giving an easy exit to depart.

"Let's go," I whispered.

Although we were practically invisible, my hand was still clutched over

Y/n's as we now walked over those busy halls, a few students passing us
along our sneaky walk.

"Sebastian, you're fast...my legs are tired." Y/n let out, struggling.

I smirked to myself and finally brought us over to a small space behind the
stairs, a view where nobody can see us un-cast the spell.

Y/n stood there with just my jersey and her sneakers. I needed to hold in my
smile from the sight and cleared my throat, watching a few third years pass
us in a weird stance.

"What time is it?" Y/n looked around.

"It seems like breakfast time...as much as I'll love to put on a show, I don't
think being half-naked with my jersey is the plan. Go back to your common
room." I ordered her.

Y/n nodded, looking around, "Alright."

"I'll follow—"

"What? No...the dungeons are just down the hall. It won't make sense to
walk. I'll take the nearest floo powder. It's okay, Sebastian." Y/n let out.

I nodded, still admiring, "Alright, champion."

Y/n stared at me, giving off a slight smile.

I extended my hands towards Y/n, letting her take hold of her quidditch
uniform I was able
to grab from the room.

"Thanks, Sebastian." Y/n looked down, almost embarrassed.

I laughed, "No, thank you. I'll see you around. I had a wonderful night,

Y/n nodded once again, looking up at me.

Without caring, I bent, kissing her one more time and whispering, "Fair
game." I winked.

Y/n's Perspective

I took the nearest floo powder to the Gryffindor common room. The
location seemed to drop me off down the lower hallway, giving me safe
access to pass.

I've walked around with a Slytherin jersey before, but that was at night, and
I was sneaky. For some reason, walking around in the bright light, ankles
exposed while reaching the stairs was difficult.

"Good, everyone should be at breakfast," I spoke to myself, stepping to the

top floor of the Gryffindor tower and seeing the hall empty.
I speed-walked toward the Fat Lady portrait, almost letting out a breath of
relief that I actually made it.


I breathed, "Wattlebird."

The Fat Lady just stared up and down at my attire, but looked away in an
attitude and opened the portrait.

I thought I was safe, I really was.

I watched slowly as Natty, Cressida, Garreth, and the rest of the Gryffindor
sixth years prepared to exit out the portrait for breakfast, stopping at my

And I stood there, exposed, with the Slytherin jersey that had the number 1
in bold letters that said, Captain.


almost 6k works phewww, this was fun to write, but at least they are
finally slightly public woo hoooooooooooooooo

for those who still haven't played hogwarts legacy, how does it feel
reading this book? i'm so curious hahaha 😭😭😭

💚 thanks for the love and support, your comments almost make me
smile and laugh hard as fuck 😭😭😂😂😂
forty - part one


"So, when's the wedding?"

"Is this why you two switched seats all of a sudden? Why didn't we connect
the dots Prewett?"

"Is that why Sallow gave her the snitch on the game?"

"Sebastian is full-on team Gryffindor now. All thanks to Y/n."

I closed my eyes, letting out a stressful groan inside Charms class that
Monday morning.

I was lucky it was the weekend when the news of me and Sebastian spread
because I had the excuse to not show my face anywhere, but I couldn't
avoid my education.

Me and Sebastian didn't really meet up at all, not even in the Undercroft the
last two days. The word spread quickly, so peaking through the halls
together was still fresh for everyone.
By everyone, I meant Garreth Weasley.

Sebastian hadn't entered class yet, as usual, he was late, but even I just
being there, the babbling of the boys behind me never stopped.

"I heard about what happened. I apologize for Garreth's behavior." Poppy
appeared, sitting down beside me.

I sighed, nodding, "It's alright, Poppy. I should've had it coming."

"I am glad I was one of the few to know first, though. It was a wonderful
secret while it lasted." Poppy smiled.

I smiled.

I wasn't going to sit here and act like I didn't enjoy this. How the entire
school is finding out that Sebastian and I are together, and not the friendly
kind. It felt distracting.

Ominis entered first, his wand glowing as he passed in front of me before

taking a seat on my right, only Sebastian's space in between.

"Y/n," Ominis greeted.

I was wondering what went on in the Slytherin house, but the least I wanted
to do right now is say a word.
"Good morning, Ominis—"

"I wonder if Gaunt knew about this." Garreth spoke out.

I closed my eyes, sighing at the annoyance of the boys' ongoing babbling.

"Do not involve me in whatever plans you have, Weasley. Knew about what
exactly?" Ominis asked.

"Didn't you hear?" Leander leaned in closer to the blonde boy, "Hogwarts
has its own Romeo and Juliet."

Sebastian entered class that very moment, his tie undone like always as he
let out a faint yawn, almost oblivious to what was about to come.

My stomach was already turning at his sight, my hands sweating and I took
a breath within myself. That even though I'd spent a night with that man, I
still felt butterflies at his attraction. It never went away.

"O, Romeo, Romeo," Garreth hummed as Sebastian walked near,

"Wherefore art thou, Romeo?"

Sebastian casually walked through the seat, getting near and plopping
himself, smirking at the remarks.

I wanted to question his smirk toward the redheads, but I knew within
Sebastian, it felt like gold that the boys he was once jealous of now knew
about our truth.
"Deny thy father and refuse thy name," Sebastian said along.

My eyes which were once staring blankly at my books under me rose up at

Sebastian's quote, my internal body feeling fluttered by the fact that he
knew the lines.

I skimmed Sebastian Sallow's library at Feldcroft back in December. I did

mention a few romance books casually sitting there, but I must've thought
they were Anne's.

Poppy shuffled beside me, her eyes glowing at the mention of romance
quotes, and turned.

"I am interested how you boys know so many excerpts about the book
itself?!" She gasped.

Garreth chuckled behind me, "Well, Poppy, you and I take Muggle Studies.
Apparently, muggles really adore that romance. We read it. What's your
excuse, Sallow? You sure aren't taking Muggle Studies."

I was intrigued by what Sebastian would say.

"He just wanted to study some lines to win over, Y/n, Garreth, duh."
Leander spoke again.

A few students from the class laughed at the stupid remarks and I redden.

I've handled many stuff and I was getting adjusted to being the spotlight,
but in a situation like this, I wanted to hide away.
"I'm never going to hear the end of this." Ominis let out a loud sigh

I stood low, not knowing what to do. I knew any interaction with Sebastian
right now would be monitored by everyone.

Sebastian and I didn't exchange words the entire class. We did it on purpose
by distracting ourselves and talking with Poppy and Ominis.

Our first encounter wasn't until we exited that classroom. I walked out with
Nellie knowing we both had Divination next while he walked with Ominis.

"Y/n, may I speak with you?" Sebastian's voice echoed behind us,
separating from Ominis.

The heart rate inside of me was pumping loud. If someone were to monitor
me, that machine would've broken by now.

"Oh, here comes your Romeo." Nellie let out, following along with
Garreth's joke for the school.

I grunted at her, "Merlin, don't add more to their plate. It's full enough,

"Oh, please. Romance makes me vomit, but this is fun." Nellie winked,
stepping aside and leaving the other way on purpose.
Sebastian replaced her stand right away, both of us taking a pause before
reaching the staircase and standing aside for privacy.

I stood there, gripping my books tighter than usual from the nerves as
Sebastian stood in front of me. I couldn't even look at him. I was suddenly

"You surprised me, Y/n," Sebastian let out, almost in a laugh, "That one
caught me off guard, I'll give you that."

I closed my eyes, reliving Saturday morning over and over again in my

head on what he heard about.

"It wasn't on purpose." I bit my lip, still embarrassed.

"Oh, I know. I've expected you didn't want them to know at all anytime
soon." Sebastian said in honesty.

My eyes rose, furrowing my brows, "Whoa, wait, you're wrong. I mean, no,
yes, not in that way, but..."


I stared as his beautiful eyes looked at me, mesmerized. I wanted to melt

now. It was like now that we were known to be together, it was more
affectionate. No more hidden feelings or interactions.

"I have no regrets, Sebastian." I gulped.

Sebastian stared but grew a smile, his perfect white teeth just gleaming. I
haven't really seen a smile like that in a while, so I knew he was really okay
with this.

"Good. I haven't been this talked about at Hogwarts in a while. Especially

the rumor that the game was rigged because we're together and I let you
catch the snitch." Sebastian wondered.

"That's a false rumor," I tilted my head, "You just suck at catching it first."

Sebastian closed his eyes, laughing to himself lightly and nodding.

"Right, well, it's one of loads. Apparently, we spent all summer together and
the silent treatment at the beginning of the school year was just an act
between us for fun." Sebastian mentioned.

It was bizarre to think how many rumors were being created by one scene. I
didn't even know Hogwarts was so immune to gossip just like magic.

"Oh," I laughed in hurt, "That would've been a nice truth." I looked down,
reminiscing the realities of our summers.

I didn't mean to ruin the moment, especially when we knew what really
happened that summer after the fifth year, but it was still a hopeful thought
that I'll see him.

"Hey," I felt Sebastian's finger lift up my chin.

I came back to eye contact, his eyes just staring in guilt.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise," Sebastian said softly, "Plus, the tension
was worth it, because now," he stepped closer to me as the students passed
us watching, "I can do this, freely."

Sebastian cupped my cheeks with his fingers, squishing them as if I were a

baby, and placed a kiss on my nose playfully.

A few Ravenclaw students passed us at the moment, whistling at the

physical touch as they teased going up the stairs.

Sebastian pulled away, his mouth leaning towards my ear as he stared at the
students above us, "And, we can pull this act of being so embarrassingly
angelic with these gestures, they'll never know we're sinning inside these
ancient school grounds." He whispered.

I flushed at his unexpected use of words, clearing my throat and keeping

my smile.

I still held my books in place, pretending like Sebastian Sallow's language

of love wasn't making me feel jittery right in that spot as he stepped back. I
was already stuck on the way he gave a quote from Romeo and Juliet.

"I'll see you later, Y/n." Sebastian glared, knowing we had to depart ways
for our next class.

I watched the handsome man walk away from me, still dumbstruck from
what just happened, and waited for my heart rate to decrease.
Sebastian's Perspective

"You seem to take in the news more quieter than usual." Ominis let out
during Ancient Runes class.

I stopped reading the Beast-themed numeral runes and turned to my friend,

"What are you speaking of exactly?"

"You know what I am referring to Sebastian, don't act unknown." Ominis

rose a brow.

I kept my head buried in the runes textbook and sighed, "I just don't know
what to do next, Ominis."

"Extend your words,"

I closed the book, "I don't know how to...you know, be a boyfriend." I
murmured my last word, hoping he didn't catch it.

"A what?"

"A boyfriend," I babbled.

"Can you speak clearly for once, Sebastian?"

I frowned, "I repeat, I don't know how to be a boyfriend, Ominis. It's nerve-
wracking. I have never done this before."

"Adelaide is suddenly non-existent for the—"

"I don't even count her at this point. Especially, after everything she's done."
My eyes rose, eyeing the Hufflepuff girl that also took this class.

I'm glad Y/n held a superior power naturally. Adelaide never bothered again
after what happened and Y/n didn't even have to say anything.

"Well, I'm the last person to speak on that," Ominis let out, "And, I must
say, I wasn't aware you two were dating already."

I blinked at his statement.

Y/n and I never really came to an agreement about dating. It just happened.
Did I ever think I would actually date Y/n? No. Sadly, I was stuck in this
mindset that she was out of my league. I've preferred to be delusional about
it all fifth year.

"You never asked her, you just slept with her," Ominis realized, "Typical

"Can you keep quiet, Ominis?" I frowned at his words, reddening, "And, n-
no. Things just moved unplanned."

"Yeah, like hearing the rumor of her wearing your quidditch jersey!"
Ominis reminded, "I never thought of Y/n ever committing something so
controversial. Somehow at the end of the day, I blame it on you."

I scoffed at him, "Me?!"

"It's always you Sebastian," Ominis said bitterly.

I rested on my seat, "Perhaps, Anne would've been true help now." I sighed,

It wasn't often I mentioned my sister out of the blue. I avoided it. It still felt
like a sensitive topic until this day, but I needed her back. I always did. She
was my twin sister.

Ominis stood quietly beside me, taking in the mention of my sister, and
grew a smile to himself.

"I spent loads of time with Anne when you were in detention," Ominis kept
his smile, "Always spoke about how much of a trouble you were."

I smiled back, reminiscing.

"I knew her enough by now, I'm sure Anne would tell you to stop being a
bloody weakling and ask her out, I suppose." Ominis let out.

I nodded.

I knew Ominis and Anne held a tight friendship. Every visit, owl exchange,
even when things turned over, they still exchanged until Anne stopped

I sometimes wanted to peak over him and admit that I will find my sister
after the school year ends. That was the plan as Y/n encouraged, but I
couldn't. Ominis would lose his mind and stop us both — but even now, I
didn't even know if I wanted to put Y/n at that risk either. It was a thought I
was avoiding.

Snapping back into reality, I adjusted my posture and smiled.

"You're right, Ominis."

Y/n's Perspective

"How have you felt lately, Y/n? You haven't visited often anymore, I see."
Nurse Blainey asked that Thursday.

I swallowed, looking down and giving off a small smile at my progress.

"I've been well actually..." I admitted, "I don't think I've witnessed a
reoccurring nightmare in a while. They do occasionally appear, but, not
often." I nodded.

I wasn't open about my bad sleeping habits anymore. Summer was brutal
and I don't think I slept peacefully until recently.

"I suppose the distraction of N.E.W.Ts studies, friendships, and academic

work, it has caused a shift in your brain. That's positive." She smiled.
I nodded realizing she was right.

"It is, Madam Blainey..." I said, "Thank you for your help. I don't think I
would've started the sixth year on good terms without the help of you and
the professors." I gave a smile.

As we exchanged smiles, I spotted a peak of brown hairs from the arch

entrance of the Hospital Wing, making it noticeable that he was there.

"Of course! Remember, in case you feel slightly off with your magic,
please, come immediately. The ministry does want to keep track of your
stats." The nurse spoke.

I blinked, remembering the dangerous power I've held within in, but kept
my smile.

"Alright." I waved.

"You suck at being sneaky, Sallow." I let out the moment I walked out of
the Hospital Wing.

I felt Sebastian's arm go over my shoulders in a very casual way as we

walked towards the corridors of the Clock Tower.

"Figured I'll find you here." Sebastian smiled.

I walked along, my head spinning as if having his physical touch all over
me in those castle halls was completely normal.

"How did you?" I rose a brow.

"Hm, you weren't the only one paying visits to Nurse Blainey, you know?"
He reminded.

I did know. I was aware once about Sebastian Sallow also dealing with lots
of heavy feelings due to the traumatic events last year. We never really
discussed it between ourselves, but it was nice to have each other at the

"Right," I looked down as we went down the spiral stairs, "How are you
feeling now?" I asked.

I took the courage to look up at the freckled man and witness him just stare
ahead, almost hesitating on his answer.

"I'm sorry," I said, noticing the unusual silence of his response.

His eyes looked over to me in concern, "Pardon? Don't be. Honestly, I've
quite progressed. They never leave, but distractions are nice."

I nodded.

"Anyways," Sebastian cleared his throat, "I suppose you're up for a

Thursday night stroll?"
I wanted to pause my walking and ask Sebastian what he meant, but I just
followed along.

"Stroll," I repeated.

"Correct. Unless, of course, your book is busy already. Then I shall—"

"Sebastian, you're saying that as if I didn't spend all fifth year going on
reckless ventures with you." I smiled at the reminder of the fifth year.

Sebastian chuckled, nodding, "Ah, going down memory lane now? Well,
you're right on track."

"Am I?" I said, still not measuring the way we were going.

"Yes, because you and I are going to Hogsmeade like old times." Sebastian

I giggled, "Old times? We only went together once and that's because you
needed to accompany me for my school supplies."

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Don't crumble the moment, Y/n. I shall make up
for it. It's only the first of many." He said down at me.

There was just something so distracting about his hazel eyes that gave off
this intense, but comfort and care in them. They were hard to let go of.
"Yes?" Sebastian asked, tilting his head to the side and squinting, hoping for
a good approval.

I held in my blush, nodding with a wide smile to the handsome man, "Of
course, Sebastian."

"Perfect. Hopefully, we don't run into a troll this time?" Sebastian joked as
we both walked out of the entrance hall.


just enjoying them be all cute and happy before things get dark and go
down hell 😍

might upload another chapter tonight? thanks for your patience!

forty - part two


Fifth Year

Sebastian Sallow stood restlessly on that library table. His fingers

repeatedly flicked his quill back and forth, doing everything, but actually

"Mister Sallow, I have all day available. I don't mind." Madam Scribner
looked from her glasses, eyeing the annoyingly, stubborn fifth-year boy.

Sebastian's eyes side-eyed the librarian, a smile growing on his face while
he shrugged.

"It's alright, Madam Scribner, from all the detention I've gotten, you must
give up at some point." He let out, still playing with the quill.

"Do not test my limits, young boy. This is not a pleasant game to be playing

The library door opened that morning, making the two heads inside that
library turn knowing most students were at breakfast.
Professor Weasley entered, almost in a careful matter as she peaked her
head and kept her eye on the troubled Slytherin boy sitting on the wooden

"Pardon the interruption, Madam," Professor Weasley excused, looking

over to the librarian before turning back to Sebastian.

"No apologies, Professor Weasley." Agnes Scribner let out, forcing out a
faint smile.

Professor Weasley nodded, "I believe you might have to excuse Mister
Sallow for today," she pointed at him, "He's in need of a task that should not
be ignored."

Sebastian Sallow stopped flicking his quill for once and adjusted his posture
at the call, a smile growing knowing he's been excused.

The librarian didn't buy it at first. Sebastian Sallow was a tricky student. He
was always successful and excused himself from detention in one way or

"Sebastian Sallow tends to enchant his way out of detentions, Professor


"Indeed, I'm aware, but this is a mandatory assignment from me. I can
assure you."

"Assignment?" Sebastian said to himself, almost confused about what

excused was so good he needed to leave detention.
"Yes, Mister Sallow," Professor Weasley kept her hands together as she
spoke, "You are aware of the new fifth year, Y/n Y/l/n."

Sebastian Sallow swallowed, almost hoping neither teacher noticed the

tinted pink shade that came off his freckled face at the mention of the new

"Of course. Who wouldn't? Not everybody enters Hogwarts in their fifth
year." Sebastian laughed.

"Correct, which means a student like Y/n is in need of many supplies and a
wand from Hogsmeade." Professor Weasley let out.

Sebastian was already preparing himself for the outcome of the

conversation. He didn't want to overly excite himself at the offer coming up
or have too much hope, but he waited.

"Given that the new student has not left the school grounds since her
arrival, Y/n has chosen you to accompany her to Hogsmeade." She said.

Sebastian rose up, "Me? She chose me?"

Professor Weasley almost sighed, "Yes, Mister Sallow, she did."

Sebastian was confused at first, but immediately shifted to delight. He was

curious about Y/n since the duel and he slept wondering how to approach
her again, yet, today was his lucky day.
Sebastian grew a smile. "I shall gladly accompany the new fifth year on her
first time at Hogsmeade." I bowed.


Y/n's Perspective

"You know," Sebastian let out as we walked down those gloomy, breezy,
school grounds that night.

I looked to my side, Sebastian's hands inside his pockets, as he looked

down at the rocky floor and smiled.

"When Professor Weasley approached me fifth year, during my thousand

detention...she told me you've chosen me to take you to Hogsmeade."
Sebastian informed.

I can feel an immediate rush of heat travel to my cheeks at his confession.

I trusted my gut in letting him be my guide for Hogsmeade. Did I feel like
I'd betrayed Natty for not choosing her? Slightly, but Natty and I were
roommates. Sebastian still seemed like someone to get to know.

"You weren't just in dying need of supplies," Sebastian smirked, "You were
also in dying need of getting to know me, eh?" He elbowed me.

As we entered the valley, I can feel myself let out a laugh at Sebastian's
"Huh?" I scoffed in sarcasm, "Yeah, alright, Sebastian." I rolled my eyes.

"Ah, come on. You had so many options to choose from. I'm dying to know
your reasoning for it." Sebastian wondered.

I looked over to my side, the mature, attractive, freckled man beside me

giving a smirk as he looked back at me and waited for an answer.

"You just seemed very approachable and friendly, Sebastian," I smiled.

Sebastian nodded, approving.

"And, I needed to remind the former duelist of the school that he was no
longer the best duelist out there." I added in.

Sebastian scoffed at my words, but smiled widely, "Ah, I somehow knew

you were going to get me with that answer."

"Truth hurts, Sallow." I smiled down, blushing.

Blushing? I didn't understand why it became a repetitive thing now. I was

supposed to be blushing when he was just my crush, but now I found
myself blushing more when we were together.

"Sallow," Sebastian mocked me, "I really enjoy your use of words with my
name. I noticed you go for Sallow when you want to feel more

I kept my mouth shut knowing he was right. If he hadn't mentioned that, I

would've said something else with his last name, so I stood quietly in the

"Hm, interesting." Sebastian took notice.

"What's interesting, Sa—" I cut my own words, realizing my natural way of

words, and cleared my throat, hoping he didn't catch my lack.

Sebastian stopped in his tracks at the moment, making me also stop for
confusion as he looked at me.

"Yes?" I asked.

Sebastian stepped aside, taking a hand off his right pocket and pointing at
the glowing bushes behind him.

The bushes filled with Lacewing flies glowed in front of us. I didn't know
whether to laugh or roll my eyes, or just ignore what was about to come out
of Sebastian's mouth.

"What? You no longer make stops to gather every ingredient at our sight?"
Sebastian rose his brows in surprise.

"You're not funny, Sebastian," I crossed my arms at him, "And for your
information, those Lacewing flies saved us from a lot of trouble, by the

Before he can say anything, I passed the bushes and confidently continued
my walk to Hogsmeade.

I can hear Sebastian's deep laugh from behind me as he chased along.

"That was a good one--hey, don't leave me, I'm your guide." Sebastian
joked, catching up.

I giggled, "Guide? I might know the world map more than you by now,

"Oh, good evening there," Sirona Ryan spoke out in surprise at me and
Sebatian's arrival, "I haven't seen you two together in a while." She smiled.

"I can say the same." Sebastian looked down at me.

I just gave off a smile, "Right."

"Make yourself at home, butterbeer on me," Sirona offered, "I get a sense of
history repeating itself at your arrivals, so you can enjoy a butterbeer for a
slow night." She nodded, lifting two tin cups.

"Thank you, Sirona, we appreciate your kindness." I nodded.

Sebastian looked around, "Choose your seating, unless you want to explore
the floors upstairs—"
"No." I said firmly, getting some sort of memory from spotting Sebastian
Sallow with Adelaide Oakes on the second floor of that rustic tavern.

Sebastian turned, almost questioning my question.

"I-I mean, I suppose since it's empty, we should just stick near the
fireplace? It's quite cold out there." I pursed my lips.

"I'll love that." Sebastian led on, not concerned over anything.

I watched Sebastian Sallow just manspread in that small wooden chair, his
large hands cupping that butterbeer like nothing while he just rested so
attractively and minded his business.

He did absolutely nothing and yet, I was nervous.

"Yes?" Sebastian noticed my stare.

Shit, was I that obvious?

I adjusted my posture, keeping my stare at the cup while I shrugged,


Sebastian let out a 'hm', but continued the talk.

"You know what I noticed?"

"What did you notice?" I looked up, lifting my hand and resting my chin on
it, acting like I wasn't admiring him.

"How we never truly had a proper conversation inside The Three

Broomsticks," Sebastian wondered, "We were somehow interrupted."

I got a glimpse of the memory he referred to, where Victor Rockwood

entered almost threatening me before Sirona and Sebastian stood aside for
my aid.

"I know," I sighed, not even wanting to mention Rockwood's name due to
the history.

"But now," Sebastian lifted from his seat, ignoring the memory and moved
his head closer towards me, giving a perfect view of his face, "Now, we
have all the time in the world."

My eyes traveled from his lips to his eyes, my throat almost closing, feeling
my breath a bit heavy from the movements.

"That's very intimidating of you, Sebastian." I looked around, hoping

nobody was seeing me flush from the Slytherin.

"It's quite enjoyable, Y/n," Sebastian whispered before sitting back, "How
are you?"

I rose a brow, "How am I? Uh, I-I'm good."

"No, no," Sebastian shook his head, "I know you're good. Really good at
everything, I may say, but I meant, how are you? I know it's been a rough
year, so I want to know how are you now." He corrected.

I was a little taken aback by his words. Not in a bad way, but I don't think
we ever found ourselves in a very deep conversation. I mean, we have, but
not in a while.

"Oh," I swallowed, looking down again, "Well..."

I thought to myself. How the last year was quite brutal, but so was his, so
flaunting about it wasn't the best take. All I knew was that I'd gotten better
since being with Sebastian Sallow. It was the truth.

I bit the inside of my cheeks, holding in my nerves, and grew confident.

"It was a bit, uh, disturbing, but I've progressed along the way, you know? I
believe the school year has taken its bumpy road." I answered.

Sebastian stared. He stared with so much comfort and care, I could've gone
all night speaking to him without any judgment.

"Is it still bumpy?" Sebastian asked.

I looked down, smiling, "I assume, but I say that in a positive form," I
laughed, "It's gotten a lot better, Sebastian." I looked up again.

I didn't have to say he was the reason. Sebastian was just very readable with
people, so I gave him enough code language for him to understand that he
was the reason it's gotten better.

Sebastian licked his pink lips, tasting the butterbeer before nodding, "I'm
glad you're better.

I agreed, putting both of my hands around the cup while feeling the heat of
the fireplace beside us.

"How are you, Sebastian?" I looked up, almost nervous to even ask
knowing he's probably had it rougher.

He first let out a sigh, almost laughing to himself on how to manage an

answer, but gave back a smile.

"I couldn't be better."

"I need more than that." I warned him, eager for more words.

Sebastian grinned, "Hm, well, it's been a turn of events. If I were honest, I
didn't expect to be here around this time. Nor at Hogwarts. So, really, it's
also been bumpy for me. In a good way." He assured.

"I'm sorry about that." I said, putting my lips together.

"No apologies. As I said, in a good way." Sebastian assured.

I nodded, understanding.
"Everything has its reasoning though," Sebastian continued, "If I would've
never left Hogwarts, I would've never found you at Feldcroft."

I can feel the pulse in the middle of my chest begin to beat faster and faster
at the memory mentioned.

"Wouldn't be in Hogwarts at all if it weren't for you, really." Sebastian


I closed my eyes, not used to the gratitude being given by someone. I've
always been used to doing everybody favors and them just charitable giving
a faint thanks, but nobody has really given me a real appreciation in a

"Don't say that, I'm sure you would've found your way back." I fixed.

"Perhaps, but not in the way we did." Sebastian chuckled, "It was worth it."

I flushed at the memorable event. How such a trip to Feldcroft can cause so
much change. How it can shift an entire relationship in one go.

"Speaking of Feldcroft," I spoke out, remembering exploring the small,

cozy cottage home, "Your library."

Sebastian looked up, nodding, "My library," he repeated.

"Y-You read a variety of genres." I said, stuttering knowing I didn't want to

seem like I looked at every detail of that home.
Sebastian smiled, "I do actually. My parents were professors, so it's nothing
out of the ordinary." He informed.

I smiled at his statement, "You mentioned an excerpt from a romance novel

the other day and—"

"Romeo and Juliet." Sebastian finished off for me.

I took a breath, "Yes...I figured Anne must've—"

"Anne?" Sebastian rose his brow at the mention of his sister.

I immediately felt off, thinking I must've mentioned her out of the blue
without thinking of his reaction.

"Sorry, I should've not said—"

"Oh no, I'm not furrowing over my sister, Y/n," Sebastian beamed, "I'm just
quite offended that you think I'm not a romantic type."

My lips parted at his words. He seemed to say them so normal and

straightforward. I almost worried about what I would feel if another
Hogwarts girl heard this truth.

"You're kidding," I said, not believing it, "You? Sebastian Sallow?"

"Me? Sebastian Sallow?" Sebastian mimicked me, "You'll be surprised at

the things I know, Y/n."
I knew he was referring to books, but I felt alarmed at his use of words at
the moment.

"Romeo and Juliet was quite a tragic ending, I may say, but I believe I
would've done the same," Sebastian thought, "One of my least favorites."

"Favorites?" I said, almost gasping to myself.

"You heard me right, Y/n," Sebastian nodded, "Jane Austen seemed to also
have some interesting writing before passing away a few decades ago."

I just sat there, not knowing what to say at the moment. It was just rare at
the time to see a man like Sebastian Sallow bury himself in the genre of

"Ah, speechless? I spent an awful lot of time with Scriber in that bloody
library. I needed to entertain my reading tactics with something." Sebastian
laughed to himself.

I have fallen for him. I never fell so hard for a man like Sebastian Sallow. I
almost thought I've let out my stand of being so "brave", but I think I've
gotten struck by my feelings of desire, love, and happiness.

No, wait, what am I doing? No, stop it, Y/n.

"Any top favorites you'll like to share with the class?" I joked.
Sebastian brainstormed in that chair, "Erm, I suppose yeah, I can share to
the class," he eyed me knowing it was just me, "Anne handed me over
Pride and Prejudice, but I didn't get to finish it." He looked down.

I nodded, "Did she like reading too?" I referred to Anne.

Sebastian sighed, but answered lightly, "More than me, I think. She was
really into all these muggle books, sometimes, she would babble non-stop
about them, I will get curious and read them myself out loud to make fun of
her." He smiled

I laughed at the cute sibling gesture, "Out loud?"

"Yeah, since I have an amazing narrating voice." He spoke in sarcasm.

It wasn't sarcasm to me. I was already falling so hard, I was imagining

Sebastian Sallow reading a novel. His voice was great and just hearing him
say a certain line from a romance book caught me.

"You actually do." I corrected him.

Sebastian looked forward, "You think so?"

"I know so." I jested.

Sebastian just stared at me, "I have something to tell you, Y/n." He looked
Sebastian's Perspective

"You're open to saying anything at any time, Sebastian." Y/n encouraged.

I looked down, my fingers feeling slightly sweaty from the upcoming


How was I supposed to just sit there and tell her the truth while she looked
at me so beautifully? It was a crime.

"I believe, you and I have—"

"Those poachers took my Biscuit again! There has to be a no poacher

allowed zone in Hogsmeade, Sirona!" A struggling voice complained from
the bar stool.

Y/n lost her attention from me, turning over at the counter near the entrance
and furrowing her brows. I followed along.

I noticed a goblin with a small hat, jumping over the stool in a saddening
way, pouting out to the owner. Although I knew goblins never truly did
anything to my sister in the end, this feel of tricking my head into hating
them was still peaking.

"It's Garnuff," Y/n said to herself, watching the chaos.

"I apologize, Garnuff, but there's not much we can do. Poachers are
everywhere again, and Mooncalfs just seem to be their target lately." Sirona
sighed, cleaning the tables.

"Oh, I know, I know, but my precious Biscuit...I was just enjoying her back

"Biscuit." Y/n kept saying to herself.

I looked over in concern, "Biscuit? As that little buttermilk bread that they
serve in—"

"No, Biscuit, his Mooncalf...I—I've rescued her once. I..." Y/n thought to
herself at the moment.

I closed my eyes, knowing that the sweet soul that Y/n held within her
knowing that she had the choice not to do it, did it anyway.

I watched as Y/n stood up, approaching the goblin and I sighed, knowing
that wherever she went, I followed.

"Garnuff?" Y/n let out.

The dark-eyed goblin turned, immediately recognizing Y/n and gasping,

"Oh, it's you! Oh...what an odd cross on such a gloomy night..." he put his
hands together in guilt.

Y/n looked at him in concern, "What happened?"

"Garnuff believes a few poachers snatched his Mooncalf again near the
bridge entering Hogsmeade and escaped up west. There's only so much we
can do now." Sirona explained.

"Biscuit? Again?" Y/n gasped.

"I know, I know," The goblin looked down, "I should've relied on letting
you care for her. As I see, you are great at surviving many things. Perhaps,
Biscuit could've been safe by now." He said sadly.

I felt a slight sympathy toward the goblin, but I still didn't feel convinced.

"You said up west?" I asked, knowing that although I didn't want to take up
this mission, Y/n would've herself.

"Y-Yes...passing the bridge from Hogsmeade to the mountains." He


"Alright, Garnuff, I will keep an eye on Biscuit." Y/n let out.

"Oh, how could I reward you now..."

As Y/n and I walked out of the tavern, I looked over at her, and sighed.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to, Y/n." I let out my honesty.

Y/n adjusted herself, revealing her wand and looking up west, "It's alright,
Sebastian. Poachers are nothing compared to any other...Poppy and I had
great practice in the summer."

I chuckled, "I'm aware, but I believe putting yourself through this again—"

"Sebastian, I've done this many times. You know I won't sleep until finding
Biscuit." Y/n let out a bit loudly.

I didn't want to measure her limit. Y/n spent all fifth year fighting for her
life, more than I ever would. Underestimating her ability to hold back was
just impossible. Maybe, that's why I liked her so much, but I still worried.

"You don't have to come—"

"Are you joking?" I scoffed at her words, "Oh, Y/n, I'll take down those
poachers before you do." I teased, hoping the conversation could turn
positive again.

Y/n finally grew a smile, but faded when thunder took over.

"Alright, we should get going before the rain gets us." Y/n suggested.

If I were honest, I did feel odd about the plans I had this evening, but as I
said, things did happen for a reason. I believed in that.

It didn't take long to find them. The poachers weren't far from Hogsmeade,
but it was still outside of it.
"Why are they so many now?" Y/n whispered, hiding behind a tree.

I held my arms crossed, hiding behind the tree beside her and my wand
hanging through my hand.

"Mooncalfs hold a good magical source for plants. I expect, they'll want to
slaughter them more now." I let out in truth.

"I was aware, but...not this much." Y/n breathed.

I watched the girl beside me. I watched as she paused to herself, thinking of
a plan to approach those poachers, but also rescue the mooncalf that was
still caged.

"Disillusionment spell with Petrificus Totalus?" I suggested help.

Y/n looked over at me, "They'll notice after the first freeze. I haven't done
this in a while, so I might not be fast enough."

"I'll crucio and imperio...they'll be three remaining, so you can cast the
body-bind curse on one and expelliarmus the other. Only one remains." I
said in detail.

Y/n took off her wand, "O-Okay... alright."

"I'm ready." Y/n let out.

I've adjusted to the unforgivable curses. It might've been wrong of me,

especially after things I've done, but I've bonded with dark magic for a
whole year, it just stayed within my blood.

It took a moment before watching Y/n un-cast the disillusionment spell on

herself and begin fighting the poachers beside her.

"Y/n, get the Biscuit...I have them. Just get the Mooncalf." I said, watching
the mooncalf escape from the distance since a poacher let them go

Y/n breathed, "What—"

"Just go. I'll manage." I said confidently between the fight.

I watched Y/n run off towards the dozens of Mooncalfs, identifying her way
to spot the familiar beast around her.

I lifted my wand, pointing towards the villains and casting the worst spells
I've known to mankind.

Within the battle, I can start to feel droplets of rainfall, given a sign that it
would just progress within the fight.

"Confringo!" I burned out the last one. "Alright, that's all...hm that was
easier than last year. Did Biscuit—"
I looked into the heavy rain, feeling my hairs dripping as I scanned around
the forest, looking for Y/n in the blurry sight.

"Y/n?" I waved my head in every direction.

"Ah, you think just because you saved the stupid wizarding world you can
save the precious magical animals—"

"Shit," I said angrily, spotting a poacher that had casted a disarming charm
on Y/n while finding Biscuit.

"No, Sebastian!" Y/n said between the grip, "Get Biscuit! I got it... I got
him." She looked with her eyes.

I knew what that meant. I knew that with those innocent eyes, it was a way
of saying, hey Sebastian I'm about to use my ancient magic and kill
everyone, so find my cute animal or I'll be mad at you. Y/n was just like

I debated, but listened knowing that I'll still be there at every step.

As I ran through the rain to find the specific Mooncalf, I heard a familiar
casting before a light of blue glimpse.

Within the light, I spotted Biscuit, giving me a good reach to grab the wet
beast and go back to Y/n.

"You're lucky, Biscuit," I frowned, walking back, "I'll leave you, but Y/n
wouldn't forgive me if I saved her and not you." I murmured.
In the distance, I saw a familiar body on her knees in the middle of the rain.
Hairs wet and breaths heavy as she took in the spell with the wand again.

I didn't say a word, I just bent down and sat next to Y/n forgetting that it
was raining.

"Pain?" I asked.

"Not much..." Y/n breathed, "It was just one. Biscuit?" She turned to me,
but spotted the small beast on my side.

I rolled my eyes at the sight of the Mooncalf and sighed, "I suppose it's
been a messy night."

Y/n looked down at our wet robes in the rain and grew a slight smile,
"We're been through worst."

I looked over at her again, her face covered in droplets of water while her
uniform was just soaked.

It was insane that once you developed feelings for someone, everything
about them seemed perfect. No flaws, no nothing.

"I know, I'm a mess and muddy—" Y/n laughed, turning to the side.

"Be my girlfriend." I said bluntly, looking at her.

Was it planned? No. Not at all, but it was a perfect moment.

Y/n turned, almost in shock, processing my words, "W-What?"

I swallowed, "You heard me."

Her eyes just stared in innocence, but I saw so many emotions in them.

"You can say no. I suppose on an occasion like this, it's not romantic, but
I'm Sebastian Sallow...what do you expect, eh?" I said in honesty.

Y/n stared for a while and it worried me that things would go down from
here, but finally, her lips moved a little.

"Okay." She said.


"Okay, I'll be your girlfriend." Y/n let out.

I smiled, not expecting that, "Alright."

"Alright." Y/n repeated.

I just stared again, chuckling.

I leaned in, kissing her under that rain, our wet lips intact for a moment
before the mooncalf made a slight noise.

"Ugh," I broke the physical touch, "I suppose we have to take this damn
thing back to—"

"I suppose not," Y/n corrected, taking hold of the Mooncalf, "Biscuit is
mine now. I am not rescuing her again. She will be safe with me."

I just smiled, "Alright, whatever you say, Y/n."

"That goes along the eleven other Mooncalfs we are rescuing around the
forest." Y/n declared.

I felt my body freeze at her mention, "W-What?"

Y/n stood up from the wet floor, "What? You just want them to be rescued
and slaughtered as you said?" She stared.

I looked up at her, still not believing that I can call her my girlfriend. I
could do many things now without fearing of an unidentified relationship.
We were together.

"I suppose not, but..."

"What the hell are we going to do with 12 Mooncalfs?" I complained.

Y/n stared at me in disbelief and my expression softened at her gaze, fixing

my words now.

"I mean, y-you're right. You're totally right." I spoke in sarcasm, "I get to
name them though."

"Alright, boyfriend." Y/n said.


really really fluff — not going to lie, i do struggle writing cringe cute
moments 😖 but i tried my best hahahahaha.

click the comment for the link —>

forty one *


This chapter contains mature content.

"Arrow?" I questioned at the incantation, my brow raising for reassurance,


Sebastian Sallow stood in the middle of that Undercroft, arms folded as we

stood apart from each there; at least twenty feet between us.

"Correct. Arrow," Sebastian agreed, "I know it sounds very simple."

"Very straightforward, I never heard a spell that...accurate." I still


"Well, you'll be surprised. Give it a try. Undercroft is all yours." Sebastian


We were doing spell lessons in the Undercroft. It was a little before

breakfast time, but surprisingly, Sebastian grew the guts to wake up early
and impress me with early lessons like old times.

This new title between us was still fresh. Somehow, it was hard to believe
that Sebastian Sallow was my boyfriend now. It felt surreal. It was only a
few weeks, but it still gave me a jittery feel at the thought.

I didn't question Sebastian's words anymore, I lifted my wand toward the

distance and concentrated.

"Arrow." I moved the wand.

I gasped when a small arrow shot from the tip of the wand and fell down to
the floor almost in a sad motion.

I was quiet at my actions and Sebastian laughed to himself from my lack of


"What's so funny?" I hid my frown at his foolish laugh.

Sebastian looked up from afar, smiling, "You have to mean it. If you don't
give effort into the spell, the arrow won't shoot fast enough."

"Every spell with you, I always have to mean it." I murmured to myself.

"What was that?" Sebastian echoed.

I ignored him purposely, lifting my wand up again and pointing at the

nearest blank wall in the space.
"I don't feel like your arrows are going to come out fast, but—"

"Arrow!" I said louder, almost offended by Sebastian's side comments.

A long, rapid arrow ran straight from my wand, hitting the wall hard before
bouncing off it from the strength and reversing back, poking Sebastian.

"Ow," Sebastian fussed, his knees bending from the injury and going onto
the floor.

I gasped at my actions, putting my wand back and walking over towards

him, bending myself at his sitting.

"Oh no, I—Are you okay?!" I freaked, taking out the arrow from his leg.

Sebastian groaned a bit, but nodded, "No, I'm alright. All good." He laughed
it off.

"I made you bleed! You're bleeding, Sebastian." I said in shock, looking
down at his leg.

"I needed it. I'm fine." Sebastian kept joking, putting the arrow to the side
and staying on the floor.

I sat there with him, worried.

I wasn't adjusted to seeing Sebastian hurt. It was rare. There were moments
in the fifth year when injuries were caused, but he seemed to have such a
high pain tolerance. Somehow, I was still worried.

"Let me fix it," I said, revealing my wand.

"No, it's alright—"

"I did it, I should fix it." I repeated.

Sebastian was unsure about the help, but he nodded, "Okay."

As I closed my eyes and healed him, I can just hear Sebastian chatter out
the wind.

"Alright, now, when I said you have to mean it, I didn't mean towards me."
He chuckled.

My eyes re-opened, giving a smile, and laughing along beside him, "You
underestimated my abilities, Sallow."

"Hm," Sebastian said, his head going back, looking toward the ceiling and
closing his eyes.

I observed the man. The brown hairs waving back, the long lashes just
sitting there beautifully, while his adam's apple moved at every swallow.
Then without his school robe, his sleeves up and tie undone and...and...
Sebastian's right eye slightly opened, catching my gaze and I backed up a
bit, flushing at the notice.

Swallowing, I looked down, pursing my lips.

"Don't torture yourself, darling," Sebastian teased, "I'm all here."

Darling. Darling.

My head stood low, still hiding the blush and smile that was revealing.

I can feel Sebastian's head lift on my side, coming near me and almost
burying himself on the side of my neck while he spoke.

"Don't hide, I see you." Sebastian whispered, his lips tickling the skin of my

"Don't make me throw another arrow at you for pointing out my blush,
Sebastian." I joked pretending I wasn't enjoying it.

Shivers vibrated in my body, his lips still tickling in my ears before feeling
them nuzzle down in my neck.

"If I have to get injured each time to have you by me, maybe, I will keep
pointing it out." Sebastian went on.

"Sebastian, it's 7am." I closed my eyes at the touch.

"It's never too early. Time doesn't exist with you." Sebastian hoarse another

I enjoyed that even though nobody was inside that soundproof room with
us, Sebastian still managed to keep this intimate whisper talk between us.

My head finally turned to him, the familiar hazel eyes staring, almost
waiting for me to just go along.

Sebastian did his thing. That powerful thing where his gaze traveled from
my eyes to my lip, back to my eyes. Again, so powerful.

We kissed on that floor. Sebastian's wet lips merged with mine, both of our
bodies moving forward.

My hands cupped over Sebastian's face while his hands traveled through my
uniform, going down my long skirt and crawling under it, eager to tug
everything in sight.

As our tongues danced with each other, Sebastian kept his hands on me,
wanting the strength to pick us both up from the floor, but a slight grunt
came off due to the small injury.

"Sebastian, it's okay, I can—"

"No," Sebastian denied, "I can do this."

And he did do it. He did lift me up that Undercroft floor, which I found
extremely attractive for no reason, and sat me down on the nearest conjured
table near a corner.

I gasped at the slamming, but me and Sebastian continuously made out in

that area. Our hands all over each other.

"Sebastian, breakfast—"

"Shh," Sebastian shut me up, "Breakfast you say? I have it right here." He
let out, his hands traveling all over my thighs, "May I?" He pointed at my
stockings under my skirt.

Not wanting to fight it, I nodded with a smile, "Yes, Sebastian."

Sebastian quickly removed all my undergarments but left me with my skirt

and school shirt. He tugged my tie, almost pulling me forcibly toward him,
and smirked.

"Ah, courage, bravery, and the nerve." Sebastian stared at the colored
material, stating the Gryffindor traits.

I didn't know how to feel. Sebastian's words were different, and hard to
answer. Flirty.

As I became distracted by the language, I hadn't noticed Sebastian had bent

down in between me, confusing my entire head.

"I want to try something new," Sebastian looked up, almost with puppy
eyes, "Do you trust me?"
Those eyes. Those comforting, caring, and possessive eyes. Who could
possibly say no to him?

"I trust you." I nodded, giving in.

Sebastian nodded, his lips attaching to my lower body, kissing my inner

thighs as his hazel eyes darkened from the lust that built up at the touch.

I was already holding tightly in the corner of the wooden table on that
Undercroft; I feared what reaction I was going to get when his mouth
actually came in contact with my bare skin.

His kisses began to come dangerously closer and in no time, I felt

Sebastian's mouth buried within me; the new, unexpected touch made my
entire body fuzz at the moment.

"Oh, Sebastian," I breathed out, my head going back from the new feel.

There were no actual words to describe what a feeling like his felt like, but
it was just a shaping experience you can never forget about. I couldn't
imagine how long someone can last with this type of feeling.

Sebastian must've noticed my legs vibrate from the touch because, with his
multitasking Slytherin skills, one hand removed from my thigh and came up
to intertwine with mine.

"I-I feel..." I couldn't even finish my words, I didn't know how to read my
own body signals.
Sebastian's tongue flickered off me, a smirk coming off his freckled face, "I

I fought for my breath, holding in the pleasure that was felt from the
experience. I was almost embarrassed to show how magically good it really

"Let it out, Y/n." Sebastian encouraged.

I hated how good Sebastian Sallow was at reading me and my expressions.

I hated how he began to know every single aspect of me and know how to
control it. I hated how deep I was becoming to fall for him. Hated it.


I can feel my head hit against the brick wall behind me; it almost hurt, but
the pleasure was too good to even worry about it.

As I reached a certain point, Sebastian stopped his movements completely

and I rose my head, almost lost on why he did that.

"I'm hard." Sebastian breathed, "I really thought I'll be able to process this
morning just for you, but..." he looked down embarrassed.

I didn't let Sebastian finish. My own fingers tugged the pockets of his
patterned uniform pants and began to undo the belt at a slow pace.

"Shh, Sebastian," I mimicked his words from earlier, "We are boyfriend and
girlfriend, right?"

Sebastian rose his brows at my confident words and smiled to himself,

"Luckily enough, yes."

"Okay," I nodded.

Sebastian's Perspective

I cleared my throat, adjusting my Slytherin tie, and breathed heavily while

Y/n and I walked down those castle halls, pretending like nothing happened
that morning.

"Does your leg still hurt?" Y/n asked, walking at a slow pace toward the
Grand Staircase.

I turned to my side, looking down at Y/n.

Her once half-up-do was now into loose hair everywhere. The face glowed
brighter than usual and her walking pace was, well, slower.

"Don't even feel a sting," I smirked, "Do your legs hurt?" I teased at her,
matching her pace.

Y/n flushed, holding her books in hand and gulping, keeping her view
straight to the students passing the halls.
"Why would assume that, Sebastian?" She said bluntly.

I looked forward, just smiling to myself, "Just out of curiosity. I'm hoping I
wasn't too rough."

"Oh, the humor in you just never changes." Y/n rolled her eyes, finally
reaching the reception hall.

Although it was a few weeks since Y/n and I became serious, we still kept
the public affection in place. Many eyes were still on us, but we weren't
private either. It was a nice neutral thing to just make people wonder about
their own theories.

"Oh, come on, Ominis!" Poppy's voice echoed through the Great Hall that
very same morning.

"Poppy in the Slytherin table? Never thought I'll see the day." I let out at the

"I refuse, Poppy," Ominis said in a serious tone, "I believe last time you
tried planting a pin on me, I was betrayed over." He frowned.

Y/n giggled to my side, following along my own house table and reaching
over to Poppy.

"Poppy? What are you doing?" Y/n smiled at the Hufflepuff.

The short-haired girl stared, "Oh, great, Y/n! I'm working on this project for
Muggles Studies. Did you know Valentine's Day is a holiday of love for
them? Isn't that sweet?"

I smirked at the mention of sweet from Poppy Sweeting, but I kept my

mouth shut for the sake of Y/n.

"Oh, t-that's...yeah," Y/n agreed.

I adored the kindest that came out of Y/n with her peers. It was attractive
and funny at the same thing. I don't think I ever saw her fight with any
friend. Besides me.

"I created these pins. I called it the Cupid Match. Depending on your
birthday, the pin enchants with whom you can possibly be compatible in
school with. Almost like a matchmaker!" Poppy said excitedly.

I rose my brows.

Poppy might've noticed my own expressions behind Y/n because she

pointed me out.

"Don't worry, it's only for lonely hearts. This experiment isn't for two
people that are together, it would defeat the purpose." Poppy said.

"How would it know?" I asked in curiosity.

"Magic, Sebastian," Poppy assured.

Poppy took two pins, plastering them on Y/n and I, and we both watched as
they magically began to work.

Dec 24

March 14

"See," Poppy grabbed Y/n, pulling her slightly towards a random student at
the Gryffindor table across us.

April 3

March 14

"Oh...that's interesting, Poppy." Y/n laughed nervously.

"So, it matches you with just one person or..."

"No, it's supposed to match you with people who you might possibly be
compatible with. The pin reads off your aura between the other person and
distinguishes a match or not. Hence, why it's only for single individuals."
Poppy explained.

I chuckled, removing the pin off me and Y/n, the jealous trait not allowing
me to witness her want to match with anybody else. It'll be embarrassing for
"Well, Ominis," I went forward, pinning it over my friend, "This isn't a
trick. I promise." I laughed.

October 8

"Hm," I eyed my friend, "This shall be fun."

"Oh, Y/n! Your birthday is soon!" Poppy said excitedly, realizing the date of
Y/n's removed pin, "So many celebrations!"

Y/n's birthday. Of course, I remember it. It wasn't the first birthday

celebration. I can clearly remember the first.

Fifth Year

"It's no wonder spiders give people goosebumps." Y/n breathed.

"It could be the hairy legs, or the venomous fangs, or any number of
endearing qualities really," I explained walking around the cave.

It was late at night when we were inside another cave looking for hints and
context. It was yet, another rough fight with spiders, but nothing out of the

I was beginning to enjoy the company of Y/n Y/l/n. For once it made me
lose focus on the stress of finding my sister and made it seem more like an
adventure. Just for the hour. I still had frequent shocks of not having Anne

"I need a break." Y/n breathed, leaning her muddy body against the nearest

I nodded, "Well, at least the enemies in here are all gone...thanks to you." I
pointed, sweaty from the fight.

Y/n just leaned her head against the rock not even caring about the
spiderwebs anymore.

"And you. Firemaster." Y/n jokingly

complimented, looking to the side and resting.

I just smiled down, "Of course."

There was a moment of silence between us. It wasn't even awkward at all.
The silence itself felt comforting. No sounds. No nothing. All relaxing.

"Do you think it's past midnight?" Y/n mumbled out, almost in a sleeping

I looked around the cave, not even knowing myself the time of the day due
to no access to the outside.

"Predictably, I can say it should be. We sneaked out of the castle late
already...it would only make sense." I wondered.
Y/n just nodded, smiling to herself.

"Care to share your thoughts? I respectfully ask." I eyed her in curiosity.

Y/n lifted her head up, a bit of mud on her left cheek while she admitted her
inner thoughts.

"Respectfully, it's my birthday."

My head also lifted, waking me up from the tired, lazy feel, and rose up.

"What? R-Really?!" I blew, "Today? Midnight? March 14th?" I questioned.

Y/n laughed softly, "Yes."

"Merlin..." I said, almost in a happy way knowing I'll be the first to say it.
"Well, I shall be the first to say, Happy Birthday, Y/n!"

Y/n kept laughing, "Thank you, Sebastian. You are the first."

"And I would continue to be the first from now on your birthdays." I bowed
in a sarcastic matter.

Y/n just kept a smile on her face.

I smiled to myself at the memory, noticing that the special day would soon
be coming up again.

"Hey, Poppy how come you're not wearing one?" Y/n's voice brought me

Y/n pointed at Poppy's pins playing around with them. Poppy stood there
beside her, almost stuttering at an excuse.

"I-I, well, I am single, but I just thought that—"

Y/n placed the pin onto Poppy, and I don't know what it was, but I sense
Y/n's plan and I took hold of another pin, looking around the Gryffindor
table behind me and noticed she hadn't passed them out yet.

"Hey, Weasley," I gave a heads-up, "You wanna experiment something?"

The ginger turned with a cocky smile, eating his food in between, "Aw,
Sallow, you know I'm down for any risks."

I nodded, "Excellent."

I placed the pin over the Gryffindor's robe and waited.

August 5

September 5
"Well, Poppy, it works." Y/n giggled.

"Both of you share the same 5th? Coincidence, Y/n?" I looked down at her.

Poppy flushed at the movements between me and my girlfriend.

"What does compatible mean for? What's this?" Garreth rose his brows,
staring down at his pink-heart pin.

Unexpectedly, the Hufflepuff girl turned red before running off from the
Great Hall.

We all stood there speechless not expecting the unplanned actions and Y/n
parted her lips, putting the pins back, excusing herself.

"Oh, I...I'll go talk to her." Y/n said looking over to me, "I.."

"See you in Charms, Y/n." I smiled.

As I saw the attractive girl walk away, I stood there beside Garreth Weasley,
who was still oblivious to the entire situation. Typical.

"So, what's this?" Garreth tapped around the pin.

I rolled my eyes, "It means you're a virgin."

"Take mine off, Sebastian." Ominis let out, overhearing my lies.

I laughed to myself, "Take a joke, boys. Poppy said it was a matchmaker.

You match with her, Garreth."

Garreth stood silent for a moment, but smiled to himself, "Sweet."

"No pun intended," I joked before turning around and sitting across Ominis,

Ominis just sat there, "Sebastian,"

I put my hands together, pursing my lips and still thinking about the nearby

"I need your help."

"No." Ominis said without thinking.

"What?" I frowned, "I haven't even—"

"Any type of help from you means complete danger, Sebastian. No."
Ominis repeated.

"What about for Y/n?" I rose a brow.

Ominis thought, "Don't use her like bait again to get what you want. It
won't work." He threatened.
"Ugh, fine, fine, fine," I took hold of his leftover fries on his breakfast plate,
"Her birthday is soon."

"Oh." His face softened.

"Yes, oh," I mimicked, "Now, you will help me, Ominis Gaunt." I pointed.


sebastian fell first, but y/n fell harder trope

i'm very confident about the rest of the chapters now so expect more
frequent chapters again. i was getting writer's block writing this one!
hope you enjoy x
forty two *

sorry in advance for typos. it's a long chapter. enjoy.


This chapter contains mature content.

It was a little past midnight one Friday night. I'd just taken a bath and
brushed my teeth, getting prepared for bed when the Head Girl of the house
entered the dormitory in annoyance.

"Y/l/n!" Emily Wile, who was once a Prefect, but now Head Girl, walked in
with annoyance.

I was a few movements away from the bed before I stopped and looked up,
almost confused about why I was being called out so late.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I told you to stop giving out the Gryffindor password to Sebastian Sallow!"
She frowned at me.
I tensed up a little at the mention of my boyfriend and adjusted my posture,
"W-What? I haven't in a while, why—"

"Then why is he inside the common room just relaxing in the fireplace?"
Emily asked.

I stood quiet, my roommates just giggling at each other in bed while I

closed my eyes and let out a sigh.

Sebastian hasn't entered the Gryffindor common room since last year, so to
hear the news of his presence in it almost brought back a nostalgic feel.

"I'll tell him to leave, Emily." I gave a wry smile, following her out the exit.

"You have two minutes, or I will mark both of you up." Emily warned,
going in the opposite direction.

I lazily went down the spiral stairs, yawning to myself and wiping my eyes,
pretending like Sebastian Sallow wasn't going to be in my sight in seconds.

And yeah, I can see a familiar mess of brown hairs from afar. His body lay
comfortably against the chair, as if he belonged in the house, and watched
the heat of the fireplace in front of him.

Sebastian still wore his quidditch jersey from the recent game today.
Slytherin had just won over Hufflepuff and there was a celebration going on
in the Slytherin dungeons that he wasn't in.
"Winner, don't you have a party to be in?" I smiled to myself, nudging him.

I acted as if I wasn't melting at the attire. Something about Sebastian

wearing that stupid jersey always making me feel things I wasn't supposed
to, and hair? I needed to hold myself together.

Sebastian's head lifted, looking over to me, "Without you? No, thanks. It'll
be nice if you did visit down those dungeons though."

"It's too cold down there." I complained with a laugh, "What are you doing
here, Sebastian?"

Sebastian rested his hands on the sides and stood up, his tall figure
stretching right in front of me making me feel short.

Hold it together, Y/n. You've seen him so many times now.

"Just needed to make my annual visit." Sebastian joked.

I closed my eyes, laughing to myself, "I don't remember giving you the

"Weasley seems to be pretty scared to admit he has feelings for Poppy, so I

encouraged him to give me the password or else." Sebastian shrugged.

"You're funny." I said not surprised.

"I know that," Sebastian nodded, "And, like I previously said, my annual
visit. I am here for a reason." He got closer.

I looked around, hoping the Gryffindor students that were around the
common room weren't watching too closely.

I swallowed, "W-What reason, exactly, Sebastian?"

Sebastian chuckled to himself, "Oblivious as always, hm," he wondered

before looking back at me, "Being the first to say Happy Birthday? I was
serious about that."

I was taken aback by his confession and thought to myself, realizing I

wasn't even keeping track of the calendar myself.

I didn't know what to do. Do I smile? Laugh? Hide from the blush?

"Lost for words?" Sebastian noticed.

"You remembered," I parted.

"Of course, I do. I always keep my word," Sebastian reminded, lowering

near me, "I'm always first at everything."

"Hm, are you sure—"

"Don't ruin the moment." Sebastian rolled his hazel eyes.

I grew a wide smile, "Thank you, Sebastian. You impress me. Thank you."

"Of course—"

"30 seconds, Sallow." Emily, the Head Girl, appeared from the stairs.

Sebastian closed his eyes, letting out a huff, "I believe that's my cue..."

"That's your cue." I said in a sad way.

"But hey, I am also here to tell you that we are going on an adventure
tomorrow." Sebastian let out.

I froze a little at his words.

"A safe adventure, I hope I did not just give you some sort of flashback of a
battling adventure. This one is different. I promise." Sebastian noticed my

I nodded, but before I can say anything, Sebastian went on.

"No caves or catacombs either." Sebastian finished.

I giggled, "I appreciate the reassurance, Sebastian. Where are we going?" I


"Don't ruin the surprise, Y/n." Sebastian frowned, "I'll give your friends
time to celebrate your special day before I steal you away." He smiled

"Alright, Sebastian—"

"10 seconds—"

Sebastian sighed, leaning in and giving a kiss on the forehead before


"Goodnight, Y/n. Happy Birthday." He smiled in comfort, leaving slowly

and waving at Emily from the stairs.

And I watched as the fitted, tall Slytherin man walked out in the most
attractive way possible, leaving me standing there speechless.

"Oh, Happy Birthday, Y/n!" Poppy Sweeting almost jumped on me that

very next morning at breakfast.

I smiled widely, "Thank you, Poppy—oh," I stopped my words as Poppy

placed a white headband over my head. "What's this?"

"It's made out of Highwing's loose feathers! Thought I'll test out a cute
headband for today." She smiled, petting my head.

"Poppy, you didn't—"

"Oh, I heard it's someone's birthday!" Natty appeared at the Gryffindor

I watched as my close friends conjured a birthday cake to share and I

laughed it off.

Within my smiles and giggles, I can spot Sebastian Sallow looking over
with a slight smile, watching me celebrate an important day with my

No, it's not that we excluded them on purpose, but it seemed more like a girl
thing. No boys were really involved in the celebration that morning besides
the girls from the houses. It felt nice.

"So, are you ladies going to enjoy that entire cake by yourselves or—"

"Go away, Garreth! Shoo!" Imelda said in annoyance, kicking out the re-
head that peaked in.

Garreth stood behind Poppy and I could almost sense her posture adjust a
little more than usual while his hand rested on her shoulder for balance.

I just stared at the physical touch, but didn't question much at the moment,

Sebastian's Perspective
I took a breath as my hands sweated a little while waiting for Y/n at the
entrance of the Wickery Bridge. I almost felt like my breath increase as time
went on and on.

I was nervous. I have never done this before. Well, I have, but not in this
'commitment' way. It was a very new thing for me and I worried I would
mess it up already.

Y/n appeared in the distance. The hairs waved beautifully over her shoulder
while she still kept the white headband her friends had given her; a
beautiful long-sleeve dress flowed on her fit body, the baby blue color on it
making the skin glow.

"Wow," I whispered to myself in the distance.

It's just a simple dress, Sebastian. Relax.

"You made it." I smiled once she reached close.

Y/n smiled, "I made it."

I nodded, eyeing her up and down slowly, "You look lovely, Y/n."

Although she tried hiding the blush, I can still see it between her perfect
smile, "Thank you. I can say the same, Sebastian." Y/n eyed me.

"Shall we go?" I extended my hand, waiting for her to reach.

Y/n kept her smile, reaching over her small hand within mine, "Go where

"Just follow. You'll see." I smirked, walking down the long bridge.

The walk was silent, but in a good way. The views of the castle and
mountains on that bridge were mesmerizing. Even the sound of nature was
just soothing enough, we can walk here forever.

"You don't mind walks do you?" I turned over to Y/n after exiting the

"Walks? I don't mind them. I don't mind anything, really." Y/n admitted.

"You don't mind anything with me?" I flirted.

Y/n kept laughing nervously, and I knew I was pinpointing a soft spot to
keep making her blush. I was enjoying it. It distracted me from the fact that
I was also blushing and nervous.

"I don't. I'm surprised you're even asking that after everything we've been
through." Y/n laughed it off.

I didn't know why I asked that. Y/n would accept things that nobody
would've. I don't think I'll be capable of ever finding someone else that way.
I was lucky. Very lucky.

"Have you ever apparated?" I asked once we reached outside Hogwarts

I witness Y/n furrow her brows at me, but thought to herself of any
experience with Apparition.

"I might've apparated at least once or twice with Professor Fig," Y/n
answered, "Almost threw up the first time."

I laughed, "Yes, it's quite a journey depending on how far...how about

yourself?" I asked.

Y/n shook her head, "Never took the time to learn. I relied on floo powders
and flying."

"With those broom-flying skills, I would too." I joked, "But alright, I'll
teach you one day, but for now...you're doing it with me."

Y/n stared, almost in concern, "Can we—"

"You're eighteen, Y/n. The trace is gone." I reminded, "We can go

anywhere, at any time."

Y/n came back to her sense, and nodded, "Right."

I chuckled, "Hold my hand, again."

Y/n followed, the warmth of her hand coming with mine.

"Hold on, alright?" I assured.


We didn't teleport too far. Honestly, we could've walked it, but I wanted to
take advantage of all the time today for Y/n.

Y/n breathed heavily, almost holding on to me from the process and I held
her for balance.

"Are you alright?"

Y/n nodded, "Yes, just lots of pressure. I've felt worst." She excused it,
looking around.

The nerves that were hiding inside my body began to peak again watching
Y/n look around our surroundings.

"Where are we?" Y/n asked, astonished by the nature surrounding us.

I looked around with her, "A little before entering Brocburrow. Up the first

"I can see everything," Y/n breathed, fascinated.

"I know. We get a clear view of Hogwarts over there," I pointed, "The
Highlands up there, and to your right, Hogsmeade, and further, if you squint
your left eye, the little circle, Feldcroft." I smiled.

Y/n breathed, "Sebastian, this is...how did you discover this?" She turned to

I kept staring at the view, but watched her from the corner of my eyes, "I've
traveled a lot as an Arctic this summer...discovered many things."

Y/n nodded.

I finally turned, grabbing Y/n's hand and moving her aside a bit, "Let me
show you something."

Shakily, I revealed my wand, pointing down at the green grass below us,
beginning to conjure everything I had planned in my head for a few weeks.

Y/n stood beside me, almost breathless at the actions.

And I stood there, still nervous, watching the small blanket lay against the
greenery, while a few picnic things popped up making a funny noise at their

"I believe that should be all...for now," I wondered, also confused if my

plans were correlating well in my head.

I turned over to Y/n, who was just staring down at what had happened.

"I apologize, I have never done this before and—"

"I love it, Sebastian." Y/n breathed out, not even letting me finish. "I love it
so much. This is amazing."

The once sweaty, heart-pumping, insecure feeling I felt within me decreased

at Y/n's honesty. All those feelings merge into positive ones.

"Really?" I asked, wanting reassurance.

"Yes." Y/n finally squealed, "A picnic? Sebastian Sallow, where the hell did
you learn all this?"

I felt happy at her reaction. I don't think I've seen Y/n be this happy in a
while and it felt boosting to know that I was part of that reaction. Both of us
were happy at the moment.

"Mhm, I figured out my ways." I scratched the back of my neck, "Sit." I

bowed to her, pointing at the blanket.

Y/n slowly sat down, and I joined along with her, both of us eyeing the
beautiful landscape with our eyes.

It was funny really. Y/n was watching the landscape of nature, admiring it
and I was doing the complete opposite, admiring her.
"Where did you manage to get your hands on these sandwiches?" Y/n
questioned a few minutes in, holding up the snacks.

I smiled to myself, my elbows resting against the blanket while sitting

halfway up and watching the birds in the sky.

"The kitchen elves really come in handy sometimes," I said in a silly way,
"Ominis and I sneaked our way in last night."

"Ominis?" Y/n said, almost confused.

"I know...but I figured if we were to get caught stealing sandwiches, at least

Ominis father is in alliance with the headmaster." I smirked.

"You stole these?!" Y/n gasped.

I turned to her freaking out and laughed, "I'm only joking, Y/n. The elves
were pretty flexible in my favor. Just enjoy them."

It was a perfect day, honestly. The birds chirped, the sun preparing itself to
set, while the girl I'd fallen for the last year was casually laying, watching
nature be nature.

"Hey," I poked, getting Y/n's attention.

She turned, face staying close as she waited for me to continue.

"I got you a present," I smiled.

Y/n's eyes switched moods, almost not expecting me to say that.

"What? You really thought—"

"Isn't this picnic my present?" Y/n said nervously.

I laughed loudly, "Pardon? Y/n, it's your birthday. You deserve much more
than this." I reminded.

Y/n stared nervously, my view almost hypnotized by the long lashes and
admirable facial features.

I dug my hand into the left pocket of my pants, revealing a small enchanted
green box and raising it between us.

I swallowed, licking my lips and taking a breath, "I debated whether I did
the right choice on this, but I'm confident. I am confident that you aren't one
to judge and that you'll like it."

My eyes were on the box, so I really couldn't read Y/n's expression while I

I opened the small box, revealing a bracelet. Not just an ordinary bracelet, it
held a few charms on it. My fingers took hold of it carefully, holding it up
in the air between us.
"A bracelet," Y/n let out, admiring it.

I nodded, "Yes. And these charms that hang from it," I pointed, "There's a
small butterbeer, a golden snitch, and..."

"A wolf fang," Y/n noticed.

"Yes, a wolf fang." I said, "Wrist up." I guided.

Y/n smiled, holding up her wrist and extending it.

I slid on the bracelet, which fit her perfectly by the way, and watched the
sealed magical piece of jewelry adjust to her.

"It glows?" Y/n asked in shock.

I took another breath, "Y-Yes, um, it's not just a bracelet. The fang," I
pointed, "If you press it three times, it will alert me."

As expected, I watched Y/n's brows furrow at my sentence, almost wanting

to repeat it again.

"What? Alert?" She scoffed, "H-How—"

I held up my right hand that I'd secretly been hiding the entire time and
revealed the forest dark green ring that wrapped around my finger.
"This. They're both bound with special magic." I explained.

It wasn't any magic. It was dark magic, but I didn't want Y/n to know that. I
know I've committed many things wrapped around darkness but it was all I
spent my fourth and fifth years attempting to save my sister. I learned many
things from it.

"Dark magic." Y/n corrected.

I froze at the moment, realizing I wasn't going to get away with it.

"I hold very powerful magic, Sebastian. I'm sure I can distinguish what I'm
holding in my skin," Y/n informed, "But, you are right. I don't judge. I
understand and it's very pretty." She smiled.

The once worry went away and I nodded.

"I just figured, we never know what's to come anymore. I prefer, in

emergencies, if owls or communication gets lost, we have this." I played
with the ring.

Y/n tapped the wolf fang three times, and in seconds, I felt the ring around
my finger glow a bit before shocking me a little.

"It only works for you." Y/n said, almost disappointed.

I nodded, looking down, "Sadly, yes, but that's really all we need." I smiled
not wanting to worry her.
Y/n hesitated, but joined along with a smile, "Thank you, Sebastian. You
surprise me."

"Anything for you, Y/n. As I said, I will make it up to you." I reminded.

"Here," I handed a pint over to Y/n an hour later.

Y/n looked down at the pint in her hand, "What is it?"

I held up my own pint and smiled, "Elf-made wine. Straight from the
kitchen. Try it."

Y/n's Perspective

"'That is exactly the question which I expected you to ask. A lady's

imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to
matrimony, in a moment...'"

My eyes remained closed, admiring the sound of Sebastian Sallow reading

off a romance novel. Pretending as if I didn't force him to read it off for me
as another birthday present.

I laid on his legs. Sebastian still sat on that blanket, one hand resting flatly
on it while the other held the book in hand to read. It felt fake.

"'He listened to her with perfect indifference, while she chose to entertain
herself in this manner; and as his composure convinced her that all was
safe her wit flowed along'" Sebastian let out.

His voice. Something about his deep, deep voice speaking in a very
romantic way.

"Is that true?" Sebastian questioned from the book excerpt.

My eyes reopened, the now sunset beginning to fall, the night peaking

"What's true?"

"Darcy said, a lady's imagination is very rapid. Is it true you guys plan out a
future in seconds?" He wondered.

I sat up from laying and thought to myself, wondering why he would ask
such a question, but I laughed to myself, looking at the grass.

"I, uh, well...depends. We do have big imaginations and always rely on the
future." I admitted.

"And what does your future look like?" Sebastian asked.

I shrugged, "Well, I do want to become an Auror, work for the Ministry, but
I know that's my future already due to the ancient magic hold...but, I
mean..." I didn't want to say at the moment.
Sebastian was patient. I didn't want to judge him for wanting to know my
future — he was my boyfriend after all. What was there to hide now?

"Hopefully, after everything is settled, I'll love to live in a cottage home

with a huge garden. Full of sunflowers." I imagined.

"Why just sunflowers?" Sebastian laughed.

"Hey, it's my future, Sallow," I frowned.

Sebastian nodded, zipping his lips.

"I don't know, they're rare." I laughed, "But...yeah. I don't really rely on
living in a place like London or anywhere in that area. I do enjoy a small
village." I let out.

"By yourself?" Sebastian asked.

"No. Well," I laughed, "Why would you ask that?"

Sebastian shrugged, "I mean, I'll respect any word you say. I don't have to
be in your future life. At least I got to be part of it now." He said

That was very Sebastian Sallow of him

"I'm still really young to think that far, but yeah, a nice little family would
be nice. A boy and a girl. Either. Or perhaps, a dog. Who knows?" I

I was beginning to think the wine was starting to talk for me. I didn't realize
I spoke a lot that I reddened,

"Ugh, I'm saying too much already. This is weird—"

"No, you said enough," Sebastian disagreed, "I really enjoyed that. That's a
really nice future, Y/n." He smiled.

"What about you, Sebastian?" I turned to him.

Sebastian sat there.

I was distracted by his use of clothing today. How the light gray pants fit
him tightly as he wore a very, and I mean, very, nice brown sweater. I
almost wanted to steal it from him. It seemed cozy and made his freckles
stand out more than usual.

"Well, Darcy is right, it's just more of a lady thing...I honestly don't know
what's to come, but my future is now. The present." Sebastian admitted.
"That's how I see it."

I nodded, "I understand."

We both sat there, admiring the nature of the night now. A few insects
chirped in the distance while the stars shined clearly above us.
"Y/n?" Sebastian let out whilst watching.

My gaze left the night sky and turned over to him, the moonlight reflecting
the hazel color of his eyes.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry I was just—"

"You look beautiful today," Sebastian confessed.

I think I've felt my breath go away for just a slight second.

"I mean you always do, of course, but, I wanted to let you know. 18 never
looked better on you." Sebastian whispered.

My heart was pulsing a little more than usual, but I accepted it as a normal
reaction. I had never really seen Sebastian speak that romantic. It felt nice.

My lips parted at his words, breathing higher than usual, almost


"How is this real? How did we end up here?" I whispered to myself.

Sebastian smiled down, resting a hand on my thigh, and leaned forward.

"I believe I'm as real as you see me, darling."

The timing was perfect really. We both knew we were addicted to the
physical touch. Once we started, it never stopped, no matter the

I can feel Sebastian's hands roam on the sides of my waist, tugging the
fabric as my hands clutched against his soft hairs in the kiss. Both of our
bodies inching closer at each move. All hands moving in different body
parts on that grass.

"Sebastian," I whispered, realizing we were outside.

"I know," Sebastian realized the setting, "Let's go somewhere."

I watched as Sebastian stood up from the picnic, dusting himself and

extending his hand to me, "Up."

As my hand reached towards him, Sebastian multitasked, casting a spell to

clean the entire area up and leave no traces on that grass spot.

"I know where to go," Sebastian wondered, "Hold me tight." He ordered.

Within seconds, my eyes closed feeling the weird, pressuring, and

nauseating sensation in my body before landing on something hard.

As they re-opened, I breathed, noticing the familiar dining table and

soothing aroma from the small home.

"Feldcroft," I said.
"Safest option." Sebastian smirked.

I nodded, looking around until my eyes landed back on Sebastian's.

They were eager. They were ready. Perhaps, it was the wine between us
taking effect, but I was attractive seeing him so needy.

"I need you," Sebastian whispered his hands on my sides.

"Really?" I said.

"Yes," Sebastian assured.

"How much?" I questioned.

Sebastian's eyes furrowed, but he didn't complain, he just sighed.

"Don't do this...don't torture me, Y/n." Sebastian whined.

"I'm not torturing you, I was just asking a question, Sebastian." I assured.

Sebastian held himself together, "I need you a lot, Y/n...right now. Right

This elf-made wine was toxic. Very toxic. Why was this somehow
entertaining for both of us?
"Right here? On the floor?" I joked, giggling to myself.

Sebastian laughed too, the wine also making him feel slightly off, "Yes, yes,
I would get on the floor for you."

I watched as the tall Slytherin bended a knee before bending another below,
eyeing me almost like—

"What are you doing, Sebastian?" I said in shock, realizing our actions.

"I'm listening to you. It's your birthday. You say, I follow." Sebastian kissed
my hand while still on his knees.

I stared down at the handsome man, his eyes staring innocently up, the
eyelashes on him just shining perfectly while his pink lips parted, waiting
for me.

He was so attractive. So, so, attractive, even I couldn't resist. I should've

been the one on my knees, begging.

"Alright, get up, Sebastian." I gave up.

"W-What?" Sebastian asked.

"I said get—"

In seconds, I felt a pair of hands wrap around both of my legs, picking my

entire body up and throwing me over their shoulder.
"Sebastian!" I said in shock.

Sebastian threw me to the nearest small bed in the home, letting my dress
almost go up at the slam.

"You really thought you can overpower me that quickly, darling?" Sebastian
rose a brow, "You were close."

I gasped, feeling Sebastian lift up my long dress, still fighting the last urge
to remove everything at once.

"Yes." I consented, not even hearing him ask for permission. His eyes spoke
a lot.

Sebastian didn't hesitate. The once pretty blue dress I wore slipped off me in
seconds, letting him explore every inch of my body on the small bed.

I watched while Sebastian paused and began sliding off the brown cozy
sweater, revealing the bare, fitted body I never got tired of. His arms
extending over, caging me in a way on that bed.

Sebastian's kisses were deep, and as he explored in between my neck, down

my collarbone near my breast, I couldn't help, but moan out in pleasure.

"Easy, I just started." Sebastian teased at my reactions.

I breathed heavily, feeling his hands all over me before I felt him inching
closer and closer.

We haven't slept together since that day at the Undercroft. I know you're
wondering, but school did get a bit overwhelming, so our timings were a bit
off. It was so worth it though.

"Sebastian," I said eagerly.

Sebastian noticed the desperate mess I'd become and stared, "Is that you or
the wine talking?"

"Please," I breathed.

Sebastian entered slowly, almost wanting to be gentle in a way to express

his care for me for the day, but within a few minutes, the entire energy of
the home changed drastically.

I didn't know I was capable of losing my breath, but I was. I know he

must've been right about the wine we drank during the picnic, but it was

Obviously, way different than the last time we were in Feldcroft.

"Oh, Sebastian." I moaned, closing my eyes at every movement.

My hands scrunched inside those softened, damp brown hairs, enjoying

every single second of Sebastian Sallow.
"Yes, yes, say my name." Sebastian let out, "Say it,"

"Sebastian," I whispered.

Sebastian increased, becoming rougher and rougher and I noticed that his
weakness was easy to control.

Within the movements, I pushed him off, switching our bodies around and
finding myself on top of him.

"Merlin, Y/n how—"

"See how easily I can overpower you, again?" I fought, a hand laying flatly
over his warm chest while I still enjoyed myself.

Sebastian seemed speechless under me, but we both laughed at our


I loved this. I loved how even in the most intimate moments, we can make a
laugh out of it. It was never awkward or silent. It always seemed vocal and
so, normalized.

"You're doing great, sweetheart," Sebastian breathed.

I closed my eyes at his use of words, knowing they were my own

"Sebastian.." I warned him.

"Keep going, darling," Sebastian let out again purposely, making me enjoy
it more, "See how easy I can overpower you too with just my words?"

I wanted to frown, really, but we were both just so lost in the pleasure.

Sebastian's finger traveled through my lip, onto my chin before tickling

down the middle of my breast into the stomach, while finally reaching
down on me.

The small movements were new, but the circular motions of his finger on
my skin made me almost see stars. It was bizarre, really.

Sebastian's hand intertwined with mine while rocking my hips on him. His
fingers playing with the charms of the bracelet wrapped around my wrist
and enjoying every movement.

"All mine?" I asked Sebastian.

Sebastian stopped playing with the charms, looking over at me and smiling

His body sat up in a sitting position, still leaving me sitting on him while
his arms wrapped around my own body, kissing me passionately on my

"I'm all yours. Always yours, darling. Whatever you want, whenever you
want." Sebastian assured.
Sebastian groaned louder and louder before a few whimpers came off him,
along with me, who was just a moaning mess. It was an unreal moment,
really. Our intimate life was progressing more and more as we got

Sebastian panted heavily in me and I stayed on top, losing my balance.

Sebastian noticed my tiredness and flipped me over gently, letting me lay

on the other space of the bed and relax.

"That was amazing," Sebastian admitted.

"I know." I breathed.

We both just lay there, taking in the enjoyable moment for a minute.

Just a minute.

"I have another present for you tomorrow," Sebastian confessed, "But you
probably won't like it like the bracelet."

"Why?" I laughed.

Sebastian cleared his throat, "Because it's called Prevention of Bearing


it's 4am but sorry i just wanted a laugh in the end hehehe

hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

Thanks for your support! 💚💚💚💚

forty three


"Come on, that was a good one!" Sebastian's voice echoed behind me.

I walked through the Feldcroft grass that very next morning. Yeah, morning.
It was a Saturday at Hogwarts, so being out of the castle grounds was
normal, especially when there wasn't a trace anymore.

"Are you mad at me?" Sebastian asked.

I stopped in my tracks, looking straight, and let out a sigh, almost mixing it
with a laugh.

After last night's incident of Sebastian's lack of spell, I didn't make a scene.
It was late, we were slightly buzzed off elf-made wine, and all I wanted was
to rest. That was all.

It was a nice morning too, but I was a bit worn off from sleep and my body
ached; I wasn't very talkative when I felt that way.

"I got lost in the pleasure, alright? Stop giving me that face, Y/n." Sebastian
looked at me. "It's not my fault you feel so fantastic."
I stared with no emotion before finally giggling to myself and crossing my
arms with a blush.

"I'm not mad, Sebastian. It's alright. As you said, you did have another
present." I spoke in sarcasm.

Sebastian's face went back to a positive emotion, realizing I wasn't upset

about the situation at all, and grew a smile.

"Good. I told you I was going to be a menace in your life moving forward."
Sebastian joked.

I rolled my eyes, "Well, you sure do keep your promises on that." I

murmured to myself.

We both stood in the middle of Feldcroft, waiting for what was next.

"This potion...do they sell it anywhere? Or," I wondered, hoping Sebastian

was more aware than I.

Sebastian thought, "Hm, yes. I've seen it from a vendor in Hogsmeade."

I scoffed, "Hogsmeade? We will get caught by everyone."

"That's the best part!" Sebastian joked.

I frowned.

"Fine," He frowned back, "Alright, I'm sure they sell it at any hamlet. We
can take the one nearest to the castle and walk our way back? We can't
apparate on school grounds, that's why." Sebastian explained.

I could listen to Sebastian Sallow speak all day. The way his deep voice
babbled out, or how his pink lips moved, or maybe, it was the motion of his

"A-Apparate?" I hesitated at the thought, looking around the area, "Can we

floo it?"

"Floo it?" Sebastian rose a brow.

"Yes? My body is already sore and I know when we apparate it feels—"

Sebastian interrupted, digging his hand into his left pocket and revealing a
Wiggelwand Potion at me.

"Here. I'm surprised you don't carry them around with you anymore. You
had an entire store with you last year." Sebastian teased, handing me the
small potion.

I smiled at his truth.

Fifth Year
"Ouch!" I cried, grabbing onto the side of my hip, feeling the blood rush

I sat down on the dirty floor and whined in pain while Sebastian killed the
last Inferi.

"Whoa, whoa, what happened?" Sebastian ran over to me after his finish,
his wand still in hand while he bent.

I grabbed onto my ripped attire, still feeling the pain, "One of

them...slashed me, it b-burns. Really burns." I breathed.

Sebastian stayed behind me, "Merlin, alright, uh...your potions! Where are

"In my bag, it fell right now when I slipped. Can you get it for me?" I
pointed shakily in the corner.

"Yes, yes," Sebastian said, also freaking out from my injury.

I watched the Slytherin run over the closed mine, taking hold of my small
bag and digging his hands through it.

"Merlin's beard Y/n, what do you have in here? I heard like a thousand
potions inside!" Sebastian gasped at the storage of the small bag.

"A-A Mokeskin pouch...please, just bring me—"

"My apologies, right...right." Sebastian came back to his senses, taking hold
of a Wiggelwand potion.

He walked over towards me with the bag and leaned down, opening up the
potion and helping me take a sip of it.

"There you go. That's it." Sebastian encouraged.

It took a few seconds for the potion to kick in when I slowly began to feel
my energy back. The once pain I held decreased while the blood lost its

I removed my hand, taking a breath.

"Does it look okay?" I asked Sebastian.

Sebastian turned and looked down at my exposed skin. His eyes almost
bulged from the sight of my hips as he began stuttering.

"I, uh...your sides...I..." He flushed.

For a second, I'd completely forgotten that I was exposing my abdomen to a

boy and I also reddened, feeling embarrassed.

"Oh, sorry, I—"

"It's c-clean, Y/n. Potion worked." Sebastian nodded, not keeping his eyes
off my body for a moment, "But,"
I watched as Sebastian pointed his wand at me, whispering a spell; I felt the
ripped material from my attire begin to patch up, making it look new again.

I smiled, "Thank you."

Sebastian nodded, breathing hard from the sight, "Yeah, no problem..."

I took hold of my small bag again, digging my hands and revealing a small
container of water.

"Thirsty?" I handed it to Sebastian.

Sebastian laughed at my actions, "You really are prepared, aren't you? And
yes, very thirsty. Thank you."

I laughed along, "You never know when they might come in handy,


"You never know when they might come in handy, Y/n." Sebastian Sallow
mimicked my voice a year later.

Sometimes, I needed to reassure myself that this was really my boyfriend. I

can call Sebastian Sallow my boyfriend. I was in denial.

I smiled, snatching the potion from him and taking a sip from it.
I felt my body adjust itself, feeling all the energy I lost be replenished. I
almost felt like a new person again.

"Better?" Sebastian stared.

I let out a breath, nodding. "Yes. Thank you."

"No, thank you," Sebastian said, "You taught me to always carry one
around." He smiled.

I nodded.

"So, apparate?" Sebastian suggested.

I stared at him knowing he was going to do everything he can to avoid

taking any other way of traveling.

"You just want to show off your apparating skills don't you, Sallow?" I

Sebastian grinned, before extending his hand at me, "Of course...grab on. I
know a place."

I panted at the arrival. My body felt wobbly, but adjusted while looking at
our surroundings.

Sebastian was right, we were by Hogwarts. I can see the castle very close
from the distance, but it was a few yards from entering the school grounds.
"What's this place? It looks straight out of a book." I looked around the
small hamlet, the setting feeling cozy and hidden.

"Aranshire. Discovered it randomly while finding something." Sebastian

answered, "Funny, since it's so close to school, yet, you can't see from a

"I know." I said, seeing the castle.

"Well, you can explore around like a lady while, I, the gentleman, take care
of this situation. I shall be back?" Sebastian spoke, almost in question.

I didn't actually explore the small village. Instead, I watched Sebastian from
the distance speak to a vendor. He seemed so talkative, I just knew he forgot
all about the real reason we came here.

That was the thing about Sebastian Sallow. He held this charm and
socializing trait inside of him, he could go on and on in a conversation
without breaking it. He was just like that.

"Thank you. Have a lovely day, madam." I heard Sebastian's voice echo as
he bowed, coming back.

And I watched Sebastian walk back to me in a slow motion. It wasn't

actually slow motion, but in my head it was while I admired.

Perhaps, he was right about a lady's imagination being rapid because it was
at that moment that I imagined a glimpse of my future with him. How I was
already imagining telling my children about how stubborn their dad was
that we had to take so many trips and...and —

"No, stop it," I told myself at my delusional thoughts.

"Stop what?" Sebastian paused to himself, "Stop walking? I stopped." He

held his hands up sarcastically.

I flushed, "No, I..." I stared over at the wrapped potions in hand and I
pointed. "Two?"

Sebastian looked down, "I might've managed to talk it out with her, galleon
wise and she was kind enough to give me the other for half." He smiled

I gawked at him, almost in question.

"Not for us. I'm sure I'll be careful now, but in case...a wit at school needs it.
I can always have it for double the price." Sebastian smiled at himself.

My eyes closed, but laughed, "Alright, Sebastian."

Sebastian nodded, handing me over the potion, "The vendor...she might've

mentioned a few side effects."

The potion was small, very pocket-sized, and it was a black-purple color. I
wondered what the side effects can be for such a small potion.
"Which are?"

Sebastian cleared his throat, "Firstly, it might possibly, well, not possibly, it
has an awful taste and smell. I apologize in advance."

I nodded, knowing I'd taken odd potions the last year.

"Secondly, you would have the urge to want to jump off a cliff," Sebastian
murmured, scratching the back of his neck.

"W-What?!" I said, almost thinking he was joking.

"Yes, uh, apparently, it's very sinful to prevent a child at these times. Almost
as dark magic, so as consequence, the mentality of feeling awful is part of
it. It's only for a few hours though!" Sebastian assured.

I stood there, eyeballing the potion in my hand, "A few hours..."

"Or, a few months if you—"

Before Sebastian can finish, I can feel myself chugging down the potion.

Sebastian's Perspective

"I apologize," I looked down at Y/n in concern, seeing her react badly to the
There was a sense in me that it would've been nice to have children one day.
That being a father seemed so interesting, but it was not the right mindset.
Not now, or ever. I was afraid. Afraid of not being the best parent a child
can need. I lost my parents very young, I wouldn't know anything about
being one.

"I want to die." Y/n murmured on our way to the castle.

"No, you don't. It's just the potion taking effect. You will be—hey! Come
here." I said, watching Y/n want to slip off the water.

"No, we killed a child." Y/n gasped.

I closed my eyes, knowing it wasn't Y/n talking, but the magic of the potion
ingesting her body.

"No, we did not," I held in my chuckle, "There was no child, yet, Y/n. We
are safe."

"No, we weren't safe. Now, I have to deal with this burden of—"

"Y/n, it's not you talking, alright? You took that potion willingly. Nobody
was harmed. I'm sure I can give you loads of children one day, if you want."
I laughed, keeping her hands in place from doing anything out of the

"No, No—"
"You're not drowning in that river. It's only three feet, Y/n." I told her.

"I don't care." Y/n whined.

I rubbed my temples, trying to understand that this was my fault. Y/n

shouldn't have felt this way in the first place if I was more thoughtful. Now,
I just felt bad that she was acting completely opposite of herself.

"Why is half of my body drenched?" Y/n looked down as we entered the

school halls.

I was sweating at this point from everything that Prevention of Bearing

potion caused Y/n. The side effects seemed worst than being drunk. I've
learned my lesson.

I breathed, "You wanted to find ways to take your life. You thought
drowning in the river here was the best way."

Y/n redden at my explanation, "Why would I want to do that?"

I held in my laugh, "Side effects."

"Did I say anything?"

"That you killed a child." I gulped.

Y/n gave a look of confusion, "W-What? I wasn't even...I drank that to
avoid making a child. There's no child." She wondered.

"Exactly my thoughts." I chuckled, "It's alright. It seems like you're getting

back to normal...how are you feeling?"

Y/n took a breath, looking down at wet self, and sighed, "Well, don't ever
do that again."

"I shall not. I promise." I nodded rapidly, agreeing with her, "Spells are free.
I'll keep my word on that." I joked.

"You should've always kept your word on that, Sebastian." Y/n mumbled,
grabbing her wand and using a drying spell for her clothes.

I sighed but smiled knowing that although there were consequences to these
actions, it felt nice to live off scenes in my life that weren't stressful. Or to
distract the fact that I still had all this trauma in me that I was hiding in a

It was a little past breakfast, but surprisingly, we were able to enter the
Great Hall when it was still full. It was the weekend, so the hours were
more later.

Luckily, there wasn't much reaction at the entrance of me and Y/n. We spent
most of fifth year entering this way after long battles, so it seemed more
like history repeating itself.

The setting seemed different on this particular day. Instead of everyone at

their normal tables, the students seemed more huddled and chaotic.
"What are we going to wear?"

"Who is going to ask us?"

"What if I'm not ready?"

Y/n stared over at her girlfriends huddled in a circle near the Ravenclaw
table and I noticed there was an urge in her to run off.

"I'll see you later, Y/n." I smiled, nudging.

Y/n stared up, "Y-Yeah, you too, Sebastian."

I leaned to her ear, "Happy belated Birthday."

"Funny, Sallow." Y/n let out, walking away.

"Ominis," I let out once reaching the Slytherin table, eyeing my friend
enjoy the chaos.

"Hm, how was your weekend getaway, Sebastian?" He rose a brow.

I rested my arms against the table and sighed, almost with a smile, "It was
only a day, Ominis."

"That was enough," Ominis complained.

I kept my smile, "What's this?" I took over the flyer that was near him.

"You missed breakfast. I presume, with your little getaway with Y/n, you
must've not heard the news that has the entire school in chaos." Ominis

"I did not—"

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

together with the

Ministry of Magic

Request the pleasure of your company at the


to celebrate Easter and the Final Quidditch Match

To be held at
17:00 hours
Easter Sunday
at the
Great Hall
Hogwarts School

Strictly Dress to Impress

MASKS are mandatory for entrance to all sixth and seventh students.

"The Headmaster decided to introduce a ball. Hence, the talks and

commotion." Ominis stated after I read the flyer.
"I see that," I murmured, almost lost for words.

A ball. There were a few school dances throughout the years, specifically,
towards the older students, but Headmaster Black took a pause on them
until this year, as we see.

"A ball." I said, repeating, "A bloody ball."

"Correct, Sebastian."

"I just spent an entire stressful month struggling to make Y/n my girlfriend,
another stressful month planning Y/n's birthday, now I need another month
to stress about taking Y/n to a dance?" I scoffed to myself, in stress, of

"You wanted to be in a relationship." Ominis smirked to himself.

I set the paper down, staring at him, "What about you, Ominis? Who are
you taking to the ball?"

Ominis look taken aback at my questioning, but shrugged, "Who said

anything about me going?"

"Oh, we're going." I ordered, "And you're getting a date. End of


"You can't force me to go to a stupid ball, Sebastian," Ominis said angrily.

"I can't, but Y/n can. This should be interesting." I said to myself,
pretending as if I wasn't nervous about the entire thing.


i can't wait for a memorable ball 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

so many exciting chapters on the way! thanks for sticking with me. i
know there's so many chapters now, but i hope length isn't a problem
haha. 🥹

hope you enjoyed this lovely chapter with seb and you. 💚
forty four *


This chapter contains mature content.

I walked into the Great Hall one morning. The space was fuller than usual,
but it must've been the switch of the food menu due to the Spring season

My eyes scanned the Slytherin table first. It became a routine that every
other day, Sebastian and I sat together at his table with Ominis or
Gryffindor with Poppy and Natty. Just a simple routine.

"Y/n," Ominis noticed my presence.

I laughed to myself, "I'll ask how you knew it was me, but I believe you just

Ominis let out a small smile, "You know me so well now, Y/n...I believe
Sebastian is entering too?" He guessed.
I looked around, "Actually, he isn't, do you know where he is?"

"Hm, probably overslept. Are we surprised?" Ominis rose a brow.

"No." I laughed again, "Well, I guess it's just me and you. You don't mind,
right?" I asked for reassurance.

"No?" Ominis said, almost offended, "I believe in these circumstances, I

prefer your presence than Sebastian's. So, no, I don't mind."

I smiled.

I didn't mind Ominis. I knew deep down there was this sweet characteristic
in him that only developed when he wanted it to. As I said, in the
beginning, he was the biggest asshole toward me, but after getting to know
each other, we were closer than ever.

"Would you go to the ball with me, Pricilla?"

Our heads turned towards the Ravenclaw table. A seventh year stood on top
of the table, the students complaining about his actions while he bent for the
ball proposal at a Ravenclaw girl.

I watched as the Ravenclaw girl squealed with her friends before taking the
enchanted flowers from the boy and squealing yes.

"I presume it was another proposal," Ominis sighed.

I sighed along, "You're absolutely right."

As the Masquerade Ball date got closer, the experience of the proposal for
dates was increasing. The Hogwarts students were getting creative each
time, and I wondered if I was going to get that experience.

I gulped, pretending not to overwhelm myself with the ball, and directed it
toward Ominis.

"Who are you taking, Ominis?"

Ominis furrowed at my question, "Pardon?"

Sebastian might've slipped out that Ominis had no interest in the ball. That
the idea of it wasn't his cup of his tea, but he believed I was able to
convince it. I quote, "you tell people what they want to hear".

"You heard me, who are you taking?" I kept my smile.

"Who said I was going?" Ominis frowned.

"I did." I said back, "It's the first ball. You definitely need that experience.
There's no way you aren't going."

Ominis stood silent at the moment before he frowned even more, "Sebastian
put you up to this, right? No, I am not—"
"Stop being an introvert, Ominis. You're a Gaunt for merlin's sake!" I
slammed my hands dramatically, "Make your name known at this ball." I

"I don't want to be the spotlight, Y/n." Ominis said in honesty.

I sighed, "You don't have to be. It will be fun and there would be masks."

"Not convincing enough." Ominis yawned.

I yawned back, "You either find a date, or I'll find one for you."

"Hilarious, Y/n...has Sebastian asked you?" Ominis wondered.

I stopped thinking for a moment at his question knowing he hasn't, but I

switched the subject.

"Merlin, I've almost forgotten, I needed to revise my History of Magic

homework at the library." I remembered, "I'll see you later, Ominis."

"Alright, Y/n." Ominis let out.

I actually did end up taking advantage of my time that morning studying in

the library. It was going great before a familiar ginger stumbled across me
and sat down.

"Garreth, I think you're overthinking it." I sighed, tapping my quill against

the library desk.
I wanted to study, that's all. It wasn't my intention to find myself giving
Garreth Weasley a pep talk at 8AM, but he wasn't giving me a choice. And
I, with a kind heart, couldn't tell him to piss off.

"Possibly, I am overthinking it, Y/n," Garreth mumbled loudly, "Which is

why, I am here asking for some help."

I stared blankly at my History of Magic textbook and huffed.

"Poppy really likes animals. You should start there." I advised.

Yes, Poppy. It was obvious by now Garreth and Poppy had some sort of
crush on each other, but were very timid to admit it. I didn't blame anyone,
really. I was once like that too.

"And what the hell am I supposed to do with animals, exactly?" Garreth

said out loud.

"Shh!" Madam Scribner called out from the distance.

I reddened, turning to Garreth in a whisper.

"Garreth, you're going to get me in trouble. Please." I looked around, "A

Jobberknoll...be creative. I don't know!"

"Fine! But if anything goes down, I can't take the blame." Garreth
I scoffed at the redhead, "Everything goes down with you! Stop
overthinking. It's Poppy!" I reminded.

"Alright. I trust you, Y/n." Garreth smiled at me, "What are you doing?
What are you—"

"Garreth..." I sighed.

"Right! Studying time. I'm sorry!" Garreth stood up, "Thank you, again."
He waved.

"Bye, Garreth." I waved back.

I sat in that library for a few minutes. I took studying seriously, it was
almost like an escape from everything that's happened and although
studying was such a boring hobby, it felt normal in the Wizarding World.

Halfway into my reading section, I can hear another quill tap in a pattern a
few feet away. I've tried ignoring it, but it kept tapping to a point where I
assumed it was on purpose.

I turned. Maybe, I should've regretted turning, but curiosity couldn't stop

me. He would've kept going.

The Slytherin Prefect leaned against that library seat. One leg was up over
the table while the other was bent on the chair, not caring about the posture
at all. It almost seemed as if he was sitting to view me.
Ignore it, Y/n. This is the worst outcome. Maybe, it'll get the hint you are

Atticus gave an egoistic wave at my notice; his black rings peeking through
his fingers while I immediately went back to my studying, pretending I
didn't see anything.

As Archer Evermonde, the Minister for Magic at the time of the—

"Is this seat taken?"

I gasped mid-reading when I looked back up and noticed Atticus Sweeting

standing across from me, his fingers pointing at the empty seats around me.

Before I can even answer, the tall man just slumped over the seat in from of
me and got comfortable.

Again, I read, ignoring my surroundings.

"Studious. How interesting can you get, Y/n Y/l/n." Atticus let out, still
tapping his quill against the wooden large desk.

I passed my saliva, keeping calm, "I'm sure you have other hobbies than to
bother me, Atticus. Leave me alone."
I was scared. I didn't want to associate myself with Atticus. He seemed
unpredictable. I needed to ask myself each time how he was a Sweeting.
Yes, half-sibling, but still.

"Bother you? I'll have to care enough to do that." Atticus spoke, almost in a
whisper, "It might've just been a coincidence. As a prefect, it is my duty to
stall the halls, specifically, the library."

"Good for you." I whispered, eyes still on the book.

I took hold of my quill, beginning to write a few sentences for the work, the
bracelet Sebastian had gifted me clicked a little while I wrote. It gave
Atticus access to more questions.

"Cute charms," Atticus finger poked on the golden snitch charm, "A
butterbeer, a little snitch and..."

My hand rapidly went down to my thigh, not wanting him to catch a

glimpse of the wolf fang and ask more questions. I rolled down the sleeve
and brought it back up.

"Hm," Atticus noticed my behavior, "You're more attentive now." He stared.

I stare back into his blue eyes, not seeing any emotion, "I've always been

Atticus smirked, "Not enough, if I had to save you from those spiders—"
"You're never going to let that go, are you?" I said, almost bothered.

"No." Atticus said bluntly, "I noticed many things about you that
memorable night, so, no." he crossed his arms and resting back.

I rolled my eyes, taking hold of my writing item.

"You're so oblivious." Atticus let out again.

My view lifted, still seeing Atticus Sweeting stare at me in an intense way.

He was intimidating. I see why girls in Hogwarts were fond of it, but it was
difficult to actually fall for. Perhaps, it was because my feelings were settled
for someone else, but it still gave an unusual feel.

"And you're too close," I frowned, "I said it once and I'll say it again, leave
me alone, Atticus."

Instead of respecting my words, like a real man should, Atticus just sat there
with a smile on his face while he continued.

"Have you been asked to the Masquerade Ball, yet?" Atticus asked.

I froze at the moment, not expecting that question.

Not that I have anything against it, but I haven't been asked. The ball was in
one week now, but I figured since me and Sebastian were dating, it was just
obvious we'll go together. Right? Many couples were doing that.

"Yeah, plenty of times." I lied.

"Me too." Atticus went along, "But you see the difference here is that you're

I bit the inside of my cheek, "You wouldn't know—"

"I'm a prefect, I have the list of who's going with who, Y/n." Atticus

I ignored him, keeping my eyes on my book again.

"Hm, Sallow lacks a lot for having you," Atticus joked, "Has every chance
with the Hero of Hogwarts and, yet, he can't ask—"

"Leave Sebastian out of this." I warned angrily.

"Why? It's quite fun pinpointing him. You know, you don't always have to
be there for his defense. Let him take consequence—"

"You've said enough, Sweeting." Another voice let out.

My posture adjusted at the sight of Sebastian Sallow appearing in our view.

Sebastian was upset. I hadn't even known how long he was inside that
library, but what I did know was that it was enough to witness me have an
entire conversation with Atticus Sweeting.

Atticus never took glance at Sebastian. Instead, his blue eyes stayed on me
as he spoke.

"I haven't said enough," Atticus said, extending his arms to rest on the
chairs beside him, "Actually, I have a lot to say to Y/n, so how about you
mind your business, Sallow?"

Sebastian stood there without his uniform robe. The white long sleeve
rolled up over his wrist while his hands were in fists, making me worry.

"Y/n, let's go." Sebastian said, keeping his stare at Atticus.

Atticus rose his brows at Sebastian's words and turned to me, "You're just
going to let him order you like that? Are you his pet now?"

I swallowed, knowing Atticus was trying to manipulate Sebastian's words

onto me.

"You hold a title of being so confident and brave, yet, you are going to let
Sebastian Sallow ruin that for you?" Atticus kept pushing it.

"Stop." Sebastian said under his breath.

"She's not moving," Atticus pointed at me, "I assume I have a point—"
"Oppungo!" Sebastian pointed his wand at Atticus.

I gasped, standing up from that library seat.

Atticus reacted fast, casting protego on himself before pointing his own
wand at Sebastian.

"Don't test me, Sallow." Atticus frowned.

"Depulso," Sebastian casted.

Atticus moved, the entire bookcase behind them falling down, causing
chaos. Immediately, Atticus held his wand casting a dark spell on Sebastian.

I couldn't really hear the incantation, but Sebastian's left shoulder opened up
in a wound, beginning to bleed.

"Stop it! Stop it now!" The librarian shouted.

I breathed heavily, speechless on what to even do.

The two Slytherins were casting dark spells against each other that I didn't
even know about nor how to stop them. It was scary.

"Expelliarmus." Atticus let out, making Sebastian lose grip of his wand.

Sebastian's face was angry. I don't think I've seen him this angry since that
Quidditch fight he got himself into last month. The emotion was
indescribable and concerning.

"Sebastian, stop—"

Sebastian Sallow ran up to Atticus Sweeting wandless, throwing his first

punch, but Atticus was also on his level. The fight was just intense and

"I said stop!" Someone said.

At that moment, Professor Weasley appeared out of nowhere, casting a spell

to separate both men and preventing them to fight more.

"What kind of representation is this for the Slytherin house?!" Professor

Weasley said in shock.

I watched Sebastian. His body leaned against the end of a bookshelf; his
pink lips slightly bleeding while his shoulder still bled from the dark spell
Atticus did.

My heart was skipping more than usual, and not in a good way. The breaths
that came out of me were heavy and I was just as speechless as the
professors in there.

"Atticus Sweeting and Sebastian Sallow." Madam Scribner let out,

"Detention. Detention, detention!"

"It is a prefect's duty to follow the orders of managing the areas of the
school. Not fight the students of their own house, Mister Sweeting!"
Professor Weasley called out.

Atticus shrugged, "And it is also our duty as prefects to defend ourselves,

Professor." He wiped his mouth.

"Piss off, Sweeting." Sebastian scoffed at him.

Atticus was also angry. I've adjusted to always seeing him be so cocky and
arrogant, I never witness him be mad. It was just a weird moment.

"You will regret this, Sallow. I promise you, you have no idea what you've
done." Atticus warned Sebastian.

Sebastian clicked his tongue, turning to Professor Weasley, "I don't care,
Professor. I've dealt with enough. Give me whatever detention you'll need.
I'm leaving." He said harshly.

And I watched Sebastian Sallow leave that library heatedly not even
glancing once in my direction. He just adjusted his tie along the way and
took a breath, opening that library exit.

I adjusted myself, not wanting to be in the middle, and prepared myself to

chase after Sebastian. I gathered my books and held them tightly beginning
to avoid more chaos.

"Enjoy him while you can, Y/n." Were the last words Atticus said before I
exited that library.
When I came out, I was exposed to the Central Hall, my head going in all
directions trying to find a familiar figure. Plenty of students took my sight,
giving me a difficult time finding Sebastian, but since I departed right
behind him, I was able to distinguish a set of brown hairs at the end of the

I held the books tightly against my chest as I sped-walk to him, not wanting
to break contact in his direction of walking. The man was tall, so his
walking pace was faster than mine. It was almost frustrating.

"Sebastian," I called out.

I felt deja-vu at the scene. The past memory of also chasing him around this
hallway while he was upset. I hoped this was less complicated the first.

"Sebastian, seriously, I am calling you." I shouted.

Only a few students walked through the particular corridor, but it was
enough to make them turn around at my yell.

I reddened a little.

Sebastian stopped walking, taking a breath before reaching the last exit
door and turning to me.

There was a frown on his face. His eyes were dark and his head almost
stayed forward, wanting to seem very serious at my callouts.
"What, Y/n?" Sebastian said in a serious tone.

I was distracted by the cut on his shoulder that Atticus caused. The blood
now stopping, but still noticeable. It seemed like it hurt.

"What do you mean what? I've been calling your name since you exited the
library, Sebastian!" I rose an arm, managing to hold my books.

"And have you managed to notice that if I don't turn around once, it means I
don't want to speak right now?" Sebastian frowned.

I stood there, looking up at him in confusion. My lips parted, almost lost for
words on why he was upset with me.

"W-What? You can't do that. What did I do?" I scoffed.

We stood at the end of the hallway. Students entered and exited on the small
closed corridor as we argued.

Sebastian stared, a smirk coming off him. It wasn't a positive one either. He
seemed very put off, I couldn't read him for a second.

"What are you doing, Y/n?" Sebastian asked me.

I stared absently, "What do you mean, what am I doing? I was at the library
"And what the hell was Atticus Sweeting doing sitting right with you?" He

"I told him to leave and he didn't. How is that my fault?" I answered.

"You could've just simply grabbed your little books and left. Avoid the
entire problem at once. It's a huge library, Y/n. Not so hard." Sebastian let

I frowned. Sebastian was right. I could've really just grabbed those books
and left completely, but as I said before, Atticus seemed intimidating to me.

"It seems enough you had a good library session this morning. I believe
Weasley also had his spare time. Are you taking study sessions now?"
Sebastian leaned at me.

I closed my eyes, "Garreth? Sebastian, he came for advice to ask Poppy to

the ball! It was nothing."

"And you didn't hesitate once?" Sebastian asked.

"What's your problem?" I frowned.

"No, what's your problem, Y/n?" Sebastian pointed at me, "I hate them
both. I told you that."

"Well, it's not my fault I have to be giving out advice on how to ask girls to
the ball! Do you also need advice for that?" I argued.
I didn't mean to argue, but I was beginning to get worried that Sebastian
might not ask me at all. I wasn't picky about dance proposals, but they
seemed nice and the ball was a week away now. It was my intrusive
thoughts speaking for me.

Sebastian stared almost in guilt, but his ego won him over, "I don't know.
Sweeting seemed very enlisted in asking you. He should take you."

I gasped, "You can't be serious."

Sebastian stared down at me, angry.

"No," I dropped my books, letting them fall to the floor as I rose my arms to
speak, "If you were there, you'll know I was telling Atticus to fuck off,
Sebastian. Clearly, you only see the bad side of it. I told him to leave me
alone!" I argued.

"And I also said, 'Y/n, let's go' and you listened to Atticus manipulate your
actions. Clearly, I can see who you're more intrigued by." Sebastian said,
turning around and walking away.

I didn't know what jealous Sebastian was like. I did see some sort of
experience a few months back, but not compared to this. It was so,
unpredictable. I didn't even have the right words.

I didn't even have time to think because Sebastian being Sebastian, kept
walking out of the halls.

"Are you serious?" I scoffed out, following.

"I'm as serious as I can be." Sebastian let out, walking.

Sebastian walked at a slower pace, almost purposely so I can actually catch

up to him and keep babbling nonsense over the unnecessary argument.

"Can you stop walking for—"

Sebastian looked around for a slight second before tightening his grip on
my arm and pulling us into the nearest broom closet near the exit.

I breathed at the small space and frowned, "What? Are you embarrassed to
be seen now?"

Sebastian was also frowning, staring down at me in the dimmed room, "No.
You're triggering every sense in my body, Y/n."

"You started this argument—"

"And we wouldn't be in this position if you learned how to avoid the

problem in the first place." Sebastian said under his breath.

The room began to feel hot. It was already hot due to the claustrophobic
space with two people, but Sebastian's body temperature was naturally
warm. I would sweat soon.

I looked up.
The hazel in his eyes were still covered with black pupils, but I wasn't
afraid of them. I knew Sebastian.

"You're such a jealous boyfriend." I whispered.

"And you're such a stubborn girlfriend that can't behave." Sebastian


I scoffed, "Excuse me?"

"Yeah, you heard me," Sebastian kept frowning, "You give me a headache.
All you have to do is be a girlfriend. Avoid all these stupid bloaks that get
close to you. Simple mathematics, Y/n."

I rolled my eyes.

"Stop rolling your eyes. Do you see me with other girls? Do you want me to
have study lessons with other girls in our grade? I can gladly do that."
Sebastian asked.

The thought of Sebastian with another girl made my stomach churn. I

couldn't imagine ever witnessing that. I still felt queasy at the memory of
seeing him with Adelaide Oakes.

"I'm yours, Sebastian." I let out, once and for all.

Sebastian kept his frown, but deep down, I knew that it wasn't going to last
"Is that what you want to hear? I'm yours. Always will be. I'm your
girlfriend for a reason." I let out.

"Then act like it." Sebastian ordered.

I understood he was still upset. I knew he wanted praise and reassurance on

the entire thing. I didn't blame him. Sebastian's head must've been all over
the place the last year. The least I wanted was to stress him out even more.

"It's okay to be angry at me, Sebastian." I stared.

Sebastian kept the frown, but I can see the hazel hue of his eyes appear
again. The little ball in his throat moved while he swallowed to himself at
the stare.

"I am angry at you." Sebastian stared.

Our breaths were heavy, and looking at his mad expression didn't help at all.
It was hard to take Sebastian seriously. I was naturally attracted to the guy.
It was hard.

"Okay, then be angry—"

I felt Sebastian's fingers gripped on the sides of my hipbones, pushing me

heavily against the brooms behind us. A few fell, not hitting anything, but
the floor.

I breathed at the unexpected shift, but couldn't say much because

Sebastian's lips were directed at mine roughly.
Our tongues danced with each other, and I could feel a faint taste of blood
from the injured lip he had earlier, but I was too lost in the pleasure to say

Sebastian was quick to fix up the broken storage cabinet behind us with a
reparo charm while also performing a few other spells, letting me know this
wasn't just a kiss.

I didn't question him, he still looked mad and honestly, I was enjoying it.
Maybe, I shouldn't, but it was new. I was interested in what his motives

Sebastian rested his hands on both of my thighs, his breath heavy while he
stared up in a lustful way.

It was funny that Sebastian didn't even have to ask for consent. His eyes
expressed a lot so it was insane that at this point, no matter how dominant
Sebastian wanted to be, he still asked.

"Yes." I consented.

Not hesitating, Sebastian took my stockings right off, almost ripping them
while still leaving my skirt on.

There were no words exchanged in this session. So, yeah, it did make a
difference depending on Sebastian's behavior. It was new, but I wasn't
My eyes were closed, but I heard Sebastian unbuckle his belt and within
seconds, I felt his skin rub against mine at the moment, making me gasp.

One of Sebastian's hands lifted, cupping my cheeks and squishing them,

placing his lips against mine while the other hand was used to slam himself
inside of me.

I was almost embarrassed by how easily Sebastian was able to enter me. It's
as if my body knew and was preparing itself for him.

"Oh," I whimpered at the pace.

Sebastian was rough inside of me against that wall. I was glad he performed
the silencing spells because I wouldn't know how to manage letting the
entire school know how good he made me feel inside a small closet.

My hands dug into his sweaty hairs while the other rested on his lower
back, not wanting him to stop.

"All mine?" Sebastian let out his first whispers.

I breathed, wanting to speak, but the way he just kept slamming inside my
body was impossible at the moment.

"I know you're mine," Sebastian answered for me.

Sebastian turned me around in the moment and kept his actions gentle while
placing my hands over the wall; his hands roaming on my legs.
I wanted to question the new position, but before I can worry, my eyes
closed again when I felt Sebastian inside of me.

It was exotic. It was almost relaxing. Deep. Something about exploring new
things in life was just so satisfying and doing them with Sebastian Sallow
made them feel much better.

I felt Sebastian gently put a few hairs to my side before he curved over
behind me and placed a few kisses on my neck.

"You feel amazing, Y/n." Sebastian complimented in between, "And you

wonder why I'm so crazy for you?" He whispered.

His words were so powerful in such a vulnerable moment.

"You're just for me, right?" Sebastian noticed my pleasure.

I didn't answer.

"Answer me," Sebastian grunted.

I didn't want to answer. I enjoyed the motion of Sebastian. I hated myself

for enjoying it so much, but it was the truth. I was enjoying too much. At
the end of the day, we really were just two sexually active teenagers.

"All for you. Always, Sebastian." I moaned.

"Good girl." Sebastian praised.

Sebastian was serious about being angry and jealous over the situation. I
don't think I've felt him be this rough in a while and I might've managed to
lose my balance in that broom closet.

Sebastian's hand intertwined with mine as he finished off, almost

murmuring a few curse words under his breath from the crazy pleasure.

I breathed heavily as Sebastian sat me back down over that cabinet and let
me relax knowing my balance was slightly off.

"I was too rough," Sebastian said in guilt, noticing his post-actions.

As I adjusted my stockings, I looked up, my breath still adjusting, "W-

What? No, no, you were—"

"My emotions got to me. I didn't measure myself right now, I apologize—"

"Sebastian, it's okay." I assured.

Sebastian adjusted his belt, taking a breath and looking up at me with

sweaty, brown hair.

"Alright...well, I'm still upset." Sebastian confessed.

I stared, almost surprised, "R-Really?"

Sebastian smirked, "I'm only joking, but it will be very nice if you avoid the
wits. You have no idea what I'm capable of." he let out.

I nodded, "I will. I promise."

Sebastian nodded back, "And by the way, I am asking you to the ball. I
apologize for the delay. It's completely my fault." He said bringing back the
old conversation.

I had almost forgotten about the dance.

"Sebastian I—"

"Shh," His finger rose up to my lips, "Patience, darling. I won't disappoint."

He said, leaning in and kissing my forehead.

I couldn't help, but blushed.

"Can you walk?" Sebastian extended his hand to me inside that small closet.

I touch his hand, jumping off the furniture and wobbling a little.

"Hm," Sebastian smiled to himself, "Wonderful. As much as I enjoy my

work, we do have a class in a few minutes, so,"

I watched Sebastian dig into the pocket of his uniform pants and reveal a
familiar green potion.
I giggled at the sight, "You're so insane, Sallow."

Sebastian chuckled, "For you? Maybe."

Sebastian opened up the Wiggelwand potion, "Open up," he gestured.

I opened my mouth letting him pour the liquid and felt myself adjust again.

"There you go," Sebastian said while drinking the remaining and watching
his injury from his shoulder heal.

As we dusted each other off, Sebastian took a breath.

"Sex in a broom closet? Merlin, Y/n! You're crazy!" He spoke in sarcasm,

opening the door.

"Shut up, Sebastian," I laughed.


a cute enjoyable jealous sebastian 🤏🏼

i know y/n might've been acting stubborn this chapter too but i needed
to make that sacrifice to let out a jealous sebastian please forgive me
she won't disappoint again 🙏 we are better than this 🤏🏼🤏🏼🤏🏼

the ball should be very, very, soon. i cannot wait for you guys to see the
outcomes of it. 🙃🙂

a bit nervous, but we'll see🤭💚

forty five


I woke up one morning having an intense dream about Sebastian Sallow.

No, nothing sexual, but this vivid dream was able to locate the weakest
spots in my brain and feelings towards him.

"What's on your mind, Y/n?" Poppy let out, petting Highwing on the
outdoor grounds later that morning.

I stared down at the fresh green grass below, thinking, "Hm, I had a weird
dream yesterday."

"Weird, you say? I believe everyone dreams weird every night." Poppy
giggled to herself.

I smiled, "I know, I know, but, this particular dream felt...real, you know?"
I thought to myself.

Poppy nodded, still having a smile on her pale face, "What was it about?"

I reddened a little, but I shouldn't have.

"Sebastian," I confessed.

"Sebastian, you say? I don't think it should be unusual to dream about your
boyfriend, Y/n."
Poppy joked. "That sounds normal to me."

"Well, yeah, but...but,"

I was confused about my words, I didn't know how to explain myself, but I
knew Poppy wasn't judgmental. Even if she was, it was very light.

"You believe this dream shifted your thoughts about him." Poppy guessed.

I looked up at her brown, almost supposed that she was able to take notice
of my thoughts.

"Yeah, actually, how do you—"

Poppy laughed again, "I think it's just a girl thing when you're in love. Or,
develop a crush. What was it about? If you want to open up."

In love.

I nodded, also petting Highwing in the process. I almost felt embarrassed

confessing, but then again, why should I? Poppy was my best friend and
Sebastian was my boyfriend.
"A life with him," I gulped, "As in, a future. A house, a cat, a dog...kids. I
don't know, we were h-happy? Muggle-kind delusional." I told myself now
hearing it out loud.

"And how did that dream make you feel?" Poppy asked.

I licked my lips.

It made me feel many things. I liked Sebastian Sallow, and my feelings for
him were strong, but after that particular dream, I felt connected to him. I
was in love. Deep down.

"I, um, many things, Poppy," I gulped, "Like, now, I can't picture myself
without him. I don't know why. That's not really, me." I sighed.

Poppy stared, taking a breath and smiling again, "You're in love with
Sebastian Sallow, Y/n. That's all. That is normal."

"Is it?" I said, almost in worry. "I don't think I ever been 'in love'. It

Poppy giggled to herself, "It is. Very scary, but I don't think you should
worry. Sebastian seemed to be in love with you all fifth year!"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, come on—"

"Okay, love is a big word, but I think it's a good thing. You guys spent
almost every day together last year and then recently, you guys are
inseparable. It would only make sense." Poppy advised.

I began to think back on the quote Sebastian mentioned from a book. How
we, women, just plan our entire lives right away. I didn't believe that, but as
days went by, I agreed. It was crazy.

"Don't be afraid to express anything, Y/n." Poppy encouraged, "It's love."

It was. I was in love with Sebastian Sallow.

I took a breath at the moment, "I guess you're right, Po—"

With our talk, a whistle blew from the air above, a Jobberknoll roaming
above us. Then a few more appeared, making Highwing look up from the

"Jobberknoll? At Hogwarts?" Poppy said with a gasp.

I automatically knew where this was leaning toward. I didn't want to be a

third-wheel on the either amazing or failure moment for Garreth Weasley,
but whatever it was, I didn't want to invade.

"I'll see you around, Poppy." I smiled, holding in my laugh, departing from
my friend.

"How about Cressida Blume?" I suggested to Ominis.

It was midday. I was sitting beside Ominis Gaunt in History of Magic.
We've always taken it together, but this class was more boring than usual,
making me socialize more with him.

"No." Ominis answered, not thinking twice.

"Oh, come on, Ominis. She will keep on a conversation all night—"

"Did you not mention Cressida Blume stating in her diary page that she was
afraid of me for being a Gaunt fifth year?" Ominis reminded.

I sighed, "People change."

Ominis kept his head low, trying not to sleep from the teaching.

"Alright, what about...Nellie—"

"I am not taking any Gryffindor to that ball, Y/n." Ominis said bitterly.

I frowned, offended, "Ouch? Alright, I'll let it slide, Ominis, but we can
always move on to another house. Hm," I looked around the class, "Oh,
what about a Hufflepuff—"

"No." Ominis frowned, "Off limits. I wouldn't look good in yellow."

"And how would you know that?" I bullied, "Wait, don't answer me, I'm
sorry—okay, we have Ravenclaw and Slytherin—"
"I believe you two love speaking about the history of magic with all your
intrigued talk?" Professor Binns let out.

I sat back on my seat, reddening from the trouble and Ominis chuckled to
himself next to me.

"Luckily, this class has come to an end. I believe Miss Y/l/n and Mister
Gaunt have a pleasant presentation for next Wednesday." The professor
stated as the class dismissed.

"Thanks a lot, Y/n." Ominis gathered his books while lifting his wand to
depart from the classroom.

I followed along beside him. I was hoping he didn't notice, just to fool
around, but when we made it toward the open hall, Ominis stopped in his

"You're being awfully obvious, Y/n." Ominis turned.

"And you're being awfully mean, Ominis. I can't walk with you?"

"No—I mean, yes, you may, but something tells me that you only want to
do that right now to interrogate me about the Masquerade Ball." Ominis
said under his breath.

I scoffed, knowing he was partially right, "I mean, no...yes? Alright, yes,
"But? I already agreed on attending based on your convincing pressure all
week. Now, you want me to take someone?" Ominis rose a brow at me.

I stared at Ominis. Yeah, he didn't know I was staring, but I know he felt my
silent presence observing him.

"I'm happy you've agreed, Ominis, but I want you to have fun. It's a special
night." I said lowly.

"I shall have fun by myself, Y/n. I can assure you of that." Ominis assured,
"It's not required to take a date."

I sighed knowing he was right.

"Don't sigh at me." Ominis chuckled, "I wouldn't worry about me. How
about you pay attention to the fact that Sebastian is in his third detention
right this moment." He reminded.

Ominis wasn't wrong. Sebastian still needed to pay those detentions from
the feud with Atticus in the library the other day.

I didn't come across Atticus Sweeting after that. It was weird that he only
appeared at the most inconvenient times. And I tried my best to avoid him
regardless. Sebastian and I were doing good and after that incident, I hope
things will adjust.

"I know," I looked down, "I figured he mentioned he had a way of skipping
these detentions?"
"Yes, but I believe when you're destroying the library, you cannot avoid
those." Ominis let out, "I heard what happened."

I tensed a little at his words, "How much did you hear?"

Ominis stood quiet at the moment, wondering about my questioning, but

then I realized I must've just given myself away from my nerves.

"I believe there's been rivalry between Atticus Sweeting and Sebastian
lately. I am not surprised about the library scheme. Sebastian really seemed
off about Atticus intention towards you." Ominis informed.

"Oh..." I said, almost thinking back to it, "What intentions?"

Ominis laughed to himself, "Ah, Y/n, he's the biggest threat in the school.
What intentions does he not have, but I have never seen him so pushy
toward Sebastian. Perhaps, you fascinated both?"

I blushed, but not in a good way.

"I have a nap to take before dinner. I shall see you then, Y/n?" Ominis let
out after my silence.

"Okay, Ominis."

"Oh, you should've seen it! He brought all these Diricrawls and then they
dropped this piece of paper and..."
I smiled as Poppy Sweeting explained her ball proposal from Garreth
Weasley that afternoon before dinner.

"Do you have a date?" I turned to Natty beside me as we walked.

Natty laughed, "Oh, Y/n. My mother would not allow me to be with any
boy until graduation." She said, almost in disappointment.

"Your mother doesn't let you do anything." Cressida murmured without


"How about you Cressida? Any proposals for you?" I asked.

Cressida turned red, adjusting her glasses, "I—I...no. Not really. It's not like
I wanted a date anyway. Boys are off limits!" She lied.

I could tell Cressida was hurt about the thought of not being invited to the
ball. Many despise her personality, I mean, even I couldn't stand her

"Right, I agree." Natty smiled.

"And then, Garreth might've not been able to control the Diricrawls and
they started biting him! Oh, it was so painful, but so cute!" Poppy kept on

"That's very, very—"

My words were lost when we reached the Reception Hall and I noticed a
recognizable face also walking in the same direction.

I hadn't seen him all day. It seems as time went by, even if it was a few
hours, I began to actually miss him. Not clingy-wise, but that dream just
shifted something.

My surroundings blurred at the moment. The only focus was on Sebastian

Sallow who stood there speaking with Amit Thakkar, a random book in his
hand while his wand hung on his robe.

Sebastian looked over at me first. He multitasked speaking at the

Ravenclaw, but kept his eyes on me while I departed from my friends and
walked near him like nothing. It was an urge that I didn't stop.

"Hey, Amit I'll see you around, yeah?" I can hear Sebastian say as I got

Amit took notice of me and smile, "Oh, Y/n! We were just—"

"Just talking." Sebastian smiled.

Amit stared, "Right." He pointed, "I would see you around, Sebastian."

I only gave Amit a few seconds to walk before my face turned to Sebastian
in front of me.

Sebastian seemed exhausted from the long morning detention. A few dark
circles from the lack of sleep, while hairs seemed fluffier from running his
hands through them and the usual tie being untied. And yet, he managed to
look so good at the end of the day.

I felt shy being around him, but I walked up before he can say anything and
wrapped my hands over his neck, bringing my lips to his.

What am I doing? I don't know, but I was in love now. As Poppy would say.

Sebastian didn't pull back. I can guarantee he smiled in between that kiss
and joined along, not caring about the people in our surroundings.

"Well, hello to you too?" Sebastian smiled, almost confused at my affection,

but not fighting it off.

I stared into his hazel eyes, smiling.

Yeah, it was definitely love. Jittery. Crazy for him. It was bizarre what one
certain dream can do to you.

"I'm sorry, was I being too clingy?" I asked, finally taking realization from
my actions.

Sebastian scoffed, "Merlin, what? No. I—you thought that was clingy?" He

I pursed my lips, keeping my hands behind me now.

"I'll show you what's clingy," Sebastian whispered.

I didn't know what he meant, but he quickly threw me over his shoulder in
front of everyone as I gasped.

"Hey! We're going to get in trouble—"

"Oh, good morning, girls." Sebastian waved at my friends that I was

previously walking with, pretending as if what he was doing was the usual.

I flushed seeing my friends pass me and giggle to themselves.

"Took you long enough to do that, Sebastian." Nellie let out.

I saw Poppy smile widely at me, almost thinking back on the conversation
we had together that morning and clapped slowly to herself from the
relationship development.

Perhaps, it was cringe-worthy, but we didn't care. We didn't care about

anyone, but ourselves now. And I was happy that Sebastian went along. We
were now fully comfortable and not afraid of hiding anything anymore.

It only took a few steps into the Great Hall before Sebastian was caught
carrying me around like a lunatic.

"Mister Sallow, I believe carrying students around in the school halls is not
very well-mannered of you," Professor Weasley let out at the entrance of
the Great Hall.
"Oh," Sebastian slowly put me down, clearing his throat, "I apologize,
Professor Weasley. It shall not happen again." He bowed at her.

I kept my mouth sealed, holding back my giggle as Professor Weasley eyed

us both within her glasses and nodded.

"I suppose you completed your detentions this week, Mister Sallow?"

"Indeed, I did." Sebastian smiled.

That smile. That cocky smile.

"Good." She nodded, "Enjoy your breakfast you two."

I nodded back with a smile.

Sebastian and I walked into the Great Hall oblivious to what just happened
between us. We stopped at the moment seeing Poppy and Garreth sit beside
each other at the Gryffindor table.

I smiled to myself watching my best friend finally get the attention she
deserved after getting asked out to the Masquerade Ball in such a
memorable way.

"I believe I owe you an apology," Sebastian whispered beside me as we

walked to the Slytherin table, "I heard about Weasley's proposal to
Poppy...creative. Seemed very helpful by you." He stared at the couple.
I didn't know whether to give a smile or stay put — I smiled.

"Yeah, Poppy is very satisfied." I stared, "It's alright."

"You were just trying to help." Sebastian sighed, "I underestimated your

I laughed as we sat, "It's alright, Sebastian. I understand."

"Do you?"

I sat down across Ominis usual seat, but he wasn't there. I just felt
Sebastian's stare at me from the corner of my eye.

I sighed, turning and witnessing those innocent and caring hazel eyes beside

Sebastian Sallow. A boy who can from giving me such a lustful dark stare to
a puppy-eyed one. It was interesting how his emotions changed depending
on the situation.

My fingers rose at the pale face, tracing over the freckles and his eyes

"You're too handsome," I confessed, admiring, "It's quite difficult."

Sebastian nodded, "Hm, I can say the same."

"Me? Handsome?" I questioned him.

His pale cheeks turned into a shade of pink as he laughed, "Ah, you're
humorous now."

I can feel Sebastian's fingers take hold of my cheeks too and squish them.

"I absolutely adore how you're slowly keeping up with my language tactics.
How fascinating of you, Y/n." He let out.

As Sebastian leaned in to kiss my nose and my forehead and my...

"Merlin, I know I shouldn't be surprised watching you two fond over each
other physically, but...wow." Imelda scoffed at the end of the Slytherin

"Surprise?" Sebastian rose a brow.

Imelda rolled her eyes, "Oh, don't act clueless, Sebastian. It's just odd. Like
it was predictable, but now seeing it happen...weird." She complained.

"And do you have a problem with that, Imelda?" I rose a brow.

"Yeah, get a room!" Imelda slammed.

"I would be on it," Sebastian whispered, only for us to hear.

I saw Sebastian look around the Slytherin table, scanning, "Have you seen

I also looked, "I did this morning, but he said he'll take a nap."

"Hm," Sebastian wondered before turning his head to me. His fingers traced
the palm of my hand under the table.

Dinner was great. I really thought it'll be the last of seeing Sebastian Sallow
that day, but luckily, I received an owl that night. It was always at night.

"Have these owls turned into love letters now?" Cressida teased.

I rolled my eyes, "You ask too many questions, Cressida."


Astronomy Tower tonight.

Disillusionment Charm before entering the tower — Peeves can plot


Be careful. See you soon. 11pm.


I smile widely.
"Well?" Cressida said.

"Cressida! Mind your business." Nellie snapped, "Stop acting as if Y/n has
never sneaked out for Sebastian Sallow. She did that all last year!" She
sighed, tired of Cressida's words.

I ignored the chaos and slipped on a long sleeve and pants before
proceeding toward whatever venture Sebastian Sallow had planned.

Sebastian was right. The disillusionment spell came in handy when I

spotted Peeves along those Astronomy Tower stairs.

It was a breezy night. Maybe, I didn't feel the cold of April because I've
been so sweaty-nervous to confront Sebastian on that tower. I didn't know
what to expect, so the nerves were eating me inside.

And I saw him. I held the spell in place, not uncasting it, and admired
Sebastian's stance once reaching the last stairs.

Sebastian leaned with that signature pose. Arms against the railing, not
caring that he was on top of the highest tower at Hogwarts, and stood there,
waiting for my presence nervously.

Yes, nervously. I watched the small details of his fingers playing with each
other while his leg tapped on the wooden floor. His eyes wandered around,
almost desperate for the arrival.

I could've stared all night, but I finally grew the confidence and undid the
spell, revealing myself a few feet away.
The tapping of his feet stopped and Sebastian adjusted his posture, taking a
glance at me.

"You made it." He smiled.

I stared back, "Why wouldn't I?"

Sebastian observed me, making it obvious, "Second thoughts..." he looked


I looked around with him too, walking near the ledge and staring up at the
clear sky, stargazing.

Sebastian didn't speak, he just joined along beside me on that railing,


Fifth Year

"Did you know there's only a full moon once a month?" Sebastian asked
sitting against the tree.

We were in the Forbidden Forest. I couldn't really tell the time, but it was
late based on the clear sky above us. We were tired and avoiding dark
wizards, so we hid between the trees until the battles with the Centaurs and
dark wizards were over.

"I always did. You didn't know that?" I turned to him from the tree next to
Sebastian stared up at the moon between the leaves of the tall trees above

"Actually, no, I didn't," He laughed, "Not until I learned it in the third year."

I laughed, "Well, yes...full moon every month. It's when the stars appear
more too. Brighter."

"Since when do you know about the stars, Y/n?" Sebastian asked in

"You'll be surprised, Sebastian." I stared.

Me and Sebastian sat there, listening to the battles in the distance while
staring up.

"You see those stars aligning," I pointed up, looking at the snake-like shape
of the stars spreading in the sky, "That's a constellation."

"Ah yes, Draco, the dragon. Shaped almost like a serpent." Sebastian

"Oh, so you know," I teased at him.

"You'll be surprised, Y/n." Sebastian said, mocking me from my previous

words, "I know that one. I come from the Serpent house. It would only
make sense!"

I laughed to myself, "Alright, expert."


"Do you know how many stars are in the Milky Way?" Sebastian asked in
the present.

I felt like he was testing me. That for some reason, Sebastian Sallow had
done the research.

"Billions," I answered, "Two hundred billion to be exact," I said


"Actually, three billion. You were close." Sebastian corrected.

My brows rose, looking over to Sebastian beside me. His eyes were up,
glaring beautifully at the sky and I admired the knowledge that came out of

"Didn't know I have competition now." I teased.

Sebastian shrugged, "As I once said, you don't know what I'm capable of."
He winked.

I laughed, hiding the blush and pretending like it wasn't getting cold in that
high air.
We both stood silent at the moment, just admiring the starlit night above.
All the gorgeous stars shone brighter than others.

"I have something to show you, Y/n." Sebastian let out, "Since you know so
much about constellations."

"Hm?" I turned.

Sebastian took a breath, extending his hand, and waited for me to take hold
of it.

I smiled, coming in contact with it and following him to the nearest


"Amit mentioned you've done well with the astronomy tables on the regions
the past year." Sebastian informed.

"You talked about me?" I said, almost nervous, "But yes, I-I did come
across some. Some were difficult, but I managed."

Sebastian crossed his arms, "Excellent. What can't you do, Y/n?" He

I smiled, "Oh, come on."

Sebastian smiled back, "As much as I am fighting the urge to kiss you just
standing there, I prefer if you can align this constellation for me." He
moved the telescope.

I grinned, "Sure."

I bent slightly, closing an eye as I observed the telescope in front of me; a

few stars shining brighter as I wanted to align them like in the past.

"Hm," I struggled.

"I believe there are four alignments," Sebastian said afar.

I concentrated, trying my best to see where these constellations were going,

but I have never seen them in my life.

"I might've found one?" I said, almost in question.

"What shape is it?"

I squinted.

"Almost like...B?"

I kept playing with it, not trying to move the telescope, and kept aligning.

"There's another L and,"

I paused at the moment, realizing what all this really meant and my heart
almost fell out of me from it.

I breathed heavily, afraid to take my eyes off that telescope at the moment.

"What does it say?" Sebastian still acted clueless.

"Ball..." I whispered. "It says—"

When my body lifted up, my words cut off as Sebastian Sallow stood beside
me with a sunflower in his hand.

I let out a breath, speechless.

"How did you—"

"Magic," Sebastian said nervously.

I looked at him, his eyes on me before finally giving me that cocky, iconic
smile of his.

"Y/n, do you have the honor to join me at the Masquerade Ball?" Sebastian
bowed with the flower.
Breath, Y/n. Breathe.

I was frozen, in a good way. I don't think I've felt this much adrenaline in a
while. I didn't know what to do or what to say. The heat was rushing

"You can decline, of course. I realize I was quite late with this, but—"

I squealed, jumping onto the tall man, not giving him the choice of carrying
me, and smiled.

"I'll love to go to the Masquerade Ball with you, Sebastian Sallow. Yes. A
million times yes." I said happily.

"A million?" Sebastian scoffed.

I laughed, "No, billions. Like the stars above us," I looked up at the sky,
"You are crazy, Sebastian."

Sebastian never put me down, he just smiled along, "Agh, did I do a good

I didn't answer, I just kissed him. I was down so bad for him. Bad. I was
love-struck — so, in love. My future was right in front of me. It was

Sebastian kissed back, not wanting to stop the intense love bombing, and
continuously kept his hands all over my body knowing we wouldn't stop.
"Picturing you in such a lovely dress, already" Sebastian buried within my
neck, kissing me in between.

"I can only—"

"Hehehe," A familiar screeching voice echoed from the Astronomy Tower.

Sebastian quickly removed his hands from under my sweatshirt and

adjusted our positions, not wanting to be noticeable.

"Out exploring once again?" Peeves said annoyingly.

Sebastian closed his eyes, taking a huff, "Ugh, so close,"

"Naughty, naughty, you'll get caughty!" Peeves clapped.

Instead of worrying, I giggled in between.

Sebastian turned to me, furrowing his brows, but laughing along, "Deja-



so cute and fluffyyy ughhhhhh must be fucking nice to have sebastian

sallow as a bf 🥹🤏🏼

the ball finally start next chapter. grab your armor. 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴
i cannot believe this story has reached 300k+. although some comments
have been quite opinionated as new readers come through, i enjoy
reading all of them. thank you guys,💚
forty six

picture credit: joannasallinger | tumblr


"And...that should enchant it well." Professor Garlick clapped her hands

together, stepping a few feet back and admiring her work.

I sat there in the Herbology classroom, surrounded by my Gryffindor

friends while we adjusted the last of the masks.

"Well?" I stared anxiously, my eyes peeking clearly through the mask.

Natty and Nellie stared at each other's smiling, almost in excitement from
the ball itself.

"It looks beautiful, Y/n. If I had known Professor Garlick was making
masks, I would've chosen too instead of a Hogsmeade one." Natty sighed.

"Oh, I'm sure everyone's attire should be amazing no matter what!"

Professor Garlick cheered, "Y/n, thank you for trusting me in designing
your piece!"

I smiled.

It wasn't difficult to find what to wear. There were multiple days where only
the girls were allowed in Hogsmeade to shop for dresses and another day
where it was just guys. Hogwarts was very creative.

I wasn't fond of the mask choices, so I did take a risk of asking Mirabel
Garlick. Not a negative risk. I was afraid she'll decline at such last minute
offer, but I was wrong. It was almost exciting for her.

"Oh, how thrilling this is! A Hogwarts Ball! How I wish I could've
experienced such a beautiful night!" Professor Garlick smiled widely.

"You can always join, Professor Garlick." I encouraged, dusting off my


"Oh, thank you, but I have several plants that need an eye tonight! I'm sure I
can take a glimpse during a break though!" She smiled.

I nodded, taking a breath.

"I say this all the time, but you manage to make everything you wear look
absolutely incredible, Y/n." Cressida confessed, eyeing my dress.

Natty and Nellie ended up going together as friends. They agreed that they
shouldn't rely on men to take them, plus, it benefited Natty since she wasn't
allowed to go with a boy. Along with Cressida, she was all solo tonight, as

"What time is it?" I asked as we carefully walked through the exits of the
Herbology center.

I hope our dresses weren't stumbling over each other, and there were several
moments where Cressida and I almost tripped down the stairs. It was just

"It's almost a quarter until eight!" Nellie stated.

I took a breath knowing I had a few minutes to take in the fact that I will
have to confront Sebastian Sallow in the Grand Entrance stairs. That in a
few minutes, the curiosity about what he will wear tonight will finally die

"What's the rush?" Cressida nudge.

"Cressida, can't you see? From all of us, Y/n has a date to attend soon."
Nellie informed.

The last time I took a glimpse of Sebastian was in Potions class Thursday
afternoon. Although we've become inseparable the last week, like Nellie
once said, like a 'bubblegum', we got distracted with the pre-ball organizing.
It was very exhilarating.

"You're nervous." Natty noticed.

"I am. A lot." I said truthfully, not wanting to hide my feelings.

"Sebastian should be the one nervous. Not you." Nellie smirked, "I'm sure
he is shitting his pants while you're just sweating."

My roommates laugh with each other as I walked slowly, feeling my

stomach turn over the thought. It was an unusual feeling. I know it was
normal, but still... nerve-wracking. I wanted to run away.

I smiled, "Right, right."

Sebastian's Perspective

I took one last nervous breath, adjusting my black bowtie, and stepped aside
in the mirror in front of me.

"You've been standing in that mirror for an hour, Sebastian. I am sure you
look well." Ominis re-entered the dormitory.

Looking at the mirror, I can see Ominis reflection behind me. His outfit
showed, making me part my lips and turn around rapidly with a million

"Ominis," I rose my brows, "Y-You're wearing blue!" I pointed at him.

Ominis stood there beside his green bed, almost unbothered, "I am."
I was smiling widely at my best friend, "Who's the lucky girl? Y/n betted
that it was possibly a Ravenclaw, I quote, 'Ominis would look quite good in
blue'." I said.

Ominis hand roamed over his bed, trying to find the masquerade mask he
left behind, but I didn't hesitate to walk near and grab it for him.

"Got it. Need help?" I offered.

Ominis nodded at me, "Yes. I want to assure that my bowtie is on correctly.

Along with my mask. Thank you, Sebastian."

I nodded, "Wish I can say the same. So, who's the lucky date?"

"Date?" Ominis rose a brow. "Who said anything about a date?"

My fingers stopped adjusting his bow and gave a look of confusion,

"Pardon? I believe if you are wearing blue..."

"It's not a date. I am taking a friend," Ominis cleared his throat, "A
Ravenclaw friend."

I blinked, plastering the white-aqua-blue mask on him and still wondered,

"I am listening."

"Amit and I are going together." Ominis informed, "I figured since we both
weren't really aiming toward dates, we used the excuse of wearing the
colors. I wear blue, he wears green."
"Hm, I can quite picture Amit in green. Smart." I agreed, not wanting to
question anymore.

I was satisfied that Ominis was going. I knew Y/n would be very satisfied
that he will end up taking someone. Yeah, it wasn't a date, but our goal was
that we wanted him to have a good time. That was all.

"I'll project you are wearing the Gryffindor colors somewhere in your
clothing." Ominis guessed.

I smirked, turning back to the mirror.

I adjusted the buttons of the maroon-colored waistcoat that fitted nicely

over the white-collar long sleeve. I threw in a gray coat knowing it was a bit
of a chilly night.

"You are absolutely correct, Ominis," I gave a stance, "Who knew the
rivalry colors would look so good on me." I complimented myself.

"Oh, don't be so fond of yourself, Sebastian." Ominis complained, "Is Y/n

wearing green then?"

I frosted in the moment at the mention of Y/n.

I hadn't seen her in forever. Forever was an exaggerated word, but it was the
truth. I wasn't aware of what shifted between us the last week, but it must've
been the first time I was relaxed, and settled. A feeling a man rarely felt. I
was desperate to see her.
"I actually have no clue, Ominis," I looked down, "But whatever she wears,
I'm sure she'll look stunning. Between, what is the time?" I asked myself.

I looked around the dormitory, looking up at the enchanted clock above us,
and cursed under my breath.

"Shit — Ominis, it's five minutes until eight. I was supposed to be standing
at the grand entrance already." I rushed, taking hold of my white mask.

"Typical Sebastian." Ominis sighed, "I believe we have no choice, but to

floo powder it. It might mess up the outfits, so be careful."

I nodded, pretending I wasn't nervous, "On it."

I know the floo powder was a few seconds thing, but time began to feel
slower than ever reaching down those staircases. A minute felt like an hour.
It was crazy what anxiety can do when you were in love.

I cleared my throat watching a few seventh year girls pass by with nice
looking dresses. They were eye-catching, so I couldn't imagine how Y/n
would look now. It was something I didn't stop thinking about since asking
her on that Astronomy Tower.

"Hi, Sebastian, hi Ominis," A few girls waved at me, staring down at my


I gave a slight flush at the unexpected call out and swallowed, "Hello,
girls," as they passed.
"Did they just say hi to us?" Ominis asked, almost in confusion.

"Y-Yeah?" I squinted, "We must look very good then." I smiled cockily.

"Hello boys," A high voice echoed, joining us at the end of the staircase.

My body hesitated a little at the presence of Garreth Weasley, but I

reminded myself that there was no longer a worry. He was all about Poppy
Sweeting. Most likely, always been based on their actions the last week too.

Garreth wore yellow attire. It almost matched up with my layers, but he had
ruffles in it. The feathery mask he wore curled over his ginger hair and he
looked happy.

"Weasley," I greeted, keeping my hands together as I waited, "Waiting for


Garreth nodded confidently, "Absolutely, and also to warn you guys."

"Warn?" Ominis scoffed.

Garreth kept his wide smile on his face, "Yep!" He leaned forward, only
enough for us to hear, and spoke, "I might've boozed up the fruit punch for
the ball."

I rose up again, hoping nobody was hearing the stupidity of Garreth

Weasley's rule-breaking plan again, and cleared my throat.
"What?" I said under my breath.

"Hmm," Garreth said, almost as if he was doing a favor, "Might've done a

mixture of a few ingredients with Leander last night. Sneaked into the
ingredient room and did some magic. It should be a memorable ball."

"And how the bloody hell did you get your hands on potions again after last
incident?" Ominis asked.

"I'm a Weasley, Gaunt. Nothing to be surprised about." Garreth winked,

"But, yeah, this is my warning. Don't drink off the glittery punch, or your
dates, unless, of course, you want a hazy night of seeing unicorns in your

I just sighed and looked up at the first girl at the top of the stairs.

Poppy Sweeting stood there, a nice, feathery, puffy dress flowing over her
small body. There were a few red crystals around it and it was obvious the
dress was made out of a few fallen recycled animal feathers, along with her

"Weasley, I believe someone is waiting for you." I whispered at him,


It took a matter of seconds to see Garreth flush at the news and turn round,
giving his first glimpse at Poppy Sweeting.
The moment seemed memorable. And I hope I didn't look so nervous as
Garreth Weasley did receiving Poppy. Yeah, it seemed quite adorable, but I
didn't know what my emotions were capable of when you see someone be
so dressed up.

It took a few minutes watching a few house girls go down the stairs
receiving their dates. It wasn't until I took notice of Natty and Nellie, Y/n's
dormitory friends, go down the stairs.

My heart was beginning to beat faster, taking a prediction that if

Gryffindors were coming down, Y/n wasn't far along anymore.

I kept my hands together below my waist, squishing them and avoiding to

make sweat from the nervousness. It was embarrassing, really.

"Amit, is nice to—"

Ominis voice faded in the distance when a familiar gaze appeared at the top
of the stairs.

I could've guaranteed my breath stopped for that second. I think I might

have also seen part of my future in that very moment watching Y/n Y/l/n
walk down those stairs.

"Oh, fuck," I whispered to myself, not containing my reaction.

"Is she down, yet?" Ominis asked, waiting for Y/n's presence.
I didn't say anything. I was speechless, breathless — I didn't how what to

A gold mask fitted on her face. It seemed like it was made purposely out of
plant leaves, but designed in such a creative matter before spraying the gold
color on it.

And her dress, oh her dress. A stunningly thick material emerged on the
bottom half of her body. A sheer layer over it while the waist corset on top
shined, a few green stones placed on them to represent my own house color.

"Perfect," I whispered.

"Merlin," Amit said beside Ominis, "She is down, Ominis." He admired, but
in a good way.

I finally extended my hand when Y/n reached near, a perfect smile growing
on her face while receiving the hand.

"I'm speechless," I blurted out, never keeping my eyes off her, "Wow,"

Y/n gave her first small laugh for the night, her eyes squinting behind her
mask, looking down.

"Sebastian Sallow, you look incredibly handsome," Y/n complimented,

"You always do, but, wow." She said, also not holding back her words.

I smiled widely, bringing her hands over my mouth before placing a kiss on
it, "Agh, all mine."
"All yours, Sallow!" Y/n squealed.

I stared down, and Y/n stared up, her hands wrapping over my neck and
ruffling over my hairs as she admired me.

"That white mask really makes your hazel eyes pop." She complimented.

"Hm," I lowered, kissing her.

We just couldn't get enough of each other, it was insane.

"I am taking a guess they are kissing now, correct?" Ominis interrupted
after the weird awkward silence.

"I think we should head in now, Ominis." Amit said, staring awkwardly as
both men walked into the Great Hall.

We walked in hand-in-hand, my fingers playing with the bracelet I once

gave Y/n on her birthday as I leaned to whisper within the entrance.

"I can't wait to unzip that beautiful dress off you tonight." I flirted.

Y/n paused at the moment, almost scared people heard us, but she grew a
smile and pursed her lips.

"Behave," She whispered.

"Oh, I'll behave, alright." I spoke in sarcasm, keeping my hand below her
waist, guiding her around.

Y/n's Perspective

I smiled watching all my friends enjoy the special night. I was new to
Masquerade balls. Yes, I've experienced muggle school dances, but for
some particular reason, this was very magical. No pun intended, but it was

I tugged over Sebastian's waistcoat not holding back my intrusive thoughts

and sighed to myself.

"This feels a bit tight." I observed.

The outfit was distracting. Sebastian wore this amazing suit matching
Gryffindor colors. It amazed me how well they suited him. It almost made
me go crazy about how perfectly fitted all these layers on him made his
body look.

"Hm?" Sebastian smirked, "I suppose you're right. I can remove my gray
coat." He said.

I stood there, watching my boyfriend remove his coat, giving me a better

visual of his outfit.

Ease, Y/n. You've seen him completely naked. A coat sliding off shouldn't
make you feel this tense.
At the same time, Sebastian's fingers played with the laces of my corset,
almost undoing them mid-great hall.

"Sebastian!" I gasped.

"This feels a bit tight." He whispered, mocking my previous actions.

I rolled my eyes, scanning my surroundings.

A few yards away I can see Poppy near the snack table in the far corner. Her
innocent eyes observing every food and drink with a smile.

"H-Hey, Sebastian, did you mention something about the fruit punch
being...zonked." I stared.

Sebastian nodded, "Yes. The ginger duo and their stupid—"

"Poppy is eyeing it." I freaked.

Sebastian turned to the direction I was in and squinted beneath his mask,
"Hm, Garreth not telling his date about the punch? Seems impossible."

I laughed, "I'll go warn her just in case. Poppy cannot fall victim and
Garreth would never forgive himself."

"And I shall wait for you here." Sebastian bowed.

I didn't want to go. The night with him was amazing and I was already
feeling a bit on from the future aspects of it. My clingy self was boosting at
every hour toward Sebastian Sallow.

I walked along the Great Hall. If you would've told me I ate here every day,
I wouldn't believe you. The drastic setting change for a certain event was
astonishing. The entire ceiling was different, and the once tables were gone.
It really seemed like a dance hall.

I reached beside Poppy on the dessert table, holding my dress to avoid


"Poppy," I smiled.

Poppy turned, finishing up her mini chocolate frog in her hand, and smiled
excitedly at me.

"Oh, Y/n! It's so great to see you, again!" Her hands came with mine, "I've
been dying to dance but, Sebastian has stolen you from everyone."

"Easy for you to say! I haven't seen you around since Garreth took you." I
joked, "How is he by the way?"

Poppy flushed at my questioning and cleared her throat, almost embarrassed

to react toward her date.

"Oh, I..."
"Come on, Poppy, don't be shy." I teased her.

Poppy licked her lips, watching Garreth Weasley dance around with himself
at the end of the hall and smiled.

"I made Garreth his mask." She let out, "We spent all Friday night working
together in the Great Hall doing our own masks. He never judged me once!"
She squealed.

"I don't see why he would, Poppy. He seems very fond of you." I assured
her, "Did he tell you about the punch?" I pointed at the glittery substance
below us.

Poppy turned, looking down, "Oh..yes. I-I..um, actually helped him get the
ingredients from Professor Sharp's classroom." She pursed her lips.

I gasped, "W-What?!"

"Shh," Poppy shushed me, "I know he's banned from grabbing ingredients,

"Oh, this is so funny." I giggled to myself, taking hold of a cheery-flavored

jelly bean, "No judgment, Poppy. You just surprise me." I kept laughing.

"Please, don't tell!" Poppy said, almost regretting her crime.

I chewed on the candy, " I think that's great. Fun. Adventurous. I'll know." I
smiled to myself thinking back at the memories with Sebastian Sallow.
Poppy blushed, playing with the feathers of her mask.

We both stood there side to side watching our classmates dance to the beat
of the classical music; there was a moment when the tracks began to lower,
giving a hint that the slow dancing would begin soon.

"Oh, I always wanted to dance to something like this!" Poppy said to herself
at the tune.

I smiled, "Well, I presume Garreth Weasley feels the same...he's eyeing you
from afar, Poppy." I pointed at the ginger across.

Poppy smiled before turning at me, "I'm nervous."

I was too, Poppy. I was too.

I kept my smile, "He likes you, Poppy. Remember that." I elbowed.

Poppy nodded, finally squealing, "Yay!" She walked slowly.

I sighed, taking the moment to admire my surroundings. Also waiting for

the chewy jelly bean to get off my teeth to proceed back to Sebastian.

"Nice mask. Creative." A faint voice echoed from the end of the sweet

I small gasp escaped me at the voice recognition and swallowed, preparing

myself to leave.
I turned once, watching where the voice came from. I didn't even have to
ask who it was. The voice itself was obvious to me.

Atticus Sweeting wore a white mask that covered his entire face. Yes, the
entire face. It was common to wear the eye-covered designed mask, but for
some reason, Atticus wore one that covered everything. A few light gray
twirls came out of it while there was a small gap in the mouth area. It just
seemed to be a scary mask.

I wouldn't been able to know it was Atticus without his voice.

"I don't think encouraging my little sister to find love is the best solution."
Atticus let out, still keeping his distance.

My eyes stayed glued on Sebastian Sallow, who lost sight of me and spoke
with Ominis and a few Slytherins on the opposite side of the room.

"I don't think it's any of your business, Sweeting." I said annoyingly, "And
she's not really your sister."

Atticus chuckled, sipping another drink, "Acting tough behind a mask?

Intriguing of you, Y/n."

I bit the inside of my cheek, holding the urge not to wipe out my wand and
ruined him once and for all, but I needed to stop my intrusive thoughts from
"Care for a dance?" Atticus smirked.

I rolled my eyes, adjusting my dress and turning one last time to Atticus
Sweeting, "Fuck off, Atticus."

I wiggled my way onto the crowded ballroom. Couples danced from left
and right, I almost found myself bumping into them on my way to the other
side of the Great Hall.

I must've been walking fast because I almost crashed into Sebastian while
reaching him. It was embarrassing, but it was crowded.

"Whoa," Sebastian breathed, taking hold of me.

My anger from seeing Atticus was a bit off, testing my magical limits, but I
controlled my emotions and smiled.

"Sorry, I lost for you for a minute." I lied.

"I did too. I lost one-second sight of you and boom, gone." Sebastian looked
over the crowd.

I giggled, "I'm here."

We both stood silent at the moment. Another tune of music echoed through
the Great Hall while the lights dimmed slightly.
I witnessed people dancing. I have never seen our class be so relaxed and
happy. We've stressed so much over studies, this night felt soothing for
everyone. Nobody cared about anything.

I breathed a little, watching people slowly dance.


"I don't know how to dance, Sebastian." I answered before he can even ask.

It was nerves, but I also didn't want to be humiliated. I wanted to speak my

truth to him and warn him about the consequences.

Sebastian held my hand, leaning on me, "Good thing I took dance lessons in
the second year." He smiled.

My breath decreased a little at his statement and I stared, almost surprised

at the confession.

"Follow me. Come on." Sebastian walked into the crowd, keeping his touch
gentle while guiding us toward an open space.

"I'm scared," I said.

"Don't be," Sebastian fixed my mask, "I'm all here, Y/n." He assured.

I nodded.
I felt Sebastian's hand lift mine while the other gripped my left hand,
placing it over his shoulder.

"See? First step, done." Sebastian cheered.

I smiled.

I shivered a little feeling Sebastian's fingers tug on the side of my waist,

resting while adapting to the height difference.

"You're wearing heels." Sebastian noticed, "A bit taller, but still, I win." He
teased, knowing he was tall.

I laughed, "Funny, Sallow."

Sebastian stood still, his eyes wandering on the music as he also took a
breath, "I am not going to lie, I am quite nervous myself now."

"Tell me about it." I freaked.

"Keep your eyes on me," Sebastian ordered, "Forget about everyone else.
Look at me."

I peered up, almost losing myself with the hazel eyes behind that white
masquerade mask. My eyes scanned down his lips, while his usual freckles
sat nicely on the skin.
"One step forward, two steps back," Sebastian guided, "It's a pattern. One
step, two steps." He whispered.

I listened to his direction, following along and feeling my heels click on the
floor as we danced.

"You're a natural at everything aren't you, darling?" Sebastian


"Sebastian," I warned knowing what that specific word made me feel.

Sebastian smirked to himself, twirling me around, bringing me loosely near

the floor, but catching me.

I gasped.

"Control, I would never let you fall." Sebastian assured, "Do you trust me?"

I trusted him, "I always do, Sebastian."

"Perfect." Sebastian smiled.

After a few minutes, my head lost focus and turned over to the side,
spotting Ominis Gaunt standing there with Poppy Sweeting.

"Ominis?" I said almost in surprise at the dancing man.

"I know," Ominis grunted.

Poppy smiled widely, "Garreth went to the restroom. He didn't want to

leave me alone in the dance circle." She danced with Ominis.

Sebastian chuckled, "Hm," He looked down at me.

There was a moment in the space where we twirled around and switched
partners. I didn't mind Sebastian with Poppy. It actually seemed heart-
warming to see my best friend interact
with the boy I loved.

My hands rested over Ominis shoulders, "Ominis."

"Y/n...why do you feel a bit taller than usual?" He held my hand.

I giggled, "You're good at observing. I'm wearing heels."

Ominis nodded, "I figured."

I eyed Ominis, staring down at his attire and smiling, "Thank you for
attending, Ominis. Blue looks very good on you, I may say," I

Within his serious face, I can see a soft expression form on Ominis Gaunt.
His brows raised as he spoke within the slow dance.
"I shall thank you actually. I been having a bit of a good time. You really
tell people what they need to hear, Y/n." Ominis joked.

"Duh," I laughed, "I'm glad to hear that."

In a few feet, I spotted Garreth Weasley make an entrance again, letting me

know we needed to switch off.

"Hm, Weasley alert." I said.

"Great. I believe you should be with Sebastian and I shall head back to
Amit." Ominis gently let go of my hand.

Sebastian walked beside me, taking hold of my hand while turning to


"Hope you didn't steal my date, Ominis." Sebastian joked.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous, Sebastian!" Ominis protested, "She's all yours."

Sebastian smiled to himself, pulling me closer to him.

"Ominis," I turned one last time to the blond Slytherin.

Ominis stopped in his tracks, turning to the side to hear me out.

"Thank you for bringing someone too. I know I was pressuring, but thanks
for listening to me." I smiled widely.
Ominis didn't say anything, he just gave a nod and proceeded back to his

"I believe Ominis has replaced you over me." Sebastian confessed, noticing,
"I don't blame him. You're a good friend, Y/n."

I danced slowly with Sebastian Sallow, grinning at his words.

"I try." I said softly.

"Be careful though," Sebastian warned, "You were once a good friend to
me, now I'm insane over you." He whispered.

Breathe, Y/n.

"I'm sorry about that." I said.

"Don't be. I'm glad for your existence." Sebastian said.

Our bodies were so close to each other. The setting felt perfect and all I
could really pay attention to was Sebastian Sallow in front of me.

"Sebastian?" I gulped.

Sebastian swayed me around, his hands now below my back, our lips a few
inches apart as he spoke.
"Yes, Y/n?"

I can feel his breath now.

I couldn't understand why my heart was skipping loudly again, but it was. It
was love. I needed to remind myself of that. It was normal to feel new
feelings towards it.


Say it, Y/n.

"You don't realize how lucky I am to have you in my life, Y/n." Sebastian
whispered, "I would've never survived the fifth year without you."

I closed my eyes at his words, "Sebastian..."

"Thank you, Y/n." Sebastian said.

Sebastian's words were powerful. Strong. I wish I could describe what I felt
in the middle of that great hall. The emotions were indescribable. I didn't
want it to end.

I stared at Sebastian, admiring every aspect of his perfect face.


"Yes, Y/n?" Sebastian said, now in concern from my shakes.

"I love you." I breathed.

Sebastian stood still in the moment. Although he was wearing a mask, I can
see all those emotions cover in his eyes. They spoke so loud, yet, so silent.

I breathed heavily at the no response.

"S-Sebastian, please say something before I run away from here and never
come back." I panicked.

Sebastian didn't say anything, but his lips came to mine and a smile finally
grew at my truth.

"I love you, Y/n. Always did." Sebastian whispered, "You have no idea how
long I waited for this."

And scene. I felt all my body senses come back together. All this pressure,
feelings, tension, etc. It calmed down. It was such a good feeling.

Sebastian leaned, his mouth now tickling my ear as he went on.

"I have so many plans for us, Y/n," He breathed nervously, "It's only the
sixth year, but time doesn't exist with you. It never does."

I kept my eyes closed.

"We will finish the sixth year as you said, we will go find my sister,"
Sebastian let out, "I know we can find her."
"We will," I whispered back.

"We will find Anne, and a cure," Sebastian kept going, "And hopefully, we
can reach back for our N.E.W.Ts...graduate together. All of us."

I held in my smile.

"And then...I would love to give you a future. I can't wait for you to become
an Auror, Y/n."

My eyes re-opened, almost surprised to hear him remember the words I

once said at that picnic.


"A nice cottage home? That's what you wanted, right?"

I laughed, "Yeah, but—"

"But?" Sebastian questioned.

There were no but's. It felt impossible to think that Sebastian was thinking
the same as me. I convinced myself I was delusional, but it was normal. It
was love.

"I'll love that, Sebastian." I giggled.

My fingers dug into his hairs, feeling the softness of them as I kept smiling
like an idiot.

Sebastian smiled, kissing me again. Our surroundings not existing within

each other as we smiled in between.

But everything happened for a reason.

My eyes re-opened when a few popping sounds echoed around.

I must've been oblivious, but when I pulled from the kiss is when I realized
you were able to apparate inside the school grounds. Well, ministry-wise.

A few Aurors and heads of the Ministry surrounded us, making Sebastian
and I separated a few inches.

"Sebastian Sallow?" An Auror said, pointing their wand.

Sebastian parted his lips, slowly removing his masquerade mask and
looking around at the interruption.

"Yes?" Sebastian said.

It happened so fast. Really fast. I don't think I even had time to react at all.

"Sebastian Sallow, you are under arrest," They said, grabbing him.
"Wait, what?" I breathed.

"An unregistered Animagus and for being responsible for the death of
former Auror, Solomon Sallow." They stated.

Sebastian didn't say anything to try fighting it off. How could he? He did
kill his uncle, but at what cost? What was happening?

"You would be held prisoner in Azkaban. No further questions. Take him."

A high-Auror ordered.

And within a split second, a popping sound echoed and Sebastian Sallow
was no longer in my sight.


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The Pain


Third Person Perspective

Sebastian Sallow stood numb. There were no reactions or movements

coming out of him. It seemed as if he expected this. Of course, he did, he
experienced constant nightmares of this moment for months. What was
there to fight when you did kill your uncle?

Deep inside, he feared. Not only for himself, but for others. How ironic that
this was the most frightening thing to experience, yet, all he thought about
was the outcome of the people he cared about.

"Argh," Sebastian let out his first pain call.

The Ministry Guards threw him into a small, claustrophobic room. It wasn't
a cell. It seems they took a pause somewhere else to verify his identity and
prepare him for one.

The guards held no mercy. Their hands violently stripped off Sebastian
Sallow. The once fancy suit he wore that night for the Masquerade Ball was
ripped off him. He felt violated.

Again, Sebastian didn't fight. He held this mindset that he deserved it. That
the run from his criminal actions wasn't going to last long, but why now?

The setting in Azkaban was horror. The feeling of despair, misery — unfelt
pain ram around. Sebastian couldn't tell if it was him or the prison
consequences. He was suffering already. It was dreadful. Cold.

Sebastian shivered as he stood nude for a few minutes. He wasn't someone

that cried easily. He held this ego to not let his emotions win him over. He
was fighting it really hard while letting those guards slip on the prisoner

"Name?" A guard asked him bitterly.

Sebastian stood quiet.

Without a chance to react, another guard lifted their wand, performing a

torturous spell on Sebastian. It wasn't an unforgivable, not that he'll know
what it felt like, but those were restricted, as what he thought. It was
Azkaban after all.

"Ow," Sebastian groaned out in pain, his body falling off the metal-
enchanted chair and going onto his knees.
"I said, name."

"S-Sebastain," Sebastian lifted his arms, almost surrendering, fighting the

pain, "Sebastian Sallow."

"Date of birth?'

Sebastian's breath increased, almost feeling the cold air begin to fuel inside
his warm body. How saddening that even his own body temperature
couldn't bare the coldness of the prison.

"D-December 25th...1874." Sebastian shivered.

"A fifth year killing an Auror...how disappointing. Your own blood." A

guard let out again.

Sebastian closed his eyes at the reminder.

"Good thing he is no longer a child. He belongs with the adult prisoners


Sebastian just listened, his breath getting colder and colder.

"Let's give him a taste of his own medicine," The guard chuckled in such a
dark tone.
The two guards dragged the eighteen-year-old. Sebastian could've
guaranteed there were bruises on his arms from the deep grabs as they held
no forgiveness for their actions.

The whimpers and cries of traumatized prisoners surrounded him. The

setting was dark and night. The air was colder than ever and he can just hear
the trauma.

Dementors roamed around the sky-high ceiling of Azkaban. Sebastian

gasped taking sight of them with his own eyes. He's heard about them in
books, but confronting them in real life scared him. They weren't even close
and he felt his emotions off.

"Your happy memories won't last long," The guard teased at him, "I hope
you've practiced enough Expecto Patronum." He pushed him.

Sebastian breathed, feeling his hands lift up before they were cuffed. He
gasped in fear watching hands and feet be trapped. They hurt already.

Toes and fingers were trembling. The anxiety that built inside that small cell
was tormenting. The scary sounds of the dementors were not any better. It
was hell for Sebastian Sallow.

"I'm sorry, Anne" Sebastian whispered to himself.

He was already feeling the guilt. The guilt of not only letting his twin sister
down fifth year, but now letting the people he loves down.

"I'm sorry, Ominis," Sebastian cried, "I'm sorry, Y/n."

Sebastian felt as if he betrayed Y/n. He promised her a future life and to see
that all crumble in seconds was hard. If it was hard on him, he couldn't bear
the thought of Y/n.

Where is Y/n?

How did everyone react now?

What did everyone think?

What was going to happen?

It was a mixed emotion. Sebastian Sallow wondered if the prison was

already eating up his mind, or if he was becoming vulnerable. Whatever it
was, it was toxic.

Y/n's Perspective

I couldn't breathe for seconds. The arrest happened in such a quick matter,
not many students noticed. All I saw in my surroundings were several
questioning faces, while others kept dancing.

It was such a sickening moment.

My breaths were higher than usual. I wanted to escape. I wanted to know

where Sebastian was taken. There were so many unanswered questions, I
was speechless.

I ran through that crowd. I really thought I could escape it, but I gasped
when my hands were dragged against someone.
"Not so fast," The low voice said, his mouth barely moving.

The white mask was still intact and his hands intertwined with mine,
forcing me to dance as the blue in his eyes wandered around the Great Hall.

I frowned, "Let me go!" I warned him, wanting to fight off.

Atticus kept me in place, not wanting me to cause chaos, and spoke words I
never thought I'll hear.

"If you don't follow my lead, I would also make you responsible for all the
deaths you've committed last year." Atticus whispered, "Not even Sallow
can reach that number."

I might've felt myself freeze at that moment. I couldn't even project any
words coming out of my mouth. I was already having enough emotions, I
was shocked.

"You," I breathed shakily, "What did you do,"

Atticus feet moved slowly under us and my eyes were glued onto the group
of friends who were struggling to find me in that crowd.

I fought off him again, a few masked students now beginning to turn mid-
dance floor.
Atticus squished my hand, "As I said, you make a scene, you will also be
next to your little boyfriend."

I didn't want to fall for his words. Atticus Sweeting was known to be a
narcissist, an awful manipulator. I shouldn't let him win, but somehow the
idea of having Sebastian not around was scary.

"You're following me. Now." Atticus dragged my wrist, sneaking us away

from the crowd, and for a second I hope someone took notice.

I did commit crimes. I did many things that the ministry didn't know. Yeah,
I saved the Wizarding World, but I also took the lives of many. I didn't
know how Atticus knew at the time, but still, I feared.

The anger and sadness were fuming inside of me while I ran down those
castle halls with Atticus. It was somehow his fault and with no students
around, it was my only opportunity.

I slipped my wand out, wanting to cast a powerful spell on Atticus

Sweeting, but only sparks fumed from the tip.

Atticus kept dragging me down the North Hall stairs, "You really think you
can use your little magic on me, Y/n? Are you not forgetting the
Headmaster did an enchantment to prevent that?" He reminded.

I gasped, scared, "How do you know that?"

"I know many things," Atticus smirked, removing his mask.

I stayed muted. What was there to fight at this point? I lost Sebastian
Sallow. I was about to lose myself. My body was just weak.

Atticus dragged me on a pathway, and I began to familiarize the pattern of

the map.

"W-Where are you taking me, Atticus," I murmured, removing my mask.

Once reaching the entrance of the dungeons, Atticus slammed me against

the wall, both hands on my shoulders as he prevented my escape.

I stared at the blue in his eyes, well, at the remaining blue because now they
were fully black. The pupils took over them in such a dark way, I had to
look down.

"For such a pretty face, you are so, so bloody oblivious, Y/n. Dumb,"
Atticus chuckled, "Even Sallow might've been able to detect the warning
signs before you."

I breathed.

"You must've been so busy wanting to be the bigger person. The, what do
they say? Hero of Hogwarts, the intelligent student, yet, not once did you
question any actions." Atticus informed.

"What actions?!" I shouted, "Let me go, Atticus!" I rose my voice.

"No." Atticus groaned, "You will not leave my side until you show me
where that repository is."
And there, my breath decreased. My head almost spun and I got an instant
history repeats itself with the tone of voice Atticus let out in that sentence.

"I know it's inside this castle somewhere. I saw it in your memories."
Atticus let out.


"What? Seriously?" Atticus noticed my expression, "I would've thought by

now Sebastian Sallow would teach you Occlumency based on the
knowledge of teaching you spells." He wondered.

I frowned.

"I blocked those memories when you performed Legilimency on me!" I

argued, remembering that specific day.

It was the night of looking for Sebastian at Feldcroft. I bumped into Atticus
Sweeting and what I thought was a helpful gesture became an easy access
for him.

"You did. You were very stubborn for someone that didn't know much
mind-reading blockage, but...you were sweating that day." Atticus thought.

I blinked, "What does my sweat—"

"I could easily take your memories from the tip of my wand, but with any
tears, sweat, or blood, the pensive works magic. It was a hot adventure with
those spiders and firing spells." Atticus explained.

It was cruel how intelligent Atticus Sweeting was. Intelligent was a strong
word, maybe, I was dumb and too distracted on finding Sebastian, but I was
fooled. Badly.

"You're cruel." My lips shake.

Atticus rose his brows, "Me? Cruel? I remind you, you are safely standing
inside Hogwarts. You aren't hurt or caught."

"Where is Sebastian." I spat at him.

"Where he belongs, Y/n," Atticus spat back, "In Azkaban. Where he

should've been a long time ago. How could you support a murderer?"

I looked at him in disbelief.

Atticus face softened, "Oh wait, you were there. According to your
memories, you encouraged him for doing what he did. And after, he thought
you the killing curse. So, really, there isn't much difference."

I was hurt. I felt violated. My mind felt violated. Atticus Sweeting took hold
of very important memories and exposed them.

Somehow, I felt like it was my fault Sebastian Sallow was in Azkaban. If

only I was smarter, he would never be there.
"If you saw my head so well, you know where the repository is," I argued,
"You didn't have to out Sebastian. I told you to leave him out of the

"Yeah, but, you see, if Sebastian was here, I would not have access to the
repository. His little wolf fangs would've come out with a bite. I needed a
cover." Atticus posting his wand at me.

I swallowed, "Those memories didn't contain him being Animagus."

"Oh, that wasn't you," Atticus shrugged, "The unregistered Animagus was
handled by the Ministry. The Ministry is very dangerous when they want to
track down someone, especially, with evidence." He informed.

I was numb. It was a scary thought. All I really thought about was

"Ugh, I don't have time for your silence," Atticus let go of my arms,
dragging me from the wrist again, "Your stupid magic didn't let me detect
that repository, so you are opening it for me."

"No. The magic in there is too powerful. Why do you need such—"

"And you're telling me that while wielding it yourself? That's very

hypocritical of you." Atticus let out.

He opened the first door toward the dungeons, the paintings around us
staring, but not doing anything.
"You're hurting my wrist, Atticus." I fought, trying to wiggle away from his

"Nothing a little magic can't fix. Get over it." Atticus frowned, almost
making me trip down the stairs.

I breathed heavily making it to the dungeons. We were a floor away from

the Map Chamber and I was nervous.

Perhaps, the thought that I could use my ancient magic in that chamber was
my only hope. It was the only place in the castle, along with the Undercroft,
that didn't block my use of magic. It was the only escape to take Atticus in

I swallowed, watching my once Masquerade Ball dress begin to rip and

stain from the walk to the dungeons. The once magical night becoming the
worst nightmare.

"These stairs lead to the Map Chamber." I breathed.

Atticus stood there, looking down at the long spiral stairs, and breathed for
a moment.

"You don't trust me," I said in annoyance.

Atticus stared at me from up and down, his eyes gliding over my dress, and
"No, I trust you." He said.

Atticus led first, but his hand still wrapped around my wrist, guiding me
down in a careful matter. I almost wanted to roll my eyes at his actions.

All I really thought about was on how I couldn't wait to reach that Map
Chamber and use all this magic that was fueling inside of me with range
and madness; casting it once and for all. I didn't even think of the pain it'll
cause. I was done.

"There's no entrance." Atticus gave a warning stare.

I closed my eyes, "Y-You need ancient magic to open it,"

Atticus nodded, "Off you go." He waited.

"I need my wand from the hand you're gripping, Atticus." I struggled.

Atticus let out an annoying huff and let go of me, "Fine,"

I stood there nervously. I hated that although I was so powerful, Atticus

Sweeting still held this intimidating aura that was hard to fight off.

I tried my best to control the shakiness of my hands while lifting them. I

didn't want to seem so vulnerable, but the reminder that Sebastian was taken
haunted me.
I passed my saliva, holding both of my hands together flatly against the
white magic swirls, and began saying incantations to open that chamber.

I felt sick. I hadn't entered here since the death of Professor Fig. All these
traumatic events began to take over and I was sure I wasn't going to step
foot here anymore.

"Hm," I breathed loudly fighting the urge to let out the pain that came off
me from the use of magic.

In seconds, the door clicked and in slow motion, I watched as the

crystalized blue hue of that entrance opened.

Think of a plan, Y/n. You have to think fast.

Atticus entered slowly, but his eyes were mesmerized by the view. All sorts
of magical settings surrounding him. The empty Keeper's paintings
surrounded me while he stared down at the map below us.

I was free. His hand was no longer on my wrist. I had free will to do
anything at this very moment.

"There's more to this, Y/n." Atticus noticed.

I tapped my wand beside me, frowning.

Atticus noticed my silence, but it was too late. All the hatred, all the
intimidation he made me feel all year; it was filling up inside of me.
"Where is it—"

My wand immediately casted a blue spell, but Atticus blocked it. He did
something I wasn't expecting him to do at all. If anything, I didn't
understand how he blocked it even with my ancient magic going through.

I gasped at my failure, "W-What,"

Atticus stared at me from a few feet away, his jaw clenching, "You think
you can outsmart me?"

I was almost on my knees from the heavy spell knowing the side effects of
performing ancient magic.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Y/n," Atticus stood near me.

I also saw the bottom of his shoes as he walked toward me. My body was
on the floor, trying to adjust to the performance.

"I'm a Sweeting," Atticus confessed, "But from my mother's name.

Sweeting comes from my birth mother."

I didn't stare up at him.

"But my second name," Atticus tapped his wand on my head, "My second
name, I avoided it, but after my father's death, I believe he left me a
birthright that I needed to continue."
I gulped, my head was still blurry from the use of magic.

Think Y/n, think.

"You killed him," Atticus stated, "But no hard feelings. I hated him, hence,
keeping my mother's name. I don't blame my mother for re-marrying and
having Poppy. Or keeping the name for us. Sweeting does make us sound
innocent." He said.

You killed him.

The tone of voice. The connections.

Why couldn't I connect all this before? He almost held the same
mechanisms as his own father.

I looked up, locking eyes with the familiar villain's blue eyes, and gasped,

Atticus crossed his arms, "Seems you finally have a brain for once."

It made sense. Atticus Rookwood. The way he must've had the easiest
access to the ministry just like his father. Manipulating them to think that
Sebastian Sallow was guilty as ever. He was, but Atticus waited at the worst
timing. It was so nasty of him.

"Why are you doing this, Atticus?" I asked.

"As I mentioned, I am just finishing off what my father believed in. I
suppose he failed at forming an alliance with you, but I managed to get you
this close—"

"Stupefy!" I casted.

Atticus went back at the unexpected movement and frowned, almost

shocked that I was able to stun him.

I quickly stood up, casting a revealing charm to hope a Keeper can show
up, but again, there were gone temporarily. I felt stuck at the moment.


"Protego!" I said, casting a protecting bubble on myself.

I was breathing heavily, and even my dress felt heavy.

No warning, I ran across that Map Chamber, almost running for my life
toward the stairs again, wanting to exit out, but Atticus Sweeting was fast.

"Expulso!" Atticus shouted.

I was only a foot away from blocking myself at the blasting curse, but still,
I managed to trip on the stairs and let a piece of my dress rip.

"Fuck," I cursed to myself.

I bled a little from the blast, but I managed to stand up and run again,
energizing my body to perform a spell with ancient magic again.

My eyes close, reading the incantation, but Atticus grabbed my arm again
and slammed me on the floor.

"Stop! You don't have to do this," I screamed, "You can't open that
repository. I shut it closed with ancient magic. You kill me and you would
never have access to it." I warned,

Atticus stood inches from my face, his wet lips parting as his wand was
near the side of my cheek that was slashed in cuts.

"Who said anything about killing you?" He breathed, "But, it seems like
this chamber gives you access to your magic, which means, any magic is
allowed." Atticus whispered.

Atticus hand wrapped around my neck, my breath still intact while he

admired me.

"My father cursed Anne Sallow for life," He kept getting closer to me, "And
I cursed Sebastian Sallow to Azkaban...that's what the Sallow twins are
destined to."

My throat tickled around Atticus hand, but he wasn't pressuring it, it almost
seemed like he was fighting his own demons whether to hurt me or not.

"And I'm destined for this magic, and so are you. It just makes sense, Y/n."
Atticus said lightly.
I couldn't reach my wand from that glassy floor. My view was on my wrist,
feeling the bracelet Sebastian Sallow once gave me click against it.

I mourned for him more than myself.

Atticus lifted his wand, "You won't listen, but I could force you...Imperio

"Expelliarmus!" A high-pitched voice echoed from that chamber.

I gasped, watching Atticus wand fall from his hand and as we both turned, I
witnessed Poppy Sweeting and Ominis Gaunt entering the Map Chamber in
a hasty manner.

Atticus stood up at the sight of his little sister. His face paled a little, almost
not expecting her presence as he frowned.

Poppy stood there with her feathery dress, on the verge of tears watching
me and her step-brother.

"What are you doing here, Poppy?" Atticus asked.

Poppy looked around the area. Her eyes spoke many questions over the
setting of the Map Chamber knowing no other student at Hogwarts had
stepped foot here.

"What are you doing to Y/n, Atticus?" Poppy questioned back.

I wanted to see it. I wanted to see what urge Atticus Sweeting would have to
raise his wand at his own step-sister. Was he capable of doing it? Who

"Poppy get out—"

Poppy still held her wand over Atticus from afar, "She is my best friend.
How dare you?"

Atticus frowned, getting his wand again and I struggled to get up for a

Atticus must've sensed my movement before he turned to me and his wand

went down, not caring about anything else, but keeping me beside him.

"You don't dare touch her," Ominis let out, his red blinking wand coming
toward us.

I feared for my life now. I didn't know what Ominis Gaunt was capable of,
but I couldn't bear the thought of watching him get hurt. I already went
through enough losing Sebastian in an instant; it can't happen again.

"Ominis, no," I breathed.

Ominis kept his wand up, letting it guide him.

Atticus smirk, pointing his wand at him, but before he can, another random
voice appeared.
"I followed the leaf! She must be here somewhere—"

Amit Thakkar appeared at the entrance of the Map Chamber. His eyes
wandered around the odd place as he held one of my leaves that were
possibly falling from my mask as Atticus dragged me through the whole
castle. It was their clue on finding me here.

"Crucio!" Atticus shouted loudly, pointing his wand at Amit.

It happened so fast nobody was expecting it.

Poppy gasped at the unforgivable curse and we witness Amit Thakkar fall
down his body in a very painful motion. The intention was very hard
because he was shouting in immense pain.

I took this moment to stand up rapidly, grabbing my wand while my cheek

still bled from the previous spells.

"Imperio!" Poppy screeched in anger.

I gasped watching Poppy Sweeting perform the Imperious Curse on Atticus

Sweeting. Her wand not hesitating once to blink over the head of the tall

Atticus didn't even have time to block. I mean who would expect Poppy to
perform something so cruel? It was off guard.

Ominis took a heavy breath at the use of dark spells around him, but he
didn't fight. He fought himself to understand that there wasn't a choice at
the moment.

"Y/n...get out of here. The spell will lift any second. I didn't perform it to an
extent." Poppy ordered.

Atticus Sweeting stood there, eyes green as he made no movements.

Amit Thakkar stood on that floor with never-ending pain and I was all over
the place at the moment.

"No, I-I need to help Amit." I breathed, running toward the Ravenclaw.

Ominis ran with me, also overwhelmed with everything.

"It's okay, Amit, I-I can fix this pain," I breathed.

"Y/n...what happened in the ball?" Ominis questioned. "They took


I closed my eyes, multitasking using ancient magic to attempt to heal Amit

from the crucio pain while speaking.

"I-I know," I gulped at the reminder, "Atticus...I-It's such—ow."

"Are you in pain?" Ominis noticed my breathing.

"It's okay, I'm almost done." I suffered.

While fixing Amit, I turned, watching Poppy be in tears, the guilt of
performing a curse and I closed my eyes.

"Ow!" Amit came back to reality, watching his surroundings, "What

happened? I-I what is this place—"

"Obliviate," Ominis said.

"What are you doing, Ominis!?" My mouth opened.

"I'm saving you, Y/n. I feel a lot of power beneath my feet in this area. I
suppose we are not allowed here and Amit isn't so great at keeping secrets."
Ominis said in guilt.

It was. There was just so much happening in one night, so much thinking,
so much shift — guilt.

"Thank you," I said, "Take Amit, Ominis. To the hospital wing. I-I need to
stay with Poppy."

"What?!" Ominis frowned, "No, Y/n, Atticus just tried—"

"We will meet at the Undercroft, Ominis. Please, just go. Please." I begged.

Ominis nodded, not hesitating before taking his friend out of the Map
And I turned around to Poppy Sweeting. Her hands were shaking as her
wand finally lowered.

"You needed to leave, Y/n." Poppy said under her breath.

At that moment, Atticus came back to his sense and took a breath,
confronting Poppy and I. His eyes were bluer than ever.

"How dare you?" Poppy heaved.

Atticus seemed like he had a face of guilt, but hid it with no emotion. His
gaze was just toward the short girl beside me.

"We're not fully related, Poppy. We don't have the same descendant."
Atticus confessed, "It's in the Rookwood blood."

"In what favor? You know what Victor Rockwood has done. All the
poachers I've had to fight off, all these beasts I saved because of him. And
now, it's you?" Poppy asked in disbelief.

Atticus stared, "You won't stop me, Poppy. I'll give it to you tonight. I did
my work," he turned to me, "I turned in Sebastian Sallow and it's not over."
He warned me.

A popping sound echoed inside that Map Chamber and Atticus disapparated
in front of us.

I wish I could feel relief at the disappearance of Atticus Sweeting, but I

couldn't. Now, it was Sebastian. My heart never stopped beating fast and it
probably never will anymore.

"So, it's true," Poppy let out, wiping her tears, "Sebastian Sallow really
killed his uncle." She asked me.

My eyes lowered.

"Atticus mentioned it so many times, but I thought he was just triggering

the friendship." Poppy let out.

"He didn't mean it." I defended.

"The killing curse it's an unforgivable. You need to mean it for it to work. I
say that now because I just performed one. And I really needed to mean it."
Poppy breathed heavily. "I can't forgive myself."

I was afraid of losing Poppy's friendship. I didn't know why. I've killed
many around her, but it seemed odd that I never told her about what
Sebastian Sallow really did.

"It's not your fault, Poppy."

Poppy breathed, sniffing, "I'm sorry about Atticus, Y/n." She apologized.

I didn't expect Poppy to apologize, but there was a lot happening.

"And I'm sorry about Sebastian." Poppy swallowed, "I know it's not okay to
kill, but who are we to talk? We all should be in that prison by now." She
giggled in between her tears.

I wanted to smile, but the fact that Sebastian was in Azkaban was finally
sinking in.

I stared down at my bracelet, the wolf fang just shining through and my
vision blurred a little.

Tap, tap, tap. Three times, he said.


"Sebastian is in Azkaban." I let out, teary, "He just had just promised me a
future, Poppy."

Poppy looked over to me in a saddening matter, "Oh, Y/n..."

I cried, tapping the bracelet without stopping "...it's my fault. Your brother
saw my memories. Sebastian would've been here if I knew how to—"

"He is no longer my brother," Poppy sighed, "I am a Sweeting, he is now a

Rookwood. How he was destined."

We both sat there in the chamber.

"I will find Sebastian, one way or another," I said to myself.

"Azkaban is dangerous, Y/n."

"So am I." I closed my eyes.


Yes, Phase Two. I did not want to do a second book, so we are staring
here! So congrats on finishing Phase One Ch. 46.

I hope you guys have patience with me during this phase. Y/n has a lot
on her plate. We will find Sebastian one way or another 💚
PT: two


Third Person Perspective

Sebastian Sallow's head laid low. It hadn't even been two hours. Not even
two hours and he was dreading it. His body weight was already hanging
low against those rusty chains and he breathed shakily.

A bit of saliva droplets came out of Sebastian's glossy lips as he already

began to lose his mind in the darkening setting, losing focus. It was hell. A
living nightmare.


The noise of the metals blocking his way screeched and Sebastian looked
up at the sight of the Azkaban guards, again.

"Don't give up, yet," One chuckled, "At least keep a smile for your
The guards dragged out Sebastian like a rag from that cell. He held in his
whimper from the cold touch of the floor below the bare feet and kept his
breaths low as they passed the other prisoners.

Sebastian kept his eyes closed, avoiding the dementors above, but even
closed, he felt them. He saw them flashing in the back of his head. Not even
darkness can cure anything at this point.

A certain pop was made and re-opening his eyes, Sebastian scanned his

He couldn't even observe it before he was dragged again near a blank space
room, a few Ministry workers huddling him.

"Sebastian Sallow. 1874. Adult," The lady scanned the papers, "Accused of
the death of his uncle, and former Auror, Solomon Sallow, becoming an
Animagus without registering after two months of form, and, etc."

Sebastian bit the inside of his cheek, distracting himself with the chains
over the two hands, and listened to every crime committed. All that guilt
and memories he's tried avoiding. It was all there right in his face.

Distracted, a guard shoved a piece of a heavy plate over Sebastian's torso.

Sebastian groaned a little from the hard push of the item below him while
he shakily took hold of it.

Besides the numbers, he studied two symbols. Sebastian took Ancient
Runes most of his years at Hogwarts, he was able to distinguish them beside
his plate; Eywas and Algiz.

"Up!" A guard shouted at Sebastian, noticing the studying.

Sebastian hesitated but lifted his head, not smiling once as he held the plate
in hand and a certain flash bothered him.

He was sick. Embarrassed. The thought of this showing on the covers of

the Daily Prophet haunted him. He didn't want this. Let alone, what about
his friends?

Again, Sebastian was shoved off and the plate was snatched off him before
a guard slammed his wrist down onto a metal table below them.

"Argh," Sebastian called in pain feeling, a faint needle spreading over his

"It will always hurt. It is a punishment." The lady reminded of the prisoner

Whilst the awful, painful magic of carving numbers onto his wrist, a
familiar hidden glow spread over Sebastian Sallow's ring finger.

"What's this?" They noticed.

Sebastian didn't answer. He was already worrying that the forest green ring
was glowing.
It was Y/n. Y/n was calling him. Y/n needed him.

"You were told to strip everything off."

Sebastian let out his first fight, his hands moving at the touch of removing
the ring.

"No," Sebastian let out.

It seemed like it was no longer him talking. Although he was not inside
Azkaban for more than two hours, his mind was already everywhere. He
couldn't control his reactions or movements.

Sebastian breathed heavily, going insane at what could've happened with

Y/n. She's never truly pressed it, not even for laughs. Everything was

"Stop moving—"

"No. You can't do this." Sebastian groaned.

Sebastian's emotions were taking over him. He no longer felt like the young
boy anymore. He wasn't ready for this new, depressing, and rotting life. Not
now. Not ever.

Sebastian fought those guards inside that Ministry room. His strength took
over, all that energy he held, that anger. It was coming out easily. It was

His eyes closed. It wasn't even on purpose doing it. Perhaps, the thought of
going insane was already making him up inside.

Sebastian Sallow felt a second heartbeat in that room before attacking —

but it was no use. Forming into his animagus form made no difference, the
ministry was prepared for stuff like this.

In seconds, a needle struck over the fur and Sebastian slowly lost vision
once and for all, waited for the consequences.


Y/n's Perspective

"I can't enter the Great Hall anymore, Poppy." I breathed heavily.

Poppy and I walked side by side rapidly along those Hogwarts halls, acting
as if nothing happened. We were able to cast charms to fix up our dresses
and injuries and cover it up — temporarily.


"The entire school is finding out Sebastian Sallow got sent to Azkaban. That
he killed someone. I am overwhelmed already. I cannot do this. I need to
find Ominis." I explained.
Poppy gave a huge look of concern, but nodded rapidly, "O-Okay—"

"Woooo!" A few students spun over the halls.

We watched our surroundings, seeing students from the ball be distracted

and doze off, not even noticing or questioning our presence.

"Oh, Merlin, the punch!" Poppy breathed, "I forgot about it. Garreth
must've enchanted it already." She realized.

It seemed like things happen for a reason. This boozed punch for the ball
created a temporal distraction from the real situation. I witnessed many
students drink it, so it was a cover until I managed to think of something.

In the corner of the stairway, we witnessed a student projectile vomiting all

over the place and in disgust, we turned around.

"Oh," Poppy screeched, "T-This didn't go as planned. I need to find

Garreth." She freaked.

I nodded, "Please, do that. I-I need to find Ominis, Poppy."

Poppy and I nodded at each other, but at that moment, she pulled me into a
tight hug. The scent of roses and caramel roamed. It was almost comforting
after a hectic night.

"I'm sorry about Sebastian, Y/n," Poppy soothed, "Whatever happens...be

When those Undercroft metal sticks lifted that night, I didn't hesitate to find
Ominis in the space. I was breathless and scared.

Ominis also noticed my presence immediately and parted his lips, "Y/n, h-
how are you? Is everything okay?"

I just stood out of breath across the tall, blonde man, "No, Ominis.
Sebastian is gone."

"I know, I know," Ominis nodded to himself, almost in denial, "What

happened in that ball, Y/n? Things moved fast and suddenly you were in the

"Atticus," I said, almost having a hard time talking, "Atticus Sweeting."

Ominis stood quiet at the moment, "I know. I heard partial. Rookwood's
son. I presume he had involvement in Sebastian's history?"

I stood muted. Why was I afraid to admit that the reason Sebastian Sallow
was in Azkaban in the first place was because of me? Because I couldn't
simply defend myself well enough? Why?

"Did you know Sebastian was an Animagus?" Ominis asked me.

Again, I was silent for a while.

"Y-Yes, Ominis. I did." I swallowed.

Ominis gave a saddening expression and I closed my eyes knowing that

although he didn't have to say anything, he was unaware of his best friend's
true identity.

"Did you know?" I looked down.

"No, Y/n, I did not know." Ominis let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry, Ominis—"

"It's alright," he looked to the side, "I figured it's understandable why
Sebastian wouldn't want to tell me such a secret. He knew I will go against
it." Ominis explained.

I just thought.

"It isn't fair, Ominis. Sebastian doesn't deserve this. It's not fair." I repeated
to myself.

"I know, Y/n, but...we've discussed this before at the end of fifth year...it
was a risk." Ominis reminded.

It was a risk. Ominis was always hesitant about Sebastian's crimes, and
everything surrounding him. It would only make sense why Ominis Gaunt's
opinions were complex.
"It wasn't a risk, Ominis," I fought, "We were doing so, so well, but," I was
lost for words.

"Y/n?" Ominis questioned my silence.

"How's Amit?" I came back to my senses, "I-Is he well? Is he at the hospital


"He is, but it's full tonight," Ominis let out, "Garreth's plan gave a negative
response, unsurprisingly."

"I know," I said knowing I've crossed a few students who were all over the
place in the DADA tower, "Did anyone...say anything?"

Ominis wondered, "No. The nurse assumed Amit was just another victim of
Weasley's commotion. A few did question Sebastian's chaos, but the punch
took over most of them. It won't be long until they find out, Y/n."

I felt anxious at the thought. I couldn't be here. How was I possibly going to
enter a class like any other normal day? How everyone isn't going to see me
as the student that was with a criminal? The questioning? No.

"No." I told myself.

"No what, Y/n?" Ominis asked.

I gulped, "No. Sebastian isn't going to be in Azkaban. We need to get him

"Oh, Y/n..." Ominis spoke at my plan, "It seems impossible. Azkaban is

"I've heard that before." I frowned.

"No, believe me, Y/n. I come from a family of Dark Arts. Although I may
not able to see everything, I've heard everything. Criminals run in the Gaunt
blood." Ominis stated.

I shook my head in denial, "No. What other choice do we have Ominis?"

Ominis sighed, "Azkaban is horror. I-I don't really think we have a choice."

"No, No," I rose my voice, "You don't get to say that again, Ominis. You
said that before. We do have a choice."

I walked back and forth on that Undercroft. The emotions in me trying to

fight back.

"No, Y/n. With what help? With what way? You don't know Azkaban like I
do. It's not an easy access. Nor easy travel. It's impossible." Ominis

"I-I can apparate with someone and—"

"As I mentioned, Y/n, it's not as easy as you think!" Ominis raised his voice
at me, "You need someone with connections to the Ministry in order to
reach there. To apparate."
"I can talk to a professor—"

"You really think any professor at Hogwarts is going to be willing to risk

themselves over, as it seems in their eyes right now, a prisoner? It's fresh
news, Y/n. They are no help. You will only worsen things and I cannot lose
you next," Ominis explained.

I tried understanding Ominis, I really did, but he didn't know what I was
capable of. I fell in love with Sebastian Sallow. Life was doing well.
Perfect. And to have that taken away? No.

"And I cannot lose Sebastian, Ominis." I said coldly, "I love him."

Ominis stood silent, but gave a hesitant nod, "I know. And I know I won't
have the ability to stop you from wanting to rescue him, but I need you to
understand the risks."

"I took many risks since entering this fucking castle." I cursed out, "It can't
be any worse than this."

Ominis stood muted, not wanting to say anything.

"I know you know things, Ominis." I let out.

Ominis swallowed, but frown, "I do. Many things, but I've struggled the
past year promising myself to be a good person. To avoid my family's
beliefs. I cannot do it again. I cannot."
I stared in disbelief, "Not even for Sebastian? Your friend? Your only
brother? Are you willing—"

"Y/n stop—"

"No, I am not going to stop, Ominis. If you don't open up to me, I would
find a way. I don't care what it takes." I breathed.

Ominis let out a hurtful sigh.

"You sound just like Sebastian when he wanted to cure Anne." He

confessed, looking down almost hiding at the deja-vu thought.

I paused myself at his truth.

Is this what it felt like? Is this what Sebastian Sallow went through wanting
to save his twin? All this grief, guilt, and desperation?

At this point, for some reason, I felt my vision blur. I witnessed myself let
my guard down and take realization on where my position in life was at.
The things I was willing to do for someone.

"I'm sorry," I cried, "I'm sorry, Ominis."


"No," I threw my hands over my face, "I am sorry, Ominis. This isn't your
fault. It's not my intention to use you in any way. There's only so much I
can do and...what's happening to me—"

I felt a hand rest over my shoulder, and turning I felt Ominis right in front
of me. It wasn't long until I hugged him.

I never gave any sort of physical affection toward Ominis Gaunt. He never
seem like that type of person, well, he never was. It was rare. It was
unexpected, but it was necessary. I needed a hug.

I sunk into Ominis. A musky, woody scent waved on me while I rested. His
hands just hovered while trying to comfort that insanity out of me.

"I do not blame you, Y/n..." Ominis sighed, "I am Gaunt after all. We are
known for this. Destined for this. Even if I don't want to, there's an urge that
can't avoid it. I need to help you. We need Sebastian." He said.

I closed my eyes.

"There's an Apparition access," Ominis let out his first piece of information
that night, "For those who can't apparate themselves. It's outside the castle

I was the first to pull from the hug, my tears finally drying a bit while I
listened to Ominis Gaunt.

"There's a hideaway dungeon. In Manor Cape. Very far from here." Ominis
let out, "My father use this sealed dark magic access to hide his friends that
were held in Azkaban. Nobody knows." He breathed.
I just listened.

"I once took it on a forced visit to Azkaban for a family member. Never
again." Ominis remembered, "But it's the only way."

I didn't know what to do. I wanted to thank Ominis, but the way his words
would project out of his mouth — he didn't want to reveal.


"It won't grant you access inside Azkaban. Azkaban is concealed with very
powerful magic, similar to yours. They take your wand upon entrance.
Nothing is allowed." Ominis informed.

I feared for the trip already.

"It would leave you in the graveyard of the prison, where all the lost souls
of the prisoners are buried in from the dementors." Ominis sighed again,
"You will need to sneak in. You expertise in that."

Dementors. I once heard about them.

"Azkaban is full of dementors. You will need to know how to cast a

Patronus, Y/n. If you can't cast it, I will never live with myself taking the
blame for losing you over a Dementor's kiss." Ominis freaked.

"A Patronus Charm," I repeated, wanting to know more.

"Yes, correct. Expecto Patronum. It's not taught in school because, I mean,
why would it? There are no dementors nearby. Only held within prisoning
places." Ominis thought.

"Have you heard of it?" Ominis asked me again, noticing my silence.

I wondered. I did remember coming across it in a textbook on Defense

Against the Dark Arts class. Professor Hecat mentioned that it would be
something to be interested in, but not soon. Yet, I should've let my curiosity
win over.

"I know it's a defensive charm," I answered.

"It is. Very powerful." Ominis walked, "Sadly, I cannot cast it. I am blind.
Happy memories for me are almost non-existent based on my childhood.
It's difficult." He admitted.

I stood there watching him walk, feeling guilt and sadness from the truth
coming out of Ominis.

"I'm sorry, Ominis." Was all I could say.

"It's alright. I cannot cast it, but I could teach you. Only my sister and father
were able to produce it. It's very hard within dark wizards to cast one. I
believe it's self-explanatory," Ominis said, "But, I'm sure you can produce
one. I know it."

I was lost. Could I?

"Did Sebastian know this spell?" I swallowed, my head going back to

Ominis shrugged, "I am unable to answer that, but I believe he was happy
with you. I hadn't seen him happy in a while, so yes — but...but, no
prisoner is allowed to hold a wand. It's just part of the punishment." He said

I closed my eyes, holding in the pain.

"I'm desperate, Ominis." I breathed at the reminder, "Time is only going."

Ominis nodded, "Okay, Y/n. It's not an easy spell. I need you to concentrate
and take out your wand." He ordered.

I held my white wand over the distance, "Okay,"

"To make this spell successful, one must think of the happiest memory they
could think of. The happier the better." Ominis directed.

I swallowed, going down memory lane in my head.

"Remember, a happy one." Ominis reminded.

I closed my eyes.

"I take all fault in everything that went wrong between us. I didn't mean it."
Sebastian pointed to himself.


"I didn't ignore you on purpose, Y/n. I actually wrote you a letter every
single day this summer, but I never grew the courage to send them."
Sebastian confessed.

"What?" I looked up at him.

Sebastian pursed his lips, "I never forgot about you, nor our friendship. If
anything, the memories between us were the only thing holding me together
this summer after losing my twin sister, Anne." He whispered.

Don't cry, Y/n. It's just a confession. Don't cry.

The memory faded at the moment and I whispered, "Expecto Patronum."


"Remember a happy memory, not an emotional one. A happy one. A

moment where you felt happy, no worries. If you have to alternate it, do it."
Ominis let out.
I breathed, nodding and closing my eyes,


"Y/n?" Sebastian let out whilst watching.

My gaze left the night sky and turned over to him, the moonlight reflecting
the hazel color of his eyes.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry I was just—"

"You look beautiful today," Sebastian confessed.

I think I've felt my breath go away for just a slight second.

"I mean you always do, of course, but, I wanted to let you know. 18 never
looked better on you." Sebastian whispered.

My heart was pulsing a little more than usual, but I accepted it as a normal
reaction. I had never really seen Sebastian speak that romantic. It felt nice.

My lips parted at his words, breathing higher than usual, almost


"How is this real? How did we end up here?" I whispered to myself.

Sebastian smiled down, resting a hand on my thigh, and leaned forward.

"I believe I'm as real as you see me, darling."


"Expecto Patronum," I said louder.

A spark, but no.

I sighed.

"It's alright, Y/n." Ominis encouraged.


"I love you, Y/n. Always did." Sebastian whispered, "You have no idea how
long I waited for this."

Sebastian leaned, his mouth now tickling my ear as he went on.

"I have so many plans for us, Y/n," He breathed nervously, "It's only the
sixth year, but time doesn't exist with you. It never does."

I kept my eyes closed.

"We will finish the sixth year as you said, we will go find my sister,"
Sebastian let out, "I know we can find her."
"We will," I whispered back.

"We will find Anne, and a cure," Sebastian kept going, "And hopefully, we
can reach back for our N.E.W.Ts...graduate together. All of us."

I held in my smile.

"A nice cottage home? That's what you wanted, right?"

I laughed, "Yeah, but—"

"But?" Sebastian questioned.

"I'll love that, Sebastian." I giggled.


"Expecto Patronum!" I said in hurt.

I pointed near the empty wall across in circles, and the positive energy
bloomed out of the wand. A bright, translucent animal comes out almost
bursting the entire Undercroft at the moment.

I breathed, along with Ominis as I watched the patronus form walk around
before disappearing.

"Wow," Ominis said at the feel, "T-That was...very powerful, Y/n."

I just kept breathing, holding in my emotions of the last memory that
triggered it.

"What was it?" Ominis asked.

I finally lowered my wand slowly and my eyes stayed down, "A white

Ominis took in my answer knowing it was reference to Sebastian and

nodded, "I'm proud of you, Y/n. You have a good soul. Not many can cast
that. Especially on their first few tries."

Again, I kept staring at the floor.

"Well," Ominis huffed, "That's really all you need, Y/n..."

"Thank you, Ominis," I said lowly, hands to my side.

There was silence between us. No words or movements for a while.

"You can't leave right away, Y/n." Ominis let out.


"The trial needs to happen. And sadly, from what I predict based on what he
did, he will be proven guilty regardless. We will have to wait." Ominis
I was in disbelief again, "W-Wait? Ominis, you just said dementors eat up
your soul in there, and no wands and—"

"It will be okay, Y/n. Sebastian is strong. We must believe in the positive. It
can only be a three-day thing. It wouldn't be worth it to leave tonight. It's a
risk with the news recently out and Sebastian would be back and forth from
prison to London." Ominis let out.

I wanted to understand, I really did, but I was dying without seeing him for
minutes now. And now three days? Sebastian Sallow in Azkaban for three
days? 72 hours in misery? I wanted to switch places with him.

"The Ministry is in London—"

"No. I will not help you get to the Ministry if that's your plan now. I am
telling you the truth and I said what I needed to say." Ominis frowned,
"Trust me for once."

I stared, "I do trust you, I just—"

"Y/n, it would be okay. I understand this is hard for you. It's hard on me too,
he is my best friend, but we cannot take more risks than we already
planned. Please, understand." Ominis reminded in a harsh tone.

It hurt. A lot.

"T-Three days?" I trembled.

"I believe so. We will know. The Daily Prophet won't last long to put the
news of the arrest." Ominis said.

I wanted to cry again. I wasn't ready to see Sebastian Sallow's face in that
black and white newspaper. The horror and depression he must feel. He was
known to be expressive with his face — I couldn't handle imagining what I
would feel seeing him in that newspaper.

"Three days, Ominis." I said bluntly, "And then..."

"And then?"

"I will hold no mercy saving Sebastian Sallow." I frowned.


sorry if the chapter seems rushed. i caught the worst sickness of my life
and my mind feels a bit foggy haha, but i wanted to write to distract my
runny nose and sore throat 🤕😷

i can't wait for the journey ❤️‍🩹

PT: three

portrait credit: joannasallinger.tumblr


"Y/n, are you coming?"


I sat at the edge of my bed, my back toward everyone. Well, not everyone.
Only the ones that actually did stay around me while this upsetting event
happened reached out.

As expected, I did lose a handful of friendships with the news. I didn't

blame them, or anyone. In their mindset, I was someone that dated a
murderer. Rumors say I helped him.

Cressida Blume no longer speaks to me and although our beds are right next
to each other, no glance is exchanged from her. For once, I miss her
babbling questions. A few Gryffindors lost my trust; along with others from
different houses. It was just a weird circumstance.
"Starving in the mornings wouldn't help either, you know?" Natty let out.

My eyes stayed low, looking down at the fresh print of The Daily Prophet
that lay flatly against my knees. It hadn't moved from there since it arrived
hours ago.

The torture and fear that ranged from Sebastian's mugshot haunted me. He
seemed beat and scared. I worried. I cried. I didn't know what to do and it
was only day two.

I felt my heavy eyes stare up, my head turning to the side in slow motion
and revealed myself to my friend.

"I appreciate the care Natty, but I refuse to enter the Great Hall ever again."
I said in honesty.

I have entered the Great Hall. I ate dinner there yesterday, but as I said,
nothing felt the same. I did have my group of support, but, yet, it felt
empty. Eyes on you. Whispers. It never ended for me.

I felt Natty's presence take a seat beside me on my undone bed and place a
hand on my shoulder.

I didn't stare directly at her, but from the corner of my eyes, I did manage to
see a forced smile from her.

"There are possibilities he can win this trial, Y/n." Natty said with
I sighed, "Natty..."

"He was still underage, right? Perhaps, that can help. I may not know much,
but you're a good friend. I know whatever actions Sebastian Sallow must've
done, it wasn't different from things most students have done in this
school." She defended.

I wanted to smile. It was unusual to hear that reminder — that support. That
even though there was news out there with slight proof that Sebastian killed
his uncle, a former Auror, several good souls still saw the good in him. The
thought of that only kept me alive inside the castle.

"Thank you, Natty." I said lowly, my eyes still on the black and white paper,
"I-I appreciate your words. Truly." I thanked.

I didn't go to breakfast that morning. Instead, I entered Charms with my

eyes on the floor, avoiding every stare, every call-out. Just everything in
general. Yet, I can still sense eyes on me.

I sat beside Ominis Gaunt, on the seat that once belong to Sebastian. It
wasn't on purpose, but who else could I trust more than Ominis at this
point? Poppy was beside me, taking my old seat and Garreth moved up,
sitting beside her. It was a new setting.

There were no laughs. No side comments. Barely any loud talk. Maybe, it
was also of the hatred the school had toward Garreth Weasley's boozed
mess, but otherwise, it was me.

I didn't pay attention at all. If anything, my body rested deadly against that
bench just wanting to leave. Rescue him.
Ominis nudged, his shoulder bumping gently over me, "How are you

I wanted to scoff at him, but it wasn't Ominis fault. He wanted to help. He

was caring.

I sighed, "I am resisting, Ominis." I whispered.

"I apologize," He whispered, "I-I've heard about The Daily Prophet print
that arrived this morning. How bad does he look?" He asked at the news.

I gulped, my throat almost burning now from the number of times I've
swallowed all my guilt and pain.

"Very bad."

On my left, Poppy turned to me, "Here. Eat this." A sherbet lemon sweet
was in her small hand, waiting for me to grab it, "It's enchanted to take
away your pale face from not eating." She whispered.

I stared.

"I might've made a few for Nurse Blainey after Garreth's accident!" Poppy

"I heard that." Garreth let out, but with a smile to her.
It felt nice to know that at least there was some kind of happiness aura
around. I was happy for my best friend, and I'm sure with Sebastian around,
we all would've been great friends. It hurt.

I took hold of the sweet on her hand and nodded, "Thank you, Poppy."

Poppy just nodded, almost as if she felt so bad for the news herself. I read
her well.

The rest of the class day wasn't any better. I dreaded those hours and all I
imagined was the trial. I didn't know what was happening, where, or how?
There was no access anywhere. It was eating me up inside.

Third Person Perspective

Sebastian Sallow stood there shakily. He's lost himself, just looking at his
toes was some sort of distraction from the actual point. A distraction from
the fact that he was inside a cage, almost like a bird, chained up; any
movement will result harm based on the arrows pointing at him.

"You will not be allowed to say a word until you are ordered to. Any
inconvenience, form of unusual act, or disrespectful behavior — the
Ministry Court has every right to set off an arrow at you." An Auror

Sebastian stayed muted.

"You say, 'I obey'."

Eyes were still on his feet, "I obey,"

"I cannot hear you,"

"I obey." Sebastian lifted higher.

In seconds, the cage railed up and the sounds of a chain moving forward
echoed as they processed him up.

Again, Sebastian Sallow's head stayed low. Only the sounds of chattering
and discussions surrounded him. He was eager to look up, but he's lost
confidence now.

"Sebastian Sallow." A high positional wizard let out.

Mute. Is all he did now.

"Sebastian Sallow, I order you to look up."

Sebastian swallowed, looking up, letting all the Ministry Court positions
take a look at his mess. His consequences of not knowing how to behave
and it was only two days.

"What's your name?" They asked.

Sebastian was confused about the question knowing they stated his name
seconds ago, but it was a test.
"S-Sebastian...Sebastian Sallow." Sebastian said, struggling.

"And how old are you, Sebastian?"

"Eighteen years old."

"Where are you from?"

"F-Feldcroft. Feldcroft Region of Scotland." Sebastian sighed.

The people spoke. Someone let out the rules and expectations of the
Ministry Court to Sebastian. Sebastian must've dozed off after a while, but
he maintained firmly even after his muscles hurt from the lack of sleep,
starvation, and fear.

"Do you accept these terms, Sebastian Sallow?"

Sebastian got back to reality, "I-I do—"

"And why are you here, Sebastian Sallow?"

Sebastian was numb at the moment. Did they really want him to repeat his
reasoning for being there as if they didn't send him themselves? Were they
purposely triggering that anger again? Was this a game?

"I-I..." Sebastian struggled, "I...I am an unregistered Animagus..."


Sebastian can feel his throat hurt and his emotions heightened a bit.

A few were already noticing his change of expression but didn't point it out.

"I killed my uncle, Solomon Sallow using one of the Unforgivable Curses."
Sebastian stated firmly.

A few gasped at the little confidence he still held from confessing that. A
few nodded to themselves, but of course, the Aurors frowned.

"It was a form of defense." Sebastian excused.

"In what ways are you trying to defend yourself, Mister Sallow? Are there
any witnesses?"

Sebastian breathed heavily, thinking, but not thinking at all, "M-My

sister...Anne Sallow."

Sebastian knew there was no hope of mentioning her name. Anne wanted
nothing to do with him, but it was worth a try. Anne witnessed everything
their Uncle Solomon did. He wasn't a good caretaker. He never wanted to
save her. Solomon Sallow was toxic.

Another worker shuffled through papers and documents, taking hold of any
evidence or proof of his certain call — but nothing.
"I believe there is no reference to Anne Sallow forming a witness—"

"Please...there's a trace—"

"As in Ministry Laws, a trace is said to stop at the reach of eighteen. Your
twin, Anne Sallow, has the same age, eighteen. There is no reason to
contact." They reminded.

Sebastian closed his eyes.

There was Y/n, but what would that help? It would only put them both in
more danger. Y/n didn't stop him from killing his uncle. There was just so
much that Sebastian couldn't think thoroughly.

Sebastian just sighed repeatedly, trying not to break through.

"May I say something, sir?" A voice called out.

Sebastian did not even have to rise up. Maybe, the dementors had already
tormented his mind and the recognizable voice was trying to trigger him. It
wasn't possible.

"You may. And your name was,"

"My name is Atticus, sir. Atticus Sweeting-Rookwood." He said.

It was impossible to feel your eyes darken. It wasn't a thing, but for some
reason, Sebastian felt his eyes grow dark at the sight of his hatred, worst
enemy standing in the stand of that Ministry Court.


"Rookwood." Sebastian whispered to himself, "A Rookwood." The


Sebastian was fuming. He couldn't control himself, "You!"

Atticus ignored Sebastian, continuously speaking, "I've provided evidence

already, but I would like to recall this sort of memories in the pensive. They
are real memories, you can scan them."


Atticus took a glance at Sebastian. There almost seem to have a darkened,

yet, faint smirk coming off him. As if the villain's eyes called out Y/n in a
way. The glances were enough.

"No! You performed Legilimens without her permission—he's setting—"

"Mister Sallow, I order you to be quiet." The head spoke.

Sebastian breathed, almost growling at the dark-haired boy from the

distance. Almost despising him.

Sebastian felt dumb. Very dumb. Why couldn't he distinguish this earlier?
He needed this mindset that when Atticus admitted looking over Y/n's head,
she would block those memories. She was powerful. It was just common

"The witness of this evidence did agree upon—"

"She didn't!" Sebastian cried again, fighting for his life inside that cage,
"He's lying! You're a bloody Rookwood. You are—"


The first arrow shot stung over Sebastian's hand, stinging it as he groaned.

"I order you to remain silent, Mister Sallow. We hold no mercy for potential
Azkaban residents. Obey." The head said.

But Sebastian just couldn't obey.

Y/n's Perspective

My body did take a good response to Poppy's sweet. Surprisingly, by the

end of Potions, I've felt my mind less foggy — cleaner. But, again,
everything is always temporary in my life now. It was my haunting

It was a little yard before the Entrance Hall. I was near the grand staircase,
pacing and preparing myself to walk into the commotion of the Great Hall.
I was already nervous.
"I will figure he will end up anywhere than graduate Hogwarts." A voice let

"Of course. If it wasn't the detentions, it was his weird acts of magic. So
obsessed with his sister. I am not surprised." A familiar voice spoke.

Oh, it was very familiar. Too familiar.

I stopped in my tracks, wanting to avoid it, but that sweet was leaving my
body already. I couldn't help it.

"I suppose it was good of breaking up with him. Sebastian Sallow is where
he should be—"

"Depulso!" I shouted mid-hall.

I watched my wand shakily point at the blonde girl that was now lashed
onto the hardened wall behind her and dragged to the floor.

It wasn't intentional, but I was losing myself. I was tired of everyone

speaking about Sebastian. Nobody knew the truth. Nobody, but me and
that's what hurt the most.

The Hufflepuff girls beside her gasped at my actions, but I wasn't afraid. I
walked over to Adelaide Oakes, waiting for her to stand up before my own
hands dragged her against that wall again, holding her back with my wand.

"What the fuck is your problem, Oakes? When are you going to learn how
to mind your business?" I said angrily.
Adelaide just breathed and I can sense her friends beside me lashing out
their wands.

"L-Let me go—"

"For a Hufflepuff, you seem to keep your house traits low. You keep
Sallow's name out of your mouth or I will do more than depulso—"

"You are defending a murder, Y/n." Adelaide reminded me, "That isn't a
Sebastian that I once met. It's your fault—"

I breathed heavily, almost letting her words get to me, but I brought up my
wand and let myself risks it --

"Whoa, whoa, whoa,"

I felt an arm wrap around my waist quickly before easily snatching me up

from injuring the girl in front of me and dragging me out to the nearest wall

"Let me go, Garreth!" I fought the ginger boy dragging me back from the

From the distance, I can see Adelaide and her friend group breathing
heavily from my rule-breaking actions and I can sense trouble coming for
me from their eyeing as they left.
Garreth Weasley finally put me down and held my sides together to avoid
more fighting. I almost hated how tall and strong the sixth year boys were
becoming. It was a hard fight.

"Are you bloody mad, Y/n?!" Garreth's eyes bulge at my previous actions,
"I may say, pretty bad-ass move, but you can't use magic like that—"

"Who are you to talk, Weasley!" I argued at him, "Who are you talk!" I said

"That's exactly my point," Garreth said back, still holding my arms together,
"Don't do anything you would regret." He warned.

I frowned, "What's it for you?"

Garreth sighed, "Poppy is worried for you. We are worried for you and I—"

"We? The halls of the school stare at me like I'm the murderer too, Garreth."
I admitted, which was ironic of me to say, actually.

"I understand...well," Garreth's obvious sort of personality came out,

looking up and trying to think of something smart, "Well, doing what you
just did won't help."

I let my breaths calm down for a bit. The raging energy in me pulled off and
Garreth finally release his hands off my sides, looking around to make sure
people weren't listening.
"All better? I always have a feel better potion—"

"Oh, I prefer this feeling than a suicidal one with a potion brewed by you." I
whispered in annoyance.

"Okay, you are better." Garreth smiled, leaning in, "I need to tell you

"Go on." I said not wanting to waste time.

"Sebastian's trial is taking place right now, Y/n." Garreth revealed.

Do you know that heavy breathing I was attempting to calm down seconds
ago? Yeah, it completely stopped at his words.

"W-What? How do you know?" I said, almost in a panic.

Garreth kept looking around hoping nobody was hearing, "My aunt,
Matilda—I mean Professor Weasley...I went to see her for my, you know,
potion incident the other day and, I might've overheard that the faculties are
in a room getting live line messages of it from the Ministry." He informed.

I took in Garreth Weasley's information, "R-Right now? Where?"

"I believe in the Faculty Tower, but—"

I didn't give Garreth any time to speak more, I quickly passed him and felt
myself go up those stairs again.
"Y/n, it's a locked corridor. I only told you so I can find an excuse to see my
aunt again and—"

"You don't need to, Garreth, I have my ways." I said coldly, finally going up
forward in those stairs and skipping dinner.

My feet walked down those castle corridors as if I were timed. That the
slower I walked the more I will miss out. I was desperate. I needed answers.
I needed hope.

I passed the moving stairs, walking down a dimmer hall and coming across
a particular door that was specifically aimed toward the faculty workers of

Thankfully, dinner was being held for the afternoon. It would've also given
me a cue at dinner that if the professors weren't at the main table either — it
was a sign.

"Alohomora," I demanded towards the double locked door.

It didn't work.

"Alohomora!" I said again, "Come on," I struggled.

"I believe doors like that shall never work for students." A ghost appeared in
the hall.
I ignored him, still attempting some sort of magic to open it.

I closed my eyes. I needed to know about Sebastian. I needed to fight for

him. He would've done the same. Or maybe, I was just...losing myself?

"Bombarda!" I shouted.

I watched as the door blasted, causing chaos. I knew it would, but I no

longer cared.

The ghost in my surroundings gasped to themselves and I entered the

destroyed entrance, finally stepping foot onto the Faculty Tower of the

And I walked with my wand in hand, looking at my surroundings

breathlessly trying to find a closed room.

All doors were locked giving me no choice, but to cast Revelio everywhere.
I watched with my eyes to distinguish the motions and odd items that were
detected, but it wasn't enough, so I climbed up the stairs.


"What was the odd sound? Did it come from the lower level?"

I made it to the end of the stairs, witnessing the first two professors that
came out of the familiar room.
I cast a Disillusionment spell on myself, sneaking my way near Professor
Sharp and Ronen.

As I get close, I can scan around my surroundings. They all sat in a

medium-sized classroom. There was a Professor sitting on every chair at a
circular table, almost waiting for the incoming messages of the trial of a
student of Hogwarts.

Professor Weasley and Garlick seemed so worried and almost in denial

about the entire thing; Professor Sharp just sat there, arms crossed, almost
angry like he was one to blame. Then Headmaster Black was there

The Headmaster's fingers skimmed over the owls that kept sending; his eyes
squinting at the lettering.

"Mister Sallow seems to be on the guilty side from what we are looking at.
It's not looking quite well for the reputation of Hogwarts."

That's what he cared about? Reputation? Not about the student that killed
his uncle for the defense at such a young age? Not that?

My emotions were up again. I can feel the heat rise from my face before the
spell was un-casted and I revealed myself inside that room in front of all the
faculty without consideration.

"He's innocent." I fought right away.

A few stood up, but I stood there glaring directly at the Headmaster,
"Sebastian Sallow is innocent."
"Miss Y/l/n, were you the one that just threw a bombing spell—"

"And reputation?" I scoffed, "That's what you care about? That Sebastian
Sallow being in Azkaban ruins the reputation of Hogwarts because he was a
student here? Not because he has reasonings—"

"Miss Y/l/n...please, let's talk." Professor Weasley said kindly.

I didn't want to argue or say anything to her. She always seemed to be a

kind figure to me during my time at Hogwarts, along with the rest of the
Professors. I didn't want to break my shell.

"No, I apologize," I said softly, "I need to know what is happening in that
trial. The evidence being used in there is being used against me and—"

"I believe that is not in our hands and even if it was, the trial is coming to
an end soon." Professor Sharp commented.

I felt my left eye twitch a little at the reasonings. Were they right? Perhaps,
maybe, so — who knew, but I was in denial.

"I understand that you two seemed to be...closer this year than the fifth
year. I see it's completely understandable—"

"No, this isn't about my relationship with Sebastian Sallow." I argued with
the Headmaster, "This is about him being a student. You all had him in a
class. You all knew him. This isn't fair. It's Azkaban!" I screeched.
They stood quiet. I think the only reaction that really let out was Professor
Garlick's gasp at my unexpected actions.

My hands trembled as they laid flatly against the circular table; my chest
rising from the emotions and lips parting.

"Sebastian doesn't belong in Azkaban. He will die." I reminded.

Headmaster Black stared at me with soulless eyes, "And I believe that the
consequences of one's actions aren't part of our control, Miss Y/l/n."

I stood quiet for a moment.

There was this certain hope that a professor would actually agree with me.
That maybe if I tried hard enough, it would work, but in reality, it wasn't
worth it.

"I did everyone favors all last year. I took my special magic to use. I
followed every single task given by all of you. I did everything as a
Hogwarts student. I saved the Wizarding World." I shouted.

"Miss Y/n--"

Whilst the talk, another owl flew in through the open high-tower window
and I backed away.

Professor Black took hold of it, his eyes never leaving mine before opening
the letter and skimming thoroughly.
My hands were sweating.

The headmaster cleared his throat, looking at the room full of faculty before
looking back at me as he answered the awaited question.

"Guilty. And due to his violent behavior in the trial he caused, it is no hope
to help—"

I walked out of that room not letting him finish. I can sense them staring at
me, almost afraid of what I will be doing.

"Y/n Y/l/n, where are you going—"

"To work on an assignment," I let out.

"I believe trying to stop this circumstance is a dangerous assignment, Y/n.

A risk. As part of Hogwarts Headmaster, I cannot allow you—"

"Well," I bowed, "Good thing I am known to complete all assignments

being given by every single one of you. Try me." I warned.

There was no time left when I exited that faculty room. No time at all. I
found myself walking down that tower, hastily. All these plans I've had for
myself falling down like dominoes.

When I made it back to the grand hall, I pretended to not seem suspicious
and watched the students exit that dining hall.
I hated myself for hiding from Poppy, Natty, and all my friends that were on
my side, but I felt like I didn't have a choice. It was now or never.

"Ominis," My hands gripped over the blonde's arm and Ominis gasped.

"Y/n? W-Where have you been? I did not hear of you at dinner and Poppy

"Undercroft, Ominis. Now." I breathed, looking around.

Ominis didn't question, he followed along.

"No. I would not allow that!" Ominis burst out later that afternoon.

"Ominis, if I don't leave, each hour that passes in that prison is another hour
of torture for Sebastian. You told me that yourself." I let out.

"Yeah, before you went ahead and threatened the leader of Hogwarts? What
were you thinking? Do you realize how much risks you just put—"

"I don't care, Ominis. I could care less about this school. I entered last
year." I said in honesty, "And I wouldn't take the thought of continuing it
while the man I love is rotting."

Ominis was breathing heavily, almost in distraught, "Oh, Y/n...what have

you done."
What have I done? I didn't have time to even process that at the moment. I
was in shock. I was in shock that Sebastian was guilty when he wasn't.

"Headmaster Black..." I swallowed at the memory, "H-He mentioned, I

quote, due to his violent behavior in the trial he caused...it's not well,

"Of course is not. I will go insane too. Anyone would." Ominis admitted.

I breathed on that Undercroft, "I have a feeling Professor Black might put a
lockdown on the castle soon. I need to leave as soon as possible, Ominis."

Ominis stood quiet.

"If my timing is correct, Sebastian should be escorted to Azkaban by

tonight, again. This can allow an easier entrance due to the guards opening
the prison doors." Ominis finally admitted.

I nodded, "O-Okay."

I looked around the Undercroft, my eyes scanning around before landing on

the Isadora Morganach background painting.

Why didn't I think of this before? The Undercroft wasn't part of the
Hogwarts map. Sebastian informed me that not even the professors knew
about it, just the Gaunts. It only meant one thing.

I gasped, "Why didn't I think this? We've done this before." I walked toward
the portrait.
"What are you on about Y/n?" Ominis said afar, following my voice.

"I might be able to create an accessible entrance through this painting like
we once did in the Scriptorium and Feldcroft...maybe, it can be a passage
on one of those." I thought.

"But the passages always brought us back, not forward." Ominis let out.

I stood there, watching the painting, "Well, I never attempted it..." I held my
wand up.


"Shh," I kept my eyes closed.

My hands lay on the painting before faint whispers began to guide me, and
a headache formed, but it was a sign it was working.


I kept murmuring to myself over and over again before I threw myself back
and felt a bit of pain on the floor.

"Y/n?! A-Are you alright?" Ominis breathed, feeling my shoulder on the

I re-opened my eyes and looked over at the painting over us. The distant
view of a familiar abandoned place I once went to with Sebastian appeared.

"Ominis...I-It worked." I said, almost smiling.

Ominis stood there, helping me up before his hands waved around for a bit
near the painting, feeling an aura.

"I-I feel it. You did this...with your magic. Did it hurt?" Ominis worried.

I hesitated, "It's alright."

Ominis and I stood there, knowing that after this, things weren't going to be
the same.

"I-I should head to my dorm and prepare. I don't want to give time to the
faculty. I need to be ahead of them, Ominis." I let out.

"Well, they really are just trying to protect you," Ominis murmured.

I rolled my eyes, "Ominis..."

Ominis nodded, "Alright, Y/n. I-I...should wait for you here." He said
almost fighting his words.

I knew preparing for such a risk wasn't going to be a secret. It was a hard
pill to swallow, but I was good at excuses. Always had — well, with my
friends who extended the excuses.

Cressida Blume stared at me throw on my hunting boots but didn't question

anymore. I understood her off-attitude, but I was afraid she would tell.

"Fresh air?" Nellie let out.

I jumped a little at her call-out, but I turned to her from the other side of the
room and nodded.

"Y-Yeah, I need it." I swallowed, buttoning up my long sleeve.

Nellie stayed neutral. She couldn't understand what Sebastian did, but also
didn't want to throw that hatred on me. He was my boyfriend, but she also
felt bad for me.

Nellie nodded, "I don't blame you...I might've overheard Black saying there
might be a curfew tonight, which is weird because it's a Friday." She
wondered, "So, avoid trouble."

I stopped buttoning my shirt and took a breath.

I didn't question anything, I just nodded again, looking over at my

roommate as if she didn't know that I was about to either die, come back
alive with a criminal, or be imprisoned.

"Y/n?" Natty let out when I exited the dormitory.

It seemed like she just exited the girls' restrooms from a bath after dinner.
Her hair was soaked and she stared at me in worry.

It was Natty. I needed to remind myself of that.

Natty stared down at my hunting boots and furrowed her brows before her
brown eyes examined my own, almost reading me.

"I can't lose you, Y/n. Let me go with you." Natty whispered.

"No, Natty. I lost many already. I'm almost losing Sebastian, I cannot lose
you." I breathed in honesty.

Natty sighed, "I know...I am sorry. Take care of yourself. Please." Natty

I closed my eyes, "I will."

"And don't forget, I'll never get tired of making excuses for you." Natty
giggled in between.

I laughed along, probably my first laugh for a while, and nodded, "Thank
you, Natty."

I was already shivering when I made it to the Undercroft. My boots were

clicking over that rusty floor while I took breaths, almost forgetting that
Ominis was supposed to be here for a final goodbye.
My feelings were sinking in. I did hold a lot of confidence, but I didn't
know what to expect. I didn't get to say goodbye to Poppy, Garreth or
Samantha, etc. It was a last-minute thing. It was almost scary.

My head stood low, almost second-guessing what the hell I was actually
doing, but my bracelet clicked on my wrist.

I brought my wrist up, tapping the fang. A little delusion wouldn't help in a
situation like this, but it was a reminder. It was love. All for love.

I felt heavy at the moment before the Undercroft entrance opened behind
me. And as I turned, I took a breath.

"Ominis..." I eyed.

Ominis stood there wearing a tight black jacket; along with these pants I've
never seen in my life, while he held a few potions in a pouch beside him.

"You're not doing this alone. I am going with you." Ominis let out.

"No." I declined, "No, Ominis, I'm already scared of risking my own—"

"Y/n, you aren't going to underestimate my abilities just because I'm blind."
Ominis frowned, "Trust me, I have a plan. We will get Sebastian out."

I stood there wanting to fight him off, but also wanting to cry for his efforts.
"I am a Gaunt after all. You don't know what I'm capable of," Ominis
smirked, "Ready?"

I closed my eyes, smiling, "Ready."


Wooooo Ominis take control !!🤭😍

400k? I am speechless. Lost for words. I want to hug every single one of
you. 🥲💚
PT: four

painter: twitter.com/oladcnfthb


"Ow, where are we—ow! What is that, Y/n?" Ominis called out as we
stepped through the passage.

I jumped over, also feeling the stinging sensation of the slug-like creatures
below us, and immediately held my wand.

"Lumos...cast lumos, Ominis, I forgot this place is abandoned." I sighed,

walking thoroughly.

Ominis walked alongside, his wand glowing more than mine as our feet
clicked on the dusty, wooden floor beneath us.

"What passageway is this?" Ominis whispered.

It took a minute to exit out the abandoned home and look over to the sunset
setting of the Feldcroft Region.
"Feldcroft," I gulped, "We're in Feldcroft, Ominis."

It was a hard say. This was Sebastian Sallow's home and to be near it
without him felt odd. Empty.

"Alright, well...if we want to make it to Manor Cape by morning, we have

to keep going." Ominis let out.

I hesitated, but nodded, "I'll assume taking floo powder right now won't be
the best, right?"

Ominis nodded, "No, but crawling through these woods all the way to
Manors Cape doesn't seem safe either." He let out.

I sighed, "I-I know—"

"Sebastian's home. W-Where is it from here?" Ominis questioned.

"It's just a bit north. We might be able to see it once up these steps." I let

Ominis nodded, "Good. Head up a bit."

I didn't feel confused by his orders at first. I figured Ominis had been to
Feldcroft more than I ever had. He knew the surroundings better than me.

As we stepped down that small rose mountain, I breathed finally taking a

view of the familiar Feldcroft home from afar.
"That's impossible." I gasped.

I watched the Hippogriff spread its wings a little; Highwing's legs stretching
as Poppy stood below it petting it with a faint smile from afar.

"Ominis I—"

"I apologize, Y/n. I should've let you know beforehand about it, but I felt
you weren't going to allow Poppy or anyone take the risk." Ominis let out
as we walked nearer.

I wasn't. The least I wanted was to have anyone else I care about take risks
for me. How ironic since I always took risks for everyone, but it was a
dangerous act. If I went down, I didn't want my friends to go down with me.

"Poppy?!" I exclaimed, still shocked at her presence.

Poppy hugged me, "You really thought I'll allow you to leave without a
goodbye? How dare you, Y/n!"

I broke away, looking over to the beast above us while back to Ominis,
"Ominis how did you—"

"It was expected you weren't going to stop looking for Sebastian
so...perhaps, a few hands can speed the process." Ominis cleared his throat,
"It wasn't my business, but—"
"But you did the right thing, Ominis." Poppy smiled, "As you can see, I
managed to sneak out Highwing from the Vivarium. I might still have
enough time to return to the castle before the curfew starts." Poppy

"Did you travel here all by yourself?" I questioned in worry.

"No," Poppy shook her head, "Natty is on her way with the other Hippogriff
to bring us back since floo powder is off. The travel time should be fine. I
just came to drop off Highwing for you."

I was speechless at the new information. I wanted to question Ominis about

how long he was handling everything behind my back, but there was no
time to waste anymore.

"You know how to ride it, Y/n...Highwing should be able to fly you at least
until the Poidsear Coast. I know it'll still be long until Manor, but closer."
Poppy directed.

I stood there, lost for words. How was this real?

"H-How's the school?" I swallowed, curious about the outcomes.

"Well, the headmaster did announce a curfew, but you know he never takes
notice of students outside the castle right away. I believe by the time he
finds out and interrogates us, you will be back." Poppy smiled.

I nodded, overthinking.
At that moment, the beast beside us spread its wings, giving a sign that it
was ready.

"Highwing is ready...you should head up." Poppy pursed her lips at the

I smiled, "I'll return her back when we land—"

"I trust you, Y/n. Things will turn out fine." Poppy encouraged, "They will."

I tried agreeing with her.

"It's a big beast." Ominis let out, his hands caressing the softness of the
Hippogriff hairs.

"Very big." I agreed.

Ominis kept sliding his hands over it, "Too revealing. We have to cast a
Disillusionment spell on it."

It took a few minutes for Poppy to take it first-hand and cast an invisibility
spell on the Hippogriff. It seemed complicated, but thankfully, she knew
well about the care of beasts, so it wasn't long.

"Wait, Y/n," I can feel Ominis hand tug on me, "Before you get on it..."

A black, thick coat appeared on Ominis hands. It glowed a little within the
black hue; it seemed heavy, but in a weird way, powerful.
"Wear it." Ominis let out.

I stared blankly, "W-What?"

"It's like the one I am wearing right now. Wear it." Ominis stated again,
"For your safety."

I slowly took hold of the fabric and slid it on myself. I was right, it did feel
slightly heavy, but it also gave a feeling of protection. Like it contains...

"It's a Gaunt cape," Ominis sighed, "Concealed with dark magic...it was my
sister's, but she refuses to wear it. I don't blame her. I don't even know why
I'm wearing mine, but some things are necessary." Ominis forced out.

I didn't question anything else to Ominis. I followed his orders and we both
mounted ourselves onto the Hippogriff while Poppy watched.

"I have never ridden one before..." Ominis stated out.

Ominis sat behind me, his hands to the side, almost trying his best to hide
the fear on his pale face from the thought of flying.

I was silent at the moment.

"You've never flown, right?" I gulped, almost guilty.

"Hm, I suppose being blind there's no use to it..." Ominis sighed, "But
Sebastian and Anne did attempt it once third year...never again." He said in

I giggled.

"Ominis?" I said lowly.

I stared down at the feathers of Highwing, "Do you think...Anne saw—"

"I don't know, Y/n." Ominis answered before I can ask the entire thing,
"And what's it for Anne, honestly? That trial took place faster than we can
figure it out. Time would only tell." He explained.

We wasted no time after that. After a few waves of goodbye to Poppy, the
Hippogriff began to raise up from the Feldcroft ground and rise up from the

We weren't halfway up and I felt Ominis fight the urge to get off. Not
purposely, but I understood. It was scary. It was scary even for me no matter
how many times I mounted.

"How long left before I throw my guts out, exactly, Y/n?" Ominis freaked.

I laughed as we waved around the regions, the breeze hitting our faces as
the invisible animal tracked around the greenlands.

"It's fun, Ominis."

"It's bloody scary! Where are we?!" Ominis breathed, holding onto me.

"We're in Coastal Cavern. If we drop now, we will bump into bandit

enemies..." I let out.

"Fine. I suppose I'll pretend to enjoy this journey like there isn't a thought
that I'll fall and die." Ominis breathed out.

It was a positive thought. Ominis and I pretended to have a few laughs

mounting Highwing before things actually became serious until landing.

I breathed heavily, letting Highwing gently make a stop near a coastline

over a bridge. I felt its feathers tickle over me before giving us access to
jump off.

Ominis jumped off first, but looked over his surroundings to find me.

"Are you down, Y/n? D-Do you need help? It felt like a high jump." Ominis

I nodded rapidly, "Y-Yes...I've done this plenty of times," I looked down,

"Plenty...of...times." I stared down.

It was plenty of times, but somehow the ground below me seemed more
deeper than ever. Maybe, it's because I hadn't really eaten the last two days.
The worry and no sleep were consuming me at this point, but my adrenaline
wasn't letting me.
"Y/n?" Ominis voice brought me back to reality.

"Hm, y-yeah," I said, finally jumping off.

I almost tripped over Ominis at the jump, he quickly took hold of my

balance and held me straight.


"How do you manage to do this all the time by yourself?" Ominis frowned.

I rolled my eyes, "Please, Ominis," I dusted myself from the fall, "Like I
said, plenty of times."

I turned over to the hippogriff and sighed, "Thank you, Highwing. I'm sure
you know your way back. Poppy would be waiting for you." I kissed,
petting its head. "Be safe."

The beast bowed at me and quickly adjusted itself before flying off.

This was it now. There wasn't going back anywhere unless I wanted to
spend all night fighting enemies and exhaust ourselves.

"Marunweem Lake," Ominis let out, discovering the destination.

I looked at my surrounding knowing he was right, "Yeah...how did you—"

"The floo powder stops," Ominis finger slid over the rocky feel of the
statue, "Braille. How do you think others like I can travel?" He smiled to

I rose my brows, "That's amazing..." I crossed my arms, looking at our

surroundings again as we crossed the bridge.

"It's awfully quiet." Ominis whispered.

We both walked beside each other. Matching cloaks. It was funny really —
it's as almost I was the little sister. The cloak fit perfectly and I can still feel
the protectant on it.

"Too quiet." I agreed, also suspiciously.

The setting was silent. Only the sound of our feet walking through the
wooden bridge would echo. Even the waters were not producing enough

"If I follow the map correctly, Manor Cape should be straight down." I
informed, "Down east."

"I think you mean down south, Y/n." Ominis corrected.

I stopped in my tracks, almost wanting to correct him myself, but as I

looked around the darkening setting, I felt dumb.

"I—yes." I sighed.
As we walked in silence, it only took a few minutes walking around the
small lake when the echo of bubbling water sounded around us.

"Do you hear that?" I told.

Ominis stopped along, "Yes. It's right off—"

"Confringo!" I yelled, casting the blasting spell toward the Dugbog.

"Dugbogs," Ominis breathed, his wand pointing.

"The worst." I complained knowing they were the worst creatures to fight,

My back was against Ominis, and I can feel us shoot over the creatures, our
feet beginning to get wet from the water rising on us.

"Stay against my back, Y/n," Ominis hand tugged over my side, giving a
sign to not move. "Stand back."

In seconds, Ominis lifted his wand up before motioning his wand in circles
and casting an unknown spell.

"Max-Expulso!" Ominis shouted.

I watched the three Dugbogs surrounding us blast. The once water below us
turning into fire over ten feet as the creatures burned while Ominis casted a
protecting charm over us.

I breathed heavily watching them die in horror as the firing water began to
turn back to its hue.

"What spell was that?" I said in shock.

Ominis un-did the protection and took a sigh, "Expulso. Not really taught in

"Show off." I joked.

"It would've been quite nice to teach me a few spells—"

"No," Ominis stopped me near the forest an hour later, "It's not worth it,
Y/n. They aren't spells you'll want. Trust me." He sighed.

I nodded, understanding as we both walked slowly with our capes.

A jumping noise distracted me, making me stop between the leaves under
and look around.

"What is it?" Ominis asked.

I stared down at the puffskein below me and smiled, "Oh, i-it's a puffskein.
Hey little guy," I bent petting the small beast, "Where you come from?"
A few more began to appear from a distance and I stood up, "There's more."

"It must be a den for them." Ominis let out, bending and extending his hand
hoping he can take hold of one.

And he did. Ominis petted a few hairy beasts below us, "Soft. Small."

I laughed, following the trail, "I wonder where—"

"Y/n...I sense something." Ominis wand waved around.

It didn't give me time to even think, I heard a few pops appearing around
me as I realized it must've been a trap like last year.

Outnumbered, dark wizards surrounded Ominis and I; my hands let go of

the nearest puffskin and stood up, casting protego on myself as spells
surrounded us.

"Ah, it's the girl that defeated—"

"Diffindo!" I yelled out.

I've fought plenty of camps. None of us this was new, but my focus was on
Ominis. I've gotten used to seeing him so innocent and calm — it was
unusual to see him fight.

"Expelliarmus," Ominis said.

I must've gotten distracted watching Ominis cast spells against the other
wizards that I felt myself get snatched from another.

"Let me go—"

"Ah, such a powerful tool. You know how much help you'll be to us?" The
nasty wizard whispered uncomfortably.

"Y/n?" Ominis let out, trying to hear me from the crowd.

"It's okay, Ominis. I'll get out. K-Keep fighting." I shouted.

I struggled to let myself go from the man, but I grabbed my wand and
casted a stinging spell, making him let go.


"Petrificus Totalus!" I shouted, destroying him.

I felt cold at the moment. I didn't know what it was, but it seemed like the
Gaunt cloak that was on me helped the spells come out more powerful —
more strength.

"Ah, a blind one?" A wizard let out toward Ominis, "You really think you
can shine on us without even—"

I watched as Ominis lifted his wand, the Unforgivable Curse not only
aiming toward one dark wizard, but all of them at the same time. The green
lighting extending into six heads in one spell. It was almost scary.

I gasped. I gasped at the power the Gaunt gene provided. I know Ominis
avoided it, but I didn't realize how powerful they were being descendants of
Salazar Slytherin. It was dangerous.

I was speechless; loss for words. I think I might've been too distracted, I
didn't hear Ominis call out my name.

"Y/n!" Ominis breathed, "I said, let's go. We don't have time."

In fear, I followed Ominis, our capes coming up over our heads and running
through the forest.

As we ran, I can hear breaths of panic from Ominis Gaunt. I know he didn't
want to perform that spell, nor any dark magic in general, but he seemed to
have no choice. He was hiding his regret.

"Ominis, I—"

"Just keep walking, Y/n." Ominis ordered, his hand over mine.

I didn't say a word after that.

It wasn't long until we made it to the entrance of the Manor Cape dungeon.
A statue in front of us while I waited for Ominis to finally say something.
"It's a hidden entrance." Ominis let out.

"How is it open?"

Ominis kept his gaze low, "Parseltongue."

It made sense.

"O-Oh...why didn't you say anything before? I don't want you to think you
were forced into this, Ominis, I—"

"It was my choice, Y/n. And it was the only convenient way." Ominis
murmured, "I don't think any alternative to Azkaban would've been
successful. This is necessary." He frowned.

"Okay." I nodded, "Ominis, I'm sorry about what happened in the bandit

"Don't speak of it, Y/n," Ominis kept a frown, "It was for protection. It's
alright." He struggled with his words.

It wasn't alright, but as I said, time was going. It was stuff that needed to be
discussed after the ticking bomb was stopped.

I closed my eyes hearing Ominis Gaunt speak in parseltongue in front of

me. The language went over a minute before the ground beneath us rumbled
and an entrance opened a few feet away.
"Is it open?" Ominis asked.

"Yes." I gulped.

"Good. Let's go." Ominis directed, walking past me and finding the

I coughed entering the dungeon underground behind Ominis. The dust

building from people never visiting was insane and I wondered how long
it'll take to reach the apparition access.

"Stay behind," Ominis whispered, "I am unaware of who or what can

possibly be here. It's been years." He informed.

We both held our wands under Manors Cape. A few spiders appeared
throughout the way, but it was nothing severe.

There was just one moment where I looked too forward and tripped over

"Whoa, I—"

My speaking stopped immediately when I realized I've tripped over a half

body-half skeleton rotting on that dirty floor.

I panicked. My breaths were heavy and the scream that wanted to come out
of me was not coming out.
"Y/n?" Ominis let out.

My hand stood over my mouth, not wanting him to know the fear of the
bodies surrounding us, and closed my eyes.

"I-It's nothing," I gulped, "It just smells very bad."

"I know. I apologize." Ominis let out.

Holding the urge of not wanting to let out questioning over the dead bodies
on the floor that were once Azkaban prisoners, I stood close behind Ominis.
Plus, he smelled nice — it distracted me from the rotting smell of real
human flesh.

"I believe it should be here." Ominis let out with his wand.

I appeared behind him, a dusty and rocky fireplace in view. It seemed

unused, obviously, but I can sense a small faint color of green still coming
from it.

"It's here." I said.

Ominis nodded, "Alright now," I saw him reach down his pouch of potions,
revealing a few, "It's not going to be easy after this, Y/n."

He handed me over two potions as he spoke.

"I believe I just gave you a Focus and Invisibility potion," Ominis let out.

"Invisibility? But we cast—"

"It's Azkaban. If we aren't careful they would detect us. As I said before,
Y/n, it's dangerous. Guarded. No wands. They are serious. These are
prisoners that have done the worst." Ominis informed.

I listened.

"Now, I will go first. After I disappear, you go next. You will drink the
Focus one. The graveyard is guarded by a few dementors. The potion
should be able to strengthen your head more from them until we enter the
prison." Ominis explained.

I swallowed, looking down at the potions.

"The cloaks we are wearing," Ominis tugged the Gaunt material, "I will cast
a special spell on us so we can camouflage within our surroundings. We
won't be detectable."

"Okay." I agreed.

"Okay, Y/n. This apparition is like no other. Azkaban is located within the
waters. When you arrive you will feel awful. Fight it off." Ominis let out.

"I will." I said.

I was scared now. There was only one voice in my head that was telling me
to turn back. That it wasn't worth it, but it was Sebastian. The man I love.
The man I wanted a future with. Why was love so dangerous?

I stood shakily, watching Ominis apparate from that fireplace. The room
was so silent now, my own breath echoed in that dungeon.

Adjusting the hoodie over my head, I took one last breath, drank the Focus
Potion, and disapparated.

Ominis was right. The journey felt like an eternity. Not only were my
insides drowning, but the few seconds felt like hours. I wanted to shout and
stop, but I finally reached it. I was back to reality.

Reducing my breath, I felt everything. It was only the graveyard, but the
despairing feeling of the dementors from afar was taking effect already. And
it was just the first minute.

I didn't want to imagine what Sebastian Sallow felt being here for days. It
was sickening.

"O-Ominis?" I let out.

I gasped, feeling an arm over me, "Shh, don't talk loud. Dementors detect
everything, Y/n. Whisper." Ominis appeared behind a grave.

I nodded, "S-Sorry I—"

"Ah!" A voice moaned in pain from the distance.

I gasped at the screams of despair and pain that came from the prison in our
view. The sounds sounded like it was the infernal regions. I wanted to cry. I
was scared already.

The fortress wasn't any ordinary built. It seems like a giant block. No
windows. No way to breathe. Claustrophobic. I panicked that I needed to
enter there, but I panic more at the thought of Sebastian in there.

"Are you alright? You're shaking, Y/n." Ominis whispered, noticing my


"Ominis, we need to get Sebastian out. Now." I said in force. "Where is the

"Are there any guards over a corner?" Ominis asked.

I looked around as we walked over the graveyard, hiding between graves

while we fought the emotions that were developing from the dementors

"Yes. There are two of them guiding a blocked door. I can take them—"

"No." Ominis grabbed my arm, pushing me down to him, "No, you cannot.
We can't just barge in. We don't even know where Sebastian is at." He
I was going insane already. My head wasn't thinking straight anymore. I
wasn't even looking at alternatives. I wanted to save Sebastian Sallow. That
was the goal. No matter what it takes.

I took a breath, "I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I get it. The dementors tend to trigger. The potion should help."
Ominis let out, "Are we close to them?" He assured.

"Yes. Yards away. If we leave this grave, they can see us if we don't cast a
spell." I whispered.

Ominis adjusted his cloak, the familiar wand revealing, "Hide."

I stood behind a grave, watching Ominis point over the nearest enemies and
begin to talk weirdly. It was parseltongue again.

Peaking through, I watched a snake appear between the guard. It wasn't

long until I gasped when the hissing animals ate them up right on the spot.

"Don't look, Y/n. I said hide." Ominis warned me, hearing my reactions to
the horror.

I gulped, the magic coming out of Ominis Gaunt beginning to scare me.
There was so much knowledge of the Dark Arts in his blood, I didn't know
who was going to lose control first. Were the dementors already taking over
on his end?
"They're dead." Ominis breathed at the silence, "Quick. Let's go. We don't
have time until they begin to notice." He pushed.

Ominis and I ran for our lives in that graveyard. We were rapid not even the
dementors were detecting us before making it toward the once-guarded
door and breathe heavily.

"Alohamora won't work, right?" I said.


I lifted my wand, "Step aside, Ominis."

"What are you doing, Y/n." Ominis asked.

I closed my eyes, a headache forming while I whispered incantations. The

ancient magic lowered my body temperature before I groaned and traced a
circle over the metal doors.

This felt different. I didn't know if it was the cloak, or the emotions taking
over, but I didn't feel much pain performing the magic anymore. It almost
felt easy at the moment.

"Pain?" Ominis asked in worry, noticing my use of special magic.

I blinked, "No." I said almost shocked.

Nothing was questioned. I entered inside the hole first before Ominis
entered behind.

Nothing got better after that. Nothing at all.

The screams. Oh, the screams. It was torture just listening to the echoes of
them, I couldn't imagine how the prisoners actually felt. It was the empath
inside of me and although most committed crimes, there were a few that
were probably like Sebastian.



I turned in fear, the once circle entrance I created with ancient magic shut
closed which meant we were locked inside the prison again.

"Hide." Ominis dragged me into the nearest corner as he heard.

I breathed, looking around.

"This is level one. It's mostly offices and entrances. It should be able to
guide us—"

A wolf howl distracted me at the moment and I panicked.

"Sebastian?!" I shouted, "Sebastian?! It's a wolf! Seb—"

"No, Y/n!" Ominis held, "No. There are plenty of animagus prisoners. Don't
fall into a trap. We need to—"

I ignored Ominis, walking through the halls. The sight of offices and
torturous screams rang over my ears as I walked deeper and deeper.

"We need to know what level he is, Ominis." I frowned.

"We have to find the records. There should be a label to find his name."
Ominis informed.

I nodded, looking at the enchanted signs in the prison.


Permission Visitors

Trials Passageway

Prisoner Records

And I walked, following those signs.

"Agh, students!" A prisoner hissed while walking.

I swallowed ignoring — but it was hard to ignore. I watched the prisoners

around me. The age ranges were depressing. From very old adults to
children. Yes, children.
"Please, please..." The child cried within the chains, "Get me out, please!"

I breathed, my stomach turning.

"No! Get me out! I'm innocent! I just stole a few lambs to feed my family!"
A young woman let out, "Please, I'm pregnant!" She cried.

"Y/n, go. I feel the dementors." Ominis guided.

I heard the dementors. Clearly. Instead of walking, I watched one by one as

they began to get close to the prisoners around us. Attempting to take their
souls, but from such vulnerable minds, they would swish away from them.

I eyed as another guided toward the child.

"Expecto Patronum," I shouted.

I watched the dementors fly away and I lay near the floor, watching them

"Do you realize casting that just gave access to the guards that someone is
here with a wand?" Ominis warned in fear, "Let's go, Y/n. Now."

I wanted to question Ominis harsh behavior, but he had a point. There was
no time to save others. It would only worsen things, but my emotions were
going through weird levels inside the prison.
The first alarm sounded when Ominis and I ran around through the first
room. I casted a spell to enter it while Ominis threw another spell, making a
guard daydream on the spot.

"Files. We need Sebastian's." Ominis breathed, his wand scanning the room.

"Revelio," I let out.

Too many things glowed. It was almost impossible.

"No, come on...Revelio!" I said again, looking.

I shuffled around the room, using my bare hands to throw the documents.
There were so many prisoners. So many.

"Fuck," I cursed in desperation.

"Y/n, I-I found it." Ominis called out.

I turned rapidly, watching Ominis hold a box in front of him, "Sebastian

Sallow, 1874."

I slowly held the box, scanning it before Ominis clicked to open it with
another unlocking spell.

"There isn't time. Just find the..."

My ears vibrated not being able to listen to Ominis Gaunt anymore. I lost
focus on everything when I saw the ring inside the box. The ring that was
supposed to be around his finger. Not in a fucking box.

"The ring," I breathed, holding it up in the air.

There were a few bloodstains on it and my vision blurred, not wanting to

imagine how much effort it took to remove the piece of protection from
Sebastian Sallow.


"They're torturing him, Ominis," I said shakily, "Why are they torturing
him?" I asked.

Ominis scanned the papers below us, reading in his head while his wand
transferred the words.

All he did was sighed, "I-I...he's in the dungeons of Azkaban."

I just stared.

"There are hundreds of upper levels," I said, "Why is he in the dungeons,


"He must've been fighting back and switching his form constantly without
permission." Ominis read, also having a hard time letting out the words.
I closed my eyes.

"No." I said.

In the distance, I can hear a few guards begin to walk around the halls
outside the room.

"Y/n, we need to get out. They will—"

"No." I said again, finally lowering the ring from my view, "They are
destroying him."

Putting the small piece of jewelry away, I walked through the doors,
shakily, my head spinning in circles from no sleep, starvation, and sadness.


"Hey, you're not supposed to be in there. Wands down and hands above—"

"Tonitruum," I lifted my wand up, pointing at the nearest ceiling and

causing a rupture, "astrapē," I whispered the incantation.

I watched the strike of blue and red lighting launch out of the tip of my
wand hitting the ceiling and making a loud noise before I bent to the floor
and pointed at the guards in front of me.

I witness each of them let out a torturous scream, mixing with the ones from
the prison itself, and watch one by one fall to the floor below me.
I breathed, feeling pain, but it was no longer bad pain. It almost felt
satisfying, "Good."

"Y/n, what are you—"

"Ahh, monster." An unconscious guard let out from the floor.

I frowned bending over to him as he was slowly dying, "No. You are the

Before my wand can point over the guard's head, I felt Ominis arms pull me
away from the bodies and stop me.

"Stop!" Ominis warned.

"Let me go, Ominis!" I fought him.

"No! You're wasting time, Y/n. What have you done? I felt the magic. I
heard the screams. What are you doing?" Ominis said in concern.

"What I should've done when they took Sebastian in that ball." I fought,
"Let me go, Ominis or I will—"

"Or you will what, Y/n?" Ominis frowned, "Do it. You aren't capable of it."
He triggered.
I breathed.

"You're really cold." Ominis noticed the feel through the cloak.

My hands snatched from him and the frown stayed on my face, "Where are
the dungeons, Ominis," I said walking down the hall.

"Under us. We might have to—"

"Max-bombarda!" I yelled, the once red magic converted into blue strikes
as swirls of ancient magic fell toward the floor below us and created a
passageway onto the dungeons.

Ominis breathed, noticing the odd entrance.

"We have five minutes, Ominis....before I until I find Sebastian Sallow an

easier way." I warned, jumping down onto the dungeons.


ominis will still have his time to shine on the next chapter! he's my fav
now. haha💚

hope you guys enjoyed it. love you all. xx

PT: five


The dungeons were dark. No light. Pitch black. Only the sounds of sobs and
the feeling of depression roamed around the air on that underground.

"Hold your cape down, Y/n. I'm serious." Ominis whispered in fear as we
both walked down that lower floor.

As I said, it was dark. No signs or view of anything, so without choice I

whispered down the light spell, revealing a faint light.


I screeched a scream. The second I whispered the incantation and my wand

glowed, a dementor stood near my face, making me fall to the floor with

Ominis and I struggled for a moment, struggling with each other on that
scary dark room before I was able to think clearly about Sebastian and cast
over a Patronus charm.
"Expecto Patronum!" I let out, watching the familiar white wolf wipe away
the pressuring dementors.

It took a minute of heavy breaths and shaky fingers before coming back to
reality. I let out my wand, casting lumos again and bringing light onto the
darkened setting.

"What just happened?" Ominis whispered not being aware.

I gulped, "There's no light anywhere. I-I don't know where—"

Faint sobs and screams echoed from the distance and I twisted my wand
around me in a 360 motion, finding a way.

"It's just hallways. No lights." I noticed.

"Y/n, I don't think the dungeons even have light." Ominis said in sadness.

I swallowed, "Do you remember what cell number—"

My voice was cut when the alarms of the dungeons went off. The sudden
dark hallways glowed. All these enchanted white lights shined over us, my
eyes almost squinting from how bright they were.

"No, they know people broke in," Ominis heard, "Y/n, we don't have much
time. His cell number is D89, but I assume there are too many doors." He
I looked around, becoming stressed over the number of doors and narrow
halls. It felt odd and scary. I didn't know what to do.

"Accio capture!" A distant voice let out.

I frowned in annoyance, "Accio!" I said back.

I rose the guard up with a levitating spell before slamming him over the
walls until the body hit the floor, almost crumbling it underneath.

"Give me his wand," Ominis said, ignoring my kill and going in with a
plan, "I might assume the guards have special qualities of wands for their
positions here."

I slid out the wand from the guard before we both ran around those halls; a
few guards were apparating left and right, but Ominis and I were able to
exit out the first door.

I felt heavy entering the first cells. The coldness and unwelcoming aura ran
through me; I shivered a little at the dry air, but never stopped moving due
to the lockdown that wanted to happen.

"We are in B. Sebastian is in D." I breathed, reading the signs.

"No! I didn't kill her! It was my inner demons!" A prisoner let out.

I walked passed the locked prisoners, a few rocking back and forth in their
cells in chains while others tried to take their hands out to reach over me.
"If only I had a wand to torture the freedom out of you!" Another said.

Pop. Pop. Pop.

Guards and, now, Aurors began appearing.

"Identify yourselves!"

"There's so many, Y/n." Ominis began to worry.

"I know," I said, pretending not to worry.

This was my destined life. Either I gave up the choice of wanting to help
Sebastian and end up a prisoner in Azkaban myself, or, or...

"Ominis, go find Sebastian. I got it." I ordered.

"What? Y/n, I—"

"You are almost as powerful as me. Ominis, trust me. You trust me." I let
out, preparing my wand.

"I do." Ominis sighed.

"Go. Now." I breathed.

I felt Ominis presence leave behind while the authorities began to gang up
on me. I was thankful Ominis lent me the Gaunt cloak because to
distinguish me was hard.

"Wands on the floor!"

I scanned the faces around. The Aurors that once took away Sebastian
Sallow in that ball stood there too, almost hoping to take sight of me.

"I said wand on the floor or—"

My wand lifted up in the air for a moment, eyes closing while I took a
breath and breathed heavily.

I waited. I waited as they got nearer and nearer, almost inches away from
me before the blue lighting reveal itself at the tip of my wand and ran
through the circle.

As I did that, I lifted up my wand again, the same lighting spell swirling
over me before I bent down to the ground and created a thunderous
explosion, causing my surroundings to get destroyed.

But I wasn't measuring myself anymore. Perhaps, it was the Azkaban feel,
maybe it was the cloak feel, maybe it was the feel of anger, sadness — so
much in my life. Whatever it was, it wasn't measurable anymore.

When my eyes re-opened, I breathed in fear as the once caged prisoners

were freed. The guards and aurors around me were on the floor while the
prisoners went insane at the freedom.
An auror struggled on the floor a little, watching me from afar, her hand
pointing at me in fear as I bent forward and scanned her.

I breathed, holding my wand over the bloody chest, and closed my eyes, my
wand slowly extracting the pain from her in an easier matter. It was painful,
but not like before. The pain extracted over my wand within me — I
stepped back.

"W-What am I doing?" I realized, "I'm not you, Isadora." I murmured to

myself at the good feel.

Flashes of Isadora Morganach haunted my mind and I screeched a little

from the pain and haunting revelations.

Coming back to reality, I realized the effects the dementors were taking
inside the room. Due to the prison escape, the dementors were
outnumbering to catch the prisoners, and I was almost falling victim to it,
getting tortured in my own head and performing weird acts.

I ran through the halls; the magic from the tip of my wand destroying every
single authority like nothing. The coldness in me rushed as I was desperate
to find the right place at the right time.

I pointed my wand, casting a destroying spell, groaning from the use of

magic again, and entered the dimmed prisoner cells in those dungeons.

I needed to call out Ominis name, but the least I wanted to do was reveal
ourselves. The cloaks were enough cover-up, and I was already afraid the
use of my magic would give it away, but I was destroying any witness in
sight from it to even tell.

I gasped when an animagus in a cell screeched at me; turning I gasped at

the sight of a hyena wanting to throw itself at me, but the chains and bars
were blocking for defense.

I ignored it, continuously walking around the big space, scanning the
prisoners, and trying to find a specific one.

My lips trembled walking down the horror. My wand was ready in case of
anything and my hands were shaky. I was angry. I was sad. The entire place
was hell.

Third Person Perspective

Ominis Gaunt walked thoroughly on those halls of the prison. His wand
almost slipped out of his hand multiple times knowing that it was the only
thing he can rely on in that torturous prison.

He used all his strength to scan his surroundings multiple times. Yeah, his
cloak was enough covered, but yet, he still fear for his life. Sometimes, he
second-guessed his choices, but there were no regrets.

"Hey! You! Stop right there!"

Ominis froze at the moment, thinking of ways in his head how to proceed
with this situation. Either he gets caught and imprisoned beside his best
friend while Y/n loses hope, or he lets his guard down and becomes what he
is meant to be, a Gaunt.

Ominis swallowed a little before making it to door D and breathed.

"Put your hands up," A guard ordered.

Ominis behaved, raising his arms up.

"Put your wand down now and lower your cloak—"

Ominis turned, "Imperio."

Ominis wasn't surprised. He did make an oath to himself during the last
years at Hogwarts to never rely on dark magic or his family beliefs, but
sometimes, there wasn't a choice. He didn't want to be disappointed in
himself. It was his blood. He needed to learn to forgive himself for saving
the people he loves.

"Take me to Sebastian Sallow. D89." Ominis ordered, his wand guiding

near the guard.

The guard surprisingly went under the spell and nodded, guiding the blonde
boy around the cells.

Ominis held himself together through the uncomfortable behavior coming

from the prisoners. It hadn't been his first time in Azkaban, but the way it
made you feel never changed.
"Sebastian Sallow. Cell D89." The green-eyed cursed guard pointed over at
a cell.

Ominis Gaunt slowly walked over. He hated himself for not knowing how
his best friend looked, but the sounds of it made him worry already.

"S-Sebastian? Are you there?" Ominis asked.

Sebastian Sallow stood there in his cell. He was starving from not eating,
tired from not sleeping, and in pain, from all the shots and torture he's been
put through the last two days from his behavior.

Sebastian's lips were pale and trembling, "L-Leave me alone, dementors. I

can't do this again." He cried.

Ominis brows furrowed, "Sebastian, I am here to get you out...it's me

Ominis." Ominis assured.

Sebastian lifted his head slowly, the dark setting not being able to detect his
own friend.

"O-Ominis? Is that really you?" Sebastian said.

"Yes, Sebastian. We're here to get you out, alright? I will need you to follow
my lead, fast." Ominis whispered.

Sebastian was lost between reality and imagination. He's been in such a
hallucinating state, he couldn't tell the difference, but he believed in
himself. It wasn't a long time in that prison, so it shouldn't have affected it
the way it did.

Sebastian wiggled around his chains. He struggled to get up from the floor
but hung his hands over the chains and stood up in pain as he breathed

"I'm trapped, Ominis. I-I can't," Sebastian cried, "Leave. You will die here
with me too if you don't—


Ominis lifted his head hearing the chaos from the other side of Azkaban and
gasped, "Y/n."

Sebastian's eyes lifted more at the mention of Y/n. No. It wasn't possible. It
was a hallucinating state again, right?

"Y/n," Sebastian whispered.

"Yes, Sebastian, Y/n is here for you too. She's—"


"W-What's that noise?" Sebastian struggled with his words.

In no time, the once locked D cell was opened. A locked enchanted door
was thrown over, almost hitting Ominis while it gave an entrance to the
person walking in.

Y/n Y/ln stood there, eyes darker than ever while she held her wand tightly
and felt no emotions within her at the moment.

Ominis couldn't see, but he can sense Y/n was going around every prisoner
doing something to them as they whimpered and cried for a second before
going completely numb.

"Y/n...is t-that you?" Ominis breathed, hoping it was.

Y/n stopped, the cold power inside of her fuming as she took a glance at
Ominis Gaunt.


Ominis heard the change in Y/n's tone of voice. It sounded deeper and
strong; it seemed as if she committed things she wasn't supposed to.

"Y/n, w-what are you doing," Ominis questioned.

Y/n stared at Ominis. There was a moment where she couldn't tell the
difference whether Ominis was her friend or not, but she distinguish him
well and swallowed.

"I was easing their pain, Ominis." Y/n admitted.

Sebastian's body ran against the cell bars, wanting to reach over and make
sure he just heard Y/n's voice, but the chains stopped him dragging him
back down.

"Y/n," Sebastian murmured.

The darkened eyes from Y/n softened at the sound of Sebastian Sallow. The
coldness that was ranging on her decreased and she walked over.

Y/n was only two inches away. Just two when a wave of dementors burst
through the opened door, gliding above them like swirling waves.

"No!" Sebastian cried at the sight of dementors again.

Y/n's Perspective

"They sent them on purpose." Ominis noticed, "Y/n, we no longer have

time. We need to take him out in a span of a minute and apparate."

My heart was skipping fast. I didn't know how I could be so close, yet so far
from Sebastian Sallow. That hearing his painful voice was the only glimpse
I saw before being surrounded by enemies.

"I'm getting him out before they reach us. Ominis step aside." I warned.

I whispered all the ancient spells I knew. I felt powerful now. I felt
confident. Extracting the pain of people that no longer had souls from
dementors was the only charge for me. It benefited. What was there to lose
when they were already gone?

Perhaps, I was doing the wrong thing. I would regret it, but I needed the
strength. I needed strength to get Sebastian out. To protect Ominis, To
defend the people I cared about.

Sebastian's cell broke off and the chains within him unleashed, along with
the metal bars that were blocking between us.

I breathed heavily, finally taking sight of Sebastian Sallow.

"Sebastian," I cried.

The once brown shiny hairs I will always run my fingers through were dry.
His baby face was plotted with an incoming beard and his eyes...his eyes
almost seemed like they were losing their soul. It was painful.

"No," Sebastian said in denial at my look, "Dementors are in my head, I—"

I wanted to get on my knees and cry, hug him, and kiss him. There were so
many things to do, but I was stopped.

I can feel the coldness of the dementors above me and Ominis called out.

I breathed, "Ominis I need to hold them back...you have to take Sebastian."
I let out.

"And how would you get out?" Ominis said in fear.

I breathed, looking down at my cold body full of range, "I'm more powerful
than you know, Ominis. Please, just take Sebastian. Apparate. I need to cast
a spell now!"

"Okay, Y/n...when you leave, go back to Hogwarts. That is an order,"

Ominis let out breathlessly, "You will go back to the castle, burn the cloak,
and act as if nothing happened."

"W-What? What about—"

"I will be with Sebastian. It will be more obvious to not see you in the halls
while the news goes out about the break-in of Azkaban. You cannot get
caught. Pull an act, Y/n." Ominis said.

I just stared, "And you?!"

Ominis smirked, "Nobody would suspect a blind boy, Y/n...the guard is

under imperio, I will make him apparate us. You should do the same with a
nearby guard too...to Hogwarts." He reminded.

I struggled with the feeling of not seeing Sebastian again. That the only two
seconds I had with him were wiped until we met again soon. It was a
painful thought, but we needed to be safe. It was a risk.
The dementors got closer and closer, and I felt the cold and the pressure of
being wiped.

I cried and suffered trying to think of good memories as I attempted to cast

the Patronus charm for the third time today.

"Come on," I struggled, feeling the dementors eating me up.

I can feel faint flashes of Sebastian, Poppy, Ominis, and my friends. All of
us laughed at the Great Hall. Back when things were well. The thought of
knowing it will never be the same anymore hurt, but it was a happy

"Expecto Patronum!" I cried.

Again, I watched my patronus flash over the dozen of dementors multiple

times as I lay on the floor from the call-out.

"A white wolf?" Sebastian let out.

I gasped, turning and seeing Sebastian's weak body stare at me in awe from
the view of my patronus before he apparated away from me with Ominis.


short chapter, but yay! sebastian sallow is out!

PT: six *


This chapter contains mature content.

I stared down at the red and yellow swirls that appeared in my view. My
eyes were tired, I can almost sense them closing, but I needed to get rid of
the cloak.

"I'll miss you," I whispered.

There was a sense in me that struggled removing the Gaunt cloak. I fought
it off myself, but once slipping it off, I felt a bit of relief. It didn't take long
until I was near the castle when I threw a firing spell on it and watched it
burn. Did I want to? No, but Ominis will never forgive me for keeping it.

Ominis. I debated really hard whether to make it back to Hogwarts or not. I

second-guessed Ominis orders because how the hell was I suppose to show
up to school after a killing spree on the most guarded prison in the
wizarding world and act normal? What if I didn't even make it?

My heart skipped really fast entering the first entrance of the school. As I
said, I didn't know what to expect. Yeah, I did cleaning spells on myself to
look presentable, but still...it was a hard task to be done.


I gasped loudly, turning at the upcoming voice in the hall and gave an
expression of fear as they noticed.

Everett Clapton stood there, stepping back at my reaction and chuckled,

"Whoa! Relax, I was going to ask if you wanted to play Summoner's Court
this afternoon. I know you've felt off lately and I just wanted—"

"E-Everett," I noticed the Ravenclaw, my fear sense still not decreasing, "I,
uh...I'm sorry. I spent all night studying for the Charms exam and I'm tired."
I lied.

"Studying? I thought you and Poppy went to find a few beasts for Howin?"
He asked, confused.

My brows rose, noticing that Poppy was covering me up while I was

committing crimes.

"Oh...t-that's what she said?" I gulped.

"Yeah! I suppose you studied after, so I will respect your time, but Leander
said if you're up for a challenge...it's open!" He offered.

"Right, right," I went along.

I didn't know why I wanted to hide in those halls. I trusted Ominis words. I
spent that morning with nerves and lack of trust from the students passing
me. I almost wanted to throw every student that stared my way. It was a
weird impulse.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice let out, "Oh, Y/n!"

I can feel the arms of Poppy Sweeting giving me a tight hug from behind
and I let out a breath, turning rapidly.

"You're back! I have so many—"

Poppy stopped her words before entering the Great Hall as Professor Sharp
passed us. He gave a side eye, but Poppy quickly improvised any suspicion.

"Y-You're back from the quidditch field! Nellie mentioned how hard
practice was, plus studying? Phew." Poppy excused.

When the professor was at a good distance, Poppy pulled me aside and
breathed with questions.

"What happened?! Highwing came back, but you didn't. We all got worried
for a second."

"All?" I said in curiosity.

"Yeah...you know, me, Garreth and Natty," Poppy whispered. "W-We didn't
hear a word anymore and the Daily Prophet mentioned a break-in, but no
suspects were said." Poppy whispered.

"The Daily Prophet? That fast?" I gasped.

"Yeah, I mean...that's why I am asking, Y/n. A handful of prisoners went

loose...even Sebastian Sallow." Poppy remembered, "What happened in

There was so much to tell, but so little time. I didn't even know where to
start and I was tired, starving, and wondering how Sebastian was.

I sighed, "I'm so tired, Poppy, but...he's out. Sebastian is out." I almost cried
in relief, "I-I...Ominis and I split. I don't know anything. I'm just so

Poppy smiled, "T-That's brilliant Y/n!" She clapped, but then stopped
herself, "Oh...I can't believe I'll ever find myself celebrating an Azkaban
break-in." She whispered.

"Yeah, me either." I sighed.

You might think saving Sebastian Sallow from Azkaban would've been the
end of the story. No. I felt off. I felt overwhelmed with thoughts and
unanswered questions. I was cold from still feeling the power of the cloak.
Was it the cloak or just me?

I didn't see Ominis Gaunt nor received a word from him for three days, Yes,
three full days. They were the longest days of my life and I had the urge to
find them myself, but it was impossible. With the news of prisoners out, the
region was a bit more secure.

I dropped everything when the first owl arrived in my dormitory. It was a

Friday night. I laid in my four-poster bed most of the time, sleeping, so I
was glad the owl came on time.


Meet me in the Undercroft as soon as you can.

Ominis Gaunt

My hands were shaky entering the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower that
night. Due to being a weekend, the halls were slightly full of students, so
there wasn't any questioning on the worry in my face at such a late hour.

I didn't know what to expect entering that Undercroft. There was this hope,
just a small hope, that Sebastian would be there, but there was also a hope
that Ominis was fine. That he was there to tell me things were fine.

I was partially correct.

Entering the familiar dimmed room, I found Ominis Gaunt standing in the
middle of the Undercroft.

I ran and hugged him. I didn't know why that was my first instinct, but so
much has happened the last few days, I wanted to appreciate any friendship
that was left for me. I was worried about my friends. Very worried about the
consequences of my actions.

"You're alright, Ominis." I breathed, hugging him.

"You're alright, Y/n." Ominis repeated, also assuring I was okay.

As we let go, I noticed the distinct features of Ominis from the last few

Ominis was tired, like me. There were a few dark circles under his pale-
white eyes. And as I looked closer, a sharp faded mark was on the left side
of his cheek.

I parted my lips, "Ominis, what happened to your—"

Ominis couldn't see, but for some reason, he was able to read my hand
going up to touch his face and stopped me halfway.

"Y/n, there's something I have to tell you." Ominis sighed.

I stood there, breathless.

"But first, I need to know if you burned that cape." Ominis almost frowned.

"I did," I answered, "I did, Ominis. It's gone."

Ominis nodded, "Okay, thank you. How was the journey back? Did anyone
"No. Poppy and the others really did a good cover up on our absence. Your
excuse is that you're unwell." I told Ominis.

"Alright, reasonable," Ominis rose his hand, "I am glad you're alright. I
might've worried the cloak would overpower you. I should've taken it off
you when I could." He realized.

I swallowed, looking down, "It's okay. I took a realization too and burned it
when I had the chance."

Ominis nodded.

There was silence between us. My foot almost began tapping from the
anxiety I felt. I wanted news. I wanted answers.

"Sebastian is not himself, Y/n." Ominis finally let out.

I sighed, "I know."

"No, I am serious. I-I struggled a lot with him the first day. It was quite
brutal." Ominis said almost disappointed, "So much happened. I didn't
want to risk owling until I trusted myself."

"How is he, Ominis?" I gulped.

Ominis licked his lips, looking to the side, "Slightly better than the first
hours, I can say that. Sebastian, um," Ominis didn't want to even say it,

"What is it, Ominis? It's okay to be open to me about it. I need to know." I

"Sebastian was in denial about his freedom. He thinks it's hallucinations. I

reassured him it was not, but...I believe with the dementors they make you
go insane sometimes." Ominis said.

I felt weak, but I needed to keep it together.

"The first night..." Ominis breathed, "The first night he lost control. He
thought I was a guard and...and he formed." He said almost confused, "I
couldn't see, but I felt him growl at me and I kept repeating that it was me,
his best friend, Ominis." He gulped.

I closed my eyes, "Hence, the scratch."

"It was an accident, Y/n. Sebastian didn't mean it. He just lost control...he
apologized after getting better. He's a bit adjusted now." Ominis explained.
"It's okay."

There was a lot to say, but there was one worry in my mind.

"Where is Sebastian right now?" I asked.

Ominis nodded knowing I was desperate for an answer, "The guard that I
imperio'd...I made him apparate us to his home. He was widowed. No
family. No kids. Depressing life, but a home."

"Where is the guard now?"

Ominis swallowed, struggling, "I used the last unforgivable on him. It was
the only way to break the trace of him from Azkaban. There wasn't a
choice." He breathed.

I was breathless. I blamed the cloak too. I felt as if that Gaunt material was
a powerful dark tool that did benefit us, but also made us do stuff we
weren't ready to do. They were all for a reason, so nobody was to blame.

"I'm sorry, Ominis..."

"No, it's alright. It saved us loads." Ominis said, "But Sebastian cannot stay
there any longer. He has one last night before he goes on a run somewhere

I nodded.

"It's not safe for Sebastian at all. This is the risk he has to live with now,
Y/n. The Ministry will be looking for him along with the other prisoners.
Until then, we need to keep transferring — hiding him." Ominis informed.

"I know, I know." I ran my fingers through my hair, not wanting to think of
the future aspects, "There has to be some sort of proof that—"

"Well, not right now. He's on the loose. There's no solution, Y/n. Sebastian
has to run." Ominis said more serious.
"Okay, okay," I said agreeing.

"I'm sure there are many abandoned homes around. It won't be hard to keep
switching him, but for now, he's still there." Ominis said.

"There, as in..." I said almost waiting for a location.

"He's in a small home in Bainburgh, near the coastline," Ominis said, "I
casted a spell on the home to be more...secure."

"I need to see him, Ominis." I stated.

Ominis stood quiet, but knew he didn't want to fight anymore, "I know.
Sebastian wants to see you too. I just wanted him to get more sense of
reality before that. I didn't want him to hurt you."

"Ominis...you know—"

"I know you're way more powerful than anyone else, but I didn't want you
to worry. If you've witnessed what I did the first two nights...it was brutal,
Y/n. He's better now, but not fully. That's my warning" Ominis reminded.

"I understand," I agreed.

"He's full of guilt and regret, Y/n...I know I can help him, but I predict with
you, as someone he loves, it can be easier. Just be careful." Ominis warned,
"Sebastian's unwell. Don't judge him."

I felt my throat close for a little, but I fought it, "I am not one to judge,
Ominis. Ever."

"I know, but..." Ominis sighed, "Be careful. As I said, we need to get him
out by morning, Y/n."

"I will." I gulped.

"I presume he's clean now. I made him bathe like three times and although I
can't see, Sebastian still knows his tactics of shaving, so I hope he's well."
Ominis guessed.

I smiled at the first positive words from him, "I'll see."

Ominis stood there, "I suppose you can take the passageway of the painting
again. The floo powder works, but for safety reasons, don't be too

I nodded, staring at the tall man in the Undercroft, "Thank you, Ominis. I
can't thank you enough, but—"

"We'll thank each other later, Y/n, but for now," Ominis gave a half-smile,
"Go on. Time is ticking."

I nodded, "Okay, Ominis."

The journey to Bainburgh was, well, a journey. Tired is an understatement
now. I didn't feel anything. I was also in denial about confronting Sebastian
Sallow. My adrenaline was just high.

I have never been to Bainburgh, surprisingly. It was a hamlet I hadn't been

aware of, and I saw why. There were only four homes and the fourth was
abandoned too. It was hidden between rocks. Very hidden. It should've been
a coincidence.

"Hm," I looked around.

There was a small post-vendor, but they weren't there. The entire thing
looked abandoned in general, so I figured the house with a dimmed light on
was the one.

"Alright," I breathed.

My heart was racing. It felt as if I was seeing him for the first time all over
again. It was insane what I felt toward Sebastian Sallow. How should I feel?
Scared? Happy? Nervous? I didn't know.

My hands were still shaky as my wand pointed at the door.

"Alohomora," I whispered.

Surprisingly, it unlocked, but Ominis was right about the enchanted spell. I
don't know what kind of special magic he held, but when I opened the door
I felt the energy shift.
It was a small home. A fireplace stood in the middle of it. An unmade bed
was on the side and a few chocolates were near the entrance, almost as a

And in the middle...in the middle stood a medium-sized tub. The body seem
to barely fit inside it due to his bent legs and crumbled arms, but he was

Sebastian Sallow sat on that tub full of water, eyes closed, and head back to
the ceiling. A few wet hairs curled over his forehead; the dripping going
down his nose onto his mouth and back into the water.

I wanted to be silent, but when my boots clicked over the floor, Sebastian's
head lifted and his eyes finally opened.

I wish I can describe the expressions that came of him, but I was too busy
handling mine.

Sebastian Sallow was drained. The drowsy face stared; the very dark,
inflated bags under his hazel eyes were beaten. His once revealing freckles
were now distracted with inhuman scars and wounds. It seem like I lost
him, but I didn't. He still looked perfect to me.

"Y/n?" Sebastian forced out in that tub.

I was out of breath. Speechless. Like something had just stripped me from
his sight, my wand almost slipped from my fingers.

"Sebastian," I let out.

Sebastian was confused, "I-Is that really you?" He asked, attempting to exit
the tub, but I stopped him from his painful struggle.

"No," I rose my arms, "Stay there," I said, walking slowly to him and
standing near the side of the tub.

The closer I stared at him, the more hurt I felt within myself at how
traumatized he looked. How scared and confused. How hurt.

Sebastian eyed every move from me and almost flinched when I bent to the
side and confronted our faces.

"Are you real?" Sebastian asked, worried.

I swallowed, not wanting to get emotional over his state. My hand reached
over the warmth of his cheek while flicking off the brown hairs from his
shaved face.

"I'm real, Sebastian. It's me. I'm real." I assured, caressing him.

Sebastian stared at my fingers caressing him, still not taking in the reality,
and slowly scanned every sight of me.

I did the same. I scanned his naked body. Well, I wasn't attentive to every
body part, but I focused on all the injuries that were made on him.

My fingers lifted from his cheeks and traveled down his wet body, tracing
over the injuries.
"What did they do to you?" I whispered.

"What didn't they do," Sebastian murmured.

The flashes of the guards and Aurors began to take over my mind again.
How they took Sebastian Sallow, tortured him — threw him in an Azkaban
cell, and made him suffer.


I came back to my senses not realizing my shift of emotions and stared at

my hand that was still tracing over the scars.

At that moment, I spotted ink around his left wrist. As I stared closer, I
noticed a few numbers tattooed on them realizing that it was his Azkaban
numbers. He was scratching it severely to not see it, leaving bloody scars.

"I can't take it off. No matter what." Sebastian whispered.

"D-Does it hurt?"

"It burns, but I've had more pain to tolerate it," Sebastian admitted.

I sighed.

"It's not your fault." Sebastian let out. "It's mine. It's always been my fault.
I'm a murderer. I'm a killer—"

"Look at me. I have these numbers for the rest of my life. Nobody would
ever want to accept—"

"No don't say that," I grabbed him, "It's okay. It's not your fault." I assured.

Sebastian's lips trembled, "I'm sorry."

I leaned my forehead against his wet one, breathing heavily with my eyes
closed, "It's okay. I'm here. Nothing is your fault."

Sebastian's wet hand rested against mine, giving off a small smile, "You're
real." He reminded.

It hurt. It hurt seeing him this way. It just hurt seeing Sebastian be hurt.

"I'm real. You're real too. You're safe." I cried.

"You're crying." Sebastian noticed, "It's my fault."

"No, no," I denied, "Sebastian, I—I...let me fix you." I stared. "Let me heal
you. I can heal you from this pain,"

Sebastian stared, trying to recollect memories of what I actually meant. He

seemed confused, but then took notice of me.
"No," Sebastian shook his head, "I can't allow you. I-I do remember you
doing that once. It causes you pain and—"

"Not anymore," I corrected, "I...It's less painful. Let me heal your wounds. I
can't sit here and watch you in pain. It pains me." I whispered.

Sebastian breathed heavily, watching my worry, and licked his lips,

"Promise it won't cause you pain?"

I didn't want to lie to him. There were stings of performing it, but I was a
good actress after all. It hadn't been the first time I've healed his wounds. I
trusted myself.

"I promise," I whispered.

I sat there next to the medium-sized tub that night, whispering healing
incantations and waving my wand around Sebastian's bare body. The
wounds were slowly removed while some were difficult. Scars were left.

It felt nice. It wasn't like before anymore. I don't know what happened to
me in Azkaban, but the pain consumed me in a beneficial matter. The pain
from him was transferred to me, but Sebastian stopped me and I gasped.

"Stop." Sebastian noticed.

My wand dropped from my hand onto the wooden floor and I stared down.

Sebastian stared in concern. Again, he wasn't very expressive anymore, but

there was still old Sebastian with him that can figure out the obvious and he
seemed worried over my actions.

"You healed me too much. I was starting to feel it." Sebastian admitted.

I blinked, and stared.

The once wounds were gone. I watched as Sebastian lifted his fingers and
moved them easily. He then proceeded with his arms, moving them without
struggling; the muscles in them still peaking. Probably even more from
being locked.

"I'm sorry," I said, realizing my overpowering feel, "B-But how do you


Sebastian stood still in the moment, staring at me before he unexpectedly

extended his wet arms and pulled me into a tight hug, using his once lost

"I can do this," Sebastian whispered, "So, I'm physically better, but don't
ever do that again. Ever." He warned.

I smiled in joy, hugging him back not caring about the dampness of my
clothes from his watered body.

"Does the tattoo still hurt?" I wondered.

Sebastian pulled away, looking down at the numbers on his wrist, "Yes.
They will always hurt. I don't think any magic can take them off. Not even
dark. Ominis attempted it."

I half-smiled at the news of Ominis doing anything he can for his best
friend. I know that it wasn't a proud moment for him, but with reassurance,
Ominis did the right thing. He always does. Sebastian owed him for life. I
know I would.

"I'll ask how Ominis Gaunt performs Dark Arts without hesitation, but I
prefer to admire you now," Sebastian whispered.

My eyes looked up at his honesty and I flushed.

Sebastian stared at me, and I stared back. We both just admired each other. I
didn't blame us. It was a hard take to be separated in the most vulnerable
moment between us. It was sad.

I licked my lips, "I have something to show you."

Sebastian nodded, waiting.

I dug into my pocket and swallowed, almost nervous to even reveal the

The familiar dark forest green ring glowed in the air with my wand and
Sebastian stared, lips parting for a moment.

There was no emotion in him. His eyes closed immediately at the sight of
the ring and I panicked at his heavy breathing.
"Sebastian?" I asked.

Sebastian cleared his throat, "Am I hallucinating again? W-What? Why is

the ring here? I-I got it off and—"

"No, you're not hallucinating," I assured, grabbing his face again, "I got it
back, okay? I went through your records in Azkaban and took it. It's real.
We are real." I kept assuring.

Sebastian's eyes re-opened again, his gaze softening, "You were in danger.
You called me before I got it taken away." He remembered.

I looked down, remembering the time I tapped it in the Map Chamber. It

was a test. I wanted to know he was okay, but it was no use.

"I can explain soon, b-but...I'm okay." I sniffed, "I'm here." I smiled.

Sebastian eased a little at my words, but he was still hesitant.

"Lift your finger," I directed, the ring still in the air.

The water swooshed a little as Sebastian revealed his hand and wiggled his
long fingers.

I slowly guided the ring on him and watch it seal over his skin.

Sebastian stared at it
I lifted my own hand, rolling up my long sleeve and revealing the charm
bracelet Sebastian had gotten me on my birthday, and looked over the wolf
fang. I tapped it three times.

Fingers still in the air, the ring glowed over his skin and Sebastian almost

"You are here. You are real." He looked at it.

"No, you're real, Sebastian." I almost laughed, "We're real. We're here."

We both just sat there. I watched as Sebastian sat on a tub while he stared at
me, still adjusting to my presence.

"I'm sorry," Sebastian huffed.

My head lifted from leaning on the tub and looked over in confusion, "W-

"I apologize about the ball, truly." Sebastian said in guilt, "It's my fault—"

"No," I said, closing my eyes knowing that he was going to live with this
trauma of feeling guilty and saying those words forever, "No, Sebastian it's

"It wasn't fair and—"

I leaned forward, my hands cupping his face while kissing him gently. I
held this urge to feel his touch, his safeness in a few days...I missed it

"You're cold," Sebastian whispered in between, noticing my body

temperature now.

"I-I know." I agreed.

Our lips stayed centimeters away, but didn't touch anymore. We can only
feel our breaths within each other.

"Your lips...your touch, real." Sebastian assured himself.

I nodded, "I'm as real as you see me, Sebastian,"

Sebastian closed his eyes, "It was hell in there, Y/ n...the dementors...they,

I noticed the fear in his voice. The trembling. The regret. The guilt. All

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything, yet. You're safe, okay?" I
whispered in reminders.

Sebastian nodded with me.

Again, we just stared.

"I missed you, Y/n," Sebastian breathed, "I missed you, your touch, your
care...I need you." He almost begged.

"I'm right here." I said.

"Kiss me, again," Sebastian said, almost embarrassed with himself, "I need
reminders that—"

I kissed him. I can feel my lips glue on Sebastian's warm ones, his hands
cupping my face not wanting to let go, ever.

The kiss wasn't really intensified until I felt Sebastian's arms pull me into
the tub with him; my entire outfit soaking at his actions.


"I don't care," Sebastian said desperately, "I have to be with you. It's my
only cure right now, Y/n. Drying spells exist for a reason." He talked.

I didn't say anything. I understood Sebastian. I was surprised he can even

kiss, or react properly. I didn't know what to expect after Azkaban. I really

Sebastian slowly untied the waistband of my outfit, slipping out the already
wet clothes as he kissed me.
His kisses were firmer. Tougher. It was like he was holding it all in. Along
with his hands almost wanting to rip off my material of the fabric.

We both barely fit inside that tub. The tub was decent-sized, but enough to
give us access to a make-out session.

"I missed you, Y/n," Sebastian whispered, his hands finally slipping off the
last layer of my upper body, "Those two days felt like an eternity without

I closed my eyes with his words, feeling Sebastian's hands all over my
body. I can feel him very well under me knowing he was already naked
since I arrived. Only the warmth of the water blocked our way.

I sat on top of Sebastian in that tub. No, we weren't having sex, yet, but the
friction between our bodies in the heat that was building up was high

There was a moment when my fingers went around his neck and Sebastian
took a breath, backing away for a moment with heavy breaths.

"I'm sorry," I quickly said not knowing what the problem was, but he was
going through a lot.

Sebastian calmed himself down and closed his eyes, "Fuck...I

apologize...truly. I just...ugh, Y/n..."

I hugged him naked, "It's okay. We don't have to do this. It's okay—"
"No," Sebastian cut in, "I need you. It's helping me. I missed you. I love

My breath almost got taken away at his last words, but it was a good
gesture. It was reassurance that all this was really because of love.

"I love you, Sebastian," I said back.

Sebastian stared at my love confession and kissed my neck. I can feel his
warm arms wrapped around my waist; his mouth in my collarbones before
bringing them onto my chest, nibbling at it.

"Ugh," He said in between, "So real,"

I threw my head back at Sebastian's gestures and closed my eyes, letting

him explore every inch of my upper body.

I can feel myself pulsing, watching his large hand cup perfectly over my
breast, the ring shining at the touch. There was something so attractive
about seeing Sebastian Sallow wear a ring on his fingers.

I can feel myself rub against Sebastian under me, also feeling the water
between us as I signaled for more.

"Are you sure?" I asked, still unsure of the stability of Sebastian in this

Sebastian stopped his actions, arms still around me as his hazel eyes stared
up. The light reflected nicely over his tired eyes and...it was so

"You don't need any permission from me, Y/n." Sebastian kissed. "I need
you so badly."

I took in the words, my small fingers entering the water below us before I
slowly lowered myself onto Sebastian Sallow, a breath escaping from the

My lips never detached from Sebastian. My hands wrapped around the side
of his face while my body rolled smoothly over his.

Water splashed as we increased our speed. Sebastian once wrapped hands

lowered aggressively over the sides of my hips, lowering me down deeper
with up and down motions.

"Oh, Sebastian" I let out.

"Please, be vocal," Sebastian begged, feeling my body on him in such

pleasure, "Remind me that you're real. That you're really here."

I moaned, Sebastian's lips brushing over mine from the movements, "I'm r-
real, Sebastian. A-All real, love."

Sebastian breathed for a moment, "Love?"

"Yes, love." I said in pleasure.

There was a moment when Sebastian whimpered and I felt him pulsating
inside of me. My body movements stopped a little as he laid back in shame.

"I apologize." His eyes closed, head rolling back.

I stared, "Please, stop apologizing. It's—"

"No, I finished so quickly. I just don't have the strength to control it and—"

I brought his head back to me, kissing him passionately, "It's okay,

Sebastian stared at me, his hands coming back and tracing over my belly
button onto my abdomen before tickling over my breasts and reaching my

"No." Sebastian told himself.

I sat there confused, but before I can question, I felt Sebastian lift up our
naked wet bodies and step out of the tub.


"I can't stop now. Your touch is insane. I can't." Sebastian said desperately,
laying me on the bed.

Again, I didn't deny him.

I watched Sebastian lower himself to me in that spacious bed. His fingers
traced over my thighs before spreading my legs.

"Sebastian, you're tired." I noticed.

"I don't care, Y/n." Sebastian breathed, "I really don't."

I let him. I watched as Sebastian crawled into the bed with me and stood
between my legs.

There was no warning or sign, Sebastian shoved himself onto me again and
I gasped loudly, feeling him slap himself in a pattern motion without

This session had no words of exchange. Yeah, there were a few moans and
whimpers, but no words came out of both of us at all.

Sebastian was aggressive this time. His fingers dug hard into my hands
before I watched as his left hand caged over my neck. It was new. I wasn't
used to it — there was a second where I felt scared, but I knew Sebastian
would never do anything to hurt me.

I breathed, Sebastian's fingers curling over my neck as he pounded in such a

destructive manner. I almost felt him in my stomach if I were delusional. It
was different this time.

Before my throat can actually close a little, Sebastian stopped his actions. I
must've predicted he was finished, but I felt no pulse. Instead, I felt my own
body flip over on all fours. Again, no words were said.
I just breathed. My eyes closed, breathing in a pattern motion while
Sebastian Sallow's hands tickled below my waist before I felt him inside of
me again.

It was too deep. I didn't even know my body was capable of taking in so
much, but I let it be. It was painful, but in the most pleasurable way. I
missed Sebastian and feeling every inch of him in every position felt right.
It was right.

My fingers curled over the bedsheets, becoming a moaning mess.

Sebastian was in every spot. Every single spot. Until he wasn't.

I witness him whimper and grunt a few more times before he breathed
heavily and I felt my own body relax at the climax. It was a different feel,
but we managed.

I lay there shakily. I didn't move when Sebastian release himself from me.
My body flopped onto the bed, legs almost trembling from the session.

Sebastian said no words either. Instead, I felt him sit in the corner of the bed
and stay mute.

It took five minutes. Five minutes before he can let out a word.

"I apologize, Y/n." Sebastian sighed.

I struggled a bit, but sat down beside him, "Sebastian, please—"

Sebastian turned to me, his hazel eyes glancing over my body as he
swallowed and shook his head.

"I hurt you." Sebastian breathed, his fingers tracing over my neck,

I watched as he kept scanning my bruised body and I snatched his hand

away, "Stop. It's nothing magic can fix. It doesn't hurt, Sebastian."

"I lost control. My mind...it was everywhere. I didn't mean it. I just...I'm not
well." Sebastian freaked.

"No, do not say that. It's alright for your mind to be everywhere, but it's not
your fault. It will take time." I helped.

Sebastian breathe, taking in my words, "Why didn't you stop me?"

I stared, "Why would I?"

"You enjoyed that?" Sebastian questioned.

I stood quiet for a moment, thinking, "I enjoy everything with you,
Sebastian...because...well, because I love you."

Sebastian stared, nodding to himself, "I love you too, Y/n...I cannot thank
you enough, but I apoli--"
My head rested over Sebastian's shoulder, "Stop it. I forgive you."

"Stay the night," Sebastian whispered out as we lay underneath those

blankets later that night.

Sebastian's fingers played with the charms in my bracelet while mine

played with the ring.

It was Friday. I want to stay the night. Have I really spent a night with
Sebastian Sallow? No.

"I'm sure Ominis has an excuse for you. It will be alright." Sebastian said in
a sleepy voice, "I don't want you to go."

"I won't, Sebastian. Not ever again." I whispered.

It was a peaceful night, really. The fireplace crackling, the candles lit up,
and the feel of Sebastian Sallow's hand over my body. It was going well.
Really well. A perfect night, until 3AM hit.

"No, no,"

My eyes were shut, but they began to slowly open and adjust to the vision
from afar.

"No. It's not real. It was never real. It burns." Sebastian cried.
As my sight adjusted, I saw a figure curled into a ball at the corner of the
room. His head was buried within his knees while he rocked.

Immediately, my eyes opened widely and I gasped, standing up to take a

double sight at the person in the home.


"Anne is not dead. Ominis didn't save me. No. I'm a monster," Sebastian

I breathed, walking over and bending, "Hey, hey."

"No, no." He sobbed.

My hands reached over gently to his arms, but he pulled away.

"No! Dementors. No!"


Unexpectedly, I felt Sebastian stand up, dragging me against the nearest

wall and almost shoving his hands against my throat like an enemy.

"Sebastian," I fought.

"Stop transforming into the girl I love!" Sebastian stared at me lost, "Stop
"No, it's me," I attempted to push his hands away, "Stop it."

Sebastian gave such a devil stare, it was such a demonic feel, I wanted to
cry, "No. You're not real."

I cried, "No," I lifted my wrist, the charm bracelet revealing, "L-Look..."

struggling, my fingers tapped it.

The ring over Sebastian's fingers from my neck began glowing and
Sebastian struggled to fight himself before slowly, and I mean, slowly
coming back to his senses.

I saw the depression form on his face. The dark eyes transferred into sad
ones, before shifting into guilt. All guilt.

Sebastian release his grip from me immediately and panicked, "I hurt you."

I coughed, bending to the floor, "N-No, it's okay. It wasn't you."

"Y/n, I almost killed you." Sebastian freaked, bending with me.

I felt awful. I wanted to switch positions with him, but it would be no help.
I was draining as much as him from my own magic.

"No, you wouldn't do that," I fixed, "You're not capable. I stopped you. It's
Sebastian breathed, "Oh, no...Merlin, no...the dementors just took a very
vulnerable spot. It was always you or Anne or Ominis...I can't separate the
difference anymore." He wondered.

I hugged him on the floor, "It's okay. Shh, it's okay."

Sebastian cried, and I cried, but I managed to take him back to bed. I ended
up using another healing spell to calm him. It helped, but I never saw him
sleep. I ended up closing my eyes.

When my eyes opened that morning, Sebastian Sallow sat on the sofa of the
home. His eyes were on me, almost as if he was eyeing every second of my
peaceful sleep.

"Sebastian?" I whispered.

Sebastian gulped, hands together and looking down in regret, "You need to
go back to Hogwarts, Y/n."

That woke me up real quick, "Huh?"

Sebastian was avoiding me for a bit, "It's morning. I will have to leave
soon. You need to go back. We're taking a risk already."

I didn't say much. I brushed my teeth and adjusted my clothing. Sebastian

never moved from the couch. He stayed in the same position for a while.

"Sebastian?" I stood in front of him.

Sebastian looked up, finally standing up and hovering over me like a tall
figure. He just sighed.

I stared, confused.

Sebastian lifted his hands, still tracing over my neck and arms, "I don't have
a wand yet, but I took hold of yours while you slept. I healed you up before
you left."

I stared, also gliding my fingers over my neck that once hurt a bit from
Sebastian's accident; no pain or trace was there.

"Thank you." I said.

Sebastian revealed my wand, "You can't leave without this, of course." He


I smiled, taking hold of it, "Thank you."

We both stood there. My eyes watched Sebastian Sallow as he stared back.

It was our thing now.

"I need to know you'll be safe, Sebastian." I sighed.

"I will," Sebastian said in confidence, "And I'll be alright. It's all about self-
control. I will be okay, I promise." He assured.
I wanted to believe him, I really did, but it was sad to think that while I was
at school, he'll be alone suffering.

"I don't want to go—"

"That isn't a choice, Y/n," Sebastian said, "As much as I appreciate you
here, you are known. You have to show up. For the sake of us." He
whispered, caressing my cheek.

I closed my eyes at his gesture, "I wish things could back to how they use
to." I mourned.

"I know," Sebastian followed, "We should've appreciated class more." He


I force a hurtful smile, "I'm going to miss you."

"Me too, Y/n," Sebastian said before giving me a hug.

I wanted that hug to last forever, but things never really last. Some things
have an ending.

"I need to see you again. I don't care what risks it takes. I need to see you." I
let out to Sebastian.

"You will. Once I find a place, I will let Ominis know. I wish I can owl you,
but it's dangerous." Sebastian reminded.
"I know," I said in sadness.

I can feel Sebastian's warm lips press over my forehead, "Be safe, Y/n.
Don't worry too much about me."

"That's impossible."

"I know, but one of us has to be stabled." Sebastian said in honesty, "I will
see you soon, okay?"

I bit my lip, but nodded, "Okay, I love you, Sebastian,"

Sebastian leaned back a little from the forehead kiss and gulped, "I love you
too, Y/n."


Longest chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it. So many emotions at once.
Love you all. x 💚
PT: seven


"I'm sorry."


"Ominis, please—"

"I said it's alright, Y/n."

"It's not alright. I put you in a very uncomfortable position. You don't
deserve that." I groaned a little, still feeling the after-effects.

Ominis stopped mid-hallway and kept his head straight, "Perhaps, I should
be the one to apologize, Y/n. I should've thought more about leaving you
unsupervised with Sebastian Sallow that night."

I sighed, reddening from the embarrassment. Not that I was already

embarrassed confessing to Ominis the truth, but it was the only help I had
at the moment.
"It's not his fault." I murmured.

"I am not saying it was Sebastian's fault, but what you told me, and what he
told me, it was an unsafe moment for both of you. Not only did he strangle
you from the trauma, but now he has you taking a dangerous potion."
Ominis frowned.

"It's not the first time I've taken it. I just needed you to supervise me in
ways...the side effects are weird." I gulped.

It was only two days since I last saw Sebastian Sallow. After a very
unplanned experience between the both of us, it was obvious from the lack
of knowledge, we weren't really on the safe side of the sexual encounters.
Many things happen in between. We never used a spell.

"I didn't need to know that," Ominis scoffed, "But regardless, it should be
avoided. You wanted to jump off the astronomy tower the first hour. Then
by the second, cast depulso on yourself. Again, dangerous." Ominis sighed.

"And I am sorry..." I pursed my lips, "Do you know where he is now?" I

turned to him.

Ominis stood muted.

That was his way now. Mute. I've asked Ominis for information about
Sebastian, but he's been avoidant. I understood we needed to keep Sebastian
safe, but I wanted answers.

"You know, Ominis," I said in a low tone, "If you don't give me
information, I won't stop asking."
"I know you won't, but asking me in the middle of the hall inside Hogwarts
isn't the ideal place, Y/n," Ominis murmured, "I told you I'll give you
answers soon, but having you leave every other destination would make
people suspect too."

I wanted to understand. Sebastian was on the run and me leaving

suspiciously out of the castle would only make it obvious. I've already
gotten questioned about my absence that one night. It was risky, but I was
attached now.

"Y/n, I'll let you know when I have information...alright? You know I
wouldn't keep anything from you." Ominis reminded.

I cleared my throat, "I know. I trust you, Ominis."

Ominis would sneakily leave the castle during that same week. Of course,
he was more excusable about his absence based on the privilege of being a
Gaunt. I, on the other hand, it was difficult now. It was no longer year 5 and
with all these loose prisoners around, freedom changed.

Nobody wanted favors from me anymore either. Based on the knowledge of

dating an Azkaban prisoner, many people were second-guessing my skills
now. As I said before, the rumors were false, but I lost access to many

Imagine if they found out what I did in Azkaban — if they found out the
number of people I've killed.

My head snapped back to reality with the sound of Natty Onai's voice
during Potions one afternoon.

"Sorry, what?" I said in confusion.

"Professor Sharp is calling you from his desk." Natty whispered.

I was losing sleep again. Slacking in school. Things did not feel right for
me. I thought saving Sebastian Sallow from the ruins in Azkaban would
give some kind of mood shift, but things felt off. I felt it in my gut.

"Professor Sharp rarely calls me." I said to myself.

"I say the same, but you were dazing off. He's called you twice." Natty
whispered back, working on her potion brewing.

I took a sigh, nodding and pretending like it was nothing serious.

"Good luck." Garreth joked.

The walk from the table to the Potion Master felt like an eternity, but I
eventually made it and stood innocently near the edge.

"Professor Sharp," I adjusted my posture.

"Miss Y/l/n..." The professor cleared his throat, "I predict you know why
I've called you."

I stared blankly, "I brewed my potion wrong?"

Professor Sharp didn't know whether to laugh or be concerned, "Miss Y/l/n,

you've never brewed a potion wrong since entering your fifth year. This is
not a potion talk."

I nodded.

"I believe you're aware that your friend, Mister Gaunt, has been gone for a
few days. I don't believe you'll know where he is at, correct?" He asked.

He wasn't wrong. Ominis was gone the last few days. It was only two
weeks since I asked him where Sebastian was, but after that, the trips he's
had were back and forth. It wasn't until this week that he was more absent.

"I, uh," I didn't want to stutter, because honestly, I didn't know where
Ominis Gaunt was either, "I have no clue, professor."

"Really? I suppose you two have been quite close lately. It's just a
question." Professor Sharp let out.

There was a moment where I believe the faculty were working together to
gather information about Ominis and the connection on where Sebastian
Sallow might possibly be after the escape.
"We've always been close, Professor. Ominis, I and...and, Sebastian." I
swallowed at the last name-call. "You know, before he was taken away."

"I am aware. I know you two...were quite closer than ever—"

"We were," I said, cutting in. "And now I have no idea where he is. Don't
you think if he really escaped, I wouldn't be here? He was my boyfriend
after all." I said harshly.

In honesty, I didn't know where Sebastian Sallow was at. It's been almost
two weeks not seeing him and it was eating me up mentally. I didn't know
why love had to be so complicated and dangerous. It almost felt like a
disease. The feeling was awful. I missed Sebastian.

"I understand that and I apologize. Mister Gaunt's attendance has been
unusual. We just want to keep the students safe within these odd times of
dangerous prisoners loose." Professor Sharp informed.

I wanted to laugh, really. My humor was broken.

"Compared to all the list of the wanted wizards and witches...Mister Sallow
is the least to worry about. I've just required questioning for you just for
safety. It's dangerous to be around the region right now." Professor Sharp

I stood still.

"We are only concerned because Ominis Gaunt is blind." He reminded, "It's
not safe."
I wanted to keep saying stuff, but I was tired.

"Don't worry, professor, I am also wondering about his presence." I let out,
"We shall both know when Ominis Gaunt is back."

I didn't receive an owl from Ominis Gaunt until May 9th. It was two weeks
in total of not seeing Sebastian Sallow nor getting the proper
communication with Ominis Gaunt.

"Y/n, may I borrow your quill, please?" Poppy's high voice said one
afternoon in the library, "Garreth took mine and—"

I didn't let Poppy finish. My hand extended over my quill knowing I wasn't
even doing the work and dazed off. As my hand brushed over hers, Poppy

"Merlin, Y/n...you're cold." Poppy's brown eyes rose.

I pursed my lips, "Huh? R-Really? I feel fine."

I wasn't fine. I did notice a shift in my body temperature after Azkaban, but
didn't question it. I mean, who was there to question? I was scared to return
to the Map Chamber and my mind wandered too much around Sebastian to
worry about myself.

I didn't feel cold, but Poppy Sweeting wasn't the first person to point it out.
Perhaps, the magic in me was raging now, but I was avoiding it. I've held
this power of hiding things that I got used to it.
"Hm," Poppy hesitated, "Have you heard of," her small hair leaned closer to
me, almost in a faint whisper, "Any word from Sebastian?"

My eyes stared down at the mention of the name, "No, Poppy."

"I'm sorry." Poppy said back, almost reading my expressions.

I took a breath for a moment and gulped, before asking a serious question,
"I believe Atticus has not shown up for school since the ball."

I didn't want to involve Poppy in the situation, but it was the only
connection close to Atticus Sweeting-Rookwood. Of course, they were
complete opposites, but they were still step-siblings

"I know," Poppy said, "If I knew a word, I would've done anything to
prevent what happened, Y/n. I really—"

"It's not your fault, Poppy," I reminded, "Things happen the way they did,
Sebastian is alright for now, but I would let you know, as my best friend, I
will hold no respect for Atticus. I apologize." I warned.

I felt hatred towards the man. I was waiting for him to pull a move of
showing up to school like nothing, but he was playing smart. I sense his
arrival, but I wanted to be one step ahead. Atticus was tricky now.

Poppy didn't say much after that. I understood. I needed to put myself in her
shoes and realize that the news of your half-sibling being a villain and
having a bloodline of pure hatred was a hard take.

By the time you read this, I will be in the Undercroft.

I do warn you, please, be careful coming here —

I am aware of the extra supervision lately.

Ominis Gaunt

It was only a Wednesday morning when I received that owl. I hadn't slept
properly the last few days, and I didn't understand why — perhaps, my
body was already warning me about the upcoming events. Well, that was
my theory at the time.

My hands were cold and sweaty walking down that Defense Against the
Dark Arts tower, ironically. My heart skipped more than usual and I felt
nauseated at the thought of what news I will receive this time.

When the entrance creaked open and the familiar dimmed grey room full of
storage came into my view, I walked slowly at the sight of Ominis Gaunt.

Ominis posture was a bit low and his arms were on the side, almost
preparing to what to tell me.

I didn't know what to do either. I wanted to hug him, but also babbled
around with questions. Instead, he let out the first words.

"He will be here soon." Ominis gulped.

I stopped in my tracks halfway through that setting, my shoes almost
screeching from the unexpected words.


Ominis struggled a little, but pursed his lips and spoke again, "We should've
known the Undercroft isn't part of the castle. If you can use your magic
here, that means...anyone can apparate too." He informed.

I didn't think of that either. The Undercroft was only a Gaunt thing, but
nobody knew about the secretive room, so there wasn't access to enchant
the room with forbidden magic. I felt dumb for a moment not realizing it.

I took a moment to process his words, "A-Apparate..." I looked down

before realization took in, "He can apparate again?"

I felt proud at the moment. I felt slightly happy to know that Sebastian has
advanced the last week, getting strength again to concentrate on apparating.

Ominis nodded, "Yes, Y/n, but there's something—"


I heard it behind me. I didn't want to turn around right away, but my
instincts were fast. I spent these two awful weeks without seeing him, it was
only fair to feel so many emotions at once confronting Sebastian Sallow
And I did. I turned.

Sebastian Sallow stood there in front of me.

He looked better. Those once dark circles over his beautiful hazel eyes were
fading away; they were still there, but not revealing. The bruises on his
body were gone and his dry brown hair was getting restored again, the light
shined through it. Even his pink lips seemed soft and...just healthy.

I took a breath, "Sebastian,"

"Y/n, I don't—"

Ominis voice faded from my view as I ran towards the man that I love and
almost jumped on him.

I held him tight. My hands ruffled his back hair while my chin rested over
the shoulder and my eyes closed.

"You're okay. You're here," I whispered, caressing his hair, "I missed you."

Sebastian breathed back, but his arms hugged in a gentle matter, almost in a
way where he was forcing in that physical touch. Or maybe, he was afraid
of hurting me. I didn't know.

Like Ominis, Sebastian Sallow was mute.

I didn't know how long the hug was, but I thought he was just letting me
take it in, but after not feeling the same aura, I began to feel the shift. My
body was already feeling it beforehand, but I was ignoring it.

I let go slowly, my face still with Sebastian's while my hands lowered to my

sides, and just stared at the tall man in front of me.

Sebastian was guilty. I knew him a lot already and I could now distinguish
the look of regret, hurt, happy, sad, etc. I knew him.


"I'm sorry, Y/n," Sebastian held my hands, his eyes going everywhere, but
to mine as they stayed down.

It took one apology for me to start feeling it already.

Breath, Y/n. Breath.

"Why are you sorry, exactly?" I said, oblivious.

Sebastian kept his gaze down.

I was desperate for answers. I was desperate the last week, so this was
driving me insane.

"Sebastian, please, talk to me." I begged.

"I just want you to be safe." Sebastian let out, still holding my hands.

"I am safe." I let out, "I always am. I can defend myself. I can defend us—"

"No, you don't understand, Y/n...it's—this is more complicated than I

thought." Sebastian gulped.

Now I was the one muted. My gaze went back to Ominis who also stood a
few feet behind us with guilt on his face. I wanted to throw up from the

"Why are you here, Sebastian," I gulped, "Are you here to see me?" I

"I am, Y/n." Sebastian sighed, "But..."

"But?" I breathed.

Sebastian's eyes finally glared up at me, they were so hazel, I can barely see
the black pupil in them as he just stared in awe.

"I appreciate you, Y/n, but these meet-ups can no longer happen." Sebastian
admitted, "Not anymore. It's a risk being here already."

No, this can't be real.

"O-Okay, then I can meet you somewhere—"

"Y/n, you don't understand—"

"No, I do. You can teach me how to apparate. We can meet up like the last
time. We were safe—"

"Safe?" Sebastian rose a brow, "I hurt you and we were not safe. I don't
want that to happen ever again. You don't deserve this life." He let out.

I stood there, lost for words on what he referred to.

"I am on the run for the rest of my life, or until...I am proven innocent. The
only help I really have is my sister, which, she is not around." Sebastian
informed, "I have to be moving quickly. It's not easy. It will be difficult."

"Okay, then I'll go with you. We can run together. I have my magic. I could
keep us safe—"

"No," Sebastian declined, "I cannot allow you. You have a life. An
opportunity. You need to finish Hogwarts."

I scoffed, "W-What? Are you serious, Sebastian? I don't care about

Hogwarts." I fought.

"Well, you should. Y/n, I've been in this castle for almost six years of my
life. That is enough. And I wish I would've gotten more to finish it."
Sebastian reminded, "But you...you just started in the fifth year. You have to
finish. You haven't experienced it all. It's only been a year for you. It's not
"No, what is not fair is you having the audacity to say that I should continue
my life like nothing while you are on the run. I cannot allow you,
Sebastian." I argued.

Sebastian sighed.

I frowned, "Don't sigh at me! You're being ridiculous. We can work

something out. Trust me, I did all that fifth year, I can do it—"

"You are too known in this entire region, Y/n." Sebastian said in a serious
tone, "If you come with me, we will both get caught. You are a risk too.
People know you. People need you. You can't leave." He warned.

"I don't care about other—"

"You're being stubborn," Sebastian let out, "You don't realize how difficult
this is. Our lives took a turn after I was sent to Azkaban, Y/n. It's not the

"Then we can find Anne together. Just like we planned, remember?" I said,
fighting my emotions, "We promised after sixth year ends, which by the
way, that's in a month, we would spend all summer finding her. That's the
plan. It's been the plan, Sebastian!" I reminded.

"Well, plans change, Y/n. Just like this future we wanted." Sebastian
breathed, "I cannot give you that future anymore and I cannot let you
change it just for my sake. You don't deserve that."

I was in denial. I wanted to cry, but I wanted to shout. I wanted to be angry

with Sebastian, but also just hug him and never let him go.
"I don't care about my future. All I see in my future is you, Sebastian. I
don't care if you have to run until old age, I will do it with you. I don't care.
You know that." I cried.

Sebastian stared at me in concern. I must've predicted at that moment that

he realized I really loved him and that he was about to break my heart.

"You should care, Y/n," Sebastian said, "Between the two of us, you still
have an opportunity to live a happy life. Do it for me. I need you to get that
life. If you run with me, I would not be happy that way. I will be happy
seeing you get the life you want." he kept saying.

"No." I said, teary eyes.

For a cold body, I can feel the hot tears run down my face. I don't think I've
ever cried this much. I've had in the past, but the last time I felt real pain
like this was the death of Eleazar Fig. It felt like I was losing another person
in my life.

"Yes," Sebastian whispered, his hand over my cheek, "You will be okay. I
know you will."

My hand rose on top of his over my cheek, I wish it would've stayed there
glued forever. Feeling his warmth one last time.

"You're breaking up with me." I let out.

Sebastian gulped, "I am."

"No." I closed my eyes.

"I'm so sorry," Sebastian apologized, "I need you to be safe, Y/n."

"But I won't be happy."

"It will take time," Sebastian said.

I shook my head, "What happened to the life we promised in that ball? The
I love you? The memories? You promised, Sebastian." I mumbled to him.

"Yes, I did. I really wanted that life too, but...it's impossible." Sebastian
confessed, "Only time can tell, Y/n."

"But you said time doesn't exist with you." I cried.

Sebastian looked at me in guilt and closed his eyes, "Y/n..."

"Don't do this," I stared at him.

Again, his eyes were so brown, I couldn't understand how I will no longer
be able to see them.

"I don't want to," Sebastian agreed.

"Then don't." I fought, "We can do it together. Please, Sebastian."

"I'm so sorry..." Sebastian shook his head, finally letting my hands go.

I cried, not knowing what else to say. What else to say to make him stay?
There were no words.

"Ominis," I turned, "Don't let him do this. Please..." I stared at the blonde

Ominis Gaunt stood there, swallowing, but shrugging, "Y/n...I-I cannot

change his mind. I'm doing my best. I apologize."

I breathed heavily, almost feeling a panic attack, "No, no."

I can feel my hands rest over my eyes. I was in denial, I was hurt. I was

A hand wrapped around my arm, before turning me and pulling me close to


The familiar scent of driftwood and autumn air roamed on me. I cried more
at the thought of never smelling it again, or just feeling his touch for a
while. It was hard.

Sebastian's hand caressed the back of my hair, confronting me, "You're

going to be okay. I promise, you'll be okay, Y/n."
"No," I cried, "Why did you make me fall in love with you? Why did you
do this?" I argued, still against his chest.

"I didn't mean to. I didn't know you will fall in love with me. You have no
idea how lucky I feel, but I want you to be safe." Sebastian reminded.

"I'm safe with you," I confessed.

Against his chest, I can the warmth of his body collide with the coldness of
mine. The moment felt safer than ever.

"You're not...I almost hurt you. I am still healing. There's so much to avoid
with me, Y/n. I am not the same Sebastian. I'm sorry." Sebastian whispered.

I cried. I didn't know how long I did to manage to take in those last few
minutes, but Sebastian let go of me first — I didn't let go. I refused.

"Y/n, I have to go." Sebastian forced.

"No, I love you."

Sebastian sighed.

"You don't love me?" I stared, finally breaking off the touch.

I stepped away, looking at Sebastian in disbelief.

"W-What about this bracelet?" I held up my wrist, shaking the familiar
charms and tapping it repeatedly, "Does this not mean anything to you?!"

As I tapped it, I realized that Sebastian's finger no longer held a ring in

place either.

I scoffed.

"You said it would always work—"

"I have to go," Sebastian repeated.


Without thinking I can feel my hand reveal my wand, pointing it at

Sebastian Sallow.

Sebastian stared in concern, but wasn't afraid of me.

"You're not leaving. I won't let you leave. Magic is allowed here—"

"Ominis," Sebastian looked behind me, giving his friend a fair warning.

"No," I squinted, "If you love me, you wouldn't leave."

Sebastian stared.
"Y/n," I can hear Ominis faint voice behind me, letting me know that he
was close by wanting to stop whatever actions I would pull.

I didn't know what was happening to me. Should I be embarrassed for

acting this way over a man? Was it worth it? Was I just in denial? Would I
regret it later?

"Fine," I cried, "Leave. Fucking leave, Sebastian Sallow." I pointed.

With my other hand, I ripped the bracelet over my wrist and held it.

"And leave with everything you left me with. They have no purpose."

As I was ready to angrily throw the charm bracelet over, Sebastian Sallow
apparated from the Undercroft, the bracelet making a noise as it fell to the
concrete floor.

Silence. It was all silence in that Undercroft for a while.

I stood there in shock that the once presence of Sebastian Sallow was gone.
For good.


I didn't know how long Ominis Gaunt's voice was calling me. My head was
vibrating with a buzz for a while before I heard him clearly.
I felt Ominis hand rest on my shoulder for support.

"Y/n, you're shaking."

My vision was blurred and the wand in my hand finally slipped off my
fingers while finally taking in the news.

"He's gone." I cracked, "Sebastian is gone." I repeated.

"I apologize—"

I sobbed. It wasn't even intentional. I mean what's intentional about taking

in a heartbreak? Nothing. You can't control your feelings about that. You
just break.

Ominis grabbed me, wrapping his arms around me for comfort as I sobbed
on that floor; his hands holding me tightly.

"I never heard you cry, Y/n..." Ominis whispered, "I feel so bad."

"Sebastian left me. Why did he do that?" I cried.

"He left me too, Y/n...I-I don't know." Ominis let out, "Sebastian isn't
himself right now. It will be okay."

"It will not be okay." I shouted.

"I know," Ominis gulped.

"Y-You knew..." I cried.

Ominis sighed, "I did, and I tried stopping it, Y/n, but he has his reasonings.
He thought about this for days. Things can change." He comforted.

Again, I just sobbed on Ominis Gaunt's chest that entire day on that


This is not the end, guys. 🥲💚

PT: eight


Third Person Perspective

The Denial | May 15th

"Ominis!" Poppy Sweeting's voice echoed through the Hogwarts halls.

Ominis Gaunt stopped his walking, books in hand, and looked down as the
Hufflepuff approached him.

"Hello, Poppy..." Ominis forced out.

"Have you seen Y/n? I didn't see her the entire weekend and I looked in the
common room and—"

Ominis didn't listen to the rest of Poppy's questioning. He worried about

how he would approach the news. He couldn't believe it himself, it was still
"Y/n is not well, Poppy." Ominis answered.

Of course, he wasn't going to say that Y/n has spent her days inside that
Undercroft. Nobody knew about the space besides Sebastian and Ominis; it
shouldn't be revealed to anyone else.

Poppy looked concerned, but not surprised, "Oh...I am well aware." Her
voice lowered, "I know she misses Sebastian. Have you heard any news?"

Ominis stayed silent for a moment, but let out a sigh, "Poppy, Sebastian is

"Well, he has to be. It's dangerous and being on the run—"

"No, he's actually gone. And I mean, left...for good." Ominis let out more
clearly in that hall.

Poppy's brown eyes stared in confusion, and the muteness in her must've
made Ominis realize there wasn't enough said for her to understand.

"Sebastian broke up with Y/n a few days ago. Yes, he will be on the run, so,
I assume he had his reasonings. He would not come back." Ominis sighed.

"Oh, Merlin..." Poppy let out a loud sigh, also taking in the news, "You
mean, a breakup as in...left Y/n? A-After everything?"

Ominis nodded, "Yes."

Poppy looked down, feeling guilt as if she were the one that broke Y/n's
heart, "Oh no...I-I don't believe that. Sebastian wouldn't do such a
thing...I...why didn't—"

"Y/n is in denial, Poppy. Hence, not showing up the last few days." Ominis
explained, "She still thinks Sebastian is going to come back. That if she
waits for him, he will return soon."

"He has to," Poppy said, also in denial.

Ominis wanted to laugh. Not a proper humorous laugh, but a hurtful laugh.
He understood though—he was in denial at first too, but he spoke to
Sebastian. He did his best to prevent a breakup, but Sebastian Sallow wasn't
right in the head. Ominis could only do so much. He also lost his brother.

"I spoke to him, Poppy. He isn't coming back." Ominis assured, "It's a lot to
explain, but Y/n isn't well. I wouldn't know much about a heartbreak, but I
do know what pain feels like. It must be awful."

Poppy kept sighing. She was an empath, although she hasn't seen Y/n's
state, there was a sense that it wasn't going to go well. It was going to be

"Y/n, you can't stay here forever." Ominis let out one night in the
Undercroft, "People are suspecting and I cannot keep making excuses. I'm
already in trouble myself from leaving last week."

Y/n sat in a corner of the dimmed Undercroft. She hid from the light as if it
would hurt her. The heartbreak was only starting and she already felt awful.
Being in denial was the only easy way to process it. The bit of hope.
"Bold of you to think I care about others, Ominis." Y/n said bluntly, eyes on
the bracelet.

The charm bracelet hadn't been moved since Sebastian Sallow left that spot.
Y/n played multiple times with it, tapping the fang and losing count. There
was a moment where she cried so much, she gave up, putting it back in
place and hoping Sebastian would pick it up.

"Well, it's not about others, but I really want to keep the Undercroft a secret
place. I don't think the risk of people wanting to find you here is the best.
Do you really want to give away our only safe place?" Ominis asked Y/n.

Y/n wanted to say she didn't care, but truly, she did. The Undercroft became
her safe place the last few days. The theory was that since Sebastian Sallow
was always there, Y/n convinced herself he'll come back there. Again, in
denial about the truth. Y/n was waiting.

"What if he apparates again and we are not here, Ominis? He will have to
leave." Y/n questioned.

Ominis sighed, "Y/n...as difficult it is to accept, Sebastian would not

apparate here anymore. It's impossible. He's gone."

"He is not," Y/n said.

"He is. I know you're still processing, but—"

"Give him a few days. We know Sebastian, Ominis...he wouldn't do this. He

can't last without any of us. Trust me." Y/n breathed.
Ominis didn't know whether to follow along, or not, but he worried about
Y/n. I mean, who wouldn't? Y/n Y/l/n did so much for Sebastian Sallow. It
would only make sense on the reactions she would let out from the breakup.

Ominis Gaunt needed to think. Y/n couldn't be inside that Undercroft

forever. It wasn't healthy. He knew it wasn't healthy, and, well, truth was,
Sebastian Sallow wasn't returning. Ominis understood how safe the space
was for Y/n, but it's been almost a week.

"Do you need a hug, Y/n?" Ominis let out.

Y/n looked over to the tall blonde boy inside the Undercroft.

Ominis forms of physical affection weren't new at this point. Since

Sebastian's absence, Ominis was the only comfort at the moment. The day
Sebastian left Ominis held Y/n for hours as she sobbed — he was hoping
one last hug can work.

"You hate hugs," Y/n revealed.

Ominis nodded, "I do, but I sense you need one." He lifted a hand.

Y/n took a small breath.

"Yes?" Ominis said toward the breathing.

Y/n swallowed, giving a faint whisper, "Y-Yes."

Ominis followed Y/n's voice, slowly walking over toward her as Y/n
watched. It was a quick gesture really, Y/n didn't even have time to think.

Ominis bent, extending his arms at Y/n expecting her to extend them, in
which she did, whilst doing that, Ominis immediately took hold of the body
and carried her out of the Undercroft.

"Let me go," Y/n fought off over Ominis shoulder in cries and anger, "Let
go of me, Ominis!" She kept fighting.

Ominis was strong. The Gaunts held so many abilities that many didn't
know about and strength was one of them. Ominis held Y/n tightly as he let
his wand guide them out of the once safe place.

"No. I apologize, Y/n, you cannot be here forever." Ominis said walking
through the metal doors.

Y/n hit and kicked like a child over Ominis until they reached the floor of
the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower. It was nighttime, but a few
students roamed around the halls.

As Ominis gently put down Y/n, she didn't hesitate on angrily wanting to
slash her body back onto the Undercroft's entrance.

Ominis heard the commotion, "It's locked. You have no access to it right
now." He crossed his arms.

Y/n didn't listen. It took her at least an entire minute to finally process what
Ominis told her before frowning.
"That's impossible."

"I am a Gaunt. It belongs to the Gaunts." Ominis reminded, "It's possible

with me."

Y/n breathed heavily, taking in the reality that there was no access to the
Undercroft at the moment, and let her intrusive thoughts take over.

The wand revealed over her raised arm, the tip of it pointing toward
Ominis; he felt the wisp of air from the fast motion and did not react.

"Do it." Ominis even encouraged,

Y/n's hand was shaking, teary eyes as the wand still pointed at Ominis.

"Come on, do it," Ominis pushed, "Let all the students around us know
what you're capable of. Get both of us in trouble." He frowned.

Y/n didn't do it. Her emotions took over inside that hall. The wand lowered
and all Ominis Gaunt can hear were the faint whimpers and silent cries of
Y/n in the corner.

Ominis heard. That's all he could do, just hear. He didn't even want to
imagine how Y/n looked at the moment.

"He's not coming back, Ominis." Y/n realized.

"He's not."

It took Y/n to finally take a breath of air outside the Undercroft to take a
realization that Sebastian Sallow was really gone.

"He's gone," Y/n cracked.

Ominis pursed his lips, "He's been gone, Y/n..." he corrected.

Again, Y/n just cried, not caring about the students around them. And
Ominis hugged her.

The Anger | May 22nd

Y/n Y/l/n walked down those Hogwarts halls confidently one afternoon
before dinner. Her posture was firm and her head stared straight as she
ignored the surroundings.

The entire school knew by now. They knew Sebastian Sallow was never
returning. Of course, the truth was that he was an escaped Azkaban prisoner
on the run for life. That the reason Y/n was broken was because she lost her
lover, her best friend — in reality, she was broken for not only that, but for
the last goodbye. Sebastian Sallow was no longer her boyfriend. It was her
ex. The ex that broke up with her. Only a handful knew that.
"Hey, Y/n,"

Y/n turned taking sight of her Gryffindor roommate, Natty Onai who stood
on the side, following her to the Great Hall.

Y/n didn't smile. I don't think she's managed a smile in a while. She's spent
the last weeks just angry at herself. Angry at the absence of Sebastian

"Hello, Natty." Y/n let out.

"How are you? How are you feeling? I'm glad you're here." Natty let out.

Natty did mean it. Y/n rarely ate at the Great Hall. Sometimes, she's spent
her eating schedule inside Professor Garlick's Herbology class.

After the faculty took notice of Y/n's loss of the relationship, they did feel
slight pity for the student. From the growth of an orphan, to the loss of
Eleazar Fig, to now, the absence of her former boyfriend, Sebastian Sallow,
it was a lot to take in for such a young age.

"I'm fine, Natty. All good." Y/n said emotionless, "How are you?"

"I am well...are you sure you're okay—"

"I said I'm alright. Honestly, I feel great." Y/n said without care, "He chose
to leave. It was his decision. We could've helped him. That's his fault." She
Y/n didn't mean it, but after such a denial stage — anger is all that followed.

Y/n couldn't understand why Sebastian Sallow left her. She sacrificed so
much for someone she loves, and yet, in the end, it wasn't even worth it.
Y/n despised Sebastian for having the audacity to leave her and not care at
all. Not returning or checking up weeks after. He was mean.

Natty was neutral. She was part of the handful that knew the truth. The truth
of Sebastian breaking up with Y/n, leaving her with nothing, but memories.
She also understood the sides.

"It's okay to be sad about it, Y/n..." Natty encouraged, not used to the dry
attitude from her friend.

"I'm not sad." Y/n lied, "It'll be nice if you guys don't remind me about it,
Natty." Y/n said in the nicest way possible.

Natty and Y/n only walked in a few feet into the Great Hall when the Daily
Prophet took its first eye-catching news toward Y/n.

Y/n did not hesitate to snatch a copy from a second year and re-read what
was bolded on the front cover.

5 out of the 12 escaped Azkaban prisoners were already found.

A few hid together while the others stayed in mines until they accidentally
revealed themselves after starving for food.

And Sebastian Sallow...

Y/n read in those small italics how Sebastian Sallow was rumored to be
spotted near a coastline village. That the anonymous person mention how
he seemed to be living life as if he was no prisoner. Again, just a rumor.

"No," Y/n said to herself. "No."

Her friends notice the reaction coming out of Y/n from the news. Poppy
looked at Garreth in a concerned manner while Natty sighed, not knowing
how to stop it.

Ominis hadn't been aware of what was happening, I mean how could he?
All he really was expertise in was his hearing and with all the commotion in
between, it was hard to hear.

Y/n stared angrily at the black and white print.

Sebastian Sallow wouldn't do that. He wouldn't be happy without her, right?

How come he's on the run and rumored to be fine, but Y/n wasn't fine? Why
was she broken and sad? It didn't make sense to her.

Y/n didn't know what to do. Did she want to go to that village and try
reaching Sebastian? What if by the time she gets there, he's gone? He was
on the run after all. He wouldn't last 24 hours in a home, especially after the
Daily Prophet.

Her small hand crumbled up the thin paper not caring who was watching
and found herself walking out of the Great Hall.

Poppy took Garreth's arm off her and gasped, "We can't let her leave..."
Ominis overheard Poppy's voice and questioned, "Who's leaving the Great
Hall right now?"

Imelda Reyes stop chewing her fruit and looked over to Ominis, "Y/n...I
assume she read the Daily Prophet."

Ominis sighed.

"I know I'm not really caring, but I kinda feel bad for her." Imelda
confessed, "So much in Y/n's life..."

As the students interacted with the news, Y/n found herself in the
Forbidden Forest. Was it the ideal place? No, but she's lost her mind. The
anger was being replaced with sadness and she was preventing that. She
didn't want to be sad. She feared sadness.

Sadness was cold and empty. The thought of sadness was already making
her colder than ever. She didn't want that at all anymore.

Y/n stood in the middle of that forest breathless. So many emotions..so

many feelings...so much...

"Ah, feisty little foliage—"

"Avada Kadavra," Y/n let out without thinking.

Y/n watched as green shot out of her wand in such a disturbing motion. The
noise sounded so sickening as she took the life of the first poacher in sight,
with no warning.

Out of breath, Y/n didn't have the proper time to think because another
poacher appeared.

"That's not a very nice spell—"

"Crucio!" Y/n let out again.

The red strikes connected near the poacher, hands over their head as they let
out a disastrous shout from the intended pain.

Y/n should've been scared. She hadn't used an unforgivable curse in a

while. There was just something that she couldn't understand why it felt like
a relief to use them. Relief.

By the time Poppy Sweeting and Natty Onai found Y/n inside that
forbidden forest, they had to walk through dead bodies. It seems like the
dead bodies were the tracks to find Y/n. It was insane.

It was pure horror.

"Y/n?" Poppy said in disbelief.

Y/n went on her knees, the wand in her hand finally falling as she breathed
with a cry. The tiredness of using the ancient magic and curses exhausted
her — but, it felt nice. It seemed like a distraction.
"He taught me these spells," Y/n said shakily.

Poppy ran up to her bloody friend and hugged her tightly, "You're going to
be okay, Y/n. You have us. It's okay to be sad, you don't have to let it out
like...this." Poppy stared traumatized by the dead bodies.

And Y/n just cried, "I saved him, Poppy. I did so much for him to do this to
me. It's not fair. He used me."

Natty stared, also crouching with them, and hugged her best friend, "It's
only temporary."

The Sadness | June 9th

Y/n lay there on her four-poster bed. It's been unsure when she's actually
seen the day of light; her eyes were always closed or body under the covers.
It seemed as if death consumed her already.

It was the last day of the sixth year. The announcement of the Quidditch
World Cup, plus the winning house with the most points was in the process
making all Hogwarts students eager to show up.

It's only been a month. The longest month of her entire life. Y/n couldn't
process how she'll spend the rest of her year without Sebastian Sallow.
Imagine spending almost every day with a person you love and then never
seeing them again. Almost like a bad dream.

"Where's Y/n?" Ominis asked inside the Great Hall that afternoon.
Natty sighed as everyone stared at her for answers, "The same...she's been
wearing Sebastian's sweater the last week. Rarely moves from the space.

"I thought I saw her with a jersey last time?" Garreth joined in the

"I believe she wears them for the reminder of his scent. The jersey lost the
smell after wearing it so many times." Natty explained.

"Scent?" Leander Prewett let out, "She can't be serious."

Garreth Weasley elbowed the ginger beside him to be respectful in the


"I apologize," Leander cleared his throat, "I believe doing that would not
help the process. Just worsen it. Again, my opinion. Do not hit me." He rose
his arms.

"Perhaps, for once, you're right, Leander." Poppy sighed, "She can't be there
for so long. It's the last day of school."

"Oh, there's only so much we can do." Natty said in guilt, "Y/n doesn't
deserve this. Not after everything she's done for us..."

The group just sat with each other, wondering.

Ominis stood the most quiet, thinking to himself about what other resource
there can be to save his best friend from a falling phase. It was worsening
and it was barely a month.

"We're doing everything, but summer break is nearby. She won't have all of
us." Poppy mentioned.

"That's the scary part. We saw what she did in the Forbidden Forest, and she
wasn't alone for more than five minutes." Natty whispered.

"And where exactly is Y/n at this moment?" Ominis questioned in worry.

"She was with Nellie in the common room." Natty let out.

"Nellie is on the other table with Imelda." Garreth pointed out.

A few heads turned to Nellie Ogspire on the table behind. They turned back
worried staring at each other.

The Forgetting | June 10th

"Ah, Y/n," Sirona Ryan let out in Hogsmeade that midnight, "Isn't there a
celebration you should be in?" She handed the butterbeer.

Y/n sat numbly on the high-wooden chair of the Three Broomsticks and
played around with the cup.

Y/n needed an escape. To take some fresh air at least on her last day of
school — but everything and everywhere she looked, there was some sort
of memory that connected with Sebastian Sallow.

How she sat on this very stool with Sebastian Sallow on her side after
defeating a troll in the town square. Or how they sat on the other side near
the fireplace the night he asked her to be his girlfriend. So many memories.

"Wasn't feeling it," Y/n said softly.

Y/n didn't spend more than ten minutes inside that cavern. Hell, she didn't
even take a single sip of the butterbeer. It was a hard take.

As Y/n exited out the wooden door, the flashes of Sebastian Sallow and her
walking around Hogsmeade just bothered her.

How was it possible that she allowed a man to hold so much over her? Was
it even worth it? Should Y/n hate him? Love him? Did Sebastian Sallow
really have a reason?

"This was a bad idea," Y/n murmured to herself, holding back the tears.

Y/n felt anxious walking around the town before finally making it to the
Hogwarts Valley and walking back to the castle at nighttime.

Fifth Year

"Honestly," Sebastian Sallow clicked his tongue, "if one could bottle the
magic of this place—" he looked around.
Y/n admired the space of Hogsmeade. The fascinating vendors and adorable
homes. It seemed straight out of a book. It was mesmerizing for her.

"I don't know if it's the shops or the people, but there's just something about
Hogsmeade." Sebastian let out.

Y/n relied on the Slytherin. He never stopped talking the entire way. It was
almost soothing to hear him tour her around — it's like he was born to do

"We all flock to it like moths to a flame." Sebastian joked.

Y/n smiled, still staring around.

"I am speaking too much," Sebastian said to himself noticing her silence, "I

"Relax, Sallow, I am just looking. Keep going, tour guide." Y/n joked back.

Sebastian chuckled, elbowing the new fifth year, "The new charge has
humor, eh?"


The once sunny setting blurred back onto a dark, foggy setting. Y/n stood
there for a moment reminiscing the memory and telling herself how she
should've said more on the first meet-up. Her mindset was bad.
Y/n cried walking passed the pavement, not wanting to look at the lacewing
flies or anything.

As Y/n passed by the Forbidden Forest sign there was a certain screech that
messed with her. A faint howl. She convinced herself it was a howl. It
sounded like it.

Her feet stopped walking, and she gasped to herself.

No, I'm too broken. It's all in my head. Y/n thought to herself.

Again, a howl. A clear howl.

Y/n's head lifted, looking all around the region, "Sebastian?"

Even the sound of a howl was enough to drive her insane. Just to even see
his wolf form was enough.

"Sebastian," Y/n ran through the trees and dirt, "Is that you?"

She didn't hear anything, but felt a sense. It felt weird, but an instinct.

"I feel like you're here, Sebastian." Y/n cried, looking around the dark,
shadowy corner.

Blinking, Y/n saw a white bloody wolf in the far corner and she gasped,
running toward it.
But it was all in Y/n's head as she convinced herself. What was she seeing?
Why did everything feel weird?

The sight bothered her. Was it a living nightmare? What was happening—

"Riddikulus!" A familiar voice let out.

Y/n went on her knees again, covering her ears and crying not telling the
difference between reality anymore.

"Y/n, it's okay...it was just a boggart. Poppy took care of it." Ominis voice
echoed beside Y/n.

Ominis, Poppy, and Natty stood around Y/n around the edge of the
Forbidden Forest. They struggled to find her, but after hearing the familiar
sounds of Y/n, it wasn't hard to find her.

"He's here. I saw him—"

"It was a boggart..." Ominis sighed.

"Ominis she wasn't here to learn that third year." Poppy sighed.

Ominis nodded, "R-Right I—"

"He was here, Poppy, why did you get rid of him?!" Y/n screeched out.
Poppy stared at the displacement Y/n had become over a breakup. She
didn't know whether to be scared or worried—

"Y/n, Sebastian Sallow is gone!" Poppy finally declared, "It wasn't him. It
won't be him. He's not going to come back. I'm sorry." She said clearly to

Y/n stared for a moment.

There was a moment of silence before Y/n stood up rapidly and pointed her
wand toward Poppy Sweeting.

"It's not fair you get a happy ending and I don't—"

Ominis couldn't see, but he can hear the commotion, making the connection
that Y/n might be threatening her own best friend.

"Y/n, stop—"

"It's not fair. Then your damn brother ruining this shit. How could you—"

Natty took hold of Poppy, backing her away from Y/n as Ominis held her

"Stop," Ominis grabbed the sides of Y/n's arms, pulling her down to the
floor again and bending with her, "Hey,"
"It's not fair," Y/n cried.

Ominis let out a very thin tissue from his pocket and dabbed it over Y/n's
tears. The material just soaked up with the non-stop tears.

"It's alright, cry it out. Relax. You aren't yourself." Ominis whispered,

As Ominis Gaunt took the last second to soak up the tissue, he kept
speaking to Y/n Y/l/n in a very low tone.

"Relax, close your eyes, and relax," Ominis whispered, "Breath."

Poppy Sweeting and Natsai Onai watched the blonde man work some form
of magic and stared in concern, almost wanting to question.


"Shh," Ominis rose a finger, preventing any cut-ins.

Ominis took a breath, "Close your eyes, Y/n,"

Y/n closed her eyes, actually relaxing with the words, but what she didn't
know was the outcome of Ominis Gaunt's actions.

Ominis lifted his wand, pointing toward Y/n's head gently and closing his
own eyes, "Relax."
Was Ominis going to regret this? Possibly, but he thought it was the right
thing to do. He thought about it the moment Sebastian Sallow left. It was a
distinct form of magic he wanted to avoid again, but he sense it will be
necessary to prevent a burst.

It took a good minute before Y/n Y/l/n began to feel lightheaded, falling
into Ominis arms and finally resting for a nap.

"Ominis, what did you do?!" Poppy gasped.

Ominis held Y/n while taking the drenched cloth into a small vial.

"Y/n will be alright now. She will wake up soon, so we have to leave."
Ominis breathed, a bit concerned over his own magic.

There was silence and no movement.

"What is it that you've done?" Natty now asked.

Ominis took a deep breath, swallowing, "I altered her memories of

Sebastian Sallow."

Natty and Poppy gasped to themselves.

"Sebastian Sallow no longer exists to Y/n." Ominis sighed.


Eeeee, hard chapter to write. 👹

Also, do not worry, if you read the details, the memories are not gone
forever. Everything is temporary. 💚

Thanks for reading, 💚

y/n acting like there's isn't other men out there .... jkjk but most people
will understand how HARD breakups are so don't underestimate y/n's
hurt. sometimes it's normal to lose yourself during healing! 💔
PT: nine


Third Person Perspective


Eleazar Fig let out a pained gasp between the rumbles of the repository.

"Professor!" Y/n screeched.

Y/n lowered to the floor, fighting off the tears after risking her entire life to
defeat Ranrok. Now she struggled to keep her only guardian figure alive at
the very moment.

Eleazar Fig held the wand tightly, struggling to breathe, "—Miriam would
have loved you, my young friend,"

Y/n let the tears escape her, taking in the words from Professor Fig's mouth.

"The wizarding world could not be in more capable hands," He exhaled.

Y/n witnessed as Eleazar took his final breaths, not expecting for it to be the
very last time seeing him alive.


"Hey, Y/n..."

"Y/n, wake up!"

Y/n rose up from the small bed in the pitch-black room. Sweat ran through
her forehead while tears ran down her cheeks from the reoccurring memory
she dreamt of every other night.

Y/n breathed heavily at the voice of Poppy Sweeting, "I can't stop dreaming
of it, Poppy." She cried.

Poppy sat at the edge of Y/n's bed, tiredly.

It wasn't the first time, nor the last. After the last day of the sixth year,
Poppy offered Y/n to spend the summer with her at her grandma's house
again. Due to the loss of her grandma, Poppy didn't want to be alone, so it
was convenient for both parties; plus, Poppy Sweeting avoided reconciling
with her parents. The least she kept Y/n away from her step-brother — the

"I know...Garreth has been working on a recipe for a Calming Draught, but
he can't seem to get it right. He promised once he gets it, he'll come by. He
wants to help." Poppy hugged.

Poppy felt guilty. There was a positivity that after Y/n lost the memory of
Sebastian Sallow, she will be fine. Y/n was fine, temporarily, but her
friends forgot that without the Slytherin man, there was also trauma from
everything she fought all fifth year. The old memories became fresh to Y/n
Y/l/n, again.

"I don't get it...it's been a year now. Why is it still haunting me? I could've
sworn I stopped dreaming of it." Y/n whispered to herself, confused.

Poppy was lost for words at the moment. Of course, she couldn't be
straightforward with her best friend and tell her it was because Sebastian
Sallow distracted her. It was a hard thing to take in, but the reminder of
Y/n's state after the breakup made them reconsider those memories.

"It's alright. It's normal...as you said, it's been a year now. I assume around
this time you fought Ranrok. It's a normal response." Poppy encouraged.

Y/n nodded, her head aching a bit from the memory.


"How did we meet again?" Y/n let out one summer day to Ominis Gaunt.
Ominis Gaunt did occasional visits on Poppy and Y/n's stay near Lower
Hogsfield. Although he despise being with his own family, he still spent a
few summers with them and without Sebastian — Ominis had nowhere to
go at the moment. Visiting Y/n was a relief.

Ominis took a breath, knowing that the real reason they met was because of
Sebastian Sallow.


"I know, I sound ridiculous asking that since we're best friends, but...I think
with all the trauma of Ranrok and all, my memories are weird." Y/n

Of course, her memories were weird. Everyone was well aware of them, but
Y/n herself. It would make complete sense why her new personality seemed
very, new.

"I do remember you yelling at me coming out the Undercroft." Y/n


"And what do you remember about that?" Ominis said nervously.

"I think I might've discovered it by myself roaming on the castle and then
when I came out of it, you just got really angry." Y/n giggled, "You
threatened me."

Ominis felt relief. Relief that his altered spell on Y/n's memories was
working well. He was hesitant for a while about it. Without sight, he
couldn't have the ability to see the memories and fix them easier, but he
relied on the feel of them and hope for the best. It worked well. He was
proud of himself.

"Y-Yeah, you discovered it by yourself," Ominis gave a forced side smile,

"And yes, I got a bit upset, but I eventually gave access to share it." He

Y/n laughed.

Y/n's new personality was shifted. If anything, she was more...positive. Yes,
there were nightmares and the ancient magic consumed her for several
nights, but the worry of her forgotten love was gone. It was soothing for a

But it also meant that without Sebastian Sallow, she relied on Ominis
Gaunt. Her brain filled in a gap of him being her only close guy friend. Her
comfort. Anywhere Ominis was, she followed. It was just her body trying to
fill in the absence of Sebastian Sallow.


A laugh. It wasn't a regular laugh that Y/n was familiar with. The deep
laugh echoed in her dark thoughts of a dream state.

Y/n shuffled in her sleep for a bit, her brain trying to distinguish the faint,
echoed voices that came out of the blank image.

"Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome," It echoed.

Y/n's eyes opened wide. The sun was barely shining at that point and a few
sweaty hairs tickled over her forehead from the summer heat as she sat
down and got a grip on reality.

Faint laughs echoed from out the small home.

Wiping her eyes and fixing up her hair, Y/n looked out the window to watch
her friends still celebrating Poppy Sweeting's 18th birthday.

It was a nice set-up. Garreth Weasley, Leander Prewett, Natty Onai, a few
Hufflepuffs...the list could've gone on with how many people were friends
with Poppy and came to celebrate her special day with her.

"You're feeling better,"

Y/n let out a gasp and turned back from the window, spotting Ominis Gaunt
appear from the small kitchen. His fingers wrapped around a cup of tea
while his head stayed straight.

"O-Ominis," Y/n said, almost surprised, "I thought you were outside."

Ominis smirked, "I was, until Weasley brought out the Firewhisky. I am
certainly not a drinker, as you may know." He informed.

Y/n nodded, her brain trying to process the celebration.

"Do you remember the wits of Leander and Garreth encouraging you to
take some a few hours ago?" Ominis asked.

Y/n stood silent, trying to think about the memory, but her head throbbed a

"N-Not really, but I did hallucinate some weird stuff and have an insane
headache," She rubbed her temples, "Did I do anything concerning?"

Ominis shrugged, "Not quite. You were awfully sleepy. I overheard Poppy
saying you laid comfortably on the bed. I entered and heard you stumbling
a lot." He reminded her.

Y/n reddened at the explained actions and was lucky Ominis couldn't see
her because the embarrassment she felt was off the charts.

"Y-Yeah, I get these weird dreams. I'm guessing with the drinks I
consumed, plus the mixture of Garreth's Calming Draught—"

"You actually drank Garreth Weasley's potion-making?" Ominis said in

concern at the news.

Y/n walked over to the counter of the kitchen where Ominis stood and
nodded to herself awkwardly.

"Um, y-yes? Am I not supposed to?" Y/n thought.

Ominis stood silent at the moment, debating whether he might've finally

spotted a mistake in his spell.
Y/n never relied on Garreth Weasley's potions anymore. Not after the past
few events at Hogwarts. The entire school knew that, but the news of her
not hesitating to take one recently buzzed him.

"How many Calming Draughts has Garreth Weasley made you?" Ominis

Y/n looked up, counting, "I lost count, but they started around July. Poppy
and him usually go out to explore some ingredients for it and apparently,
he's very expertise on them now. They seem to work."

"Hm," Ominis thought.

Ominis wanted to ask Y/n questions. He wanted to keep asking her if she
remembered everything else. They were aware Sebastian Sallow was out,
but did small details come out of the memories too? Did Ominis
accidentally take more than expected?

"Here, take some tea," Ominis offered the cup, "You are across from me,
correct?" He assured, moving the cup, "I sense you are."

Y/n smiled, "I am. Thanks." She said, taking hold of the warm cup.

They both stood in silence for a moment. The distant laughs and drunk
chaos still sounded from the outside as Y/n laughed from it.

"Seventh year starts in a few weeks." Ominis let out.

Y/n placed the cup down and nodded, "I know. It's hard to believe. I'm
actually looking forward to it." She confessed.

"You are?" Ominis rose a brow, "It's the hardest year with NEWTs." He

"I know," Y/n sighed, "But sixth year felt like a blur to me..." she said out of
the blue.

Ominis felt heated from the confession. It felt like an unintended joke
coming out of Y/n's mouth. How can he sit there and pretend as if Sebastian
Sallow didn't take over her entire year? That the reason it felt like a blur
was because...it was.

"I mean, I suppose with everything that's happened fifth year, sixth year
could feel like a blur." Ominis excused, "It went by fast, I can say."

"It did." Y/n agreed, looking down at her fingers, "I hope seventh year is the

"I hope so too." Ominis went along.


The first day of the seventh year wasn't hopeful for anyone. Although it was
the last year, the stress of studying, exams, and electives was
pressuring...and, Y/n Y/l/n.
It took one breakfast in the Great Hall when the first plot hole of Y/n's brain
peaked. She didn't take notice, but when you are in a school filled with
thousands of students, not everyone will know the altered loss.

Y/n walked around the hall, books in hand with a smile on her face. The
smile was fake — she was exhausted from, still, the reoccurring nightmares
of the loss of her only guardian one year ago and the scary re-lived events
of defeating so many monsters.

"Y/n!" Imelda Reyes called out, following beside her toward the Great Hall.

Y/n turned to the Slytherin girl, "Oh, hey, Imelda."

"How was your summer?" Imelda asked, almost worried about the

Imelda was a distant friend. Y/n and her shared the rivalry of flying
together, but deep down, it was all for laughs. After what happened the last
year, Imelda did grow worry for Y/n's feelings.

"Oh," Y/n thought to herself, "It was well. Manageable."

Imelda nodded, "T-That's good. I like that. I know as girl-to-girl talk, men
come and go! I knew you'll have the strength to get over him." She

Y/n stopped walking at the reference, "W-What? I'm not over the
Professor's death." She assured.
Imelda also stopped walking, confused, "Oh, pardon. I-I thought we were
talking about...about..." she blinked.

Y/n stared, "About?"

Imelda just stared, "You know..."

Again, Y/n stared.

Imelda cleared her throat, grabbing her own books and nodding, "Ugh, I
apologize. Again, I am so sorry about Fig...I know he meant a lot to you. He
was a good professor." She sent her condolences, walking away.

Imelda didn't let it go. The wandering girl walked toward her house table
sitting across from a specific student and waited for him to distinguish her
presence with his wand.

"Imelda," Ominis let out, almost with a sigh.

Imelda grew a fake smile, "Ominis."

Ominis stood quiet, trying to notice the arrival of the Slytherin student,

"Oh, nothing. I just ran into Y/n Y/l/n." Imelda let out, "She seems well
moved on."
Ominis nodded, "I predict that's good."

Imelda nodded, "Yeah, and I predict the last time Y/n was in this school,
Y/n couldn't even count her own fingers for a while. It's only been three
months." She let out. "No girl moves on that fast."

"You can't underestimate Y/n, Imelda," Ominis defended, "Y/n has lots of
strength for many things. Special magic. I'm sure there were ways to—"

"I just spoke to her. She thought I was talking about Fig. Y/n hasn't spoken
about Fig for almost a year." Imelda detected.

Imelda Reyes was smart. She seemed to be one of the tops for everything in
Hogwarts, but it was risky that if she can figure it out, the rest of the
students will.

Ominis sat there, taking in the words, "Did you mention Sebastian?"

"No. Well, I tried but—"

"Y/n doesn't know who Sebastian Sallow is. That's it, Imelda. Don't ask her,
again. Along with the rest of the seventh years." Ominis frowned.

Imelda held herself back from the straightforward news, "What?"

"It was the only way. Hence, why Y/n seems calmer. Yes, I do agree,
Professor Fig's death might be fresh to her since her mind doesn't project
the breakup anymore. It's non-existent." Ominis spoke in a serious tone.
Imelda processed the information, "There's no way she obliviated him.

"Well, she did. And I will appreciate it if you respect that and don't start
making her remember him. It's no use. Sebastian isn't coming back."
Ominis said.

Imelda rested, not wanting to say anything else. She was a fighter, but she
tried to understand. Y/n was unwell over the absence of her lover. It only
made sense.

"He's gone, but the Daily Prophet isn't," Imelda murmured, looking down at
the new print of the black and white papers that arrived that morning.

On the other side of the Slytherin table, Y/n sat on the Gryffindor one,
eyeing the new print of the Daily Prophet. Her eyes innocently scanned the
news and events of the wizarding world.

7 out of the 12 escaped prisoners from Azkaban were caught.

Y/n furrowed her brows at the information.

A former Hogwarts student with the name of Sebastian Sallow was rumored
to be seen near a small hamlet called Irondale. A fainted moving mugshot
picture of the man stood on the far left of the parchment.

Y/n stared at the boy closely; the innocent in his eyes peeking through the
paper and as they blinked, Y/n also blinked feeling a rare flash-view of
seeing them before.
"Hey, look!"

Garreth Weasley snatched the Daily Prophet from Y/n's hands and pointed
over other news.

"Zonko's might possibly be going out of business!" Garreth let out, "Who's
going to manage a joke shop now?"

Garreth did it on purpose. The circle began to notice the extra attentiveness
of Y/n and tried their best to change the subject when they can.

"There's a Hogwarts student that went to Azkaban?" Y/n asked in surprise,

"He went to school...here?"

The table stood silent for a moment and Nellie threw in the first words.

"Uh, yes. You probably don't remember...you did only enter the fifth year."
Nellie excused.

Y/n nodded letting out an, "Oh."

"Miss, Y/l/n? How may I help you?" Nurse Blainey let out one Thursday

Y/n stood mid-hospital wing, "Nurse Blainey! I-I'm here for my weekly
The nurse stared at Y/n Y/l/n.

The professors were not very well aware of the memories. Not that Ominis
Gaunt wanted to keep it a secret, but Y/n was becoming damaged. The
faculty knew that the moment Sebastian Sallow was taken away from
Hogwarts she was ranging with ancient magic — now, it was questionable
on her calmness.

"Oh, Y/n, the Thursday check-ups stopped a few months before the last year
ended! Don't you remember?" Nurse Blainey laughed.

Y/n stood awkwardly in the space, wondering, "O-Oh, really? I thought..."

she looked around, "I'm sorry."

"It's alright. You are always welcome for a check-up regardless! Are you
doing well? I know there's a lot on your plate now. I know on your final
visit, you weren't well about Mister Sallow's departure."

Sallow. Y/n heard that name before. Was it the same as the Daily Prophet?
No, it was impossible. Perhaps, it was confusion or she didn't hear the nurse

"Oh. W-Well, I am alright," Y/n gulped, "A few nightmares, but the
Calming Draughts do help." She smiled.

"That's great. I am glad to hear that you are doing well." Nurse Blainey
smiled back.
Things truly didn't get better after that. There was a faint Friday night when
Y/n struggled to sleep. Due to now being a seventh year, students were
granted access to Hogsmeade at late hours.

"Thanks for joining me, Natty," Y/n let out,

"Oh, of course! Thank you for inviting me." Natty smiled as they walked
out of the castle, "It's been a while of going to Hogsmeade together. I can't
believe it'll be our last year visiting."

Y/n smiled, "I know..."

Natty and Y/n walked past the water fountain outside the school grounds.

Y/n admired the setting. The dark, clear night with a hot breeze of summer
air. Maybe, a walk was the best answer for now. Or so we thought.

As Y/n walked through the rocky Hogwarts north exit leading up toward
Hogsmeade, she stopped for a moment, blinking.

The bushes glowed with a bunch of lacewing flies. Y/n had to take a stop
and admire the small space at that moment.

"Sorry, they're pretty to look at," Y/n touched.

Natty laughed, "Of course. They're the best potion ingredient."

As they walked into the Hogsmeade entrance, they felt nostalgic from the
setting. The small houses, the cute shops. They will be missed.

"Anything in mind?" Natty asked.

Y/n sighed, "Not really. Just needed an excuse to leave the castle. Anything
in mind for you?" She laughed.

Natty smiled, "Honeydukes?"

"Of course." Y/n joined.

As the two Gryffindor walked near the Town Circle, Y/n stood in the
middle of it, her eyes squinting as fainted memories came by.

"The world is our oyster now—"

The flashes of a troll attack haunted her. The very same spot Y/n stood in
was once a giant troll wanting to destroy her.


Y/n came back to reality at Natty's voice and as her eyes re-opened, she
noticed the once sweets she held in her hands were on the floor.

"Sorry? D-Did I daze off?" Y/n asked.

Natty picked up the fallen candy and nodded, "Yes, you did. Are you

Y/n nodded, "Yes, yes. Sorry, I just got these weird flashbacks of the troll
attack. A bit of a bad reminder. Can we get out of here?" She sighed.

"Of course." Natty nodded.

"Poppy, can I ask you something?" Y/n asked Poppy one afternoon after

It was only week two of the seventh year. By now, most of Y/n's
acquaintances were respectful of the situation. Some did slip out Sebastian
Sallow's name out of the blue, but Y/n didn't really get stuck on it.

"What's on your mind, Y/n?" Poppy asked, petting the Hippogriff.

There was a sort of deja-vu feeling at this very moment. They've stood here
before and spoke almost the same. It almost seemed nostalgic.

"You know in Divination class with Professor Onai..." Y/n let out, "How
she mentioned something about soulmates and all."

Poppy nodded, letting Highwing lift her head up back in the air, "Oh, yes.
Of course, I remember that! It was a fun topic."

Y/n nodded, "Do you think...it's true about them appearing in your dreams.
Even though you haven't met them?" She questioned.
Poppy stopped brushing the beast's hair and blinked toward the question.
She looked over to her best friend and squinted.

"Dreams you say," Poppy repeated, "What do you mean by that?"

Y/n just wondered, almost debating what to say, "I-I don't know. It might be

"Oh, Y/n..." Poppy giggled, "Why would I ever possibly judge you in any
way on what you say?"

Y/n felt the safety of Poppy Sweeting. That no matter what she said, there
would be no judgment from the Hufflepuff at all.

Y/n took a breath, "I've had these dreams...well, I can't really call them
dreams because I don't see them, but I hear like a distant voice." Y/n let out,
"It's a man."

Poppy listened carefully.

"And it's not familiar to me. I mean, I know Ominis laugh, and the rest of
the boys by now, but...I can't seem to figure it out." Y/n wondered.

Poppy felt a bit hot from the explanation.

"I've never been in love either, so I can't recall any familiarization of a

crush," Y/n said, looking up at Poppy, "Do you think...it's true what we
learned about soulmates?"

Poppy was worried, but yet, excited. There was so much concern about how
Y/n had forgotten Sebastian Sallow, but somehow regain odd flashes of the
man. It was surreal for her, but it was also worrisome.

Poppy took a breath, holding herself together on the truth, "I...uh...well,

that's a..." she was lost for words. She wanted to keep in the emotions of
just telling her the truth. "I can't be sure, Y/n. That is interesting though."

"It is," Y/n said, unhopeful.

Poppy Sweeting didn't let that go. Once she and Y/n departed from each
other that afternoon, Poppy reached out to Ominis Gaunt outside the
Slytherin common room.

"Poppy? Were you asking for me?" Ominis rose a brow.

Poppy shivered in the dungeons. She hated the setting and prevented it, but
there was no other way to contact Ominis at that point.

"Merlin, it's freezing down here!" Poppy let out, "How do you manage,

Ominis smirked, "A Slytherin thing. But it must be eager if you're down
here for the first time." He noticed.

Poppy let her shivering aside and nodded, "Yes. It's Y/n."
Ominis small smile went away and a look of concern grew immediately, "Is
Y/n alright?"

"I thought you said you took away all the memories of Sebastian." Poppy

Ominis stood there, "I did."

Poppy kept her hands between each other, warming herself from the cold

"I can be sure that every single memory was vanished for now. We all know
that. She hasn't questioned much." Ominis reminded.

"I know, but I spoke to her this afternoon and she's mentioning how she's
been having weird dreams about an apparent soulmate." Poppy explained.

"Soulmate?" Ominis rose a brow, wanting to laugh.

"Oh, hush," Poppy rolled her eyes, "It's something we learned in

Divination. You aren't in that elective, but it was a topic that got brought
up." She explained.

"And what about it, exactly?"

"I don't know, but Y/n seems to confess to me that these dreams...she hears
like, a male voice. Mumbling, but the way it's described..."
"Sebastian, I predict?" Ominis asked.

"I guess so." Poppy breathed, "Those aren't dreams, Ominis. Those are
memories that Y/n is somehow projecting, but can't enter them
because...well, they don't exist to her."

"That's impossible," Ominis said in concern, "I did the spell right. There
shouldn't even be a subtle hint of Sebastian Sallow."

Poppy took in the words, wondering. Why didn't she think of this in the
beginning? It was Y/n after all.

"Ancient magic," Poppy whispered.

Ominis heard her and stood quiet at the moment.

"No." Ominis let out, "Y/n's magic has nothing to do with the—"

"None of us hold that power of magic as Y/n does. We don't know how her
own strength reacts to spells as we do. What if, it's fighting her? Hence, the
dreams—memories." Poppy asked.

"Even dark magic?" Ominis rose a brow, "The spell had involvement of
dark magic. I don't think the power of someone can defeat any dark arts. Or,
as it goes."

Poppy wanted to hesitate, but Ominis was right.

"Perhaps, you're right...if she wanted to remember Sebastian, she would've
by now." Poppy let out.

"Correct," Ominis nodded, "I believe the dreams are just her brain wanting
to fill in the gaps. They will eventually go away." He said.

Poppy nodded, "Unless her heart doesn't let them go away."

"Don't be delusional, Poppy." Ominis picked on her.

Poppy let out a scoff, "Ugh, well, it's normal, Ominis! You know the theory,
no matter how hard you try to forget someone, your heart can't."

Ominis sighed, almost annoyed.

"Y/n loved Sebastian too much, Ominis. We all knew that. We all saw how
she got when he left. It's only normal to think that her brain forgot him, but
her heart is still the same." Poppy explained.

"Well, Sebastian is not here, so she won't feel much if he's never around
anymore. Sadly." Ominis sighed, the thought of losing his friend also
hurting him.

Poppy nodded, "I know."

It was a Monday morning when Y/n received an odd owl during breakfast.

Can we meet in the Quidditch field?

A. S.

"An owl?" Y/n asked herself.

"Who's it from?" Ominis asked.

Y/n stared at the initials, "...A.S..."

There were a few exchange looks from the initials and Poppy looked over
the letter herself.


Y/n thought for a moment, taking a breath, "Atticus. Atticus Sweeting."

Poppy gulped at the mention of her graduated step-brother, "No, that's

impossible. Why would he purposely send you this knowing we're here."

"Because it's a trap." Ominis let out.

"It can't be. It says Quidditch field. That's still Hogwarts grounds." Y/n
"Well, you certainly can't go alone. I am quite surprised he's appeared. This
is dangerous." Ominis breathed.

Poppy stood quiet. It was hard to speak badly about her own brother, but he
really wasn't her brother anymore. Atticus was a traitor. Switched sides

"I'll go with you. I don't think Atticus will not bear to throw an act mid-
quidditch field with us around. I am confused as well, but it's suspicious."
Poppy said nervously.

Y/n nodded, "It's not like I can take him on by myself." She smirked.

"You can't," Ominis murmured, "No offense. The Map Chamber was

Y/n sighed knowing Ominis was correct.

Atticus Sweeting was triggering, but somehow, she couldn't understand

why. Y/n knew he was bad, very bad, but his motive of wanting the magic
on the repository never made sense. There must've been something else,

"Alright. Atticus is always one step ahead, that's the problem." Y/n

It was a little after breakfast when Y/n did her switch of clothes. She hadn't
worn her battling gear in a while. It felt weird sliding it on again, but the
event was unpredictable. She was nervous.
Y/n swallowed when she confronted Ominis Gaunt and Poppy Sweeting at
the lower grand staircase.

"Ready?" Y/n asked.

Poppy stared in concern, "It's three of us. It's alright."

It was an intimidating walk for the trio. The closer they got to the quidditch
field, the more sweat developed. Yeah, it was still the school grounds, but
the fear of the once Slytherin seventh year was scary. Very scary.

"We will separate." Ominis let out.

"What?" Poppy said last minute.

"It's the safest way. I know it's still school protected, but it's a risk. Poppy
hide on one end — I stay on another, listening." Ominis ordered.

The walk felt like an eternity for Y/n.

The Quidditch field was empty. Due to the breakfast time and students
entering class; it was empty.

Deep breaths, Y/n. You cannot let him see you weak. Y/n thought to herself.

And they waited. Ominis hid on one side, listening to the silent wind while
Poppy stood on the opposite, nervous about what her step-brother held in

Only the heavy breaths of Y/n Y/l/n echoed in the huge field. Her eyes
traveled around, her heart rate increasing not knowing what to expect.

The footsteps of the owl sender were light. You can barely hear them as
they walked through that field in such a careful matter, the grass barely
moved under them.

Ominis heard them first.

Y/n sensed the figure behind, preparing herself and the fingers curling
tighter on the wand.

"Y/n?" The light voice let out.

Y/n turned rapidly and pointed her wand at the person that walked near; her
hand shaking before realization hit.

Y/n breathed heavily toward the person in front of her, un-familiarizing

with the presence and lowering her wand.

"I mean no harm,"

Y/n kept staring, confused, "Who the hell are you?"

The light hair girl stared at Y/n, almost confused herself about why she
couldn't distinguish her.
Poppy appeared, along with Ominis who walked the moment he heard the
familiar voice.

"Ominis!" The person said in awe.

Ominis finally reached toward Y/n side, breathless, and let out the first
mention at the voice.

"Anne." Ominis let out.

A.S wasn't Atticus Sweeting, it was Anne Sallow.


Hello Anne! 💚🤏🏼

PT: ten


Third Person Perspective

There was confusion everywhere. Between all four heads, there was also
silence and unanswered questions.

Anne Sallow stood mid-quidditch field eyeing Y/n Y/l/n. The new fifth year
she met last year now looking at her in confusion. The innocence of Y/n's
eyes was lost — it gave Anne enough to know something was wrong.

Poppy Sweeting felt like a bystander in the situation. She's heard rumors
about the tragic ending of the Sallow twins. How Sebastian Sallow almost
lost himself curing his sister, but Anne Sallow looked fine from Poppy's

"Anne, is that really you?" Ominis let out in question, breathless at the
unexpected arrival.

It wasn't the right time for positive exchanges and greets. The setting felt off
and, as said, it wasn't the best comeback.
"Ominis," Anne breathed, looking at the, now, tall, mature blonde in front
of her.

Ominis grew inches since the last time Anne saw him. Anne was speechless
to see that he still held that innocent posture, but his low tone of voice
seemed deep. Serious.

But Anne Sallow paid more attention to the girl in front of her. Y/n Y/l/n.
The girl her twin brother never stopped babbling about all fifth year each
time he visited. Anne was sure Sebastian Sallow was in-love.

"W-What are you doing here? Are you back? Is this real?" Ominis was still
in denial.

Ominis Gaunt did have a soft spot for Anne Sallow. Despite being his best
friend's sister, he always cared about Anne. He was devastated by her
departure, but more worried about her health — the curse that was ruining
her. Anne now sounded fine. Or maybe, it's been a long time.

"Back?" Y/n finally let out some question, "Anne?"

Anne stared, "Yes, it's...me. I know I may seem different than when you last
saw me, Y/n...but...but, I'm cured." She smiled.

Again, Y/n tried to process what Anne Sallow said to her. Should she
congratulate the stranger? Hug her? Her head was spinning in the most
negative way.

Y/n stared back, "I...I'm sorry, I don't know you."

"Anne," Ominis finally came to his senses, "There are some things that
have changed. I'm sure there's a lot to speak of, but you're cured? What?"
He said in shock.

Anne Sallow was cured, but at what cost?

Anne was still stuck on the odd behavior of Y/n, but answered Ominis,
"Yes...I—I apologize, but why doesn't Y/n remember—"

"As I said, things have changed since you and your brother have been gone.
It'll be nice to catch up privately. I'm sure, Y/n and Poppy can hold it off."
Ominis defended.

Ominis Gaunt was on the edge. He never expected Anne Sallow to show up.
Although he was extremely happy, it seemed like a weird dream to him.
Why was Anne back? What was going to happen? What was Y/n going to
do with this new arrival?

Poppy read Ominis and nodded, clearing her throat and walking toward
Y/n, "Y/n, I think this was a misunderstanding...we should head back?"

There was a pity for Y/n. She didn't know what to feel. Why did Anne
Sallow look at her that way? Why was the owl sent to her and not Ominis if
this was the case? Her brain began to increase with unanswered questions.

"No," Y/n let out, "Anne called me to meet her here, correct?" She turned to
the pale face girl beside her.

Anne stared at Ominis, but back at Y/n, "I did. My brother...Sebastian.

Sebastian Sallow. Do you know him?" She asked.
Y/n was still standing, the wand on her side just wiggling between her
fingers, closing her eyes and trying to remember where she's heard or seen
that name before.


Sebastian Sallow.

"Anne, listen, I—"

Ominis voice cut off when Y/n's head made a connection and looked over at
Anne Sallow.

"I do," Y/n said.

Poopy Sweeting rose her brows, almost afraid the memories came back
quicker than expected. Ominis Gaunt was sweating.

"I saw your brother in the Daily Prophet," Y/n frowned, "He's an escaped
Azkaban prisoner who use to be a student here." She reminded.

Everyone seemed disbelief by the knowledge Y/n Y/l/n held of Sebastian

Sallow. Just knowing him as an escaped prisoner.

Anne sighed, finally taking realization of the truth. Anne Sallow was smart,
so it wasn't hard to figure out that Y/n's memories of her own brother were

"Okay," Anne nodded, turning to Ominis, "Ominis, we do have a lot to

speak about the last year." She turned over to Y/n, "Y/n, I apologize for
taking your time. I will speak to Ominis."

Y/n was confused. That's all she felt now confusion. It was almost sad, but
her own intelligence began to distinguish that something was off now. The
last few months felt off, but it was a hard thought to process.

Y/n returned back to the school grounds with Poppy, leaving the two
Slytherins behind.

Anne Sallow and Ominis Gaunt stood there in silence for a while, facing
each other. Ominis felt so many emotions at once for having one Sallow
return to him, but the guilt of having to explain why Y/n was the way she
was now.

Anne finally took the courage to hug the blonde man. Her hands extended,
wrapping around his neck as she hugged him tightly; Ominis did the same,
hugging her back and finally feeling the friendship form again. Relief.

"You have a lot to explain, Ominis Gaunt," Anne laughed.

"I can say the same, Anne." Ominis finally smiled, "I have so many
questions." He pulled away.

Anne breathed, taking in the reality of herself being cured. She still couldn't
believe it herself, but it was also terrifying.
"You're cured...I-I can't believe it. And you're back...how?" Ominis asked.

Anne nodded, taking a breath, "I...I don't know where to start. I...I saw
Sebastian." She confessed.

Ominis stood back a moment at the news, "What? Sebastian? Y-You found

"No, he found me...well, I don't know much about what happened, but he
found me." Anne explained, "And, he brought me a remedy. To drink it."
She said.

"A potion?" Ominis rose a brow, almost not believing that a potion can cure
her right away, "A potion he brewed?"

"No," Anne said, "As I said, it was odd. We met up in the middle. I've heard
about Sebastian in the Daily Prophet. He was in Azkaban, Ominis! But
that...that you and—"

"Yes, me and Y/n broke him off. Accidentally let a few more prisoners
loose though. At least it covered his tracks for now." Ominis let out, "It
wasn't the best adventure."

"Oh, Ominis," Anne looked in guilt, "I'm so sorry. I know we debated at the
end of the fifth year to turn him in, but...I regret it. When I heard my brother
was a prisoner, I wanted to do something, but the pain was unbearable. The
traveling was too." She said.

Ominis nodded, forgiving her right away, "I-I understand, Anne, but it's
alright. I'm sure if you've seen him, you'll know he's on the run. I'm glad he
found you." He rose his arm.

"He did, Ominis, but...he didn't look the same." Anne said in sadness, "It
was also a temporary reunion. It was just...not what we expected, but the
potion...it cured me." She said again.

Ominis kept his smile at the news, "I'm happy it did. And I am happy you're
back at Hogwarts, but Sebastian?" He said in worry.

Anne sighed, "I don't know, Ominis. W-When I saw him, he seemed...tired,
and scared. When the cure worked, and I offered to help him come back
and, he refused...I didn't know why."

"What?" Ominis furrowed.

"Yeah, he said it wasn't worth it. That it wouldn't work...that he was still on
the run until things settled down. He needed to leave right away." Anne
said, "That I should return to Hogwarts and live my life."

Ominis didn't know what to feel. It's like he's heard those words before and
the memory triggered him. Why was Sebastian Sallow pushing everyone
away? Especially, his own twin sister that he mourned for the last three
years? It didn't make sense.

"I don't understand," Ominis moved his brows with many expressions,
"Why did Sebastian push everyone away? Let alone, after finally finding
you? Curing you?"

"I asked him where he got the potion vial from, but he didn't answer.
Sebastian just told me to trust him. I-I don't know, Ominis, but...he wasn't
himself." Anne said in worry.

Ominis nodded, "I-I know. I figure his experience in Azkaban might've

changed him a bit, but not this much...is he at least communicating with
you?" He asked.

Anne stared at her fingers below her, "N-Not really. He told me not to reach
out for the sake of his safety. He promised that he'll reach out on his own."

"Did Sebastian at least tell you where he'll be traveling? I'm sure by now
he's built a pattern on his stays to not get caught." Ominis asked.

Ominis was desperate for answers.

"N-No. He is not as verbal as he was, Ominis." Anne sighed.

Ominis sighed along, not understanding why Sebastian Sallow was so


"I'm also here because I had high hopes that Y/n can help, but please,
explain to me why she has no knowledge, Ominis." Anne let out, changing
the subject.

Ominis pursed his lips, "You figured it out right away."

"I was the smart one in the trio," Anne crossed her arms, "What happened,
Ominis struggled, but explained, "Sebastian didn't fill you in on at least one

"As I said, he wasn't talkative. He told me to just come back here. To at

least get a glimpse that the people he cared about were living the life they
wanted." Anne explained.

Ominis let out a faint chuckle. Yes, a chuckle, because he couldn't believe
that Sebastian really thought they will just live a normal life.

"Right, that's very Sebastian of him. Thinking it's so easy." Ominis

complained, "He left us, Anne. He broke up with Y/n and he departed from
us. No communication."

"Y/n," Anne wondered, "The way my brother always spoke about the girl...I
can only assume his departure took effect on her, correct?"

Ominis let out a huff, remembering every single thing Y/n did without
Sebastian Sallow's presence four months ago.

"Effect?" Ominis questioned, "It was ruining her, Anne. Damaging her."

Anne stared in concern.

"I held it together. Sebastian leaving was hard on me, but I can't imagine
how it was for Y/n. They spend an awful amount of time together. I believe
they loved each other a lot." Ominis explained, "I had no choice."
Anne's eyes rose more at the last sentence, "You obliviated Sebastian away
from her memories?"

Ominis shook his head, "No. I took and altered them. Her ancient magic
was getting out of control and the pain was consuming her. There was no
other route." He said in worry.

"Did Y/n really love my brother that much?" Anne said in surprise, "Did
Sebastian, my twin, become successful in being with the new fifth year to
the point where his absence affected her?"

Ominis wanted to laugh, "Oh, Anne, if only you knew."

Anne closed her eyes, "I understand, but did you at least give her time to

Ominis shrugged, "The castle would've been half gone by now if I allowed
her to heal the natural way."

Anne listened and listened to Ominis Gaunt that morning. He explained to

her how he almost gave up on himself after using dark magic. The guilt he
felt over the actions. The struggle of loneliness and how effective Sebastian
not being there was.

"So, if Y/n never met my brother, she never met me either." Anne

"I apologize. I tried to alter her memories as much as I can, but there was
only so much I can do." Ominis apologized, "I can't see them. It was more
of feeling them. It was either all of them or some. The some would've not

Anne tried understanding.

"Did you save them?"

"I did," Ominis nodded, "But, honestly," he leaned against the stands, "she's
calmer, Anne. There's a lot on her life, but...relaxed."

Anne looked down, "I mean, Sebastian is a menace in general on anyone's

life. I'm sure he manipulated her all fifth year to find me a cure. I would've
been in distress too." She joked.

Ominis nodded, "I know. Y/n did have a lot of patience."

Anne wanted to disagree with Ominis. She knew the memories would've
worked up Y/n on finding Sebastian, but what Ominis explained, it was still
fresh memories. It could've gone back to a toll again.

"Peace," Anne let out, "Y/n is at peace for now. Sebastian would've wanted
that for her. Peace." She guessed.

Ominis knew Sebastian wouldn't have wanted that, but Y/n wasn't going to
be able to wait forever. It would've killed her. That's how dangerous love
was. The word was so powerful, Ominis feared it himself. He never wanted
to experience that.

"I guess, I might have to make a new friend this year," Anne forced a smile.
Anne Sallow's seventh year at Hogwarts wasn't ideal. Befriending Y/n Y/l/n
became a bit difficult. Without Sebastian Sallow, there wasn't really much
to speak of, unless Ominis Gaunt was there — other than that, it was hard
connection based that the only thing Y/n knew about Anne was being
related to an Azkaban prisoner.

Hogwarts did take the surprise of welcoming back Anne Sallow. Some were
weirded out that the moment her twin disappeared, she returned, but after a
few weeks, things went back to normal.

Well, only for Anne Sallow, but for Y/n Y/l/n,

Y/n still slept with uncomfortable nightmares. They did decrease as the
days went by, but they were still there. Along with the faint odd dreams of a

There was once an event where Y/n and Nellie Ogspire went to the library
together to work on a Divination paper and Y/n lost concentration.

"I said I'll get you in, and I always..."


Y/n's eyes shifted up again, coming back to reality from the weird voice.

"Are you alright? You seem unwell." Nellie noticed her friend's expression.
Y/n swallowed, rubbing her head a little, "S-Sorry, I have a headache. What
were you saying?"

Nellie stared, "Nothing. If you want, we can pause here. I also have a
headache from being in the library this long. Let's call it a day!" She
gathered her books.

Y/n nodded, not hesitating to depart, and took hold of her books.

Y/n skipped dinner that afternoon. She began to sense that Ominis and
Anne started to become closer. Perhaps, it must've been for being in the
same house, but Y/n started to feel uncomfortable about the thought.

Y/n tried being understanding. Anne did reveal to her that she was here for
a few years before being sick, but that Ominis, her, and her brother,
Sebastian Sallow were all good friends in the past.

Still, Y/n tried to avoid the jealous emotions developing in her. It wasn't
toward liking Ominis Gaunt, but Y/n's relied on him the past two years, she
wasn't used to seeing him talk so much to someone else.

"Hm," Y/n said to herself when she spotted Anne and Ominis walk into the
Great Hall together.

Along with the headache that developed in the library earlier that day, she
took that time to take fresh air. She needed it. The stress of NEWTs was also
getting to her. A trip was necessary.

It was mid-October as Y/n walked through the outside grounds of the castle.
Her eyes scanned around on where to go on such a breezy afternoon.
Y/n didn't know how long she walked around those grounds, but after a
while of reaching out the castle, she found herself in a small hamlet just


Looking around, Y/n tried to familiarize herself with the setting, but it was
a bit difficult; the green floo flames signaled that she was once here, so it
wasn't new.

"Hello there!"

Y/n turned to the nearest vendor a few feet away. An old lady stood there
waving at her.

"Oh, h-hello." Y/n waved, walking over.

Y/n scanned around the vendor's items, "May I see your fares?"

"Of course!" The old lady laid out the potions on display, "We have
different kinds of potions! We have Ageing Potion, Hocus Focus Potion,
Prevention of Bearing Potion, and oh, my favorite, Calming Draught
Potion," she smiled.

"Prevention of Bearing?" Y/n questioned at the odd name.

"Oh, yes! It's a special potion intended for you, if you're husband ever
makes an accident!" The old lady let out.

Y/n rose a brow, finally taking in the realization of its meaning, "Oh."

"The side effects are very strong though, so I do recommend for you and
your husband to be careful."

Y/n laughed, "Oh, I'm not married...nor would I ever take this. It seems
dangerous." She rose her brows, "But thank you."

Y/n strolled around the small hamlet, exploring it a bit more before
realizing that the sun was setting faster and faster.

"Perhaps, I should head out soon. It's cold." Y/n shivered to herself.

As Y/n adjusted her thin sweater, her feet walked down the small mountain
in a slow matter — only the sounds of crickets echoed in the moment.

Entering the small forest to guide access back near Hogwarts, there was a
certain whistle that caught her attention.

Y/n stopped her walking, her feet crackling over the autumn leaves beneath,
and looked at the surroundings. They were dark and hard to see in.

Again, no sight.

Y/n continued her walking, hoping for the best and almost making it near
the exit. Almost.


"Protego!" Y/n screeched.

The disarming charm was curved, not taking away Y/n's wand and she
quickly breathed.

"Hm, you've advanced." A low voice let out.

Y/n's heart almost dropped at the recognizable voice. It was deeper.

Finally turning around, the figure stood behind her. A smirk on their face as
they reveal their presence after months.

"Atticus," Y/n breathed, expressing a frown as her wand raised at him.

Atticus Sweeting stood close. His dark hair seemed shorter now; his once
well-known glasses he always wore around were gone and now he was,
well, a real adult. Older. Stronger.

"Relax," Atticus rose his hands, "I won't bite."

"Depulso!" Y/n let out at him.

Atticus quickly blocked, frowning, "What did I just say?"

"Expelliarmus—stupefy," Y/n let out all the spells she knew, "Levioso,"

Atticus blocked every single one, getting closer and closer to Y/n until
reaching her inches away.

"You think you can outsmart me, princess?" Atticus leaned near her, "Put
that little magic of yours to use." He threatened.

Y/n didn't give up. The range in her from confronting Atticus Sweeting
grew, but she didn't know why. Yeah, he took her down that Map Chamber,
but where did the hate truly come from?


"That's all you got?" Atticus smirked, "Come on, use an unforgivable on
me. I'm sure your little boyfriend enjoyed teaching you those." He


The mention of the word caught Y/n off guard. Her expressions seemed to
be more revealing, letting Atticus take notice.
"Oblivious now?" Atticus chuckled, "Did I hit a nerve?"

Y/n didn't have a boyfriend. If she can only think well, the only boy-friend
she truly had was Ominis. That was her only source.

"Keep Ominis out of this," Y/n shouted, "Leave me—"

"What?" Atticus rose his brows, "Ominis? Ominis Gaunt?"

Again, Y/n stood quiet, wanting to recharge her own inner magic to finally
get Atticus Sweeting once and for all.

"Sebastian becomes an Azkaban prisoner and you get with his best friend?
Ouch," Atticus laughed.

Y/n lost focus on the ancient magic that was fueling; the once-charged
energy to hit Atticus lowered at the unrecognizable mention.

Y/n rose her head, confused, "I don't know who Sebastian is nor why I
would care about a prisoner. I just need you to stay away from me and


Y/n fell to the floor, trying her best to fight off with Occlumency. Her inner
magic working its way to fight out Atticus Sweeting from looking into her
head, but a glimpse was enough for him.
Atticus stepped away, surprised at the outcomes, and scoffed while Y/n hit
the floor in pain.

"Interesting." Atticus said, almost wanting to smile, "Very interesting.


Atticus felt more powerful than ever at the action. Y/n Y/l/n not
remembering Sebastian Sallow was the most unexpected news he could
possibly get. It was his only opportunity.

Atticus bent, feeling guilt over hurting the girl, and picked her up, "Come
on, now. It wasn't that bad."

"You piece of—"

"Shh," Atticus lifted a finger over Y/n's mouth, while holding her body
balanced from the migraine developing, "You're weak."

"Kill me now then, what are you waiting for?" Y/n fought him.

Atticus held her tightly against a tree, not losing his grip while he just stood
close to her, reading every single part of her face. Almost enough to kiss

"Where's the fun in that?" Atticus laughed, "It can't be so easy...but, I may
say, you surprise me." He smiled.

Y/n avoided looking at Atticus Sweeting. Her gaze stood to the side,
looking everywhere, but him.
"You don't even know why you hate me so much," Atticus confessed to her.
"You know that?"

Y/n ignored him knowing it was true.

"Y-You threatened me in the Map Chamber," Y/n spat out.

"Threatened you with what?" He asked, knowing that the only threat was
Sebastian Sallow.

"Y-You said," Y/n struggled with her words, not even thinking well herself,
"You will turn me in..."

"Turn you in?" Atticus asked, "Now if I did that, I wouldn't have access to
the repository at all. Why would I do something so mean to you?" He
looked in worry.

The blue in his eyes was dangerous. Very dangerous. Atticus Sweeting had
found his pinpoint to finally manipulate Y/n in her most vulnerable

Y/n stared back, trying to fight off the stare and debate why the hatred
toward the man was so strong — but her head was fried after the mind
spell. She wasn't thinking straight.

Y/n closed her eyes, feeling the ancient magic in her begin to build up
"We can work together, Y/n," Atticus said softly, "You and I...we can rule
this world together. It would benefit both of us."

Y/n swallowed, "No."

Atticus chuckled, "It's not like I'll give you a choice. Either you agree or, I'll
cast Imperio on you. I'm sure you no longer know what that spell means."
He whispered.

Y/n did, but didn't. It was complicated. She's heard about certain spells, but
she can no longer distinguish between them. She doesn't remember learning
any unforgivable.

"Atticus, let me go—"

"Shh, it's a yes or no. We can help each other..." Atticus persuade.

Y/n struggled, her magic still charging up.


Atticus rolled his eyes, "Fine, you leave me no—"

Before Atticus can finish his words and begin to cast the Imperious spell
toward Y/n, a howl cuts in the distance.

Atticus let go of Y/n's grip, turning over in the direction of the noise and
Y/n quickly took this opportunity to finally cast a very ancient move on
Atticus Sweeting and throw him down to the floor, the blue strikes hitting
him painfully against the nearest tree.

Whilst doing that, Y/n ran. She ran with the biggest headache of her life.
Her vision blurred a little from the dizziness, but she kept going out of that
small forest.

Y/n almost tripped when a white figure bothered her in the corner of her
eye. As she turned breathless, a white arctic wolf stood feet away from her
left, staring.

It was a sad moment, really. Y/n didn't have knowledge on who it could've
possibly been, so without that knowledge — she became afraid of the
animal in front of her.

"Get away," Y/n breathed, her wand pointing at the wolf.

The white wolf backed away and Y/n ran off again, scared for her life.


I wonder how Anne got cured 🤔

Sorry for a choppy chapter, I did struggle to write it well, but it'll get
better ❤️‍🩹
PT: eleven


Third Person Perspective

Y/n didn't know how long she ran away from Aranshire. She lost track of
how fast the running was until she finally reached back to the protected
Hogwarts grounds.

Things didn't get better after that. For once, Y/n hoped that her friends will
be at her rescue noticing her departure from the castle, but when re-entering
the school halls, everyone seemed in their own lives.

Poppy Sweeting stood beside her boyfriend, Garreth Weasley, laughing

during dinner. Ominis Gaunt and Anne Sallow sat across each other on the
Slytherin table speaking non-stop. Natty Onai was with Nellie Ogspire just
having laughs.

Although it was nobody's responsibility, Y/n felt alone. Lonely. That all
those favors she did for everyone the past two years meant nothing to them.
Y/n didn't want to ruin the moment. She didn't want to burst in and cut in
telling everyone Atticus Sweeting-Rookwood showed up or how she saw a
random white wolf near the castle. It was too much. Too negative.

"Sebastian becomes an Azkaban prisoner and you get with his best friend?
Ouch." Atticus voice echoed.

Sebastian Sallow, a former Hogwarts student, escaped Azkaban prisoner.

The Daily Prophet mentioned.

"—I know you weren't well about Mister Sallow's departure," Nurse Blainey
let out.

"My brother...Sebastian. Sebastian Sallow. Do you know him?" Anne Sallow


"Miss Y/l/n,"

Y/n snapped back to reality one random morning during Charms. She sat
between Anne Sallow and Ominis Gaunt. She thought being in between will
be a good division and involve herself in the conversations, but instead, she
doze off.

Y/n reddened, "I'm sorry, w-what was the question?"

"The incantation?" Professor Ronen asked.

Anne Sallow leaned to Y/n in a very sneaky way and whispered, "Finite
Y/n swallowed, "Uh, Finite Incantatem?"

Professor Ronen eyed her and nodded, "Correct."

Y/n felt relief for a moment and turned to Anne beside her, giving a forced
smile as a thanks.

It was mid-October, near November. The days were passing by slowly and
there hasn't really been an interruption in Y/n's life since Atticus Sweeting.
Was she scared though? No, not really. It was a little while after that when
she found herself in the Map Chamber and spoke to the Keepers.

"I need answers," Y/n let out on the big space.

"We've given you all we can, child," Niamh Fitzgerald let out from her
portrait, "We believe the act of occlumency will help the control of the
rampage in the mind. The magic you hold upon you can only do so much."

"And how can I have an easy access to learn occlumency and defend myself
from a Rookwood?" Y/n asked, specifically for Charles Rookwood himself.

The news of Atticus Sweeting-Rookwood did not surprise him. Charles has
adjusted to the betrayal toward his own bloodline when Victor Rookwood
was mentioned, so Atticus going along was expected.

"You will need to complete a trial." Charles Rookwood informed her.

Y/n closed her eyes at the mention of a trial. She hadn't done one in a while
and each trial was more difficult and difficult. It was bizarre.
"From what you explained, you've taken steps similar to Isadora. Taking
people's pain. That wasn't something to be destined to do with this magic."
San Bakar let out.

Y/n felt caught at her previous actions, "I didn't mean to take Hector
Malfoy's pain that way. I saved him."

"That is what Isadora tried doing for her father and the results were not
well. Same with you." San Bakar reminded.

The reminder of taking away Hector Malfoy's emotions haunted Y/n until
this day. It was something she regretted, of course, but it was a scary action
out of her control.

"You can complete the trial to gain if you're worthy of the occlumency
access. Your levels of magic are too powerful." Percival Rackham let out.

"I don't feel powerful." Y/n let out.

"Do not underestimate yourself, child." Niamh explained, "You will see."

Y/n hesitated, but knew she didn't have a choice. There was only so much
she can do now to search for answers.

"Alright. Tell me what to do." Y/n breathed.

The trail was awful. And by awful, it was dangerous, exhausting, and
without the proper amount of potions to help her survive, she almost failed
multiple times. It was an unprepared moment, but Y/n barely managed it.

"I almost died." Y/n breathed, almost out of breath.

"Your abilities are weak," A keeper pointed out to her post-trial, "You did
not take the proper use of spells learned."

"I used all the," Y/n held her chest, trying to find the last Wigglewand
potion in her pocket, "I used all the powerful ones I knew."

San Bakar stared at the seventh year student through his portrait; he sense a
weird aura from Y/n and questioned her.

"What's the most powerful spell you knew?"

"Diffindo." Y/n answered.

"Are you aware your magic at this moment holds enough power, almost
balancing Isadora's, meaning Hector Malfoy wasn't the only victim of
extracting pain?" San questioned.

Y/n thought to herself, "That is impossible. I don't recall any other event of
ever performing the unpredictable magic."
The Keepers almost looked over each other through the portraits. A
concerned look on their face from the information given.

"Child," Niamh let out, "You have the power to perform occlumency now.
You've proven yourself in that trial. Close your eyes and concentrate."

Y/n stood in the middle of the Map Chamber, listening to the female keeper
and closing her eyes shut.



"With enough emotional control, you can access your own mind. Look over
your life in a sensitive matter. Control the events people shall avoid seeing.

Eyes closed, Y/n almost scared herself when the ability to explore her own
memories began to flash behind her eyes; glimpses of her friends, Hogwarts
and etc from the last years flashed — within the flashes stood pitch-black
bubbles that didn't show. There was darkness for a while in her mind.
Nothing. Then it went to flashes of deaths, killing, and trauma making her

Y/n stood on her knees in the middle of the Map Chamber. The region map
glowed beneath her as she struggled with her last breath and looked up.

"Why is there a lot of black?" Y/n asked.

"I believe some events of your life seem to be altered." San Bakar let out,
"If occlumency was done correctly, you needed to be able to see everything.
If not, your head was invaded."

"Yes, by Atticus." Y/n murmured.

"No." Charles Rookwood defended, "Rookwoods do not hold the specifics

of the special dark magic that was invaded in your head. A Rookwood can
perform legilimens successfully, but we don't hold the power to alter or
extract memories." He explained.

Y/n stood silent at the moment, thinking about the fact that there was an
actual invasion in her head.

"Dark magic?" She said in fear.

"You heard right," A voice called out from the distance.

Y/n turned quickly, looking at the figure across.

It had been a while. The last time she saw Atticus Sweeting. she casted a
successful ancient spell on him, hurting him enough to run away.

Y/n revealed her wand, and breathed, "You're not supposed to—" as she
turned back to the Keepers, they were gone.

It almost seems as if, when someone unknown entered the Map Chamber,
the Keepers will naturally disappear for the safety.
Atticus Sweeting didn't fight. There was no point. He witness the truth of
what was happening to Y/n Y/l/n. He wasn't the enemy in her head. Charles
Rookwood himself let it out.

"Do I really have to finish you off once and for all, Atticus?" Y/n said in

Y/n already felt weakened from the previous trial that morning but with all
the anger and the news on what was happening, her inner magic was

Atticus didn't hold his wand back, instead, his arms rose slowly, almost
bowing at Y/n and getting on a knee.

"I am not your enemy, Y/n," Atticus said softly, "You heard the keeper. A
Rookwood doesn't have the ability to extract your head. All I did was
explore, but you learned occlumency." He let out.

It was the truth. Charles Rookwood did say there wasn't an ability for his
bloodline to do that. A keeper doesn't lie, so it would only make sense that
Atticus wasn't the one that messed with her head.

"Not my enemy?" Y/n scoffed, in denial, "You threaten me over the

repository. You're dangerous. And I would not hesitate to fight you." She

Atticus remained calm. Was he triggered? Of course, but the detail of

manipulating her seemed easier. Plus, it was interesting to know that
whoever took away Sebastian Sallow's memories from Y/n did him a favor.
"What's there to fight?" Atticus still stayed on his knee, "You heard me last
month, the repository can be ours. Together. I would not lie to you about

Y/n's heart raced. With the post-trial and everything happening at once, her
emotions were ranging inside that Map Chamber.

Taking the opportunity of Atticus Sweeting on the floor, Y/n waved her
wand casting Descendo on him.

Atticus was caught off guard, not expecting her to throw in spells right
away and hit the floor flatly.

Y/n ran near him, bending and taking her wand against Atticus neck and
holding him down with strength.

"You're lying," Y/n said.

Atticus didn't feel threatened by Y/n. He knew she wasn't capable of

instantly killing him. Although she maintained more power, from knowing
her, it wasn't going to happen.

"You've—gotten—stronger from when we last t-talked," Atticus smirked at

the actions, "Proud of you."

Y/n breathed heavily over him.

"That trial strengthened you." Atticus let out, "You know how much you
can do with more power?"
"I don't want to know," Y/n screeched, her wand still against his neck, "I
just want to know why you're here. How did you get in?"

Atticus struggled to talk from the force, "P-Perhaps, if you let me go, I can
explain myself. You can even take my wand if you do not trust me."

Y/n stared, "I will. Give me your wand."

"Left pocket," Atticus looked down.

Y/n didn't hesitate to take hold of the black wand and stood up, finally
gaining the confidence on not getting hurt or fooled by the former Slytherin

Atticus stood up with a groan, wiping his black clothes and adjusting his
coat. His posture stood up hovering over Y/n and looking down at her with
a smirk.

"You're not going to tie me up next?" He joked, "You're really going to risk
it all—"

"Diffindo," Y/n whispered.

Atticus groaned out again, a harsh slash developing on his left arm, ripping
through his coat and cutting his own skin.
"Why are you following me? How do you have access here?" Y/n
questioned, ignoring the injuries that she was causing.

Atticus held a hand on his bleeding arm and handled the pain, "We've been
here before. Due to being a hidden repository state that Hogwarts doesn't
know about, we can apparate." He explained.

"How did you know I was here?" Y/n stared.

"I've apparated every day until I got my luck. It wasn't going to be long
until you reached here. It is your safe place now." Atticus squinted.

"And you're invading it," Y/n said harshly. "You shouldn't be here."

"I should actually," Atticus defended, "I am a Rookwood descendant. It was

my birthright to take hold of that repository in the first place." He informed.

Y/n sighed, getting a form flashback of Victor Rookwood telling her the
exact same thing outside Ollivander's wand shop.

"That's what your father also said," Y/n said in hatred, "And when I refused,
he tried to kill me." She recalled.

Atticus brought his posture back up from Y/n's face and took a breath at the
reminder, "Kill you? You think I will do that?"

"Like father, like son." Y/n said bluntly.

Atticus chuckled, "Not quite. You see, I understand my father was harsh. I
didn't have the best relationship with him. I'm not like him."

Y/n wanted to laugh now.

"I see you have every right not to trust me."

"I do have every right." Y/n agreed.

"You do, but," Atticus licked his lips, "You shouldn't trust your friends
either." He warned.

Y/n swallowed, wanting to ignore him.

"I'll be more worried about the people that are close to you than your
potential enemies. Because, I, I'm honest about my motives. But you're
friends? They betrayed you." Atticus pointed out.

"They didn't," Y/n lifted her wand.

Y/n wanted to disagree with Atticus, but maybe, he was right. In the last
few weeks, nobody has really reached out to her. Everyone is living their
own lives and after finding out about the gap in her head, things felt weird.
What was she missing?

"Who's here to save you?" Atticus asked, looking around.

Y/n looked down.

"Exactly." Atticus smiled, "You see, as it was said, only a dark powerful
wizard can wield the dark spell that was used on your pretty little head of
yours." He lifted a finger.

Y/n slapped Atticus hand away from reaching her head and he backed away.

"Whoa, relaxed precious," Atticus rose a hand, "You've learned occlumency

now, didn't you? Don't you want to practice?"

"No." Y/n declared.

Atticus sighed, "Fine. I already know what gap is missing anyway." He


Y/n pointed her wand near Atticus leg, casting another slashing spell,
making him bend on a knee.

Atticus let out a painful whimper and laughed it off, "If you want me to
praise you so bad, you can just ask."

"Give me reasons not to end you, Atticus." Y/n let out.

"Because I know who took away your memories," Atticus answered, "And,
well, I mean, why would you want to end me when I hold so much
Y/n struggled to believe him, "Who took my memories?"

Atticus stared up, his blue eyes gazing at Y/n. Sadly, there was something
about the innocent act that Atticus Sweeting was able to project. With those
few seconds of expressing in a manipulating way and distracting Y/n, he

Y/n stared at Atticus for just one second, losing focus before he took hold of
his wand in Y/n's pocket and flipped over his body, taking hold of Y/n.

"Ah, tricked you long enough," Atticus smiled.

Atticus held Y/n near the nearest wall again, one hand holding her small
ones to not break loose and the other one holding the wand near her cheek.

Y/n gulped, "I hate you."

"No, you don't. You have no reason to hate me." Atticus let out.

They were both quiet for a moment and Atticus struggled.

"I wish I could've cast Imperio when I had the chance. When you didn't use
your little magic on me and took away my ability to produce any curse for a
while." Atticus confessed.

Y/n wanted to raise her brows at the news. She didn't know ancient magic
was capable of doing that. All she thought was that it either killed people or
hurt them in a certain way, but not take abilities. Was it intention?
"I can't kill you," Atticus confessed, "Even if I wanted to, I can't." He
frowned to himself, "You're the only person capable of wielding that magic
and opening it."

"Why do you want it so bad? It's not the best choice." Y/n confessed, "It's

"Then why do you have it?" Atticus said eagerly.

"I don't know," Y/n said, "It's not worth it."

Atticus rolled his eyes, "How funny of you."

"How funny of you," Y/n said back.

Atticus stared at Y/n. Again, his blue eyes tried to seduce her in a way.

By now, Y/n got the cue. Atticus Sweeting was looking for affection. That
was his way to go all seventh year, being with someone all the time. Being
a player. That's what he wanted. To praise his ego and power.

Y/n parted her lips, looking into the blue in his eyes before going down to
his pink lips and back up. That's all she had to do really. Not even try.

Atticus fell for it, his breath increasing and as he got closer Y/n used her
dodge roll technique, slipping off Atticus and vanishing to the opposite side
of the Map Chamber away from him.
Atticus closed his eyes, letting out a huff and turning, "You tricked me."

Y/n held her wand tightly, preparing for a fight, but Atticus stood there.

"I learned it from you." Y/n frowned.

Atticus chuckled, "Ha, which is exactly why we're meant to be."

"We're not, Atticus." Y/n said, "So, it's better if you leave me alone."

"You know I can never leave you alone." Atticus let out, "Because you're
already alone. Your friends betrayed you. You're lonely."


"True friends don't take your memories. They don't leave you behind."
Atticus kept going.

"Stop!" Y/n closed her eyes, casting a powerful spell toward Atticus.

When her eyes re-opened the cast of the spell came back and Atticus
Sweeting was no longer in the Map Chamber. He apparated before getting

Y/n stood there breathless, and as Atticus Sweeting said, alone.

"Y/n! Hey! You just missed out. We came back from Hogsmeade." Garreth
let out.
Y/n had just come back from the dungeons. She seemed distressed and
tired, but looked around toward her friends.

She didn't want to let Atticus Sweeting's words get to her, but for some
reason, the more she thought about her summer up to now, the more
suspicious she got.

"Well, at least you guys had fun." Y/n gave a half-smile before walking
away, "Have you seen Ominis?"

Poppy shook her head, "Hm, no. He didn't come to Hogsmeade with us."

"Wasn't he roaming around with Anne around the DADA tower?" Garreth

Defense Against the Dark Arts tower. That's all it took for Y/n to figure out
what specific location they might've been in.

No, it was impossible. Ominis wouldn't reveal the Undercroft to anyone

else, right? From what Y/n remembered, it was just a secret between him
and her.

The thought of Ominis and Anne made her stomach turn. Not in a romantic
way toward Ominis, but was she really losing him too? Over a new student?
Well, Anne Sallow wasn't new, but despite her brother being an escaped
prisoner and apparently being cursed, she was too comfortable.
Y/n walked angrily down that Defense Against the Dark Arts tower. She
couldn't understand why her emotions were displaced, but so much went on
in one day, she was exhausted and nobody noticed.

When Y/n arrived on the ground familiar floor, she found it empty. Perhaps,
she was there before they were — Ominis did mention that he knew when
someone was there, so it shouldn't be long before he took notice.

Y/n hadn't been in the Undercroft for months. Ominis said that it was
usually only used for secretive meetings or hideouts, but that rarely
happened now.

The setting felt nostalgic. The recognizable painting of Isadora Morganach

stood on the side wall. The empty canvas set Y/n's attention. In front of it
stood a pensive.

"Please, talk to the keepers, if not for me then—"

"Y/n?" A light voice let out.

Y/n turned around and brought herself back to reality by looking at the
small setting and confronting the person that entered the Undercroft.

Anne Sallow stood there, almost welcoming at Y/n's presence, but Y/n
reacted the opposite.

How could he? How could Ominis Gaunt allow another person into the
Undercroft? It was their thing.
"Anne? W-What are you doing here?" Y/n asked.

Anne also looked at her, "Uh, I usually come here once in a while."

"Who showed you this place?" Y/n said, her heart beating faster than usual.

Anne stood there, looking around. Anne Sallow has known the Undercroft
more than Y/n and Y/n knew that, but with the loss of memories, it was

"O-Ominis did. Second—"

"Ugh," Y/n sighed, "Are you serious? Is he going to tell you all our—"

"Anne? Y/n?" Another voice joined.

Ominis entered, his wand in place as he detected both girls under.

Y/n looked over to Ominis, not holding back anymore, "I thought the
Undercroft was between you and I, Ominis."

Ominis furrowed his brows, confused at Y/n's words, but then realized.

"It is...but...."

"But?" Y/n asked, "Are you just going to give the new Sallow girl all our
secrets? What's next?"
Ominis sighed, "Y/n, it's not what you think."

"Okay, then tell me what you think. From what I remember, you made an
oath that nobody between us will ever introduce another person in the
Undercroft. I kept that promise." Y/n fought.

"It's not his fault," Anne joined in, "Y/n, listen, it's a bit more complicated
than you think, but—"

"You don't get to have a say in this," Y/n turned to Anne, "You think you
can just come back to Hogwarts and steal my friends? My life? My access
to the Undercroft? Seriously?" Y/n frowned.


"What Ominis? It's not fair. You've changed a lot since she came. I get it,
stuff happens, but you pushed me away." Y/n looked at the blonde man.

Ominis Gaunt felt guilty as hell. Why wouldn't he? There was so much to
say, but Y/n was already taking in more feelings again. It would only
become worst if the truth was revealed.

"I apologize, Y/n," Ominis pointed his hand to his chest for pity, "I did give
Anne access to the Undercroft, but it's just her. It's been like this since the
second year."

"You said it was between us. Nobody else." Y/n corrected.

"I did, but when Anne returned, stuff changed, and...well, she knew about it
before you." Ominis let out.

Y/n felt embarrassed for a moment. Her face redden and all she can feel is
heat from the information being given.

"Trust me, I didn't mean to—"

"Trust you?" Y/n rose a brow, "Can I even trust you or anyone anymore?
You guys are keeping stuff from me. I feel it." She fought.

Anne stood silent, looking over to Ominis.

"What are you on about?" Ominis frowned.

Y/n didn't have enough information to gather on who to blame, the lack of
trust was there. It was confusing her. Driving her insane.

"You tell me, Ominis." Y/n sighed.

There was silence between the three bodies and Y/n closed her eyes, letting
out a loud sigh.

"Look Y/n, we want to apologize for—"

"We?" Y/n repeated, "Anne can talk for herself, Ominis." She turned to the
light brown hair girl beside her.
Anne Sallow wasn't offended in any way. She knew the truth. Anne knew
exactly why Y/n acted the way she did. If anything, pity was all she felt
toward it. There was so much they can do, but it was better for her.

Would Anne have taken Y/n's memories? No. She believed Y/n would've
healed properly the natural way. Maybe, if Anne returned on time, she
would've loved to help Y/n through it. That her brother will return one day.
To give her hope. There was hope now, but Y/n didn't know that anymore.
Sebastian was well. He updated Anne recently.

"Y/n is right, Ominis..." Anne said in guilt, "She doesn't deserve this. The
treatment, and Y/n," Anne turned to Y/n, "I truly apologize. It was never my
intention to make you feel left out. I wanted to be your best friend. That was
all. We still can."

Y/n didn't know what to believe anymore.

"I understand your frustration," Ominis let out.

Ominis did understand Y/n. He use to feel that way with Sebastian and Y/n
all of the fifth year. Feeling left out and angry with himself for losing his
friend to someone else. It only made sense that he felt guilty about what he
did. It was an awful feeling.

"We can talk it out., Y/n" Ominis suggested.

Does Y/n want to talk it out? Of course, but her emotions were all over the
place and so much happened. She wanted a breather.
"Y-You're right," Y/n gulped, "I'm sorry. I-I...I might've miscommunicated.
For now, it'll be nice if I can get a bit of privacy." She let out.


Anne tugged Ominis, cutting him off, "Of course. The Undercroft has more
meaning to you than it ever did to me. You have more power over it than
Ominis himself."

"What?" Ominis frowned.

Anne giggled, "Ominis, it's alright. Y/n wants to be alone. And Y/n," Anne
turned to her again, "We are here. I'll love to talk with you, hang with you.
I'm sorry again if you felt left out."

Y/n felt guilty now for the way Anne Sallow spoke. Why was she so nice?
How can someone so innocent as her be cursed? Who would do such a
thing like that? It was harsh.

"Thank you." Was all Y/n can manage to say.

"I'm here Y/n, remember that." Ominis let out, "I would never leave you
out. I just thought you needed space. That's all."

Y/n nodded, "It's alright...I'll see you guys for dinner." She forced a smile.

As the two Slytherins departed from the Undercroft, Y/n stood by herself
again in the underground space.
It was admirable really. It was fun to have a secretive place to do whatever
you want and nobody knowing about it. The dimmed lights and silence
made the setting feel peaceful and relaxing.

Y/n walked slowly around the space, scanning around and trying to
remember what things Ominis and her might've possibly done, but for some
reason, she couldn't remember.

Y/n was now aware there was a gap in her head, but she tried looking for
patterns on what was not remembered, but it was difficult.

The Undercroft was huge and spacious. Y/n didn't know where to sit down
once and for all. There were barrels, chairs, candles, etc.

"Books?" Y/n whispered to herself looking at the stacks of books and

laughing to herself.

It was a good half hour just wandering around the Undercroft. It was
relaxing. The alone time. It did help ease off her emotions and Y/n was
prepared to exit out and hang with her friends again.

As Y/n's shoes clicked on the cemented, dusty floor she almost tripped on a
small cling that echoed under her feet.

Y/n looked down, seeing a piece of metal stuck on her shoe, and bent to
take hold of it.

Her fingers lifted the item, revealing it to be a piece of jewelry. It was a

bracelet full of a few charms that were hanging from it.
A butterbeer and a miniature-sized golden snitch hung in an adorable way
making Y/n giggle.

"Hm," Y/n looked at the last charm, the one that almost poked through her
shoe and got stuck, "Pointy...a fang," she whispered.

Y/n stood in the middle of that Undercroft staring intensely at the bracelet,
asking herself a few questions about who it belonged to.

Her small fingers repeatedly examined the interesting artifact, mesmerized

by its beauty.

It was funny how the universe worked. How Y/n's fingers repeatedly and
accidentally tapped the charms multiple times. Three times to be more

The wolf fang glowed for a moment and Y/n blinked, wondering if it was
just in her head or if the charm actually reacted in a way.


Y/n's eyes lifted from a certain noise behind her and the bracelet stood in
her hand before turning around slowly.


Sebastian Sallow stood in front of her. The moment finally came. Y/n
calling him, but at what cost?
The bracelet fell off Y/n's hand from the shock of confronting the man in
front of her and a gasp escaped her mouth.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Was all Y/n can say.

PT: twelve - part one


Third Person Perspective

April 24th
15 Days Before The Separation

"You need to go back to Hogwarts, Y/n." Sebastian Sallow let out.

Sebastian didn't want Y/n to leave. Why would he? After a torturous
journey through Azkaban, and finally having the love of his life in his arms,
why would he encourage her to leave?

"Huh?" Y/n let out, barely getting her sense into place after a long night.

Sebastian was guilty. It wasn't even debatable. He wasn't well in the head
and he feared that it was going to be an ongoing traumatizing healing. After
hurting Y/n during a nightmare, he didn't want to risk it again.
"I don't have a wand yet, but I took hold of yours while you slept. I healed
you before you left." Sebastian let out minutes later.

It took lots of courage to not hate himself healing the marks he left. It
wasn't intentional, but as Sebastian thought, he wasn't right in his head,

"Thank you." Y/n let out grabbing her wand slowly.

Sebastian eyed Y/n. There was a gut feeling that things wouldn't go well. Of
course, he wanted to continue those secretive adventures. He loved them.
The sneakier the better, but he also debated the risk.

"I don't want to go," Y/n sighed.

"This isn't a choice, Y/n," Sebastian said, "As much as I appreciate you
here, you are known." He caressed her cheek.

Y/n Y/l/n was known. Sebastian Sallow always asked himself how he was
successful in making the new fifth year his. It was still a bizarre fact to
think about. It was the only thing that kept him positive.

After a few emotional exchanges of weakened words and love, Y/n adjusted
to her departure that morning, forcibly.

"I'm going to miss you." Y/n looked over to her boyfriend.

Sebastian looked at her, always mesmerized by the looks, and force a smile
out of himself knowing it wasn't going to be easy being by himself until she
was back.

"Me too, Y/n,"

"I need to see you again. I don't care what risks it takes. I need to see you."
Y/n let out again.

"You will," Sebastian said in confidence, "Once I find a place, I will let
Ominis know. I wish I can owl you, but it's dangerous."

"I know." Y/n closed her eyes.

Sebastian was already missing Y/n and she hadn't left. He loved her too
much and waiting another few days to find another secretive place felt like
forever. He wished she could stay, but it would be a risk.

Sebastian bent a little, placing a gentle kiss on Y/n's forehead. The fear of
hurting her again after the precious night still haunted him. She seemed so
fragile to him at the moment.

"Be safe, Y/n. Don't worry too much about me."

"That's impossible." Y/n scoffed.

"I will see you soon, okay?" Sebastian reminded.

Y/n hesitated, also eager to stay with him, but listened, "Okay, I love you,
Sebastian wanted to keep kissing her, tell her he loved her so much, but
again, he was afraid of hurting her. He didn't know why. His head was just
messed up.

"I love you too, Y/n." Sebastian whispered.

And Sebastian watched Y/n leave from Bainburgh's small space in a safe
matter that morning.

It was a few hours ahead that very same day. It was no longer morning, but
late afternoon. Sebastian Sallow stood near the small kitchen cooking
himself a small meal in a pot pretending like the trauma of dementors
wasn't eating him up inside.

As his posture was focused on the fire-lit process, an odd noise crackled
from the outside of the home, making Sebastian stop his actions and look

His senses were weak. It was normal. Post-Azkaban was horrible and it
takes weeks, months, and even years to recover, so the lack of quick
reflexes was gone temporarily.

Sebastian trusted Ominis on enchanting the home with protective spells. At

this rate, he still couldn't believe the risk his own best friend took for him.
Letting his guard down and using dark magic for the safety of everyone. He
owed him so much.

Again, an unusual noise came from the outside.

No, it's impossible to get caught, yet. Perhaps, it's Ominis? Sebastian
thought to himself. Ominis did have random visits.

There was usually nobody in Bainburgh. At least four homes were there,
and the villagers were old. The possibilities of being spotted were low.

Sebastian wiped his fingers with the nearest cloth and stood still for a
moment. He debated to himself whether it was all in his head or not. He
couldn't tell the difference between reality and illusion.

"Silence," Sebastian breathed.

The silence was only fifteen seconds. Just fifteen before the entrance door
was able to unlock and the wooden entry flew open.

Sebastian Sallow breathed out at the presence not even knowing how to
react. How could he? He thought it was a hallucination. It was said his
worst nightmares were becoming reality.

"Ah, that was a struggle,"

Sebastian looked around, gulping as he tried to find his wand, wanting to

fight away from the person.

"Every Azkaban prisoner is wandless. Behave."

Sebastian was angry. Annoyed. Triggered. How was it possible?

"Not my hands," Sebastian spat out, preparing for a fight and walking
toward Atticus Sweeting, but he was unsuccessful.

Atticus casted a throwing spell and Sebastian's body slammed against the
near wall beside the fireplace, almost burning himself.

Sebastian groaned out, watching as his elbows bled from the injuries.

"As I said, behave." Atticus stared down.

Of course, Sebastian Sallow did not listen to any word coming from his
enemy. Instead, his body fought and struggled, getting the nearest pot he
was cooking in and throwing it over Atticus.

Atticus dodged and stood in the middle of that abandoned home unfazed by
any action that came out of Sebastian.

"Hm," Atticus smirked, "You know all you are doing is torturing yourself

"Piss off, Atticus." Sebastian spat out.

"No." Atticus said bluntly, "Seems like putting you in Azkaban wasn't as
successful as I thought. Sucks," he sighed, "But good thing, I always have a
plan b."

Without thinking, Sebastian threw himself at Atticus Sweeting, wanting to

punch him, but due to the lack of strength Sebastian still had, even after Y/n
tried her best to take away the pain, it wasn't enough to fight.

Frowning, Atticus threw over Sebastian's body again, "Hm, you really want
me to finish you? Where's the fun in that?"

Atticus lifted his wand, keeping Sebastian against that floor and using a
spell to conjure a venom-burning rope and wrap it around Sebastian.

Sebastian bit the inside of his cheek, almost making it bleed as he fought
the pain and burning sensation of the enchanted rope around him. It almost
gave him flashes of the torturous memory in Azkaban.


"Just reassuring you on your little prison break," Atticus joked.

Sebastian was angry. The reminder of Atticus Sweeting-Rookwood being

the reason he was living this risk drove him insane. The second heartbeat in
him wanted to come out, but the rope was too strong.

"Bad dog," Atticus noticed the expression, "You will be unsuccessful, so

stop it."

"What do you want?" Sebastian growled, still fighting off the rope, but the
more he moved the more it worsen.

Atticus sat on the nearest sofa, relaxing and closing his eyes for a moment.
Head leaning back over the ceiling and smiling, "Ah,"
Calm, Sebastian. Control, Sebastian. Sebastian said to himself.

After taking his moment of relaxation, Atticus Sweeting brought his posture
up and sat down on the floor, looking down at Sebastian Sallow and

"You know, I can easily tell the ministry about your little hide and seek,"
Atticus looked around, "Wasn't very secretive, hm,"

Sebastian kept his frown, wanting to ignore him and pretend like the
thought of being in an Azkaban cell wasn't flipping his stomach.

"It would've been interesting to look in your little head of yours just like I
did to your girlfriend's...but, I don't need to. It's obvious she broke you out."
Atticus informed, "True love, I guess?"

"You leave her alone," Sebastian wiggled, not caring about the rope burning

He was used to the pain. It was numbing him at that point. Driving him

"Unsure about that," Atticus wondered, "You're leaving her alone." He

leaned closer to Sebastian.

Sebastian wanted to laugh. Was this a joke? Listening to Atticus Sweeting?

He'll rather take any risk than ever listen to a man like him.
"Funny, isn't it?" Atticus asked, "But, as I said, plan b."

Atticus stood up, adjusting his coat and standing right above Sebastian
Sallow. Crossing his arms and letting out a huff.

"I have a deal," Atticus let out, "More like a proposition."

Sebastian scoffed, "I will never make any fucking agreement with you. You
can go to hell." He spat.

"A bit brave, don't you think?" Atticus rose a brow, "I have your entire life
in the palm of my hand, Sallow. I can easily send your ass to Azkaban and
take your girl."

"Y/n will never trust you." Sebastian fought.

"Hmh," Atticus ignored, "No. Knowing how stubborn she is, her little
magic will break you out, again." He sighed in annoyance.

Sebastian leaned, looking down and feeling guilt from everything Y/n
must've done to save him.

"Anyways," Atticus clapped his hands together, walking back and forth on
the small area, "A deal. So yes, or yes?"

"No." Sebastian refused.

"Oh, trust me. You're going to want to hear this proposal." Atticus said

"I don't care. Send me to Azkaban if you want. I shall never make a—"

"Not even for your sister, Anne?" Atticus said in awe.

That felt like Sebastian Sallow's last straw. He fought and fought in those
ropes, but all they did was keep burning his skin over and over. He almost
had an awake nightmare of bad flashbacks, but the anger just ignored it.

"What do you know about my s-sister?!" Sebastian frowned.

Maybe, Atticus was manipulating him. Maybe, he didn't know anything

about Anne and wanted to trigger him. It would only make sense. He was
an expert at that.

Atticus's eyes looked up, wandering, "What don't I know?" He laughed, "I
know she's struggled a lot. Almost feel bad for her. She's cursed. How sad."
He pouted.

Control, Sebastian.

"Your father cursed my sister." Sebastian said under his breath teeth, "But
I'm sure you know that." He frowned.

"Of course, I do," Atticus said bravely, "What was his saying? Children
should be seen, not heard?"
"Stop," Sebastian closed his eyes.

"But I'm not finished, we just started," Atticus said, "I'm in charge here,

Sebastian sighed, giving up on the fight.

"The Sallows. You know," Atticus lifted a finger, "I told Y/n this, but it'll be
funny if I tell you too. I was in her ear while my hands were around her
beautiful neck,"

Sebastian breathed heavily knowing he had also done something similar to

Y/n a few hours back.

"My father cursed Anne Sallow for life, and I cursed Sebastian Sallow to
Azkaban...that's what the Sallow twins are destined to," Atticus repeated

Gulped. That's all Sebastian could do. It almost seems scary to hear that

"Smart, right?" Atticus asked.

Sebastian stood silent.

"You see, the benefit of being a Rookwood is very interesting, actually,"

Atticus confessed, "I use to be ashamed, but really, my father held a lot of
knowledge. His plans, his army, connections...the creation of his own
spells...curses that only he can break." He listed.

Sebastian's hazel eyes looked up at the last mention. No, it wasn't possible.

"It just runs in the Rookwood bloodline," Atticus stated.

They both stood silent for a moment as Atticus Sweeting debated his plan.

"My father believed...Anne Sallow should be cursed for life. Until the very
last wince of pain is felt. Forever." Atticus whispered, "Nobody in this
world can cure her."

Chills. That's all Sebastian felt. The memory of spending the last two years
of his life risking himself, along with Y/n Y/l/n to search for something that
wouldn't even work in the end. It was a waste of time.

"Sad." Atticus noticed, "She'll die on the coastline of the highlands." He

clicked his tongue.

"You know where she is," Sebastian said in a low tone, holding in his
emotions at the mention of his sister.

Atticus turned, "Of course. I always find what I'm looking for. It was funny
really, but...there's no progress. Sorry for the disappointment. She's dying in
that village she's hiding in." He shrugged.

"I don't need your bloody pity," Sebastian murmured.

"You will, because," Atticus lifted his posture up again, "I'm a Rookwood,
remember? My father's blood runs in me. Only a Rookwood can cure Anne
Sallow. It's just common sense."

The information shifted Sebastian. There was a cure after all but from the
enemy itself. He knew things weren't going to be easy.

"My father and I did have differences, although, I would've loved to see you
suffer with the loss of your twin...it would've been too easy." Atticus

"You're cold." Sebastian murmured at the mean words.

"I'm not finished, am I?" Atticus turned, "From what I heard, you will do
anything to cure Anne. Anything. I mean, you took good use of that fifth
year for the sake of a cure, didn't you?"

"It wasn't like that," Sebastian disagreed.

Sebastian still held guilt about that too. It was something that will never
leave his mind. Making Y/n think he was using her — but, every moment of
every day of that year...he never felt happy in his life. It was the memories
and excuses of wanting to see her at that point. He liked her.

"You were benefiting from her love and her magic. I don't blame you,"
Atticus smiled, "You were smart, but that's my job now."

Sebastian looked up at Atticus trying to make a connection with his words.

The mention of Y/n and Anne wasn't correlating. His head wasn't able to
solve the puzzle of what Atticus Sweeting was about to propose.

"You want to save your sister, correct?"

Of course. Always. Sebastian will do anything to save Anne, but at what


"I do. I always do." Sebastian let his guard down, being honest and begging,
"Cure her. I'll do anything."

Atticus stepped back from the beg, "Ah, that was easy. I know you'll do
anything...so, of course, I'll give you the cure to save your twin, but there's a
deal, Sallow."

Sebastian knew it wasn't going to be easy at all. He knew. His heart already
skipped faster than ever even before Atticus can speak. What life risk was
he going to take for the health of Anne Sallow?

"I'll take it." Sebastian said not hesitating.

"You haven't even heard it and you're agreeing?" Atticus smirked.

Sebastian shrugged, "W-What do you want me to do, Sweeting? I know you

won't make it easy."

"You know me so well now," Atticus nodded, "I could've easily casted
Imperio on you right now, but where's the fun in that? I'll rather you force
yourself and feel those feelings in a raw matter."
Again, Sebastian was confused.

Atticus took a breath, looking at Sebastian, "End it."

"What?" Sebastian asked at the one word.

"End it with her. Leave her. And never come back." Atticus ordered, "And I
need you to prove to me your loyalty that you won't ever contact her,

The name didn't even have to be mentioned. Sebastian knew exactly what
Atticus Sweeting meant. He expected him to order him everything. Kill,
steal, etc, but leave Y/n? Forever?

Sebastian, for the first time in his life, debated the choice of saving his
sister or staying with Y/n Y/l/n.

"No. There has to be—"

"Yes, or yes?" Atticus reminded, "Either you leave Y/n for good and I cure
your sister while you're on the run or I'll just send your ass to Azkaban.
Your sister dies. Simple. I'll still get the girl."

Sebastian was nauseated at the thought. He wanted to vomit just thinking

about Atticus with Y/n. But he also felt sick of losing his sister. He needed
to see her again.

"It's a good offer. You'll be on the run...I have connections of people that
can take you in. It would only be fair, but you need to lose that connection
with Y/n." Atticus said.

Sebastian breathed heavily wanting to develop a panic attack from the

thinking that was in his head.

"What would you do with her?" Sebastian asked.

Atticus grew a smile again, "She'll be safe, don't worry. I won't kill her.
That's all you should know."

Sebastian sighed.

"Wow," Atticus laughed, "You will rather let your sister, Anne Sallow,
die...your own blood face death over a girl you've known for two years?
Really?" He rose his brows.

Sebastian swallowed.

Sebastian loved Y/n. A lot, but every plan has a loophole, right? That was
Sebastian's mindset. Although his mindset was bad, he didn't think straight.
He needed an easy route. What was harder? A breakup or losing the last
family member in his life?

Sebastian looked up, taking one last gulp and agreeing, "Okay, deal."

"Deal what?"
His lips trembled, looking down, "I will break up with Y/n. Leave her. For
good. I would not come back to her, but I will save my sister."

Atticus nodded, "Alright, sounds like a deal. You have two weeks to leave
her. I will monitor you. You are under me now until further notice. If I find
out you break the plan and try going against me, I will kill your sister, and
torture you. So, deal?"

No, there was no deal. Sebastian couldn't believe it, but it was his sister.
And if true love was real, he will find a way back to Y/n. No matter what it

"And also, you tell no one about this. It will be my first and final warning.
You're in a weak state, so I know your occlumency isn't well. I would see
your head." Atticus let out.


May 8th
1 Day Before The Separation

"You're not yourself, Sebastian." Ominis Gaunt's voice echoed through the
home, "You don't mean that."

It was only around two weeks. The mark of doing his deal was getting
closer. Sometimes, Sebastian wished he could've just told Ominis the truth
and they'll figure something out, but the last two weeks have also been
Atticus kept track of him. He'll occasionally know where Sebastian was. He
might've done a secret tracking spell he didn't know about, but regardless,
for once, Sebastian Sallow was afraid of Atticus Sweeting.

"I am myself, Ominis," Sebastian breathed, "It's been a few days now. I've
progressed with myself. I know the choices I'm making. It's only right."

He was staying in a small village behind Brocburow. Atticus settled him

there in the meantime. It was a bit close to Hogwarts, giving access to
Sebastian; easy access to do his part.

"It's a risk, Sebastian. We were doing well helping you." Ominis reminded,
"It's going well. I can use my magic—"

"I need her to be safe. With me, it's not and you know that Ominis. You
know what happened when Y/n was with me that night." I informed. "You
will be there for her."

Sebastian didn't want to lie to Ominis. Well, technically, he wasn't lying. He

was protecting Y/n in a way. Realistically, he wasn't well. He didn't think
he'll ever be well for the rest of his life, but at least she'll be safe. That was
what Atticus told him.

"And who would be there for me when you leave? Y/n isn't the only one
losing you, but I am also losing you, which I still don't understand..."
Ominis thought, "She doesn't have to know—"

"You have a soft spot in your heart for Y/n, Ominis," Sebastian pointed
toward his best friend's heart, "I know you won't handle the secret. You will
tell her and she'll find me. I know you."
Ominis stood quiet. Sebastian was right. Y/n held a bit more power toward
Ominis than Sebastian now. Yes, Y/n was his best friend, but Sebastian was
his brother. It was a difficult task.

"This is a difficult task, Sebastian. Y/n won't allow you to—"

"It will be hard, but it's for the best. I'm on the run and you two broke me
out. I owe you my life, but I cannot put you at risk with me anymore. This
is my responsibility. My life now." Sebastian gave out.

Sebastian felt weak at his words. He just wanted to cry and tell Ominis the
truth, but Atticus kept him in check. The plan will go down and his life will
end with the thought of his sister dying.

Ominis sighed, taking it in, "When are you planning on doing this? I think
Y/n at least deserves a fair warning or something. She doesn't deserve this.
After everything she did."

Sebastian closed his eyes at the reminder, again, holding back his emotions,
"I-I know, but you will be there. You will help her. It's the best for her,
Ominis. You know that. You always knew she deserved better."

Ominis shook his head, "It was a joke. It seems like you two love each
other now. She is going to want to fight it off."

"Then let her." Sebastian said, "I will be gone. She'll understand. You'll
make her understand."

Ominis stood, processing the words coming out of Sebastian.

"Promise me, Ominis. It's for the best." Sebastian tugged Ominis arms,
almost shaking him to promise.

Ominis wanted to fight, but ended up agreeing, "Alright, Sebastian."

May 9th
The Day Of

Sebastian stared at the potion vial from afar. The icy baby-blue hue
glistening in the hands of Atticus Sweeting in the middle of the forest.

Sebastian's intrusive thoughts told him to transform into a wolf, rip off the
villain and take the potion, but he still felt weak. Atticus made him weak.

"Is that the cure," Sebastian said, breathless, "The cure for Anne?"

Atticus nodded, "Obviously. I may say, my father did make it complicated

on the mixtures and counter-spells to perform this very vial. You fucking
owe me, Sallow." He frowned.

Sebastian swallowed, knowing that this was real. There was a cure for

"You want it?" Atticus joked, "You wanna fetch?"

Sebastian stood still.

"Come on now that was funny." Atticus rolled his eyes.

They both stood quiet for a moment as Sebastian tried processing the reality

"Do you have the strength to apparate now? Or are your little wolf skills
still down?" Atticus joked.

Sebastian maintained calm and ignored the remarks, "I am unsure. I can

"Well, do it. It's past two weeks. I am giving you a chance. Hurry up."
Atticus tugged.

Sebastian took a breath, removing the forest green ring from his finger and
slipping it over his pocket; he was sneaky enough not to let Atticus know
about it. He never knew because he casted an invisibility spell on it.

Sebastian was weak, but the dark magic knowledge was still there.

"Y/n, I have to go." Sebastian forced that day in the Undercroft.

The separation was hard. Very fucking hard for Sebastian Sallow. The
moment he saw Y/n for the first time in a while, he almost risked it all and
wanted to turn on Atticus, but the hope of saving his sister was there.

"No, I love you." Y/n cried to him in a hug.

Oh, if only you knew how much I love you, Y/n. Sebastian would tell
himself, but he couldn't say it out loud. He stood with the ego and
maintained cold. Hateful. The more hateful he seem, the easier Y/n
would've let him go.

"You don't love me?" Y/n asked breaking away.

Sebastian wanted to bring her back to his arms, never let her go, but he
couldn't, even if he wanted to.

I do love you, Y/n. He thought.

"W-What about this bracelet?" Y/n held up her wrist.

Sebastian watched as she tapped the importance of the jewelry before he

waited for Y/n to take notice that he was no longer wearing the ring.

Sebastian held the lump in his throat when he felt the invisible ring vibrate
slightly in his left back pocket. He was nauseated.

"I have to go." Sebastian repeated, not wanting to hold in longer.

"No," Y/n freaked, raising her wand, "If you love me, you wouldn't leave."
She threatened.

Sebastian was heartbroken himself. He knew Y/n loved him, but not this
much. It hurt him even more. It was going to be such a miserable life with
the thought of that now.
"Y/n," Ominis let out.

Sebastian was grateful Ominis was there. I don't think he would've been
able to let her go that easily without the presence of his friend. It brought
him back to reality.

The last thing he remembered was Y/n throwing the bracelet at him, but
before it can hit him, he apparated back.

Sebastian breathed heavily apparating back to the same spot Atticus was in.
From the lack of strength he had for traveling, his body weakened a little
and made him fall to the grass with many emotions.

"Hm," He can hear Atticus use legilimens on him.

Sebastian wanted to kill him, murder him, but with what strength? His
emotions were winning him over. He wanted to cry, shout and die, but not
in front of Atticus Sweeting. He needed to stay loyal and pretend.

Letting go, Atticus nodded, "Well, you're getting better at occlumency, but
not far in. At least you were successful."

Sebastian just breathed in a headache.

Atticus played with his wand, conjuring a vial. The cure appeared in
between them and he held it up.

"A deal is a deal." Atticus smiled, "I'll be checking up, Sallow. I hope your
sister is well." He teased.
Sebastian snatched the vial from the enemy's hand and sighed.

Sebastian used his final strength to arrive at the alleged location that was
given to him by Atticus on where Anne Sallow stood.

He apparated to a forest. At first, he thought Atticus had tricked him, but in

a distance, the sound of birds echoed and a village peaked through the trees.

Sebastian Sallow didn't go to his sister right away. Yes, he waited for this
moment. Yes, he was eager and desperate, but he wanted to breathe. He
wanted to mourn. Mourn losing the best thing that has ever happened to

"I'm sorry, Y/n," Sebastian fought his tears, but he couldn't. Love was

Sebastian wasn't one to cry. He's gone through so much in life to even cry at
this point, but he was exhausted. Tired. It wasn't the plan he wanted.

Atticus Sweeting was right, Anne Sallow was getting damaged day by day.
When Sebastian first confronted her watering a few plants whilst in pain, he
felt bad. She looked dead, but alive.


Sebastian feared for a moment. The last time his twin sister saw him, she
hated him, but when Anne turned and saw her brother for the first time in a
while, she cried.

"Oh, S-Sebastian...y-you're alive..." Anne cried, "I-I thought," she held her
stomach, holding into the pain, "A-Azkaban."

Sebastian nodded, holding her, "I did, Anne. I was in Azkaban..."

"I-I'm so sorry. I-I know I said—"

"It's alright. Don't talk much. I know it wasn't you." Sebastian assured,
"But...I'm glad you are here. I'm glad I found you."

Anne wiped her tears as they both sat on a nearby bench, "I-I'm so glad
too...w-when I saw you on the Daily P-Prophet...I wanted to save you—"

Sebastian couldn't stand seeing his sister in pain, he quickly revealed the
vile and showed it.

There was a second-guessing debate about it in Sebastian's head. What if

Atticus tricked him again? What if she takes it and dies? His intrusive
negative thoughts were flying, but it was all in his head.

"W-What is it that you h-hold?" Anne suffered.

"A cure." Sebastian finally breathed, "I never thought I'll ever say this, but
it's a cure. It will cure you, Anne." He said.
Anne was hesitant. Anne was always tired of Sebastian possible cues and he
knew that.

"I'm serious, Anne." Sebastian assured, "Please...trust me."

Anne stared at her brother, but shakily took hold of the vial. Sebastian
helped along, bringing the important potion into her mouth and chugging it.

It worked right away. Sebastian was in denial at that very moment. Perhaps,
it was because he's been through so much already.

He witnessed as his sister's deadly face began to form back to normal. At

the moment, he was shocked to see how much they had both grown. As her
face and muscles began clearing, Sebastian noticed the similarities Anne
had to him. They really were twins.

After a heartwarming acceptance of being cured, Anne was able to speak

normally. There were so many emotions and apologies, but Sebastian still
had the plan to stick in for now, or as he thought.

"What did you do to cure me, Sebastian?" Anne asked later that night.

Sebastian sighed, "Anne...I will tell you everything, but I need you to do me
a favor."

Anne nodded, "Of course. I owe you. Merlin, I wish I could've gotten you
out of Azkaban—"
"No." Sebastian breathed, "Don't do it, yet. Not after I tell you."

Anne looked at her brother in confusion, "W-What? Sebastian, I'm cured

now. I can—"

"Anne," Sebastian said not wanting to break down, "Please, listen to me.
This is important."

Sebastian broke the deal with Atticus that night. Was it a risk? Yes, but
Sebastian believed in himself and his sister, Anne. With her being cured, she
was back to being a powerful witch.

Anne looked in disbelief, standing from the sofa, "You want me to obliviate
you on what you just told me about Atticus Sweeting?!"

Sebastian nodded in fear, "Yes, Anne. I told you everything Atticus did to
me. And I need you to obliviate this memory. He will check my head soon
and he cannot see what I told you. It is only best."

"But then you won't remember telling me this in the first place. Once I
obliviate this memory, I cannot wield it back, Sebastian!" Anne let out.

"I know," Sebastian nodded, "Which is why I am trusting you. I need you to
follow a plan. I need you to obliviate me. You will return to Hogwarts soon,
alright? You will see Ominis and Y/n. Then, when we meet again, I'll update
you, then you'll obliviate me until Atticus gets a pattern."

Anne was confused. There was only so much she can learn about
everything that's happened without her the last two years.
"W-Where would you be? Why can't—"

"I can't put you at risk or anyone. I need to follow the deal, but there is a
loophole. I can trust you, Anne. In the best way possible." Sebastian sighed,
"I will try my best, but I will be gone temporarily."

Anne sighed, "What?"

"I trust you. I know it's foolish of me to cure you and have you work like
this, but it's the only way. Please." Sebastian let out.

Anne closed her eyes, but she was just glad she was well again. It felt like a


The plan never worked the way it was expected. The plan was sabotage the
moment Anne Sallow found out Y/n Y/l/n had altered the memories of
Sebastian Sallow. Things became difficult.

Sebastian spent those months trying to heal. Trying to trick out of Atticus
Sweeting, but sometimes it was difficult. When Anne entered her seventh
year, Sebastian lost contact for a while worrying Anne.

Sebastian Sallow traveled around the region. He was tired and stressed.
Sometimes he'll lose hope. He'll do anything he can to forget about Y/n.
Everything, but it was no use.
Anne Sallow told Ominis Gaunt about the plan. On how Sebastian was
under Atticus Sweeting's plan. How he had to obliviate on telling her. That
she was trusted to do something.

Atticus meeting Y/n outside Aranshire was unexpected. It was also

unexpected for Atticus to spot the distraction of a white wolf in his time. He
knew it was Sebastian. He knew Sebastian betrayed him, but he no longer
cared because he found out Sebastian no longer existed to Y/n. All he cared
about was Y/n and the vulnerability.

Sebastian couldn't detect Y/n's emotions when he was in wolf form, but he
knew it was her. He hope to make his presence at her that day, but Y/n
pushed back. He somehow thought that she still held a grudge. He wanted
answers now.

Anne didn't have the guts to tell her own brother the truth. About how the
memories were taken from Y/n. How they couldn't even give them back to
her because it would've been too much.

Anne was lost. Anne was eager for those memories and give them to Y/n
herself, but no matter how she persuade Ominis, he hesitated.

"How long does the ministry take to prove innocence?" Ominis asked.

Yes, Ominis Gaunt and Anne Sallow worked together to bring back
Sebastian Sallow. Their distraction of secretly going to the ministry and
proving innocence was a commitment. They didn't mean to leave out Y/n
from the friendship, but she had no knowledge of Sebastian Sallow, yet. It
wouldn't make sense to her.
"What if we just return them?" Anne said one day in the Undercroft.

"It's not as easy as it seems, Anne," Ominis sighed, "You should've seen
how she was...I told you how Y/n was becoming after he left."

"I-I know, and I'm sure if we just give her the memories now, it will be
horrible, right?" Anne said in worry.

"I can only imagine building new memories and then getting hit with old
traumatic ones...it can be dangerous. What if Y/n's magic burst, Anne?"
Ominis wondered.

Ominis didn't mean to keep the memories. If anything, he didn't plan on

Anne Sallow to return, let alone, Sebastian Sallow — his head throbbed at
what he committed and now he was stuck with the worst choice of his life.

"And we still do not know if Sebastian is actually proven innocent, yet. He

also escaped, remember? You can only do so much with your evidence, but
Sebastian did mention the connections Atticus Sweeting has in the ministry,
right?" Ominis asked.

Anne nodded, "Yes. I spoke to Poppy, but she hasn't really heard about her
brother at all."

"Y/n hasn't mentioned him either. Usually, we get the first word if he makes
an appearance." Ominis thought.

Anne nodded, "From what I've heard about this Atticus...Rookwood?

Sweeting?...point is, he should make an appearance."
What they didn't know was that Atticus Sweeting-Rookwood made his
appearance twice with Y/n Y/l/n, but since Y/n lacked miscommunication
and felt lonely, she kept it all to herself only stirring the situation more.

Sebastian Sallow never truly slipped out of that ring. If anything, he always
wore it. No matter what he did over the summer, the ring was a reminder of
her. That everything was truly for her.

When October hit, when he saw Atticus still having intentions with Y/n, he
finally let loose of himself. Sebastian risked it all. He stared at that ring
almost every second hoping that for once, Y/n will let the pride of the
breakup aside and call him.

Sebastian didn't know how Y/n would approach him. He didn't want to
barge in randomly in the Undercroft. He still had to meet Ominis too, but
the urge of her being in danger and him finally having slight access to her,
even for five minutes, was enough.

There was so much happening. When the ring vibrated once for the first
time in five months, Sebastian didn't know how to think thoroughly. He
reacted right away, risking it all and apparating to her.

And he did.

Y/n stood there on her back. Her hair was longer and shinier. Sebastian
admired the body that he craved and couldn't find in anyone else that
summer. The perfect height was still there as he approached her.

"Y/n?" Sebastian said breathlessly.

Y/n turned slowly, Sebastian mesmerized by how beautiful the girl he
always loved had become. How innocent and shy she always stood.

There was no reaction for a moment. Sebastian was ready for a slap or a
hug, but Y/n stared.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Y/n said.

He thought she was kidding at first. I mean, why wouldn't he think that?
But he knew Y/n very well. The facial expression she expressed wasn't a
joke at all.

That's when Sebastian Sallow realized Y/n Y/l/n had forgotten him.


Ok I debated so much on this chapter. It was a hard write (plot wise)

but I hope it made sense :') . The first-person pov's will return soon. 💚
PT: twelve - part two


Third Person Perspective

Sebastian Sallow and Y/n Y/l/n stood there in that Undercroft confronting
each other. One with lots of words to say and another with no words to say.

Sebastian took it in slowly, his lips parting and trying to maintain calm as if
he wasn't feeling his throat close up at the news.

Y/n stared.

There was so much on Y/n's head, she couldn't distinguish the young man
in front of her. She once saw him in the Daily Prophet, but Sebastian was
beaten and distressed in that mugshot. Y/n didn't realize it right away.

"Y-You really don't know who I am?" Sebastian let out, preventing to stutter
from the shock that aired in him.

Again, Y/n stared. She took this stare to scan the stranger.
He has very brown shiny hair, Y/n thought to herself. The white undershirt
fitted well on his body while a beige waist vest tugged. The freckles. They
were a lot, she thought.

He looked familiar to her. He looked like someone she knew.

Sebastian took the opportunity to take one step close to her distractive
thoughts and take a breath.

"Did I really hurt you that bad?" Sebastian said, devastated, his hand raising
to touch at least one strand of Y/n's hair.

He felt horrible. Confused. The emotions were indescribable on how rotten

Sebastian Sallow felt with the fact that Y/n Y/l/n did not know him.

As expected, Y/n backed away from Sebastian quickly, scared of the touch
and he breathed out from her fear.

"I-I apologize," Sebastian said, also scared he would scare her away, "I—,"
his eyes lowered down to the floor eyeing the familiar bracelet.

He saw Y/n drop it when he apparated. It would only make sense that his
head would connect that it was an accident. Which made him feel ten times

Sebastian bent near the Undecroft's floor and took hold of the jewelry, his
fingers admiring it.
Y/n was still utterly confused. Her brain couldn't process him, yet. For now,
it was just a stranger that seemed familiar.

"Is that yours?" Y/n let out.

There was no other way of processing the conversation. It felt awkward for
Y/n. Why was this man in the Undercroft in the first place?

Sebastian wanted to laugh to himself at Y/n's questioning. Ouch.

"No," Sebastian said in a low tone, his fingers wiggling the charms, "I-It
belonged to...a lover." He looked up.

There was this hope. Just this hope in Sebastian that for some reason Y/n
would regain that memory back right away. Maybe, it was just a joke she
was going for. That was Y/n's way of holding a grudge sometimes. Right?

Y/n didn't express emotion, she nodded, still frightened by the unknown
presence in the secretive place and nodded.

"Oh." Y/n let out.

"Yeah, I thought it was gone, but...it still exists, apparently. Same place
too." Sebastian furrowed his brows, wondering if Y/n left it there since the

"Hm, well..." Y/n pursed her lips, avoiding contact with Sebastian, not used
to meeting new people, "Well, you should take it back to her...or him." She

Sebastian closed his eyes, not even knowing how to take in Y/n's words.
She was vulnerable and lost in the world.

He turned to her. Y/n wasn't looking at him at all.

"Y/n?" Sebastian said again.

Y/n finally grew courage, "How do you know my name? W-Why are you
here? Who are you?" she asked.

Sebastian walked over to her again, not knowing his limits and letting his
emotions take over.

"Y/n, i-it's me." Sebastian grabbed her arms, making her remember, "I'm
Sebastian Sallow." He pointed to himself, "You know me. You have to
know me." He said eagerly.

Y/n gasped, looking down at Sebastian's hand gripping her arms and saying
all these words.

Sebastian. Sebastian Sallow. Anne Sallow. Anne's brother. Anne's brother

that escaped from Azkaban—

Y/n forced a wiggle from Sebastian's grip, but he wasn't letting go, "I-I do
know you."
"R-Really?" Sebastian said.

Y/n looked at him in fear, "You're the Sallow Azkaban prisoner...I-I saw
you in the Daily Prophet. Let me go!" She fought.

Sebastian stared, feeling his heart drop, "No. No, it's not like that. There's
more to remember. Who did this to you? Who took your mem--"

Sebastian's voice was cut off when the Undercroft's entrance was re-opened
and two familiar figures appeared.

"Sebastian?" Anne gasped at the presence of her brother.

"Sebastian?" Ominis said breathlessly, "He's here?"

Sebastian turned, finally letting go of Y/n's grip and staring at the two
people that entered.

Y/n just stared, confused.

"Yeah, it's me." Sebastian let out.

Anne stared at her twin, "W-What are you doing here? You're not supposed

"Why can't Y/n remember me?" Sebastian freaked.

Y/n parted her lip at the mention of her name. Remember? What was she
supposed to remember? Why aren't things correlating in her brain right
now? What was happening?

Anne stared, unable to produce words, "I.."

"You knew?" Sebastian looked at his sister, feeling betrayed, "Why didn't
you say anything, Anne? What happened?"

Ominis stepped in, "Sebastian, listen. I am very glad you are here, but we
weren't expecting you. I believe there's stuff that should be explained, but

"I told you to be there for her, Ominis. Why do I come back with a who are
you?" Sebastian asked.

The more Sebastian Sallow talked, the more Y/n's head was spinning.
Where have I heard you before? She thought. There's no way this escaped
Azkaban prisoner had an involvement. All Y/n saw right now was how
alike he looked to his sister, Anne Sallow.

"Ominis was trying his best, Sebastian. H-He was doing what was best—"

Sebastian scoff, taking in the realization that Ominis Gaunt was the one
who wiped Y/n's memories of him, "You."

Without thinking, Sebastian let his emotions win over, taking hold of
Ominis from his collar shirt and dragging him against the nearest wall in
"You did this to her, Ominis?!" Sebastian shouted at him, "I told you to take
care of her, not to take her memories!"

"Sebastian!" Anne screeched from the corner, running over to them, "Calm

Ominis breathed heavily, his wand wiggling through his fingers while
Sebastian held him on that wall.

"You gave me no bloody choice, Sebastian," Ominis fought, "It was

damaging her."

Sebastian couldn't accept it. He was in denial about the fact that he
impacted Y/n so much in her life that his departure affected her this much.

"You're lying. Did you ask for consent before doing this? Do you realize
what you've done?" Sebastian yelled, "She doesn't fucking know me!"

Y/n wasn't listening. Her head vibrated and all she saw in the distance was
Sebastian pinning down her best friend against a wall.


Sebastian ignored his sister, keeping his gaze at Ominis, "I know how
obliviation works! What kind of torture did you want me to live with—"

Sebastian hit the floor, letting Ominis go by force and also hit the floor.

As they turned, Y/n stood shakily near them, her wand in hand as she
pointed it toward Sebastian Sallow.

"Leave Ominis alone," She warned, "You're dangerous."

Sebastian was lost for words. What could he say? Anything he said to Y/n
will be out of proportion. It was a failure. He lost her.

Y/n trembled. Her head was hazy, but she couldn't distinguish much of the
information that was given.

"Anne, what is your criminal brother doing in the Undercroft?" Y/n said
between her teeth, her wand still at Sebastian.

"W-What?!" Sebastian scoffed, "No, Y/n. Y-You were the one that—"

"Sebastian, stop." Ominis let out.

"Stop what?" Sebastian looked, "Do you not want her to—"

"You're scaring her, Sebastian. Stop." Anne warned again.

Sebastian breathed, looking over at Y/n and watching her fear for her life. It
hurt him to see her. Y/n has never looked at Sebastian that way and it
pained him. The pain seemed worst than torture.
Y/n was tired. The wand in her hand lowered as she took a breath and gave

"I'll assume he is also someone that was part of the Undercroft crew before
I arrived," Y/n let out, "Right, Ominis?"

Ominis sat on the floor, feeling guilty as ever, "Y-Yes."

Y/n stood there thinking.

Things were connecting. The headaches. The occlumency from the Map
Chamber, the missing gaps — someone invading her memory.

"Did I know him?" Y/n asked innocently.

All three heads stood quiet for a moment.

"Yes, you did," Sebastian answered, not holding it in.

Y/n gulped, not wanting to believe she was ever friends with someone so

"W-We're we friends?"

Sebastian closed his eyes. He knew telling her that they practically planned
out a life together before he completely ruined wouldn't be the ideal answer.
"Yes, you were friends with my brother." Anne answered for them,

"Your memories are altered, Y/n," Ominis finally revealed, "I have them."

Sebastian looked over at Ominis, surprised, "What? You didn't obliviate


"Obliviate?" Y/n gasped.

"Sebastian, stop. Don't make it worse." Anne let out.

Ominis sighed, finally standing up from the dusty Undercroft floor and
taking a breath.

"No. There's a difference between alter and obliviation. I believe there are a
few gaps in your brain at the moment, Y/n. I understand and I apologize."
Ominis let out.

"I believe some events of your life seem to be altered." San Bakar let out, "If
occlumency was done correctly, you needed to be able to see everything. If
not, your head was invaded."

"I'll be more worried about the people that are close to you than your
potential enemies. Because, I, I'm honest about my motives. But you're
friends? They betrayed you." Atticus pointed out.

Atticus sighed, "Fine. I already know what gap is missing anyway." He

Y/n breathed heavily standing in that Undercroft, "W-Who took my

Again, no words.

"I did." Ominis let out, "But—"

"You betrayed me." Y/n let out in disbelief finding out that Ominis Gaunt
was the cause of all this.

Ominis shook his head, "No. I did it for your safety. It was better that way."

"Safety?" Sebastian let out, "Why would you—"

"I need a breather." Y/n let out, tiredly.

Y/n was stressed. She wanted to cry. Her head couldn't even make
connections or theories because all she had was unknown gaps and fainted
memories that didn't make sense. It was sad.

"Y/n, I can explain. I have reasoning—"

"It's alright, Ominis." Y/n said without emotion, "As I said, I need a

"No," Sebastian stood up from the Undercroft floor, but Anne Sallow took
her wand and dragged him down.
"No," She leaned in closely on her brother's ear, "Don't make it worse,
Sebastian. I'll talk to her." Anne said, "Do you trust me?"

Sebastian didn't even know whether to trust his sister. How bizarre that it
even came to a point in life where he had to question his trust in his twin,
but so many things were happening at once.

"You and Ominis can talk. I'll talk to her." Anne reminded.

Sebastian didn't want to talk to Ominis. It's been so many months without
Y/n, he wanted to talk to her. Hug her. Apologize to her. Explain to her the
truth — but how if she forgot everything?

Y/n exited that Undercroft, finding herself back in the Defense Against the
Dark Arts hallway. Her breath was heavy and even the swish of air in that
tower relaxed her.

There was so much that happened in only one day. The Keepers, the trail,
the occlumency, Atticus Sweeting, and now, confronting someone that she
allegedly knew? It was so much. So much range.

Y/n walked down those halls, preparing to get into her dorm and rest.
Pretending as if it was all a bad dream. Tomorrow she'll wake up to a new


Y/n stopped walking, turning at the voice of Anne Sallow, and sighed, "I
need a breather, Anne."
Y/n didn't intend to be harsh on Anne Sallow, but she had reasoning. Did
she also know Anne? Did Anne know something?

"I understand, Y/n, but...I want to make sure you are alright." Anne said, "I
know there's a lot, but—"

"There is a lot. I'm finding out many things and I no longer know who to
trust now. Can I trust you?" Y/n questioned Anne.

Anne stood there innocently, feeling guilty. Anne wasn't there when Y/n's
memories were taken. If she was, they wouldn't be taken in the first place,
but the decision was Ominis and from what she's heard, it was the right
thing at the moment.

Before Anne can answer, Y/n asked another question, "Did I know you?"

"You know me," Anne said.

"No, I meant, did I know you in the past?" Y/n assured.

Anne looked down, trying to find the right sentence to answer with, "I...not
really. You knew me because of my brother."

Y/n took in the words, taking a gulp at the mention of the brother, "Your

They were silent.

"W-Why was I friends with a prisoner? W-Why can't I remember him? Was
he the one that did this to me? Is that why—"

"No, no," Anne disagreed, "It's not like that. He wasn't supposed to be in
Azkaban. It's more complicated..."

Anne was stressed now. How was she supposed to hold in the fact that Y/n
knew everything about Sebastian in her past life? She was right next to
Sebastian Sallow when he committed that crime. Or how Y/n was the one
that broke him out in the first place.

Those were memories that were going to be difficult to take in. For once,
Anne was concerned why Ominis never thought this thoroughly. The more
time passed, the more the memories became affected while new ones

"Complicated? What's complicated was that I don't remember parts of my

life and I don't know who is even telling me the truth anymore. Maybe,
Atticus was right, maybe you guys are—"

"Atticus?" Anne took a breath, "Atticus confronted you?! And you said

Y/n squinted, "Was I supposed to? Nobody was there, Anne. As I said, I
don't know what is trustworthy. My memories are gone and whatever those
memories contained...they seemed better off." She let out.

"I can't imagine myself being friends with a man that had Ominis pinned on
a wall. Y-Your brother seems dangerous...I'm sorry. I don't even know how I
knew him." Y/n breathed.

Anne closed her eyes. It even hurt her.

"I want to rest, Anne. I promise I won't go tell on your escaped twin..." Y/n
assured, "The secrets are safe with me, but I mean...keeping secrets seems
like part of the group anyways, right?" She murmured.

Anne sighed, "It's not like that. I've just entered the year. I have an excuse
too...I'm trying to help."

"The only help you can give me right now is letting me rest. And look after
your brother. Don't make me cast another spell on him." Y/n warned before
walking away.

"I refuse to believe Y/n did that," Sebastian said on the Undercroft that
same hour.

Ominis Gaunt had explained to Sebastian Sallow the reasoning behind the
memory loss. It was a hard talk knowing Sebastian was holding himself
together not to beat up his own best friend, but he tried being

"You refuse everything, Sebastian," Ominis frowned, "If you do not believe
me, Poppy is there. Natty is there. The behavior that was growing in Y/n
was not well. She was broken."
As if he didn't feel guilty enough, Sebastian shivered at the cause he's done.
He would've never expected something like that to happen in any way.
Should he be happy that Y/n loved him that much? Or should he be worried
that Y/n loved him that much to lose herself?

"Alright, well, I'm back. It won't be long until the process of not being
guilty can go through. Give her the memories." Sebastian ordered.

Anne Sallow did her best trying to prove her brother innocent in that
ministry. Due to the connections that Atticus Sweeting-Rookwood had, it
was hard. Sebastian was proven not guilty of the death of Solomon Sallow,
but his escape and animal form was still intact — but for now, he was
temporarily safe. Well, until Atticus found out.

"You think it's that easy?" Ominis questioned, "I can't do that."

"Are you joking?" Sebastian frowned, "You took them away. Now it's your
responsibility to give them back, Ominis."

Ominis knew Sebastian was stubborn. He always knew that, but it wasn't an
easy process. Did he fuck it up? Perhaps, he did, but he wasn't aware of the
plan Sebastian was doing while being gone. Everything twisted and now
things became complicated for everyone.

"Where are they?" Sebastian asked.

"I cannot tell you." Ominis sighed, "Because if I do, you will want to force
them to Y/n. You will only scare her more."
"I shouldn't even be scaring her in the first place," Sebastian said in hurt,
"Why would you do something like that to me, Ominis? We're brothers."

"Well, you assured me that you will never come back. We lost connection.
How was I supposed to know? Do you really think Y/n was going to have
the ability to live her life normally after everything she went through with
you and for you? Seriously, Sebastian?" Ominis scoffed.

Sebastian stood silent.

"Put yourself in her shoes for once, Sebastian. You weren't there to see what
happened during the break-in of Azkaban. She lost herself for you, and so
did I. I wasn't going to let her do it, but she couldn't do it alone either."
Ominis explained.

"And I can't thank you guys enough," Sebastian said lowly.

"You didn't get to see the broken part of her. I did. And I knew letting her
heal that way...Poppy would've gotten hurt. Can you imagine the guilt Y/n
would feel after?"

Sebastian listened, fighting the urge to understand.

"It was wrong for what I did, but it was also the right thing. Yes, I took a
risk, but that's why I kept the memories." Ominis explained, "But...she's
calm, Sebastian. Giving her those memories will only worsen it more than
the first time."

"But I'm here now—"

"It's not about you, anymore. She will have to relive that trauma. Those
fights. That magic that was building up. The only way they can be returned
is if Y/n is willing to want them back."

"You are complicating it, Ominis. Just give her the memories. That's it."
Sebastian demanded.

"And then what, Sebastian?!" Ominis fought, "You're still not guaranteed
for your freedom. If those memories come back, and you have to be on the
run again, it will be no use. Who's going to care for her, again? I can't do

"We will figure something out—"

"That's why I said the first time and you didn't care. You wanted to leave
and not care about the consequences of your actions." Ominis spat.

"It wasn't my choice!" Sebastian shouted, "I needed to save my sister,


"I understand, and I can't thank you enough for the risk you took to save
Anne, but this is now Y/n's choice. I can give her the memories, but won't
force it on her either." Ominis offered. "Give it time."

"We're out of time," Anne Sallow let out re-entering that Undercroft.

Ominis and Sebastian turned to the girl. Sebastian stood up quickly and
walked over to his sister.
"Where is Y/n?"

"She's resting, Sebastian, but...our predictions are chaos. Atticus has

confronted Y/n already." Anne informed.

"What?" Ominis said in shock, "That's impossible, she would've told us."

"You guys didn't know?" Sebastian crossed his arms.

They both turned to him, "You knew?"

Sebastian was angry. Upset. He still couldn't process the thought of Y/n's
memories being gone, but now all these secrets were out.

"I did. That's why I was more attentive in getting answers from you, Anne,
but the communication stopped." Sebastian said coldly, "I thought you guys
were figuring out a plan already."

They were quiet.

"I guess keeping secrets is our new thing now." Sebastian joked.

Anne sighed, "Atticus might've taken hold of Y/n's vulnerability. She

doesn't know who's lying to her anymore. And I can only say so much. You
guys know Atticus Sweeting more than I." She explained.

"Vulnerability?" Sebastian furrowed, "I don't even understand how it got to

that point. Were you guys not watching her? You just let her roam around
without memories by herself?"

He looked at them.

"We couldn't always look after her, Sebastian. We also needed her to
explore a life without them. It was only fair—"

Sebastian stepped close to Ominis, feeling range against him, but Anne
stopped him.

"Stop!" Anne said in annoyance, "This won't help either, Sebastian. It

already happened. Put this aside and let's all think of something because
Y/n is questioning the return of those memories."

"What?" Sebastian shrieked, "No. I need to talk to her. Those memories are
coming back—"

"We need a plan first before they even come back. If those memories come
back to her, Sebastian and Atticus finds her, he would go against you, and
mind you, you're not supposed to be here." Anne explained.

Sebastian backed down, sighing and listening, "Fine...fine, fine. I just can't
process this. Her memories of me are gone, Anne." He said calmer. "They're

"But they still exist." Ominis said in hope, "Trust me, Sebastian. If I really
hated you, I would've just obliviated Y/n. Trust me." He repeated.
Sebastian closed his eyes, "I always trust you, Ominis."

Y/n's Perspective

The sun was shining brightly that next morning. It was impossible for my
eyes to remain closed from all the shine that entered that dormitory.

At that moment, the sun went dark and when my eyes opened again, Birdy,
my owl sat against the window blocking the view.

"Birdy?" I asked, but as I looked closer, it wasn't my owl, it was another

one that looked similar to mine.


I'm sorry about yesterday.

I would really appreciate if you and I could talk. It's important and I
want to explain.

Meet me a little outside the bridge on the south exit? Thank you.


Anne Sallow should really change her initials in Owls. I get some sort of
feel with them, but her writing was familiar, so I knew it was her.

Did I want to talk to her? Not really. My trust lately has been on a scale, but
from every interaction I've had with Anne, she tried her best, I didn't blame
Anne for the mess that was caused.

It was the middle of October, so the weather was beginning to get colder. It
gave me an excuse to wear my favorite maroon coat and boots.

I ended up skipping breakfast. I mean, what was the point anymore? My

friends were always distracted now, so it'll only be awkward. Instead, I took
the nearest floo powder to the south exit.

Anne Sallow wasn't at the beginning of the bridge, she was at the end. I saw
her from the distance, so the laziness of reaching her was hard. I needed to
walk the entire bridge.

"You made it. Thank you." Anne grew a smile at me.

I wanted to throw one back, but from the lack of sleep and starvation, I gave
her a nod, "Yeah, y-you did say you'll explain to me."

Anne nodded, "Of course." And she walked, and I followed, "Have you
eaten breakfast?"

"No. Wasn't feeling it." I answered.

"Yeah, me neither." Anne agreed, "How are you feeling?"

I wanted to laugh, really.

"I could be better." I sighed, "How are you feeling?" I asked, not wanting to
make the entire conversation about me.

Anne looked up at the sun, "Honestly, I never been better. Since the curse
lifted, my life has been...amazing."

How fun.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way, I just—"

"It's alright. I'm happy for you," I said in encouragement, "Not many get
cursed and come back to Hogwarts." I joked.

Anne let out a laugh, understanding my humor, "You're right."

We both walked around the trail, finding ourselves outside the school
grounds and enjoying nature.

"I believe yesterday was a lot on you." Anne finally brought up, "I want to
apologize if—"

"It's okay," I said calmly, "There's just so much that happened. I didn't
measure my emotions." I sighed.

I didn't want to even think about the previous day. Again, I tricked myself
into believing it was a bad dream.
"Right. And I believe you experienced a weird encounter with my twin
brother, Sebastian Sallow." Anne looked down.

I wanted to stop in my tracks, but there was something about the name
mentioned that caused an odd rupture in my brain. I already knew that I
have known him in the past, but I wanted to know why.

I let out a dry laugh, "I did."

Anne nodded, letting out a huff and looking at the distance, "I apologize.
And he wants to apologize too. It's understandable on the reactions that
were produced."

I walked, listening.

"Sebastian killed our uncle," Anne confessed to me.

I didn't react. Why should I? I've done many things on my own the fifth
year that couldn't compare to what her brother did, but with what
reasonings. Did I have reasoning? Yes. Poaches and Ranrok followers were
killing me. I needed to defend myself.

"He wanted to protect me. Although it was an accident, our uncle wasn't
really the best guardian to have," Anne said, "The death still hurt me. It
affects me until this day, honestly."

I understood. I also lost Eleazar Fig not long ago. The empath in me felt
Anne's words.
"I'm sorry." I let out.

"It's okay. It's all about acceptance and reasoning. Things happen for a
reason, but there wasn't a reason for my brother to be in Azkaban. He was
so young." Anne sighed.

What do I do? I had a hard time believing people now, but I understood. I
knew Sebastian went to Hogwarts. He must've been our age too and that's
young to lose yourself in Azkaban.

"H-How did manage to get out of it?" I asked.

"Oh," Anne laughed to herself, and I didn't understand what was so funny,
but her head lifted in the distance again, "I believe I just entered Hogwarts.
I was cursed for years. My brother knows more words to tell than I."

I stood quiet, just feeling the breeze from the setting around us, trying to
understand the constant mention of her brother.

"My twin brother, Sebastian," Anne swallowed, "H-He requested if he can

speak with you. Safely." She let out.

I looked over to her, my tracks stopping again, "What?"

"You can refuse. He said he understands. Sebastian is respectful about your

answer, but he is willing to answer any question you have." Anne said.

I didn't know how to take her encouragement.

"I know you don't know him, but...he knew you. He knew you more than I
did, which is why, from both of us, he can provide more answers than I."
Anne motioned with her hands.

Should I believe her? Was this a trick? Did Atticus Sweeting really get to
my head to the point where I couldn't agree or deny. But I also had
questions. Many. I wanted to understand where my memories were. Why
they were taken.

"Where is your brother?" I asked.

"Close." Anne answered, "But, due to...his history, currently, being around
Hogwarts grounds isn't the best."


"He isn't far from here. If you do agree on speaking with him, he's waiting
near the exit of Brocburrow." Anne stated to me.

Think, Y/n. Could I even think at this point?

"How do I know I can trust you?" I forced.

"Because I would not do anything to put you at risk. Nor would my brother.
Ever. Ominis knows about this, so it's only fair that it's safe. Trust me."
Anne persuaded.

"I..." I was lost for words.

"Ominis and I would be keeping track. You won't be alone. I promise."
Anne said.

I nodded and closed my eyes, "Okay."


"I will speak with your brother, only because I have questions. Can I trust
him? Not really, but you and Ominis are friends with him, so I can only
believe it's safe for now." I said firmly.

Anne nodded again, "Of course. I understand. Thank you...do you

remember where Broc—"

"Surprisingly, I do." I said, almost hurt knowing that some memories still

When I walked down those trails and followed the signs toward
Brocburrow, I debated whether this was the best choice or not. What if he
kidnaps me? What if he actually didn't kill his uncle? It was the negative
thoughts winning me over.

The walk was all negative, but when I neared the exit of the hamlet, I saw
him. I saw Anne Sallow's twin brother.

Sebastian, as was his name, stood near the grass, hands in his pockets while
his view was on the floor. He wore this tight green long-sleeve paired with
beige pants. There was a coat that was similar to mine, but a brown color
and —
What was I doing? I shouldn't be eyeing him for so long. This felt wrong. I
still didn't know him enough, but he did pull an innocent posture.

Whilst staring, Sebastian turned his gaze at me and we both locked eyes.


Can't believe we're at 500k reads 🥲💚 Thank you.

PT: thirteen

Author's Note:
Hello! Reminder that Y/n's memories are completely wiped. Any reactions
or behavior in this chapter should be expected. Let's not get mad at her,
thanks 😹🙏


Third Person Perspective

Sebastian Sallow was tall. Y/n thought to herself. Not that she didn't notice
that feature confronting him in the Undercroft, but being close was a
reminder of his height.

Y/n pursed her lips, unknown how to even approach. Does she say hi first?
Do they shake hands?

Sebastian was the complete opposite. He fought himself not to hug Y/n,
hold her in his arms, and get some sort of touch from her for the first time
— even shake hands if that were the case. It was a difficult challenge.

"Hi," Y/n surprisingly let out the first words.

Sebastian was just glad Y/n made it. There was a thought in him that was
sure he must've frightened her so much, she'll refuse, but she was there.

"Hey," Sebastian grew a small smile.

Y/n didn't express much and Sebastian was almost afraid that his small
smile scared her already. It was a stupid assumption, but he wasn't used to
this. He just wanted Y/n to regain her memories.

They both stood there on the rocky pavement. Only the sounds of the birds
chirped in the distance.

"I suppose if we knew each other before...there was some sort of greet?"
Y/n said, almost confusedly, "Or was there? I don't know—"

Sebastian chuckled down at the questioning. Oh, if only you knew, Y/n.

"Hm," His eyes looked up, arms crossed as he thought about the
questioning, "Not quite, but, a hi is enough." He assured.

Again, Y/n gave a nod waiting for what was next. She didn't know what to
expect. Her brain was processing many stuff and she couldn't proceed on
her own.

Sebastian stared at her. He just stared, noticing the confusion, the innocence
in Y/n's expressions. He couldn't believe it. Not even a smile formed once.

"Shall we walk? Is that alright with you?" Sebastian said nervously, arms
still crossed.
Y/n stared, but didn't hesitate at the offer, "Sure."

Sebastian Sallow and Y/n Y/l/n walked around the trail before the entrance
of Brocburrow. The setting was peaceful and hidden. Enough to give
Sebastian time to speak and not get caught. It was a risk.

Sebastian had transferred his crossed hands onto his pockets as his gaze
stayed on the grey floor and spoke.

"I believe there are many unanswered questions that are in your head."

Y/n also kept her view on the floor.

It was ironic how two people that were so close were now so distant. They
were so close, yet, so far from each other.

"I do," Y/n let out, "And I was told you knew me well to answer." She

Sebastian reddened a little at the last words. Did Anne really go out of her
way to expose him that way? Y/n didn't have to know right away of him
knowing her so well.

Sebastian chuckled, "I suppose I do, and I'm sure that might be a bit...odd
on you." He looked over at her.
"Many things have been odd on me," Y/n let out softly, gaze still down,
"Yeah, it's a bit timid to know you and I once knew each other."

Sebastian understood. It hurt him. Imagine not knowing someone anymore

and the only thing you knew about them is being an escaped prisoner?
Someone that can't leave you alone? Sebastian was lucky Y/n agreed.

Sebastian took a breath to himself that only he can hear and smirked, "We

"How?" Y/n began asking.

Sebastian thought to himself. He didn't process much of his answers. They

couldn't be straightforward either — the girl was scared enough. He needed
to be smart. That was the plan.

"How we knew each other? How we met? How we were?" Sebastian

babbled out, "I can go on."

Y/n blinked, "All the above...but, I need to know one thing." She stopped
her walking.

Sebastian's heart began to beat faster than usual at her words and turned.

Y/n avoided eye contact. She didn't think she was capable enough of doing
it. Not yet. She was afraid.

"I'm open to anything you say," Sebastian reminded.

"Are you going to be honest with me?" Y/n asked, "I need you to assure me
that you won't lie."

Why would I ever lie to you? Sebastian thought to himself. If anything, he

was the most honest of all her friends at the moment. He exposed his
honesty when they confronted each other.

"I would not lie to you, Y/n," Sebastian let out, staring at her.

It almost bothered Sebastian that Y/n didn't stare back. He needed to

reassure himself that in her head, he was almost a stranger, so it was normal
for her not to do her usual perfect stare.

"Not convincing. How can I believe a convict?" Y/n sighed to herself

knowing she's struggled to trust anymore.

Sebastian smirked to himself from an inside joke on her words, but he

cleared his throat and nodded.

"Alright. If we had a third witness right now, I would willingly do an

Unbreakable Vow and oath that any answer I give you will be honest. I can
take Veritaserum if I had one in my pocket." Sebastian spoke.

Y/n lost him halfway through speaking.

The voice. The thick, flowy, and vibrating voice distracted the inner part of
her brain. It was familiar. Not friendship-wise, but she also heard it

Y/n came back to reality, pretending as if she did not listen to anything, and
cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry, did you mention Unbreakable Vow?" Y/n said in confusion.

Sebastian nodded, "Yes."

"You do understand, if that were the case, you'll instantly face death if you
lie to me once, correct?" Y/n rose a brow.

Sebastian blinked, unfazed, "Correct."

Y/n didn't know what to think. Why was this Sallow so prepared to
sacrifice? Even as a joke, what could've been the potential reason?

"You don't have to ask yourself questions. You can ask away, you know?"
Sebastian let out, noticing Y/n's dazing expression.

As said, Sebastian Sallow knew her well and Y/n began to take hold of that
when he let out those words. It was scary.

Y/n gave a hesitant nod and they continued their walk, "How do I know

"We met in the fifth year." Sebastian began, "You were the new fifth year.
Many eyes were on you, but you know that, of course."
Y/n hid the redness that wanted to develop from the answer. The memory of
the entire castle watching her arrival was very clean on her head. That was a
memory that never left.

"I do."

"Right, well, we met in a duel. I'm considered the best duelist in Hogwarts."
Sebastian let out.

"No, I am." Y/n corrected, the thought of her ego rising from being number
one in her class.

The duel was a blur. Her brain had filled in that gap of defeating a student
she didn't remember on her first day and then being praised by the rest of
the fifth year. It's been the same since.

Sebastian held in his laugh and closed his eyes, "Y-Yeah you are, but erm...I
was the opponent. Which, I assume you do not remember."

She didn't.

Y/n took a breath, her eyes on the trees surrounding them, "I see. Were
we...good friends?"

Sebastian gulped. Don't lie, Sebastian. She wouldn't like that if she ever got
them back. Sebastian told himself.
"We were," Sebastian answered, "You met my sister because of me. That's
how close we were." He reminded.

Y/n couldn't understand why this felt unreal. Did she think Sebastian
Sallow was lying? No, but it was a scary thought that her brain couldn't
remember any of these memories. It almost triggered a panic attack.

"Anne informed me that she got cursed at the end of the third year. I entered
fifth, so..."

"I took you to my home, Feldcroft, to meet her."

"Feldcroft," Y/n repeated, "I-I think I know where that is."

"You do?" Sebastian rose a brow.

"Y-Yes, I needed to collect a field guide and there's a Moonstone Garden

around the bottom." She answered.

Sebastian sighed. Again, this hope in him never left. There must've been
something to trigger it.

It was insane. Sebastian Sallow hasn't been this desperate for something
since finding a cure for his sister. It was just utterly insane for him.

"You played Quidditch." Sebastian pointed out.

"I know," Y/n let out, "Some games are hazy. I'll assume you're one of the
people that were involved in them" she questioned.
Sebastian sighed. He wondered what it must've been like not remembering
those games or the post-games. The sex? The touches? The sneak-outs? If
Y/n didn't know him, she didn't know any of that.

"We were good rivals, I can say that." Sebastian smiled to himself, "Very

They walked and walked, and Sebastian Sallow spoke to Y/n about any
questions or memory about them.

"I taught you spells," Sebastian let out, "Do you remember those?"

Y/n blinked, "I know spells. What did you teach me?"

"Do you remember, confringo?"

Blank. Y/n has seen her peers take use of that spell, but didn't know it. All
she knew was incendio.

"N-No." She said disappointedly.

Fucking Ominis. Sebastian thought to himself. The involvement of anything

learned by Sebastian Sallow was a blur to Y/n. All the spells too. The

Within the silent walk, they both walked out of the trees, revealing
themselves on a high cliff, giving a view.
Y/n admired the surroundings. The view of the castle was in the distance
while Hogsmeade peaked through on the side. It was very nice. Very —

"I believe I'm as real as you see me—,"

Flashes of the same setting glimpse in Y/n's head for a second, breaking her
off reality at the moment.

Y/n let out a heavy breath, feeling her own blood rate drop from the odd
feeling and recognizing the voice.

It was Sebastian Sallow. That voice crept into her head. In her dreams.
Well, they weren't dreams, they were flashbacks. It wasn't a soulmate thing.
It was memories that were erased from that person.

Sebastian took notice of Y/n's breathing. He couldn't read her well, but he
knew something was up. It was obvious.

Y/n was lost. There wasn't much information about Sebastian Sallow, yet.
All she knew was that they knew each other. They were close.

Can she say something? Can she tell Sebastian? Or was it better to keep
asking questions? Maybe, the voice wasn't real. What if Sebastian was
secretly in her head? Legilimens was a real thing. What if that's why he's in
Azkaban? Did he really kill his uncle or—

"Do you mind if you take a seat?" Sebastian suggested. "I know it's not the
ideal spot, but—"
"That's alright." Y/n gulped, joining Sebastian Sallow on the grass.

Y/n needed to rest. After those thoughts, she wanted to sit and think
thoroughly. Take in any information given to her.

Sebastian sat a few feet beside her, respecting her space and resting his
hands flatly on that grass. His head looking up at the sky before bringing it
back to the castle.

They celebrated Y/n's 18th birthday here. He remembered it all too well.
The laughs, the drinks, the gifts, the beauty. It was all perfectly remembered
in his head. His heart.

It seemed almost nostalgic to Sebastian, but also saddening. How he was

once here with a girl loving each other and now, he's with the same girl,
distancing each other.

"Why did you get sent to Azkaban?" Y/n asked.

Y/n already knew the answer. Anne told her before meeting up with
Sebastian, but still, there was curiosity and reassurance about it. Just to
make sure.

Sebastian stood still for a moment. His view on the sky as he tried to form a
good answer without sounding like a bizarre criminal.

"Well," Sebastian looked down, "No lies here...I used a killing curse on my
guardian, Solomon Sallow. Well, he was my father's brother, so my uncle."
He said ashamed.

Y/n gulped, taking it in. Sebastian wasn't lying.

"I was proven innocent," Sebastian informed Y/n.

Sebastian wanted to be proud. That Atticus Sweeting did not win this battle
of the trial with Anne Sallow's evidence — but the unregistered animagus
was in process.

Y/n was caught off guard at the news. That's something she hadn't been
aware of.

"So, you didn't escape?" She questioned, almost specifically toward the
Daily Prophet flyer.

"I did." Sebastian said lowly.


Sebastian took a breath, risking it all, again, "Ominis."

Y/n adjusted her posture at the unexpected answer, "W-What? That's

impossible. Ominis...Ominis—"

Sebastian watched her confused expression from afar, "He wasn't alone."
"Did Anne help? It seems like she did—"

"Anne was still cursed. You did." Sebastian let out, "You and Ominis broke
me out of Azkaban. You deserve to know that, in case, you ever get your
memory back." he sighed, almost regretful.

Sebastian wanted to avoid telling Y/n the traumatic parts of the memories.
How she killed many in the process. How her wand almost stuck out toward
Poppy Sweeting, preparing to fight her. The heartbreak he caused. It was
uncomfortable, but if those warnings weren't brought up when she gets
them back, it'll be awful.

Y/n didn't react right away. If anything, she didn't feel surprised. It'll only
make sense that where Ominis went, she went. That was her mindset now.
Was it different during that time? What was the motive? Why weren't they

"What? Then w-why am I not in trouble? We were successful on it?" Y/n

asked, looking down in doubt.

Sebastian also looked down, remembering the specific day. How from all
the darkness that consumed him, seeing Y/n for the first time in that prison
was all it took to get up. Just her.

"Yes," Sebastian nodded.

Y/n stood still for a moment.

Sebastian allowed her to process it. He eyed her and worried that if Y/n
reacted like this over that, how would she react over everything else?
"I can stop." Sebastian finally let out, not wanting to worry her.

"No." Y/n refused, "I believe, it'll be nice to have some knowledge about
what happened, if...if the memories were to ever come back."

Sebastian wondered. What can he say? Where can he start? How can he
admit to her in the healthiest way possible everything that has happened?

"Are you sure?" Sebastian asked.

Y/n still didn't look at him, but nodded, "Yes."

Sebastian nodded slowly, "Alright. W-What do you want to know?"

"Hm," Y/n said to herself, "Did I kill people in Azkaban?"

There were still so many questions to ask. If it were up to her, she can hear
Sebastian Sallow talk all day about those memories. It was soothing for her
body, but she didn't know that yet. All she knew was that Sebastian's voice
was there.

Sebastian rose his brow, surprised she even asked that, but he was sure Y/n
went on solo adventures by herself the fifth year — she never held back.

"Yes. A lot."
Y/n nodded, "I've heard worse."

Oh, if only you knew, Sebastian said in his head.

Y/n stared again in the distance. Sebastian admired her. How her lashes
revealed when her eyes lowered. The side view giving a mesmerizing look.
He was in love. Too in love and Y/n had no idea.

"We must have been very close to have me almost sacrifice myself on
breaking in Azkaban in the first place," Y/n said.

"That's because we were," Sebastian sighed, "Too close."

Y/n felt herself redden a little at the reminder. Why was she blushing? Why
was there even a feeling of a flush over his words? Why did she hear his
voice so often? Did she like him in the past? No, it's not possible.

"Not to bother in any way, but what's in your head? You seem like there's
still a lot to ask." Sebastian encouraged.

Y/n shrugged, parting her lips, "How much time do you have left?"

Sebastian shrugged back, "Let's just say time doesn't exist right now." He

Blank. Y/n had no reaction to that. Instead, she wondered and kept going.
"In the Undercroft yesterday," Y/n let out.

"Yes?" Sebastian waited.

Y/n gulped, "T-The bracelet."

Sebastian's posture lifted at the mention of the bracelet, "Yeah, the


"You mentioned that it was...it belonged to a lover?" Y/n asked.

Sebastian's heart sunk in. No, it wasn't the right time, yet.

"Correct." Sebastian said, letting her go on, hoping for the best, "My, um..."
he gulped, looking everywhere, but at Y/n, "My...girlfriend at the time."

Y/n played with her fingers nervously. Sebastian had a lover. I mean, why
wouldn't he? Ignoring the criminal history aside, Y/n didn't think he was
bad looking. She did catch herself staring a little too much sometimes. It
was embarrassing.

"I'm starting to believe Ominis didn't keep that Undercroft a secretive

place," Y/n thought, "The bracelet was there. It would only make sense if
you and your girlfriend would sneak in?"

Hold it in, Sebastian. Let her figure it out. It's fun. Sebastian thought.
"Yeah," Sebastian kept his smile, "All the time."

Y/n took in the answers, "Where is she now? Does she know you're slightly
innocent? Did I also forget her too?" She asked.

Sebastian felt his throat close in the moment, but went along, resting his
elbows on the grass below and leaning more back, also listening to himself

"Hm, yeah, you forget her too," Sebastian said. It was the truth, Y/n forgot
herself, "But...no. I lost her. I lost her after I got taken to Azkaban."

Y/n felt bad at the moment of the news. It made sense in the situation, but
still, there was a slight empathetic feeling toward the man. Losing a lover?
It was like losing a person in general. It was an awful feeling.

"I'm sorry." Was all Y/n can say.

Sebastian bit the inside of his cheek, clutching his hand by not having the
urge to just ruin the moment by bursting and telling Y/n that it was her. To
just take the memories, but it wasn't the best move.

"It's okay." Sebastian said under his breath.

There was silence, again, but it wasn't awkward anymore. It was peaceful.
The sunset was setting and it felt, nice.

"How did you lose her? If I may ask," Y/n said.

Sebastian closed his eyes, measuring his emotions before admitting his
words, "She was a victim of Atticus Sweeting. More specifically, Atticus

Y/n's heart dropped at the name mentioned. Did she expect it? No, not at
all. Not from Sebastian Sallow at least. She wondered if he knew what
Anne and Ominis knew about her own history with Atticus. Was he like this
with more people?

Y/n swallowed, "W-What?"

"Yeah. Do you know him?" Sebastian asked.

Oh, so Anne and Ominis didn't tell Sebastian about him. Y/n thought to

Sebastian knew the truth. He knew Atticus motive for Y/n. He knew he kept
an eye on her and would want to manipulate her. Unless, he already did, but
he was in denial about that.

"I-I mean, he's Poppy Sweeting's step-brother. I suppose...I do know him."

Y/n said.

Y/n wasn't lying. She did know him, but she wasn't going to just ramble out
the truth to Sebastian Sallow right away. Unless questions were asked.
Realistically, he just knew him over memories, which she didn't have at the

"Yeah...he's the one that sent me to Azkaban." Sebastian confessed,

"Threatened me, abuse me, bargain...I can only say so much about a
Rookwood." He said between his teeth, angrily.

Y/n rose her brows. The similarities of Atticus Sweeting also doing the
same things to her made her act up. Atticus had a motive for more people.
She didn't know what to think anymore.

"I didn't know he sent you," Y/n breathed, "Did he see you kill your uncle?"

Sebastian was stressed, but again, he needed to keep the conversation calm.

"No, but my girlfriend at the time was. He...he used her as a witness in a
way." Sebastian sighed.

"She betrayed you?"

"N-Not technically. He's just a very good manipulator. It wasn't her fault at
all." Sebastian defended.

Y/n gave a slight nod, "W-What was his motive for you? You said
bargaining...what did you have that he wanted?"

Sebastian took another deep breath, recalling the odd events that he'll never

"Well, um, I needed to make a deal with him." Sebastian confessed, "Leave
my girlfriend and friends, or...or...save my sister, Anne with a cure."
Y/n breathed slowly.

Atticus Sweeting was insane in general. Although she second-guessed his

abilities, he was a villain. A tortuous one. Was she next? Why was he
holding it off on her? Y/n was confused.

"Atticus...cured your sister?"

"Yeah, but with a cost. You know, a Rookwood thing. Only a bloody
Rookwood can curse and cure her." Sebastian murmured.

Rookwood. Victor Rookwood.

"Victor Rookwood cursed Anne?" Y/n let out.

Anne did inform Y/n that she was cursed, but she might've forgotten to fill
her in on who cursed her. They didn't talk much seventh year, so it was
never said to remind Y/n.

"Yes. I believe it's another memory you might've forgotten. Anne's words
before getting cursed were; Children should be seen, not heard. You said,
Victor Rookwood said—"

"Said the same thing to me outside Ollivanders." Y/n recalled, "I-I do

remember that."

"Yeah," Sebastian stared, "Not all your memories were erased, just..."
Y/n wondered at the altering of her memories. She began thinking of the
gaps, and the connections. Wondering why Sebastian Sallow was the only
person taking effect in her head. How she remembers everyone else
memories, but his or his sister's — or things that correlate around him.

"What memories did Ominis take from me?" Y/n asked.

Sebastian was still.

"You said you'll be honest with me," Y/n reminded at the silence.

"He altered your memories of me." Sebastian answered, "Any memory you
had with me and the experiences around them...are gone."

Y/n took a breath, feeling herself stand up from the grass and react.

Sebastian followed her movements, also standing up with her and worrying,

"There's too many gaps...which means, it was too many memories with
you." Y/n looked over.

Sebastian stared in guilt, "Yes. Too many." He reminded.

Y/n felt a lot at the moment with the information, "Why just you? Why did
Ominis take you away from my memories? Why you? W-What did you do
for him to do that?"
Sebastian began getting close to Y/n, trying to explain himself, "I-I..."

"I what?" Y/n said desperately.

Sebastian closed his eyes, "I left you."

Y/n squinted, "I know you did. You mentioned how you left your girlfriend
and your friends, which I assume we were friends too." She connected.

Sebastian's hands were sweating. This was actually very hard to remind her.
He will understand why he won't want them back. It was hard.

"No, Y/n..." Sebastian struggled, "You were the girlfriend."

Y/n didn't react right away. Her own head processed the information being
given and wondered why Sebastian Sallow had so much impact on her.
There was no way.

"What? No." Y/n denied, "What?"

"We weren't just friends," Sebastian licked his lips, "W-We became more
than that. You spent almost every day with me for almost two years." He

Y/n was feeling a lot at once. It was scary on her end. Imagine being hit
with this information on an empty skull? It was hard to believe.
"Two years?" Y/n said scared.

That was almost two years of her life.

"Yes," Sebastian assured.

"That means, we d-dated." Y/n said, "What?"

Sebastian rose his hands a little, wanting to comfort her, but he couldn't.
Y/n kept backing away.

"I know it feels like a lot to process, but if you look at the memories—"

"No, wait," Y/n rose her hand up against his chest, stopping Sebastian from
getting near, "How long were we together for?"

"We dated for a few months, but..." Sebastian didn't want to keep going.

"But?! Please, answer me!" Y/n fought.

"But we were already more than friends for a while. We did a lot of stuff
and...stuff that people that are together do," Sebastian let out, almost in a

Y/n's eyes widened, thinking and getting nauseated, "D-Did I...I give
myself to you?"
Sebastian felt numb at the questioning. Why did he feel guilty? Y/n gave
him consent. There shouldn't be a reason why he was so afraid to admit to
her the reality of it.

"Yes, you did, but you consented and—"

"How many times?! Oh," Y/n freaked out in the middle of that area,
breathless, "I was supposed to wait until mar—"

"To be truthful, I lost count." Sebastian let out, feeling ashamed.

Y/n stared at the man in front of her. All she saw was a stranger, but to
know that Sebastian Sallow has seen her naked, vulnerable, kissed her, and
touched her...it was so much to take in. Too much.

"Y/n, you won't feel like this if you see the memories. It will make sense—"

"No." Y/n gulped, "You haven't given me a reason why Ominis took them
away. You left, but why? Because if I see those memories and see that you
lied to me,"

"I broke up with you." Sebastian confessed, "Atticus made me break up

with you. That was the bargain... the threatening." He let out.

"Atticus?" Y/n screeched, "What do I have to do with a deal—"

"Well, you were my girlfriend. It was either leave you or save my sister. I
didn't have a choice." Sebastian recalled raising his voice.
Y/n's breath decreased as she took realization, "You chose to save your

Sebastian felt guilt, "I did."

Y/n understood. There was no reason to feel mad over that. Anne Sallow
was Sebastian's twin. She was dying from what Y/n heard, so it was

"I don't remember that either, correct?" Y/n sighed.

"No. It's not in your memory either because I didn't tell you. I couldn't. It
was part of the deal." Sebastian informed.

Y/n listened.

"I left you. I left you and...you didn't take it well. I broke your heart, which
I apologize for, Y/n." Sebastian stared in awe.

Y/n looked down. A heartbreak. She always wondered what falling in love
would feel like, but the fear of heartbreak never gave her that motive. Love
was dangerous. It was surprising she reached that point in her life.

"What do you mean I didn't take it well?"

Sebastian continued, "The breakup was damaging you. You were losing
yourself and your magic. You were hurt."
Y/n couldn't imagine it. A death, a breakup, and being hurt? It didn't sound

"D-Did I tell Ominis to take them?" Y/n asked in curiosity.

"No. Ominis altered your memories when you were on a..." Sebastian
paused to himself, almost slipping his tongue.

"On a what, Sebastian?" Y/n frowned.

"On a killing spree. You were destroying yourself and the people around
you. It was for your safety."

"Safety? I was becoming a threat!?" Y/n exclaimed.

"Yes, but listen—"

"If I get those memories back...I'll have to relive every single emotion and
feeling?" Y/n said in disbelief.

Sebastian also looked in disbelief, "Y-Yes, but it will be different—"

"I don't know if I'm r-ready to feel so much...I already feel pain from losing
Professor Fig and...stressed...and then a heartbreak...love?" Y/n questioned

"I don't even know how I fell in love in the first place. How did I get to that
point in life for it to ruin me?" Y/n kept going, "A heartbreak? My magic
uncontrollable? That's not me."

"You can't be in denial about this, Y/n. You need your memories." Sebastian

"They will only blend in with my current ones. With new memories, I can
relearn spells and create new ones. I've adjusted to this life. I can't imagine
what it will feel when I...I..."

"No," Sebastian disagreed, "You can wield those memories again, Y/n. You
are stronger than you know. You will handle it." He held her.

As Sebastian's touch contacted Y/n, she can smell his scent roaming on her.
It was familiar too. He did hold a big impact on her. She didn't want to
imagine it.

"Sebastian, let me go."

"No, you have to take those memories. All those spells and power you held
were also because of me." Sebastian reminded.

"That's very egoistic of you to say." Y/n noticed.

Sebastian sighed, "I taught you many things. It's not egoistic. I never left
your side. You just didn't give it time."
"Time?" Y/n questioned, "If I remember you saying right now, you left me,
which only means, you were going to be gone forever."

"Because it was part of a deal. I didn't want to leave you. I never did."
Sebastian let out, "And you called me, and I came back in that Undercroft."

"Called you? I don't even know you well to need you." Y/n let out.

Sebastian was broken. Was this his karma? Was he going to grieve again?
Did he deserve his after putting Y/n through so much?

"You called me," Sebastian let out, his fingers slipping into his left pocket
and holding up the familiar bracelet.

Y/n's eyes stayed on the charm bracelet. The bracelet Sebastian said was his
girlfriend at the time, which only meant it was hers.

"I gave you this on your 18th birthday. Here. This spot." Sebastian waved
around the area, "I told you, if you tap the fang three times, it will call me."

Y/n watched as Sebastian lifted a finger and revealed a forest green ring.

Y/n's eyes closed. A fainted flashbacks of the bracelet...the picnic...the ring

"Stop," Y/n backed away, "I-I don't know if I'm ready to remember. It's
haunting me already." She said in fear, rubbing her head.
"You're overthinking it. Please, just—"

"Then what? You're still on the run, aren't you? You aren't fully free. Why
would I want those memories just for you not to be around again, if I
actually liked you." Y/n let out harshly.

Sebastian knew Y/n had a point, but this was different. He couldn't survive
without her anymore.

"We can run away together." Sebastian breathed.

"Why would I want to do something like that? And leave my life here
behind?" Y/n said back.

Ouch. Sebastian felt himself break more. The irony of Y/n's words on what
she said in the breakup. Opposites. Just like he told her he wanted.

"You once said you'll do that. That you'll be willing to run away with me.
We can still do it. You just have to remember—"

"I can't allow myself to drop everything and do this. I just met you,

"But you knew me in the past. You loved me." Sebastian reminded.

Y/n was refusing, but also fighting it off.

"Look at me." Sebastian demanded, "Just once."

"No." Y/n closed her eyes.

"Y/n, please, look at me," Sebastian begged.

Y/n was afraid. She's had enough glimpses haunting her. Why did her own
body signal her about this?

Eyes re-opening, Y/n risked it, looking at the man that was pleading in front
of her, inches away from her face.

Hazel. That's all she saw. Hazel light eyes with so much helplessness in
them. The freckles on his face, they were a lot, but they framed him so well,
and the lips; Y/n stared a little longer at the plumpness of his pink soft lips.
How they parted while her view traveled back to the eyes. The love was
there. She didn't know, but her heart did.


"Yes, Y/n?" Sebastian stared.

"Let me go," Y/n finally came back to reality, breaking the contact.

Sebastian failed. He felt like a failure.

"Give me a few days," Y/n confessed.

Sebastian's low face looked up again, almost confused by Y/n's change of

Y/n took a faint breath and gulped, "Please, respect that I need time to
process this information."

Sebastian Sallow was eager. He wanted Y/n to take those memories now,
but he always respected her. Always. No matter what.

"Of course, I'll respect you," Sebastian let go, "I-I apologize...take your
time." he forced out.

They both faced each other, but none of them looked at each other for a
good minute. The sun was gone and only night haunted them.

"I'm sorry." Y/n let out.

Sebastian looked over to her, raising a brow, "Are you apologizing to me?"

"Yes." Y/n said in guilt, "You know everything. I-I don't. I should also thank

Sebastian stared, "You don't need to apologize. It wasn't your fault. It was
mine. All mine, but perhaps, one day, it'll make sense." he admitted.

"Thank you for understanding. A-And thank you, for being honest with me.
Not everyone was." Y/n gulped at the thought of her friends slightly
betraying her. Was it betraying or helping?
"I know," Sebastian took notice, "I suppose...I'll give you space."

There was something in Y/n that didn't want Sebastian Sallow to leave. She
hated herself for that, but his words created a tug in her powerful body.

"Y-Yeah," Y/n said awkwardly.

Again, just two past lovers standing.

"You will hug me on departures." Sebastian Sallow let out at the preparation
of departure.

Y/n flushed at the thought. What was there to flush about? According to
history, Sebastian Sallow has seen her naked already and who knows what

"It's just a memory. You know, for a remind—"

Y/n Y/l/n hugged Sebastian Sallow. It was intentional too. Y/n needed a
hug. After everything that's happened the last week of her life, nobody
would hug her. Nobody would keep company. Why was it that although she
just met Sebastian Sallow, she felt seen. Comfort.

It felt safe. It felt real. It was love. It was two soulmates feeling it, but one
wasn't aware of it, yet.

Y/n was the first to let go. Her arms released and although she struggled
taking away Sebastian, she placed a hand against his chest.
Sebastian pulled away slowly, his gaze down at Y/n as both of their faces
stood inches apart. Both lips parting as the tension grew and grew between

Y/n was confused, but Sebastian wasn't. It was a hard fight — they barely

"You should go." Y/n whispered.

Sebastian swallowed, "I never leave until you leave first. It's always been
that way."

Y/n felt weakened at the fact, but she gave a nod, finally stepping away
from Sebastian Sallow and giving him one last stare.

Standing near the floo powder a few feet away, Y/n disappeared.

Y/n reappeared on the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower. It took her a
good minute to process the last few hours of her life and take realization.

As she proceeded to walk near the entrance of the Undercroft, a clinging

sound will flick at every step. Y/n thought it was Peeves approaching, but
when she stopped it also stopped.

Again, Y/n walked.

Cling, cling —
Shaking her body, an item fell off the pocket of her maroon colored coat,
falling to the floor once again.

Bending, Y/n took hold of the recognizable item and closed her eyes. How
didn't she notice?

Sebastian Sallow had slid the charm bracelet on her before departure. He
really did care about her.


Cute fact: Y/n met up with Sebastian in the morning and came back
after sunset. So many hours talking they didn't even notice...time really
doesn't exist with him. 🥲💚
PT: fourteen


Third Person Perspective

The fingers played beneath the fabric of the skirt. They tickled their way
down at every speck of skin, sending a vibrating feel from the delicate
sense of touch.

Heavy breaths filled the air. Y/n can hear her own heart pulsating and
blending with the other. Her eyes were closed, but somehow she can picture
the scenario clearly. How the long soft fingers traveled between the
sensitivity of her legs before a pleasured feel thundered inside of her.

"Oh," Her head leaned back, not understand why it felt good. Amazing. So

"Let it out," The voice whispered to her.

Eyes still closed, Y/n was lost in pleasure. Why did it feel so mind-
blowing? Foggy? It was almost blinding.
"Don't make them stop," Y/n moaned hazily, "Don't stop."

Y/n was surprised at how honest she was pleading on the feel. How vocal.
What was happening?

The fingers kept increasing inside her body. In and out, they went,

"Release, darling," He said.

Darling. The voice. Why was it familiar?

As Y/n began to regain her senses, the sweat of the person glued on her
threw in a scent. While her fingers tugged the student in front of her, the
familiar natural scent kept going.

Autumn air. Driftwood. The apples...

"Oh, Sebastian," Y/n moaned.

"Yes, say my name," Sebastian breathed huskily at her, "Say my name,"

"Sebastian." Y/n reached a climax.

Sebastian? Sebastian Sallow?

Y/n woke up sweaty in a pitch black space. She sat on her four-poster bed
again and breathed as if she were drowning or some sort.

"Are you alright?"

Y/n came back to her senses, seeing her dormitory roommate, Natty Onai,
cast a Lumos spell toward the sit-up and questioned her.


Natty rose her brows, "Are you okay, Y/n?"

Y/n swallowed.

Of course, she wasn't alright. Either she dreamt of the most heated
encounter with Sebastian Sallow or it was a memory. It felt too real. And
she was guilty for enjoying it.

"I'm...I'm fine," Y/n lied, "Bad dream. You're still awake?" She switched the

Natty shook her head, "Not really. I am a sensitive sleeper. Might've heard
you sit up."

Y/n's eyes closed, still feeling sweat down her body from the odd
experience in her sleep. She felt nasty.
"Oh, I'm sorry for waking you, Natty." Y/n said in the dark, throwing the
blankets and standing up from the bed, "If you'll excuse me, I'll be taking a

Natty rose a brow toward Y/n's words, "Y/n, it's four in the morning."

There was no way Y/n would be able to sleep after that. No way. So, she
took the opportunity to start her day extra early.

"Well, it's never too late." Y/n sighed, exiting the dormitory in a very gentle
matter to not wake the others.

Y/n ran herself a cold bath that morning. Yes, cold. Was she a fan of the
cold? Not really. Y/n enjoyed the warmth, but from all that sweat and heat
that was frying her head, she needed it.

Her skin shivered at the sense of the cold temperature, but it was relaxing
and soothing.

Y/n's head leaned against the curved edge of the metal tub. The droplets of
water dripped through the wet hairs as she stared blankly at the marbled
doors in front of her.

It's only been a few days. Why was the thought of Sebastian Sallow now
haunting her? Not that it wasn't haunting her before, but she sense that after
that meeting — things shifted. Specifically, her brain.

Was it the hug? Y/n thought to herself. Was it the bracelet? Was it the eyes?
Y/n was fully aware they dated. Sebastian reassured her that and even if he
didn't, her dreams did. Were they even dreams? She asked herself.

Y/n reddened to her own self at the thought that maybe it was a memory. A
memory of having a past sexual encounter with Sebastian Sallow.

"The library?!" Y/n scoffed to herself, her echo vibrating through that
empty bathroom.

It wasn't possible. The scene felt so fantasized and bizarre. Y/n couldn't
even process the idea of breaking the school rules, taking the risk of letting
his hands be all over her in a library.

Her head still rested against the tub while facing the ceiling; her eyes slowly
closing and taking in the cold from the water before taking a deep breath.

"But we were already more than friends for a while. We did a lot of
stuff...stuff that people that are together do," Sebastian's voice echoed in
her head of darkness.

Y/n swallowed, remembering asking Sebastian Sallow the number of times

they potentially slept with each other.

"To be truthful, I lose count." He said.

"I lost count," Y/n whispered to herself.

It was deranged thinking. The denial of having to sleep with Sebastian

Sallow, not once, not twice, but to a point where they lost count? And she
only remembered one where it wasn't even confirmed of being a dream or

But it felt so real, Y/n defended. No, what are you doing? Don't fall for it.
She fought off.

"Why do I keep remembering you," Y/n whispered to herself in the tub,

fighting her own demons in her head.

There was only black in her view as she focused. She couldn't understand
how although the memories were gone, they will creep in unwillingly on
her. How was it possible? What would trigger it?

The sexual encounter memory was the longest one she has remembered
from all. It was almost second-hand embarrassment to confess that to
herself, but it was the truth.

Focus. Y/n said herself. Control.

Same position, the cold water covering her naked body moved slightly at
her focus. The fingers beneath the waves lifted up, tracing over her right
arm, traveling their way up to her chest and right near her collarbones.

A flash. Flashes began in her head.

"Ugh," The voice groaned, "So real."

The lips kissed near the neck. The mouth sucked gently onto the collarbones
and nibbled down.
Y/n's own fingers traced over herself. The ancient magic in her charging up
while fainted memories naturally developed at the thought and flashed.

Her fingers felt cold while touching her lips. Y/n didn't even know she was
capable of being this low on temperature, but it was working in some sort of

Control. Focus.

Tracing her lips, the feel of another shivered. The plumpness in them feeling
real. How his lips never detached from her. How they always gave a sense
of feel.

Her fingers went back near the neck; the palm opening and getting another
sense of touch from it.

A flashback of Sebastian's hands wrapped gently over the same spot. A

sense of butterflies was felt in her stomach, giving her —

Y/n's head suddenly shifted. Her hands stayed on her neck, but the darkness
shifted into a fainted memory.

A hand tugged tightly against hers while she breathed heavily.

"My father cursed Anne Sallow for life," The voice said, "And I curse
Sebastian Sallow to Azkaban...that's what the Sallow twins are destined to."
The voice. It was no longer Sebastian Sallow. This voice was recognizable
in her head. This person wasn't wiped.

Atticus Sweeting.

Y/n's hands released from herself and her eyes re-opened, sitting up from
the bathtub and taking a look at her surroundings.

It was morning. The last time she closed them, it was 4am, dark — now, the
sun shined directly at her and she wondered how much of her time was
given to think about memories before they were shifted.

Y/n wanted to stay in that water forever. She avoided that her skin might get
wrinkly from being there too long, but she wasn't ready to go back to
reality. She wanted to sit there in the cold, work up her wielded magic and
put it to use.

Y/n walked in late into Charms class that very same morning. Her hair was
damped, but she didn't care. All she did was plop on that seat between Anne
Sallow and Ominis Gaunt and acted normal.

"Alright, so the incantation for..." The professor's voice disappeared.

Was she normal? No, of course not. All her head debated was memories.
The debate of getting them back. Or how a heated dream with Sebastian
Sallow made her take the realization that there was potential in her own
magic bringing it back. And there was also Atticus.

The debate with Atticus Sweeting-Rookwood was the worst. She didn't
know what to think of him anymore. A lost memory of him speaking of
Sallow was new. Y/n wondered how many more there were.

If Sebastian Sallow was telling the truth about Atticus's motives -- it will
only make sense the memory loss in her might've caused a sensitive point in
her life for Atticus. But if that were the case, why would he warn her about

"Y/n?" Ominis Gaunt let out next to her.

Y/n wasn't holding a huge grudge against Ominis Gaunt. What was the
point? If the reasoning was true about how her state was after the breakup,
it'll only make sense, but there was still a part of her that felt betrayed.

"Are you alright?" Anne Sallow asked.

Y/n flushed. She couldn't even look at Anne Sallow face to face. How was
Y/n supposed to confront Anne after having multiple vivid memories of
sleeping with her twin brother? Having similar features for being twins
didn't make the situation any better. It was embarrassing.

"I'm fine." Y/n looked straight, not turning to either head.

After the meet-up with Sebastian Sallow last Friday, Y/n went straight to
her dorm. The very next morning after they asked her how it was, she
shrugged and said alright.

Ominis respected Y/n's decision of not wanting her memories back right
away. He had also told her his side of the story two days ago in the
Undercroft, on why he took them in the first place. The thought of
everything she's committed the past months before the memories were gone
only pushed them away more.

Was Y/n still curious about wanting them back? Of course, but it was still a
scary risk.

Ominis Gaunt's guilt was eating him up inside. To hear the pain of his best
friend, Sebastian Sallow, express to him and Anne Sallow how Y/n debated
her memories that night — Ominis was guilty. He lived with the burden that
this was his fault. That Y/n hesitating on her memories was unexpected to
hear, understandable, but his fault.

"I'm very sorry, Poppy." Y/n apologized later that day.

Poppy Sweeting and Y/n Y/l/n had a rare distance after the memory loss.
There was nobody to blame really. Poppy felt guilty for holding in the urge
of pretending Sebastian Sallow didn't exist to Y/n, and Y/n was on her own.

Poppy looked down, admiring the lake in front of them, throwing a few
enchanted snacks onto the animals below her.

'Don't be," Poppy smiled, "You were hurt. You were in pain...it wasn't your

"I almost killed you." Y/n corrected.

Poppy rolled her eyes at the exclamation from her best friend, turning at
her, "Y/n, you were not going to kill me. Hurt me? Possibly, but it's
understandable. You were grieving,"
Y/n couldn't understand why Poppy Sweeting was that way, but it was the
Hufflepuff personality. Poppy excusing her behavior was nothing new. She
was too kind.

Y/n looked down at her fingers nervously, "D-Did I like him a lot?"

Poppy stopped feeding the small beast below her and blinked.

"Be honest with me, Poppy. Please." Y/n confessed knowing it was
complicated to rely on anyone.

Poppy nodded, taking in a breath, "You didn't like him, Y/n. You loved him.
A lot." She answered.

Y/n kept her stare down, expecting that answer, but still feeling lots of
emotions hearing it from other witnesses.

"Do you remember coming up to me and Highwing, asking about soulmates

a few weeks ago?" Poppy asked.

The reminder of the event was in Y/n's head. The soulmate talks about the

"You knew I was talking about him." Y/n realized.

Poppy pursed her lips, "Yes. Although I do still believe it's a soulmate thing,
I also held hope that it was your heart just...just attempting to bring them
Y/n closed her eyes making it hard to believe. Poppy Sweeting was known
to be very positive about her thoughts and theories, but they were friends
for a reason.

"It wasn't the first time you approached me that way," Poppy continued, "I
believe this memory is gone because it involved Sebastian Sallow, but it
was deja-vu for me."

Y/n's eyes re-opened, turning over at Poppy and listening, "What did I

Poppy smiled to herself on the eventful day. It was the same day Garreth
Weasley had asked her to the Masquerade Ball.

"You came to speak to me about a weird dream that you had. A dream that
felt too real for you." Poppy giggled.

Y/n grew a small smile at the irony, "W-What did I say it was it about?"

"Sebastian." Poppy said in an obvious way, "You mentioned how this dream
was about your future with him. How it was vivid...basically, saying you
were in love with him" she joked.

Y/n blinked at the thought of falling in love. It scared her.

"You were scared about it because you had never been in love before,"
Poppy answered her inner question.
"And I assured you that it was completely normal. Well, because," Poppy
looked up, "It was obvious he loved you too."

Y/n sighed at the explanation, "A-And how was I with him?"

Y/n Y/l/n spent her afternoon talking with Poppy Sweeting. More
specifically, listening to Poppy tell her sweet, nostalgic memories about the
mysterious boyfriend she couldn't seem to remember all of.

"Is it true your brother—"

"I don't really consider him a brother

anymore," Poppy corrected.

Y/n nodded, "Alright. Atticus, he, um, sent Sebastian Sallow to Azkaban,"
She asked nervously, "during the Masquerade Ball, correct?"

Poppy nodded, "Yes, but you knew about that—"

"Yeah, a bit." Y/n wondered, "I'll assume with the memory of him altered, I
didn't see it, but I do remember the chaos in the Map Chamber. I don't know
how I got there with Atticus."

Poppy sighed, "Because of Sebastian. You were dancing with him when it

Y/n swallowed, "I was? And the entire school just kept this from me like
nothing?" She scoffed.
"Not quite. You're grieving Professor Fig, which I totally understand, I am
sorry — but, you were also grieving Sebastian Sallow leaving, so, many
didn't want to bring it up. It was a risk, but I see nobody slipped anything
out." Poppy said ashamed for being part of those.

Y/n nodded, betrayed, again.

"You said, after Sebastian was taken, Atticus forced you to dance with him
with threats. Leading you to the Map Chamber. Eventually, you know the
rest of that." Poppy informed.

"Yeah...I never truly understood the motive behind it, but it makes sense."
Y/n sighed.

Atticus Sweeting was behind this. Did Sebastian Sallow really impact her
life so hard that Atticus needed to take him from her to try and succeed?
Was it that serious of him to commit something like that?

Everything connected. If Atticus Sweeting never involved Sebastian Sallow,

Y/n wouldn't be fighting so much. Sebastian would've possibly never been
to jail. A break-up wouldn't have happened. The pain would not happen.
Memory loss wouldn't happen. It was all connected to Atticus Sweeting.

Y/n held the urge to confess to Poppy Sweeting her motive to destroy
Atticus Sweeting now. Poppy did say she didn't consider him a brother
anymore, so in any case, there was no guilt from ruining him once and for

Y/n knew she held the power to crush him. She knew it was in her
somewhere, but it was mentioned that the memories with Sebastian Sallow
involved lots of knowledge of spells and control — but it was also said that
pain was a weakness.

Atticus Sweeting was always successful at targeting her because of her

weakness. Vulnerability. Y/n could get her memories back and remember all
those spells, but the impact of taking them in will also traumatize her. If her
past self was unable to destroy him after many encounters, perhaps her new
self can with a bit of a recap. The important points, right?

Y/n stood in that Undercroft later that day. It was empty for now. Only her
mind and her inner conscious fought with each other on the decision she
was about to make.

"Ugh," Y/n closed her eyes, "What am I doing?"

It was a gut feeling. Well, she believe it was her gut feeling, but truly, it was
the heart. The heart wants what it wants and you can't fight it off. She didn't
know that at the time.

Y/n shakily reached over to the pocket, taking hold of a clinging item and
holding it up in her view. The view blurred, only focusing on it.

The charm bracelet dangled in the air and Y/n's breath increased, debating
on her decisions.

"Maybe, I should just teach myself." Y/n let out, in denial.

But there wasn't enough time.

Without thinking, Y/n took hold of the bracelet again, following the

"Fang...three times," Y/n whispered.

Her sweaty finger tapped the charm. Y/n wanted to laugh at herself at how
weird this gesture was, but it didn't take long.

Honestly, if she had counted how long it took...it must've been less than a
minute. Less than 30 seconds to be more specific.


Y/n was on her back again, but her eyes almost grew more than ever at how
immediate the response was. Very fast she couldn't even back out from the
situation anymore. It was too late.

Y/n took a big gulp, turning around slowly and facing the person she
expected that afternoon.

"You actually came..." Y/n said, almost in a state of shock at how it worked.

Sebastian Sallow stood right in front of her. A cozy brown sweater fitted his
body nicely. It seemed like he had just gone out of a shower and was
relaxing — you know before Y/n interrupted him. Or as she thought.

"Well," Sebastian stared at her, "You called."

Y/n felt different now. She was scared to look at Sebastian Sallow. If she
thought looking at him before was intimidating, looking at him now after
last night's flashes were worse.

Be confident, Y/n. You're supposed to know him well. Y/n assured herself.

"Was this an accident, again?" Sebastian joked, looking down at the bracelet
in Y/n's hand.

Sebastian was also in a state of shock. For a second, the moment that ring
glowed, he had hoped her memories were back, but after the confrontation,
he wondered if it was all in his head. He was in denial Y/n will call him just

Y/n kept her view on the floor, licking her lips and letting out a quick breath
before taking the courage to look up.

"I heard you know a lot of spells." Y/n let out firmly.

Sebastian took in the realization of her motive and fought off the smile, "I

Y/n took in the words from the deep voice and nodded.

"Okay. Teach me."

Ok, I see the debate in just getting Y/n's memories back and boom
power, but the trauma of getting them will postpone the opportunity of
getting Atticus and he's always one step ahead!!! Let's remember

Plus, I needed an excuse for more seb and y/n 😭💚

PT: fifteen

| Credit to the original owner of this picture,


Y/n's Perspective

"I-I was told you taught me..." I swallowed, unable to project the proper
words out of my mouth from the nerves, "you taught me spells in the past?"
I questioned.

Sebastian Sallow stood there. If I estimated the distance between us, he was
only two feet away from me and yet, I felt as if he got closer, my body felt
weird. I wanted it to stop.

"I did," Sebastian nodded, almost smiling, "I taught you many, actually."

His smile. Sebastian made it quite obvious that he wanted to show some
kind of enthusiasm with his words.

There was a stillness between us. It was partially my fault for not speaking
next, but it felt strange. I had to second-guess myself why I called Sebastian
Sallow in the first place like nothing.

"I'm sorry," My stare went down, looking at my fingers and apologized, "I
did not mean to call you at such random time. I didn't think you'll
actually...make it." I said in surprise.

I wasn't looking at him, but I can hear a soft snicker come out of the man. I
can sense his arms crossing as he also gazed down at the floor beneath us.

"Well, you did press that fang three times." Sebastian reminded, "I did
always assured, if you press it, I would come to you. For emergencies." He
told me.

I took in his words, wondering if I ever called him in the past.

"Emergencies," I repeated, "Did I always call you?" I asked in curiosity.

I wanted answers. Yeah, I could've taken the easy route of getting my

memories back and seeing them myself, but I was scared. Every day it felt
more and more scary to see them, but it took time.

I looked up at Sebastian again, his head was to the side, almost wondering
for an answer, and nodded to himself.

"No. N-Not precisely." He said slowly, "I suppose the last two times you've
called have been a record." Sebastian joked. "You kind of kept the oath of
only using it for an actual emergency, but you were quite powerful on your
own, You never really needed my help at all."
Should I giggle? Should I be concerned over the power I held before?
Should I keep asking questions?

I gave a nod, "Am I still powerful or was that wiped away from me too?"

Sebastian chuckled.

I didn't intend for it to be a joke, but his laugh kind of made me laugh in a
low matter. It was contagious. I needed to let it out too.

"Questionnaire night I see," Sebastian said foolishly.

I blinked at him, "I do want answers...but I'm unsure if you're even allowed
in here?" I asked, coming to the reality of his presence.

"Not really until Ominis finds out, but," Sebastian stared at up before the
hazel eyes went down at me, "My life is full of taking risks anyways, hm?"

I didn't know how to proceed after that. Was he being sarcastic? Should I be

"I taught you spells," Sebastian began, "A few more powerful than others,
but you took great use of them."

I listened.

Sebastian didn't say anything. He stared as if it was my turn to say

something, but I was just there, standing.
"Well?" I rose a brow.

Sebastian rose a brow back, "Well?"

I gulped, crossing my arms, "I'm waiting for you to...you know, teach me.
Or how does this work?"

There were lots of mixed emotions coming out of Sebastian Sallow. I

couldn't really read him. I wondered how he felt. Did it hurt him? Did it
annoy him? I wondered.

"I apologize," Sebastian chuckled down, again, "Right, right, uh, w-what do
you want to learn? I taught you a variety of spells and jinxes."

I was eager to learn powerful ones. The ones to be able to destroy an

enemy. Ones where The Keepers wouldn't question my ability to defeat. I
knew there were spells missing.

I looked down, thinking, "You mentioned, I won you in a school duel?"

Sebastian nodded, "Embarrassingly for me, yes."

"And what spells did I use to defeat you? If you were known to be the best

Although he held lots of freckles on his pale face, I did watch a bit of his
cheeks turn a tint of pink at the recall of the event that I didn't know about.
"They were actually spells you already knew." Sebastian said
embarrassingly, "...you know, protego and levioso."

I did know those spells already.

"You were just pretty good in your dueling skills. I left you off the hook in
that DADA classroom." Sebastian let out.

"Oh," I said, the memory not coming up at all in my head, "Then what did
you actually teach me?"

Sebastian wondered, "Well, each spell learned was behind an event between
us. For example, the disillusionment spell. Do you know it?"

I thought hard. Very hard, but no memory, "No."

"We sneaked into the library one night—"

"We what?" My eyes almost bulge at the mention.

Sebastian maintained his ease, almost having to remind himself that certain
news of my past always shocked me. Let's not speak of the memories of last

"Right, excuse me," Sebastian sighed, "I'll be straightforward. The

Disillusionment charm. You practically turn invisible and—"
"...Good for getting places you're not suppose to be..." Another voice mixed
in my head.

I squinted, "I'm sorry?"

"What?" Sebastian stared.

I blinked to myself, taking a low breath and missing out on what Sebastian
Sallow was telling me while another voice similar mixed in. Was it another

"I..." I kept looking down, "I did not hear you well, can you repeat it?"

Sebastian didn't question my behavior, he respected my loss of sense and


"Of course. I mentioned that the Undercroft, where we stand at the moment,
you learned most of them here." Sebastian let out.

"Right," I managed to say.

Sebastian nodded, "I'm sure you can cast disillusionment on the first try. Do
you have a wand?" He pointed.

I slowly slipped out my wand from my left pocket and nodded, "I do."

"Give it a try," Sebastian encouraged.

Give it a try. He's said this before. I've heard it before. The voice was
deeper now compared to the one in my head.

Focus. Y/n. Focus. You need to learn these spells without distractions.

"Hm," I can see Sebastian let out at my use of the spell, "I can't see you."

I looked down at myself. Invisible.

It was weird being invisible. This spell could take me places and I
wondered how many times I took use of it in the past.

I un-casted the spell, taking a breath and appeared again in front of the
brunette boy across from me.

Sebastian Sallow looked appealing. The way his arms were crossed, almost
watching every single movement of my learning and nodding from the

It must've been fun in the past. Not that I am underestimating anything in

my current life, but this was different. I was learning spells I already knew
without actually knowing, and he was repeating himself.

"Thanks." I forced, avoiding staring up.

Again, silence. It was a tough learn, really. I didn't know much, but
Sebastian did. The aura was split.
The silence didn't help at all. There was an awkward tension that build up
between us. I was afraid of staring up and getting a glimpse of the same
face I encountered last night. It was making me nervous already.

"We don't have to do this." Sebastian sighed.

He might've taken notice of my inner overthinking. Was I that obvious?

Stare up. There's no reason to feel intimidated anymore. If I were once

comfortable with this man, I could do it, again.

My eyes flickered up, "What?"

Sebastian's hair was now dried up from the shower he might've taken when
arriving. His hazel eyes gave a worrisome stare, almost I felt guilty for
them. And the green-brown sweater sat comfortably over his muscles

"I completely understand any motive you might have wanting to learn
spells, again, but don't force yourself. I can always hand them over to Anne
or Ominis to teach you more comfortably." Sebastian offered.

"Oh," I said as if my head wasn't throbbing, "I-I don't mind, but I also
understand if you don't want to teach me. I did call you by force over a
bracelet and...and who knows what kind of risks you might—"

"It's not a risk." Sebastian confessed to me, "The Undercroft is a safe place.
And, no, you didn't force me. I might admit, it seems like you did me a
favor. The least I expected is for you to want to speak with me again." He
looked down.

"Why wouldn't I?" I said.

Sebastian looked at me in guilt, "I figured from the last encounter between
us, it might've scared you." He gulped.

I bit the inside of my lip. It didn't scare me, it just triggered my memory
more. It made me realize that my own magic can potentially control it, but I
needed to wield more power from sources. Or was this just an excuse to see
him? No. No, no. What?

"Well, if I were to be scared, I would've never called from the bracelet that
slid on me that night, so that can say a lot." I let out.

Sebastian nodded, "Correct...I suppose it was not expected. I apologize." He

sighed, "Thanks for...letting me teach you."

My eyes were everywhere, but his, "It'll only make sense since you were
the one that taught me in the past life." I encouraged.

Sebastian finally shifted the mood, nodding again, "You're right...it will
make sense."

I waited pretending as if I wasn't skipping a heartbeat more than usual.

"Arrow spell," Sebastian let out more firmly, beginning to walk in one
space, "Another practical spell, but it requires intention. Intention is all in
the head." He taught.

I rose, confusedly, "Arrow spell?"

Sebastian smirked, "Hmh, expected you to repeat that. You shoot arrows out
of the tip of your wand. Again, simple, but can be useful."

I prepared my wand, "W-What's the incantation?"

"Arrow." Sebastian held in his chuckle, "As I said, practical, but you have
to mean it."

You have to mean it. I blinked.

"Okay," I nodded, lifting my wand.

"Whoa, wait," Sebastian finally gave in on his own laugh, stepping to

myself and lifting his arm up toward mine, "Is it alright if I fix your

I breathed a little at the closeness, but shook it off and nodded, "Y-Yes."

Sebastian's hand gently rested over mine, fixing my wand direction toward
the nearest barrel instead of the wall.

"Last time you performed this," Sebastian's voice was clear and close, I
didn't realize he was behind me near my ear while his hands were on mine,
"It bounced off the wall and you nearly killed me."

Distracted by the touch, I rose my brows wanting to change the topic in my

own head, "I-I did?"

"Yes, so, I suppose we're safe now." Sebastian said, "Keep it steady and, as
I said, intention. Mean it. That arrow should come out in a pace." He

I swallowed, watching his fingers curl over my hand, my own hands feeling
small as I watched in the distance.

My eyes closed, surroundings vibrating a bit as I began hearing my own

breath through my ears, "Arrow."

A long, rapid arrow was felt out of my wand and when my eyes re-opened, I
watched it go freely near the barrel, breaking it.

I gasped.

"That's it," Sebastian encouraged, "Let it out," he whispered, "If you think
hard enough, more arrows would come out."

Let it out.

No, oh no. Why? Why now?

I couldn't even concentrate anymore. The reminder of hearing Sebastian
Sallow say that in a particular heated dream not even 24 hours ago made me
lose any kind of focus. Any.

I can also hear Sebastian's breath behind me, almost touching my ear and
without measuring my actions I turned a little, sensing his face near mine.

Sebastian stared first and I tried to maintain calm. Like if those plump pink
lips weren't haunting my memories. How they were focused on me. Just me.

As my body turned more to him, my body levels increased, and without

thinking, the wand in me lowered and an accidental arrow flew out.

"Ow," Sebastian let out a weak groan, bending a little.

I gasped, bringing myself back to reality and seeing my wand shoot out an
arrow near his foot, almost going through.

"Oh," I noticed, "I-I'm so—"

Sebastian lifted a hand at me. Instead of being in pain, he laughed to

himself, fighting it off, and standing back up, "Well, nothing like a good
history repeats itself."

I didn't know it, but as he explained a previous encounter of hitting with an

arrow, it was only ironic that my own body will let out that action.

I gave in, giving a soft smile and nodding. As if a minute ago, I wasn't
losing any focus on the man that was once considered the love of my life,

"Alright, well, so far, good." Sebastian nodded, "As I expected. You're a

natural." He complimented.

"Thanks..." I nodded back.

There was something particular about Sebastian Sallow that night that made
me question whether it was a mistake calling him. It was distracting. Not
me for me — but my body felt it. It was hard to describe.

"Confringo," I gasped again, watching the lanterns almost fall to the floor.

"Brilliant," Sebastian said, "Again,"

I pointed toward the last lantern, throwing the powerful firing spell and
causing a rapture in the space.

"Good girl," Sebastian smiled.

I paused, flushing, "W-What?"

Sebastian looked at me from across the Undercroft, "I said good job. Is that
alright? May I congratulate your progress?"

I looked down immediately, embarrassed that my own head was mixing

words. What was happening to me?
Focus, Y/n. Don't mix your gaps with the current reality. It will drive you

"There's one more spell I want to teach you." Sebastian Sallow let out to me
a minute later.

I adjusted my eyesight from my inner negative thoughts and looked over at


"It's new," Sebastian informed, "Not really a spell, but I believe that you can
succeed with it easier than others." He said, almost in a compliment.

"What is it?"

"Apparition." Sebastian lifted his hand to his word.

I was quiet at the moment, furrowing my brows knowing I'd heard about it,
but all I remembered is that you were required to take classes, if interested.

"Don't you need a license—"

"Yes, but," Sebastian shrugged, "Life is full of risk, correct?"

I stared.

"Ironic of me to say that while being a former Azkaban prisoner, eh?"

Sebastian joked to himself hurtfully, "You don't have to listen to me. I
understand refusal."

Apparating. It sounded fun. Sometimes, I was jealous seeing Anne and

Sebastian apparate. Or the seventh years that took the class last year. I
regret not taking it, but I didn't have time. It seemed useful, but difficult.

"Am I capable of learning it?" I said, almost discouraging myself.

"You're capable of anything, Y/n." Sebastian let out, "I believe you can do

I took his words by heart at the moment. I didn't know why, but they were
comforting. Motivating.

I parted my lips, thinking, but agreeing, "Okay. I want to learn it. Tell me
what to do."

Sebastian let out a breath, "Alright. My twin sister, Anne and I were taught
by our parents, who were professors here back then, at an early age. It's
usually 16, but we benefited from our parents by third." he informed.

I listened to his voice. It was soothing, I needed to admit that to myself. I

couldn't hide it.

"It's tough. I might've accidentally apparated in the wrong places many

times, but after receiving my license and practicing, it became easy."
Sebastian let out.
"Is that why you apparated here so...easily?" I asked.

"Yes. The more you know the place, the easier it is to apparate there." He

I nodded.

Sebastian adjusted his posture, focusing on me, "Now, a wand isn't

required, but for beginners, it can be an easy access. Are you ready?"

"Yes," I grabbed my wand.

"It took me years to get used to it, but I sense with your special abilities, I'm
confident you can do it." Sebastian said.

I was blushing. I didn't know why I was blushing, but I was hoping he
wasn't looking at me. I already felt enough already.

"I'll make it easy. There are 3 D's. Destination, determination, and

deliberation," Sebastian counted with his fingers, "Step one, a desired

I wondered.

"It's your first time. We can start here. In the Undercroft. Disapparating
from one corner and apparating to another." Sebastian pointed at the
opposite side, "You know the Undercroft pretty well now, right?"
I nodded, "I do. It's big, but I do. I think."

"Good. So, destination,"

"Undercroft," I answered.

"Step two, determination," Sebastian paced around me, "Visualization is the

key here. The more you visualize, the more it becomes a reality. You just
have to focus."

I closed my eyes, following the words and visualizing the corner of the
Undercroft, letting nothing else in my head distract me.

"Picture it already?" Sebastian noticed.


"Step three, delibera—"

In a second, I felt my entire body shift. The feeling was super woozy. My
heart felt like it sunk to my stomach while I felt being stretched and lost


I breathed heavily, re-opening my eyes.

"Wow," Sebastian said, but his voice was far.

I looked around, realizing I was on the opposite side of Sebastian Sallow. I

was successful in the apparition.

"Whoa," I said breathlessly, not even believing myself on easy it was.

"Not everyone can succeed that quickly. You're entirely a natural."

Sebastian kept saying from afar.

I felt so many emotions. Was it the ancient magic? Are you telling me I
could've done this before and saved time?

"Alright, again, apparate back. Be careful, doing it constantly might make

you feel a tad queasy. I vomited my first few times the farther I went."
Sebastian said out loud.

I closed my eyes, imagining my desired location in that Undercroft. I kept

Sebastian's words in my head, following the steps. Destination,
determination, and deliberation. And,


I did appear on the opposite side, but I wasn't in front of Sebastian Sallow.
Instead, apparated on him, making our bodies collide with each other and
almost tripping.

"Whoa," Sebastian let out, holding me back.

I breathed heavily. Did I apparate on him? Was I thinking of him while
wanting to come back to this spot? Was this normal?

"I'm sorry...I-I—"

"How do you feel?" Sebastian asked, ignoring the fact that I was almost too
close to him.

I felt many things. For starters, how Sebastian's hands were taking hold of
me of not to fall back from the magic — his large hands cuffing over my
arms in a protective manner.

My eyes slowly scanned his hands, noticing a few faint burn marks on them
as his sleeves were rolled up. They traveled their way more up, noticing
how fuzzy the material of his sweater was before the same lips appeared
and I confronted his eyes.

Hazel, again. How can you focus with such eyes like that? They held so
much...care? Protection? Worry?...so much, so much—

My breath was heavy, and so was Sebastian's. My body felt so close to his,
but my head felt far. So far. I hated it. I hated the feeling. Why did I want it,
but didn't?

I can feel Sebastian's muscles relax on my touch, his own eyes traveling to
my lips up to my eyes again.

Sixth Year
"I have so many plans for us, Y/n," Sebastian Sallow breathed nervously,
"It's only the sixth year, but time doesn't exist with you. It never does."

I kept my eyes closed.

"We will finish the sixth year as you said, we will go find my sister,"
Sebastian let out, "I know we can find her."

"We will," I whispered back.

"We will find Anne, and a cure," Sebastian kept going, "And hopefully, we
can reach back for our N.E.W.Ts...graduate together. All of us."

I held in my smile.

"And then...I would love to give you a future—a future—a future..."


I pushed away before our lips could meet for the first time. I didn't mean to,
but I got a flashback. A memory with Sebastian Sallow. It was so clear, and
I remember it so well. More than any other memory.

I turned my back from Sebastian in that Undercroft, feeling as if my heart

went out of my body from the flash. I felt the beat wanting to come out of
my chest. My hands sweating. My eyes closed.
"I apologize, Y/n..." Sebastian let out in guilt behind me.

I kept my eyes closed, not even knowing what to say. I wanted to scream,
cry, or just not feel anything right now.

Sebastian didn't say anything else, it's like he let me have my space and
cool it off on whatever it was, but I knew he was going to feel guilty. It
wasn't his fault.

My breath levels didn't relax, but I managed to let out words, "It's not your
fault. It's not your fault."

"I'm sorry." Sebastian let out, again, ignoring my reassurance of not being
his fault.

My eyes re-opened and I stared at the blank wall in front of me, gulping and
parting my lips to say more. To finally confess more.

"I don't understand why my body feels so much for you, but my head
doesn't..." I said weakly, "I don't get it."

Sebastian didn't say anything. Instead, I can hear his steps getting closer. I
didn't fight him at all. I was too stressed over myself. Over my head.

"What do you feel?" He asked.

He was right beside me now, I can see him from the corner of my eye.
Sebastian also stared at the blank wall in front of us.
"I feel many things," I revealed, "I feel things, but I don't see them in my
head. It's just," I kept breathing, trying to come up with words, "It's only,
flashes...glimpses. I no longer know."

I was honest. I was being truthful to Sebastian Sallow now. I meant, how
couldn't I? He was the main source in my head for the last few months. It
was only valid to finally confess.

Sebastian sighed, "May I ask, what you refer to?"

I wanted to laugh. What confession would I get out of telling him about
what I've heard? What I've seen? What I dreamt of? There was only so
much to say at that point.

I was nauseated at the thought. I couldn't project words anymore, I was lost.

"It's alright," Sebastian noticed, understanding my no-answer.

We both stood there, enjoying the silence. Enjoying the empty wall. As if
none of us wanted to leave.

"Sebastian," I managed to say.

"Yes, Y/n?" He answered obediently.

I looked down, "In my past life, was I happy?"

Sebastian was quiet for a moment.

"Be honest," I assured.

I can hear Sebastian let out a huff and saw him turn to me from the corner
of my eye as he spoke.

"It'll be too selfish of me to tell you, 'Look at your memories and find out
already'." Sebastian said, "But..I might have a way to show you your...past
life...as you say, without getting your memories back and you determine
how you felt." He suggested.

I furrowed at his words, gazing my head up and looking over to the side.

Sebastian didn't stare back, he continuously stared at the wall.

"I understand why you wouldn't want your memories right away. Honestly,
it aches me, but I do say, you were always a challenge in your past-self
too." He joked in hurt.

I closed my eyes.

"I can show you, what I saw about you, from my perspective." Sebastian let
out, "From my own memories."

I opened my eyes, tilting my head, "What?"

"Magic knows many things," Sebastian said to himself, "And one of them is
a memory and a pensieve." He looked to our left.

I turned slightly and spotted the pensieve in front of Isadora Morgananch's

empty painting.

"I can extract my own memories of us. Of you. I can show you what I saw."
Sebastian offered.

It was off guard. I knew such a thing as that existed. I mean, it's a magical
world, but it never crossed my mind. Was I ready? Or was I overthinking?

"They won't be altered...right?" I said in doubt.

Sebastian pursed his lips, "Altering memories requires lots of advanced

magic that I have not reached. It's non-verbal to do that, so no."

Again, I was hesitant.

"As I once said, if there were a third party, an Unbreakable Vow wouldn't
mind," Sebastian admitted.

I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic over the words, but I believed him. I
believed him last Friday. I could believe him now. I wouldn't date someone
I wouldn't trust, right?

"We don't have to," Sebastian let out in discouragement, "I'm just trying my
I gulped, "I'll be seeing myself?"

Sebastian nodded, "Yes, Y/n. We spent almost every—we spent lots of time
together the last two years. I apologize if that sounds discomforting, but it's
the truth. And I am willing to provide a glimpse. Perhaps, it might give you
an answer?" He said in worry.

"Okay..." I said without hesitation, "Can I trust you?"

Sebastian licked his lips, "You always did."

I nodded at the reassurance. I would've trusted Sebastian Sallow regardless

at this point.

"I may confess, I no longer hold a wand, yet. Ominis and Anne are working
on it, but...I'm wandless." Sebastian sighed.

"Where's your wand?"

"Azkaban." Sebastian gulped, "I suppose—"

I lifted my white wand, extending it toward Sebastian, acting as if my

fingers weren't shaking previously.

We both walked over slowly to the pensieve and Sebastian held my wand in
his hand tightly, looking down at the magical source.
We waited, but I noticed he stared at me.

"I do want to apologize in advance, because this is my perspective,"

Sebastian said struggling, "I don't have to show you the gruesome killings

"I want the truth. It's alright." I sighed, "I trust you."

"You do?" Sebastian said in awe.

"I do." I looked down.

I watched as Sebastian pointed my wand over his head as he concentrated.

Spikes of a light-blue swirl extracted from his temple. It took a while before
the tip of my wand glowed a lot as he lowered it near the pensieve.

"Okay," Sebastian nodded, "Down."

Sebastian's Memories

Fifth Year

I breathed heavily, watching myself from third person perspective as I sat

on the sorting hat and got sorted into Gryffindor.

Sebastian Sallow stood beside Imelda Reyes, watching me.

"What's her name?" Sebastian let out.


Sebastian smiled, "Y/n."

The memory shifted in Professor Hecat's classroom. I stared, walking

around and watching myself confront Sebastian Sallow for the first time.

"Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome," He said.

I couldn't reach Sebastian's thoughts well, but from his perspective, I looked
powerful, cool, and pretty. I felt it watching the memory.

The memories will shift on our adventures, fights, and moon talks.
Sebastian spoke about the moon with me.

I also witnessed myself using ancient magic to defeat the biggest monsters.
Sebastian thought it was cool. Amazing. He always congratulated me.

I saw him teach me spells. The same spells we used now, but more
advanced. We laughed and we had fun.

"I won't let her suffer, Avada Kadevra," Sebastian let out.

I saw myself beside him. I didn't stop him. I was there when he killed his
uncle. Anne was there too. I knew Anne. I was friends good with Anne. No
jealousy or rivalry. Just support.
Sixth Year

I didn't see myself for a portion of the sixth year. Instead, I saw a
perspective of Sebastian writing and thinking of me. It didn't make sense,
but I felt his head. He cared.

Sebastian entered Charms on the first day. I was there and he called me. He
was excited to see me.


I held a grudge against him for some reason.

"Nice to see you."

Sebastian was in the Undercroft debating with himself. He was nervous to

see me for the first time after a summer. He liked me, but it seems like I
didn't know, yet.

We were discussing.

"Now you're putting the blame on me for being kind-hearted and wanting to
help Anne?" I gasped at him, "You're mean."

Sebastian was full of guilt.

"Let's just pretend we never knew each other. If I had the opportunity to
obliviate the last year, I would." I told him.

I was so mean to him.

Then I saw Quidditch games. The ones that were so blurred to me in my

head, I saw them. I saw myself in the air, and Sebastian cheering for me. He
always seemed to be a cheerleader.

Then it shifted to Feldcroft. I saw myself confessing to him. Sebastian

confessed to me too.

We kissed. We had sex. We both loved it. It was amazing from his
perspective. He cared for me. He wanted to protect me.

I was aware now that I did allow myself to lose my virginity to him. I
wanted it. I trusted him. He obeyed.

We dated. We were secretive, but Sebastian loved that. He enjoyed the fun
of taking risks together. Being happy together.

He thought I looked beautiful in the rain when he asked me to be his

girlfriend. He fought it for so long, but did it. I said yes.

We had sex everywhere. From Sebastian's perspective, it was fun. It was

embarrassing witnessing myself pleasured, but I enjoyed it. I was happy.

"Let it out," Sebastian said.

It was what I saw yesterday night in my head.

"Don't make them stop," I moaned.

It was a real memory. It really happened. I was getting them back.

Glimpses of our relationship kept going. Jerseys, jealousy — there was a lot
of jealousy...a picnic. It was the same spot from Friday. He wanted me to
remember badly. He loves me. He still does.

"A bracelet," I let out, admiring it.

"Yes. And these charms that hang from it," he pointed, "There's a small
butterbeer, a golden snitch, and...a wolf fang."

Why was wolf being mentioned so much?

The ball scene was true. I danced with him. I told him I love him. We spoke
about a future. He really wanted that future with me. More than I did. His
head showed it all.

Azkaban was hell, but he avoided showing me that memory. All I saw is
myself protecting him in Azkaban.

"A white wolf?" Sebastian said.

It meant a lot o him, apparently. I didn't know I could produce such spell.
Atticus Sweeting was there now. I wasn't in the scene, but from afar I saw
the threat. I saw the deal. I saw the second-guessing Sebastian Sallow was
almost going to take on risking his life for me. For our future.

Sebastian broke up with me. I refused. He left with so much guilt and
regrets. He didn't want to do it at all. I felt the hurt.

And then there was me again, confronting him in the Undercroft. He was
happy to see me again, hoping for a beautiful reunion.

I didn't know him. He was sad.

He fought Ominis. Sebastian thought it was his fault.


I breathed heavily as my head raised up from the pensieve. I was shaking

and I was feeling too many emotions at once, and they weren't even my

Sebastian was staring at me. He was worried.

It was real. The memories were real. We dated. We loved each other. We
broke up. I lost my memories.

My head hurt. My eyes closed.


"No," I freaked, but felt Sebatian's hands trying to comfort me. "I-I..."

I fell to the floor, trying to focus, trying to concentrate.

The flashes happened, but the memories were blurred. They were twisting
in my own head — almost eating me up. Painfully.

"Your hands are cold." Sebastian whispered.

My eyes remained closed. Why did I feel awful? Was it the memories? Was
it Sebastian's memories? Was it my ancient magic? Was it—

My surroundings hazed. I felt vibrations in the inner part of my ears and as

my eyes re-opened one last time, it was dark.

The swirls of ancient magic crossed over the room; they guided everywhere
until focusing on a certain direction. It was almost as if...

"No," I said in between realizations.

I must've lost my senses for a moment because as I focused, Ominis and

Anne were there in front of us.
"I sense two presences in the Undercroft." Ominis let out.

"Well, it's too late now, Ominis," Sebastian snarled at him. "I don't know
she's just cold and—"

"Y/n?" Anne Sallow let out, noticing my confusion.

I stared up, watching all of them.

"The repository," I breathed, "It's getting invaded right now. Atticus figured
it out."


Hello, final battle.

PT: sixteen


Third Person Perspective

Sebastian Sallow never let go of Y/n Y/l/n on that Undercroft. He grew

worry on her. How couldn't he? The distraught from exposing his more
vulnerable memories to Y/n and then getting invaded this way? It was a

All four heads inside that room were confused and lost. What was there to

Y/n knew what to do. There wasn't much to think at that point. Time ticked
on her head and if anything, it felt too late.

Y/n closed her eyes, concentrating and trying to ignore the magical swirls
that curved along the surroundings. Destination.

Anne Sallow furrowed her brows, watching Y/n a little more intense as
Ominis Gaunt freaked out in the side corner thinking of a plan.
Sebastian followed his sister's concerned eyes and shifted the gaze at Y/n
below him.

"No," Sebastian broke the focus on Y/n, preventing her from doing what
she was attempting to do, "Y/n, you can't—"

Y/n wiggled out of Sebastian's arms. Did she want to? Not really, but there
were so many other worries. Risks. Sadly, dealing with the memories of
Sebastian Sallow was the least to worry about in this circumstance.

"W-What is she doing?" Ominis let out, knowing he wasn't able to see the

"She's trying to apparate. Y/n, I don't want you to—"

"Apparate?" Ominis screeched at the news, "Since when can she—"


"Shit," Sebastian sighed loudly, maintaining ease.

There was guilt in Sebastian Sallow at the moment. Was it the right thing to
teach her apparition? Or was the timing perfect?

"No," Sebastian said again, "We need to go. W-Where is the bloody
repository she speaks of?! Y/n isn't safe. And then Atticus Sweet—
Rookwood? W-What—"
"Sebastian, I will say this in the calmest way to you, but what in Merlin's
name were you doing in the Undercroft? Let alone, how can she apparate?"
Ominis frowned.

Sebastian clicked his tongue, "Really, Ominis? That's what you're worried
about?" He frowned at his best friend, "How about you tell about this
fucking mess you made in the first place, by alternating her memories,

Ominis stayed back from Sebastian's harsh words, "With or without

memories, we still would've been in this position. If anything, worst."

"Oh, please—"

"The Map Chamber," Ominis let out, cutting off Sebastian's grudge and

Sebastian stopped his babbling, "What about The Map Chamber?"

"Y/n never took you there, or anything?"

"No," Sebastian thought, "She's mentioned to me about it. The Keepers. She
spoke to them there, but I never got the opportunity to see it." He breathed.

"That means we cannot apparate there either. And anything out the chamber
is school grounds, which isn't allowed," Ominis thought.

All three heads stood quiet. Almost feeling defeated that as seconds went
by, time went by with the worry of what could possibly happen to Y/n.
"Ominis," Anne finally let out.

"Yes, Anne?"

Anne thought, "You've been there before, right? T-The night Sebastian got

"I was." Ominis breathed, "but Poppy led the way and,"

"I have a plan," Anne let out.

The apparating was not easy for Y/n Y/l/n. Not at all. It was nothing
compared to the Undercroft and she knew that. Sebastian told her it wasn't
an easy process at first and he was right.

Although she appeared in her exact location on that Map Chamber, her
body felt unwell. Her surroundings spun and because it was her first time
apparating by herself, she felt sick.

Y/n breathed heavily as the motion sickness rose, preventing herself from
getting sick right there, but the distraction of her surroundings stopped it.

It was empty, but The Keepers weren't on the portraits, which only meant
that somebody was in the Map Chamber. Or had been.
Was it all in her head? Maybe, the show of Sebastian's memories messed
with her entire body and confused her thoughts. Maybe —

Drilling. The sound of drilling echoed through that open space. It came
from underground, which only meant one thing.

"No," Y/n breathed, looking down over the ledge of the stairs and realizing
that Atticus Sweeting-Rookwood had found a way to gain entrance to the
last floor containing the repository safely.

As Y/n ran down those stairs, so did Anne, Ominis, and Sebastian did on
the other side of the castle.

Apparently, the disillusionment charm came in handy for Sebastian Sallow,

and for everyone else. They were able to discuss a last-minute plan not to
invade right away. To be sneaky as Ominis Gaunt's wand tried to lead the

Y/n kept letting her breaths go in and out heavily, her chest rising as she
attempted to find answers on how the enemy was able to succeed.

"Took you long enough." A voice echoed before Y/n can reach the last
lower stairs.

Calm, Y/n. If Atticus Sweeting is a step ahead, lashing out can only result in
the worst.

Y/n closed her eyes, her back on the person behind her, and turned around
as the drilling sounds under continued.
Atticus Sweeting stood there. All black, the usual, as Y/n thought. His
fingers were covered with thick, leather gloves. These weren't ordinary
gloves, they seem to glow from afar and she didn't want to imagine what
type of dark magic was in there.

"Atticus," Y/n breathed, fighting the urge to wipe out her wand and shoot
the spells she knew, but again, think smarter, she thought to herself, "Y-You
don't have to do this."

Her heart rate was unstable. There was no need to feel nervous, but there
was also a need to feel nervous.

Atticus tilted his head, almost wanting to give a smile, but held it off,
"Doing what exactly, Y/n? Wield the magic? You think I'll let down an
opportunity of a lifetime like this?"

Y/n swallowed, "It's no use. I told you—"

"You didn't tell me enough." Atticus rose his voice, "Now, you gave me no
choice. Well, you never truly gave me a choice, really. You're stubborn. I
enjoyed it at first, but where's that going to get me?"

Drilling, again.

Y/n looked down and tried to focus on the vibrating as the magic swirls
kept appearing out of the blue on her.

"What did you do?"

Atticus smirked, "What haven't I done? You really thought I would waste
my time now waiting for you to appear? I'm a Rookwood after all." He
showed off.

The name itself was triggering for Y/n now. Sweeting was okay, but the
mention of Rookwood never felt convincing. It was rare to hear Atticus live
up to that last name after being so in denial about it.

Y/n frowned, finally lifting her wand, "Depulso,"

Atticus did not fly over. Instead, he stood in place blocking the spell lightly
with a beige wand that glowed nicely through his gloves.

Miriam's wand.

Y/n gasped, almost lost in emotions at the sight of the familiar wand, and
stared at Atticus, "W-Where did you get that? Why are you holding
Miriam's wand in your hand, Atticus."

Atticus twirled the wand around at their view, smiling, "Oh, this? Well, you
weren't giving me other choices. It will only make sense that one of the
artifacts could make use of a step into the repository."

Y/n wanted to burst, but the sense of emotion of knowing that Miriam's
wand was buried with Professor Fig the last time she saw him...it was
messing in her head. Sadness. Trauma. Fear.

"Nothing like a good dig-up, eh? I may say, he still seemed in-tact—"
"Diffindo — accio wand," Y/n shouted, but the wand didn't come to her.

"Easy, love," Atticus smirked, curving the spells Y/n threw at him, "We can
talk it out, you know. Make this process easier."

Y/n stared.

Within the commotion, Ominis Gaunt and Sebastian Sallow had succeeded
in entering the Map Chamber, invisible. Luckily, Y/n had left the entrance
of that enchanted space open. Anne Sallow, on the other hand, seeks
answers somewhere else.

"I'm going to end him—"

"Sebastian, stop," Ominis murmured quietly under his breath, "We must not
invade, yet."

Sebastian furrowed his brows, in denial to accept the feeling of seeing the
girl he loves be inches away from his worst enemy.

"Ominis, what the hell are you on about?" Sebastian frowned as both
Slytherins hid behind the railing, "We need to destroy him. It's not even a
question. Time is already—"

"What's there to talk it out about, Atticus? What I want is answers." Y/n
pointed, casting more spells.

The spells went back and forth with each other. Atticus throwing one back
to Y/n and her blocking it with a sprint pace, landing on the other side of
the Map Chamber.

Sebastian was dying inside. He wanted to let it all go. His life was full of
sacrifice and this was the most risk he wanted to take. He wanted to be with
Y/n. Save her. Make-up for everything she might've gone through alone.

"Y/n tells people what they want to hear, remember?" Ominis reminded
Sebastian beside him, "You know that. You told me that so many times."

Sebastian took a breath, wanting to fight it off, but gulping knowing it was
the truth. Y/n did know her choice of words and being a powerful witch
with lots of personality, it was a perfect trait that everyone fell for.

"And I can give you answers, but you know that answer." Atticus kept his
wand in place, "But fighting each other won't lead us anywhere."

Y/n's wand trembled in her hand in the air before falling for the words and
lowering the wand to her side again.

"What are you doing in the passageway down there? Why do I hear
drilling?" Y/n freaked.

"It was the easier way of entering the repository layer. Apparently, not even
you could've opened it. This wand..." Atticus held Miriam's wand, "Was
required, and lots of breakage. Which, I'm in the process of."

"Why do you want that magic so bad?" Y/n asked, "It's not worth it."
"Oh, it's worth it. Coming from you," Atticus stared, stepping close to her,
"Look at you. You seem as powerful without knowing."

Y/n breathed heavily, feeling the presence of Atticus Sweeting getting near
and near, and fighting it, "Stop."

"No," Atticus said, "That power was meant for me. It is for me. And it still
can be for me. I just needed you to open it!" He frowned.

Y/n frowned back, "For what? So you can destroy the Wizarding World?
Why would I let you do that?!"

Atticus blue eyes stared directly, squinting, "Destroy? Why would I want to
do that to our own kind? You possibly think that low of me?" He sighed.

"Wit." Sebastian whispered to himself next to Ominis, "He's too fucking

close to her."

"Atticus won't do anything. If he wanted to, he would've done it a long time

ago, Sebastian." Ominis let out.

Sebastian didn't want to understand. He was too emotional now. How was
he so close to getting her back and now he was close to losing her?

"Oh, please—"

"I didn't trust your dad, so why would I want to trust you?" Y/n asked,
"Why wield so much power without a motive?"
"Oh, yeah? And what was your motive for wielding so much power, Y/n?"
Atticus pressured, "Very hypocritical of you to say."

"I was saving the Wizarding World," Y/n answered lightly.

"And I can too. We can do this together." Atticus began manipulating.

Y/n knew it would get to that point. So did Ominis Gaunt. Yes, Ominis

A few days before, as Ominis Gaunt confessed his intentions and apologies
toward Y/n's altering memories, the topic of Atticus Sweeting came up.
Both students worked their way a week in advance to expect a proper plan.

Of course, Sebastian Sallow was part of it, now, but Ominis wasn't
expecting Sebastian to be around in the first place. If this confrontation
between Atticus and Y/n took place, it had to be followed.

Y/n breathed, knowing that if this were to work the way they wanted to,
they needed to handle everything. Say the right words. Do the right actions.

"Together?" Y/n said, oblivious.

"Yes," Atticus nodded, "I've said it before. You and I....we can be powerful.
If you conjure your magic with mine in this repository...the power we will
hold. How we can take the throne. Overpower the ministry. The Wizarding
World at last." He explained.
Y/n listened.

"And then?"

Atticus rose his brows, almost wanting to laugh at the attentiveness that
came off Y/n from wanting to actually learn more about his motives. It was

"Eager much?" Atticus said excitedly, staring up and down at her, "With all
this power...I can restore the castle that belongs to the Rookwood name. The
mansion. Make it bigger. An estate."

Rookwood Castle. The last place Y/n would set foot in. Sebastian thought to

"A big castle?" Y/n said lightly.

"Yes, a big castle. Would that make you happy?" Atticus asked, "A big
castle. So much money. We'll live in a big area. Anything you want."

"I like a big castle," Y/n stared slowly.

Sebastian wanted to vomit.

Y/n never wanted a big castle, or to live within a big area. She wanted a
cottage home, live far away in a small village and build a sunflower garden.
That's what her old self wanted. Kids.
Sebastian turned himself around from the view, leaning his bent body on the
opposite side and looking down. He didn't want to witness this. Or hear any
of it. Even if it was part of a plan — it was disturbing.

"I trust you to extend my bloodline." Atticus confessed obsessively, "A

natural ancient magic mother with a wielded powerful father? The
Rookwood name couldn't get better." He whispered close to her ear.

Y/n's breath began increasing, the tip of Atticus Sweeting's gloves curling
behind her ear, ticking the back of her neck and getting closer.

Did Y/n want to do this? No. Perhaps an intrusive thought came once or
twice in her lifetime, but that was before Atticus Sweeting revealed his true
self. Now, it was by force. By a plan.

"Y-You won't kill me once I open that repository?" Y/n whispered, lips

"I could never kill you, Y/n," Atticus breathed, "Even if I wanted to, I
couldn't...you're hard to get rid of." He confessed.

Was Atticus Sweeting lying? Who knew, but you couldn't tell a difference
on who manipulated better in that very situation. It was hard to tell who will

Y/n eyes stared at Atticus lips. They weren't plump and pink like the ones
she'll always see. She wanted to stop herself from the comparison, but it
was hard to resist.
Atticus Sweeting's eyes have never been bluer than they were staring at her
in that Map Chamber. There was a lonely child hidden inside those eyes.
Someone who wasn't loved and craved affection. That's why he fell so
easily over Y/n's words. It was a weakness of Atticus.

Y/n's lips came in contact with Atticus. As expected, Atticus Sweeting did
not hold back on that kiss. It felt intense, but there was no love in it. Just
lust. All the lust that was expected since they met. It's all Y/n felt.

Sebastian swallowed to himself at the silence. His eyes glued on the floor
below him as his he felt his heartache burn beneath the skin. The emotions
provoking him in the worst ways.

"It's silent," Ominis whispered.

Sebastian breathed, preventing his throat from cutting at his low words,
"You didn't tell me a kiss was part of the plan."

Ominis sighed, "I...well—"

Within the talk, Y/n's hand curled around the back of Atticus hairs, tugging
them. Atticus enjoyed it for two seconds, just two seconds before Y/n's left
hand rose and pointed her wand near Atticus head.

"Legilimens," She whispered.

Atticus Sweeting's life was sad. There was no pity toward the man, but
when Y/n took a glimpse of his childhood life — it was awful.
Victor Rookwood did get to see Atticus in his younger years. Victor taught
his son the most bizarre spells of all time and told him how powerful they
can be at such a young age. After his mother, a Sweeting, split with Victor
Rookwood, pure abandonment took place.

Atticus fought wanting to be like his father, but he was neglected. He was
neglected a lot. Although he seems to be the favorite child of his mother,
compared to Poppy, he still felt alone. The reputation he showed at school
was an act.

He cared about his sister, Poppy Sweeting. Although there was hatred
between the step-siblings, there were moments when Atticus looked out for
her. It was his sister.

When Atticus found out about his biological father's death and how the
new fifth-year student killed him, his investigation started. His motive
started. He wasn't like his dad, that was a fact because he was worst.

The plan of breaking into the repository was a fact. There were two plans,
the one where Y/n did agree, to the one where she didn't. The second option
was high, so Atticus took over the army his father left behind. He was more
sneaky about it.

Y/n gasped, letting go of the legilimens on Atticus Sweeting, and stepped

back, "Y-You're not alone."

Atticus groaned a little at the invasion of his head and began laughing to
himself, "You really thought I'll fall for your little manipulating tactics?"
Y/n gulped, pointing her wand.

"You don't seem to be alone," Atticus stood up, hovering her and lifting the
wand, "Revelio."

Ominis Gaunt and Sebastian Sallow finally appeared in view, but only one
held a wand. The best Sebastian could do was only one option, but not yet.

Y/n became immediately distracted at the sight of Sebastian Sallow in

there. He wasn't part of the plan. It was supposed to be just Ominis Gaunt

After looking through Sebastian's memories earlier, the concentration

beneath Y/n was high. There was something she felt toward him now.
Seeing him there in the Map Chamber wanting to fight for her told her

"Sebastian?" Y/n breathed.

As her eyes locked with his, Atticus took his opportunity to wrap his arm
around Y/n's neck and block her from moving, threatening.

"Leave her alone," Sebastian frowned.

Atticus chuckled, pointing his wand toward Y/n's head, "One little bad
move from either of you and I would gladly obliviate all her memories. I'll
leave her back to the first day of fifth year when she didn't know any of
you. No grief. No nothing. I'll be doing her a favor." He poked in her head.
Ominis and Sebastian did not fight right away, but Y/n swallowed at the
tightness around her skin.

"L-Let me go—"

"Let you go? That'll be too easy," Atticus whispered, "Just like you thought
it'll be easy to trick me, again. I'll say, the first time, you got me there, but
second? Seriously? At least the kiss was worth it."

"Y/n break out of him, you're stronger than you know." Sebastian let out at
me, "Remember," he encouraged.

"Yeah, listen to your little ex boyfriend," Atticus chuckled, "And you." his
wand lifted toward Sebastian Sallow, "Traitor. As expected. You really
thought I wasn't going to know about your secret sneak-outs and meetings?
Are you that dumb, Sallow?"

Sebastian Sallow frowned at Atticus Sweeting, holding his fist together.

"And you Gaunt?" Atticus turned to Ominis Gaunt, his hands grabbing
Y/n's head and forcing her to turn at the blonde boy, "You see that blind boy
there, that's the same person that took your memories. That took the only
knowledge of power you had. Now, you don't know anything." He

"That's not t-true." Y/n struggled.

"Oh, it's true. It's just a basic Gaunt motive. They can't stand seeing
someone be more powerful than them. Ominis couldn't stand the power you
held, so he, poof, took it away and called it...peace." He let out.

Ominis was guilty. Although he tried his best not to let Atticus Sweeting's
words get to him, it was difficult. He did take her memories without
consent. It was his fault, but they were redeemable.

"Gaunt did me a favor, because now, I can do this," Atticus pointed his
wand at Y/n below him, casting a slashing spell on her.

Y/n tried her best to counter the spell, yelling a firing spell that she was
recently taught, "Confringo!"

The spell wasn't powerful enough because she just learned it. Atticus spell
worked and Y/n cut herself.

"And another one—"


Atticus furrowed his brows when Y/n appeared from the other side of the
chamber between Ominis and Sebastian, getting Atticus off guard.

"Hm," Atticus frowned, "Nice skill, but you can be better than that."

All three of them stared.

"Luckily, Y/n," Atticus looked over at her, "You saw inside my head, you
saw I wasn't alone. I'm not alone." He crossed his arms.
Y/n tried to cast another spell at Atticus, but within the moment, the
familiar magic swirls appeared again, making her fall back.

Sebastian reacted, going toward her and bending, "Y/n, w-what's wrong?"

"The repository...is inside the—"

Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop.

In no time, the Map Chamber began filling with enemies one by one. From
poachers to goblins, and Aurors. Yes, Aurors. Some were betraying their
own ministry for a Rookwood.

"Fuck," Sebastian whispered.

"Agh, thought I'll never see the opportunity of this little ancient magic
wielder again," A deep scary voice let out from afar.

Y/n came back to her senses, her reality clearing and facing the enemy
beside Atticus. Theophilus Harlow.

"Harlow," Y/n breathed, "This can't be real. You—you were in—"

"Azkaban?" Atticus chuckled, arms still crossed, "You thought you can be
the only one with the skill of breaking prisoners out? Think again, love." He
teased out.
It was hard for Y/n. A living nightmare comes to life. Almost like the
nightmares she'll dream about over the summer. She couldn't catch a damn

"Time to finish you—"

"Crucio!" Ominis Gaunt let out.

The battle started the moment Ominis unforgivable curse was cast over
three heads at once. The spell caught two goblins and an Auror.

Y/n took this distraction of standing up and finding her target. Well, now,

Sebastian watched as she ran and appeared randomly in random spaces in

between the enemies, trying to destroy them one by one. He wanted to feel
proud, but the worry killed him more.

"Don't waste your time, Y/n," Atticus let out, "It's not worth it." He casted.

Y/n frowned from afar, struggling to keep up, "You're not worthy of that
magic either." She shouted, casting an ancient spell.

From the anger, the blue spell reached over a group of enemies, destroying
them, but none of the blue strikes got Atticus.

"Of course, you can show off the magic like always," Theophilus Harlow
let out with a raspy laugh, "But it's all about the tricks."
Y/n turned, watching the villain disapparate from sight and appear
somewhere else.

"What?" Y/n breathed, scanning around the invaded Map Chamber and
trying to find the enemy.

And there he was behind Sebastian Sallow. Y/n was aware Sebastian didn't
hold a wand upon him, yet. Sometimes, she wondered why Ominis even
allowed him here. She didn't want to take risks.


"Crucio!" Theophilus threw behind him.

Sebastian felt the spell hit him aggressively. The red strikes scanning him.
The burning and death sensation ached onto the weak man, making him
groan and shout in pain. The trauma from getting tortured in Azkaban
eating his mindset. He shouted.

"Petrificus Totalus." Someone called.

A spell was hit against Theophilus Harlow, making him freeze in place
before Anne Sallow appeared behind him, saving her brother.

Alongside, Poppy Sweeting, and Natsai Onai were there.

Y/n didn't know what to do. Was she really ready to see her own friends risk
their lives over a problem that was based on her? No, it shouldn't be that

Y/n wasn't used to seeing Ominis Gaunt use unforgivable curses, or dark
magic. Where was this shift? What took him the courage to turn that way
for the first time in the Map Chamber?

"There you are." A voice whispered.

Y/n felt herself get dragged down the stairs into the deeper end of the
repository entrance. Atticus Sweeting's hands cover her mouth so nobody
can hear.

"It seems everyone is so busy trying to defend themselves up there, they

don't even notice you're gone." Atticus whispered.

Y/n felt some sort of bad memories flash behind her head knowing this was
the same rocky setting where she once defeated Ranrok. A place she didn't
want to relive again.

Y/n began to feel the magic within her skin freeze as she was dragged over
the cemented floor. Her hands got cold as Atticus held her own wand in
between his hands while holding Miriam's on the other.

The problem with a Rookwood was that they were just always one step
ahead, annoyingly. The idea of Atticus Sweeting digging through Professor
Fig's grave sickened her, a lot

"Argh," Y/n said.

Y/n saw the twirls of ancient magic increase more and more as they reached
closer to the sealed and protected repository. It was as if her body was
begging for it too again.

"I can finish Harlow off." Natty Onai let out angrily from the petrified man
below Sebastian, "This is for my father."

Sebastian breathed heavily from the attack of the curse from Harlow, "No,
no, no...."

"Sebastian, it's okay. You're okay," Anne tried to comfort her twin, "I have a
Wigglewand potion—"

"N-No," Sebastian let out in cried, "I'm used to this pain, Anne. I am," he
struggled, "Where is she?"

Sebastian and Anne looked around. They watched as their own friends
fought against those enemies. The count decreasing.

"Sebastian," Ominis breathed out, finally taking recognition of the nearby

friend, "I heard the spell. A-Are you alright?"

Sebastian grabbed his chest, nodding, "No, but...Y/n...where is she,


"My wand can't detect her. Where—"

"The stairs," Poppy breathed, pointing at the stairs where Atticus once
dragged Y/n, "There's another underground. It must be where the repository
is at."

Sebastian was the first one to try and break through the crowd, but he was
held back.

"Sebastian, you don't have a wand," Anne let out. "It can be dangerous—

"Then give me yours." Sebastian frowned, "I don't understand how nobody
was watching her." He breathed.

Between the fights, Sebastian and Poppy ran first toward the entrance under
the Map Chamber, entering another rocky setting.

"What is this place? It's not even detectable," Ominis breathed heavily.

Poppy Sweeting scanned before watching a glowing light from the distance,
"There, there it is—"


A disturbing flash and bombing vibrated between their ears. Most of them
fell to the floor from the flash and the power that was felt around the room
now was strong.

Anna Sallow was the first to open her eyes and take a glimpse of what had
just happened. She gasped.
"Oh, Merlin," she breathed.

The repository was half-opened. It wasn't intentional. Y/n tried her best to
use her ancient magic to close it up, but Atticus having hold of her wand
and Miriam's, it was unsuccessful.

Y/n breathed on the floor as Atticus's blue eyes glowed from the metal that
was re-opening while the protective ancient magic from that hued around
the repository began to fade down.

"No," Y/n fought, but there was no power in her, "Why don't I remember?"
She said angry at herself.

Atticus Sweeting was distracted. He was too distracted by watching the

beauty of the ancient magic glow over him. Miriam's wand raised up from
his head and the tip of the wand wanted to take one touch of the power.

"Expelliarmus!" Poppy Sweeting let out, but it was too late.

Although the percent of the power that Atticus Sweeting wielded was
nothing compared to the power of Y/n Y/l/n, it became unbearable. It was
only unbearable because Y/n didn't accept it. Her new self didn't accept it.

Atticus eyes didn't go red, but a small portion ran through his body, pointing
at Y/n.

"Expulso!" Ominis Gaunt let out powerfully, wanting to hit Atticus, but the
spell shifted from his wand and countered back.
"Ominis watch out." Y/n let out.

Ominis was able to move, but Atticus became unstoppable at that moment.

Atticus didn't care about the other, he just cared about overpowering Y/n
once and for all, "You."

Sebastian frowned to himself, watching Atticus Sweeting get hold of Y/n

and her being confused.

"Imperio." Atticus attempted.

Finally, at last, the Imperio Curse hit Y/n. Her eyes wanted to fight it off,
the ancient magic in her wanted to stop it, but her eyes smoked with green.

"No!" Sebastian Sallow fought, finally running toward his enemy and
feeling angry.

"Perfect," Atticus caressed Y/n's cheek.

The second heartbeat appeared in no time and Sebastian Sallow stood in a

wolf form in front of Atticus Sweeting and Y/n Y/l/n, growling.

Poppy Sweeting gasped loudly at the Animagus form Sebastian Sallow took
but ignored her freak out and began thinking of a loophole over her brother.

"Attack the wolf, Y/n," Atticus ordered to the cursed girl, handing her the
"No, don—"

Before Anne Sallow can react, Y/n obeyed, sadly, and pointed her wand
toward the white wolf in front of her.

Sebastian didn't react. Not even in an animal form he can hurt her. He knew
she didn't mean it, but he fought it off as Y/n casted a spell on him.

"I never thought I'll see this day." Atticus smiled happily, "Attack,"

Y/n breathed, keeping her wand over the white wolf, but the animal kept
jumping over, growling, and keeping its place.

"Anne," Ominis breathed.

Anne wanted to cry from the commotion, "Ominis,"

"The memories," Ominis breathed, "Did you bring them?" He gulped.

Anne dug in her pocket, "Y-Yes. I have them." She held the vial around her
shaky fingers.

Ominis sighed, "I don't want to do this, but we don't have a choice, Anne,"
he said in fear, "I need to hurt Y/n in order for those memories to work."

Anne stared, "W-What?"

"She's under imperio. It's too late now, and it's completely my fault, but her
memories are the only option now." Ominis let out, "Either we get her near
a pensieve, which there isn't one around, or, inject them." He informed.

"Inject them?" Anne scoffed.

"Yes." Ominis answered in a serious tone, "Once I throw the spell, I need
you to grab her hand and slash it in order to cause a bleed and just pour
them. It's the harder way of viewing memories, but...the only way right

Anne hesitated, but she watched from the distance as her twin brother's love
try destroying him. Y/n would regret it and it was the only option to help

Anne recommend that idea. To have the memory vial in place and make Y/n
remember everything. She believed once Y/n regains that trauma and
power, she would be unstoppable. Anne had hope for Y/n.

"Okay," Anne said shakily,

"Okay," Ominis said nervously,

As Atticus attempted to reach over the repository for more magic, Poppy
Sweeting sneaked her way behind, wanting to push away her step-brother
from gaining any power.

"Descendo," Poppy whispered.

Off guard, Atticus was able to hit the floor toward Poppy Sweeting's actions
and groaned, "Poppy."

Poppy stood there shakily, keeping her wand over her villain brother, "How
could you?"

Atticus stared down at her, "How couldn't I? Why are you here? Are you
willing to risk yourself over—"

"I apologize, Y/n," Ominis let out from afar, "Serpensortia," he whispered

Atticus turned to the commotion, seeing as Ominis Gaunt casted a spell, a

snake appearing around Y/n, distracting her.

"No," Atticus said between his teeth, "No."

Y/n stopped her attacks on Sebastian Sallow and eyed the snake under her,
"Go away—"

The snake hissed as Ominis controlled it, "I'm sorry, it's the only way."

The snake grew its fangs, biting over Y/n's wrist and slashing over a bit of
her skin as she screamed from the pain.

The white wolf beside them growled, but then whined at the watch,
watching everything unfold at once.
Anne Sallow ran over to Y/n, fighting her off and dragging her bloody wrist
near and revealing the memory vial, opening it.

"No, don't you dare—"

The swirls of collected sweat swirled to the skin and Y/n recollected
everything at once.

"Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome"

"I'm Sebastian Sallow,"

"But spells, spells are free."

"Ah, my new charge,"

Fainted memories of Sebastian Sallow flashed against her mind rapidly.

Along with memories of herself.

The memory of Feldcroft.

The memory of destroying monsters with her magic.

The fights with her friends.

The happiness with everyone around her.

Sebastian Sallow being her boyfriend.

The Azkaban break-in — the power she was gaining.

The break-up. The heartbreak.

Everything hit Y/n at once. All the memories. Everything. Her head
throbbed from her memories and new memories mixing in.

Y/n breathed heavily, crying as she re-opened her eyes and bled. All the
memories were back.

Anne Sallow stood beside her, worried.

Y/n recognized her, "Anne? I—Anne?!"

Anne breathed, almost in relief, "Y/n...do you remember?"

Y/n breathed, "I do. I do." She cried, turning.

As the Imperio Curse broke away, Y/n turned, finally confronting the arctic
white wolf in front of her and watching the familiar hazel eyes glow
through the animal in front of her.

"Sebastian," Y/n said in awe, "Y-You're here—"


Everything happened so fast, Y/n couldn't even think.

Angrily, Atticus Sweeting went up to the white wolf and stabbed him with
Miriam's wand. The tip of the wand going through the wolf, not once, but
twice making it whine in pain before hitting the floor.

Welcome back, powerful Y/n. Time to destroy for love.

PT: seventeen


Y/n's Perspective

A dense evaporative view was held upon me. All I heard within the inside
of my ears was vibrations, a beep sound that didn't stop for a while. The
pain in my head throbbed, and I mean, throbbed.

I can barely feel my throat let out a breath before coming back to my senses
and adjusting my sight to my surroundings.

"Sebastian! No, Sebastian!" Anne's voice echoed in front of me.

I breathed heavily, my head getting a non-stop migraine as the memories

inside my head settled with my new ones. Everything connecting and trying
to make sense while I sat up.

"Take him, Anne. Apparate. Now. Save him." Ominis let out.

I felt drips on my left wrist and looking down, I gasped at the sight of
blood. The adrenaline must've been so high, I didn't feel the pain, but the
blood was non-stop, for a bit. Just a bit.

Anne Sallow was on her knees in front of me, crying as she petted the white
arctic wolf below me.

Again, I can feel my heartbeat increase, the breaths inside my body wanting
to leave so badly, "Sebastian?"

The man that I loved, that I mourned, that was still there for me. He was
right on my feet, dying. Suffering.

I couldn't think. I couldn't rest. Behind Anne, I can see Atticus standing
there with Miriam's bloody wand, attempting to catch the next Sallow twin
off guard.

"As I once said, the Sallow twins are..."

I lost Atticus voice for a second, closing my eyes and feeling range. Anger.
Revenge. That's all I felt. The coldness that was hiding away, wanting to
burst out of my skin was finally preparing. It was cold. Very cold, but I saw
it. I finally visualized it in my hand.

It was cold. It was blue. I could no longer control it. The memories. The
trauma. The emotions. The feelings. There was no control. I was hit with
that in one minute and that one minute affected everything inside of me. My
knowledge, my strength, and my ability of what I was destined to do.

"You're not touching any of the Sallow twins," I warned, feeling the ancient
magic in my skin cure up the scar the snake bit off. I healed myself.
Atticus Sweeting stared at me, having a hard time reading me, but then took
notice of the range I conjured with the knowledge he once underestimated
me with.

Anne apparated with the white arctic wolf from that repository. Although I
was suffering from the pain of Sebastian being hurt — I was too distracted.
I wanted to let it go first.

"Expelliarmus," Atticus pointed at me.

I dropped my wand before the spell can catch my hand and countered it, my
hand waving in blue swirls, dropping it back to him.

"I don't need a wand, Sweeting."

The ancient magic hit Atticus hard, but due to the fact that he had taken a
portion of it himself from the repository, he was somewhat powerful. But
not like me.

"Blue eyes, blue hands," Poppy let out from afar, "That's why she was
always cold."

I squinted a little, wondering how I was able to hear Poppy Sweeting so

clearly even though she was yards away from the repository. Was this a new

"It was the magic," Ominis whispered.

Distracted by the inner dialogues from afar, I can sense a firing spell being
cast from Atticus Sweeting-Rookwood, almost hitting me before I
controlled it and threw it to the side.

The fire hit the nearest rock beside us, making it fall apart and rumbling.
The caged repository in the middle turned from the actions.

"You're only doing me a favor countering them, Y/n." Atticus let out,
fingers on Miriam's wand.

The annoyance of him having the audacity to dig up Eleazar Fig's grave and
take hold of the most important possession of his made me angry. How
could he?

"Well," I walked near him, feeling my fingers tips cold and pointing up,
"There is no repository if it's destroyed." I motioned.

I couldn't handle myself. I wasn't measuring my abilities of the magic, but I

was tired. Stressed. I just overcame so many memories. A breakup. A
recovery. A healing. All those feelings were hitting me at once.

"Poppy,—Ominis...get out." I warned.

"No, Y/n—"

"I said, get out before I accidentally kill you guys." I warned, lifted their
bodies and gently pushed them off near the staircase of the Map Chamber,
"I can't suffer more."
I watched Atticus pointing toward the repository, trying to regain more
power from the blue haze, but I apparated to him easily.

Apparating felt easy now. I didn't feel sick anymore or weird. It felt nice.

My cold hand took over him, but Atticus used the blood-stained wand to
throw me over the floor and use my emotions against me.

"You see these blood stains," Atticus whispered, wand over my cheek, "it's
not worth fighting, Y/n because Sebastian Sallow is dead. And with all
those feelings and memories you just got back, you're gonna want to join
him. You're going to go insane." He laughed, "He's dead. On my bare hands,
look." He waved the wand.

I breathed, "N-No. You're insane. He's not dead—"

"I made sure he was," Atticus whispered, "So, are you going to die from the
mourning or are you going to let me do the favor of killing you and save
some suffering—"

"Argh," My cold hand wrapped around Atticus neck, my hand around him
glowing in a blue hue as I slammed him between the repository.

Atticus stared at my actions, "Hm, blue eyes. They fit you." He stared into
my color-changing appearance.

"Go to hell, Atticus." I said angrily.

As I let go for a moment, Atticus Sweeting disappeared and he was no
longer in my sight.

I breathed, looking around the rocky repository state, and panicked at no


"Revelio," The Revelio casted more powerful than ever, but there was no
person under that ground.


My eyes looked up at the sounds.

"Natty, watch out!" I can hear Poppy's voice echo clearly.

I closed my eyes, apparating onto the main floor of Map Chamber, and
gasped at my surroundings.

Natty Onai coughed up blood as she sat against the broken railing of the
Map Chamber.

I gasped, "W-What? Natty? I—"

"You see, your little friends should've left when you told them to," Atticus
crossed his arms, "But they aren't as powerful as you."

I watched my surroundings, a pull of dead bodies from enemies was still

there from the battle. All my friends killed them and defended me. I owed
them so much.

Natty was dying, staring at me, "I finished Harlow, Y/n! I got my revenge."
She breathed happily.

I gulped, digging in my pocket and walking up to her rapidly, giving her a

Wiggelwand potion.

"No, here, take this fast and leave, Natty. Please. I'm happy for you, but you
did enough." I begged.

"Your eyes,"

"I know, I know...please Natty just—"

"Snakes? Seriously?" Atticus said from afar, "We get it, you're Gaunt.
You're parseltongue!" He fought.

As Natty left safely, I turned, watching Ominis Gaunt attempt to fight off
Atticus with a throw of dangerous snakes.

Atticus curved them, throwing them against the Map Chamber.

I walked down the broken stairs, feeling my magic range again, but it was
tiring. The emotions of the memories were finally sinking in and I felt like I
couldn't last this powerful for long.
"Depulso!" I threw over my hand, the blue swirls throwing over Atticus.

Atticus groaned, getting thrown against a railing, "Pestis Incendium!" He

pointed the wand near the portraits.

I gasped, watching The Keepers portraits beginning to burn one by one,


"Aguamenti" I said, but it was a spell my body couldn't produce naturally, it

contained water, which I didn't have. I needed a wand.

I breathed, suffering while watching the painting of Charles Rookwood

burn off before the fire began to curve over the others.

"No," I frowned, my hand letting out a leviosa charm and lifting up the
portraits and wanting to gently pull them aside from the fire.

"What are you protecting? They were no help anyway." Atticus laughed.

I let go of the paintings, took hold of the burnt Rookwood one, and
slammed it over Atticus, but he blocked; the painting falling through the
repository station below us.

"Let's see how fast you are," Atticus smirked, disapparating again.

"Shit," I cursed, turning over to Ominis beside me.

"Ominis, you need to go." I breathed, "You need to go with Sebastian." I
held in my tears, "I need you to update me, please."

"Y/n, I-I can't leave you. I need to—"

"Ominis, please. There's a hidden portkey near the plant outside the
entrance. Professor Fig said it was for an emergency. Leave." I begged.

Ominis breathed with me, "A-Alright, but..." I watched his hand lift his
wand before extending his arm, "Don't make me regret this, but we are
risking it. Atticus can't take that power and he was wrong, Y/n. I wasn't
jealous of you holding more power than me. I just wanted to save you." He

I cried, "No, don't say that. It's okay," my words stopped, seeing a Gaunt
cloak in the view, "Ominis, I thought—"

"It's mine. I didn't burn it, but this is life or death once I leave. I need you to
be protected."
Ominis let out, "I trust your magic."

I nodded, "Thank you."

I held in my tears watching Ominis Gaunt disappear as I stood on the main

floor of the Map Chamber.

As I apparated back to the repository, I was shaking. I watched as Atticus
Sweeting opened up the repository more and more while the drilling
continued on the other side.

I jumped, casting another throwing spell onto him and Miriam's wand
finally fell through, but it was inside the repository now.

"No use," Atticus shrugged, "The magic is already here,"

I watched as Atticus took out his own wand and began to point at the magic
that flowed around us, wanting to wield it for himself.

"No," I screeched, my hand throwing out a burst of blue and red strikes,
blocking the magic from entering him.

Atticus threw in a counter-spell, almost fighting me off like his own father.

I struggled, keeping the magic away from him, but the more we fought, the
more magic flew out of that repository.

It was hard. It was painful. I wanted it to stop once and for all, but Atticus
kept fighting it too. Just like his dad.

"Incarcerous," Another voice let out.

I watched Atticus Sweeting stop his motion when thick, venomous ropes
conjured out Poppy Sweeting's wand and began bounding around her older
step-brother, burning him at every movement.
The wand dropped as his hands can no longer hold it from the venom-eating
rope and his entire body bent as he groaned in pain.

Poppy Sweeting stood there with tears in her eyes as she looked down at
Atticus, "Do you remember...how you taught this spell, Atticus? H-How
you told to me use it on enemies...well, here I am."

I gasped, watching Poppy keep the wand in place, "And you won't be able
to get out anymore, because you said...this spell...is with intention and my
intention is strong." She threatened.

Atticus Sweeting struggled but finally gave a look of guilt at Poppy

Sweeting's words.

I watched Poppy keep her wand pointing as she stared back up at me,
"Sebastian isn't well, Y/n. They are in Feldcroft. I can take care of Atticus.
Atticus Rookwood." She fixed.

I breathed, wanting to refuse. I wanted to hug Poppy, but there was no time.
The mention of Sebastian being hurt haunted me and I had no patience

I closed my eyes, visualizing the familiar place. How could I not remember
Feldcroft? It held so many special memories, the place was engraved in my
head now.

The familiar small home appeared in my sight immediately and I breathed.

It almost seemed unreal how peaceful a place can look after disapparating
from a horrible place.
I didn't think, I reacted. My body stepped over the small home and my
fingers twisted on the doorknob, entering it and witnessing my

Ominis Gaunt and Anne Sallow stood beside Sebastian Sallow on that bed.
Anne cried while Ominis sat feeling guilty.

I saw him. I saw Sebastian Sallow for the first time in months. He lay on
the small bed, a white long sleeve on him while a pool of blood was beside
him. It was a horrible sight, I wanted to cry, but I managed.

"Sebastian," I ran, "Hey, Sebastian—"

"We've tried everything!" Anne cried, "From potions...to spells, but..." she
sighed, "I-I don't know."

"Y/n, y-you're back." Ominis breathed.

I nodded, "I am...how is he?"

Ominis kept his view down, "His pulse is low. The stabbing was hard and
near the heart—"

"I can fix him," I let out without hesitation, "I can take the pain."

"Y/n, I—"
Sebastian's face was full of faint scars. As my own hands lifted the bloody
cotton shirt, I took notice of other scars that surrounded his body. They
seem fresh and some seemed torturous.

I swallowed, handling my own emotions and placing my cold hands over

the wounds, feeling the blood come in contact with my skin.

"I'm going to save you, Sebastian," I whispered, "You can't leave. Not right
now." I cried.

I closed my eyes, focusing.

This ranging magic that I once had minutes ago was dying down. As I felt
myself consume the pain of Sebastian Sallow through my body, it stung, but
not too much. It was painfully soothing -- but it wasn't enough.

"Come on," I told myself, "We have no wand, but we can do this," I told

Again, my cold hands rested flatly over Sebastian's warmth of skin, curing
him in every way possible. The pain in him transferred over to me.

"Y/n," Ominis voice let out, "You're in pain,"

"Just let me do this. Let me save him." I said willingly, concentrating.

The pain Atticus Sweeting put on Sebastian was insane. My own body was
barely able to handle it. I almost lost myself in the feeling, I thought I was
going to take his emotions along with me.

Sebastian let out his first groan seven minutes later. I didn't realize I'd taken
so long to heal him, but perhaps, he was right, time didn't exist with him.

As my eyes re-opened, Anne let out a happy cry at the painful movements
that came out of her twin brother.

I felt pain, but relief. I was relieved he was alive. I was relieved for just a
few seconds before coming back to reality.

I wanted to hug Sebastian Sallow. I wanted to cry with him. I couldn't even
argue with him about the breakup because my new memories reminded me
that it wasn't a choice. There was so much to do with him.

Sebastian's eyes struggled to open, but I stood up not wanting to stop

myself from weakening and losing the ability to focus on my own task.

"I have to go back," I let out, adjusting the Gaunt cloak over me.

"What? No." Ominis frowned, "Y/n you—"

"Ominis, the repository is open. I can't let that magic go out that way. I need
to close it before it's too late. Before someone else tries to take it again. It's
my duty." I explained.

Ominis wanted to fight with me, but he let out a deep sigh, and opened his
arms, giving me one last hug.
"Thank you, Y/n," Ominis breathed, "You saved Sebastian. You're about to
save the wizarding world, again." He whispered.

I closed my eyes.

"Be careful. Please, be careful—"

"I'll go with her." Anne let out behind us.

As she placed a damp cloth over Sebastian's forehead, she wiped herself off
and breathed out, "I'm going with you."

"What? No. You have to stay for Sebastian. You're his sister, Anne." I

"Ominis will stay with him. You saved my brother and you tried saving me
all fifth year with him, I need to help you. You can't go alone." Anne let out.

Anne was right, I couldn't do it alone.

I sighed, not wanting to fight her, and nodded, "Okay."

"N-No," Sebastian said in a groan, stuttering with his painful words.

I closed my eyes at his resistance to not wanting to go, but I gulped, staring
at Anne.
"Ready? I'll apparate us." I let out.

"No," Were the last words I heard of Sebastian Sallow.

When we apparated, the Map Chamber was no longer a Map Chamber. The
glow blue room was gone.

We both breathed heavily and I wondered for a second if we were in the

right place, but when I turned to my side and saw Poppy Sweeting, I

The ropes were on her as she cried, "I did my best...I did my best, but h-he
tricked me"

My heart skipped at the sight, and before I knew I can hear trembling from

Atticus Rookwood appeared in a more eagle-like form and jumped over us.
The powerful wand in his hand glowed as it hinted he was able to produce
more magic.

"No," I said.

"How's Sallow?" Atticus teased, "How's Sallow going to feel when I finish
you next,"

Atticus threw a huge rock over us and I squinted from the fast throw, but
Anne blocked it with her wand.
"We have to separate," Anne let out, "Where's your wand?"

I looked around, "Atticus had it, but it should be somewhere. I'll cast non-
verbal for now." I breathed running.

I looked over, feeling the pain and magic within me conjure. The ability to
take Sebastian Sallow's pain giving me a boost on the fueled energy and
making use of it.

I shot my first spell on Atticus, but he curved.

I frowned, "You're no stronger than me, Sweeting." I warned, using my fast

ability pace to run over the rocks in the repository.

I felt flashbacks of also defeating Ranrok and the pain was awful. Why did I
always need to go through this? Couldn't I catch a break?

"Let's find out—"

"Crucio!" I shouted.

The spell hit Atticus, but I didn't put enough effort into my intention. I saw
him let out a painful laugh and stand up again.

"Grew feelings on me? I understand—"

"Confringo!" Anne let out.

We both stood in that repository fighting for our lives.

"I saved you." Atticus pointed at Anne, "Do I need to curse again to teach
you a lesson? Because I know the spell. Look,"

I watched as Atticus pointed his wand from afar toward Anne and I gasped,
apparating near her, "No."

His actions were annoying me, but I knew if I didn't finish him now, I
would never be able to again.

I blocked the curse with my own hands but felt an urging pain.

"No!" Anne let out.

"It's okay," I whimpered a little, "I'm okay. I countered it." I assured.

As I eased off the pain, I frowned staring up at Atticus again as he neared

the repository more and more.

"Accio wand!" I shouted.

Finally, my wand lifted beneath the cracks of the fallen rocks and came in
hand. The feeling of it between my fingers made me feel more powerful
than ever.

"Anne, protego." I warned, lifting my wand, "Tonitruum," I pointed at the

ceiling above us, closing my eyes, "astrape,"

I watched as the once floor of the Map Chamber fell over the repository,
causing multiple ruptures.

"What have you done?" Atticus growled.

"What I should've done a long time ago." I answered, pacing over him and
pointing my wand, "You have ruined my life this past year."

Atticus stared, "If only you just agreed."

"I would never agree with a Rookwood, because you know what?" I let out.
"From my perspective, Rookwoods are destined to suffer."

I lifted my wand, watching the strike of blue and red lightning launch out
the tip of my wand, hitting the ceiling again and making a loud noise as I
bent to the floor.

The heavy floor of the castle fell onto him, but with the use of protego,
Atticus was barely successful on his life.

"Max-diffindo." I cast.

I watched as slashes formed over Atticus Rookwood's body as he struggled

to keep the protege charm in place.
Within that moment, Atticus wand motioned the rock above him and threw
it against the repository, breaking it more.

Angrily, I lifted my hand heavily and closed my eyes pointing it toward my

target and lifting him up.

"I'm so..." I threw Atticus once, "fucking," I threw again, "tired!" I cried.

I didn't want to blame the Gaunt cloak anymore. It helped, but it was me
now. It was my true self.

Atticus spat out blood, struggling to get up from the floor as he was able to
still maintain a laugh from his pain.

"This was fun." Atticus struggled.

I walked over to him, my body vibrating as I got closer and stayed a bit
over his fingers on the floor.

My wand rose at him, and although I was angry and caused the most
ruptures right now — I wasn't capable of it.

"Come on," Atticus force, "Do it. Kill me."

I swallowed.

"Don't forget how we met. How we were friends—"

"It was all planned." I defended.

Atticus sighed, "I enjoyed our times."

There was lots of history with Atticus Sweeting. Memories. I hated to say
that, but there were memories.

"Do it," Atticus said, in more pain.

I looked around and faced Poppy on the far corner of the room who suffered
so much today. She gave me a guilty expression and I looked down
debating my killing curse. I couldn't do it. Although she didn't claim him as
a brother anymore, it felt wrong.

"Killing you is too easy," I confessed, "But, you deserve suffrage."

I bent toward Atticus Sweeting-Rookwood who was too weak to even cast
any spell on me, and pointed my wand at him.

I closed my eyes, concentrating.

Atticus Sweeting-Rookwood held pain, a lot of it. The pain wasn't even
from the injuries caused. He held pain from his childhood, his life at school,
and his neglect. So much of it. It was almost painful for me as I took every
single emotion from him and conjured it onto me for power.

It felt good this time. I wasn't guilty or evil. I did the right thing. It
benefited me and it benefited everyone.
I let out one last breath before Atticus body lay gently onto the floor and
closed his eyes temporarily.

"Finally," I said tiredly.

I can hear Anne walk over to me, "W-What did you do?"

I stared down at the black-haired man, "I took away his emotions. He won't
be capable of doing anything in his life. He will still live, but feel nothing."
I informed.

Poppy Sweeting appeared, her tears still there while I watched in guilt as
she bent at her step-brother.


"You didn't kill him," Poppy sniffed, "T-Thank you."

I sighed, "He's still your brother, by blood. I'm not capable, Poppy. You can
take care of the rest. He is no longer a danger to us."

As I stood up, I watched the open repository roam around with power.

I walked over to Atticus taking hold of Miriam's wand and taking a breath,
walking over the destroyed repository.

History wanted to repeat itself. I once stood here and did the exact same
thing, but this time felt different.
As I held the wand to try and gather up all the magic that roamed around
like bubbled into one place again, my body tingled at the touches.

My outer surroundings closed as I played with the magic in the tip of the
wand and paused for a moment. I needed to close it. Forever.

But, what if someone gets again? I couldn't go through this again. I needed
to end it already. Prevent it from ever happening again.

My wand's tip rose shakily near me as I closed my eyes and began to wield
every source of ancient magic inside that destroyed Map Chamber.

I felt the coldness in me rise. I can feel my breath breaking as I felt every
part of it enter me. The power, the strength — it felt nice, but it felt tiring.

"Y/n," Anne's voice was distant and my eyes were still closed, "Stop."

"Y/n!" Poppy's voice entered.

It flowed and flowed until there was nothing left.

My eyes re-opened and the last thing I saw was an empty repository and my
two friends screaming my name.

And then silence. Pure silence and blackness.

PT: eighteen

c: wynntr


Y/n's Perspective

"Is she going to be alright?"

"I can't be sure. We've never seen anything like this. We will have to wait."

The muffled voices rang in my head, but I couldn't focus well enough to
concentrate. They will come and go.

"St Mungo's said they weren't sure about her waking up."

"It's been two weeks, Ominis."

The muffling voices continued. I can feel my eyes trembling as I struggled

to get a glimpse of light or any sort of reality. I feel stuck in one place
unable to do anything.
"Wake up already, Y/n. Please." The familiar voice echoed.

My eyes opened with a beam of sunlight glistening over them. The light
twinkled for a bit before adjusting to my surroundings and observing
around where I lay.

A fireplace crackled in the distance. I can hear it very clearly now as if it

was near my ear. In my other sense, I can hear birds chirping from the
outside, singing in tune.

It was Feldcroft. I recognized the solid color of the red curtain that split the
beds between the twins and took notice of the humming sound from afar.

I sat up, observing the person that sat on the small chair around the wooden
dining table. Their back was on me, but I familiarized myself with the
common scarf they always wore around their neck.

Anne Sallow turned around at my ruffling between the bed and a gasp
escaped her mouth, putting down the quill and standing up toward me.

"Oh, Y/n! Y-You're awake!" Anne let out, almost in a relief way as her
hands rested on the sides of my shoulders.

I took a breath, taking in the fact that Anne Sallow was here. In Feldcroft. I
knew she was cured since the last battle, but it didn't give me time to take in
the feeling that she was well now. I was happy for her.

But, where was Sebastian Sallow?

"Anne," I breathed out lowly, almost scared to stand up from the bed,
"You're well."

Anne's light hazel eyes stared in awe and gave a smile, "I am, I am. You
have no idea how lucky I am, but...h-how are you? How are you feeling?"
She asked, arms still on me.

Although I didn't get to know Anne Sallow much. Or at all. For some
reason, as we both sat there in that bed, it felt like we were best friends. The
comfort and care that came out of her was felt. Unless it was just a Sallow

I looked down, attempting to stand up from the small bed, and felt my feet
touch the floor below flatly and stood up.

I took a breath, realizing that I wasn't in pain or anything. I felt amazing.

Powerful. Healthy.

"I feel...good." I said, almost in a whisper, "Like nothing happened."

Anne sighed, "Wow. This is...good."

"Am I supposed to be not be good?" I let out, wanting to laugh, but worried
at the same time, "What happened to me?"

Anne furrowed her brows, "What's the last thing you remember?"

There were many things I remembered that day. So many things. So many
memories. There was only so much my body can take in at once.
I gulped, thinking back through the headache, "D-Did I get rid of the

Anne stared, also swallowing at my remembrance, "Yes. You didn't get rid
of it. You..." she didn't know how to approach it.

"I took it all in. I wielded it." I looked down, "And...I fainted. I thought I
died. It felt like death." I sighed at the feeling.

"Well," Anne said nervously, "You collapsed. You didn't wake up for a
while." She pursed her lips, "You still had a heartbeat though."

I stared at the worry in her eyes and tilted my head, "Anne, how long have I
been in bed?"

"Two weeks. You didn't wake for two weeks, as in today." Anne revealed,
"It's been a while."

I was in disbelief at the thought. Anything could've happened in two weeks.

I worried. How was I capable of even surviving? I thought I died. I
accepted it.

I let out a breath from the news.

"When you fell after wielding the magic, the Map Chamber collapsed. I
apparated us on time back here, Feldcroft, but since you and my brother
were unwell, Ominis transferred you to the hospital wing at Hogwarts."
Anne explained.

I nodded.

"The situation was more severe than having you in a school's hospital wing,
so they transferred you to St. Mungo's. You were there for a few days too."

"I was in St Mungo's?" I rose a brow, knowing I've never actually set foot in
that hospital.

Anne nodded, "Yes. After no wake or breath, they predicted that you will
not wake up since it was too many days. So, us, being in refusal, we
brought you to Feldcroft. We hope you will wake up, and you did." She

It was a lot to take in.

"Well, thank you," I said, "For not losing hope. I thought I lost myself too."

Anne smiled.

There was silence for a moment and as my head still processed the reality, I
looked up and felt my heart skip a little.

"Sebastian," I whispered, "Is Sebastian—"

"My brother is well." Anne reassured, "He recovered right away, actually.
After you took away his pain, his recovery was not lengthy. Sebastian is
well and worried."

Sebastian was alive. I didn't lose him. And I didn't take his emotions. Anne
saying he was worried told me enough that he felt something.

I closed my eyes, in relief, "Is he..." I passed my saliva, "Did he leave

already? Did...he go?"

Anne stared confusedly, "Go?"

"Yes. He was on the run...f-from what I remembered? Sorry, my memories

are still mixing in, but he—"

"Y/n, a lot has happened while you were asleep these last two weeks," Anne
informed, "Things changed."

I turned to her, wanting answers, "What happened?"

Anne looked around, standing up and walking near the wooden counter
across from her, and took hold of parchment paper, extending it at me.

It was a few prints of the Daily Prophet.

My eyes scanned over the multiple informative papers and read,

summarizing the news within myself.

Atticus Rookwood was accused of theft, lying, and cheating his way into
the ministry, along with a secretive army that was unsuccessful.
I stood up from the bed again, walking around the small home, "Is this

"Yes, but..." Anne cleared her throat, "It was in the decision of Poppy
Sweeting. She didn't want her brother to be in Azkaban, so she made a deal
with the ministry of transferring him to the states. To an American muggle
prison instead."

I rose my brows, "Muggle?"

Anne nodded, "Yes. Poppy thought Azkaban would've been too easy for her
step-brother, so she thought a muggle prison in a different country can
humble him. Atticus was very unkind to muggles. This is torture for him."
She almost laughed.

I sighed, understanding, "Well, without emotions, his life is over already." I


"Yes. Poppy did a really good job at framing him because that also means,"
Anne took a breath, "That my brother...is free."

As she said that, I flipped through the other dates of the Daily Prophet and
read through the news.

Sebastian Sallow was not guilty of the death of Solomon Sallow.

Apparently, their uncle wasn't a very good guardian figure to both underage
children and it was an abusive household. Sebastian's actions were a form
of self-defense as Solomon wanted to hurt him and me in the catacomb.
"After turning into a wolf during the battle and attempting to defend us,
Atticus stabbing him shifted the Animagus crime on him. Sebastian's
Animagus form prevented him from dying fully. If he was human he
would've died instantly, so it was a form of self-defense." Anne explained.

I breathed, "So...he's now a registered Animagus?"


I breathed again, not knowing how to take in all the news, "W-What about
the Azkaban break-in—"

"Atticus also broke into Azkaban a few days after you and Ominis did and
he let out Theophilus Harlow and a few others. Due to his connections with
the ministry, they predicted all the escaped prisoners were on him, so...after
a few trials, Sebastian was let go of." Anne smiled.

It was a lot to feel at once. How do I even react? Was I happy? Of course, I
was. Sebastian Sallow was a free man. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"W-Where is he?" I asked, eyes glued to the portrait of Sebastian in the

Daily Prophet.

Anne crossed her arms, looking, "I believe...since you have been asleep, my
brother has spent his days near the coastline of the highlands. Watching the
sea and avoiding the reminder of not waking up."

"His guilt hasn't left him," Anne pursed, "As I see it, it's now a permanent
thing from being in Azkaban. I do not blame him, but Sebastian is filled
with guilt."

I closed my eyes, "Guilt over...?"

"Everything," Anne answered, "He just finds something to feel guilty about.
He's guilty about you taking away his pain. Hurting you in other ways." She

I nodded, feeling my own guilt for his guilt. I didn't want to hear this.
Sebastian Sallow shouldn't feel guilty.

"Anne," I inhaled.


My stare from the floor rose up at Anne Sallow. It was odd sometimes that I
saw Sebastian's features in her. I mean, obviously, they were twins, but it
was almost hard to look at when I was in love with one.

"I want to see him," I said, almost nervously for confessing that, but it's
been a while.

Anne's eyes wrinkled and a smile appeared on her from my words, "My
brother would want to see you too after he finds out you're awake."

My heart was already beating faster than usual at the thought of confronting
Sebastian Sallow. We haven't had a proper meeting in a while, so I didn't
know what to expect at all.

Anne turned, walking near the beige-colored cabinet that held all the dishes
to eat and dug her fingers through the edge.

I watched as she slipped out a piece of jewelry and I gulped at the sight.

"This slipped out of your pocket during the battle. I was able to pick it up
from the floor before it got destroyed..." Anne dangled over the charms,
"Sebastian said it's yours."

I lifted my own hand, the fingers curling over the meaningful piece and
stared up at it in the air, my eyes only focusing on it.

"He never left your side the first week," Anne let out.

My focus on the bracelet blurred out and I was facing Anne again. I put the
bracelet down to my side and listened.

"Sebastian wouldn't want me to say this, but I mean...we're girls," Anne

giggled, licking her lips, "He was so worried. I think the last thing he said
before leaving was, 'I was just getting her back,'" she repeated.

I ached at the thought. It was hard to believe Sebastian would stand by my

side after everything, but it must've been the guilt Anne spoke of. He always
needed reassurance.

"He told me the story behind the bracelet," Anne stared down at the charms,
"Really...meaningful. I don't think I've ever seen my brother this
committed." She laughed, "I kind of messed around with him, tapping the
fang while you slept, so, I apologize."

I let out a small laugh at the humor, "It's alright. I'll assume it's just a sibling

"It is," Anne laughed, "But, he was quite heartfelt over you having the
bracelet in your pocket." She smiled, "Most emotion he got in a while."

I maintained my smile.

"I suppose you can do the bracelet thing with him," Anne pointed, "Or I can
owl him. Only if you're comfortable seeing him. I know my brother has

"It's okay, Anne," I cut in, "I got it."

Anne nodded, "Alright, Y/n. Well, I promised Ominis that I'll let him know
too when you wake up. He would never forgive me if I didn't tell him soon
enough." She laughed.

Ominis Gaunt. He must've been the last hug I got before I fainted. I
wondered where the Gaunt cloak was at. Did he take it? Did the hospital
take it? There were so many unanswered questions with him.

"Also, your inventory seemed empty arriving here, so I enchanted an outfit

with my clothes." Anne pointed at me.
I must've been so busy concentrating on other things, I didn't even notice
my attire.

"Was I always...with a dress?" I looked down at myself.

Anne squinted, "Y-Yes...no? We just thought, in case you..." she couldn't

say the words.

"You just thought in case I were to be dead, it'll be a funeral outfit?" I said
almost in a joking matter.

Anne flushed at my truth, "I...well if you put it that way." She covered her
face, "I apologize, Y/n."

I smiled, "It's alright. It's quite a nice dress. A Sleeping Beauty feel." I

Anne smiled back, feeling a little less odd, "Right...well, I expect Ominis to
be on his toes right now. I should go let him know at Hogwarts."

I nodded, bracelet still in hand, "Anne, before you go," I looked up, "Thank
you. For everything, and I'm sorry for the way I treated you without my
memories. It wasn't—"

"I understand. Do not worry, Y/n. We are happy you are well now. That's all
that matters." Anne hugged, "I can't wait to see you soon."

I watched Anne Sallow disapparate that afternoon, leaving me standing in

the middle of the Feldcroft home.
I've created so many memories here, it began to feel like I was part of the
home too. Intense memories to be exact.

I didn't tap the fang right away. I took a few minutes to myself, letting
everything that has happen sink in. It felt like an odd dream. Atticus gone?
Sebastian innocent? Anne cured? Me wielding all power and surviving? It
was impossible.

I paced around the dining table taking debates on how to approach it. My
hands were sweating already, but they were cold. I wondered if I was
always going to stay cold. The rapid heartbeat in me never stopped either. It
was a jittery feel.

"Okay," I breathed to myself, "I saw him that day. This shouldn't be new." I

The dangling bracelet came to my view and I swallowed, lifting a finger

and tapping the fang three times.

"One, two...three," I whispered.


Six seconds. It took six seconds.

He wasn't facing my direction. He apparated with his back on me, staring

down at the fireplace as he let out a sigh and complained.
"Ugh, Anne, I reminded you that bracelet is not a toy. It's not something to
mess with. It's for emergencies." Sebastian groaned.

I was so speechless I couldn't even say a word out of myself.

A knitted beige sweater was worn on him. It was usual at this point that any
piece of clothing he wore just looked tight. A good way of tight. It fitted
him well. The sweater was over a blue dress shirt, with a tie.

His hairs were longer. Fluffier. Almost the same as when I first met him in
my fifth year. His stance was taller, but nothing new. I was...honestly,
mesmerized. I missed him. My old and new self.

After my unintentional silence, Sebastian Sallow turned around, finally

taking notice of me. Taking notice that I wasn't his sister, but it was me.

You know how I said my heartbeat was loud and fast while my hands were
sweaty and cold? All that went away when we grew eye contact. It felt

Same freckles. Same face. Same plump pink lips I craved in my dreams.
Same everything. He was alive and well — besides the dark circles that
shaped his face now.

"Y/n," Sebastian breathed out, his eyes scanning me from up and down,
almost not believing I was standing there, "You're awake."

My lips parted, "I am."

Sebastian's hazel eyes stared. There was so much telling in those eyes, but
not revealing them out of his mouth.



We both stopped as we cut each other off, unaware of how to even start.

Should we hug? Shake hands? We weren't dating anymore. I didn't know

how this process went.

Sebastian took a step closer and I backed up. It wasn't on purpose on my

backing up, the shock was very high on me, it was my first move, but I
didn't mean it.

"I apologize," Sebastian said right away at my movement, "I—"

I felt bad, "No, it's okay."

There were so many feelings, but no movements were made. It was bizarre,

Sebastian breathed nervously, his brows furrowing at his question, "D-Do

you remember me?"

I wanted to laugh, but cry at the same time. I remembered everything. From
start to finish. From old memories to new ones.
"I do." I answered, "I remember."

Sebastian was hesitant about my answer and he nodded, asking another


"How much?"

I closed my eyes, hiding my smile, "All of it."

As my eyes re-opened, Sebastian Sallow kept staring at me, so many

emotions at once.

"Alright," Sebastian let out to himself, "What was the first thing I told you
when we met?" He asked.

I rose my brows at him, taking in his specific questioning, "Are you testing

"We met twice. I want to make sure." Sebastian looked down.

I gulped, keeping my hands on my back as I gave him a proper answer.

"We met in Professor Hecat's classroom. I was the new fifth year, and since
I entered class you kept bugging me with your competitive eyes until we
needed to duel together, and you said," I smiled to myself, "'Time for a
proper Hogwarts welcome' before I kicked your ass."
Sebastian looked up at my specific remembrance.

"You give as good as you get, right?" I said emotionally.

Sebastian took a breath at my words, "I didn't show you that line in my

"No," I agreed, "They were in mine. I remember it all." I assured.

"You remember it all," Sebastian repeated.

"Yes, Sebastian, I do," I said.

We both stood feet away, breathless, finally taking in the confrontation and
realizing it was probably the most peaceful meetup we'd had in a long time.

It was tempting, but I could no longer hold it. At all. I took one last breath
before finally walking over to Sebastian Sallow and hugging him.

Sebastian extended his arms instantly, taking me in and hugging me back.

His head buried between my neck as my fingers curled around the soft
brown hairs I once missed and held each other tightly.

"I missed you so much, Y/n," Sebastian whispered, "So, so much,"

I closed my eyes, holding him tighter, as if we let go, we'll separate again.
"I missed you too, Sebastian. I missed you too," I whispered back.

I gathered in his touch, his scent, his warmth. The barrier between us
balancing as my cold body combined with his warm one perfectly.

Sebastian disconnected the hug first, but brought our foreheads together as I
felt his breath on me from the tension and closeness.

My eyes stared, looking at the hazel ones. The care and love in them never
leaving. Even while losing my memories, it was always there.

"I'm sorry," Sebastian said in a softer tone.

I can feel his hand be brought over the side of my face, caressing it as he
stared with guilt, "I'm so sorry, Y/n."

"Why are you sorry?" I freaked, knowing that when he was apologizing, it
led to something.

"For leaving you. I should've not done that. I didn't mean to. Trust me, Y/n,
I did not—"

My hand lifted, resting on top of his on my face, and nodded, "It's okay. I
believe you, Sebastian. I remember my new memories too. I know you
didn't mean it. I-I forgive you." I whispered.

"You forgive me? You shouldn't." Sebastian denied.

"I forgive you." I kept assuring.

Sebastian's eyes closed while my other hand rose up, feeling the side of his
face. The softness and warmness of it while my fingers traced the freckles
around it.

I missed it. I missed everything about him. I couldn't even hold a grudge.
What was there to hold a grudge from if I knew the entire truth?

"Your touch," Sebastian felt, "It's real."

I smiled, "It is. I'm here. We're here. We're okay now."

"It sounds too real to even believe it," Sebastian confessed.

"I know." I agreed.

We didn't kiss. Instead, Sebastian slowly broke away first in a gentle matter
and kept his fingers intertwined with mine, afraid to let go. I didn't blame
him because I was also afraid.

"Have you eaten? Drank any water?" Sebastian asked, taking in the reality
and eyeing me.

I let out a small laugh, "It's alright—"

"You were gone for two weeks. I cannot lose you over starvation and thirst
now." Sebastian said in worry.
I looked down at his worry.

Sebastian and I sat on that small dining table across from each other. It was
intimidating seeing him watch me eat the small apple and drink water. Very
intimidating. Perhaps, I was shy around him, but it was a funny scene.

I wanted to smile at myself. It was real. Sebastian Sallow was here. I got
my memories back. Everything seemed in place for now.

I couldn't even concentrate on eating the apple because Sebastian's attire

was distracting. It must be a thing with wearing knitted sweaters, but it was

I stared down at his wrist, a few numbers carved on it revealing that he still
had the Azkaban tattoo.

"Does it still burn?" I asked nervously, staring at his wrist.

"Hm?" Sebastian looked down, extending his wrist at me over the table,
"No, but I was told the numbers take a few years to evaporate from my
skin. But no, no pain anymore." He smiled.

I observed his rolled-up sleeve. A few lashes of marks were there. They
were very faint, but I was able to distinguish them closely.

"They're scars." Sebastian answered noticing my eyeing, "They've been

fading. It's alright."
I nodded as he answered my inner questions, "I'm sorry..."

Sebastian sighed, "Don't be. Nothing is your fault. Things eventually come
together at the end of the day, don't they?" He said positively.

I smiled, keeping my eyes on his arm, and sat back again, letting go of the
last piece of apple.

There was a peaceful silence between us. The sun was going down already
and only the fireplace behind Sebastian's chair was echoing through the

"Uh, Anne mentioned...y-you were gone the last week," I let out at the
reminder, "That you were around the highlands? If you don't mind me

Sebastian brought his sleeve back over to himself and unrolled it, buttoning
as he spoke, "Of course, I don't mind at all — yes, erm..."

I watched as Sebastian's eyes roamed around the home, figuring out what to
say as he debated.

"You don't have to answer. I completely understand—"

"No, it's alright. I do want to answer, but," He thought to himself, "I was
hoping you finish your meal before I prefer to take you there myself, if
that's alright with you?"
My cheeks flushed a little at the invitation. Being with Sebastian now felt
like a privilege. The separation affected me so much, it was rare to spend
this much time with him now.

"I..." My fingers played with each other under the table, holding in my

"I do know Ominis also wanted to speak with you soon, so I totally respect
if you don't want to be with me for the rest of the night." Sebastian let out.

I wanted to scoff, "What? No, I wouldn't mind spending...the rest of the

night with you." I said reddening.

Sebastian nodded, "Lovely. I suppose we should head out soon before it gets
darker." He smiled.

I stood up and almost tripped around the chair making Sebastian worry for a

"Are you alright?" Sebastian breathed, "Can you walk well? I know you
laid for a while—"

"I'm fine, Sebastian." I let out, "Thank you."

Sebastian and I stood in the middle of the home, across from each other
again as we prepared the departure.

"We can take the floo powder if you want to avoid a headache of some sort.
I don't want to trigger any more pain." Sebastian offered.
"Are you underestimating my abilities now?" I joked.

Sebastian side smiled, a small dimple curving near the edge of his mouth as
he nodded.

"Right, I forgot you're quite powerful now. My apologies," He squinted, "I

don't believe you've ever been to this place, so I'll do the honors of
apparating us."

I eyed as Sebastian extended his hand over, his long fingers awaiting for
mine to intertwine.

I rose my hand up, connecting our touch again.

Sebastian looked down and tilted his head, raising my small hand over us,
"Nice bracelet."


Fluff. I missed them. 🥲

PT: nineteen


It was night by the time we arrived at the destination. Although we

apparated in seconds, somehow, the sun had gone away from this side of the

I looked around the unfamiliar setting. Lands of grass surrounded our view
as a few small homes were scattered in the small village.

"Where are we?" I asked, not holding in my curiosity.

Sebastian looked around with me, "We are in, Cragcroft."

My brows furrowed, not wanting to believe if he was serious or not at the

name of the area, "What? Cragcroft, like...Feldcroft?"

Sebastian smirked, the moonlit night sky reflecting over his features in the
dark, "Hmh, I'll assume by your reaction, you've never been
"No, surprisingly, I have not." I squinted around.

"Good." Sebastian extended his hand again, offering to guide me around,

"Shall we?"

I smiled, my hand resting on his as he led the way between the green grass.
The peaceful night lay above us as no sounds of commotion took place.

"I should start off by letting you know the significance of this place,"
Sebastian began speaking.

I could listen to his voice all day. He had this original tone that was easily
recognizable. It was never tiring from my perspective.

We walked farther and farther, realizing that we were climbing up a small


"Anne mentioned you've spent your days around a coastline in the

highlands, is this it?" I took a guess.

The walk did feel tiring. Although the small mountain was nothing, by the
time we reached the tip, I was almost out of breath, but I hid it very well.

Sebastian chuckled, looking down and finally excusing his hand from mine
as he dug them into his pockets.

"Ah, I see my sister has spoken with you more than expected."
I stared down at the sea in sight, the sun finally hitting its last view before
setting nicely in the distance. It was incredible.

"I'm sorry—"

"I love that. I trusted Anne and you would get along well. My predictions
were right." Sebastian smiled, also looking down at the sea.

I smiled, as we both stared down. If I had taken two more steps, I would've
fallen into the deep water way below us.

"How's the view?" Sebastian asked.

I took a breath, watching the waves of water make a soothing noise as the
moon reflected nicely now, "It's amazing. I don't blame you for being here."

I can sense Sebastian staring at me from the corner of my eye and I turned,
staring back at him.

He smiled, "I know, it's quite a view..." he looked down, "I managed to
know the timings now on which view is the best. We might've missed it by
a few minutes, so I apologize."

I laughed, "Oh, that's alright. I was enjoying this one already. I can't
imagine the perfect view then." I stared back at the water.

Sebastian kept staring at me, the intimidation growing between us and

making me blush. I was thankful it was nighttime.
He broke the contact first, staring to his left and clearing his throat, "Shall
we continue? You don't mind walks, correct? I don't mean to burden you
with so much after you just woke—"

"It's alright." I smiled, "I'll manage."

As I followed beside Sebastian Sallow in that area, which was called,

Cragcroft, he spoke out again.

"This small village," Sebastian kept his stare down as he spoke softly, "It
has a significance for me, because well, I spent a partial time of my life
here." He told.

I watched him as he spoke, my dress swaying a little on the grass as he got

closer and closer to the cottage homes again.

"I spent the summer of fifth year here," Sebastian let out, "W-When I was
turning into an Animagus."

I wanted to stop walking and question every single thing about it, but I
maintained my calm and nodded, "Really?"

"Yes. After Anne didn't forgive me...I ached going back to Feldcroft for a
while, so I slightly ran away and found this area." He stared into the
distance, "I will say, it was abandoned at first."

"Abandoned?" I rose a brow, staring back at the intact homes around us.
Sebastian noticed my expression, "Yes. Well, at the time of my arrival. As
you can see, it's been quite a journey."

We walked nearer and nearer, a few blue flowers and lacewing flies bushes
surroundings a pathway as the villagers roamed around.

"I have someone I want you to meet," Sebastian elbowed me once we

neared the actual village homes.

I stood a bit back, not expecting to meet anyone new. Let alone another

My arm slid out from Sebastian Sallow as we approached a vendor outside

a home.

I watched as Sebastian bowed at her with a smile, "Bella, my pleasure."

The female vendor was pretty. It shouldn't have been my first instinct to
observe her, but I couldn't help it. She was tall and wore amazing jewelry
around her body. A few ingredients were on her stand along with potions.

"Ah, Sebastian," She let out, "My sweet. Welcome back. I've missed you."

My sweet. My sweet?

I swallowed, feeling my heart raise a little more than usual at the

unexpected name call.
Sebastian smiled before turning at me, "Y/n, this is a good friend of mine,
Bella. Bella Navarro." He introduced, "Bella, this is Y/n."

Keep calm, Y/n. Was I even dating Sebastian? I had no reason to feel
attacked. It's been half a year. Perhaps, he's met people while being away.
He was a man after all.

The beautiful woman stared at me, eyeing me before extending her hand,
"Ah, it's nice to meet you, Y/n."

I forced a smile, "It's nice to meet you too, Bella." I shook her hands.

"I met Bella in the summer of my fifth year." Sebastian explained. "As I
said, the place was abandoned,"

"Oh, yes! The home was horrible, but my lovely, Sebastian and I managed
to bring the place back to life, right?" She stared at him.

My stomach turned at the name calls and sightings. It was nobody's fault. I
have never truly seen Sebastian interact with another woman while
separated. It was an unusual feel.

"O-Oh, you guys have known each other for a while...then?" I swallowed,
looking over at Sebastian.

"Oh, yes," Bella answered for him, "We know each other very well now."

"Really?" I kept my stare at Sebastian.

Sebastian kept his stare at the vendor with a smile, "Uh, y-yes. Lots of
history, but nothing to worry about. Just wanted to give an introduction."

Yeah, an introduction.

"Excuse us, Bella..." Sebastian bowed at her, "We shall see you soon."

I ignored the exchange and kept my head low, following Sebastian Sallow.

I was so busy concentrating on the jealousy that built inside of me that

when I came back to my senses, I realized Sebastian had opened the
wooden door of the home behind the vendor.

I entered slowly, feeling my feet click on the creaking wooden floor below
us as we entered the home.

A small hallway appeared before I saw a few stairs leading to a second floor
as we dived into a spacious living room with a fireplace and a huge kitchen
on the side. It was so big, an L counter curved with high wooden stools
above it.

"I-Is this where you spent your summer as an Animagus?" I asked in


Sebastian stepped in front of me, arms crossed as he looked around with me

and nodded, "Yes. I suppose...it was abandoned when I first arrived.

I nodded, "Well...it looks cozy and, not abandoned."

Sebastian chuckled to himself, "Hm, yes. I, uh...I've returned a few times
after that summer. I've also spent this summer here. When I could, of
course." He explained.

I nodded at the idea that he must've really enjoyed his summer with that
pretty vendor outside the home.

"Oh," I managed to say, "I-Is it Bella's now?"

"What? No," Sebastian shook his head, "Um, this home is actually mine."
He admitted.

My heart sunk to my stomach for a minute at the news. It was impossible.

The home was huge. I don't think I've ever seen a house this big for a while.
Even on my adventures.

I gave a low gasp, "This? All this?"

Sebastian took in my reaction, "Yes. A bit too much for my taste. Too
bloody big, but not everyone gets the opportunity for some spacious time,
eh?" He smirked.

I was speechless taking in the fact that this was Sebastian Sallow's home.

"You remodeled it?" I let out a breath, still in shock, "B-By yourself?"

Sebastian kept his arms crossed, nodding at me "Well, there wasn't much to
do that summer besides suffer in changing forms and avoiding everyone.
Along with this summer of being on the run and careful," he explained,
"Worth it."

I kept quiet, scanning the home. I only knew it was his because I took
notice of a cabinet full of library books.

"I've managed to make it better and Bella really helped a lot with it—"

My concentration stopped at the mention of Bella. My ears vibrated as he

kept speaking of her.

"She was such a great help and—"

"Bella," I licked my lips, maintaining my patterns of breaths.

"Yeah, Bella. She, um...helped a lot when I dealt with...turning into a wolf.
Made me potions and all. Huge help. Along with the home and—"

It's not his fault, I told myself. Just because I wasn't with someone this
summer or last summer doesn't mean Sebastian Sallow wasn't allowed to

"Seems like Bella helped you a lot, in plenty of ways." I let out, my fingers
roaming around the top of the chimney, avoiding contact.

I can feel Sebastian a few feet behind me, listening to my words.

"Yes, she's a very good witch. If you heard her accent, she's from Italy.
Been traveling places for a while, but settled here longer than usual."
Sebastian said.

I wondered if Sebastian ever spoke that way about me. I wondered if he sat
down with another girl and told her all about my success and how much he
liked me. I wondered.

"Hm, I wonder why," I bit the inside of my cheek, looking down at the fire
and crossing my arms.

I was uncomfortable. I was jealous. I wasn't afraid to admit that. Can you
imagine getting to see the man that you love take you somewhere where he
could've potentially been sleeping with a woman you've met? And ramble
around compliments about her? I had a reason. I had a right to be upset with

Was it Sebastian's fault? No, not really. As I said, we weren't together. As if

I had done the same, it would've been different. I just couldn't accept the
fact that he met someone. It was almost aching.

"Y/n?" Sebastian's voice said.

By now, Sebastian stood beside me on that fireplace. I can see him on my

side as he stared in concern from the silence.

I swallowed, my eyes still on the orange flames below us, "Yes?"

"Are you alright?" Sebastian asked, "You might've lost focus—"

"How long were you two together?" I blurted.

Sebastian was muted for a moment and I turned at him, arms still crossed as
I waited for the answer.

His hazel eyes glared at me, "What are you referring to?"

I sighed, almost wanting to laugh, "You know exactly what I'm referring to.
I know your personal life is none of my business, but...it'll be nice to know."

Sebastian's brows furrowed at my words and I reddened, not knowing how

else to proceed. I wanted answers that was all.

"I, uh...I assume you're speaking of Bella?" He rose a brow, "I—we weren't

I scoffed, "I thought you never lied?"

"I'm not!" Sebastian let out.

I laughed in hurt, "Alright, so her giving you small names and openly
admitting that you two know each other very well is nothing? Or how you
haven't stopped babbling about her since we entered this home?" I breathed.

Was I intending to say all that at once? No. I was in range. I've just woken
up from a two-week sleep and my emotions were still being placed. I didn't
mean it. Did I?
Again, Sebastian was quiet.

I took this minute to overcome what came out of my mouth and felt my
facial expression fall from my stupidity.

I sighed, "I'm sorry. I—" I turned my back on him, embarrassed, "I'm still
adjusting to your new life, and so am I. It's just very new to me. I shouldn't
judge you for moving on and exploring." I openly admitted.

My breath was heavy and my arms were curled around, hoping that was
some sort of protectiveness instead of curling into a ball and never seeing
light again.

"I'm sorry." Was all Sebastian Sallow can say.

I closed my eyes, giving the hint that he was apologizing for being right and
accepting the heartbreak within.


"It's okay," I lied, "It's okay. She's very pretty. I don't blame you." I

"Blame me for what?" Sebastian let out.

My eyes re-opened, arms still crossed as I turned my body at the tall man
and squinted.
"You're going to look at me in the eyes and admit to me that you didn't
sleep with the vendor Italian girl at least once? Seriously, Sebastian? She
calls you my lovely and my sweet!" I breathed.

"Because that's how she was raised!" Sebastian defended, "People from
different countries have their own language. I see where you may refer to,
but there was nothing else between the line of helping each other out."

"Pleasuring each other out—"

"I did not sleep with Bella Navarro." Sebastian let out in a louder tone, "Just
like I did not sleep with anyone the summer of fifth year, nor the summer of
sixth year." He breathed.

I stared at his aggressive answer.

"You really think I would want to even think twice about getting pleasured
when I was on the run this entire fucking summer? I was too stressed and
depressed, thinking about how the girl I loved was possibly with another
man because that's what I told her to do. Let alone, without memories."
Sebastian admitted.

I gulped, frowning.

"Don't you dare ever assume I would give myself away like that to anyone
else. I take care of myself. I have strong beliefs. And I had strong hope that
one day I can see you again, perhaps, also with the same beliefs." Sebastian
let out.
Our breaths were heavy. Our bodies were close, there was so much tension
in the room. So much heat, but we can blame the fireplace for that.

"I'm sorry." I finally let my guard down, "It was a while. I can only predict
my inner thoughts. I didn't mean to."

Sebastian's eyes softened and he rose his posture up, calming himself from
the unusual miscommunication between us, and apologized back.

"No, I apologize for even making you think that," Sebastian sighed, "I just
wanted you to know I was safe. Bella knows everything about you. I spoke
about you all the time with her, embarrassingly." His cheeks tinted.

I flushed too, "R-Really?"

"Yes, Y/n," Sebastian breathed, "I only speak of her because, as I said, she's
from another country, her spells are powerful, and she's enchanted a spell
over this entire village where I couldn't be tracked easily when I was on the

It was nice of Bella Navarro to do that.

I stood quiet, feeling ashamed as I took a seat on the nearest couch behind
us and sat down slowly, taking a breath and closing my eyes.

I felt another weight beside me as I rubbed my temples.

"I apologize, Y/n," Sebastian said in a soft tone, "It was never my intention
to cause this much disruption in your head on your first day of waking up.
This is completely my fault. I should've measured my words better."

Now I felt guilty at the words. I didn't even want to remove my hands from
my temples. I was scared to confront him.

"It's okay, don't blame yourself. It is not your fault at all, I promise." I let
out, "Nothing is your fault."

There was a quiet moment between us, taking in the weird range from the
unnecessary conversation before Sebastian broke in the silence.

"Y/n, can you look at me?" Sebastian said behind me on that couch.

The jitters developed in me again at his words. It didn't matter how long I
knew Sebastian Sallow. How comfortable we were with each other,
somehow, there were moments like these where I still felt nervous seeing

I turned my body around at him, my eyes lowered before taking a small

breath and raising my head to watch him.

Sebastian lay comfortably on the comfy couch. An arm around the cushion
behind my back while the other extended on the other opposite side. His
head was turned to me as he took a breath himself.

"I never lie to you, you know that, correct?" He asked.

I nodded, remembering the risks he'll take on the Unbreakable Vow.

"I know," I whispered.

Sebastian removed his arms from resting and faced his body more at me as
he took hold of my hand, "I could touch you, right?"

I giggled, "Yes."

"Alright, well, uh..." He breathed softly, "I want to confess to you that when
I bed you in Feldcroft last year, you admitted that it was your first time. I
never felt lucky, because it was also my first time."

I felt relief on me at the truth. Yeah, there were subtle hints that he'll make it
seem like it was also his first time too, but never openly admitted it or
confirmed it. Sebastian Sallow was too good in bed for it to be true.

"I'm hoping I did a good job, by the way. If not, I'm sorry." Sebastian joked.

I smiled, "You did...suspiciously." I confessed still not convinced.

"It was the restricted section books, I promise." Sebastian chuckled, "I did
lots of research, so I can thank the books. Nothing else, alright? It was all
knowledge from the books."

I nodded, keeping a smile.

Sebastian's fingers caressed my palms as he spoke nervously, "And after

Feldcroft...it was you, again and then again, and again, again, again," his
eyes looked up trying to keep count. "And again,"
I laughed at his foolish actions, "Sebastian,"

Sebastian laughed along, "I am just reassuring you that...it's always been
you. Just you. And...I admit that I always wanted you to be my first, and
hoping to also be my last. There wasn't anybody else to ruin that belief in
me." He confessed.

I felt heartfelt at his strong words. Sebastian has no idea what he's done
admitting that to me. Not many men do.

"And of course, I do respect if you did stuff. You had no memories. It was
not your fault. So, I completely—"

"Sebastian, it's always been you." I tighten our fingers below us, "Just you."

Sebastian's eyes went in awe at the truth, "R-Really? Look at me in my eyes

and tell me it's real. It's always been me?"

I did always know Sebastian wanted reassurance. I knew that, and after
Azkaban the reassurance of being real or not was leveling up. I didn't judge
him for it, it was a permanent thing from that traumatizing place.

My hands untangled from his and were brought to the side of his face,
smiling, "Yes, Sebastian. You. Always."

His hazel eyes glowed as he wiped away and leaned against the couch, head
resting as he looked at the ceiling.
"Oh, thank Merlin!" Sebastian said in relief, "Because if there was a special
lunatic that had you over this summer...I would've haunted him down." He

I laughed, "Well...there's no worry."

We both stood silent, taking in the happy truth of only sticking with each
other. The thought of going so many months without pleasure was insane. I
barely handled it — the heated memories of him were triggering, so I
couldn't imagine how Sebastian handled it. It must've been harder on his

My eyes roamed around the home again. I was still in denial about
Sebastian Sallow living here, or owning this. It was bizarre, really. I was in
a state of shock in my head.

"In denial?" Sebastian noticed my curiosity.

I felt caught, "How do you know?"

Sebastian chuckled, "Because I agree. It's not an ideal place for me, as you
may know."

I stood up, looking around, "No judgment."

Sebastian stood up with me, following along as my curiosity took over the
light home at such late night.
"You cook?" I asked, looking at the kitchen.

I can hear Sebastian snicker at my question, "Not the best, but I managed."

I was impressed. It was as if my feelings for him kept growing and


At that moment, I felt an odd flashback in the back of my head, picturing

Sebastian Sallow writing in a setting just like this, but more abandoned. It
was one of his memories that he showed me. He was writing letters.

Sebastian kept things organized. How a collection of plates and cups settled
nicely on the windowed cabinets. Or how a set of cactus plants settled in the
small window.

I walked slowly, nearing the cabinet full of books and scrapes, "Is this your

As I turned, Sebastian was staring at me. Almost enjoying the investigation

I was doing in his own home. I didn't know whether to apologize, or just let
it continue.

"It is," Sebastian nodded, "It's not fully done. I plan to extend it with more
books, but we have to start somewhere." He smiled.

My eyes read the book titles, distinguishing the books by genre and topics.
Some were dark arts, some were regular, and of course, some were
"I've always been a romantic," Sebastian said confidently.

I smiled, agreeing in my head.

The cabinet held more books on the top that I couldn't reach. My eyes
stared at a set of books before looking over a stack of parchment papers
beside an empty corner.

"Secret admirer, I suppose?" I joked.

Sebastian followed my direction, looking up and his smile fading a little at

the view of the parchments.

"Oh," Sebastian cleared his throat, looking down and laughing, almost in a
nervous matter, "I, um..."

"It's okay, you don't—"

"No, actually...I was hoping you will come across them one day. Well, come
across here." Sebastian said, "I didn't think it'll be soon, but I couldn't help
it. Erm," I watched as his arm extended taking hold of the wrapped

I gulped, noticing how tall he was that he didn't even have to tippy-toe on
grabbing them like I would've.

The parchment papers extended at me and Sebastian let out a huff, "Y/n,
these are all the...owls—well, letters, I wrote to you the summer of fifth
year...and, this summer." He swallowed.

I was lost for words at the moment. My fingers wanted to refuse to take
hold of them while my mind began working in circles.

"What? I—"

"I wasn't joking about writing you a letter every day. I just didn't have the
guts, but I need you to know that you were always in my head. I always
wanted to reach out to you." Sebastian informed, "I know you thought I
didn't owl you, but here's my proof."

I blinked.

"I was a coward back then, but now...now, life is full of risks." Sebastian
joked, "You don't have to read them if you don't want to."

My hand finally lifted, taking a touch of the dusty letters that have been
there for more than a year. I brought them to me and eyed them.

Y/n, one of them said already.

Sebastian Sallow passed me, going near the kitchen again and pointing at a
stool, "I, um...actually wrote them all here...well, before there was an actual
kitchen." He let out nervously.

The memory he showed was real. It was here.

I nodded, walking near the same spot and taking a seat on a high stool
Sebastian let out for me.

We both sat there as I placed the letters against the counter flatly and began
reading them one by one that night.


Eeee, a separate chapter with only the letters will be shown next! ✍🏻

Also, we're almost at 600k? Wow. Thank you so much. I'm shocked,
honestly. I love every single one of you. x 💚
Sebastian's Letters

I will not be doing every single letter Sebastian wrote for the sake of time,
but here's a glimpse of what they might've contained.
| photo credit: wynn |


The Summer of Fifth Year

June 5th


I've gotten word a few minutes back that you're on your way to defeat
that horrific goblin.

What was his name? Ranrok.

I am lost for words on what to even say.

I wish I could be there for you. If only Ominis would have told me on

I believe in you. I trust you.

Remember the spells I taught you.

I didn't call you 'my new charge' for laughs. I believe you're charged
enough to defeat him. I know it.

In any circumstances, if this letter does reach you...I want to let you

I haven't stopped thinking about our ventures. I'm glad I got the
opportunity to spend time with you.

My only hope this summer is to see you again. To see you back. It's
been a few days without you or Anne. It's aching.

Please, be safe. I care about you.


June 8th


Flooty made a full turn. My last few owls to you were returned to me.
They never reached you.

Perhaps, now, I may be writing to a ghost.

I don't want to believe that, but I have not heard a word in the last few
days. Is Ranrok dead? Are you dead?

I've ran away for a while. The burden of my actions has caused a
rupture in me.

I don't think I'll handle the idea of losing you too. There is only so
much I can take in these highlands.

I am now regretting running from our peers. Not hearing news about
you for this long is concerning.

I miss you.


June 9th


I received your owl.

You're well. You're alive.

I am proud to hear how you got up from that fall.

I know it must have been a burn, but I am proud to see how you are

I truly want to see you again soon. You have no idea how many times
I've bitten my nails from the nerves. Rubbish right? It's the truth.

I'm a bit far. I came across an abandoned home in the highlands — I'm
trying something new.
My nightmares have haunted my nights. It's quite scary.

But who cares about me...

I'm sorry about Fig. I knew he meant so much to you. If only there was
something I could do.

I will see you soon. Trust me.

I miss you.


June 11th


I came to the conclusion that I'm a coward. Even Flooty can feel it. I
can just sense its wings going back down when I instantly regret the
send of my letters.

I apologize, Y/n. Truly.

There are so many words I want to say. So many things I want to do

this summer as I planned, but it's hard.

I've taken the decision to become an Animagus. Tough choice. I can

almost hear your own laugh if you would've found out.

You also would've prevented me from this process, so the best way to
make it work is to not tell anyone.

Not that I haven't betrayed you guys enough already, but the guilt eats
me up.
I feel weak. I feel pain. The nightmares are worsening. I want it to stop.

Perhaps, the journey of becoming a different form doesn't take a bad

taste in me.

I might regret this, but it's for my own good.

I'll keep you updated on these ghost letters. I'm sorry. I miss you.


June 14th


It's only day 5.

This is the most complicated process of my life.

I'm convinced you would be laughing by now again, taking bets on

what animal I can potentially be.

I know you so well. What are your guesses? A bird? A kangaroo? I can
picture you saying a niffler.

How embarrassing. I'm glad these letters won't make it soon, but
they've become some sort of coping.

I've projected a version of you in my head where you are reading them.

Am I going insane already? Did I mess this process up already?

I'm losing myself. I hope you're okay.

I miss you.

June 28th


Day 15.

It's torture. I'm bored. I'm alone. I'm depressed.

It's too late now. The process has started and I cannot fail.

Anne hasn't reached out to me. I'm afraid my own sister will never
forgive me anymore.

Merlin, I'm afraid you won't either.

Ominis has reached out.

I've ignored the questioning about you. I pretended as if seeing your

name on his owl didn't make my stupid pulse level up more than usual.

You will understand one day, I promise.

I miss Ominis. I miss you.


July 3rd

I'm back to Day 1.

Embarrassing. I know.

There was something inside of me that thought I'll make it on the first
try, but I was wrong.

My days feel longer now.

This abandoned home I'm in contains a handful full of bees. I

befriended them by now.

I called one by you. Only to set a reminder that at least this version of
you might not hate me. You just buzz around my head now. No pun

I wonder what you're up to now.

I hope you're staying somewhere safe this summer.

There's this small percentage that wishes you would at least attempt to
owl me again. To grow worried about why I didn't respond...

Too full of myself right? Why would you even do that after I used you
up all fifth year?

I deserve it, really. I am sorry.

I miss you.


July 25th

Day 20. I'm losing myself.

An electric storm came by. I should be happy, but the crack hole in the
attic of this home leaked.

It's been horrible.

I hope you're better than me.

At least one of us can be happy.

I miss you.


August 15th


A White Arctic Wolf.

I apologize for not writing back. (Not that you'll ever care since these
letters are never sent)

I struggle to turn back. It's not as easy as people make it seem. I was

Is this what I deserve? I accept it.

I'm starving and I no longer don't know what to do.

Having two heartbeats sometimes wasn't the best idea.

Now I miss you twice as much.


August 17th


I lied to Ominis. Again.

I hope he confronts you. I hope you are taken back that we are in fact
not owling each other and you come find me.

Too soon, right? It's been two months without seeing you. Why would I
even think that?

Do you even remember me? Our ventures?

I remember them well. They are my replacements for the reminder that
I no longer have friendships. Family. I miss you.


August 20th


I saw you for the first time in my form.

It's utterly insane that even from afar, I can see you. Hear you.

You look well. You look happy. No ounce of doubt or pain from you.
You were with Poppy and Natty, laughing with a few beasts.

Hearing your voice and seeing you smile makes the hurt disappear at
the moment.

If a wolf could smile, I would've too. Maybe, it would've been my first

smile of the summer. Maybe.

I'm too much of a coward to even attempt a visit. To send an

owl...school starts in a few weeks. What was the point? I miss you.


August 27th


There's a new vendor from Italy in this abandoned village that arrived.

She's nice. Caring.

I told her about my life. About you. About Anne.

My depressing story must've worked. She makes me potions out of pity

to feel better. To not struggle.

Called me a coward for letting you go and not owling you.

I quote, "Oh, my sweet boy, be lucky if she still speaks to you."

Didn't need that reminder from her.

I also didn't need her to tell me how madly I've fallen for you.

I'm in denial. It's impossible.

I haven't seen you in months. What was there to feel?


August 28th


Who am I kidding? I've fallen for you.

Another cowardly thing of me to do, right?

I will scare you if you read this.

I came to the conclusion that,

Every day I miss you is another day I fall harder.

Stupid. I hate myself for it because you will never feel the same.


September 1st


It's the first day of the sixth year.

Writing this letter will make me late for the first class, but I truly don't
even look forward to this year.

I just want to see you one last time.

Just one time before I leave and go find my sister.

How dramatic of me, right? Making an entrance after losing my entire
family and hiding from the worst crime and coming back like nothing
just to see you?

I almost sound like an actual monster doing that, but I'm curious. I
want to talk.

One day, you'll understand.

I'll see you soon.


The Summer of Sixth Year

May 9th


My dearest...if only my thoughts can be written in such a letter.

If only this writing can reach out to you and you can know the real
truth, but I'll get caught.

I didn't mean to do it. Trust me, I will never leave you.

How could I? We had an entire future planned...how?

But I must own up for my mistake, and I hope one day — I hope — you
come across this letter and know that I did it to protect us. To save us.
To save my sister.
I know hope is only four letters, but four letters have been holding me
on edge in this life now.

There's a part of me where I would want to sacrifice myself to attempt

and reach you, but what's the point if I die? For nothing?

I will come back to you.

Whether it's years...months...decades...I will come back to you, Y/n. I


I love you so much.

Love, Sebastian

May 12th


Please, stop pressing the bracelet.

I know you're in pain. I know that because I am in pain too.

I feel the ring vibrate between my fingers with the thought of you
needing me.

Do not tempt me, my love.

I will risk it all.

Stop it.

Please, I beg. Stop.

I love you. I miss you.

Love, Sebastian

June 24th


I've lost count of how many letters I have written to you.

With no hope in my life, I have myself writing multiple a day. I'm going

The torture of Azkaban is burning inside of me. The torture of Atticus

is burning twice as much.

Sometimes, I want to end it all.

My sister is cured. You're safe. Ominis is safe.

My life is complete now.

You will have a happy life and so will the others.

Maybe, I will risk it once and for all...

I love you. I miss you so much.

Love, Sebastian

July 3rd

I solved a puzzle for once. I tricked Atticus Rookwood.

I am one step closer to you, Y/n...

I am just waiting for you to tap that bracelet one last time. Just once.

I'm desperate to know how you are.

Do you still miss me?

Do you still love me?

I know I've caused a rupture from my regretful actions, but I know

you, Y/n...I know you will have hope too.

I want to respect you, so I will wait.

I love you. I miss you.

Love, Sebastian

June 4th


I miss you more every day.

I don't even know what to write anymore.

I miss you. I can't stop thinking about you.

Love, Sebastian
June 29


Remember that abandoned home I spent my summer last year?

I'm working on it.

The vendor from Italy gave me the news that it's not claimed by any
owner. Can you believe that?

Perhaps, it was out of luck since Cragcroft is so well hidden...

As in my luck. I have no clue where life is anymore.

I spent my days missing you, but also running from the ministry.

I also visit Cragcroft when I have the chance.

This home cannot survive if I were to be imprisoned again, but I have

high hopes you can come across Bella Navarro one day.

You did love exploring.

She'll tell you the glory behind it and it will be yours.

Yes, yours. Proof that I truly never stopped thinking about you.

Merlin...I miss you.

Love, Sebastian

July 4th

I dreamt about you last night.

Not that I ever do, but this dream felt real.

It was when we first met. It almost felt as if I was reliving it all over

I wonder if you dream about me?

I hope it isn't the breakup. I hope it's the memories. I hope the
memories can be a sign of hope...that we were once happy.

I hope the memories don't let you slip from me.

Not to sound selfish, but I hope they haunt you forever. That one day,
when this is all over, you will have that ounce to miss me...even a little.

I miss you, Y/n...I love you.

Love, Sebastian

August 17th


I miss your touch.

I miss you.

Love, Sebastian
September 4th


I saw myself in the Daily Prophet.

I hope you saw me too.

The attempt of getting seen was on purpose. I needed you to see me

around Irondale. I needed you to drop everything and find me.

I thought I knew you. I thought you would've found me.

Have you seemed to find someone new already? I understand, but if

you did...I will not lie, it will be a painful thought.

As long as you're happy, I'll try my best to be happy.

Love, Sebastian

September 9th


Four months without you.

I'm starting to forget how you smelled like.

It burns me with the thought because if I forgot your scent even after
missing you every single second of my life...then what have you

I hope to see you soon.

I miss you.

Love, Sebastian

October 14th


I saw you in my form.

Sometimes, I wish I could've switched back, but I couldn't. Atticus was


But I saw you. You pointed your wand at me.

I understand. I hurt you. But I saw you...

I know you can defend yourself from Atticus. I trust you. I will be there
every step of the way. I will let Anne know and you will be safe. I

I miss you.

Love, Sebastian

October 16th


Your memories are gone.

I am at a loss for words, but I hope this thread of letters can help you
remember one day...if they come back.

I can't believe they're gone.

How would I cope with this?

Did you lose our first time meeting?

Did you lose our ventures?

Our laughs? Fights? Kiss?

I blame Ominis, but...he wouldn't do such thing unless I hurt you


I've accepted my fate. It hurt, but if I have to spend the rest of my life
gaining you back — I will.

Love, Sebastian

October 17th


We spoke today.

I took you to the spot where we celebrated your 18th birthday.

You didn't remember, but I did.

I tried my best to hold myself together, but it was hard.

The way you handled me...I know the old you is in there somewhere. I
know it is.
Please, come back.

I miss you. I still love you.

Love, Sebastian

October 20th


I dreamt about your skin...your touch.

I sound like a monster saying this, but I haven't had a vivid dream
about us in a while.

I just want to be with you again. I want your memories back.

Remember me.

If your head can't remember me....your heart can. Please.

I love you.

Love, Sebastian

October 22nd


I almost died. You saved me.

But at what cost?

Now I'm sitting here in Feldcroft, writing you a last letter on this dining
table while you lay in the bed beside me.

I am watching you.

I don't think I ever watched so much beauty sleep within.

Although you look perfect at peace, I don't want it to be long.

Don't make this be the last letter I write for us. Not when I'm told your
memories were supposed to be back.

I can't lose you. Not right now.

I have a future planned for us.

So much to show you.

When I said I wanted peace, I didn't mean this.

Come back to me.

With lots of love, Sebastian Sallow


This was challenging. ✍🏻

Might've gone back through chapters so many times to follow a

timeline...hopefully, I didn't mess up any mess, it was a lot to create.

Hope the letters didn't bore you. 🫣

I'm sure you guys will like the next chapter. 💚

Again, thanks for 600k...I'm speechless.



The Recovery

This chapter contains mature content.

Y/n's Perspective

The letters in my hand vibrated. It wasn't the letters. It was me. I was
shaking. All I can do is stare at the meaningful letters that I've read on that

With lots of love, Sebastian Sallow

I can feel the strands of my hair fall down into place more and more as I
took heavy breaths and lowered my gaze, processing everything.

Sebastian was always there. Not physically, but mentally. I could no longer
doubt him. There were no doubts. The proof was right in my eyes. The
words. The dates. The handwriting. Every single day.

"Y/n?" Sebastian whispered to me.

I was ashamed to even look over at him. I felt like the monster now.
Sebastian didn't have a fault in anything. He was always there. He stayed.

My lips parted, but I could no longer let out noise or words. I was numb.
Speechless. There was so much to take in.

"It's alright," Sebastian kept whispering, "You don't have to say anything."

"W-Why didn't you send them?" I said shakily, holding in the tears that
were accumulating into a pool. My vision was blurred by now.

Sebastian did not answer right away. There was silence in that small
kitchen. No words being said, only the sound of the parchment letters being
settled in my hands.

After not getting a response, I turned my head.

Sebastian Sallow sat there beside me. His elbow rested over the flat counter
while his body faced me. A look of guilt, but love exposed out of the hazel
eyes. He was unsure about my reaction to the letters.

"I couldn't." Sebastian forced, "I wanted to, but I couldn't. I was weak, Y/n."

I closed my eyes, understanding.

All the writing in the letters. All the connections. All the timeline.
Everything made sense since the beginning, but he hid it all.

The thoughts were consuming me on that wooden stool. The more they
maintained closed, the more I felt the feelings range. Almost as if I was
charging a fuel of emotions. They were too many to contain.

"Y/n?" Sebastian let out again.

I was breathing heavily. It felt like a panic attack, but more controllable. I
wanted to let out nothing, but also let out everything. The magic within me
felt cold. It traveled through my hands and —

Sebastian's hand rested over my shaky arms. The warmth of his touch made
me come back to my sight and open my eyes.

The blue swirls in my fingers were revealing themselves in a light way.

They weren't dangerous, but they were there. I can see them and so did
Sebastian. The letters from my hands had fallen and I almost left a stain on
the parchment from the force.

Sebastian didn't react to the new magic. He didn't freak out or back away.
He sat there beside me, risking it all and attempting to stay on my side with

"I'm sorry," I finally whispered, feeling the real emotion kick in. "I'm so
sorry, Sebastian."

I can feel the tears run through my cheeks like a rainfall. The burning heat
of the tears slid through the coldness of my body temperature as I cried.

"No, Y/n don't say that—"

"I'm sorry." I kept repeating, "I should've never treated you that way. I
should've never gotten my memories away if I knew—"

Sebastian's arm traveled through my back, curling it around my body as he

leaned me close to him in comfort.

"Shh, do not apologize. You know I don't like apologies," Sebastian

whispered, "Please, do not ever feel guilty for my own regrets."

I sobbed. It wasn't controllable. My sadness towards Sebastian Sallow was

not controllable, nor was my love for him.

I didn't know how long I cried that night. All I felt was the release of my
emotions against Sebastian's chest. The way his fingers curled through my
hair as he comforted me. As he reminded me that it was not my fault. The
warmth aura of him completing me.

"The thought of you crying over something I've caused is not circulating
well on me," Sebastian whispered, "It's hurting me as it's hurting you." He

"It's not fair," I cried, "Time isn't fair."

"It's okay. I don't care about time. I never did." Sebastian let out, "I'm here,
you're here. We're here now. It's okay. We are here."

I cried. I was healing. We were healing. The let-out of emotions felt like a
sort of relief after a while. It needed to happen. It was normal for it to
happen. And Sebastian was there in every second, every tear, and every
emotion of it in that kitchen.

I didn't know if I was capable to handle love. Even when I didn't remember
Sebastian Sallow, the word love seemed dangerous to me, but I second-
guessed an opportunity of a life with him if I fell in love twice.

Letting out a sniff from the embarrassing tears I'd let out, I finally grew the
courage to depart from Sebastian's touch and looked up, finally facing each

Our foreheads were against one another. I can feel Sebastian's hands behind
my head, holding me in a way to be glued to him and he breathed.

"Please, Y/n," Sebastian eyed, "Tell me what to do. How can I make this
stop?" His fingers gently caressed my hands, "How can I calm this?" He
noticed my magic.

I stared down at him, feeling the same swirls that glowed lighter now. The
energy eased off little by little, but still being there.
"I'm a mess." I sighed, crossing my arms over the counter and burying my
head between them.

"You're not a mess, Y/n..." Sebastian said, "You were gone for two weeks.
You're tired."

I kept my head buried as darkness was my view for a moment.

"I did not intend to make you feel this way on your first 24 hours of waking
up. I am truly sorry..." Sebastian sighed in desperation, "Is there anything I
can do?"

I wanted him. I wanted to just hug Sebastian Sallow and lay there forever
— but he was right. I was gone for two weeks.

"You can rest." Sebastian led out, "You need rest. There's a bed up these
stairs. Of course, you don't have to stay here if you don't want to—"

I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed, "It's okay. I've rested enough
for two weeks." I looked down, "I, um..."

The idea of staying the night with Sebastian Sallow felt unreal. Has this
ever happened? Has there been an actual night of sleeping together
properly for the first time? Is this real?

"Yes?" Sebastian rose his brows in worry.

Sebastian was perfect. There were no flaws. No but's or if's. Everything

about the man was perfect. All the doubts and worries were gone. I loved
him, he loved me...it was perfect.

"A cold bath?" I said nervously, almost in a questionable way.

As I lifted my head back up to view the dimmed light of the kitchen, I can
see Sebastian tilt his head slightly at my words.

"A cold bath?"

I nodded, "I, uh...yes. The cold water narrows my blood vessels and...and
the magic tends to,"

I stared at him, losing myself at my speaking as his hazel eyes stared and
listened. It was distracting. It was hard to hold it in.

Sebastian nodded, "The bathroom is still needing a few fixtures...but I

suppose a natural bath is alright? I can pull the tub and let you relax." He
offered, "Is that alright?"

"Is that alright with you?" I said, shyly.

Sebastian let out the first chuckle after an emotional scene and looked
down, "Everything is alright with you, Y/n."

I sat at the edge of the living room couch later that night. My fingers were
fidgeting with each other on my knees. They also switched over to the
fabric of the dress, pinching it as I heard Sebastian cast the Aguamenti
charm to the tub.

I shouldn't have been embarrassed. Or felt discomfited of letting Sebastian

Sallow do so much for me. The letters lived in my head now. Each one of
them. Any favor he did now was held against me. I should've been taking
care of him. I want to. I always did.

My overthinking thoughts paused when I heard Sebastian clear his throat

behind me and I stood up slowly, turning around.

He stood there, sleeves rolled up as he wiped his hands with a towel and set
them on his sides, "I trust that it's ready."

I nodded, taking slow-paced steps near the bathtub that sat a little to the side
of the staircase, and looked down.

"Thank you." I let out, staring down.

"Of course," Sebastian said back, standing on the other side.

None of us moved. We were standing like two statues, awaiting for one to
let out something.

"Right, my apologies," Sebastian said nervously, scratching the back of his

head, "I should respect your privacy. I would be up the stairs." He nodded,
slowly excusing himself.

I bit the inside of my lip, watching the tall man with the beige sweater
disappear from my view and leave me alone on the main floor.
Sebastian was very respectful. He really was upstairs and respected my
time. It was insane that for once, I wanted him not to go upstairs.

I slipped out of the blue dress, letting it hit the floor below me as I removed
the rest of any garments on me. I took a small breath and dipped myself into
the bathtub, gasping from the coldness.

It felt nice again. Sebastian must've thought I was insane for the idea of a
cold bath, but it felt nice. Perhaps, it mixed in with this theory that cold
water soothes my body. Like a detox.

I sat there, knees slightly bent after that bath. My lips shivered a little now,
but I ignored it. My view stayed on the fireplace in front of the couch. I

It was calm. I felt relaxed in the setting. Protected. Nobody can disturb.
Nobody can come in bursting. It was tranquil. Peace.

...but I have high hopes you can come across Bella Navarra one day.

The writing of a specific letter flashed in me.

She'll tell you the glory behind it and it will be yours. Yours.
"Yours," I whispered to myself, letting the thought sink in.

It was impossible. That letter was written not long ago. I was in denial
because there was no way it can potentially or could've been mine. It will
take time to even process something like that.

Sebastian Sallow a homeowner? Spending his only free time to fix it? He
could've done many things the last two summers, but according to his
letters, it was me. Just me.

I closed my eyes, resting my head on the edge of that tub. Breathing

through my nose and inhaling through my mouth, trying to relax properly.

The reminder of Sebastian Sallow being a floor away possessed me. He was
here. He was back. He was with me. We were so close, yet so far. I didn't
have to dream to see him or mourn for him. Sebastian was actually here.

If your head can't remember me....your heart can. Please.

I love you.

The letters would say.

Having two heartbeats sometimes wasn't the best idea. Now I miss you
twice as much.

It hurt. I know Sebastian has said how the hurt I feel hurts him, but it's both
ways. I'm feeling the hurt he went through in those letters. I couldn't
imagine how he felt. It was horrible.

We could've spoken again. There were so many ways to reconcile, but

miscommunication messed it up. Either it was him not sending owls, or me
not approaching. It was sad.

Now, hope was real. There was hope of reconciling again. Making up that
time that was wasted. He was here.

I hugged Sebastian. I cried with Sebastian. I can touch Sebastian—


I gasped, sitting slightly up from the tub, a few water splashes coming out
of it as I covered myself shyly at the sound.

"S-Sebastian?!" I breathed, almost embarrassed about how long he's been

there watching me waste time thinking about him.

Sebastian stood beside the tub, turning his head to the side, "My
apologies...truly, but...but...uh, it got silent and I didn't hear any movements
anymore. I-I was worried."
I gulped, understanding his concern, and kept staring at him looking
everywhere, but me. Respecting me.

"Oh. I'm s-sorry," I shivered, "I...was it long?"

Sebastian shrugged, "It's been an hour and half. I tried to let you be, but—"

One hour and a half. My own head couldn't even process time anymore in
the bath. It happened before.

I looked back down at my bent knees and nodded a little, accepting the
truth, and looked at the water.

"Okay...do you have a towel by any chance?" I asked.

"Yes," Sebastian said.

I watched him turn his back. The brown hair curled a little, revealing he was
laying in the bed and his sleeves still rolled up. Even until this day, his
height was amusing.

His hazel eyes flickered at me for a second, handing me the towel and
stepping back a little. You can tell he was trying his best to not look at my
nude body — but I could no longer resist.

I slowly grabbed the towel and he turned, his back on me again, giving me
time to wrap the towel and step out from the cold water.
"I could take care of the rest. You can dry up in the fireplace or head up the
stairs. Do not worry." Sebastian let out, back still on me.

I wanted to giggle, but then I didn't. It's been a while for both of us. I mean,
we were comfortable with each other, but now it felt a bit of a hard

"Thank you, Sebastian." I let out, walking barefoot around the couch.

I didn't change right away or stand there. I rested myself with that towel,
bringing my legs up onto the couch cushion and half-laid there, letting the
fireplace hit near.

I didn't know how long I focused on that fireplace. In the background, I can
hear Sebastian do all the dirty work for me and I rested my head on the
pillow, acting as if the love that was hidden from him for the last six months
wasn't eager to come out of my body.


My eyes came to focus and Sebastian stood at the edge of the couch, resting
his hands on the arm of it. The forest green ring shining within the light. He
never stopped wearing it.

I felt my dry lips separate, my chest curling as I spoke, "Thank you."

Sebastian gave a confused look for a moment.

I licked my lips, "You're taking care of me." I stared, "Why?"

Sebastian's expression came to a sense and he looked down for a moment,

"Why wouldn't I?"

Again, the sound of the cracking fire echoed.

"I-I don't know...I just feel...I don't want you to be obligated to—"

"Y/n, you saved my life." Sebastian cut in with honesty, "You took many
sacrifices and pain to heal my wounds. You took care of me with love,
laughs, and...just being there while I was around. You were always there for
me." He admitted.

My heart was thumping hard.

"There's only so much I can do now to give back. This isn't even anything
compared to what you've done to me." Sebastian let out.

I was soundless.

"What's wrong?" Sebastian noticed.

It was crazy that he just somehow always knew how to read my expression
correctly. Nobody else did.

"I'm embarrassed," I confessed.

"And why are you embarrassed? You shouldn't be, Y/n."

I shook my head, "You spent these summers...suffering, overworking

yourself and you never gave up, Sebastian." I breathed, "And me? I...I
wasn't alone. I got my memories wiped and took an easy route I—"

"It wasn't your fault, Y/n." Sebastian reminded.

"But it's not fair," I said in denial, "If I would've remembered, I would've
found you in Irondale. Trust me, I would—"

"If...if," Sebastian reminded, his hands now released from the armchair and
he took a seat beside me on the couch, "I don't care about the what if's
anymore. You remember now and that's all that truly matters, alright?"

I closed my eyes, nodding and trying to accept his words, "I can't believe
the memories of you were gone and somehow...you were right."


"About how my head can't remember, but my heart would." I whispered, "It
was trying."

Sebastian stared out at the fireplace in front of him. His elbows rested on
his knees while he kept his hands together.

"How was it trying?"

Sebastian, the man of reassurance.

I stared over the fireplace with him on my side, "I'll get distant sentences in
my head, with your voice. Some were clear, some were echoey."

"When was this happening?" Sebastian asked.

"Around the summer..." I remembered, "It progressively got more intense. I

thought they were odd dreams. Or you were perhaps haunting my head with
weird dreams." I laughed at the memory.

I can hear a faint chuckle from Sebastian, "I did not know this. Dreams, you
say? And this was when there were no memories?"

"Yes, I suppose." I looked up, "They weren't really dreams...I figured that
they were memories. Just memories that were flashing through me." I

The memories of the vivid heated dreams of Sebastian Sallow that one time
in my dormitory were engraved in my head. I don't think I'll ever forget.

"Well, did they help you remember?" Sebastian turned to me.

Oh, they really did.

I gulped from his stare at me and looked down, feeling the heat in me rise. I
couldn't even blame the fireplace next to us. It was no use.
I bit the inside of my cheek, debating whether to admit it, but it was
necessary. It was the truth. I no longer wanted to lie to Sebastian Sallow.

"I remembered your voice," I breathed, lowering my voice from the

difficult confession, "Your touch...it felt real. As if, I felt it before. I mean, I
did, but without memories, it was too vivid."

I began to feel overwhelmed by my own confessions. I wanted the words

back, but then I didn't. Those fantasies ran through my head after that night.
I wanted to get to know him, again. I wanted to feel that again. It was
driving me insane.

"And...how did that make you feel?" Sebastian asked.

My eyes rose up, also connecting with the ones across. Sebastian's back
leaned comfortably on the couch. My own body rested horizontally. If I
extended my legs more, they'll be hovering over his.

"I," I swallowed, feeling a bit of an imaginary lump in my throat, "I craved

a feeling that I didn't even know was there. It was annoying. Bothersome." I
whispered to myself.

Sebastian sat himself up again from the rest and turned to me. One hand
rested over the top of the sofa, beside me, while the other tapped around the
surface around my bare feet.

"I know," Sebastian passed his saliva, agreeing.

"Y-You do?"
His fingers traced, almost touching my skin, but teasing, "Yeah, because I
felt that way too, but luckily, for one of us, the memories weren't all there to
suffer. You got lucky it was only one vivid memory." He revealed.

My breath was increasing.

"I had to deal with all dozens of them. The longer we took, the more vivid
they became. I almost lost it." Sebastian whispered, "It was unbearable.
Craving something that was no longer there."

Finally, a finger traced over my foot before tickling its way over my lower
leg making me shiver as it reached near the cotton of the towel that
surrounded my body.

"Did it feel like this?" Sebastian asked giving me consented eyes at every

It was an insane feeling. Going months without any physical touch was
insane — dreaming about them was worst, but feeling them after so long?

My breath never stopped increasing, and it was enough to let Sebastian

know the upcoming.

"Please, answer me. I want to know." Sebastian pleaded.

The fingers now made their way over my leg, the towel resting on them
wanting to slip off.
"Y-Yes," I nodded, "It felt like that..."

Sebastian tried matching my breathing pattern, both of us resisting the urge

to break it off once and for all, but it was a while. We needed to keep calm.

"Do you want me to keep going?" Sebastian asked.

My eyes closed, the hand tugging over the hem of the stupid towel, "Yes,

Sebastian's hand didn't hesitate to let the towel slip over the knees and tour
its way onto my left thigh, caressing it.

His body leaned a little, the freckled face inching closer to me as he stared
with desperation.

"Tell me. Guide me." Sebastian whispered, his lips almost brushing against

I struggled, "Assure me this isn't just another vivid memory of mine."

Sebastian's fingers squished my thighs lightly, wanting to roam deeper and

deeper. My legs already vibrating. How was I going to survive?

"It's not a memory if it hasn't happened," Sebastian said.

"Sebastian," I called.
His fingers paused before reaching my entrance, "Yes, Y/n?"

I licked my lips, "Please, keep going. Please..." I stared, my hand resting

over his cheek, "Please, don't stop."

Sebastian accepted, "Of course, I won't stop. Not after I waited this long to
have you again. Touch you again. Feel you again." He craved.

I gasped a little feeling his finger nibble on me, causing sensitivity and
making me close my eyes.

"I'll be gentle. Be vocal. I'm here to listen, Y/n." Sebastian said assurance.

"Keep going,"

I almost winced, feeling Sebastian's finger slide carefully inside of me. The
touch feels new again after half a year. My skin rested on his actions.

I hated how vulnerable I felt in the moment, but without Sebastian Sallow's
touch for months, it felt like an eternity. The moment was indescribable for

"I'll be gentle," Sebastian whispered.

I didn't understand at the moment, but I winced as a felt another finger enter
me, accumulating inside my skin. Each slide making me want to say all my
intrusive thoughts,
"Oh," I let you my first moan, letting Sebastian's fingers guide their way
into my pleasure while my hips began moving.

He attempted to match his rhythm, but it was distracting. If I was already

this desperate over his fingers inside of me, imagine everything else.

As my eyes reopened, I can see the hazel in his eyes darkened as he stared.
I know Sebastian wanted to see me. See how much I missed the touch. How
desperately I wanted him. I did not blame him.

My hands reached over the back of his head, finally pressing our lips
together at the multitasking task. The movements were so fast, the towel
began slipping more and more, giving him access to view the rest of me.

He broke the kiss, letting the lips brush over each other as he looked down
at my open chest, "Perfect."

I breathed, letting his fingers pleasure the hell of out me, "More."

Sebastian breathed, his lips leaning toward my neck, obeying.

I watched as his fingers curled inside of me. How they would slowly
disappear from view as he went in and out. The pace getting more
aggressive as he listened to me.

Not only did Sebastian Sallow's fingers feel amazing inside of me, but he
also looked so good doing it. Just looking at him satisfy me could send me
over the edge.
"Sebastian," I panted.

I can feel him deep. So deep that the metal of the dark ring on his middle
finger was felt against my skin. The coldness of the jewelry tapping in and
out like a button; His thumb rubbing in circles while the rest did their work.

"Let it out, Y/n," Sebastian whispered. "Let it out."

Let it out. Oh, fuck.

I arched my naked body, sitting up a bit while our lips played with each
other in the process. I couldn't even kiss well on how well the fingers
finished me off.

I panted heavily, almost seeing stars from the orgasm I produced. My

fingers tugged Sebastian's knitted sweater from the force of hiding it away.

Sebastian's fingers stayed in me for a while before they slid off my skin. It
was almost embarrassing for me how easily they came out.

Our foreheads stayed touched. Only our breaths echo for a moment. Just a

When my eyes opened, Sebastian's were already opened too. Our gazes
were on each other. As if he wasn't fully dressed and I was completely
naked from a bath.

"Your eyes..." Sebastian breathed, "They were blu—is that new? Or have I
always been blinded by your voice?"
I furrowed, barely breathing, "W-What?"

Sebastian stared, focusing his stare deeply onto me, "I—never mind." He

Again, no words of exchange. The staring itself gave it all away. Our eyes
spoke with each other without saying anything. We found that out that

I didn't give myself to relax. I kissed Sebastian again on that couch,

bringing my hands over his hairs and never stopping.

Sebastian joined, his hands exploring over my breast before traveling over
my legs and into my lower back, wanting to lift me up.

"It's been too long without this," Sebastian said desperately, "This is so

"Life is full of risks," I whispered in between.

Sebastian stood up and carried me. My legs stayed wrapped around him as
he managed to easily walk over to the flight of stairs and go up.

"Learning my words already?" Sebastian breathed, "Amazing."

I laughed in between our touches.

It was amazing that no matter how long we were apart, the open structure of
affection and laughter never slipped away. It felt comfortable. It felt like the
pieces were being brought back.

The upstairs of the home was spacious, but divided in half. The bedroom
seems huge and a full-sized bed laid in the corner. Although I was busy and
distracted somewhere else, I did take a moment to explore for a few

Sebastian laid me gently over the well-made bed. The coldness of the red
covers feeling nice as Sebastian's stance stood on the side examining my

It did feel shy seeing him eye me so naked, but there wasn't any
uncomfortableness. He was always good at making me feel so —

"Gorgeous," Sebastian whispered, taking a seat and letting his fingers trace
over my collarbones before guiding their way in the middle of my breasts,

The words that came out of Sebastian Sallow were powerful. He's always
been a man with charm, but somehow tonight felt different.

My eyes glued on the clothing. I thought about how I wanted to go wild and
remove that attractive knitted sweater he wore once and for all. How I
wanted him so badly.

"I'm all here, Y/n," Sebastian noticed my gaze.

I flushed, "I—"

My words stopped, seeing Sebastian hover over me, placing his lips over
mine. His hands never leaving my body. They explored it so well, afraid
that if he stops his touch, he'll never get it again.

I brought my hands down the sweater, finally rolling up and attempting to

remove it over his head.

Sebastian did the favor of removing it himself. Not only did he slide off the
sweater, but the undershirt below it slid off as well, revealing a bare-chested
man above me.

Scars. Faint scars. They sat over his abdomen into his chest, almost giving
it a tiger pattern and a beautiful sight.

My fingers traced over them, admiring each one as Sebastian stared down,
"I know...they might be permanent."

I stopped my tracing, "What? No, I—" I stared up at him, my fingers going

up to his face, caressing it, "Handsome."

His look softened at my compliment and he brought himself down again,

kissing me more and more.

My hands played with the buckle of his belt while his own hands rested on
each side of my thighs, traveling and squishing them for a tease.
"I can't believe you're real," Sebastian whispered, kissing me everywhere,
"So real." He whispered.

I could barely manage to remove his pants while Sebastian kept whispering
triggering compliments over my ear. Both arms caged me, resting on each
side of the bed. I can see the Azkaban numbers fresh on my side view.

"It's been so long," Sebastian let out a few minutes later as our bodies lay
underneath the blankets.

"I know," I whispered.

"I don't know what I'm capable of." Sebastian let out, "The thought of you
also waiting is driving me insane."

It was insane. Not even I thought Sebastian Sallow would last this long
without sex. A very insane thought. Now, we were insane for each other.

Sebastian's lips crashed into mine again, enjoying the feel of our lips feeling
each other after so long.

"I don't have a wand," Sebastian whispered, "But I stole yours." He lifted
the familiar white wand from the side of the bed.

I stared, "When did you—"

"I am a multitasker now," Sebastian said cockily, laying the wand gently
over my stomach.
We both stared at each other for a moment. Almost as if our intrusive
thoughts combined in one, but we laughed it off and continued.

"Too soon right?" Sebastian joked.

I laughed it off, "Yes, too soon."

Sebastian nodded, "Neferre Puerum," he whispered.

As he laid the wand to the side, we both finally took in the reality. The
reality of finally being with each other again. Feeling each other. Making

"Do you trust me, Y/n?" Sebastian stared at me in an awe matter.

I smiled a little, caressing the back of his hairs, "Always."

"I apologize in advance." Sebastian let out, "I haven't felt an ounce of touch
in months. I don't know what I'm capable of."

"It's okay," I whispered, also not knowing what I'm capable of.

Sebastian's lips met mine whilst multitasking to position himself on me and

finally letting it all go.

The stretch after so long made my body crave it. Sunk it in. It felt like a
proper entry as my body clench over the powerful feel once again.
We both gasped. It was hard to hide. The feel was great. Both of us couldn't
hold in that reaction.

"Worth the fucking wait," Sebastian groaned out, finally feeling every inch
of himself inside of me, "Pain?"

"No." I panted.

Sebastian kissed and kissed me, feeling himself go in and out of me in a

gentle matter. He was letting me get used to the feel again. The carefulness
of his length.

I can see his hand reaching over the bed frame, gripping it as he held every
force in himself to not let loose.

"It's okay, Sebastian," I assured, "Let loose," I whispered.

His lips were brushing over mine, closing his eyes as he gave a slight nod
and removed his hand from the bed frame.

I watched as the hand traveled over my ankle, clutching his hand over it like
a handcuff and bringing it over his shoulder.

"I missed you so much," Sebastian breathed.

Sebastian entered me again in a more pressuring matter. The angling from

my leg made the sensation feel completely different. Better. Crazier.
"I missed you...t-too," I closed my eyes, feeling Sebastian's pace go faster,

"Be vocal, my love," Sebastian noticed, "Remind me how much you missed
me." He pounded.

My eyes were closed, becoming a moaning mess from the friction. My

fingers didn't even know where to grab at that point. The sheets? His arms?
Hairs? I don't know.

Sebastian grunted, releasing his hand from my ankle, and brought it back
down again. Both of his hands shifted over the sides of my waist before
slamming into me.

"Oh, Sebastian," I moaned.

It was hard. It was deep. It felt like it was in my guts. I almost couldn't
breathe from such pleasure. I couldn't project words while Sebastian Sallow
lost himself inside of me that night.

"You say my name so well," Sebastian panted, "It's like it was made for you
to say it. Just you." He spoke.

My hands rested flatly over his chest, almost feeling as if he went harder
it'll break me. Of course, it wasn't, but when you're so lost in the feel, the
delusional thoughts tend to take over.

"Please, don't stop," I pleaded.

"I won't. Not after you feel this good." Sebastian whispered.

His fingers gripped the sides of my waist with pressure, I can almost tell
they'll leave marks on them in such a beautiful way.

"I don't want to stop," Sebastian fought himself, "But it's been so long," he

I also felt on edge by his words. My fingers gripped over the red-colored
sheets while my toes curled from the amount of feel the sex gave.

I watched as Sebastian panted and grunted. The whimpers in him almost

made me weaken once again as his pace was so patterned before his release.

"Fuck," Sebastian cursed, his fingers slowly removing from my hips.

As he breathed from the chaos, he stared down at the marks he left, "Hm,
nothing magic can fix."

I smiled, "I don't know," I stared, "They seem like nice tattoos, don't you
think?" I joked.

Sebastian stared, eyes wide, but then he smirked, "Careful what you say,
darling, I'll give plenty of them. You can tell me a count." He flirted.

Sebastian slipped out of me and we both stood there in that bed, energized.
Almost as if the feeling was still in there.
Sebastian sat there, hands resting over my knees as I admitted the beauty of
him. How his sweaty strands of brown hairs hung perfectly over his
forehead. Or how his freckles show a bit darker from the overwhelming
heated face.

"I don't want to stop," Sebastian admitted, staring in lust over my body, "I
don't think I ever want to stop. The love is too much,"

I felt relief knowing it wasn't just me. That this felt real. We needed to make
up for it. Our bodies spoke a lot.

"Then don't," I let out, "I'm here. I'm yours."

Sebastian's hazel eyes stared, "Really?"

I sat up from the blankets, resting a hand over the side of his face again, and
smiled, "Yes. All yours. Always."

Sebastian smiled, placing a kiss on my forehead. The kiss separated before

his gaze traveled down my lips back onto my eyes. A sign.

"Don't tempt me, Sebastian," I whispered.

Sebastian's fingers tugged over my bottom lip, "You saying that temps me

Sebastian leaned in first. His hands pushed my body onto him. The kiss
intensing as I placed myself on him, rubbing over him, almost in a teasing

His arms wrapped around my back, burying his lips onto my neck, sucking
onto my skin in an aggressive way, "Stop teasing."

Whilst doing that, Sebastian took over my wand over the side and
whispered the same incantation before throwing it somewhere and
continuing his actions.

I took in the pleasure of the sucking, my fingers coming below us before I

took hold of him and felt every inch of him enter my body.

I moaned at the warmth it felt. The heat that came off it now from another

Sebastian's body stood in a sitting position on the edge of that full-size bed
while my hips rolled at a perfect rate, combining both of our paces together.

"You're doing absolutely amazing, darling," Sebastian complimented as our

lips brushed up and down.

I breathed, "Oh, don't do this, Sebastian,"

"Keep going," Sebastian vocalize, "Show me what those vivid dreams made
you feel."

My head went back as my body rolled on him. The feeling was so stomach-
twisting but so good. I wanted it to last forever.
Sebastian's face buried in between my breast, placing a love mark trail over
it as I whimpered and moaned. My fingers tugging his hairs, making a high.

I didn't know how long I could last with this feeling, and neither did
Sebastian. It was almost a game of who was going to finish first.

The lovemaking synchronization was perfect. The movements, the moans,

the grunts. Everything.

"Right here, love," Sebastian closed his eyes, "You're doing g-great. You're
driving me insane." He whispered in my ear as I rode him.

"Oh," I closed, "Please, I'm starting to feel..." I couldn't even speak. At all.

Sebastian took over from my peak, his hands cupping below my waist,
bringing the force upwards and taking over the position at a faster pace.

"Sebastian," I called, "Please,"

"Please, what?" Sebastian struggled himself.

I couldn't. Not before him.

"Go on, darling," Sebastian said eagerly, "Go on."

My lips smashed over his, my arms curling over his head as I almost
squished it from the orgasm and felt weakened immediately.
All I can hear is the sloppy version of Sebastian's pace letting it be for a few
seconds before he let go again and threw his head back.

"Whoa," Sebastian smiled.

I admired his hands released from me, going behind the back of the bed
resting flatly as he leaned back a little, admiring me sitting on him.

Sebastian stared, "Your eyes turn blue when you finish."

I stared and furrowed, "What? R-Really?"

"Yes," Sebastian admitted almost in amusement, "I suppose now I'll know
when you're not satisfied." he joked in hurt, "But more for me."

I giggled, smiling.

"I can do this forever with you," Sebastian admitted, "It's fun."

"I know," I added, my chest rising in and out from the chaotic feel.

Sebastian smiled, "I missed you, you know?" His fingers curled my sweaty
long hairs from my forehead, "Hell of a lot."

I smiled, "I missed you too."

Sebastian and I stared at each other for what seemed to be a moment.

"Stay the night," He whispered, "Don't go. I can't lose you, again."

I closed my eyes, feeling sad over his words, "You won't. We're here now.

Sebastian nodded, "So, yes?"

I laughed, "Yes, Sallow."

"Sallow," Sebastian mimicked, "I can't wait."


7th year is going to be chaotic.

Also, Phase Three will be very, VERY, short — but worth it. 🥲
Phase Three: two *

Phase Three: two *


This chapter contains mature content .

3AM. It was somehow always 3AM when it crept between morning and
night. Where the nightmares came to say hello between our heads.

I took time recovering from nightmares. I let go of the Calming Draught

after a while and challenged myself to fight them off on my own. They
worked. They came and go, but manageable.

But — it was that night when I found out Sebastian wasn't recovered.

The sleep was peaceful. I don't think I've slept this well in a while. My head
rested over the warmth of Sebastian Sallow's bare chest. His arm was
wiggled under me in a hugging position as we slept.

My eyes opened at the feel of Sebastian's heartbeat ringing through my ear.

I almost forgot how high my senses were again that his heart thump rapidly
into my sleep, waking me up.

"No." Sebastian murmured.

I gently sat up, removing his hand from around my body, and looked down
in the dark, eyeing Sebastian to see what was going on.

"Stop. No!" Sebastian breathed.

I witnessed as his head moved from side to side, almost fighting off his own
nightmare. His chest rose in and out in a concerning way while he sweated.

"Sebastian," I whispered.

"STOP! NO!" He shouted.

I breathed in concern wondering if nights like these occurred when he was

by himself. How did he handle them? How did he survive on his own? It
broke me.

My hands rapidly came in contact with the sides of his face, somehow
wanting to project a cold feel on Sebastian and wake him up to reality.
"Sebastian, wake up." I let out, whilst taking hold of my wand on the side
and casting Lumos.

"No, I want it to—"


The eyelids re-opened on that darkened night and hazel eyes reflected over
the light of the wand.

Sebastian sat up quickly as my hands were still on his face. His own hands
came up to mine and he breathed, looking over to me.

"Hey, it's alright," I soothed, "It's—"

"Did I hurt you?" Sebastian said in worry.

I furrowed, "No, you did not. Are you okay?" I asked again.

Sebastian's breathing began decreasing, calming himself more, and passing

his saliva.

"I apologize..." He looked down.

"What? N-No, don't. It's alright...is this every night?" I asked, my hand
caressing his side.
"No." Sebastian said lowly, "I've gotten better, b-but, it's still a work in

"So, you've been through this on some nights...by yourself?" I asked.

Sebastian stood silent for a moment, his eyes slowly flickering at me as the
light still stayed between us, and shrugged.

"Well, yeah..."

I sighed, "And h-how did you manage them if there was nobody to wake
you up from them?"

"I didn't," Sebastian murmured, "The nightmare would repeat from start to
finish. I just learned how to live with it and talk in my sleep." He informed.

My eyes closed at the image. I felt bad. Awful. I didn't want to imagine how
the first nights after Azkaban were. Especially, with the break-up and
overwhelming pressure. I felt so bad.

"Don't." Sebastian stared at me, noticing my expression.

I looked up, "Don't what?"

He sighed, "You feel guilty. It's not your fault. I'm alright. I have you by my
side. It will get better." His hand caressed my own cheek.
My eyes closed, taking in his touch and lowering my wand, the light spell
finally dimming down as I breathed.

"As long as I'm with you, I trust that your presence can overcome this hell
in my head." Sebastian whispered, placing a kiss on my forehead, "I
apologize for waking you."

I didn't answer or anything, instead, I extended my arms and wrapped

around him on that bed. Our bodies slowly lowering down on the full
mattress and relaxing.

As I lay on Sebastian's chest again, I can feel our fingers playing with each
other in the air as we attempted to sleep again.

"Thumb play at this hour?" Sebastian joked, changing the subject into
positivity, "Between the two of us, we know a winner."

I couldn't help, but smile, "Thanks for the compliment."

Sebastian scoffed, "Yeah, alright," I can feel his thumb lay over mine as
they toggle, "You're lucky it's dark. Definitely not my fault I can't see in the
dark like your special magic now."

I giggle, "It's not my magic, it's just pure luck, Sallow." I whispered.

Sebastian lowered our fingers back down, resting them on his stomach
before taking a deep breath. I can feel his right arms raise, his fingers
digging through my hairs and massaging them.
It was calming. Relaxing. Feeling Sebastian's fingers drift me to sleep while
my own fingers caressed the lining of his chest, drifting him to sleep.

When my eyes re-opened again, it was a completely different setting. The

dark shifted to light and the sound of birds chirping over the window
whistled through it. The sun was blinding.

As I turned my body to the other side, I took the realization that the bed was
too spacious for me.

I slightly sat up, tapping on the side where Sebastian Sallow lay. The empty
side now. Only my hand reflected on the missing spot as I looked around
the top floor and wondered if he was really here or not.

"Hm," I squinted, my sight barely adjusting from the heavy sleep.

What if I was hallucinating the last 24 hours of my wake? What if this is my

first time—

My thoughts stopped when a few clothes laid over a basket in the side
corner. A few oversized knitted sweaters and shirts peaked and I smiled.

Sebastian Sallow was here. It was real.

I did a morning routine of adjusting myself and brushing my teeth before

heading down the actual stairs. I've conjured the previous dress I wore into
a different color, making it more presentable. While doing the basic care, I
noticed the home was silent. I began wondering if Sebastian was even here
in the first place.

The stairs creaked as I stepped down. If I were to be sneaky it would've

been difficult.

"Ow," I let out unexpectedly as a bee flew over me, almost tapping my ear.

I stared at the bee flying over me. My eyes just focused on the small insect,
distracting myself for a moment.

"I wonder if you're the bee he named after me." I rose a brow, continuing
my steps.

I took a breath, finally reaching down and taking admiration of the home
itself in the broad daylight. It looked better in the morning, and I couldn't
imagine what a life here would be like.

My steps clicked, fingers tracing around as I observed the home more and
more, seeing the small details Sebastian Sallow invested in.

The home screamed his name. It was mostly him. The library, the fireplace,
the scent...the cactus plant. It seemed so well put together, I was almost

"Pastries," I said to myself, eyeing the red-velvet cake that sat nicely on a
metal holder on the counter, "You weren't here yesterday." I spoke to the
food as if it'll hear me.
Sebastian's letters stood on the side, still untouched from where I last left
them. The chaos in my brain from each letter engraved in my head triggered
a little. They were emotional, but needed.

It killed me to know where the hell Sebastian Sallow was that morning, but
I didn't want to seem clingy. Or maybe, I was clingy, but I was also hungry.
I needed the energy to go look for him.

I stood in silence in that kitchen, fighting the urge to eat off the pastry, and
played with the half-eaten pear in my hand, trying to be patient.

"Stop," I waved over to the bee still buzzing on me, "Why are there so
many of you?" I wondered, noticing the unusual increase of bees roaming
around the home once in a while.

My eyes stayed attentive watching the few bees ramble around the kitchen
before following their way out the window beside the bookcase.

My brows creased, setting the pear aside and slowly walking in that
direction. I witnessed the bees crawl out through a broken hole in the
window and I squinted, sliding my wand from my boot, preparing to fix the
broken piece.


The spell-casting stopped. In fact, my entire world stopped. All I could do

was stare at the view that was coming from the opposite side of the window.
My lips parting and my eyes expanding.
Yellow. All yellow. All the same. There wasn't one that stood out differently.
The field of sunflowers sat there. The bees lived their life there, enjoying
the beautiful flowers. Dozens of them. Dozens.

Speechless was an understatement. There wasn't a word to even describe a

reaction like this. It was...was I in heaven? Is this why the first 24 hours of
my wake have been well? No interruption or quest? Just relaxing with the
man of my dreams? With the garden of my dream? What?

I didn't measure time standing in that window. I didn't measure it at all. All I
did was stare at the sunflower field through it.


I took a breath, eyes losing focus and recognizing the voice that was behind

It must've been at most twenty minutes of staring into those flowers because
I did not even hear him, let alone sense the presence that re-entered the

My lips were half open, I can hear my own breath vibrate in my ears as I try
to say a word or something.

"Sunflowers," I finally noticed, turning around to the figure behind me.

Sebastian Sallow stood there wearing a nice white dress shirt. He matched it
with beige pants and I began to realize beige was a good color on him. Too
good. He held a small basket of bread in one hand and a variety of potions
in the other.


Sebastian stared, realizing that I took notice of the backyard side of the
home, and parted his lip, but I interrupted.

"A sunflower garden?" I repeated to him again, my voice cracking from the
high-pitch I've produced. I was overwhelmed in a positive way. Speechless.

Sebastian looked down for a moment, almost shy at the news, "Well...yeah."

I kept my eyes on him. The projection of love that wanted to come out of
me was leveled. I can feel it inside my blood. In the tips of my fingers. It
was there. It was ready.

"That is what you wanted," Sebastian let out confidently, "A garden.
Sunflowers." He said.

My heart was rapid looking at the sunflower garden, "I-I did. How did you

Sebastian gave a look of confusion, "You told me."

"Once," I breathed, "Just once."

He smiled, "Once was enough."

I wanted to gasp at his words. How was it possible? How was he real? How
was all this real?

"I do apologize if it isn't huge. I tried my—"

I did not let Sebastian Sallow finish his words that morning. I felt my body
run up to that man and jump on him. Kiss him. Glue myself onto him.

Sebastian took a step back, almost falling from the jump, and gave a smile
between my kiss. He dropped the bags in his grip to the floor and brought
his arms to take hold of me, kissing back.

"How dare you?" I said between the kisses.

Sebastian's hands roamed around my lower body, walking near the edge of
the counter and resting me. His breath was heavy as he also spoke.

"How dare I, you say?" Sebastian hissed, his lips lowering onto my chin
while his hands rested over my thighs, "You've compelled me. It's yours."

I closed my eyes as Sebastian's hands traveled down my ankles, the long

dress beginning to scrunch up more and more with his force.

"A cottage home," Sebastian kissed into my neck before traveling to the
other side, "A garden," he kissed again into my collarbones, "What else did
you want?"

I was breathless. I couldn't contain so much emotion at once. I was

obsessively in love with Sebastian Sallow now. It was almost unhealthy for
what I felt after that morning.

"I want you," I pleaded, "That's what I want."

Sebastian's lower body neared toward mine at the edge of that counter. I can
almost feel the hardness between his thin beige trousers as he pressed
himself at every desperate touch.

I was desperate. I was in need. I couldn't even blame the hormones

anymore. We were no longer kids. We were getting more mature. We were
in love.

I reached down Sebastian's lower body, a hand palming him as he kissed

my entire body. He let out a grunt at the touch, but I continued, lifting a
finger over the belt and playing around with it.

"Do you realize," I breathed, "What you've done to me, Sebastian Sallow?"
I asked.

Sebastian held in his desperation, "Oh, darling, don't tease me with the full
name call."

"Don't tempt me with those dangerous words," I hummed at the nickname,

"I owe you, so badly."

Sebastian chuckled, his hands roaming up and down my bare thighs under
that dress, as I un-did the belt.
"You're already doing enough," Sebastian whispered, "You don't owe me

My body hopped off the counter, switching our bodies around as the belt
finally let loose and my fingers slowly pulled them down. All down.

Sebastian hitched out a breath from the exposing, but I fell to my knees
slowly and stared at the erection that he felt from the pre-kissing.

"Oh," Sebastian pants, "You will drive me insane, Y/n." He closed his eyes
at my touch.

It was a nervous feel. It wasn't the first time. I shouldn't have been doubting
anymore. Sebastian never judged and I knew that no matter what I did, he
will always take it as a satisfaction. He already was.

I licked my lips and parted them before slowly taking in the sight in front of
me. He was hard, and although there was only so much percentage I can
take in, it drove him insane.

Sebastian stepped back unexpectedly at the touch, bringing himself against

the counter; his fingers curling at the edge of it as he threw his head back
and closed his eyes.

My own eyes closed, my mouth going further and further into the bare skin
of Sebastian. There was only so much I could take, but perhaps, casting an
anti-gagging charm on myself beforehand was the best decision.

"Oh, fuck," Sebastian moaned out.

My small hands gripped around him, supporting the inches that my mouth
couldn't reach any longer. The tip of him tickled over the back of my throat
as I swallowed for tension.

One of Sebastian's hands stayed under the counter, gripping it tightly from
the pleasure while the other rose up, taking hold of the back of my head in a
gentle matter and twirling his fingers over my hair.

"Right there," Sebastian grunted above me, his hands guided me more
forward. He was so eager, "You're doing so amazing, sweetheart. So good,"
he complimented.

I can feel my own insides tingle at his praise and it only made me take him
in more. The sounds Sebastian made only made me needier and crazier.

I can almost feel Sebastian tuck his own hips, before bringing them back
and having himself a little fun with my own mouth. Only pleasure came out
of him.

My tongue swirled around him. The nervous feel I once felt in the
beginning slowly went away from the number of moans that kept getting
louder and louder from Sebastian Sallow that morning.

I stared up, watching Sebastian lose himself. At that moment, he looked

down also wanting to see every single movement I made to drive him crazy.
To make him whimper. Moan. Say unstoppable words.

"Oh, don't look at me like that, darling," Sebastian said in awe before
breathing heavily, "Don't....don't stop—oh, fuck....oh, Y/n." He gasped.
I didn't stop my movements, but Sebastian did. He finished beautifully.
There wasn't any disgust or uncomfortableness. I can feel the warmness
traveling through my cold skin and felt him relaxed within.

I gave it a few seconds before I slowly removed my mouth from the man
and stared down for a moment.

Immediately, I can feel Sebastian's finger lift up my chin and make me eye
him. His hazel eyes stared as his finger wiped the surroundings of my
mouth clean and stared.

I was on my knees for a minute, watching Sebastian lift up his trousers

again and adjust himself. I was planning for the rest of the morning to be
well now. Planning.

Sebastian's hands clutched beneath my sides and lifted me up aggressively,

turning us around and laying me down on top of that very counter. The
pastry dish falling to the floor.

I couldn't help, but gasp at his actions, "Sebastian—"

"Shh," Sebastian warned, his hands crawling under my dress, "Do I have
your permission, Y/n?"

I was lost, but turned on, "I—y-yes, but the—"

"Perfect. My turn." Sebastian smiled, his fingers finally removing my

undergarments and lifting my dress very high.
"Sebastian, you eat here," I said, staring down at the counter and the fallen

"Good, because I'm hungry for you," Sebastian flirted, sliding me at his
angle and burying his mouth inside of me.

"Oh, Sebastian," I called out without warning as the wetness of his tongue
made my stomach clench from the pleasure.

"Yes," Sebastian's hand tipped over the counter, sliding over to mine and
intertwining our fingers in a romantic way, "Say my name."

I watched Sebastian dip down more and more into me. My legs dangling
over his shoulder as a hand of his grip around my thigh tightly, almost like a

There was pressure. There was warmth. There was so much going on, I
didn't know how long I'll last.

"Sebastian," I pant, "Please, don't ever stop."

"Of course not, darling," He paused, flicking his tongue in between, only
making me get on edge, "You take care of me, I take care of you." His

I hated how expertise Sebastian Sallow was with his words. He always, and
I mean, always knew what to say. He never failed. Ever.
I clenched rapidly, a hand of mine resting behind that counter while the
other roamed inside the brown hairs below me, tugging and guiding them as
I became a moaning mess.

"Sebastian I—" I couldn't even say words from the amount of pleasure and
vibration that came out of me.

"Release, my love," Sebastian whispered, his eyes looking up at me as he

helped me finish romantically, "Release."

I threw my head back for a moment, almost wanting to scream from the
feel. Fireworks were shown in the back of my eyelids as I squeeze them
shut and felt myself relax once and for all.

As I reopened, I can see Sebastian raise himself up, a hand of his on my

stomach as he observed my reaction and wiped his mouth.

"Hm, blue eyes," Sebastian smirked to himself, "I definitely did a good


Happy Feral Friday LOL

There won't always be smut, but when there is...we don't stop. 💚
Phase Three: three

| credit/tumblr: anizakura |

Phase Three: three


Sebastian's Perspective

I stared.

Was I supposed to be staring this long? Probably not, but I couldn't help it.
How can such person hold so much power over me? Ironic to say, it was the
truth. I was mesmerized.

"Yes, Sebastian?" Y/n let out, her eyes glued down on the bowl of soup as
she noticed my stare.

I adjusted my posture from across the counter and cleared my throat, "I
suppose your advanced senses caught me." I joked.
Y/n nodded, the spoon twirling over the bowl beneath her and never
looking up, "I do sense you."

I crossed my arms, adjusting my body on that wooden high stool, and

smirked, "Good."

It was only a few hours since our mouths were all over each other. Yet, we
found ourselves sitting in such a respectful way eating lunch, as if nothing
ever happened that morning.

It was perfect, really. I can do this every day.

I watched as Y/n kept her stare down, her eyes sometimes glancing at the
written letters that still lay flatly on that counter. I was surprised after all the
mess we've made on the furniture the parchments were still glued.

"What are your thoughts on them?" I asked, arms still crossed.

The motioning of the spoon stopped and Y/n's eyes finally looked up at me,
almost in a oblivious way.


"The letters—owls," I pursed my lips, "What did you think? You never
really opinionated on them last night."

"Oh," Y/n nodded slowly, "Um," it seemed like she was lost for words.
I did not blame her. Sometimes, I felt lost myself at the fact that I never sent
the letters, nor did they ever see the light.

"Well, weren't my emotions a response itself?" Y/n gulped.

It did hurt me to see her cry. I don't think I've seen Y/n cry or sob in such an
emotional matter. She cried once trying to save Hector Malfoy, but it was
too dark to notice the expression — last night was different, I felt the
emotions with her. It was too many to handle. I felt bad.

"Why didn't you send them, Sebastian." Y/n let out again, interrupting my

I sighed, looking down at my finished bowl, quiet, "As I said, I was too
much of a coward."

"You will send an owl almost every single day in the fifth year. Yet, this
once, it was too much of you?" Y/n asked.

I did send her an owl almost every day that year. I think I might've lost
count of how many I sent. I know my own owl, Flooty, was tired at some
point and she will refuse to send sometimes.

"It was. I was annoying." I admitted, "I don't even know how you handled
me that year. I just thought one last owl would've annoyed you."

"Annoyed?" Y/n almost gasped, "I read each one. I followed each one. I'm
sure if you would've sent one during the summer, things would've been
completely different."
"Yeah, but we wouldn't be here." I confessed, "Perhaps, we would've hung
out in the summer, but we wouldn't have given ourselves time to heal from
what we experienced. I had lost my sister and you've lost Fig. Imagine the
chaos between both of us? Let alone, my guilt?" I asked.

Y/n looked down at her fingers, sighing.

"You've read the letters. You know what happened. I didn't hide anything
from you, Y/n." I admitted.

"You technically did if you never sent them. If I would've known, I

would've never treated you the way I—"

"I deserved it. Plus, it was quite interesting seeing you hold a grudge
against me. It felt like a challenge I was willing to take." I wondered.

"Yeah, before you gathered everything and wanted to leave in the middle of
the sixth year." Y/n reminded, "Hard take by the way. Quite a quest."

I smirked, "Was I an easy quest?" I joked.

Y/n flickered her eyes on me. I fought the urge not to jump over the counter
and take her right there. The image of having her in a home with me. Alone.
No interruptions. No worries. My love was unlimited at this point.

"You were multiple quests, Sebastian," Y/n frowned, "Each one became
more difficult, but nothing like a challenge right?"
I licked my lips, setting my arms on the counter and resting them toward
her, "I apologize for the weight I've given you. I should thank you for what
you've done. All the help. All the rescuing. All the love. There's only so
much to owe."

Y/n stared, giving a small smile at the appreciation and tucking a strand of
her hair, "Don't apologize. It was my choice. Any excuse to see Sebastian
Sallow, right?"

I smiled, but began thinking of her words. A few memories crossed my head
at the thought.

"Hm, any excuse." I squinted at her.

Y/n's eyes stayed on me, a bit intimidated, "What?"

I smirked, again, "Sixth year. Before quidditch games...under the stands." I


I can see a tint of pink form in her cheeks at the memory that also might've
crossed her mind, "Oh, no..."

"You weren't just buying warming mittens, were you?" I teased, "Wouldn't
it be a coincidence to see you twice in my direction? Or am I just playing in
my head?"

Y/n closed her eyes, "I did need the mittens,"

"It's alright, dear," I smiled, my arms extended toward her face, removing
the hands over her face, "Don't hide. It's okay. Did you need the mittens? Or

Y/n was pink. I found it attractive. Something about knowing that I

intimidate her in the easiest ways was interesting. Very interesting.

Y/n stared. Her lips parted as she stared and increased her breaths,

"Yes, Y/n?" I whispered, my body leaning closer and closer to her over that
counter, "What is it?"

We were inches away from kissing before Y/n's eyes wandered for a bit, "I
hear Ominis...and Anne."

The moment took a pause and I blinked, furrowing my brows as I looked

around the home.

"Pardon? I don't hear—"

"They're a few yards away. I sometimes can hear clearly from afar. It's
new." Y/n said shyly, "They're coming."

I leaned my body back slowly onto the stool, taking a breath and nodding
— pretending as if Y/n's new skills of power weren't attractive or
It was new. The new version of her. Of course, Y/n was still herself, but the
combination of new and old memories might've shifted her a little. Along
with the power that was wielded. I felt lucky. Even I felt powerful just
being with her. Inside of her. It was great.

"Right, right," I cleared my throat, "I guess it's a late notice to let you know
that Ominis was a bit eager for a visit. I ask, do you hold a grudge against
him? I can always kick him." I joked.

I wasn't joking. There was a bit of tension that was created between Ominis
Gaunt and I after the altered memories. I'm not saying the friendship was
gone, but it was a difficult reconciliation. It wasn't anybody's fault, but
Ominis doing that affected many things.

Y/n wanted to laugh at my questioning, but sat there, "I, well...I haven't
seen him in a while. I don't know how to feel, yet."

I nodded, wanting to be understanding.

"Alright. I respect any decision of yours." I nodded.

I wasn't expecting a quick greeting between Y/n and my sister, but

seeing them hug each other and get along made me happy. Anne had
mentioned how the memory loss affected Y/n's friendship between them,
but no grudge was held. It was understanding.

"Where's Ominis?" I asked a few minutes after the greetings with my twin
Anne let go of my hug and stepped back, nodding, "Uh, right...he's near the
mountain outside," she took her hands behind her and looked over to Y/n,
"He wants to talk to Y/n. He said he will respect if she doesn't want to speak
with him."

I blinked at the mention, "Does he think I'll interrupt or something—"

"Sebastian," Anne eyed me.

I stood quiet.

Y/n nodded, "Oh, alright. I'll speak with him. Thanks, Anne." she took a
breath and stared over us, "I'll be back." She smiled.

I gave out a smile, opening the door for her and bowing, trusting her on the
way she'll walk. I watched from the distance seeing her find Ominis on the
tip of the mountain.

"I can assure you, Y/n will be safe with Ominis, Sebastian." Anne's voice
echoed behind me in that home.

I took a breath, my eyes staying attentive at the distance, and looked down,
finally turning to my sister.

"I am not sure, Anne. The last time I told him to watch her while I was
gone, he altered her memories." I said.

Anne sighed, "There were reasonings behind that, Sebastian. And I am sure
that it is a situation that Y/n can decide herself if it was right or not."
There were reasonings behind Ominis motive. I did understand when he
explained to me, but there was just this natural sense in me, a stubborn
sense, that didn't want to let it go. That I only looked at the negative of it.

"I think there were plenty of other ways than doing that, Anne," I fought, "I
understand she was hurt, which I take full blame for, but he underestimated
her abilities. Her power. He took away more than just memories. It affected

"It did not," Anne defended, "Ominis saved her memories. He knew what
he did at the time. Don't you think if he did the wrong, he wouldn't have
saved the memories?"

I stood quiet for a moment, "Time passes. It was months. Months of new
memories. He could've given me an advanced warning, you know?"

"How, if you were distant all summer. It was a risk contacting you. You
know that." Anne reminded,

"I saw Ominis once. And that once, he never mentioned the fact that Y/n's
memories were not there anymore. He hid it. And he hid it from others too.
I am not dumb. He tricked her." I argued, "I had to find out myself."

Anne gave a worried stare at my argument, her arms crossed trying to

understand where I was coming from.

"It was dark magic too, Anne." I gulped, "From what I remember, I will
have to cut my left arm to even attempt to speak about dark magic around
Ominis Gaunt, and yet, with Y/n, he never hesitated once using it on her or
around her." I remembered.

"Are you serious right now, Sebastian?" Anne furrowed.

I frowned, "I am."

I didn't know why I was in range. I shouldn't have felt this way. Everything
had reasonings and I shouldn't even say anything. I wasn't there this
summer. I didn't have a say in this at all.

"You do realize," Anne noticed, "You're sounding like you are jealous of
Ominis. Of your own best friend. Of a brother, really." She said in shock.

"I'm not," I lied, "I'm not, Anne."

We both stood quiet at the moment. My eyes just stared over the distance of
the open door of the home, staring at Ominis and Y/n talking.

"Then why are you questioning the friendship between the two of you."
Anne asked.

"Because last time he was willing to take risks and act that way around
someone was with you, Anne." I let out, "And he liked you."

Anne looked taken back at my confession and held her hand over her chest
from the gasp, "Are you implying something?"
I shrugged, "No. Not really, but..." I didn't even say anything else. I was

"Ominis likes me, Sebastian," Anne let out.

I was frozen for a moment at the confession and looked up at my sister,

"Did he tell you that?"

Anne nodded, nervously, "Yes, he did."

I nodded.

"I suppose as a brother, I should be going in range over my best friend

crushing on my sister right now, but—for once, I feel more relief of you to
tell me that," I confessed, shamelessly.

I was ashamed. I was ashamed to even feel relief from finding out Ominis
liked someone else instead of Y/n. It was toxic thoughts at this point, but
I've been so far away from Y/n the last couple of months, my speculations
on everyone were worrisome.

"Do you like him back?" I turned to Anne, "I know we were all close since
the first year. I don't blame any of you for making me the third wheel all
those years." I joked.

Anne finally grew a smile, looking down, "I may say, Ominis Gaunt is quite
a difficult person to read, but...I do like him. He's nice to me. Always been."
She admitted.
I closed my eyes, taking in the truth, "Well, I can't stop you there, Anne. If
you would've said this to me third year, I would depulso him, but now...I
know what liking someone feels like," I stared on the outside, "It'll be
hypocritical of me."

Y/n's Perspective

"You look like you haven't slept." I let out that afternoon at the blonde man
beside me.

The conversation between me and Ominis Gaunt was intimate. Not in a

sexual way, but many feelings and confessions were admitted. Reasonings,
specifically. Reasonings on why he took my memories.

Ominis breathed, "I have not. I didn't want to believe that if you would've
passed, our last encounter would have not been worth it."

"Not worth it?" I scoffed "You gave me a hug, Ominis."

Ominis nodded.

"You hate hugs." I giggled.

Ominis grew a small smile at my laugh and nodded, again, "I suppose that
will do, but...there was so much to say and so little time. I didn't mean to
overwhelm you with your memories like that. I apologize, Y/n." He said in
I stared down at the sea, admiring the beauty of nature as we spoke.

"It's alright. It helped," I admitted, "Overwhelming, but worth it. I did save
the wizarding world once again."

"You did," Ominis sighed, "Was the Gaunt cloak helpful?"

I shrugged to myself, "It makes me feel powerful. It did, honestly. Thank


Ominis kept nodding.

"Are you going to make me burn it too?" I joked.

Ominis chuckled, "No. Not anymore. I trust you. Besides, it's my cloak.
Take care of it, but...don't lose yourself. It does contain dark magic." He

"Dark magic," I repeated, "I'm sorry for everything you risked the last few
months, Ominis." I apologized.

There was a lot that Ominis Gaunt did. I don't think I've seen him that
powerful, ever. The Azkaban trip was insane and it made me see him so
differently. He was so powerful, he probably didn't know it himself. We
were almost balanced with our magic abilities.

He rose a brow, keeping his head straight, "You're sorry? It's not your fault.
They were my choices."
"I know, I know," I looked down, "But...I feel like you didn't really have a
choice, sometimes."

"I did," Ominis defended, "Just like I chose to join you on every adventure.
Every risk. Every trip. I couldn't let you do it alone."

I nodded, thinking back at the adventures I took with Ominis Gaunt while
Sebastian Sallow was gone. They were a handful now that I thought about
it. Even with my new memories.

"It was a risk just being with me in general, you know? I was a menace." I

Ominis shrugged, "Eh, I was best friends with Sebastian Sallow. I know
what a menace is, and you weren't near that, Y/n." He admitted.

I bit the inside of my lip at the mention of Sebastian.

Somehow, it was a weird correlation that while Sebastian was gone, it

seemed like Ominis took his place, but not in an intentional way. During the
summer with my memories gone of Sebastian, Ominis was really the only
one I thought about.

"I guess, I should thank you for taking care of me, Ominis," I sighed, "You
saved me from many risks. Saved everyone when I lost myself. I can't truly
blame you for taking my memories, but it would've been nice if you warn
me before doing it."

"I know," Ominis said in guilt, "I didn't think right. I was just worried about
you. Your actions. I was upset at Sebastian for what he did. Of course, we
didn't know the truth, but I didn't want you to lose yourself. I should've
asked for consent. I apologize, truly."

I looked down, remembering the feeling of the break-up. I somehow even

lost the memory of the grief. The depression of heartbreak was so bad, I
couldn't remember the stuff I did. I was losing myself.

"It's alright. I know you're tired of me." I elbowed Ominis, "Not many
people could've handled me the way you did. Even in the summer."

Ominis listened, "I suppose, I also owe you an apology on behalf of Anne.
We didn't mean to leave you out the last month. I wanted you to...explore
by yourself. I wanted to be beside you, but you would've started noticing
the pattern."

I didn't want to blame Ominis for what he did. Nor Anne. I sometimes look
back on when Sebastian and I would be together and leave Ominis behind.
It wasn't on purpose at all, but sometimes, love distracts. I felt bad for
Ominis. I didn't want to fight off what he did too. It made sense.

"I'm also not tired of you, Y/n," Ominis elbowed me, "I could never be tired
of you."

I took in the honesty in Ominis Gaunt's words and looked down, smiling
not wanting it to get to me.

"You made me see a side of me that I always declined," Ominis let out, "I
will continue to disown my last name, but it does have its benefits. If
necessary. It was worth it. I feel confident." He smiled to himself.
"You should, Ominis," I compliment, "Not many can talk like serpents and
produce snakes that bite violently." I laughed.

The memory of the serpent that Ominis produced on that Map Chamber
was engraved in me. The bite wasn't painful. I predict Ominis enchanted it
to not hurt me badly, but it was for the sake of my blood and wound.

"Do you have a mark?" Ominis wondered.

I looked down at my right wrist, looking down at the fainted snake bite,
"Not many leave tattoos." I said foolishly, "I like tattoos though."

Ominis didn't know whether to smile or stay serious, "I am not laughing."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine. It saved everyone's life, so thanks, Ominis."

We were quiet for a moment. My eyes just staring down at the view of the
sun shining brightly.

"I shall go." Ominis let out.

My head turned back to him, "What? Y-You're not—"

"I'll love to visit, but," Ominis head went down, "I need to get Sebastian's
wand back...from Azkaban."

My eyes almost bulge at the thought, "What? We can't just—"

"It wouldn't be fair. He really liked his wand," Ominis sighed, "Besides, he's
a free man. It won't be difficult to retrieve it."

I sighed.

"Do not worry,"

I felt Ominis hand place on my shoulder for comfort, "I should deal with
the consequences of my actions, so this is the best I can do." He admitted.


"I am a Gaunt after all." Ominis reminded, "I will be back. Besides, I am
grateful that you've forgiven me. Really grateful, but Sebastian and I still
have a bit of a gap right now. It wouldn't be the best to enter his home. Let
me get his wand first."

I wasn't aware of the friendship between Ominis and Sebastian anymore.

The last few times I've seen them, they almost fought, or bicker at each
other. It seemed like there was unfinished reconciliation.

"Also," Ominis sighed, "We've gotten word from the Ministry. They need to
have a discussion with you. If you woke up." He let out.

I closed my eyes. The flashbacks of speaking with the Ministry of Magic

after defeating Ranrok living in my head. It was exhausting.

"Is that a mission or a choice?" I blinked.

"A requirement." Ominis let out, "I guess Sebastian didn't give you a heads

If only he knew what Sebastian Sallow and I have been up to the first day
of my waking up.

I gulped, "I might've been....half asleep." I lied.

Ominis nodded, "Alright. Well, I shall let you go. Anne is well aware of my
departure. I'll keep you guys updated." He smiled.

I nodded.

Ominis Gaunt and I stood facing each other. He hated hugs, but it always
surprised me that he began to let that pet peeve go.

Ominis brought me into his arms and we both hugged each other.

"Thank you, again, for forgiving me," Ominis whispered.

My eyes closed, feeling the honesty of his words, and held on. I didn't say

The Gaunt scent was strong. Maybe, it was my sense, but being hugged by
Ominis Gaunt gave me a strong manly feel. So much power hidden beneath
him. It didn't matter if he was blind, he was strong.
As I pulled away, I can feel the sense of Ominis fingers brush over my face
in a gentle matter. I didn't pull away, I just let him explore.

"Sebastian always described you to be very pretty," Ominis whispered,

"That if your personality was amazing, imagine your looks." He smiled, "I
can only imagine for now."

I felt odd. I knew Ominis said those words to make me feel something
toward Sebastian speaking about me, but there was just this one...just one-
second thought about Ominis Gaunt. It went away quickly but I couldn't lie.

I gulped, smiling at the compliment and looking down as his hand brushed

"Well, I don't blame you, Ominis," Another voice let out.

I turned, watching Sebastian Sallow stand a few feet away from us. His face
was full of concern, but confusion.

Ominis adjusted his posture, turning to the opposite side of where Sebastian

"Sebastian," Ominis said in a stressful matter, "I suppose we'll talk later."
He told him.

"I suppose we will, Ominis." Sebastian nodded.

Ominis nodded and let out his wand, turning at me one last time, "I'll see
you, Y/n."
I saw as Ominis Gaunt walked down slowly into the steps grass of the low
mountain and began to make his way into the nearest floo powder.

I stood there, not moving while also feeling the stare of Sebastian Sallow a
few feet away.

"I believe there's a lot I missed out on the last two weeks." I let out, staring
at the sea again.

"I believe there is," Sebastian said, walking near me toward the tip of the

There was no tension over what happened. I didn't feel anything. It felt like
a friendship thing, really.

"It's not his fault." I confessed, still not staring at Sebastian.

In the corner of my eyes, I can see him cross his arms, "Not saying it is, but
it's difficult to accept."

I sighed, crossing my arms and looking down, "Ominis was worried. For
you and for me. I've discussed it with him already. I know some things
weren't thought thoroughly, but it was worth it in the end, don't you think?"

I finally turned to Sebastian. He was standing, hands inside his pants

pockets as he closed his eyes and breathed the natural air.
"He's your best friend, Sebastian. He loves you." I reminded, "He wouldn't
do anything to upset you."

Sebastian re-opened his eyes, "I know. Anne said that same thing." He
stared at me, "I know he wouldn't do anything to upset me."

I gave a smile of encouragement.

"Besides," Sebastian finally gave a smile, "Without Ominis taking your

memories, you wouldn't have fallen for me twice." He winked.

I laughed, but took in the honesty, "I guess we both missed each other twice
as much ." I referenced.

Sebastian smiled widely at the connection of words from his letters, "We
sure did."


Teehee, seventh year hogwarts glimpses start next chapter. They will be
short, but worth it :)

Thanks for the support. 💚

Phase Three: four

Phase Three: Four


Sebastian's Perspective

"Well?" Ominis voice let out.

The familiar wand twirled over my fingers. The spiral green patterned
handle glowed and I almost smiled to be in contact with it after so long.

I took a breath, staring directly at it, "It's my wand. Thank you, Ominis." I
looked up.

Ominis Gaunt was across from me in the kitchen of that cottage home. His
arrival from Azkaban that afternoon was unpredictable. I didn't expect him
to come back so soon — especially when I was alone. The aura was weird,
but it would reconnect soon.

Ominis gave a nod, "I've recognized the touch. Your wand has a bit of a
crack before reaching the bottom. That's how I knew it was yours." He

I swallowed, "That's very...thoughtful of you, Ominis. You didn't have to do

this. I could've gotten it on my own."

"I know," Ominis breathed, "But it's the best I can do, honestly. Besides, I
might have some knowledge of visiting Azkaban again." He joked.

He wasn't joking. I've always kept in the back of my mind the things both
my best friend and girlfriend did to rescue me from the prison. It must've
been a huge risk. Very huge risk, but they took it for me.

I gently laid the wand over the counter, happy that I got my hands on it. I
never thought I'll see it again, but here it was.

"Is it only you here? I sense I don't hear—"

"Yeah. Y/n went to London....to the Ministry as you told her. Anne
accompanied her. Wished I could've strolled with them, but it's best not to
show my face around there right away," I smirked, "I suppose it's just us."

Ominis nodded, understanding, and played with his fingers on the side, not
knowing how else to approach the conversation.

"It's not his fault." Y/n's voice echoed through my head at the reminder.

"I can't thank you enough for everything you've done, Ominis." I looked
down, finally getting the courage to talk it out, "The risks, the help, the
care. I can go on." I sighed.

Ominis view was on his side, listening to my honesty. His lips pursed as he
gulped and spoke back, raising his arm.

"There is no need to thank, Sebastian. In all honesty, you should thank her."
Ominis let out, not even mentioning Y/n's name, "I wouldn't have done it if
it wasn't for her."

I wasn't tense at Ominis honesty. I didn't disagree with him either, because
it really was for Y/n. Everything was for Y/n at this point. She saved the
friendship between Ominis and I. Took so many sacrifices. It was

"I know." I nodded, crossing my arms, "I've heard about what you're
capable of now. Well, what you were always capable of, but you just seem
to hide it from me." I laugh in hurt.

Ominis smirked, "I did. But, you know the saying, Y/n always told us what
we needed to hear." He reminded me, "Some sacrifices needed to be made
sometimes." He let out.

The reminder of the altered memories appeared in the back of my head with
the reference of sacrifice.

"You never told me how you did it." I said, not looking at him, "How
you...were successful on the spell, if she was, I quote, out of control."

"It wasn't a successful spell. I can only do so much with my knowledge of

the dark arts, Sebastian," Ominis explained. "You might've noticed that
although the memories of you were away from Y/n, somehow, several
feelings would be felt. Dreams, as they were referred to."

The memory of Y/n explaining the tensive dreams during the memory loss.
How her head wasn't capable of remembering, but the body did. Or
something along those lines.

"I couldn't see her memory, obviously...but I felt them. I aimed at every
emotion she felt toward you. There was lots of sadness, worry, care,
and...love. Love was the hardest to wipe away from Y/n." Ominis admitted.

My eyes flickered up at Ominis.

"Y/n held lots of love for you, Sebastian. Too much." Ominis said in
concern, "There was only so much I can take. Which, might've explained
the gaps and odd feelings toward you afterward." He pointed.

I smiled down to myself from the truth. I somehow knew Y/n was going to
have the ability to try and remember at least once.

"Love is the most dangerous thing in the world," Ominis said to himself,
"Not even dark magic can overcome it. I did my best. Although I'm quite
glad Y/n had some sense of you still, it was difficult sometimes."

"Well, I can't really imagine losing my memory and then having so many
questions. So many people lying to me. It'll be scary." I defended.

"I know," Ominis sighed in regret, "There were many times I did want to
give her the vial and get it over with, but if you would've experienced Y/n
after that breakup—"

"I can't even imagine." I murmured to myself in guilt, "I presume I can't
really blame you or anyone for the decision of that. It was only for the best.
It was my fault."

"It wasn't your fault, Sebastian. It is nobody's fault." Ominis stood, "We can
only rely now that things happen for a reason. I was not aware you had to
leave us, just as you weren't aware of what was happening. It's nobody's

It was nobody's fault. If things hadn't happened the way they did, I
wondered how life would've been. Yeah, this life was a bit hard to
overcome now, but I was happy again. I had my sister cured. Y/n on my
side. Ominis being my best friend. It came together.

"Well, Ominis, all I can really do now is agree with you. It's been an
ominous year." I reflected.

Ominis debated whether to laugh or not.

"You can laugh, Ominis," I elbowed him, "I don't think I'll see the day
Ominis Gaunt would be apologizing to me for using the Dark Arts. Fully
charged too."

"You pestered me all fifth year about them. It would only make sense, the
temptation was there." Ominis complained.

I smiled, resting a hand over Ominis shoulder, "I'm quite happy you took
those skills to use. Hopefully, you can teach me."
"I will not." Ominis frowned.

I laughed, "I knew you'll say that...I suppose the real worry between us now
is my sister." I teased.

Ominis pale face flushed from the mention of Anne and he looked to the
side, "Sebastian—"

"It's alright," I let out a breath, "As you said, love is dangerous. I would
love to kick your arse, but I'll stick to the point that we've entered our
romance phase." I smiled.

"I'm not in love, Sebastian." Ominis corrected.

"Hmh. That's what I said about Y/n, and now look at me." I joked, "Wait,
don't. I apologize. You get the point."

Ominis finally chuckled at my use of words and took a breath, "It's nice to
have you back, Sebastian."

I wrapped my arm around my best friend, "And you'll have me on your

back for the rest of the seventh year at Hogwarts. Keeping a watch on you
and my sister." I warned.

"Well?" I rose a brow.

"Well," Y/n stared down that night, playing with her fingers, "I work for the
Ministry now."



I looked over to Ominis beside me from the same call-out we both had at
the news.

"I believe with the notice of the wielded magic that is untouched inside
Y/n's body, it will be obvious she will be considered almost...a powerful
being for the wizarding world." Anne explained.

I frowned, "So, they'll use Y/n as a tool again. Take advantage of her power
and make her go on these bloody missions at this age?! Again?!" I breathed.

"Let's not mention that she still attends school. Isn't that stressful enough
with NEWTs?" Ominis wondered.

"Yeah!" I agreed.

"I'm still here, you know?" Y/n waved her arms from the couch as her low
voice echoed through the chaos.

My breath decreased a little, watching Y/n sit on the sofa innocently. Her
small hands fidgeted with each other as so much weight was put on her by
the power of the Ministry.
"I don't think it's fair." I sighed.

Y/n stared at me with care, but shrugged, "I mean, I was not supposed to
wield all that magic in general, so I predict they'll be consequences for my

"It was self-defense." Ominis corrected.

I nodded, "I believe this isn't a lifelong thing, is it?" I looked over at my

Anne shrugged, "In the Ministry's eyes, nobody else in this world has these
abilities. It could only make sense..."

"So, what? Until there's another fifteen year old that can see traces of
ancient magic, they'll throw her off by then? Hasn't she been through
enough?" I fought.

"Sebastian, it's alright. I'm used to the quests. Besides, with this power, it'll
be like...what would you say? A cinch." Y/n said in a positive motion.

I closed my eyes, finally smiling and wanting to side with her, but I simply
could not. It wasn't fair. Or perhaps, it wasn't fair that now that I finally had
Y/n back, she will be busy.

"There has to be a loophole. I won't allow it." I kept arguing.

I was upset.
"It's not that serious, Sebastian," Anne rolled her eyes, "I'm sure they'll be
times when she can settle. For example, NEWTs are close. Or a broken
bone. Over time, I'm sure she can bear. That's nine months of a break, plus
the growing up." She suggested.

"Bear?" Y/n rose a brow, "As in..."

I can feel myself reddened at the suggestion and cleared my throat, raising
my posture up.

"Bearing a child?" I repeated.

Anne blinked, "Y-Yeah, it's in the Ministry Law that you aren't allowed to
make anyone that is bearing to battle. It's illegal in the wizarding world."
She informed.

The room was silent for a moment.

Did I ever want children? No. Never. Well, that was before falling in love.
It was debatable, but with Y/n, I did not mind giving her loads of children. I
didn't care. I could give her an entire class if that's what it took.

"There is the option to run away. Flee Scotland...Europe. Settle in the

States." Ominis joked, changing the subject.

"And leave everything I've built here behind?" I scoffed.

"I meant, Y/n. Not you." Ominis fixed, "You can stay here...with everything
you built." He teased.
I frowned, "You aren't helpi—"

"Alright, this is a lot of pressure," Y/n let out, standing up from the sofa,
"It's not a big deal. I agreed with the Ministry. It will be alright. I'll be safe.
They've made sure of it." She looked.

"You said that fifth year and almost died surrounded by an Inferi army." I
bickered at her.

Y/n furrowed her brows at me, "For your information, that was a quest with
you. You brought me down that catacomb. Not the Ministry."

I felt taken aback and scoffed, "You know what I meant!"

"Yes, and you have to understand that I will be al—"

Muffles and giggles went out behind me and Y/n stopped talking as we
turned over to the two figures on our sides.

Anne and Ominis chuckled and giggled within each other from the
unnecessary agreement.

"I will believe this is my cue to depart from this lovely home," Anne finally
said, "There is school tomorrow morning. Don't forget that, Sebastian."

"I agree," Ominis let out, "And with a wand in hand, I'm sure you're ready
to return back."
"You aren't back yet?" Y/n said over my shoulder.

I shrugged, "Was my education really important if I lost you?"

Y/n sighed, "Well, I'm here. You can gladly return back to finish your last
year with us." She smiled.

I couldn't help, but take a breath and smile, "I suppose I can."

It was the truth. It only existed in my dreams to be in school with my sister,

best friend, and the girl that I love. It almost sounded fake to ever picture it

"Thanks for dinner, Sebastian." Anne hugged me, "Take care of yourself.
Take care of Y/n. Be on time tomorrow. It will be a grand entrance." She

I departed from the hug, looking at my twin sister, "Don't remind me."

I took a breath of relief, finally closing that wooden door that night after
watching my sister disapparate with Ominis in hand.

Finally turning, I expected Y/n to be sitting on the stool of the kitchen or

staring at the fireplace, but she was nowhere around the main floor.

"Hm," I rose a brow, "I hope you didn't apparate either." I let out, hoping I
wasn't just talking to myself inside that home.
I heard a bit of stumbling from upstairs and my eyes wandered to the

"Sorry, I'm upstairs, in your room." Y/n's voice echoed from the stairs.

I chuckled to myself, almost fighting myself not to argue with her about the
reference of still referring this home being mine instead of hers.

I awkwardly stood at the edge of the stairs, "Am I allowed to go up these


A giggle escaped, "What? Yes. I'm just trying on a few outfits I brought
back with me." Y/n said.

I nodded, slowly going up the stairs and making my way. When I reached
the final step, I almost tripped myself at the sight.

Y/n stood there in the middle of the wooden floor, wearing battling gear. It
must've been an outfit I once saw her in two years back. The clothing fitting
her more tightly from the growth.

She had conjured herself a mirror, leaning it on the wall while she observed
herself in the reflection, wondering if the outfits were useable.

I must've stared so long, Y/n's eyes spotted me from the reflection and
turned to me, "Hey, I was, uh...just making sure they fit."
I walked over to her, holding myself together as I tugged the corset
material, "It sure does."

My hands traveled over the recognizable gear and smiled, watching my

fingers tickle from her arms up to her face.

"You know," I kept my stare in my fingers, "You drove me insane wearing

these outfits in fifth year. They even showed up in my dreams..." I admitted.

Did they show up? Yeah, obviously. It's all I thought about, so it'll only
make sense if I can imagine myself ripping the gear off her after a dirty
battle. It was only the fifth year.

Y/n giggled, watching my hand caress her sides, "I'll take that as a

"You should," I smiled, "And yet, seeing you now...it's like...you've never

My eyes laid on her chest before flickering over the reflection of the mirror
and watching her lower body curve nicely on the battling material.

"Sebastian," Y/n whispered, beginning to feel the tension.

My fingers traveled down her hips, lowering more down her back before
sinking a hand over her ass and squishing it.

"You're just so..." I breathed near her ear, "Indescribable. I can never get
enough of you." I said eagerly.
Y/n giggled from the nerves and slowly removed my hand from herself,
"Sebastian, as much as I'll love to be with you...I have to take a bath."

"We can bath together," I keep whispering, "Doesn't that sound fun?"

Y/n breathed, "I'll love that, but you know where that's going to lead,"

I rose a brow, "What? I just said we can bathe...are you thinking dirty
already?" I teased.

Y/n gasped, reddening from my words, and scoffed, "I—no, but...I mean,"

I laughed, finally bringing my lips over her head and placing my kiss on her
forehead in a romantic way.

"As much as I'll love to be inside of you forever, I'll rather much have you
walk properly for class tomorrow." I flirted, finally stepping back, "Enjoy
your bath, darling."

"You're insane," Y/n said breathlessly.

I smirked, going back down to the staircase preparing to go down again,

"Well, I did promise to be a menace in your life, Y/n."

Kinda sad we will come to an end soon. I enjoy updating so much haha.

Don't worry, you'll get to see seventh year Seb next chapter.

Thanks for all the love and support!

Phase Three: five

| credit to the original ss owner! |

Phase Three: five


Y/n's Perspective

Sebastian Sallow stood there, arms crossed as he leaned over the door of the
Great Hall and stared down at his dress shoes, nervously.

I tried maintaining calm watching the tall man across from me.

The white buttoned shirt fitted nicely over the body. A few buttons laid off
as the Slytherin tie curled over the collar, letting me know it wasn't put on
correctly. I fought the urge to fix it, but I was more distracted by the stance.

"Where's your robe?" I asked, finally noticing how exposed Sebastian

looked inside that castle.

Sebastian shrugged, "I recall as seventh years, we are allowed not to wear
robes. It's a nice advantage. What do you think?"
I thought it was very attractive.

"I, well...I suppose if you want a grand entrance after missing half of the
school year, that would top it off." I said in sarcasm.

Sebastian smirked, looking to the side as a few first years passed through
the other open door.

We both stood there, awaiting who was going to enter first inside that Great
Hall. Of course, Sebastian Sallow missed more days this school year than I
did, but still, it was an overwhelming entrance.

"Well," I let out, taking a breath.

Sebastian cleared his throat, "Well?" He stared down at me, "Ladies first?"

I didn't move.

Sebastian chuckled, "I don't see the refusal. Your entrance will drive them
mad! The Hogwarts Hero that survived? Again? Should I be worried?
They're waiting for you." He complimented.

I felt myself flush at the positivity and looked down with a smile, "Then
there should be no worry with you. You'll be beside me. It's alright."

"I'm a coward now. I don't have the confidence. I'm an Azkaban prisoner."
Sebastian said down at himself.
"Were. Besides, proven innocent. Everyone knows that. The Daily Prophet
made sure of that, Sebastian," I informed, "It will be alright."

Sebastian kept looking down.

My hands rose up to the sides of his face, resting them and bringing them
upward to face me.

The hazel in Sebastian's eyes stared. It was obvious he didn't get the proper
sleep based on his sleepy eyelids and bags. He was aging well, and I almost
despised him for how manly and good-looking he was now.

"Sebastian Sallow not being confident? Since when?" I teased, "Really?"

He rolled his eyes, bringing them back to me and smiling, his freckles
peaking nicely, "Merlin, it's the trauma."

"I know,"

He stared again, with love, "We could run away, you know? It's not too late.
Hogwarts isn't—"

I closed my eyes, "Remember last time I suggested running away with you
and you went on a speech about how I should finish Hogwarts?" I frowned.

Sebastian sighed, "A man can only imagine, right?" He asked.

I was imagining too. I didn't want a life of constantly working under the
Ministry forever. Or even continuing school after everything that happened,
but it was the most normal choice. As if nothing ever happened.

And it really was. The expectation of our Hogwarts arrival was better than
we imagined. The praise on me was well, and the talks — along with
Sebastian, the boys greeted him with hugs and a few howls at him for jokes.
It was funny, really. Typical.

"You haven't really missed much, honestly," Natty let out, "The focus this
month is really just NEWTs...studying...NEWTs..." she sighed, "Stressful."

I smiled, sitting at the edge of my dormitory bed and adjusting my books.

Out of the blue Natty ran up to me and gave me a tight hug, "Agh, I am just
so glad you are back. You have been Hogwarts talk and my mother and I
have been so worried!"

I smiled widely now, hugging back, "I'm glad to be back too. It's
been...quite a start of the year."

Natty laughed, letting go, "It has!"

The dormitory's door opened and there entered Nellie Ogspire with an
exhausted face.

"Now I see why no seventh years take Quidditch this year." She
complained, laying her body flat on her bed, "Off limits."
"Is it difficult?" I rose a brow.

It was Hogwarts talk that many seventh years did not participate in sports
activities due to the amount of focus they put on the exams. Only a handful
actually made it, but Quidditch truly ends by the sixth year.

"Yes. I was competing with Imelda, but I seriously think she will call it off
and give that captain position to a sixth year. It is hard." Nellie sighed,
"Sallow's sister in there, though...what was her name?"

"Anne?" I said almost in surprise, "Anne is in Quidditch?" I said to myself,

"How did I not know this?"

I must've known, but my old and new memories were still adjusting. I
might've remembered Anne telling Ominis about missing Quidditch, but I
never knew if she tryout or not. I was too busy not having memories, of

"She is. I suppose since she hasn't been here for the last three years, she
won't take NEWTs with us. Good for her, for now." Nellie complained.

It was true. Anne Sallow's chances of graduating with us were low, but
anything was possible. I entered my fifth year with no knowledge of
Hogwarts and still caught up, so I was sure she could potentially make it.

"With NEWTs around, it would only be best to memorize the most basic
charms from year one. You will be surprised how many can forget this,"
The Professor let out in Charms class that afternoon.
As Professor Ronen spoke, my head rested over my hand as my view was
unfocused on the student sitting across the classroom from me.

Sebastian Sallow sat there, leaning back over the bench seat as the wand in
his hand twirled under the desk. His eyes were on me and a smirk came off
as he noticed my stare.

It was common sense that due to his absence, we couldn't sit together. I was
already between Anne Sallow and Ominis Gaunt. The only seat available
for him was across from us. It sucked, but it seemed fun to keep my

I maintained my focus on the professor, pretending as if seeing his fingers

twirl nicely on the wand wasn't an intense inside joke between us.

"Accio can be an example of an..."

"Distracted, darling?" Sebastian whispered.

Due to the trait of my hearing becoming more intense lately, I had the
ability to hear far-away conversations if I focused enough.

And Sebastian Sallow took great advantage of that.

I swallowed, pretending I didn't hear the man from feet away, and let my
quill write on the parchment paper.

"I know you can hear me. I'm all the focus you have," Sebastian kept saying
under his breath.
I swallowed, my eyes flickering over again and seeing Sebastian write on
his paper, a smile on his face, acting like he didn't say anything.

As he focused on taking notes, my fingers dug a little into my pocket,

sliding out my wand and sneakily keeping it under the desk, hoping to point
it at him.

The wand that twirled over Sebastian's fingers under him fell, making a
small sound from the hit as it began rolling down the classroom, stopping

Did I mean to let it drop that far and embarrass him? No, not really, but I
wasn't regretful about it either. I enjoyed the teasing.

Sebastian stopped his writing, the hazel eyes flickering up at me while he

notice the spell I produced for jokes.

The professor stopped speaking and watched the wand roll over his feet for
a second before continuing.

"Right, I suppose you may practice the incantation again! And I expect four
inches of writing by the end of class." Professor Ronen let out before
bending toward the wand, "Is this anyone's wand?"

I giggled as Sebastian cleared his throat and stood up from his desk, "Hm, I
believe that is my wand, Professor Ronen. I apologize." He reached out, "It
might've slipped."
"Have you two always been like this?" Anne Sallow let out beside me.

I brought back my focus to her and flushed, "What? I mean...he started it."

Anne giggled to herself, "My brother is the worst student to concentrate on.
Be careful—"

"What did Sebastian do this time?" Ominis let out on my right side.

I leaned on my seat and stared over the Slytherin man across who now sat
with squinting eyes at us as his arms crossed.

"He kept distracting me all class." I let out, "I dropped his wand."

Ominis smirked, "You should've tied his shoelaces, but that works too." He

I laughed, "I know."

I held my books tightly as I walked out of that Charms classroom. I was a

little behind Anne and Ominis before a hand tugged over my elbow and pull
me close beside them.

"Quite a hilarious act you put out there," Sebastian murmured, keeping his
eyes straight down the hall as he spoke.

His fingers were resting tightly over my elbow, but he was close enough to
not make it so obvious for people to see.
I laughed, "Oh, Sallow, you started it. I have Anne as a witness. Right,
Anne?" I said.

Anne swirled in front of us, books over herself as she rose her brows at me
then at her twin brother, "Uh, yes, I believe...yes? Will you excuse us, we
have Ancient Runes."

"Ominis, I thought you hated Ancient Runes." Sebastian rose a brow.

"I do." Ominis answered, "But If I want to get a job, I need to take it.

As they both disappeared down the stairs, Sebastian and I stood mid-hall.

I can feel Sebastian's fingers release from my elbow as he took a breath and
turned around at me. The book on his right side was barely in place as his
long fingers gripped it.

Sebastian Sallow was so attractive. It was insane.

"I am unaware of what classes you take this year. What class are you off
to?" Sebastian asked nicely, "I can gladly walk you there."

I blushed, "You don't have to—"

"I don't, but since you've entered these halls all these wits have not stopped
staring at you. It's distracting." Sebastian complained, "I am known for
being late to class anyway."

I rolled my eyes, "You're being ridiculous. Sebastian, we slept in the same

bed together the last week, you know that, right?" I reminded.

He shrugged, "Not many get to have a wielded ancient magic attractive

girlfriend that gives the best...and I mean the best se—"

"Sebastian," I stopped him.

"Alright...alright...I'm startling. I apologize. It's just difficult to not find the

first room nearby and," Sebastian leaned close, "And feel every touch of
skin under these layers of clothes on you." He caressed his hand over my

I gulped, holding my books tightly and stepping back.

"It's difficult, you know," Sebastian leaned in my ear, his eyes forward
making sure the students around us weren't noticing the tension.

"I know," I whispered back, "I have Arithmancy next..." I answered his

Sebastian leaned his posture back up, nodding and furrowing his thick
brows, "What? So do I! Since when are you good with mathematics?"

I scoffed, "Since when are you? Are you not forgetting who solved all the
Arithmancy puzzle doors all fifth year?" I frowned.
Sebastian's face softened and he seemed amused, "Oh...right. I didn't mean
to measure your ability of that. I am just surprised we have another class
together. How great." He smiled.

It wasn't great. Anne Sallow was right. Sebastian Sallow is a complete

distraction when having class with him. I knew this in the past years, but
after everything between us, the worst it got. It was difficult to concentrate.

"I apologize, professor," Sebastian rose his hand beside me and I panicked,
"I don't mean to impose, but how many inches did you say the homework

Professor Gengot stared at Sebastian under her glasses and repeated, "I said,
I expect twenty inches in parchment of an essay due by Wednesday. No

Sebastian scoffed.

"And I suppose you have plenty of more essays to catch up on based on

your attendance this year, Mister Sallow," The professor let out before
turning at me, "I predict your classmate Miss Y/l/n can help, as she seems
very excellent in this class."

I cleared my throat at her point out at me, trying not to laugh or turn red at
the coincidence.

"I'm sure you will not mind helping Mister Sallow? I can accumulate a few
house points on Gryffindor if you can agree to—"
"Oh, I'll love to have a few study sessions with Miss Y/l/n," Sebastian said
in excitement, "I've heard many things about her knowledge. I'm sure she'll
be a great help. Plus, house points? Who wouldn't take that?" He stared at

I closed my eyes.

"That is only her to decide, Mister Sallow. I am aware Y/n has a lot on her
plate already. We don't mean to impose much weight on her tasks. I can also
suggest Adelaide Oakes to—"

"No," I screeched, "I mean..." I gulped, "I'm sure I can measure some time
to help Se—Mister Sallow." I corrected.

Sebastian chuckled beside me and I wanted to frown at his actions, but the
jealousy in me wanted to pop from the triggering mention.

"Thank you, Miss Y/l/n."

"Yeah, thank you, Miss Y/l/n." Sebastian elbowed.

I let out a sigh walking out of that Arithmancy class and walking back into
the Central Hall.

"You know,"

I can hear Sebastian's voice echo from behind me as he tried catching up

behind me in that hall.
"A little birdy mentioned to me in beast class that...you went mad on Oakes
not long ago," Sebastian said beside me, his body crouching at my level as
he teased, "I quote, used depulso on her before—"

"Who told you that?" I reddened, "There is no reason—"

"Well, who else loves to take Care of Magical Creatures as an elective the
last three years?" Sebastian let out.

I stopped walking, holding my books together as I thought, and scoffed,

"Poppy told you about that?"

Sebastian nodded, "Of course. I despise that class. I have no idea why I was
set into it, but at least I got the advantage of getting things out from Poppy
Sweeting." He smiled to himself, "Did you know she and Garreth go down
the Moonstone Garden near Irondale to celebrate monthly anniversaries?
How romantic." He spoke in sarcasm.

I scoffed, offended, "Actually, no, I didn't! Poppy told you that, but not

Sebastian shrugged, "You should've taken beast class!" He joked.

"If she told that, then what else did she tell you?" I said, almost surprised
Poppy would open up to Sebastian,

Sebastian laughed at my worry, "You were quite defensive while I was

gone. I can assure you, I was surprised to hear you slam the Hufflepuff.
Thanks for that."
"Well, it should be the last time." I warned, "I have no idea why you ever
even laid eyes on her." I murmured, beginning to walk again.

"It was my third year. I was only fourteen." Sebastian defended, "And
nothing happened."

"And it was the sixth year, drinking Butterbeer. Waiting outside the
Hufflepuff common room. Imagine if I wouldn't have shown up—"

"She was just going to hand me the homework for Ancient Runes. I went to
pick it up. I had no intentions with her. Ever." Sebastian assured.

"You did third year—"

"Oh, please!" Sebastian laughed, "You're being ridiculous now."

I was being ridiculous. It was a relief to know that Sebastian never aimed
toward anything when he was seen with Adelaide Oakes. A homework help
sounded way better than a coping kiss or something. It calmed my
assumptions from all year. It felt nice to know the truth.

"There had to be some type of convincing, so the Butterbeer was the first
step. Then after, pick up the answers for Ancient Runes and share them with
Ominis." He smiled.

"And then the Amortentia happened," I added.

"Okay, that wasn't planned." Sebastian said, "Thanks for that."

I sighed at the memory. Back to the days were I couldn't accept that I was
crushing badly on Sebastian Sallow. How I did anything for him without

I can feel Sebastian's hand go over my shoulder, "You saved me from

embarrassment. I can't thank you enough, you know? That was a risk."

I smiled, bringing my hand over his on my shoulder as we walked as a

couple, "Don't make me do it again, Sallow."

"Hm, Sallow," Sebastian repeated, "I suppose we have an Arithmancy study

session tonight? Library?" He whispered near my ear. "A late night

I cleared my throat as we passed the library annex in the Central Hall and
looked down.

"Hm, I may think it'll be better to study in the Room of Requirement." I

suggested, "Plus, I have to let Deek know I'm still alive and check on the

"Pardon me?" Sebastian rose a brow, "A what and a what?" He said

"Deek..." I said, "You remember him, right?"

"Yes, yes, the funny looking elf," Sebastian said, "You make your Room of
Requirement sound so...organized." He stared.
I blinked, "Because...it is?" I giggled, "I might've forgotten to show it to
you the last year. I use to study there when we weren't speaking." I

There were times at the beginning of the sixth year when I'll randomly see
Sebastian in the library when we weren't on speaking terms. Sometimes, I
wondered if it was on purpose, so I would take my sessions on the
Astronomy floor.

"Ah, no wonder you disappeared every Thursday night for a while...you

really were avoiding me," Sebastian said in surprise. "Ouch."

I turned to him, "How did you know I went there every Thursday night?...
Did you even study in the library?" I asked.

Sebastian laughed, "Not really. I'll only show up every Thursday night as an
excuse to see you...perhaps, the possibility of talking again, but you were
good at silent treatments I see." He frowned.

I smiled at the thought of Sebastian Sallow also finding excuses to see each
other sixth year after the no-talking stage. Ironic, really.

Sebastian's arm brought me close, "You found excuses to see me under the
stands, I found excuses to see you in that library," he teased, "We're not so
different after all, dear."

Sebastian pulled me close, placing a kiss on my forehead and laughing,

"Can't wait for that Room of Requirement tour." He flirted.

Cute couple things between y/n and Sebastian....rare. I love it. 🥲

700k reads? If only there was a way to hug each one of my readers...💚
Phase Three: six *

| credit: caelie_weasley

Phase Three: six *


This chapter contains mature content.

Sebastian's Perspective


I apologize, we will have to post-pone the Arithmancy study session

The Ministry of Magic has called me for a quest.

I cannot deny. Even if I wanted to.

I'll see you next class.

Sincerely, Y/n.

I sat at the edge of the Slytherin bed that night. I stared blankly at the
parchment paper in my hand and let out a heavy sigh.

"Sebastian?" Ominis voice let out, entering the dormitory and hearing my
sigh, "I predicted you'll be—"

"Unfortunate news, Ominis," I threw the letter aside on the bed and stood
up, undoing my tie, "The Ministry had other plans for Y/n."

Ominis dried his shirtless body with a towel and also sat at the edge of his
bed, "Hm. Already? At such a late hour?"

"You know they never measure their limits with her." I murmured, going
through my luggage and picking out clothing attire for sleep, "I should call
it a night and take a bath."

"And why are you upset?" Ominis questioned.

I didn't meant to be upset — actually, I was upset. I've adjusted being with
Y/n now. I was already startled going nights without each other for the next
few months, I couldn't imagine losing our only spare time for her quests.
Let alone, I hated that after the pressure with NEWTs, Y/n had pressure of
the Ministry.

"Why am I not upset, Ominis? The Ministry has her like a weapon." I
mumbled out, "Do you realize how overworked Y/n has been since her
wake? Let alone, now? What breaks can she truly have? It isn't fair."

Ominis nodded, "I do seem to agree with you, Sebastian, but it hasn't been
anything new. Y/n did this since the fifth year." He reminded, "Plus, with
the magic now...it shouldn't be difficult for her."

I frowned, "You're such a great help."

"Well, it is not my fault you've become extremely attached to Y/n,

Sebastian. I do not blame you, but this is the Ministry of Magic." Ominis

"It's the first day of school. Couldn't they wait?" I complained.

"Couldn't you wait? You were about to meet up with Y/n for a Arithmancy
study session. That's also work for her." Ominis joked, "It's the same thing
on her end."

I scoffed at Ominis snarky comment and then closed my mouth, squinting

at him and frowning.

"You been hanging out too much with my sister, Gaunt," I pointed at him,
furrowing my brows, "You're staring to smart-talk like Anne,"
I said bothered.
"It's just me." Ominis corrected, "Though, I am surprised you aren't with
her on the mission."

"I don't know, Ominis, maybe because I just received the owl right now?" I
let out, "Don't you think I would be with her right this instance?"

"Doesn't she have a...bracelet, I think you mentioned—"

"Yes, the charm bracelet." I remembered, looking down at my ring, "You're

right...I'm sure if she truly needed some sort of help, she'll tap it." I excused.

Was I desperate to be with Y/n now? Yes. Did I want her to be alone at
these hours? No, but that's how I met her. That's how it will be. Y/n was
powerful and of course, people would want to take advantage of it. I needed
to understand that.

I didn't see Y/n the next day. It was a Tuesday so, regardless, our electives
were different that day. I didn't see her at breakfast either, and I must admit,
I was at the edge of my seat by then.


I hope you're well.

Please, call me if you need any help.

I miss you already.

"Wait," I murmured to myself inside that common room near the fireplace,
"I don't think I've questioned our relationship." I wondered.

"What do you mean?" Anne let out, reading her book beside me on the
Slytherin couch.

I tapped the quill on my knee and bit the inside of my cheek, "I don't think
it'll be proper to continue...without asking her to be my...you know,
girlfriend, again?"

Anne's hazel eyes look up at the fireplace then to me, thinking to herself,
"You two are obviously together."

I smirked, "Oh, I know...I did slip out the girlfriend term yesterday and she
seemed casual about it, but...it doesn't feel very...gentleman of me."

Anne giggled to herself, finally closing her book.

"What's so funny?"

My sister shrugged letting out a sigh, "Oh, Sebastian. From the last year I
missed out on you...you seemed to mature. I did not know you were this
romantic and proper."

I rolled my eyes.

"You know what my fourth year brother would've said? I quote, eh, we're
something. Who cares." Anne mimicked.
"Well, Anne," I looked down at the half-written parchment paper, "Love
changes you."

Love, Sebastian I wrote.

"On the cottage home the other day, when you two were bickering in the

"When you and Ominis laughed?" I rose a brow, "Yeah, I know."

"It reminded me of mother and father..." Anne confessed.

The quill stopped moving in my fingers and I looked down, taking in the
words from my twin's mouth.

"Just two young married couple fighting over nothing then laughing it off,"
Anne sighed, "That's what they did, remember?"

I smiled at the fainted memories, "Yeah...then they'll be all over each other
as if nothing happened." I remembered.

We stood silent for a while. Reminiscing the lost of our parents.

"A married couple," I chuckled, repeating the words, "Don't get me

delusional, Anne. It's only the seventh year."

"Oh, I didn't say anything! I was just letting you know." Anne said, "I'm
sure by now you see Y/n as someone you can see a life with."
I laughed, "Yeah, Anne, I did not build her a garden of sunflowers for
laughs. I can assure you of that." I joked.

Again, there was silence.

"I always thought it was ridiculous that our parents got married at 18. Like,
who does such a horrendous thing? Get married and that's it...didn't explore
life." I admitted.

I looked down at the parchment paper again and sighed to myself, "But I
might understand them now. And I take my judgments back. I'm not so
different from father after all." I smiled.

"They were smart." Anne thought, "Getting married so young. Having twins
and then becoming professors, taking advantage of letting us explore
Hogwarts so little, but yet, working. We were all together. They were

"They were..." I agreed.

My ring glowed during dinner time at the Great Hall that evening. It
was a normal reaction to feel my heart pulse faster than usual, but as I
concentrated, I took the realization that the location was inside the castle.

"Right," I said to myself, standing up, "I'll see you two later." I let out to
Ominis and Anne before excusing myself from the hall.
It was frustrating that there wasn't an ability to apparate around the castle. I
could've seen her right away, but instead, she had me taking the nearest floo

It signals the Astronomy tower floor. Somewhere near the Astronomy

classroom. Maybe, if I walked a bit further I will find—

"I notice you like humming when you walk by yourself." A familiar voice
confessed down the hall.

My breath was almost gone at the sight of Y/n Y/l/n standing a few feet
away in that hall. Although it was only a day of not seeing her, it felt like a

Y/n stood in her casual uniform. The skirt flowing nicely on her body while
she only wore a white long sleeve dress shirt and the iconic Gryffindor tie.
Her hair was a half-up do. My favorite style.

"Taking advantage of your ancient skills, aren't you?" I teased at her from
the hearing.

As I got closer to Y/n, I can notice more features around her face. How a
few fainted scratches were left over her cheek and eyebrow.

"What are they doing to you?" I whispered, tracing my finger over the

Y/n swallowed, but grew a small smile, "it's alright. Nothing magic can
fix." Y/n let out in positivity.
I sighed, looking down with worry.

"It's not like I haven't done this in the past, Sebastian. Be surprise I don't
have tiny rocks stuck in my eyes from the mines." She laughed.

I finally smiled back, motioning my hand back to my side and going along
with it, "I guess you're right..."

I scanned around the hall and turned back to Y/n, eyeing the charm bracelet
in her small wrist, "Odd place to meet up, don't you think?"

Y/n also looked down at the bracelet and apologized, "Oh, sorry. I know it's
used for emergencies only, but I just thought—"

"Hey," I can feel my fingers take a strand of her hair and tuck it behind her
ear, "You are the emergency." I joked, "You call, I am there."

Y/n flushed, but tried hiding it by turning toward the blank wall beside us
and taking a breath.

"It's not just a hall, Sebastian. Look," She pointed at the wall.

I stood beside her, acting as if I knew what I was looking at and crossed my
arms, nodding and looking amused.

"Hm," I squinted, "No offense, but what exactly am I looking at?" I rose a
Y/n giggled beside me and when I turned, her eyes were closed.

"What are you—"

In no time, a giant conjured door appeared in front of us and I gasped,

stepping a few feet back, watching the entire thing unfold.

"Room of Requirement, I suppose?" I guessed.

Y/n re-opened her eyes, smiling, "Correct."

"You have to be kidding," I let out in shock minutes later, admiring the huge
room distracting my surroundings, "This isn't anything of what I heard
about this secretive room."

Y/n laughed beside me, "It took me a while to adjust too, but it was worth
it. Every space is worth—"

"Ah, Miss Y/l/n. It's a pleasure to see you come by." A small elf appeared
from the view.

It took me a while to actually find the elf before watching it make its way
toward us. I had to look down on how short he really was.

"Wait right there! Deek will come to you." Deek let out, stopping Y/n from
walking further.
"Deek!" Y/n smiled, "It's so nice to see you, again." She said excitedly.

"Oh, yes. Deek was very worried. Professor Weasley informed Deek that
Miss Y/l/n was well. I expected your arrival soon. Deek thinks you should
check on the Vivarium soon." Deek let out.

Y/n nodded, "Right...uh, Deek, we have a visitor in the Room of

Requirement." She nudged at me.

Deek stared at me with his big eyes before slowly walking near me.

"This is...Sebastian. Sebastian Sallow." Y/n introduced.

Deek's eyes widened and h finally bowed, "Oh, Deek has heard a lot about
Sebastian Sallow. Deek is honored to meet you."

I rose my brows, "Oh, you have?" I turned to Y/n.

Y/n pursed her lips, "Just bow back."

I smirked and bowed, "Pleasure to meet you, Deek."

"Well," My fingers twirled around the potions near the potion-making table,
"I definitely see why you always had loads of potions and plants in your
bag." I noticed.

It was only half an hour of adjusting to the room. It was crazy. I was
surprised to see Y/n had her own way of having it organized. It was always
known that the Room of Requirement was a room of hidden, scattered
things, but Y/n underestimated my expectations.

"Always prepared." Y/n smiled.

My fingers traced over the wooden material before looking down at the end
of the room, pointing.

"I'll assume this is where you study?" I pointed at the nice fire-lit area near
a nice window.

"Where we study..." Y/n corrected.

I froze at the moment at her words and my fingers stopped tracing,


Y/n stared from afar, "What? You think I've forgotten how awful you are in

I let out a faint gasp at her honesty, "I'm not awful. It's an advanced class.
There's just...a bit of catching up to do, alright?"

"Yeah, and we can start now," Y/n suggested.

I wanted to let out a groan, avoiding studying, "Now? It's not even late
night. That's what we planned."
"I know," Y/n sighed, "But...I have somewhere to be tonight and—"

"Again?!" I cut it, being in denial that she will leave once again.

Y/n looked down, "Yes, Sebastian."

I wanted to fight. I wanted to convince her that it wasn't fair, but there
wasn't a point. It was her job now. Her choices. I needed to respect that too.

"If I say it isn't fair, it will be too repetitive on my end, right?" I said lowly.

"It's not really my choice." Y/n shrugged, "And I prefer to take this time
that I have for myself to catch up on work and also...be with you. Just us."

I let her truth sink in with me. The honesty and effort of Y/n wanting to do
her best to spend time with me. I would've done the same.

I sighed back, "Is it always going to be like this? Would I ever truly see you
this school year?" I stood closer to her, eyeing down.

Y/n stared up, leaning over the desk, "I-I don't know, but...I'm here now."
She encouraged.

"And I wish you can be here...for a long time." I cupped her cheeks with my

Y/n closed her eyes, enjoying my touch and resting her hands over mine,
"Hey, time doesn't exist with you, remember?"
I smiled widely at the reminder, "Ah, my kindred spirit...projecting my
phrase too." I kissed her forehead, "Now, Miss Y/l/n, I'm definitely ready for
my lesson."

Did I actually pay attention to the lesson? Yes, but at what cost? How I was
going to avoid watching the woman of my dreams teach me mathematics as
her arms moved over the conjured board with numbers? Or how her wand
motions the puzzles, or—


I uncrossed my arms and adjusted from leaning over the comfy chair,
bringing myself back to reality, "Uh, pardon?"

Y/n stared at me, "Are you even paying attention?"

I took a breath, tapping my quill over the table, "To you? Yeah."

Y/n wanted to laugh, but she set down her own quill and finally took a seat
across from me on the studying table.

"You seem to learn enough, Sallow," She huffed, "I believe, we can take
this time to actually work on the homework."

Did we really work on the homework? Somewhat. It was hard to

concentrate when Y/n looked so attractive writing with her quill and
focusing on her work.
I can feel my long legs hit against Y/n's under the small table, making her
look up a few times, but not complaining.

Eager to get some sort of attention from Y/n, I motioned my knees aside,
sliding them over her own and causing a scene.

"Stop it," Y/n mumbled.

"No." I finally fought back.

Y/n looked up, staring in confusion.

"Is this how we are going to spend our only time we have together? In
silence?" I complained.

Y/n sighed across from me, "Well, technically, it's a study session. We
could've done this separately—"

"It's torture," I blew, "So, the only times I truly get to have you, it'll be
homework? Silence? Not even Deek has said anything in the last twenty
minutes." I let out, trying to find the elf.

"That's because he goes with Professor Weasley every night to monitor the
halls." Y/n let out, "Besides, it's not always homework. I'm sure they'll be
times when we can spend somewhere else."

"I don't know," I crossed my arms, "Since we've returned, the Ministry
needs you every night. They disrupted our first study session, by the way." I

"Well, it's my job, Sebastian," Y/n let out, "It's not like I have a choice. I
have never been a normal student or gotten a proper break since entering
this school. It's my life."

"It doesn't have to be your life," I argued back, "You can decline them, you
know? You're acting as if you can't use your magic on them."

"And what is that going to do? Get me into more trouble than I already was
wielding that entire magic?" Y/n stood up, "You know what they do with a
powerful person like me? They usually end up in Azkaban. I killed many. I
should be grateful to have this opportunity."

"You killed for a purpose. People rewarded you for it." I pointed, "Trust me,
you don't belong in Azkaban—"

"I broke into Azkaban and freed prisoners, Sebastian! To save you! That's
an entire crime." Y/n screeched.

"In all honesty, nobody told you guys to come save me. I'm sure there were
plenty of ways—"

My own sentence cut off from Y/n scoffing at my words. Perhaps, I

should've measured what I said in a more proper way, but we were both
going at it, we weren't thinking before speaking.

"Well, it's good to know that after you're saved and well now." Y/n rolled
her eyes.
I squinted, "You are overworking yourself."

"I said this plenty of times, Sebastian, it's my job. After Hogwarts ends, it
will be my job. Just like any other student that becomes a professor, Auror
or anything." Y/n explained.

"It could've been avoided—"

"Avoided?" Y/n said in shock, "The repository opened, Sebastian. When I

came back from Feldcroft after saving you, the repository was impossible to
close. It wasn't avoidable. There was no choice."

"There's never a choice for you. You had the choice to not save me and
close that repository. I didn't want you to save me. I never do. I always tell
you that—"

"You're fucking insane, Sebastian." Y/n said in a distressed tone, "I cannot
believe you are actually saying all this."

"What? It's the truth? Every time you take away pain, it hurts you too.
Sometimes, you lose the ability. You think I enjoy watching you be in

"You think I will enjoy watching you die? Are you dumb?" Y/n asked,
"Besides, it no longer hurts me to take away pain. But thanks, next time
you're hurt, I'll remind myself that you don't want to be saved."

"Thanks." I said in sarcasm.

Y/n scoffed loudly again.

"What?" I frowned.

"You're being ridiculous." She let out.

"Thanks, I learned it from you." I shrugged,

Y/n groaned, "What the hell is your problem? You know what," she lifted
her hands, "It doesn't matter. I clearly have somewhere to be now. It's
getting late—"

"The Ministry needs you already?" I said in surprise.

"After this argument, I'm sure I'll love a head start there." Y/n let out,
preparing herself to leave, also hinting that she wanted to avoid me.

I uncrossed my arms, watching the girl try to leave the study room and I
walked behind her.

"Oh, no, no sweetheart," I warned, my hand gently wrapping around her

wrist, finally stopping her, "You're not leaving."

"I am! Now let me go." She wiggled her wrist.

I respected her words and let her go, bringing my arms up, "Alright. I let
you go. Hands-free. See." I waved.
We both stood there inches away from each other, waiting for another to let
out another complaint. Only our breaths trembled in that heated room. The
tension grows more and more from the silence and stares.

I leaned it first, closing the gap between us and feeling my lips collide with
Y/n's. My hands lifted into the sides of her face before traveling over the

Y/n followed along, kissing back and a smile almost formed being glad
she's decided to spend a little more time with me.

As our tongues played with each other, my hands roamed down her hips
under her legs, picking her up aggressively and walking near the same
studying table from earlier.

With one hand, I extended it, sliding off all the parchments, books, and
quills that lay on it, and let them fall to the floor below us before placing
Y/n onto that desk.

As Y/n rested, the kiss finally broke and we both never release our hands
from each other. I bent, sliding down the stocking from below her skirt
while her small fingers undid my tie and began unbuttoning my white shirt
in a quick matter.

"I hate fighting," Y/n breathed, reaching halfway down my shirt.

"I know. Me too," I breathed back, feeling my fingers dig below the skirt
and finally coming in contact with her bare skin.
Y/n gasped at the touch.

"Yes?" I asked for consent.

"Please..." Y/n allowed.

I know there wasn't enough time. Although I was very against Y/n leaving, I
still wanted to respect her time on the job, so not wanting to waste any time,
I unbuckled my belt, put my zipper down and let myself go.

Before I can feel her as a whole, I sighed, taking hold of the nearest wand
on the chair and placing it over her.

"For once, this spell kills time," I complained, whispering the incantation
and throwing the wand aside.

In no time, I slid inside of Y/n. I wasn't gentle either. I didn't want to be

gentle. I wanted to take advantage of feeling her in every minute that was
left. Enjoy her. Pleasure her.

My eyes clothes and I gasped at the touch. The warmth, the wetness, the
sensation. I never wanted it to stop.

Y/n moaned against my ear as I slammed into her over that desk. Her
fingers curled over my hair, tugging them, only making me enjoy it more.

My right hand gripped the edge of the desk beside her, curling under it as I
used it for control while I slammed into Y/n faster and faster.
"Do you hear that?" I whispered against Y/n's ear, "You're so wet for me." I
forced out, managing not to let out a whimper from the sounds.

The desk below us moved more only letting out a squeaking sound at every
movement I made. The rhythm synchronized with my thrusts.

"Oh, Sebastian," Y/n moaned, throwing her head back as her hand also went
on the corner of the desk and gripped it from the pleasure.

I took the opportunity to bury my mouth into her exposed neck, tasting
every bit of her skin and leaving the most exotic love marks every inch
until reaching her collarbones.

"Oh, love," Y/n moaned, "Please,"

I felt hardened more at Y/n's vocal words, "Please, w-what, my dear?"

Y/n breathed, "Faster....hard—faster," she corrected her own words.

I stopped for a moment and stared at her, "Harder?" I asked, almost in


Y/n reddened a little. Her face had been already pink from the session, but
it was pinker from the loss of words the pleasure gave her.

I smirked, bringing the hips near mine before sliding off and flipping her
body around.

Y/n gasped but didn't complain. Her back view was on me and I smiled
excitedly, lifting her skirt up more and placing myself again.

I leaned forward near her ear, removing the sweaty hairs from her face, "Do
you realize how turned on you make me feel when you become more honest
about your wants and needs from me?"

Y/n just breathed, smiling back and closing her eyes as I entered deeper,
finally filling her up.

I didn't know who was losing themselves inside that Room of Requirement,
me or Y/n?

I groaned, watching Y/n grip her fingers over the edge of the desk while my
own fingers dug into her lower back, using them as a control to bring her in
and out of me at such a fast pace.

"Amazing," I let out, enjoying every second of that moment. "So

gorgeous..." my fingers traced over her lower back.

I can feel my throat close as I felt Y/n tighten over me, hinting that the
climax was almost reaching between us.

I always fought it. If I was able to finish, I would finish the moment I
entered Y/n, but I was able to hold it off. I wanted her to finish first. It was
an ultimate goal to satisfy me. Y/n needed to be satisfied first.
As Y/n's whimpers and moans increased, I leaned over a bit, tickling my
hand under her and letting my fingers circle around the wet touch. It drove
her mad.


"Yes," I kept going, "Scream my name, darling. Let it out." I encouraged the
release, still circling.

Again, it felt tighter and tighter. It felt like a competition at this point on
who would give up. I almost thought I would.

"That's my girl," I praised, feeling Y/n shake a little below me.

It only took a minute before it became a wet mess inside of her and I
breathed heavily. I throbbed multiple times, avoiding getting off
immediately, and enjoyed the scene for a while.

But I was also eager to watch Y/n.

Gently, I came off and turned Y/n around at me, facing her.

I smiled at the satisfied blue hue, "I did well on my lesson, don't you

The blue in her eyes began to decrease back to her normal ones and she
laughed, "You're funny."
I smiled, admiring her, "Let me join you, Y/n."

"You know you can't, Sebastian." Y/n sighed, her fingers playing with my
tie, "You are already behind." She reminded.

I smirked, "Behind you? Yeah, and I love it." I flirted, "I don't mind being
behind in schoolwork if it means you'll teach me each opportunity."

Y/n rose a brow, "You're really willing to risk your education to—"

"I'll risk anything for you, Y/n." I said in a serious tone, "I prefer to fight
with you than to sit here in this castle biting my nails. Let me help."

Y/n hesitated.

"It'll be like fifth year all over again." I brought up the mood, "Fighting
trolls...exploring caves and ventures..."

"And vomiting at every sight of blood pool you see," Y/n bullied me.

The memories of projectile vomiting at each violent act haunted me. I didn't
even want to look back at my weak self. I didn't even know how Y/n
handled me after those embarrassments.

"I've matured." I chuckled, "It's our last year. I'm sure the Ministry can't say
no to an extra hand for you."
Me and Y/n stared at each other. Admiring the love and care that projected
from us.

Y/n's hand rested over my side of the face, "It won't be like fifth year,
Sebastian. It's tougher."

"Unlike the fifth year," I rested my hands on her thighs, "You have all the
ancient magic and an Animagi." I helped.

Y/n laughed.


"Okay, Sallow."

I smiled, "Okay, Sallow." I mimicked.

But for once, I didn't want it to be mimicked. Y/n becoming a Sallow didn't
sound so bad. I blamed my sister.


Alright guys, the story from now on might involved time skips. Or
short intervals between events of seventh year.

We are nearing an end, but don't worry. There's still a few chapters
left. Let's enjoy time while we can. 💚
Phase Three: seven

| credit to the owner of this beautiful pic

Phase Three: seven


Third Person Perspective


It was mid-November. The quest change of having Sebastian Sallow

become a companion to Y/n Y/l/n through the Ministry's missions did speed
up the battling process, but the difficulty levels never truly changed.

"Hm, that wasn't so bad wasn't it?" Sebastian would let out a few times

The quests started off easy for Sebastian Sallow. He almost seemed
confident to be helping the woman he loves defeat monsters once again, and
even spend time with her, but it was nothing compared to fifth year. Well,
Every battle seemed to grow a worry on Y/n toward Sebastian. Not that she
was underestimating his strengths. Sebastian Sallow was strong. The way
he fought enemies beside her was almost attractive. The injury levels were
low — but some events weren't really the best expectations for him. And it
wasn't about his strengths.

"Flipendo!" Y/n shouted, pointing her white wand toward the troll's

The troll was tricked, almost falling over toward the action and Y/n ran
around, casting stupefy on several other enemies on that campsite.

Sebastian Sallow followed, casting his iconic firing spells and succeeding in
most of them as he rolled around the dirty dry grass and curved several
spells from the others.

"Don't worry, Y/n, I have the rest. You go on and grab the stolen items from
the tent!" Sebastian let out to her, "Fast!" He ordered.

Y/n nodded, using a speeding talent to enter that tent, stepping over a few
poachers and attempting to grab the stolen gold that was being looked for
by the Ministry.

The process was only a few minutes, but between those minutes, she began
to hear faint sobs and arguing from the distance.

Fear growing on her, Y/n ran out of the tent and looked around, watching
most of the enemies already defeated by Sebastian Sallow.
"Sebastian where—"

"No, no, no," Sebastian let out, "Make it stop."

Y/n turned to the nearest tree, watching a powerful dark wizard take control
of Sebastian and enjoying himself cast slashing curses on him.

"Azkaban tattoo, ha!" The dark wizard pointed at the wrist, slashing it with
another spell, "Does this feeling bring back memories, boy? You aren't—"

"Petrificus Totalus!" Y/n screeched, freezing up the wizard before throwing

it aside and using her ancient magic to finish the body once and for all.

Y/n breathed before bending over Sebastian and trying to help.

"Hey, here, I'll fix--"

"No, stop torturing me. I didn't mean to kill my uncle. It hurts." Sebastian
kept his hands on his face, almost fearing that he'll get tortured again.

That was the night Y/n Y/l/n realized that Sebastian Sallow wasn't going to
be the best companion. It wasn't on purpose. Y/n wouldn't want anything
more than to have her strong lover beside her, but she worried about his
trauma. About his mental health. It wouldn't help him.

"No, you're not doing this alone," Sebastian mumbled at the edge of the
hospital wing's bed.
After the battle, they both returned back to Hogwarts grounds. Y/n
encouraged Sebastian to see Nurse Blainey for reassurance of his scare and
take a Calming Draught. Afterward, the conversation began.

"Sebastian, they will use you against me. It's happened almost every battle
since you accompanied me." Y/n sighed, "I can't let you take that risk. You
have been through enough."

Sebastian frowned to himself. He almost felt embarrassed that he, the male,
needed to stay behind while Y/n, the female, did all the dirty work. He
didn't like the idea of it at all. It almost seemed unreal.

"I'm a coward," Sebastian admitted coldly to himself.

"You are not. You did your part," Y/n caressed the side of his face, "You did
plenty of battles and missions with me already. You need rest." She

Sebastian looked up at her, "You need rest too, Y/n."

Y/n closed her eyes, "Sebastian, I wield ancient magic. I would never rest. I
was destined for this. The power I have within magic would never be the
same as yours. It's common sense," she informed.

Sebastian knew Y/n was right. The best he could've done was be an
Animagus, but still, it was nothing against ancient magic. There was only so
much he can do for her, but the Azkaban torture always haunted him. There
was no cure for that.
"I will never see you if I don't battle—"

"I will still be at Hogwarts, Sebastian," Y/n reminded, "You will see me
some free days. I don't work all the time."

Sebastian scoffed.

"It's temporary. When we finish Hogwarts, we would have all the time
before I get back to it, alright?"

Sebastian didn't want it to be temporary. He wanted Y/n now. He wasn't

afraid to admit that he was desperate now. He needed to be with her, beside
her, on her, inside of her. Whatever it was, he didn't want distance again.

"This isn't fair," Sebastian finally stood up from the hospital wing's bed and
sighed down at Y/n, "You know that, right?"

Y/n nodded, but gave a fake smile, "I know..."

Sebastian placed his warm hand over Y/n's cheek and smiled back, "The
Ministry will pay."

Y/n let out a faint laugh, "I know."

"I'll let you know right now, Y/n, I'm not going to pretend to be a bloody
normal Hogwarts student while the girl that I care about is fighting for her
life. When I get better, I will join you again. Okay?" Sebastian.
Y/n knew Sebastian wasn't going to enjoy his time at Hogwarts. Y/n didn't
even enjoy her time battling either, but one day things would reconnect. It
was only temporary, as they said.

"Okay, Sebastian."


There were rare times when Sebastian Sallow and Y/n Y/l/n actually did get
to spend together at Hogwarts. And those times were mostly making up for
the lost time and pleasuring each other.

"Sebastian," Y/n breathed out heavily against the lower hidden room on the
Astronomy tower.

Sebastian picked up his pace, enjoying every inch of himself that was
buried inside of Y/n. He can barely speak as he reached a finish.

"Yes, say my—"

"No," Y/n let out, trying to concentrate on her own edging, but becoming
distracted, "I-I hear footsteps,"

Sebastian didn't stop, "Just a few seconds, darling, please...I—"

"Is anybody down here?" Amit Thakkar's voice echoed above the
Astronomy tower.
"Fuck," Sebastian cursed out.

Sebastian slipped out of Y/n immediately at the notice and carried her
down, adjusting her skirt while zipping his pants right away.

They were successful at hiding their encounter, but as Amit Thakkar

confronted them he just stood there awkwardly down the last steps of stairs
in that star-gazing hidden room.

"Oh, Y/n," Amit waved at her happily before the Ravenclaw's eyes turned to
Sebastian, "Sebastian..."

"Amit," Sebastian adjusted his tie and shook his sweaty hair as if it weren't
noticeable, "What brings you down here at such hours?" He said bitterly.

Amit shrugged, "I always come by at night to stare at the stars. Everyone
knows that. Even Y/n!" He pointed at Y/n.

Y/n's face was already pink from the heated unfinished session, but she
reddened more and nodded.

"O-Oh, right. The Astronomy tables. I forgot." She pointed, "It's a star-
gazing Thursday for you then?"

Amit Thakkarr nodded, "Yes! I suppose you guys are down here for that
reason too!" He said excitedly.
Sebastian chuckled, but Y/n elbowed him, "U-Uh....yes. We were finished
though. The stars look lovely tonight."

"Almost finished." Sebastian corrected her, "But, yeah, amazing view."

Sebastian spoke in sarcasm, "So amazing."

Sebastian and Y/n exited the Astronomy tower that evening.

"Whoa, where are you heading to, sweetheart?" Sebastian pulled Y/n near
him, "We have unfinished—"

"I have a mission tonight. I'm sorry." Y/n sighed.

Sebastian closed his eyes, "Again?"

Y/n looked at him in guilt, "Yes...again."

"It's so bloody unfair, Anne." Sebastian paced around the Slytherin

room mid-December.

Anne Sallow sat on the chess table, her eyes more concentrated on watching
Ominis Gaunt trick the first years over the sea-view windows as her twin
brother spoke.

"Sebastian, there's only so much you can do for Y/n," Anne said, "The best
you can really do is take care of her after the battles. That's really all she
needs. You're overthinking it," she advised.
"It's not enough, Anne," Sebastian denied, "I feel like it's not enough. I try
to spend as much time with her. Help her. Sometimes even do her
homework and I fucking hate doing school work. I don't even do mine!" He
almost shouted.

"You're in love," Anne laughed to herself, "I know you're in love because
my brother will never unwillingly do somebody's homework."

"I know," Sebastian said frustrated, "I hate it, but anything for her."

Christmas Day

"Sebastian, smile, it's Christmas...and also, your birthday." Y/n reminded


Sebastian wasn't smiling. He wasn't accepting the fact that although it was
the holidays and the longest break from school, somehow, they still needed
to stay at Hogwarts.

"It would've been nice if we all celebrated our first Christmas at the
cottage." Sebastian murmured inside the Great Hall, "Very nice."

Y/n closed her eyes.

"Plus, I'm not really fond of aging. Honestly." Sebastian admitted.

"Yeah, tell me about it...nineteen." Anne added across from him, "But
regardless, I am super glad we finally get to spend a proper Christmas and
birthday together again..." Her hand extended at her brother, "I don't care if
it's Hogwarts. I have never been this happy."

Sebastian Sallow was happy too. It was rare to get to spend this much time
with Y/n. He's never seen everyone together this long in a while. Although
it would've been nicer to celebrate in Cragcroft or even Feldcroft, his twin
sister had preferred a Hogwarts Christmas.

Y/n giggled to herself watching Ominis beside her.

"What's all this—" Sebastian turned to Ominis Gaunt, noticing a dancing

Christmas hat over his head, "Ominis?"

"What is it she put in my head, Sebastian? She did this last year." Ominis

Anne laughed too, "That's so cute. Did you make these?"

Y/n shook her head, "No, Poppy makes them every holiday. It's an inside
joke with Ominis. He's not very fond of it." She teased.

It was a good Christmas.

With the New Year starting and the pressure of NEWTs, life did become
more stressful for Y/n Y/l/n. Sebastian Sallow's adjustment without her
wasn't getting better. They were both becoming frustrated.

The days Y/n did quests, Sebastian spent those days killing time. Whether it
was watching his twin sister play Quidditch, sneaking into the Room of
Requirement to bother Deek, reading novels in the late hours of the library,
and purposely getting detention from Madam Scribner. He just did anything
to avoid boredom.

"I feel like I see you less and less," Sebastian confessed one snowy night at
The Three Broomsticks.

Y/n stared at the untouched Butterbeer in her hands and looked down, "I
know, but you see me in class?" She encouraged, almost in question.

Sebastian laughed in sarcasm, "You no longer pay attention to me in class

either. You take that time to actually study and learn the lesson. It doesn't

Y/n did agree with him. She missed the times at the beginning of the school
year when she'll tease Sebastian and teach him lessons in the Room of
Requirement, but the missions began to build up a bit. They were
overwhelming, but nothing she couldn't control.

"Are you implying something right now, Sebastian?" Y/n asked in worry,
jumping straight to assumptions.

Sebastian stared at her and furrowed his brows, "What? No. What did you
"Are you breaking up with me?" Y/n freaked.

It wants intentional for Y/n to scare herself at the thought, but as said, it's
been a hectic school year for her. The stress was getting to her, along with
the overthinking.

Sebastian scoffed, almost offended at the question, "What? No. What?!

Why the hell would question something like that?" He almost shouted
inside that tavern.

Y/n felt relief, but swallowed, "I don't know. I just figured since we don't
really see each other often, you might've—"

"No, never." Sebastian reassured, also freaking out, "Don't ever say that
again. I'm not breaking up with you, Y/n. It's just....I just miss you." He
stared at her.

Y/n stared back, watching the hazel color of Sebastian's eyes. The care in
them. The worry they had for her. She loved him so much.

"And you don't think I miss you too?" Y/n said tiredly, "I miss you every
night. Every class without you. Every post-battle. I miss you, Sebastian."

Sebastian held out his hand at the bottom of that small rounded table and
took hold of Y/n's pinky, "I miss your touch."

Y/n flushed, but smiled, "Sebastian, we were at it in the broom closet three
days ago." She whispered, only for him to hear.
"Seem so long ago," Sebastian complained, "I like the broom closet
though." He flirted.

Y/n reddened more, "You're insane."

"For you? Yes. Yes, I am." Sebastian brought Y/n's hand toward him and
kissed it gently.


"Sebastian's jerseys and sweaters..." Y/n whispered out one day in the

"No, they are yours." Sebastian noticed the familiar team shirts, "Why are
they down here."

"I might've hidden them down here when the memories were...altered. That
is my fault." Ominis pointed at himself, "I believe I've forgotten, but came
across them with Anne this morning. You deserve to have them back."

"Anne?" Sebastian rose a brow at his best friend, "What the hell were you
doing with my—"

Y/n nodded, "It's alright..." her hands roamed over the jerseys. "I did sleep
with them every night to suffer more." She said with a hurtful laugh,
reminiscing about the breakup.
Sebastian Sallow stared beside her, feeling guilt, but amused at the
statement, "You slept with them on?"

Y/n licked her lips, "Well, yeah. I might've missed your scent." She smiled.

Sebastian's arm went around Y/n's shoulder and he kissed her forehead,
"Well, darling, I'm all here now."

"I also believe these are yours." Ominis extended a handful of parchments
wrapped over his hand.

Sebastian snatched the stack, skimming over them and raising his brows,
"You kept all the owls I gave you?"

Y/n turned at the familiar sight and took hold of the received letters in a
gentle matter, "I did...Ominis, how did you even get access to my stuff? You
did a good job at hiding Sebastian from me."

"Yeah...wit," Sebastian murmured and Y/n elbowed him.

"Natty helped. We might've gone behind your back and hid anything that
connected to Sebastian. I apologize." Ominis let out.

Y/n hesitated at his words but took a deep breath accepting that the past
was the past, and understood.

"Well, I'll give you points for being smart about that. It's alrigh—"
"You did all that and yet, her heart still remembered. Waste of time."
Sebastian said cockily.

Ominis smirked, "I guess it did, Sebastian."


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

together with the

Ministry of Magic

Request the pleasure of your company at the


to celebrate Easter and the Final Quidditch Match

To be held at
19:00 hours
Easter Sunday
at the
Great Hall
Hogwarts School

Strictly Dress to Impress

MASKS are mandatory for entrance to all sixth and seventh students.

"Oh my goodness! My first Hogwarts ball! Isn't this amazing? I cannot

wait!" Anne Sallow let out at the familiar flyer.
It became a yearly thing at Hogwarts now to hold the Masquerade Ball.
Although it was an anticipated event for most students — for Y/n Y/l/n and
Sebastian Sallow, it was not.

Sebastian swallowed at the announcement and cleared his throat, "A

Quidditch match. I can attend that."

"Attend?" Anne let out, "Play with us, Sebastian. I'm sure your skills are
still in place." She encouraged her brother.

"My skills are no longer the best, Anne," Sebastian admitted.

"Hm, don't underestimate yourself, Sallow," Y/n elbowed, "You were


Sebastian just nodded.

Y/n Y/l/n did not speak of the Masquerade Ball either. Although there was
an urge inside of her that wanted to attend badly again, the fearing
experience from the last year haunted her. It was traumatic for her, let alone,
for Sebastian.

Sebastian Sallow was also hesitant, but deep down, he knew that he will
have to put the forbidden memories aside and take Y/n. He would never
forgive himself if he didn't, especially after all the ball proposals that will
be coming. Anything for Y/n.

"I suppose if I'm allowed, I can give Quidditch one last try if it isn't too
late." Sebastian shrugged.
Anne smiled at her brother, "You're a Sallow. Of course, it's never too late!"

Sebastian gave a small smile and turned to Y/n beside him, nudging her,
"Would you be there to support me, Gryffindor?"

Y/n turned, giving him back a smile knowing she was part of the rivalry
team as always, "Of course."


Yay, a redemption chapter for a ball? Haha. 🥹

I'll be jumping back and forth from third/first POV for the last few
chapters. 🥲

Thanks for reading!💚

Phase Three: eight *

| c: wynntr

Phase Three: eight *


This chapter contains mature content.

Third Person Perspective


"I'm coming with you," Sebastian said bluntly.

"Sebastian, no, it's alright...if you want to make the Quidditch team again,
you can't—"

"It's your birthday. And if you're going to dedicate your own special day
doing a quest, it would only be right to join you." Sebastian defended, "I
want to. Allow me."

Y/n did not debate the topic. It wasn't ideal to be doing this on her birthday,
obviously. Having Sebastian Sallow on her side on that specific day would
be amazing.

"I've progressed, alright?" Sebastian assured, "I would love to join you

And so they went. The mission wasn't difficult. It was a little near Irondale
and the worst they might've put themselves through was getting defeated
over evil goblins. They were successful on the quest.

"I recognize this trail." Sebastian looked around the starlit night, only the
sound of the upcoming spring wind echoed.

Y/n followed along beside him, looking around the surroundings, "Hm,
you're right. I might've gone through here on my way to Feldcroft years
back." She smiled.

Sebastian stopped his walking and smiled. getting more familiar with the
tracks, "Ah, I see now. Come on," he gestured Y/n, turning back around.

Y/n looked at him confused, "But the castle is that way. If I read the signs
"Forget the signs, dear," Sebastian rolled his eyes, "I know where we are
heading to. Follow me. Do you trust me?" He walked near, cupping her

Y/n couldn't resist. She never could. Sebastian Sallow's gaze was powerful
on her. It always has been.

After a few minutes, Y/n also came to sense on where they were entering
and she giggled to herself once entering the small hamlet.


Sebastian smiled, "It's not just Irondale. You see," his hand intertwined with
Y/n's as they passed through the empty hamlet knowing it was late at night
and the villagers were sleeping, "Have you ever actually explored here?"

Y/n shrugged, "Not really. I've ran through here several times, but no?" She
rose a brow.

"Oh my," Y/n almost gasped to herself at the sight.

Sebastian Sallow had guided her down the lower hidden part of Irondale.
The one were a few small cottages scattered around and each one contained
dozens and dozens of sunflowers. It was a mesmerizing view.

"Between my travels of running from Azkaban, I once came across this

certain place," Sebastian informed, "Though I had to keep my focus on
running, I couldn't help, but stare at the planted garden of these small

Sebastian remembered his days after escaping Azkaban. The suffering and
hurt he felt at every sight. Anything in his surroundings reminded him of
Y/n. Even if it didn't, he forcedly made something be about her. It was self-
torture at that point.

"This was my first option," Sebastian admitted, looking straight to the

homes, "The sunflowers screamed your name. The cottage home. Your
voice haunted behind my head. Your future."

Y/n just listened to Sebastian. The more he spoke, the more she became
utterly in love with the man, as if, she wasn't in love already.

"Sebastian," Was all Y/n could say. It was almost a heavy thought.

"But, I said to myself, Irondale? That's too easy. I'm sure she'll want
somewhere far, and a better view." Sebastian chuckled.

Y/n smiled, "Oh, stop. I would've settled for anything."

"But I also..." Sebastian looked down, "Wasn't sure if there was even a
future for you. I mean, there was, but perhaps, another man already took
that thought too. I wasn't aware how you were doing." He sighed.

"I wasn't aware either." Y/n joked, "My memories were gone. I didn't know
about my own future either." She pursed.
Sebastian stood there in the grass, arms crossed as he kept staring at the

"The cottage over there was on sell at the time," Sebastian pointed at the
corner home, "But it's a garden full of lilies. Y/n likes sunflowers." He

Y/n scoffed, "Lilies aren't bad. In fact, I love lilies too. Any flowers really.
Sunflowers just seemed more...colorful."

Sebastian smirked, "I suppose if I knew that then, lilies could've been nice
too, but then I remember Crafcroft...how there was a possibility of a bigger
home. How if I steal some seeds from these gardens, I can plant my own."
He wondered.

Y/n took a breath, "And you did..."

"I did..." Sebastian nodded, "Would you ever see it? Who knew, but at least
I'll have a reminder of you somewhere. How every time I saw flowers,
they'll remind me of you." He confessed.

Y/n took in the thought of Sebastian Sallow waking up every day in that
cottage home and seeing the flowers. How they reminded him of her. She
was speechless with her own self.

Sebastian looked around for the moment, romanticizing the setting. How
the cottage homes lit nicely, the full moon reflecting on the flowers, and the
stars shining clearer than ever. It seemed perfect. He couldn't imagine how
it looked in Cragcroft.
"The stars look better in Cragcroft" Sebastian teased at Y/n, noticing her
stare up at the night sky.

Y/n kept looking at the sky, smiling, "Oh, don't be a show off, Sallow. Let
me admire the what if's of Irondale. I can always buy a home here...I have
too many galleons in me."

It was the truth. Y/n always lived her life normal. As if, having so many
galleons, that even Gringrotts needed to hold a special vault was completely

As Y/n spoke, Sebastian picked on a few lilies and sunflowers over the
homes as Y/n distracted herself stargazing at the sky. She blamed Amit
Thakkar for the interest in the sky now. The astronomy tables really affected
the interest.

Sebastian walked back, a small bouquet of half-alive and half-dead flowers

in between his fingers while he cleared his throat and nervously called Y/n.


Y/n stayed staring at the night sky for a few more seconds before bringing
her gaze back to Sebastian, "I'm sorry, I—" her view went down to the
flowers in hand and her lips parted.

Sebastian smiled at her reaction, "I know my romance skills have been
unfortunate lately, but I'll make it up to you. For now, Happy Birthday," he
extended. "Nineteen never looked better on you, darling."
Y/n's breath was heavy, in a positive way and her fingers trembled a little
from the squealing she held within herself as she took hold of the flowers.

"Sebastian, don't say that. I—thank you. I really apprec—"

"Let's go to the ball, Y/n," Sebastian blurted out breathlessly, unable to hold
it in any longer, "Go to the Masquerade Ball with me, again." He let out, not
even in question.

Y/n stood quiet for a moment.

It was difficult for both. The turn of events from the ball haunted their own
heads at the same time, but they knew they needed to overcome it once and
for all one day. This was the final opportunity.

"We don't have if you—"

"I want to." Sebastian gulped, "I—it wasn't the ball's fault. I can only say
that doing this again can fix up the missing gap. We can make up for it. I
have hope on it." He breathed, "I will have you by my side. We will have
each other."

Y/n Y/l/n stared at Sebastian Sallow in front of her. Both of their lips are
shaky as they thought about any possible outcomes of the upcoming event.

Y/n smiled, finally jumping on Sebastian Sallow and agreeing happily, "Of
course, I'll go to the Masquerade Ball with you."
Sebastian grew his smile back, closing his eyes and holding her tightly,
seeing her legs dangle from the excitement.

"Amazing. I can't wait to see you in a lovely dress once again." He



As Y/n Y/l/n continued to follow the Ministry's orders, Sebastian Sallow

finally found time to make up for her absence. After being accepted as co-
captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team in his last year at Hogwarts, he
spent his time there.

Y/n watched as Sebastian Sallow entered the Great Hall the day before the
Masquerade Ball. The day of the last Quidditch game.

Y/n watched from afar, admiring how the familiar green knitted sweater sat
nicely over Sebastian's body as he walked through the Great Hall. How his
muscles peaked more each year as his arms moved from the walk. It was
just a breathtaking view.

Y/'s Perspective

I came to reality at the sound of Poppy Sweeting's voice from my side.

I decided to join Poppy at the Hufflepuff table this morning. Apparently,

Garreth Wesley and her had gotten into a rare discussion, sitting separately
in the meantime.

I must've heard only a partial part of the conversation since I was too busy
distracted by Sebastian's stare from two tables ahead.

"I'm sorry, Poppy...what were you saying?" I said to her.

Poppy sighed, "I just don't think it's fair!"

"It's not!" I mimicked her back, not even knowing what she meant.

"I know. I got upset with him the other day and I have no idea why," Poppy
rubbed her temples, "And I haven't been feeling well. I thought visiting
Highwing would help, but all he did was bow at me," she sighed stressfully.

I nodded, "You should see Nurse Blainey. I'm sure she can help...why were
you upset with Garreth?"

I stared over at my own house table, seeing Garreth Weasley sneakily stare
over at us and pretend like I didn't notice. You can tell he was worried about
Poppy's feelings.

"I believe he thinks since we are together, there's no reason to ask me to the
ball anymore. I think otherwise." Poppy sighed, "Am I in the wrong?"
I blinked, "Well, no, I—"

"Did Sebastian ask you?"

"He did." I smiled.

Poppy groaned out, and I reached for her shoulder, resting my hand on it.

At that moment, my posture stood up from that table at the touch of Poppy
Sweeting. Perhaps, it was my ancient magic, but whatever it might've been,
I felt something odd within her.

"Are you alright?" Poppy said confusedly.

I cleared my throat, "I..." I took a breath, keeping it to myself and just

smiling, "Yeah, alright. I'm sure he will ask you, Poppy." I let out.

"Whoa, whoa," Garreth Weasley screeched in offense at the sight of me

inside the Gryffindor common room.

I closed my eyes, turning to the ginger boy following behind me, "What,

Garreth crossed his arms, staring down at me, "What are you wearing under

I gasped in sarcasm, "Garreth, you can't just ask a woman what she's
wearing under her clothing."
"Hm, seems to me, as if, some green material is peaking under that
Gryffindor support shirt..." Leander's fingers tugged over the thin material.

I scoffed at them, backing away, "You can't just assume." I lied, "I won't
betray my own house."

I did betray my own house. I wore Sebastian's third year jersey under the
Gryffindor one. The idea of joining Ominis in the stands like last year was
already planned, but it was obvious I couldn't be revealing inside the rivalry

"Traitor." Leander bullied.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not if I'm wearing a Gryffindor shirt." I corrected.

"Sallow finally plays and you suddenly attend games, again. How
supportive." Garreth teased.

I faked a smile, "I am. So, is Poppy. If she attends your game this evening."
I murmured knowing there was tension between them.

As I walked away near the exit of the common room, I felt Garreth behind
me and I turned.

"I can hear you behind me, Garreth. What is it?" I rose a brow.
"What did she tell you? I need to know. I know..." Garreth finally let his
guard down, giving a guilty stare, "I know she's upset with me. I want to
know why so I can fix it."

I didn't want to tell him why, but sometimes I wondered if Garreth Weasley
was plainly out of his own world, or if he needed a push.

"You didn't ask Poppy to the Masquerade Ball, Garreth."

Garreth squinted, "I'm planning to."

"The ball is tomorrow!" I let out.

"I know, I know! But I was thinking of giving her a surprise at the end of
the game. Whether Gryffindor wins or loses, I enchanted the stands that will
surprise her. I know it's late, but it was my plan." Garreth sighed.

It seemed creative. Very Garreth of him, so I didn't argue. I was sure Poppy
Sweeting would accept it, but the lack of communication was missing.

I wondered if it was ever like that between Sebastian Sallow and I.

I walked between Natty Osai and a few other Gryffindor girls when Flooty,
Sebastian's owl, flew over our heads before dropping a note on me.

"Shouldn't you be preparing for a game, Sallow?" I said to myself, opening

the letters.

I spy an elf with a trolley selling sweets and mittens under the stands.

It's not too cold for mittens, but maybe, your body is craving some

I hope to see you soon.

Love, Sebastian

I smiled down at myself at the inside joke from Sebastian's writing and
folded it into my pocket.

The April weather was slightly a breeze. Although it wasn't awful, I was
regretting not bringing a sweater for the game on the high stands.

"Anyone craving sweets?" I asked around, finding an excuse to go down

those stands.

Was it even an excuse? No. Sebastian wanted to joke around with the fact
that I found excuses to see him under those stands in the sixth year. I was
expected to go down regardless, but it never hurts to ask.

"A chocolate frog would be nice!" Natty let out, "But make sure it isn't too

I nodded.

I walked slowly on that familiar lower floor. My eyes roamed around the
area, spotting the Gryffindor side preparing for the game.
"Ah, still supporting us. What a record!" Garreth Weasley pointed out from
afar, adjusting his first layer of the uniform.

"Maybe, we will get a win today, if she kept wearing it," Leander added in,

I rolled my eyes, and smiled, "Good luck, boys."

"She's lying!" They cried.

I continued down the corridor, almost reaching the opposite side and
finding the familiar elf with the small shop in the far left corner.

Surprisingly, there was a line so I had no choice, but to wait for a while.

"Stop pretending, I know you aren't here for sweets." A familiar voice
echoed through my head.

My eyes lifted from the floor and scanned around my surroundings.

A few Slytherin players roamed around the corridors, making me unable to

see the person I actually wanted to see this afternoon.

"A little to your left, Y/n," Sebastian's voice kept vibrating from the

Looking left, as more players passed around preparing for their game, my
eyes connected with brown ones from afar.
Sebastian Sallow stood there leaning against the back room with the long
sleeve Slytherins shirt. His arms crossed as he stared at me with a smirk.

"Are you talking to yourself, Sebastian?" Anne's voice echoed.

I watched the twins confront each other in that small room before Sebastian
nodded at me and Anne turned around.

Taking a view of me, Anne waved happily with her fully intact Quidditch
uniform and nodded.

"Oh," Anne said, "I see now..." I saw her turn to her brother and keep her
smile, "I'll go line up the players in the entrance with the fourth year. Don't
take too long." She nudged him.

"Don't just stand there," Sebastian said after Anne's departure, "Come here."

I finally giggled to myself, ignoring the stand once and for all and sneaking
my way over toward the Quidditch player near the Slytherin changing

Something I should've done since the sixth year. How things should have

Ignoring our surroundings, I hugged him and brought my lips to his. I felt
Sebastian wrap his arms over my waist and brush our noses over each other
as he smiled.
"You missed the shirtless view," Sebastian snickered, "Should've been here

I laughed, "It's alright. This tight shirt is enough," I flirted, tugging the thin
long sleeve on him, "You need to change, Slytherin. You have a game in a
few minutes."

"I know, I know, but," Sebastian's hands roamed over my waist, "It's not a
good luck without seeing you purposely under these stands." He joked.

"You called me this time." I frowned playfully.

"Exactly." Sebastian smiled, "Also, to tell you an interesting fact. Did you
know there's a rule change now about the Prefect's Bathroom?" He stared.

I rose my brows, "I, no?"

"It means, Quidditch captains and co-captains have access to it now..." He


"Oh, wow, really? T-That's great." I said, not knowing how to read him.

"And luckily, I'm co-captain," Sebastian added, "Though I would've loved

the captain title again, anything works...and tonight, it's ours."

I stepped back a little, "Ours? But I don't play—"

"But I do," Sebastian pinched my hips, "And I'm sure you and I need a
very," He kissed my forehead, "Steamy," he proceeded to kiss my cheek,
"Bath after all those missions you've done... and, after this game, I might
perhaps win or lose." He whispered.

I smiled, pretending not to feel heated at his suggestion, and looked down,
"I'm sure you'll win."

"Not if you're wearing this disgusting support shirt," He tugged my

Gryffindor shirt, "Foul."

"It's my house!" I laughed.

Sebastian shrugged, "We'll see..." he let go of me and looked up, "I suppose
the game starts in a few. I shall let you go." His hand slipped from mine.

I smiled, "Good luck, Sallow."

Sebastian nodded, "I expect to see you after that game, darling." He pointed
at me, returning to the changing room.

I stared at Sebastian Sallow that night inside the Prefects Bathroom.

I've entered it before for a quest. I always admired the ambiance of it. The
giant pool, the wall decor, and the comfort in it. The students that held
access here were lucky.
Sebastian leaned against the edge of that steamy water. His hairs mixed
between water and sweat from the post-quidditch game. His eyes were
closed and most of his body was buried inside that warm water.

Slytherin won this school year. It was a surprise, really, but it was an
extremely heavy game. Gryffindor was close to a win, but the Sallow twins
were able to curve the score with their skills. It was intense. Tiring.

I leaned back on the opposite side, taking a few breaths as my body felt
soothed from such an exhausting school year. The work, the studying, the
pressure, and the magic. It was almost perfect.

Sebastian's eyes opened slightly, noticing my stare, "Loving the view?"

I blushed, looking down.

"I don't blame you," Sebastian said cockily.

I was loving the view. I always did.

"Because I love mine," Sebastian added, staring directly at me from a few

feet away.

I finally grew a smile, turning to my side and shaking my head, "Stop

flirting, Sallow. You're being a tease."

"I can't help it," Sebastian breathed, "To think your gorgeous body is bare
naked under this steamy water does things to me. Complimenting you is the
best I can resist." He admitted.

I felt heated at his words. And it wasn't the water that was warming me
either. The honesty that came out of Sebastian Sallow was triggering. It was

"What's stopping you, Sebastian?" I mumbled, digging my body a bit

deeper into the water, only my head peaking.

"I am letting you relax," Sebastian said.

"I can say the same," I agreed, holding back.

Sebastian squinted, a strand of his brown hair curling over his forehead,
"You can say the same? I'm not relaxed until you are, Y/n."

"How romantic," I spoke in sarcasm.

Sebastian kept staring.

"Let it out, Sebastian," I flirted, "Don't hold back. It's just us."

Sebastian was stuck between scoffing or gasping at the use of words I'd
stolen from him.

"Stealing my own words? How adorable." Sebastian murmured.

I shrugged.

"I'm resisting the urge to not feel every part of your captivating body inside
this clean, hot water pooling over us." Sebastian whispered, "A man can
only dream."

It was hard. It was hard to resist him. The setting, the temperature of the
room, the attractive man in front of me. I couldn't help it.

My body moved first in between that water, reaching over Sebastian Sallow
and cupping his face between my hands, kissing him.

Sebastian rapidly took hold of my body, kissing me back while his hands
picked up my weight, lifting me up a little and finally letting the upper half
of my body reveal off the water.

"Merlin," Sebastian whispered, admiring every single aspect of my bare

skin, "Perfect."

His fingers traced over my neck into the middle of my breast, before
cupping one in his hand and bringing his mouth over it.

I couldn't help, but bring my head back from his unexpected actions and
rested my hand flatly over his shoulder, rocking my body over his, teasing
the tension between us.

Even though the weight of the water was between us, I can still feel
Sebastian bulge under. It tickled below me, almost fighting its own urge to
finally settle down.
Sebastian's other hand roamed under us, adjusting himself below me before
stopping and sighing.

"Ugh, m-my wand is across—"

"It's okay," I whispered, "Look," I lifted my hand upward before

concentrating enough to cast a non-verbal spell and bring it over my lower

Sebastian sat speechless at the blue glow from the tip of my fingers,
"Almost forgot how powerful you really are," he breathed, "So attractive."

I nodded, "What was it?"

"Neferre Puerum," Sebastian whispered.

I closed my eyes, "Neferre Puerum,"

Sebastian stared for a while and I nodded, "Okay, I think it worked."

Sebastian smiled, not hesitating, and lowered me down into him. I breathed
feeling every inch of him inside that water.

We always assured the water was safe too. Although a spell was performed
for safety, the assurance of the Prefect water being clean was a fact. I hope
it was.
"Fuck," Sebastian let out right away at the sensation, "I apologize, you just
feel so amazing," he whispered at each movement.

I moaned out, moving my hips forward as Sebastian laid back against that
pool and enjoyed every motion that came out of me. His eyes enjoying me
pleasure myself on top of him.

"Yes," His hand wrapped gently over my neck, "Is this okay?"

I laughed in between my moans, "Y-Yes,"

Sebastian smiled, a hand over my neck while the other tickled its way onto
my lower back and wrapped around my waist, using it to control his body
deeper inside of me.

"Ah, yes," Sebastian said in relief, "Atta girl,"

Our movements coordinated with each other as we kept the pace.

Sebastian's hips moved up while mine rocked over him. Only the water
made slight noises from the increase in speed.

"You're so hard," I breathed, feeling Sebastian as if he was near my guts

from the deep motion.

"That's all your work, darling," Sebastian breathed over my ear, "I can't help
it." He continued.

After a while, Sebastian's hand released from my neck, and hands were
positioned over both sides of my hips. Sebastian leaned back a little before
his fingers gripped onto me and lifted me with up and down motions.

"Oh, Sebastian,"

My fingers gripped over both of his shoulders as he pounded himself under

me. The balanced rate never going away until I was satisfied.

"Is this my reward for a win?" Sebastian teased in between the pleasure, "I
should've known. I could've tried harder on those games last year if this was
the outcome." He breathed.

I closed my eyes, feeling knots in my stomach from the insane feeling of

words. Sebastian's words were crazy during sex. I felt as if the pleasure
came more from the mouth than the actual physical touch.

"Do whatever you want to me, champion," I moaned, "I'm all yours,
Sebastian Sallow."

"I know you are," Sebastian groaned out, "All mine. Forever,"

I felt butterflies inside of me from the touches. I became sensitive to a point

where if Sebastian moved one last time, I can almost—

"Another win for me," Sebastian smiled confidently, noticing the blue in my
eyes, "What a good night."

I breathe heavily, "Funny,"

Sebastian stared at me after finishing himself and removed the wet hairs
from my face, admiring the post-sex.

"Well, the Prefects Bathroom is off our checklist before leaving this castle,"
Sebastian joked.

I laughed, removing myself from him and taking a seat beside him on the
bath water, "I didn't know we were keeping a list."

"I am," Sebastian nudged, "Although, it would've even been nice to take a
risk in a professor's classroom." He joked.

"That's impossible,"

"I know, but a man can only dream," Sebastian shrugged before I felt his
gaze on me from the corner of my eye, "Hey,"

I took a breath, turning back at hazel eyes, "Hey,"

"Thank you,"

I furrowed, "Thank you for what?" I laughed nervously.

"For making the rest of my time at Hogwarts fun." Sebastian admitted, "I
can't thank you enough."

I smiled, resting my head over his shoulder, "I can say the same."

Yes the irondale sunflowers are real. thank you, @Expelliarmuss96 💚

Ball chapter next. If we actually go, 🧍🏻‍♀️

Gosh, I can't believe we are nearing an end. I still remember

discovering Sebastian Sallow in February and staring this book — best
decision ever.

Thanks for reading, 💚

Phase Three: nine *

| c: tumblr

Phase Three: nine *


This chapter contains mature content.

Sebastian's Perspective

The fingers never stopped trembling. I can feel my own pulse at the tip of
them. I would have believed you if you said my heartbeat was directly in
my hand.

The heavy thoughts were taking over. All negative. I've tried to spend all
day with positive ones, but the trauma was real. It was a hard avoidance, as
if, history was going to repeat itself.
Leave, Sebastian. Walk away. They will understand, my subconscious
haunted in the back of my head, walk away and —

I took a breath, almost in a gasp when a hand clutched over mine down
those Entrance Hall stairs. The shaking in my hand was stopped by another
and I looked up.

Ominis kept his view straight, but spoke out softly, "It's alright, Sebastian.
It's not long now." He noticed.

I cleared my throat, finally feeling my body ease a little. The heartbeat in

my hand leaving as my best friend stopped the chaos in my head.

"How did you—"

"I heard your breathing pattern. I've predicted you weren't in the right
state," Ominis confessed, "Are you alright?"

I swallowed, bringing my hands slowly under my waist. I kept them

together and in a good posture as I waited.

My mouth opened slightly, but my own words got stuck in the back of my
tongue when Anne appeared first at the edge of the stairs.

I watched my twin sister wear a heavy, patterned green dress. The forest
color combined with a hue of white while her mask decorated with a gold
and green touch. If you looked closely, you might've seen an illusion of
serpents coming out of it in a creative way.
"Wow," I said in shocked.

"Is Y/n here?" Ominis said, almost nervous himself knowing that my sister
was soon arriving.

I smiled, "No, Ominis. Anne is coming down." I whispered.

Ominis stood straight, preparing for the arrival of my sister and I kept my

Yeah, there was an urge in me that sometimes wanted to strangle Ominis

Gaunt for the relationship he held with Anne now, but there wasn't a point.
You never know what to expect in this Wizarding World, so living the best
of life was the way to go.

As Ominis received my sister, my body jumped a little when a hand was

placed over my shoulder behind me and I turned.

"Hello, boys," Garreth Weasley's voice echoed.

I furrowed, "Weasley. I believe, you've already received Poppy not long ago

"I did. She's inside the Great Hall already," Garreth let out, "I'm just here to

"Please, don't tell me you've boozed up the punch, again," I joked, "That's
the least I can hope for in this fine evening."
Garreth laughed, "Oh, don't underestimate my abilities of potion brewing
this year, Sallow." He nudged, "I measured them well this time. I can assure
you of that."

I hesitated, "I suppose I appreciate the heads up, Weasley and—"

"Oh," Garreth Weasley's eyes lifted on the view behind me as he stared

back, "Uh, I won't waste any of your time, Sallow. Your date is waiting for
you." He said before running back to the Great Hall, not wanting to
interrupt the entrance.

It took me a few seconds to prepare my body on turning around. My heart

skipped a beat, but in a positive matter. The nerves were hitting from left
and right, but I expected it this feeling. The feeling that was never going to
go away no matter what.

And I turned.

Black. All black. The mask was converted into a crystallized ornament.
Some parts of it were matte, filled with enchanted swirls that moved in
circular motions. Two arches came from the top and two smaller ones were
curved near her lips.

Almost like an outline of a wolf face.

My breath revealed in shock from the mask itself. I was almost afraid what
reaction I could possibly make from the dress.

Suggesting black between us was a debatable idea. It was different from the
rest, but we wanted to purposely stand out. It seemed fun.
The lace material wrapped around her neck nicely, traveling down the
shoulders before transferring into a velvet black corset. The strings were
tied into a bow while the fitted garment hugged that cinch in her waist
nicely. Then the motto material flowed nicely, the back of it dragging down
the stairs on how long it was.

Extending my hand, I finally felt Y/n's rest over mine while finally closing
the gap between the touch and smiling.

"You can't be real," I said, almost breathlessly. "Whoa." I admired more


Y/n also stared at me. Her eyes glistening at every inch of my attire up and
down as she held a giggly emotion.

Before I can question the reaction, Y/n's hands wrapped around my neck
and her fingers traced the design over my black mask.

"Sebastian Sallow, black looks good on you." Y/n complimented.

I scrunched my nose a little, bringing down to her's and chuckling,

"Precisely. What are we mourning?" I joked at the color we wore.

Y/n kept her smile, "The last year, honestly."

I nodded, detaching from the closeness. I stepped a little and brought Y/n's
small hand forward, bringing my lips onto it.
There was a flash within myself in that moment. A flash where I didn't
picture Y/n with a black dress, but a white one. How the mesmerizing view
of the woman I love became so high, I was certain about the future aspect
of it.

The charms of Y/n's bracelet dangled at the movement, bringing me back to

reality and eyeing the piece of jewelry.

My eyes traveled from the bracelet, up to her arms and into the exposed
collarbone before reaching back to the beautiful face that wore the mask.

We both stood there admiring each other for a moment. It wasn't much
about the admiring, though, it was more about the flashbacks of this certain
dance. About how one year ago we outlived this exact moment before it
didn't last long.

"We don't have to do this, Sebastian," Y/n called out first.

We watched as the Hogwarts sixth and seventh years passed by us in fancy

attire, entering the Great Hall, where the classical music echoed in the

I fought it within myself, but I didn't want to disappoint. We were already

here and the least I could've done was bail out. Even if we did, I wouldn't
forgiven myself.

"No," I adjusted my posture, feeling confident, "We have to do this. It's our
final year. A different year." I reminded myself.
Y/n pursed her lips. She also seemed nervous at the though, but a nod came

"Yes. You're right." Y/n agreed, "It will be alright. We'll be alright." She
said to herself.

"We'll be alright." I repeated, holding her hand more tighter. "Ready?"

Y/n grew her smile back, bowing, "Ready, Sallow."

I smiled, "That's my girl."

Y/n's Perspective

I couldn't stop staring at Sebastian Sallow that night. And I couldn't decide
where my head should be at. I wanted to stare and admire on how the color
black looked so attractive on him, but I also wanted to make sure he was
fine. That he was having fun despite what happened last year.

Sebastian and I stood in on the side for a while, cornering ourselves,

watching our own friends enjoy the dance for a while before we gave in

"Sweeting in your way." Sebastian drank from his punch, wanting to excuse
himself, "Do let her know that Weasley was successful at his punch this
time," he joked.
Poppy Sweeting approached me happily.

She wore a beautiful yellow dress that held a wide skirt. There were small
details running down her corset that seem to familiarize with a few animal
pins, in which she was known for, and I couldn't help, but admire the style.

"Poppy! Is so nice to,"

As Poppy brought her arms to hug me, I can sense the same reaction I once
felt from the last time we held physical touch on the Great Hall.

I gasped a little, pulling away and trying to maintain formal, "...see you." I
finished my previous sentence.

"I know! I will say," Poppy stared down at my dress as her eyes reflected to
my side, where Sebastian Sallow stood pretending not to eavesdrop the
conversation between us. "You two really...wanted to stand out."

I can hear a light chuckle come off Sebastian from afar. I believe with my
hearing sense, Sebastian loves to take every single chance he has of it.

"Does she know I'll rip it off soon?" Sebastian whispered, pretending to
drink his punch again.

I cleared my throat, looking at Poppy, "Y-Yeah, it seemed, convenient."

"I see," Poppy stared in confusion, "Well, we are very grateful you two
showed up." She leaned in a little, "How is Sebastian feeling? I know it
might be quite difficult on these circumstances. I hope he's alright."

I nodded, whispering back, "He seems alright, don't you think," I stared
over to him, where he stood watching people dance, "He said Garreth was
successful on his punch?"

Poppy rolled her eyes, "Surprisingly, yes...it only took him the final year to
succeed." She joked.

I wanted to laugh out loud at her own words, but I cleared my throat again
and nodded, "Right..."

As Poppy walked away a few minutes later, I stood frozen for a while
watching my best friend walk away not knowing what was ahead of her in


I gasped as Sebastian Sallow stood an inch from me, again, making him
grow concern at my reaction.

"Sorry, I thought you...had left with Ominis." I said.

Sebastian's hand wrapped gently over my elbow, "N-No...I preferred if I

spent this special night with you. If that's alright?" He asked.

I wanted to scoff at the permission, but Sebastian has always been good
with consent. I never wanted him to stop on his care and assurance.
"I can say the same," I smiled.

Sebastian must've known me enough because I still felt his hazel eyes
reflect on me behind that black mask that rested around his freckled face.

"What's up your sleeve?"

I blinked, looking around and finally let out a sigh, "It's Poppy,"

Sebastian turned to the opposite side of the hall, eyeing Poppy Sweeting
and Garreth Weasley dancing happily with each other.

"She seems well." Sebastian said, almost finding no flaw at my statement,


Pursing my lips, I looked down, "When I touch her...I-I felt something."

I can feel Sebastian's gaze turn back to me, "Hm? What do you mean?"

I played with my fingers below me and shrugged, "A child."

Sebastian stood quiet for a moment, turning back to the couple, "A child?
Weasley? Yeah, he acts like one. I wouldn't—"

"No, Sebastian," I corrected, "A...baby." I whispered in a more low tone

between the music.
Sebastian stood quiet for a while, making me turn my gaze back to him. He
was also muted and frozen at the thought, but rose his brows.

"A baby, as in," Sebastian breathed, "Oh. Y-You can detect that?
That's...quite interesting on your part. Did she tell you?"

"I don't think Poppy even knows herself." I worried.

Sebastian nodded before finally beginning to laugh within himself at the

news, "Oh, fuck...fucking Weasley." He kept laughing.

I furrowed, "What's so funny?"

Sebastian calmed his laugh and kept his hand over his chest to control the
humor, "My apologies...s'just...a surprise."

"I know," I sighed, "I can't picture Garreth as a father...it's quite

worrisome." I wondered.

"Well, the Weasley's are a handful in their genes. I believe he has enough
siblings to support him. Plus, two parents that love him. I'm sure it won't be
hard to take in Poppy." Sebastian defended.

I listened to Sebastian. It almost fascinated me how quickly his knowledge

worked to find a solution on the situation.

"That means they'll have to get married..." I wondered.

"A Hogwarts wedding, how lovely," Sebastian laughed again, "Charms in
the morning and a wedding by noon." he joked.

"Stop laughing, you're making it obvious." I elbowed him.

"I apologize, dear...it's nice. No judgement," Sebastian finally breathed, "I'm

happy for them. They will be too, trust me," he encouraged.

I nodded, trusting him.

"It'll be well on Poppy," Sebastian let out, "After graduation, she doesn't
even have to worry about work." He finished.

It was the truth. As they said about the laws, nobody that was bearing can
work, no matter the circumstances. It almost sounded nice.

A break from the Ministry would've been nice too, but at what cost? It was
a thought. I didn't know anything about being a mother compared to Poppy.
She was born for it. I wasn't. Sebastian didn't seem on that end either. We
were only nineteen. So, again, it was just a thought.

"Anything on your mind?" Sebastian asked, noticing my daze off.

I turned to him, almost fighting the urge to reveal my intrusive thoughts,

"I..." but the words couldn't come out.

"You can be open, Y/n," Sebastian pushed.

My breath increased a little, but I closed my eyes, sighing and growing a
small smile.

"Nothing," I lied, turning to my soon-to-be-parents-without-knowing

friends, "I'm happy for them. And I'm sure they would be too."

Sebastian didn't say anything for a few seconds — it almost seem like he
wanted to say something too, but the mood change and he smiled again.

"Yeah, you're right."

"Look at your dress!" Anne pointed later that evening, "Twirl!" Her
fingers joined with mine, making me spin slowly and the ends of my dress
lifted with a spell Anne conjured.

The rest of the Masquerade Ball was going well. Sebastian seem to be more
comfortable with the setting, roaming around with the boys while I stood
with the girls. It was fun, really, but I was so in love at this point, my eyes
always wandered for Sebastian's.

And the night went one, until the classical music began to slow down more
and more. It was a signal that the annual slow dances would come into play
soon and I froze for a moment.

I watched in my surroundings while pairs began to form from the music and
in no time I can see Ominis Gaunt begin to approach Anne beside me.
Sixth Year

"We will find Anne, and a cure," Sebastian kept going, "And hopefully, we
can reach back for our N.E.W.Ts...graduate together. All of us."

I held in my smile.

"And then...I would love to give you a future. I can't wait for you to become
an Auror, Y/n.

My eyes re-opened, almost surprised to hear him remember the words I

once said at that picnic.


"A nice cottage home? That's what you wanted, right?"

I laughed, "Yeah, but—"

"But?" Sebastian questioned.

There were no but's. It felt impossible to think that Sebastian was thinking
the same as me. I convinced myself I was delusional, but it was normal. It
was love.

"I'll love that, Sebastian." I giggled.

My fingers dug into his hairs, feeling the softness of them as I kept smiling
like an idiot.

Sebastian smiled, kissing me again. Our surroundings not existing within

each other as we smiled in between.

But everything happened for a reason.


I breathed heavily at the memory. My throat itch at the thought and as I re-
opened my eyes, my surroundings felt darkened.

"Y/n?" Anne's voice called out in front of me, but the fear ate up my
thoughts, I can barely hear her.

The popping sound echoed in the back of my head and the setting suddenly
felt awful as I relived Sebastian's arrest once again.

"No," I breathed, finally taking hold of the bottom of my black dress and
walking rapidly through the nearest exit of that hall.

I was able to breath once more when the fresh air of the Hogwarts Gardens
reached me.

A few handful of students and couples surrounded the garden area near the
Great Hall, so I kept walking deeper into the outdoor grounds before
reaching the courtyard, removing my mask and finally settling in peace.
My breath still felt heavy. As I looked down at my hands, I can sense the
familiar blue hue glowing on them hitting out that my emotions have won
over, not letting me settle my inner-self.

I didn't know whether to cry? Be relief? Be lucky? It wasn't real. That was a
year ago. Why was it that the memory began reliving over and over —


I gasped loudly at the touch of someone hands coming over me and as they
turned me, I breathed heavily onto them.

Sebastian Sallow stood in front of me, also breathless as he didn't question

my actions. Instead, he just wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into
him as the slow classical music rung from the Great Hall.

"Hey, hey," Sebastian hugged, "It's okay,"

Sebastian's scent roamed on me as I laid over his chest. The fear and the
trauma began to slowly wipe away as I took realization that he was real. He
was here. He wasn't gone.

"I'm sorry," I kept my eyes closed, "I just didn't want to be in there..." I

Sebastian's hands rubbed my back, "It's okay, I didn't either. You ran out
before I could. That's a record." He joked in hurt.
"This song played," I freaked, "The same song—"

"I know. It's traumatizing for me too." Sebastian whispered, "But...we shall
not let this get to us. It's alright, remember?"

Sebastian broke me off from the hug and I confronted him. He had also
removed his mask and now all I saw was the worried hazel eyes I always
craved for.

"We'll be alright," Sebastian reminded.

I couldn't even say the moonlight reflected over his eyes because it was
cloudy. A thunderous lighting went by flashing, in which, it was there where
I saw the hazel color in his eyes.

I took in his own statement, agreeing with him, "Y-Yes. Yes, we will." I told

Sebastian nodded back, his eyes lowering. His right hand extended down
below us, taking hold of mine and bringing them upward.

"We can do this," Sebastian said, "Do you trust me?"

My hand was shaky from the thought, but Sebastian squished it to assure
the moment was real and I smiled.

"Yes, Sebastian, I do."

Sebastian looked to his left, watching the Great Hall doors open from afar,
the music still playing as he brought his gaze back to me.

A few droplets of rain began to fog up the courtyard garden, making the
students enter back into the castle before it worsen.

"I'm better to go back in if you—"

"No," Sebastian disagreed, "It's perfect here. Away from everyone...just us.
Only us." He breathed, "You don't mind the rain, correct?" He looked up at
the weather.

I giggled, bringing up the mood, "No."

"Me neither," Sebastian smiled, "I guess we're meant to be." He adjusted
himself, "I hope you still know the dance moves I taught you."

My smile grew more, "One step forward," I moved, "Two steps back."

"Good job," Sebastian complimented.

There were no words of exchange in this dance. Only the sound of rain
droplets and music from afar vibrated through our ears for a moment.

We gave almost a speech with each other last year. We were afraid now to
even say anything just to avoid repeating the same pattern. It was
saddening, but it was a form of comfort. Our future was now. This moment.
As the song reached a finished, the rain had increased a little, but the was
the least of our worries. The least.

Sebastian Sallow and I stopped dancing. Only our eyes maintained contact
in that very minute. There was love and care mixing between us. So much

"Y/n," Sebastian parted his lips.


His forehead came near mine, "I love you."

I closed my eyes knowing Sebastian has never really said those three words.
The first time I've revealed them was in that Masquerade Ball.

"I adore you. I crave you. I-I love you." Sebastian kept repeating, "Now and

"I love you, Sebastian." I whispered, my hand now resting behind the back
of his wet hair, "Always did."

Our eyes remained closed. As the song finally reached a finished, there was
silence. Not inside that Great Hall, but between Sebastian and I. Silence.

I tried fighting the traumatic experience from one year ago. Remembering
what happened after confessing our love. My eyes remained closed and I
didn't let go of Sebastian.
"I fear for my life at this very moment," Sebastian finally whispered out, his
arms pulling me closer to him, "I fear,"

I felt awful at his worry. It was normal, but I understood because if I was
freaking out, I couldn't imagine Sebastian.

Sebastian buried his head in between my shoulder and neck, breathing

heavily as he wanted to hide himself from anything approachable.

"It's okay," I cried, holding his weakened body, "I'm here...nothing is going
to happen to you anymore, Sebastian. I'm here." I reminded to him.

"Please, don't let them take me," Sebastian said in fear.

I worried with him, and closed my eyes.

I concentrated. I concentrated hard while holding Sebastian Sallow tightly

against me before an uncomfortable motion took over us in the moment and
more silence was ahead.

I breathed, finally reopening my eyes and looking around.

Sebastian lifted his head up from the unusual feel and breathed out, "Did
you...did you just apparate us?"

I was shocked.
"I-I did."

Sebastian looked around the cottage home in Cragcroft and then back at
me, "I thought nobody was allowed to apparate in Hogwarts grounds?"

I blinked, "I thought that too," I said almost confused, "But...I guess, I guess
my magic took over." I looked down at my hands again.

Sebastian kept his forehead over mine again, our breaths heavy at the
unexpected travel and our bodies vibrated.

There was never a failure looking into Sebastian Sallow's eyes. They
expressed so much. It was indescribable at this point to admit how much
meaning they truly gave.

"We're home," He whispered.

"We're home," I repeated.

Sebastian leaned in first, bringing his hands over my face and kissing me

Although the kiss was meant to be a nice peck for our outdoing, it somehow
felt heated. This romantic gestured kiss we gave each other for comfort
began to intensify in a way where it couldn't be describe. Well, the feeling
of it.

"I never wanted to make love to you so badly in my life," Sebastian

whispered, also feeling the tension in the small kiss.
I didn't respond. My lips reached over again to his and my hands dug over
his rainy damp hairs, scrunching them while we kiss passionately.

The kiss broke off when Sebastian brought his arms down, lifting me up
and carrying me bridal style near the edge of the stairs of the cottage home.


"Up we go," Sebastian directed, going up the steps of stairs and reaching
the upper level of the home.

Sebastian sat me down gently onto the bed. His bent posture didn't raise up.
Instead, after sitting me down gently, he went onto his knees and rested his
hands flatly over my dress.

I watched Sebastian closely as he admired the details of my wet dress and

lifted his fingers to trace over the material as they roamed up my corset and
tugged over it.

His eyes lifted, staring at me like a lost puppy before giving me a consented

"Am I allowed to make love to you tonight, Y/n?"

I didn't know whether to giggle or be taken aback on his used of words.

There was never really a question on having sex. It just happened between
us, but this felt more intimate. More serious.
"Yes, Sebastian." I allowed.

Sebastian licked his lips, giving a nod at the assurance.

I felt as his fingers undo the knot of my corset in a gentle movement, the
lace undoing itself slowly as Sebastian watched in an admired look.

As that happened, Sebastian's hands tugged over the lower part of my dress,
slipping it off me, along with my undergarments until I was left with one
layer of clothing.

This wasn't a vocal session, but nobody was complaining. It seemed perfect.
We were enjoying the silence and only the sounds of the clothing being
removed. It was different and as I said, very intimate.

Once Sebastian removed the bottom layer, the corset had finally undid
itself, allowing him to snatch it off me and admired every part of my
exposed body right in front of him.

I flushed.

It didn't matter how many times Sebastian Sallow has seen me naked. I still
felt shy sometimes. He was intimidating and that never changed.

Sebastian stared at my naked body for a while before standing up himself

and beginning to remove his own attire. His eyes never broke contact off
I only watched him slide off his suit before I desperately stood up naked
from the edge of that bed and confronted him.

Sebastian gasped, but watched me as I undid his buttons slowly. I undressed

him in such a careful matter.

"Handsome," I whispered, not helping myself admire the color black on

Sebastian Sallow.

A shirtless Sebastian stood in my view. I pretended like I wasn't in heat

already from the warmth he was producing as my fingers unbuckled his
belt. Or how while doing that, I can see the bulge print press nicely against
those thin black dress pants.

My breathing increased from how desperate I began feeling at only the


"Control," Sebastian whispered, tucking a strand of my hair being my ear as

I kept my stare down at his pants.

His whispering only made it worst, but I listened, controlling myself. It was
almost embarrassing.

I stopped my movements after his order and Sebastian finished the process
by removing his pants himself until he was fully naked in front of me.

How can such person be so attractive inside out?

"Lay down," Sebastian directed.

The warmth of his fingers came in touch with my skin before they carefully
laid me down onto my back

I didn't know what it would lead to, but after my body stood there flatly,
Sebastian bended again and caressed my thighs.

"Open," He poked.

My legs trembled from the nerves as they opened.

Sebastian smirked, "Relax, darling. I don't bite." He said, ironically.

"You make me nervous," I admitted.

Sebastian's face neared under my waist, in between my legs, "Don't be...let

me take care of you. Rest." He whispered before burying his mouth inside
of me.

I gasped loudly at the touch.

I can witness my own chest rise up and down in live motion while
Sebastian's tongue swirled over me as his lips glued at ever sensitive part.

I moaned lightly on that bed, my body almost wanting to sit up from the
pleasure while my hands dug over his hairs wanting to bury him more
inside of me.

Sebastian's fingers gripped my thighs tightly, before the ones on his right
tickled down lower and lower until,

"Oh, fuck, Sebastian," I called out as he inserted two fingers inside of me,
but kept his tongue doing the work at the same time.

My legs wanted to close from the feeling, but only his head blocked in

That only made Sebastian chuckle as his left hand spread over my waist, his
five fingers spreading before they lingered over a breast.

I gripped the blankets below us, beginning to undo them from the
movements and breathed heavily.

Sebastian's hand removed from my breast, down to my hips, as he tried to

pull me closer to him, but in vain.

"Don't stop," I said.

Sebastian hummed a little, enjoying me as if I were a meal while his

innocent eyes stared at me. He watched every single curse and moan come
out of me that night from my reach. He was insane for that.

I let out content sighs, feeling my body relax a little and rest over the bed.
I felt Sebastian gently let my legs down from his shoulders and sat up,
wiping his mouth and smirking.

I didn't understand how someone can be so attractive after destroying me.

After pleasuring the hell out of me, and yet wanting for more on how hot he
really was.

Sebastian sat there, his hands resting over my knees as he stared.

The stare between us only lasted a few seconds before it converted into lust.

Sebastian leaned in over my legs, onto the bed and brought his lips over me.
His tongue entered my mouth eagerly, blending with mine as his hands
roamed over my legs desperately.

I can feel Sebastian rub himself on me. The sensation energizing me up

once again as he tickled below while continuously kissing.

"Do you love me?" Sebastian asked in between.

"I do. I love you," I said back.

Our lips brushed over each other until Sebastian's hand went lower, and
adjusted himself over the entrance, but he stopped.

We both stood quiet. Only the sounds of our breaths decreasing as we let
the moment unfold by itself.
"Sebastian?" I breathed.

Maybe, this time was perfect. Maybe, I did need a break from overworking
myself. Maybe, it was good idea.

"Yes?" Sebastian said rapidly, waiting for a confession.

But I was nervous. It was embarrassing, almost.

We both stared.

"We don't have to," I said, avoiding contact with me.

Sebastian looked at me, almost odd, but rose his brows.

Assuming the worst, I lifted my hands, "Never mind, I—we don't have to
get the wand. I can use my hand too if—"

My own words cut off when I felt Sebastian enter me wetly under those

Sebastian lifted his head from his actions, "We don't have to use anything if
that's what you want." He whispered.

I blinked, my heart skipping faster than usual, "Is this what you want?"

"I said I wanted to make love to you," Sebastian leaned in, "And I always
keep my word." He whispered.
I took in his words, my eyes reflecting over his before bringing his lips onto
mine again.

Sebastian was gentle. There was something so different from this

experience that made the tension and pleasure feel so hot and good. I didn't
want it to end.

Sebastian's lips brushed over mine, bringing a hand over the headboard
while the other rested over the side of my face.

"So beautiful," He complimented as he thruster in and out of me.

I closed my eyes, enjoying every inch of him while my legs closed around
his hips. My nails dug deeply on his back and I can assure they would leave

The headboard above me began to click louder and louder, I almost worried
Sebastian would break it from the pressure of holding it in, again.

"Sebastian," I called out, "It's okay, you can—"

"I want to be gentle," Sebastian fought himself, "I really do,"

"No, you said you wanted to make love to me," I encouraged, "Is this how
much you love me?"
Sebastian paused his pace and rose a brow, "Are you testing me?"

I blinked.

He sighed, "I just wanted this moment to be memorable and romantic,"

"Then make it memorable and romantic. It's okay," I assured.

Sebastian hesitated, but took my words of encouragement and switched

over his dominant side that was he was hiding.

"Alright, I'll show you how much I truly, badly, desperately, love you,
Y/n," he warned.

Sebastian flipped over my body, positioning me into all fours and curling
his hands over my hairs before pushing himself onto me.

I breathed from the deep feel, but took it into pleasure.

The bed squeaked as Sebastian went deeper and deeper inside of me from
behind on that bed.

"Yes," I closed my eyes at the sensation.

Sebastian slapped inside of me, arching my back as I felt every part of him
inside of me. It felt so painfully nice. I loved it.
I lost count how many times Sebastian Sallow switched me that night. I've
been so busy lost in the pleasure myself, I never complained once. It was
tiring, but worth it.

Sebastian threw one of my legs over his shoulder, entering me once again
and lost himself in the feel. His fingers tracing all the love marks he
tattooed on my body that entire night before his thumbs gripped my hips
and pulled me in more.

"You're so d-deep," I called out from the action.

If there were different levels of sex, then Sebastian did every single one of
them. I couldn't contain myself, and neither can he. I didn't even know how
he lasted this long. Was it the punch?

"I don't want to stop," Sebastian grunted, "I really don't."

"Don't stop," I breathed, "Sebastian,"

"Yes, darling?"

I felt closure just from the sound of his raspy voice whimpering my name
within the sex.

"I think, I think,"

"Cum with me, darling," Sebastian's head lowered toward my face as he

pounded in me for the last time, "Let it out, together,"
My hands curled over his wrist before I lifted and moaned out such words.

Sebastian followed along, "Fuck...oh, yes..." he let out heavily.

We both laid there breathlessly on that bed. I didn't know how long we were
at it, but if I looked closely on that cottage home's windows, dawn was
rising soon.

Sebastian remained inside of me. Our fingers intertwined together in the air
as he smiled.

"I could do this forever, you know?" He said.

"I know, me too," I smiled, looking at our hands, "My future."

"Was I in it?" Sebastian asked.

I wanted to roll my eyes, but I kept my smile, "Yes."

Sebastian nodded confidently, "Though, I may ask, does your future work
still involve becoming an Auror?" He said in sarcasm.

I scoffed.

"I know," Sebastian curved it, "Having me as a partner is enough work

already, eh?"
I giggled, "Sebastian,"

Sebastian played with the charms of my bracelet while I stared over at his

I never truly seen the ring up close, and now that I did, I was almost jealous
on how beautiful its design was around the long finger.

"Your ring is nice," I complimented, turning the jewelry piece in his finger.

"Is it really?" Sebastian lifted.

"It is," I said, "I'm quite jealous, actually."

Sebastian chuckled at my complaint, "Hm, I suppose a ring like this one

would look quite nice on you too."

My finger kept playing with Sebastian's ring until he slid it off himself and
wiggled the material onto my ring finger.

I laughed, "It's so big, it slides off," I said, the ring twirling on my small

Sebastian smiled down at my actions, "You know what else has a ring to

"Mrs. Sallow," Sebastian whispered.

The ring in my finger stops its movements and my entire body took a pause
for a moment.

I always romanticized a life with Sebastian Sallow. It was a stereotypical

girl thing, but I didn't think it would ever become true that fast. It seemed
unreal at the moment. I was speechless.

"Of course, it's too soon and pressuring," Sebastian said nervously, "Being
stuck with me forever sounds actually scary and I'm a menace already—"

"Hey," I poked.

Sebastian stopped and his hazel eyes went down at me with a sighed, "I
apologize. I went too ahead of myself."

I smiled, tracing my fingers over his face. How his thick brows layered the
structure nicely, or how his freckles seemed beautiful and his pink lips — I
can only imagine what a child of ours could potentially look like in those

"Soon? Time doesn't exist, remember?" I mimicked him from earlier.

Sebastian's glared softened at my view, and grew back his beautiful smile,
"Really? You don't mind? I'll ask properly one day, but I wanted to make
"Of course not, I love you, Sebastian. Always." I said.

Sebastian finally slid from inside of me and took a breath with confidence,
"Hello soon to be, Mrs. Sallow and baby Sallow," he kissed my forehead.

"Baby Sallow," I repeated at the thought.

"I suppose things take time," Sebastian predicted wrong, "We'll just have to
keep trying. I don't mind marking what's mine every chance I have." he
smirked to .

But he was wrong. Time didn't exist within us. Time went by fast.


Wow...what a chapter. 🥲💚

The future you all been waiting for will proceed in the last few ones. I
can't believe I've reached this point in this story. I remember writing
chapter 20 and being like "ugh i want babies already" but
patience...time. 🥲

Can't wait for the next one. Thanks for reading.💚

Phase Three: ten

© dingdongdick | tumblr

Phase Three: ten


Third Person Perspective


Sebastian Sallow walked emptily on those castle halls. His serious face was
straight and his eyes barely focused while he ignored the surroundings with
a sigh.
It's only been a few weeks. Just a few weeks since the intense love-making
night of the Masquerade Ball. It seemed memorable to him. Only because it
was the last time they were reckless with each other. It almost drove
Sebastian crazy.

Unfortunately, after the ball, the Ministry held Y/n Y/l/n with more work.
And with the pressure of NEWTs and graduation being near, the timing
between the couple was non-existent. Ironic. Sebastian was busy aiming for
a work placement after Hogwarts that he couldn't even join her. Y/n was
busy doing non-stop quests and only felt more tired and tired.

Until today. A random Tuesday morning.

As Sebastian neared the corridor leading down into the dungeons, the once
Slytherin tie he took all morning to adjust was yanked off him and he was
pulled into a nearby room.

"Whoa, what in Merlin," Sebastian's voice stopped, taking notice of Y/n for
the first time after not having time with each other and he rose his brows,
"Y/n?! You're back on—"

Sebastian was unable to finish his sentence. His mouth was shut with
another and he didn't fight it off. As it was mentioned, it's been a while and
he wasn't going to complain.

He tugged Y/n's shirt and laughed in between, making her break the kiss.

"What's all this?" He asked, his eyes wandering around the closeted area.
Y/n stared, "Am I not allowed to miss you?"

Sebastian stared, but kept his smile, "I suppose...yes, but you have never

"We don't have to do this. You can always head back to class, Sallow." Y/n

Sebastian furrowed his brows at the mood change, but did not hesitate,
"What? No! I-I...oh, for fucks sake."

His hands cupped over the sides of her face before colliding his lips over
hers, containing the heat between that small room in the castle and casting
all the silencing spells he knew.

Y/n couldn't understand why there was a sudden urge to get the feel of
Sebastian Sallow lately. Perhaps, it might've been the longing of not seeing
each other since the night of the ball — or how the overtime of working for
the ministry stressed her out so much, she needed something to let it all out.

Sebastian Sallow now walked confidently on those castle halls. His smile
curved a little more, a perfect smirk across his freckled face as he played
with the Slytherin tie and stood beside Y/n.

"Sebastian, stop," Y/n murmured watching the Slytherin boy take a show
after the intense session.

Sebastian brought over the green-colored tie around Y/n's forehead, tying it
like a headband and chuckling.
Y/n looked up, wanting to release it off her, but Sebastian tied it more,

"What? Can't let Hogwarts know my territory?" He teased confidently as

they neared the Potions classroom.

"Haven't you marked your territory enough?" Y/n let out annoyingly,
removing the tie and plastering it over his chest.

"Seems like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Leander
Prewett decided to wheeze out at the eavesdropping.

Y/n took in the words from the Gryffindor and frowned, preparing to stick
her powerful wand and —

"Whoa," Sebastian lowered her arms, bringing Y/n near him before the
Gryffindor bully can notice, and turned her around to face him.

"Prewett has been getting on my nerves, Sebastian," Y/n complained.

"I get that. He gets on everyone's nerves." Sebastian agreed, "But he's not
worth the trouble." He eyed.

Y/n stood there, frowning and looking directly at Sebastian's collar, the
green tie missing.

"What's wrong?" Sebastian finally asked outside the classroom, putting her
aside and letting the rest of the students pass.
"Nothing," Y/n sighed.

Sebastian frowned, "Hm,"

"I'm tired, Sebastian," Y/n whispered to him, "The Ministry is stressing me

out. They want to keep pushing me to my limit. Can you believe that? My
limit. I can only do so much. I'm tired." She breathed, avoiding breaking

Sebastian stared with concern at the truth. He's always hated the ministry,
so seeing the torture they might be doing to Y/n didn't help the case at all.

"I know," Sebastian sighed, "I told you it—"

"It wasn't fair. I know. I don't need that reminder, Sallow."

"My apologies," Sebastian noticed the madness, "Is there anything I can
do?" He caressed her cheek.

Y/n wanted him at all times. That's what she wanted now. She wanted
Sebastian Sallow everywhere at any time, but it was impossible. Well, for
now. The stress, tiredness and not seeing him drove her crazy. She almost
worried she was becoming obsessed.

Y/n sighed, closing her eyes and shaking her head, "You've done
enough...and you need to study and focus on the—"

"You think I care about a few papers with stupid questions?" Sebastian said
jokingly toward the exams, "Studies are my least priority."
"It determines your future." Y/n reminded.

"You're my future." Sebastian flirted.

Y/n sighed again, "It's not time for games, Sebastian. I'm serious. It's just—
just a few weeks until school ends. It's hitting me that's all." She gulped.

"I'm not playing anything, it's the truth, Y/n," Sebastian assured, "You seem
to struggle. They're pushing your limits...let me take the risk of these
studies. Let me join you, again."

Y/n wanted to agree. Having Sebastian as a companion again seemed easier,

but she also worried about his academics. Yeah, he always reminded her
that they were the least to worry about, but it seemed bad to encourage it.
Studies were her priority too.

"I'm joining your missions, again. No argument." Sebastian ordered, "I don't
care how capable your magic is, I won't rest until I see you well. Alright?"

Y/n looked down, not answering.

"Perfect. Let's go to class." Sebastian smiled happily again and guided her.

Y/n Y/l/n lay there against the desk the next morning. Her eyes fully closed
while her mouth almost opened from the rest.

"Y/n!" Ominis Gaunt's voice vibrated through her ear.

Y/n opened her eyes and stood up rapidly, "Hm?"

She looked around, noticing she was in Charms class, and brought herself
back to reality.

"Heads up, darling," Sebastian Sallow smirked from afar.

Y/n blinked and looked forward, spotting her boyfriend tap his quill around
as he eyed her sleepy eyes. He almost gave a look of concern, but assured
her it was alright.

"Was I sleeping?" Y/n whispered to herself.

"Yes." Anne nudged.

"Since when does Y/n sleep in class?" Ominis joked, "Not even I."

Y/n wiped her tired eyes and wondered to herself. The last few nights have
been unbearable with the sleepless nights of studying for NEWTs, but her
sleep hours were fine.
The ongoing week was unwell for Y/n Y/l/n. It was the week of NEWTs, but
also the week where the ministry gave no care over the studies and kept
pushing slightly more.

Sebastian Sallow joined her. The battles seemed disastrous and he couldn't
imagine how Y/n was able to succeed in them by herself. He was beginning
to feel tired. It was unbearable. Imagine Y/n?

"There's so many of them," Y/n breathed, "Why can't they send Aurors for
this? This is their job." She complained, hiding behind a rock.

Sebastian sat beside her, looking back and hiding from the triple trolls and
evil goblins from feet away.

"They want to see how far you can get. Are you not seeing the pattern that
these missions are provoked? The Ministry is purposely making you fight
more and more to test the ancient magic meter." Sebastian explained.

Y/n sighed, "I don't think I even have the strength. Yeah, I wielded it all...b-
but, it's not unlimited."

"It's alright," Sebastian whispered, squinting a little as the trolls behind

them stumbled over the rocks, "The Ministry has to let you rest for exams.
They have to." He frowned.

Y/n jumped feeling the trolls getting nearer and nearer, "I don't want to use
it anymore." She looked down at her wand.

"You don't have to."

Y/n closed her eyes, fighting the urge, but taking a deep breath and standing
up, "I can't trick the ministry, Sebastian. I have to."

Sebastian stood up with her and took a breath, revealing his wand again and
preparing for a final battle.

It was exhausting. A troll was enough for Sebastian. He hated them. There
wasn't a troll he's confronted that hasn't hit him with a bat. He was always
injured because of them.

"Ouch," Sebastian rubbed his bleeding shoulder as his body slammed

against the floor.

Y/n gasped over to Sebastian, "Sebastian—"

"It's alright," Sebastian held it in, "Nothing new. Almost like Hogsmeade,
right?" He joked at the memory.

Fifth Year

The armored troll ran through Sebastian Sallow and Y/n Y/l/n. Y/n was
afraid for her life while Sebastian tried his best to seem protectant over her
even though he was afraid for his life too.

"Are we weakening him at all?" Y/n asked, casting a basic cast onto it.

"Keep at it!" Sebastian shouted across, "We'll wear him down eventually."
He encouraged.
Within a few seconds, the troll threw his weapon fast, making Y/n roll over
and dodge it, but for Sebastian, it was unsuccessful.

Y/n gasped as her new friend slashed against the floor of the Town Square,
but Sebastian stood up fast and motivated her.

"Sebastian, I—"

"Keep going! Confringo," he shouted.

Y/n threw a spell, causing the troll to slip a little and Sebastian cheered for
the first time.

"What was that?" He scoffed in shock.

"A taste of his own medicine!" Y/n pointed.

"Nicely done—look out!" Sebastian handled.

In seconds, Y/n invoked her ancient magic, hurting the troll once and for
all. Destroying it into pieces.


Y/n was tired of the ancient magic. It must've been the first time she was
physically tired from it since the body now wielded more — it wasn't
making sense at the moment.

"Y/n, watch out," Sebastian let out from afar.

Y/n brought herself to reality, putting the memory aside and finally taking
hold of her wand, concentrating extremely hard and feeling the ancient
magic traces coldly over her body, near her hands.

The first troll collided, finally clashing with the nearest rock and falling into

Y/n breathed but did not stop. Her wand pointed directly at the other troll,
lifting it up heavily and throwing it against the floor, her wand going to the
floor with her.

"Y/n, that's enough...I can handle the—"

Y/n's hands reached down the wand again, pointing toward the last troll and
clashing a trace of her own magic over it, making a loud sound before it
exploded, bleeding all over the place and facing death.

Sebastian watched. He watched until he can no longer handle witnessing

Y/n continue the mess and walked near her.

Y/n breathed heavily, her perspective going in circles, watching all the
blood and deaths she just finished off once again. The certain setting
beginning to make her feel queasy and rare.
Sebastian stopped his walking as he witnessed Y/n walk to the nearby grass,
standing there in a frozen matter.

"Hey, you're pale, I—"

Sebastian's lips parted as Y/n emptied out her stomach on those bushes. He
froze for a moment but took the scene in a light matter and breathed.

"Hey...the blood wasn't that bad," Sebastian joked, walking closer,

"Shouldn't I be the one throwing my guts out?" He lightens the mood.

Y/n didn't laugh nor grew a smile. Instead, she walked backward and took
heavy breaths, feeling more tired than ever, getting on her knees and

Y/n cried. She couldn't hold it in any longer. The tiredness, stress, pressure,
and everything came at her at once.

Sebastian bent, taking hold of her, "Y/n?"

Y/n kept her eyes closed, feeling tears run down and clutching her
abdomen, "I'm so tired, Sebastian."

Sebastian sighed, nodding and resting his hand on Y/n's back.

He's never seen her this way. Well, he's seen her in tears and never enjoyed
it. Let alone, getting sick. Sebastian was sure Y/n's immune system was
perfect. Always. Especially, with the ancient magic, nothing can ever
provoke sickness. That was a fact.

"I'm so sorry," Sebastian whispered for support. "I know you're tired."

"I'm so tired," Y/n sobbed into him, feeling herself cold and dizzy.

Sebastian took Y/n in his arms wrapping them over on that grass and leaned
his head over hers.

No words were said. Only the sound of the breezy night down the coast
echoed in between their ears.

Y/n's heavy breaths never stopped, but there was a slight shift within her
hearing and vibration. It was so different, she shuffled a bit.

A distant heartbeat echoed in between them.

Y/n predicted Sebastian Sallow had gathered his second heartbeat, and
transformed into an Animagus form for comfort — but when her eyes re-
opened, he was still there. A healthy human hugging her.

The realization was overwhelming for Y/n. There were no words that can be
said and Sebastian noticed her expressions.

"Come on," Sebastian lifted, "Let's get out of here. You're tired...you can't
even walk." He worried, carrying her.
Sebastian carried Y/n like a child in his arms on that open field near lower

"A heartbeat," Y/n whispered down at Sebastian, resting over his shoulders
as he kept bringing her to the floo powder stop.

"Hm?" Sebastian looked down, "Y/n?..."

Y/n was tired against Sebastian's chest. The weight of the battles was finally
getting to her and her eyes closed for just a moment.

Sebastian Sallow paced back and forth outside the Hospital Wing. He
avoided getting too close to Y/n Y/l/n while Nurse Blainey examined her.
The last time he found himself in that position, she was transferred to St
Mungo's for weeks.

The Hospital Wing was empty, surprisingly. Only Y/n lay in a hospital bed,
resting as Sebastian leaned over the entrance of the wing in worry.

Nurse Blainey took a few minutes before turning over to Sebastian.

"Do tell me that Y/n will not spend another two weeks asleep," Sebastian
asked in fear, walking over.

Nurse Blainey pursed her lips, setting her hands together as they lowered
below her waist, and nodded.
"Mister Sallow, Miss Y/l/n is just taking a small rest. A nap, we can say. It
won't be long for her to wake up." Nurse Blainey assured.

Sebastian crossed his arms. A few bandages wrapped around his elbows
from the earlier injuries as he stared down at Y/n and nodded.

"Will she be alright?"

Nurse Blainey looked down, "I can only say that Y/n will be okay. I cannot
guarantee any sickness in further aspects."

"Sickness?" Sebastian rose a brow, "It's theorized that Y/n doesn't get sick.
Isn't ancient magic suppose to make you immune?" He wondered. "I was
sure it did."

"Miss Y/l/n is a rare case. I don't often, nor ever, had a student wielding
such power. It can only be understandable that I cannot determine such a

Sebastian nodded, "I know. I suppose if she's just taking a nap, everything is
alright. Will any brewed potion help her? Calming Draught? Sleep—"

"I believe no potion can be used at this time for her, Mister Sallow. Not
anytime soon."

"Oh," Sebastian blinked, "Her own magic can cure her, right?"

Nurse Blainey disagreed, "I believe powerful magic — including ancient

magic and the use of the darkest magic in the Wizarding World cannot stop
the process of bearing, Mister Sallow. It's just part of the natural cycle. It's
the same for every female species."

Sebastian Sallow stood quiet. He slowly processed the words that came out
of the nurse before blinking once and clearing his throat, taking in the news

"Oh. Bearing," He said to himself.

That was fast. So fast. Sebastian thought to himself. He did not expect the
process to be so soon. It was told in books that it sometimes takes a bit for it
to work. The prediction was months from now. Not weeks. Not now.

"I believe this is more of an important news for Miss Y/l/n. I am just
informing you since it's speculated—"

"It's alright, Nurse Blainey," Sebastian managed his breathing patterns, "I
understand the human process." He reminded, holding in the joke.

Nurse Blainey gave a slight nod, "I cannot predict what bearing with a
wielded body can cause. Time can only tell, Mister Sallow. I shall leave you
for her wake." She smiled, giving him space.

Sebastian Sallow sat beside Y/n Y/l/n that night. His heart never stopped
beating rapidly at the news and all he can do is prevent his hands from
sweating at the thought. It was overwhelming, but expected. Why was he
feeling this?

"That was so fast," Sebastian whispered to himself, "What am I going to

do?" He said.
Was Sebastian ready to be a father? No. Not at all. Maybe, he was just
bluffing. Maybe, he didn't mean to not cast the spell — no, what am I
thinking? Sebastian thought to himself. It's happened. Now, we think of

It was a lot of responsibility. A child? A life he was now going to take care
of. Another human that will rely solely on him — no, not just him, but Y/n
too? And the child would grow up based on his teachings and motives. It
was a hard thought.

"A home...a job, I definitely need a job soon," Sebastian whispered, "I've
predicted you'll arrive a bit more later, but life is full of risks," he spoke out

Y/n's eyelids trembled at the sound of Sebastian Sallow. Although he was

whispering, he can hear the faint whispers clearly from her advanced sense.

"Schools ends soon, so studies will be gone," He said, "Summer is near, that
can be good resting."

Whilst listening to Sebastian, Y/n concentrated on hearing the same familiar

heartbeat from before and sat up rapidly, bringing herself back from reality
at the feel.

Sebastian's posture rose from his seat at Y/n actions and stared down
breathlessly with her.

There were no words said. Y/n looked up at Sebastian in worry while he

looked down in worry himself. Instead, Sebastian opened his arms and
hugged her tightly.


"Shh, you're awake," Sebastian sat at the edge of the bed, sitting beside her
and rubbing his hands over her arm, "Don't sit up too quick."

Y/n breathed, feeling the warmth of Sebastian. The touch felt different now.
It felt safer than ever and she didn't want him to let go. Ever. Well, not in the
next nine months as her body needs.

Y/n can feel Sebastian's heartbeat also collide, wanting to come out of his
chest as she rested over him.

"Sebastian?" Y/n asked, her eyes low.

"Yes, Y/n?"

"A heartbeat,"

Sebastian didn't even have to question it anymore. He was smart. He knew

what Y/n referred to.

"I...I know," Sebastian closed his eyes, "I know."

Y/n took several breaths, taking in the news, "I'm scared."

Sebastian was scared too. Very scared. He knew one day this would come
regardless, but not today. It hit so randomly, but things happened for a

"We'll be alright, remember?" Sebastian soothed, hiding in his freakout,

"We will be alright."

"It's so soon. I know it was expected, but—"

"Hey," Sebastian brought his head up, staring down at Y/n and his forehead
crinkled from the stare, "Time doesn't exist. Not too soon, not too late." He

Y/n nodded rapidly, taking it in.

"Your heart..." Y/n placed a hand over Sebastian's chest, "It's racing. You're
scared too." She detected, looking up.

Sebastian's eyes were more hazel than ever. They were innocent and
worrisome. Y/n can tell it was hard, but understanding.

Sebastian parted his lips and shook his head, "No, no...I just..."

Y/n sat there looking down. She almost began to think that this must've
been a mistake. Perhaps, on the night of the ball, they lost themselves too
much and didn't think about the process too.

Sebastian notice the shift in emotions and brought over his hands to
himself, unsure what to say, but wanting to make things right.
"I've not had the best take on parenthood growing up. I lost both of my
parents very young, but," Sebastian sighed, "T-There's always ways to
learn, right?" He asked, "And learning with you sounds more reliable. I
trust us."

Y/n passed her saliva, parting her lips as she listened to Sebastian, "I don't
know anything, Sebastian. I-I don't have parents either and I don't know

"Then we can both learn," Sebastian comforted her, "Besides," he looked

down and smiled, "That's me and you in one. Isn't that cool? I find it

Sebastian was successful in brightening the mood up between both of them.

Y/n hesitated, but grew a small smile at the thought.

It was funny. The image of having a human form that was half Y/n Y/l/n
and half Sebastian Sallow was bizarre. It was insane what love can do.
That's how they saw it.

Sebastian brought his face near Y/n, their heads touching as he whispered
his honesty.

"Hogwarts ends soon. Very soon," Sebastian said, "Then...then, we already

have a cottage home. A cottage home with sunflowers. That's off the
checklist, remember? That's what you wanted."

Y/n smiled with emotion, knowing Sebastian remembered her future aspect,

"You mentioned wanting a dog..." Sebastian almost chuckled to himself, "I

suppose you can count me in as that." He joked.

Y/n giggled at the thought of Sebastian's Animagus.

"I do apologize, I may interfere with your plan and add in a cat. I like cats.
Is that okay with you?" Sebastian asked.

Y/n nodded, "Of course,"

"Perfect. Then, you wanted kids...a boy and a girl. We can head start now.
We're already on the first," Sebastian whispered, "Mrs. Sallow sounded nice
last month. That's set.."

Y/n felt relief. The future she truly aimed for no matter the circumstances
was becoming true. At first, it was a delusion, but it was here. It was true.

"It's over, Y/n," Sebastian laughed in happiness, "The Ministry can leave
you alone for the next few months. Or years. You can finally rest. We can be
there together. Finally." He said excitedly.

"It's over," Y/n sniffed.

They both smiled, comforting each other.

"A baby," Sebastian laughed, "I suppose Weasley has competition now." He


Daddy Sallow soon...would you guys like to see that? 😮‍💨

Any baby names? Kid counts? I'll love to hear your opinions.

These time lapses are messing with me. I can't believe we are almost
finished. Imma cry fr. 🥲

Love you all. 💚

Phase Three: ten and a half

| Amazing Artwork done by TheRealCardoso

Phase Three: ten and a half | Edited


Third Person Perspective

Two Months

"All twelve of them?" Sebastian Sallow scoffed at the sight of the


Y/n stood beside him, nodding, "Not all twelve. We can keep two? Poppy
offered to keep the rest for herself."

Sebastian watched the small beast in the distance. The twelve of them
roamed around a circle as he chuckled to himself and crossed his arms.
"Is Poppy going to keep the names I gave them?" Sebastian joked, "Maybe,
that'll give them an idea to name their kid."

Y/n rolled her eyes, "They'll be safe in their hands. I guess Garreth
managed to build some sort of beast farm on her end. The animals in my
Vivarium can be down there since school ended." She informed.

Hogwarts was over. NEWTs were over. The Ministry job was temporality
over for Y/n and Sebastian. All their worry now was a child. A child that
nobody knew about.

Sebastian enjoyed keeping a secret. He always loved taking a challenge, so

this was the best one, yet. The last few days of school consisted of handling
Y/n's odd symptoms and attempting to be there for her. It was odd, but
nobody really noticed.

"I'll love to put my input on this since, I, also rescued them," Sebastian
pointed to himself, "I want to keep Mister Gaunt and..." he scanned the
mooncalfs, "Oh, and Bon Bons. My favorite." He smiled.

Y/n sighed, not wanting to interact with Sebastian's names toward the


"Well?" Y/n asked.

"A caged sunflower garden with two mooncalfs and two puffskeins."
Sebastian said, almost in a mumble.
"You love it?" Y/n teased.

Sebastian sighed, giving a fake smile, "I love it, darling!" He spoke in
sarcasm, "And the cat we have inside." He laughed.

Sebastian watched Y/n bend toward the small animals. The little beasts
interacting lightly with her as they hugged and begged for more petting.

Sebastian admired Y/n. He always knew she was kind to everything and
everyone. The way her small hands were gentle with the puffskeins. How
she kept track of their feeding schedules and care. He knew she'll be the
best mother out there.

Three Months

"How did they get married so fast? And before us too?" Sebastian Sallow
whispered out.

Y/n Y/l/n and Sebastian Sallow sat down near the edge of a wooden chair
witnessing Poppy Sweeting and Garreth Weasley become one. The two
lovers finding every opportunity to start their lives already.

Y/n smiled, keeping her eyes straight as she watched her best friend wear
the prettiest white dress while a small bump showed on Poppy. Y/n
wondered how long it'll take for her own to show.
"You can't really stop two people that are madly in love, Sebastian," Y/n
leaned beside him.

Sebastian smirked, resting a hand over Y/n's thigh and leaning toward her

"Then I should've married you since the fifth year if that's the case." He

Y/n gulped at Sebastian's touch. It seemed as if the child that was in her
grew more and more each week — the hormones in her shifted quickly.
Specifically, the heated one. The ones where she has to constantly have
Sebastian Sallow on her often.

Sebastian loved it. He enjoyed every jump Y/n gave to sleep with each
other. He never said no and the feeling was exotic. The sex was amazing
and never-ending for the expecting parents.

"Y/n!" Poppy said excitedly, dragging Y/n out to the small dance circle and
laughing happily.

Y/n smiled, "Poppy! Congrats," she hugged her, "I'm so happy for you!"
She pointed down at the ring and stomach. "Wow."

Poppy Sweeting smiled, "And I'm so happy for you!" She congratulated.

Y/n stopped her dancing for a moment, and her smile faded a little, feeling
caught, "W-What?"
Poppy kept dancing, laughing, "What? It takes a mother to know another
one, silly. Your face is glowing and I've never seen Sebastian Sallow talk so
much with Garreth."

Y/n swallowed, but laughed lightly.

"I also heard you throw up in the nearest vase while getting my dress ready
earlier," Poppy noticed, "You never get sick, Y/n."

Y/n reddened, but cleared her throat, "Eh, I—"

"This is amazing!" Poppy squealed, "I won't tell, but we're having our kids
close together. They'll go to Hogwarts and...agh!"

Y/n couldn't help, but finally break a smile at the news and jump with her,
"I know. I know."

Y/n turned, watching Sebastian Sallow in the far corner.

Sebastian wore a tight navy buttoned-up. He layered it with a beige vest and
his brown hair seemed to grow into a bit more of a mess. He looked so good
and Y/n held the urge to dismiss that wedding for him.

Sebastian's long hands ran down Y/n's thighs inside that cottage home in
Cragcroft that same night.

The couple didn't last at that wedding. Not at all. Right after that cake was
cut, they disappeared for a while and found themselves in their perfect
home once again.

As Sebastian Sallow removed Y/n's fabrics from under that dress, she rose
her fingers, unbuttoning every single button from the navy shirt. Sebastian's
bare chest peaking as she opened up the shirt in an aggressive matter.

"Merlin, you're in heat," Sebastian teased out at her, his hands coming up
her back as he bit her shoulder, "We should have children often if this is
how the process is going to go," he bit his lip.

"Shut up, Sallow," Y/n scoffed before her lips sloppily clashed against the
man below her.

Sebastian unbuttoned the buttons of his pants, only revealing himself from
the opened fabric and slipping inside Y/n rapidly.

"You're so wet and prepared," Sebastian kissed her neck, feeling her, "All

Y/n rode Sebastian like it was their last time. The tension between them
never left and being pregnant just encourage those actions more and more.

And it happened constantly for a while. Two young adults in an empty

home with a hormonal pregnant Y/n and a turned-on Sebastian? It was

Five Months
"I already knew," Anne Sallow let out confidently.

"What? How?" Sebastian scoffed at his twin sister.

Anne shrugged, "Y/n never sleeps in class. Plus, I'll know when my brother
becomes a dad when all he says now is, 'Is this healthy?'" She mimicked
him, "You never say that about any food."

Sebastian sat on the sofa, eyeing his sister for a while and shrugging, "It
was meant to be secretive."

"Oh, come on, Sebastian," Anne lightly hit him, "You knew the moment I
mentioned that bearing ministry law you would do all it takes to give Y/n a

Sebastian leaned his back forward before turning to the window. In the
distance, he saw Ominis Gaunt and Y/n Y/l/n speaking with each other
before he sat up again and leaned near Anne.

"I did, but...I didn't think it'll happen right

away." Sebastian whispered.

"Why are you whispering? They are far—"

"Y/n's ancient magic is a bit heightened due to bearing a child," Sebastian

kept whispering, "This is the most I can do."
Anne nodded.

"I'm scared, Anne." Sebastian admitted to his sister, "I'm really scared."

Anne Sallow stared down at her brother in worry and leaned back, "It's
completely normal to feel that way, Sebastian."

"I know, but...I don't know anything about being a father. At all." Sebastian
said to himself, "And I don't want to give Y/n all the work. I wanted her to
rest for the Ministry...and for a child. I want to help her."

Anne smiled down to herself. The thought of seeing her brother finally
come to an age of maturity and actually thinking like an adult made her
happy. Sebastian really cared about his priorities and it showed.

"An ancient magic-wolf kind-Sallow child," Ominis Gaunt murmured, "I

never thought I'll expect this day to come, but here I am."

Ominis Gaunt and Y/n Y/l/n stood at the edge of Cragcroft, speaking. Y/n
had suggested telling Ominis the news while Sebastian told his sister. It
seemed like better communication in a way.

"Was it intentional?" Ominis wondered, "I seriously don't mind hexing

Sebastian, really. He seems like someone that wouldn't be careful," he

Y/n smiled, staring at the sunset, "The timing was just right, Ominis.
There's no need to hex." She assured. "It's okay."
Ominis nodded, "And...how do you feel?"

Y/n pursed her lips, looking down at her stomach. It wasn't revealing, yet,
but she can sense a few of her battling her outfits began to feel tighter.

"I use to think ancient magic can cover these muggle symptoms, but I see
that not every powerful magic can loophole bearing a child," Y/n admitted.

"It sounds awful, no offense," Ominis admitted, "Do you feel alright,

Y/n shrugged, "As in, for now, things feel well. I do notice myself getting
colder at night."

"And do you see a doctor for this?" Ominis rose a brow.

Y/n did have a doctor, but the constant travels from Cragcroft to St Mungo's
exhausted her. Let alone with the fact that taking any form of traveling,
whether it was floo powder or apparating, it made her vomit now. The
nearest doctor was the Hamlet one, but they can only do so much.

"Occasionally. I guess in a rare case, they are more intrigued that I bear a
child with a body infused with ancient magic. All well though. For now."
She sighed.

"Good," Ominis nodded, "Well, the best I can say is, good luck. To you."

"To me?"
"Yeah," Ominis smirked, "There is a Sallow child inside of you.
Predictably, another duplicate of Sebastian Sallow. That's scary." He joked.

Y/n laughed, "You're funny."

Six Months

Sebastian Sallow's finger traced carefully on the wooden-built car. The

miniature size toy rolled down the skin while he chuckled at the movement
inside that belly.

"Sebastian," Y/n closed her eyes, resting.

It took around month six for that once small stomach to grow twice its size.
Sebastian was intrigued by the growth. He couldn't help, but always not
keep his hands to himself and touch it. Play with it. Bother it.

Sebastian grabbed the wheeling toy again, placing it over the curved skin,
and let it roll down it like a mountain, chucking to himself again as the
child kicked.

"That's definitely a Sallow." Sebastian poked, "Did you see that?"

Y/n still remained with her eyes closed, feeling the child kick the insides
and flinch from the heavy moments.
The growth did give her side effects. Like the way every time the child will
kick, her hands will turn a hue of blue from the magic flowing. Or how
when the child will get hiccups, Y/n's eyes will turn blue. It was interesting,
but almost concerning.

"I suppose if we're holding off on the gender, we can enjoy the idea that
they'll be good at Quidditch regardless," Sebastian admitted.

Y/n smiled at the thought.

There was a moment where Y/n thought she'll be able to determine the
gender with her own magic, but the child was hiding. Almost playing a
game, so after a while, she gave up. The best connection they both truly had
was listening to the heartbeat.

Seven Months

Y/n Y/l/n came back to Cragcroft from the Weasley home one sunny
afternoon in November. Poppy Sweeting had birthed her firstborn, and Y/n
had offered to help in the process since Garreth Weasley fainted halfway.

Y/n stood inside that cottage home, terrified, eyeing Sebastian Sallow who
sat near the fireplace reading a book.

Sebastian took notice of her entrance and closed the book shut, standing up
immediately and smiling at the arrival.
"Hey, you're back," Sebastian walked over, "How was it?"

Y/n took a breath, clutching her own stomach, and tried to maintain calm as
she swallowed, "I...well, it's definitely a Garreth Weasley replica."

Sebastian smiled, "Yeah, Garreth might've predicted boys are common. Red
hairs?" He joked.

"Yes...r-red hairs." Y/n thought about the event, trying to erase the haunting

Sebastian stared at Y/n for a while, noticing the odd shift of emotion, "Hm,
I expected you to be happier that your best friend had her child. I still
remember the day you told me and they didn't know." He chuckled.

Y/n looked down, "I'm scared."

"Huh?" Sebastian questioned her.

Y/n closed her eyes, "It was scary, Sebastian. The entire process. The pain,
the screams, the...the—everything. I tried taking away Poppy's pain with my
magic, but it didn't work. My ancient magic can't work with child pain

"Hey, hey," Sebastian calmed her, "You did your best. It'll be alright."

"No, it looks painful and I—Poppy was so strong, and yet, it seemed
unbearable. And Garreth fainting and..."
"Darling," Sebastian stopped her once and for all.

Y/n came back to reality, taking a breath and looking over the caring hazel
eyes in front of her.

She wondered if their child would have those eyes.

"I love you," Sebastian reminded her, "We'll be alright, remember?" He

whispered at her.

But he wasn't alright. Hearing the scary process of Poppy Sweeting's birth
did terrify Sebastian. It was normal, but as the weeks neared and as he did
research on bearing women and having a child, he was worried. Not for
himself, but for Y/n.

"She wants to be with me all the time." Sebastian Sallow let out one
afternoon on a cold November day.

"Mister Sallow, why are you whispering?" The doctor let out to him.

Sebastian sighed, knowing that he was beginning to get tired of explaining

to every person about the abilities Y/n has. He didn't enjoy telling her secret
powers, but sometimes it was necessary.

"This is a rare case," The doctor let out.

"Yeah, I hear that all the time," Sebastian said tiredly, "I do love the idea of
being with her, but there have been occasions I have to get food and
she...practically almost hexes me, doctor."

The doctor nodded at Sebastian Sallow's worried and looked over to Y/n
Y/l/n sleeping on her side on that full-sized bed.

"There's a connection between you and the child she is bearing. I've taken
Miss Y/l/n's temperature. Her body always stays at a cold rate."

"Yes. Her ancient magic makes her get extremely cold in several marks."
Sebastian informed.

"Correct, but the child she is holding," The doctor let out, "It's also yours,

Sebastian almost seemed offended at the reassurance that if it was his child
or not, "Yes."

"And your body temperature is more toward a heated side," The doctor
examined, "I believe the child's body temperature is also heated. That might
explain the constant closeness."

Sebastian rose his brows at the fact. He didn't know whether to be happy or
worried about the connection.

"The body temperature between the two of you balances out. It would only
make sense that Y/n's ancient magic will take over her and demand a heated
presence. For the child, of course." The doctor explained.
"Children tend to need lots of warmth when they are born. Remember that."
The doctor reminded.

Eight Months

It was in the eight month when things complicated a little for Y/n Y/l/n. The
ancient magic began to consume between her and the child. She became
worried the child was feeding off the magic.

Sebastian Sallow occasionally used his dark magic knowledge to sometimes

scan over Y/n's body. He did it during her sleep to avoid questioning, but he
cared and he wanted to know if things were right.

Y/n's hands traced lightly on the wooden rocking crib. Her eyes stayed on
the small nursery space on the side of the bedroom.

There were moments like these where Y/n wished she could've been
battling instead. Although she adored the rest, the child in her began to feel
like a challenge too. It was normal, but it was a first-time thing. She was
still adjusting.

Sebastian watched Y/n from the last steps of the stairs. He was worried too.
The idea of becoming a parent so young and so soon was hitting both of
them, but none of them confessed it. It was a hidden feeling that roamed. A
scary one.

Y/n can hear Sebastian's breaths at the tip of those stairs and slightly turn
her head to the side, eyeing him from the corner of her eye.
"I know you're there, Sebastian."

Sebastian let out a nod to himself, removing his hands from his pants
pockets and beginning to walk toward the small nursery.

As Y/n turned more, she can notice the shirtless man behind and parted her
lips. It's not like she's never seen him so exposed, but it was off guard.

"I wasn't hiding in any particular way," Sebastian smirked, "I forgot a shirt
while changing after a bath downstairs. I apologize for any interruption,"

Y/n didn't answer. A nod just came off her as the head turned back toward
the small empty crib.

Sebastian can notice both of their worries combine as he seems to be closer

and closer. How he can begin to feel the cold aura from Y/n.

Y/n thought the opposite. As she sensed the warmth of Sebastian Sallow
behind her, the child that curled inside her body demanded the feel. The
warmth screeched while her cold body can only do so much.

"Hey," Sebastian whispered, noticing the discomfort on Y/n's face.

Y/n managed discomforting pain. Her pain tolerance has been tested since
entering Hogwarts, but lately, the growing life inside of her was testing her
"I heard the doctor last week," Y/n spoke softly, her hands leaning against
the railing of the wooden crib, "Your heroic warmth soothing the problem."
She joked in an awkward way.

Sebastian knew that no matter how faint or sneaky people tried being
around Y/n's presence — she can always find out.

Sebastian nodded again, licking his lips and smiling, "I don't see why it's a

"I'm sorry for being clingy. It's not me, truly, I—"

Before Y/n can finish the sentence, Sebastian's heated arms wrapped around
Y/n from behind. The skins touching making the moment balance as Y/n's
traces of magic fixated at the moment.

"Are you really apologizing for wanting my physical touch?" Sebastian let
out within, "Do you realize how great that makes me?"

Y/n's eyes closed and took in the affectionate touch from Sebastian.

"How's it feel?" Sebastian managed to whisper near her ear, his hand resting
flatly over the stomach.

Y/n flinched, but took a breath of relief as the unborn child finally rested
nicely inside of her. The tension stopped and the magic settled.

"Relief," Y/n whispered.

Sebastian Sallow can feel a high motion that went across his palm over the
curved stomach and his eyes opened, realizing it was a kick.

Y/n flinched again, but did not say a word.

Sebastian took notice, and leaned his head over down at Y/n, tugging her
shirt, "May I?"

Y/n nodded confusedly.

Sebastian Sallow gently lifted the back of Y/n's loose shirt. He didn't
remove it, but it was lifted while his front body connected with the skin of
Y/n's back.

The moment was intimate, but not in a sexual way. Both bodies just
balanced well enough to keep an unborn human soothed. The touch of
Sebastian relaxing every muscle on Y/n.

"You're so warm," Y/n admitted.

Sebastian tickled his nose into Y/n's neck in a teasing way and smiled, "And
you're cold...I suppose our bodies balance each other quite well, don't you

Y/n giggled, "The baby agrees." She murmured.

Sebastian chuckled, keeping his body pressed behind her's and slowly
moving from side to side.
"Sebastian?" Y/n let out.

"Hm?" He said, enjoying the moment.

"I'm scared."

Sebastian kept rocking slowly, pretending not to let the honesty get to him
and he took a breath. He wanted to say everything will be okay. It'll be
alright, but — he was scared himself.

"I know," Sebastian admitted, "I am too."

It was nice. The honesty was nice. Although it was a fearful thought, the
couple felt at ease that they both felt the same. Of course they did, it was
new for Y/n as it was for Sebastian.

Y/n kept staring at the small wooden structure.

"Hey," Sebastian slowly turned Y/n's body around, his hands never truly
detaching from her as she now faced him closely, "Look at me,"

Y/n stared up with those original hazel eyes and waited.

"We'll be alright." Sebastian whispered, his head over hers, "You've

overcome many challenges, you know?"

"Not a child, Sebastian." Y/n reminded.

"You've handled a Sallow in the past," Sebastian joked about himself, "This
one shouldn't be difficult."

Y/n ignored the reality now and developed a small smile from the positivity,
"You're funny."

"I try," Sebastian kissed her forehead.

December 14th

"I don't want you to go," Y/n whispered one morning.

Sebastian's fingers intertwined with Y/n's as he stood beside the bed in a

very nice casual outfit.

"I know," Sebastian sighed, "But if I want to become a professor, I need to

drop these knowledgeable documents off, you know?"

It might've been the first time Sebastian Sallow left an expecting Y/n home
alone. And probably the last.

You couldn't really distinguish if it was Y/n or the child inside of her that
missed the warmth of Sebastian that morning. Whatever it was, it didn't last
Sebastian was walking down the exits of the Ministry of Magic in the heart
of London when the dark-colored ring on his finger glowed. It glowed and
vibrated. He didn't know how long it glowed for, but with the first
opportunity, he apparated to the location.

Sebastian almost lost his balance at the destined destination. It was

Cragcroft, but not their home. He stood in front of the home of the
Cragcroft doctor.

It was a snowy afternoon. You can see the snowflakes lay gently on
Sebastian Sallow's brown hair as he breathed heavily and knocked on the

Ominis Gaunt confronted him first. It seemed that Sebastian had taken long
to notice the ring glowing that he thought it was too late.


"It's alright, Y/n called Anne after no response from you. The doctor and
Anne are above the first floor," Ominis informed, "A few other women
entered, but I have—"

Ominis voice was cut off when a painful whimper echoed off from up those
stairs that led to the first floor.

Sebastian's breath increased at the sound, "Y/n,"

"Yes," Ominis gulped, "It's been quite...loud in here. I wish I don't get to
hear another moment of it, but this is Y/n and I believe her health matters."
Sebastian didn't immediately go up those stairs. He was a coward. He was
afraid. Afraid of what he would witness. Afraid he will faint just like
Garreth Weasley. He was second-guessing his entire life of becoming a

The thoughts were wiped when Ominis Gaunt placed a hand over
Sebastian's shoulder and rested it for support.

"Stop," Ominis frowned, "The least you're going to do is act like a coward.
This is your consequence. You aren't backing out now." He warned him.

Sebastian stared in disbelief at his best friend, but sighed, "I'm not backing
out. Never."

Again, another painful moan came out from the floor above.

Sebastian's hands sweated as he paced back and forth on the main floor. He
breathed heavily fighting the urge, but you can tell Y/n was fighting for her
life to not cause a scene.

"I'm heading up there," Sebastian told himself.

"It's not really recommended for males to enter while—"

"I don't care, Ominis, she's in pain," Sebastian freaked, "Doesn't this
distraught you?"

Ominis sat in the waiting area, worried, "I-It does, Sebastian. It really does,
"Why," Sebastian can hear Y/n's words.

Sebastian shook his head, stepping down those stairs and reaching up
toward the first floor.

A small hallway stood in that home and a few rooms were nearby. As he
reached down the last of the hall, he almost bumped into someone.

Anne Sallow breathed, confronting her brother and sighing, "Oh, Sebastian.
W-What are you—"

"How is she, Anne?" Sebastian worried.

Anne took a breath, "I, uh...well,"

"Ow," Y/n let out softly.

Sebastian stared at his sister, almost wanting permission to peek over inside
that room and Anne nodded.

Sebastian walked slowly, his head tilting a little toward the commotion in
the small room.

His heart wanted to drop witnessing a sweaty Y/n fight for her life as she
took small breaths, wanting to maintain calm as her body felt ruptured over
a child.
Sebastian ignored the rules. He ignored all the theories and fears. He
entered that room and bent near Y/n, holding her hand and comforting her.

"Hey, hey,"

Y/n sweated, "Sebastian,"

"I'm here," Sebastian whispered, his hands removing the sweaty hairs from
her head, "I'm right here."

Y/n breathed rapidly.

The labor was hard. From the moment it started to now, it didn't get any
better, but she managed to hold in the pain. Y/n didn't freak out. She wanted
to fight it off.

"It hurts," Y/n cried, "Why does it hurt? Why can't my ancient magic take
away my own pain? It's not fair." She whispered to him.

Sebastian sweated, never removing his hand from her, "It's okay. It's
alright." He supported.

Sebastian was scared, but his emotions were more of worry and care toward
the mother of his child. He's always cared about her. Since the first time
they met, that was his destiny. Caring for her. Protecting her. Saving her.

Sebastian witnessed as another painful contraction overcame Y/n's body,

making her arc a little and hold in her emotions.
Y/n's eyes were blue and the hand that intertwined with Sebastian's almost
broke on how powerful and tight she held it as it turned blue.

"Miss Y/l/n, you are getting close. If you do not try again, this can—"

Y/n plopped back against the small bed, closing her eyes and refusing to
use her remaining strength to push out a child.

"I'm so tired. I can't,"

Sebastian looked over to the doctor who gave him a concerned look and he
breathed, wondering what solutions can happen to take the pain away, but
also bring a child at the same time.

"I'm so sorry," Sebastian whispered, "Hey,"

Y/n lay there, listening in between.

"You're doing a good job, you know?" Sebastian caressed her sticky face,
"Not many can do this. You are so strong and you're handling it so well."
He whispered to her.

Y/n took in Sebastian's words of encouragement. His words have always

been powerful on her end. It helped.

Sebastian can see the wet eyelashes on Y/n's tired eyes from the encounter.
He can feel his hand begin to almost slip off hers on how nervous and
sweaty he was.
The whole time Y/n was more quiet and only the sound of her forced
pressure was echoing inside that small room; it even shocked Anne and
Ominis down the main floor that there were no more painful call-outs.

And Sebastian Sallow gained so much respect for her over that.

"No," Y/n mumbled out, stopping her pressure.


"I can't do this, Sebastian. I can't. I'm scared." Y/n admitted to him, resting
her arms against her forehead.

Sebastian bent on the bed beside her, feeling his heart shatter a slight bit
from the honesty. From the pain she felt. If there was only something he
could've done.

Sebastian's shaky hands cupped over Y/n's face again, bringing his body
upward and leaning over, blocking her front view for distraction. It was
almost a distraction for him too since the sight of blood made his stomach
twist — but he fought it.

"Yes, yes you can." Sebastian whispered, "You're strong, Y/n. Very
strong...you have the ability. Not many are like you."

Y/n didn't say a word, but listened.

"Remember when we met?" Sebastian asked her.

Y/n didn't understand why Sebastian was asking her such random question
in moments like these, but he was outsmarting her. Distracting her from the
real pain.

"Remember what I told you? The first words?"

Y/n laughed in between the pressure, "Y-You said, time for a p-proper
Hogwarts welcome,"

Sebastian laughed nervously with her, nodding, "Yes, and did you know
what happened next?"

Y/n breathed, "I-I beat you."

"Yes, because you're strong. You were up for a challenge and you took it,"
Sebastian advised, "This is a challenge too, but you can beat it."

Y/n closed her eyes in emotion at the reminder Sebastian gave her. Her
hand tightened more on his.

"You got this, darling," Sebastian said, keeping his forehead against Y/n,
both of them avoiding the view.

Sebastian Sallow could've guaranteed Y/n would break his head once and
for all on that strength, but after a few more breaths and sweats, everything
came together.

Sebastian's eyes opened when a small echo of a cry filled in the room. Y/n's
forehead disconnected from his as she went limp at the sound and closed
her eyes in relief.

They were parents.

Sebastian turned first, witnessing the view. His hazel eyes connected over
the child in the air and he began laughing in emotion at the sight of the
small body.

"It's, it's,"

Sebastian turned over to Y/n and smiled, coming back to her as their sweaty
heads touched; his lips placing a kiss on her wet lips before looking back in

"It's a girl, Y/n," Sebastian revealed, "We have a little girl."

Y/n smiled, feeling relief and calmness finally take over. All that pain and
strength, it was all worth it.

Sebastian Sallow sat calmly over the wooden chair inside the small room
that same evening. He remained gentle as the small child in his arms slept

Y/n fell asleep immediately after the delivery. Sebastian respected that
timing to practically kick out every single person in that room and keep the
timings for him and his family.

"I'm a father," Sebastian whispered down at the child, "Thanks to you," his
finger playing with the newborn's hand.
All the worry of becoming a father. All the second-guessing and stress were
thrown out the window the moment Sebastian Sallow interacted with his
firstborn. He even felt like he was made to be one. It completed him after
such a dreadful life and to know it was from the help of the woman he loves
— it was perfect.

"You have your mother's lashes," Sebastian whispered, "But I recognize a

Sallow's eyebrows when I see one." He smiled, complimenting himself.

Y/n pretended to be asleep for a while. She enjoyed hearing Sebastian

Sallow's voice speak to their creation. It almost seemed unreal to her. The
view, the voices — it was her future.

Y/n held her daughter later that hour. From the moment their skins touched,
Y/n can sense many things, it made her gasp and Sebastian worried the
newborn would fall from the interaction.

Y/n parted her lips, looking down at the child under, and bringing her
fingers over the skin, "Warm. So warm. Like you."

Sebastian lay on the other side of the bed, smiling, "Yes."

"But," Y/n touched the child again, the ancient magic traveling toward the
tip of her fingers before reconnecting with the child at her side.

Sebastian stood up at the moment, witnessing every single detail of the

motherly interaction and his brows rose not knowing how to react either.
"Ancient magic," Sebastian whispered.

Y/n swallowed, already worrying about what type of hell her child will be
going through when it starts growing up. It surprised her that it was
revealed right away, but then again, Y/n wielded the entire repository.

"Is that even possible?" Sebastian wondered, his fingers also interacting
with the child.

Y/n sighed, "I don't know...yes. It makes sense now." She stared.

Sebastian finally grew a smile, almost proud of himself, "Fire ancient magic
children? Oh," he said excitedly.

"Sebastian," Y/n closed her eyes, not even wanting to think about bearing
children anytime soon.

Sebastian looked over to her and nodded, "I apologize. I might've become
overly excited...I...."

"I love you," Y/n finally admitted to him, "Thank you...for being there.
Thank you for not fainting either. Thank you for being...you."

Sebastian looked over to Y/n and smiled, "No, thank you. Thanks for
accepting to be the mother of my ancient magic child."

Y/n scoffed.
"Hey," Sebastian nudged, and Y/n turned, "I love you, Y/n...you did
amazing today. I'm proud of you. And I'm sure, she is too." He looked down
at their child.

Y/n smiled at the compliment being given by Sebastian.

"Not many get to have an attractive, strong, ancient magic mother. Not
many," Sebastian spoke to the baby, "You and I are privileged,"

"Name her," Y/n said lazily.

Sebastian kept staring at the baby, but furrowed his brows, "What?"

"I trust you, Sebastian" Y/n laid.

Sebastian smirked, "You made fun of me for naming our twelve


Sebastian Sallow did give them silly names, but Y/n wondered what
possible name can be given to a child. They never spoke about it.

Sebastian stared down, watching the sleeping child before reconnecting his
eyes with Y/n's.

"We'll call her Lily. Like the flowers," Sebastian answered, looking down,
"Your mother really likes flowers."
"Born a few days before our birthday," Anne Sallow smiled happily that
night, "So beautiful."

Ominis Gaunt stood in the far corner of the room, almost avoiding to come
in contact with the child.

"It's alright, Ominis," Sebastian chuckled, "She doesn't bite."

"She?" Ominis rose a brow, "A girl." He said almost happily himself.

"Yes, it's a girl!" Anne said.

Ominis face shifted into a more calming one and he nodded, "Like her

Sebastian furrowed his brows at his best friend, "Were you fearing it'll be a
boy like his father, Gaunt?"

Ominis shrugged, "Perhaps, I was. Good thing it isn't though." He smiled.

Ominis Gaunt got near Lily Sallow later on. It did take a while to grow the
guts to interact with the child, but after a good persuasion, he stood near

Ominis hand slowly reached down, hoping the child was nearby, and
gasped when a finger roamed through his, finding Lily.
Ominis stood there letting the newborn's hand wrap over his and he felt
cured for just a moment at the touch.

Perhaps, it was the Gaunt genes, but the interaction between the child felt
heartwarming on his end. Probably the only time Ominis Gaunt has felt so
much care for one.

"A good soul," Ominis smiled at the feel, "But I can sense a Sallow when I
feel one." He complimented Sebastian in a passive-aggressive matter.

Sebastian chuckled, "Hmmh,"

The nightmares stopped for Y/n and Sebastian after Lily was born. It's as if
almost she filled the gap that was missing between both bodies. They
needed her — but those nightmares were replaced with faint cries.

1 Month Old

"Oh, she's so adorable!" Poppy Sweeting squealed at the sight of Lily

Sallow a month later.

"Thank you," Y/n smiled down at her daughter.

"I will say," Poppy turned back her posture to Y/n and pursed her lips.
"It's alright," Y/n held in her giggle, "You can say she looks like Sebastian."

Poppy giggled back, "It's all Sallow genes. They're so strong." She said,
noticing the features of the one-month-old.

Y/n nodded, "I suppose the only trait Lily truly got from me was, well, the

"All worth it," Poppy smiled.

Y/n kept her smile, but took a breath, looking down the stairs and watching
the two distracted young fathers' in the kitchen before bringing her view
back to her best friend.

"So, how far along are you?" Y/n finally blurted.

Y/n still had the ability to detect the bearing fetus Poppy Sweeting had the
moment they hugged for the first time in a while. The heartbeat was clear,
so Y/n took notice immediately but kept it to herself.

Poppy let out a gasp to herself at the realization and rose her brows, "You

Y/n tilted, "I told you in the seventh year. I suppose you would've known
I'll know in this visit."

Poppy breathed, "I didn't even know myself. I-It was just once after little
Georgie fell asleep and—"
"Well, Poppy," Y/n looked down, pursing her lips, "It only takes once...but
another? Already?"

Poppy sighed, "Garreth just wants a big family. We were trying for a second
already, but I didn't think...oh my! I have to tell him, he's probably going to
freak!" She squealed.

"How are you holding up?" Garreth Weasley stood leaning against the wall
of the kitchen, his two-month-old child flapping his feet and hands over his

Sebastian Sallow kept his eye on the child, almost shocked to see how
progressive he was already.

"Eh...a-alright—um, little Weasley is growing fast." Sebastian pointed at

Georgie Weasley in concern, "He's only two months, correct?"

Garreth looked down at his son and smiled confidently, "Oh, yeah — it's a
Weasley gene that we tend to grow a bit faster than others. He should be a
man by next week." He joked.

Sebastian closed his eyes and chuckled at Garreth's silliness. It seemed that
although they were grown up already, the humor from Hogwarts never truly

"I suppose," Sebastian agreed, "I will say, it isn't bad...you know? The
father life...the family." He admitted, smiling down to himself.
Sebastian Sallow was happy. He was happy his life was finally coming
together. Once and for all.

Garreth nodded, "It's not. It's like...after the first kid, you get adjusted and it
leaves you wanting more, right?"

Sebastian nodded, "Yeah, and—wait," he stopped his own agreement and

stared over at Garreth, "More?"

Garreth adjusted the child in his arm and nodded, "Yeah. What? You don't
see yourself with more? I won't judge."

Sebastian took a sip of the glass and cleared his throat.

The idea of ancient magic children with his genes really heightened his
fatherly figure, but he wanted to give it time. He respected Y/n's body too
and after the recent birth of their daughter — he was still learning and a bit

"I do. Why? How many more do you want, Weasley?" Sebastian rose a

Garreth Weasley smiled at him, "We're already trying for the second. Aren't
you?" He pointed.

Sebastian scoffed loudly, "What? No. I mean...you do realize it's only been
a few weeks since Y/n had Lily, correct?"
Garreth stood still for a moment, processing Sebastian's words, and nodded,
"Oh, right, right..." he looked down with a laugh.

Sebastian squinted at the ginger then squinted at the smaller ginger under.

"You sound competitive," Sebastian rose a brow again, "This isn't

Quidditch, Weasley. We're no longer in Hogwarts."

"I mean, I wasn't making this a competition, but I suppose if it was,"

Garreth smirked, "I already won. I'm sure I'm on my second soon."

Sebastian didn't know how to process the cocky words that were coming
out of Garreth Weasley. Of course, he did want more children in the future,
but there was some tension having the Slytherin personality, while Garreth
stood with his Gryffindor one.

"Hm," Sebastian sipped from his glass again, "Well, good thing twins run in
the genes around here, Weasley. I should be fine in the near future." He said

"Twins only run from the mother, Sallow," Garreth corrected.

Sebastian snickered, "Ah, for once you actually paid attention in Muggle
Studies." He turned, "Well, good thing, the mother of my child holds the
ability to produce two children at once if she really wanted to." He joked.

Garreth laughed loudly, "Ah, you got me there."

"Of course, I did." Sebastian smiled, "Don't forget who won the Quidditch
cup seventh year, Weasley."

"Good thing the mother of my child holds the ability to produce two
children at once — seriously, Sallow?" Y/n confronted him later that night.

It was a few hours after Poppy and Garreth's departure. Sebastian and Y/n
had taken that spare time to lay with their firstborn in the full-size bed
between them, eyeing Lily Sallow.

Sebastian's finger played around with his daughter and smiled down at Y/n's

"I apologize. Weasley was just getting to me." Sebastian looked up.

Y/n nodded, "You make having twins sound easy."

Sebastian shrugged, "Well, Anne and I were easy." He joked, "I am only
joking. I know you do have that ability with your...magic, but the intention
of having double the Sallows seems quite frightening on your end. I
wouldn't blame you."

It was the truth. After the birth of Lily Sallow, the doctor became
informative of the magical abilities Y/n held to herself. How with
intentions, she might possibly produce pairs of children, as much as her
body can handle at once. Only if she wanted to. It was a weird thought

Five Months Old
Y/n's eyes slightly opened at the sounds one morning, and she sighed.

As her vision adjusted, she can see the hazel eyes of Sebastian already
open, smiling.

"My turn," He sat up.

Y/n watched as Sebastian Sallow held their daughter that morning in their
living room after getting dressed up with her battling gear. Since she's
grown more into a woman, there were some adjustments to the clothing

Sebastian wore a nice white long-sleeve with a beige buttoned-up. He

matched it with gray pants and finished it off with a small bib over his
shoulder as he roamed around with a baby.

Y/n hated herself for being so mesmerized by such a heated view, but
Sebastian Sallow as a father was a weird take. A take in her life where she
did not mind having more if that was the case. It was attractive.

Sebastian looked over at Y/n, stopping himself for a second and eyeing her
up and down with a sigh.

"I would've predicted the Ministry would give you more rest after a baby."
Sebastian stared, "Don't go."
Y/n sighed, not wanting to go, but then again, the idea of having Sebastian
Sallow stay at home in the meantime to care for their daughter until he
becomes a professor made her jittery. It was cute.

"It won't be long..." Y/n gave a smile.

The battles weren't heavy. After having Lily Sallow, Y/n's magical abilities
reduce slightly. She wondered if having more children in the future would
begin to drain her ancient magic knowing bringing new life into the world
came with the cost of her gift. The Ministry took notice of that and the
quests became lighter.

June 5
Six Months Old

Sebastian stood in a stance. A nervous stance as he cleared his throat lightly

and took inner breaths.

The only thing that was truly holding him together was his six-month-old
daughter who sat in the knees of Anne Sallow; Lily Sallow's bright smile
curving as she held her soothing rag and the bracelet around her wrist
clinging a little.

It was obvious that the ancient magic within the family extended. Lily's
abilities seemed more leveled that Y/n so with his historic knowledge of
dark magic, Sebastian didn't mind making a special bracelet to control it at
such a young age.

"Don't make me faint, Y/n," Sebastian whispered to himself.

Though he wasn't whispering to himself, with Y/n's hearing, he purposely
spoke to her from afar while she walked down the aisle.

Y/n couldn't control Sebastian's words because she was nervous herself.
Who wouldn't be nervous about their own wedding?

When Sebastian Sallow looked up, his entire surroundings stopped. The
only focus was on Y/n Y/l/n. Not that it was anything new, but it was
different. He felt relief.

After everything the couple has been through in the span of a few years, this
moment — this very moment was needed. All those traumatic events, all
those fights, all those worries, they left. The puzzle was complete.

As the marriage celebrant spoke, Sebastian and Y/n couldn't keep their view
off each other. Only their ears vibrated, ignoring everything that was being
said. Instead, they just focus on each other.

"Anything you'll like to say to the bride?"

Sebastian cleared his throat, his hazel eyes looking over the audience of the
people he cared about before bringing them to Y/n across from him.

"Well, I'm sure everyone in this room made secretive bets in the fifth year
that we will marry each other one day," Sebastian joked.

"That was me," Leander whispered loudly, making the others laugh —
Cressida Blume, his now girlfriend, elbowed him.
Sebastian chuckled, and looked back up to Y/n with a softened gaze, "You
know the only thing I could tell you publicly is that time never existed with
you. Since the moment I met you. I can't imagine how time would go seeing
you as my forever."

Y/n gulped, controlling her emotions as Sebastian confessed.

"Something I knew that you didn't when you first walked into Hogwarts
was that," Sebastian smiled, "We were going to be endgame. Regardless of
what happens moving forward, we will always be endgame."

"Endgame," Y/n spoke, holding in her wide smile and looking up at her
now husband, "Is that even a word, Sebastian?"

Sebastian chuckled, "It is now."

The couple stood staring at each other. The public surrounding them
disappeared. The only focus that truly mattered between them was each
other and the sound of their firstborn babbling in the distance.

"I love you," Sebastian whispered.

"I love you—"

"I now pronounce—"

Sebastian slammed his lips into Y/n first, not letting her nor the celebrant
finish their sentence as his hands tugged over the sides of her beautiful
wedding dress and fought the urge not to crumble the material in his hand in
her hips.

Y/n followed along, laughing in between before wrapping her hands over
Sebastian's neck with the sunflower bouquet and kissing him back like it
was their last kiss.

"Finally, mine," Sebastian said within her ear, "My wife. No more Y/l/n.
Just Sallow." He teased.

And the new generation of Sallows entered the Wizarding World.

Sebastian Sallow took every advantage of making Y/n Sallow his wife. He
enjoyed it. Something about her having his last name freshened him up. He
was in denial for a few months, but finally took it in and romanticized his

The adjustment of Lily Sallow having a percentage of ancient magic in her

wasn't complicated. Of course, there were moments when she began
walking and would accidentally make the animals in the backyard fly, but it
was nothing magic can fix. The bracelet that her father, Sebastian Sallow,
had once made was no use now, but the magic became manageable.

Y/n stopped her kitchen duties when Sebastian entered with his now, one-
year-old daughter one evening. He held her over his shoulder as he smiled.

"What happened?" Y/n asked.

"I suppose she fell asleep watching the stars," Sebastian chuckled, "For a
baby, she's quite intrigued by the sky." He wondered.
Y/n smiled to herself, "I wonder why."

"Hm," Sebastian nodded, passing by, "Just like mommy," he whispered.

Y/n stood frozen watching Sebastian Sallow walk down in that same outfit
he wore months back. How his fatherly figure now walks in stance going up
those stairs with their daughter.

When Sebastian walked down those stairs minutes later, he looked over at
Y/n who stood near the counter, just watching every single move from him.
It was rare.

"Yes, darling?" Sebastian smiled, a bit intimidated.

"I can't admire you, Sallow?"

Sebastian got closer, "You have a very dangerous stare."

"And you have a very dangerous outfit on," Y/n tugged on his vest.

Sebastian stood above her, smiling down from the heat, and roamed his
hands over his sides before lowering down to her butt.

"I never thought I'll get more attracted to you, but here I am finding you
extremely attractive as a mother. The mother of my children," Sebastian
said flirty, "So attractive,"
"Children. Plural?" Y/n whispered back, "I can say the same."

Sebastian licked his lips, still keeping his hands over Y/n's lower body,
teasing around.

"Yeah, plural," He kissed her collarbone, "Did you know every baby is a
unique blend of DNA from both parents? I find it funny that we can have
someone that is half me, half you, and their own person." He informed.

"That's very interesting of you to say, Sallow," Y/n smiled, licking her own
lips, "I wonder what a boy would be like,"

"Hm, yeah," Sebastian rubbed their noses together, "Perhaps if we start

now, we can know by the end of the year."

Y/n smiled at the thought that they shared the same mindset, "Alright,

"Alright, Mrs. Sallow," Sebastian lifted up Y/n's finger, letting the gold-
designed wedding ring glow on her, "A ring never looked so good on you,

Y/n smiled, finally breaking the tension and starting their new life.


Epilogues next.


© cetuscorvus


This chapter contains mature content.




Sebastian Sallow curved the spell, the stun almost hitting the side of his
shoulder as he smirked at the defense.

"Is that really all you got?" Sebastian teased, dusting off his shirt.
Y/n Sallow stood there breathless, staring at the man in front of her. The
duel between them became more and more aggressive as they continued.

Y/n pointed her wand at the tall man, preparing to cast a more forceful spell
to wipe the smirk off his attractive face.


"Expelliarmus!" Sebastian let out before the counter-spell can even reach

The white wand on Y/n's hand fell toward the other side of the grass and
she scoffed.

"Seriously, Sallow?"

Sebastian laughed loudly, keeping his wand toward her from a few feet,
"Careful, darling," he got closer, "Any last words before you face a loss in
this duel?"

Y/n rolled her eyes before the ancient magic within her fueled up little by
little. The concentration was balanced while the coldness traveled down the
tip of her fingers.

"Depulso," Sebastian attempted on Y/n.

Y/n easily blocked the spell with an ancient magic throw and countered it
over back to her husband — the spell clicking on him before Sebastian
Sallow fell back against the grass and landed flatly, hurting his elbows.

Y/n grew a confident smirk, walking over to him. The glare of hazel eyes
looked up, but the body stayed on the floor, not wanting to fight back.

"Careful, Sallow," Y/n bent, picking up her wand and poking Sebastian's
sides, "Aim better next time."

Sebastian Sallow found it attractive. How the way the girl he crushed on the
last few years was now his wife. His. Forever.

"I can't get up," Sebastian groaned dramatically.

Y/n giggled, standing up with her wand and beginning to walk away, "It's
not the first duel you've taken a loss in. You're used to it. Get over it." She

The funny thing is that Sebastian Sallow was lying. He was fine. He could
overtake Y/n's magic now, but the teasing was fun at the moment.

As Y/n took a few feet toward the cottage home beside them, Sebastian
immediately stood up, and pointed his wand behind her, casting a stopping

In the distance, Y/n began to hear distant heartbeats and she laughed to
herself, ignoring the presence of Sebastian Sallow as an Animagus.

"Switching into your wolf form isn't going to magically make you win this
duel, Sebastian. That's cheating," Y/n murmured, still walking down the
backyard of their home.

Sebastian Sallow stopped walking behind her, taken aback at her

commentary, and tilted his head in confusion.

"What are you on about? I haven't turned in my form in months, Y/n. I'm
right here." He assured.

Y/n stopped her own walking, turning around and confronting Sebastian
that stood a few feet behind her, also confused.

Sebastian didn't hold two heartbeats. He was right there in front of her
looking handsome as always.

Y/n furrowed her brows, looking over to the cottage. She'll always be able
to distinguish the distant heartbeat of her daughter. Even from afar.

"You said Lily was,"

"Taking a nap inside." Sebastian answered slowly, "Is everything alright?

Do you sense anything off? I know Lily can sometimes project with you

Y/n took a breath beginning to hear the heartbeats clearer as she

concentrated. Her own heart almost fell into her stomach from the
realization, again.

"Y/n?" Sebastian's voice said in concern.

Y/n didn't think it was possible. Although she always acted oblivious to her
intentions with the magic — it was insane what ancient magic can do. How
far it can truly go if you were up to it. It was almost a blessing.

"Heartbeat," Y/n let out.

Sebastian tilted his head, folding his arms and looking at Y/n, "Heartbeat as
in," his hazel eyes became delicate at the realization and he smiled again,
"Oh. A heartbeat." He looked down at her.

"Two." Y/n breathed in shock.

Sebastian froze in the moment and stood in front of her taking in the words,
"Two? As in,"


Sebastian didn't even have to question. It's been a few months since they've
been having their non-stop fun. It was intentional, so he was almost glad he
succeeded again. Twice, actually.

"We're having twins?" Sebastian asked again for reassurance.

Y/n nodded, "Yes. I—"

"You wanted twins? You made twins?" Sebastian said happily, "You're
giving me twins?"
Y/n didn't hold back her smile. It took a good year for Sebastian Sallow to
joke around the fact that Y/n could produce twins for the sake of his family
tree, but she would always hesitate — deep down, she didn't mind double
the trouble. She was able to handle it.

Y/n giggled, but was also scared, "Yes. I-I did a spell once, but I didn't—"

"Oh, Anne is going to freak!" Sebastian walked around in circles grinning,

"I didn't think it would be possible. Garreth said it only ran from the
mother's genes, but you never had twins in your family history and I
thought your magic wasn't going to work that way and—"


Sebastian stopped his circles, finally coming back to reality and thinking
about Y/n too. He must've lost his own train of thought within himself, he
didn't think about what Y/n was about to go through.

"I apologize, I just—"

Y/n walked over to the once Slytherin man and cupped his face, bringing it
toward her mouth and connecting their lips.

"Why are you apologizing? I wanted twins too, you know? It was my
choice. My magic." Y/n laughed.

"I know, I know," Sebastian closed his eyes, but re-opened them, "You
didn't even tell me. I thought twins scared you."
"They do, but...I have you, right?" Y/n gulped.

Sebastian grew a smile again, wrapping his arms over Y/n and placing a
kiss on her forehand.

"Of course. Plus, the Ministry can piss off for another year again,"
Sebastian admitted excitedly.

The couple stood on the lawn of their backyard, in an open space, and
maintained close to each other.

"Hm, is this why you were quiet in heat the other day in the kitchen?"
Sebastian bit his lip, teasing, "I should've taken that as the first sign."

Y/n laughed, "A sign? Maybe, wanting to sleep with you is just my
personality trait, Sallow." She joked.

Sebastian rose his brows, "Well, I won't complain about that. I can never get
tired of your mesmerizing skin..." his fingers trailed over her shoulders,
"your touch," he whispered, following them near her collarbone, "And your

Y/n backed away from the tension when a distant cry echoed from the
cottage home making the moment end once and for all.

"Lily woke up," Y/n whispered.

Sebastian sighed, but kept his smile, "Oh, Lily...it's like she's expertise." He
Nine Months Ahead

Sebastian Sallow stood kneeling beside Y/n Sallow. He stared at her with
concern as he observed her gaze around St. Mungo's wizarding hospital.

"Hey," Sebastian tried distracting her, "You've been here before. Do you
remember that?" He asked, holding her hand.

Y/n sat on the side of the hospital bed. Although she was in labor, the pain
was manageable. All the couple was really doing is relaxing before the

Y/n kept looking around at the white hue. The few doctors roamed as she
looked down at her patient gown. Y/n didn't have any remembrance of ever
being in a closed space like this.


Sebastian chuckled to himself, "Ah, right. I apologize. You were here

before...when, you know,"

"When I broke the repository and fell asleep for two weeks? I might've
heard about that, but I don't have any memory of this." Y/n answered.
Sebastian nodded, "Right, right...well, it was my second time visiting a
hospital. I must admit, it was quite scary,"

"Thanks for the positivity," Y/n spoke in sarcasm at Sebastian, her breaths
in a pattern as she relaxed.

Sebastian smiled, grabbing Y/n's small hands and placing his lips onto them
before staring up.

"You know, you seem to tolerate the pain much better than when you had
Lily," Sebastian
complimented, "That's good right?"

Y/n blinked, noticing too, "I know...which is quite odd because we're
having twins. Two. Not one...and I don't feel much pain." She wondered,
looking down.

The pregnancy with twins flew. Y/n spent her first months worried about
what two children can cause inside her wielded magic body, but for some
reason, it seemed like an easy flow. For now.

"Two," Sebastian smiled to himself, "Can you believe we're having two
more mixtures of us? Isn't that wonderful?" He encouraged.

Y/n grew a smile.

It was great. They were happy. After going through so much the last few
years, the best that could've happened for the traumatized young couple was
to bring children into the world and teach them everything Sebastian and
Y/n wished they would've been taught.

Things alternated on that delivery room in St Mungo's. Y/n might've blamed

Sebastian for jinxing the pain. It was only an hour after their easy talk
before hell broke loose and the pain became unbearable for Y/n Sallow.

"I'm sorry for breaking your fingers with my ancient magic," Y/n whispered
tiredly, "It's not easy bringing two children at once into this world..." she

Sebastian chuckled, looking down at his bandaged fingers that not even
magic could fix.

"It's alright...I would've said nothing magic can't fix, but," Sebastian held up
his injury, "I suppose, you can heal me when you're recovered." He joked.

It was true — after a heavy delivery and wanting to support his wife,
Sebastian did his best to handle the overwhelming experience. He pep
talked her through it, until the second child cause complications and Y/n
struggled. From the pressure of holding his hand, her ancient magic altered,
causing bone breakage to Sebastian.

Y/n didn't complain. Although she was aware of what having children felt
like at this point, she managed it better than the first. Her magic flowed a
little less, but she didn't care. What Y/n cared about was a family. That was
all. Ancient magic was the least to worry about.

"How many fingers did I break?" Y/n said in

worry, still feeling guilt over the action.
Sebastian chuckled, "Darling, it's alright. Break my fingers whenever you
want. It's all worth it. I do not blame you." His weakened fingers poked
around the children.

Both young parents looked down at the twins that lay gently beside Y/n in
that hospital bed. Sebastian sat on a chair beside that bed, not wanting to
keep his eyes off his genetics.

"A boy and a girl," Sebastian never let his smile fade, "I can't believe it,
Y/n...did you manage their gender too?"

Y/n shrugged, "I just had an intention of having twins...but I suppose the
wanting of boy and girl passed on." She stared down.

Sebastian's working hand was brought up, his long finger playing around
with the newborn boy's hand.

The newborn clutched his gentle hand over Sebastian's; Sebastian chuckled
to himself, shaking his head.

"Now, hold on now, don't be like your mommy and break my other hand. I
can only do so much to help her," Sebastian joked.

Y/n just smiled down at Sebastian Sallow.

"Aster, we will call you." Sebastian let out the first name of the boy, "Aster
Y/n looked up at the name mentioned and Sebastian continued; his gaze
staying on the baby under as he spoke to him.

"Aster?" Y/n said.

"Named after the Greek word for star...your mother really loves stars,"
Sebastian smiled, "Oh, let's not forget, it also means...a flower." He
whispered to the child.

Y/n was breathless at the knowledge Sebastian Sallow held. Although it

was nothing, it meant a lot to her that he went out of his own way to have
this type of research. It was insane.

"That's what it means?"

Sebastian smirked, "Don't underestimate my academical abilities, Y/n," he

joked to her.

Sometimes, Y/n Sallow was in denial that Sebastian Sallow was the father
of her kids. Yes, kids. Not one kid anymore, but three. And if their lifestyle
of loving each other so much continued — maybe, it would've increased.
The point was, she was happy. Very happy. Lucky.

"Annie," Y/n whispered down at the other sleeping twin.

Sebastian stopped his actions and stared up at the name, almost questioning

Y/n sighed, caressing the girl twin, "Her name is Annie. Like Anne,
but...Annie," She smiled.

Sebastian was shocked at first. He never truly thought that Y/n would ever
consider a passed-on name, but he was grateful.

"Annie," Sebastian whispered, "Your aunt is never going to let go of you

now," He smiled.

It was a little after Lily Sallow turned one when the news broke that Anne
Sallow couldn't bear children. Due to the curse that consumed her body for
years — even though it lifted, the damage cause infertility.

Ominis Gaunt didn't take it to heart. Deep inside his mindset, he admitted to
Y/n that he wouldn't have been able to have the ability to be a blind father
to a kid — let alone, pass the Gaunt last name. He wanted it to end. The
less, the better. It was a crucial thought, but there were days were he did
feel upset about the news.

"It's alright though," Ominis whispered to Y/n one night, "Your Sallow kids
are enough to take care of sometimes. Plus, I can return them once they
start giving me a headache." He said one night after babysitting them with

Sebastian Sallow walked down the stairs of the cottage home one morning
with two heavy twins in both arms. Although Sebastian was very strong
now, it was a bit of a challenge sometimes holding two at once.

"Shh," Sebastian whispered to his children while he eyed Y/n Sallow and
Lily Sallow stare at each other on the kitchen counter without any words

The twins listened to their father, shushing each other, and walked slowly
toward his wife and three-year-old.

Y/n just kept staring at the qualities of Lily Sallow. She was mesmerized.

"Hm, is this some type of ancient magic telepathy I should be aware of?"
Sebastian chuckled, interrupting the moment.

Y/n turned to him and smiled, looking back at their daughter, "Lily has

Sebastian smirked, bending down to let the small walking twins roam
around the secured home, and wiped himself before crossing his arms.

"Well, she is my daughter after all," Sebastian joked, staring down at his
daughter and his brows rose.

The freckles appeared. Of course, it took time and freckles were showing
lightly as Lily grew, but it seemed like they plastered all over her overnight.
Probably more than Sebastian.
"Oh," Sebastian smiled down at Lily, "Wow."

"Wow?" Lily mimicked.

Y/n smiled, taking a strand of the light brown hair from Lily and putting it
behind her ear as she spoke lightly.

"You have your father's hair color...his hazel eyes...his famous eyebrows
and now, the final touch, the freckles," Y/n giggled turning to Sebastian,
"She is just like you."

Sebastian nodded, "Does that mean my genes are stronger than Weasley's?"
He joked.

Y/n uncut the seriousness and rolled her eyes turning back to Lily.

"What?" Sebastian walked over, wrapping his arm over his wife, and
chuckled, "Their third kid was born with dark hair! Poppy's might've beaten
the genes."

"I want orange juice." Lily let out in between.

Y/n sighed, "You will have to wait until I feed your brother and sis—"

"I want orange," Lily let out again.

Sebastian placed his hands on his hips, eyeing the mechanisms of his
daughter, and furrowed his brows.
"And I said to wait—"

"I won't stop!" Lily let out, "I want it now!"

"Hey, patience," Sebastian rose a finger.

Y/n chuckled to herself, "Sebastian Sallow, the most impatient man, telling
his own daughter to be patient. How ironic."

Sebastian scoffed, "What?"

"Do you not remember how your stubbornness during our quest caused
many ruptures in the fifth year?" Y/n attacked.

"The was the fifth year." Sebastian corrected.

"What goes around, comes around," Y/n mumbled.

Sebastian scoffed again, holding in the urge to carry his wife and drag her
to the nearest room — but this wasn't Hogwarts anymore, nor one child.
Now there were three humans and beasts around that home that needed
care. It would have to wait.

Sebastian cleared his throat, holding in the tension between them, and
looked down at the twins who played around the living room area.
"What goes around, comes around," Sebastian mimicked, "I suppose this
would be a hint to leave...I have a job position meeting." He sighed.

Y/n turned from the high wooden stool and looked over at Sebastian, biting
her lip, "Is Sallow finally becoming Professor Sallow?"

Sebastian smiled at the flirty voice and shrugged, "We'll see, darling."


Y/n Sallow sat peacefully on her side of the bed one breezy night. The book
in her hand flipped gently as she took this night to finally relax as her
husband, Sebastian Sallow, cared for the kids down the lower floor.

The reading time only lasted a few minutes before a ram of going up the
wooden stairs echoed, making Y/n look up and furrow her brows.

A mess of brown hairs peaked happily and the six-year-old appeared in

front of Y/n, preparing to say a few words.

"Mommy!" Aster, one of the twins yelled, "Mommy...dad—daddy said it is

your birth—"

In seconds, twenty eight year old Sebastian Sallow raised up the stairs with
the rest of the children behind him as he reached Aster and pushed him
aside roughly.
"Whoa, whoa, kiddo!" Sebastian scoffed, pushing the child onto the bed as
if it was a quidditch game.

Y/n gasped at the actions, "Sebastian! Let him speak—"

"No! It's my tradition," Sebastian scoffed, "And for some reason, Aster
seems to be a little competitive about it. It's always I first," Sebastian stared
at the six year old.

Y/n couldn't understand the chaos before her own brain began to connect
the dots between the "tradition" and the hour of the night.

Y/n giggled, blushing down, "Like father, like son."

Sebastian sighed, picking up his six year old son backward, making him
laugh as they he bent toward Y/n.

"Happy Birthday, darling," Sebastian kissed her forehead whilst

multitasking with the child in his arms.

"I thought mommy's birthday was tomorrow?" Lily asked at the edge of the

"Why are all our kids up?" Y/n said in concern.

Sebastian smiled, "They have to be aware that I always keep my promise of

being the first one to tell you happy birthday. At midnight, exactly." He
reminded. "Which is in, 3, 2—"
"Happy birthday, mommy!" Aster let out before Sebastian can say it, again.

Sebastian squinted at Aster in a competitive way and nodded, "I said it first.
I won."

Y/n laughed, "Sebastian, he's only six."

"Age is just a number," Sebastian joked before looking around at the

beautiful children he created, "Alright kids, thanks, but I suppose your
mother said it's past your bedtime."

As the children wished Y/n their kisses and goodbye, only Sebastian Sallow
was left near the edge of the bed staring at her with awe.

"You didn't have to keep the children up for this, Sebastian," Y/n held in her

Sebastian plopped his body freely onto Y/n, almost crushing her as she
giggled, but also groaned.


Sebastian closed his eyes, ignoring the rampage, "So comfortable."

Y/n giggled, "Sallow!"

"Sallow!" Sebastian mimicked, still laying on her, "I love you."

Y/n did not respond. Instead, she struggled with the strong man above her.

"Oh, I apologize," Sebastian finally rolled off her body and laughed,

Y/n sighed, "Yes...and hey," she set the book down and turned to her
husband, "I love you."


Y/n walked around those Hogwarts halls with a smile on her face. The
nostalgic feel of stepping foot into a place she once went through a lot the
last few years and soon in a few years her kids will enter — it was an
exciting feel.

It wasn't that Y/n avoided entering the castle after graduating, but
sometimes it did feel overwhelming to come across places and memories
that mixed between good/bad.


Y/n stopped in her tracks once reaching the Defense Against the Dark Arts
tower. The soothing violin music still echoing in the distance while a
student, who seemed to be a second year, stopped her and pointed.

"You're that girl that use to come out in the Daily Prophet!" The student let
Y/n furrowed her brows, but then connected the dots as she gave a smile
and nodded.

"Oh, right, right," Y/n nodded, "That's me."

"That's so cool! Are you here to destroy monsters?"

Y/n giggled to herself, closing her eyes at the young student's words and
shook her head, "No, no. Not right now..."

After a few minutes, Y/n finally climbed over the stairs slowly. She can
already hear the fainted familiar voice from ahead.

"It is impossible to say that there is a 'beginning' to the Dark Arts; as long as
there has been light — there has been dark." Sebastian Sallow's voice let

Y/n Sallow stood outside the classroom. The door was fully opened since
the professor enjoyed the open space and always kept it open.

Sebastian Sallow was an official Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor.
With so much knowledge in the past of the dark arts, while trying to save
his sister, he took advantage of it. Plus, he was excited to one day be able to
teach his children along his side and be with them at the same time.

Y/n didn't enter the class immediately. She just stood in the door frame,
arms crossed as she admired Professor Sallow's teaching.
It was a hard concentration on the lesson while Sebastian Sallow stood in a
stance. How the brown tie wrapped around his neck — Sebastian never
really learned how to tie it perfectly, Y/n thought to herself with a smile.
Along the white ruffled shirt that was topped with an attractive vest. The
beige pants hugging nicely on the legs and how he wore glasses. Yes,

"Those who desire and actively seek power will frequently —"

Sebastian Sallow stopped his teaching for a few seconds. Just a few seconds
as he took notice of his wife near the frame of the classroom entrance and
maintained his calmness.

He eyed the beautiful floral sundress that flowed over her body. How her
hair flowed nicely around her back as a teasing smile came across at the
notice of staring.

"You're making it a little too obvious," Sebastian whispered very faintly,

setting his arms over his hips and clearing his throat over the class, "As I
was saying," he spoke loud again.

Y/n flushed a little at the whisper that came out of Sebastian. He always
loved taking advantage of her advanced hearing and took a chance at every

Sebastian was lucky class time was ending because he didn't think he could
manage any more of watching his attractive wife just stand at the entrance.
It wasn't intentional teasing, but he hasn't seen her in a while.

Since the beginning of classes, he sometimes had to stay in the castle while
Y/n took care of the children in Cragcroft, that still weren't of age to attend
the wizarding school. It wasn't a long separation, but Sebastian had
attachment issues.

A few first years students waved happily at Y/n, recognizing her in the
history of the title she was given for being a hero. Y/n waved back, looking
down at the children, and watched the last one leave happily.

Sebastian kept his hands over his hips, pretending to walk back and forth
around the same spot of the classroom as if Y/n wasn't just across from him.

Y/n walked slowly through the desk benches, almost skipping to him as she
looked around the classroom.

"The students really seem to like their DADA professor this year," Y/n

Sebastian smirked, finally stopping his nervous pacing, and confronted Y/n.

"Hm, well, I try," Sebastian shrugged.

Y/n wrapped her arms around Sebastian's neck and bit her lip, giving him a
small kiss over the lips, "Hi."

Sebastian kissed back, keeping his hands over her sides as he smiled
widely, "Did not expect you to visit at all. Where are our children?"

Y/n smiled, "Uh, well, I was bringing them after class with you, but, I
believe we came across Professor Thakkar and they became very intrigued
over the stars and the moon."

"So, they're with the Astronomy Professor in the tallest tower of the castle?"
Sebastian rose a brow.

Y/n nodded, "Correct. Is that bad?"

Sebastian denied, "What? No, no! Of course not! I'm just starting to believe
that our children might be placed in..."

"Ravenclaw?" Y/n guessed, "I might've predicted that too. I think the first
sign was Lily and her weird ancient knowledge with the star alignments."

Sebastian nodded, "Well, I can't be upset. Although it hasn't happened yet, I

suppose having Ravenclaw children seems fun. They'll be intelligent.
Different." He complimented.

Y/n detached from Sebastian and took the nearest seat on the wooden desk.

Sebastian rose his brows, watching.

"So, how is it?

"H-How is what?" Sebastian covered his stuttering at the view.

Y/n leaned over the desk, her chin resting on her palm as her knees crossed
and admired her husband.
"Teaching, of course." Y/n laughed, "You seemed quite too good for a
professor." She complimented.

Sebastian laughed.

"Also, since when do you wear glasses, Sallow?" Y/n rose a brow.

Sebastian chuckled, "It makes me feel more smart." He adjusted his glasses.

Y/n sighed, pretending as if Sebastian Sallow in glasses wasn't making her


To fight the urge of wanting to jump on her husband after not seeing him
for a few days, Y/n stood up from the bench again and walked around the
classroom, observing.

"You decorated this place quite well," Y/n roamed her fingers and looked
up, "And you kept Hecat's Hebridean Black skull." She pointed at the
familiar skull above them.

Sebastian nodded, "I did, in remembrance of her, of course." He bowed.

It wasn't long before Dinah Hecat, the previous Defense Against the Dark
Arts professor, passed away. It was a sad ending, but it was also an
opportunity for Sebastian Sallow to take over her position. Professor Hecat
always wanted one of her students to continue the knowledgeable journey.

Y/n nodded, "That means that you finally entered her office. I remember
she never let anyone enter. Not even I." She remembered.
"I know," Sebastian crossed his arms, "I'm surprised she didn't let you in
since you were in everyone's secret rooms."

"I know...she taught me the spells here. In this spot, actually." Y/n

Sebastian watched and then motioned his head to guide her, "Well, come
on...it's my office now, so if you're curious—"

"I'm very curious." Y/n squealed, the curiosity of wanting to finally enter
that small room winning her over.

Sebastian led Y/n into the private room. As Y/n stepped in, she just stood
there for a moment and took a breath, finally watching it.

"Oh," She said bluntly, "It's like any other regular office." She blinked.

Sebastian chuckled, "Well, yes? W-What did you expect?"

Y/n kept observing, spotting a demiguise in the corner and laughing, "At
least you kept the demiguise statue."

Sebastian nodded, "Yeah, I might've just replaced the basics with mine. As
you can see," he lifted a few frames over the wall behind her. "I decorated."

Y/n turned, watching the beautiful family frames that Sebastian kept. A few
were from his own parents while others were him and Anne and the rest
were just his children.

Y/n felt awed. Sebastian was such a family man. If you would've told her
this when she met him, she probably would've laughed.

"You know, if you grow your beard more, you'll look a lot like your father."
Y/n stared before reflecting back to Sebastian.

Sebastian walked over beside her, also eyeing the photograph, "Yeah, I
know...I predict my parents were around the 20s." He observed. "Anne and
I were probably like 1 or 2 of age. Few years before entering Hogwarts.
Almost like the children right now. They're getting a head start before
entering." He smiled.

Sebastian loved his life. The idea that he almost had twice the children his
parents had at this age was bizarre. He also didn't think he'll ever be a
family man. Kids frightened him, and with the worry of his own sister, he
was scared to have children, but that all went away when he met Y/n.

"Yeah," Y/n smiled at the thought too.

It seemed as if the married couple were thinking in the same mindset.

Y/n walked over to the desk, which it was full of paper works and

"Are you heavy on your students?" Her fingers traced over the quill writing.
Sebastian followed behind, fighting his own urge to just kiss Y/n right there
after missing her.

"Heavy you say?" Sebastian tilted his head.

"As in, do you make them write a lot or—"

"Write?" Sebastian scoffed, "Of course not. I rarely give any written work. I
only focus on the defense spells. That's it." He corrected.

Y/n blinked, "Hm, no wonder they like you so much."

"As a matter of fact, I kept the first-day tradition. You should've been here
yesterday," Sebastian let out.

Y/n also crossed her arms, watching Sebastian from the opposite side of the

"Why, Mister Sallow?"

Sebastian smiled cockily, "It's not a good Hogwarts year without making a
Slytherin fifth year duel the most innocent girl in class."

Y/n let out a small gasp at the words, "You're kidding. You're playing
matchmaker now too? You will be getting a raise soon." She joked.

"It's fun," Sebastian said, "Who knows? I saw them chatting a bit today so, I
suppose it worked?" He said confidently.
Y/n couldn't help, but look down and laugh at Sebastian's actions, "You're
insane, Sallow."

"It's Professor Sallow, Y/n." Sebastian corrected.

Y/n's eyes flickered up at the seriousness not knowing whether to laugh or

stay put. She can feel herself heat up a little from the sentence but
maintained her guard.

Sebastian stared intensely, almost a look of lust and jokiness projecting out
of him as his wife stared confusedly, but giggled afterward.

"Don't make me duel you in this same classroom, Professor Sallow." Y/n

Sebastian snickered, walking over to his own desk and facing Y/n, arms still
crossed, "Or what? You're going to teach me a lesson, Mrs. Sallow?"

Y/n frowned, "What? So I can beat you aga—"

"I'm the professor here, remember that." Sebastian fixed, eyeing her.

Y/n rolled her eyes, "Oo, you're so frightening with your glasses and big
voice, Professor Sa—"

Sebastian couldn't hold it in any longer. His large hands cupped over Y/n's
face, bringing her forward aggressively and placing his lips onto hers.
Y/n did not fight it. How could she? After seeing the man she loved for the
last few years, how could she deny it? Especially, when he's all dressed up
and formal.


"Shh," Sebastian whispered in between the warm touches, "My next class
isn't until an hour."

Y/n parted her lips a little, wanting to say something, but Sebastian lowered
his hand over his desk, taking hold of his wand and casting every locking
spell in existence. The classroom room shutting closed before the office
door followed along.

Y/n was speechless, but again, she did not complain.

Sebastian's warm palms found their way into Y/n's waist, his fingers rolling
over the fabric of the dress.

"I missed you," Sebastian kept whispering.

Although he's performed spells that silence their surroundings, Sebastian

Sallow still enjoyed the playful matter of whispering, as if they were still
being two sneaky students.

Y/n breathed heavily, her hands on the sides of his face. Her chest raised in
and out at the process, "I missed you too..."
Sebastian's hands shift back, following the curve of Y/n's lower body,
playing with the skin that was hiding in the thin material and squishing it.

Immediately, Y/n felt her back pressed up against the edge of the desk.
Sebastian was in front, his hungry lips glued onto her as he fought every
nerve cell in his body not to make things messy already.

"We have an hour, Professor Sallow." Y/n teased out.

Sebastian hid his smile in between the kisses, pretending as if Y/n giving
him hints that they both were thinking the same thing wasn't driving him

Sebastian breathed, taking a step backward at Y/n's words. He admired her

for a slight moment while she leaned over the desk, her fingers curling a
little as she waited for his next actions.

"Oh, for Merlin's sake," Sebastian groaned, finding his hands clutched over
his wife's sides and turning her around.

Y/n gasped but giggled as she was pinned down over the desk. Her head
turned to the side, barely peaking to see Sebastian admiring her behind.

They loved it. It didn't matter what age they were — the fun, the happiness,
and the laughs. They were all still there. It's like nothing had changed.

Sebastian's fingers roamed over her ankles before bringing them under the
material of the dress and reaching near the skin, sending a tickling
sensation. He slowly removed Y/n's underwear and rested himself a little.
Y/n let out a small "hm," at the sound of Sebastian's belt unbuckling behind
her. Only the shuffling itself was turning her on.

It was crazy how no matter how many days and nights they spent together
— being apart for just a few days felt like years.

As Sebastian exposed himself, a hand rested flatly on the side of Y/n,

giving her a view beside her face. The gold marriage ring shined nicely over
his long fingers while the other forest green ring was there.

Sebastian leaned near her ear, smirking, "May I?"

Y/n flushed, holding in her smile at the consent, and bit her lip, "I'm all
yours, love."

Sebastian did not hesitate. After the words were said, he rapidly slid himself
inside of Y/n and almost whimpered at the good feel.

Y/n moaned openly, feeling the rough, yet, good feeling as Sebastian
pleasured the hell out of her from behind.

"I've had a few fantasies of my own, darling," Sebastian let out as he

continuously went in and out, "Do you want to know what they were?"

Y/n kept her eyes closed as Sebastian spoke through it.

It wasn't new that Sebastian Sallow's use of words was powerful. It was just
a natural trait of his, so using them during the most sensitive scenes — it
drove Y/n to the edge.

"Yes," Y/n could barely manage to say.

Sebastian's hands clutched over Y/n's waist, the dress fabric scrunching in
between his fingers as he pounded on her and spoke.

"I thought about taking you in every secured room in this castle," Sebastian
let out, "You've managed to help along the way, but we can...we can finally
check off the professor's classroom," he said confidently.

Y/n froze a bit, also remembering the checklist Sebastian once joked about
when they were in the Prefect's Bathroom seventh year. It was a nice
reminisce at the moment.

Y/n did not answer. She couldn't project a proper sentence from the
pleasure. It was impossible.

Sebastian was reaching an edge, but he knew there was still time left and
after this, he wasn't really going to be able to enjoy being alone with her.

Y/n sighed, feeling Sebastian slip off her, and gasped as her body did a 180
turn, now facing him.

"Hello there," Sebastian said cockily.

Before Y/n can answer, Sebastian picked Y/n up, his hands sliding off every
single paper and quill on that desk, emptying it out as they all dropped to
the floor chaotically.


"Nothing magic can't clean up," Sebastian breathed, sitting Y/n flatly and
opening her legs again, "Now, be a good girl and rest."

Y/n breathed, but followed, laying on the cleared desk and closing her eyes.

Sebastian Sallow bent, burying his mouth in between Y/n's legs. The sounds
of her gasping and whimpers only made him dig more. Taste more. Enjoy
her more.

"Oh," Y/n panted, raising her body up and fingers curling into Sebastian's
curls, "Oh, Sebastian."

Sebastian's hazel eyes reflected nicely in the layer behind those glasses. Y/n
didn't know how long she can contain herself with that view.

"Oh, Y/n," Sebastian mimicked after a while, standing up and licking his
lips, "Hm, some things never change." He flirted.

Y/n was sweating, but it was worth it. The man she can now call her
husband never failed to satisfy her in any way.

Sebastian positioned himself again in between her legs, entering slowly as a

hand traveled down her lower back and rested there for control.
They both panted.

Sebastian's fingers crunched up the dress on her lower waist, entering Y/n
while his eyes maintained contact.

"I couldn't finish without admiring you," Sebastian admitted, "To assure
that hue of blue in your eyes while you finish all over me." He whispered.

Y/n wanted to laugh, but her hands tugged over his tie, pulling Sebastian
closer to her, "Stop teasing,"

"I cannot stop. You know I could never stop." Sebastian said roughly, "You
feel so amazing. Look amazing. I can't help it."

Sebastian increased his speed, making Y/n lose her balance from the
movements. Her back rested flatly over the coldness of that desk again
while Sebastian took her aggressively on those minutes.

Sebastian's fingers dug deep into her thighs as they pleasured each other;
his hand released and stomped inches from Y/n's side on the desk, giving
him support to reach her face without losing his sloppy balance.

"We didn't use a spell," Sebastian whispered, their noses brushing over each
other as he continued, "You give me the word, dear. I can pull out."

"You're g-giving me options?" Y/n swallowed as she breathed.

Sebastian chuckled, "I don't mind ending the Sallow gene in the office," he
joked, "But I do respect anything. I'm happy with three."
Y/n's legs tightened a little as she began to feel herself reach a climax from
the language and the moments. How could she even manage to think? It felt
too good.

"I like even numbers," Y/n giggled, maintaining her guard, "I can handle
one last one." She admitted.

Children weren't a burden for them. There was a debate that after the twins,
it will finally be over — or as they said, but sometimes, love makes you do
crazy things.

Sebastian smiled, kissing her forehead, as he began to increase his speed

again inside of Y/n on that desk.

The desk began to squeak from the amount of pressure, but they didn't care.
They felt young again. It was fun.

"Fuck, I love you," Sebastian rested his sweaty forehead against Y/n's after
his release.

Y/n matched his breathing pattern, finally relaxing after an intense session,
"I love you."

Sebastian took a good minute to come back to his sense and stare down at
his wife below. His fingers caressed her beautiful soft hair as he smiled
widely at her.
"Hello, the last of the Sallow." He joked, kissing her forehead.

The Sallow's Home

"You know, I once had a friend at Hogwarts," Y/n let out to her children one
late night, "He was a real, and I mean, real troublemaker."

"Did he die, mommy?" Eli, the youngest Sallow let out to her.

Eli, short for Eleazar. It only took nine months after that love-making scene
in Sebastian's office when they welcomed their last child. A boy. And of
course, the last replica of Sebastian Sallow. His genes were strong.

Sebastian chuckled to himself from the kitchen as he fed cereal to his other

"No, he did not die," Y/n assured, "But, we almost did. Plenty of times,
actually." She said in concern.

"You didn't use your special magic on him, mommy?" Annie, the ten year
old twin let out, also listening to the story.

"Oh, no, but sometimes, I wish I did use my special magic on him." Y/n
Sebastian Sallow just scoffed at the story-telling, "Uh huh."

Y/n ignored Sebastian's remarks and continued.

"I went on so many...many adventures with this boy," Y/n rose her arms
exaggeratedly, "From the highlands to the forest to the caves full of

Eli gasped, his hands over his mouth, "Monsters?!"

"Yeah, monsters," Y/n nodded, "But don't worry. We defeated them all.
There are no more monsters near us." She smiled.

"Did you defeat them with your magic?" Aster, the other twin asked in

Sebastian just eyed his son.

"Yes," Y/n said from the sofa, "I defeated every single monster with my

Sebastian cleared his throat, whispering very, very lightly so only Y/n can
hear him.

"And with my magic too. I still exist, you know?" He murmured.

Y/n giggled.
"What happened to the boy, mommy?" Eli asked in worry.

"Are you still friends with this boy, mum?" Annie asked, also curious about
the story-telling.

Y/n took a breath, smiling to herself, "I, well,"

"Did you meet him before marrying dad or after?" Lily asked, assuming,
"Do you two still owl each other?"

Sebastian smiled down at himself, playing with the cereal in his bowl.

"Hm, friends it's too light to say," Sebastian stepped in, finally joining the

Y/n nodded, turning over to her husband and then over to her children.

"Actually, that friend was your father."

All children looked over each other before looking at their father.

Eli clapped to himself, "Cool! Where is your special magic, daddy?"

Sebastian laughed to himself, walking over towards the living room area
and sitting beside his youngest son.

"Well," Sebastian wrapped his arm over Eli and smiled, "My special magic
was creating you guys." He pointed at his heart.
"I thought mum created us? Weren't we in her belly?" Annie asked.

Y/n just laughed to herself, letting their own children take her side.

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "I suppose, but you guys will not be here without
my help. Your mother knows that very well." He nudged Y/n, "That's my
special magic."

Y/n cleared her throat, "Sure—"

"How does that work? Making us—"

"I believe it is past your bedtimes," Y/n looked over at the enchanted clock
above them, "Time for bed."

The children groaned and frowned, but eventually after a good half an hour,
the home was at peace again.

Y/n took sighed after washing the last piece of a dish and cleaned her hands
up with the nearest rag.

Within Y/n's actions, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and a head
rested on her shoulder.

Y/n smiled, taking in the touch, "Mr. Sallow,"

"Mrs. Sallow," Sebastian said smoothly, turning Y/n around to face him,
"You need to work more on your story-tellings."

Y/n giggled, "What? Jealous?"

Sebastian shrugged, "No, but your story is a tad bit different from what I
tell my students."

"What? You tell them you're the one that holds the special magic?" Y/n

"No," Sebastian looked at her with love, "I just tell them how I had the
charm to gain the most powerful witch in the Wizarding World. Not many
have that ability." He winked.

Y/n wrapped her arms around Sebastian's neck, also mesmerized by the
aging man in front of her.

Nothing truly changed in Sebastian Sallow's appearance while aging. If

anything, he kept getting more and more attractive as the years went by. The
only thing that was really changing was the date. That was all.

"Ugh," Y/n sighed, "You're aging so well." Her fingers tickled over his neck
before reaching his soft hair.

Sebastian smiled at the compliment, almost mesmerized by the beauty

beneath him.
"And you are too, darling. It seems that I just can't get enough of you,
ever." Sebastian admitted.

"I know," Y/n whimpered, "So handsome."

"So beautiful, the mother of my children. The love of my life," Sebastian

reminded, "How good can it get?"

Sebastian leaned forward, kissing Y/n on the lips softly as he never stopped
admiring her.

"It's bizarre that we are the parents of four children...two homes...on our
family we created from love, and yet...when I look at you, I feel like we
haven't passed the sixth year." He laughed in emotion.

Y/n laughed happily with him, "It's like yesterday, you lost your badge of
being the best duelist at Hogwarts," she teased.

Sebastian scoffed, "Alright, but you gain a badge, so, I'm happy for you on
that." He smiled.

Y/n looked over Sebastian's eyes. The care, the love, the protectiveness, it's
always been there. It's like she was meeting him all over again for the first

"I wish we can stop time sometimes and just stay the way we are. We're
growing, our children are growing..." Y/n sighed.
"Hey," Sebastian brought his hands up to the sides of her face, bringing his
face forward, "Time doesn't exist, remember?"

Y/n smiled at the important reminder.

"I love you, forever, Sebastian," Y/n hugged.

"And I love you, Y/n," Sebastian twirled her around before kissing her one
last time that night.


Phew, what a journey.

I wish I can write so much, but I do not want to bored you guys — so
all I can really say right now is,

Yes, it's over, but no, it's not over. There are still a few announcements
and chapters! Don't remove the story from your library, yet! 💚

But thank you for reading. Thank you for choosing Endgame. 💐

There is also an Endgame Discord (18+) — if you're interested, feel free

to DM me.

I'll update you guys, soon. ✍🏻

Lots of love, Ella, 💘

What If...

What If...Chapters

What If,

Yes, exactly what the title means.

What if, your intrusive thoughts wanted things to go differently in


What if, Atticus succeeded?

What if, Ominis and Y/n did happen?

What if, Y/n never got her memories altered and Sebastian came back?

Introducing, What if's...chapters.

your What if suggestions,
What Happened...Chapters

What Happened,

What happened to Atticus in the muggle prison?

What happened to Y/n's ancient magic in the future? The kids?

What happened in Endgame that was never added?

The comments/suggestions with the most likes get a What if/What

happened chapter -- Of course, with the credit and idea.

I am so excited about this silly extension for the Endgame. We all wondered
What if...this happen, and so did I! Imagine?

Thank you for your support, and if you are still here, I can't wait to provide
you with these fun chapters!

Love, Lokiniall

P.S - currently working on a playlist for Endgame.

What If | 1 *

What If...*

What if...something did happen between Ominis Gaunt and Y/n Y/l/n the
night of Poppy Sweeting's eighteen birthday?m

Reference Chapter: Phase Two | nine

This chapter contains mature content.


Y/n stared blankly in the distance. The distractions around her weren't
doing enough. All her focus was on the golden-haired boy standing on the
wooden table across.

How even though he expressed little emotions toward celebrations like

these, the slight smirk on his pale face can light up the room in a second.
Well, that's what Y/n thought.

With the memories of Sebastian Sallow alternating inside Y/n's brain, the
non-existent presence was being replaced with Ominis Gaunt.

Y/n attempted to ignore it, but realistically, it was not her fault that she had
no idea who Sebastian Sallow was anymore. It was normal to take a
different approach toward Ominis Gaunt since that's what all her head knew

"Blow on the candles, Poppy!" Natty encouraged.

A buzz sound brought Y/n back to reality and she turned, losing her focus
on the Gaunt man and going back toward the actual importance of the day.

Poppy Sweeting blew off her candles happily.

The small group of friends cheered in between. Garreth Weasley kept his
arm around his Hufflepuff girlfriend while the others began to take a few

"A birthday drink for the birthday girl?" Leander encouraged Poppy.

Poppy giggled, but shook her head, "Oh, Leander. I shall refuse. My body
can only—"

"It's alright, Prewett," Garreth appeared, taking hold of the small cup and
taking the shot of Firewhisky into his system.
Leander Prewett chuckled before approaching Y/n.

Y/n sat there near the log, shivering a bit from the breeze that came upon
Scotland's night. Also, to avoid the fact that her own feelings might've
shifted for Ominis Gaunt that day.

"Oi, Y/l/n! A tad bit cold there?" Leander teased out, extending his hand
with the drink, "Perhaps a sip of Firewhisky can cure the coldness?"

Y/n looked up at the red-haired boy and blinked, not aware whether she
should take the drink or not. She wondered why she couldn't remember ever
taking drinks before.

"You love Firewhisky! Remember? The Gryffindor parties?" Leander let

out, "They're your favorite." He lied.

Y/n, oblivious to her fogged-up memories, rethought her actions and

extended her innocent hand toward the drink.

Leander smiled, "That's it."

Y/n just stared down at the red hue drink and took a breath, "H-How much
alcohol is in it, Prewett?"

Leander rolled his eyes, "Don't be a wimp! Come on—"

"Prewett," A familiar voice called out a bit behind the cottage home.
No, why is my heart feeling odd? What is this unusual skipping? Y/n
thought to herself, still looking down at the drink in her hand.

In seconds, Y/n chugged the Firewhisky down her throat to avoid the
feeling, but instead, it might've worsened it as the burning sensation ran
through her system.

Ominis appeared slowly, his wand in place as he approached the two people
that were near the log.

"Gaunt," Leander chuckled, "Are you here to babysit her once again?" He

Y/n furrowed her brows at the unusual jokes, "Babysit?"

Ominis frowned and shook his head, his pale fingers curving over Leander's
elbow in a threat, "Watch what you say around her, Prewett. She only
knows so much."

Leander cleared his throat and sighed, almost in annoyance, "Fine," he

turned to the blonde boy and enchanted another cup of Firewhisky, "Here.
She is here to have fun, not to mop around like a squib."

Ominis clenched his jaw at the truthful words coming off the ginger boy.
For once, he was amused that he might've had a point, but instead, he stood
there, waiting for Leander to leave the distance.

Y/n, on the other hand, felt weird. She's always had Ominis on her side the
last year, as it was told, so why was it that now that things alternated,

Her breath increased in a quiet manner as Ominis took a seat next to her on
that log. For a moment, the space between them became so small for Y/n.

Although Ominis did not have the ability to see, Y/n still felt intimated by
his presence. She didn't even want to turn around from the closeness.

What the hell was happening to me? Did I always feel this way about
Ominis Gaunt? Or was it the Firewhisky kicking in rapidly?

"How was it?"

Y/n adjusted her posture at Ominis questioning and she swallowed, "Huh?"

Ominis hand slid a little, traveling its way toward her arm before guiding
himself to trail his fingers down her skin and find the tip of the cup.

It was normal for Ominis to get the feel of things since he didn't have sight,
but this made Y/n grow goosebumps.

"This," Ominis felt the empty cup, "You accepted a drink from Prewett." He

Y/n furrowed and looked down at her own drink, "A-Am I not supposed
Ominis thought to himself for a second.

The reminder that Y/n's memories were different hit him, so he cleared his
throat and adjusted his language.

"I mean...not everyone does. That was quite interesting of you." Ominis

That smirked. Y/n thought to herself.

Y/n's eyes traveled down Ominis beauty marks down his neck and into the
filled Firewhisky cup that his fingers curled in.

"Interesting?" Y/n said, almost in question, "I should be good. Do you see
me turning into anything odd by now?" Y/n joked.

Ominis nodded, "Well, I can't see, so I can't answer you. Perhaps, Prewett
enchanted that drink that gives you funny dots in your skin and you'll have
no idea. I wouldn't tell." He joked back.

They both laughed. They both distracted themselves with the fact that there
was an entire party going on a few feet away.

Y/n sighed after her laugh and looked down at the drink in Ominis hand,
"Well, you can't see the effects it'll have on me, but I can." She joked,
"Drink yours. We can test out this theory then."

Ominis chuckled, his view straight ahead as always, "I don't drink, Y/n."
Y/n rose her brows, "Boring."

Ominis furrowed his own dark brows, "Pardon?"

Y/n giggled, the Firewhisky oddly kicking in already. Ominis did take
notice already but didn't point it out. He also enjoyed it.

Ominis Gaunt knew the truth. Was there guilt within this? Yes, of course,
but there was also this side of him that felt relief Y/n Y/l/n was well. No
longer heartbroken. No longer in pain.

"Come on, it's just one drink, Gaunt," Y/n elbowed him, "Do it for the
birthday girl that's standing a few feet ahead." She whispered.

Ominis felt shivers from Y/n's whispering near his ear. The Adam's apple in
his throat wiggled a little from the tension that was growing.

Ominis Gaunt can't sit here and lie to himself that he never once felt
something toward the new fifth year.

Their fifth year start was awful, but the friendship progression increased
heavily. It was factual that Ominis Gaunt admitted he cared more about Y/n
Y/l/n than Sebastian Sallow at this point. He always knew she belonged to
his best friend, so he never attempted to invade, even if there was a bit
of...feel in his own heart too.

"Y/n, as I said," Ominis said lowly, "I do not drink. Not even for the
birthday girl. The birthday girl isn't even drinking herself."
Y/n rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"I know you're rolling your eyes at me, Y/n," Ominis murmured,

Y/n rose a brow, "What? How do you—"

"I just know," Ominis admitted, "I know your patterned reactions by now. I
sense them," he admitted.

Y/n flushed and looked away. Yeah, Ominis had no clue, but still, she hid
away for that second before nodding to herself.

"Okay, well, would you at least do it for me?" Y/n suggested, "For the
theory?" She teased.

Ominis let out a small chuckle again at Y/n's encouragement and curled his
fingers more on the cup in his lap.

It wasn't his first time drinking. He's had a few tests in the earlier years. He
grew up with the Gaunts, so age did not matter on the stuff he was forced to
do sometimes.

"Coward," Y/n joked.

Ominis scoffed and frowned, "That was very unnecessary."

"I know, I'm sorry...I think my body is a bit..." Y/n breathed, "Sensitive with
alcohol and ancient magic...I just—"
Ominis lips reached down the rim of the metal cup before chugging the
Firewhisky down his throat, into his system in seconds.

Y/n gasped at the actions and laughed loudly, "Oh, Merlin...I-I didn't think

"Well," Ominis took a breath, pretending as if the firing drink wasn't

burning his throat, "The theory succeeded. Prewett and Weasley, in fact, did
not spike our drinks."

Y/n smiled, "They did not."



Poppy Sweeting took hold of Ominis Gaunt's elbow and held him back
from approaching the drunk girl.

"Let her, Ominis. Please," Poppy let out, "I haven't seen her be this open
since...since Sebastian." She whispered.

Ominis stood silent, "It doesn't give Weasley and Prewett an excuse to take
advantage of Y/n's drinking and magic. I can hear them interrogating her to
do drinks already, Poppy." He mumbled.
"Let them," Poppy fixed, "You've also had drinks yourself. How do you still
manage to prioritize things while also feeling...off? I saw you take the
drinks Y/n offered."

Ominis did feel drunk. Not fully. Y/n's chaotic feel must've sobered him up
and now he felt the need to check on her. There was only so much he could
do with his ability, but hearing her was enough.

"Fine. I must agree with you, Poppy," Ominis sighed, hearing Y/n laugh
around, "I haven't heard her this happy since...what happened." He
swallowed, referring to Sebastian Sallow, "I guess you're right."

"Of course, I'm right, Ominis!" Poppy smiled widely, "It's my birthday!
Have fun!" She squealed.

Ominis Gaunt and Y/n Y/l/n did have fun. Too much fun.

It was a little past midnight. The small gathering continued, but the drunken
men and giggly girls had the most creative plans out there.

The drinks had settled in Ominis Gaunt's system. His body seemed immune
to the high substances, so it was an easy, fast-timed recovery to come back
to his senses and determine his hearing again.

His wand lifted in between the chaos.

In the distance, he can hear heaving and gagging. Ominis followed his own
wand that guided him near the entrance of the woods that was only a few
yards away. The sound finally became familiar to him.

Y/n Y/l/n was half bent, hands resting on her knees as she emptied out all
the Firewhiskies that were once in her system.


Drunk Y/n groaned, wiping her mouth and taking a few steps back, losing
her balance at the sight of Ominis.

Ominis heard the stumbling between the dry grass and used his wand to
finally find Y/n's presence.

"Y/n? Are you there?" He asked in worry.

Y/n wiped her mouth and kept laying on the grass. The dress she wore for
her best friend's special day almost slipped off from not tying it well.

"Hm," Y/n managed to say, "I'm s-still alive, Gaunt," she laughed in pain.

Ominis bent, hoping he was near her, "What in Merlin's name are you doing
here? How long—"

"You know..." Y/n murmured, "I-I have no clue. I-I thought I saw a wolf. Or
a dog...Poppy does have lots of animals in her...her,"

Y/n couldn't finish her sentences. Her drunken self was taking over and her
words became heavy.
Ominis reddened at the mention of the wolf and cleared his throat knowing
that a few fainted memories of Sebastian Sallow would occasionally pipe

"Come on," Ominis ignored her words, extending his arms, "Let's go lay
you down,"

"No," Y/n complained, wanting to stay on the grass.

"No?" Ominis repeated.

Y/n murmured under her breath, "I'm incapable of g-going back to the
home....can I just lay here, Ominis?"

Ominis sighed at the sound, "No, you cannot. Come on, Y/n,"

Ominis Gaunt switched the wand in his hand and extended down his arms
to carry Y/n.

"No," Y/n closed her eyes at the touch.

Ominis frowned, his strength having the ability to pick Y/n over his
shoulder and carry her while his wand stood lit up on his right hand.

It hadn't been the first time Ominis threw a move like this. The last time he
threw Y/n over his shoulder was in the Undercroft when she refused to
leave it. There was no choice.

Ominis, in fact, knew Y/n was stubborn.

"Am I heavy?" Y/n asked, hanging over the manly body.

"What?" Ominis asked within the walk.

"You smell really good. I bet you g-get told that often," Y/n giggled, the
scent of Gaunt roaming from the back.

Ominis flushed but did not say anything afterward. Instead, upon the arrival
of going back to the small gathering, he noticed another plan for the night.

"Oh, they're here! We lost you two for a second!" Garreth Weasley looked
over them.

"Ominis, we're going to take a trip to visit Highwing near Hogwarts

grounds. Would you be joining us?" Poppy said in a silly matter.

Ominis furrowed his brows, surprised that Poppy didn't even question that
Y/n was over his shoulder, but then the realization kicked in.

"You've been drinking, Poppy." Ominis said in worry, "It's past midnight,
you know."

Poppy giggled, "I guess I changed my mind. It is my eighteen birthday after

all." She jumped excitedly, "So, yes? Is that Y/n over your shoulder?"
Ominis sighed at the drunk surroundings and shook his head, "We shall

"I want to see Highwing—"

"You can barely walk," Ominis cut in Y/n's sentence, speaking to Poppy
again, "Y/n is awfully out, Poppy. It would only be right to let her rest
before any more activities."

Poppy Sweeting stared at her drunk best friend hanging over the blonde
man's shoulders and nodded.

"There is an extra bed inside the home so she can rest," Poppy let out, "I
still have some of the herbs my grandma saved to make tea. I am sure by
the time she wakes up, she'll need it. It'll help, Ominis." She advised.

Ominis nodded, "I suppose. I will watch over her. It's the best I can do after
everything that's happened." He said in guilt.

"Y/n, let go," Ominis sighed a few minutes later inside the vintage home
that once belonged to Poppy Sweeting's grandma.

Y/n kept her arms over the blonde man's man, not wanting to let go, "I was
getting comfortable." She complained.

Ominis bent, placing the lazy girl onto the full-sized bed and adjusting her,
"You need to rest. There is tea. You need to regenerate your body again."
Y/n giggled, "Is Ominis Gaunt taking care of me?"

Ominis flushed toward Y/n's flirty words, but he needed to remind himself
that she was drunk.

"Yes. You were throwing up a few minutes ago. It's the very best I can
provide. Please, rest." Ominis let out, standing up.

As Ominis stood, Y/n's small hand wrapped around his pale wrist, almost
pulling him back from the force, and sat up.

"Can't you lay here?" Y/n asked.

Ominis felt confused at the words, "What?!"

Y/n sighed, "Wouldn't we do this? I-I thought in my head...we never done

this before? Maybe, it was a dream then. I-I thought we lay together or," her
drunk thoughts overcame the girl.

Ominis was confused before he realized that the fainted feelings of

Sebastian Sallow were stuck within her. The comfort, the cuddles, the love,
and the care. Her body was still calling out and Ominis took notice of that.

"I'm sorry, I had too many Firewhis—"

Ominis took a seat at the side of the bed before taking a breath and laying
next to the girl beside him. His arm extended a little above her head, almost
caging her in a gentle and respectful matter.
Unexpectedly, Y/n threw an arm over his chest, adjusting herself on him as
she tried to lay to rest after such heavy drinking.

Ominis clenched his jaw at her actions, but did not complain. He let her.

It took a few minutes before Ominis hand over Y/n rested more and his
fingers tickled onto the knot of her yellow dress that was untying from the
dancing and chaos; the material curving over her shoulders.

Y/n's eyes felt heavy, but she shivered a bit from Ominis finger accidentally
touching the wrap over her shoulder. She hope that he wasn't going to feel
the goosebumps that started to show.

Ominis wanted to be respectful. He had to. It felt wrong, but he hadn't had a
woman this close to him, ever. Perhaps, Anne Sallow hugging him, but
nothing compared to this. He wanted to be gentle, but it was difficult.
Especially with Y/n Y/l/n.

His fingers played with the fabric for a few moments before they easily
roamed on their own, taking touch of Y/n's soft skin on her back. Ominis
took notice that the dress wanted to slip off easily on its own. He didn't
know what it looked like, but he sure knew that Y/n wouldn't expose herself
too much this way.

Y/n wanted to pretend that she was sleeping, to sleep it off, but the touch of
Ominis Gaunt became unbearable.

It almost seemed like she's done this before. Y/n couldn't understand why
such sexual tension was growing within her if she hadn't slept with
anybody, ever — though, that's what her memories thought.
Eyes half-opened, Y/n's body arched a little as Ominis fingers traced a little
more on her back and her own hands tugged the beige suspenders over his
white dress shirt on that bed.

In seconds, Ominis felt himself hardened from the movements. It wasn't

intentional at all, but when he was sobering up and there was a girl he cared
about right beside him with her skin at his touch — it was hard to control as
a man.

Immediately, Ominis Gaunt sat up rapidly from the bed he once laid on and
took a breath, almost regretting the actions.

Y/n did not react, instead, her eyes were still going back to sleep knowing
that she might've not even had a clue about what was truly happening.

"I need to make you tea. Get rest, Y/n," Ominis let out harshly, almost
angry at himself for what happened.

After there was no response from Y/n, Ominis had taken a guess that she
was soundly asleep and he'd hoped she would've forgotten this very

The moment haunted Ominis Gaunt that night. He felt guilty for it, but it
was natural for Y/n to feel that way. Her feelings were still real, but there
was an obvious point that Sebastian Sallow wasn't in her head anymore.
Ominis almost wondered if Y/n would've been different if Sebastian never
truly existed — but if it weren't for him, they would've never been friends
in the first place.
A laugh. It wasn't a regular laugh that Y/n was familiar with. The deep
laugh echoed in her dark thoughts of a dream state.

Y/n shuffled in her sleep for a bit, her brain trying to distinguish the faint,
echoed voices that came out of the blank image.

"Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome," It echoed.

Y/n's eyes opened wide. The moon was reflecting bright over the small
home's window beside her and a few sweaty hairs tickled over her forehead
from the summer heat as she sat down and for a grip on reality.

At that moment, her yellow dress string slipped off from her shoulder and
her breast was exposed for a few seconds and she gasped.

"You're feeling better,"

Y/n gasped again and turned from her dress, spotting Ominis Gaunt appear
in the small kitchen ahead. His fingers wrapped around a cup of tea while
his head stayed straight.

Y/n reddened, tying the dress in a lazy manner, almost freaking out the
Ominis might've seen her exposed, but then realized, he would've never
known, sadly.

"O-Ominis," Y/n mentioned, almost in surprise, "I thought you were

Although she might've been drunk as ever a few moments ago, the memory
and touch of Ominis Gaunt's fingers on her were there and vivid. The
tension was still there, fresh.

Ominis might've hoped Y/n forget about it, that she was too drunk to
remember, but they were both in denial about it.

"I was outside, for a bit," Ominis smirked, "You know, before Weasley
brought out the Firewhisky. I am certainly not a drinker, as you may know."

Y/n nodded to herself, her brain trying to process the celebration.

"Do you remember the wits of Leander and Garreth encouraging you to
take some a few hours ago?" Ominis asked.

Y/n stood silent, trying to think about the memory, but her head throbbed a

"N-Not really, but I did hallucinate some weird stuff and have an insane
headache," She rubbed her temples, "Did I do anything concerning?"

Ominis hand tightened a little around the mug, and cleared his throat, "Not
quite...you were awfully sleepy. That's all."

Y/n nodded slowly, "H-How long was I asleep for? Where is everyone?"

Ominis shrugged, "About an hour or so..." he answered, "I predict everyone

went to see Poppy's hippogriff and explored from there."
Y/n just nodded, walking over near the counter of the kitchen, straight
across from Ominis, and eyed him.

"Here, take some tea," Ominis offered the mug, sliding it over across, "You
are across from me,
correct?" He assured, "I sense you are."

They both stood in silence for a moment.

"I-I am," Y/n cleared her throat, her own hand wrapping over the mug,
"Thank you, Ominis."

As her small hand wrapped over the mug, Ominis fingers tingled over her's
before removing them completely from the mug.

The heart skipped a beat slightly, but Y/n proceeded to bring the rim of the
mug Ominis once drank from and took a sip from it.

The soothing warm mint flavor ran through her throat and settled into her
body. It tasted well and she can feel the hangover curing rapidly.

"Better?" Ominis gave a half smile at the noise.

Y/n looked down at the mug, "Yes. D-Did you make this?"

Ominis gave a nod, keeping his hands resting on his knees, "I did. Poppy
mentioned a few herbs she kept around here and I added my own touch. I
know a few remedies."
Y/n felt intrigued by Ominis skills lately, "How do you know?"

Ominis just kept his head low, "I grew up with the Gaunts. What don't I

Y/n's eyes reflected over Ominis.

She stared at the man. The dark, long eyelashes reflecting the blue hue color
of his eyes every time he looked downward.

Or how suspenders over his dress shirt fitted him so nicely and —

"You haven't touched your tea." Ominis let out minutes later.

Y/n might've lost distraction of checking out the blind man that she lost
count of the time. It was almost embarrassing.

Why am I feeling his way? Why? This feels wrong. Y/n thought to herself —
but her body craved touch, love, and care. And the only person that would
provide her that no longer existed in her mind.

"I, uh," Y/n breathed slowly and took one last sip of the mint ginger tea,
finishing it off, "I did now." She joked.

Ominis let out a faint laugh at the commentary and nodded at the
Again, silence.

There was so much Ominis Gaunt wanted to say, but then again, there
wasn't. Same with Y/n Y/l/n, but nothing.

"I believe we should go find the band to assure no other beast ate them,"
Ominis let out in a silly manner, "Poppy does befriend the most dangerous

Y/n stood quiet at the jokiness, but giggled, hopping off the stool and
agreeing with him, "R-Right...we really should. It's late."

Ominis didn't have to hop off, his height was tall, so he just stood up from
the stool easily, awaiting Y/n's approach.

Again, Y//n felt the same loose knot behind her dress slip off and she sighed
in annoyance that it was happening all night. Poppy had tied it earlier, but
with the movements, it loosen.

"Ominis?" Y/n said nervously, holding the two strings.

Ominis head turned to the direction of the sound, "Yes, Y/n?"

Y/n gulped at the stance of Ominis and parted her lips, "C-Can you help me
tie the back of my dress? It's loose and I can't reach to tie—"

"Yes," Ominis answered bluntly, guiding his way over to the other side of
the kitchen's counter, "Are you here?"
Y/n giggled and Ominis frowned.

"This isn't hide and seek, you know?" Ominis let out.

Y/n rolled her eyes and walked over, turning to her back and lifting up her
hair, "I'm right below you, Gaunt. Do you feel the loose strings?"

Ominis nervously held up his hands, feeling the strings of the fabric dangle
around as he caught them and tugged.

Magic could've easily fixed this, Ominis thought to himself, but he didn't
want to say it. Deep within him, he also wanted an excuse to feel that touch
of her skin once again.

Y/n felt Ominis tug the strings on her back for a second, feeling the
gentleness of the tight knot that was being performed behind her.

Ominis managed to create an unusual bow at his guess, but he was certain it
did the job of not making the dress slip off easily.

His hands stayed holding the strings while his head lowered over Y/n's
shoulder and whispered heavily in her right ear.

"Is that tight enough?"

The tickling sensation of Ominis lips over her ear made her take a breath
and feel her chest rise.
"Or should I tighten it more?"

Y/n tried to manage her breathing patterns from the low voice, but her body
couldn't manage it. This feeling of tension and touch — she's felt it before.
She was sure she did, but with what memory? Who was it?

Ominis wanted to feel ashamed of what he had caused, but it was just
human nature. Two hormonal young adults, alone in a home with unmixed
feelings? It was difficult for both, specifically, for Ominis Gaunt.

Ominis hands released from the strings and instead of bringing them back
to his sides, they took touch of Y/n's skin. The fingers traced down the path
of her back in a careful matter.

Y/n closed her eyes, not even fighting it off. Perhaps, the tea wasn't enough
to cure the hangover, but she was calling for it. She needed this. Her body
missed the sexual encounters with Sebastian Sallow. It was not her fault.

And Ominis Gaunt was there to provide it for her, even if it was, in fact, his

Ominis breath increased, synching with Y/n's as the fingers lowered more
and more.

"I could stop. Please, tell me to stop. I will respect your words. You just
need to tell me, Y/n." Ominis lowered his voice, almost scared of

Y/n didn't want him to stop. It might've felt wrong, but it also felt good.
And the good was winning over rapidly.
"Don't," Y/n let out, "Don't stop, Ominis. It's okay."

Ominis pale pink lips parted at her consent, but he was still trying his best
to fight it off. He didn't want to do this to his best friend, Sebastian Sallow,
but he was a man after all. How could he resist such an urge? The outcomes
of this were terrible, but not regretful.

After his confusion, Y/n's body made a turn, now facing the unreadable

Ominis made the first move first, placing his hand over Y/n's hips. His
breath still heavy at the touches. It was a new feeling for him. He was never
good with girls. He always avoided them, but this was different. Ominis felt
safe and dominant around Y/n. Maybe, that's why he cared so much about

Ominis shivered a little when he felt Y/n's small hand rest on the lower part
of his neck as her thumb spread over his cheeks, running through his beauty
marks and admiring them.

Their foreheads connected for a moment, and both minty breaths were
feeling the tension. It was another step toward their friendship, but

"This feels wrong," Ominis admitted.

Y/n licked her lips, "Does it, really?"

Ominis knew it was wrong. He knew the truth about everything, so of
course, it was wrong for him, but for Y/n...for Y/n; she was oblivious to it

Sebastian is gone, Ominis reminded himself, This is his fault, he thought,

he left her alone. What did he expect?

Y/n closed the gap between their lips first. The taste of mint and ginger
mixed in between as Ominis gave in.

Ominis hadn't had much experience with girls, but he wasn't stupid either.
He's heard awful detailed stories in the boys' lavatory, hall conversations,
and common room parties. He had some knowledge, specifically, the things
Sebastian Sallow told him.

Ominis dug into that kiss. It felt toxically good. His hands began to run
from Y/n's hips, up her dress as their bodies moved slowly from that
enclosed cottage.

Ominis grasped anything he can put his hands into knowing his sense of
touch was the only thing keeping him sane. He wanted to feel every single
thing in a moment like this.

Y/n couldn't contain herself. Realistically, she hadn't felt sexually aroused
in months, her body was feeding off this. She couldn't understand why she
was so eager and knew what she was doing, but the heart always

Y/n guided Ominis backward on that home, and once they reached that
same bed she once slept in, Ominis stumbled, taking a seat on the edge.
Ominis gasped at the movements, but didn't question them. It was like a
first time for him. He let Y/n do whatever she wanted to do with him.

In seconds, he felt Y/n's weight over his lap and Ominis grunted at the
hardness that was felt between his trousers from her weight. It was almost
embarrassing. Uncalled for.

His fingers reached up, caressing the back of Y/n's hair in an aggressive
matter as he dragged her lips back into his, turning it into a makeout

Having Y/n sitting on him was no help on Ominis end while all he can hear
was her hidden pleasurable words that were fighting within her throat in
those kisses.

Ominis didn't see, but the sight wasn't his worry. Having him hear the
sounds of Y/n's fighting moans and whimpers drove him crazy enough.

"Y/n," Ominis said, still bringing himself back to reality, "I don't think
you'll want this trust me," he reminded, knowing she had no memories.

Y/n broke the kiss, her fingers playing with the beige suspenders below her,
"But I do want this, Ominis..."

Ominis gulped.

"You don't want this? We could stop. I would also respect—"

"Oh, for Merlin's sake, I do want this...a lot...I eagerly do, Y/n, trust me—"


Ominis sighed, "You will regret this."

Y/n chuckled, not knowing if Ominis had been serious or not, "I don't think
I will, Ominis."

Ominis took in her honesty and licked his lips. Again, it was hard to fight it
off when she was on top of him.

"I trust you, Ominis. I really do." Y/n whispered.

Ominis nodded to himself, finally setting aside his worries and focusing on
the pleasure. The pleasure he now craved for himself over the girl he cared
about. He wanted to take care of her, in all ways.

Ominis Gaunt's hands roamed through the folded thighs of Y/n on his lap.
His lips moved down to her neck, feeling every touch of skin he can get the
feel of. He wanted to feel everything.

"Oh," Y/n closed her eyes, feeling Ominis lips sucked gently over her neck
before reaching her collarbones.

Within multitasking, Ominis finger lifted behind her neck again, undoing
the, once tied, knot and letting that yellow dress finally let go of its body.
Y/n gasped, feeling the strings detached as the yellow dress finally slid off
the upper half of her body and let her breast get exposed in front of the man.

Ominis grunted softly at the first feel of breasts in his life. The hardness
inside Ominis trousers twitched under Y/n, making her breath heavy from
both the touch and feel.

"I'm a physical learner," Ominis whispered in between the kisses near the

Y/n just closed her eyes, letting Ominis Gaunt explore every inch of her
body in the most gentle, yet attractive way.

Ominis admired the shape of Y/n's body before his own hands scrunched up
the dress that was remaining on the covered skin. He wanted to rip it off,
but he was shy about it.

"I'm sorry," Ominis apologized, "I haven't done this before," he admitted.

"It's okay," Y/n admitted, "Just keep going."

Ominis heated at the line, but felt one of his hands lift her dress while the
other found its way in between the suspenders near his trousers, unclasping
them and pulling down the zipper of his clothing.

They weren't fully naked. Well, they didn't need to in this situation. With the
fact that their group of friends can come back any minute now prevented
them from going fully naked.
"Condom," Ominis whispered to himself, "We need a condom,"

Y/n set back, nodding with the reminder of protection, but looked around,
"I don't—"

"Is my wand around?" Ominis asked, not having the ability to find it right

Y/n reached over the nightstand beside the bed and grabbed Ominis hand,
giving him the wand and letting him do all the magic.

In no time, surprisingly, Ominis conjured a protected layer within himself.

It was a different approach compared to Sebastian, but it still did the job.

There was a moment of silence, but this wasn't an awkward silence. Y/n
took this moment to admire Ominis Gaunt. To admire the beauty of him and
why she took almost two years to finally realize her feelings for him. It was
almost confusing why she thought this.

Ominis wrapped his arms over Y/n in a protective matter as Y/n lifted her
hips up gently and finally felt an inch of him inside of her before the size

Ominis fingers almost dug inside Y/n's back; he was sure the pressure of his
hands would leave marks on her skin while he tried holding in the pleasure
that was felt from the sex.

"Oh, fuck," Ominis moaned out, not having the strength to hide his truth.
Y/n breathed, almost shocked to see that the length of Ominis didn't hurt.
Its entrance was easy and in seconds, her hips' movements began to

Y/n's fingers reached Ominis sweaty hair as her body rolled over his. Her
eyes closed as her mouth parted from the intense session that was

Ominis thoughts fogged up at that very moment. That guilt he felt for
fucking his best friend's lover went away. If anything, there was a shift in
his Gaunt ego where he felt lucky to be able to take care of her. To pleasure

Y/n panted as Ominis breathed rapidly. Their noses brushed over each other
as Ominis hands were all over Y/n's body.

"Oh, Ominis," Y/n moaned in between.

Ominis hearing always being advanced his entire life was a blessing,
especially with no sight, but hearing his name being called out from Y/n
only made him wish he can visualize what it looked like. Did it look as
good as it felt? He would've finished at the thought.

Ominis lips buried within her, accidentally leaving a huge mark over her
neck from the pressure as he gripped the dress and lifted it, roaming his
hands under it and clutching her hips.

Once Ominis Gaunt grew the confidence, he laid a little more back on the
edge of that bed and lifted Y/n hips, before picking her up toward the
nearest window.
The window inside the home held a space for plants, which Ominis threw
down and sat Y/n into it.

The plants were the least to worry about, Ominis thought to himself, magic
could fix it.

And again, Y/n's legs wrapped around Ominis Gaunt's half-stripped body as
he felt her warm walls clench over him.

No wonder Sebastian Sallow was insane for her, Ominis understood why

Ominis wasn't verbal. He kept his pleasure to himself, but he did enjoy the
moans and whimpers that came out of Y/n that night. It drove him mad.

Y/n gripped the sweaty hairs above her, not holding in the release. Even his
sweat smelled good, she wondered if it was a Gaunt thing. Naturally being
expertise in everything.

Ominis fingers lifted, tracing the facial structure of Y/n's face before
reaching her mouth and outlining her lips as she moaned.

"Gorgeous, gorgeous girl," Ominis whispered, his hands going down her
breast, "So beautiful,"

"Ominis," Y/n closed her eyes from the compliments.

"I don't have to see you to know how beautiful you really are, Y/n," Ominis
let out, "Feeling you is enough."
After a few more moans, whimpers, and grunts, both bodies stopped
moving; only two young adults stood sweating in that home. One guilty and
one pleasured.

Ominis Gaunt knew he would be in debt for this one day. And he was. It
was just a bit of a 'drunken mistake' as he would call it, but no regrets.

Months later, when Y/n's memories were back, along with her current
lover, Sebastian Sallow — the night of Poppy's birthday haunted her and
Ominis Gaunt.

"I'll tell him," Ominis Gaunt said in guilt, "It's the only way—"

"No, I will." Y/n stood up inside that Undercroft, "It is safer that I do. Way
safer, Ominis. You know that."

"He will attack me regardless, Y/n," Ominis sighed, "I might as well take
the consequences for my actions."

"They were my actions too," Y/n said nervously.

"No," Ominis defended, "Your memories of Sebastian were gone. You

didn't know. It was all my fault. It should've never happened."
Y/n looked up at him, furrowing her brows, "And I told you when my
memories were back that it was alright. I didn't know. I forgave you."

"Well, you shouldn't have," Ominis murmured inside that Room of

Requirement, "It was wrong."

It was wrong, but Y/n thought of it differently. She did love Sebastian
Sallow, but the new memories that were created with Ominis Gaunt mixed
with her old ones. Her feelings were a never-ending circle.

"Just say you regret it, Ominis," Y/n bit the inside of her lip.

Ominis stood quiet at Y/n's words and kept his head straight, but then shook
it in refusal.

"I don't regret it, Y/n. I can't. Even if I do, I cannot." Ominis admitted, "But
you know the possibility of losing Sebastian as my best friend is high after

"I might lose him too, Ominis."

"No, you won't," Ominis frowned, "Your memories were gone. As I said,
you didn't know. You weren't aware. He will understand."

Sebastian Sallow, in fact, did not understand anything when the news broke
of his best friend sleeping with the girl he loves.
"You," Sebastian Sallow pointed angrily toward Ominis Gaunt one night
inside the Undercroft.

Ominis expected his approach, but he also knew how to defend himself —
but first, he let Sebastian show him the consequence.


Y/n was cut off when Sebastian walked over to Ominis and grabbed him by
the collar, slamming him onto the nearest wall.

"Sebastian!" Y/n let out at the chaos.

Sebastian's hazel eyes were dark, fully dark, he even wished Ominis can see
the anger that grew upon his facial expression at the news.

"You had one job, Gaunt," Sebastian breathed, "It wasn't even two months,"

Ominis stood quiet, letting his best friend drag him down from the wall into
the cemented floor.

"I told you to take care of Y/n," Sebastian growled, "Not fuck her."

Ominis finally grew his sense as Sebastian's hand wrapped over his neck
from the anger.

"You left her, Sebastian," Ominis fought, "You broke her."

"I was forced to!" Sebastian shouted, "And yet, you take her most
vulnerable spot and take advantage of it? You're my best friend, Ominis," he

Ominis own strength threw Sebastian off his grip and stood up breathlessly,
pointing his wand over to guide him,

"You told me to take care of her," Ominis frowned, "That's what I did."

Sebastian scoffed, revealing his wand and pointing it toward the blonde
haired man in front of him.

"No," Y/n stepped in front of Sebastian, preventing more chaos, and

breathed heavily, "Sebastian, stop."

Sebastian didn't know how to feel. The image of his best friend sleeping
with Y/n made him nauseous. He expected her to sleep with someone else
one day, but Ominis?

"It's not his fault—"

"It is his fault!" Sebastian spat, "You had no memories. I will deal with you
later," his hands took hold of Y/n gently and moved her to the side before
turning back to Ominis, "But you."


Ominis didn't slam against the wall, instead, his wand sense the spell and
blocked it immediately, making Sebastian angrier.

Unlucky, Ominis didn't block this spell. He let himself get injured by
Sebastian. He deserved it. He knew the consequence the moment he kissed
Y/n. It made sense.

"Sebastian, if you hurt him, you're hurting me." Y/n reminded. "Just leave
him alone—"

Sebastian turned furious over his lover and breathed, "Leave him alone?
Would you have loved to find out that I was sleeping with Poppy? Natty?
Anyone you call a friend? Do you know how this makes me feel?"

Y/n stared in guilt, "I am sorry, Sebastian."

Sebastian stared down, the anger in him decreasing. He couldn't be mad at

her. It was impossible. Sebastian loved Y/n too much and knowing that she
had no memories of him — it wasn't her fault.

Sebastian gulped, fighting off his madness, and sighed, looking down at
Y/n, "You owe me." He pointed his wand at her before bringing it back to

Y/n gulped at his words, but kept her worry on.

"And you?" Sebastian walked near Ominis, still grabbing him by the bloody
collar, his body bleeding from the hexing spell, "You had no excuse,"
Ominis parted his lips, listening to his best friend.

"I bet you enjoyed every single second of it, didn't you?" Sebastian said
bitterly, "It is Y/n after all. I don't blame you." He smirked.

"Sebastian!" Y/n scoffed.

"You don't get to talk right now. You stay put. I'll deal with you later."
Sebastian talked to Y/n while still keeping his eyes on Ominis.

"We were drinking," Ominis admitted, "It was an odd night."

"Yeah, I know," Sebastian let out, "She mentioned it was Poppy's birthday."

Ominis just stood quiet at the memory.

"Who else knew? I'm sure if it was at a bloody party, it wasn't such a secret,
was it?" Sebastian scoffed.

"Only Poppy, but she didn't say a word." Ominis admitted lowly, "She saw
a mark on Y/n and also got upset. Poppy slapped me and I dealt with the
consequences too." He sighed in truth.

Sebastian frowned at Ominis, but it took seconds before his angry face fell
and he finally sighed, closing his eyes and letting go of Ominis.

Sebastian rubbed his temples, his head spinning at the haunting news, but
he also needed to understand that he left Y/n. She was broken. She was
hurt. She needed someone. If anything, Ominis was the safest thing she
could get in his departure.

"I will never forgive you, Ominis." Sebastian murmured.

"I did not expect you to, but I will be sorry if it means we can still work on
our friendship." Ominis let out.

"I have one question, for both of you," Sebastian turned to Y/n and Ominis.

Y/n leaned over the wall, her own head spinning with many thoughts at the

"Did it happen again after that one night on Poppy's birthday? I need you to
be honest with me. Both of you. I trusted you." Sebastian breathed

"No," They both answered at the same time.

"And it won't happen again, as I said, it was a mistake." Ominis lied.

It wasn't a mistake. He knew that.

"I will need time," Sebastian avoided staring at Ominis, "I prefer if you
leave, Ominis. We can talk in the common room tonight." He said coldly,
Ominis could've fought it off, really. The Undercroft was his, but after what
happened, he obeyed Sebastian and prepared his departure.

There was a lot Y/n needed to say, specifically toward Ominis, but with
Sebastian's reactions toward the whole thing, it was impossible. She just
watched the blonde man walk away, preparing to seal some healing spells in
the process as the metal doors went down.

Y/n closed her eyes, also preparing to leave and let Sebastian cool off. Her
body adjusted from leaning on the wall and she also prepped to exit out the

Sebastian stopped leaning his hands over the wooden table in the corner and
turned to the girl that was walking away.

"Oh, no, no, sweetheart," Sebastian said, taking hold of her wrist, "You are
not going anywhere."

Y/n gasped, turning around toward Sebastian's prevention of letting her go,
and looked up at her boyfriend.

"I thought you wanted to be—"

"Did he pleasure you better than me?" Sebastian asked bluntly.

Y/n reddened at the straightforward questioning and gasped, "Sebastian—"

"Was it worth it?" Sebastian continued.

"Sebastian," Y/n closed her eyes at the unnecessary questions.

"It's alright," Sebastian nodded to himself, "I'm not angry with you."

"You should be," Y/n sighed, "I know my memories of you were gone, but I
feel as much guilt as Ominis. It would only be fair."

"Well, I should be angry at you, but I hurt you. I left you without any
answers. I should be lucky you even took me back and were willing to see
those memories again. So, I don't give you fault in this." Sebastian
admitted, "Even if it hurts me."

"I'm sorry," Y/n said in an apologetic.

"No, I am," Sebastian sighed, "I should've never left you alone in the first
place if I knew the consequences."

Y/n looked down.

"But you know what?" Sebastian smirked, "At the end of the day, I lost
count of how many times I've been inside of you. Ominis is just one. And
will stay one." He joked.

Y/n scoffed toward Sebastian's cockiness that came back, "Are you

"And I could do things he'll never be able to do," Sebastian whispered, "As
I said, you owe me. Bigtime, darling." Sebastian warned.

Phew. Alright so,

Why didn't this happen?

It would've been wrong. Even I felt wrong writing this entire chapter,
so if I had included this in Endgame, the relationship between
Sebastian and Ominis would've never been the same. It would've aimed
at a love triangle, and I did not want that. I wanted Ominis to be

Although we really loved the Dominis simping while Sebastian was

away — the book was mainly for Sebastian, so this little trope was a
possibility, but not in this book, haha.

I am writing a book a book containing a Dominis feel, is called Replevy

on my profile. Hehe.

What What If... chapter do you want to see next? Comment below!

- With much love,

What If | 2

What If...

What if...Sebastian Sallow did send the letter to Y/n the summer of fifth

Reference Chapter(s):
- one
- twenty two
- Phase Three: Sebastian's Letters

June 5th
The Night of Ranrok's Battle
Sebastian Sallow sat nervously against the pillar of the Undercroft. His
hands sweated tremendously over the wooden quill between his fingers.
The writing almost scribbling and smudging off from the worry.


"Fuck, fuck," Sebastian whispered shakily under his breath.

"I'm sure she'll be alright, Sebastian," Ominis Gaunt let out to his best

Ominis was lying. He was also worried about Y/n Y/l/n the night of the
battle against Ranrok. Of course, not as worried as Sebastian, but the word
worried roamed in that secured room for hours.

Sebastian wanted to crumble up the piece of parchment paper that he's been
writing on to calm his nerves, but he refused.

Time didn't exist. It was never too late to send it.

Sebastian stood up from the dusted cemented floor and patted his pants
while adjusting his rolled-up sleeves.

Ominis turned to the shuffling and let his wand guide him over the
"Sebastian, where are you going? We don't know—"

"What do you want me to do, Ominis?" Sebastian said, breathlessly, "Do

you just want me to stand here while Y/n is on that battle that nobody can
enter? A letter is the best I got." His feet continued.

"What is a letter going to get you?" Ominis fought, "That's the least she'll
want after you dragged her all year."

Sebastian stopped before reaching the exit of the Undercroft and closed his
eyes, still debating whether to crumble that paper after all or not.

His fingers tingled, but his eyes re-opened again, and his head turned to the

Ominis was right. Sebastian dragged Y/n everywhere fifth year. He should
be thankful Y/n did her best to take a stand in case he went to Azkaban at
the end. Solomon Sallow's death was enough weight on both of them. He
couldn't imagine the weight Y/n had on herself.

It was his fault. Always his fault.

Y/n Y/l/n entered the Great Hall tiredly. An entire wave of sadness and
pressure roamed over her body as the after effects of the defeated battle
caught up on her.

The remaining students, well, the friends that cared about her sat over the
long wooden table on that Great Hall and their worried faces turned over in
relief at the sight of Y/n.

Poppy Sweeting stood up first, almost wanting to cry with relief from
seeing her best friend alive, with all four arms and legs — but in the
moment of the hugging, something felt off.

"Did you do it? Did you defeat him?" Natty Osai let out.

Again, Y/n was muted.

Y/n looked around the Great Hall. There was this slight hope she'll see one
particular student that was worried for her. Just one. Someone that could've
understood everything and be there for her.

Instead, Sebastian Sallow was in no sight. Nor Ominis.

After letting out her cries and getting people's condolences on the loss of
her professor and guardian, Eleazar Fig, Y/n found herself in front of
Ominis Gaunt.

"I am sorry for your loss, Y/n...I know Professor Fig meant a lot to you. He
guided you, so I am truly sorry." Ominis let out.

Ominis Gaunt was never well with showing affection, so the best he
could've done to Y/n was rest a hand over her shoulder and nod with a sigh.

Y/n close her eyes, taking in Ominis words and also sighing, looking back
down and opening her eyes.
"Where is Sebastian?" Y/n asked, not holding it in.

"Here," Ominis let out, extending his hand, a parchment folded. "Poppy
said your owl flew down the hall to find you, but couldn't. This letter is for

Y/n swallowed, slowly taking in the letter.

Her heart was already skipping a beat at the font. Y/n almost hated herself
for how easily she was able to detect Sebastian Sallow's writing now. Or the
excitement that her body produced naturally at the sight of any quest.

Y/n found herself sitting at the edge of the wooden table at Hogwarts that
sleepless night, her fingers tracing over the letter from Sebastian Sallow.


I've gotten word a few minutes back that you're on your way to defeat
that horrific goblin.

What was his name? Ranrok.

I am lost for words on what to even say.

I wish I could be there for you. If only Ominis would have told me on

I believe in you. I trust you.

Remember the spells I taught you.

I didn't call you 'my new charge' for laughs. I believe you're charged
enough to defeat him. I know it.

In any circumstances, if this letter does reach you...I want to let you

I haven't stopped thinking about our ventures. I'm glad I got the
opportunity to spend time with you.

My only hope this summer is to see you again. To see you back. It's
been a few days without you or Anne. It's aching.

Please, be safe. I care about you.


Y/n flushed reading the entire letter. She was almost lucky Ominis couldn't
distinguish how red she looked from the reading.

Every single word in that letter hit her. There was confusion between a
smile and a tear that wanted to come out of her. The emotional rollercoaster
the letter gave her was bizarre.

I care about you, the words repeated inside her head.

Y/n blinked, parting her lips and taking a more relaxed breath, "Where is
he, Ominis?"

Ominis shrugged, "I suppose the burden of...what happened in the

catacomb, and the silence from Anne got to him. Sebastian just has lots on
his plate, Y/n."
There was lots of weight between both, and Y/n knew that. She cared about
Sebastian Sallow, she always did. She wouldn't agree to these adventures if
she didn't. There were so many unspoken feelings that needed to be let out.

"Is he in the Undercroft? Feldcroft? Where is he?" Y/n let out, the letter
being held over her fingers tightly as if she'll attack if someone took it from

Ominis looked down, "I do not know, Y/n. I recommend you rest. You've
been through a lot, I am sure Sebastian would be alright. Give it time." He
assured her.

Y/n didn't say anything. Ominis did have a point.

"Okay," Y/n sighed, "It was a tough battle."

"I know, as I said, I'm sorry." Ominis sighed with her.

Y/n lay restlessly in between the maroon sheets inside that Gryffindor
dormitory. The days were slow and rainy. It seemed as if the darker the sky
was, the sadder she felt over her guardian's death.

Y/n sat exhaustedly against the arch glass window three nights later.
Feeling better wasn't progressing. She felt lonely. Useless. After defeating a
monster and wielding powerful magic, her body took days to adjust. Her
fingers barely moved by day three.

It was around 3AM when a familiar chestnut owl flew through the darkness
of the night at that moment.
"Flooty?" Y/n's brows almost rose in surprise at the familiar name call, "I-Is
that really you?"

For a long time, almost a smile appeared on Y/n's face at the sight of
Sebastian Sallow's owl. A second letter. Perhaps, now her fingers could
move correctly to finally write him back.


Your sweet owl, Birdy, never gave a return after my last letter.

Perhaps, now, I may be writing to a ghost.

I don't want to believe that, but I have not heard a word in the last few
days. Is Ranrok dead? Are you dead?

I've ran away for a while. The burden of my actions has caused a
rupture in me.

I don't think I'll handle the idea of losing you too. There is only so
much I can take in these highlands.

I am now regretting running from our peers. Not hearing news about
you for this long is concerning.

I miss you.


Y/n gasped at the writing.

Sebastian cares.
"You miss me?" Y/n whispered to herself, her fingers tracing the bolded I
miss you several times, "He misses me," she turned to the owl.

Sebastian Sallow's owl hooted at the sight of Y/n's movements and Y/n
laughed, enchanting herself with a quill and paper, and finally writing back
to Sebastian.

The quill in Y/n's fingers tapped the parchment, her lips together as she
went back and read over Sebastian's letter again.

"Highlands," She whispered to herself, "The Highlands..."

Y/n chewed the inside of her cheek, thinking.

"No, it's ridiculous..." Y/n whispered, "He'll come back when he's ready."

Hesitantly, Y/n found herself in the Owlery a few minutes later. She
proceeded to fold up her letter and hand it over to her own owl, Birdy.

"Don't let him suffer too much, Birdy. Bring him back," Y/n half smiled,
setting the parchment over the owl and seeing it fly through the windows.

Y/n never stopped thinking about Sebastian Sallow that night. Not that she
ever stopped since meeting him, but lately, after all the suffering and things
they've been through together, something shifted.

It seemed at her most vulnerable, after losing someone she cared about —
the thing she really wanted the most was support. Y/n needed Sebastian
Sebastian Sallow sat sleepless in the wooden chair on the noiseless, dull
cottage abandoned home.

His eyes were out of focus, losing his attentive view on the mandrake leaf,
and felt his throat close.

Y/n is dead. He thought to himself.

It's been three days. He wasn't aware of any news since he flew away back
into a random abandoned home in the Highlands. Nobody knew where he

Sebastian couldn't return to Feldcroft. Not anytime soon. After killing his
uncle, Solomon Sallow and potentially losing his twin sister, Anne, forever,
he couldn't return even if he wanted to.

His nights were horrendous. It was still recent with all the events
happening, so being by himself and having those memories repeat over and
over again. It was awful.

Within his depressive state, a tootle sound rang from the outdoor home.

"Hm?" Sebastian furrowed his brows, turning.

He stood up, finding himself opening the entrance door and seeing some
sort of sunlight he's been avoiding.
The white owl sat nicely near the log by the garden and Sebastian's face
glistened just a

"B-Birdy? Is that really you?" He said, almost breathless at the familiar


He didn't have many encounters with the owl since Y/n only sent him a few,
compared to the thousands he's sent all year, but he remembered it well.

Sebastian didn't get his hopes up, he just blinked at it, "Is she alive?"

The owl did not talk, but Sebastian was fearing on that letter.

Maybe, it wasn't Y/n that sent it.

Maybe, a friend or professor took hold of her pet and sent out the news.

Sebastian just thought of the worst outcomes. It was all he thought about

The owl flew away once the hand came in contact with the parchment.

It took a few hours for Sebastian Sallow to open the parchment paper. He
couldn't bare the thought of whatever news was written in it. Whether it was
good or bad.
His fingers wiggled a little before finally opening it at 3AM in the morning
knowing he wasn't getting any sleep.


We did it. We defeated Ranrok.

I did not think it was possible, but here I am writing to you.

I am sorry if my writing seems a bit off and took while — I broke a few
fingers that magic cannot fix, but I should be okay soon.

There's tons to tell you, but a letter can only say so much.

Fig is dead. I lost him, Sebastian. It hasn't been the best mourning. It is
a lot to take in.

The Keepers trusted me with the magic. My body feels weird — I

should adjust soon.

But, I wouldn't done it without you, Sebastian. You taught me many

spells and tricks and if I were honest, I would be dead without you.

Thank you. I cannot wait to see you this summer. I hope everything is
well. I miss you.


Sebastian Sallow sat the letter down, re-reading it a dozen times before
taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.

He felt the urge to cry.

It should've been dramatic to cry over a girl he just knew for less than a
year, but he's held in so much emotion with the loss of everything in his
life, he was almost in denial Y/n is alive.

But even with that, he had to live with the guilt of her taking in that ancient
magic power for his own sake.

Sebastian had this idea that he spent all fifth year begging and manipulating
Y/n to take that magic to save his sister that near the end, Y/n couldn't say
no to him. He didn't let her — his emotions took over.

And he cannot forgive himself for it.

Sebastian still stared at the mandrake leaf on the wooden table that he was
avoiding to take, but finally took hold of it.

While feeling the uncomfortable feel of the leaf over his cheek, Sebastian
couldn't resist the urge to grab over the quill and began writing back to Y/n.


I received your owl.

You're well. You're alive.

I am proud to hear how you got up from that fall.

I know it must have been a burn, but I am proud to see how you are

I truly want to see you again soon. You have no idea how many times
I've bitten my nails from the nerves. Rubbish right? It's the truth.
I'm a bit far. I came across an abandoned home in the highlands — I'm
trying something new.

My nightmares have haunted my nights. It's quite scary.

But who cares about me...

I'm sorry about Fig. I knew he meant so much to you. If only there was
something I could do.

I will see you soon. Trust me.

I miss you.


Y/n stared down at the meaningful letter that next morning.

Another I miss you, Y/n thought over.

"Abandoned home in the Highlands," Y/n squinted to herself.

There were several quests where Sebastian and Y/n stumbled over the
Highlands. Specifically, inside the mines of evil goblins, but there was a
certain memory of an abandoned home they crossed.

"This is ridiculous," Y/n said to herself inside the dormitory that afternoon.

It must've been the very first time she's gathered the strength to come out of
her shell after Ranrok's defeat. The strength to find the boy she liked. Y/n
didn't know this yet, but the feelings were there.

Y/n's body tingled stepping foot outside the Hogwarts grounds after using it
as a cocoon the last few days. Her life still needed to go on after the
traumatic events, so she figured wanting to travel to the Highlands in the
summer was the first step.

Although it felt relaxing to take a step back into nature and explore, Y/n
almost forgot about the enemies that still existed beneath.

"Incendio!" The wand pointed toward the spiders in the trail.

Y/n breathed, using her magical powers to destroy most of the venomous
spiders in her view. A few Acromantulas positioning nearer.

As the new ancient magic fueled upon Y/n body, she can feel it burn
slightly from the intention, but before she can reach a painful gesture,
another voice called ahead.


Y/n fell to her knees from the small injuries and can overhear the same deep
voice echo from afar.

"Stupefy — incendio, confringo!"

After both students defeated the spiders, there were only the echoes of their
breaths on that familiar trail and the sounds of footsteps came ahead.

Y/n stood up rapidly, adjusting her posture at the sight of the tall Slytherin
boy that appeared near her.

"Sebastian," Y/n panted at the presence.

"Y/n," Sebastian also said in a pant, surprised to see themselves bump into
each other along the way.

Y/n was confused, but the state of shock left her muted for a moment. She
didn't expect to find him right on the trail.

"What are you doing here?" Sebastian asked again.

Sebastian tried his best to maintain calm at the sight of Y/n Y/l/n. Although
it was only a few days since they really saw each other, he missed her. A lot.
It was all he had and the thought of almost losing her over a battle
frightened him. Only causing his likeness for her to grow more.

Y/n felt the same, her own head spinning at the thought.

"I—I," She stuttered for a bit, "I received your letter—letters. I was on my
way to the Highlands...to...look for you." She said in honesty.

Y/n didn't mean to be honest, but there's been so much that's happened in
her life, she didn't want to take any more risks. Honesty was the key.
Sebastian's lips parted slightly at the words. It seemed as if he didn't want to
believe they were true.

Y/n looking for me? Sebastian thought. After everything she must be going
through and she still put everything aside to find me?

"What are you doing here?" Y/n gulped, also curious about why Sebastian
was near his way to the castle, taking the opposite way of her.

Sebastian wanted to chuckle to himself at the same question, but he licked

his lips and looked down, also being honest.

"I—I received your letter, Y/n," Sebastian let out, "I was on my way to
Hogwarts...to...to find you." He pointed, almost saying the same words as

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