Theory Reserach2 (3)

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What is research?

The systematic investigation into the phenomena and study of materials and
sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

Types of Exploratory Descriptive Explanatory

Research Research Research Research

Describe situations
and events through Answer questions
observation. of what, where,
Test feasibility of
Purpose Answer questions when, how and
undertaking a study
of what, where, Why?
when and how.

Research approach
Unstructured Structured Highly structured
Research Asking research Asking research By using research
conducted through questions questions hypotheses.
When is it Early stages of Later stages of Later stages of
conducted? decision making decision making decision making
Research Design
Research Design Process
1. Research begins and ends with theory (see below figure)
2. Researchers use the concepts and categories of specific international relations
theories to build a research design:
Elements of Social Science Theory
Element Definition
Observation seeing, hearing, touching.
Fact a phenomenon that has been observed. Ex: voting
turnout. State foreign policy.
Law universal generalization about classes of facts.

Theory a systematic explanation of observations .

Concept abstract element representing classes of
phenomena . Ex: Nation-state, justice, equality.

Variable a set of related attributes. EX: State capabilities.

Attributes: Natural resources; industrial, military,
Axiom fundamental assertion taken to be true. Ex: Every
state seeks security.
Proposition conclusion, derived from the axiom, about the
relationships between variables. Ex: poor states
have weak national security.
Hypothesis A statement that predict the relationship between
two variables. Ex: poor states are more likely to
have higher death rates than rich states.
Deductive Research
Interest- wars? Civil wars
Research Question- What causes civil war?
Theory- Religion, ethnicity, race, social class
Hypothesis- the higher the religious divisions,
the higher the chances of civil wars.
Dependent variable: civil war
Attributes: 1) political instability; 2) violence
Independent variable: Religion.1) level of
Observation- collect data. Confirm or reject the
Null Hypothesis – in hypothesis testing and
tests of statistical significance, the null
hypothesis suggests there is no relationship
among the variables under study.
Inductive Research
Inductive research-studying a single case, or a few cases and /or
analyzing data from hundreds or even thousands of units in a sample.
before committing to a particular question or specific hypothesis.
Where to start your research? Theoretical Perspectives in IR?

Theoretical Framework Key Key Actors Key concepts

Marxism/Critical theory

Source: Roselle & Spray,

Chapters 1 & 6
Topic Selection & Research Question
How to select a topic?
You can choose a topic by reviewing the list of thematic areas in
international relations or text chapters or matching area of interest:
Matching area of Interest Continued
Choosing topic process
Developing Questions for Research
Research Question Examples
1) What role does international law play in shaping the resolution of conflicts between nation-states?
2) To what extent do cultural differences influence the success of international collaborations and
3) What impact does climate change have on international relations, particularly in terms of resource
competition and migration patterns?“
4) In what ways do non-state actors, such as multinational corporations and non-governmental
organizations, influence global governance and diplomacy?
5) What factors explain global health crises, such as pandemics, on international cooperation and
6) What explain the current diplomatic relationships and alliances among nations?
7) What factors contribute to the success or failure of international humanitarian interventions in regions
experiencing conflict or instability?
8) What factors contribute to the emergence of a multipolar world order, and how do these conditions
impact global stability?
9) Under what conditions do international institutions effectively mediate conflicts between nation-states,
and what challenges do they face in doing so?
10) What role does economic interdependence play in shaping the behavior of states within the international
system, and under what conditions does it foster cooperation or conflict?
11) Under what conditions does the concept of sovereignty become a source of tension in international
relations, and how does it influence state behavior?
RQ Examples Continued
13) Under what conditions does the concept of sovereignty become a source of tension in international
relations, and how does it influence state behavior?
14) What factors determine the success of international efforts to address global issues such as climate
change, and under what conditions do these initiatives gain widespread support?
15) Under what conditions do regional organizations effectively contribute to the maintenance of peace and
security within their respective areas?
16) Under what conditions do state-led interventions in the internal affairs of other nations receive
international support, and how does this impact the legitimacy of such actions?“
17) What factors contribute to the rise of revisionist states challenging the existing international order, and
under what conditions does this lead to geopolitical shifts?
18) Under what conditions do international norms and human rights standards influence state behavior, and
how do different cultural and political contexts shape compliance?
19) What role does the balance of power play in shaping the stability of the international system, and under
what conditions does it lead to conflict or cooperation among major powers?
20) Under what conditions do global economic crises impact the resilience of the international financial
system, and how do states respond to such challenges?
21) What factors determine the success of international efforts to counter transnational threats such as
terrorism and organized crime, and under what conditions do these efforts lead to effective collaboration
among states?
22) Under what conditions do regional conflicts escalate to become threats to global peace and security, and
how can the international community effectively intervene to prevent such escalation?"
Variability Language
Variable- logical set of attributes.
Attribute: characteristic or quality of
Dependent variable: a variable Independent
caused by one or more other Variable
Independent variable: a variable Independent Independent
that cause the dependent variable Variable Variable
to undergo some changes
Hypothesis- A statement that
predict the relationship between the Dependent
dependent variable and the Variable
independent variable.
Research Question\ Variables Example
Research question What factors affect outbreak of ethnic

Dependent Variable Outbreak of ethnic conflict

Hypotheses (H) H1- a border dispute will lead to the

outbreak of ethnic conflict
H2- an increase in outside military
support for opposing sides is more likely
to lead to ethnic conflict
Dependent Variable measures 1. Public announcement to secede
from mother country (qualitative)
2. War deaths associated with formal
efforts to secede (quantitative)
Independent Variables measures 1. Dollar Amount of military aid from
foreign states (quantitative)
2. Direct military support, e.g., arms,
personnel, advisors (qualitative &
Research Questions/Variables Examples
Research Question Dependent Variable Independent Variables
What factors explain Existence of territorial IV1: Irredentism
territorial disputes among disputes IV2: Military conquest
states? IV3: Historical conflict
IV4: defined boarders

What factors most often Level of trade in goods IV1: Resource availability
influence differences and services IV2: Workforce education
among nations in the IV3:Trade barriers
exchange of goods and IV4:Internal market
services in international

What factors explain civil Existence of civil war IV1: Religion

wars among people? IV2: Social class
IV3: Ideological
IV4: Foreign intervention
Research Proposal
1.Research question: The research question should focus on an issue or a problem that
falls in one of the international relations areas: International conflict and national security;
International law and/ or organization; International political economy; and foreign policy
and diplomacy. Provide an explicit statement of your research in the form of a question.

2. Case: the case should be relevant to the research question. Provide a brief description
of the case.
3. Research Significance: provide the significance of both the research question and the
4. Theoretical framework- brief description of the theory or theories you may want to use
to develop your theoretical framework and/or the paper’s hypothesis (s).
5. Research method- brief description of the research method you may want to use to
collect your data.
6. Bibliography- a short list of scholarly books and journals relevant to your research
question. The bibliography should follow the appropriate protocol as outlined in the
Turabian publication style (adoption of Chicago Manual of Style).

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