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Cooling water systems


Discuss in pairs.

 If you had one super power, what would it be? What would you use it for?
 If you could time travel to one event, what would you choose to see?
 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

1 Answer the questions.

1. What systems can be found on board a ship?

2. What are their functions?


2 Study the sentences. Explain the meaning of the words in bold.

1. The main engine jacket cooling is continuously circulated through the system.
2. It's the largest fully-enclosed shopping center in the world.
3. Thermostatically operated valves are a simple and reliable control solution requiring
neither electricity nor control air.
4. An air-cooled engine is prevented from getting too hot when it is running by cool air that
passes over it, rather than being cooled by a liquid.
5. The agricultural sector remains the main source of income for the majority of the
population in developing countries.
6. The waste is disposed of in the North Sea.

3 Match the words to get word combinations.

1 dispose of a the cooler

2 enclosed fresh b regulated valve
3 cooled by c water system
4 circulated through d heat
5 thermostatically e of trouble
6 the main source f fresh water

1 2 3 4 5 6


4 Answer the questions.

1. What is cooling system in ship?

2. What parts are needed to be cooled?

5 Fill in the text with word combinations from 3.

__The main function of diesel engine cooling system is to ________________________
which is transferred from the burning fuel to the metal adjacent to the combustion chamber.
The cooling system is also used for cooling the scavenging air, the lube oil and all the vital
parts of the main engine.
__The three main types of cooling systems are:
______________________________________, sea water system and lube oil system. All the
three systems have their own points of application. For example, sea water is generally used
for cooling fresh water, oil and scavenging air, while all the main parts of the engine, except
pistons, are_____________________.
__In the old model DE systems, the fresh cooling water is __________________________
by means of fresh water pumps. The water enters the engine at the bottom of each cylinder
jacket and flows upward to the cylinder head and the exhaust valve, if the latter is fitted. Its
temperature is controlled by __________________________________ in such a proportion
that the temperature of the outlet water from the main engine is maintained at a specified
normal temperature set point (approximately 80 degrees Centigrade) in order to avoid
cylinder wear and condensation of sulfuric acid on the cylinder walls. If there is a
temperature rise of cooling water, the thermostat directs greater part of the water to the
cooler, and the lesser part of it to the circulating pump to be recirculated.
__At present there are two types of cooling systems installed on modem vessels: low
temperature (LT) and high temperature (HT) cooling systems. The pistons are usually cooled
by fresh water or oil, in which case the piston system is separated from the jacket system. The
oil or fresh water leaving the pistons passes through the coolers and into a large tank, to be
__Each cooling system has its own advantages and disadvantages. Sea water cooling system
is the simplest and the cheapest arrangement due to the necessity of fewer number of pumps
and the elimination of water coolers and tanks. But sea water is
_________________________ due to scale, sediment and corrosion, while using of fresh
water-cooling system reduces these troubles to the minimum. Cooling the pistons with oil
eliminates troubles due to leakage of water into the lubricating oil which may result in a
serious damage of the engine.

6 Read the text and choose the titles to the paragraphs. There are two of them you do not need
to use.

A Two types of cooling systems.

B Systems have their own points of application.
C The main function of DE cooling system.
D Sea water is the main source of trouble.
E System has its own advantages and disadvantages.
F Fresh water passes through the coolers.
G Fresh water pumps circulate the fresh cooling water through the cooler.

7 Complete the table Add some more information, if possible.

Cooling Systems Advantages Disadvantages

Sea water system

Fresh water system 1. No danger of scale

2. No danger of galvanic
action due to sea water;
3. Better efficiency since the
engine can be run at greater
Oil cooling system

8 Mark the statements as True, False or Doesn`t Say. Correct the false ones.

___1. Without adequate cooling certain parts of the engine which are exposed to very high
temperatures, as a result of burning fuel, would soon fail.
___2. The usual coolant is fresh water: sea water is not used directly as a coolant because of
its corrosive action.
___3. Freshwater is used to cool fixed machinery parts.
___4. Seawater pipes are usually mild steel, copper or copper alloy are also used.
___5. If a seawater cooling pipe bursts, both suction and discharge valves will have to be
closed to prevent engine room flooding.
___6. At present there are two types of cooling systems installed on modem vessels: low
temperature (LT) and high temperature (HT) cooling systems.
___7. The temperature of the outlet water from the main engine is approximately 80 degrees


9 Answer the questions.

1. What is main function of diesel engine cooling system?

2. Which are three main types of cooling systems?
3. How is the fresh cooling water circulated through the cooler?
4. What a process can be if the temperature of cooling water rises?
5. Why can sea water be a main source of trouble?

The components of cooling system


Solve the riddle.

1 Answer the questions.

1. What`s the purpose cooling system?
2. Where is it situated?


2 Study the pictures. Match the words with their definitions.

header tank cooling water pump three-way control valve

heater a low-level alarm

cooler drain tank

1 cooling water pump a is used to drain cooling water from the system when
DE is repaired
2 header tank b is used to regulate the temperature of cooling water
3 heater c informs the crew about lack of cooling water
4 three-way control valve d a container, vessel for cooling,
5 low level alarm e additional supply/expansion tank
6 drain tank f is used to shut off water flow in one pipe while opening
fluid flow in another pipe
7 cooler g circulate fresh water around the system

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3 Fill in the gaps with the words from 2.

1. For this reason no cold water _________________________ is necessary.

2. The temperature of the cooling water is closely controlled using a
3. _____________________ are used for supplying heat exchangers with cooling water.
4. ______________ is used to electrically heat various fluids such as lubricant oil and fuel
5. A ________________ is used instead of a header tank and the vents are then led to high
points in the machinery space.
6. The cooling liquid is thus heated up and is in turn cooled by a sea water circulated
7. Both jacket and piston cooling systems must have ______________________ fitted to
give warning of loss in pressure, high or low tank.

4 Study the picture. What water is better to use for cooling the engine? Why?

5 Match the paragraphs with the titles. Two titles are odd.

a) Heater.
b) High or low temperature?
c) The function of cooling system.
d) It is placed in the ER.
e) Expansion tank.
f) Two separate circuits.
g) Open or closed system.
__Cooling of engines is achieved by circulating a cooling liquid around internal passages
within the engine. The cooling liquid is thus heated up and is in turn cooled by a sea water
circulated cooler. Without adequate cooling certain parts of the engine which are exposed to
very high temperatures, as a result of burning fuel, would soon fail. The most often used
cooling system is an enclosed fresh water system. In this case sea water is used for cooling
fresh water, oil and scavenging air.
__The temperature of the cooling water is closely controlled using a three-way control
valve. If the water is allowed to get too cold, then it will cause thermal shocking which may
lead to component failure and will also allow water and acids to condense on the cylinder
bores washing away the lubricating film and causing corrosion. If it gets too hot, then it will
not remove the heat effectively causing excessive wear and there is a greater danger of scale
formation. For this reason, the cooling water outlet temperature is usually maintained at
about 60-65°C. Because it is at a higher temperature than the cooling water used for other
purposes (known as the LT cooling), the water for cooling the engine is known as the HT
(High Temperature) cooling water.
__To make up for any leaks in the system there is a header tank or expansion tank, which
automatically makes up any deficiency. It is placed at a sufficient height to allow the
venting and water make-up in the system. It is deliberately made to be manually
replenished, and is fitted with a low-level alarm. This is so that any major leak would be
noticed immediately. Under normal conditions, the tank is checked once per watch, and if it
needs topping up, then the amount logged.
__The system will also contain a heater which is to keep the cooling water hot when the
engine is stopped, or to allow the temperature to be raised to a suitable level prior to starting.
A heater is included with by pass to warm the engine prior to starting by circulating hot
water. A drain tank is used when the engine is drained down for maintenance purposes.
__The water-cooling system for a slow speed diesel engine consists of two separate circuits:
one for cooling the cylinder jackets, cylinder heads and turboblowers; the other for piston
cooling. A separate piston cooling system is used to prevent any possibility of
contamination from piston cooling glands. The jacket cooling system is a closed circuit.
Water passing from the engine returns through a cooler to the circulating pump and then to
the engine. This has connection from the engine discharge and to the pump suction line.

6 a) Read the text and underline elements of cooling system.

b) Discuss their functions with your partner.

7 Make 2 true and 1 false sentences.


8 Complete the chain of cooling water system.

1. __________________2.__________________3.___________________4.____________


9 Complete and role-play the half-dialogue.

Chief Engineer: Cadet, be ready for the checking your knowledge about cooling systems.
Do you know the types of cooling systems?
Cadet: Yes, I know this. We studied that
ChE: Yes, in flow system
And what do you know about enclosed system?
C: I know that
ChE: Yes, good for you to know this. But there are
C: I think that the flow system
ChE: Well. And cooling of piston
ChE: I like to work with clever cadets. I`ll think about your promotion at the end of your

Engine cooling system troubleshooting


Play the game: “Taboo”

1 Answer the questions.

1. What types of cooling system can you name?

2. Name advantages and disadvantages of them.


2 Match the words with the pictures.

1 breakdown ['breɪkdaun] - a mechanical a

2 gradual ['grædjuəl] - change or process b
occurs in small stages over a long period
of time

3 build-up - a gradual accumulation or c

increase, typically of something negative
that leads to a problem

4 fouling factor – coated with various d

deposits, may be corroded

5 be plugged - fitting tightly into a hole e

and blocking it up

6 inhibitor - a substance which slows f

down or prevents a particular chemical
reaction or other process

3 Fill in the gaps.

1. The pipe seems to __________________ up and the water can't flow away.
2. This will _____________ build up as a layer of insulation and is called “fouling factor”.
3. There has been a __________________ of complaints about customer service.
4. Losing weight is a slow, ________________ process.
5. What do you do in the event of a __________________ on the motorway?
6. A corrosion __________ is a chemical compound that decreases the corrosion rate of a


4 Tick true statements. Prove your ideas.

__1. Prepare the solution of inhibitor according to the instruction from the maker and add the
solution into the expansion tank.
__2. If any deposit or rust is abnormally detected in the cooling water system, the system
should be cleaned thoroughly.
__3. As the chemicals may be hazardous, the cleaning of the cooling water system is
recommended to be carried out only with sea water.

5 Read the text and title it.

The cooling system`s task is to remove the unwanted heat from moving parts so as to
prevent overheating as resulting in breakdown of the lubricating oil film which separates the
engine rubbing surfaces, loss of strength of the metal itself, excessive stresses in or between
the engine parts due to unequal temperature.
Overheating problems can be categorized due to lack of fresh / sea water flow, and heat
exchanger defects. The more long-term problem (with heat exchangers) is the gradual slow
build-up of dirt on both the inside and outside of the small tubes that form the heat transfer
area. This will gradually build up as a layer of insulation and is called “fouling factor”. The
cleaning of the heat exchanger is necessary. Proper cleaning is a two-step operation. First,
clean the unit with a strong alkaline solution to remove organic dirt such as oil. Second, clean
the unit in an acid solution to remove scale.
Also, a broken sea water pump can cause a problem as it can be plugged with debris. The
suction of sea water through the system should have a sea cock or a hull mounted strainer that
will prevent debris from entering inside. Generally, two freshwater pumps are installed and
one complete spare pump is stored close to the area of the working pump for quick
installation in case one of the working pumps should fail.
The cooling water of the engine should be only demineralized (distilled) water with proper
treatment, which is necessary for keeping effective cooling and preventing corrosion of the
system. Though the distilled water matches best to the requirements for cooling water, it is
necessary to add corrosion inhibitor. Because untreated distilled water absorbs bon dioxide
from the air and then becomes corrosive. Directly after cleaning process of the cooling
system, flush the system thoroughly with water until pH value to be about 7, and then drain
the water. Fill up the system with distilled water until the water level of the expansion tank to
have margin for treatment.

6 Read the text again and fill in the table.

Cooling system problems Troubleshooting

7 Mark the statements True, False or Doesn`t Say. Correct the false ones.

___1. Malfunctioning cooling equipment cannot be repaired, it must be replaced: make sure
you get the right type.
___2. The cooling system`s task is to make sea water warm and clean.
___3. Overheating problems can be due to fouling factor.
___4. A sea water pump is fitted with build in strainer.
___5. It is necessary to add corrosion inhibitor though the distilled water matches.
___6. Directly after cleaning process of the cooling system, flush the system thoroughly with
sea water.
___7. In general, four water pumps are installed in cooling system : sea water, fresh water,
distilled water and oil.

8 Complete the statements.

1. ___________________________________________________________ corrosion
2. ________________________ should be checked periodically during service
3. _________________________________ high risk of severe corrosion and deposits
4. The seacock is
5. _______________________________________________________________ the sea
6. _____________________________________ circulates water through the engine water


9 Exchange the information about engine cooling system troubleshooting. Use prompts:

- the cooling system`s task

- problems
- troubleshooting

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