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Answer in one word:

a. Into how many stages a river course is divided?
b. What is the name of that place where river meets with ocean?
c. In which course of the river we see V-shaped valleys?
d. In which course of the river is the feature “Oxbow lake” found?
e. Write any one example of Block mountain
f. Downward folds are called
g. A loop-like bend in the river
h. Rivers or streams that branch off from the main river
i. Change in the shape of a rock due to stress is called
j. A lake that forms when a circular bend is separated from the river
k. Write an example of a delta

2. Who am I?
a. I am formed due to stress, pressure and temperature
b. I am formed when the Earth’s crust sinks on wither side of two parallel faults
c. I am an upward fold
d. I am formed due to faulting
e. I am a steep-sided block mountain
f. I am the Block mountain in France
g. A Block mountain in Germany is called
h. I am the mature stage of the river

3. Fill in the blanks:

A. Rivers are formed from the __________ ____________
B. In the ___________ course of a river, it flows swiftly and slows down while
reaching the __________ course.
C. In Germany, a rift valley is known as _____________
D. The two common types of folds are ________________ and _______________
E. A ___________ is formed at the mouth of a river
F. The Earth’s crust is made up of _______ huge slabs called ___________
G. A river deposits ______________ in its third stage
H. The classification of folds is done according to their __________, ___________
and __________
I. Many tributaries meet the river in its ____________ stage
J. _____________ is produced when the river has a lot of energy to flow swiftly
K. The origin of the river is called its _________
L. The river forms ___________ in its lower course.
M. A fold is a _______ formation when flat rocks lose their shape to become

4. Match the following fold mountains with its place of origin and rewrite:
a. Andes 1. Asia
b. Alps 2. South America
c. Himalayas 3. Europe

5. Differentiate between Anticlines and Synclines under the following aspects:

a. Folds b. Features
6. Discuss three characteristic features of the Middle Course of a river
7. A. How is a Block Mountain formed?
B. What are the two types of Block mountains? Explain how both are formed.
8. State two characteristic feature of folds
9. Differentiate between tributaries and distributaries
10. Differentiate between Fold mountains and Block mountains
11. How is hydroelectricity generated from the flowing river water?
12. How are mountains formed?
13. On what basis are anticlines and synclines formed?
14. Define a. Basin b. Boulders c. Crest d, Stress e. Compression f. tension g.
15. Why does faulting take place?
16. Why does the speed of a river reduces in its middle course?
17. Why does a river erode boulders, rocks in its first stage?
18. Why does the river divide itself in its lower course?
19. What produces folds and faults?
20. Why does the river lose its energy in its second stage?
21. How are Fold mountains formed?
22. Differentiate between the two types of block mountains
23. Give reasons
a. Plains are fertile
b. Synclines have newer rocks at their centres
c. Anticlines have oldest rocks at its core
24. Why is delta region apt for cultivation?
25. Differentiate between valley and delta
26. How does folding take place?
28. What do you understand by the term “mouth of a river” ?
29. What do you mean by the term “source of a river” ?
30. What happens when two slabs of Earth’s crust collide with each other?
31. Give three examples of Fold mountains
32. Give three examples of Block mountains

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