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[Import Assignment]
Test Scenario Specification Form
Author Create Date Review Review Date Performer Perform Date
Namki An 2/6/2024
Test Target Details :

- Case of registering an assignment, Test it against these five items.

1. File Upload : Excel / CSV Uploads function normally.
2. Read file uploaded : Show List and Statistics via uploaded file.
3. List lookup : Get a list based on conditions.
4. View statistics : Show statistics normally.
5. Send to APD : Ask APD to review selected items.

Purpose of Test Scenario :

- Excel / CSV Upload Feature

- List Feature
- Statistics Feature
- Send to APD Feature
Test the results of developing the above 4 services (Are uploaded List and Statistics looking the way they should? Is the ability to notify APDs working well?)

PreCondition :

- Assuming you have an excel file with a week's worth of schedules.

1. Normal Schedule (Does not duplicated date & time)
2. Unusual Schedule (Includes duplicated date & time)
# Must be registered even if there are duplicate schedules.

STEP (ID) Test Item Expected Results Actual Results Description

Import Assignment > Excel Upload Check both of Normal /

ID01 1. Show an Excel Upload Screen
1. Perform an Excel Upload Unusual Schedules
Utility > Excel Upload
ID02 1. Apply & Complete Excel File that try 1. Excel upload successfully

Import Assignment 1. The materials you uploaded appear in

1. After the upload completes, Re-enter the the list.
Import Assignment screen. 2. Updated number of Available items in
2. Click the Search Button the top stas area.

Import Assignment
ID04 1. Updated list using changed conditions
1. Change Search Conditions

Subsequent behavior is
Import Assignment > CSV Upload
ID05 1. Show a CSV Upload Screen the same as Excel
1. Perform an CSV Upload

1. Send Email about submitted assignments

Import Assignment > Send to APD schedule.
ID06 1. Check some Items 2. The number of Available, Pending for
2. Click the Send to APD Button Approval items in the top stats area has
been updated.





[CALS_WEB].[Assignment].[Assignment Approval]
Test Scenario Specification Form
Author Create Date Review Review Date Performer Perform Date
Namki An 2/7/2024
Test Target Details :

- Case of Approve / Reject an assignment, Test it against these four items.

1. Approve : Approve Assignments
2. Reject : Reject Assignments
3. List lookup : Get a list based on conditions.
4. View statistics : Show statistics normally.

Purpose of Test Scenario :

- Approve Feature
- Reject Feature
- List Feature
- Statistics Feature
Test the results of developing the above 4 services (Are List and Statistics looking the way they should? Does each feature work well?)

PreCondition :

- LAWA upload the schedule from Import Assignment and Sent it to APD already.

STEP (ID) Test Item Expected Results Actual Results Description

1. LAWA-submitted schedules should be

Assignment Approval visible normally.
1. Enter the Screen 2. Items in the stats area should be visible
Assignment Approval
ID02 1. Updated list using changed conditions
1. Change Search Conditions

1. Updated the number of items in the top

Assignment Approval > Approve statistics area.
1. Select the items and click Approve 2. Send Email that Assignments are

Assignment Approval > Reject

ID04 1. Show Reject Comments PopUp
1. Select the items and click Reject

1. Close PopUp
Assignment Approval > Reject > Reject
2. Updated the number of items in the top
ID05 Comments
statistics area.
1. Input Comments and click Save
3. Send Email that Assignments are rejected






Test Scenario Specification Form
Author Create Date Review Review Date Performer Perform Date
Namki An 2/7/2024
Test Target Details :

- Case of Dispatch an assignment, Test it against these three items.

1. Dispatch : Mapping schedule to dispatch Agent.
2. List lookup : Get a list based on conditions.
3. Mark Deviation : Deviation Activity

Purpose of Test Scenario :

- Dispatch Feature
- Deviation Feature
- List Feature
Test the results of developing the above 3 services (Are List looking the way they should? Does each feature work well?)

PreCondition :

- APD was approve schedule already.

STEP (ID) Test Item Expected Results Actual Results Description

1. LAWA-submitted schedules should be

TBITEC Users can only
Dispatch visible normally.
ID01 view schedule up to 24
1. Enter the Screen 2. Items in the stats area should be visible
hours in advance
ID02 1. Updated list using changed conditions
1. Change Search Conditions

ID03 1. Agent Assignment List will be changed
1. Click the one item

Dispatch > Available Agent

ID04 1. Select Items 1. Show Available Agent Popup
2. Click the Available Agent button

Dispatch > Available Agent

ID05 1. Get the Available Agent List normally.
1. Show Available Agent List via condition

Dispatch > Available Agent > Assign

1. Selected Agents will be assigned the
ID06 1. Select Items
assignment with it's Status Null.
2. Click the Assign button

Dispatch > Agent Assignment 1. Can edit Dispatcher Type (Trainee /

1. Click the edit icon of Dispatcher Type Screener)

Dispatch > Agent Assignment > Delete

ID08 1. Select Item 1. Delete Agent at Assignment
2. Click the Delete button

Dispatch > Mark Deviation

ID09 1. Select Item 1. Show Mark Deviation Popup
2. Click the Edit Icon

1. Save Deviation informations

2. Agent Mobile App should be shown re-
Dispatch > Mark Deviation assigned door in Assignment List.
ID10 1. Select Deviation Fields 3. Close Popup
2. Click the Save button 4. Refresh Dispatch Assignment List
5. Color of the row is changed to Orange
Dispatch > Submit 1. Assignment is assigned to Agent
ID11 1. Select Items (assignment with it's Status Assigned)
2. Click the Submit Button 2. Send Push Notification to Agent

[CALS_WEB].[Screening Details].[Screening Details]
Test Scenario Specification Form
Author Create Date Review Review Date Performer Perform Date
Namki An 2/7/2024
Test Target Details :

- Case of Show history of Screening, Test it against these three items.

1. List lookup : Get a list based on conditions.
2. View statistics : Show statistics normally.
3. Agent Screening List lookup : Get a list of Screening Details

Purpose of Test Scenario :

- List Feature
- Statistics Feature
Test the results of developing the above 2 services (Are List and Statistics looking the way they should?)

PreCondition :

- Agent has a history of Screening

STEP (ID) Test Item Expected Results Actual Results Description

1. Get the Screening List normally.
2. Items in the stats area should be visible
3. When Has Deviation history should be
Screening Details
ID01 displayed with an orange background color
1. Enter the Screen
on list row.
4. When Has Incident history should be
displayed with an red background color on
list row.

Screening Details
ID02 1. Updated list using changed conditions
1. Change Search Conditions

Screening Details
ID03 1. Agent Screening List will be changed
1. Click the one item

1. Get the Screening List normally.

2. When Has Deviation history should be
displayed with an orange background color
Screening Details > Agent Screening List
ID04 on list row.
1. Show List
3. When Has Incident history should be
displayed with an red background color on
list row.

Screening Details > Agent Screening List >

ID05 Agent Name 1. Show Agent Profile Image Popup
1. Click the Agent Name

Screening Details > Agent Screening List >

ID06 Image 1. Show Badge Image Popup
1. Click the Image Column





Test Scenario Specification Form
Author Create Date Review Review Date Performer Perform Date
Namki An 2/7/2024
Test Target Details :

- Case of Show Reports, Test it against two three items.

1. List lookup : Get a list based on conditions.
2. Download : Excel Download

Purpose of Test Scenario :

- List Feature
- Download Feature
Test the results of developing the above 1 services (Are List looking the way they should? Is the Download Feature working well?)

PreCondition :

- Agent has a history of Screening

- Agent has a history of Deviation

STEP (ID) Test Item Expected Results Actual Results Description

1. Must be configured for each Tab

Reports normally.
1. Enter the Screen (Screening / Agent Performance /
Assignment Deviation)
Reports > Screening
ID02 1. Show Screening List
1. Click Screening Tab

Reports > Screening

ID03 1. Updated list using changed conditions
1. Change Search Conditions

Reports > Screening > Download

ID04 1. Excel Download must work well.
1. Click the Download Button

Reports > Agent Performance

ID05 1. Show Agent Performance List
1. Click Agent Performance Tab

Reports > Agent Performance

ID06 1. Updated list using changed conditions
1. Change Search Conditions

Reports > Agent Performance > Download

ID07 1. Excel Download must work well.
1. Click the Download Button

Reports > Assignment Deviation

ID08 1. Show Assignment Deviation List
1. Click Assignment Deviation Tab

Reports > Assignment Deviation

ID09 1. Updated list using changed conditions
1. Change Search Conditions

Reports > Assignment Deviation >

ID10 Download 1. Excel Download must work well.
1. Click the Download Button

Test Scenario Specification Form
Author Create Date Review Review Date Performer Perform Date
Namki An 2/7/2024
Test Target Details :

- Case of Show User, Test it against five items.

1. List lookup : Get a User List
2. User Profile : Show and Modify User Profile information
3. Sync to CA : Integration with CALS Analytics
4. Sync to cometchat : Integration with cometchat
5. Modify Employee information : Edit Employee Division

Purpose of Test Scenario :

- List Feature
- Image Upload Feature
- Sync to CA Feature
- Sync to cometchat Feature
- Modify Employee Information Feature
Test the results of developing the above 5 services (Are List looking the way they should? Image Upload Feature is working well? Does it integration well with external
solutions? Is the employee information modified correct?)

PreCondition :

- A list of Users exists.

STEP (ID) Test Item Expected Results Actual Results Description

User > My Profile 1. Profile information must be visible
1. Enter the Screen normally.

1. Profile picture needs to be updated

User > My Profile > Save
ID02 1. Upload Photo
2. Profile picture of commetchat needs to
2. Click the Save button
be updated normally also.

1. Employee List should be visible normally.

Only people with
2. If the CA Sync Flag is true, Sync to CA
User > Employee List Admin / Full Access
ID03 button should be disabled.
1. Enter the Screen permissions can access
3. If the cometChat Sync Flag is true, Sync
this screen
to cometchat button should be disabled.

User > Employee List > Edit Division

ID04 1. Show Edit Popup
1. Click the edit icon of Division Column

1. Employee Division information should be

User > Employee List > Edit Division
updated normally.
ID05 1. Change Division
2. Close Popup
2. Click the Save button
3. Refresh Employee List

When syncing works

well, chart viewing
User > Employee List > Sync to CA 1. Api call to CALS Analytics and receive
screens should be visible
ID06 1. Select One Item the integration flag value in Response.
without requiring
2. Click the Sync to CA button 2. Adjust flag at CA Sync Column.
additional logins to
For check cometchat
User > Employee List > Sync to cometchat User is created well, it
1. Call cometchat Create User API to create
ID07 1. Select One item can judged that chat
a cometchat User with user information
2. Click the Sync to cometchat button function is available in
Web / App






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