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Charles Lamb

Narjes Barari
Fatemeh Alnaees
Fereshteh Ansari
Biography of the Writer

Charles Lamb (1775–1834) was an English

essayist, poet, and antiquarian. Born in
London, he spent most of his life there.
Lamb is best known for his essays,
particularly those written under the
pseudonym "Elia," which were published in
London Magazine in the early 19th century.
He collaborated with his sister, Mary Lamb,
on the famous children's book "Tales from
Shakespeare." Despite facing personal
challenges, including his sister's mental
health issues, Lamb's literary contributions
earned him recognition as a significant
figure in the Romantic period of English
Brief summary over the plot
In this Christmas tale, we follow a poor man, Michael, who tells his
life's story to his relatives. He says that he still owns a business and
earns enough to be independent. As his life is lonely and rather
monotonous, he invents a different life where everything is the way
he wants it to be.
The message of the text
The text is making fun of the difficulties and awkwardness that
come with having a family member or friend who is poor. It
describes how their behavior, social interactions, and presence can
be challenging and uncomfortable, using humor to highlight these
situations. The message is about the complexities of dealing with
someone who is financially struggling in social settings.
Figures of speech
1) Metaphor:
a poor relation is the most irrelevant thing

2) simile:
an odious approximation/ a preposterous shadow: comparing poor relation to an odious and
preposterous shadow

3) hyperbole:
a perpetually recurring mortification

4) personification:
a death's head at your banquct

5) irony:
a triumph to your enemy, an apology to your friends

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Figures of speech
6) alliteration:
"d" second paragraph , line 1 to 5

7) paradox:
He is too familiar by half , yet you wish he had less difficulty.

8) oxymoron:
He is too humble for a friend; yet taketh on him more state than befits a client.

He is an old humorist.

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What is the main
theme of poor relation?
Loneliness is a key theme that runs
throughout the story, Charles
Lamb highlights how innocence and
trustworthiness can, although a good
thing, result in loneliness and a person
being taken advantage of. Dickens uses
this to condemn the ways of the
Victorian society.
What is the writing style of Charles Lamb in
poor relations?

Charles Lamb unites many of the characteristics of each of this

writers-refined and exquisite humour, a genuine and cordial vein
of pleasantry and heart-touching pathos. His fancy is
distinguished by great delicacy and tenderness; and even his
conceits are imbued with human feeling and passion.

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