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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Employee retention is one of the most urgent problems the company is facing. For

retail businesses, especially those that demand specific talents, employee retention is a

concern. The provision of employee coaching and training is one approach to resolving

this issue. Knowledgeable workers are more likely to stick with their positions. People

might gain from training to enhance not only their effectiveness at work but also their

drive and enthusiasm for it. In order to keep valuable personnel, it is crucial to

comprehend how coaching and training promote retention in the retail sector.

Cole (2002) argued that training is crucial to boosting an employee’s potential, by

doing this, workers can pick up new professional concepts, refresh their skills, improve

their work attitude, and produce more. Herminia and Anne (2019) stated that the

coaching we’re referring to- the kind that develops a real learning organization- is

ongoing and carried out by those already employed by the company. A high retention rate

indicates that employees are kept on a long-term basis, requiring less time and money to

train new hires and demonstrating the loyalty necessary to maintain (Ben, 2021).

Employees are a company’s most precious asset. Organizations need a solid

personnel base in order to prosper and accomplish their objectives. The management

should think about ways for keeping staff and identify resources for doing so. In Gov.

Alfonso D. Tan College (GADTC), the rise in high turnover has turned into an issue.

Understanding the value of coaching as a tool for examining retention and the reasons

behind increased employee turnover is crucial.

Thus, the researchers wanted to know the relationship between training and

development, coaching and employee retention among employees of GADTC. Also, this

study was conducted to decide how to keep valuable people on board and what effect

coaching has on both individual employees and the organization as a whole. Although the

major emphasis would be on the influence of training and development on employee

retention, this study could offer a better knowledge of the relationship between the

effectiveness of human resource practices and employee retention in a firm. Regarding

the effect that employee training has on employee retention, it will give important

information. This study would aid readers in their understanding and act as a manual for

numerous firms with reference to employee retention. This study offered a solution for

keeping people in firms through training and development practices.

Conceptual Framework

This study was anchored to the following insights of varied authors whose focus

relates to the objective of the research study.

According to Malvik (2020), in every training, member of the faculty may

contribute to promoting institutional consistency, which will improve the school’s

reputation and the student experience, training and development can assist in fusing a

constant institutional thread that students will value and expect with the diversity of

instruction. Mondy and Noe (2005) stated that training and development are the official

activities created by company to assist its employees in acquiring the skills and

information to fulfill current or future positions. Rothwell and Sredl (2000) added that

employees feel valuable to the organization when job training is combined with learning

interventions that help them acquire the skills, information, and attitudes needed to match

current or future job requirements. As a result, they will stay with the company for many

years to come.

According to Aguilar (2013), coaching is a crucial element of a successful

professional development program because it can develop capacity, skill, knowledge, and

will because it can go where no other professional development has gone before: into an

educator’s thoughts, actions, beliefs, values, and emotions. However, coaching fosters a

connection in which a teacher feels valued and, as a result, is able to access and apply

new information. Patzer (2020) mentioned that coaching is a great way for seasoned

instructors to continue their professional growth. Since decades, people have recognized

the value of teacher coaching, defining it as a crucial element of successful ongoing

professional growth. Browell (2003) stated that there are several elements that determine

whether or not employees stay with a company; just one aspect has a significant impact.

Das and Baruah (2013) came to the conclusion that management needs to pay attention to

elements like organizational justice, flexible work environments, career growth,

compensation and rewards, motivation and satisfaction, job security, training and

development, and leadership.

According to Fazan (2021), a faculty member’s ability to teach and conduct

research must always be improved. This will assist faculty members keep their jobs, as

skilled and effective workers have long been the backbone of every business and can help

create stronger academic institutions. Williams (2019) stated that teachers require

coaching, professional development opportunities, and mentorship relationships. These

tools enable teachers to acquire the abilities required to instruct a broad group of students.

Dischiano (2017) mentioned that it is critical to recognize the unique characteristics

teachers are looking for in a workplace and make any necessary adjustments. Collegial

connections are critical to employee happiness in any sector, and in this case, they are

related to school culture and instructional leadership. The key is having the appropriate


Training and Development Employee Retention


Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the relationship between training and development,

coaching and employee retention at GADTC.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions.

1. What is the level of training and development in GADTC?

2. What is the level of coaching in GADTC?

3. What is the level of employee’s retention in GADTC?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the training and development,

coaching and employee retention?

5. What are the reasons that are influencing your decisions to remain in the

service of your organization?

6. What are the approaches that your organization can employ to keep you in

service longer than excepted?


Ho: There is no significant relationship between the level of training and level of

retention of employees. Further, it was also shown that there is a significant

relationship between the level of coaching and level of retention of employees.


Significance of the Study

The following individuals may use the result of this research in different ways:

The results of this study was beneficial to the following individuals.

Management. The result of this study will give them insight into how to create

worthwhile ideas to improve the institution or organization and make it

simpler and less troublesome. Additionally, it will provide them a better

understanding of how coaching, as part of training and development, helps

in employee retention.

HR personnel. This study assists in determining the employee training and

development requirements must be in line with the overall business

objective. Employees that are always learning will be able to keep their

expertise up to date and offer valuable and original ideas to the company

or organization.

GADTC Employees. This study will serve as an instrument to guide them in the

relationship between training and development and coaching in employee


Future Researchers. This will serve to them as a guide as basis foundation in the

future research that is related to the study.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The aim of this study was to ascertain how staff retention in relationship between

training and development, coaching and employee retention at Gov. Alfonso D. Tan

College. Due to their high staff turnover rate, participants were the GADTC employees.

The research was conducted during the first semester of the 2021–2022 academic year.

The respondents were interviewed and were given a set of questionnaires related to the


Research Methods

This section presents the research design, research setting, research respondents,

research instrument, instruments validity, data gathering, and data analysis.

Research Design. The researchers used correlational and concurrent research

design. The researchers used this research design to look into the benefits

of coaching, training, and development, as well as their effects on

employee retention. According to Pritha (2002), with a correlational

research design, relationships between variables are examined without any

of the variables being under the researcher’s direct control or

manipulation. Additionally,

strong, or weak, positive, or negative correlation are possible, there may

not always be a correlation (Kendra, 2022).

Research Setting. This study was conducted at Maloro, Tangub City where Gov.

Alfonso D. Tan College is located. This study focused on the relationship

between training and development, coaching and employee retention at


Research Respondents. The respondents of this study were GADTC employees.

To ensure that all GADTC employees have an opportunity to respond to

the questionnaire, a probability sampling technique was used particularly

the stratified sampling. This sampling method was used because every

GADTC employee will have the opportunity to participate in training and

coaching in some capacity. According to Kassiani (2022), Probability


sampling is a technique that includes picking a sample or segment of the

population at random.

Table 1

Respondents of the Study

Employee Population Size Sample Size
Faculty 126 79
Staff 104 66
Total 230 145

Research Instrument. The instrument used in gathering data was an adopted

interview guide questionnaire from the study of Omoikhudu (2017)

entitled Impact of Training and development on employee retention in the

retail sector, an examination of the role of coaching in a Leading retailer in

Dublin republic of Ireland. A case study of mark spencer’s store Dublin,

and Al-

Mzary et al. (2015) entitled training and its impact on the performance of

employees at Jordanian universities from the perspective of employees:

the case of Yarmouk University, and Catherine W/M (2016) Effect of

coaching on employee performance in commercial banks: A case of

standard chartered bank Kenya limited. It was used to determine the

impact of training and development on employee retention, as well as the

role of coaching on employee retention. The questionnaire comprises of

questions on training and development, coaching, employee retention, and

also an open-ended question which seeks to find respondents information


and opinion about the study and to find out other dependent variables that

may impact and help in the retention of employees.

Instrument’s Validity. The instrument was submitted to the editor, the adviser

and the statistician for correction. The researchers integrated all the

changes before the distribution of the instrument to the respondents.

Cronbach’s alpha was used in order to test the reliability of the

questionnaire. Pilot testing was conducted to 30 individuals to test the

reliability of the instrument. These individuals have the same

characteristics with, but not the respondents of this study. The result was

treated through Cronbach’s Alpha. It measures reliability, or internal

consistency, hence tests to see if Likert scale surveys are reliable. The

closer the coefficient is to 1.0, the greater the internal consistency of the

items in the scale.

Moreover, George and Mallery (2003) provided the following rules of

thumb: α>0.9 – Excellent; α>0.8 – Good; α>0.7 – Acceptable; α>0.6 –

Poor; and α<0.5 – Unacceptable. The results are α=0.94 for level of

training, α=0.96 for level of coaching, and α=0.76 for level of retention.

Thus, the test items for level of retention are considered acceptable to be

administered to the respondents while the items for level of training and

level of coaching are considered excellent to be administered to the

respondents. In pre-interview, the researchers used the respondent

validation technique to have an initial result with the respondents to see if

it is true and able to refine the researchers understanding.


Data Gathering Procedure. The researchers asked the permission from the

adviser to gather the data. After it was granted, the researchers distributed

the instruments to the participants. The researchers used an interview

guide to further strengthen the result of the study. Also, the researchers

made a clear direction and understandable questions for the participants.

Then, the gathered data were treated statistically.

Data Analysis. To address the main aim of this study, the researchers used an

adopted modified questionnaire for data collection. The data findings were

quantifiably analyzed and objectively interpreted using weighted mean and

arithmetic mean. According to Marnich (2008), the findings showed that

the balancing model training improved understanding of the weighted

mean. It also proposed knowledge relationships related to the arithmetic

mean based on the body of existing literature. The weighted mean was

used to interpret the responses on the relationship between training and

development, coaching, and employee retention at GADTC. Also,

arithmetic mean was utilized to determine the average score. In scoring

procedures, the researchers employed the following interpretation table for

weighted mean to interpret the data gathered effectively.


Numerical Hypothetical Mean

Interpretation Implication
Value Range
4 3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree Very High
3 2.51-3.25 Agree High
2 1.76-2.50 Disagree Low
1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree Very Low
Verbal Interpretation

4 – The respondents strongly agree with the indicators on the level of training and

development which also implies that the respondents are very high to

received thorough/extensive training and development at Gadtc.

3 – The respondents agree with the indicators on the Level of Coaching which

also implies that the respondents are high of coaching scheme provides

direction and guidance in work at Gadtc.

2 – The respondents disagree with the indicators on the level of employee

retention which also implies that the respondents are low in often think of

leaving at Gadtc.

1 - The respondents strongly disagree with the indicators on the Level of

Training and development, Coaching and Retention which implies that the

respondents are very low at Gadtc.

Ethical Considerations

Creswell (2005) demonstrated the absolute necessity of ethical conduct in

research, whether it is in the respect of its participants, in the reporting of findings in full

and honest manner, or in other considerations. Ethical research is a requirement for any

research to be worthwhile and productive. As a result, the researchers must be aware of

ethical issues if they are to succeed in their research endeavors.

The approval of GADTC was secured before this research was conducted. Letters

were also be given to the participants asking for their consent to be part of this study. The

confidentiality in the collection of the use data was strictly observed in order to assure the

rights of the participants. This specific procedure aided in ensuring that any human

participants in the study was protected and treated ethically. The researchers revisited the

selected participants to show them the transcription or validate the consent after finalizing

and encoding the responses of the participants.

Trustworthiness of the Research

This study was conducted with utmost reliability. To observe the credibility of the

interpretation, the researchers consulted experts and professionals regarding the data

gathered from the respondents.

Definition of Terms

The terms below are theoretically and operationally defined in this study.

Coaching. It is a process of growth when a knowledgeable individual, known as a

coach, assists a learner or client in accomplishing a particular personal or

professional goal by offering instruction and assistance

( In this study, this refers to the assessment and


guidance of employee to able to perform well with having the knowledge

and understanding.

Development. It is the action or process of growing something, or making

something grow, expand, or advance ( In this study,

this refers to the fast learning of employees to be more confident pursuing

their career development.

Employee Retention. It is the capacity of an organization to reduce the number

of employees who quit their jobs in a certain time period, either freely or

involuntarily, and is measured in terms of employee turnover

( In this study, this refers the values of

employee satisfaction on their job. It also defined as the activities and

business functions involved in preparing workers to head off leavers.

Employee Turnover. Employee turnover is the number of employees who leave

the company or who are requested to do so, and who are then replaced by

new hires ( In this study, this refers to the

thoughts of the employees based on their reasons for leaving willingly.

Training. It is the process of acquiring the knowledge and abilities required for a

specific job or activity ( In this study,

this refers to the results of student to enhanced and empowered their skills.

Chapter 2


This chapter shows the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data gathered

by the.

Table 2

Respondent’s Responses towards the Level of Training and Development in GADTC

Indicators Mean Interpretation
1. I receive training based on the work requirements. 3.26 Strongly Agree
2. I receive training based on the regular assessment of 3.39 Strongly Agree
3. I receive thorough/extensive training and development 3.59 Strongly Agree
4. Effective training and development adopted in this 3.43 Strongly Agree
5. Training and development has enhanced my skills and 3.40 Strongly Agree
6. The organization supports for training and development. 3.37 Strongly Agree

7. Training opportunities being allocated fairly. 3.33 Strongly Agree

8. Training and development offered relevance to my 3.44 Strongly Agree
Grand Mean 3.40 Strongly Agree

The table above shows the respondent’s responses towards the level of training

and development at GADTC. It is shown that all the indicators are strongly agreed by the

respondents. The highest mean of 3.59 indicates that the respondents strongly agree that

they receive thorough/extensive training and development program. The grand mean of

3.40 signifies that the respondents strongly agree with the indicators on the level of

training and development which also implies that the respondents are very high at


A knowledgeable workforce is produced by providing the essential training, and

those personnel are able to step in when necessary, work in teams, or operate

independently without constant guidance from others (Shelley, 2019). Giving staff

members continues, pertinent training helps enhance their performance and productivity

at work (Jennifer, 2022). Sam (2019) added that employee that participate in this kind of

training use the tools at their disposal at work, which enables them to learn while

integrating into their regular working environment.


Table 3

Respondent’s Responses towards the Level of Coaching in GADTC

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. Coaching helps me understand my roles and helps me 3.42 Strongly Agree
know what my priorities are.
2. Coaching challenges my thinking and offers new 3.31 Strongly Agree
3. Coaching has helped inspire me to go above and 3.35 Strongly Agree

what is expected of me.
4. Coaching has helped me improve my work. 3.31 Strongly Agree
5. Coaching in this organization has enhanced my skills. 3.32 Strongly Agree
6. Coaching has given me a cleared direction of things. 3.32 Strongly Agree
7. I am more confident in my work after being coached. 3.30 Strongly Agree
8. The coaching scheme of this company has provided me 3.25 Agree
direction and guidance on what to do in my work.
9. I get the right coaching from this company. 3.26 Strongly Agree
10. I get the appropriate coaching from this company. 3.28 Strongly Agree
11. Coaching is an important factor that has helped me 3.30 Strongly Agree
identify strategies to achieve my goals.
12. The feedback channels used at our organization are 3.22 Agree
adequate to provide for my coaching needs.
Grand Mean 3.30 Strongly Agree

The table above shows the responses of respondents on the level of coaching at

GADTC. As depicted, the highest mean 3.42 indicates that the respondents strongly agree

that coaching helps them understand their roles and helps them know what their priorities

are. However, the lowest mean 3.22 indicates that the respondents agree that the feedback

channels used at the organization are adequate to provide for the coaching needs. The

grand mean of 3.30 signifies that the respondents agree with the indicators on the level of

coaching which also implies that the respondents are high of coaching scheme provides

direction and guidance in work at GADTC.

Allaya (2021) stated that coaching is shown to have a powerful, positive impact

oneself-confidence, wellness, and work performance. Lee (2020) added that coaching

leaders are focused on bringing out the best in their teams by guiding them through goals

and obstacles. Nevertheless, coaching is a process scheduled and consistent sessions that

focus on employee’s strengths and areas of performance improvement (Freifed, 2014).


Table 4

Respondent’s Responses towards the Level of Retention in GADTC

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. I am planning to work for another company few years 2.50 Disagree
2. I am satisfied with the work I do within this 2.74 Agree
3. If I wanted to do another job or a change in 2.69 Agree
career, I would look for opportunities within
this company.
4. I foresee myself in this company for a long 2.69 Agree
5. I would always choose to work for this 2.64 Agree
company if I were start again.
6. If I get an attractive job somewhere else, 2.68 Agree
7. My job is important to me. 3.19 Agree
8. I often think of leaving. 2.32 Disagree
9. I am Job searching. 2.25 Disagree
Grand Mean 2.65 Agree

The table above shows the responses of respondents on the level of retention in

GADTC. The highest mean 3.19 reveals that the respondents agree that their job is very

important to them. However, the lowest mean 2.25 signifies that the respondent disagree

of they are a job searching. In general, the grand mean of 2.65 signifies that the

respondents agree with the indicators on the level of employee retention which also

implies that the respondents are high in often think of leaving at GADTC.

According to James (2020), it is important to keep in mind that each job is

different. Blake (2022) added that people who enjoy their work are motivated and report

high levels of employee engagement. Nevertheless, it is nearly impossible for an

organization to be successful without hardworking and dedicated employees (Edwards,


Table 5

Significant relationship between the Level of Training and Development Level of

Coaching on Employee Retention

Variables Level of Retention

Pearson r Interpretation p-value Interpretation
Level of Training and 0.04 Very Low 0.64 Not Significant
Development Correlation
Level of Coaching 0.28 Low <.001 Significant
Scale: 0.00 - ±0.19=Very Low Correlation, ±0.20 - ±0.39= Low Correlation,

±0.40 - ± 0.59=Moderate Correlation, ±0.60 - ± 0.79=High Correlation

and ±0.80 - ±1.00=Very High Correlation

The result revealed that level of training and level of retention have a p-value of

0.64 which is higher than 0.05. This indicates that there is no significant relationship

between the level of training and level of retention of employees. This implies training

and retention of an employee have no association. However, the result shows a p-

value<0.001 for level of coaching and level of retention which is clearly less than 0.05.

This indicates that there is a significant relationship between the level of coaching and

level of retention of employees. Moreover, the pearson r of 0.28 is described as having

low correlations. Nevertheless, this further posits that the higher the level of coaching to

the employees, the higher their level of retention.


Problem 1. What other reasons that are influencing your decisions to remain in the
service of your organization?

This chapter presents the data gathered from the employees who answered the

study. The data gathered were analyzed or presented in themes from the respondents

answer to the questions.

The respondents of this studies shared their opinion, experienced, and suggestions

that remain in services.

Theme 1. Professional Development

From the responses of the participants, reasons that are influencing their

decision to remain in the service.

Participant 1 stated that ‘’ GADTC helps me grow my professional aspect”.

Participant 2 stated that ‘’Because GADTC develops my knowledge and boost my

confidence in my work”.

Participants 7, 10, 12, and 17 added that ‘’My learning experience in GADTC
helps me to develop my professional growth’’.

Out of 145 participants during the interview, six (6) of them uttered that the other

reason which influenced them to remain in GADTC is because it enhances their

professional development, expertise, and self-assurance, and their learning experiences

assist them to build high levels of responsibility. Tami (2022) stated that the learning

experience, professional development controls an employee’s readiness for contributing

to a company in new ways, whether the company adopts a new strategy, expands, or

needs change. Professional development is gaining new skills through continuing

education and career training after entering the workforce (Lian, 2022).

Theme 2. Employee Benefits and Compensation

In this theme, the participants answered that the benefits and

compensation influenced them to stay in the organization.

Participant 13 stated that ‘’Benefits that employee received is the reason

why I’m still here’’.

Participants 6, 11, 19, 20, 23, and 25 added that ‘’Because of salary and
good compensation is one of my decisions to remain in the

Out of 145 participants during the interview, seven (7) of them stated that the high

pay and perks that the employee received. Chase (2022) stated that employees preferred

receiving benefits or perks over a pay increase. Compensation and benefits are important

aspects of an employee’s satisfaction at a workplace, as they directly impact on

employee’s performance and motivation to work (Maggie, 2022).

Theme 3. Relationship with Co-employees

In this theme, it emerged that the participants’ relationship with their co-

employees is one of their reasons why they remained in GADTC.

Participant 15 uttered that “I am happy with my co-workers that is why I

still continue working here”.

Participant 9, 16, 27, and 28 stated added that “Good relationship with
employees and students.

Out of 145 participants during the interview, five (5) of them responded that their

positive relationships between their coworkers and students and how they are regarded

and valued is the reason why they stayed in their organization. The better your work

relationships are, the better and happier employee you will likely become (Jamie, 2019).

It is important to allow employees the opportunity to build quality relationships with their

co-workers (Kate, 2019).


Theme 4. Being Valued

In this theme, the participants expressed that they feel valued in their

organization that is why they stayed.

Participants 1 and 4 stated that “Each of employee of this organization feel

appreciated by their boss”.

Participants 24 uttered that “I am valued, recognize and respected”.

Out of 145 participants during the interview, three (3) participants responded that

each employee feels appreciated by their employer in their company and that they are

recognized and valued. According to Manoj (2021), it is inherently human that one needs

to feel significant, respected, cherished, and appreciated. Many businesses talk about

establishing relationships with their customers but the true is, valuing employees and

building a great relationship with them is of the same absolute importance (Robert,


Problem 2. What are the approaches can you suggest to the organization to keep
you in service longer?

This chapter presents the data gathered from the employees who answered the

study. The data gathered were analyzed or presented in themes from the respondents

answer to the interview questions.

The respondents of this studies shared their opinion, experienced, and suggestions

that remain in services.


Theme 1. Provide incentives and increase salary

The statement below describes the suggestion of the participants. They are

suggesting to provide incentives and to increase the salary of the employees.

Participant 14 stated that “Implement the recognition and reward’’.

Participant 15 stated that ‘’Give special incentives for those who stayed
longer in service”.

Participants 12, 1,7 18, and 28 added that “Best or high salary in order for
us to remain in the service”.

Out of 145 participants during the interview, seven (7) stated that in order for the

employees to continue in the service, the organization must implement recognition and

reward programs, and provide unique incentives for those who have stayed longer and/or

earned higher salaries. Kellie (2020) stated that incentives give employees something to

strive for and provide tangible acknowledgement of their great work. Additionally,

workplace incentives are positive ways to show appreciation for exceptional employees,

some programs are difficult to use or simply do not matter to workers (Adryan, 2022).

Theme 2. Provide relevant training

Participants 1, 5, 8, 11, 20, 23, and 25 added that “The management

should conduct more relevant trainings”.

Participants 3, 10, and 19 added that “More seminars that applicable to

shape employees’ knowledge of their jobs, and there will be
opportunities for each staff members or employees.

Out of 145 participants during the interview, ten (10) stated that management has

to undertake more relevant training, hold seminars to shape employee’s knowledge of

their jobs, and provide possibilities for each staff member’s. According to Kira (2021),

for training sessions to be effective, they have to provide valuable insights and

meaningful lessons. Additionally, the training function must be viewed as relevant to the

success of the organization (Michelle, 2018).

The Structural Representation of Prevailing Themes on Relationship Between

Training and Development, Coaching and Employee Retention at GADTC.

Relationship between Training and Development, Coaching and Employee

Retention at GADTC.

What other reasons that are What other approaches can you
influencing your decisions to suggest to the organization to
remain in the service of your keep you in service longer?

Provide Incentives and Increase

Professional Development

Employee Benefits and Provide Relevant Training


Relationship w/ Co-workers

Being Valued

Figure 2. The structural Representation of the Prevailing Themes on Relationship

Between Training and Development, Coaching and Employee Retention at GADTC.

Chapter 3


This chapter represents the summary of findings, the conclusions made, and the

recommendation endorsed.

Summary of Findings

This study was conducted to assess the relationship between training and

development, coaching and employee retention at GADTC. To narrow the knowledge

and gaps in the study, a quantitative, correlation and concurrent research designed was

used. The study included 145 faculty and staff at Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College as

respondents of the study.

The results showed that the level of training received the highest grand mean of

3.40, indicating that the respondents strongly agree with its indicators which also implies

that the level of training in GADTC is very high. The grand mean for level of coaching

was 3.30 indicating that the respondents strongly agree with the indicators which signifies

that the level of coaching at GADTC is very high. For the level of retention, the grand

mean was 2.65 indicating that the respondents agree with the indicators which implies

that the level of retention at GADTC is high.


The results further revealed that there is no significant relationship between the

level of training and level of retention of employees. This implies training and retention

of an employee are not related. Further, it was also shown that there is a significant

relationship between the level of coaching and level of retention of employees. Moreover,

the pearson r of 0.28 is described as having low correlations. Nevertheless, this further

posits that the higher the level of coaching to the employees, the higher their level of


The participants were further asked about their reasons influencing the decisions

of employees to remain in services. Out of one hundred and forty-five (145) participants,

six (6) of them responded that it enhances their professional development, expertise, and

self-assurance, and their learning experiences assist them to help their professional

growth. Another seven (7) of them stated that the high pay and perks that the employee

received, that’s why they stayed in the organization. Also one (1) stated that I currently

require this work in order to meet my family’s demands through income. Also, five (5)

participants also expressed that the positive relationships between coworkers and students

and how they are regarded and valued is their reason for staying while the other three (3)

said that the reason why they stayed was because each employee feels appreciated by

their employer in the company, and that they are recognized and valued.

For the suggestions of the participants to keep them in the organization longer, six

(6) of the participants stated that in order for them to continue in the service, implement

recognition and reward programs, and provide unique incentives for those who have

stayed longer and/or earned higher salaries. Moreover, ten (10) stated that management

has to undertake more relevant training, hold seminars to shape employee’s knowledge of

their jobs, and provide possibilities for each staff member’s.


Based on the findings, the given conclusions are drawn.

This study found that training and development is not one of the reasons to retain

employee in the service. Moreover, the relationship between coaching in employee helps

them to remain in the services. However, it was found out that training and development

has no relationship in employee retention. In addition, training and development did not

create strong foundation as a basis for retaining employee. The most common reasons to

stay in the service are professional development, employee benefits and compensation,

relationship with co-employees, and valuing employees. The common suggestion in the

organization to keep in service longer than expected are to provide incentives and to

provide relevant training. The study concluded that despite the fact that employees

receive a lot of trainings, coaching is the single factor that affects their ability to remain

in their positions at GADTC.


Based on the results, findings and conclusions, researchers suggest the following


1. The Management should examine what are the needs of the faculty and staff,

provided by coaching for new teacher it can be great way to support them on

their journey.

2. GADTC employees should have trusted relationship with students to improve

school climate by encouraging parent and family involvement in their student’s


3. The HR personnel should identify and select the best coaching method for

faculty and staff suited in their field and engage more coaching with the full

support of school to empower them to take responsibility for their learning and


4. Faculty and staff should value their co-workers in order to prevent searching

for employment at other organizations.

5. Future researchers should conduct further studies on what other factors that

training is not the reason to retain employees.



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Appendix A
Letter of Permission

Appendix B

Letter to the Respondents


Appendix C

Editor’s Certificate

Appendix D

Statistician’s Certification

Appendix E

Certification of Similarity Checking


Appendix F

Transcript of Responses

Respondent: Participant 1
Location: Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College

Line Utterances Analysis

Researcher 1: Good morning, ma’am, we are the business
student taking the major in human resource management we
are here to conduct an interview with our research entitled
“Relationship between training and development, coaching
and employee retention at GADTC” with your consent
Participant 1: Yes
Researcher1:Can you describe the other reasons that are
influencing your decisions to remain in the service of your
Participant 1: it, helps me grow my professional aspect.
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest to the
organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 1: More engaging activities for faculty and staff.

Respondent: Participant 2
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analyses

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am, we are the Business
student major in human resource management we are here to
conduct an interview with our research entitled “Relationship
between training and development, coaching and employee
retention at GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 2: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that are
influencing your decisions to remain in the service of your
Participant 2: Because it develops my knowledge and boost
my confidence in my work.
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest to the
organization to keep you in service longer?

Participant 2: Promotion and opportunities for development

and personal growth.

Respondent: Participant 3
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am, we are the Business student
taking the major in Human Resource Management we our here to
conduct interview with our research entitled “Relationship between
training and development, coaching and employee retention at
GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 3: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that are influencing
your decisions to remain in the service of your organization.
Participant 3: Each employee of this organization feels appreciated by
their boss.
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest to the
organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 3: Salary and training

Respondent: Participant 4
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am, we are the business student
taking the major in Human resource management we are here to
conduct an interview with our research entitled “Relationship
between training and development, coaching and employee
retention at GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 4: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the reasons that are influencing
your decisions to remain in the service of your organization.
Participant 4; I am respected
Researchers: what other approaches can you suggest to the
organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 4: Revisit Cultures and jeopardizing employee welfare
over organizational development as it is the big factor in
achieving strong workforce competence.

Respondent: Participant 5
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am, we are the business student
taking the major in Human resource management we are here to
conduct an interview with our research entitled “ Relationship
between training and development, coaching and employee
retention at GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 5: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that are
influencing your decisions to remain in the service of your
Participant 5: It gives me more knowledge in dealing with
different people with different personality and it motivates me to
pursue my career.
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest to the
organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 5: More training for teachers and competent to be in
teaching and other related task.

Respondent: Participant 6
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, sir, we are the business student
taking the major in Human resource management we are here
to conduct an interview with our research entitled
“Relationship between training and development, coaching and
employee retention at GADTC” with your consent sir.
Participant 6: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that are
influencing your decisions to remain in the service of your
Participant 6: Salary and friendship
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest to the
organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 6: Good management and leadership

Respondent: Participant 7
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, sir, we are the business
student taking the major in Human resource management
we are here to conduct an interview with our research
entitled “Relationship between training and development,
coaching and employee retention at GADTC” with your
consent sir.
Participant 7: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that are
influencing your decisions to remain in the service of your
Participant 7: Teaching has a big place in my heart even
the work is very challenging, but this motivates me to
continue professional aspect.
Researchers: what other approaches can you suggest to the
organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 7: The institution should see and used to assist
what are the other needs of its constitution.

Respondent: Participant 8
Location: GADTC
Line Utterances Analysis
Researchers: Good morning, ma’am, we are the business
students taking the major in Human resource management
we are here to conduct an interview with our research
entitled “Relationship between training and development,
coaching and employee retention at GADTC” with your
consent ma’am.
Participant 8: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that are
influencing your decisions to remain in the service of your
Participant 8: My family and my age is almost to retired
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest to the
organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 8: Create more training and seminars that will
mold the knowledge of the employees about their job.

Respondent: Participant 9
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, sir, we are the
business student taking the major in Human
resource management we are here to conduct an
interview with our research entitled “Relationship
between training and development, coaching and
employee retention at GADTC” with your consent
Participant 9: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons
that are influencing your decisions to remain in the
service of your organization?
Participant 9: Good relationship with my co-
Researchers: What other approaches can you
suggest to the organization to keep you in service?
Participant 9: The regularization of the employees.

Respondent: Participant 10
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am, we are the
business student taking the major in Human
resource management we are here to conduct an
interview with our research entitled “Relationship
between training and development, coaching and
employee retention at GADTC” with your consent
Participant 10: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons
that are influencing your decisions to remain in the
service of your organization?
Participant 10: Helps my responsibility of work
Researchers: What other approaches can you
suggest to the organization to keep you in service?
Participant 10: Provide more seminars and
workshop to faculty members every semester,
specially to the new employees.

Respondents: Participant 11
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am, we are the
business student taking the major in Human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview with
our research entitled “Relationship between training
and development, coaching and employee retention at
GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 11: Yes
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that
are influencing your decisions to remain in the service
of your organization?
Participant 11: Quality of work and salary.
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest
to the organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 11: Conduct more training.

Respondent: Participant 12
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, sir, we are the business
student taking the major in Human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview with
our research entitled “Relationship between training
and development, coaching and employee retention at
GADTC” with your consent sir.
Participant 12: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons
that are influencing your decisions to remain in
the service of your organization?
Participant 12: Because of my co-workers and
Researchers: What other approaches can you
suggest to the organization to keep you in service?
Participant 12: Best salary.

Respondent: Participant 13
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am, we are the
business student taking the major in Human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview with
our research entitled “Relationship between training
and development, coaching and employee retention at
GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 13: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that
are influencing your decisions to remain in the
service of you organization?
Participant 13: Benefits that employee received.
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest
to the organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 13: No delay of salary.

Respondent: Participant 14
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am, we are the
business students taking the major in Human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview with
our research entitled “Relationship between training
and development, coaching and employee retention at
GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 14: Yes
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that
are influencing your decisions to remain in the
service of your organization.
Participant 14: This company works with heart and
have compassion with co-employees.
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest
to the organization to keep you in service longer?
Implement the recognition and reward.

Respondent: Participant 15
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, sir, we are the business
student taking the major in Human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview with
our research entitled “Relationship between training
and development, coaching and employee retention at
GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 15: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons
that are influencing your decisions to remain in
the service of your organization?
Participant 15: I am happy with my co-workers
that is why I still continuing working here.
Researchers: What other approaches can you
suggest to the organization to keep you in service
Participant 15: Give special incentives for those
who are stayed longer.

Respondent: Participant 16
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am, we re the
business student taking the major in Human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview with
our research entitled “Relationship between training
and development, coaching and employee retention at
GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 16: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that
are influencing your decisions to remain in the
service of your organization?
Participant 16: Approachable co-workers
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest
to the organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 16: Learn to prioritize and set reasonable

Respondent: Participant 17
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am we are the
business student taking the major in Human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview
with our research entitled “Relationship between
training and development, coaching and employee
retention at GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 17: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that
are influencing your decisions to remain in the
service of your organization?
Participant 17: Helps me to boost my personal
Researchers: What other approaches can you
suggest to the organization to keep you in service
Participant 17: Aside from other benefits, I they
should give us high salary in order us to remain in
the service.

Respondent: Participant 18
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am, we are the
business student taking the major in human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview with
our research entitled “Relationship between training
and development, coaching and employee retention at
GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 18: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons
that are influencing your decisions to remain in
the service of your organization?
Participant 18: Because of very wonderful
Researchers: What other approaches can you
suggest to the organization to keep you in service

Participant 18: Strategy way of making the salary

process on time.
Respondent: Participant 19
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, sir, we are the business
student taking the major in human resource
management we are here to conduct with our research
entitled “Relationship between training and
development, coaching and employee retention at
GADT” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 19: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons
that are influencing your decisions to remain in
the service of your organization?
Participant 19:
Researchers: What other approaches can you
suggest to the organization to keep you in service
longer than expected?
Participant 19: Team building and more taining

Respondents: Participant 20
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am we are the
business student taking the major in human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview
with our research entitled “Relationship between
training and development, coaching and employee
retention at GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 20: Yes
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that
are influencing your decisions to remain in the
service of your organization?
Participant 20: Benefits that employee received and
good salary.
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest
to the organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 20: more workshop

Respondent: Participant 21
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am we are the
business student taking the major in human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview with
our research entitled “Relationship between training
and development, coaching and employee retention at
Participant 21: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that
are influencing your decisions to remain in the
service of your organization.
Participant 21: I need this job as I need income to
support the needs of my family.
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest
to the organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 21: More seminars to shape employee’s

Respondent: Participant 22
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, sir, we are the business
student taking the major in human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview with
our research entitled “Relationship between training
and development, coaching and employee retention at
GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 22: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons
that are influencing your decisions to remain in
the service of your organization?
Participant 22: My co-workers are definitely me
the reason for my retention in company.
Researchers: What other approaches can you
suggest to the organization to keep you in service

Participant 22: Motivate employees.

Respondent: Participant 23
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am we are the
business student taking the major in human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview with
our research entitled “Relationship between training
and development, coaching and employee retention at
GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 23: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons
that are influencing your decisions to remain in
the service of your organization?
Participant 23: Good compensation
Researchers: What other approaches can you
suggest to the organization to keep you in service
Participant 23: I strongly suggest that employees
with designation should be sent to external
trainings related to the job.

Respondent: Participant 24
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, sir, we are the business
student taking the major in human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview
with our researcher entitled “Relationship between
training and development, coaching and employee
retention at GADTC” with your consent sir.
Participant 24: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that
are influencing your decisions to remain in the
service of your organization.
Participant 24: I am valued, recognized, and
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest
to the organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 24: Opportunities for each staff members.

Respondent: Participant 25
Location: GADTC
Line Utterances Analysis
Researchers: Good morning, ma’am, we are the
business student taking the major in human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview with
our research entitled “Relationship between training
and development, coaching and employee retention at
GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 25: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that
are influencing your decisions to remain in the
service of your organization?
Participant 25: Special incentives for each employee.
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest
to the organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 25: More activities

Respondent: Participant 26
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am we are the
business student taking the major in human resource
management we are here to con duct an interview
with our research entitled “Relationship between
training and development, coaching and employee
retention at GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 26: Yes
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons
that are influencing your decisions to remain in
the service of your organization?
Participant 26: My experience in learning helps
me to develops high levels of responsibility.
Researchers: What other approaches can you
suggest to the organization to keep you in service
Participant 26: More relevant trainings

Respondent: Participant 27
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am, we are the
business student taking the major in human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview with
our research entitled “Relationship between training
and development, coaching and employee retention at
GAD”C" with your consent ma’am.
Participant 27: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons that
are influencing your decisions to remain in the service
of your organization?
Participant 27:Respectful co-workers and students
Researchers: What other approaches can you suggest
to the organization to keep you in service longer?
Participant 27: Unique incentives for employees
stayed longer.

Respondent: Participant 28
Location: GADTC

Line Utterances Analysis

Researchers: Good morning, ma’am, we are the
business student taking the major in human resource
management we are here to conduct an interview with
our research entitled “Relationship between training
and development, coaching and employee retention at
GADTC” with your consent ma’am.
Participant 28: Yes.
Researchers: Can you describe the other reasons
that are influencing your decisions to remain in
the service of your organization?
Participant 28: Relationship with peer influence
me most to stay.
Researchers: what other approaches can you
suggest to the organization to keep you in service

Participant 28: Increase salary.

Appendix G


Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College

Maloro, Tangub City



Name: ___________________________________ (Optional) Date:

Dear respondents,

The researchers are Human Resource Management students at Gov. Alfonso D. Tan
College. The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information on the topic

Your thoughts on the subject would be greatly appreciated. You can be confident that all
responses you provide will be kept confidential and anonymous. I appreciate your
cooperation. Thank you very much.

Please check the appropriate box or write in the provided space.


A. Consent Form

Directions: Please tick yes or no in the box

1. I agree to take part in the study having read and understood what the study is about.
 Yes
 No

2. The researcher is given the permission to document, record and publish results
from questionnaire if need be.
 Yes
 No

3. I gave my consent to futures students to use the published outcome of the study.
 Yes
 No

4. I know that anonymity be ensured and identity veiled

 Yes
 No

B.1. Level of Training

A. Please rate how much you agree with the following statements:

(4) Strongly Agree;

(3) Agree;
(2) Disagree;
(1) strongly disagree;

Indicators 4 3 2 1
1. I receive trainings based on the work requirements.
2. I receive trainings based on the regular assessment of
3. I receive thorough/extensive training and development
4. Effective training and development adopted in this
5. Training and development has enhanced my skills and

6. The organization supports for training and development

7. Training opportunities being allocated fairly

8. Training and development offered relevant to my career

B.2. Level of Coaching

A. Please rate how much you agree with the following statement:

(4) Strongly Agree;

(3) Agree;
(2) Disagree;
(1) strongly disagree;

Indicators 4 3 2 1
1. Coaching helps me understand my roles and helps me
know what my priorities are
2. Coaching challenges my thinking and offers new
3. Coaching has helped inspire me to go above and
beyond what is expected of me.
4. Coaching has helped me improve my work
5. Coaching in this organization has enhanced my skills
6. Coaching has given me a clearer direction of things
7. I am more confident in my work after being coached
8. The coaching scheme of this company has provided me

direction and guidance on what to do in my work

9. I get the right coaching from this company
10. I get the appropriate coaching from this company
11. Coaching has an important factor that has helped me
identify strategies to achieve my goals
12. The feedback channels used at our organization are
adequate to provide for my coaching needs

B.3. Level of Retention

A. Please rate how much you agree with the following statement:

(4) Strongly Agree;

(3) Agree;
(2) Disagree;
(1) strongly disagree;

Indicators 4 3 2 1
1. I am planning to work for another company few years
from now.
2. I am satisfied with the work I do within this company
3. If I wanted to do another job or a change in career, I
would first look for opportunity within this company
4. I foresee myself in this company for a long time
5. I would always choose to work for this company if I
were to start again
6. If I get an attractive job somewhere else, I would take
the job.

7. My job is very important to me

8. I often think of leaving
9. I am job searching

B.4 Interview Guide Questions

1. Apart from the above mentioned factors, briefly describe the other reasons that
are influencing your decisions to remain in the services of your organization?

2. What other approaches can you suggest to the organization to keep you in service

Source: Omoikhudu (2017) entitled Omoikhudu (2017) entitled “Impact of Training and
development on employee retention in the retail sector, an examination of the role
of coaching in a Leading retailer in Dublin republic of Ireland. A case study of
mark spencer’s store Dublin.” Retrieved on December 11, 2021 from

Appendix H

Interview Guide

Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College

Maloro, Tangub City



I. Greeting

II. The researchers will introduce themselves

III. Discuss the purpose

IV. Discuss structure of the interview (Face to face interview)

V. Key Questions:

1. Apart from the training, coaching, and retention

2. What other approaches can you suggest to the organization to keep you in

service longer?

VI. Probing Questions:

1. How long have you been in this organization?

2. what do you like about GADTC that influence you to stay?

3. What are the reasons that influence your discussions to remain in service in


VII. Ending Remarks:

1. Ask if he/she would like to see a copy of the result.

2. Express gratitude and be thankful for the participants.


Name : Rejell R. Seclot

Nickname: : “Recel”
Age : 22 years old
Date of Birth : April 26, 2000
Place of Birth : Simasay, Tangub City
Address : P-3, Simasay, Tangub City
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Father’s Name : Gregorio U. Seclot
Mother’s Name : Jocelyn R. Seclot

Educational Background

Tertiary : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Human Resource Management
Junior High : Simasay, National High School
Simasay, Tangub City
Primary : Simasay, Elementary School
Simasay, Tangub City
Organizational Affiliation

2019-2022: Member
Junior Executive of Human Resource Organization
Maloro, Tangub City
2022-2023: Member
Human Resource Student’s Association of the Philippines

Name : Rogrlio S. Eliaso Jr.

Nickname : “Jun-jun”
Age : 22 years old
Date of Birth : March 19, 2000
Place of Birth : Migpange Bonifacio
Misamis Occidental
Address : P-2, Migpange Bonifacio
Sex : Male
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Penticostal
Nationality : Filipino
Father’s Name : Rogelio C. Eliaso

Mother’s Name: Anecita S. Eliaso

Educational Background

Tertiary : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Human Resource Management
Senior High : Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College
Maloro, Tangub City
Junior High : Sumirap, National High School
Sumirap, Tangub City
Primary : Migpange Elementary School
Migpange Bonifacio Misamis Occidental

Seminars/Webinars and Training Attended

: Psychological Convention Conference

La Salle University
St., Brgy Aguada, Ozamis City

Organizational and Affiliation

2019-2023: Member
Junior Executive of Human Resource Organization
Maloro, Tangub City
2022-2023: Member
Human Resource Student’s Association of the Philippines

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