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l Life in the Ocean Surfiice 9

2 Cables a11d Currents 18

3 The Clwllenger Expedition 29
4 Squids and Coelacanths 36
5 Mountains and Trc;:1\chcs 44
6 Men Beneath the Ocean 51
Index 61
Life in the
ABOL7 70 1>f'.I\CEI\"T oftht• (\ll'th's i,urfac.'t• #js CO\T•
ered b ) the ocean. Th<· <.'()ntine nt� an.• large is•
land, ,et in that oct•i.w, and ,.1.ll the dry land in the.•
wh ole world maL<•, up COn!tidernbly less than h.aU
tht> area of the ocean.
All we see ,, the top o f tlw <K-ea n.
If ) o· u looL throu�h u ,:Ju�.; of water. it ,cc�ins
transpanmt. Light pa,,<•, through it e.1,il).
You c:an see to tlw bo ttom of a brook. if tht·
w.ih..•r Is clear. or t•, t•n to th e bottom ofa pood. \'ou
t.·anno t sec to tht• bottom of a l.uge river or lake,
and you cert.uni)· can't St.'(' through th(• w11tcr of
the ocean. This is bcc-.-u,t light is absorbt'd, Httle
by little. a� it pa..�se� through thicker and thicker
laycri. of water.
The re sult b tho.t throujth mo st of histol")
hum;.1.n b einp;, ).ne""' nothing abou t what was
uoder the top layer ofthe OCt·tm. Th e)" d idn't even
have an)' idea of how d<"ep the oce,m might be.•, or
whether there was any bottom 10 it at all.
People knew there were living creatur�, in riv·
ers and lak<'�. of course, and io the o,ce;.m, too.
There were." fhh of variou\ kinds. Th ere ,,..ere also
shellfish, ,uch as oysters, clam�. and lobsters.
Even prchi,toric people used toR,h for food, and
in some places living things from the sea mode up
a VOi') Important P<•rt of the rood suppl)·.
Did any of those vef) early flshennen ever
wonder how far down in 1he ocean fhh and othN
creatun,1, could be found? Some may have su�
posed there werr Osh all the WU)' down to the
bottom, but how <.'Ould anyone ever God out?
Ofcourse. one c:ouJd dive down into the water,
but you can't dive very dt."ep, and you can't stay
down there very long.
In some places there are t.rained divers who
mak<- their way downward to where special kinds
of oy�te� live au�,ched to roch. In those oyssters
pearls are sometimes found.
Since pearls are very ""luable. pco1)le make
enormous efforts to get Lhcm. DI\ ers can kick
their way downward toa depth of50 feet or so and
may then spend n minute and a hulfunder wnter,
gatlwring all the oysters the) can J,eforc, their
breath begins to run out.
Such dive;ir� could tell that life e:dsted in greal
quantity down to SO feet below the surface, but
what ahout still greater depths?
By the )ear 1800 people thought they had an PEARL D IVER
am :wer to the question. The)· were sul'c, even

8 9
without looking, that there couldn' t be an)' life far
be low the topmos t layer o f th e oc eao. This is the
way th ey worked tha t out.
All anima l life d ep ends on plan t life for food.
So,ne animals li ve on othe r an imals but those
ot h�r animals eat plants. No matte ir i1ow long a
cham you may h ave of anim als th a·t eat animals
that eat anim als that eat animals and s o on e ven.
tually you come to animals that ca t plants.'
If pl ant s suddenly disappear e d then ani mals
that live 011 plan ts would s tarve to death. Animals
t hat live on those animals wo\lld then starve to
death. Event ually th ere wo uld b e no anima ls at
a ll.
What kee ps the plants going? Why don't th ey
all ge t_ eaten up? Plants ke e p growing by b uilding
r)ew tissu es (stems, leaves, roo ts) out o f carbon
dioxide from the air, water from the soil and cer·
tain chemicals in the w ater. '
It takes energy to pu t those substance s t ogeth er,
an d the en erg)• come s from sunlight. If th ere we re
Tiny an imals liv e on those tin y plants; s ligh tly
no su nlight, plants could no t grow . After a,1imaJs
larg e r animals live o n the tiny animals; s till larger
h ad e aten up a ll the existin g pl ant s, th ere would animals live on the smaller ones; an d so on. \<Vi th·
be no m o re and t h e animals would starve. If the out those t iny p lants to bogio wit h, a ll the anim als
sun stopp e d shining, life Orl earth would disap­
_ would die. An d the plants t1le mse lves couldn·t
p ear after a while. Bo t a s long as th e s u n shines, keep g rowing without su nlight.
�lants contrnu e to grow and animals continue to Sunligh t, howeve r, doesn't pe net rate vory far
hve . into the water. It reaches only about 2..50 fee t
It's the sa me way in the se a. In th e uppertnost down from th e surface in s\lfficien t qua nt ity to
l�y ers of th e sea there are CO\lntle ss biJJio,1s of keep those tiny pl ants growing. The top 250 feet
lin>• plants so small that the y can only be s ee n of t h e ocean is therefore called the euphotic zone
through a microsco pe .
(yoo.FOH-tik, from Cree k words mea ning "good
By 1800 scientists knew that plants need light
to liv e. a nd to them it meant that below the 250-
foot-thick euphotic zone, th ere were no growing
pJants . Nowadays we k,1ow that the av ernge d e pth
of th e ocea n is about 12,400 f eet (21, miles). The
cuphotic z orle makes up only 2 perc ent of the
oc-ea n.
Ar1imal s might swim downward out of the
cuphotic zone. the scientists thought.. but they
couldn't get too far away from Lhe ba sic food su p ­
ply of all Jife. Therefor e, it seemed to scientists in
1800, a ll life in th e sea had to be in and slightly
below the euphotic zone. Th e d eeper parts of the
oc-ean had to be lifeles s.
Of course. sci entists wer e intere ste d in finding
out all they could ab out life in th e uPJ::,er l ayers, EDWARD FORBES
but diving wasn't the a nswe r . Ev en if .scientists
wer e willing to dive into the water, they couldn't (181S-1854). He wrote a poem about his dr e dg e in
stay d own there long enough to do their studies. 1839, which g oe s as follows:
Instead of going down to see th e ocean life,
they began to think of ways ofbringing 0<.-ean life Down in the deep, where the mermen sleep,
op to the surface. In the 1770 s, for instance, a Our gallant dredge is sfr,k·ing;
Danish biologist, Otto F . Mulle r (MYOO-l er, Each finny sliape iu tt vrec-ious scrape
1730-1784), made a spe cial dredge for himself. It Will find itself in a twinkling!
was a stro ng net attache d t o an iron fratr1 e, a nd it
could he trail ed ,na ny feet below tht: water. Lh•­ They may twirl and twist. ,,nd 1vritl1e as they
ing things would b e tangled in the ,n e sh and wist,
would be broughL up. Ancl break themselves into secti-0ns.
One pe rson who u sed a dr edge successfully But up tliev all, at the dredge 's C<lll,
was an English biologist, Edward Forbe s, Jr. Must corn.e to Jill collections.

Duri ng th e 183-0s Fo rbes d redged up sea life Forbe s wrote s cientific p aper s in which he de­
from the No rth Sea and oth er wate rs arou nd th e scribed th e kinds of living thing s that exist ed in
British Isl es . Th en, i n 1841, h e joined a n aval ship the different parts of the oc ean that he had
that wa.s going to the eastern Mediterranean and d redged. Ile showed that different varieties, or
there he did mo re and better dredging th an' a ny­ species (SPEE-shce z), of plant s and ani mah, can
o�e had yet do ne, st udying all th e kind s of living be found in diflCrcnt p1:1rts of the ocea,,, just as
thrngs h e brought up. He fou nd life well b el ow they can be found in different plac es on ltu�d.
the cuph�tic zone. He dredge d op a starfi sh fr om He showed, too, that different species of living
a depth of a qu arter of a mile, for i nst ance. things ca n b e found at differe nt d epths irl the se a .
l'orhes found life to depths of 1,800 feet below
th e surface (Y.i mile), but that, he felt, was the
limit. In a book h e published in 1843 he sug•
g est ed that at d epths lowe r than 1,800 feet the re
was p robably no life at all.
He called th e regio,, below that limit the a;..oic
(uh-ZQH..ik) region, from C reek words meaning life:' If Fo rb es were right, thi s would me a n
th at 85 pe rce nt of th e oc-enn was compl etely Jifo.
l ess.

.- '...

EVEN AS Forbes was de ciding th ot the oc ean was
l arge ly lifele ss, his limit of 1,800 fe et was b eing
By the 1840s explor ers wer e aw are tha t in the
South Pol ar reg ions there wa s an icy continent or1
which no human beings had ever set f oot.•
One of the explorers who took his ships down to
the rim of th at continenl w as an E nglishman, JAMES CLARK ROSS
Jarne s·Clark Ross (1800-1862). In 1841 h e loca ted
a la rge gulf in the co nti nent of Antarctica. a g ulf In fact, he was the first one to try to d ete rmine
th at ha s ever since been c alled Ross Sea. how deep tho ocean might b e. He lot down a long
Ross wasn't satisfied just to follow the sh ape of . with a w e ight a t the en d of it, hoJ)ing to lut
the �'Oastline of the mysterious la nd at tho South bottom. lie a lso use d dredg e s farther down th an
PoJe. He tried to find out ev erything he could anyo ne e ver had b efore and brOl1 ght up all sorts of
about th e oce an arou nd it. �ea life from a depth of 2,400 feet. Tha t's ne arly
h alf a mil e d ee p, considerably deep e r than the
depth Forbes wa s considering to be the hm1t . of
·How Did We Find Out About Aot(lrctica {New York:
Wttlker, 1980), life.

Somehow, Ross's findin gs didn 't mak e much of
a n impression. For o ne thing, it happene d far, far
away from Eur ope. so European scientists found
it easy to ignore it. Be side s, they we re so sure that
lifo cou1dn't exist so far down belo w the euphotic
zone that they just paid no attention t o anything
that showe d the contrar y .
By that time, though, people had become in­
tere sted in the deep sea for r easoos that had noth·
ing to do with 1ife.
I n 1844 an Ameri cam inventor, Sam u eJ F . B.
Mors e (1791-1872) had constr ucted the first tele­
graph line. It ran from Balti more, Marylan d, to
Washi ngto n, D.C., • dista nce of40 miles.
For the first time, s ignal s could be se nt lon g
distances in a tiny fraction or a seco nd. Soon tele­
graph lines were strung along pol es alJ over the
United States aod other coon t.rie s.
Some places are separated by water, however.
You can't very well place pole s in the wate r and
string wires Oil them. But you could wrap the
wires in waterproof coati ngs and mak e <.-able s out
of them. Th e cables cou Id then be lai d along the
bottom of a stretch or water . Cables were lai d This coold be very irnportanL For le, in
across the bottom o f th e Hudson River and orthe De<.-ember 1814 Great Britain and t he Unite d
Mississippi River in t he 1840s, for instance. States had signed a treaty of peace in Ghen t, Be l­
In the 1850s, ca bl es were laid across tll e En­ g ium, that e nde d the War of 1812. Ne ws of the
glish Chan nel and the Irish Sea. That connected trea.ty, how e\ler, co uldn 't reach the U1lited State s
En gland, by teleg ra ph, with Ireland an d France. u ntil a ship traveled ac r oss the AtJa,ltic Ocean
The big job, howe ver, was to stretc h a cable with the in formatio n-ao d that took 6 wee ks. Be ·
across 3,000 mil e s of t he Atlanti c Ocean, in ord er fo re the ship reac he d the Un ited StMc s, the Batt le
to conne ct Europe and North America. of N ew Orleans was fought 01'1 fonuA.ry 8, 1815. It

18 19
w as the largesl a nd bloodiest baule of th e war ,
and it wa s fou ght whc r'I th e war wa s suppo se d to
Once a cable was laid across the Allantic
Ocean, nothing like that could ever happen again.
ln order to lay such a cable SO<.."(.."essfully, so me­
thing had to be kno w n about the ocean floor. Ho w
deep w a" it? How le v el WAS it? Peo ple had to
carry on the task be gun by Ross. The y had to
lowe:r w�ighted lines in orde r to try to reach the
ocean botto m . Thi s was calle d smmding.
In 1860 the British ship, Bui/clog scL sa il across
the Atla ntic Ocea n, hoping to mak e n number of Again scientists ignore d the matter. It was just
soundings that would help make a n Atlantic a n isola te d incide nt that didn't seem to fit in with

Cable a succe ss. (A couple of attempts to lay Lhe what they thought the y knew, and it wa s easier to
c able , in 1857 and in 1858, had al ready faile d.)
lo ok the other wa y .
On board the B"lldog was a British doc tor Not everyone look e d the other way, though.
name d Georg e C. Wallich (1815-1899), who was in 1'he re wa s on e exception, a Scottish bio logist,
charge of any discoveries that might b e made Char les W. Tho mson (1830-1882). lie was in•
about sea life. He was watching in October, when ter ested in sea life. and he wanted to settle the
a line was heaved ove rboard a t a spot i n the Athrn­
m�tter of life belo w Fo rbe s·s limits on<.'e an d for
tic Oc e an about halfway be twee n the northern tip all.
of Sco°tland and th e southe rn tip o f Greenland.
H e had a friend who was vice-presiden t o f the
The_ sounding line went down to a depth of Royal Society, which was the most important sci­
entiflc orga niza tion in Great Britain. Toge ther
7,560 feet, or near ly l'n mile s. \Vhen the line was
bro ught up) thirteen starfish were found near the the y managed to g et the Royal Socie ty to put up
lower e nd of it. \.Vhat's mor e, the y were not star­ the money for a scientifle expedition t o study the
fish thst had die d and sunk to the se a bottom. The deep sea.
starfish wer e v er y moch alive .
In 1868 Thomson went out into the No rth At·
\.ValJich report e d this at o nce a nd insisted that !antic on a ship calle d Ugl,tnl,>g.
anima l life could exist in the co ld darkness of th e He did indee d se ttle the matter. Dredging
deep se a, e ven without pl ants. b elo w Forbes's 1,800-foo t mark, he obtaine d ani·

20 21
At 4° C. water is at its d ensest. A particular
quM'ltity of water At this temperature is heavier
than the sam e quar)tity of wa ter <tt temperatur es
that ar e either higher or lower. Wa te r at 4° C.
should ther efore Slllk to the b ottom a nd lie there.
Thomson showed, howev er, that witter nt a
give n depth i n different places varies in tempera­
ture. In som e places, it is quite a bit warm er than
4' c.
Where does the wa nner water come frorn? It
didn't seem tha t the sea bottom could be a source
of hea. t . At l east, ther e wa s 1,0 sig n of such hea t .
Th e wa ter had to com e from the upp er lay ers.
which are warmed by the sun. 1'his m eant there
must be wate r currents tha t carry wat e r from the
surfa ce of the ocea n down into th e d epths. Ther e
must there fore be o ther currents tha.t carry wa ter
from the d epths to th e surfac-e.


ma)s of an kinds, and all argument ended'.

Forbes' s idea of a Jower limit of life vanished.
Thomson made a pa.rticu larly important discov·
ery wh en he m easured the temperature of wat er
at different depths.
It had been thought till then that all the water
in the deeper l aye rs of the s ea had the sam e
t empcni.ture-4° Celsius (39° F ahrenh eit). --- - warm
· · cold current
22 23
Scientists had known a ll along that there are s till ht rger animal s, ttnd so on. Finally th e drizzle
curre nts on th e s u rfac e that c arry surface w ater r eache s th e bottom of th e o c ean.
fr o m the pol ar regions to th e tro p ic-s and back. At the bo ttom it is eaten by anima ls scurrying
�ow they knew there are currents th at carry sur· along the Ooor, o r it is de composed by bt\Cteria
f a<: e w ater t o the bott o m and ba ck. \\later circu· tha t live t here.
1 at es through the whole oc ean , and that meant If t hat were all there were to it, the n all the
sci entists c o uld finaHy und ers tand how life exists che micals in the surface lay ers o f wa te r tha t sup­
far below the e uphotic zone. port life would g radua lly be tra ns ferred to the
The water in the ocea n surface has (ljssolvc d ocean botto m. T hey w ould ;ill c onc entrat e at the
oxygen from the a ir . Animal life in the se a Jives on botto1n until there w as nothing le ft a t the surface.
that d� ssoJved OX)1ge n. The ocean c u rrent s carry Life would then be irnpos sible o n the surface.
that d iss olved oxygen alJ th e way d own to the Since it is t he surfuce plants th:;1t support life all
very bottom, so lil'ing things can get the o�ygen through the ocean, pal'tly by being eaten at the
they need at any depth. surface and pa1tly by the drizzle downward. lifo
But how do de ep·sea animals g e t food when in the oce an would stop altoge ther .
there are no pl.mts io the d,ukness down there? The material that reaches the bottom of the
\Vh at h a ppens is this: ocean, how ever, doe:,n't stay there. Re member
\Vhen an ar)imaJ eats a plant or anoth er animal the curre n ts t ha t carr y water from the surface of
b its o f th e obje c t being eaten ma y break of f a nd the ()(...<>ean to the bottomand bnck up again.
drift d own ward. Some times plants or animal.s in The curren ts coming up fro m below c arry the
the cuphotic zone just die and drift d ownward. c he micals t hat sank to the botto m. They reac h the

they are sciz�d and e aten by animal s living

l ower l ev els in the wat er. Those animal s in th e
A..<i th ese on c e-livi ng objects dri ft d ownward sur face, and there the plant celJs in the eupho tic
zone use them for grOvJth. Tiny anirna ls fnultiply
as the y eut the pl ant cell s. Th e whol e t.hing starts
Jower l e vel s may be eat en , or the y may die in all over again.
other wa ys , so pa rt of them o r all o f them sinks \Vithout t he currents t hat kee p mixing the
still farther downward. waters of t he o c ea n, from t o p t o botto m and bot ­
Th er e is a c ontinuou s dri z:d e of once-l iving tom t o top, life c ouldn't e xist anywhere on e arth.
matt er th at sink s all th e way to the floor of the Life began first in the sea, an d only c oloniz ed the
O<.<>ean. This drizzle sup1>0rts small animals, which land billions o f y e ars la ter . The re fore, if life
arc eaten by larg e animals. which are e ate n by couldn't hav e e xiste d in the sea , it could ne ver

24 Z.5
have colonized the land, and life as we know it
would not be here.
A small discovery, such as differences in tern·

pcrature in deep la}1ers of the sea can be very

IN 1869 THOMSON went out in another �hip, the
Porcupine, and managed to dredge dowr1 to a dis·
ta.nee of2% miles and still come up with different
spccics of animals. Thomson began to feel certain
that life existed all the way down t o the bottom of
the ocea.o. however deep that might be.
But how detp was it?Thoms on felt the need for
a real investigation. He wanted an ex---pedition that
would go through all the oceans and investigate
c onditions in a variety of different p laces, not just
in the regi ons oear the British Isles.
This time he got suppor t not only from the
Royal Societ)' but from the British Navy, which
was the largest in the world. The British Navy
contr olled the seas, and Great Britain depended
DRIZZLE EFFECT on her navy to support her growing empire-the
largest the world had ever seen. The more the
Navy knew about the ocean, the better it could do
26 27
its job, so it felt it would be worth investing some The living things that were brought up were
money in Thomson·s proje<..'t. the same kind of a1limaJs that lived near the sur­
Thomson set out on Oet.<>ember 7, 1872, in a. ship face: fish, starfish. crayfish, clams. and so on.
called Clwlle11ger and remained at sea for 31', They were often different sp ecies from those that
years. The Challenger sail ed ov,er all the oceans, existed neare r the surface, but they were 1)0l to­
tmveling nearl y 8 0 0, 00 miles. The depth of the tally different.
ocea1 \ was measured in 362 different places. In It was as though life had begun near the surface
the Pacific Ocean, which turned out to be the of the o,-ean and had gradually colonized the
deepest as we)] as the largest, there were places deeps.just as it had colonized the land. l n moving
where bottom was reache d 4!h miles down from down to t he deeps, life e volved into somewhat
the surfa<..-e. different forms. just a.s it had on land. but these
Even in the deepest part of the ocean that could life fom,s clearly resembled the ones on land.
be reached by the ship's sounding lines, living Thomson was knighted in 1876 for his services
things were brought up. to scie nce. He then set to work on a series of
books that would describe all the findings of the
Challenger expedition. It eventually appe�red in
many volumes. but Thomson did not Jive to see
the completion of the joh. He died only five days
after his lllly-sccond birthday.
Thanks to Thomson, we now know that life ex­
ists in the deep sea, but the lower layers are not as
full of life as the surface layers are. They can't be.
The animals near the bottom of the ocean have
to depend upon a drizzle of food from the top,
with all the animals helping themselve s on its
way down. The farther down you go, the thinner
the drizzle and the fewer the number of Jiving
things. At the very bottom is the e nd of the line;
the animals that are served last, so to speak.
S.S. CHALi.ENGER Many of the deep-sea species of animals are of
the kind that do not move around much: sponges,
starfish, sea urchins. sea lilies, sea cucumbers,

aod so on. �·loving around takes energy,and to fish we know, but they have some unusual fea­
have enough energy for motion you have to have a tures. For instance, some of them have luminous
good-sized food supply, which you don't have at spOts. There ate a number of animal species that
the bottom. possess the ability to carry on chemical reactions
Just the same, there are some fish in the deep that produce light in certllin parts of the body.
sea that do swim about, though rather slowly and Think of the familiar firefly t.hst glows in the gar­
weakly. The best-k nown fish of the deep sea are dens in the spring.
the cmglerfis/1. Jn the deep sea many animals c:an produce light
There are about 210 dHTerentt species of angle.-. on their bodies in particular patterns. This does
fish, and the largest are up to 4 feet long. Most arc not do much to light up surroundings that are
small, though. otherwise pitch dark. The Juminous spots pro­
The anglerfish are basically like the familiar duce very feeble light and don't really light up
anything in the neighborhood.
The spots themselves ca.n be seen, however,
and they may enable the males and females of a
particular species to see and recognize each other.
Some deep-sea fish have big eyes that detect
feeble flashes of light Others, which haven't d e ­
veloped luminous spots, have no eyes. They geo­
erally grope over the hottom of the sea, feelh,g for
bits of food they can cat and for others like them­
selves with whom they mate.
The most unusual thing about anglerfish is the
first spine of the fin on the upper surface. This
spine is detached from the fin and is located on
the head of the anglerfish. At the end of the spine
there is a fleshy growth that in some species looks
and wiggles like a worm. In other species it may
even look like a little fish. This growlh is always
Other animals who see this growth react as
DEEP.SEA ANIMALS though it might be a piece of food: They swim

30 31
toward it. \Vhen the y com e c lose enough. the an­ fish as large as itself; or e lse an unusually large
glerfish ope ns its large mouth an� s,�aJlows !he piece of food comes drifting down fro,n the upper
animal. It is just as though the spme as a fish1og regions. ln either case it helps a flsh to be ready to
rod aod t he lumiflous growth is baiL It is bec:ause. take advantage quickly.
the anglerfish uses a ··rod and ba!t" to lore sm all There ar e som e deep-sea nsh called "gulpers,"
anitn;;ils towar d its mouth tha t 1t 1s calle d the which specialize in this. They have long, thifl
anglerllsh, bodies and tails, and some ar e as much a$ 6 feet
In some anglerfish the female is much larger long. At the front of these thin bodies is a huge
t han the male. The male anglerflsh, whcm it finds head, which is almost all mouth. In s ome species
a young female, bit es the ahdomen of the fen:iale.
of gulpers the head and mouth are longer than the
It then remaiflS there as lo r1g as the female lives. rest of the body.
The blood streams of the two become connected, \Vhe n a large object comes near 01)e of the se
an d the male has no indepc1 \dent exis te nce after
gulpers. that hoge mouth opens and gulps. Down
that, It becomes part of the female and does noth­ slides the food i nto a stomach tl)at expands like a
ing more than fortilize any eggs she produt-es. rubber balloo n , and there the food i s slowll' di­
In this way. the anglerflsh does not have to ru 1\ gest ed. The golper is one animal that can swaJ.
much ris k o f not fin ding a rnate in the dark. The low another anjmal larger than itself.
male has to fin d a female just once. and after that One such meal can natura11y last a gulper a long
r1othing more needs to b e done. time.
Every once i n a whil e, a deep-sea fish has a
chance to hav e a big meal. It comes across another


before and after eatlng

Squids as m u c h as the v ery largest dinosaur tha t ever
In fact, it seems th at the blue whale is the

and larg est anim al w e know of th at ever liv ed on the

earth. Ye t might there 11ot be still larger anim als

livi ng som ewhere d eep in th e sea , anim als th at
w e have ne ver been abl e to capture and study?
Monsters h av e indeed b een occasionally re•
ported. In Creek mythology, for exampl e, there
w as the monstrous Hydra, sl ain by llercu Jes. It
had nine necks, each one ending in a poisonous
head . There was Scylla, who h ad six long necks
ending in heads th at yapped lik e puppies. 'Th ere
was Medusa, who had living sn akes for hair.
Possibly all thes e rnonster s were ins pir,cd by
ANIMALS SUCH as anglcrflsh a nd gul1>ers l ook gro­ larg e octopuses or j ellyfish. The se poss ess sn ak e­
tesqu e, and th eir big mouth s a re frighte ning. like tentacl es, which see m frightening to peopl e
However, th ey are usually small and slow and al· who ar e used to land anim als with ordin ary l egs .
ways stay far down in the ocean deep. They are no A p articul arly l arge t entacl ed sea monster was
thr eat to hum an beings :at all, and they never reported by variou s Sc andin avian writers . The
were. most popular account w as b y Erik L. Pontoppid an
1'h ere have always be en tal es of huge sea (pon-TOP-ih-dohn, 1698-1764), who was the
monsters, however. bishop of Berg en in N orway.
To be S\1re, th er e are hug e wh al es that are In 1752 he published a book c alled A Natural
l arger than any animals on Jand. It m ay h ave been History of Norway, in which h e d escribed a
such whal es th at first gave peopl e th e idea of sea monst er he c alJed th e kraken. He describ e d the
monsters. kraken as having a round body ab out a mile and a
The large st of th e wh al es is the bl ue whale . The h alf jn circumfer ence, with huge tenta cl es at­
l argest blue wh al e of whi<:h there is ;my record tached. This would make the kraken ab out Z,500
h ad a l ength of 104 feet and ma y have weigh ed as feet across1 with out counting the ter1tac1es) and il
m uch as 1 50 tons. A bl ue whale can weigh as woo 1d easily weigh as much as a thousand of the
much as fifteen lA.rge elephat1ts. and weighs twice la rgest blue wh al es.

34 35

Pontoppidan desc rib ed its tentacles as b�ing seize and bite pieces off large animals. 1'he
able to wrap around the largest ships and being largest of these is the spunn whale. The sperm
able to drag them unde r water . whale sometimes reaches a length of as much as
A monster tha t size is hard to believe , and yet 67 fe et long and weighs as ,nuch as 80 ton�. about
sperm whales were often found with l arge tenta• half the size of a blue whale.
cles in their stoma chs. Could we imagine a spcnn whale oipping a
Blue whales and m any other v ery large whales piece off a kraken?
feed on tiny creatures. They open their huge Tha t seems unlikely. If a krak en were a.s l arge
mouths a nd take in hundreds of gallons of sea as Bishop Pontoppidan said, the sperm whale
water which fllters out through strips of "whale­ would be just a smaJI mouthful to it. Perhaps, the
bone" that fringe their mouths. Small shrimp and account o f the krakcn wa s exaggerated.
fish remain behind an d are swallowed. There a re squids, a1limals related to the oc·
Other whal es have teeth, however, and can topus, th at have l onger heads, longer tentacles,

36 37
and flrC faster ,noviilg. The squids that were famil­
iar to people were quite small, but every once in a
while a giant squid was reported.
Such giant squids might live about half a mile
deep in the ocean and might only Appear at the
surface on rare occasions. Sperm whales can dive
half a mile deep and stay there for half an hour or
so. Perha ps they do this in search of the giant
In 1853 there was a report of a gi ant squid that SPERM WHALE
had washed up on a beach in Denmark. It was cut ATTACKI NG A GI ANT SQUID
up for fish bait before it could be examined by
There were other reports of this kind, 1;1nd then,
in 1861, a giant squid was actually harpooned and
taken on hoard ship. B>· the 1870s there were The giant squid has the largest eye of an}' ani·
m any such cases reported, and scientists were mal that ever lived. for its eyes ore up to 15 inches
ready to adrnit that the g:htnt squid existed and across. with the eye s of a large blue
that it prob ably formed the basis for the tales of whale, which are less than 5 inches a cross.
the legendary kraken. Are there animals larger than the giant squid,
To be sure, even the l argest giont squid is noth­ perh aps even larger than the bloe whale, that live
ing like the kraken. The gi ant squid:s are the in some hidden part of the ocean? There are re­
l argest invertebrfltes (animals without an internal ports of sea serpents all the time, for instance,
skeleton) kl'1own to have ever existed - at least as especially in the rather small Scottish lak e of
far as weight is concerned. (Some jellyfish are Loch Ness.
longer but are very light.) It seems unlikely th at sea serpents, even if the>•
Even the largest giant sqvids. ho,..,·ever. are exisl, would be very l arge. The chances are th at
probably no more than 50 foet long, and most of though some fonns of sea life remain to he f ound,
that consists of its long tentacles. Even a l arge the blue whale's record as the largest of all ani­
gia.nt sc1uid probably doesn't weigh more tha1'1 2 mals will not be broken.
tons at most, which is not much more than half Record si:;,.c, however, is not the only remark­
th at of a hippopotamus. able thing we might find.

38 39
On December 25, 1938, a ship, fishing off South northwest of Madagascar. Not only were these
Africa, brought up an odd fish about 5 feet long. flsh not extinct, but they weren't even partic,1la.rly
Its flns were attached to fleshy lobes, instead of rare. But they lived at depths of nearly 1,000 fe et
dir ectly to the body. and rarely approached the surface.
The curator of a museum in London saw the The co elacanths belonged to a groop of fish
fish when tho ship got to port. She made a sketch that, about 300 million years ago, left th e ocean
of it and sent it to a scientist named Ja, nes L. B. and invaded the land. Scientjsts were particularly
Smith (1897-1968.) He recognized it at once as a interested in studying them alive.
coelacant/1 (SEE-luh-kanth), a kind of flsh that
was well known but that had been thought to be
extinct for 70 million years. This coelacanth die d
and was thrown away.
Smith advertised a11 over eastern Africa for
fishennen to be on the watch for such a fish. I le
asked them to get in touch with him at once if
they caught on e. Unfortunately, World Viar 11
began a year later, and nothing could be done for
In December 1952, however, a second coela­
canth was caught and, by 1970, a total of sixty had
been obtained off the Como1·0 Islands, just


Something turned up during \Vorld Viar I. A
French physicist, Paul Langevin (lahnzh-VAN),
1872-1946), was trying to work out a way of d e ­

and tecting enemy submarines.

Langevin had studied under Pierre Curie
(kyoo-REE, 1859-1906), another French physi­

lrenches cist. Curie had discovered in 1880 that if a rapidly

changi 1lg electric current was sent through a crys­
tal. that cryst-a.l was made to vibrate very rapidly.
This vibratiOJ\1 set up sound waves in the air, but
the sound waves were so short the human ear
could not he:.u them. Such sound is called ultfa­
sonic (UL-truh-$0:>i-ik) vibrations.
Ordinary so,rnd waves wideo as they move and
cuive around obst:..t.cles. The tiny souod waves of
ultrasonic vibrations, however, move 1nuch more
FOR AB0trr 50 years after the Challenger expedi­ nearly in a st.might line and. when they hit ail
tion. nothing much was done about the ocean obstacle, they bounce back and are thus reflected.
deeps. After all, what could b e done but to drop Langevin thought he might make use of ultra·
more sounding lines here and there? However, sonic vibrations to detect submarines. A beam of
lowering a line that is miles long and then raising such vibrations would be sent through the water.
it again is a long and difficult job. Even after that There they might strike a submarine and be re­
had been done. it just gave you the depth at one flected. The reflected beam would he detected,
point in the vast ocean. and the direction from which it returned would
Even if thOut;ands of soundings were taken be the dire<.tio,1 of the submarine. Since the
(which would take years and years), it would speed of sound through water is known, the time
merely give you thousands of single point,;. You it would l'.Jke for the reflected sound to come back
still wouldn't know what the ocean bottom was would tel1 how fo.r away the submarine was.
like betweco the points. 1"hcrc seemed no reason Such a device would be used for navigalio 11,
to try to learn more about the ocean depths unless since i t would detect obstacles ahead, and for
you had some way that was better than dropping a ranging, which means telling the distance of an
line overboard. ohstacJe. The device, then, can be described as

42 43
Instead of the long, tedious, difficult job of
throwing sounding lines overboard a nd pulling
th ern \lP again, you <.-an just keep the sonar going
an d it would tell you the exact depth of the se a
bottom over your entire 1'0\IIC of travel.
The first ship to ma ke S\u;h use of so na r was
German. It wa s the Meteor.
\\'hat happened was that t1 German che mist�
Fritz Haber (HAH-ber, 1868-1934), had the idea
ECEIVEA that he might colle ct gold from s ea water . He i n ­
tended to use this to pay off the money demanded
from Germany by the nations who had defeated
'-l'.i..!..EGHO he r in \Vorld W ar I.
--. y- • , The Meteor was intende d to test Haber's no·

- tions. and it s e t out to sea in 1922. Jt quickly
showed, though, that the notion wouldn't work.
The re are indee d small quantities of gold dis•
solve d in sea wa ter , bot it is so thinly spread out
tha t it would take far more money to concentrate
HOW SONAR WORKS and c-ollect it than the gold would be worth.
\Vhile at sea, howe ver, the Meteor took sonar
"sou 1d navigation and ranging," which is ab- measure 1 nents of the se a bottom that began to
� revolutionize ideas about it.
breviated as sonar (SOH-nahr.) Until then scientists had taken it for granted
8y the thne Langevin had this device per­ that the sea bottom was 1rtore or less flat, but the
fecte d, World War I was over. As it happene d, Meteor measurements showed that there are
however, sonar could be used for peaceful pur­ mountt1.ins rising up fro,n the middle of the At1 an ­
poses. If a beam of ullrasooic vibrations is sent tic Ocean. In fact, by 1925 the Meteor showe d
downward into the oceans, it Would reach the bot­ there is ail entire mourltain range winding do wn
tom and be reflected. By measuring the time it the Atlantic Ocean. longer and higher than any
took the beam to return, one could calculat e ho w mountain ranges on the continents. It is called t he
far down the bottom was. Mid-Atlantic Ridge .
44 45
These deeps are 11:ot Ju\t holes In the ocean
floor. They i\l'C curved regions called trenches,
and they usua11) follow the lhles of isl.1ncl t'hains
near tlw bound.irie1' o f the ocean.
After World \Var 11 the oce;.Hl Ooor was e\�lm­
ined in t•\·en more det.lil, and the c·uct depth nf
the various t, ·-.mches "ll\ det ennin<-d. Another
;hip called Challenger (In honor or Thomson's
ship) disco,•ered that the deepest region, in the
ocean ate in the western Pacinc.
The rt• the Challr1111er found n curve or d<·<·p
water 1)-ing off the eati"lt'rn shore� orthc Marino, ,,
I,l•nds, which lie 1,500 mile s ea<t or th e Phihp­
pmes. The larjtest and ,outhernmol'lt of the,•
\l.1rianas Island,; is Guam, which ha, bee n all
American possesl'!ion si0<."t" 1898.
This c.:ul'Ve of deep water is called tlu.·
"\tariana\ Tl'ench," and the deeJ)Cst p0i1'lt in ii

Later measureme11b or th e sea depth s by sonar
showed that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge continues
into other oceans. so that the re is really a Mid­
Oce anic Ridge.
\\'hat"s more, just as the ocean has mount.kins
that ;r}'l,C up�ard from the floor ohhe ocean, H al\o
has dee ps that are lower than the average floor
or the ocean.

46 47
\�•t the Challenger could find is now cal
le d

Challenger Deep. " It is locat
ed 250 miles
s uthw�st of Guam and
� , in 1951, was shown to be
3;,,760 feet deep, or 6'!4 miles.
the tallest mountain on Earth, Mount Ev er est,
ChaJJenger Deep. l!f.& miles of were p)accd in
over its peak.
water would rolJ
'? 1959, a Soviet ship, Vltyaz, rep
a slightly d eeper spot nearby tha orted locating
down. t was 36•198 feet the Ocean

THE NEW knowledge of the ocean depths natu­

rally raised questions as t o whether living things
were t o be found eveo in the d eepest trenche s .
Ships were l earning how to dr edge up living
aoimals from greate r depths than ever. In l947 a
SweQish ship, Albatross. brought up animals
from a d epth of nearly 5 miles in the North Atlan­
tic, and in 1952 a Danish ship, Galatl,ea, brought
1..1p anima1s frorn a depth of more than 6 miles.
Such d eep-sea animals did not survive long
outsid e their native region. About the only way of
learning about animals Jiving under natural con•
ditions in the deep sea would be t o go d own and
look- but how?
Would it be possibl e t o hav e ,md erwater ships
- a totally enclosed steel vessel capabl e of ma­
neuvering und er the ocean?
The first ships that could move abo ut under and recharg e batte ries. Such uucl.ear submorines
water for at l east a little \vhile were built by a could stay under wate r for long times.
Dutchmim name d Cornelis van Drcbb el (1572- The first nuclear submarine was launched m .
1634) about 1620. H e manag ed to maneuver his 1955 by the Unite d States. Again it was called
ship, made of wood and leather, about 12 feet Naut.Uus. The Soviet Union built its first nuclear
under water. In 1801 the American inv e ntor submarine io 1959, and Creat Brilt\in built its first
Robert Fulton (1765-1815), who lat er built the in 1963.
first practical steamship, buiIt a subma rine for Nuclear submarines have cruised across the
Napoleon Bonaparte . He called it Nautifu ..
t1 and it Arctic Ocean under the ice. Others have gone
worked, but not well eoo\1gh to suit Napoleon. arou 1l d the world without surfacing and have r e ­
The difficulty was in mfuleuvering it. The logi• mained subme rg ed for 3 months at a time.
cal way would he to use a st eam e ngine to turn a Ordinary submarines have l>en e tmted as much
propellor, hut ifyou tried to bum fuel, you would as 8,310 feet ( 1� miles) below the surface, and
quickly use up the air in the submarine. some nuclear subrnarines can probably go co n ­
In 1870 the science-fiction writer Jules Ve rne siderably lower.
(182S-1905) wrote a very popular book. Twenty Meanwhile, other v essels specia1ly designed
Thof.Jsan<l Leagues under the Seo, ill which he for the deep s ea came into being.
imagined an advanced submarirle he calle d The first of these was us e d by the Amencan
Nautilus, aft er the one built by Robert Fulton. naturalist Charles William Beebe (BEE-bee,
This spurred on inv entors to keep on trying. 1877 -1962).
Finally, in 1886, a submari ne (again named
Nautilus) was built in G reat Britain and was pow·
er ed by electric batteries . This meant that the U.S.S. NAUTILUS
ship could be maneuvere d well, but it had to FIRST NUCLEAR POWERED SUBMARINE
<.'Orn e to the surface frcquent1y in order to r e ·
charg e its batteri e s. Still, it could travel 80 1nilcs
between r echargings.
By the time of VVorld \.Var I all the warring na­
tions were using suhmarif1es.
After \.Vo rld \.Var II attempts we re made to buiId
submarines that were power ed by nuclear en ­
gines . Then there would he no need to surface

50 51
It was a h ollow steel ball just large enough to All together, more than thirty dives were made
hold two men. The wa11s were 1¥.i inch es thick, with bathyspheres, but what they could do was
and its interior was only 54 inc-hes across. It limited.
weighed21,S tons, and it could be lowe red from its \Vhat was reall y neede d was some vessel that
mother ship at the end of a steel cable. If, for any could sink and rise agaitl under iL� own power and
reason, the cabJe broke, that was th e end. The that could reach the gr eat est possible depths.
steel ball would drop straight to th e b ottom and Just this was in the mind or a Swiss scientist,
would not be re<..-overed. A uguste Piccard (pee-KA HR, 1884-1962). Piccard
Beebe calle d it a bathy$phere (BATH-ih-sfeer, in tJ,e early 1930s had used sealed gondolas sus­
or "ball of the d eep"). pended beneath large balloons to rise to rec ord
I n 1934 B eeb e and a companion, Otis Barton, h eights of nearly 10 miles into the upper ahno­
were lowered to a depth of3,028 feet below th e sph er e . A11 together, he made twenty seven bal­
surface. Barton d esigned an ev en stronger bath y­ loon asce 1uions into the stratosph ere.
sphere and d escended to a reco rd low of 4,500 In 1933, however, Piccard met Beebe at th e
feet ('lo mile) in 1948. Th rough thfok glass win­ Chicago World's Fair, and that started him think­
dows, in a beam of artiflcial light, animals could ing about exploralio 1l in the opposite direction
be seen living in their natural deep - downward.
Instead of hanging a sealed cabin from a bal·
WILLIAM BEEBE, loon capable of risi11g ill the air, why not hang it
OTIS BARTON, from a balloon capt\b]c of rising in water? He
AND BATHYSPHERE began to d esign what he called a bothyscopl,e
AUGUST 11, 1930 (BATH-ih-skaf, o r "ship of the d eep").
The bathyscaphe c-onsists of two parts. The
upper part is a cigar-shaped noat, containing thir­
teen tanks, eleven of which are filled with
gasoline. and two of which are empty. Gasoline is
lighter than wate r, and the entire float would tend
to rise if it were submerged in water.
Tightly attache d to the float is th e bottom part, a
bathysph ere that holds human beings and i n ·
struments. �rhc hRLhyscaphe is so designed that

52 53
the Ooat can just lift the weight oft he bathysphe re LIEUTENANT DON WALSH
and keep it aOoat. AND JACQUES PICCARD
The two empty tanks in the float can be opened LEAVI NG THE TRIESTE
and allowe d to flll with sea water. Tho extra
weight of the sea drags down the bathy·
sc aphe and causes it to sink ioto the ocean. Tt
sinks downward to the ve ry bottom of the sea .
If it is sinking too quickly, up to 13 tons of smalJ
iro n pellets attached to the sphere can gradua1ly
be re leased. This makes th e ba thyscaphe lighter
so that it sinks more slowly. Ifenough pellets are
rel eased, the bathyscaphe rises ag ain, b ack to the
Once the bathyscaphe has gone down and then
returned to the surface. the sea water can be
pumpe d out of the tanks and a new supply of iron
pellets can be taken on so that it wo uld be ready Out it went to the Marianas Tre nch. On board
for an other descent and ascent. were Jacques Piccard (1922-), the son of Auguste,
Piccard had to wait till after Wo rld War II be­ a nd an American naval officer, Do n \Valsh.
fore he could actually build his bathyscaphe. In At 8:20 A.M. on January 23, l960, the Trieste
1948 the first one was completed. It was teste d, sank downward for 35,810 feet (6.8 miles) to the
J'ehuilt,and improved, and finally on Fe bruary 15, botto m of the trench andcame to res t o,, soft mud.
1954, in t he first real test dive off th e coast of we st The mud billowe d up and obscure d the view for a
Africa, two French nava] officers descende d to a while, but it s lowly se ttled. As visibilit>' got be t ­
de pth of 13,287 feet (21-> miles) and returned ter, what the two men saw in their searchlights
safely. was a small red shrimp, about an inch long, float­
In 1953 a still b etter bathyscaphe was built, the ing by. They a lso saw a one-foot-long nounderlike
Trieste, and in 1958 it was bought by the Unit ed fish.
States Navy. It was taken to California and was There h ad bee n no doubt, really, bu t now at la st
still further improve d. The n it was ready for t he the r e was dear eye witness evidence that life
big test. existe d at the very botto m of the sea.

54 55
The b.,thyscaph e the n Jettisoned iron pellets
and rose to th e s urface. The two m en were safely
back at 5 P. \I. afte r a very da nge rou s 13�-mile
joume}' that took the m9 hours.
Ha\·e there been any rt•al surprh,es \YaHi ng for
people who penetrate into th e det'J)(....r layen of
the sea?
Yes, indttd. Th e earth's cru,t, we n o" know, is
divided i nto plate s; and wh ere th e plates join,
th("re can be weak places. In some plac-ei. th ere
are occasional hot spots. where hc.-t from dee p
within the earth can work its wny through th e
weak plnces into the ocean. The existence of such
hot spots wns first suspected in 1965, and in tJ1e
"arly 1970s possible hot spots "ere detected hy
sh1clying upward currcnu of warn, Willer. (There
would be up and down currents even without th e
hot spots, but the hot spots help.)
Beginning in J977 odeep-st•J. �ubmnrinc carried
scientists downward to imc�ti.'(ah: th e ,ea floor
nenr hot spoh oflhe Cala pago, Js l3nd,; and at
the mouth of th e Gulf of California. In th e latter
bot spat they found chitm1e11.,. through which hot
gushei. of smoky mud surge upward, OIiing th e
surroundin" sea waler with minerals.
The mincmls are rich in sulfur, aod the neigh­
borhood of these hot s pots i s full of ,pecial kinds
orbacteria tha1 obtain their energy from chemiCRI
reaction, involving sulfur plus heat., instead of
·S« J/ou_ Oid ue Fo1d Out Abou t Eo.r1.hqu11!..4!a? (New
\'ork. Walker, tg;8).

56 57
from light. Small animal, feed on thr<e bacteria,
and larger anlin,tls feed on lhe smaHer ont-s.
This was a whole new ch.tin of life fom,, that
did not d epend upon th e plant cell s in the surface
of the se.l. This chain still exbl even if the re is
no sunlight. provided ht:.1t and minemls continue
lo gush Ul)Wllrd from the enrth's interior . And. of
,-our-se, the y (:an e,ist only near the hot !tJ>ol5.
The scie1llhh found clam\, crnh.s, and ,J.rious
kind;; of worm\, i,ome of thc-rn (.JUIle large. Th <'y
are Speci.11 specie, lh·ing in w1Jlc.• r filled with
chemicals thut are pOi'!:onoui, to other forms of life.
So, you see, th ere may ,till be a great deal lei\ to
leam about life in the deep ,ea.


$8 59

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