Guide-To-Neverwinter 23

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Brannwyn’s Sharp Edge

Brannwyn Lutgehr, sister of Brannur, also sought out the

fortunes that a quickly-evolving Neverwinter may offer.
Brannwyn has opened up a shop next door to her brother,
Brannur, where she also exhibits her blacksmithing skills by
creating all manner of weapons. Like her brother, Brannwyn
is also gaining a reputation as being a reliable source to arm
Neverwinter’s growing defense forces. In fact, some of the
city’s procurement staff have ired both Brannur and
Brannwyn by placing a single order for both armor and
weapons, thinking their two shops are a single entity.

Brannwyn’s shop lacks the meticulous cleanliness exhibited

in her brother’s shop, but that doesn’t imply the goods are of
any lesser quality. The weapons crafted in Brannwyn’s shop
are forged with care, and they are known to be as reliable as
they are deadly. The swords crafted at Brannwyn’s shop are
sharp, well-balanced, and very sturdy.

Brannwyn’s personality is almost the exact opposite of her

brother’s, and the “Sharp Edge” name of her shop is as likely
to be referring to her demeanor as it is to her finely-crafted
weapons. Brannwyn is quick-witted and won’t hesitate to
take a verbal jab at any that arrive in her shop. Those that
are easily offended are probably better off shopping

Homebrew Locations | Guide to Neverwinter

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