Biochemistry Syllabus

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Biochemistry Syllabus

BI Basic biochemistry
BI.1 Molecular and functional organization of a cell
BI2 Enzymes
BI2.1 Introduction, nomenclature and classification
BI2.2 Enzyme kinetics: basic principles, factors affecting
enzyme activity
BI2.3 Enzyme inhibitors: enzyme inhibition, inhibitors as
poisons, drugs and therapeutic enzymes
BI2.4 Serum enzymes: as markers, types and their diagnostic
BI3 Carbohydrates: chemistry and metabolism
BI3.1 Carbohydrate classification with examples, and their
important functions
BI3.2 Digestion and absorption of dietary carbohydrates
BI3.3 Carbohydrate metabolism: glycolysis, gluconeogenesis,
glycogen metabolism and HMP shunt
BI3.4 TCA cycle: metabolism, amphibolic role and its
BI3.5 Functions, regulation and disorders of carbohydrate
BI3.6 Inhibitors of carbohydrate metabolism
BI3.7 Laboratory interpretation of analytes
BI3.8 Blood glucose regulation
BI4 Lipids: chemistry and metabolism
BI4.1 Classification of lipids with examples
BI4.2 Digestion and absorption of dietary lipids
BI4.3 Lipoprotein structure and function
BI4.4 Lipoprotein metabolism and its regulation
BI4.5 Associated disorders: atherosclerosis
BI4.6 Laboratory interpretation of analytes
BI4.7 Inhibitors of lipids and therapeutic uses
BI5 Proteins: chemistry and metabolism
BI5.1 Structure-function and classification of proteins
BI5.2 Digestion and absorption of dietary proteins
BI5.3 Protein metabolism: disorders associated
BI5.4 Laboratory interpretation of analytes of proteins
BI6 Metabolism and homeostasis
BI6.1 Metabolic processes in the fed and fasting state
BI6.2 Nucleotide metabolism
BI6.3 Disorders of nucleotide metabolism
BI6.4 Laboratory results of Gout and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
BI6.5 Biochemical processes involved in the generation of
energy in cells
BI6.6 Biochemical role of vitamins and their deficiency in the
BI6.7 Water, electrolyte and acid-basse balance of body
BI6.8 ABG analysis: in various disorders and its
BI6.9 Minerals: metabolism and homeostasis with
associated disorders
BI6.10 Haem and porphyrin metabolism
BI6.11 Types and derivatives of haemoglobin
BI6.12 Functions of hormones: in the kidney, liver, thyroid
and adrenal glands
BI6.13 Organ function tests(LFT, RFT) and their abnormalities
BI7 Molecular biology
BI7.1 Structure and functions of DNA and RNA
BI7.2 Replication, transcription and translation mechanisms
BI7.3 Gene mutations and regulation of gene expression
BI7.4 Molecular techniques: applications of rDNA, PCR,
blotting techniques
BI7.5 Role of xenobiotics in disease
BI7.6 Role of oxidative stress in disease
BI7.7 Anti-oxidants
BI8 Nutrition
BI8.1 Importance of dietary components and dietary fibre
Nutrition basis: energy supply, RDA, balanced diet
BI8.2 Nutritional disorders: Protein-energy malnutrition
BI8.3 Dietary advice in childhood and pregnancy in diseased
BI8.4 Obesity: dietary intake, health risk and effects
BI8.5 Importance of macro molecules
BI9 Extracellular matrix (ECM)
BI9.1 Functions and components of ECM
BI9.2 Role of ECM in health and disease
BI9.3 Protein targeting and sorting
BI10 Oncogenesis and immunity
BI10.1 Molecular basis of cancer: Oncogenes and its
activation, mechanism of action
BI10.2 Tumor markers
BI10.3 Types of immunity: Cellular and humoral, structure of
BI10.4 Innate and adaptive immune responses: role of T-
helper cells
BI10.5 Antigens: structure, function
BI11 Biochemistry laboratory tests
BI11.1 Laboratory apparatus and equipments

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