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TITLE: Ligand Exchange.

AIM: To demonstrate the process of ligand exchange in transition elements

o test tube rack,
o test tubes,
o test tube holder,
o teat droppers,
o test tube brush,
o bench
o Concentrated hydrochloric acid,
o Aqueous sodium hydroxide,
o Aqueous ammonia,
o Diethylamine
o Cyanide
o Aqueous solutions of: Cu2+ , Cr3+, Co2+, Fe2+ and Fe3+


1. The tests in the table below were carried out on each solution of transition metal ions.
Add the ligand reagents was added drop by drop to the solutions until in excess,
colour (of the solutions and precipitates formed) was noted after the addition of each
reagent and all the results were recorded in the table.

Ligand Aqueous Transition Metal Ions


Cu2+ Cr3+ Co2+ Fe2+ Fe3+

NH3 (aq) Light blue ppt Grey green Blue ppt, in Dirty green ppt Orange ppt
Light blue to ppt Pink to blue Light green to Rust brown ppt
deep blue sol. Dark green to green dirty green Yellow brown
Sol. in excess grey green. Insol. In Insol. in excess to rust brown.
Insol. In excess Insol. In excess

NaOH (aq) Blue ppt Green grey Blue ppt in Dirty green ppt Rust brown ppt
Light blue to ppt pink sol. So Light green to Yellow brown
blue Darker green violet sol. dirty green sol. to rust brown
Insol. In sol. Pink to blue Insol. In Insol. In excess
excess Sol. In excess Insol. In excess
Conc. HCI Yellow ppt Dark green to Pink to violet Light green to Yellow-brown
Blue to green dark blue- to blue yellow-green to yellow to
to yellow- green to yellow orange

Cyanide Brown ppt No ppt Dirty green ppt Blue ppt Deep blue ppt
Blue to brown formed Insol. in excess Light green to Yellow brown
Insol. In Dark green to Pink to Dirty blue sol. to blue-black
excess brown sol. green Insol. In sol.
excess Insol. In excess

Diethylamin Blue ppt Grey-green Blue grey ppt Dirty green ppt Rust brown ppt
e Insol. in ppt Pink to dirty Light green to Yellow brown
excess Dark green to green dirty green to rust-brown
grey green Insol. in excess Insol. In Insol. In excess
Insol. in excess

The shape of a complex ion formed depends on its coordination number and the type
of ligand that bonds to the transition metal. In the experiment, several copper complexes were
formed when Cu2+ reacted with the different ligands. First, when aqueous copper (II)
solution reacted with aqueous ammonia in deep blue soluion, soluble in exces to form
[Cu(NH3)4]2+. The compound produced was tetraaminediaquacopper (II) ions. This is
represented by the following equation:
[Cu(H2O)6] 2+(aq) + 4NH3(aq) → [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2] 2+(aq) + 4H2O (l)
The structure is a Tetrahedral arrangement around the central copper ion. The shape is a
Square planar or tetrahedral depending on the presence of other ligands. and the structure is
shown below.

When aqueous copper (II) solution reacted with NaOH a blue precipitate formed
[Cu(OH)4]2- . This precipitate formed is tetraaquadihydroxocopper II. This is represented in
the following equation:
[Cu(H2O)6] 2+ + 2OH- → [Cu(H2O)4(OH)2](s) + 2H2O
The structure is Octahedral arrangement around the central copper ion. Thus the shape is
octahedral, and the structure is shown below.
When aqueous copper (II) solution reacted with concentrated HCl, a yellow green solution
formed in excess to form [CuCl4]2-. The compound produced was tetrachlorocuprate II. This
is represented in the following equation:
[Cu(H2O)6 ]2+(aq) + 4Cl (aq) [CuCl4 ]2– (aq) + 6H2O(l)
The structure was Tetrahedral arrangement around the central copper ion and the shape is
tetrahedral, and the structure is shown below.

When aqueous copper (II) solution reacted with cyanide, a brown precipitate formed to fomr
[Cu(CN)4]2-. The compound produced was tetracyanocuprate II. This is represented in the
following equation:
[Cu(H2O)6 ]2+(aq) + 4CN (aq) [Cu(CN)4 ]2– (s) + 6H2O(l)
Structure was a square planar arrangement around the central copper ion and the shape was
Square planar., and the structure is shown below.

When aqueous copper (II) solution reacted with diethylamine, a blue precipitate formed to
fomr [Cu(C4H11N)4]2+The compound produced was tetrakis(diethylamine)copper(II). This
is represented in the following equation:
[Cu(C4H11N)4]2+(aq) + 4CN-(aq) → [Cu(CN)4]2-(aq) + 4C4H11N(aq)
Structure was a Octahedral arrangement around the central copper ion. And the shape is

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