Marketing of Financial Services Assignment Sem 3

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Marketing of Financial Services

The financial industry is huge, complex, and full of both possibilities and dangers.
The futures and options market are one such sector that has attracted a lot of
interest but is still very complex. Even though there is a chance for profit in this
market, there are hazards involved, particularly for small investors. The protection of
these investors' interests is mostly the responsibility of SEBI, which is charged with
watching over India's financial markets. In a financial landscape that is changing
quickly and where asymmetric information can result in large losses, SEBI has to
close the knowledge gap.


With following procedure and steps, we are going to applicate the Campaign of
Public Relation for SEBI. The Indian securities market is governed by SEBI. It is in
charge of fostering the growth of the market for securities and defending the rights of
securities investors. The purpose of this campaign is to inform average investors
about the dangers associated with trade in the option and futures market.
Now we have to firstly define the Objectives of our Public Relation Campaign to get
start with.
 to inform ordinary investors of the dangers and difficulties associated with
trading futures and options.
 to encourage prudent and knowledgeable investing choices.
 to improve the F&O market's credibility and transparency.
As we defined the objective of Campaign, we need the find out the Persons we are
targeting for this campaign. As far the information Retail investors would be best
choice as target persons who are interested in trading in F&O markets. Now we got
the target persons. But need great strategy. For that we are going to focus on
following strategy plan:
Strategy We should Follow for Public Relation Campaign –
1. Workshops and webinars for education:
To inform investors on the fundamentals of trading futures and options, the risks
involved, and risk management techniques, provide workshops and webinars.
2. Knowledge-Based Content:
Provide and disseminate educational materials that succinctly and clearly describe
the intricacies and hazards associated with trading in futures and options, such as
pamphlets, eBooks, and infographics.
3. Using social media:
With the use of social media Platform, we can make more engagement with the
users. Provide educational resources, do in persons podcast. Question sessions with
4. Alliance:
Work together to produce instructional podcasts and videos with financial influencers
and experts. This might aid in expanding the campaign's audience and boosting its

We now got great strategy, but without Implementation we cannot know if this
strategy work or not. So, we have to make plan about scheduled implementation of
Campaign. We are going to that in 4 stages. Within 15 days’ time frame of 2 months
for each stage.
We are going to see Campaign Implementation as Follows with table:

Stage 1 Planning And Creation of First 15 days of 1st Month

Stage 2 Campaign Webinars, Last 15 days of 1st Month
Stage 3 Social Media Alliances First 15 days of 2nd Month
with Creators
Stage 4 Assessment & Feedback Last 15 days of 2nd Month
of Campaign

Now we need to assess the campaign all sorts of benchmark to find out whether it
succeeded or not:
 The quantity of attendees in webinars and seminars
 Social media post engagement rate
 Responses from the audience and participants
 An increase in the segment's futures and options transaction volume made
using data.

The purpose of the planned effort is to inform average investors about the dangers
associated with trading in the F&O market. Through the use of a variety of tools and
techniques, SEBI is able to guarantee that individuals who invest are knowledgeable
and make wise financial decisions.
So firstly, we have to introduce the question and what is asked to find out the right
potential benefits. It is essential to customise one's investment plan according to
personal risk threshold and financial objectives in the wide financial cosmos where a
variety of investment possibilities coexist. Finding the ideal ratio of risk to return is
crucial for Mr. Ashok Pandit, who has a moderate risk profile. Here, mutual funds that
switch up their stock and debt holdings on a regular basis look like a good option.
These funds combine the stability of credit instruments with the dynamism of stocks
at the crossroads of potential for expansion and capital preservation.


So, we need to understand that for customers with a moderate risk tolerance,
investing in mutual fund investments that frequently adjust their investments between
debt and equity investments can have a number of potential advantages. Now we
are going to explain the concept and benefits of Investing in Mutual funds which are
frequently adjusts.

1) Sustainable Income: An income stream that is consistent can be obtained

through mutual fund investments that rebalance between debt and equity. The
portfolio's debt component yields consistent income from interest, which can
assist in meeting the client's income needs. Clients who depend on their
assets for consistent cash flow may find this income to be very advantageous.

2) The management of risks: By preserving the intended asset allocation,

rebalancing aids with risk management. The equity component of the
investment may become overweight when the equity markets are doing well,
which would increase risk exposure. Rebalancing lowers the risk of being
overexposed to a certain asset class by ensuring that the investment mix has
been adjusted to the target proportion.

3) Growth Potential: Rebalancing enables investors to seize market

opportunities. Rebalancing involves shedding some investments with fixed
income and purchasing more stocks at a reduced price when the stock
markets are underperforming. By using this method, investors may profit from
the ensuing equity market rebound.

4) Experienced Administration: Access to qualified investment professionals who

are actively overseeing the portfolio is made possible by investing in mutual
funds. These managers are skilled in identifying appropriate securities,
assessing market trends, and adjusting the portfolio to take advantage of
shifting conditions. These individuals' expertise and experience might be
advantageous to their clients.

5) Convenience and Accessibility: Investors can benefit from mutual funds'

convenience and accessibility. They give people a way to make investments
in a diverse portfolio without having to do a lot of homework or keep an eye on
things. Mutual fund units are simple to acquire and sell, which makes them a
practical investing choice.

6) The variety: The benefits of variety are offered by mutual funds that adjust
their portfolio. These funds diversify their investments across many asset
classes by purchasing a combination of debt and equity assets. This diversity
aids in lessening the effects of possible losses and market volatility.

Now we are going to explain one example of adjusting/ Rebalancing Portfolio that
can help to decrease risk and increase income:
Assume Mr. Pandit is investor whose investment portfolio consists of 60% Stocks
and 40% of debt. By following year, Stock market gained by 20% and Debt market
gained by 5%. So Mr. Pandit if not adjusts his Portfolio, then it will be 66% Equity
and 34%. This asset allocation exceeds the investor's initial intentions in terms of
aggressiveness. The investor is going to liquidate part of their equity investments
and purchase more debt if they rebalance their portfolio to reflect the initial asset
mix. By doing this, they will lower their risk and be shielded from losses should the
equities market decline in the future.

To conclude, Mr. Ashok Pandit may benefit from rebalancing in a number of ways. It
can assist with risk management, market correction detection, tax liability
management, and portfolio diversification. To find out what option is good for him, Mr.
Pandit must consider his investing horizons, level of market expertise, risk tolerance,
and ambitions. It is crucial to remember that there are hazards that come with
investing in mutual funds, such as the possibility of losing principle. Prior to
considering any investment decisions, clients should carefully examine their
investing targets, risk tolerance, and advice from a financial advisor.
Firstly, we have to give introduction about Financial Planner, explain the role of
financial planner and with the help of given information from question we will solve
the question. A certified financial planner is a trained professional in investments who
advises clients plan up and implement strategies for achieving their long-term
financial objectives. Reaching financial objectives via prudent financial management
and planning is the primary purpose of financial planning.
A financial planner makes recommendations to clients on how to achieve their
financial objectives via careful preparation. Before providing recommendations,
financial planners possess a solid understanding of the many investment possibilities
available and how well they fit a client's entire financial condition. He assists people
with the following:
 determining the needs for investments
 converting those needs into quantifiable financial goals.
 organising investments to reach those goals.
 offering financial security, which guarantees the achievement of all financial
 Providing guidance and purpose for one's financial choices.


So now we are going to know the concept and which things a Financial Planner will
tells its clients for investment purpose. A financial planner makes recommendations
to people about their lifetime financial decisions, such as the following:
1. Cash Flow and Debt Management: Managing debt and lifestyle to increase
and control an individual's financial flow.
2. Tax Related Planning: Coordinating financial objectives with efficient tax
3. Planning and Investment Issues: Developing, experimenting, and monitoring
capital consumption to improve capital and cash flows for expenditure and
4. Planning of Risk Assessment and Insurance: Improving the risk assessment
and insurance functions can help control threats to money flow.
5. Planning of Retirement: Making sure you are financially independent when
you retire A more thorough discussion of this was covered at the conclusion
of the chapter.
Now we are going to discuss the Essential steps which to be taken to make
Riya’s financial Decision about her higher education good. For that we have to
take following steps:
A. Diversify Investment: Investing may be made less risky by spreading your money
over several asset types. Based on Anuj and Neha's investment horizon and risk
tolerance, take into account a combination of equities, mutual funds, bonds, and
other investment options.

B. Set up Early: Anuj and Neha will have more time to create finances if they begin
saving for Riya's schooling early. By starting early, they can benefit from
compound interest and lessen the stress of having to save bigger sums of money

C. Set a Budget: Examine Anuj and Neha's available funds, out-of-pocket costs, and
savings potential. Create a monthly budget that allots a certain amount to Riya's
education fund. Adhere to the spending plan to guarantee steady savings.


Understand that funding Riya's education will require sustained effort. These
recommendations, together with discipline, will help Anuj and Neha make sure
they have the money to achieve Riya's ambitions for a college education.



Now we have to Introduce the Retirement Planning and talks about it. Also, we have
to make sure Mr. Anuj Retirement Planning goal are made clear with this answer.
Even though retirement is sometimes seen as the best time of life, it demands
careful planning in order to ensure comfort and financial freedom. Given that Anuj
has twenty-five years before he turns 60, he must build a retirement strategy that
provides development as well as stability. The secret is to strike a balance between
present-day living and long-term goals, taking into consideration the inevitable rise in
living costs brought on by inflation and other unanticipated events.


Now we are going to A detailed retirement strategy for Mr. Anuj as follows:

Firstly, we know that Mr. Anuj’s sets his Retirement age to be 60. currently he is 35
years old. So, we got about 25 years of Time Span to Strategies his Retirement plan.

Financial Goals we have to follow for this Retirement Strategy or Plan:

 To continue living at his current level

 To be capable of paying for retirement-related costs such as healthcare
 in order to live an enjoyable retirement

Now we have to find out best investment to invest in and make allocation according
to that so we can get the best returns from he is young his risk taking would be
high so as of now we will make investments in high-risk high return Investments. And
after coming close to his retirement, He can reduce risk and make safe investments
in his portfolio.

He can invest in following assets:

 Mutual Funds
 Stocks
 Real Estate
 Government Bonds
The following advice can help you save for retirement and claim income after
retirement with following:

1) As your income rises, so does the percentage you save.

2) Configure a regular transfer from your retirement account to your checking
account. You'll be able to automatically save every month with this.
3) We must go according to plan for spending. This will assist you in determining
where you may make cost reductions.
4) Make use of retirement funds with tax advantages.
5) In retirement, think about taking up a part-time job.
6) Take out a tax-efficient amount from your retirement savings.
7) Make your Social Security claim as soon as possible.
8) Create other revenue sources, such as investment or rental income.


With this plan Mr. Anuj can make decisions good. But He must save at least of 20%
of his Income for his retirement. Although if he plans to Buy a house or make
planning for Education of His children, then he has to make decision of saving for
retirement according to that.

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