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Course Title: GIS One

Course code: Seng3171

By: Eyob A.(Msc)

Course objectives

❖ Up on successful completion of this course, student will

✓ Be familiar with basic concepts, objectives and trend of GIS
✓ Able Know steps to create and maintain GIS data and
perform GIS analysis and present the results in the form of
hard copy maps or digital form.
✓ Understand the definition, history and application of GIS.

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep..

Course objectives

✓ Relate and identify the GIS data sources and integrate these data
sources with their respected attribute representation in the GIS
✓ Understand in detail the GIS data models and practically apply in
their practical classes
✓ Understand basic steps in GIS project planning and Mngt

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep..

Course Contents
Chapter one: Introduction to Geographic Information
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definition of GIS and related Terminology,
1.3 Evolution of GIS
1.4 Element of GIS and Capabilities of GIS
1.5 Major application areas of GIS.
Chapter Two: Geographic Data Model
2.1 GIS Data and Data Source
2.2 GIS Data Model
2.3 Vector Spatial Data Model
2.4 Raster Spatial Data Model By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep..
Course Contents
Chapter Three: Spatial Query
3.1 Introduction to Spatial Quarry
3.2 Basic Methods of Attribute Quarry
3.3 Selection
3.4 Select by attribute
3.5 Select by Location
3.6 SQL (Structured Quarry Language)
3.7 A relational operator
3.8 Arithmetic operators
3.9 Boolean operators
3.10 Spatial Quarry techniques
Chapter Four: GIS Coordinate System
4.1 Geographic Coordinate system
4.2 Projected Coordinate System By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep..
Course Contents
Chapter Five: GIS Data Capture
5.1 Primary Data Capture
5.2 Secondary Data Capture and entry
5.3 Raster Data Capture
❖ Scanning
❖ Photogrammetry
❖ Remote sensing
5.4 Vector Data Capture and entry
❖ Manual digitizing
❖ Computer-assisted digitizing
❖ Field surveying
❖ GPS surveying
5.5 Attribute Data Acquisition Entry
❖ Keyboard entry
5.6 Georeferencing
By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep..
Course Contents
Chapter Six: Vector and Raster based Spatial analysis:
6.1 Introduction to spatial data analysis
6.2 GIS usage in Spatial analysis
6.3Vector based GIS analysis
6.4 Raster based GIS analysis.
Chapter Seven: Digital Terrain Modelling
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Definition and Terminology
7.3 Acquisition of digital Terrain model
7.4 Data Processing, Analysis and Visualization
7.5 Application of digital Terrain Model
Chapter Eight: Planning and Mngt of GIS Project:
8.1 Steps in GIS Project
8.2 GIS project planning, Performing Analysis, Presenting the
By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep..
Laboratory Exercises

❖ Introductionto GIS Software

❖ Spatial Query
❖ Georeferencing and Digitizing
❖ Vector Analysis
❖ Raster Analysis
❖ Map preparation

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep..

Mode of Assessment and Evaluation

Assessments Weight
Individual Assignment 10
Lab Report 15
Mid Exam 25
Final 50
Total 100

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep..

Chapter One: Definitions and Concepts of GIS

❖ Composed of three terms

❖ GEOGRAPHIC: real world, spatial realities
❖ INFORMATION: data and their meaning
❖ SYSTEMS: computer technology (both computer
hardware and software)
❖ Geographic Information System abbreviated as GIS, is an
emerging technology in storing, managing, analyzing and
modeling geographic data.
By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep..
Definitions Cont’d…
❖ In simple terms, GIS is a computer-based system for the
capture, storage, manipulation, query, analyze and display of
data tied to places or geographic coordinates.

❖ More specifically Aronoff (1989) defines GIS as a computer

based system that provides three sets of capabilities to handle
geo-referenced data:

✓ Input, (data),

✓Data management (data storage and retrieval),

✓Manipulation and analysis and Output(information).

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 11
Sector Based Definitions of GIS
❖GIS is a computerized tool for solving geographic
problems for better decision support system (Planners
and Decision-Makers)
❖GIS is a container of maps in digital form (General
❖GIS is a mechanized inventory of geographically
distributed features and facilities for better
transportation and communication systems
(Transportation/Utility Managers)
❖GIS is a tool for revealing what is otherwise invisible in
geographic information (Scientists or Researchers).
❖GIS is a tool for performing operations on geographic
data that are too tedious or expensive or inaccurate if
performed by hand (Resource Managers/Planners).
By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 12
Common Definition

❖ GIS is more commonly defied as it is a computer based system

that is used to input, store, retrieve, manipulate, analyse, and
display of geographically referenced data and its correspondence
attribute information.
❖ In general GIS is an integrated system of computer hardware and
software, coupled with procedures and human analysis which
together support the capture, management, manipulation,
analysis, modeling and display of spatial referenced data.

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 13

Common Definition Cont’d..

❖Geographic, because data collected is associated

with some location in space.
❖Information, because attributes or the
characteristics (data), about the space is what we
want to learn about.
❖System, because there must be a tie from the
information to the geography in a seamless

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 14

Once GIS is implemented, the following benefits are

❖Geospatial data are better maintained in a standard

❖Revision and updating are easier
❖Geospatial data and information are easier to search,
analyze and represent
❖ More value added product
❖Geospatial data can be shared and exchanged freely
❖Productivity of the staff is improved and more efficient
❖Time and money are saved
❖Better decisions can be made
By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 15
The questions that a GIS is required to answer are

❖ What is at.....? (Locational question ; what exists at a

particular location).
❖ Where is it.....? (Conditional question ; which locations
satisfy certain conditions).
❖ How has it changed......? (Trendy question ; identifies
geographic occurrence or trends that have changed or in
the process of changing)
❖ Which data are related .....? (Relational question : analyzes
the spatial relationship between objects of geographic
❖ What if.......? (Model based question ; computers and
displays an optimum path, a suitable land, risky area against
disasters etc. based on model)
By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 16
To day, there are many environmental problems such as:

❖Land Mgt.
❖Land Adm.
❖Environmental degradation GIS has
❖Drought integrated
❖ Shortage of drinking water response
❖Popn growth and etc

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 17

So, in order to overcome these difficulties, GIS offers six
main functionalities to manage and analyze spatial data in
a single spatial framework and has ability of:
1. Collection (capturing)
2. Storage
3. manipulation
4. Querying
5. Analyze
6. display

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 18

1.3. Objectives of GIS

GIS is developed to:

➢Maximize the efficiency of planning and decision
➢Provide efficient means for data distribution and
➢Eliminate redundant database
➢Enhance the integration of information from
many sources.
➢Provide complex analysis for decision making.
➢Generate new information.
➢Maintain data consistency.
Why Use a GIS?

❖Information from many different places can be stored

and analyzed in the same database (data integration).
❖Examination of spatial relationships and patterns is
much easier
❖Data stored in digital format, so physically more
❖Large quantities of data can be maintained and
retrieved at greater speeds
❖Lower cost of maintaining and retrieving data
❖Revision and updating are easier
Historical Development of GIS

❖ Thematic cartography is the origin of GIS

❖ History of Thematic Cartography:
❖ The earliest idea was geometric diagrams and
making of maps to aid in navigation and
exploration (16th).
❖ GIS emerged as a new technology since 1960 in
Canada, North America and Experimental
Cartography Unit in the UK but the significant
development occurred in 1989.

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 21

Disciplines Contributing for GIS Development

❖ Various disciplines have contributed for the

development of GIS among these the following
discipline areas are important to mention.
❖ Cartography, the science (and art) of map-making.
❖ Remote sensing, the science of Earth observation
from space .
❖ Geodesy, the science of accurate measurement of
the Earth
❖ Surveying, the science of accurate measurement
of natural and human made features on the
Earth. By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 22
Disciplines Contributing for GIS Development

❖ Photogrammetry, the science of measurement

from photographs and images
❖ Image processing, the science of handling and
analysis of image data
❖ Computer science, particularly: databases,
computational geometry, image processing, and
pattern recognition

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 23

Elements or Components of GIS

❖ GIS has Six
fundamental Dataa


By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep..
Components Cont’d

1. People
❖ People are the most important component of
❖ People need to develop the procedures and
define tasks of GIS.
❖ People always influence the output of the
software and hardware

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 25

Components Cont’d

People associated with a GIS can be categorized into

1. Viewers are the public at large.
2. General users are people who use GIS to conduct
3. GIS specialists are the people who make the GIS work.
4. Administrator a person who handles security and

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 26

Components Cont’d

❖Computer hardware refers to the physical parts a
computer such as Monitor, keyboard, computer
data storage, hard drive disk, mouse, system
unit(graphic cards, sound cards, memory,
motherboard and chips), scanner, digitizer board,
printer, plotter, and storage devices.
❖All these components should be connected to the

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 27

Components Cont’d

Hardware divided into Input devices, Output

devices, Processor (CPU) and Storage devices.
Scanners-------input device
Digitizers-------input device
Printers--------output device
plotters---------output device
RAM--------------storage device

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 28

Components Cont’d

3. Software
❖ Software provides tools to store, manage,
analyze, display and disseminate spatial data and
spatial information.
❖ Public domain and Commercially available
software’s. e.g. ESRI(
▪ ArcMap
▪ ArcCatalog
▪ ArcView
▪ ArcInfo
By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 29
Types of Software required for GIS:
A. Basic computer Software’s
❖ Most common are Microsoft’s operating
systems for PCs. In MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk
Operating System) the operation is regulated
by text lines.
❖ This permits the administering of files by
name. Example: Windows operating systems
such as Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows
2000, Windows ME and Windows XP, utilizing
graphic symbols (icons).
By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 30
Types of Software required for GIS:

B. GIS application software

❖ Based upon an operating system, augmented by
additional programming tools and standards,
various vendors (ESRI, Intergraph, Siemens and
many others) have developed GIS software
ENVI,QGIS,GEOMEDIA are the main example.

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 31

Elements of GIS Cont’d

4. Data
❖ A fundamental component of a GIS is the data.
❖ Data in a GIS represent a simplified view of the
real world. Physical entities or phenomena are
approximated by data in a GIS.

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 32

GIS Data Source and Types

Source of Data
❖Any data fall in to primary or secondary.
❖Primary data are data collected through first hand
observation, like field observation and ground survey.
❖Secondary data are data collected from other individuals
or organizations work.
❖Examples of secondary data: Topographic map, satellite
image, Meteorological data , Population census, Digital
documents, Aerial photographs and Thematic maps.

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 33

Types of Data

❖There are two types of data in GIS.

I. Spatial Data
❖It is a geographic data that contains positional values to
indicate particular locations.
❖As a general term maps, aerial photographs, satellite
images and field data (ground survey) are the major
sources of spatial data.
❖ Some things said to be spatial data it has the following
✓ X Y coordinate System
✓ Shape, area and size
✓ Perimeter, distanceByand
Eyob A. neighborhood
Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 34
Types of Data

ii. Non-spatial Data

❖It is an attribute data used to describe spatial
data/information in the form of tables, figures or
descriptive terms.
❖Example, physical and chemical properties of
soil, types of slope, description of road, etc.
❖Non-spatial data, simply, is data that contains
'what' instead of 'where'.

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 35

Elements Cont’d
5. Procedure/Method/Application
❖ Procedures include how the data will be retrieved,
input into the system, stored, managed, transformed,
analyzed, and finally presented in a final output.
❖ Analysis requires well-defined, consistent methods to
provide accurate and reproducible results.
❖ Whether the application is simple data tracking or
complex multidimensional analysis, a GIS should be
designed with the potential applications in mind.
❖ Applications of geographic information to real world
problem solving is the heart of any GIS
By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 36
Elements Cont’d

6. Network
❖ With rapid development of IT, today the network is
considered as a component of GIS, without which no
rapid communication or sharing of digital information
could occur.
❖ GIS today relies heavily on the Internet, acquiring and
sharing large geographic data sets.

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 37

Applications of GIS

❖ GIS are now used extensively in government, business,

and research for a wide range of applications including:
✓ Land registration and administrations
✓ environmental resource analysis,
✓ land use planning,
✓ locational analysis,
✓ tax appraisal,
✓ utility and infrastructure planning,
✓ real estate analysis,
✓ marketing and demographic analysis,
✓ habitat studies, and
✓ archaeological analysis.
By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 38
Applications of GIS in specific Area

In industry and Planning

➢ Residential and commercial land suitability analysis
➢ Transportation analysis
➢ Utilities and communications
➢ Locating underground pipes and cables,
➢ Balancing loads in electrical networks,
➢ Planning facility maintenance,
➢ Tracking energy use

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 39

Applications of GIS in specific Area

In natural resource management Watershed

➢Forest resource monitoring
➢Land cover change analysis
➢Land use planning
➢Agricultural land suitability analysis
➢Protected area management
By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 40
Applications of GIS in specific Area

In Environmental Protections
➢ Hazard analysis and mapping
➢Erosion risk analysis
➢Drought analysis
➢Landslide analysis
➢ Healthcare analysis
➢Crime analysis

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 41

Applications of GIS in specific Area

➢ In Military
➢Command and control
➢Intelligence gathering
➢ In Business
➢Banking and insurance
➢Retails and market management
➢Delivery of goods and services

By Eyob A. Mwu CoE Seng dep.. 42

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