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[Session: 2023-24 (Even)]

BBA-P12’: Management Information System

Unit No. & II- Using Information Systems to Course Outcome: CO2- Apply IT to solve common
Name: Achieve Competitive Advantage business problems
Date of 30 March 2024 Name of Faculty: Mr. Mithilesh Kumar Tyagi


Topic Set-1: Porter’s Competitive Forces Model and The Business Value Chain Model.
[A] In the below mentioned questions, the statements have only one correct option: BL
All of the following are common tools used in industry to analyze and develop competitive

In not
d. five
advantages, except:
A. Five Forces Modelcompetitors
to 2
B. Three Generic Strategies
C. Competitive analysis model
D. Value chain analysis
Which of the following forces is commonly reduced through the use of a loyalty program?
A. Buyer power
Q2) B. Supplier power 2
C. Threat of new entrants
D. Rivalry among existing competitors
What attempts to understand and measure the current process, and make performance
improvements accordingly?
Q3) A. Customer facing process 2
B. Business process reengineering
C. Continuous process improvement
D. Business process management
A product or service that customers have come to expect from an industry, which must be offered
by new entrants if they wish to compete and survive, is known as (an)?
Q4) A. switching costs 2
B. loyalty programs
C. entry barriers
D. affiliate programs
An industry is attractive for suppliers when the rivalry among existing competitors is:
A. More
Q5) B. Low 2
C. High
D. Less
Which approach views an organization as a series of process, each of which adds value to the
product or service for each customer?
Q6) A. Low cost strategy 2
B. Business value process
C. Value chain
D. First-mover value advantage
Q7) Which of the following represents supplier power in Porter's Five Forces Model? 2

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A. High when buyers have few choices of whom to buy from and low when their choices are
B. Low when buyers have few choices of whom to buy from and high when their choices are
C. High when buyers have many choices of whom to buy from and low when their choices
are few
D. None of the above
If the suppliers in a particular industry hold a lot of the power, the industry is:
A. Saturated with alternative products or services
Q8) B. Using information technology to gain a competitive advantage 2
C. More attractive to enter
D. None of the above
In the below mentioned questions, the statements may have more than one correct BL
Which one of the following is/are a prerequisite for a good MIS?
A. Database
Q9) B. Support from Staff 2
C. Control and maintenance of MIS
D. MIS executives
Categories of information system are known as ___
A. Strategic Information
Q10) B. Operational information 2
C. Managerial Information
D. None of the mentions
Topic Set-2: Aligning Information Systems with Business. Decision Making and Information Systems.
[A] In the below mentioned questions, the statements have only one correct option: BL
A Decision Support System (DSS) is an application for information systems which helps in ...
A. Decision making
Q1) B. Making system 2
C. System implementation
D. System flow
Which of the following is / are Components of an Expert System?
A. User Interface
Q2) B. Interference Engine 2
C. Knowledge Base & Data Acquisition Subsystem
D. All of the above mentioned
The information flow in MIS should as per the,
A. Need of an organization
Q3) B. Management dependent 2
C. Information dependent
D. None of the above
Which of the following should be a good characteristic of a DSS?
A. Automate decision making process
Q4) B. Keep data storage 2
C. Gives a quick response to decision makers
D. None of the above
Which of the above is not a characteristic of a popular executive information system?
A. It is useful for in organizational processes
Q5) B. It is used by top-level executives directly 2
C. It is customized to individual executive users
D. None of the above
Q6) Trend analysis in Executive information system examines, 2
A. Data prediction and forecasting

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B. Information gathering
C. Data Storage
D. All of the above
The phases which are used in MIS design are as follows –
A. Problem identification → Analysis → Design → Implementation → Maintenance
Q7) B. Analysis → Problem identification → Implementation → Design → Maintenance 2
C. Problem identification → Implementation → Analysis → Design → Maintenance
D. Implementation → Analysis → Design → Problem identification → Maintenance
DSS is widely used in the ...
A. System implementation
Q8) B. System flow 2
C. Planning
D. Making system
[B] In the below mentioned questions, the statements may have more than one correct option(s): BL
In MIS Design phases, Problem Identification focuses on -
A. System needs and problem identification
Q9) B. Investigates system’s key objectives 2
C. Only A
D. Only B
What is system analysis?
A. Collecting facts and information
Q10) B. Interpreting facts 2
C. Identifying the problems
D. None of the mentioned above

Topic Set-3: Types of Decisions and the Decision-Making Process, Business Value of Improved Decision
[A] In the below mentioned questions: the statements have only one correct option: BL
Expert systems are designed to solve ...
A. Simple problems
Q1) B. Complex problems 2
C. Transaction processing system
D. Decision support system
A Strategic Management Information System offers ...
A. Business intelligence
Q2) B. Organization flow 2
C. Process enhancement
D. Process flow
Which of the following Activities are associated with Strategic Management?
A. MIS strategy set → Organizational strategy set
Q3) B. Organizational strategy set → MIS strategy set 2
C. Business Process Set → MIS strategy set
D. None of the above mentioned
Strategic knowledge management allows companies / organizations to identify to ... the
information they produce and obtain.
Q4) A. Store, process, and transmit 2
B. Only disseminate information
C. Only information retrieval
D. Only information updating
Q5) Strategic Management Information System can be used to create new ... by using knowledge 2
A. Business opportunities
B. Financial opportunities
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C. Market opportunities
D. All of the above mentioned
... Is able to provide a specific niche or segment with the capabilities to identify, extend, and
need of an organization.
A. System flow
Q6) B. Data flow diagram 2
C. Strategic Management Information System
D. None of the above mentioned

A successful ... can be done only if the capabilities are in place for the routine basic work of data
collection, assessment of potential equipment and software, and management of routine project
status reporting.
Q7) A. System approach 2
B. System implementation
C. Plan
D. Strategic process
A. To fulfill the need ... should have laid the groundwork when a new strategic need
becomes an evident.
B. Data Management 2
C. Information Management
D. Process Management
E. All of the above mentioned
In the below mentioned questions: the statements may have more than one correct BL
Which of the following is / are Components of an Expert System?
A. User Interface
Q9) B. Interference Engine 2
C. Knowledge Base & Data Acquisition Subsystem
D. None of the above mentioned
The different types of decisions while decision making in MIS are
A. Programmed decisions
Q10) B. Programmable decisions 2
C. Semi Programmed decisions
D. Non Programmed decisions

Topic Set-4: Decision Support for Operational, Middle and Senior Management.
[A] In the below mentioned questions, the statements have only one correct option: BL
Decision makers who are concerned with tactical (short-term) operational problems and decision
making are
Q1) A. Middle managers 2
B. Executive managers
C. Supervisors
D. Mobile managers
The most important attribute of information quality that a manager requires is:
A. Relevance
Q2) B. Media 2
C. Presentation
D. Timeliness
To improve the performance of a business process, which of the following is most relevant?
A. Input
Q3) B. Processing 2
C. Control and feedback
D. All of the above

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Which of the following reports categorizes information for managers who are not interested to
wade through the details?
Q4) A. External 2
B. Detailed
C. Exception
D. None of the above
GDSS is the short form of
A. Group Decision Support System
Q5) B. Group Discussion Support System 2
C. Group Decision Service System
D. Group Discussion Support Source
Deciding how to carry out specific tasks by strategic and middle management and establishing
criteria for completion and resource allocation best describes
Q6) A. Strategic decision making 2
B. Operational control
C. Knowledge level decision making
D. Management control
Which level of an organization is responsible for setting medium term goals and allocating
A. The tactical level 2
B. The supervisory level
C. The strategic level
D. The executive level
Critical information for top management is provided by ....... information system.
A. Expert
Q8) B. Managerial 2
C. Executive
D. Decision
In the below mentioned questions: the statements may have more than one correct BL
Decision trees could be represented in different ways such as
A. Bottom to top
Q9) B. Left to right 2
C. Top to bottom
D. None of the above
What among the following are the primary characteristics that information must process?
A. Relevance
Q10) B. Availability 2
C. Timeliness
D. None of the above

Topic Set-5: Concepts of Database and Database Management System.

[A] In the below mentioned questions, the statements have only one correct option: BL
What is DBMS?
A. DBMS is a collection of queries
Q1) B. DBMS is a high-level language 2
C. DBMS is a programming language
D. DBMS stores, modifies and retrieves data
Which of the following is not a type of database?
A. Hierarchical
Q2) B. Network 2
C. Distributed
D. Decentralized

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The DBMS acts as an interface between and of an enterprise-class system.
A. Data and the DBMS
Q3) B. Application and SQL 2
C. Database application and the database
D. The user and the software
The ability to query data, as well as insert, delete, and alter tuples, is offered by
A. TCL (Transaction Control Language)
Q4) B. DCL (Data Control Language) 2
C. DDL (Data Definition Language)
D. DML (Data Manipulation Language)
Which of the following is correct according to the technology deployed by DBMS?
A. Pointers are used to maintain transactional integrity and consistency
Q5) B. Cursors are used to maintain transactional integrity and consistency 2
C. Locks are used to maintain transactional integrity and consistency
D. Triggers are used to maintain transactional integrity and consistency
The oldest DB model is
A. Network
Q6) B. Physical 2
C. Hierarchical
D. Relational
Which of the following establishes a top-to-bottom relationship among the items?
A. Relational schema
Q7) B. Network schema 2
C. Hierarchical schema
D. All of the mentioned
Which of the following is the full form of DDL?
A. Data definition language
Q8) B. Data derivation language 2
C. Dynamic data language
D. Detailed data language
In the below mentioned questions: the statements may have more than one correct BL
Which of the following is a function of the DBMS?
A. Storing data
Q9) B. Providing multi-users access control 2
C. Data Mining
D. All of the above
Which type of data can be stored in the database?
A. Image oriented data
Q10) B. Text, files containing data 2
C. Data in the form of audio or video
D. None of the above
Ref. [ID] Authors Book Title Publisher/Press Edition &Year No. of Books
of Publication Available in
Management Information 10
[T1] Dr. A.K. Gupta S. Chand 3rd, 2012
Tata McGraw Hill 10
Waman S Management Information
[T2] Education Private 4 , 2011

Jawadekar Systems
Ref. [ID] Authors Book Title Publisher/Press Edition &Year No. of Books
of Publication Available in
Page 6 of 7
Management Information 12
[R1] GV Satya Shekhar Excel Books 1st, 2007
Management 10
Kenneth C. Laudon Management Information
[R2] Information 5 ,2015

& Jane P. Laudon Systems

Ref. [ID] Source Name Source Hyperlink

Signature of Faculty: Signature of HOD:

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