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Scenario: In a school playground, a group of students constantly picks on another student because of
their physical appearance. The bullied student feels scared and isolated, unable to enjoy their time at

Inequality in Access to Education:

Scenario: Two friends, one from a wealthy family and another from a low-income family, attend the
same school. However, the friend from the low-income family lacks access to proper textbooks and
educational resources, making it harder for them to keep up with their studies.

Discrimination Based on Disability:

Scenario: A student with a physical disability is often excluded from group activities during recess and
lunchtime. Other students make fun of them because of their disability, preventing them from fully
participating in school life.

Animal Cruelty:

Scenario: A group of students witnesses another student kicking a stray dog on the street. Despite the
dog whimpering in pain, the student continues to mistreat it, displaying a lack of empathy and respect
for animals.
Scenario: In a school playground, a group of students
constantly picks on another student because of their
physical appearance. The bullied student feels scared and
isolated, unable to enjoy their time at school.

Scenario: Two friends, one from a wealthy family and

another from a low-income family, attend the same
school. However, the friend from the low-income family
lacks access to proper textbooks and educational
resources, making it harder for them to keep up with
their studies.

Scenario: A student with a physical disability is often

excluded from group activities during recess and
lunchtime. Other students make fun of them because of
their disability, preventing them frAom fully participating
in school life.
Scenario: A group of students witnesses another student
kicking a stray dog on the street. Despite the dog
whimpering in pain, the student continues to mistreat it,
displaying a lack of empathy and respect for animals.

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