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Investigating The Effect of Natural Ripening Agents on The Ripening of Apples (Malus Pumila),

Measured Using Malic Acid Content.

A. Exploration.
In the context, the escalating demands brought about by increased production have increased the necessity for
limited resources. This trend is particularly noticeable in the agricultural sector, where the pressure to generate
larger yields in shorter timeframes has gotten worse. In order to address the urgent needs of both consumers and
farmers, scientists have delved into understanding the ripening process of fruits. Studies show that ethylene is a
primary component responsible for speeding the process of ripening of apples specifically. It is said that "one
bad apple spoils the whole bushel.” Having always read this expression, it was intriguing to investigate its usage
this time to. For me, it was most inspiring to consider two batches of apple that were placed next to each other
and left in the kitchen for several days. When the fruits were arranged at random distances from each other, the
second batch on the counter was observed to ripen more slowly than the first batch. Consequently, it was
decided to investigate whether the other fruits have aided in the ripening of this batch of apples (Malus Pumila),
and to consider a relationship between two variables that didn't seem related. In this investigation, several fruits
will be used as the independent variables to examine the rate at which apples ripen. The apple will be kept in a
separate plastic bag with the other fruits until they are fully ripe (8 days). After this time, an apple extract will
be extracted, combined with 100.00 cm 3 of distilled water, filtered, and then, after the addition of 3 drops of
phenolphthalein indicator, 50.00 cm3 of it will be titrated against 0.400 M NaOH solution. By doing this, we
may acquire the quantity of NaOH solution that was necessary to balance the acids in the apple (Malus Pumila).
Consequently, by following a few mathematical steps, it is possible to determine their malic acid concentration
from the volume of NaOH solution.
Background information:
Apples are mostly composed of water and carbohydrates, but they also contain a lot of pectin, which is a
mixture of soluble and insoluble fibers, as well as a lot of antioxidants and vitamins, such as ascorbic acid
(vitamin C). Apple fruit acid content primarily determines the fruit's flavor. Malic acid, which is produced in the
cytosol during the Krebs cycle, is the main organic acid that builds up in the vacuoles of apples. The fruit's sour
and revitalizing flavor is enhanced by the acid, which also masks the unripe fruit's sugary flavor.
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase catalyzes the synthesis of malic acid by starting the carboxylation process of
phosphoenolpyruvate. The concentration of malic acid increases gradually during fruit growth. The fruit's
acidity decreases with age because malic acid breaks down, increasing the fruit's sugar to acid content ratio and
giving it a softer texture and sweeter flavor. Apple ripening is influenced by a wide range of factors. These
consist of the surrounding temperature and hormone levels. The gas ethylene is referred to as the "hormone that
ripens fruit." Throughout the plant's lifecycle, the amount of ethylene produced varies. On the other hand, when
ripening begins, ethylene levels usually soar. Fruits may be divided into two main groups according to how they
react to ethylene as they ripen. The first class of fruits, referred to as climacteric fruits, includes apples, where
ripening is accompanied by an ethylene burst. These fruits can also react to ethylene from the environment,
speeding up the ripening process. The fruits in the second group, referred to as non-climacteric fruits, do not
produce more ethylene as they ripen. 1 These fruits can still ripen, though, if they come into contact with an
outside source of ethylene.

Research Question:
What is the effect of natural ripening agents (Mangifera indica (Mango), Musa acuminata (Banana), Actinidia
deliciosa (Kiwi), Pyrus communis (Pear), Psidium guajava (Guava)) on the ripening of Malus domestic
(Apple) has a mass ranging about 30g, measured through the titration with 0.400M NaOH solution against the
apple extract, measuring the volume of the 0.400M NaOH required to change the color of phenolphthalein


indicator added to the apple extract from colorless into pink or magenta and calculate the concentration of malic
acid (moldm-3)?
This investigation compares various naturally occurring ripening agents, in this instance fruits, to see how they
affect the ripening of Malus domestic (Apple). These fruits (Mangifera indica (Mango), Musa acuminata
(Banana), Actinidia deliciosa (Kiwi), Pyrus communis (Pear), Psidium guajava (Guava) are all climacteric
fruits. In order to determine which fruit contributes the most to the production of ethylene in in an effort to
speed up the ripening of apples. This is because ethylene gas will function as a catalyst once an apple is exposed
to it, so the apple will utilize the organic substances and acids to convert them to sugars as its respiration rate
increases. Malic acid, one of the most abundant acids employed in the metabolic pathways involved in the
ripening of apples, is one of the acids that will be transformed into sugars and used in respiration. Because of
this, the amount of malic acid consumed in respiration reactions can be used to determine how ripe an apple is.
One apple will be put in a plastic bag with one of the fruits that naturally ripen food for eight days. After being
chopped into 18.00 grams, 50.00 cm3 of distilled water will be added, and the mixture will be combined and
filtered for 10 minutes (600.00 seconds). The extract will next be titrated with 0.400M NaOH until the color of
the extract changes from colorless to fade pink, indicating the end point of titration and showing that the
solution is neutralized. Next, 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator will be added. We can determine the amount
of malic acid in the apple extract by calculating the recorded values.

According to study, ethylene is the main component when taking into account the process of fruit ripening.
Because ethylene gas causes the fruit to enhance its respiration and metabolic rate, it follows that the fruit that
produces the most of it will likely cause the apple to ripen the fastest. All fruits used (guava, pears, mangoes,
bananas, kiwi) are all considered as climacteric fruits. Due to the fact that the malic acid was being changed into
sugars as the apple ripened, the ripest apple would therefore have the least amount of malic acid. In this regard,
it is well known that pears, kiwis, mangos, banana and guava will all go through a variety of metabolic
processes to produce a high level of ethylene gas. Bananas are one of the most fruits that release high levels of
ethylene when they are ripening.2 Among the list I supported, pears are the least fruits that release ethylene
when ripening. 3As previously mentioned, the ethylene affects malic acid concentration of apples. Conversely,
an apple or any fruit with high amounts of malic acid is considered to be less ripe because it did not go through
as many metabolic processes to metabolize the acid to become ripe. When the contents of the malic acid are
neutralized and reach the end point, the color of the extract will fade to fade pink, indicating the best natural
ripening agent in this regard. This neutralization reaction will be demonstrated when the apple extract taken
from each sample is titrated and show qualitative results.

Independent Variables:

What is color symbolism? (2023a) The Interaction Design Foundation. Available at:
%20Love%2C,%3A%20New%20Beginnings%2C%20Abundance%2C%20Peace (Accessed: 24 February 2024).

What is color symbolism? (2023a) The Interaction Design Foundation. Available at:
%20Love%2C,%3A%20New%20Beginnings%2C%20Abundance%2C%20Peace (Accessed: 24 February 2024).

The type of the fruits that will be used in this experiment. They produce ethylene gas which affects the ripeness
of the apples. (Mangifera indica (Mango), Musa acuminata (Banana), Actinidia deliciosa (Kiwi), Pyrus
communis (Pear), Psidium guajava (Guava)).
Dependent Variables:
The volume that is used of NaOH solution is 0.400M, it is used during the titration measured in cm 3 is noted
when the color of the banana extract solution containing 3 drops of phenolphthalein changes from colorless to
fade pink once the acids have been neutralized and pH=7 has been reached. Then, the malic acid concentration
(moldm-3) will be calculated.
Controlled Variables:
1. Same type of titration solution: NaOH solution. This is so that the acidity in the extract can be neutralized
without consuming a significant amount of the alkaline, which is made possible by the fact that it is a strong base.
2. Use a zip lock plastic bag: the bag that has in it the fruits should be completely sealed so that the ethylene won’t
escape from the bag and reduces the ripening. The apples in this way won’t be completely exposed to the ethylene
3. All the fruits used in the experiment are brought from the same patch.
4. The mass of all fruits should be relatively close: so that we can be sure that they produce the same
amount of ethylene gas. This is done by buying the fruits from the same supermarket or supplier.
5. The duration of apple ripening: all the fruits were left with the apple in the same bag for 8 days. This
time was chosen because it is the optimum period of the ripening of the apples so that we can be sure of
the results.
6. Apple in the blender: to ensure that all the extracts are broken down to the same degree so that it can
filter the components evenly, the apple extract was added to the blender along with the water and mixed
for 20 seconds. A stopwatch is used to time this process and guarantee that each extract is combined for
exactly 20 seconds. If this variable was not maintained constant, some of the extracted data might
contain lumps that would be challenging to filter out during filtration.
7. Volume of water added to apple in the blender
8. Volume of apple extract to be titrated (10.00 cm3)
9. Same type of indicator: used for all variables which is phenolphthalein indicator. It is usually colorless
in acidic conditions and turns pink in pH=7 and above when the conditions are basic.
10. Same volume of phenolphthalein indicator: for all the extracts 3 drops of the indicator was put in
them using a dropper. It should be specific so that the color can reach pale pink.
11. The mass of all apples used relatively close: around 30.00g for each apple so I could the same results
from all apples.

1. 18x plastic zip lock bags to pack the fruits 11. 3x mangos
(17.7cm×18.8cm) 12. 1xWeighing boat
2. 1x50.00cm3 graduated cylinder (±0.05cm3). 13. 1x Blender
3. 18x apples same mass about 30.00g 14. 1x Digital balance (±0.01g)
4. 20.00 g NaOH pellets 15. 1x Clamp
5. 1x 1000 cm3 beaker 16. 1x50.00cm3 burette (±0.05cm3).
6. 100 cm3 Phenolphthalein indicator in a 17. Funnel
bottle 18. 3x 100 cm3 flasks
7. 3x pears 19. 1x1000cm3 graduated cylinder (±5cm3).
8. 3x Banana 20. 25x Gauze pieces
9. 3x Guava 21. 1xStopwatch (±0.1seconds).
10. 3x kiwis 22. 1x knife.
23. 1x cutting tile.

A. Preparation of 0.400M NaOH solution:
1. Weigh 16.00 g of NaOH using a digital balance by placing them in a weighing boat and pressing TARE on the digital
balance before measuring the mass.
2. Put the 16.00 g of NaOH pellets in 1000cm3 beaker
3. Measure a 1000cm3 graduated cylinder (±5cm3) and add it in the beaker and stirred using a glass rod until dissolved.

B. Measuring the NaOH solution volume used for titration

1. Using the 18 apples that are available, each apple is individually combined with one of the four fruits (pears, Banana,
Guava, kiwis, mangoes) in a 17.7cm x 18.8cm plastic bag, which is then sealed. Each fruit has three trials, which
translates to three bags for each fruit. Subsequently, three of the apples are put in their own sealed plastic bags.
2. After sealing the plastic bags, they are left in the same location for eight days, or until the apples are ripe.
3. The apple is removed from the sealed bag after the eight days, and 18.00g of it
is sliced using a knife and weighed with a digital balance. To obtain precise
measurements, this was accomplished by setting the weighing dish on the
balance and pushing TARE before putting the cutting on the weighing dish.
4. To make the apple extract, 18.00g of chopped apple was placed in a blender
and blended for 20.00 seconds with 50.00cm 3 of water that was measured using a
graduated cylinder measuring 50.00cm3 ±0.05cm3.
5. After that, a gauze is put into a flask and positioned on a funnel. Using a
stopwatch, the extract is put into the flask and allowed to filter through the
gauze for a total of 10.00 minutes (600.00 seconds).
6. Using a 50.0 cm3 graduated cylinder, measure 10.0 cm3 of the extract that has
formed. Pour the extract into a second flask and use a dropper to add 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator.
7. A burette clamp is used to secure a burette to a ring stand. Using a funnel on top, the previously prepared 0.400M
NaOH solution is poured into the burette until it is full to the top (reaches the zero mark) or even beyond it.
8. To enable the solution to be dropped until it reaches the burette's tip and the bottom of the meniscus indicates the zero
label, a flask is put beneath the burette and the stopcock is gently turned.
9. Next, the stopcock is opened to enable the titration of the NaOH solution into the apple extract. The stopcock is
turned to stop the solution from being dropped into the flask once the color of the solution turns pink.
10. To determine the volume of NaOH solution used for the titration procedure, the meniscus's beginning position—zero
in this instance—is subtracted from its end position.
11. After repeating steps 4 to 10 for each of the three trials with every fruit, data will be recorded.

Environmental and safety precautions:

To promote consumption and the local economy, all of the fruits were bought from a nearby store. However, the
quantity of fruits purchased was restricted to that required for the experiment in order to prevent any extras from
going to waste. Additionally, it is advised to handle the knife cautiously when slicing the apple to prevent injury
or skin wounds. As for NaOH, it is extremely corrosive and should be handled with gloves and a mask because
it can cause irritation to the respiratory system. In order to dispose of the 0.400M NaOH solution safely in the
sink, it should also be diluted by adding water. Every plastic bag produces ethylene gas, a mask was wear to
avoid inhaling it.

B. Analysis.
Qualitative Data:
The most obvious way to observe the changes in the apple is from the color as it started with a vibrant green
color and over time the green color transferred into a combination of yellow and red, blend of colors as shown
in figure 1. The apple that was kept alone had showed less color changes like in the stage 3 since it did not turn
completely red and not so many spots. The reason for this the amount of ethylene gas produced here was very
little. Apples stored alone ripened less and takes more time than when it was placed with other natural ripening
fruits. At the beginning, the apples were slightly rough to touch but as days passed the apples softened and
texture becoming more tender and yielding when touch. The apple skins were smooth and shiny at the start but
by time small dots emerged and imperfections. The apples were initially same size (30.00g), but over time a
subtle expansion was noted in some apples. No presence of decay or mold was found throughout the experiment
because we controlled the temperature and kept it in the same environment. After 4 days of the experiment, all
the apples have reached stage 3 to 4, the time were they started to turn into red and red color appeared more
which shows that ethylene is produced and apples are ripening. On the last day, all apples reached number 5
because they were full red and had dots on them.
B. Data Analysis
Quantitative Data:
Table 1. Displays the Mean volume of NaOH/ cm3 ± 0.05, standard deviation, absolute uncertainty and
percentage uncertainty of using different fruits
Volume of NaOH/ cm3 ± 0.05
Type of fruit Absolute Percentage
used Standard
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean uncertainity uncertainity
(±) (%)
Apple only
1.50 1.60 1.60 1.57 0.06 0.05 3.19
Pear 1.70 1.30 1.50 1.50 0.20 0.20 13.33
Banana 0.70 0.60 0.80 0.70 0.10 0.10 14.29
Mango 0.90 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.10 0.10 12.50
Guava 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.07 0.06 0.05 4.69
Kiwi 1.40 1.30 1.50 1.40 0.10 0.10 7.14

Sample calculations:
1. Mean Volume of NaOH solution / cm3 ± 0.05

T 1+T 2 +T 3+T 4 +T 5
Mean Volume of NaOH solution=
Total number of trials
1.40+1.30+1.50 3
Mean Volume of NaOH solution of kiwi: =1.40 cm

2. Standard deviation: Calculated using Microsoft Excel

3. Absolute uncertainty of the mean:

maximum volume−minimum volume
Absolute uncertainity=
−¿ =± ¿
Apple only (control) absolute uncertainty:
4. Percentage uncertainty:
Absolute uncertainity
Percentage uncertainity = × 100

percentage uncertainty at Apple only (control)¿ ×100 %=%

Graph 1. Displays the Mean volume of NaOH/ cm3 ± 0.05 of using different fruits.
1.60 1.57
Mean Volume of NaOH/ cm3 ± 0.05

1.20 1.07
0.80 0.70
Apple only Pear Banana Mango Guava Kiwi
Type of fruit used

Analysis of table 1 and graph 1

Table 2.
Mean Mean
Type of Mean volume Moles of
Moles of Mass of
fruit of NaOH/ NaOH/
used cm3 ± 0.05 Mean Volume of acid Mean Concentration of
mol acid /g
NaOH/dm3 /mol Malic acid/
only 1.57 1.57E-03 6.27E-04 3.13E-04 0.04 4.20
Pear 1.50 1.50E-03 6.00E-04 3.00E-04 0.04 4.02
Banana 0.70 7.00E-04 2.80E-04 1.40E-04 0.02 1.88
Mango 0.80 8.00E-04 3.20E-04 1.60E-04 0.02 2.15
Guava 1.07 1.07E-03 4.27E-04 2.13E-04 0.03 2.86
Kiwi 1.40 1.40E-03 5.60E-04 2.80E-04 0.04 3.75

Sample calculations:

1. Mean volume of NaOH/ dm3 = Mean Volume of NaOH / cm3 ÷ 1000

Example: kiwi: 1.40 cm3 ÷ 1000=0.0014=1.40E-03 dm3

2. Mean number of moles of NaOH = The Volume of NaOH/dm3 X Concentration of NaOH (0.4
Example: kiwi: 1.40E-03 X 0.4 mol . dm3=5.60E-04 mol

3. Mean number of moles of malic acid
According the balanced equation of the reaction between sodium hydroxide and malic acid, the ration of NaOH
to malic acid is 2:1. Consequently the mean number of moles of malic acid are obtained by dividing the mean
number of moles of NaOH by 2 (C4H6O5 + 2NaOH  C4H4O5Na2 + 2H2O)
Example: Kiwi: 5.60E-04 ÷ 2=2.80E-04 mol

4. Mean of malic acid (g) = the mean number of moles x molar mass (134.09 g.mol -1) of malic acid
Example: kiwi: 2.8 0 E−04 X 134.09=0.04 g
5. Mean Concentration of malic acid (−3) = mass of malic acid (g) / volume of apple juice sample (0.01
Example: kiwi: 0.04 ÷ 0.01=3.75 g . dm−3

Graph 2.

4.50 4.20
Mean Concentration of Malic acid/

4.00 3.75
3.00 2.86

2.00 1.88

Apple only Pear Banana Mango Guava Kiwi
Type of fruit used

Analysis of table 2 and graph 2

The mean volume of NaOH data indicates that the apple extract taken from the apple stored with bananas require the least
volume of NaOH to neutralize the malic acid, meaning that bananas produce the most amount of ethylene. Nevertheless, it
is important to note that the mass of the fruits varies which means that the mass of a fruit affects the amount of ethylene
produced. The reason why we ought to find the mean volume of NaOH required to titrate the apple extract per gram is to
draw a correlation of the amount of ethylene produced by each fruit in order to have a qualitative measurement of the
strength of each ripening agents. The mean NaOH volume per gram is a reflection of the amount to malic acid which is
linked to the amount of ethylene production. Therefore, a reliable trend cannot be deduced from NaOH volume only. In
order to have a more holistic outlook on the contribution of each fruit on the ripening of the apples, we ought to consider
the mass of the fruits into consideration.

Indication about the correlation between the amount of ethylene produced from the volume of NaOH solution required
during titration, measured through volume of NaOH solution required for titration. It is obvious that the apples placed
with bananas required the least amount of alkaline solution to be neutralized which indicates lower malic acid content,
hence highest production of ethylene gas. The lower malic acid content is directly related to a riper apple since it shows
that the acids were consumed during respiration and converted to sugars. Therefore, bananas have shown to contribute to
the greatest extent of ripening per gram in the spam of 8 days. This is followed by mangoes and guava which are
relatively close to each other indicating that they produced similar volumes of ethylene gas, which had a close effect on
the rate of ripening of apples.

Table 3. represents mean Drop in mean concentration of malic acid comparing to the control ( apple only)/ and Mean Percentage drop in mean Concentration of Malic acid comparing to the control ( apple only)/%

Mean Percentage
Mean Drop in mean drop in mean
concentration of malic Concentration of
Concentration of
Type of fruit used acid comparing to the Malic acid
Malic acid/
3 control ( apple only)/ comparing to the control ( apple

Apple only (control) 4.20 - -

Pear 4.02 0.18 4.26

Banana 1.88 2.32 55.34
Mango 2.15 2.06 48.95
Guava 2.86 1.34 31.93
Kiwi 3.75 0.45 10.64

Sample calculations:

1. Mean Drop in mean concentration of malic acid comparing to the control ( apple only)/ -3
¿ Mean Concentration of Malic acid of Apple only−Mean Concentration of Malic of type of fruit

apple only
Mean Percentage drop∈mean Concentration of Malic acid comparing ¿ the control =Mean Drop∈mean conce

Graph 3.

2.50 2.32
Drop in mean concentration of malic acid
comparing to the control ( apple only)/


1.50 1.34


0.50 0.45

Pear Banana Mango Guava Kiwi
Type of fruit used

Graph 4.

Percentage drop in mean Concentration of Malic
acid comparing to the control ( apple only)/%

50.00 48.95





Pear Banana Mango Guava Kiwi
Type of fruit used

Analysis of table 3 and graphs 3 and 4

ANOVA test

C. Conclusion and evaluation

The quantitative and qualitative data have suggested the effect of ripening of each fruit on the apples.
Qualitative data such as the apples colors and physical features have showed that apples placed alone in a
plastic bag without the presence of a natural ripening agents has shown faster ripening over the span of 8 days
than the apples placed with the other fruits but in some cases but for the kiwi it ripened faster with it. This is
proven through the color scale that showed the apple placed alone had a yellow color then started to become
red. Quantitative data has proposed a trend in the strength of the natural ripening agents used which is indicated
by measuring the volume of NaOH solution required to titrate the acids in the apple extract, hence calculating
the concentration of malic acids in the apples after the experiment. Banana have shown the greatest ripening
which is correlated to the greatest ethylene gas production which has decreased the malic acid content in the
apple extract the most. As it was recorded that the apple extract stored with the banana contained 1.88
malic acid which is the least concentration compared to the other natural ripening agents. This idea supports the
hypothesis stated that bananas are in fact the strongest ripening agents as they have caused the most ripening to
the unripe apple in a period of 8 days by releasing the maximum amount of ethylene gas which was measured
through the malic acid concentration of the apples stored with the fruits.
Out of the fruits used, kiwis were the weakest ripening agents since they required the greatest amount of NaOH
solution per gram which, as claimed earlier, suggests the lowest amount of ethylene gas production and did not
contribute to a great amount of ripening for the apple it was stored with. This suggests that the apple extract
should have contained a larger concentration of malic acid which is the case where it was found that the apple
extract of the apple stored with kiwis had 3.75 malic acid. Meaning, a small amount of malic acid was
converted into sugars and used in respiration, therefore, the apple is not ripe at the end of the 8 days. The
quantitative data proposes a trend in the values of malic acid suggesting the order of strength of the fruits tested
as natural ripening agents:
Banana > Mango > Guava > Pear > Kiwi
Results values were very close so this is why an attempt was made to make these values more reliable by
calculating the percentage change of the mean volume of NaOH solution required per gram for each fruit with
the control variable. The results also proved to support the hypothesis whereby the apples stored with bananas
showed a percentage change of 124% with regards to the control variable. Whereas the mangoes showed
percentage change of 96.25% and kiwis (-7.65%) indicating that they did not contribute to a great change in the
volume NaOH solution needed to titrate the extract compared to the original control variable. Once again
proving that bananas produce the greatest amount of ethylene gas per gram, which triggers the malic acid to be
used in the process of ripening, and is therefore the strongest natural ripening agents among the variables tested.
Furthermore, it was proven that the dependent variable measured in this experiment which is the NaOH volume
is strongly correlated with the malic acid concentration which we based the conclusion and calculations on. All
in all, the results are valid enough to claim that bananas, mangoes and guava respectively may be used as strong
ripening agents even in households to make the process of ripening faster and can be implemented in large-scale
production to meet the demands of consumers and harvest apples earlier as well, since they can become ripe
faster with the presence of strong natural ripening agents.

Strengths associated with this experiment include:

 The experiment makes use of a range of fruit varieties that are often used in homes and are accessible in markets.
Therefore, based on the findings and general pattern of this trial, they may be used effectively in households to
help ripen fruits as needed.
 To reduce the impact of biological flaws in the ripening agents and apples employed, the experiment was run
through several trials. For every fruit, three experiments were conducted to guarantee that the impact of the fruit
circumstances or genetic variations is as little as possible, producing a realistic trend and reliable results.
 The experiment was more accurate in terms of the strength of each ripening agent (fruit) since the mass of each
fruit was taken into account. An effort was made to reduce the impact of any other variable on the trend or data
manipulation, aside from the fruit itself. For this reason, the mass of the sample was divided by the quantity of
NaOH solution required for titration.
 One of the key components of this investigation is how simple and adaptable it is to use the equipment in order to
collect quantitative data. The apparatus has produced a trend appropriate for the strength of the natural ripening
agents utilized in this experiment without requiring the employment of complex technologies or expensive

Weaknesses and sources of error present in this experiment:

 There are some inconsistencies in the color shift of the apple extract from colorless to pink because this is
determined by the human eye, which is not quite accurate. More NaOH can be dripped before a discernible color
change is seen and the dropping is stropped. On another note, this kind of inaccuracy may be greatly minimized
by recording the pH using a pH meter as soon as it hits precisely 7, which will also halt the NaOH solution's drip
when neutralization is assumed to be complete. Using a white background would be another recommendation to
assist pinpoint the exact moment the solution becomes pink.
 Since the apple extract was extracted from the tip, it's possible that the apple's exposure to ethylene gas wasn't
optimal at that point, which contributed to some inaccuracies in the trend that was shown. To guarantee that the
malic acid content is computed from samples from different sections of the apple for better precision, one
technique to lessen the impact of such an inaccuracy is to gather 18.00g of the fruit from the tip and the center of
the apple.
 Although some steps were taken to minimize its effect on the data produced, biological differences may have
resulted in variable amounts of ethylene gas produced, which may have altered the volume of NaOH solution
needed and contributed to a slightly different malic acid concentration in the apples that were used in this
experiment. Biological errors are inevitable when it comes to apples and fruits.

 The addition of an apple to fruits in a sealed plastic bag does not ensure that the apples are properly exposed to
ethylene gas from all angles. As a result, there may have been some error in the results since the apple slice that
was taken to generate the extract may not have ripened to the same degree in all directions. One way to
reduce this error would be to hang the fruits and apples inside the plastic bag. This way, the apple would be
exposed to and enveloped by ethylene gas from all sides, resulting in a nearly uniform ripening process.
 Because some fruits have thicker skins than others, there can be variations in the ethylene's capacity to pass
through the fruit and reach the apple, which can impact ripening and ultimately change the measured
concentration of malic acid. Peeling every fruit to make sure that the thickness of the skin does not stop ethylene
gas from departing the fruit is an alternate way to reduce the mistake that results from such a situation.
The degree of acidity following ripening may have been affected by uncontrollable variables such as differences in
the age and initial level of apple ripening, as well as the various climatic circumstances in which apples were
produced. Enhancing the number of trials and the sample size can assist get around these restrictions and produce
better results.
The study might be expanded to compare the effectiveness of artificial ripening agents like calcium carbide with the
strongest natural ripening agents, such kiwi, as demonstrated in this experiment. This would be done to evaluate how well
various ripening agents work on apples in order to get a firm judgment on which agent; natural or artificial contributes
more to the best ripening within a certain amount of time. As a result, collecting food can happen more quickly since these
agents can be employed in the future. It may also be used on a smaller scale in homes to help non-climacteric foods or
climacteric mature more quickly.



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