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Vietnam is a wheat – growing countries, that’s why anything made of wheat is traditional

food. There a wide range of food in Vietnam, its hard to count it all. I’d say the best one for
me is mi quang. It’s a savoury dish and also a specialty in the middle part of Vietnam.i like to
eat mi quang every week especially weekends. My mother is a very good cook, she usually
serves it all to our family. Mi quang is simple, but it takes a bit of time to prepare. To make
this dish, chicken or beef must be washed and marinated overnight with some flavor
enhancer. This process helps them to cook faster and brings the best taste. In a pan, add
about two tablespoons of oil and garlic, in that, put shallot, then a bit salt. Heat the mixture .
Then pour the chicken or meat into the pan. Add a couple of glasses of water. Let it cook for
about 30 minutes. You can add some more flavor enhancers if it is still bland. Then you have
it. Mi quang is always enjoyed with Vietnamese special noodles. It is moreish, and healthy as
people mostly eat with vegetables. Mi quang is my comfort food.

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