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Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 1: Camouflage is a way of hiding that allows an animal to blend in with its
environment or otherwise go__________by predators.
A. noticeably B. noticed C. unnoticed D. unnoticeable
Question 2: The latest in science news is inspirational for a new generation of thinkers who will
continue to push the boundaries of human__________
A. inability B. capability C. disability D. capacitation
Question 3: Industry 4.0 is hailed as a revolutionary approach in the manufacturing industry.
New technology will push global manufacturers to a new level of optimization and__________
A. producer B. products C. reproduction D. productivity
Question 4: Mammals are vertebrate animals and__________bythe presence of mammary
glands which in females produce milk for feeding their offspring.
A. characteristic B. characteristically C. characterized D. characters
Question 5: The plague known as the Black Death was a__________disease in the 18th century.
However, this epidemic is now controlled thanks to advancements in medical science.
A. contingent B. contiguous C. contagious D. congenial
Question 6: Although organ transplantation can bring patients back to life, the cost of this
practice is__________and not everybody can afford it.
A. repressive B. prohibitive C. restrictive D. exclusive
Question 7: Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat__________to
trying to build a waterproof bridge under rivers.
A. incumbent B. synchronized C. correlative D. analogous
Question 8: The ultramodern printers using laser can reproduce photographes with
A. felicity B. fidelity C. frugality D. futility
Question 9: He__________burnt himself when he added acid sulfuric into the water during his
experiment in the school laboratory.
A. incongruously B. inadvertently C. vehemently D. graciously
Question 10: In the morning seminar, the researcher__________talks about how important
Biology is in our daily life, his face glowing with enthusiasm.
A. dolefully B. spasmodically C. insidiously D. zealously
Question 11: Albert Einstein is__________one of the greatest scientists ever, who had a major
impact on the birth of modern quantum Physics.
A. haphazardly B. begrudgingly C. indubitably D. jovially
Question 12: It was__________ clear to me what they meant by their precautions. The opposite
party must have been carrying out some experiments to produce a fatal toxic.
A. blatantly B. tantalizingly C. acutely D. abundantly
Question 13: Scientific__________ happen across the globe each year as the world's top
researchers make innovative discoveries that alter life on the earth and change our perception
of reality.
A. outbreaks B. breakthroughs C. break-ins D. breakups
Question 14: With new tools and__________analyses, researchers are helping to detect
clandestine nuclear weapons and keep deadly materials from going astray.
A. heart-rending B. painstaking C. nerve-racking D. hair-raising
Question 15: Antibiotics are a__________scientific discovery. We wouldn't live nearly as long
as we do without them.
A. lifespan B. short-lived C. life-changing D. lifelong
Question 16: He__________subscribed to the "theory" that the Earth is flat and in the center of
the solar system, which has been proved to be antiscientific for long time ago.
A. soft-heartedly B. half-heartedly C. light-heartedly D. whole-heartedly
Question 17: When the professor advanced his theory at a medical conference a couple of years
ago, everyone was skeptical about its validity. However, the latest research
A. stood/for B. borne/out C. cleared/at D. carried/out
Question 18: The plan to produce eco-friendly synthetic products which can replace
plastic__________due to a lack of capital.
A. fell through B. dropped off C. dropped away D. fell away
Question 19: It is a common knowledge that no one can function properly if he or she is
A. taken away B. deprived of C. kicked out D. stopped off
Question 20: At the meeting someone__________the idea that anti-carcinogenic food must be
further examined as it still contains some dangerous unknown bacteria.
A. put away B. put across C. put about D. put forward
Question 21: Regarding scientific aspects, the difference between your estimate and mine is just
too small to mention. It makes no sense to__________about it.
A. talk shop B. brave the elements
C. chew the fat D. split hairs
Question 22: I hope the chemistry course starts this term. We’re all as keen as__________to
learn about how chemical compounds are founded and their application in real life.
A. cornflakes B. a cucumber C. a gigolo D. mustard
Question 23: My father refused to eat meat that had been fried. He had__________in his bonnet
about it causing cancer as he had read it on a science magazine.
A. a bee B. a bug C. an ant D. a bull
Question 24: People have long relied on the stars overhead to find way home when they lost
their__________Nowadays, people use modern compasses to determine direction.
A. heart B. marbles C. bearings D. rag
Question 25: Using genetic__________, an organism’s genes can be directly manipulated to
create a new or productive species.
A. variation B. amendment C. adjustment D. modification
Question 26: Ultra violet can have serious__________on a person's physical conditions as it can
deform structures of each cells within one's body.
A. deteriorations B. reactions C. repercussions D. demerits
Question 27: We can only__________as to the causes of the diseases now that we cannot trace
the origin of them.
A. think B. speculate C. ponder D. consider
Question 28: Why do you have such a __________ with Mathematics. I think working with
numbers and figures is bored stiff!
A. preference B. enchantment C. fascination D. desire
Question 29: In my opinion, animal testing is morally wrong and people should not be allowed to
perform experiments__________ these non-human living creatures.
A. to B. on C. over D. for
Question 30: The telescope will photograph distant galaxies, __________an attempt to fully
understand their location and formation.
A. on B. with C. in D. under
Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 1: Gagarin served as the deputy training director of the Cosmonaut Training Centre,
which was__________named after him.
A. subsequently B. consequently C. eloquently D. frequently
Question 2: There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the__________inclination
to the perpendicular of the orbital plane is only just over 3° - less than that for any other
A. equatorial B. axial C. meridian D. latitude
Question 3: The most famous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot, which has
shown__________ in both intensity and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it
always returns after a few years.
A. varieties B. variations C. variabilities D. variegation
Question 4: The astronaut was in orbit around the Earth at a__________of more than 17,000
miles per hour.
A. pace B. speed C. space D. expense
Question 5: No one knew precisely what would happen to a human being in space as well as how
the mind would deal with the psychological__________?
A. pressure B. stress C. tension D. changes
Question 6: How would the body react to the__________changes in temperature?
A. severe B. sudden C. extreme D. rapid
Question 7: On 21 December, 1968 the United States__________Apollo 8 from the Kennedy
Space Center.
A. started B. launched C. controlled D. took off
Question 8: The astronauts on board, Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders, were the
first humans to__________to the moon.
A. pay a visit B. break their journey C. journey D. take a trip
Question 9: The craft__________the moon ten times and sent television pictures of
its surface back to Earth.
A. circled B. rounded C. surrounded D. orbited
Question 10: Six hours after a successful__________on the moon, Neil Armstrong was ready to
leave the Eagle.
A. grounding B. landing C. staying D. traveling
Question 11: Neil Armstrong wore the special__________and heavy boots. He placed his foot
on the moon's surface and that's one small step for a man, one giant__________for mankind.
A. space-suit/jump B. space-clothes/leap
C. space-suit/leap D. space-clothes/jump
Question 12: The exploration of Mars is being carried out by means of__________
A. satellites B. shuttle C. plane D. spacecraft
Question 13: Yuri Gagarin could have made another space flight if a tragic accident had
A. happened B. been happened C. occurred D. taken place
Question 14: China became the third country in the world to be able to independently carry
out__________space flights.
A. manned B. mankind C. man-made D. mannered
Question 15: Yuri Gagarin lifted__________into space aboard the Vostok 1 at 9.07 a.m.
Moscow time on 12th April, 1961.
A. on B. up C. off D. of
Question 16: After nearly five months of__________, the first tenants of the international space
station said they are eager to return to Earth.
A. weight B. weighting C. weightless D. weightlessness
Question 17: Although his flight lasted only 108 minutes, its__________made him a national
A. succeed B. successful C. successive D. success
Question 18: Before Gagarin’s__________flight, there were still enormous uncertainties.
A. historical B. historic C. history D. historian
Question 19: It is discovered that the only forms of life found are vegetation like fungi and
mosses on Mars__________, people remain fascinated by the idea that there could one day be
life on Mars.
A. According B. Nevertheless C. Thus D. Consequently
Question 20: There is one planet that still fascinates and teases scientists mainly because it
doesn’t have an atmosphere to__________observation, yet it is not big enough for sufficiently
accurate telescopic observation.
A. obscure B. observe C. occur D. omit
Question 21: The moon is our dose __________neighbor, and humans have been exploring its
surface ever since they first developed telescopes.
A. cosmological B. cosmic C. aeolian D. heavenly
Question 22: Dark matter in the__________is believed by some scientists to be a substance that
is not readily observable because it does not directly refract light or energy.
A. universe B. global C. world D. planet
Question 23: The existence of many stars in the sky__________us to suspect that there may be
life on another planet.
A. lead B. leading C. have led D. leads
Question 24: Astronomers also think that perhaps a small__________of water vapor could be
found on Mars.
A. quantity B. amount C. portion D. mass
Question 25: In studying this planet, astronomers have found that life may be possible on Mars.
The first__________of this is that Mars has seasons, just like Earth.
A. indication B. print C. mark D. trace
Question 26: Sputnik was the first__________satellite made by the USSR.
A. manned B. natural C. artificial D. live
Question 27: From his window in space, Gagarin had a__________of the Earth that no human
beings had done before.
A. description B. view C. recognition D. attention
Question 28: The successful flight marked a__________in China's space project.
A. landmark B. record C. milestone D. progress
Question 29: His flight was in__________around the Earth at the speed of more than 17,000
miles per hour.
A. orbit B. travel C. circuit D. revolve
Question 30: Some writers of science-fiction think of people from Mars__________little green
creatures. Others imagine "Martians" as monsters with many eyes.
A. like B. to be C. as being D. as
Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 1: In some countries,___________activities outside of official institutions are banned.
A. religion B. religious C. religionist D. religiously
Question 2: In Changsha, the education bureau last week issued a___________to schools not to
celebrate western festivals such as Christmas, including putting up decorations, posting related
messages or exchanging gifts.
A. direct B. direction C. directive D. directional
Question 3: Some people hold the belief that teachers should ___________ the education of
traditional culture for students and guide them to refuse overseas festivals.
A. strengthen B. strong C. strength D. stronghold
Question 4: Celebration is a___________condition to cultivate mutual understanding between
people on both local and global scale.
A. favorite B. favoring C. favour D. favourable
Question 5: Celebrating new traditions keeps us adapted, which is especially important when we
go through some phases of culture___________that may affect many of us in the first months
after moving overseas.
A. context B. shock C. preparation D. exchange
Question 6: The rock festival was fun, but it was marred by the organization, which was
A. chaos B. mess C. shambles D. confusion
Question 7: The school orchestra’s giving a___________tonight,which sounds quite interesting.
A. recital B. score C. concert D. rehearsal
Question 8: We went to that___________of Lewis' paintings at the Granchester Museum last
A. masterpiece B. audition C. installation D. retrospective
Question 9: During the peak season, prices often rise ___________at most tourist attractions.
A. virtually B. desperately C. dramatically D. regularly
Question 10: Traditional celebrations are an excellent opportunity for___________exchanging
ideas and information.
A. worldwide B. interculturally C. multinationally D. universally
Question 11: Some people argue that it is___________justifiableto hold national events and
festivals because of advantages they bring to our country.
A. entirely B. intriguingly C. desperately D. substantially
Question 12: A few people argue that the special events need to be celebrated___________, as it
happens only a few times in a lifetime.
A. nicely B. grandly C. expressively D. tremendously
Question 13: ___________festivals and events can offer a host of economic and social benefits
to communities.
A. Well-known B. Well-organized C. High-spirited D. Strong-willed
Question 14: While it is tempting to realise the___________ increasein productivity and savings
that might result from abolishing public holidays, the overall cost greatly outweighs the gains.
A. long-lasting B. old-fashioned C. short-term D. quick-witted
Question 15: A place with music and dancing, with parties at night, is called a ___________
A. nightlife B. nightmare C. night-blindness D. nightclub
Question 16: The Panorama is a rather___________hotel in a black street near the city center.
A. run-down B. ill-equipped C. broken-down D. worn-out
Question 17: It is advisable that the government should ___________ anti-social behaviours in
relation to drug and alcohol misuse at festivals.
A. look down on B. pin down C. crack down on D. drop off
Question 18: The noise from the unruly fans celebrating their team's victory didn't until early in
the___________ morning.
A. shut off B. give away C. let up D. fall over
Question 19: We've received permission to___________the music festival in spite of opposition
from local residents.
A. carry away with B. cope with C. get down to D. go ahead with
Question 20: You shouldn't have sent John that Valentine's card. I think you've scared
A. back B. down C. off D. through
Question 21: Holding a warm-up activity was good for me___________I gained a lot of
valuable experience.
A. as far as B. in that C. as for D. in terms of
Question 22: ___________is on 14 February when you give a valentine card to someone you
have, or would like to have, a romantic relationship with.
A. Mother’s Day B. Thanksgiving
C. Independence Day D. Valentine’s Day
Question 23: Because of lack of financial support, we managed to organize this
A. at stake B. on a shoestring C. in a nutshell D. under siege
Question 24: The party was already___________ by the time we arrived. Everyone was
singing and dancing happily together.
A. in full swing B. up in the air C. over the moon D. under a cloud
Question 25: A list of___________events will be posted on the noticeboard.
A. far-reaching B. forthcoming C. approaching D. inevitable
Question 26: The competition he set up for young musicians is another___________of his life-
long support for the arts.
A. exposition B. manifestation C. token D. exhibition
Question 27: The project to organize International Firework Festival was cancelled while it was
still in its___________
A. beginning B. launch C. commencement D. infancy
Question 28: Some of the world's richest environments were bruised by the tourist ___________
and their most distinctive wildlife was driven to near-extinction. Moreover, wider
environmental impacts might have been caused by the fuel-hungry transport systems.
A. assault B. invasion C. onslaught D. attack
Question 29: In some cultures, people often wear jewelry to ward___________ evil spirits.
A. for B. against C. off D. from
Question 30: Festival can be a great way to boost the economy of a country, so a great number of
indigenous people wouldn't have to be__________a great dilemma to eke out a living on a
regular basis.
A. under B. on C. of D. in

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