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Subject - Composition

Level - Intermediate

Name of the Lecturer - Mr. Jayanath

Student ID - 166363 \

Class - Intermediate A

Date of Submission - 24/08/2023


A growing number of people are now using social media to meet

new people and socialize. Some experts say that technology has
brought people closer while others have argued people are lonelier
than ever before

Social media includes applications and sites that emphasize collaboration, content sharing,

interaction, and community-based feedback. People connect to social media to communicate

with friends, family, and other communities. Businesses use social media platforms to market

and promote their products and track customer feedback. Social media platforms allow users

to have conversations, share data, and create content for the web. Social networking sites,

photo and video-sharing websites, blogs, microblogs, wikis, instant messaging, podcasts,

widgets, virtual reality, and other venues are just a few examples of the different types of

social media. Social media simplifies online communication between people. Examples of

the many websites, applications, and services that fall under the umbrella category of "social

media" that allow users to share content, interact with others, and build communities on the

Internet are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and are etc. Another 4.7 billion people,

or roughly 60 percent of the world's population, use social media.

The vast majority of people in the modern world use the Internet for communication and

social interaction. The entire planet is now under our control, largely thanks to technological

innovations. What is going on in the world right now that we can actively participate in or

do? Through social media, we can connect with different people instantly. Facebook is one of

the best ways to easily let your friends, neighbors, and family know how you feel.

Technology has completely changed the way we learn, work, travel, communicate, and

interact and has had a very beneficial impact on society. People now use the Internet to find

friends, and while some argue that technology facilitates more communication, critics argue

that technology drives people apart. Technology helps us make new friends, but it also

reduces the amount of time we spend with our families.

Today's culture is becoming more intimate due to the continuous advancement of technology.

People actively seek out new friends every day while continuing to nurture existing

connections. According to a recent BBC News survey (BBC News July 2023 2 days), this

phenomenon is evident in the fact that more than 80% of people are looking for friends

virtually on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp. they turn Using the Internet

allows for quick communication without the need for physical travel and allows you to call

anyone instantly. Furthermore, face-to-face interaction is now possible and lectures and

interviews can now be attended remotely. One of the most abstract consequences of

technological advances is how they connect people from different parts of the world. Thanks

to the internet and social networks, we can talk to friends and family on the other side of the

world with just a few clicks. Participate in virtual communities. Share your ideas and you can

collaborate on projects with people from different backgrounds and cultures and come

together for a common goal. Some experts say that technology has brought people closer

together. Social media is one way of technology. There are many ways that social media

brings people together. Staying in touch with family and friends, keeping long-distance

connections alive, uploading photos for friends and family to see, chatting in Facebook

groups, participating in online protests, and things, meeting other people, and reconnecting

people with other people are some of the ways to use social media.

Additionally, talk about staying in touch with family and friends. This means that thanks to

social media, we can communicate with anyone at any time. It is a great approach to keeping

in touch with loved ones and reconnecting with those you have lost touch with. Maintaining a

long-distance relationship means that couples can be physically separated due to different life

situations. However, social media allows you and your partner to stay in touch and

communicate without the need for constant conversation, so you can stay in touch whenever

it is convenient for you. Social Thanks to the Internet, you can form long-distance

relationships faster than ever. If you and your spouse are geographically separated, do not

worry because Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are here. If you are looking for a new

messaging app to make your communication easier. When we talk about sharing photos with

friends and family, it highlights the fact that it can be difficult for everyone, especially when

family members live far away. But it is easy to use social media to stay connected even when

you are apart. In addition, having a group conversation on Facebook means supporting social

media. Today we have a great opportunity to make friends with people online. Many lasting

connections are made through shared interests and activities. One of the most effective ways

to meet new people who share your interests is to join Facebook groups if you are feeling

alone or lonely. After all, a new person is just an unknown friend. As mentioned above, these

are simple discussions of how the tech community comes together.

Although mentioned above, there are some disadvantages to using modern technology.

Deterioration of mental health, being addicted to social media, being lonely, and indulging in

wrong physical behavior; are some of the disadvantages. So, mainly when we discuss about

being loneliness; some people argue that individuals are experiencing greater loneliness than

ever before due to the excessive use of technology, and this viewpoint is valid. Several key

factors contribute to this sense of loneliness: The first key point is that when new friends are

found through social media, the relationship between family members can become strained or

lost. That means, it has been observed that excessive use of technology as a substitute for

human contact can lead to increased feelings of loneliness and disengagement, and it may also

have negative effects on one's overall health. Online connectedness can indeed complement

real-world relationships by facilitating communication and connection across distances.

However, if relationships predominantly exist in the digital realm and lack significant in-person

interactions, they may ultimately fall short.

In conclusion, the rise of social media as a means of meeting new people and fraternizing has

ignited a critical conversation about its impact on mortal connections. The miracle has sparked

debates between experts who praise its occurrence for creating connections and those who

lament its occurrence for fueling a passion for loneliness. Both perspectives have merit, and

the reality is probably somewhere in between. Arguably, social media has revolutionized the

way people connect across distances and borders. It has democratically opened avenues for

commerce that were initially unimaginable, enabling individuals to form alliances with like-

minded people, share common interests, and engage in exchanges that transcend physical walls.

In this light, technology has indeed succeeded in bringing people closer together, promoting

global generosity and cross-cultural exchange that can be both enriching and informative.

However, the argument that social media has contributed to increasing loneliness also holds

Somewhat true.

The incongruity of being connected to hundreds of online musketeers while feeling insulated

in the physical world is a reality for numerous. The curated nature of social media frequently

leads to a slanted representation of people’s lives, immortalizing a sense of inadequacy and

FOMO [fear of missing out]. The superficial nature of online relations can occasionally warrant

the depth and authenticity od face to face-to-face connections, leaving individualities hankering

for genuine mortal fellowship. The verity of the matter is that social media’s impact on

socialization is multifaceted and largely individualistic. It has the power to connect, but it can

also detach. The key lies in how it is used. Thoughtful, conscious engagement with social media

can lead to meaningful connections and vibrant online communities. On the other hand,

inordinate reliance on it as a primary means of commerce can potentially hamper the

development of strong interpersonal chops and stymie the conformation of deep, enduring

connections technology is very important to us and when we use modern technology it gives

us so many advantages; likes, meeting new friends, updating new world news. But there are

some disadvantages also using technology mean social media. Likewise, being lonely. So,

advantages and disadvantages are depending on how people use them. If they take over the

limits themselves and use social media, it will not be harmful to us. So social media is a good

platform to find new things and new friends all over the world.


 Geirdal, A. Ø., Ruffolo, M., Leung, J., Thygesen, H., Price, D., Bonsaksen, T., &

Schoultz, M. (2021). Mental health, quality of life, well-being, loneliness, and use of

social media in a time of social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak. A cross-

country comparative studies. Journal of Mental Health, 30(2), 148–


 Gioia, F., Rega, V., & Boursier, V. (2021). Problematic internet use and emotional

dysregulation among young people: A literature review. Clinical neuropsychiatry,

18(1), 41–54.

 Hunt, M. G., Marx, R., Lipson, C., & Young, J. (2018). No more FOMO: Limiting

social media decreases loneliness and depression. Journal of Social and Clinical

Psychology, 37(10), 751–768.

 McDonough, C. C. (2016). The effect of ageism on the digital divide among older

adults. Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, 2(008), 1–


 Meshi, D., Cotten, S. R., & Bender, A. R. (2020). Problematic social media use and

perceived social isolation in older Adults: A cross-sectional study. Gerontology,

66(2), 160–168.

 Tahmaseb Mcconatha, J.; Kumar, V.K., & Magnarelli, J. (2022) Ageism, job

engagement, negative stereotypes, intergenerational climate, and life satisfaction

among middle-aged and older employees in a university setting. International Journal

of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, (13) 7443.



 Amanda, L. (August 06, 2015), teens technology and friendships Pew research center

https://www.pewresearch org/internet/2015/08/06/chapter-4-social-media-and-


 Ben, L. 2023, what is social media TechTarget


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