BMR For Females

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 BMR for Females = 0.

9 kCal/kg/hour

BMR for One day will be = 0.9 x 49(weight in Kg) x 24(hours

in a day) = 1058.4 kCal

 Estimate Level of Physical Activity as a percentage of BMR

Activity Energy cost as % of BMR

Sedentary 20%

Moderate 35%

Heavy 50%

Energy cost of physical activity for a sedentary worker will be

= (20% x BMR) + BMR

= 20/100 x 1058.4 + 1058.4

= 1270.08 kCal

Add energy cost of food intake (SDA) which is 6-10% of total

calories. On a vegetarian diet it is about 6% and on a non-vegetarian
diet it is about 10%, approximately 100 kCal.

Total Energy Requirement = BMR + Physical activity + SDA

= 1058.4 + 1270.08 + 100

= 2428.48 kCal

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