675 - 1 - Focus 4. Student's Book - 2020, 2nd, 174p-118-120

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VIDEO 36 37

8.2 Unreal past and regrets – wish, if only,
it’s time and would rather
I can talk about present or future wishes
and past regrets and use phrases with it’s
time and ‘d rather.

1 SPEAKING Discuss your vision of an ideal

holiday and a nightmare holiday.

2 3.34 Listen to the Moss family

discussing what to do for their next holiday.
Answer the questions. 6 3.35 Listen to the Moss family talking after their
1 What suggestions do they make? holiday. Choose the correct option to explain the meaning
2 What do you think they will probably do? of these extracts.
1 ‘If only I’d worn more sunscreen.’ = Ellie wore / didn’t wear
3 3.34 Who said what? Write B for Ben, E for
enough sunscreen.
Ellie, M for Mum and D for Dad. Then listen
2 ‘I wish I hadn’t forgotten my camera.’ = Ben had /
again and check.
didn’t have his camera with him.
1 ‘If only we could go somewhere exciting for a 3 ‘I wish you’d fallen in, too, Ben.’ = Ben fell out /
change.’ didn’t fall out of the raft with Ellie.
2 ‘I think it’s timewe did something cultural.’ 4 ‘I just wish I’d known about the mosquitoes.’ = Mum
3 ‘I wishyou all realised how much I look forward knew / didn’t know that there were mosquitoes.
to doing nothing for two weeks.’
4 ‘I’d ratherwe went to the same campsite we went 7 Look at the example phrases in Exercise 6 and choose the
to last year.’ correct tense in the rule in GRAMMAR FOCUS II.

4 Read GRAMMAR FOCUS I and answer the

questions about the sentences in Exercise 3.
1 Which sentences refer to the present and which Past regrets
to the future? You use wish/if only + sb + Past Simple / Past Perfect to talk
2 Which tense is used after the underlined about past regrets.
structures? If only I’d worn more sunscreen.
I wish I hadn’t forgotten my camera.
GRAMMAR FOCUS I 36 Note: If only is much stronger than wish.
Unreal past
• You use wish/if only + sb + Past Simple to say 8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
that somebody really wants a present or future in brackets. Do you have any of these regrets?
situation to be different.
1 I wish I had gone (go) on holiday with my friends last
• You use it’s (high) time + sb + Past Simple to summer.
say that somebody should do something (now or 2 If only I had revised (revise) more for my last English test.
in the future). 3 I wish my parents had been born (be born) in another
• You use would rather + sb + Past Simple to say country.
what somebody would prefer somebody else to 4 I wish I hadn’t given up (not give up) piano lessons a few
do (now or in the future). years ago.
5 If only I had gone (go) to bed earlier last night.

5 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar 9 Complete the sentences to make them true for you. Then
meaning to the first. Which sentences are true compare with a partner.
for you? 1 I wish I could … 4 If only I hadn’t …
1 It isn’t summer. I wish it was summer . 2 It’s high time I … 5 I wish my parents …
2 We always go to the mountains, but I prefer the 3 I’d rather people didn’t …
sea. I’d rather we went to the sea .
3 I ought to learn how to ski. It’s time FOCUS VLOG 37 About regrets
I learnt how to ski .
4 I can’t drive. I wish I knew how to drive/could drive . 37 Watch the Focus Vlog. For the worksheet, go to
5 I really need to plan my next holiday. It’s high page 147.
time I planned my next holiday .
6 It’s raining. If only it wasn’t raining .
Grammar page 169

8.3 Note completion
I can identify the main points in a
lecture about intelligent animals.

1 SPEAKING Discuss which adjectives in

the box you would use to describe the
animals in the pictures.

affectionate agile aggressive

competitive friendly gentle
harmless independent intelligent
loyal playful social stupid wise

2 3.36 Decide whether you think the statements below 5 Complete the text with the words in
are true (T) or false (F). Then listen to a wildlife expert and WORD STORE 8D.
check your ideas.
1 Chimpanzees share half of the same genes as humans.  Bird-brained
2 Dolphins sometimes attack each other.
3 Cats have more developed brains than dogs.
or highly intelligent?
We know it’s a common 1@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ to think
that owls are wise. In fact, they’re rather stupid. But
EXAM FOCUS Note completion what about other birds, do they deserve the same
@@@@@@@@@@ ? Many scientists are convinced that
3 3.36 Listen to the lecture again and complete the intelligence of some birds has been seriously
sentences 1–7 with a word or a short phrase. 3
@@@@@@@@@@ . Take the crow family. Crows
1 Dr Mathews is talking about the smartest animal species are 4 @@@@@@@@@@@ top of the list when it comes
on Earth. to brain power. They perform even better
than chimpanzees
2 The reason why chimpanzees attack and often kill some
in some research tests. It just
of their own kind is the need for territory .
shows that appearances can be
3 Dolphins are capable of fi ghting aggressively when they 5
@@@@@@@@@ . Not all birds are
compete to win over females/a female . bird-brained – in the same
4 Not only are sheep intelligent, but they also have great way that not all humans are
memory and highly developed recognition skills . intelligent!
5 Dr Mathews says appearances can be misleading, and
owls are a good example.
6 SPEAKING Discuss the questions.
6 Cats’ unsociability is often associated with the fact
that, unlike dogs’, their brains have not developed for 1 Which domesticated animal do you think is
centuries. most/least useful to society? Why?
7 According to the speaker, cats’ indifference to pleasing 2 How could wild animals be better protected? Is
their owners results from the fact that they simply don’t it ever OK to keep them in captivity?
care for human approval . 3 Do you know any organisations, international or
local, which help to protect animals and nature?
Can you give examples of their activities?


4 3.37 Complete WORD STORE 8D. Use the prompts
7 3.38 Listen and repeat these word pairs.
below to help you. Then listen, check and repeat.
1 sheep /ʃiːp/ ship /ʃɪp/
1 a period of time in teenagers’ lives when they are
2 keys /kiːz/ kiss /kɪs/
developing into adults
3 cats /kæts/ cuts /kʌts/
2 showing very strong desire to be more successful than
4 prove /pruːv/ proof /pruːf/
5 bag /bæɡ/ back /bæk/
3 an idea that is wrong, but people believe it because they
don’t understand the issue properly 8 3.39 Listen and write down the five words
4 appearing to be one thing, but being in fact very different in Exercise 7 that you hear.
5 almost certainly
6 an opinion people have of something or someone based 9 Choose five words from Exercise 7 and take
on what happened in the past turns to dictate them to your partner. Check
the words. Has your partner written the
7 to look like or be like something or someone else
correct words?
8 considered to be less important than it really is

READING 3 Complete the gaps with the words in Exercise 2 and then

8.4 Matching
finish each piece of news in an appropriate way.
1 The earthquake , measuring 7.4 on the Richter scale, lasted
I can scan a set of texts to find for seven seconds, but …
specific information. 2 Roofs were blown off and cars overturned in the latest
hurricane to hit the coast of …
3 It has already been fifteen weeks since the
1 SPEAKING Think about the most extreme began. All the water holes have dried up and …
weather conditions you have ever experienced. 4 Fishing villages were destroyed by the latest tsunami ,
Tell your partner where you were, what you as a thirty-metre wall of water …
were doing and how extreme the weather was. 5 Fire fighters are trying to prevent the wildfire from
spreading any further by …
2 3.40 Look at the words and phrases below. 6 Heavy snowfall has led to a high risk of avalanches and
Translate them using a dictionary if necessary. skiers have been warned …
Then listen and repeat. 7 Not only drivers had problems during yesterday’s  .
1 avalanche = A group of young hikers from the local college lost their
2 blizzard = way in the snow due to poor visibility and …
3 drought = 4 SPEAKING Discuss when and where the natural disasters
4 earthquake = in Exercise 2 might occur:
5 gale-force winds =
a in your region c on your continent
6 hurricane =
b in your country d elsewhere in the world.
7 tsunami =
8 wildfire = 5 SPEAKING Look at the photos in the film blog and discuss
the questions.
1 Which of these films, if any, have you seen?
2 What is each film about and what do they have in common?
3 Which words in Exercise 2 would you associate with each film?


The subject of this week’s Film Blog is natural disasters.
you sitting on the edge of your seat! NB: The summaries There are few forces on
contain SPOILERS! Earth more deadly than a
Category 4 hurricane. At
A EVEREST its centre, a Category 4
25 generates winds of over
1 Everest tells the story of an attempt to reach the summit of 200 km/h and waves
Mount Everest in 1996. Several teams of climbers encounter up to thirty metres in
a severe blizzard and eight climbers die, including two height. Adrift begins with
expedition leaders. Californian Tami Oldham
5 Once the climbers depart the base camp and begin the 30 waking up on her yacht
ascent, the film becomes a gripping tale of survival, life after being unconscious for some time. She searches the
and death. When they begin their descent the blizzard hits. boat for her British fiancé Richard Sharp, and soon realises
Climbers are blinded in the snowstorm and can see no more he must have been swept overboard during the hurricane.
than thirty centimetres in front of them. It is best not to move The film then goes back to five months before the hurricane
10 in a whiteout, but if you stay still on Everest, you’ll freeze to 35 when Tami and Richard are hired to deliver a luxury yacht
death. With gale-force winds of 160 kilometres per hour, and from Tahiti to San Diego, 6,500 kilometres away. Two weeks
a lack of oxygen, the climbers fight for their lives. The severe into the voyage, they hear on the radio that a huge storm is
weather conditions make rescue impossible. brewing on their route, so they change course. Meanwhile,
The special effects make you feel as though you are right Hurricane Raymond changes direction unexpectedly, and
15 there with the climbers. During filming on 40 they end up sailing straight into the eye of the storm.
Everest, an avalanche struck, killing sixteen The yacht is battered by twelve-metre waves and Tami
Sherpa guides – a harsh wakes up alone. Then she spots Richard in the water.
reminder that Everest is
When she manages to save him, she realises that he has
one of the most dangerous
life-threatening injuries. So she has to repair the boat
places on Earth. 45 and reach Hawaii. The unexpected twist is when Tami
realises that Richard is actually a hallucination. At the end of
In films like Everest, it’s difficult the film, she is eventually rescued by a Japanese boat after
to feel sorry for the characters. being all alone aboard the yacht for forty-one days.
If they want to take risks by
climbing mountains, it’s up to When I saw Adrift, I couldn’t help wondering whether I’d be able to
them. Not my problem. Ada survive on my own, lost at sea. I’m not sure. 41 days is a long time. Fred

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