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Abstract nouns represent intangible ideas—things you can’t perceive with the five main senses.
For example, words like love, time, beauty, and science are all abstract nouns because you can’t
touch them or see them.

Ideas, emotions, personality traits, and philosophical concepts don’t exist in the physical world—
you can’t sense them or interact with them—so we call them abstract nouns. Remember that
proper nouns are never abstract nouns.

Abstract nouns can be created from nouns, verbs and adjectives. This can be done by taking the
root word and adding a suffix such as:
tion, sion, ment, ence, ance, al, re, ry, or, ing, hood, ness and ity

Prefixes may also be added to words to form Abstract nouns. These include:
en and em


Ideas Emotions Personality traits

life love courage

death hatred loyalty

honour anguish aggression

pleasure ecstasy patience

information fear stupidity

independence sadness elegance

humour happiness maturity

communication compassion



Exercise 1
Change the verbs below to abstracts nouns

Verb Noun Verb Noun Verb Noun

Carbonise Decide Displace

Ignite Conclude Equip

Classify Corrode Agree

Add Compel Amend

Complete Extend Amuse

Fix Divide Amaze

Compete Expel Commit

Reject Erode Argue

Combine Include Judge

Admit Treat Dispose

Prefer Avoid Project

Differ Depend Detect

Depend Assist Mock

Refer Assure Recover

Interfere Insure Discover

Resist Defy Learn

Perform Rely Earn

Avoid Accept Build

Fail Solidify Bless

Mix Beautify Lengthen

Furnish Classify Lighten

Prosper Qualify Strengthen

Memorise Energise Harden

Hospitalise Slave Force

Circle Courage Power

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