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Adverbs that provide the meaning to a sentence by telling us where things happen are
defined as adverbs of place. Adverbs of place always answer one important question:

 An adverb of place always talks about the location where the action of the verb is
being carried out.

 Adverbs of place can give directions. For example: Up, down, around, away,
north, southeast

 Adverbs of place can refer to distances. For example: Nearby, far away, miles

 An adverb of place can indicate an object’s position in relation to another object.

For example: Below, between, above, behind, through, around.

 Many adverbs of place indicate movement in a particular direction and end in the
letters “-ward or -wards”. For example: Toward, forward, backward, westward,
eastwards, onwards

Some examples of Adverbs of place are:

 Put the cake there.
 Please bring that book here.
 My grandfather’s house is nearby.


Here/There Inside/Outside Indoors/Outdoors East/West/North/South Somewhere
Away About Around Forward/Backward Uphill/Downhill
Left/Right Near/Nearby On Far Under
Behind Below By Upstairs/Downstairs Up/Down
Through Everywhere Abroad Across Ahead
Back Towards In Downwards Nowhere/Anywhere
I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. Close the door when you go ___________.

1. Out
2. Westward
3. Lightly
4. Here

2. The dog is hiding _______________ the couch.

1. On
2. Underneath
3. Somewhere
4. There

3. When my friend Sara saw me waiting, she ran __________________ me.

1. Around
2. Towards
3. Through
4. Forward

4. Which is correct? When it's raining, the kids have to stay _______ .

1. Indoors
2. Outdoors
3. Insides

5. The office was closed, so we waited at a Café _______ until it opened.

1. Near
2. Nearly
3. Nearby

6. There was nowhere to sit, so we had to just stand _______ .

1. There
2. Where
3. Thereby

7. If the tickets aren't numbered, it means you can sit _______ .

1. Elsewhere
2. Anywhere
3. Nowhere

8. It was 6 a.m. and the sun was already ________ .

1. Up
2. Out
3. Over

II. Identify and underline the Adverb of place in the following sentences.

1. He put the book on the shelf above.

2. Here comes the train!

3. Susie is planning to find a new job abroad.

4. The river is too wide! How are we going to get across?

5. Come in! You can sit anywhere you like!

6. I think you should give the book back to Ron.

7. Cats don’t usually walk backwards!

8. Please see the examples below.

9. Oh no! I think I left the map behind!

10. I enjoyed watching the sun go down.

11. She heard the doorbell ring so she ran downstairs.

12. The man said he was travelling north.

13. We continued walking southwards towards the mountains.

14. Nearby, a dog barked loudly.

15. Inside the room, all was quiet.

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