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Composition and in vitro Fungitoxic Activity of 19

Essential Oils Against Two Post-Harvest Pathogens
a a b c
B. Chebli , M. Hmamouchi , M. Achouri & L. M. Idrissi Hassani
UFR, Substances Naturelles: Laboratoire de Chimie, Biochimie, Biologie et biologie
moléculaire Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie, B.P 6388 Rabat Instituts, Rabat,
Laboratoire de Mycologie Département de protection des plantes, IAV Hassan II
Complexe, d'Agadir, Morocco
Laboratoire de Symbiotes Racinaire et de Biochimie Végétale, Faculté des Sciences,
B.P./28, Agadir, Morocco
Published online: 28 Nov 2011.

To cite this article: B. Chebli , M. Hmamouchi , M. Achouri & L. M. Idrissi Hassani (2004): Composition and in vitro
Fungitoxic Activity of 19 Essential Oils Against Two Post-Harvest Pathogens, Journal of Essential Oil Research, 16:5,

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J. Essent. Oil Res., 16, Pathogens
507-511 (September/October 2004)

Composition and in vitro Fungitoxic Activity of 19

Essential Oils Against Two Post-Harvest Pathogens

B. Chebli and M. Hmamouchi*

UFR, Substances Naturelles: Laboratoire de Chimie, Biochimie, Biologie et biologie moléculaire Faculté de Médecine et
de Pharmacie, B.P 6388 Rabat Instituts, Rabat, Morocco
M. Achouri
Laboratoire de Mycologie Département de protection des plantes, IAV Hassan II Complexe, d’Agadir, Morocco
L.M. Idrissi Hassani
Downloaded by [Universita degli Studi di Torino] at 08:09 13 June 2013

Laboratoire de Symbiotes Racinaire et de Biochimie Végétale, Faculté des Sciences B.P./ 28 Agadir, Morocco

The fungitoxic activity against Botrytis cinerea and Phytophthora citrophthora of 19 essential oils distilled from
Moroccan medicinal plants is reported. The results of the in vitro trials showed strong activity by the oil of
Chrysanthemum viscidehirtum, which completely inhibited the growth of the two fungi at a concentration of 150
ppm. The fungitoxic activity was compared with procymidone for Botrytis cinerea and propamocarbe (HCl) for
Phytophthora citrophthora. Gas chromatographic analysis of the oil from C. viscidehirtum aerial parts showed that
it consisted mainly of β-farnesene (25.0%), limonene (21.8%) and oxygenated sesquiterpenes (7.4%). Analysis of
Aloysia triphylla oil revealed that its main components were limonene (10.1%), nerol (11.9%), geraniol (15.4%) and
spathulenol (13.1%).

Key Word Index

Chrysanthemum viscidehirtum, Asteraceae, Aloysia triphylla, Verbenaceae, essential oil composition, li-
monene, β-farnesene, nerol, geraniol, spathulenol, antifungal activity, Botrytis cinerea, Phythopthora citrophthora.

Introduction have been used. However, this can cause negative effects on
the environment and food safety (5). Furthermore, the use
Phytophthora citrophthora (Smith et Smith) Leonian is
of fungicides is more harmful in the post harvest period
the causal agent of the citrus trunk, root rot and the citrus
because of the short time between treatment and consump-
fruit brown rot. Fruits infected with P. citrophthora may not
tion. Markets in industrialized countries are desperately
show symptoms when inspected and graded in the packing-
looking for new products with less residue in order to comply
house; therefore, sound fruit can still develop disease in
with the food safety standards. Several studies on the anti-
containers during transit and storage. This may particularly
fungal activity of essential oils have been published (6-13).
be disastrous for citrus fruit export. Botrytis cinerea Pers: Fr
As part of the rejuvenation of the Moroccan aromatic plants
(grey mold rot) is a ubiquitous pathogen, which causes
used locally as remedies in folk medicine, we started a
severe damage to many fruits, vegetables, and ornamental
program aimed at the evaluation of the fungicidal and the
crops in pre- and post-harvest (1,2). Fruit crops are particu-
pharmacological properties of the volatile fraction from
larly susceptible to microbial infections in the post harvest
these plants in the hope of finding new natural biological
period due to their high nutrient and water content in
agents (14-20). Thus, this study evaluates several essential
addition to the loss of natural resistance that they had while
oils from Moroccan medicinal plants for their antifungal
attached to the tree (3). Failure to control the fungi can
activity in vitro against two-post harvest pathogens B. ci-
result in serious economic loss. Shortened crop production
nerea and P. citrophthora at lower concentrations.
cycle and increased growing pressure to meet the demand of
the rapidly expanding market of orchids have caused certain
fungi to become more serious pathogens that are often
uncontrolled by commercial fungicides (4). Consequently, Plant collection and essential oil isolation: A number
more frequent applications and higher doses of fungicides of aromatic plants were collected in different regions of

*Address for correspondence Received: October 2002

Revised: August 2003
1041-2905/04/0005-0507$6.00/0—© 2004 Allured Publishing Corp. Accepted: August 2003

Vol. 16, September/October 2004 Journal of Essential Oil Research/507

Chebli et al.

Table I. Chemical composition (%) of the two most active essential oils (Chrysanthemum viscidehirtum and Aloysia triphylla)

Chrysanthemum Aloysia Chrysanthemum Aloysia

Compound RI viscidehirtum triphylla Compound RI viscidehirtum triphylla

α-pinene 939 0.5 0.7 thymol 1290 0.3

sabinene 976 3.9 citronellyl acetate 1354 0.6
1-octen-3-ol 978 5.4 α-copaene 1376 0.9
β-pinene 980 0.6 geranyl acetate 1383 2.0
myrcene 991 0.8 β-bourbonene 1384 0.8
δ-3-carene 1011 0.9 β-elemene 1391 2.4
p-cymene 1023 0.9 β-farnesene 25.0
limonene 1030 21.8 10.1 α-humulene 1453 0.3
1,8-cineole 1033 6.1 geranyl propionate 1475 0.4
(Z)-β-ocimene 1040 0.2 ar-curcumene 1483 5.9
γ-terpinene 1062 0.5 0.5 δ-cadinene 1524 1.8
linalool 1098 1.2 0.6 α-agarofuran 1548 1.6
borneol 1165 0.9 (E)-nerolidol 1564 2.1
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terpinen-4-ol 1177 1.3 0.6 spathulenol 1576 1.3 13.1

α-terpineol 1182 0.8 1.2 caryophyllene oxide 1581 2.4 5.6
p-cymen-8-ol 1189 0.4 T-cadinol 1640 0.8
nerol 1228 11.9 T-muurolol 1641 1.4
geraniol 1255 3.1 15.4 α-cadinol 1653 1.5
linalyl acetate 1256 0.6 curcumenol 1726 1.3
(E)-cinnamaldehyde 1266 0.7
bornyl acetate 1285 0.4 Total 76.0 88.4

Morocco. They were taxonomically identified at the National mycelial plug for each dish from the edge of seven-day-old
Scientific Institute of Rabat (Department of Plant Biology, B. cinerea or P. citrophthora. Plates in three replicates were
Laboratory of Botany). A voucher specimen of each sample used for each treatment. All plates were incubated in the
was deposited in the Herbarium of the Laboratory of Natural dark at 24°C for seven days at which time the growth of the
Products (Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat). Each control reached the edge of the plate. Growth inhibition was
plant used for essential oil isolation was separately air-dried calculated as the percentage of inhibition of radial growth
and ground. From the powder of each plant a sample of 200 relative to the control. The effect of the oils was compared
g was subjected to water distillation for 2 h using a Clevenger- to that of the Procymidone a synthetic fungicide belonging
type apparatus recommended by the French Pharmacopoeia to the dicarboximide group for B. cinerea and Previcure
(21). The yields (w/w) were determined and reported in Table (propamocarbe HCl) for P. citrophthora. The concentration
I. The oils were analyzed using a Hewlett-Packard 5972 MS, of the two fungicides ranged from 0.001 to 10 ppm. Two
fitted with an HP 5890 Series II GC and controlled by a types of control plates were used. One contained the me-
G1034C Chemstation. A sample of 1 µL was injected under dium only and the other contained the medium plus 0.2% of
the following conditions: DB-1 fused silica capillary column Tween 80.
(20 m x 0.20 mm, film thickness 0.2 µm); carrier gas helium Statistical analysis: Newman-Keuls’s test was under-
(0.6 mL/min); injector temperature 250°C; column tempera- taken utilizing the procedure within the STATITCF statistical
ture 50°-250°C at 3°C/min; MS electronic impact 70 eV. The program.
identification of the compounds was achieved by comparing
retention times and mass spectra with those of the published Results and Discussion
standards (22,23).
Antifungal assay: Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) (Merck) The results of GC/MS analyses of the oils led to the
and V8 medium [PDA was used for Botrytis cinerea, V8 identification of the main components with their percent-
medium (Campbell Soup Co.) a juice mixture of eight veg- ages in the oils (Tables I and II). The data reveals important
etables plus agar was used for Phytophthora citrophthora] qualitative and quantitative compositional variations be-
were autoclaved and cooled in a water bath to 40°C, each oil tween the oils analyzed (Table II). Chrysanthemum
was added to sterilized water at a concentration of 1,000 ppm viscidehirtum oil consisted mainly of β-farnesene (25.0%),
and dissolved using an ultrasound homogenizer in ice bath. limonene (21.8%), low percentage of sabinene (3.9%), β-
In order to facilitate the oil dispersion, a surfactant (Tween elemene (2.4%), geraniol (3.1%) and caryophyllene oxide
80) was used at a concentration of 0.2%. The oil prepared as (2.4%). Aloysia triphylla oil contained mainly geraniol
above was mixed with sterile molten PDA or V8 to obtain (15.4%), spathulenol (13.1%) and nerol (11.9%) (Table I).
final concentrations 0, 50, 150 and 250 ppm. The PDA or V8 The oil of C. viscidehirtum showed the greatest antifungal
containing the oil was then poured into Petri dishes (ª20 mL/ activities. A 150 ppm dilution completely inhibited the radial
plate), which were then seeded with a 5 mm diameter growth of both fungi after seven days at 24 ± 1°C (Table III).

508/Journal of Essential Oil Research Vol. 16, September/October 2004


Table II. The main constituents of the oils of the other 17 Moroccan medicinal plants

Family Parts of Yield

Latin name the plant (w/w) Main constituents (%)

Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert aerial parts 1.0 chamazulene (12.6), camphor (12.9), β-farnesene (3.7), caryophyllene
oxyde (1.9), prochamazulene (7.1), germacrene D (5.5), β-caryophyllene
(7.2), α-terpineol (6.0)
Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All. aerial parts 1.0 camphor (12.9), chamazulene (12.6), β-caryophyllene (7.2),
prochamazulene (7.1), α-terpineol (6.0), germacrene D (5.5)
Artemisia absinthum L. leaf 2.5 α-thujone (5.4), ar-curcumene (5.2), (-)-spathulenol (4.6), γ-elemene
(2.0), linalool (4.6). caryophyllene oxyde (3.9), myristicine (1.0)
Artemisia herba-alba (Asso) aerial parts 0.3 camphor (46.0), α-thujone (33.2), β-thujone (9.0), camphene (8.5), 1,8-
cineole (6.4)

Cupressus sempervirens L. leaf 0.2 sabinene (24.4), terpinen-4-ol (21.1), α-pinene (16.3), γ-terpinene (8.0),
Downloaded by [Universita degli Studi di Torino] at 08:09 13 June 2013

myrcene (5.1)

Pelargonium sp. Willd. aerial parts 0.2 citronellol (50.0), geraniol (7.0), isomenthone (7.0).

Cinnamonum zeylanicum Blume bark 2.0 (E)-cinnamaldehyde (61.2), α-terpineol (15.0), linalol (3.4), eugenol (2.4),
caryophyllene oxide (0.7)

Eucalyptus globulus Labill. leaf 0.6 1,8-cineole (70.6), α-pinene (12.9), carveol (1.9), globulol (3.7), terpinen-
4-ol (0.2), borneol (0.3)
Melaleuca viridiflora Sol. ex Gaertn. aerial parts - 1,8-cineole (40.8), α-terpineol (23.1), limonene (5.0), β-pinene (3.1), p-
cymene (1.2), camphene (1.3), sabinene (0.3)
Myrtus communis L. leaf 0.3 α-pinene (37.6), 1,8-cineole (20.0), limonene (12.0), myrtenyl acetate
(5.0), linalool (3.0), myrtenol (1.0)

Pinus pinea L. leaf 0.2 α-pinene (37.0), β-pinene (3.0), farnesyl acetate (9.0), 2-phesethyl
butyrate (4.3), myrcene (1.2)
Cedrus atlantica Endl. Leaf 0.3 α-pinene (34.1), β-pinene (31.7), myrcene (17.2), limonene (5.1)

Nigella sativa L. seed - p-cymene (50.2), thymoquinone (8.9), β-longipinene (4.4), (E)-anethole
(3.8) terpinen-4-ol (4.5), longifolene (0.8)

Citrus bergamia. Risso et Poiteau 2.0 limonene (50.0), linalyl acetate (40.0), linalool (25.0)
Citrus limon (L.) N.L. Burm. flower 0.5 limonene (66.0), geraniol (20.4), bergamotene (4.2), neral (4.7), geranial
(2.3) linalool (0.2), linalyl acetate (0.4)
Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck. 0.6 limonene (92.0), myrcene (2.3), sabinene (1.3), linalool (0.3), δ-3-carene (0.2)
Ruta chalepensis L. aerial parts 1.1 p-cymene (15.1), camphene (10.5), linalyl acetate (11.3), β-pinene
(10.1), α-pinene (5.9), myrcene (3.0), limonene (6.0), caryophyllene oxide (4.7)

Oil from C. viscidehirtum was exhibiting a comparatively with 68% and 69% inhibition of the radial growth of P.
higher antifungal activity. Which can either be related to its citrophthora and B. cinerea myceliums, respectively. The
high content of β-farnesene, limonene and sabinene or the other oils showed only 20-50% inhibition of the mycelial
fact that these latter compounds may act together synergis- growth, in decreasing order of Cinnamonum zeylanicum,
tically as has already been suggested (24). Also, C. Cedrus atlantica, Citrus bergamia and Ruta chalepensis
viscidehirtum oil contained many oxygenated sesquiterpe- against B. cinerea at 250 ppm (Table III). As shown in Table
nes, and it has been demonstrated that sesquiterpenes, III, the percentage of the inhibition of the oils against the
isolated from members of the Asteraceae, possess a wide grey mold and the brown rot was dependent on the oil
spectrum of biological activity (25) in which they appear to concentration. Significant decrease in the mycelial growth
play a role in plant defense mechanisms. The oil of A. with increase in the oil concentration was observed. On the
triphylla showed a moderate antifungal activity at 250 ppm other hand, the oils of Nigella sativa, Artemisia absinthum,

Vol. 16, September/October 2004 Journal of Essential Oil Research/509

Chebli et al.

Table III. Inhibition percentage of the radial growth of Botrytis cinerea on PDA and Phytophthora citrophthora on V8 containing
essential oils (50, 150 and 250 ppm) isolated from several plants

Botrytis cinerea Phytophthora citrophthora

Concentration (ppm) Concentration (ppm)
Plants 50 150 250 50 150 250

Artemisia herba-alba 0.0e 0.0d 0.0e 0.0d 0.0f 25.2ef

Chamomilla recutita 0.0e 0.0d 0.0e 0.0d 0.0f 1.9g
Chamaemelum nobile 0.0e 0.0d 0.0e 0.0d 25.2d 41.6d
viscidehirtum 80.0a 100a 100a 76.6a 100a 100a
Cupressus sempervirens 0.0e 0.0d 0.0e 0.0d 0.0f 36.3e
Pelargonium sp. 6.3c 15.6c 18.9d 0.0d 23.8d 49.5d
Cinnamonum zeylanicum 0.0e 21.9b 24.8d 6.5c 24.3d 37.9e
Pinus pinea 0.0e 0.0d 7.4de 0.0d 31.9c 40.4d
Cedrus atlantica 11.9b 28.2b 44.4bc 0.0d 38.0c 45.4d
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Eucalyptus globulus 0.0e 0.0d 2.2e 5.9c 29.6d 38.2e

Nigella sativa 0.0e 0.0d 0.0e 0.0d 0.0f 0.0g
Citrus bergamia 1.9cd 22.2b 27.0d 0.0d 4.4e 20.4ef
Citrus limon 0.0e 0.0d 4.1e 0.0d 0.0f 20.4ef
Citrus sinensis 0.0e 0.0d 3.7e 0.0d 0.0f 13.0f
Ruta chalepensis 19.0b 14.9c 34.1c 0.3d 27.6d 35.5e
Aloysia triphylla 3.7c 21.5b 69.3b 0.0d 34.1c 68.2b
Artemisia absinthum 0.0e 0.0d 0.0e 0.0d 0.0f 0.0g
Myrtus communis 0.0e 0.0d 0.0e 0.0d 0.0f 0.0g
Melaleuca viridiflora 0.0e 0.0d 0.0e 0.0d 0.0f 17.8f
Procymidone 100a 100a 100a
Propamocarbe HCl 100a 100a 100a
Control 0.0e 0.0d 0.0e 0.0d 0.0f 0.0g
Control plus Tween 80 0.0e 0.0d 0.0e 0.0d 0.0f 0.0g

*means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to the test of Newman-Keuls (α = 0.05)

and Myrtus communis were non-effective in controlling the Acknowledgements

fungi at lower doses (250 ppm). In general, P. citropthora The authors wish to thank A.M. Ben Tattou for identification of
was more susceptible than B. cinerea to the volatile com- plant materials.
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