Remediation in Speech Disorders

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Top Lang Disorders

Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 312–325

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Treatment Approach
Considerations for Children
With Speech Sound Disorders
in School-Based Settings
Kathryn L. Cabbage and Shari L. DeVeney
Clinicians providing intervention for pediatric speech sound disorders (SSDs) have many treat-
ment approach options from which to select. Because treatment needs vary across children
based on many factors including the error type(s) present and patterns of deficit noted, these
factors need to be considered early in the therapeutic process to find the best-suited approach.
In this article, the authors describe and contrast a traditional motor articulatory-based approach
with phonologically-based approaches including cycles, contrast therapies (e.g., minimal pairs,
maximal oppositions, and multiple oppositions), and complexity through presentation of hypo-
thetical case studies, updated summaries of the evidence base for each, and a summary of current
research limitations for informing clinical practice. Although children with SSDs are ubiquitous
in pediatric clinical caseloads, familiarity or lack thereof with the evidence base supporting
different approaches potentially limits speech production outcomes for children receiving speech
services. Even so, limitations in the evidence base constrain practical application of a given
approach to daily therapeutic interactions. Key words: complexity, contrast therapy, cycles,
maximal oppositions, minimal pairs, multiple oppositions, school-age, speech sound disorders,
traditional articulation approach, treatment of the empty set


one of the most common types of pe-
diatric communication disorders (American
students, at increased risk for difficulties
with academic performance (Felsenfeld et al.,
1994; Overby et al., 2007), literacy acqui-
Speech-Language-Hearing Association [ASHA], sition (Lewis et al., 2019; Overby et al.,
2018). Over the past 12 years, on average, 2012), social/interpersonal skill development
over 90% of school-based speech–language (McCormack et al., 2011; Overby et al.,
pathologists (SLPs) reported treating SSDs 2007), and later employment opportunities
(ASHA, 2018). Having an SSD places chil- (Felsenfeld et al., 1994). As such, it is im-
dren, including preschoolers and school-aged perative school-based SLPs are well versed
in a variety of evidence-based intervention
approaches to effectively remediate speech
production of children with SSD.
Author Affiliation: Department of Communication
Disorders, McKay School of Education, Brigham Although informed treatment decisions are
Young University, Provo, Utah (Dr Cabbage); and critical to therapeutic success, there is no
Department of Special Education and, simple, universal solution because of indi-
Communication Disorders, University of Nebraska
at Omaha (Dr DeVeney). vidualized variabilities associated with client
profiles (Kamhi, 2006). However, decisions
The authors have indicated that they have no financial
and no nonfinancial relationships. regarding which approach to take need
to occur early in the intervention process
Corresponding Author: Kathryn L. Cabbage, PhD,
CCC-SLP, Department of Communication Disorders, and influence SSD treatment effectiveness
McKay School of Education, Brigham Young Univer- (i.e., the outcome of different approaches
sity, 161 TLRB, Provo, UT 84602 ( in varied real-world settings and speaking
DOI: 10.1097/TLD.0000000000000229 conditions).

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Treatment Approach Considerations for Children With SSD in School-Based Settings 313

Children with SSD have a wide range of approaches for those with inconsistent
speech production abilities, which is a par- speech sound errors or motor programming
ticular challenge when deciding what kind deficits is beyond the scope of this article,
of approach is best for each child. Speech and we refer the reader elsewhere for
sound disorder subtypes vary widely ac- additional information regarding treatment
cording to severity and underlying etiology, approaches for these children (Strand, 2020;
including those with motor programming Williams et al., 2010).
deficits (e.g., childhood apraxia of speech) We first present some hypothetical cases
or those associated with sensory or anatomic that represent the types of children with SSDs
differences (e.g., SSD secondary to hear- of no known etiology commonly found on
ing impairment or cleft palate). The major- caseloads of school-based SLPs. We will re-
ity of children with SSD, however, exhibit turn to these cases later for a discussion of
speech production errors with no known treatment recommendations.
etiology or origin (Broomfield & Dodd, 2004;
Shriberg et al., 1999), including those with CASE #1: LUCAS, 1ST GRADE
articulation-based errors (i.e., substitutions or
distortions on a small number of phonemes Lucas is in first grade and was recently
without significant impact on intelligibility) referred to the SLP by his teacher regarding
or phonologically-based errors (i.e., errors af- concerns about his speech skills. An assess-
fecting multiple phonemes across phoneme ment revealed that Lucas produces lateralized
classes with the potential for significant im- productions of fricatives /s, z, ʃ, ʒ/. During the
pact on intelligibility). It is these children assessment, Lucas was stimulable for appro-
that comprise the bulk of children with priate placement of /s/ and /z/. An oral mech-
SSD served by school-based SLPs, and thus anism examination revealed structures and
they are the focus in this article. Although function adequate for speech sound produc-
the articulation-versus-phonology dichotomy tion. Lucas’ language skills are in the high–
is commonly used in clinical practice, some average range and he is meeting grade-level
have suggested that these children may more expectations for reading. He gets along well
accurately be classified along a continuum with his peers and excels in the classroom
of phonological deficit rather than in two although his teacher reports that his “mushy”
mutually exclusive categories (Farquharson, speech can make it difficult to understand
2019; Fey, 1992). him when he is excited or speaking very
Even with our current conceptualization of quickly.
articulation-based and phonologically-based
error types, clinicians must be aware that CASE #2: JASMINE, KINDERGARTEN
treatment needs will vary across children.
In this article, we consider the importance Jasmine is a kindergartner who exhibits
of analyzing the types of errors children some use of phonological processes includ-
with SSDs are producing and how patterns ing final consonant deletion and she substi-
of deficits may be used to inform treatment tutes a number of different phonemes with
decisions to tailor treatment approaches that /t/ (e.g., “see,” “seen,” “sheep”, “queen,” and
may maximize speech production outcomes “green” all sound like “tea”). Other than use
for these children. We discuss empirical of /t/, she has a very restricted phonemic
support regarding common treatment inventory that includes only vowels and the
approaches for SSD intervention for children consonants /m, n, h, w/. An examination of
with articulation-based and phonologically- her oral mechanism indicated typical struc-
based errors and limitations regarding tures and function. Jasmine was not identified
the comparative effectiveness of intervention for speech services until entry into kinder-
approaches. Discussion of alternative garten. She has age-appropriate language

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

skills, but is largely unintelligible to both fa- TRADITIONAL MOTOR-BASED

miliar and unfamiliar listeners. APPROACH

CASE #3: TERRELL, 1ST GRADE The traditional articulation, or motor-

based, approach is reportedly one of the most
Terrell entered preschool with very low commonly used SSD treatment approaches
intelligibility and has been receiving speech employed in clinical practice (Brumbaugh &
therapy services since that time when he Smit, 2013; McLeod & Baker, 2014). The ap-
was diagnosed with a severe phonological proach is well suited for production errors
impairment and expressive language delay. resulting from articulation (i.e., phonetic)
He is now in first grade and his speech is deficits, given its emphasis on the establish-
characterized by the persistent usage of mul- ment of articulatory placement and move-
tiple phonological patterns including velar ment, but not for errors that are phonolog-
fronting (t/k, d/g), palatal fronting (s/ʃ, z/ʒ), ically based (Klein, 1996). This approach is
deaffrication (s/tʃ, z/dʒ), cluster reduction, grounded in the sensory–motor framework
gliding, vowelization, and fricative simplifica- and universal principles of motor learning
tion (f/θ , d/ð). An examination of his oral and practice (Schmidt, 1991; Van Riper &
mechanism showed structures and function Irwin, 1959). Although this approach has un-
adequate for speech sound production. At dergone several iterations since its introduc-
his last assessment, his language skills were tion in the late 1930s, because it appears to af-
judged to fall in the low-average range. Terrell fect change in performance, it has withstood
gets along well with his peers, but recently the test of time through continued clinical
reported that some children have started teas- application (Kamhi, 2006). This is despite lim-
ing him and saying he “sounds like a baby” itations to standardized implementation and
when he talks. the lack of efficiency data, data which in-
It is evident that in these cases, speech dicate cost-effective treatment options based
therapy services would be appropriate for on empirical evidence.
each child, but the type of treatment should Although guidelines are available that de-
vary based on their individual profiles. As scribe general implementation (e.g., Hoffman
there is heterogeneity in children with SSD, & Schuckers, 1984), there is no standard for-
there is also heterogeneity in the approaches mat in terms of the reinforcement schedule,
used for intervention. Determining the right criteria for mastery, or data collection system
“match” between child and intervention ap- associated with this approach. However, lack
proach based on evidence-based practices of treatment component standardization is
(EBPs) involves not only a review of the best arguably the case for many SSD intervention
scientific evidence, but also a consideration approaches and not unique to the motor-
of that evidence in the context of care includ- based approach. Most available evidence re-
ing the practitioner’s knowledge and clinical garding the success of the traditional artic-
skills and the client/caregiver values, prefer- ulation approach represents weak empirical
ences, and expectations (Dollaghan, 2004). support in terms of its scientific rigor and
Although clinician knowledge and skill level quality for EBP (Dollaghan, 2004; Oxford,
and individual child circumstances will natu- 2011). The evidence base primarily consists
rally vary, we provide here a brief overview of case studies and clinical descriptions (e.g.,
of the current scientific evidence to address Bessas & Trimmis, 2016; McDonald, 1964;
the research arm of EBP, as it relates to pedi- Powers, 1971; Van Riper & Irwin, 1959).
atric SSD intervention (see Table 1 for sum- There is certainly merit to the use of case
mary). We will revisit the case studies above studies and single-subject experimental de-
with recommendations for intervention (see signs. These types of studies can lead to the
Table 2). identification of individual characteristics that

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Overview of approaches reviewed
Examples of the Principal Limitations
Approach Appropriate for Use Scientific Evidence in the Evidence
Traditional articulation Articulation errors across wide Bessas and Trimmis Weak evidence for its use (i.e., only case
(motor-based) approach variety of ages (2016) studies and clinical descriptions)
(Van Riper & Irwin, 1959) Stimulable sounds preferred McDonald (1964) Undetermined efficiency and relative
Powers (1971) effectiveness to other approaches
Van Riper and Irwin
Cycles phonological remediation Children with multiple Hassink and Wendt Weak evidence for its use (i.e., only case
approach (Hodson & Paden, phonological errors who are (2010) studies and correlational designs
1983) highly unintelligible Mota et al. (2007) without control groups)
Rudolph and Wendt Undetermined efficiency and relative
(2014) effectiveness to other approaches
Minimal pairs (Cooper, 1968) Children with mild–moderate, Barlow and Geirut (2002) Limitations in implementation
including minimal oppositions consistent phonological deficits Crosbie et al. (2005) consensus
(Blache et al., 1981; Weiner, Ferrier and Davis (1973) Undetermined relative effectiveness of
1981) Forest et al. (1997) different implementation procedures
Saben and Ingham (1991)
Tyler et al. (1987)
Maximal oppositions (Gierut, Children with phonological deficits, Alsaad et al. (2019) Weak evidence for its use (i.e., only
1989) and treatment of the phonetic inventory with omission Mota et al., (2005) single-case investigations and case
empty set (Gierut, 1992) of six or more phonemes Topbas and Unal (2010) studies)
Few practicing clinicians familiar with
it, limiting opportunities for clinical
research partnerships
Multiple oppositions (Williams, Children with moderate-to-severe Pagliarin et al. (2009) Undetermined efficiency and relative
2000a, 2000b) phonological deficits Sugden et al. (2020) effectiveness to other approaches
characterized by use of a Few practicing clinicians familiar with
preferred phoneme it, limiting opportunities for clinical
research partnerships
Complexity (Gierut, 2001, 2007; Children with moderate-to-severe Gierut et al. (1996) Little known about factors affecting
Treatment Approach Considerations for Children With SSD in School-Based Settings

Gierut & Hulse, 2010; Powell phonological impairments, low Mota et al. (2005) efficacy in clinical practice
et al., 1991) intelligibility, and limited Conflicting evidence for its relative
phonemic inventories effectiveness to other approaches

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

influence treatment outcomes unobscured by

Moderate-to-severe phonological deficits

group averaging effects and, as such, can pro-

and intelligibility negatively impacted

Articulatory nature of errors produced

Moderate-to-severe disorder exhibited

Use of preferred phoneme (phoneme

Maximize generalization to untreated

vide practical recommendations for clinical
Stimulable for some target sounds decision-making regarding individual clients

Many errors across sound classes

(Graham et al., 2012; Rvachew & Matthews,
2017). Additionally, single-subject experimen-

tal designs represent a foundational research

collapse present) methodology for the field of communica-
tion sciences and disorders and can be par-
ticularly feasible for use with low-incidence


populations. However, without replication of

these study findings in larger sample exper-
iments, sources of variability in children’s
therapy outcomes remain undetermined and
the efficiency of the approach is unknown as
Recommended Approach

its comparison to other approaches has not

Contrast therapy: multiple

been systematically studied (Kamhi, 2006).

Traditional articulation

Complexity approach

Because of this, the relative effectiveness of

traditional articulation therapy for targeting

articulation-based SSDs remains untested, but


its long history, wide use in clinical practice,

and case study support provide some testa-
ment to its effectiveness even in the absence
of more rigorous investigation.

Use of phonological processes including final consonant

deaffrication, cluster reduction, gliding, vowelization,

Table 2. Approach recommendations for presented case studies

Multiple phonological patterns in use (e.g., fronting,

A traditional motor-based approach, as

described earlier, is often used for children
Summary of Errors Exhibited

producing errors on a small number of

Lateralized production of fricatives /s, z, ʃ, ʒ/

phonemes who need systematic intervention

to increase the articulatory accuracy of
phoneme production from less complex
(e.g., isolation) to more complex contexts
Use of /t/ as preferred phoneme
Stimulable for /s, z/ productions

and fricative simplification)

(e.g., conversation). In the latter part of

Limited phonetic inventory

the twentieth century, a paradigmatic shift

occurred in the field of articulation therapy
when researchers and clinicians alike realized
the importance of attending to patterns of
deficit occurring in children’s speech rather

than focusing only on individual phoneme

errors (Hodson & Paden, 1983; Ingram,
1976). Such patterns are systematic, rule-
governed, and affect the phonological
structure of language (e.g., replacing all
fricatives with stops). In shifting focus to the


systematic phonological process errors some


children produce, it became apparent that a

systematic approach to speech production

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Treatment Approach Considerations for Children With SSD in School-Based Settings 317

intervention may effectively remediate errors produces multiple phonological process er-
in an entire class of sounds, which was rors to a variety of intended targets gradu-
proven more effective for children producing ally in a cyclical fashion, without expectation
erroneous phonological processes than that the child will master production before
focusing on remediating a child’s speech cycling to the next target. Consistent with
errors one phoneme at a time (Elbert & a developmental approach to speech sound
Gierut, 1986; Hodson & Paden, 1983). error intervention, the clinician chooses tar-
Cognitive–linguistic approaches are a set of gets that the child is stimulable for but not
approaches that are specifically designed to yet producing independently in connected
address the child’s phonological system as a speech. Stimulability refers to errors the child
whole, rather than one phoneme at a time. is able to immediately modify when given a
The goal is to draw the child’s attention to verbal model (Powell & Miccio, 1996).
how their current phonological production is To implement, a clinician first identifies the
not sufficient to distinguish meaning in their phonological patterns needing remediation.
native language. For example, a child who Hodson and Paden (1983) recommend that
fronts velar phonemes (i.e., the phonological phonological processes (e.g., velar fronting,
process of fronting) produces the target /ti/ stopping, and cluster reduction) occurring
to represent both “tea” and “key,” unaware in 40% or more of opportunities are eligible
that this production is ambiguous for lis- candidates for intervention. All phonological
teners. Thus, cognitive–linguistic approaches processes meeting this threshold are then
seek to address how the child is thinking prioritized according to both phonological
(cognitive) about how sounds in words affect and child characteristics (Hodson et al., 2002;
meaning (linguistic). We discuss a variety of Prezas & Hodson, 2010). For example, phono-
cognitive–linguistic approaches to phonolog- logical processes involving omission errors
ical intervention designed to help children are prioritized over substitution errors, and
who produce phonological patterns of errors stimulable targets are prioritized over non-
successfully to eliminate their usage and, in stimulable targets. The cycles approach be-
the process, acquire correct phoneme usage gins with the selection of a stimulable target
in their speech. An exhaustive review of all phoneme within a targeted phonological pro-
cognitive–linguistic approaches is beyond the cess. This target becomes the initial focus of
scope of this article, but we highlight several treatment, which is then followed by a new
that are appropriate for use in school-based stimulable target phoneme within the phono-
settings and provide a brief review of the logical process in the following intervention
evidence base for each. session. Next, the clinician may either select
another stimulable target phoneme within
The cycles phonological remediation that phonological pattern or shift the focus
approach to a new phonological process. Phonological
The cycles phonological remediation ap- processes are then recycled if correct produc-
proach (Hodson & Paden, 1983; Prezas & tion for that process used has not yet emerged
Hodson, 2010) was designed for children in conversation.
with highly unintelligible speech who consis- The cycles approach, or at least mod-
tently use multiple phonological processes. ified versions of it, is relatively well-
This approach was borne out of the obser- known and one of the most common
vation that, in typical development, children cognitive-linguistic approaches implemented
acquire speech gradually and do not master by clinicians (Brumbaugh & Smit, 2013;
one phoneme before beginning to acquire a Kamhi, 2006). Procedures for the cycles ap-
new one (Hodson & Paden, 1983; Ingram, proach are well-described in the literature
1976). With this in mind, the cycles approach (Hodson & Paden, 1983; Prezas & Hodson,
involves systematically exposing a child who 2010) and Kamhi (2006) surmised its wide

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

implementation may be due to being “broad- is based on the concept that once a feature
based, combining an efficient goal-attack difference is introduced to a child, the child
strategy with traditional speech therapy and then will generalize the targeted distinction
metaphonological activities” (p. 275). How- to other sound pairs in words (e.g., targeting
ever, the bulk of the available evidence for a stopped /s/ will generalize to correcting
the efficacy of the cycles approach stems a stopped /z/ because the child is acquir-
from nonexperimental case studies and cor- ing frication). This approach seems to work
relational designs that often do not include well for children with mild-to-moderate, con-
control groups or demonstrate high levels of sistent phonological deficits (Crosbie et al.,
control for potential confounds (Hassink & 2005; Ferrier & Davis, 1973; Forest et al.,
Wendt, 2010; Rudolph & Wendt, 2014). More- 1997; Tyler et al., 1987).
over, studies implementing the cycles ap- Use of minimal pairs to drive change in chil-
proach often modify procedures such that the dren’s phonological systems has been widely
integrity of the approach as it was designed studied for effectiveness with over 40 pub-
may be compromised (Almost & Rosenbaum, lished studies (for an expanded summary of
1998; Culatta et al., 2005), although this is research evidence support, see Baker, 2010;
as yet an untested claim. Several studies have Baker & McLeod, 2011). Most of these in-
reported gains in phonological outcomes for vestigations targeted the efficacy of minimal
children who undergo the cycles approach, pairs, with its ability to produce a desired
but it is not clear whether these gains are change in speech sound production evident
more than what would be achieved with in these studies. However, little is known
other phonological approaches (Mota et al., about the relative effectiveness of minimal
2007). Despite its clinical popularity, further pairs in terms of how well this approach
research is needed to investigate both its effi- works in affecting system-wide phonologi-
cacy, the establishment of a clear cause–effect cal change compared with other approaches
relationship between the treatment and im- (Baker, 2010). An additional limitation to
provement in targeted skills, and its efficiency minimal pair use, highlighted by Saben and
relative to other approaches. Ingham (1991), involves a lack of consensus
and transparency across researchers in how
Contrast approaches minimal pair intervention is implemented.
Approaches other than cycles also align Baker (2010) attempted to address this imple-
with a cognitive–linguistic framework. A mentation issue through description of two
group of them, often referred to as “contrast suggested procedures, one involving early in-
therapies,” capitalize on contrastive word troduction of minimal pairs to create com-
pairings to emphasize that differences in munication breakdowns associated with lack
sound production confer differences in word of sound production contrast and the other
meaning. These include: minimal pairs, min- involving introduction to minimal pair pro-
imal oppositions, maximal oppositions, and ductions following explicit instruction and
multiple oppositions. practice of target sounds. Little is known
about the relative efficiency of these imple-
Minimal pairs mentation procedures.
The minimal pair contrasts approach has
been studied and in use since the late 1960s Minimal oppositions
(Cooper, 1968; Ferrier & Davis, 1973). It Using contrast therapies, clinicians can
involves feature (e.g., place–manner–voice) strategically emphasize changes in word
contrasts across pairs of words that differ by meanings that result from differing speech
only one phoneme and signal a change in sound productions to establish contrasts not
meaning (Barlow & Gierut, 2002). According present in the child’s phonological system
to Barlow and Gierut (2002), this approach (Baker, 2010; Blache et al., 1981; Weiner,

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Treatment Approach Considerations for Children With SSD in School-Based Settings 319

1981). For instance, using pairs of words that is not known or used appropriately by the
differ by only one phoneme involving a sin- child (Gierut, 1989). Maximal oppositions
gle distinctive feature include contrasts like contrast therapy including treatment of the
“cape” versus “tape” in which the manner empty set is recommended for children with
of production and voicing are consistent, but phonologically based SSD whose phonemic
the place of articulation has changed. Of the inventory indicates omission of at least six
contrast therapies, the minimal opposition or more phonemes (Gierut, 1989) as well as
pairs approach is considered to be one of for those with mild–moderate phonological
the oldest, most well-known, and widely used impairments (Mota et al., 2005).
(Baker, 2010; McLeod & Baker, 2017) and Gierut (1989, 1992) specified a variation
appears to be best suited for children with of maximal oppositions known as treatment
mild-to-moderate phonologically based SSD, of the empty set, wherein pairs of words
particularly those with multiple substitution contain two maximally opposing sounds that
errors or errors of omission (e.g., final conso- do not occur in a child’s phonemic repertoire.
nant deletion; Baker, 2010; Williams, 2000a). Thus, the contrast focus is on target phonol-
ogy that has not yet been learned (Gierut,
Maximal oppositions 1989, 1992). General guidelines for imple-
Additional contrasting word pair mentation include the creation of novel or
approaches include maximal oppositions nonsense words assigned meaning within the
and treatment of the empty set. Both of context of storytelling activities to familiarize
these approaches, described by Gierut the child with the target words. The word
(1989) and Gierut (1992), respectively, pairings are then taught through imitation
theoretically differ from minimal opposition with modeling and cues before spontaneous
pairs in key ways, including the number use is encouraged (Gierut, 1992).
and dimensions of distinctive feature Although empirical evidence supporting
differences between the contrast pairs and the use of maximal oppositions continues to
the relationship of the targeted phonemes to emerge, much of what is currently available
children’s existing phonological knowledge. in the literature consists of single-subject ex-
According to Gierut (1989), there is greater perimental investigations (e.g., Gierut, 1989,
potential to effect system-wide change in 1992; Topbas & Unal, 2010) and case studies
children’s phonological systems by targeting (e.g., Alsaad et al., 2019; Mota et al., 2005).
contrasting phonemes with maximally Additionally, few practicing clinicians report
different production features and major class use of or familiarity with maximal oppositions
distinctions than by contrasting phonemes as a therapeutic approach for treating pedi-
that are more similar to one another. atric SSD (Brumbaugh & Smit, 2013). Taken
The theoretical underpinning of this notion together, this may limit the potential utility
is that, initially, young children are better of this approach as well as opportunities for
able to attend to and differentiate between clinical–research partnerships geared toward
more global, extreme, and broad distinctions its study.
than those that are localized and more subtle.
An example of a maximally opposed pairing Multiple oppositions
would be “chain” versus “main” because /tʃ/ Another type of contrast therapy, devel-
is a voiceless lingua-palatal affricate and an oped by Williams (2000a, 2000b), systemat-
obstruent and, by contrast, /m/ is a voiced ically addresses children’s use of phoneme
bilabial nasal and a sonorant. For maximal op- collapse, when a child uses a preferred
positions, clinicians are advised to use pairs phoneme as a substitute for a number of
of words in which one phoneme is in the other phonemes absent from their repertoire.
child’s repertoire (i.e., known and produced These collapses result in homonymy, two or
by the child) and the contrasting phoneme more words pronounced the same, but with

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

different meanings (Williams, 2000b). To ad- Williams (2010) surmised that, based
dress this unwanted homonymy that may lead on the current evidence base, multiple
to speaker frustration and listener confusion, oppositions was a “promising intervention
the multiple oppositions approach addresses with probable efficacy” (p. 82) and specific
the fundamental organization of the sound directives regarding recommended treatment
system as a whole and is not limited to an iso- intensity and dosage are noted for clinical
lated aspect of the sound system like a single implementation (Williams, 2000a, 2012).
phoneme or sound class (Williams, 2000b). Williams also noted that more support for
Rather, according to Williams (2000a, 2000b), efficacy and relative efficiency compared
intervention for children using phoneme col- with other phonological approaches was
lapses is best addressed through an individu- needed (Williams, 2010). Uniquely, this
alized and systematically selected contrastive contrast therapy has been studied regarding
set of words that are modeled and compared its implementation by parents and SLPs
with the preferred phoneme simultaneously, (Sugden et al., 2020). Sugden et al. (2020)
not as a series of singleton minimal pairs. The found a combined parent- and SLP-delivery
phonemes in the treatment set are selected to of this contrast therapy was effective for the
reflect maximal distinction with each other majority of children studied and they outlined
as well as with the substituting phoneme parent training procedures for at-home im-
to facilitate learning for system-wide phono- plementation of phonological intervention.
logical reorganization and revised production However, few practicing clinicians report use
strategies (Williams, 2010). For example, a of or familiarity with multiple oppositions as
child may collapse fricatives, affricates, and a therapeutic approach for treating pediatric
s-clusters to /t/ such that the words “sue,” SSD (Brumbaugh & Smit, 2013).
“shoe,” “zoo,” “choo,” and “stew” are all pro-
duced as /tu/. Using multiple oppositions, the COMPLEXITY APPROACH TO
child is presented with sets of words con- PHONOLOGICAL INTERVENTION
trasted with the substituted pattern (e.g., Sue-
two, shoe-two, zoo-two, choo-two, and zoo- A primary goal of intervention for children
two) to promote widespread phonological with phonologically based errors is to effi-
change. Williams (2010) offers guidelines for ciently induce system-wide change across a
implementation which include four general variety of phonemes. A complexity approach
phases of intervention (i.e., imitation, spon- to phonological intervention achieves system-
taneous production of trained words, spon- wide change by prioritizing phoneme targets
taneous production of untrained words, and that will result in generalization to untargeted
conversational recasts) along with a detailed phonemes (Gierut, 2007). Thus, this
treatment paradigm outlining criteria for suc- approach is designed to reduce the number of
cessive intervention phases. phonemes that need to be directly targeted in
Multiple oppositions seem to be best therapy while still maximizing phonological
suited for children exhibiting moderate– change. This approach is designed for
severe and severe phonological impairments children with moderate-to-severe phono-
characterized by phoneme collapses and who logical impairments with low intelligibility
have limited intelligibility (Pagliarin et al., and limited phoneme inventories. Several
2009; Williams, 2010). However, according investigators have sought to determine which
to McLeod and Baker (2017), this approach characteristics of target phonemes induce
is not well-suited for children with severe generalization to untargeted phonemes. For
phonological impairments characterized pre- example, Powell and colleagues (1991) found
dominantly by syllable structure simplifica- that targeting nonstimulable phonemes led
tion patterns (e.g., weak syllable deletion and to the acquisition of both targeted and
cluster reduction). nontargeted phonemes, but generalization to

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Treatment Approach Considerations for Children With SSD in School-Based Settings 321

nonstimulable phonemes did not occur when proaches, others have disputed this claim and
targeting stimulable phonemes. have reported either no difference between
Gierut et al. (Gierut, 2007; Gierut et al., a complexity approach and others (Mota
1996; Gierut & Hulse, 2010) pioneered efforts et al., 2005) or that it is less efficient than
to explore other forms of phonological com- targeting stimulable and earlier-developing
plexity when choosing targets for interven- phonemes (Rvachew & Nowak, 2001). In
tion that maximize generalization to untaught addition, there is a paucity of discussion in
phonemes. Although an exhaustive review of the literature about other factors (e.g., child
a complexity approach to target selection is motivation and resilience) that may influence
beyond the scope of this article, we share the effectiveness of using this approach in
principles of this approach and resources for clinical practice (Baker & Williams, 2010).
additional guides to implementation (Gierut,
2001; Gierut & Hulse, 2010; Storkel, 2018). In LIMITATIONS
essence, phoneme targets that will promote
the most phonological generalization are pri- Although we have reviewed the evidence
oritized. This includes phonemes that are base of the most commonly used motor-based
nonstimulable and later-developing (Gierut articulation approach and several cognitive–
& Hulse, 2010; Storkel, 2018). Additionally, linguistic approaches for phonological inter-
linguistically marked phonemes are priori- vention, we caution that this review is not
tized over unmarked phonemes. Markedness exhaustive. The approaches discussed here
refers to linguistic implicational universals focus on production-based treatment that are
that dictate a hierarchical relationship be- feasibly implemented in school settings. We
tween the presence/absence of particular acknowledge, however, the importance of at-
phonemes within a language. That is, the tending to input-oriented procedures not dis-
presence of some phonemes implies the pres- cussed here. For example, children with SSD
ence of others, because of the relationship are more likely to exhibit speech perception
between them. For example, there are some deficits, particularly for phonemes they do
languages that have stops and fricatives. And not produce correctly (see Hearnshaw et al.,
there are some languages that have stops, 2019). Thus, incorporating speech percep-
but not fricatives. However, there are no lan- tion into SSD treatment may be helpful for
guages that have fricatives but not stops. In these children (Rvachew, 1994). We also re-
this case, the presence of fricatives implies fer readers to other comprehensive resources
the presence of stops, but the reverse is not for helpful reviews of additional approaches
true (Gierut & Hulse, 2010; Storkel, 2018). school-based SLPs may find beneficial for the
In sum, when selecting treatment targets us- children they serve (see Baker & McLeod,
ing a complexity approach, the following tar- 2011; Williams, 2010).
get phonemes are prioritized: (1) later de- Although there are a growing number
veloping, (2) linguistically marked, (3) least of studies investigating SSD intervention ap-
accurately produced, and (4) not stimulable proaches, there are some methodological lim-
(Gierut & Hulse, 2010; Storkel, 2018). itations to the current evidence base (Baker
Research evidence for a complexity & McLeod, 2011; Hassink & Wendt, 2010).
approach supports its efficacy in treating Baker and McLeod (2011) conducted a nar-
targeted phonemes and that this type of rative review of 134 intervention research
approach also results in generalization to studies for children with SSD. They noted
untargeted phonemes, which is one of the the majority of intervention research com-
central justifications for its use among sup- prises single-subject experimental designs
porters (Gierut et al., 1996). Although some and individual case studies, which is ex-
researchers claim a complexity approach is pected given the inherent heterogeneity be-
more efficient than other phonological ap- tween clients with communication disorders,

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

including children with SSD. There is a signif- the approach to optimize a match that will
icant need in our field to study the evidence yield positive speech production outcomes.
base of various intervention approaches us- For Lucas, his distorted sound productions in-
ing even more rigorous experimental designs, dicated an articulatory-based SSD. In addition,
such as randomized control trials and quasi- given his stimulability for sound production,
experimental group research designs. For- limited number of sounds in error, and intact
tunately, single-subject experimental designs language skills, we recommended the tradi-
provide valuable evidence regarding efficacy tional articulation motor-based approach. For
for individual children with a wide variety Jasmine, her consistent use of /t/ as a sub-
of needs, and may provide ecological validity stitute for a wide variety of other phonemes
that is difficult to attain in randomized control resulted in word production homonymy that
trials for children with SSD (see Rvachew & severely limited her intelligibility. This indi-
Matthews, 2017, for further discussion on the cated implementation of a multiple opposi-
benefits of single-subject research designs). tions approach, which emphasizes system-
Further research is needed to document clin- wide phonological reorganization by treating
ical utility of theoretically driven approaches, multiple targets simultaneously and seemed
including those that have proven effective particularly well suited for her erroneous
in research settings. Although several ap- productions. For Terrell, his use of multiple
proaches discussed here have an evidence phonological patterns and limited intelligibil-
base demonstrating their efficacy, only a few ity could make him an appropriate candidate
have addressed the comparative efficiency of for either the cycles or complexity approach.
different approaches. As a result, although We advocate for the use of the complexity ap-
there is evidence to support their use, it is as proach with him, given its research support
yet unclear whether specific approaches are for maximizing generalization of untreated
more effective than others. phonemes and, consequently, its potential to
reduce the number of phonemes requiring
CASE STUDIES REVISITED direct intervention, thus allowing for more
focused clinical interactions.
We have highlighted the distinctive charac- Importantly, there is not a single correct
teristics, the central tenets, and the current intervention decision for each case and an-
evidence base of several SSD intervention other clinician may justifiably choose a dif-
approaches. At the beginning of this arti- ferent approach than we have selected here.
cle, we presented three case examples rep- By attending closely to the characteristics and
resenting children commonly found on the evidence base of each intervention approach,
caseloads of school-based SLPs. As summa- carefully considering the goals of treatment
rized in Table 2, we recommend a treatment for an individual child, and bearing in mind
approach appropriate for each child and ac- their own clinical skills, SLPs can successfully
companying rationale for each decision. In identify an appropriate treatment approach
each case, we carefully considered the pro- to maximize outcomes for each individual
file of the child and the characteristics of child.


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