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image files are web, print, and video production.

LESSON 1 Following is a list of the most common formats and

Perform Safety Procedures in Assessing Finish Work for how they are used.
Web Production Formats
How to Know When a Drawing is Finished By Carrie
Lewis  JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) This is
a common format for digital camera
Every drawing is different, so knowing when each one is photographs and the primary format for full-
finished is a little more complicated than working color images shared on the web. JPEG images
through a set of basic steps because no two drawings use lossy compression, which degrades the
are alike. quality of images and discards color and pixel
data. Once the image data is lost, it cannot be
1. Know your goal for the drawing Most of the
time, this is so easy to do. Look for anything
 GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) GIF files are
that is interesting and capture it on paper in
used to display limited (indexed) color graphics
whatever style and by whatever method you
on the Web. It is a compressed format that
reduces the file size of images, but it only
2. Use a self-evaluation process Beyond meeting
supports a limited number of colors and is thus
personal goals for the artwork, each piece
more appropriate for logos and artwork than
needs to pass your self-evaluation process. It
photographs. GIF files support transparency and
needs to meet overall standards for your art. A
drawing that does not quite live up to your
standards may be all right in some cases, but  PNG (Portable Network Graphics) PNG was
you want to create work that upholds the body developed as an alternative to GIF for displaying
of work you have already created. images on the Web. It uses lossless
3. Does it look good in person and on the compression and supports transparency
computer? There is no better way to see Print Production Formats
problems and potential problems in a drawing
than by looking at it in a different way. A digital  PSD (Photoshop document) The Photoshop
image of a drawing reveals the good parts of format (PSD) is the default file format and the
the drawing as well as the areas that need a only format, besides the Large Document
little more work. Format (PSB), that supports most Photoshop
4. Does it look like the reference photo? features. Files saved as PSD can be used in
Sometimes you need to compare digital other Adobe applications, such as Adobe
versions of the reference photo and drawing Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Premiere,
side by side, but not always. If you have made a and others. The programs can directly import
lot of changes to the drawing, that is because PSD files and access many Photoshop features,
you added your own personal style and touch such as layers.
with the illustration  TIFF or TIF (Tagged Image File Format) TIFF is a
5. You just do not know what else to do with it common bitmap image format. Most image-
There have been times when you might not editing software and page-layout applications
think a drawing was finished but did not know support TIFF images up to 2GB in file size. TIFF
what else to do with it. There was just a vague supports most color modes and can save
sense of dissatisfaction as though it was not as images with alpha channels.
good as it could be.  EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) EPS files may
contain both vector and bitmap data. Because it
Photoshop Tutorial: Saving files in Photoshop CS6
is a common file format used in print
By American Graphics Institute
production, most graphics software programs
Adobe Photoshop allows you to save your support the EPS format for importing or placing
files in a variety of file formats, which makes it images. EPS is a subset of the PostScript format.
possible to use your images in many ways. You can  Photoshop PDF Photoshop PDF files are
save images to allow for additional editing of things extremely versatile, as they may contain bitmap
such as layers and affects you have applied in and vector data. Images saved in the Photoshop
Photoshop or save images for sharing with users PDF format can maintain the editing capabilities
who need only the finished file for use on the Web of most Photoshop features, such as vector
or for printing. objects, text, and layers, and most color spaces
are supported.
Understanding file formats

While Photoshop can be used to create files for

all sorts of media, the three most common uses for
Determine the Criterial for the Selection of Finished
work to be stored following the requirements


It is a piece of computer hardware used for

saving, carrying, and pulling out data. It can keep and
retain information short-term or long-term. It can be a
device inside or outside a computer or server. Other
terms for storage device are storage medium or storage CRITERIA FOR THE SELECTION OF FINISHED
media. A storage device is one of the basic elements of WORK TO BE STORED
any computer device. It almost saves all data and
Determining the criteria of the selection of work
applications in a computer except for hardware
for storage is very much important to preserve the
firmware. It comes in different shapes and sizes
value of finished work. The different criteria for finished
depending on the needs and functionalities.
work may include archival values, available space,
personal affinity to the pieces of work, quality of work,
uses of work and usefulness in the future

A. Archival values
Archive is a noncurrent records of an
organization or the personal papers of one or more
individuals, families, or group. It is also retained for
their continuing value to be preserved for posterity.
Every artwork of an illustrator is valuable and can be
used in the near future, which is essential to be
stored/saved in reliable storage.

B. Available space
There are different storages that can be used
such as flash drives, internal hard drive, external hard
drive and even in an intangible storage known as cloud.
Two things to be considered before saving the files in
any mentioned storage. One is the byte/bytes available
in any preferred storage. Second is the size of file to be
Common file sizes from smallest to largest

• byte (B) = Single unit of space

• 1 kilobyte (KB) = 1,000 bytes
• 1 megabyte (MB) = 1,000 kilobytes
• 1 gigabyte (GB) = 1,000 megabytes
• 1 terabyte (TB) = 1,000 gigabytes
• 1 petabyte (PB) = 1,000,000 gigabytes

C. Personal Affinity to the pieces of work

An illustrator stores their artwork because it
has a personal attraction to them. Somehow related to
their personality, to their passion.

D. Quality of work
An artist stores their file because of the high
standard of the artwork. Quality in art is an ultimate
truth expressed through an individual’s unique
experience of existence. Its success in expression and
transmission lies in its potential to communicate more
than its surface values.

E. Uses of work and usefulness in the future

The last criteria discuss the usefulness of the
artwork/file for future reference. It might be used again
for the next project.
Assessment Methods in Maintaining Finished Work Concepts & Components of Assessing Finished and
Selected Work in Illustration

Files can also be placed in different storage
According to the statement of Department of options that will allow accessibility and managing over-
Education, Employment and Workplace Relations of all cost over the time. According to Minnesota State
Australian Government under CUVCRS14B, prepare, Archives, Digital Media can be divided into 3 Main
store, and maintain finished work training component types:
files. It allows for different work environments and
situations that may affect performance. Essential ▪ Magnetic. On magnetic media, the digital data
operating conditions that may be present with training is encoded as microscopic, magnetized needles
and assessment (depending on the work situation needs on the surface of the medium (e.g., tape).
▪ Optical. On optical media, the digital data is
of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local
industry and regional contexts) may also be included. encoded by creating microscopic holes in the
On the table below, the included items, surface of the medium (e.g., CD or DVD).
conditions, and materials in criteria, storing, and ▪ Solid State. Containing no moving parts, solid
maintenance are variances between modern and state media encodes digital data by applying
small voltages of electricity that temporarily
traditional approaches.
induces a group of transistors either on or off.
(e.g., flash memory cards, USB removable

Also, there are other storage options to

consider in keeping them all safely and accessible.

• Online: Files stored online are continually

accessible via network.
• Near-line: Files in a near-line environment are
stored on removable media such as on an
optical disk or magnetic tape.
• Offline: Offline files are stored on removable
media that is not accessible through a network.



ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO PORTABILITY – retrieving/viewing files anywhere at any

time; can also be transferred or moved on different
According to Barrett (1997), electronic
device for screening and editing.
portfolios are easy to manage, easily distributable, re-
COMPATIBILITY –some outdated and advanced versions
playable and reviewable, easy to compare by means of
of files are complicated to access in some devices that
hyperlink between the portfolio items and the learning
are either not upgraded or no features available to view
outcome, and safer than the folder based portfolio.
outdated versions.
The construction of electronic portfolio requires a plan
CAPACITY – focuses on the amount of space files
regarding the possible portfolio entries and available
consumed on a storage medium, such as computer hard
media (Siegel, 2002). For instance, floppy discs may not
drive, flash drives, CDs, and more.
be appropriate to record audio and video files because
LIFE EXPECTANCY – converges on how long the
of the lack of sufficient memories. Zip disks and CD-
files/records will be supported by the application or
ROMs are useful in this regard. However, the text and
software used operationally and thereby has the
word files are suitable to store in floppy disks with an
possibility of limited usefulness in the future.
optimum care. Nowadays, there are no more floppy
SECURITY – controls the system of data access, and it
disks available instead we do the online and offline
places limitations on what viewers/users can do on the
options in storing files; these are memory cards, flash
file. Thus, features like lock content, required password,
drives, portable hard drives, and Cloud storing using
view/read mode and more are examples of security
internet connectivity. Also, there are now many ways
protocols of files.
such as online software or thru basic programs to create
portfolios either for working, display/presentation, and
assessment purposes.
or carpet or places inside a good quality box and
LESSON 5 separated by cardboard or high-quality paper.
MEDIA Photographic Prints. Photographic prints should be
handled with gloves at all times, and bare fingers should
Preservation is a crucial element to prolong the usable not touch the surface as the oils in fingers will leave
life of useful information by reducing risks of damage prints and can damage the image. Prints should not be
and to slow down the rate of deterioration. This is bend or folded, and paper clips, staples or other
usually accomplished by selecting good quality attachments should not be used. Storage areas should
materials and by providing suitable storage be free of dust and free of any cleaning materials that
environments and safe handling procedures. In the might give off polluting chemical fumes or acids.
digital age, preserving information, entertainment and
other material involves not only backing up desired Digital preservation is the active safekeeping of
content but also caring for and maintaining the storage digitally stored information. Digital preservation is
media upon which the data is stored. necessary because of the challenges facing all digital
information: storage medium obsolescence, storage
Acidity is the quality of being acid, or ‘sour’. Acids medium failures and software obsolescence.
contain high levels of positively charged hydrogen ions
that can, if introduced to paper, make it fragile and Methods in Preserving Data Refreshing data
prone to deterioration. Acid can also be found in ink, and transferring it to fresh media of the same type to
adhesives and the chemicals used to process prevent data loss from medium failure. Migration
photographs. When archival materials are acidic to (transferring to new mediums) prevents data loss due
begin with, poor environmental conditions can easily to obsolescent hardware. In the case of obsolete
affect their stability and longevity. software, emulators are sometimes used to render
content. These emulators then become part of what
Labelling or using a label is describing someone or needs to be preserved.
something in a word or short phrase. Labeling archival
materials adequately is critical to their physical
preservation and storage.
Storage and Handling of Materials in Different Media STORING FINISHED ILLUSTRATION ARTWORKS

Paper Records. Paper records include letters, reports,

minutes: anything written or typed on a paper base.
Most paper records suffer from problems with acidity. Storing Finished Illustration Artworks
As paper ages, the acidity causes it to become weak. Digital drawing is a process of illustrating an
Paper should be protected from strong artificial or image using a drawing application or storing printed or
natural light, especially ultraviolet light. It is best to digital illustration artworks is as important as the
keep archives in acid-free boxes to keep out water, process you undergo in creating them. If you want your
light, predators, and dust. printed illustrations to last for many years for archival
Books and other Publications. Some books and or if you want to store your digital illustrations in a
publications are more easily replaceable, but other are secured cloud storage or physical storage device, there
rare and perhaps unique. Books can be made of a are some important protocols that you should follow.
variety of materials, including paper, leather, vellum, Most of illustration artworks for commercial
cloth, boards, and adhesive. In general, the purpose fall into this category (wall decors, ad posters,
temperature recommended for paper materials applies flyers). Archival Prints – the word “archival” means that
equally to books, at 18o C to 20o C maximum. Books the artwork or document is being preserved for
prefer a lightly higher relative humidity than paper, 45- historical purpose. This form is also called as “museum
50%. However, books should be kept from excessive quality prints.” An illustration can be reproduced
moisture or relative humidity. They are best kept in an through the use of archival grade paper, which is usually
environment as dark as possible and should be permanent, durable, and acid-free, and excellent quality
protected from strong light during use. of colors produced by either Lightjet, Inkjet or wide
Works of Art on Paper. This includes oil paintings, format printers. Archival prints can last for more than
watercolors, or other artistic items. Framed works of art fifty years.
are usually left within their frames, unless the frames The following are the important reminders
are highly acidic or are causing damage and when it comes to storing your printed illustration
deterioration to the paper within. Framed works of art artworks, to preserve and protect them from being
can be hung on an interior wall, away from sunlight, damaged:
direct light, or any sources of heat. Unframed items can
also be staked, if necessary. Resting on a piece of cloth • Prepare your illustrations for storage. Prior to
storing your illustration artwork, you need to
label each artwork according to some Wrapped Face Cover: This method is used for one-sided
parameters that you or your company would pieces of art and involves placing the art between a
like to organize your archive. Clean the printed sheet of polyester film and a sheet of rag or
illustration artworks by using a microfiber cloth conservation matboard. Covered Window Mat: This is
to remove the dusts and other particles that recommended for use with works that need special
may damage your artwork. protection while in storage like pastels, graphite,
• Choosing a suitable storage room or unit. The
room where you will store your illustration How do you store finished artwork?
artworks should have a consistent temperature.
According to Artwork Archive website, the ideal • Image result for storing artworks digitally
humidity is 40% to 50% with the temperature of • Make sure to avoid direct sunlight
21oC to 24oC (70oF to 75oF). Humidity should • Make sure you store canvas prints and
be controlled in an illustration artwork storage paintings upright
room, because high humidity may cause • Keep canvas prints and paintings in a cool, dry
hygroscopic materials (e.g., papers) to swell. It place
can also cause the molds to grow which could • Avoid storing canvas prints on the floor
tremendously damage the artworks. • Protect your canvas prints with cloth
• Store large paintings and canvas prints in
• Packing your illustrations. The best practice mirror boxes
that some archiving experts would do is that • Store large pieces of artwork in a crate
they would use a crescent board instead.
Crescent board is usually for artworks, but it The Two Routes
could also be used as a protection for the Cloud storage is a great option that is fairly low
artwork itself. cost. With no physical storage devices, you do not have
• Transporting your illustrations. There will be to worry about damage, loss, or failure of a device and
times also that storing your illustration artworks your storage space is able to grow with your needs.
would mean transporting them from one place Outsourcing is incredibly common for storage of digital
to another. You should arrange the illustrations collections — be it a cloud provider, or an on-premises
in vertical position in the vehicle, lying it flat will managed service.
make it vulnerable to anything or anyone that Physical storage You need multiple storage
devices. It can be wise to store a duplicate set of
could fall on it.
storage devices at a different location in case of fire,
When it comes to storing your digital theft especially your important reference photos, scans
illustration artworks for archival, a different set of of available artwork or are which has been exhibited
pointers should be considered like following a file and/or sold. These artworks can be stored on your
naming system for your illustration files; deciding computer or back-up drive (external hard disk, USB,
whether to use physical storage devices or cloud optical disc).
storage services; and backing up your files as the golden
rule of digital file preservation of your artworks. Physical Storage Options

External hard drives It is best to get at least two

sets of hard drives with identical backups on. Using hard
drives is faster than uploading files to the cloud. A More
LESSON 7 reliable and effective option – RAID Storage. It cuts out
SAFETY PROCEDURE WHEN STORING FINISHED the hard work by constantly backing up your data onto
ARTWORK two storage drives. Both drives are identical and should
one fail, all the data from the other drive will be copied
Guide to Properly Storing Your Art Physically
to the new drive.
Instead of rolling up your document and placing
Ways of creating and storing digital works that last,
it in a poster tube, valuable pieces should be kept flat to
and how to avoid accidental ephemeral art.
avoid causing wrinkles, folds, deterioration, and other
types of damage that can occur when storing rolled-up • Know your media. Life extension begins with the file
paper for a long period of time. extension, so keep tabs on your resources and their
potential constraints. Device-specific considerations,
Tips for Properly Storing Your Art
like browser compatibility, internet download speed,
Encapsulation. The work is encased in polyester hardware requirements, and screen resolution.
film and, when properly sealed, your document lives in Universal design, or inclusive design, is an accessibility
a permanent microclimate. Encapsulation is best used applies to both the audience members and their
for previously deacidified double-sided art, so both software or hardware.
sides can be viewed and inspected. Matboard with a
• Organize Your Data. Maintaining good data hygiene Eight Ways to Protect Your Artwork Images from Being
means organizing your collection, whether online or Copied Online
offline. Knowing simple best practices for file naming
and folder structures: • Start with low resolution images
• Keep your images small
• Backup, backup, backup. Once your files and folders • Use portions of images
are organized, you need to decide where to store them. • Add a copyright notice
Always use protection. Archived your projects and • Use a watermark
active projects. Never allow important files to exist in • Make it easy for people to contact you
only one place. Configure your computer for automatic • Take action when you find a violation
backups Backup using NAS (Network Attached Storage). • Disable the right-click function
Have a dedicated large capacity external drive that does
not travel from home. Use a rugged external drive (e.g.,
LaCie Rugged) for traveling. Use RAID storage for
layered protection. Use a home server or make one
from an old PC. Practice Hardware Care. Wear and tear DIFFERENT TYPES OF STORAGE DEVICE
kill everything over time. Discs scratch, SD cards fall
apart, hard drives fail, and USB sticks disappear to
USB drive is a small, light, ultra-portable
wherever missing socks go.
storage device, and compatible with Windows, Mac,
No_cloud: There are loads of cloud storage options. It is and Linux. The pen drive, also known as a USB memory
not recommended in using online storage as your sole device, memory stick, USB flash drive, memory unit,
backup but used correctly it is a huge asset. data stick, pen drive, kitchen drive, and thumb drive,
Cloud Pros: Can be used for automatic USB keychain, USB stick, or simply USB is a portable
backups, disaster recovery. Can be accessed online. data storage unit. These types of storage devices in
Easily share files and folders. Scales easily. Sync files computer used to store documents, photos, music files,
across multiple devices videos, among others. Its range is from 2 GB to 1 TB.
Cloud Cons: Costs money for any decent
amount of space. Slow to upload and download Third-
A hard drive is a computer-accessible storage
party storage has security risks (hackers, malware,
device based on the made of magnetic recording
theft). Data ownership can be ambiguous.
technology. They are used in the vast majority to store
• Don’t Rely on Sharing Platforms. Files hosted on all types of small or big files or data of computers,
sharing sites (like SoundCloud, YouTube, Tumblr, storing backup copies of data, like file storage, etc. on
Instagram, etc.) are at their mercy. Data stored with our digital computer or Laptop. The speed of the hard
these hosts a redundancy. disk is measured in the terms of RPM i.e. Revolution Per
Minute. Most hard disks are of 5400 RPM or 7200 RPM,
• Expect to Update. Regular maintenance helps your obviously, the hard disk of 7200 RPM is much faster
digital art prolong its lifespan. Develop a roadmap such than the 5400 RPM.
as subscription plans, patents, fair use, and deprecation.
End of Life There are no permanent archives, just There are three types of Hard Disk Drive.
delays. PATA (Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment)
SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment)
Basic principles for an ARCHIVE: SCSI (Small Computer System Interface)

• Permanent or temporary - for things you don't want Solid State Drive
to lose you need permanent storage.
• Different place from your computer like if your house SSD stands for “Solid State Drive“, are computer storage
burns down the external hard disc sitting devices bit similar like a hard disk drive, but it has
•In principle you need to store in three places - on your storage capacity more than a hard disk and more
computer, on your back-up drive, somewhere external sophisticated device.
to where you keep your computer and back-up drive
(e.g., cloud storage)
• You need to transfer digital files between storage
A memory card is considered a small storage
mediums as technology changes and image files are
medium that is commonly used for temporary storage.
A memory card is a type of storage media often used to
• Never touch the master copy - keep masters stored
store photos, videos, or other data in electronic devices.
separately so it can't be worked on
memory cards today range in size from 4 GB (gigabytes)
to 256 GB. These numbers will increase in the future.

A. Compact Disc is an abbreviated form of CD, it

is a flat, round, optical storage medium used to
store data like audio. Discs can store up to 700
MB of data

B. DVD is Digital Video Disc or can Digital

Versatile Disk, DVDs are similar to CDs and are
also optical storage devices. But, Prior to this,
videos and films were recorded on a Video CD
(VCD), while some DVDs are used to store
software and computer files. store data up to
17.08 GB on a dual-layer, double-sided disc.

Floppy Disk is another storage device of
computer. The floppy disk stores a small amount of
data. Earlier it used to be more on the computer due to
its low storage capacity they have been replaced by CDs
as well as by flash memories that are small, portable.

Magnetic tape is also a storage device similar
to audio cassettes. It is like the old-time audio case
Magnetic Tape was basically used to store a large
amount of audio data. Magnetic tape has been a major
medium to store audio and binary data storage for
many years and is still part of the storage device for
some systems.

How to protect your Data file

By encrypting the files on your portable storage
device, you are essentially password protecting them.
This added level of security goes a long way to stopping
those who are after sensitive information. The most
common types of files that people encrypt are Office
Documents and PDF files.

2. Buy a Device with Built-In Security Protocols

, Increasing threats of data breaches have led to
portable storage devices that now have built-in security
protocols. Some of them have a setup process that
requires a username and password to gain access.
There are even flash drives that have a keypad on them,
requiring a user to enter their pin number before
revealing the contents of the drive.

3. Backup Your Data on Another Secure Device (or the

One risk of storing your data on a portable
storage device is that it can be physically damaged or
destroyed. From fire or water or impact damage, the
threat of losing sensitive information is ever-present. Be
sure to back up your data on a separate device and
keep that in a different, secure location. or utilize the
Cloud as a secondary recovery tool.

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