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Bà i thi: Kiểm tra định kỳ Tiếng Anh 2

Lớ p: Cao họ c-Khó a 2
Thờ i gian: 60’
Ngà y thi:…………………………… Họ và tên: ……………………………

Điểm bà i thi (bằ ng số ) Điểm bà i thi (bằ ng chữ )

…………………………… ……………………………

Giá o viên chấ m thi 1 Giá o viên chấ m thi 2

(ký và ghi tên) (ký và ghi tên)

Part 1: Reading comprehension

I’m Lisa. I have an account at my local branch of one of the big high-street banks. I have
a current account for writing cheques, paying by credit card and paying bills. It’s a joint
account with my husband. Normally, we are in the black, but sometimes we spend more
money than we have in the account and we go into the red. This overdraft is agreed by
the bank up to a maximum of £500, but we pay quite a high interest rate on it. I also
have a deposit account or savings account for keeping money longer term. This account
pays us interest (but not very much, especially after tax). We have a credit card with the
same bank too. Buying with plastic is very convenient. We pay off what we spend each
month, so we don’t pay interest. The interest rate is even higher than for overdrafts.
Like many British people, we have a mortgage, a loan to buy our house.

Task 1: Read the passage, and then select the best answer.

What is the title of the text?

A. Banking products
B. Banking services
C. Banking facilities
D. Banking account

Task 2: Read the text carefully, are the following statements true (T) or false (F).
Give reasons.

1. You talk about the local “agency” of a high-street bank.

2. Americans refer to current accounts as check accounts.
3. A joint account is held by more than one person.
4. If you put 10,000 euros into a new account and spend 11,000 euros, you have an
overdraft and you are 1,000 euros in the red.
5. An account for saving money is called a safe account.
6. An account that pays a lot of interest has a high interest rate.
7. If you pay for something with a credit card, you can say, informally, they you use
plastic to pay for it.
8. If you pay the complete mount that you owe on a credit card, you pay it down.
9. We only have a mortgage to buy our house.

Part 2: Complete the sentences with suitable words in the box

pension lend shareholders debt loss

interest dividend borrow tax mortgage
fund capital accounts shares loss
loan creditor turnover liabilities bond
1. Small companies often try to get bank loans when they need to_________ money.
2. We don’t have sufficient ________ to build a completely new factory.
3. We are going to raise more money by selling new shares to our existing________
4. We had to raise $50,000________ in order to start the business.
5. We are going to pay back some of the people who lent us money, and reduce

6. I decided to buy a $10,000_________ instead of shares, as it’s probably safer.
7. Another term for profit is_________
8. I think this a good investment: it pays 8%_________
9. When they saw our financial statements, the bank refused to_________ us any more
10. The profit and_________ account shows if a company is receiving more money than
its spending.
11. The total amount of sales in a year is called the________
12. _________ is something that the government collects to cover state budget.
13. You buy__________ when you want to invest in a company.
14. ________ is the money we hope to receive when we retire.
15. _________ is a way to buy a house without paying for it in a single payment.
16. You make a_________ when you sell things for less than they cost you to make.
17. The money you take from a bank for an interest is called a_________.
18. _________ are the money that the company owes.
19. The bank is your________ when it lends you money.
20. _________are to be prepared every year for shareholders and authorities.

Part 3: Complete the introduction to finance with the given words.

loss Interest profit

demand Investment loan
share Supply mortgage

The economy and the world of finance

Two key principles of the economy are supply and the demand. Some people have goods
or services to sell and other people want to buy those goods or services. The
relationship between supply and (1) ___________ is very important. The world of finance is
a necessary part of the economy.

People need money to do business. Banks first collect money to do business. Banks first
collect money from customers. Then they lend money to people or institutions.
Customers who borrow money pay (2)__________ to the bank until they pay the money
back. There are different types of (3) ___________. For example, people who want to buy a

house or flat usually choose a (n) (4) __________. (5)__________ in shares of stock is another
part of the financial world

Part 4: Translate the following sentences into English

1. Tô i thườ ng rú t tiền tạ i cá c câ y ATM.


2. Chú ng tô i hi vọ ng sẽ trả hết cá c khoả n vay cho ngâ n hà ng để giả m nợ .


3. Cô ta khô ng thích sử dụ ng thẻ tín dụ ng để đi mua sắ m vì cô ấ y sợ rằ ng mình

khô ng kiểm soá t đượ c việc tiêu dù ng củ a mình.
4. Sau khi khi xem xét khoả n thu nhậ p củ a tô i, ngâ n hà ng đã cấ p cho tô i mộ t hạ n
mứ c tín dụ ng phù hợ p.
5. Chính phủ sẽ phá t hà nh trá i phiếu để huy độ ng vố n từ ngườ i dâ n.

Part 5: Translate the following passage into Vietnamese

Corporate finance concerns with how businesses raise and spend their money.
Companies spend or invest funds in projects that might make the firm more profitable,
such as a new factory or an innovated product. Corporate finance involves selecting
projects that maximize profits and make the best use of a company’s funds. Sometimes
businesses can fund these projects on their own. Other times businesses must raise
funds from outside the company. Corporate finance also involves finding the best way
for businesses to pay for their projects.

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