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Received July 29, 2018, accepted August 27, 2018, date of publication September 13, 2018, date of current

version October 8, 2018.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2869735

Stock Market Prediction via Multi-Source

Multiple Instance Learning


1 Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Distributed Computing and Service, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
Beijing 100876, China
2 Department of Computer Science, The University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607, USA

Corresponding author: Xi Zhang (

This work was supported in part by the State Key Development Program of Basic Research of China under Grant 2013CB329605, in part
by the Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61300014, in part by the NSF under Grant IIS-1526499, Grant IIS-1763325, and
Grant CNS-1626432, and in part by the DongGuan Innovative Research Team Program under Grant 201636000100038.

ABSTRACT Forecasting the stock market movements is an important and challenging task. As the Web
information grows, researchers begin to extract effective indicators (e.g., the events and sentiments) from
the Web to facilitate the prediction. However, the indicators obtained in previous studies are usually based
on only one data source and thus may not fully cover the factors that can affect the stock market movements.
In this paper, to improve the prediction for stock market composite index movements, we exploit the
consistencies among different data sources, and develop a multi-source multiple instance model that can
effectively combine events, sentiments, as well as the quantitative data into a comprehensive framework.
To effectively capture the news events, we successfully apply a novel event extraction and representation
method. Evaluations on the data from the year 2015 and 2016 demonstrate the effectiveness of our model.
In addition, our approach is able to automatically determine the importance of each data source and
identify the crucial input information that is considered to drive the movements, making the predictions

INDEX TERMS Stock prediction, multiple instance, event extraction, sentiment analysis.

I. INTRODUCTION fluctuations [2]–[4]. However, most of the previous works

Stock markets play important roles in the economic opera- represent news documents using simple features (e.g., bag-
tions of modern society. The estimation of the stock market words, noun phrases, named entities) [5], [6], which may
index is of clear interest to various stakeholders in the market. discard syntax information. Due to the large volume and
According to the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) [1], diverse expressions of the events, how to represent them as
the stock market prices reflect all available information, useful features, and how to identify the crucial events that
and thus the prediction naturally relies on information from have significant impacts on the stock market are not trivial
multiple sources, which can be roughly categorized into problems. In addition to events, a line of studies has shown
(1) quantitative data, e.g., historical prices, turnover rate, that the investors’ opinions can also largely influence the
and (2) qualitative descriptions, such as the annual reports, market volatility [7], [8]. With the prosperity of Web 2.0,
announcements, news and social media posts. It is challeng- the sentiments extracted from social media can be beneficial
ing to deal with qualitative data as they are usually unstruc- to predictions. Since both events and sentiments can drive the
tured and thus extracting useful signals from them is not fluctuations of the market, it is natural to investigate how to
trivial. effectively fuse them together to make a better prediction.
Along with the growing Web information and the advance The improvement may come from the correlations among
of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, recent different sources, and the consensus prediction with multi-
works begin to explore Web news for market prediction. source information can potentially outperform each predic-
A number of existing studies have shown that the events tion relying on a single source. This problem is analogous to
reported in news are important signals that can drive market the multi-labeler learning problem in crowdsourcing [9], [10],

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X. Zhang et al.: Stock Market Prediction via Multi-Source Multiple Instance Learning

but different from those studies that usually assume a labeler 3) A novel event representation model is proposed by first
conducts classification with full information, each ‘‘labeler’’ extracting structured events from news text, and then
(i.e., classifier) in this study is source-specific and only pro- training them with deep learning methods involving
vided with limited information from its own source, making RBM and sentence2vec to obtain dense vectors.
the consensus among labelers even more challenging. 4) Evaluation results on two-year datasets show that
In this work, we aim to learn a predictive model for describ- our proposal can outperform the state-of-art baselines.
ing the fluctuations in the stock market index by utilizing vari- Moreover, the impacts of different sources and the key
ous sources of data, involving the historical quantitative data, factors that drive the movements can be obtained.
the social media and Web news. The essential features we
extract include the event representations from news articles II. RELATED WORK
and the sentiments from social media. Firstly, we propose a
novel method to capture the event information. Specifically,
There is a line of research works using event-driven stock
structured events are extracted from news texts and then used
prediction models. Hogenboom et al. [12] give an overview of
as the inputs for Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) to
event extraction methods. Akita et al. [13] convert newspaper
do the pre-training. After that, the output vectors from RBMs
articles into distributed representations via Paragraph Vector
are used as the inputs to a recently proposed sentence2vec
and model the temporal effects of past events with LSTM
framework [11], in order to achieve effective event embed-
on opening prices of stocks in Tokyo Stock Exchange.
dings. Secondly, we exploit the latent relationships among
Nguyen et al. [14] formulated a temporal sentiment index
different data sources with carefully designed loss terms, and
function, which is used to extract significant events. Then the
propose an extension of the Multiple Instance Learning (MIL)
corresponding blog posts are analyzed using topic modeling
model that can effectively integrate the features from multiple
to understand the contents. Ding et al. [15] applied the Open
sources to make more accurate predictions. One benefit of
IE tool to extract structured events from texts, and this event
our method is that we can determine source-specific weights
extraction method is also implemented as a baseline and
and identify the specific factors that incur the changes in the
compared with our proposal. Ding et al. [16] then trained
composite index. Figure 1 shows an example of the news
event embeddings with a neural tensor network and then used
precursors identified by our model, and the dots with numbers
the deep convolutional neural network to model influences of
denote the probabilistic estimates for the events leading to the
index change on Jan. 26, 2016.
In addition to events, investors’ emotions also have great
impacts on the stock market index. Bollen et al. [17] revealed
that the public moods derived from Twitter have impacts on
stock indicators. Si et al. [3] proposed a technique to lever-
age topic based sentiments from Twitter to predict the stock
market. Makrehchi et al. [18] assigned a positive or neg-
ative label for each tweet according to stock movements.
The aggregate sentiment per day shows predictive power
for stock market prediction. Topic-specific sentiments are
learned in [19] to facilitate the stock prediction. However, this
method is not suitable to short texts in social media.
The common limitation of the aforementioned methods
is that they rely only on a single data source and thus may
limit the predictive power. In [20], events and sentiments are
FIGURE 1. An example of the news events that are responsible for the
Shanghai Composite Index change on Jan. 26, 2016. The x-axis is the integrated into a tensor framework together with firm-specific
timeline. The left y-axis is the probability of each event leading to the features (e.g., P/B, P/E), to model the joint impacts on the
index change. The right y-axis is the composite index in Shanghai Stock
Exchange. stock volatility. We also implement it as a baseline. However,
it uses a simple event extraction method which may not fully
The summary of the contributions is as follows: capture sufficient event information.
1) To provide robust and accurate predictions for stock
market movements, we extend the Multiple Instance B. MULTIPLE INSTANCE LEARNING
Learning model to integrate the heterogeneous infor- The multiple instance learning (MIL) paradigm is a form
mation including Web news, social media posts, and of weakly supervised learning. Training instances arranged
quantitative data. in sets are called bags or groups. A label is provided for
2) The latent consistencies among different data sources entire groups instead of individual instances. Negative groups
are modeled in our framework by sharing the common don’t contain any positive instances, while positive groups
estimated true label among the hinge losses of different contain at least one positive instance [21]. Various appli-
data sources at the instance level. cations and the comparisons of different methods in MIL

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X. Zhang et al.: Stock Market Prediction via Multi-Source Multiple Instance Learning

were given in [22]. The common MIL approach is used data source and identify the key factors that have decisive
to predict the group-level label, Liu et al. [23], however, influences, which may be influential news, collective sen-
proposed an approach to identify the instance-level labels, timents or some important quantitative index in the trading
especially the labels of key instances in groups based on K data. These key factors are supporting evidence for further
nearest neighbors (K -NN). Kotzias et al. [24] predicted the analysis and can make our prediction interpretable.
labels for sentences given labels for reviews, which can be Formally, according to Table 1, a news article j on day i is
used to detect sentiments. A multiple-instance multiple-label denoted as a V -dimensional vector xij ∈ RV ×1 (please note
learning framework with deep neutral network formation is that the process of representing a news article as a vector
proposed in [25]. An event forecasting framework via the will be illustrated in the next section). In order to predict
nested multiple instance learning is proposed in [26]. How- the stock market movement on day t + k, we assume that
ever, it only uses one data source and simple event features, there are a group of news articles for each day i (i < t),
which may not be sufficient in the stock market application. which is denoted as Xi , and thus Xi = {xij }, j ∈ {1, · · · , ni }.
We have implemented this algorithm as a baseline for com- In addition to the news articles, the sentiment and quantitative
parison. indices on day i (denoted as si and di respectively) are also
taken into account. Then the temporal ordered collection of
III. MULTI-SOURCE MULTIPLE INSTANCE MODEL news articles, sentiments and quantitative indices across t
In this section, we first state and formulate the problem, days can be represented as a multi-source super group, that is,
and then propose the multi-source multiple instance (M-MI) G = {Ci }, i ∈ {1, · · · , t}, where Ci = {Xi , di , si }. The
framework. Before going into details of our framework, change in the stock market movement on day t + k can be
we define some important notations as shown in Table 1. denoted as Yt+k ∈ {+1, −1}, where +1 denotes the index
rise and -1 denotes the index decline. Then the forecasting
TABLE 1. Notations in our model. problem can be modeled as a mathematical function f (G) →
Yt+k , indicating that we map the multi-source information to
an indicator (i.e., label) k days in the future from the day t,
where k is number of the lead days that we aim to forecast.

FIGURE 2. The system framework of our proposed model.


The framework of our proposal is shown in Fig. 2. The inputs
of the framework are the stock quantitative data, the social
media and Web news. We first use the sentiment analyzer
to obtain the collective sentiments from social media, and
extract effective event representations from the Web news.
Then the extracted sentiments, events as well as the stock
quantitative data are fed into the M-MI model. The M-MI
model is proposed based on the Multiple Instance Learn-
A. PROBLEM STATEMENT ing algorithm, that is, a group of instances are given group
Stock markets are impacted by various factors, such as the labels, which are assumed to be an association function
trading volume, news events and the investors’ emotions. (e.g., OR, average) of the instance-level labels. Our work
Thus, relying on a single data source may not be sufficient further distinguishes the instance-level labels, multi-source
to make accurate predictions. The object of our study is to group-level labels, and multi-source super group-level labels.
develop a multi-source data integration approach to predict The primary goal is to predict the label for the multi-source
the stock market trends. Specifically, given a collection of super group that indicates the rise or decline of the stock
economic news, social network posts and historical trad- market index. In addition, we also try to estimate the instance-
ing data, we aim to forecast the stock market index move- level probabilities indicating how related a specific instance
ments. Moreover, we also try to obtain the impacts of each is to the index movement (i.e., target label), as well as the

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source-specific weights that reveal how related a specific where Ci denotes the multi-source group for the day i.
source is to the index movement. By introducing this loss term, Eq. 7 can be rewritten as:
To this end, for a given day, we first model the instance- βX
level probability pij for a news article j on day i to the target min f (G, Y , wm , wd , ws , θ )
wm ,wd ,ws ,θ n
label with a logistic function, that is G ∈S
1 1 X 1X
pij = σ (wm xij ) =
(1) + g(Ci , Ci−1 , wm , wd , ws , θ ) (9)
1 + e−wm
ij n t
Ci ,Ci−1 ∈G ;G ∈S; i=1
where wm denotes the weight vector of the news articles. The where β is a constant to control the contribution of the first
higher the probability pij , the more related the article j is to term. Eq. 9 aggregates the costs at the super group level and
the target label. The probability of all the news articles for a the group level. However, the instance-level loss has not been
given day i can be computed as the average of probabilities considered yet, which is challenging to be designed due to
of each news article, that is two reasons: (1) it lacks of true labels at the instance level;
1 X
ni (2) the instances from different sources are heterogeneous but
pm−i = pij (2) intrinsically correlated. The instances can be categorized into
j=1 three types according to their sources, and each type leads to
a distinct loss term. Inspired by the hinge loss used in Support
In addition to news articles, we also model the probability
Vector Machines (SVMs), the classification loss term for the
pd−i for stock quantitative data and ps−i for sentiments on
instances of news article instance xij is
day i, that is
1 h1 (xij , wm ) = max(0, m0 − sgn(Pi − P0 )wTm xij ) (10)
pd−i = σ (wTd d i ) = T
1 + e−wd d i Here, sgn(·) is the sign function, m0 is a margin parameter
1 used to separate the positive and negative instances from the
ps−i = σ (wTs si ) = (4)
1 + e−ws si hyperplane in the feature space. wTm xij denotes the prediction
with article xij . As the true label for each instance is unknown
where wd and ws denote the weight vector of d i and si
during the classifier training, we replace it with the estimated
respectively. We then model the probability Pi for multi-
true label sgn(Pi − P0 ), where P0 is a threshold parameter to
source information on day i as
determine the positiveness of the prediction. If (Pi −P0 ) > 0,
Pi = θ0 pm−i + θ1 pd−i + θ2 ps−i = θ (pm−i , pd−i , ps−i )T (5) the prediction with multiple-source information on day i
would be positive. Otherwise, it would be negative. Similarly,
where θ0 , θ1 and θ2 denote the source-specific weights of we can derive the instance-level loss terms for quantitative
pm−i , pd−i and ps−i respectively, and θ0 + θ1 + θ2 = 1. It is data and sentiments respectively,
obvious that Pi ∈ [0, 1]. We use θ = (θ0 , θ1 , θ2 ) to denote the
source weight vector, and then model the probability of the h2 (d i , wd ) = max(0, m1 − sgn(Pi − P0 )wTd d i ) (11)
multi-source super group as the average of the probabilities h3 (si , ws ) = max(0, m2 − sgn(Pi − P0 )wTs si ) (12)
in t days, that is
Based on Eq. 10, 11 and 12, the classification loss at the
t instance level for each data source has been obtained. We then
P= Pi (6) explain why they share a common estimated true label
i=1 (i.e., sgn(Pi − P0 )). As predictions from different sources are
Then, we start with a log-likelihood loss function: commonly correlated with each other, instead of treating the
loss of each source independently, we need to consider their
1X intrinsic consistencies. The intuition behind is that according
min f (G, Y , wm , wd , ws , θ )
wm ,wd ,ws ,θ n to Efficient Market Hypothesis, different data sources would
G ∈S
1X keep up to date with the latest stock market information, and
= (−I(Y = 1)logP − I(Y = −1)log(1 − P)) (7) they commonly indicate the same sign (index rise or fall).
G ∈S Thus, through sharing the same estimated true label, we are
where G is a multi-source super group, n is the number of able to combine the indications from different data sources
multi-source super groups, and Y denotes the set of true to learn a consensus label. This can potentially provide more
labels. I(·) is the indicator function. robust and confident predictions.
As the influences of the multi-source information usually We then give several cases to illustrate the consensus
last for a number of days, we assume the probabilities on among sources. The three source-specific predictions are
two consecutive days are essentially similar, which can be denoted as l0 , l1 and l2 respectively. Firstly, if l0 , l1 and l2
represented by minimizing the cost all make very positive predictions, i.e., large values of pm−i ,
pd −i and ps−i , it would be confident to make a positive
g(Ci , Ci−1 ) = (Pi − Pi−1 )2 (8) group-level prediction due to Pi > P0 and l0 , l1 and l2

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all agree with the label without costs. Secondly, if only l0 form d i ∈ R3×1 . Here we introduce how to extract event
disagrees with the estimated true label, l0 will be penalized representations from news articles and extract the sentiments
as l1 and l2 agree with this label and make Pi approach their from posts in social media, which are used as the inputs to
predictions. Thirdly, if l0 disagrees with l1 and l2 , but l0 is M-MI framework.
very confident (and thus far from hyperplane) while l1 and l2
are not confident enough (and thus close to hyperplane), this
may make Pi approach l0 , resulting in that l0 agrees with
the estimated true label while l1 and l2 disagree with it and
thus are penalized. Our proposed instance-level loss terms are
consistent with these cases and thus make sense.
Then we try to minimize the overall instance-level loss,
that is, h1 (xij , wm ) + h2 (d i , wd ) + h3 (si , ws ). By introducing
this summation and other regularization terms, the objective
function Eq. 9 can be reformulated as
L(wm , wd , ws , θ )
= f (G, Y , wm , wd , ws , θ )
G ∈S
1 X 1X FIGURE 3. Structured event extraction from texts.
+ g(Ci , Ci−1 , wm , wd , ws , θ )
n t
Ci ,Ci−1 ∈G ;G ∈S; i=1
t ni
+ h1 (xij , wm )
n t ni Conventional methods commonly represent events using sim-
xij ∈Xi ;Xi ∈G ;G ∈S i=1 j=1
t ple features such as TF-IDF, noun phrases or named entities.
1 X 1 X 1 Recent advances in NLP techniques enable more accurate
+ (h2 (d i , wd ) + h3 (si , ws ))
n t ni event models with structures. In this study, we first use
di ,si ∈Ci ;Ci ∈G ;G ∈S i=1
+ λm R(wm ) + λd R(wd ) + λs R(ws ) + λθ R(θ ) (13) the syntactic analysis method to extract the main structure
information of the sentences, and then use it as the input
Eq. 13 is the ultimate objective function to optimize. to an RBM. The output of an RBM would be a pre-trained
To summarize, it consists of losses at three levels: the super vector used as the input to sentence2vec, and then the event
group level, the group level and the instance level. In addition, representations are obtained. The process is shown in Figure 3
it includes the regularization terms, that is, R(wm ), R(wd ), and described in detail as follows. Note that though we use the
R(ws ) and R(θ ), and β, λm , λd , λs and λθ are constants Chinese dataset in this study, this process can also be applied
to control the trade-offs among multiple terms. The model to other languages.
learning goal is to estimate the parameters wm , wd , ws and θ to 1) Structured event extraction. With a commonly used
minimize L(wm , wd , ws , θ ). We randomly choose a set (G, Y ) text parser HanLP,1 we can capture the syntactic struc-
from S, and the online stochastic gradient descent optimiza- ture of a sentence, which is depicted as a three-level
tion is adopted to fit the model. tree at the top of Fig. 3. The root node denotes the core
verb, and the nodes of the second layer are the subject
C. IDENTIFYING THE KEY FACTORS of the verb and the object of the verb respectively.
After the learning process, the source weight vector θ is The child of the subject is the modifier who is the
obtained, representing the impacts of different data sources nearest to the subject in the sentence, and so is the
on the market movements. In addition, a probability for each child of the object. Then we connect these core words
piece of input information can also be obtained through together as the structure information to represent the
Eq. 1, 3 or 4, which reveals the probability of that information event information.
signifying the rise of the market index on the target day. 2) Training with RBM. We then map the structured event
Note that if the probability signifying the index rise is pr , into a vector. To make the vectors better reconstruct the
the probability indicating index decline would be 1 − pr . original events, we use RBM as a pre-training mod-
We can identify the key input information that triggers the ule. The Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) is a
market index movement, if the product of its probability value generative stochastic artificial neural network, and has
and its source-specific weight is above a given threshold τ . been applied in various applications such as dimension-
ality reduction [27]. RBM contains two-layer neural
IV. FEATURE EXTRACTION nets, one is the visible layer or input layer, and the
The quantitative features are quite simple to extract,
we just collect three indices and normalize each index to 1

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X. Zhang et al.: Stock Market Prediction via Multi-Source Multiple Instance Learning

other is the hidden layer. In our model, each event is word list, the sentiment label of this word is set as neutral. If a
represented as an m-dimensional vector with one-hot word is a noun, it is considered as a topic word. Otherwise,
encoding, which is the visible layer. Our target is to it is considered as a background word. For each topic, opinion
estimate the n-dimensional hidden layer to approximate word distributions are distinguished from two polarities, that
the input layer as much as possible. Then the hidden is, positive or negative.
layer will be set as the initial vector in sentence2vec.
The reason is that directly training the representations V. EXPERIMENTS
using sentence2vec without RBM may fall into the A. DATA COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION
local minimum. We collected stock market-related information from Jan. 1,
3) Training with sentence2vec. Finally, we use sen- 2015 to Dec. 31, 2016, and separate the information into two
tence2vec, the neural probabilistic language model to data sets, one for the year 2015 and the other for 2016. The
obtain the event representations. Different from the data consist of three parts, the historical quantitative data,
word2vec with CBOW model, the sentence id will the news articles and the posts on the social network, which
be added during the training process of sentence2vec, are introduced in detail as follows.
and will also be mapped into a vector, called sentence • Quantitative data: the source of quantitative data is
vector, which would be the final vector that we want. Wind,2 a widely used financial information service
In the training process, the sentence vector and the word provider in China. The data we collect are the average
vectors of context will be concatenated as the input prices, market index change and turnover rate of the
to softmax. After training, the sentence vector will be Shanghai Composite Index in each trading day.
obtained and used as the features for the proposed • News data: we collect the news articles on the macro
model. economy through Wind, and get 38,727 and 39,465 news
Here is an example of extracting structured events from articles in 2015 and 2016 respectively. The news arti-
the news. The news text is that it is expected that the Ren- cles are aggregated by Wind from major financial news
minbi speculators will face huge losses. After the dependency websites in China, such as
parsing analysis, the core words (Renminbi, speculators, face, and We process the news titles
huge, losses) are obtained, and after one hot coding, each rather than the whole articles to extract the events, as the
word is encoded into zero or one vector. Then the vector main topic of a news article is often summed up in the
preprocesses by RBM into a 100-dimensional vector, and title.
• Social media data: the sentiments are extracted from the
finally processes by the sentence2vec became the news event
feature vector. Through the above steps, the news event is posts crawled from a popular investor social network in
obtained as a feature of the M-MI model, a 100-dimensional China named Xueqiu.3 Totally 6,163,056 postings are
vector. collected for 2015 and 2016. For each post, we get the
posting time stamp and the content.
For each trading day, if the stock market index rises,
it would be a positive instance, otherwise it is a negative
To extract the sentiments from the posts in the social net- instance. For each year, we use the data from the first
work, we use the LDA-S method [28], an extension of Latent 10 months as the training set and the last 2 months as the
Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model that proposed to obtain testing set. We evaluate the performance of our model with
the topic-specific sentiments for short texts. The intuition varying lead days and varying historical days. Lead days
behind is that extracting sentiments discarding topics may refers to the number of days in advance the model makes
be not sufficient as sentiment polarities usually depend on predictions and the historical days indicates the number of
topics or domains [29]. In other words, the exact same word days over which the multi-source information is utilized. The
may express different sentiment polarities for different topics, evaluation metrics we use are F1-score and accuracy (ACC).
e.g., the opinion word ‘‘low’’ in the phrase ‘‘low speed’’
in a traffic-related topic and ‘‘low fat’’ in a food-related B. COMPARISON METHODS
topic. Therefore, extracting the sentiments corresponding to The following baselines and variations of our proposed model
different topics can potentially improve the sentiment clas- are implemented for comparisons. The full implementa-
sification accuracy. The LDA-S model can infer sentiment tion of our framework is named as Multi-source Multiple
distribution and topic distribution simultaneously for short Instance (M-MI) model.
texts. It consists of two steps. The first step aims to obtain
• SVM: the standard support vector machine is used as
the topic distribution of each post, and then set the topic as
a basic prediction method. During the training process,
the one with the largest probability. The second step gets the
the label assigned to each instance and each group is the
sentiment distribution of each post.
same as its multi-source super group label. During the
In this work, a sentiment word list called NTUSD [30] is
adopted, which contains 4370 negative words and 4566 pos- 2
itive words. If a word is an adjective but not in the sentiment 3

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X. Zhang et al.: Stock Market Prediction via Multi-Source Multiple Instance Learning

prediction phase, we obtain the predicted label for each also be observed that M-MI and its variations (i.e., O-MI,
of the instance, and then average the labels as the final WoH-MI and WoR-MI) all outperform nMIL. Compared
label of the super group. to nMIL, M-MI improves F-1 by 6.9% in 2015 and 9.2%
• TeSIA: the tensor-based learning approach [20] utilizes in 2016, while it improves accuracy by 6.7% and 9.4%
multi-source information for stock prediction. Specifi- in 2015 and 2016 respectively. Such gains mainly come from
cally, it uses a third-order tensor to model the firm-mode, (1) utilizing multi-source information instead of only news
event-mode, and sentiment-mode data. articles, and (2) the advanced event representations rather
• nMIL: nested Multi-Instance Learning (nMIL) than simple event features. Though all using multi-source
model [26] is the state-of-art baseline. In this model, information, TeSIA performs worse than M-MI and its vari-
only one data source, i.e., the news, is used to extract ations, showing the effectiveness of our proposed models
simple event features. It ignores the impacts of the and feature extraction methods. Both M-MI and WoR-MI
sentiments and the historical quantitative indices. perform better than O-MI, indicating that both the structured
• O-MI: Open IE Multiple Instance (O-MI) Learning event extraction module and the RBM pre-training module
model differs from M-MI in the event extraction mod- in our framework are effective. WoH-MI performs worse
ule. It adopts a previously proposed event extraction than M-MI, showing the proposed instance-level hinge
method [15], and uses Open IE [31] to extract event losses across multiple data sources are useful for accurate
tuples from sentences. The structured event tuples are predictions.
then processed by sentence2vec to obtain event rep-
resentations. Please note that the sentiment data and
quantitative data are also used in this model.
• WoR-MI: Without RBM Multiple Instance (WoR-MI)
Learning model is also a part of the M-MI framework.
It differs M-MI in that it works without the RBM mod-
ule, and therefore the sentence2vec module is fed with
original structured events instead of pre-trained vectors.
• WoH-MI: Compare to M-MI, Without Hinge loss Mul-
tiple Instance (WoH-MI) Learning model lacks the
instance-level hinge loss terms (i.e., Eq. 10, 11 and 12).
To make a fair comparison, we use the same set of instances FIGURE 4. F-1 scores with varying history days. (a) 2015. (b) 2016.
and the same setting of parameters to evaluate different
methods. In our proposal and the baselines, we set the pre- Figure 4 (a) and (b) show the F-1 scores of all the compara-
dicted label to −1 if the estimated probability for a multi- tive models with varying history days in training for 2015 and
source super group is less than 0.5; otherwise, we set the 2016 respectively (where lead day remains 1). The number
predicted label to +1. of history days (i.e., t in Eq. 13) is varied from 1 to 5 and
the results show that M-MI consistently performs better than
TABLE 2. Prediction Results (history day=1, lead day=1). the others. We can also observe that as the number of history
days keeps increasing, the F-1 scores generally first go up and
then go down. The possible reason is that the impacts of the
news, sentiments and quantitative indices released on some
day will quickly decay after a period of time (2 or 3 days).
Thus, out-of-date information should be assigned with small
weights or even discarded. Fortunately, our learning process
can automatically assign small weights for information with
weak impacts, alleviating the impact decaying problem.
In order to know how early our model can predict the
C. PREDICTION RESULTS index movement, we show the F-1 scores of WoR-MI and
We set both the number of history days and the number of M-MI with varied lead days from 1 to 3 and history days
lead days to 1. We empirically set m0 = 0.6, and set m1 , m2 from 1 to 5 in Table 3. We observe that as the number of
and P0 all as 0.5, i.e., the default setting in hinge loss. β is lead days increases, the predictive capabilities of our models
set as 3.0, and λm , λd , λs and λθ are set as 0.05 by sensitivity decrease. This makes sense since the stock market com-
analysis. The dimension of event representations is set as 100. monly reflects the available information in a timely manner.
Table 2 shows the performance of M-MI and the baselines. In other words, the up-to-date information will immediately
We can observe that M-MI outperforms all the baselines in be reflected in the index change and the impacts will decay
both of the metrics, while SVM method shows the worst as time goes, making it difficult for long-term predictions.
performance, indicating that simply tagging each news arti- Figure 5 shows the weights of different data sources,
cle with the label of its super-group is not effective. It can that is, θ 1, θ 2 and θ 3. It can be observed that among the

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VOLUME 6, 2018 50727

X. Zhang et al.: Stock Market Prediction via Multi-Source Multiple Instance Learning

XI ZHANG (M’17) received the Ph.D. degree BINXING FANG received the Ph.D. degree from
in computer science from Tsinghua University. the Harbin Institute of Technology, China, in 1989.
He was a Visiting Scholar at The University of He was the Chief Scientist of the State Key Devel-
Illinois at Chicago. He is currently an Associate opment Program of Basic Research of China.
Professor with the Beijing University of Posts and He is currently a member of the Chinese Academy
Telecommunications and is also the Vice Director of Engineering and is also a Professor with
of the Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Distributed the School of Cyberspace Security, Beijing Uni-
Computing and Service, Ministry of Education, versity of Posts and Telecommunications. His
China. His research interests include data mining current research interests include big data and
and computer architecture. cybersecurity.

SIYU QU received the bachelor’s degree in com-

puter science from Xidian University in 2012. She
is currently pursuing the master’s degree with the
Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Distributed Com-
puting and Service, Beijing University of Posts
and Telecommunications, Ministry of Education,
China. Her research interests include data mining PHILIP YU (F’93) received the Ph.D. degree
and machine learning. in electrical engineering from Stanford Univer-
sity. He is currently a Distinguished Professor in
computer science at The University of Illinois at
Chicago and is also the Wexler Chair in infor-
JIEYUN HUANG received the bachelor’s degree mation technology. His research interests include
in information security from the Beijing University big data, data mining, data stream, database, and
of Posts and Telecommunications in 2017, where privacy. He is a fellow of ACM. He received
she is currently pursuing the master’s degree with the Research Contributions Award from the IEEE
the Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Distributed International Conference on Data Mining in 2003,
Computing and Service. Her research interests are the Technical Achievement Award from the IEEE Computer Society in 2013,
in data mining and machine learning. and the ACM SIGKDD 2016 Innovation Award. He was the Editor-in-Chief
Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data.

50728 VOLUME 6, 2018

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