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October 06, 2020

BSED 2B. Score:

A. Answer the following substantially:

1. What does society expect of teachers as professionals? T E A C H E R

Answer the question by beginning with any of the letter of the word.

T- eaches with competence

E- xcercises moral and ethical actions
A- lleviates ignorance and incompetence in students
C- ares and gives his\her students importance
H- elps student become confident in ideas and opinions
E- mpathy is shown and enables a comfortable learning environment
R- esponsible and does not show favoritism towards any students
2. Below are Teachers’ Obligations enumerated in Section 16 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 known
as the Education Act of 1982. Every teacher shall:

1. Perform his duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in accordance with the
philosophy, goals and objectives of the school.
2. Be accountable for the efficient and effective attainment of specified learning objectives in
pursuance of national developmental goals, within the limits of available school resources.
3. Render regular reports on performance of each student to the latter’s parents or guardians
with specific suggestions for improvement.
4. Assume the responsibility to maintain and sustain his professional growth and advancement
and maintain professionalism in his behavior at all times.
5. Refrain from making deductions in students’ scholastic ratings for acts that are clearly not
manifestations of poor scholarship.
6. Participate as an agent of constructive, social, economic, moral, intellectual, cultural and
political change in his school and the community within the context of national policies.

Are these teachers’ obligations exactly the same as the seven domains of the PPST?

The teachers' obligations are exactly the same as the seven domains of PPST. It is just that the
seven domains are in specified form while the Teachers' obligation are in generalized form.
It is like the Teachers' obligation are the meaning of the seven domains that give thought to
what a good and professional teacher should be.
B. Read this poem “You Are a Teacher” then answer the questions:

If I speak interestingly, effectively and well,

But do not understand my students
I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal,
If I know all of the methods and techniques of teaching,
If I have complete faith that they will work,
So that I use them completely,
But think only of materials or techniques
instead of how they can help my students,
I count for nothing.
If I go the second mile in my teaching,
Give up many activities,
But do it without understanding,
It does no good
Love is very patient, very kind;
Love is not jealous, it does not put on airs;
It is never tyrannic, never;
Yet does insist on truth;
It does not become angry;
It is not resentful.
Love always expects the best of others;
It is gladdened when they live up these expectations’
Slow to lose faith when they do not.
It will bear anything,
Hope for anything,
Endure anything.
This kind of love will never fail
If there are teaching methods, they will change;
If there are curricula, they will be revised.
For our knowledge is imperfect
And our teaching is imperfect,
And we are always looking for the better ways
Which an infinite God has placed ahead of us.
When I began to teach, I fumbled and failed;
Now If I have put away some of my childish ways.
At present I am bearing bit by bit;
But if I keep on seeking, I shall at last understand
As all along I myself have been understood.
So faith, hope and love endure.
These are the great three
But the greatest of them is love.

Which line of the poem do you like most? Why?

“If I speak interestingly, effectively and well, But do not understand my students
I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal”
These are lines of the poem that I like the most because it portrays a real situation or scene in a class.
I've been taught by many teachers and moat of them applies this character. So, as a future teacher I want
to remind myself not to be like this. For me, good strategic teaching and communication skills are just
small factors of being a good teacher, what matters the most is my student can understand what I am
teaching and it can be put into action. Just like what Confucius said, “It doesn’t matter how slowly you
go, as long as you do not stop.”

What mental portrait of the teacher in the classroom and the teacher in the community is painted in the
Read poem, You Are a Teacher?
- The mental portrait of the teacher in the classroom and teacher in community that is painted in the
poem “You are a Teacher is the ability to love. As stated in the poem,
“As all along I myself have been understood.
So faith, hope and love endure.
These are the great three
But the greatest of them is love.” A teacher, wherever she may be; can not d3ny the fact 5hat
LOVE is her greatest weapon.
2. Read your name through the poem like this: Brenda, You are a Teacher.

If Brenda speaks interestingly, effectively and well,

But do not understand her students
Brenda is a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal,
Read until “it is not resentful.”

3. How did you feel when you read your name through the lines of the poem? Describe and explain
- I felt sad and disappointed, likewise the feeling of uselessness and worthlessness as a teacher
occurred to me. Not only because I become just a living statue for my student but also, the whole
point of being a teacher didn’t matter anymore. As a teacher, I should know that it is basic
knowledge that a teachers mission is to teach students and make sure they are learning. That’s
why, as a professional teacher, knowing the mission, vision and goals is must.

4. This is how one describes professionalism.

“You have to perform consistently higher level than others. That’s the mark of a true professional.
Professionalism has nothing to do with getting paid for your services.”

State professionalism in a sentence by stating one concrete act of professionalism.

e.g. Professionalism is doing my work to the best of my ability even when nobody is looking.

Professionalism is making sure that you don’t take sides on anyone, feelings and emotions are set aside
(for making decisions for everyone) and you learn from your and others mistakes.

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