Oral Recitation - 1

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1. Can plants and animals communicate?

Yes. Plants and animals can communicate. That’s because

communication is defined as the exchanging or imparting of information between
all living things which means plants and animals are capable of communicating
because they’re part of the living beings here on Earth. All living beings existing
on the planet communicate although the way of communication is different.
Plants can communicate through visible changes in their appearance. Animals
can communicate through sound, body movements, and/or gestures.
Plants communicate their need to be taken care of and watered
immediately through visible changes in the color of the leaves, and the falling of
leaves and flowers. For example, A gardener waters the plants when the leaves
start turning brown, become dry and start showing withering signs. Turning
brown, drying of leaves are actually ways the tree tries to communicate to the
gardener that it is dying and needs to be watered immediately.
Animals communicate by sounds, several movements to indicate that they
are hungry or unwell or need medical attention. Ted spotted a poor weak pup
lying almost lifeless on the streets and crying meekly. He took no time in taking
the pup to a nearby vet and giving him the basic medical treatment the poor
creature required. Have you ever thought how Ted came to know that the pup
requires immediate attention? The pup couldn’t speak. The answer to the above
question is through communication. Ted came to know about the condition of the
pup through communication only. The crying of the pup was actually an indication
that the creature needs to be immediately attended by the doctor. Through his
crying the pup tried to communicate to Ted about his deteriorating condition and
requirement of medical aid.
Plants and animals can communicate but they don’t have the so-called
language. From the definition of the language itself, it’s a human capacity which
means only humans are capable of having a language.
2. What is the difference between language acquisition and language
Language learning is a structured learning of language. When we say
structured, it happens more consciously and is more likely the result of formal
teaching. Here, the student is made to study lists of vocabulary, as well as
sentence structure and grammar. This is the process that most people follow
when trying to learn another language. Perhaps, like how a second language is
learned. For example, the English language. There is a direct instruction in the
rules of language. When we learn this new language, we have a deductive
approach to the intonations, phonology, and syntax of the target language.
On the other hand, language acquisition is the process of acquiring
language through a natural, subconscious process. It provides the student with
the practical knowledge of the language, for example, the student might not know
the grammar rule but is still able to immaculately converse with a native. This
happens, especially when they acquire their first language in which they can
learn only through immersion.
3. What is the difference between a first language and 2nd language?
First language is a language that one acquires from birth and a second
language is a non-native language usually learned at a later stage. Native
languages (mother tongue) are regarded as first languages whereas non-native
languages are referred to as second languages.
● The first language is learned naturally and effortlessly by listening to the people
around him/her communicate. While a second language is a language a person
learns in order to communicate with the native speaker of that language.
● The first language is like an instinct which is triggered by birth and developed
with the experience of being exposed to it. A second language is a personal
choice of a person.
● There is no other alternative to a first language. A person cannot decide his/her
first language. It comes to him/her as an inheritance/legacy/birthright. On the
other hand, a second language is always fixed by the person. There are many
alternatives to a second language. A person/community can choose a second
language among other languages.
● The first language is ‘acquired’ and the second language is ‘learned’. The
difference between these two words describes the qualities of the two
languages. ‘Acquire’ means “to come into possession or ownership of” which
indicates that the first language is like a dynamic and abstract property which
comes into possession of a person. On the other hand, ‘learn’ means “to gain
knowledge or skill by study, instruction, or experience” which indicates that
there is nothing passive in second language learning.
● The first language acquisition is always natural and there is no need for
instruction in acquiring it. But a second language learning is not natural and it
needs continuous guidance and instruction.
● The first language is a natural part of a person’s everyday life. But the second
language is a new aspect of the person’s life if s/he chooses it to be.
● The first language does not require any conscious effort; the acquisition
process of the first language is subconscious. The second language requires
constant conscious effort so that the learners can internalize the structures of
the second language.
4. What happens after a language comes into contact with another?
In our interaction with other people, our languages come in contact with
their languages, resulting in language change. Language change is the natural
process through which human languages change over time. Because language
is a dynamic, organic thing that reflects the needs, habits, fashions of the
communities where they are spoken…. We coin new words and expressions all
the time or adapt existing words to new meanings. Most languages have been
influenced at one time or another by contact, resulting in varying degrees of
transfer of features from one to the other. English, for instance, has borrowed a
great deal of vocabulary from French, Latin, Greek, and many other languages in
the course of its history. Transfer of this kind does not even require speakers of
the different languages to have actual contact since it can be accomplished
through book learning by teachers who then pass on the new vocabulary to other
speakers via literature, religious texts, dictionaries, and so on. But many other
contact situations have led to language transfer of various types, often so
extensive that new contact languages are created.
5. How can one listen to speakers’ opinions through electronic media without
being easily swayed into accepting their opinions?
By the use of electronic devices, our thinking, behavior, and attitude
may be influenced by other people. To avoid being swayed easily by their
opinion, we should be smart listeners or communicators. We should weigh what
we hear and assist them against the beliefs and principles that we hold onto.
It requires motivation and effort at its best. It is actively focused,
concentrated attention for the purpose of understanding the meaning expressed
by a speaker, Also by hearing their opinions because every person has an
opinion yet you are getting an opinion coming from an electronic media wherein
voices are your assurance. To be realistic, hearing different speaker opinions
matters and for you to combine the majority of opinions that you also approved.
Lastly, according to his viewpoints, you can trace the speaker's personal and
professional background in relation to the topic so you can truly understand the
ground, and if you want to be objective, you can formulate questions from there
after you listen. Is the speech addressing your concerns? Is it possible to accept
or reject the speaker's argument? If this is the case, you are free to look for
additional references to confirm the information. You should be interested in his
or her subject. However, you are not required to be swayed or affected. You may
respect his or her point of view while maintaining your own.
In listening to opinions from several speakers on whatever platform, we
must always consider the speaker's personal and professional background to
determine their understanding in their topic. Also before getting influenced by
others opinions try to evaluate the information that is being presented. Keep your
focus, be aware and concentrate on the intention or your goal in listening to the
speaker. Be mindful in everything that the speaker is presenting, try to validate,
ask yourself if that idea that is being presented is useful or beneficial. Always
remember that not all time, that whatever fits to others will also fit to you,
consider several factors that might influence in accepting opinions such as your
culture and beliefs. Every one of us has its own culture and beliefs in life, we
process all information we are taking based on our practices. So before swayed
by the speaker we must understand our differences, from there we can already
compare and contrast before we accept the information that is being presented.
Work out your own beliefs, values and personal biases. Yet, it can be
confronting, but by doing this you’ll be able to think about how these traits might
impact on your approach to and understanding of differences. Listen to the
speaker's opinion but always consider and remember the factors, balance and
analyze information that are being presented in order for you not to be persuaded
6. Would you know any strategy or method by which you can reduce
the complexity of understanding another culture?
There are various ways to reduce the complexity of understanding another
culture. One of those is to become self-aware. Be knowledgeable of their belief,
culture, nature, tradition, and values. Learning about different cultures can be a
great way to develop your understanding of cultural diversity. Another way is to
experience it yourself. Try to communicate, socialize, and observe the different
cultures and maximize your social circle. Traveling is one of the ways to do so.
However, above all, respect cultural diversity. Acknowledging and embracing
that we are all different is the best approach to reduce complexity in
understanding another culture.
Make a list of your own personal prejudices, values, and beliefs, when we
share our opinions, values, and personal prejudices with my foreign
classmates/friends, I’m confident that they’ll listen to me since well recognize we
have different beliefs, and the most important things is that we should respect
one another. Even if we don’t speak the same language, believe the same things,
or have the same culture, if we come together as one, everything will be better.
Observe. Simply observe what kind of constructs are commonly used in
their interactions. Observation is the best strategy to understand the foreign
environment. Your unconscious mind is very skillful in that since the faculty of
observation is innate in us. Don’t be overwhelmed by foreign culture as
perceiving it as complex. There is no complex culture that man cannot adapt to. I
suspect your ego is hampering you from learning foreign culture. If so, kick out
your ego. He will be the worst ally in this endeavor.
People have different linguistic, religious, ethnic, social, and professional
backgrounds. It is then necessary to pay attention to intercultural communication
to avoid miscommunication and/or communication breakdown.

The importance of intercultural communication

It is important to break down cultural barriers and build awareness of cultural
norms, as well as enhancing self-awareness and communication skills.

Examples of Intercultural Communication

1. A Christian converses with a Muslim.
2. A woman receives an order from a man.
3. Americans and Africans share their views.
4. A Chinese politician’s discussion with an American leader.

As we are not alone, we need to move in society. For this, the sharing of
information, thoughts, and ideas are necessary. It is called communication, and via
communication, we express our views, make others aware of our presence, and
participate in every activity. Thus, avoiding separation from society, fulfilling our
ambitions to achieve our aim, educating the people, etc. are the purposes of
intercultural communication.
It is the practice of communication and the mutual creation of meaning across
cultures. It acts as a mechanism that allows people from different cultural groups to
perceive and make sense of one another and to hopefully break down stereotypes,
increase knowledge of cultural differences, and see equal humanity and the complexity
of people that are not from the same cultural group . In essence, being exposed to
different cultures helps individuals embrace and appreciate those who are different
from them. Breaking down stereotypes and seeing equal humanity is extremely
important when we consider the years of colonialism and propaganda that have shaped
the minds of many settler-colonial peoples, which includes Vermonters, in believing they
are superior to others.

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