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The journey

to CFO
Perspectives from
women leaders
The journey to CFO


The five essential traits | 3

The skill sets that matter | 5

The shaping moments | 7

The relationships that matter | 8

Gender as a consideration | 11

Implications | 12

Leading to the next generation | 13

Conclusions | 14

Authors | 15
Perspectives from women leaders

The five essential traits

deregulation. Her curiosity drove her to learn

Today, there are large numbers of women in skills from other experts and areas in response
the finance functions of major corporations but
to this transformational industry change.
disproportionately few women chief financial officers
(CFOs). To help close the gap, we set out to learn Reaching out across industries to learn to
how successful women CFOs navigated to the top operate in a deregulated environment allowed
spot. Building on the interviews of 15 leading women her to proactively innovate through this period
CFOs in the United States and Europe, CFO recruiters and introduce new trading products and capa-
at major search firms, and other senior executives, bilities to her company.
we synthesized critical lessons useful for anyone,
Curiosity, whether innate or cultivated,
woman or man, aspiring to become a CFO. As
expected, there is no single path to becoming a CFO is vital to motivating experiences that build
at a leading company, but we discovered that the the diverse knowledge required of the CFO
interplay of key personal traits and values, shaping candidate. But curiosity is also an essential trait
moments in their journey, key relationships, and of a CFO—a role that constantly offers new
specific skills were vital to creating the total package and challenging situations that its occupant
essential to being a top-level CFO. Our findings
must master.
and stories can help current and prospective CFOs
improve their professional and personal advancement
as leaders. 2. Courage
Courage is the willingness to face uncer-
Our interviews identified five common sets tainty and perhaps danger. In all of our
of traits and values across CFOs. These were: interviews, there were critical moments where
curiosity, courage, perseverance to mastery, each of our interviewees had to be courageous,
self-assurance, and ethical responsibility. Some willingly step outside the familiar, and move
of these traits were innate, and our interview- into unfamiliar and sometimes dangerous
ees felt they were born with the trait. Other ground. Often the interviewees were stretched
traits and values were developed over time, well beyond what they already knew. The cour-
forged in the crucibles of critical moments age to move to the unfamiliar and master new
and relationships. skills and experiences helped candidates grow
and realize the confidence critical to becoming
1. Curiosity a CFO.
Elisha Finney, CFO of Varian Medical
Robin Washington, CFO of Gilead Sciences
Systems, was initially a specialist who majored
Inc., identified her “deep curiosity to learn”
as a key success factor in her career. Curiosity
is the active desire to know or learn. It was a
trait common to many of our CFOs and vital
“Sometimes it’s
to their professional growth and success. For
example, Holly Koeppel, the CFO of American
necessary to take a step
Electric Power Company, started in the
energy industry as a regulatory affairs expert
back to move forward.”
— Ann Marie Petach
just when the industry was at the cusp of

The journey to CFO

in insurance and risk management, and notes that throughout her early career she
initially worked on risk management. On the never turned down a new challenge. The chal-
advice of her boss, she enrolled in an MBA lenges were always useful in stretching and
program to broaden her knowledge. When she helping shape the skills vital to being a success-
returned to her company after her MBA, she ful CFO. Similarly, Kimberly Ross, the CFO
asked for a switch to another finance role: from of Ahold, was always willing to do whatever
risk manager to treasury manager. By acting it took to stretch and learn, including taking
international assignments. The courageous
mindset thus often requires an optimism that
“As a woman, take sees the possibilities and benefits beyond the
immediate risks.
your seat at the table.”
3. Perseverance to mastery
— Mary Ellen Howe
The drive to mastery and the willingness to
courageously and stepping out of her comfort persevere to achieve are traits we repeatedly
zone, Elisha was able to build the experiences encountered through our interviews.
critical to becoming a top-flight CFO. This Early in her career, Robin Washington
courage to take on new roles was a differentiat- never imagined she would be a CFO. In the
ing factor in her career and the careers of many second year of her English degree, she began
of our CFO interviewees. to shift her focus to accounting, and proceeded
Susan Wang, the retired CFO of Solectron to get a C in the subject. Though she believed
and a board member for many companies, it was a tough subject, she drove to master the

Perspectives from women leaders

topic in following semesters through sheer audience is large, but women should strive to
perseverance. She stresses that her persistence practice public speaking to cultivate assurance
in “hunkering down” and learning something and confidence over time.
that was initially hard for her was key to her More than one of our interviewees noted
early success. After joining a public accounting differences in the communication styles of men
firm in audit, Robin then did an internship at a and women. Elisha Finney observed that men
company’s tax division to gain deeper expo- are more likely to “shoot from the hip” and are
sure to a “different type of finance”—a depar- generally more innately confident about mak-
ture from the accounting discipline she was ing assertions and decisions with incomplete
initially used to. This helped her gain a greater data points. However, women in general tend
appreciation for the overall role of finance in to “prepare, prepare, prepare,” and need to be
companies, setting her on the path toward her absolutely sure of things before taking a stance
CFO career. or making tough decisions. This can make
Mary Ellen Howe, CFO of WPP North women appear less confident to their peers.
America, believes she was always driven to Self-assurance and confidence do not have
achievement. She worked to partly offset the to be innate. Cultivating a calm and confident
cost to her family to put her through Cornell self-assurance is a vital skill for CFOs, and can
University where she initially majored in be done through practice.
design. Realizing that her strengths were quan-
titative subjects such as finance and economics,
she decided to apply to the school’s intensely
competitive five year combined undergraduate
“Don’t try too hard to
and MBA program, and was accepted.
Perseverance is vital to fulfill the drive to
be one of the boys.”
mastery. This is a trait not only in a profes- — Barbara Parker and Sallie Bailey

sional context but also in a personal context.

Often, this drive to mastery and willingness to
5. Ethical responsibility
persist were innate from childhood among our
respondents. Through grit and determination, Coreen Sawdon, the chief accounting offi-
Holly Koeppel, who did not excel at sports, cer and acting CFO of Shuffle Master, believes
trained hard and won a swimming scholarship it is vital for CFOs to speak up and stick to
to the University of Ohio. She believes that she their guns in exercising their responsibility to
always tended to develop a passion for things shareholders and the company. The CFO needs
at which she was not innately talented, and to be the truth teller to the CEO, to the board
would eventually conquer these areas through and its investors, combining the traits of ethi-
sheer persistence and determination. cal responsibility and courage to stand for what
is right.
Sharon McCollam, an executive vice
4. Confidence and self-assurance
president, chief operating officer, and CFO of
Given that the CFO at a major company Williams-Sonoma Inc., notes that each indi-
serves as a key representative of the company vidual needs to develop a strong personal code
to investors and analysts, it is vital that the of ethics and not just adopt an organizational
CFO be self-assured and confident. Self- code of ethics. Early in her career, there were
assurance is a trait that can be developed many times when her personal code of eth-
through experience. Barbara Parker thinks that ics was challenged and she was forced to take
women need to build their confidence levels a clear stand, despite the fact that she could
and learn to speak up more and share their put her job at risk. In the end, though, it never
ideas. This may be difficult, especially if the did. It actually defined her, and she believes it

The journey to CFO

became a foundation of much of her success as has to ensure the company delivers on its
a CFO. financial promises.
All of our interviewees expressed the Communications and sales skills are
importance of being ethically responsible and essential not just to the role of the CFO, but
getting things done with integrity. The trait of to the journey to being a CFO as well. Susan
“ethically saying what you mean; and doing Wang and a number of our other interviewees
what you say” is highly desirable in a CFO. noted that aspiring CFOs needed to develop
presentation skills and become adept at selling
themselves. From participating in toastmasters,
to media relations training and coaching, our
“Numbers tell a interviewees continuously invested in these
skills and practiced to refine them.
very good story.”
— Tina Jones
2. Listening and approachability:
Knowing what is critical
Sallie Bailey, CFO of Ferro Corporation,
The skill sets that matter emphasized that the ability to build trust and
be approachable are key skills CFOs need to
In our interviews with CFOs and recruit- make sure their constituents provide them with
ers, we found many different pathways to timely and accurate information and are not
becoming a CFO. While basic accounting intimidated by the prospect of communicating
and financial literacy skills, hard “number that information when something goes wrong.
crunching” skills, are necessary, they are not Elisha Finney also believes in the importance
sufficient. We found that the most salient of being approachable—striving to know
skills were “soft skills” across a variety of everyone’s names, for example. While this may
domains. These are not skills learned easily be difficult in a large organization, a conscious
in a classroom, but skills derived through the effort to do so fosters trust and strengthens
crucibles of experience and action—such as communications to the CFO organization. As
communications skills. Susan Wang noted, in a world where inves-
tors do not want to be surprised, it is critical
1. Communications and sales skills: that the CFO be well connected to the orga-
Selling the company and oneself nization and among the first to know of any
Susan Wang, the retired CFO of Solectron, financial or operationally adverse situations.
believes a key role of the CFO is to communi- Cultivating connectivity across the C-Suite
cate effectively the vision, state, and prospects and levels below can be vital to keeping the
of the company to the investor community. CFO informed.
Since a large part of the company’s stock
price is tied to the CFO’s communications 3. Negotiation and conflict
and salesmanship, CFOs need to address the resolution skills: Driving solutions
investor community with calm confidence and Sallie Bailey noted that a career in public
have an intimate understanding of what’s going accounting and the finance disciplines does
on, both internally and externally. For Susan, not necessarily prepare professionals to be
this underscores the importance of develop- good at negotiation and driving a fair bargain:
ing “soft skills” around communications and skills women should actively seek to hone
presentations, as well as good listening skills. through roles and responsibilities. Sallie’s role
A corollary to salesmanship is that the CFO in managing banking relationships for the

Perspectives from women leaders

treasury department at Tenneco Inc. helped

her gain the requisite skills and experience.
Negotiating skills have taken on an added
“Be prepared to
importance today, as restructuring debt and
arranging new financing have become critical
make sacrifices.”
to many companies. — Coreen Sawdon
Conflict resolution skills, a subset of nego-
tiation skills, are vital to balancing competing
interests in a company. We found our CFOs decisions. In a time of uncertainty, dialogue
gained these experiences in diverse ways, both and really hearing other points of view while
within and outside their corporate lives. making decisions are viewed as critical.
Our interviews with executive recruiters
found a shift in demand from CFOs who only
4. Operating, change, and influence concerned themselves with compliance and
skills: Adapting to new realities control, toward those who also have operating
In a number of interviews, we learned and influencing skills that enable cost cutting
that the journey to CFO requires mastery of and realignment in the company. Today the
influencing people to achieve change instead CFO is increasingly the catalyst for change,
of directing change in the organization. The operator of the finance function, and some-
recent recession has made these influencing times dual-hats as the chief operating officer.
skills more critical. Sharon McCollam noted
how people and influencing skills were vital in
challenging times to ensure buy-in on tough

The journey to CFO

5. Strategic judgment and

prioritization: Making
decisive choices
“Hunker down and
As a current board member of a number learn something
of companies, Susan Wang is privy to their
expectations of today’s CFOs. Far from just difficult.”
“number crunchers,” CFOs need to be strate-
— Robin Washington
gic thinkers. Strategic thinking, according to
Robin Washington, is the ability to not just
look ahead, but to do so with an understand- the primary challenge of this time, a recession
ing of the inter-linkages between various where the market sentiments and business cir-
disparate parts of the organization. Today, cumstances change quickly. Building on their
the CFO has to be a vital partner in helping judgment, CFOs need to make timely choices
the CEO and business-unit leaders navigate a despite the uncertainty. Strategic judgment
widely different capital markets environment, goes beyond strategic thinking—to choices—
and help them to align short- and long-term and requires a wide base of experience on
revenues to capital outlays under uncertain, which to build.
market conditions. Strategic judgment is also vital to prioriti-
Elisha Finney believes that CFOs should be zation. Sharon McCollam remarked that the
both strategic thinkers and capable of making CFO role constantly throws up new to-dos
the tough decisions with available, uncertain and demands that CFOs reprioritize, discard,
and partial information, and executing on and delegate tasks to be effective, making these
them. Sharon McCollam noted that this was key skills.

Perspectives from women leaders

None of the five critical skill sets above are distressed credit environment, Ann Marie
easily taught or acquired in a classroom. All of Petach learned a variety of skills that serve
them have to be acquired throughout the jour- her well as a CFO. As the company’s credit
ney to being CFO. The critical traits and skill environment was deteriorating, she was called
sets we have identified heretofore were primar- upon to communicate with the investor and
ily shaped and clarified through the crucibles analyst community, bond and fixed-income
of various “shaping moments” in the lives of investors, as well as the board and various
our interviewees, and by relationships that sup- internal Board committees such as the finance
ported and helped them to grow to new levels. and audit committees. Ann Marie also devel-
oped several scenario analyses and contin-
gency plans, and, based on those, she put
The shaping moments together a funding plan pledging select assets
Our interviews identified many differ- to financial institutions to help raise $32 billion
ent and personal moments that shaped the in financing. All of these experiences prepared
traits and skills required of a successful CFO; her well for her current CFO role at BlackRock.
in fact, there were too many to list them all.
Some, however, were particularly important
2. Seizing opportunities to grow
to providing the fundamental experience and
confidence required to be a successful CFO. Crisis is not the only moment of opportu-
nity for accelerating experiences and growth.
Other events, combined with making a choice
1. Crises as crucibles for learning
to learn, can create valuable shaping experi-
Crises are often periods of compressed ences. During her career, Judy Bruner, CFO of
learning, shaping the critical skills and hon- SanDisk, encountered several opportunities to
ing the key traits required of a CFO. When take on more responsibilities than expected of
the CEO and CFO of Ahold left in 2003 in the someone with her level of experience at that
midst of a company crisis, Kimberly Ross, the point. After four years at Hewlett-Packard, she
current CFO of Ahold, worked with a larger joined a start-up and was propelled by circum-
team to help hold things together until an stance into a “sink or swim” situation when
interim CFO was appointed. This “baptism by her boss left the company. When the firm
fire” was indeed a turning point in her career had not identified a suitable CFO a year later,
and an invaluable learning experience. It Judy filled the CFO spot at age 27. This choice
helped to build many of the skills that allowed helped Judy realize that she wanted to be the
her to transition to becoming the full-time CFO of a large organization, so in her next
CFO of Ahold in November 2007. Similarly, move, she pursued a role that would allow her
when Mary Ellen Howe was a young regional to acquire the broader skills required to be the
controller with WPP, the company confronted CFO of a large public company.
numerous liquidity and legal issues, and she While many of the interviewees moved
had to learn how to manage cash, renegotiate across companies to find opportunities and
debt, analyze contracts, deal with litigation, experience, some were able to do so mainly
and cope with other issues that did not fall into with one company. When Susan Wang was
the sphere of her existing skill base. It was a at Xerox Corporation, she could have been
unique opportunity for personal growth and pigeonholed in the group consolidations
development. She firmly believes that profes- department if the ex-CFO at Xerox hadn’t
sionals should welcome difficult times as a tapped her to join him as accounting man-
chance to distinguish themselves. ager at a start-up company named Solectron.
As assistant treasurer at a major global While there she volunteered to take on new
manufacturer that was facing an increasingly roles and solve problems, which helped her to

The journey to CFO

gain exposure to various areas of the organi- 3. Choosing life over work
zation. Her breadth of experience and ability
Not all the moments that bring to focus the
to continuously seize moments to learn and
key traits and skills required of a CFO occur
expand her skills within the company led to a
in the context of work. During everyone’s
16-year career at Solectron, which culminated
lives, there are moments where circumstances
in the CFO and executive VP role. Her advice
challenge individuals to re-examine their
to young professionals: “Never tell people that
values and make critical choices. One of our
it’s not your job.”
interviewees, when pregnant with her second
International experiences are becoming
child, confronted both the terminal illness of
more salient to executive recruiters seeking
her only sibling and the severe life-threatening
top-level CFOs for multinational companies.
illness of her spouse. Her choice to take a six-
Early in her career, Ann Marie Petach was
month sabbatical from work allowed her the
asked to take on an assignment as deputy
space to attend to her family and express and
treasurer of a joint venture with another
focus on the values she brings to her work. Her
manufacturer in Brazil. An excellent oppor-
choice “to attend to life before work” did not
adversely impact her ultimate journey to being

“Don’t burn the CFO of a major company, but it was a vital

experience in that journey.

your bridges.” There are various critical moments in the

career journeys of individuals. What was strik-
— Barbara Parker ing was how these extraordinary individuals
took ownership of their moments to choose to
refine and broaden their skills, address what
tunity to gain international experience, it
mattered, and hone the traits and skills vital to
exposed her to a variety of functional areas.
creating the “CFO package.”
In the entrepreneurial environment of an
international subsidiary start-up, she assumed
tremendous responsibility and learned a lot by The relationships
doing. This gave her international experience that matter
in finance, along with crucial global operat-
World-class CFOs are built on a foundation
ing experience and the confidence to take on
of critical relationships. Nearly all of our inter-
new assignments.
viewees wished they invested earlier and more
Some moments can outwardly appear like
in developing and sustaining critical relation-
a step backward. Like Judy Bruner, who went
ships. Relationships were a source of support,
from a start-up CFO role to a finance role at a
and helped our interviewees further focus and
larger company, Ann Marie Petach learned the
refine the skills and traits that mattered.
importance of “stepping back in order to move
forward.” During her first year with BlackRock,
she had a “trial year” where she “shadowed” 1. Work for great CEOs and bosses:
the incumbent CFO and learned the ropes of There are no better teachers
the business for one full year. With no guar- Choosing a company with a great CEO and
antee of the CFO role, Ann Marie learned to a boss from whom they could learn from was
bet on herself and learn a new industry, a new central to the careers of most of our CFOs. The
company, and its culture as thoroughly and selling point for Mary Ellen Howe to make
rapidly as possible. It paid off in the appoint- the jump from public accounting at Andersen
ment as CFO of BlackRock. to industry was that she “liked the way WPP
CEO Martin Sorrell thinks.” Working closely

Perspectives from women leaders

with Martin in the late 80s and early 90s was

“transformational” for her as she saw how he “Never tell anyone
approached and solved problems, and navi-
gated the company through tough times. that it’s not your job.”
For Vanessa Wittman, executive vice
— Susan Wang
president and CFO of Marsh & McLennan
Companies, her former boss Bill Schleyer was challenged the CFO candidate to improve, and
“the iconic CEO”—a true role model who had gave her the opportunities to shine.
the amazing skills of a word-class CEO—Bill
had the ability to look at every issue in depth
while not losing sight of the bigger picture. 2. Peer networks: Choose to
Working as partner to Bill in the turnaround connect
of her former firm allowed her to gain opera- Peer networks within and outside a com-
tional skills that needed to be developed at that pany are imperative at all stages of a successful
point in her career. career. Sharon McCollam wishes that she had
Not all bosses were good across the board. really understood this key imperative earlier in
Some bosses were brilliant in a narrow her career. Peers can be sources of knowledge
domain. However, these relationships were also across functions, and information vital to your
valuable in identifying and deepening skills success. They can also be a source of crucial
in the areas of their strengths and focusing feedback on how you are perceived in the com-
on skills they needed to acquire where their pany and what you need to do to improve.
boss was weak. Naturally, relationships with Peer networks can also extend outside the
superiors were intrinsic to shaping the skills firm. When Barbara Parker moved to private
and traits of CFOs, most often because they equity from public accounting, it was still a

The journey to CFO

nascent industry that was male dominated.

One of the first things she did when she took
“Have an insatiable
on her first CFO job was to call other CFOs
in the industry and informally network with
them. Meeting informally about once a month — Holly Koeppel

was extremely valuable not only to get to know

internally and externally, with those who
other people grappling with challenges similar
bring specialized expertise or professional
to hers, but to discuss topics such as technol-
knowledge to them. Externally these included
ogy issues, current trends in the industry, and
auditors, outside legal counsel, investment
accounting practices. The informal network
analysts, and bankers, with the latter becom-
has functioned as her sounding board and
ing especially salient today. Other important
support group, and has been very useful to her
connections include those with key customers,
and her peers.
vendors, members of the board of directors,
and executives serving in similar roles in other
3. Experts: Always pick those companies. Consistently managing these rela-
who are smarter than you tionships without burning bridges is vital to
The CFO role demands engagement with success. These relationships are often sought as
expertise across a wide variety of disciplines. formal and informal references throughout the
Sharon McCollam, Susan Wang, and a num- journey to CFO.
ber of our CFOs highlighted the importance Employees are also a source of critical
of developing and maintaining relationships, expertise. Nearly every CFO we interviewed

Perspectives from women leaders

talked about the importance of hiring 5. More than a village

upward—hiring those who are smarter than
Beyond the workplace, many other relation-
you in a chosen field or otherwise. After all,
ships shape the journey to leadership—espe-
you need to rely on the employees to get the
cially the core traits that matter. Tina Jonas
job done.
attributes her ethics and sense of responsibility
and accountability to her parents, whose values
4. Role models and the were ingrained in her and her five siblings at
“myth of the mentor” a very young age. When she was young, her
With the exception of three, all of our extra-curricular activities, consisted of stu-
interviewees noted that they did not have dent government positions, different male-
mentors in their careers, that is, people who dominated sport activities and church service.
actively engaged in a coaching relationship She credits these experiences as integral to her
or a formal mentor-mentee relationship that development. Many of our interviewees noted
helped guide them across various stages of the importance of their fathers as role models,
their careers. More common was the experi- either positive or negative.
ence of Robin Washington, who took charge of Kimberly Ross was involved in a number
her own career to find role models she could of sports from the time she was six years old.
emulate. Her critical professional relationships From sailing, she draws several lessons that
were all informal, in that she connected with she continuously applies to the business world:
role models, who provided a platform to gain the importance of communicating effectively;
the experience necessary to succeed. Similarly, taking input and translating it into action; the
Tina Jonas, director of operations planning and importance of teamwork, precision, strate-
analysis at Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation and gic thinking, real-time decision making, and
former CFO of the Department of Defense, crisis management.
did not cite a particular mentor. But her peer, Family and supportive spouses, commu-
Gordon England, the deputy secretary of nity, sports, and other activities all contrib-
defense and chief operating officer, whose mas- ute to shaping the values, traits, and skills a
tery of management was a source of inspira- CFO needs.
tion and learning for her, served as a powerful
role model. Gender as a consideration
Many CFOs also noted that negative role
While inequities from gender differences
models play an important role in shaping their
remain an issue in some workplaces, most of
choices and values, and were equally instruc-
the CFOs we interviewed did not see their
tive in learning “what not to do.”
own career development as differentiated
The lack of formal mentors doesn’t mean
in terms of gender. In some instances, our
mentors are unimportant, but mentoring can
interviewees left public accounting nearly a
be difficult to execute well because ultimately,
decade ago because, at that time, the culture
for the relationship to work, there has to be
of those firms made it difficult to progress to
chemistry, shared interests, and a passion for
and maintain work-life balance as a partner.
mutual success. So it is best for mentors and
Few women felt overtly discriminated against,
mentees to be able to choose the relationships
but some noted that how men and women
that work best for them. One of our CFO inter-
interact amongst themselves, and the language
viewees noted that women may not always be
used in the workplace, can be open to offense
the best mentor for a woman mentee.
or misinterpretation.
Many noted that there was a tougher
standard for women to be accepted as leaders
of organizations. Tina Jonas felt that she had

The journey to CFO

to outperform her peers in both the fields of professionals a breadth of large company
finance and national security in order to be experiences. Starting in a large firm enables a
considered for the roles she took on along her choice to move to smaller companies at a later
career journey. Her advice to women is to be time, but the reverse is generally much harder.
prepared for this, to learn to be tough, and So the first career steps are vital to setting a
be prepared at all times. Work-life balance context to facilitate later moves.
and being a parent remained the other chal-
lenges. Margaret Ewing, the former CFO of 2. Step up to the plate: Invest
BAA Limited (previously the British Airports in broad experiential learning
Authority), and now vice chairman and mem-
ber of the Executive of Deloitte UK, noted that Throughout our interviews we heard one
everyone considering the CFO role needs to common refrain. Step up to the plate, the
think hard about the requirements and sig- crisis, the task others shy from, and just do it.
nificant demands of the role and its impact on Nothing can create moments for rich experi-
your personal life. ential learning better than to do so, even if it
Our findings suggest that developing the is risky and sometimes fraught with failure.
breadth of experience, traits, skill sets, and These experiences can be crucial to focusing
relationships outlined in this report posi- traits such as shaping a personal code of ethics
tioned our interviewees to advance to the top and learning how to more effectively commu-
finance slot. Most interviewees noted “it was nicate or make strategic judgments.
not important to be one of the boys,” but to Ann Marie Petach of BlackRock advises
develop confidence and strength of character young professionals to not always go for the
to succeed in a male-dominated field. Vanessa lucrative and glamorous moves at the onset of
Wittman admits that she does not tend to see their career, but to place emphasis on gaining
things in terms of gender as she was always the necessary experience to step up to future
used to being the only woman in the room. challenges. As we saw in the journeys of CFOs,
Until now the fact that she was in the minority given the breadth of the role, broad and diverse
never used to bother her. But like others, she operational and financial experience is helpful
is dismayed by the pay and numbers disparity to advancing to the top slot.
between genders in finance. Anecdotally, some
industries and regions seemed to be more open 3. Proactively own the career:
to women in senior roles. High-technology Moments and relationships matter
companies and the West Coast were particu- Actively observe, and sometimes create
larly highlighted in our discussions. and manage, relationships with role models
and others to gain the expertise and resources
Implications required for your careers. What was strik-
ing across the interviews was how each of the
So what can aspiring professionals do
CFOs owned their careers and generally chose
to advance toward a CFO role? We suggest
to own the major moments in their careers,
four things:
rather than be owned by the moments. Sharon
McCollam notes everyone should continuously
1. Start your career well reassess and build a career plan for themselves.
Begin by starting your career well. Sharon
McCollam advises young professionals to 4. Evaluate and envision
join the largest and most branded firms that what you want to be
they can join. She especially recommends
The career trajectories of our interviewees
professional-service firms, which give young
were rarely linear, but each envisioned a bigger

Perspectives from women leaders

“Don’t be afraid it is important to ask how you have demon-

strated these skills in your life to date, and how
to ask people the work you currently do contributes to shap-
ing traits and expanding skills in these areas.
for feedback.”
— Robin Washington
Leading to the next
role for herself, or chose to commit to a big- What can today’s CFOs do to help develop
ger role when it was thrust upon her. Sharon the next generation of finance professionals?
McCollam’s advice to young professionals is to Based on our interviews, we believe they can
dream big enough, that it is really important play three important roles:
to envision what it would feel like to be in the 1. Continue to embody the traits and values
next rung and to take responsibility to own identified in this paper and serve as role
that space. models. Some of our interviewees recog-
Our study identified five key traits: curios- nized the power of their role to inspire
ity, courage, perseverance to mastery, self- the next generation. Selective mentoring
assurance, and ethical responsibility. We also is also feasible but probably less valuable
identified skill sets that matter: communication than being a role model.
and sales, listening, negotiation, operations, 2. Facilitate networking and training to help
change and influence, and strategic judgment. bolster networks. Connecting staff to
These traits and skills are practiced, forged, expertise and opportunities to share expe-
and refined through the crucibles of critical riential learning helps to refine their skills.
moments and relationships. As a professional,

The journey to CFO

3. Sponsor experiential learning. The key

things that helped the extraordinary About this research
women we interviewed were the experi- We interviewed 15 leading women CFOs in the first
ences they accumulated every day as half of 2009. The interviews were semi-structured
they addressed challenges. Implementing and with a few open-ended questions to elicit
rotation programs to broaden out the responses. These were:
finance staff, and inviting younger profes- 1. What were the significant moments in your
sionals into discussions around tough journey to becoming a CFO and your current role?
decisions and other challenging oppor- Why were they important and how did you come
tunities, exposes them to the experi- to these moments?
ences required for them to grow and 2. As you look back, what were the significant
succeed. Sponsorship of rich experiential relationships that helped you in your journey to
learning is probably the most impor- CFO? Why?
tant way to develop the next-generation 3. What moments, people, and activities shaped your
finance professional. values and leadership?
4. What are the skills important to being a CFO, and
Conclusions how did you acquire them?
5. What advice would you give other aspiring
Our interviews with extraordinary women women professionals on managing their journey
leaders and major recruiters have highlighted to leadership?
key areas where aspiring professionals can 6. What are the critical challenges you currently face
focus to improve their careers. Gender differ- in your CFO role?
ences did not define the journey to leadership 7. As a CFO and leader, what would you like to
of these extraordinary women; traits, skill sets, accomplish and leave as legacy as a CFO?
relationships, and shaping moments forged Using these simple questions to anchor the
these women into leaders at their respective interview, we had a dialogue that enabled us
companies. Whether critical traits and skills to explore the journey to leadership, and what
are innate or not, we believe all professionals mattered most to those who became leaders. Based
can improve their skills and potentially culti- on the responses, we explored specific themes
vate specific traits by explicitly focusing on and in richer detail, such as the role of team sports in
adopting some of the practices illustrated by shaping values, or how the respondents manage
the various CFOs we interviewed in this study. information overload in the current economic
We cannot conclusively ascertain, from our environment. In short, our interviews sought not to guide
small sample, why there are so few women responses, but surface critical experiences and reflections
CFOs in the Fortune 1000. But our interviews to help us generate a set of insights and perhaps
suggest that recruiters like to hire those who uncommon wisdom. This study is meant to provoke
have had prior experiences as a CFO, and the a reflection on the practices those in finance use to
CFO package requires broad and diverse expe- manage their careers. While some may critique that
riences. Thus it is critical for young profession- we spoke only to successful CFOs, we believe the
als to seek out broad and diverse experiences, lessons learned speak for themselves in providing
and for today’s CFOs to sponsor their staff to valuable career guidance.
experience work roles and tasks that broaden
their skills and relationships. As more young
women and men professionals take ownership
of their careers along the dimensions outlined
in this report, we expect more candidates with
the requisite breadth of experiences to join the
ranks of leading CFOs.

Perspectives from women leaders

Ajit Kambil
Deloitte Consulting LLP

Isabel Felicano
Deloitte Consulting LLP

Cathleen Domes
Deloitte Consulting LLP

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