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These notes are a supplement to the C2C controller operating instruction manual.
There are three options that may be used for calibration and these are described below.
1. Calibration by taking samples using regression.
This is the preferred method for calibration as it can give the most accurate results and also
provides a measurement in brix units. This involves taking a number of samples,
automatically recording the R.F. frequency measurements, getting the samples analysed in
the laboratory, and then keying in the brix measurements against the appropriate sample
number. Thereafter the instrument carries out the regression and calibration is then
For this method to be successful, the following should be satisfied.
i) The samples must only be taken when the pan is boiling and there is good circulation
as these samples must be representative of the material in the pan. The normal
method for withdrawing samples is via the proof stick and one must insure that the
proof stick is not worn which could result in air being sucked through the sample as it
is being withdrawn. The result is that mother liquor may preferentially be removed
leaving crystals behind resulting in a higher incorrect brix measurement.
The samples must be analysed for brix in the laboratory using a standard method
involving dissolving a weighed amount of massecuite, making it up to a known
volume, filtering, and then measuring using a refractometer,
ii) The range of brix for calibration should be as high as possible. It is not acceptable to
only have two or three units of brix variation as this will not give an accurate
calibration. If necessary, the massecuites can be diluted at the beginning of the boil
to extend this range. Likewise it may be brixed up more than usual at the end on the
boil (for example seed) to extend the brix range.
iii) The number of samples should also be maximised. Up to 20 samples may be taken
and these should be distributed through the brix range. It is preferable to take these
over two or three boils using the “add to calibration” option in the calibration menu.
While the calibration program will accept 8 samples, it is far better to have 15 to 20
samples for the calibration.
iv) At the beginning of the boil the material in the pan is often aerated and will give a
higher incorrect measurement until the material is boiling and reached the correct
temperature. Do not take samples during this period.

1.1 Procedure for calibration

Although full description of the C2C controller operation is given in the operating instructions,
the steps taken for calibration of probe 1 are summarised below:
i) Press “A” on the keypad and then press “0” followed by “Ent”. This will bring up a
ii) Select “Calibrate”, then select probe no.1 and output 1.Then select “New calibration”
iii) Select 1 to remove any existing calibration. The display will now read “Sample 1” and
F1 and F2 values.
iv) Take the first sample from the pan and press “Ent.” The F1 and F2 values will be
recorded against Sample 1 and Sample 2 will then be displayed. Sometime later the
second sample can be taken and “Ent” again pressed to record a second set of data.

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v) When all samples have been taken, press F to go back on line.

vi) If insufficient samples have been taken, at a later stage more samples can be taken
from another boil by selecting the “Add to calibration” option.
vii) The samples are sent to the laboratory for brix analysis and then the “Enter analysis”
option is chosen from the menu. This will bring up Sample 1 and the F1 and F2
values recorded. Key in the brix value for Sample 1 and presss “Ent”. Sample 2 will
then be displayed. Enter all the brix values.
viii) The data can be checked in the “Enter analysis mode” by pressing “Ent” to go
forward or B to go back. Always leave the “Enter analysis mode” with the last set of
data displayed.
xi) The next step is to go into the calibration menu and select “Regression” The
controller will then statistically fit a mathematical equation to the data. Two
regressions are carried out and the standard errors of these are displayed. On
accepting the results, the calculated calibration constants K3 to K9 are transferred
into memory. The probe is now calibrated and the display will now indicate the brix
x) Finally select “view/set vars.” from the menu and set the required brix range for the 4-
20 mA output by keying in values for K1 and K2. For example if the required brix
range is 75 to 95 brix, then set K1 to 75.0 and K2 to 95.0
The K values should be recorded for future reference. These values are only valid for
the probe being used and the serial number of the probe should also be recorded. If
the controller is replaced, then these values can be entered into the new controller to
provide the same calibration for that probe. If a new probe is fitted, this will require a
new calibration.

2. Calibration of high purity probes by regression using a calibrator.

For high purity refined sugar boilings where the purity is higher than 96, the probes may be
calibrated in the workshop using a CAX calibrator. This method calibrates the probe to
respond to capacitance and to minimise the effects of conductivity and has proved to be very
successful in automating refinery boilings. The advantage is that it minimises the effect of
variations in ash allowing a reproducible brix measurements to be realised.
The disadvantage is that this method does not provide an output in brix units but will give an
indication of 0 to 100% covering the normal range of refinery boilings from low brix to high
The method still involves use of the regression method but a calibrator type CAX is used to
simulate different massecuite or liquor conditions. 20 calibration points are used as follows:
(refer to the manual for calibration procedure)

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Sample No. Readout % Cap.pF Calibrator switch positions

1 98.6 32 2 0 6 0
2 98.6 32 3 0 6 0
3 98.6 32 6 0 6 0
4 87.9 47 2 0 8 0
5 87.9 47 3 0 8 0
6 87.9 47 6 0 8 0
7 72.1 69 2 0 C 0
8 72.1 69 3 0 C 0
9 72.1 69 6 0 C 0
10 50.0 100 2 0 0 1
11 50.0 100 3 0 0 1
12 50.0 100 6 0 0 1
13 27.1 132 2 0 6 1
14 27.1 132 3 0 6 1
15 27.1 132 6 0 6 1
16 27.1 132 9 0 6 1
17 0.7 169 2 0 C 1
18 0.7 169 3 0 C 1
19 0.7 169 6 0 C 1
20 0.7 169 9 0 C 1

Go to "new calibration" and set calibrator as above for samples 1 to 20. Once this is
entered, go to "add analyses" and key in the percent values for samples 1 to 20. Once this is
entered, go to "regression". The output will then be calibrated to give a 0-100% readout for
a capacitance of 170 to 30 pf. This will cover a range of approximately 50 to 100 brix. K1 and
K2 can then be set in the process to adjust zero and span for the 4-20 ma signal to cover the
required range. K1 is the indicated value required for 4 ma (zero) and K2 the value required
for 20mA output.

3. Two point calibration

This method is not recommended since only the F1 or F2 signal is used and this will not
produce as accurate a calibration as the regression method which uses both signals.
If this method is used, the brix needs to be adjusted to give a low brix and then a high brix to
cover the required range, and the F1 and F2 values recorded. This is best done using the
“Add to calibration” option to display the F1 and F2 readings as this will not delete data
already in the controller.
The next step is to remove the probe from the pan and fit the CAX calibrator.
The wide range CAX calibrator can simulate the full range of impedances for all massecuites
and liquors and consists of 8 resistors and 7 capacitors which are switched in a binary
sequence by multi-pole hexadecimal switches. Each of the four switches has 16 positions
marked 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F. The two switches on the left are used for resistance
and the other two for capacitance.

By adjusting these switches F1 and F2 values as close to the recorded values for high and
low brix should be achieved, and these settings recorded.

These can then be used to simulate low and high brix for the two point calibration.
The calculation method is described in the C2C manual.

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