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Download Testbook App Teaching Aptitude Questions Latest Teachin: tude MC: aN India’s #1 Learning cl Start Complete Exam Preparation See ote ras a5 aS Download App Question 1: View this Question Online > Match List | with List 1) List Il Erikson's Stages of Relevant Psychological Development | _ Illustrations A Basic trust versus basic |, Parenting/ mistrust mentoring * , IL Love B. Industry versusinferiorty a sctonships C.Intimacy versus isolation Ill. School D. Generativity versus stagnation IV. Feeding Choose the correct answer from the options given below: 1. A-1,B-Il,C- Ill, D-IV 2. AllB-1,C-IV,D-Il 3. A-IV,B-II,C-1,D-1 4. More than one of the above 5. None of the above ‘coaching 5 Cele eee Me uae C ls) Under One Roof Gane e i Answer (0 etailed Solution Below), Option 3: A-IV,B-Ill,C =H, D-1 Teaching Aptitude Question 1 Detailed Solution __EfikSon’s theory described the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan. Erikson was _ “interested in how social interaction and relationships played a role in the development and growth of human beings. Erikson maintained that personality develops in a predetermined order through eight stages of psychosocial development, from infancy to adulthood. During each stage, the person experiences a psychosocial crisis which could have a positive or negative outcome for personality development. » Important Points | Eriksor ‘Stages of Relevant Illustrations Psychological Development Basic versus basic mistrust + From birth to 12 months of age, infants must learn that adults can be trusted. + This occurs when adults meet a child's basic needs for survival. Infants are dependent upon their caregivers, so caregivers who are responsive and sensitive to their infant's needs help their baby to develop a sense of trust; their baby will see the world as a safe, predictable place. + Unresponsive caregivers who do not meet their baby's needs can engender feelings of anxiety, fear, and mistrust; their baby may see the world as unpredictable. + Ifinfants are treated cruelly or their needs are not met appropriately, they will likely grow up with a sense of mistrust for people in the world + Feeding Indus versus Inferi + During the elementary school stage (ages 6-12), children face the task of industry vs. inferiority. + Children begin to compare themselves with their peers to see how they measure up. They either develop a sense of pride and accomplishment in their schoolwork, sports, social activities, and family life, or they feel inferior and inadequate because they feel that they don’t measure up. + Ifchildren do not learn to get along with others or have negative experiences at home or with peers, an inferiority complex might develop into adolescence and adulthood. + School + People in early adulthood (the 20s through early 40s) are concerned with intimacy vs. isolation. After we have developed a sense of self in adolescence, we are ready to share our life with others + However, if other stages have not been successfully resolved, young adults may have trouble Intimacy developing and maintaining versus successful relationships with others. Isolation * Erikson said that we must have a strong sense of self before we can develop successful intimate relationships. Adults who do not develop a positive self-concept in adolescence may experience feelings of loneliness and emotional isolation + Love relationships + When people reach their 40s, they enter the time known as middle adulthood, which extends to the mid-60s. The social task of middle adulthood is generativity vs. stagnation. + Generativity involves finding your life's work and contributing to the development of others through activities such as volunteering, mentoring, and raising children. ~ During this stage, middle-aged Generativity. sruits begin Se utngte the versus next generation, often through childbirth and caring for others; ‘stagnation they also engage in meaningful and productive work which contributes positively to society + Those who do not master this task may experience stagnation and feel as though they are not leaving amark on the world ina meaningful way; they may have little connection with others and little interest in productivity end self-improvement. * Parenting/ mentoring Therefore, the correct answer is A -IV,B - lll, C- Il, D-1 ere rc Start Complete Exam Preparation eRe ae ee Practice elias Does Question Bank er Download App Question 2: View this Question Online > Ifa student mischiefs in the class the teacher has to 1. teport to the headmaster » 2. report to the parents ? 3. punish the student appropriataly 4, underteke'a case study on the student A. of the above Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: undertake a case study on the student Teaching Aptitude Question 2 Detailed Solution All teachers have had their dreams haunted by that one child in class who is always up to no good. Naughty children are not bad per se. They can be good and bright and irresistibly attracted to any form of rule-breaking, Other than the irresistible attraction that rule-breaking holds, some children also misbehave in class simply because they crave attention. Teachers can do the following to deal with mischievous children: 1, Don't yell: + Children know that the moment they misbehave, an adult might raise his or her voice. + Appear calm and collected as you explain to the child why their behavior is not right. st 2. Follow the leader: + Take all the naughty, rule-breaking children and give them responsibilities. + Make them class monitors, board monitors, homework collectors, of anything that endows them with responsibility, p + You will often find that the most hardened rule-breakets are the strictest rule-enforcers. 3. Humiliation is never the answer : * especially if they have disrupted 'ssroom one too many times. + But instead of berating them in -veryone, call them out and take them outside. + The implication of being taken outeice to talk is serious enough by itself and also you can say all that you have to without making the child the center of bad attention, + Avoid humiliating the child in front of the headmaster or his/her parent. + Sometimes yes, you are sei up.a naughty child in front of the classroom, 4. No Corporal Punishment: + No matter what a frazzled teacher does, there is always going to be one child who is not going to listen. + But never, in any circumstances ever, use corporal punishment. Ina scenario, where students mischlefs in the class the teacher should take appropriate action to understand child psychology. The teacher should undertake a case study to understand the potential causes of a student's behavior. Note: If a student is behaving mischievously in the classroom then it is the concer of the teacher primarily not for the parents or headmaster. Peretti - Start Complete Exam Preparation Reena il ore (qe) Practice e) rise ind Dr tiene reetenird Download App Question 3: View this Question Online > In order to understand his students, a teacher should be well versed in which of the following? 1. Child psychology 4 cy 2. Inclination towards understanding the children my 3. Opi ‘of the students towards the subject matter 4. Allof the above 5. None of the above Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: All of the above Teaching Aptitude Question 3 Detaled Solution ‘ab The teacher willbe better able to give the students engaging learning chances if they are aware of students’ interests. © Key Points In order to understand his students, a teacher should be well-versed in the following:- principles of child psychol@gyjand should implement some of them in the classroom * Bea good listener so that cher should listen to the opinion of the students regarding the ‘subject matter. + Inclination toward understanding the children:- The teacher must understand his\her children or their viewpoints. + Bea very good observer because by observation many things can be easily detected through students’ expressions a teacher will be able to know whether he/she is interested or not, and if not interested then the teacher can personally ask them what's the matter, In this way, many problems can be solved. * The teacher should “ig command over child psychology so he/she knows the basic Hence, it is concluded that all of the above is the correct option. cS Ean Rae eliay AS la le Ll) Peres pcs he 2 Dorcel Download App Question 4: View this Question Online > Learning through correspondence is a type of: 1. Life-long education 2. Formal education 3. Non-formal education 4. More than one of the above xO 5. None of the above cO a Answer (Detailed canes) Option 3: lucation neo Question 4 Detailed Solution Learning is a sequence of events that we can recall for a long period, and hence, it offers experience and the behavioral changes through learning are relatively permanent © Key Points + Learning through correspondence is a type of Non-Formal education. + In non-formal education, education is offered through distance learning courses and has classes open to students of any age. NOTE: Refer to the table for further information Points Definition + Informal Education is a general term for education outside of a standard school setting, b Informal Education is the wise, ray respectful, and spontaneous INFORMAL cess of cultivating learning It works through conversation, exploration, and enlargement of experience. Organized, guided by a formal curriculum, leads to a formally recognized credential such as 4 high schoo! completion diploma or a degree. FORMAL . itis often guided and recognized by the government at some level. + Teachers are usually trained as professionals in some way. Non-formal Education (NFE) is any organized educational activity that takes place outside NON the formal educational system, + Usually, itis flexible, learner centered, contextualized, and uses a participatory approach. + There is no specific target group for NFE; it could be kids, youth, or adults. FORMAL Hence, we conclude that learning through correspondence is a type of non-formal education. ere ac Start Complete Exam Preparation URE R Tes ike arated ae ey researc Download App Question 5: % View this Question Online > “By education | mean an all round drawit e best in child and man-body, mind and spirit”, Who has given this definitio ition? 1. Swami ot 2 §) Vivek 3. 7. PNun 4, Mahatma Gandhi Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: Mahatma Gandhi ce Teaching Aptitude Question 5 Detailed Solution a holistic approach to education that goes beyond mere aca‘ ledge and includes the development of the entire individual body, mind, ai a oats ion should net be limited to the acquisition of ct or field. Instead, it should involve drawing out the best qualities ‘of ° The given definition reflects Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy sna cation. Gandhi believed in © Key Points + Gandhi emphasizes t knowledge ina speci and potential from e\ t of an individual + Gandhi's definition emphasizes that education is a lifelong process that applies to both children and adults. Itimplies that the educational journey continues throughout one’s life, promoting continuous growth and development + Gandhi's holistic view of education encompasses the physical, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions of an individual. It suggests that educetion should address physical well-being, intellectual growth, and the development of a strong moral and spiritual character. Thus, Mahatma Gandhi has given this definition of education. ‘Top Teaching Aptitude MCQ Objective Questions Ag os 3 eer a Per Daria) AS Tame Ce Ll) earn ee Practice eliecics MasterClasses Question Bank we Download App Question 6 View this Question Online > Learning objectives mean 1. learning experience 2. concise outcomes 3. academic achievement j J c 4. intended learning outcomes: Answer (Detailed Solution Below) aX Option 4 : intended learning outcomes Teaching Aptitude Question 6 Detailed Solution Clearly and precisely stated learning goals and outcomes are the key components of a good learning experience or course of study. The terms learning objectives and learning outcomes are often used interchangeably and they are all related to the teaching and learning that is expected to take piace in the classroom. Intended Learning Outcomes + The difference between objectives and outcomes lies in the emphasis on who will be performing the activities. + Learning objectives describe what an instructor or program aims to do i.e, “This course will expose students to the major communication technologies used in the education field.” + A learning outcome is described in observable and measurable terms regarding what a student can do as a result of completing a course; i.e, “After this course, students will be able to explain the differences between the various communication media and identify the strengths and limitations of various media" * Learning outcomes are student-centred, as they focus on the knowledge and skills that students can demonstrate (not on what instructors aim to teach students). + Aneffective learning outcome involves the structuring of two parts, a verb, and an object. + Bloom's revised taxonomy provides a framework for transforming objectives into intended learning outcomes. The taxonomy organizes these verbs or cognitive processes on a scale of lower-order to higher-order thinking skills. Revised Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain (2001) g oonitive Sample verbs for Learning Outcomes Remembelfiaf™®: entify, Name, Recognize, List, Recall (Calculate, Explain, Categorize, Contrast, Describe, Interpret, Discuss, Illustrate, Understaniingimarize, Compare, Summarize, Restate, (Outline, Infer Applying panera Illustrate, Execute, Ir Distinguish, Examine, Organize, Differentiate, Analyzing jpejate, Discriminate Eyaluating|Check, Rate, Monitor, Verify, Judge, Critique (Compose, Design, Hypothesize, Plan, Creating Formulate, Combine, Create, Generate, Produce, Invent + Format for intended leaming outcomes statements: 1. Students will be able to + verb (desired action or performance) + object (knowledge) + optional modifiers (performance criteria/conditions). The conditional statement may be necessary if learners are expected to perform under specific conditions or contexts 2. For example, students will be able to explain the characteristics of the synchronous communication medium and its uses. Hence, it can be concluded from the given points that learning objectives mean the intended learning outcomes. Fo eee ria) AS Tame Ce Ll) SRR eee ei Oras arated as ro res eaicug Download App Question 7 . View this Question Online > What should be the main objective of teaching? 1. Prepare students to pass the examination ~z.. good notes 3. Provide required information related to the subject 4, To develop thinking power of students Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: To develop thinking power of students Teaching Aptitude Question 7 Detailed Solution i y Teaching is a process related to the effective transmission of knowledge and skills in an individual. it limits or enhances the ways the leamers learn and assimilate concepts and ideas. © Key Points Developing thinking power of students is the main obiectie of teaching as thinking is a higher cognitive function that allows students to ee Innovative ideas by using images, symbols, and languages. Other Objectives of Teaching: ™' + Developing self-confidence in students, + Addressing diverse needs of all students. + Improving life long learning skills in students. + Fostering potential of students to grow and bloom. Hence, it could be concluded that developing thinking power of students is the main objective of teaching. India's #41 Learning Platform Peay eee Start Complete Exam Preparation ose q)) Mock Tests Gaderer s pao Download App Question 8 View this Question Gniine Which of the following are the most influential factors of learning? A. Government policy é B. Motivation C. Aptitude D. Interest E. Physical facilities Choose the correct answer from the options given below: a" Conly 2. B, Cand Donly 3. C,DandEonly 4. A,BandE only Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: B, C and D only Teaching Aptitude Question 8 Detailed Solution " Learning is gaining new skills and knowledge that influence their attitudes, decisions, and behaviors. The two factors that influence learning are + Factors Associated with Leaner. + Some of the leamer-related factors are mentioned below: ~ Motivation > ~ Readiness and Will power « learner's Ability . » Leamer's maturation ~ Attention » Health condition + Aspirational and accomplishment levels Thus, Motivation, aptitude, and interest are the most influential factors of learning. ©; Additional Information + Factors Related to Learning Process: > Methods of learning ° Good physical atmosphere Knowledge of results as feedback rear iric) Start Complete Exam Preparation Re er ce eS rar eed peg ae rey Ores enc Download App a Question 9 View this Question Online > Which one of the following is an indicative of the quality of teaching? 1. Period of maintaining peace in theclassroom 2. Standard of questions raised by students in the classroom 3. St of anSwers replied by students in the classroom 4. Pass percentage of the students Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2 : Standard of questions raised by students in the classroom Teaching Aptitude Question 9 Detailed Solution The quality of teaching is of utmost importance for an effective teaching-leaming situation. + Students learn only when teaching is relevant and interesting, If the students haven't understood a particular concept well, then it would be evident from the questions they raise. + Flexibility and creativity are key for quality teaching. Quality teaching is supposed to be flexible in the ways of imparting knowledge rather than being rigid. © Key Points ¢ + Active engagement involves inquity, experimentation, questioning, application, and reflection, leading to the creation as, + A teacher must ronda inti to question, enquire, debate, reflect, and arrive at concepts or create new ideas. + Learning is not only the ability to answer questions but even the ability to raise the correct questions in a classroom. + Questioning by students is considered a sign of motivated and quality teaching which makes the classroom more interactive and alive. Hence, itis clear that ‘Standard of questions raised by students in the classroom’ is an indicative of the quality of teaching, India’s #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation Trusted by 1,86,00,449¢ St Paitin ere as col Ores eae Download App Question 10 View this Question Online > In which level of teaching, the learner gets an opportunity to discriminate at length between positive and negative exemplars of concepts? 1. Memory level 2. Understanding level Cv e 3. Reflective level Oo er (Detailed Solution Below) ption 2 : Understanding level Teaching Aptitude Question 10 Detailed Solution In the Understanding level of teaching, the learner gets an opportunity to discriminate at length between positive and negative exemplars of concepts Key-Points Levels of teaching: + Learner's psychology is the main proponent of teaching * The ultimate goal of teaching is the all-round personality development of the leamer + The level of teaching always determined after the stage of maturity of the student and these can be discussed hereunder, Memory level of teaching + Thoughtless teaching + Itis concerned with memory or mental ability that exists in all living beings. oX + Teaching at the memory level is considered to be the lowest level of teaching + At this level, thinking ability does not play any role. + The role of the teacher is prominent and that of the student is secondary, + The main practice is of cramming the facts, information, formulas, and aughtto them. + The Focus of concern is "Recall of facts and Information oO Understanding level of teaching + The teaching at the understanding level is lity than the one at the memory level + Its more useful and thoughtful from the pi f mental capabilities. + At this level of teaching, the lea: san: tunity to discriminate at length between positive and negative exempla: epts + The Focus of concern is "Seeing fationship among facts and their examples". Reflective level of teaching + This level is also known as the introspective level. + Reflecting on something means giving careful thought to something over @ period of time, + It also means thinking deeply about something. + The Focus of concern is "problem raising and problem-solving". ‘The autonomous development level of teaching + Autonomy means the ability to take control of one's own learning, independently or in collaboration with others. + An autonomous leamer will take more responsibility for learning and is likely to be more effective than a learner who is reliant on the teacher. + The Focus of concern is "effects and feelings". Tee aN Ee lca SS Ela eel Cee La) ca} PaaS eed ( Pa pecan arog Download App eites Question 11 View this Question Oniline What does the Play Way method develop in students? 1. Cognitive only 2. Physical development only 3. Emotional development only” 4. —" Emotional and Physical development ‘Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4 : Cognitive, Emotional and Physical development Teaching Aptitude Question 11 Detailed Solution The play-way method is mostly “Activity-based” or “Hands-on Experience” learning. Children step out of their home and familiar surroundings to learn among different people, who include their peers and teachers, + Play way method is first originated by 'H, Caldwell Cook’ and later popularized by ‘Friedrich Froebel' in the world. © Key Points Principles of Play-way method + A practical approach helps in easy learning for the child: The complete atmosphere of freedom is conducive to learning. + The customized method designed and adopted should Suit the needs of the child. + Learning methods used should be related to reablife rather than books + This method provides a plethora of opportunities for the child to express themselves. » Important Points ~ Advantages of play-way method + Itturns entire learning into a fun element by involving play in it, which helps in the physical development of the child. + It develops the feeling of satisfaction among children. + Every child is given equal exposure and ample opportunities for learning and participation + Along with knowledge, it inculcates various cognitive skills in a child. + Ithelps children to connect with peers and teachers easily, increases emotional development. + It facilitates overall and holistic development. Hence, play- way method develops Cognitive, Emotional, and Physical development in children. ee aR eS rea co) SORES ee oi Start Complete Exam Preparation aS Stet ay kd rete tes Pet Download App Question 12 View this Question Online Who formed Brahmo Samaj? 1. Guru Nanak 2. Kabir 3. Ramanand 4, Raja Ram Mohan Roy 5 be kOe A: Raja Ram Mohan Roy Teaching Aptitude Question 12 Detailed Solution Brahmo Samaj And Raja Ram Mohan Roy: Among the great reformers of this period, Raja Rammohan Roy deserves special mention. He presented a fine combination of the East and the West. A man of great literary talent and well versed in Indian culture, he also made a special effort to study Christianity and Islam so that he could deal with them with understanding. He felt great revulsion for many practices prevailing in India that enjoyed religious approval. + His main preoccupation was how to rid the Hindu religion of both image worship, sacrificial rites, and other meaningless rituals. + He condemned the priestly class for encouraging these practices. He opined that all the principal ancient texts of the Hindus preached monotheism or worship of one God. + His greatest achievement in the field of religious reform was a set up in 1828 of the Brahmo Samaj + The Brahmo Samaj was an important organization of religious reforms. It forbade Idol-worship and discarded meaningless rites and rituals. + The Samaj also forbade its members from attacking any religion. It believed in the basic unity of things based on falsehood and superstition + Raja Rammohan Roy was not merely a religious reformer but a social reformer also. achievement was the abolition of Sati In 1829. + Raja Rammohan Roy realized that the practice of Sati was due to the extremely low ion of Hindu women, Therefore he started working as a stout champion of w - He worked very hard for years to stop this practice of ‘Sati’. —_ gor + Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of the sth ws born in Talwandi, near Lahore in Pakistan in 1469. He was one of the are \iits of the Bhakti movement. The word ‘Sikh” is derived from the Sanskrit word Shish: a disciple. Guru Nanak preached through kirtans, bhajans, and ragas and people to listen to him. His hymns and songs were compiled ina book called the Adi Granth. He established Sangat (people sitting together to listen to the Guru) and Pangat (people eating together in langar or free kitchen). + Ramananda was born at Allahabad and educated at Varanasi. He preached at both these places He wanted to rid the Hindu religion of its evil customs and practices, He wanted people to know that all men were equal in the eyes of God and there was nobody high born or low bom. His followers belonged to different walks of life. + Kabir was Ramananda’s favourite disciple. Like Nanak, he criticized the existing social order and called for Hindu-Mustim unity. Kabir, the son of a Muslim weaver, strongly denounced idol worship, taking part in formal worship such as Namaz, pilgrimages, or bathing in rivers. He wanted to preach a religion that was acceptable to all and that would unite all religions. He emphasized the unity of God. He called Him by several names such as Rama, Gobinda, Hari, and Allah. all religions. + Raja Rammohan Roy believed that man should adopt truth and goodness and should give up

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