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NOUN is a word used as name of a person, place or thing.

Types of Noun:






1. Proper Noun: A proper noun refers to the name of a person, place or thing.

Eg: Ram, Alwar, Tom etc.

(a)Let’s go to San Francisco.

(b)I can see Jupiter tonight.

(c)He never goes anywhere without Sarah.

(d)There are many important documents at The Library of Congress.

2. Common Noun: A common noun is a noun referring to a person, place or thing in a

generalsense–usually,Common nouns are regular nouns that do not start with capital

Eg: King, boy, girl, city etc.

In each of the following sentences, observe the common nouns :

Common Noun: I really want a new pair of jeans.

Proper Noun: I really want to buy a new pair of Levis.

Common Noun:I wish I could remember the name of that painter.

Proper :I really love art by M.F.Hussain.
Common Noun: They’re all waiting for us at the restaurant.
Proper Noun: Everyone else is at KFC.

Common Noun:I really want to live in the city.

Proper Noun: Of all the places I’ve lived, Kerela was best.

Common Noun:Let’s go to watch a movie in the Theater.

Proper Noun: Let’s try to get good seats in Payal talkies

3. Collective Noun: A collective noun is the name of a group of persons or things

taken together and spoken of as a whole, as unit.

Eg: Team, Committee, Army, crowd, mob, team, flock, herd, army, fleet, jury, family,
nation, parliament,

Some collective nouns are:

1.People discussing issues ...........................................................................Forum

2.People discussing religious issues.............................................................Congregation

3.Singers .....................................................................................................Choir


5.Stars in a particular shape ........................................................................Constellation

6.Shots/bullets ............................................................................................Volley

7.Simultaneous discharge of guns in a military action as a salute ...............Salvo

8.Ships/cars ................................................................................................Fleet

9. Vehicles behind an escort .........................................................................Convoy

10. Moving vehicles ........................................................................................Caravan

11. Puppies .....................................................................................................Litter

12. Dogs/wolves/hounds .................................................................................Pack

13. Lions ........................................................................................................Pride

14. Islands ......................................................................................................Archipelago

15. Directors...................................................................................................Board

16. Birds .........................................................................................................Flock

17. Bees/Insects ............................................................................................Swarm

18. Stairs/Flying birds ....................................................................................Flight

19. Merchants/smugglers...............................................................................Syndicate

20. Keys/Flowers/Crooks................................................................................Bunch

21. Flowers .....................................................................................................Bouquet

22. Girls/ Officers...........................................................................................Bevy

23. Criminals/Labourers ................................................................................Gang

24. People ...............................................................................................Crowd/Horde

25. Angry people .............................................................................................Mob

26. Fish ..........................................................................................................School/Shoal

27. People with same interest or taste ............................................................Clique

28. Musicians .................................................................................................Band

29. Policemen............................................... .................................................Posse

30. Grass ........................................................................................................Tuft

31. Hair ..........................................................................................................Lock

32. Warships...................................................................................................Armada

33. Judges ......................................................................................................Jury/Bench

34. Stick/Cloth.................................................................................................Bundle

35. Paper ........................................................................................................... Stack

36. Hidden illegal things .................................................................................Cache

37. Representatives ........................................................................................Delegation

38. Apes .........................................................................................................Shrewdness

39.Alligators .................................................................................................Congregation

40. Bats(mammals) .........................................................................................Cauldron

41. Bears ........................................................................................................Sloth/sleuth

42. Buffaloes ...........................................................................................Gang/Obstinacy

43. Cats ..........................................................................................................Clowder

44. Caterpillar ................................................................................................Army

45. Camels .....................................................................................................Caravan

46. Cheetah ...................................................................................................Coalition

47. Crows .......................................................................................................Murder

48. Dogs .........................................................................................................Pack

49. Dolphins ...................................................................................................Pod

50.Eagles ................................................................................................Convocation/soar

51. Elephants..................................................................................................Parade/herd

52. Cattle .......................................................................................................Herd

53. Frogs.........................................................................................................Army

54. Kangaroos .................................................................................................Mob/Troop

55. Soldiers ....................................................................................................Army/Troop

56. Monkeys ...................................................................................................Troop/tribe

57. Squirrels...................................................................................................Scurry

58. Zebra ........................................................................................................Zeal

59. Servants/Attendants ................................................................................Retinue

60. Mountains ................................................................................................Range/Chain

61. Laws .........................................................................................................Code

62. Studies .....................................................................................................Curriculum

63. Corn/wheat...............................................................................................Sheaf.

64. Trees ...............................................................................................Clump/Grove





69.Anthology......................................................................................Poems/short stories.

In each of the following sentences, look for the collective nouns:

(a)Our class took a field trip to the natural history museum.

(b)The herd of cattle ran across the prairie, leaving a massive dust cloud in its wake.

(c)We waited anxiously for the jury to come to a verdict.

(d)This year's basketball team includes three players who are over six feet tall.

(e)Napoleon's army was finally defeated at Waterloo.

(f)The town council has approved plans to create a new park.

(g)He comes from a huge family, he's the oldest of eleven kids.

(h)The rock band has been on tour for months.

(i)Everyone in the audience applauded loudly when Elvis appeared on stage.

4. Material Noun: A material noun is the name of metal or substance, of which thing
are made of. Eg: Silver, Iron, Wood etc.

(a)Cotton dresses are very cheap and comfortable.

(b)My mom purchased a gold ring for me.

(c)I drink milk in the silver tumbler.

(d)Calcium is a good mineral for health.

(e)Plastic is made up of many molecules of ethylene.

Material nouns from nature: water, air, silver, gold, iron, copper,
sand, coal, rock, sunlight, rain, earth, salt, etc.

Material nouns from animals: egg, meat, honey, milk, silk, leather, wool, etc.

Material nouns from plants: cotton, food, oil, wood, jute, coffee, medicine,
tea, rubber, perfume, etc.

Man made material nouns: acid, alcohol, brick, cement, butter, chalk,
ghee, cheese, cloth, etc.

5. Abstract Noun : Abstract noun are any nouns that you can't see, touch, or
experience with any other human sense.


Quality:— goodness, kindness, darkness, hardness, brightness,

honesty, wisdom, bravery etc.

Subject:-- Science,Physics, Chemistry, Music, Grammar etc.

Action — Hatred, laughter, theft, movement, judgement,etc.

State — childhood, boyhood, youth, sleep, sickness, death, poverty etc.

The highlighted words in the following sentences are all abstract nouns

(a)Love is the most powerful force in the world.

(b)Honesty is always the best policy.

(c)Courage is the ability to face fear and danger.

(d)Freedom is a fundamental human right.

(e)Knowledge is power.

(f)Justice must be served for all.

(g)Peace is the absence of conflict and violence.

(h)Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.

Another classification of nouns is whether they are “countable” or “uncountable”.

Countable nouns:

Countable nouns are things which we can count using numbers.

They have a singular and a plural form. The singular form can use the
article "a" or "an". If you want to ask about the quantity of a countable noun,
you ask "How many?" combined with the plural countable noun.


She has three dogs.

I own a house.

I would like two books please.

How many friends do you have?

Uncountable nouns:

Uncountable nouns are the things that we cannot count with numbers.
They may be the names for abstract nouns or qualities or for physical objects
that are too small or too amorphous( ) to be counted (liquids, powders, gases,

Uncountable nouns are used with a singular verb.

We cannot use a/an with these nouns. To express a quantity of an uncountable noun,
use a word or expression like some, a lot of, much, a bit of, a great deal of , or exact
measurement like a cup of, a bag of, 1kg of, 1L of, a handful of, a pinch of etc. If you
want to ask about the quantity of an uncountable noun, you ask "How much?"

some examples of uncountable Nouns are:

tea , sugar , water , air , rice , knowledge , beauty

anger , fear , love , money , safety ,evidence


(a)There has been a lot of evidence regarding this case.

(b)He gave me a great deal of/some pieces of advice before my interview.

(c)Can you give me some information about uncountable nouns?

(d)He did not have much sugar left.

(e)Measure 1 cup of water, 300g of flour, and 1 teaspoon of salt.

(f)How much rice do you want?

On the basis of singular and plural,Nouns can be further subdivided into 5

(A)Nouns which look singular but are considered as plural.

(B)Nouns which look plural but are considered as singular.

(c)Nouns that are always used as singular.

(d)Nouns that are always used as plural.

(e)Nouns that have same singular and plural form.


(A)Nouns which look singular but are considered as plural.

Eg:cattle( ) ,clergy( ),Vermin( ), electorate( ),

cavalry( ),

infantry( ), poultry, peasantry( - ), children, gentry( ), police



a.Vermin destroy our property and carry disease.

b.There were many more clergy in the cities than in the countryside.

c.The Cavalry were not coming.

d.These poultry are mine.

e.The infantry were guarding the bridge.

(B)Nouns which look plural but are considered as singular they take singular verb
with them :

News, Innings, Politics, Summons, Physics, Economics, Ethics, Mechanics,

Mathematics, Mumps( ), Rickets,

Billiards, Draughts, Measles( ), Rabies, summons,linguistics (study of language )

(a) No news is good news. (b) Economics is a good subject.

(c) Draughts is a good game. (d) Ethics demands honesty in working.

(e)Mathematics is his favourite subject.

(f)Politics of Marx and Gandhi ____ poles apart.

(g)I have received. (i) One summons/Two summonses.

Note: If ‘Politics’ means political thoughts, ‘Mathematics’ means ‘calculations,

and‘statistics’ means ‘data’, plural verb is used.

(h)My politics are not very good.

(i)His mathematics are excellent.

(j)Statistics show that people are having fewer jobs these days.

C)Nouns that are always used as singular:

Bread, Ice, Snow,dust,dirt,chocolate,Scenery, Poetry, Furniture, Advice, Information,

Hair, Language,Mischief( ), Stationery,Crockery, Luggage, Baggage,

Postage( - ), Knowledge, Wastage, Money, Jewellery, Breakage( - ),etc.

(a).How much is the postage for a postcard?

(b).Wastage was no doubt a necessary consequence of war.

(c).Mechanics tried to restart the car, but a gearbox breakage was quickly diagnosed.

(d)Mischief has swift wings.

Note:They are uncountable Nouns therefore we use singular verbs with them.We don't
use A/An with them.

Although these Nouns are uncountable Nouns but many times we have to use them as
Noun(plural).For this purpose we have to some words as per our requirements:

a bar of chocolate

a flake of snow

a loaf/piece/slice of bread

a pinch of salt

a ream of paper

a beam of sunlight

a cake/bar of soap

an act of kindness

a pang of hunger

a strand of hair

a lock of hair

a scoop/bar brick of ice cream

an article of jewellery

a piece of work/advice/information

a stroke of luck

a sigh of relief

a morsel of food
an ice cube (Plural – Ice cubes)

a blade of grass

a particle of dust/ dirt

an ear of corn

a fit of rage ( )

an act of kindness

a sense of humour ( )

a gust of wind ( )

a shower of rain

a pinch of salt

an iota of evidence( )

a piece of furniture/ advice/ information/ work

a piece of / an article of jewellery


a)I cannot repay such a kindness.

b)Such a behaviour is intolerable.

c)) The scenery of Darzeeling is very charming

d)I need an advice.

e)The police have a few informations.

f)Put few ice in the juice.

g)His hair is black

h)The mischief committed by him is unpardonable.

(i).The lab assistant bought an equipment.

D)Some Nouns that are always treated as plural ,they can not be made singular by
removing 's'.

Alms( ), archives, ashes, embers( ), arrears( ),

auspices( -under the protection or support of someone),

species, scissors, trousers,pants, clippers, bellows( ), gallows,

fangs( ), eyeglasses, goggles,

belongings( ), bowels( ), braces,binoculars, customs( ),

congratulations( ), earnings( ),

entrails( ), fetters( ), fireworks,lodgings( ), odds( ), outskirts,

particulars( ), proceeds( ),

proceedings( ), regards( ), riches( ), remains( ), savings( ),

shambles( ), shears( ),spectacles, surroundings, tidings( ),

tactics( - ), thanks,

tongs( ), vegetables, valuables( ), wages, goods, assets( ) etc


(a) Where are my pants?

(b) Where are the tongs?

(c) The proceeds were deposited in the bank.

(d) All his assets were seised.

(e) Alms were given to the beggars.

(f) The embers of the fire were still burning.

(g) This house is built of stones/bricks.

(h) He bought a pants and two shorts.

(i)We pay Rs. 5000 for boarding and lodging.

(j).Tiding about storm is causing great concern.

(k).The arrears were paid in the form of extra forced labour.

(l).The auspices are taking good care of their loved ones.

(m)Sunrise is a beautiful spectacles.

E)Nouns that have same singular and plural form.

They will take plural Verb and Plural Adjective if used in plural sense.

deer, fish, aircraft, Sheep, Offspring, issue, Vacation ,Headquarters, species, innings


1. Three ..............killed. (deer, be)

One ________ killed. (deer, be)

2.He bought one/two ___ and cooked it. (Fish)

3.He died intestate as he has no _ _ _ _

4.The poachers killed three deers.

5.Many ........... are endangered and this

...........of flies has become extinct.
6.We won the last..........
We won two..........

7.The headquarter of UNICEF is in New York.

Note: Certain 'Nouns' are there that take a different meaning when changed into
plural form.

pain( ) pains=struggle
Air Airs=boastfulness(showoff)
Return Returns =yields
Force Forces=army
Sand Sands=desert
Water Waters=oceans/water boundaries
Work Works=factory/literary work
Fruit Fruits=consequences
Wit - ) Wits=intelligence
Wood Woods=forests
Ground Grounds=basis
Brain=an organ Brains=intelligence
Money( ) Monies= amount


(a). Increase the intake of ______ and_______(fruit/vegetable).

(b). _______of hard work ______ (be) sweet.

(c).These books are the ___ ___ of my hard work.

(d).I have many _______ today(work).

(e).I have read many_______ of Shakespeare.

(f).All monies gathered will be used for the good of the elderly in the province.

How to convert singular Noun into plural form:

A)If a Noun ends in 'f or 'fe', then 'f and 'fe' gets converted into 'ves':-

Knife Knives
Wife Wives
Sheaf Sheaves
Calf Calves
Life Lives
Half Halves
Leaf Leaves
Elf(fairy) Elves
Thief Thieves
Wolf Wolves

Some Exceptions:

Belief Beliefs

Proof Proofs

Chief Chiefs

Roof Roofs

Cliff Cliffs

Safe Safes

Dwarf Dwarfs

Scarf Scarfs

Grief Griefs

Gulf Gulfs

Brief ( - ) Briefs


(a).The ______of Hindus brought them close to nature.

(b).He _______you word for word.

(c).He ____day in, day out.(grieve)

(d).The police will ________ the press tomorrow.

(e).His ________ have no boundary.

B)Nouns that ends with 'O' and preceded by 'cosonant',we add 'es' at the end of

Hero Heroes
Mango Mangoes
Potato Potatoes
Cargo Cargoes
Mosquito Mosquitoes
Echo Echoes


Dynamo Dynamos
Solo Solos
Memento Mememtos
Photo Photos
Ratio Ratios
Piano Pianos

C)Certain Nouns end in 'um', they change into 'a':

1.Datum Data
2. Agendum Agenda(List of work to be done)
3. Memorandum Memoranda
4. Ovum ova
s. Dictum(command) Dicta
6.Stratum(layer) Strata
7.Bacterium Bacteria


1.Asylum Asylums

2. Forum Forums( -where ideas and views on a particular issue can be


3. Premium Premiums

4. Museum Museums
5. Pendulum Pendulums
6. Spectrum Spectrums
7. Stadium Stadiums


(a).You will face many criterions of selection procedure.

(b).Photosynthesis and transpiration are two phenomenons found in plants only.

(c).Things to be considered or done in a meeting are put in the _ _ _ _

(d)._ _ __ means shelter for refugee.

(e).A ____ of seven colours is seen when white light passes through a Prism.

D)Nouns end in 'is', they change into 'es':

Neurosis Neuroses
Basis Bases
Crisis Crises
Analysis Analyses
Thesis Theses
Hypothesis Hypotheses

E)Nouns that end at 'y' and preceded by a 'Vowel' are made Plural by adding 's':

Key Keys
Way Ways
Donkey Donkeys
Valley Valleys
Ray Rays
Toy Toys
Monkey Monkeys
Storey Storeys

F)Noun that ends with 'y' and preceded by 'consonant' is made Plural by adding

Cry Cries
City Cities
Country Countries
Dictionary Dictionaries
Family Families
Lorry Lorries
Pony Ponies
Reply Replies

G) Nouns given below have their 'us' replaced by 'i':

Focus Foci
Syllabus Syllabi
Nucleus Nuclei
Locus Loci
Radius Radii
Alumnus Alumni

H)Certain Nouns have their internal vowel changed:-

Mouse Mice
Goose Geese
Louse Lice
Foot Feet
Man Men
Tooth Teeth
Woman Women
Formula Formulae

How to make Compound Nouns plural:

In compound Nouns add 's' to the main word to make it plural-

1. Mother-in-law Mothers-in-law
2. Brother-in-law Brothers-in-law
3. Step son Step sons
4. Half brother Half brothers
5. Assistant commissioner Assistant commissioners
6. Tooth brush Tooth brushes
7. Bed room Bed rooms
8. Code of conduct codes of conduct
9. Passer by Passers by
10. Man eater Man eaters
11. Man hater Man haters
12. Man servant Men servants
13. Woman doctor Women doctors
14.Woman conductor Women conductors
15.Man nurse Men nurses
16.Major General Major Generals
17. Lieutenant General Lieutenant Generals
18. General Manager General Managers
19. Secretary General Secretaries General
20. Attomey General Attorneys General
21. Advocate General Advocates General
22. Govemor General Governor Generals
23. Spoonful Spoonfuls
24. Mouthful Mouthfuls
25. Handful Handfuls

Use of Apostrophe ’s:

A)To show possession of living beings:


(a) Mohan’s book

(b) a cow’s horn
(c) a woman’s purse

B)For Non living things:-we use preposition 'of'-

a)The leg of the table.
b)The blade of the fan.
c)The tyre of the car.

C)If Plural form is made by usiig s/ es, add apostrophe (') after 's' and do not add
's' again :

1.A boy's school Boys' school

2.A girl hostel Girls' hostel

If the noun ends with a hissing sound only apostrophe is added not followed by 's' : -

1.Peace' sake

2.My boss' wife.

3.) Horses’ tail.


This is not my book. This is

(i) someone's else
(ii) Someone else'
(iii) Someone else's.

Practice Examples:

1.Amitabh and Ajitabh's father was a great poet.

2.Ria and Raman's joint account has been freezed.

3.I love Lata's and Asha's songs.

4.This book is her's.

5.The dog had a chain around it's neck.

6. __ bus arrived on time.

(i) their (ii) theirs (iii) their's

7.My father's boss' mother has expired.

8.The children's dog slept in their uncle's house.

Some exception for the possession of 'Non-living thing’:

A)Units of Time, Space and Weight .


1. We were at a kilometre's distance.

2. The rabbit crossed the fence in a second's time.

3. A pound's weight is sufficient.

4. A day's leave.

5.A razor's edge.

6. A needle's point.

B)Respectable things:


1.We have heard the court's order.

2.He menifested on duty's call.

C)Idioms & Phrases:


1.Keep such people at arm's length.

2.At his wit’s end

3.At a stone’s throw


1.We have to obey the government's decision.

2.The Sun's fury knows no bound in deserts.

3.Nature's love

4.Fortune's favourite.
A)Don’t use apostrophe ‘s with -his, hers, yours, mine, ours, its, theirs :


Yours faithfully, Yours truly, Ours garden ,

his pen, hers purse, theirs room.

B)Do not use ‘Double apostrophe’:

We should try to avoid double apostrophe in a sentence:


(a) My wife’s secretary’s mother has expired.

The mother of my wife’s secretary has expired.

(b) Mrs Kumari’s society’s proposal was rejected.

C)In case of Compound nouns:

(a) Governor-general’s instructions.

(b) Commander-in-chief’s orders.

(c) My son-in-law’s sister.


Masculine Feminine

Father – Mother

Son – Daughter

Brother – Sister

Man – Woman

Cock – Hen

Bull – Cow
Drone – Bee

Gander( )– Goose

Stag ( )– Hind/Doe

Gentleman – Lady

Count – Countess

Husband – Wife

King – Queen

Monk – Nun

Sir – Madam

Uncle – Aunt

Nephew – Niece

Wizard – Witch

Hart( )– Roe

Drake – Duck

Lion – Lioness

Priest – Priestess

Prophet – Prophetess

Patron( ) – Patroness

Host – Hostess

Viscount( ) – Viscountess
Shepherd – Shepherdess

Steward – Stewardess
( )

Heir – Heiress

Baron( – Baroness

Peer( )– Peeress

Abbot( ) – Abbess

Emperor – Empress

Traitor – Traitress

Actor – Actress

Benefactor ( )– Benefactress

Hunter – Huntress

Tempter ( )– Temptress

Master – Mistress

Tiger – Tigress

Duke – Duchess

Enchanter( ) – Enchantress

Songster – Songstress

Hero – Heroine

Sultan – Sultana

Czar – Czarina

Signor – Signora
Manservant – Maidservant

He-goat – She-goat

Cock-sparrow – Hen-sparrow

Bull-calf – Cow-calf

Grandfather – Grandmother

Landlord – Landlady

Milkman – Milkmaid

Peacock – Peahen

Giant – Giantess


1. (a) My sister / (b) has read / (c) pages after pages of the Bible./ (d) No error

2. (a) I went to the temple / (b) with my parents, aunts / (c) and cousin sisters. / (d) No

3. (a) He /(b) takes pain / (c) over his work./ (d) No error

4. (a) The Manager put forward / (b) a number of criterions / (c) for the post./ (d) No

5. (a) I like / (b) the poetries / (c) of Byron and Shelley./ (d) No error

6. (a) The beautiful / (b) surrounding of the place / (c) enchanted me./ (d) No error

7. (a) No Porter being available/ (b) he carried / (c) all his luggages himself./ (d) No

8. (a) The table’s legs / (b) have been / (c) elaborately carved./ (d) No error

9. (a) The sceneries / (b) of Kashmir / (c) is very charming./ (d) No error

10. (a) The driver showed / (b) great talent in keeping / (c) the damaged car under
control./ (d)

No error

11. (a) When I entered the bedroom / (b) I saw a snake crawling / (c) on the ground./
(d)No error

12. (a) Alms / (b) are given/ (c) to the poors./ (d) No error

13. (a) Lasers are / (b) indispensable tools / (c) for the delicate eyes surgery./ (d) No

14. (a) If you have a way with words / (b) a good sense of design and administration
ability / (c) you may enjoy working in high pressure world of advertising./ (d) No error
15. (a) Last week’s sharp hike in the wholesale price of beef / (b) is a strong indication
for / (c) higher meat costs to come./ (d) No error

16. (a) Whenever he goes to Mumbai / (b) he stays in/ (c) five-stars hotels./ (d) No error

17. (a) The company has ordered / (b) some / (c) new equipments./ (d) No error

18. (a) A strong breeze / (b) blew his / (c) cap off./ (d) No error.

19. (a) One of her firmest belief among the Hindus is that/ (b) Karma affects their / (c)
life and also the life after death./ (d) No error.

20. (a) He was advised to take/ (b) two spoonsful of / (c) medicine times a day./ (d) No

21. (a) It is a big blunder/(b) but we had /(c) to ignore it/(d)No error

22. (A) The police have received / (b) two important informations / (c) that can help
them solve the triple murder case (E) No error

23. (a) The sheafs / (b) of the wheat plants were too heavy / (c) for the weak farmer to
carry them on his head./ (d) No error

24. (a) The population of India /(b) is divided into two classes- / (c) Haves and Haves
not./ (d) No error

25. (a) All his sister-in laws /(b) are extremely co- operative / (c) and she doesn’t miss
her real sisters at all./ (d) No error

26. (a) Envy strikes a woman / (b)when she sees her husband / (c) talking to another
woman./ (d) No error

27. (a) Two summons have been issued by the court / (b) but he has not / (c) yet
appeared before the court./ (d) No error

28. (a) The Vaidya's / (b) have been living here / (c) for about a decade./ (d) No error.

29. (a) You are among those/ (b) man who earned name and fame not by / (c) chance
but by hard work ./ (d) No error

30. (a) Children are playing / (b) and making mischiefs/ (c) as their holidays have
started./ (d) No error.

31. (a) Sheeps are economically useful/ (b) and so they are reared/ (c) for wool and
meat./(d) No error.

32. (a) I read the letter/ (b) and made him aware/ (c) of its content./ (d) No error.

33. (a) I shall not go to party tonight/ (b) since I have many works to complete/ (c)
before I give presentation tomorrow./ (d) No error.

34. (a) One must be always/ (b) true to one's words/ (c) if one wants to get respect from
everyone./ (d) No error.

35. (a) Even after the enactment of several Acts and Provisions /(b) we can see five
years old boys/ (c) working in hazardous factories./ (d) No error.

36. (a) The fan’s blade / (b) has broken/ (c) and we must buy a new fan before disposing
it of./ (d) No error.

37. (a) She wears spectacle/ (b) and so she was unable to see the gansgter/ (c) that
attacked her last night./ (d) No error.

38. (a) All the furnitures have been/ (b) sold for a song/ (c) as we were in a hurry to
leave the town./ (d) No error.

39. (a) The angry mob/ (b) attacked the police officers/ (c) when they came to raze the
illegal construction./ (d) No error.

40. (a) They left/ (b) their luggages/ (c) at home by mistake and went to the railway
station./ (d) No error.

41. (a) The car could not/ (b) ascend the steep hill/ (c) because it was in the wrong
gears./ (d) No error.

42. (a) The ticket window/ (b) remained closed / (c)throughout the day./ (d) No error.

43. (a) Satyajit Ray, who conceived, co-authored / (b) and directed a number of good
films, was/ (c) one of India’s most talented film maker./ (d) No error.

44. (a) I think this/ (b) is not your book. / (c) It is some body’s else./ (d) No error.
45. (a) You should not put/ (b) your sign on any paper / (c) that you haven’t read./ (d)
No error.

46. (a) Towns after towns were/ (b) conquered / (c) by him but he found no peace./
(d)No error.
47. (a) When we reached the fair/ (b) we found that there / (c) was no place to stand./(d)
No error.

48. (a) All the evidences were/ (b) against him and he was / (c) held guilty./ (d) Noerror.

49. (a) My cousin brother is a cheater/ (b) and he / (c) cheats his family members and
friends too./ (d) No error.

50. (a) The committee/ (b) could not come to/ (c) a final conclusion./ (d) No error.

51. (a) The cattle in the meadow/ (b) was terrified to hear/ (c) the roar of a lion which
appeared to be wild with anger./ (d) No error.

52. (a) There should be/ (b) no furnitures/ (c) in my room./ (d) No error.

53. (a) That house/ (b) is built of/ (c) stones./ (d) No error.

54. (a) Santosh lives/ (b) by the principals/ (c) he professes./ (d) No error.

55. (a) The astronomer/ (b) who predicts the future/ (c) has arrived./ (d) No error.

56. (a) He told me that/ (b) it was/ (c) his friend’s Sankar’s house./ (d) No error.

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