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What is GPT-4, and Why Do I Care?

OpenAI has unleashed its latest large language model, GPT-4. This sizeable
multimodal model can accept photo and text information and generate text outputs.

Updated Mar 2023 · 8 min read


 What are Generative Pre-trained Transformers?

 What’s New in GPT-4?
 GPT-4 Performance Benchmarks
 How to Gain Access to GPT-4
 Could you take it to the Next Level?


The current release of GPT-4 marks a noteworthy milestone in artificial intelligence,

especially in natural language processing. This article comprehensively analyzes its
advanced abilities and delves into the history and evolution of Generative Pre-trained
Transformers (GPT) and what new capacities GPT-4 unlocks.

What are Generative Pre-trained Transformers?

Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) is a deep learning model that yields
human-like text. Common uses include

 answering questions
 rephrasing text
 translating text to other languages
 developing code
 developing blog posts, reports, discussions, and different content types.

There are limitless applications for GPT models; you can fine-tune them on
documented data to create even more beneficial results. By using transformers, you
will be conserving expenses on computing, duration, and other resources.

Before GPT

The recent AI revolution for natural language only became practicable with the
creation of transformer models, starting with Google's BERT in 2017. Before this,
text generation was accomplished with other deep learning models, such as recursive
neural networks (RNNs) and long short-term memory neural networks (LSTMs).
These served well for outputting single terms or short phrases but could not generate
longer content.

BERT's transformer approach was an effective breakthrough since it is not a

supervised learning method. It did not require a costly annotated dataset to train it.
Google used BERT to decrypt natural language searches but could not generate text
from a prompt.


Transformer architecture | GPT-1 Paper

In 2018, OpenAI publicized a paper (Improving Language Understanding by

Generative Pre-Training) about using natural language knowledge using their GPT-1
language model. This model was not discharged publicly.


Model performance on various tasks | GPT-2 paper

The following year, OpenAI publicized another paper (Language Models are
Unsupervised Multitask Learners) about their latest model, GPT-2. This time, the
model was made general to the machine learning community and found some
adoption for text generation assignments. GPT-2 could often generate little sentences
before dying down. This was its state in 2019.

GPT-3 and Its Evolution.

Reports on three Open-Domain QA tasks | GPT-3 paper

In 2020, OpenAI issued another paper (Language Models are Few-Shot Learners)
about their GPT-3 model. The model had 100 times better parameters than GPT-2 and
was trained on an even more extensive text dataset, resulting in more satisfactory
model performance. The model continued to be enhanced with various iterations
known as the GPT-3.5 series, including the conversation-focused ChatGPT.

This version shocked the world with its ability to generate pages of human-like text.
ChatGPT became the fastest-growing web application ever, gaining 100 million users
in merely two months.

You can discover more about GPT-3, its benefits, and how to utilize it in a separate

Learn how to use ChatGPT with our Intro to ChatGPT course.

Introduction to ChatGPT Course

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What’s New in GPT-4?

GPT-4 has been designed to enhance model "alignment" - the ability to follow user
discretions while making it more genuine and generating less offensive or dangerous

Performance improvements

As you might expect, GPT-4 enhances GPT-3.5 models concerning the exact
correctness of answers. The number of "hallucinations," where the model makes
confirmed or reasoning mistakes, is more downward, with GPT-4 scoring 40% higher
than GPT-3.5 on OpenAI's internal accurate performance standard.

It also enhances "steerability," which can alter behavior according to user demands.
For example, you can tell it to write in a distinct style, tone, or voice. Try beginning
prompts with "You are a garrulous data expert" or "You are a terse data expert," and
let it illustrate a data science concept to you. You can read more about developing
great prompts for GPT models here.

A further advancement is in the model's adherence to barriers. It is better to refuse the

request if you ask it to do something illicit or unsavory.

Using Visual Inputs in GPT-4

One significant change is that GPT-4 can use photo inputs (research preview only; yet
to be available to the public) and text. Users can enter incorporated text and images to
specify any vision or language task.

GPT-4 Performance Benchmarks

OpenAI estimated GPT-4 by simulating exams created for humans, such as the
Uniform Bar Examination and LSAT for attorneys, and the SAT for college
admission. The results displayed that GPT-4 achieved human-level performance on
various experienced and academic benchmarks.

OpenAI also assessed GPT-4 on traditional benchmarks designed for machine

learning models. It exceeded existing large language models and most state-of-the-art
models that may include benchmark-specific crafting or additional training protocols.
These benchmarks had multiple-choice questions in 57 subjects, commonsense logic
around daily events, grade-school multiple-choice science questions, and more.

OpenAI tested GPT-4's capacity in other languages by translating the MMLU

benchmark, a suite of 14,000 multiple-choice problems encompassing 57 subjects,
into several languages utilizing Azure. 24 out of 26 languages tested, GPT-4 exceeded
the English-language performance of GPT-3.5 and other extensive language models.

Overall, GPT-4's more leveled results indicate marked progress in OpenAI's effort to
develop AI models with increasingly developed capacities.

How to Have Access to GPT-4

OpenAI is publishing GPT-4’s text input capability via ChatGPT. It is now available
to users of ChatGPT plus. There exists a waitlist for the GPT-4 API.

The general availability of the image input power has yet to be disclosed.

OpenAI has open-sourced OpenAI Evals, a framework for a computerized assessment

of AI model performance, to allow anyone to report defects in their models and guide
further improvements.

Could you take it to the Next Level?

In the meantime, you can read more help on GPT-4, ChatGPT, and AI in the
following resources:

 Learn how to operate ChatGPT virtually in the Introduction to ChatGPT lecture.

 Learn how to assemble deep-learning text generation models in the Natural Language
Generation in Python class.
 Download this convenient reference cheat sheet of ChatGPT cues for data science.
 Attend this podcast episode on How ChatGPT and GPT-3 Are Augmenting Workflows to
comprehend how ChatGPT can benefit your business.


Focus Keyword: GPT-4

SEO title: Get the features added to GPT-4 and why it is more suprerior to the previous versions.
Slug : GPT-4
Meta Description: GPT-4 enhances GPT-3.5 models concerning the exact correctness of answers. The
number of "hallucinations," where the model makes confirmed or reasoning mistakes, is more
downward, with GPT-4 scoring 40% higher than GPT-3.5 on OpenAI's internal accurate performance

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