Birth Drama

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Birth drama of Jesus Christ

- Yusuf ( )
- Maria ( )
- Malaikat 1,pemilik penginapan (
- 3 Majus ( )
- Gembala 1 ( )
- Gembala 2 ( )
- Gembala 3 ( )
- Malaikat 2 ( )
- Malaikat 3 ( )
- Malaikat 4 ( )
Episode 1

When Mary was sleeping, the Angel of the Lord approached her to tell her that Mary would
conceive a child and that child would be the Messiah who would save the world from sin.

Angel 1:
Maria Maria. Do not be afraid for I am an Angel of the Lord. I want to convey to you that you
will conceive a child, he is the Messiah that God has prophesied. Now go back to sleep.

Episode 2
When Joseph learned that Mary was pregnant, his heart was sad and he wanted to divorce Mary

Maria has conceived even I myself do not know whose child is in her womb. I had to divorce her
secretly so that she wouldn't be embarrassed.

An angel of the Lord came in Joseph's dream.

Angel 1:
Joseph, do not hesitate to take Mary as your wife, because the Child she bears is the child of the
Holy Spirit, and you will name Him Jesus. He is the one who will save his people from all their
Episode 3 (Out of town)
Listen, listen. Emperor Augustus announced that there would be a census. Everyone will be
counted and must return to their respective hometowns. Everyone should know this news!
The narrator exits, and Joseph and Mary (pregnant) enter

Maria, I know you're pregnant, but we have to go to Bethlehem for the census.

Yes, Joseph. I think I can make the trip, and I know God will be with us all the way
Joseph and Mary packed up and started their journey
As they passed the first inn, they knocked on the door.
The innkeeper is behind the door

Innkeeper 1:
Yes, wait a minute

We've had a long journey.
Do you still have a room for us?
Innkeeper 1:
Sorry, but there are no more vacant rooms here.
Try the inn next door.
Joseph and Mary walked to the next inn, and knocked on the door.

Innkeeper 2:
Sorry, but if you are looking for a place to stay, our places are full. Try the inn next door.
Joseph and Maria walked to the next inn, and they were almost at the door of the inn when the
innkeeper 3 came out.

Innkeeper 3:
It's unbelievable, this place is almost packed.
The innkeeper 3 looked at Maria with pity.

Innkeeper 3:
I don't think you will get another room to stay in this city. But you also don't continue your
journey because it's already night. If you don't mind, you can rest in my stable behind the house.
It's not the most comfortable place to be, but at least it has a roof over you. And the animals are
not wild, they won't bother you.

Mary must rest. The cage is not a problem for us either.

Innkeeper 3:
If so, come with me.
The innkeeper walked and showed Joseph and Mary the way to the stable, then all the innkeepers
came out.

Episode 4 (In the cage)

Joseph and Mary sat down on the floor and then started preparing Joseph and Mary sat down on
the floor and then started to make their bed.

I know God is with us. We'd better sleep here than outside.

Yusuf, I don't feel well. I'm really tired, and I feel sick. I think this baby will be born soon.

Maria, lie down on this place I have prepared.
It's not long before our baby will be born.

Episode 5 (In the field)

Meanwhile, some shepherds were guarding their flocks at night when suddenly an angel
appeared in front of them.
Angel enters. While the angel was speaking, Mary wrapped the baby Jesus in cloths and laid him
in a manger.

Angel 1:
Listen, I bring you good news. Today, in the city of David, a Saviour has been born to you,
namely Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you, you will find a baby wrapped in cloth
and placed in a manger.

All angels:
Praise the glorious God, and peace on earth to those who please Him.

Shepherd 1:
Let's go to Bethlehem and see what God has told us.

Shepherd 2:
Let's tell our friends and let's go. Praise God for this good news. Come on, it's been a long

So the shepherds, after hearing the news from the angels they went to visit the baby. Shortly
thereafter, the three magi saw a star shining brightly in the sky.
The magi enter. Star is shown.
Magi 1:
Pointing at the stars.
Look, there's a star. Look how bright that star is!

Magi 2:
Look at that star.
This is a sign. What a beautiful sign. The King of the Jews is born!

Magi 3:
Let's go and worship Him. Gifts, we need gifts!

Magi 1:
I know what I can give him. I will give Him gold, because He is the King!

Magi 2:
My present is special. I'll give you myrrh.

Magi 3:
My prize is frankincense. Let's put it in a special box, because He is King..
The three magi put their gifts into a box where valuables were kept. Narrator enters. Then the
magi walked around the stable looking at the stars. Maria picked up her baby and then held him

Episode 6 (In the cage)

Then the magi found their King, by following the star. And when they came, they bowed down
and worshiped the King, and gave Him their gifts.
The magi slowly placed their gifts in front of Mary, looked at the baby and then they lowered
their heads. Then the Angels entered.

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