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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Tagum National Trade School
Technical Vocational Education Department

Concepts to be Activities or Projects Date and Duration Human Resource Financial Materials and Indicator of Success
Applied / and Objectives Needed Resources other resources
Shared Needed
Integrate Whole year round Trainers of the 5,00.00  School Supplies Activity Sheets
Contextualization related subjects  Reading Presence of contextual
Materials learning areas
Utilize Multimedia for Whole year round  Trainer N /A Multi Media Borrowers logbook
Instructions  Supply officer Equipment Maintain 80 % of class
Incorporate debate Every start of the Trainer Head N/A  ICT equipment Reflection papers from the
session quarter Teacher  Reading session
Schedule for Semestral break  Trainer 10, 000.00 Personal Belongings Approval Travel order
Educational  PTA
21st century Benchmarking  School Principal
Teacher  Head Teacher’s
Integrate Self-Paced Whole year round Trainer 1.000.00  Modules  Presence of contextual
learning  ICT equipments area
 Presence of distance
learning areas
Utilize ICT equipment’s Whole year round ICT N/A  ICT equipment  Presence of Distance
for learning supports Trainor/coordinator learning area
Facilitate Exhibits of Quarterly Trainer 2,000.00  School supplies  Presence of exhibit area
students outputs  Display Tables
Incorporate community End of school year Trainer 5,000.00 School supplies  Approved Project
based projects Community leaders Proposal
Concepts to be Activities or Projects Date and Duration Human Resource Financial Materials and Indicator of Success
Applied / and Objectives Needed Resources other resources
Shared Needed
Conduct home room Whole year round Trainer N/A N/A  NO record of students in
period guidance office
Participate in any skills Semestral break  School Principal 5,000.00 per  Training kits  Approved Training
enhancement training  Dept. Heads participants  CBLM’s Design
for teachers  Teachers  School Supplies  Certificates
 Trainers
Conduct home Every quarter  PTA Gas allowance Class record  Certificates of
visitation  School appearance signed by
Learning to Live Principals parents
Together and  Dept. Heads
Learning To Do Participate in Whole year round  Trainer 5,000.00  Electrical tools  Certificate of
as a 21st Century Technolympics or  PTA Materials and recognition/participation
Teacher Division or Regional  School Principal equipment
wide skills
Participate in Whole year round  PTA N/A  Personal  Certificate of
community activities  School Principal belongings recognition/participation
 Tools
Participate ICT training Semestral Break  Trainer 10,000.00  ICT  Approved Training
in school  Dept. Head equipment’s design
 School Principal  Training Kit  Attendance sheet
 certificates
Incorporate Time Whole year round Trainer N/A School Supplies  Schedule of activities

Concepts to be Activities or Projects Date and Duration Human Resource Financial Materials and Indicator of Success
Applied / and Objectives Needed Resources other resources
Shared Needed
Redesigning course A week before the Trainer N/A  School supplies  Approved Course
structure adapting to class  ICT Structure
the present trends equipment’s

Prepare of competency Every summer Trainer 5,000.00  School supplies  Compiled CBLM
21st Century based learning modules  Ink and printers
Teacher as
Subject Expert Prepare session plan Daily Trainer N/A School supplies  Compiled session plan

Utilize ICT in the Whole year round  Trainer N/A School supplies  Borrowers logbook
teaching and learning  ICT coordinator
Utilize multi media in Whole year round  Trainer N/A Multi-media  Borrowers logbook
teaching learning  Supply Officer equipment
Extends technical Whole year round  Trainer N/A N/A  Observation sheet
assistance to the other  Co-teachers
teacher handling the
same subjects

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