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MARCH 3, 2024 – SESSION 6 in adult-guided play, and children will begin to take

an interest in the material due to natural curiosity.

PLAY: INTERACTIONS WITH CHILDREN Directed play is a learning process in which the
teacher directs children while playing. This may
Choosing the Correct Strategy include round of games where the teacher have
direct learners to the game rules and playing
In orchestrating play, teachers should consider methodology. Directed play contributes to the growth
three goals: independence, easy use and of children’s knowledge and skills and it also
learning. To promote independence, they should motivates them to improve performance.
organize materials on their own and learn to use
environmental signs and symbols. For easy use, Responding to Children’s Behavior
teachers should organize materials and the area in
such way that children don’t need to transfer from Teachers have roles and responsibilities in children’s
one place to another in order to gather the materials play; one of these is to respond to student’s
they need. They should think like a child and behavior during the play. This includes their
anticipate what the children will need if they want to reactions, requests as well as the questions in line
do a certain activity in an area and store materials with the kind of play they are exposed in for this is an
that go together. To promote learning, they should important part of teaching and learning. The teachers
also organize things in such a way that it will attract should anticipate the behavior of the children
children and elicit their interest. It should be during the play for them to address these. Their
organized in a meaningful way and children will learn support and presence of mind are needed for the
new ideas just by looking around. children to be properly guided in the play and for the
objectives to be attained.
Concepts of Interactions with Children
Play and the Culture of the School
Scaffolding and Pretend Play
Children are absorbing culture, customs and
Scaffolding can be used as a method for the practices from birth and incorporating this into their
children to learn new skills in which first, the play.
teacher or adult will serve as a model while
demonstrating the skill. Next, the teacher gives Learning about other cultures can also help
clues and asks open-ended question as the child is children by:
trying out the said skill and lastly, the child withdraws
the support because he/she already mastered the 1. Promoting cultural awareness
skill. 2. Enhancing social skills
3. Developing cognitive skills
Pretend play on the other hand starts when 4. Language acquisition
children observe other people doing their thing. 5. Expanding creativity
They begin to mimic these actions and play as if 6. Building a sense of identity
someone or something is real. They may add more 7. Fostering global citizenship
detailed actions or create situations where there is
more going on that what is literally happening. Cultural play might include:
1. World map puzzles
Spontaneous, guided and directed play 2. International cookbooks
3. Build a diverse doll collection
The kind of play in which children engage in self- 4. Embracing cultural celebrations
will and are not guided or directed by a teacher is
spontaneous play. This would involve their free
actions, and through this, children would be able to
express themselves.

Guided play is an important process that

improves the knowledge of children and
incorporates children’s cognitive, social and
motor skills. It also promotes skills and knowledge
through playful experiences. Children are placed in a
specific environment with things relating to an activity

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