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1. How does the Virgin Mary learn of her pregnancy?

Ans. from the angel Gabriel

2. Who were the first to visit the baby Jesus at his birth?
Ans. The shepherds

3. Who is the high priest of Jerusalem who put Jesus on trial?

Ans. Caiaphas

4. Who baptizes Jesus in the Jordan River?

Ans. John the Baptist

5. Who are the four evangelists / Gospel writers?

Ans. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

6. What is the sacred agreement made between God and man called?
Ans. A Covenant

7. Who takes Jesus’s body off the cross?

Ans. Joseph of Arimathea

8. Who among the disciples of Jesus denied Him?

Ans. Simon Peter

9. In what city was Jesus born?

Ans. Bethlehem

10. In the Gospel of Luke, what location does Jesus refer to as "my Father's house"?
Ans. The Temple

11. Which Roman Governor sentenced Jesus to death?

Ans. Pontius Pilate

12. What does the word “Emmanuel” mean?

Ans. God with Us

13. What does “Incarnation” mean?

Ans. God became human ‘in the flesh’ in the person of Jesus

14. In what town did Jesus spend most of his life?

Ans. Nazareth

15. Who were the parents of John the Baptist?

Ans. Zechariah (or Zachary) and Elizabeth (Luke 1:13)
16. . In his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, by what term (which means “Dad”) did Jesus
use to refer to God the Father?
Ans. Abba

17. Who helped Jesus carry the Cross to Calvary?

Ans. Simon of Cyrene

18. What is the Greek term that means “Anointed One”?

Ans. Christ

19. What is the Hebrew term that means “Anointed One”?

Ans. Messiah

20. Who were the two holy people who recognized Jesus at the Presentation in the Temple?
Ans. Simeon and Anna (Luke 2:25,30,36,38)

21. What term refers to Mary being conceived without Original Sin?
Ans. Immaculate Conception

22. Which mysteries of the Rosary focus on the events surrounding the birth, infancy, and
childhood of Jesus? Ans. Joyful Mysteries

23. Which mysteries of the Rosary focus on the suffering and death of Jesus?
Ans. Sorrowful Mysteries

24. Who are the religious leaders who constantly tried to trap Jesus with their questions?
Ans. Pharisees

25. Where did Jesus pray fervently before his arrest?

Ans. Garden of Gethsemane

26. Where was Jesus crucified?

Ans. Golgotha

27. Where was Jesus went missing when He was 12 years old?
Ans. Jerusalem

28. Who was the cousin of Mary who had a miraculous pregnancy?
Ans. Elizabeth

29. What does the name “Jesus” mean?

Ans. God saves

30. What did the angel first say to Mary when he saw her?
Ans. Hail! Favored one, the Lord is with you.

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