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Nguyễn Ngọc Trường Sơn- 050610220514- L05

Currently, most student from primary school to high school in many countries learn English. Most
student study in their own country and have the same first language as them. Talking English lessons
with classmate from the same country has its advantage and disadvantage.

Firstly, you feel comfortable and proactive in communicating in English compared to practicing Einglish
with native speaker. Practicing English with friends helps you be more confident and comfortable.

Secondly, It helps easily overcome pressure and difficulties. When studying with friends, you can easily
sahre diffiulties with a dry topic or a difficult math problem.

However, Students many have difficulty using appropricate grammar or structure when taliking English
lessons with classmate. And sometimes you two will feel lazy and just want to commununicate with
each other in your own language while learning English.

To sum up, it is benificial for student wheen they talk the first language as their classmate. That will help
sthudents develop themselves more. However, talk English lessons with classmate will be a certain
amount of difficulty and if a student is in a class where everybody has the same first language they have
to be very motivated to be successful.

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