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1. When do we use the 2nd conditional?




2. How do we form the second conditional?

3. Do we have to use the subjunctive when using the

verb “to be”?

4. Here are some questions in the 2nd conditional. In

your own words, describe what is being asked and

how it relates to the 2 uses of the 2nd conditional.

a. If you could relive your childhood, would you do

b. Would you travel back in time if you had a time


c. If you won the lottery, what would be the first

thing you do?

d. Would you rather buy a new car or take a very

expensive trip if you had the money?

5. I really recommend you practice saying some

examples out loud. Grammatically, the 2nd conditional

is still much easier than the 3rd conditional. So even if

you can make examples fairly easily on paper, say

them outloud by yourself to become more comfortable

with saying them, too!

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